英语知识竞赛题库 英美文学题

英美文学知识问题版II、英美文学知识练习150题1.William Faulkner is the author ofA.Far From the Madding CrowdB.The Sound and FuryC.For Whom the Bell TollsD.The Scarlet Letter2.Robert Frost is a famousA.novelistB.playwrightC.poetD.literary critic3.The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works byA.Jack LondonB.Charles DickensC.Samuel ColeridgeD.Ernest Hemingway4.Which of the following poets is different from the others?A.John DonneB.John KeatsC.Lord ByronD.Percy Bysshe Shelley5.Which of the following is NOT written by William Shakespeare?A.OthelloB.The Tragical History of Dr. FaustusC.Romeo and JulietD.The Twelfth Night6.Beowulf narrates a story taking place inA.the MediterraneanB.Northern EuropeC.EnglandD.Scandinavia7.refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.A.AllegoryB.ConflictC.IronyD.Flashback8.William Wordsworth is an EnglishA.poetB.novelistC.playwrightD.critic9.The great Transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau isA.NatureB.WaldenC.ExperienceD.Essays10.James Joyce is the author of all the following novels EXCEPTA.DublinersB. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC.Jude the ObscureD.Ulysses11.The Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels EXCEPTA.The Tenant of Wildfell HallB.Jane EyreC.Wuthering HeightsD.Agnes Grey12.In which novel can “Yahoo” be found?A.John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s ProgressB.Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie QueenC.Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Trave lsD.Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones13.The Victorian Age was largely an age of , eminently represented by Dickens andThackeray.A.PessimismB.NaturalismC.ModernismD.Critical Realism14.Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of andserious literature.A.American folk humorB.funny jokesC.English folkloreD.American values15.Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after theRevolutionary War?A.Fennimore CooperB.Nathaniel HawthornC.Walt WhitmanD.Washington Irving16.Paradise Lost is a masterpiece byA.Christopher MarlowB.John MiltonC.William ShakespeareD.Ben Johnson17.I Have a Dream is addressed byA.Abraham LincolnB.John F. KennedyC.Martin Luther KingD.Ralph Waldo Emerson18.Which of the following is a poem by Emily Dickinson?A.Song of MyselfB.The RavenC. A Red Red RoseD.Because I Could Not Stop for Death19.Eugene O’Neil is an AmericanA.novelistB.playwrightC.poetD.essayist20.The Romantic Age in England came to an end with the death ofA.Jane AustenB.Walter ScottC.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD.William Wordsworth21.In the works of Aesthetism, the theory of “art for art’s sake” is advocated byA.Oscar WildeB.Mrs. GaskellC.Alexander PopeD.Charles Lamb22.Whose works are characterized by Stream-of-Consciousness?A.George EliotB.Jane AustenC.Emily BronteD.James Joyce23.The most famous work by Chaucer isA.BeowulfB.The Canterbury T aleC.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD.The Christ24.The period from 1865-1914 has been referred to as the in the literary history of theUnited States.A.Age of RealismB.Age of ClassicalismC.Age of RomanticismD.Age of Renaissance25.has been given 18 honorary degrees.A.Ezra PondB. E. E. CummingsC.Robert FrostD.William Cullen Bryant26.Which of the following is NOT Shakespeare’s tragedies?A.The Merchant of VeniceB.King LearC.HamletD.The Tempest27.Leaves of Grass is written byA.Walt WhitmanB.Carl Sandburg/doc/7c17225301.html,ngston HughesD.Allen Ginsberg28.Will iam Makepeace Thackeray’s most famous work isA.The School for ScandalB.Past and PresentC.Major BarbaraD.Vanity Fair29.Dover Beach is written byA.Robert BrowningB.Alfred TennysonC.Mathew ArnoldD.Dylan Thomas30.The period of Old English literature refers toA.449-1066B.14th century --- mid 17th centuryC.14th century --- mid 18th centuryD.16th century --- mid 18th century31.Moby Dick is the most important work byA.Jack LondonB.Herman MelvilleC.Sinclair LewisD.Ralph Ellison32.O. Henry earned his fame mainly for hisA.novelsB.poemsC.short storiesD.dramas33.Which of the following is NOT Francis Bacon’s essay?A.Of StudiesB.Of BeautyC.Of WisdomD.Of Love34.is the most famous novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.A.Tender Is the NightB.This Side of ParadiseC.The Beautiful and DammedD.The Great Gatsby35.“Morte d’Arthur” is a famous work byA.John MiltonB.Venerable BedeC.Thomas MaloryD.Alfred the Great36.Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire?A.The TitanB.The FinancierC.The GeniusD.The Stoic37.The followings are all Dickens’ works EXCEPTA.Oliver TwistB.The Vicar of WakefieldC.Great ExpectationsD. A Tale of Two Cities38.It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form ofA.odeB.elegyC.epicD.sonnet39.The 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded toA.William FaulknerB.John SteinbeckC.Saul BellowD.Ernest Hemingway40.Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of work.A.RomanticB.ClassicC.Neo-ClassicD.Naturalistic41.Who is “the father of English poetry”?A.ShakespeareB.Edmund SpencerC.John MiltonD.Geoffrey Chaucer42.The Red Badge of Courage is written byA.Frank NorrisB.Sherwood AndersonC.Willa CatherD.Stephen Crane43.The most distinctive achievement of Elizabethan literature isA.dramaB.proseC.novelD.poetry44.John Galsworthy won the 1932 Nobel Prize for his workA.UlyssesB.Hard TimesC.The Forsyte SagaD.Jude the Obscure45.Which of the following poems is NOT written by George Gordon Byron?A.She Walks in BeautyB.The Solitary ReaperC.When We Two PartedD.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage46.wrote several novels with the name of “Rabbit”.A.Arthur MillerB.Thaomas PynchonC.John UpdikeD.Wallace Stevens47.The Road Not T aken is a poem written byA.Robert FrostB.LongfellowC.Ezra PondD.Carl Sandburg48.It is who first made blank verse the principle instrument of English drama.A.MarloweB.ShakespeareC.SpenserD.Henry Howard49.T.S. Eliot’s most famous long poem isA.I Wandered Lonely as a CloudB. A Boy’s WillC.The Waste LandD.The Golden Bough50.Who has been regarded as the discoverer of the modern novel?A.John BanyanB.Henry FieldingC.Samuel RichardsonD.Daniel Defoe51.The Portrait of a Lady is a great work byA.Henry JamesB.Mark TwainC.DreiserD.Stowe52.Hester is a character inA.Gone with the WindB.The Fall of the House of UsherC.BabbittD.The Scarlet Letter53.In Paradise Lost, the real hero created by Milton isA.GodB.AdamC.EveD.Satan54.The island of Lilliput can be found inA.Robinson CrusoeB.Gulliver’s TravelsC.Adventures of Tom SawyerD.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn55.“To be, or not to be” is quoted fromA.Kind LearB.HamletC.Julius CaesarD.Romeo and Juliet56.Mr. Allwrothy is a kind-hearted gentleman inA. A Tale of Two CitiesB.Great ExpectationsC.Sons and LoversD.The History of T om Jones, a Foundling57.The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain’sA.The Adventures of Tom SawyerB.The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC.Life on the MississippiD.The Prince and the Pauper58.The Catcher in the Rye is written byA.J.D. SalingerB.Jack LondonC.Flannery O’ConnorD.Saul Bellow59.Which of the following works is NOT written by D.H Lawrence?A.Women in LoveB.Sons and LoversC.The RainbowD.The French Lieutenant’s Woman60.Generally, the English Renaissance refers to the period between centuries.A.14th and mid-17thB.14th and mid-18thC.16th and mid-18thD.16th and mid-17th61.The Grapes of Wrath is the masterpiece ofA.John SteinbeckB.John CheeverC.John UpdikeD.John Dos Passos62.is NOT a play written by Tennessee Williams.A.Cat on a Hot Tin RoofB.The Glass MenagerieC.Light in AugustD. A Streetcar Named Desire63.Robert Burns is a poet fromA.EnglandB.New EnglandC.IrelandD.Scotland64.The Zoo Story is a play written byA.John OsborneB.Samuel BeckettC.Edward AlbeeD.Eugene O’Neil65.is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A.RomanceB.NovelC.SonnetD.Drama66.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe inthe century.A.18thB.19thC.17thD.20th67.is the greatest songwriter in the world and the national poet of Scotland.A.William BlakeB.Robert BurnsC.ByronD.Keats68.William Blake’s The Tiger is collected inA.Songs of InnocenceB.Songs of ExperienceC.Marriage of Heaven and HellD.Poetical Sketches69.The image of the famous “henpecked husband” is created byA.Washington IrvingB.Fennimore CooperC.Edith WhartonD.William Dean Howells70.is known as “the poet’s poet”.A.ShakespeareB.MarloweC.SpenserD.Donne71.The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to beA.O’NeilB.PoundC.Robert FrostD.Scott Fitzgerald72.was the most important person of the Transcendental club.A.HawthornB.WhitmanC.EmersonD.Hemingway73.Shylock is a character inA.The Merchant of VeniceB.The Twelfth NightC.The Winter’s TaleD.Macbeth74.The complier of A Dictionary of the English Language isA.Joseph AddisonB.Richard SteeleC.Samuel Johnson/doc/7c17225301.html,urence Stern75.The main themes of Emily Dickinson’s works are the following EXCEPTA.friendshipB.love and marriageC.life and deathD.war and peace76.American fiction in the 1960s was referred to asA.ImagismB.Black HumorC.New FictionD.The Beat Generation77.James Joyce mostly wrote about his hometownA.LondonB.DublinC.New YorkD.Edinburgh78.This line “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is quoted fromA.Don JuanB.Kubla KhanC.To AutumnD.Ode to the West Wind79.Stephen Crane is famous forA.An American TragedyB.The AmbassadorsC.Main StreetD.The Red Badge of Courage80.translated Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey in American literary history.A.William Cullen BryantB.Philip FreneauC.Edwin Arlington RobinsonD.Walt Whitman81.The emotional effect and social significance made the first well-known sociologicalnovel in American literature.A.The Sun Also RisesB.Uncle Tom’s CabinC.The Old Man and the SeaD.Sister Carrie82.has been entitled the “Father of American Poetry”.A.Philip FreneauB.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.William Cullen BryantD.Walt Whitman83.Which of the following poems is written by William Butler Yeats?A.Sailing to ByzantiumB.To an Athlete Dying YoungC.Musee des Beaux ArtsD.Church Going84.Mary Barton is a masterpiece ofA.George EliotB.Samuel ButlerC.Mrs. GaskellD.Flannery O’Connor85.Among the following poets, which is NOT a lake poet?A.William WordsworthB.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC.Robert SoutheyD.William Collins86.Henry Fielding is the author of the great 18th century English novelA.The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingB.PamelaC.Moll FlandersD.The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy87.Tess is a character created byA. D.H. LawrenceB.James JoyceC.Thomas HardyD.Dylan Thomas88.Which of the following is INCORRECT for Benjamin Franklin?A.He was a famous writer.B.He was a member to draft The Declaration of Independence.C.He was a great scientist.D.He was once elected American President.89.“Gold Rush” was vividly depicted in novels.A.Hemingway’sB.Mark Twain’sC.Henry James’sD.Faulkner’s90.is a nineteenth century European literary movement that sought to portray familiarcharacters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner.A.RealismB.ModernismC.NaturalismD.Romanticism91.Utopia is work.A.Thomas More’sB.Francis Bacon’sC.John D ryden’sD.George Herbert’s92.Mr. Rochester is a figure in .A.Wuthering HeightsB.Jane EyreC.Vanity FairD.Uncle T om’s Cabin93.“Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is an epigrammatic line byA.John BeatsB.William BlakeC.William WordsworthD.Percy Bysshe Shelley94.Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPTA. a strict poetic formB. a simple and conversational languageC. a free and natural rhythmic patternD.an easy flow of feelings95.Who initiated the name of the Lost Generation?A.HemingwayB.FitzgeraldC.Gertrude SteinD.William Faulkner96.My Last Duchess is a monologue poem written byA.William ShakespeareB.Robert BrowningC.Ben JohnsonD.Robert Herrick97.The high tide of Romanticism in American literature occurred aroundA.1820B.1850C.1880D.192098.The title of Alfred Tennyson’s poem Ulysses reminds the reader of the following EXCEPTA.the Trojan WarB.Homer’s OdysseyC.Adventures over the seaD.Religious quest99.As a literary figure, Heathcliff appears inA.Jane EyreB.Oliver TwistC.Wuthering HeightsD.Middlemarch100.The publication of established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the New England Transcendentalism.A.NatureB.Self-RelianceC.The Over SoulD.The American Scholar101.is considered to be the best known English dramatist since Shakespeare, and his representative works are plays inspired by social criticism.A.Richard SheridanB.Oliver GoldsmithC.Oscar WildeD.Bernard Shaw102.Lyrical Ballads is the joint work between Wordsworth and his friendA.ColeridgeB.BryonC.KeatsD.Shelly103.The success of Jane Eyre is partly due to its introduction to the English novel the first Heroine.A.explorerB.peasantC.worker/doc/7c17225301.html,erness104.is the representative work of the Jazz Age.A.The Great GatsbyB.On the RoadC.Look Back in AngerD.The Sun Also Rises105.Invisible Man is a famous work byA.Tennessee WilliamsB.Arthur MillerC.Ralph EllisonD.John Updike106.is commonly used to describe an original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind are made.A.AllusionB.AlliterationC.AllegoryD.Archetype107.The title of Thackeray’s Vanity Fair is taken fromA.The Holy BibleB.The Faerie QueenC.The Pilgrim’s ProgressD.Paradise Lost108.was a southerner from Mississippi who produced 18 novels and 3 volumes of short stories in his life.A.William FaulknerB.Earnest HemingwayC.Mark TwainD.Robert Frost109.The theme of A Tale of Two Cities isA.revolutionB.warC.loveD.brotherhood110.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT for the Lost Generation?A.Those young people were cut off from old values.B.They wondered pointlessly and restlessly.C.They were aware that the world was crazy and meaningless.D.They boasted that people should return to nature.111.Who is considered the “Poet of the American Revolution”?A.Philip FreneauB.William Cullen BryantC.Henry Wadswroth LongfellowD.Henry David Thoreau112.In America, there is “a little woman started a great war”. Who is she?A.Anne BradstreetB.Harriet Beecher StoweC.Edith WhartonD.Catharine Anne Porter113.Waiting for Godot is aA.poemB.playC.short storyD.novel114.Which of the following writers has once won the Nobel Prize?A.William Butler YeatsB.Thomas HardyC.Wystan Hugh AudenD.Dylan Thomas115.is NOT written by Edgar Allan Poe.A.The RavenB.Annabel LeeC.The Fall of the House of UsherD.Song to Celia116.Arthur Miller is an AmericanA.novelistB.poetC.playwrightD.essayist117.Mr. Darcy is a character inA.Tess of the D’UrbervillesB.Pride and PrejudiceC.Happy PrinceD.The Mill on the Floss118.Besides The Great Gatsby, Scott Fitzgerald wrote another famous novel , which was his second masterpiece.A.AS I Lay DyingB. A Good Man Is Hard to FindC.Tender Is the NightD.The Dangling Man119.Among Shakespeare’s tragedies, is the most complex in plot and most painful.A.King LearB.HamletC.Romeo and JulietD.Othello120.created the style of euphuism.A.Sir Philip SidneyB.John LylyC.Henry HowardD.Thomas Wyatt121.A Voldielion: Forbiding Mouming is the masterpiece ofA.William ShakespeareB.Edmund SpenderC.John MiltonD.John Donne122.Which of the following is NOT Virginia Woolf’s novel?A.To the LighthouseB.Mrs. DallowayC.The WavesD.Modern Painters123.Theodore Dreiser was one of America’s greatest writers.A.NaturalisticB.RealisticC.ModernisticD.Romantic124.is the first American professional writer and the first writer of detective story in the world.A.Ezra PoundB.Washington IrvingC.Nathaniel HawthorneD.Edgar Allen Poe125.Pygmalion is a famous play written byA.William ShakespeareB.Tobias George SmollettC.Charles LambD.Bernard Shaw126.The Renaissance was a European phenomenon, which originated inA.FranceB.BritainC.ItalyD.Spain127.was the greatest poet between Milton and Pope and was poet laureate for 20 years.A.Edmund SpenserB.John DrydenC.John DonneD.George Herbert128.Which of the following is NOT Jane Austen’s works?A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Sister Carrie129.Richard Brinsley Sheridan was a famousA.poetB.novelistC.dramatistD.essayist130.The major representatives of America’s Transcendentalist group areA.Emerson and Henry David ThoreauB.Washington Irving and EmersonC.Ralph Waldo Emerson and IrvingD.Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau131.Among the following novels, is Thomas Hardy’s best-known novel.A.The Return of the NativeB.Far From the Madding CrowdC.The Mayor of CasterbridgeD.Tess of the D’Urbervilles132.was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England.A.TennysonB.Robert BrowningC.Mrs. BrowningD.Robert Burns133.is D.H. Lawrence’s semi-autographical novel.A.Sons and LoversB.Women in LoveC.Rainbow/doc/7c17225301.html,dy Chatterley’s Lover134.was once in the same class with Franklin Pierce, America’s 14th President.A.Henry JamesB.Jack LondonC.Edwin Arlington RobinsonD.Nathaniel Hawthorne135.Richard Steele and Joseph Addison had the following contributions to English literature EXCEPT thatA.their writings provided a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisieB.they gave a true picture of social life of England in the 18th centuryC.the English essay completely established itself as a literary genre in their handsD.they were representatives of the realistic tradition in English literature136.is the representative among the writers of Aestheticism and Decadence.A.StevensonB.George GissingC.Oscar WildeD.Ralph Fox137.The Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays is the work byA.William HazlittB.Charles LambC.Leigh HuntD.De Quincy。

英语系英美文化知识竞赛试题第一局部〔客观题,共60分〕PART ONERead the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] are given. Choose the one which you think best completes the statement or answers the questions . (60 points, 2 point for each)1. The British Isles are made up of _____ .A. three large islands and hundreds of small onesB. three large islands and dozens of small onesC. two large islands and hundreds of small onesD. two large islands and dozens of small ones2. In Britain,____ formally appoints important government ministers, judges, _____A. the QueenB. the Prime MinisterC. the Lord President of the CouncilD. the Speaker of the House of Commons3. Christianity was first brought to England by ____.A. the RomansB. the CeltsC. the Anglo-SaxonsD. the Danes4. ______ is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland.A. The Irish Labour PartyB. The Progressive DemocratsC. Fianna FailD. Fine Gael5. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ______.A. 200B.C. B. 55 B.C. C. 55 A.D. D. 410 A.D.6. When Wales was brought under the English Crown, the title of “Prince of Wales〞was borne by _____, the eldest son of the reigning monarch.A. Richard IB. Henry IIIC. Edward ID. Edward II7. Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the ____ of Christ, and is the great Christian festivals.A. birthB. deathC. CrucifixionD. Resurrection8. British recorded history begins with the ___ invasion.A. RomanB. VikingC. Anglo-SaxonD. Norman9. In the United Kingdom, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of ___.A. the SpeakerB. the Lord ChancellorC. the Duke of EdinburghD. the Prime Minister10. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before ___.A. 1918B. 1920C. 1928D. 194511. The two very important crops in Britain are ___.A. barley and cornB. wheat and riceC. barley and oatsD. wheat and barley12. In Britain, a ____ is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns.A. civic electionB. by-electionC. popular electionD. general election13. The eldest son of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ——Prince Charles, Prince of _____, is the heir to the throne.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland14. In Britain, the Speaker is a member who is acceptable to all shades of opinion in _______.A. the Privy CouncilB. the House of LordsC. the Supreme CourtD. the House of Commons15. Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, has become rich through _____.A. manufacturing industriesB. farming and miningC. service industriesD. forestry and fishing16. With regard to its size, Australia is _____ country in the world.A. the third largestB. the fourth largestC. the fifth largestD. the sixth largest17. Australia is the world's largest exporter of _____.A. wheatB. woolC. meatD. dairy products18. The main feature of Australia's trade is that ______.A. it is mainly with developing countries and Great BritainB. it has had a deficit on visible tradeC. it has had a surplus on invisible tradeD. it has involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products19. It is assumed that the first Europeans who reached Australia’s shores were _____.A. the DutchB. the EnglishC. the GermansD. the Spanish and Portugese20. The head of state of Australia is ______.A. the GovernorB. the PresidentC. the Prime MinisterD. the Queen of England21. Politically, Australia is divided into _____states and two territories.A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. seven22. Among the five Australian cities with a population of over a million only ___lies on the Western coast.A. SydneyB. BrisbaneC. MelbourneD. Perth23. Apart from Britain, the Queen is also the head of state of the following countries EXCEPT______.A.Australia B.CanadaC.New Zealand D.South Africa24. In New Zealand, nearly three-quarters of the population (including more than 95 percent of the Maori) live in ____.A. South IslandB. North IslandC. Stwart IslandD. the Chatham Islands25. The natural disasters in New Zealand may include ______.A.earthquakes, volcanoes and floodingB.volcanoes, flooding and heavy snowsC.earthquakes, flooding, and heavy snowsD.volcanoes, heavy snows and earthquakes26. New Zealand’s highest peak is ___ in the mountain range called the central Southern Alps.A. Mount NgauruhoeB. Mount TongariroC. Mount CookD. Mount Taranaki27. ______ is the capital of New Zealand.A.Auckland B.WellingtonC.Toronto D.Montreal28. New Zealand consists of two main islands: _______.A. North Island and South islandB. Steward Island and Long IslandC. West Island and East IslandD. Victorian island and Tasman Island29. New Zealand’s climate is generally _____ and seasonal differences are not so great.A. dry and coldB. mild and moistC. hot and wetD. windy and cold30. Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of _____.A. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year's DayPART TWODecide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F). (10 points, 2 point for each)31.( )Britain is no longer an imperial country.32.( )The capital of Belfast is a larger city with half a million people.33.( )Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics.34.( )In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances.35.( )The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy.36.( )Ireland is a republic with a government headed by a Prime Minister, elected directly by the people.37.( )The attitude of Ireland toward Britain is dislike or even hatred because of the colonial past.38.( )The European settlement in Australian started in 1788 in Sydney.39.( )Victoria and South Australian were established as convict colonies.40.( )Convict transportation to Australian continent was stopped in 1852.第二局部〔主观题,共20分〕Given an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (20 points,4 points for each)41. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?42. What does the British Parliament consist of?43. Who is the most well-known Irish writer of the modern period?44. Who is the writer of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?45. Who is the first female Prime Minister in Australia?参考答案1-5 C A A A B 6-10 D A A D A 11-15 D B C D B16-20 D B D DD 21-25 C D D B A 26-30 C B A B A31-35 T F T T T 36-40 F F T F FⅡ.41. Britain was under the Roman occupation for nearly 400 years.42. The British Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.43. James Joyce is the most well-known Irish writer of the modern period.44. William Shakespeare45. Julia Gillard。

William WordsworthC.Percy ShellyD.George Byron回答错误!正确答案: AWhich descriptions are correct concerning Robert Burns?收藏A.Burns is the national poet of Scotland.B.His poems are featured for their fresh and exquisite songlike quality, full of vitality and originality.C.His poems are difficult to understand.D.Simplicity, humor, directness and optimism are characteristic of his songs.回答错误!正确答案: A B DIn his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called “()”收藏A.blank verseIn vivid and graceful prose, he had portrayed the hollowness of the American worship of riches and the unending American dream of love, splendor, and fulfilled desires.C.His prose is smooth, sensitive, and completely original in its diction and metaphorsD.Gatsby’s failure magnifies the end of the American dream. However, the affirmation of hope and expectation is self-asserted.回答错误!正确答案: A B C DWhich of the following works are generally regarded as Shakespear eˊs great tragedies?收藏A.OthelloB.King LeareC.Romeo and JulietD.HamletE.Macbeth回答错误!正确答案: A B D EChoose the works written by Mark Twain.。

英美文学导论考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的悲剧?A.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》B.《威尼斯商人》C.《皆大欢喜》D.《第十二夜》2. 19世纪英国浪漫主义诗人拜伦的全名是什么?A. 乔治·戈登·拜伦B. 威廉·华兹华斯C. 珀西·比希·雪莱D. 约翰·济慈3. 以下哪位作家是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 查尔斯·狄更斯B. 简·奥斯汀C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 托马斯·哈代4. 美国文学中被称为“黑暗浪漫主义”的时期是?A. 浪漫主义时期B. 现实主义时期C. 现代主义时期D. 后现代主义时期5. 以下哪部作品是马克·吐温的代表作?A.《了不起的盖茨比》B.《汤姆·索亚历险记》C.《白鲸》D.《老人与海》二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 英国文学史上的文艺复兴时期,以_______的戏剧创作最为著名。
7. 19世纪美国文学的“现实主义”运动,以_______的《红字》为代表作。
8. 现代主义文学中,_______的《荒原》被认为是现代主义诗歌的里程碑。
9. 20世纪美国文学中,_______的《了不起的盖茨比》描绘了20年代的“爵士时代”。
10. 英国浪漫主义诗人_______的《夜莺颂》是其代表作之一。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述英国文学中的“哥特式小说”的特点。
12. 描述美国文学中的“自然主义”运动,并举例说明。
13. 简述现代主义文学与后现代主义文学的主要区别。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)14. 论述威廉·华兹华斯的“自然主义”观点及其在《抒情歌谣集》中的体现。
15. 分析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》中的女性主义视角。
答案一、选择题1. A2. A3. C4. B5. B二、填空题6. 威廉·莎士比亚7. 纳撒尼尔·霍桑8. T.S.艾略特9. F.斯科特·菲茨杰拉德10. 威廉·华兹华斯三、简答题11. 哥特式小说的特点包括恐怖、神秘、超自然元素,以及对古老建筑或废墟的描写。

英美文化第一次比赛题库(总8页) -本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-英美文化第一次比赛题库初赛共分10组试题每组里面含有5道试题难易程度基本一致如果出现分数一样的请抢答10道题按照答对题数进行排名第一组1._____ is the traditional holiday created by the American people.A.ChristmasB.Thanksgiving DayC.HalloweenD.Easter2.Mrs. Reed is a character in the novel Jane Eyre written by _____.A.Jane AustenB.Emily BronteC.Charlotte BronteD.Elizabeth Barrett Browning3.The Last Supper and Mona Lisa were painted by _____, a great Italian painter.A.RaphaelB.Leonardo da VinciC.PicassoD.Ganguin4.The film _____ shows Americans search for gold.A.Modern TimesB.The Gold RushC.City LightsD. A king in New York5.In 1803, the United States took the advantage of the European War andpurchased the vast area of _____ from Napoleon with 15,000,000 dollars.A.AlaskaB.LouisianaC.KansasD.Nevada第二组1.When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving DayA.the fourth Thursday in NovemberB.the third Thursday in NovemberC.the fourth Thursday in JuneD.the second Wednesday in November2.In the battle of Waterloo, the Great Napoleon was completely defeated by _____.A.the Duke of WellingtonB.JordanC.George WashingtonD.RobertE. lee3.Which of the following books was not written by Ernest HemingwayA.The Sun Also RisesB.The Sound and the FuryC.Farewell to ArmsD.For Whom the Bell Tolls4.Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain Basketball5.6.Which region might have a dust storm in summerA.The Deep South.B.The Middle West.C.The Great Plains The Sun Also RisesD.The Sound and the FuryE.Farewell to ArmsF.For Whom the Bell TollsG.H.The Central Valley of California.第三组1.The US primary suppliers of foreign oil are the following countries except .A.CanadaB.JapanC.VenezuelaD.Saudi Arabia2.On his voyage of 1492, Columbus expected to reach .A.the New worldB.the West IndiesC.IndiaD.America3.The last one of the 13 colonies was , which was established in 1733.A.North CarolinaB.South CarolinaC.GeorgiaD.Maryland4.The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired in .A.ConcordB.LexingtonC.PhiladelphiaD.Boston5.Telephone was invented in 1876 by .A.ThomasB. EdisonB.Alexander D. BellC.Guglielmo MarconiD.George Westinghouse第四组1.By the beginning of the 20th century the country that took the first place ineconomy in Europe was .A.GermanyB.FranceC.BritainD.Russia2.When the First World War began, President Wilson immediately called upon theAmerican people to .A.be ready for the warB.observe strict neutralityC.give financial help to the AlliesD.end the trade relations with Germany3.The US formerly entered the Second World War in .A.1937B.1939C.1940D.19414.Thousands of American soldiers were sent to Vietnam under President .A.Dwight D. EisenhowerB.John F. KennedyC.Lyndon B. JohnsonD.Richard M. Nixon5.The president’s major appointments should be approved by .A.CongressB.the HouseC.the SenateD.the Supreme Court第五组1.In the US school system, there are twelve levels called .E.classesF.divisionsG.gradesH.degrees2.Which newspaper first uncovered the Watergate scandal in 1972A.New York Times.B.Washington Post.C.New York Daily News.D.Los Angeles Times.3.By American standards, which one in the following is not a tabooA.Financial affairs.B.Person’s age.C.Religion.D. d. Person’s work.4.The Statue of Liberty, which stands _____, was given to the United States by thepeople of France.A.in the nation’s capital, Washington .B.in the center of New YorkC.out in the ocean where all can see itD.on an island in New Work Harbor5.Which of the following works is not written by William ShakespeareA.The Merchant of VeniceB.Romeo and JulietC.King LearD. A Tale of Two Cities第六组1.The Hawaiian Islands, which are situated in the Pacific, became ____ state of theUnited States in 1959.A.the fifthB.the fifteenthC.the fiftiethD.the fourth2.Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of EnglandA.The Anglo-Saxons.B.The Normans.C.The Vikings.D.The Romans.3.The Midwest in the US refers to the region .A.west of the Mississippi ValleyB.west of the Appalachian MountainsC.east of the Rocky MountainsD.around the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi Valley.4.Where is the international tennis championship heldA.WembleyB.WimbledonC.LondonD.Edinburgh5.In area, the United States is the largest country in the world.A.2ndB.3rdC.4thD.5th第七组1.According to the text, the ancestors of the present American Indians camefrom .A.EuropeB.AfricaD.Mongolia2.Which colony in the following was not founded first by the EnglishA.Virginia.B.Massachusetts.C.New YorkD.Georgia.3.The principal author of the Declaration of Independence was .A.Benjamin FranklinB.Thomas JeffersonC.George WashingtonD.John Adams4.In his inaugural address in 1861, Lincoln showed clearly that he .A.would abolish slavery in the SouthB.would not abolish slavery immediately but to preserve the UnionC.would wage a war against slaveryD.had no idea to abolish slavery in the South5.After US-Spanish War, the US acquired all the following areas except .A.Puerto RicoB.GuamC.the PhilippinesD.Cuba第八组1. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _______ and the North Sea in the east.A.B. southC. west east Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _______ and the North Sea in the east.D. north2. The first known settlers of Britain were _______.A. the JutesB. the CeltsC. the SaxonsD. the Iberians3. The English Civil War is also called ______.A. the Puritan RevolutionB. the second Magna CartaC. the Long ParliamentD. the Anglican War4. In 1932, in the depth of the depression, the American people chose _______ as their next president who promised a "new deal" to get America out of depression.A. TheodoreB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. Woodrow WilsonD. Herbert Hoover5. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young black clergyman, became a national leader of the _______ Movement.A. BoycottB. Civil RightsC. SegregationD. Integration第九组1.In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal tothe invention of machines.A.the Industrial RevolutionB.the Bourgeois RevolutionC. the Wars of the RosesC.the Religious Reformation2.The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _____.A.IdahoB.ArizonaC.NevadaD.Utah3.The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on thetheory of _______.A.Adam SmithB.John M. KeynesC.Margaret ThatcherD.Karl Marx4.The official languages of Canada are _____.A.English and FrenchB.Spanish and EnglishC.German and EnglishD.English and Italian5.The Backbone of North America refers to the .A.Appalachian MountainsB.Rocky MountainsC.the Rocky MountainsD.Sierra Nevada Mountains第十组1.American Indians now mainly live in the .A.SouthB.WestC.MidwestD.Northeast2.Which victory was considered as the turning point of the War of IndependenceA.The victory at Trenton.B.The victory at Boston.C.The victory at Saratoga.D.The victory at Yorktown.3.The three layers of British education are:A.Primary education, secondary education, higher educationB.Prepared school, secondary school, grammar schoolprehensive school, voluntary school, tertiary schoolD.Primary school, secondary school, tertiary school4.The US joined the First World War in .A.1914B.1915C.1916D.19175.At which conference did Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree to call aconference of all the United Nations in San Francisco in April 1945A.The Conference in Teheran, on Nov. 28, 1943.B.The Conference in Cairo, on Nov. 23, 1943.C.The Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, in the fall of 1944.D.Yalta Conference, in Feb. 1945.抢答题1.The post-World War II program of economic assistance to Western Europe wasknown as .A.containment policyB.Truman PlanC.Marshall Planmunist prevention2.The title of British university administrative head isA.PresidentB.ChancellorC.DonD.Principal3.The first Democratic President was .A.George WashingtonB.Abraham LincolnC.Thomas JeffersonD.Andrew Jackson4.After completing four-year study in a college, the student usually can earn .A. a university degreeB.graduate degreeC. a bachelor’s degreeD. a master’s degree5.Which one in the following is not proper to describe the American family valuesA.Individual freedom.B.Belief in equality.C.Personal independence.D.Formal and strict relations between parents and children.6.Democratic and Republican National Conventions were televised for the firsttime in .A.1945B.1950C.1952D.19607. A great majority of doctor-level universities in the US are .A.privateB.supported by religious groupsC.publicD.supported by private funds8.The American President is actually elected by .A.the HouseB.the SenateC.presidential electorsD.American citizens9.The terms of the senator and representative are and years respectively.A.two…fourB.two…threeC.two…sixD.six…two10.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., advocated the philosophy of .A.economic equalityB.nonviolenceitary protestD.black power复赛共有三个视频,所有小组都将会有同样的问题,经过抽签决定每两个小组观看同样一个视频,然后每个小组做出不超过5分钟的回答,由评委老师评分。
英语知识竞赛试题库 英美文学题

B 1. The Canterbury T ales was written in ________.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Current Modern EnglishB 2. Pilgrims travel to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury in ________.A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. JuneC 3. ________ pilgrims plus Chaucer are assembled at the T abard Inn in the southern part of London.A. 25B. 27C. 29D. 31C4. Chaucer was a master of the heroic couplet which consists of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter means____________.A. the line has 6 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.B. the line has 6 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.C. the line has 5 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.D. the line has 5 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.B 5.The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely___.A. Willia m Langland’s Piers the PlowmanB. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury TalesC. John Gower’s Confessio AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD 6.Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are _________A. Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Lear, Timon of AthensB. Twelfth Night, Cynbeline, The Winter’s T ale, and The TempestC. Hamlet, Othello, King John, and MacbethD. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and MacbethC7. Romeo and Juliet belongs to Shakespeare’s ________.A. romantic comedyB. comedyC. tragedyD. historical playsC 8. A sonnet is a poem of ________ lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to a certain definite patterns.A. 8B. 6C. 14D. 24A9. Which of the following plays does NOT belong to Shakespeare’s great comedies?A. Henry VB. The Merchant of VeniceC. A Midsummer Night’s Dre amD. The Winter’s T aleC 10. Which of the follow ing poetic forms is the principle form of Shakespeare’s drama?A. lyricB. sonnetC. blank verseD. quatrainC11. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ___.A. comediesB. tragediesC. sonnetsD. historiesB12. In “ Sonnet 18 ” ,Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _____ and the eternal__________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves .A. death/ lifeB. time / beautyC. death/ loveD. hate / loveC13. Which of the following statements best illustrate the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?A. The speaker eulogizes the power of nature.B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D. The speaker meditates on man’s salvationC14. _____is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s art.A. Romeo and JulietB. The Comedy of ErrorsC. HamletD. The T empestB 15. The story of Hamlet takes place in ________.A. EnglandB. DenmarkC. ItalyD. GermanyC 16.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A.Joseph AddisonB. Richard SteeleC.William BlakeD.Alexander popeA 17. Joseph Addison,Richard Steele and Alexander pope belonged to the school of _____.A .classicism B. romanticismC .realism D. modernismB 18. The ___ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century .A. RenaissanceB. EnlightenmentC. Religious ReformationD. Chartist MovementD 19. In addition to The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Defoe also wrote ______.A. T om JonesB. PamelaC. The Adventures of Roderick RandomD. Moll FlandersC 20. Which of the following is not taken into consideration when Robinson Crusoe looks for a place to set up his tent: ______.A. health and fresh waterB. shelter from the heat of the sunC. a lot of treesD. a view to the seaC 21. Robinson Crusoe set foot upon the island in ______ of 1659.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterB 22. Which of the following is NOT true about Robinson Crusoe?A. It is written in the autobiographical form.B. It is a record of Defoe’s own experiences.C. Robinson spends 28 years of isolated life on the island.D. It is set in the middle of the 17th centuryC 23.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A .Joseph AddisonB .Richard SteeleC .William BlakeD .Alexander popeB 24. “The Lamb” is included in William Blake’s ________.A. Poetical SketcheB. The Songs of InnocenceC. The Songs of ExperienceD. The Marriage of Heaven and HellC 25.Robert Burns came from ________.A. EnglandB. WalesC. ScotlandD. IrelandB 26. Authors and poems are correctly paired in all of the following except ________.A. William Wordsworth—“The Solitary Reaper”B. William Blake—“A Red, Red Rose”C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge—“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”D. Robert Burns—“The Tree of Liberty”D 27. “Auld Lang Syne” means ________.A. old sonB. old acquaintanceC. long friendshipD. long agoD 28. The Lake Poets include the following except ________.A. Robert SoutheyB. William WordsworthC. Samuel T aylor ColeridgeD. William BlakeB 29. William Wordswoth is frequently referred to as ________.A. a religious poetB. a worshipper of natureC. a modern poetD. a worshipper of beautyD 30. Lyrical Ballads (1798. was a collection of poems by ________.A. James Thomson and William CollinsB. Thomas Gray and Robert BurnsC. Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon ByronD. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD 31. Byron wrote the following except ________.A. Childe Harold’s PilgrimageB. ManfredC. Don JuanD. The Revolt of IslamC 32. The description of “a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection” may be applied to ________.A. an epic heroB. an antiheroC. a Byronic heroD. a modern heroC 33. In “Ode to the West Wind”, the wild west wind is referred to as the wind of ________.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterD 34. John Keats wrote the following except ______.A. EndymionB. The Eve of Saint AgnessC. "Ode to a Nightingale"D. "Ode to Duty"B 35. Jane Austen’s first novel was ________.A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Sense and SensibilityC. EmmaD. Mansfield ParkD 36. The following characters are correctly paired according to the works in which they appear except ________.A. Elizabeth—Pride and PrejudiceB. Mr. Knightley—EmmaC. Catherine—Northanger AbbeyD. Elinor—Mansfield ParkD 37. One of the important themes of Jane Austen’s novels is ________.A. warB. urban lifeC. educationD. marriageC 38. The phrase “a single man in possession of a good fortune” is applied to a single man with ________.A. luckB. statusC. wealthD. healthD 39. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend ____ appeared. And it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realismA 40. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of ____ .A. novelB. dramaC. poetryD. sonnetB 41. The following are frequently referred to as the Victorian realist novelists except ______.A. Charles DickenB. Jane AustenC. George EliotD. Anthony TrollopeC 42. ____ is the greatest representative of English critical realism.A. Jane AustenB. ThackerayC. DickensD. CharlotteD 43 .Charles Dickens was impressive for his _____.A. wide spread of critical realismB. his spirit of democracy and humanismC. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear languageD. including A, B and CD 44. Which of the following is Thackeray’s masterpiece?A. The VirginiansB. The Books of SnobsC. The NewcomesD. Vanity FairC45. The story of ______ deals with the adventures of a retired old merchant.A. A T ale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick PapersD. Oliver TwistA46. ______ made Dickens famous overnight.A. Sketches by Boz B .The Pickwick PapersC. Oliver TwistD. The Old Curiosity ShopB 47. Which novel makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education?A. Oliver TwistB. Hard TimesC. Great ExpectationsD. A T ale of Two CitiesC 48. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher society regardless of the social reality?A. A T ale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationD. Dombey and SonB49._____ is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dickens in which the early life of the hero is largely based on the author’s early life.A. The Curiosity ShopB. David CopperfieldC. Oliver TwistD. Great ExpectationsC 50. In 1864, Dickens published his last complete novel _______.A. The Old Curiosity ShopB. The Pickwick PaperC. Our Mutual FriendD. Little DorritD 51. Dickens’ third literary period shows intensifying ______.A. optimismB. excitementC. irritationD. pessimismC 52. The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities refer to ______.A. London and BerlinB. London and New YorkC. London and ParisD. London and T okyoC 53. Dickens’ writing is an encyclopedic knowledge of _____.A. ParisB. New YorkC. LondonD. PortsmothA 54. Magwitch works hard in ______ to make Pip a gentleman.A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. BritainD. The United StatesB 55. “Art for art’s sake” expresses the prevailing literary philosophy of ________.A. Alfred Lord TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Oscar WildeD. George Bernard ShawD 56. Oscar Wilde was the author of the following works except ________.A. The Picture of Dorian GrayB. SaloméC. Lady Windermere’s FanD. My Fair LadyD 57. In The Importance of Being Earnest, ________.A. Algernon is Cecily’s guardianB. Jack is Gwendolen’s cousinC. Algernon invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Jack invents a patient called BunburyD. Jack invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Algernon invents a patient called BunburyC 58. Both Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw came from ________.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. WalesC 59. ____is Oscar Wilde’s only novel.A. Lady Windermere’s FanB. A Woman of No ImportanceC. The Picture of Dorian GrayD. The Importance of Being EarnestC 60. James Joyce was born in ________.A. EdinburghB. LondonC. DublinD. ParisD 61. Joyce’s short story “Araby” is characterized by the following except ________.A. realistic descriptionB. symbolic detailsC. epiphanyD. excitement of the plotC 62. Both Virginia Woolf and Jame Joyce died in _________.A. 1939B. 1940C. 1941D. 1942B 63. ____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to complete.A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 64. ____ is a collection of short stories which reflect three aspects of life in politics, culture andreligion.A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 65. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the _______.A. external worldB. public life of an individualC. social activities of human beingsD. inner life of an individualA 66.Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence?A. The Waste LandB. The RainbowC. Lady Chatterley’s LoverD. Women in LoveD 67. According to D. H. Lawrence, the ____is the most responsible for the alienation of the humanrelationships and the perversion of human personality.A. pride of the aristocratic classB. vanity of the middle classC. man’s desire for power and moneyD. capitalist mechanical civilizationA 68. ____ is D. H. Lawrence’s semi-autographical novel.A. Sons and LoversB. Women in LoveC. RainbowD. Lady Chatterlay’s LoverB 69. William Faulkner is the author of ______.A. Far From the Madding CrowdB. Sound and FuryC. For Whom the Bell T ollsD. Scarlet LetterC 70. Robert Frost is a famous_______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. literary criticD 71. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________.A. Jack LondonB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ColeridgeD. Earnest HemingwayC 73. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.A. AllegoryB. ConflictC. IronyD. FlashbackB 74. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______.A. NatureB. WaldenC. ExperienceD. EssaysA 75. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature.A. American folk humorB. funny jokesC. English folkloreD. American valuesD 76. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War?A. Fennimore CooperB. Nathaniel HawthornC. Walt WhitmanD. Washington IrvingC 77. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. John F. KennedyC. Martin Luther KingD. Ralph Waldo EmersonC 78. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?A. This is my letter to the worldB. I heard a Fly buzz—when I diedC. This is just to sayD. Because I could not stop for deathB 79. Eugene O’Neil is an American ______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. essayistA 80. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States.A. Age of RealismB. Age of ClassicalismC. Age of RomanticismD. Age of RenaissanceC 81. With “Collected Poems”, ______won the second Pulitzer Prize.A. Ezra PondB. e. e. cummingsC. Robert FrostD. William Cullen BryantB 82. Grass is a poem written by _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Carl SandburgC. Langston HughesD. Allen GinsbergB 83. Moby Dick is the most important work by ______.A. Jack LondonB. Herman MelvilleC. Sinclair LewisD. Ralph EllisonC 84. O. Henry earned his fame mainly for his ______.A. novelsB. poemsC. short storiesD. dramasB 85. ______ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.A. Tender Is the NightB. Anna ChristieC. The Beautiful and DammedD. The Great GatsbyB 86. The American literature in modern period is divided into two parts by the event of ______.A. the expatriate movementB. the Great DepressionC. the First World WarD. the Second World WarC 87. Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire?A. The TitanB. The FinancierC. The “Genius”D. The StoicD 88. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to ______for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”.A. William FaulknerB. John SteinbeckC. Saul BellowD. Earnest HemingwayD 89. Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of _______work.A. romanticB. classicC. neo-classicD. naturalisticA 90. The Octopus is written by ________.A. Frank NorrisB. Sherwood AndersonC. Willa CatherD. Stephen CraneC 91. James Baldwin’s most famous short story is _______.A. A Rose for EmilyB. The Story of an HourC. Sonn y’s BluesD. A Clean, Well-lighted Place C 92. ________wrote several novels with the name of “Rabbit”.A. Arthur MillerB. Thomas PynchonC. John UpdikeD. Wallace StevensA 93. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by ______.A. Robert FrostB. LongfellowC. Ezra PondD. Carl SandburgA 94. “God help them that help themselves” is found in ______’s work. A. Franklin B. FreneauC. JeffersonD. PaineC 95. T. S. Eliot’s most famous long poem is ______.A. The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockB. A Boy’s WillC. The Waste LandD. The Golden BoughA 96. Daisy Miller is a great work by _____.A. Henry JamesB. Mark TwainC. DreiserD. StoweD 97. Hester is a character in ______.A. Gone with the WindB. The Fall of the House of UsherC. BabbittD. Scarlet LetterC 98. Jack London’s ______is his patently autobiographical novel.A. The Call of the Wild b. The Sea WolfC. Martin Eden d. The Iron HeelB 99. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain’s _______.A. The Adventures of T om SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Life on the MississippiD. The Prince and the PauperC 100. O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Benjamin FranklinC. Abraham LincolnD. Martin Luther King。

英美文学试题及答案# 英美文学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 威廉·莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,哈姆雷特的叔叔是谁?A. 克劳狄斯B. 波洛尼乌斯C. 劳提斯D. 格特鲁德答案:A2. 简·奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,伊丽莎白·班纳特最终与谁结婚?A. 达西先生B. 宾利先生C. 柯林斯先生D. 维克汉姆答案:A3. 爱伦·坡的短篇小说《黑猫》中,主人公最终因为什么而陷入疯狂?A. 酗酒B. 谋杀C. 赌博D. 爱情答案:B4. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》中,拉姆齐夫人的丈夫是谁?A. 拉姆齐先生B. 班克斯先生C. 塔斯先生D. 卡迈克尔先生答案:A5. 马克·吐温的《汤姆·索亚历险记》中,汤姆·索亚的好友是谁?A. 哈克贝利·芬B. 乔·哈珀C. 贝基·撒切尔D. 印第安·乔答案:A6. 乔治·奥威尔的《1984》中,主要的反乌托邦政府机构是什么?A. 思想警察B. 真理部C. 爱情部D. 和平部答案:B7. 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的《白鲸》中,亚哈船长的主要目标是什么?A. 寻找新大陆B. 捕获白鲸C. 探索未知海域D. 寻找宝藏答案:B8. 亨利·詹姆斯的《鸽之翼》中,主角伊莎贝尔·阿彻最终与谁结婚?A. 吉尔伯特·奥斯蒙德B. 拉尔夫·杜恩C. 爱德华·罗斯科D. 亨利·杜恩答案:A9. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗歌《未选择的路》中,诗人选择了哪条路?A. 一条人迹罕至的路B. 一条宽阔平坦的路C. 一条充满荆棘的路D. 一条充满鲜花的路答案:A10. 埃德加·爱伦·坡的《乌鸦》中,乌鸦反复说的词是什么?A. 永不B. 死亡C. 寂静D. 疯狂答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的悲剧性。

B 1. The Canterbury Tales was written in ________.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Current Modern EnglishB 2. Pilgrims travel to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury in ________.A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. JuneC 3. ________ pilgrims plus Chaucer are assembled at the Tabard Inn in the southern part of London.A. 25B. 27C. 29D. 31C 4. Chaucer was a master of the heroic couplet which consists of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter. Iambicpentameter means____________.A. the line has 6 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.B. the line has 6 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.C. the line has 5 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.D. the line has 5 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.B 5.The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of themedieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely___.A. William Langland’ s Piers the PlowmanB. Geoffrey Chaucer’ s The Canterbury TalesC. John Gower’ s Confessio AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD 6. Shakespeare’ s four great tragedies are _________A. Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Lear, Timon of AthensB. Twelfth Night, Cynbeline, The Winter’ s Tale, and The TempestC. Hamlet, Othello, King John, and MacbethD. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and MacbethC 7. Romeo and Juliet belongs to Shakespeare’ s ________.A. romantic comedyB. comedyC. tragedyD. historical playsC 8. A sonnet is a poem of ________ lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to acertain definite patterns.A. 8B. 6C. 14D. 24A 9. Which of the following plays does NOT belong to Shakespeare’ s great comedies?A. Henry VB. The Merchant of VeniceC. A Midsummer Night’ s DreamD. The Winter’ s TaleC 10. Which of the following poetic forms is the principle form of Shakespeare’ s drama?A. lyricB. sonnetC. blank verseD. quatrainC 11. The sentence“ Shall I compare thee to a summer’ s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare A. comedies B. tragediesC. sonnetsD. historiesB 12. In“ Sonnet 18,Shakespeare” has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _____ and theeternal__________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves .A. death/ lifeB. time / beautyC. death/ loveD. hate / loveC13. Which of the following statements best illustrate the theme of Shakespeare’ s Sonnet 18?A. The speaker eulogizes the power of nature.B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D. The speaker meditates on man’ s salvationC 14. _____is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’ s art.A. Romeo and JulietB. The Comedy of ErrorsC. HamletD. The TempestB 15. The story of Hamlet takes place in ________.A. EnglandB. DenmarkC. ItalyD. GermanyC 16.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A.Joseph AddisonB. Richard SteeleC.William BlakeD.Alexander popeA 17. Joseph Addison,Richard Steele and Alexander pope belonged to the school of _____.A .classicism B. romanticismC .realism D. modernismB 18. The ___ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century .A. RenaissanceB. EnlightenmentC. Religious ReformationD. Chartist MovementD 19. In addition to The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Defoe also wrote ______.A. Tom JonesB. PamelaC. The Adventures of Roderick RandomD. Moll FlandersC 20. Which of the following is not taken into consideration when Robinson Crusoe looks for a place to set up his tent: ______.A. health and fresh waterB. shelter from the heat of the sunC. a lot of treesD. a view to the seaC 21. Robinson Crusoe set foot upon the island in ______ of 1659.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterB 22. Which of the following is NOT true about Robinson Crusoe?A. It is written in the autobiographical form.B. It is a record of Defoe’ s own experiences.C 23.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A .Joseph AddisonB .Richard SteeleC .William BlakeD .Alexander popeB 24.“ The Lamb” is included in William Blake’ s ________.A. Poetical SketcheB. The Songs of InnocenceC. The Songs of ExperienceD. The Marriage of Heaven and HellC 25.Robert Burns came from ________.A. EnglandB. WalesC. ScotlandD. IrelandB 26. Authors and poems are correctly paired in all of the following except ________.A. William Wordsworth—“ The Solitary Reaper”B. William Blake—“ A Red, Red Rose”C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge—“ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”D. Robert Burns—“ The Tree of Liberty”D 27.“ Auld Lang Syne” means ________.A. old sonB. old acquaintanceC. long friendshipD. long agoD 28. The Lake Poets include the following except ________.A. Robert SoutheyB. William WordsworthC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. William BlakeB 29. William Wordswoth is frequently referred to as ________.A. a religious poetB. a worshipper of natureC. a modern poetD. a worshipper of beautyD 30. Lyrical Ballads (1798. was a collection of poems by ________.A. James Thomson and William CollinsB. Thomas Gray and Robert BurnsC. Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon ByronD. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD 31. Byron wrote the following except ________.A. Childe Harold’ s PilgrimageB. ManfredC. Don JuanD. The Revolt of IslamC 32. The description of “ aman proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, ascorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection” may be applA. an epic heroB. an antiheroC. a Byronic heroD. a modern heroC 33. In“ Ode to the West Wind” , the wild west wind is referred to as the wind of ________.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterD 34. John Keats wrote the following except ______.A. EndymionB. The Eve of Saint AgnessC. "Ode to a Nightingale"D. "Ode to Duty"B 35. Jane Austen’ s first novel was ________.A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Sense and SensibilityC. EmmaD. Mansfield ParkD 36. The following characters are correctly paired according to the works in which they appear except ________.A. Elizabeth—Pride and PrejudiceB. Mr. Knightley—EmmaC. Catherine—Northanger AbbeyD. Elinor—Mansfield ParkD 37. One of the important themes of Jane Austen’ s novels is ________.A. warB. urban lifeC. educationD. marriageC 38. The phrase“ a single man in possession of a good fortune” is applied to a single man with _______A. luckB. statusC. wealthD. healthD 39. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend ____ appeared. And it flourished in the fortiesand in the early fifties.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realismA 40. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of ____ .A. novelB. dramaC. poetryD. sonnetB 41. The following are frequently referred to as the Victorian realist novelists except ______.A. Charles DickenB. Jane AustenC. George EliotD. Anthony TrollopeC 42. ____ is the greatest representative of English critical realism.A. Jane AustenB. ThackerayC. DickensD. CharlotteD 43 .Charles Dickens was impressive for his _____.A. wide spread of critical realismB. his spirit of democracy and humanismC. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear languageD. including A, B and CD 44. Which of the following is Thackeray’ s masterpiece?A. The VirginiansB. The Books of SnobsC. The NewcomesD. Vanity FairA. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick PapersD. Oliver TwistA 46. ______ made Dickens famous overnight.A. Sketches by Boz B .The Pickwick PapersC. Oliver TwistD. The Old Curiosity ShopA. Oliver TwistB. Hard TimesC. Great ExpectationsD. A Tale of Two CitiesC48. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher society regardless of the social reality?A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationD. Dombey and SonB 49._____ is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dickens in which the early life of thehero is largely based on the author’ s early life.A. TheCuriosity Shop B. David Copperfield C. Oliver Twist D.Great ExpectationsA. The Old Curiosity ShopB. The Pickwick PaperC. Our Mutual FriendD. Little DorritD 51. Dickens’ third literary period shows intensifying ______.A. optimismB. excitementC. irritationD. pessimismC 52. The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities refer to ______.A. London and BerlinB. London and New YorkC. London and ParisD. London and TokyoC 53. Dickens’ writing is an encyclopedic knowledge of _____.A. ParisB. New YorkC. LondonD. PortsmothA 54. Magwitch works hard in ______ to make Pip a gentleman.A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. BritainD. The United StatesB 55.“ Art for art’ s sake” expresses the prevailing literary philosophy of ________.A. Alfred Lord TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Oscar WildeD. George Bernard ShawD 56. Oscar Wilde was the author of the following works except ________.A. The Picture of Dorian GrayB. Salom éC. Lady Windermere’ s FanD. My Fair LadyD 57. In The Importance of Being Earnest, ________.A. Algernon is Cecily’ s guardianB. Jack is Gwendolen’ s cousinC. Algernon invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Jack invents a patient called BunburyD.Jack invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Algernon invents a patient called BunburyA. EnglandB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. WalesC 59. ____is Oscar Wilde’ s only novel.A. Lady Windermere’ s FanB. A Woman of No ImportanceC. The Picture of Dorian GrayD. The Importance of Being EarnestC 60. James Joyce was born in ________.A. EdinburghB. LondonC. DublinD. ParisD 61. Joyce’ s short story“ Araby” is characterized by the following except ________.A. realistic descriptionB. symbolic detailsC. epiphanyD. excitement of the plotC 62. Both Virginia Woolf and Jame Joyce died in _________.A. 1939B. 1940C. 1941D. 1942B 63. ____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to complete.A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 64. ____ is a collection of short stories which reflect three aspects of life in politics, culture and religion.A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC.Finnegans Wake D. DublinersD 65. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the _______.A. external worldB. public life of an individualC. social activities of human beingsD. inner life of an individualA 66.Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence?A. The Waste LandB. The RainbowC. Lady Chatterley’ s LoverD.Women in LoveD 67. According to D. H. Lawrence, the ____is the most responsible for the alienation of the human relationshipsand the perversion of human personality.A. pride of the aristocratic classB. vanity of the middle classC. man ’ s desire for power and moneyD. capitalist mechanical civilizationA 68. ____ is D. H. Lawrence-autographical’ssemi novel.A. Sons and LoversB. Women in LoveC. RainbowD. Lady Chatterlay’ s LoverB 69. William Faulkner is the author of ______.A. Far From the Madding CrowdB. Sound and FuryC. For Whom the Bell TollsD. Scarlet LetterC 70. Robert Frost is a famous_______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. literary criticD 71. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________.A. Jack LondonB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ColeridgeD. Earnest HemingwayC 73. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.A. AllegoryB. ConflictC. IronyD. FlashbackB 74. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______.A. NatureB. WaldenC. ExperienceD. EssaysA 75. Mark Twain shaped the world’ s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature.A. American folk humorB. funny jokesC. English folkloreD. American valuesD 76. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War?A. Fennimore CooperB. Nathaniel HawthornC. Walt WhitmanD. Washington IrvingC 77. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. John F. KennedyC. Martin Luther KingD. Ralph Waldo EmersonC 78. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?A. This is my letter to the worldB. I heard a Fly buzz—when I diedC. This is just to sayD. Because I could not stop for deathB 79. Eugene O’ Neil is an American ______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. essayistA 80. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States.A. Age of RealismB. Age of ClassicalismC. Age of RomanticismD. Age of RenaissanceC 81. With“ Collected Poems” , ______won the second Pulitzer Prize.A. Ezra PondB. e. e. cummingsC. Robert FrostD. William Cullen BryantB 82. Grass is a poem written by _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Carl SandburgC. Langston HughesD. Allen GinsbergB 83. Moby Dick is the most important work by ______.A. Jack LondonB. Herman MelvilleC. Sinclair LewisD. Ralph EllisonC 84. O. Henry earned his fame mainly for his ______.A. novelsB. poemsC. short storiesD. dramasB 85. ______ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.A. Tender Is the NightB. Anna ChristieC. The Beautiful and DammedD. The Great GatsbyB 86. The American literature in modern period is divided into two parts by the event of ______.A. the expatriate movementB. the Great DepressionC. the First World WarD. the Second World WarC 87. Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreiser’ s Trilogy of Desire?A. The TitanB. The FinancierC. The“ Genius”D. The StoicD 88. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to ______for his“ mastery of the art of modern n A. William Faulkner B. John SteinbeckC. Saul BellowD. Earnest HemingwayD 89. Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of _______work.A. romanticB. classicC. neo-classicD. naturalisticA 90. The Octopus is written by ________.A. Frank NorrisB. Sherwood AndersonC. Willa CatherD. Stephen CraneC 91. James Baldwin’ s most famous short story is _______.A. A Rose for EmilyB. The Story of an HourC. Sonny’ s BluesD. A Clean, Well-lighted PlaceC 92. ________wrote several novels with the name of“ Rabbit” .A. Arthur MillerB. Thomas PynchonC. John UpdikeD. Wallace StevensA 93. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by ______.A. Robert FrostB. LongfellowC. Ezra PondD. Carl SandburgA 94. “ God help them that help themselves” is found in ______’ s work.A. FranklinB. FreneauC. JeffersonD. PaineC 95. T. S. Eliot’ s most famous long poem is ______.A. The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockB. A Boy’ s WillC. The Waste LandD. The Golden BoughA 96. Daisy Miller is a great work by _____.A. Henry JamesB. Mark TwainC. DreiserD. StoweD 97. Hester is a character in ______.A. Gone with the WindB. The Fall of the House of UsherC. BabbittD. Scarlet LetterC 98. Jack London’ s ______is his patently autobiographical novel.A. The Call of the Wild b. The Sea WolfC. Martin Eden d. The Iron HeelB 99. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain’ s _______.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Life on the MississippiD. The Prince and the PauperC 100. O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Benjamin FranklinC. Abraham LincolnD.Martin Luther King。

英美文学问答题1. What are the main features of the romance in the Middle Age?The romance was the prevailing form of literature in the Middle Ages. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero, Its essential features are:1. It lacks general resemblance to truth or reality.2. It exaggerates the vices of human nature and idealizes the virtues.3. It contains perilous adventures more or less remote from ordinary life.4. It lays emphasis on supreme devotion to a fair lady.5. The central character of the romance is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons. He is commonly described as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournaments, or fighting for his lord in battle. He is devoted to the church and the king.2. What characterizes James Joyce’s Ulysses?a. James Joyce’s Ulysses is famous for its using of stream of consciousness.b. The whole book is about one day, and the events of the day are trivial, insign ificant, or even banal. However, this reveals the true movement of human beings’ real mental activity like a stream.c. It seems to be desultory, fragmental, but beneath the surface of the events, the natural flow of mental reflections, the shifting moods and impulses in the character’s inner world are richly presented in an unprecedentedly frank and penetratingway.3. Significance of The Canterbury Talesa. Chaucer’s masterpiece The C anterbury Tales is the first to present a comprehensive and realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in his masterpiece. It ranks as one of the greatest poetic works in English literature.b. Chaucer made a great contribution to English poetry by introducing from France the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace the old English alliterative verse. It was he who used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which was later called the “heroic couplet”.c. Chaucer was the first to write in current English language. Though drawing influence from French, Italian and Latin models he did much in making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English language.d. In his works Chaucer artistic lever developed his characterization to a higher artistic lever bu presenting characters with both typical qualities and individual dispositions. That is why John Dryden called him the Father of English Poetry.4. What is Renaissances?The Renaissance refers to the transitional period from the medieval to the modern world. It first started in Italy in the14th century. The Renaissance means rebirth or revival. It was stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek classics, the new discoveries in geography and astrology, the religious reformation, and the economic expansion. Humanism is the essence of Renaissance. The English Renaissance did not begin until the reign of Henry VIII. It was regarded as England’s Go lden Age, especially inliterature. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. This period produced such literary giants as Shakespeare, Spenser, Marlowe, Bacon, etc.5. What is the theme of Elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray?a. Elegy written in a country churchyard is recognized as Thomas Gray’s best and most representativework.b. In this poem, Gray reflects on death, the sorrows of life, and the mysteries of human life with a touch of his personal melancholy, the poet compares the ordinary people with the great ones, wondering what the commons could have achieved if they had had the chance.c. Here he reveals his sympathy for the poor and the unknown, but scorns the great ones who despise the poor and bring havoc on them.6. What is the theme of Ode to a Grecian Urn by Keats?a. The ode was written in May 1819, almost at the same time as “Ode to a Nightingale”, out of collection of memor y of several visits to exhibition.b. Here the poet gives his comment on a Greek vase which, as a relic of ancient culture, has caught his imagination. On the surface of the vase there is an ornamental band of sculpture with figures of trees, pipes, and lovers on it. Though there are quiet forms, they possess and convey the beauty, the significance and the eternity of art, which appealed to Keats. So at the end of the poem, the poet emphasizes the relationship between beauty and truth: “Beauty is truth, and truth beauty”, thus declaring his worship of beauty, esp. in the field of art.c.Theme: It shows the contrast between the permanence ofart and the transience of human passion.7. What’s the symbolic meaning of Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind?a. this is o ne of Shelley’s best known lyrics. The poet describes vividly the act ivities of the west wind on the earth, in the sky and on the sea and expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the west wind and his wishes to be free like it and to scatter his words among the mankind. The celebrated final line of the poem, “If wint er comes, can spring be far behind?” has often been cited to illustrate Shelley’s optimistic belief in the future of mankind. In the 1st stanza, Shelley uses the seasonal cycle in nature as a continuing process of universal death and regeneration.b. it expresses Shelley’s optimistic belief that the old world must go, a new world must come with the spring, laden with fresh sweet promises for suffering humanity. It anticipates the political triumphc. the poet asks the wind to work in him, restoring him to spiritual health and creative vigorThe first stanza( 1-14) describes the power of the west wind and its double role as both destroyer and preserver. Line 14 sums up the wind’s two basic characteristics, which also constitute the thematic focus of the poem.The second stanza(15-28) focuses on the adumbration of the wind’s power driving clouds before it and bringing storms with it with lightning, rain, fire and hall. It also describes its destructive aspect of “closing night” enveloping all under its dome of a vast tomb.The third stanza talks about the wind’s impact upon the sea, its first touching on the calm of the Mediterranean, and then onthe turbulence of the Atlantic. The Mediterranean sleeps in serenity in the summer but it waken up by the wind to see the quivering of the shadows of ancient palaces and towers and the Atlantic cleaving asunder into gigantic chasms.The fourth expresses the poet’s emotional response to the west wind. The poet says to the wind that he wishes to be spirited away like the leaves, to dance like the clouds, to breathe like the waves, and enjoy a share of the wind’s strength like the storm though with a lesser degree of freedom of movement.The last expresse s both the poet’s request for the wind to help spread the words of his poem “among the mankind” and wake it up from its deep stupor and his prophecy that spring will come in the wake of winter. The poem ends upon a note of confidence and hope.。

英美文学史考试试题一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 30 分)1、以下哪部作品是英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·华兹华斯的代表作?()A 《唐璜》B 《抒情歌谣集》C 《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》D 《西风颂》2、美国作家海明威的作品常常体现出“冰山理论”,以下哪部作品最能体现这一理论?()A 《永别了,武器》B 《老人与海》C 《太阳照样升起》D 《丧钟为谁而鸣》3、英国作家简·奥斯汀的小说以细腻的人物刻画和对婚姻爱情的探讨著称,她的哪部作品被多次改编成电影?()A 《爱玛》B 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》C 《傲慢与偏见》D 《理智与情感》4、以下哪一位是美国浪漫主义时期的重要作家?()A 马克·吐温B 爱伦·坡C 惠特曼D 以上都是5、英国诗人 TS艾略特的《荒原》属于哪种文学流派?()A 象征主义B 表现主义C 意识流D 荒诞派6、以下哪部作品是英国批判现实主义作家狄更斯的代表作?()A 《大卫·科波菲尔》B 《呼啸山庄》C 《简·爱》D 《名利场》7、美国作家福克纳的作品多以南方为背景,他的哪部作品讲述了一个家族的兴衰?()A 《喧哗与骚动》B 《我弥留之际》C 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》D 以上都是8、英国诗人约翰·弥尔顿的哪部作品取材于《圣经》?()A 《失乐园》B 《复乐园》C 《力士参孙》D 以上都是9、以下哪一位是美国现代主义作家?()A 菲茨杰拉德B 德莱塞C 斯坦贝克D 以上都是10、英国女作家勃朗特姐妹的作品包括()A 《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》B 《爱玛》和《傲慢与偏见》C 《理智与情感》和《曼斯菲尔德庄园》D 《名利场》和《大卫·科波菲尔》二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 30 分)1、请简要分析莎士比亚悲剧作品的艺术特色。

英美文学考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 英国文学史上被称为“英国诗歌之父”的诗人是:A. 乔叟B. 莎士比亚C. 弥尔顿D. 拜伦答案:A2. 下列哪部作品不是简·奥斯汀的小说?A. 《傲慢与偏见》B. 《理智与情感》C. 《简·爱》D. 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》答案:C3. 美国文学中,被誉为“美国文学之父”的作家是:A. 爱伦·坡B. 马克·吐温C. 华盛顿·欧文D. 亨利·詹姆斯答案:C4. 以下哪位作家是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 狄更斯B. 哈代C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 简·奥斯汀答案:C5. 美国文学中的“迷惘的一代”是指:A. 第一次世界大战后的作家群体B. 第二次世界大战后的作家群体C. 独立战争后的作家群体D. 内战后的作家群体答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 威廉·莎士比亚的四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和________。
答案:《麦克白》2. 《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家________创作的一部以20世纪20年代的纽约为背景的小说。
答案:F·司各特·菲茨杰拉德3. 英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·华兹华斯与________共同发起了浪漫主义诗歌运动。
答案:塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治4. 美国诗人沃尔特·惠特曼的代表作是________,它被认为是美国文学史上的里程碑。
答案:《草叶集》5. 英国现代主义诗人T.S.艾略特的代表作《荒原》是一首________诗。
答案:长三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述乔治·奥威尔的《1984》中“老大哥”的象征意义。

B 1. The Canterbury Tales was written in ________.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Current Modern EnglishB 2. Pilgrims travel to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury in ________.A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. JuneC 3. ________ pilgrims plus Chaucer are assembled at the Tabard Inn in the southern part of London.A. 25B. 27C. 29D. 31C 4. Chaucer was a master of the heroic couplet which consists of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter means____________.A. the line has 6 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.B. the line has 6 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.C. the line has 5 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.D. the line has 5 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.B 5.The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely___. A. Willia m Langland’s Piers the Plowman B. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury TalesC. John Gower’s Confessio AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD 6.Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are _________A. Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Lear, Timon of AthensB. Twelfth Night, Cynbeline, The Winter’s Tale, and The TempestC. Hamlet, Othello, King John, and MacbethD. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and MacbethC7. Romeo and Juliet belongs to Shakespeare’s ________.A. romantic comedyB. comedyC. tragedyD. historical playsC 8. A sonnet is a poem of ________ lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to a certain definite patterns.A. 8B. 6C. 14D. 24A9. Which of the following plays does NOT belong to Shakespeare’s great comedies?A. Henry VB. The Merchant of VeniceC. A Midsummer Night’s Dre amD. The Winter’s TaleC10. Which of the following poetic forms is the principle form of Shakespeare’s drama?A. lyricB. sonnetC. blank verseD. quatrainC11. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ___. A. comedies B. tragediesC. sonnetsD. historiesB12. In “ Sonnet 18 ” ,Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _____ and the eternal__________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves .A. death/ lifeB. time / beautyC. death/ loveD. hate / loveC13. Which of the following statements best illustrate the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?A. The speaker eulogizes the power of nature.B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D. The speaker meditates on man’s salvationC14. _____is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s art.A. Romeo and JulietB. The Comedy of ErrorsC. HamletD. The TempestB 15. The story of Hamlet takes place in ________.A. EnglandB. DenmarkC. ItalyD. GermanyC 16.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A.Joseph AddisonB. Richard SteeleC.William BlakeD.Alexander popeA 17. Joseph Addison,Richard Steele and Alexander pope belonged to the school of _____.A .classicism B. romanticismC .realism D. modernismB 18. The ___ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century .A. RenaissanceB. EnlightenmentC. Religious ReformationD. Chartist MovementD 19. In addition to The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Defoe also wrote ______.A. Tom JonesB. PamelaC. The Adventures of Roderick RandomD. Moll FlandersC 20. Which of the following is not taken into consideration when Robinson Crusoe looks for a place to set up his tent: ______.A. health and fresh waterB. shelter from the heat of the sunC. a lot of treesD. a view to the seaC 21. Robinson Crusoe set foot upon the island in ______ of 1659.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterB 22. Which of the following is NOT true about Robinson Crusoe?A. It is written in the autobiographical form.B. It is a record of Defoe’s own experiences.C. Robinson spends 28 years of isolated life on the island.D. It is set in the middle of the 17th centuryC 23.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A .Joseph AddisonB .Richard SteeleC .William BlakeD .Alexander popeB 24. “The Lamb” is included in William Blake’s ________.A. Poetical SketcheB. The Songs of InnocenceC. The Songs of ExperienceD. The Marriage of Heaven and HellC 25.Robert Burns came from ________.A. EnglandB. WalesC. ScotlandD. IrelandB 26. Authors and poems are correctly paired in all of the following except ________.A. William Wordsworth—“The Solitary Reaper”B. William Blake—“A Red, Red Rose”C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge—“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”D. Robert Burns—“The Tree of Liberty”D 27. “Auld Lang Syne” means ________.A. old sonB. old acquaintanceC. long friendshipD. long agoD 28. The Lake Poets include the following except ________.A. Robert SoutheyB. William WordsworthC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. William BlakeB 29. William Wordswoth is frequently referred to as ________.A. a religious poetB. a worshipper of natureC. a modern poetD. a worshipper of beautyD 30. Lyrical Ballads (1798. was a collection of poems by ________.A. James Thomson and William CollinsB. Thomas Gray and Robert BurnsC. Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon ByronD. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD 31. Byron wrote the following except ________.A. Childe Harold’s PilgrimageB. ManfredC. Don JuanD. The Revolt of IslamC32. The description of “a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection” may be applied to ________.A. an epic heroB. an antiheroC. a Byronic heroD. a modern heroC 33. In “Ode to the West Wind”, the wild west wind is referred to as the wind of ________.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterD 34. John Keats wrote the following except ______.A. EndymionB. The Eve of Saint AgnessC. "Ode to a Nightingale"D. "Ode to Duty"B 35. Jane Austen’s first novel was ________.A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Sense and SensibilityC. EmmaD. Mansfield ParkD 36. The following characters are correctly paired according to the works in which they appear except ________.A. Elizabeth—Pride and PrejudiceB. Mr. Knightley—EmmaC. Catherine—Northanger AbbeyD. Elinor—Mansfield ParkD 37. One of the importan t themes of Jane Austen’s novels is ________.A. warB. urban lifeC. educationD. marriageC 38. The phrase “a single man in possession of a good fortune” is applied to a single man wi th ________.A. luckB. statusC. wealthD. healthD 39. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend ____ appeared. And it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realismA 40. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of ____ .A. novelB. dramaC. poetryD. sonnetB 41. The following are frequently referred to as the Victorian realist novelists except ______.A. Charles DickenB. Jane AustenC. George EliotD. Anthony TrollopeC 42. ____ is the greatest representative of English critical realism.A. Jane AustenB. ThackerayC. DickensD. CharlotteD 43 .Charles Dickens was impressive for his _____.A. wide spread of critical realismB. his spirit of democracy and humanismC. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear languageD. including A, B and CD 44. Which of the following is Thackeray’s masterpiece?A. The VirginiansB. The Books of SnobsC. The NewcomesD. Vanity FairC45. The story of ______ deals with the adventures of a retired old merchant.A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick PapersD. Oliver TwistA46. ______ made Dickens famous overnight.A. Sketches by Boz B .The Pickwick PapersC. Oliver TwistD. The Old Curiosity ShopB 47. Which novel makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education?A. Oliver TwistB. Hard TimesC. Great ExpectationsD. A Tale of Two CitiesC 48. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher society regardless of the social reality?A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationD. Dombey and SonB49._____ is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dickens in which the early life of the hero is largely based on the author’s early life.A. The Curiosity ShopB. David CopperfieldC. Oliver TwistD. Great ExpectationsC 50. In 1864, Dickens published his last complete novel _______.A. The Old Curiosity ShopB. The Pickwick PaperC. Our Mutual FriendD. Little DorritD 51. Dickens’ third literary period sho ws intensifying ______.A. optimismB. excitementC. irritationD. pessimismC 52. The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities refer to ______.A. London and BerlinB. London and New YorkC. London and ParisD. London and TokyoC 53. Dickens’ writing is an encyclopedic knowledge of _____.A. ParisB. New YorkC. LondonD. PortsmothA 54. Magwitch works hard in ______ to make Pip a gentleman.A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. BritainD. The United StatesB 55. “Art for art’s sake” expresses the prevailing literary philosophy of ________.A. Alfred Lord TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Oscar WildeD. George Bernard ShawD 56. Oscar Wilde was the author of the following works except ________.A. The Picture of Dorian GrayB. SaloméC. Lady Windermere’s FanD. My Fair LadyD 57. In The Importance of Being Earnest, ________.A. Algernon is Cecily’s guar dianB. Jack is Gwendolen’s cousinC. Algernon invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Jack invents a patient called BunburyD. Jack invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Algernon invents a patient called BunburyC 58. Both Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw came from ________.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. WalesC 59. ____is Oscar Wilde’s only novel.A. Lady Windermere’s FanB. A Woman of No ImportanceC. The Picture of Dorian GrayD. The Importance of Being EarnestC 60. James Joyce was born in ________.A. EdinburghB. LondonC. DublinD. ParisD 61. Joyce’s short story “Araby” is characterized by the following except ________.A. realistic descriptionB. symbolic detailsC. epiphanyD. excitement of the plotC 62. Both Virginia Woolf and Jame Joyce died in _________.A. 1939B. 1940C. 1941D. 1942B 63. ____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to complete.A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 64. ____ is a collection of short stories which reflect three aspects of life in politics, culture and religion.A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 65. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the _______.A. external worldB. public life of an individualC. social activities of human beingsD. inner life of an individualA 66.Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence?A. The Waste LandB. The RainbowC. Lady Chatterley’s LoverD. Women in LoveD 67. According to D. H. Lawrence, the ____is the most responsible for the alienation of the human relationships and the perversion of human personality.A. pride of the aristocratic classB. vanity of the middle classC. man’s desire for power and moneyD. capitalist mechanical civilizationA 68. ____ is D. H. Lawrence’s semi-autographical novel.A. Sons and LoversB. Women in LoveC. RainbowD. Lady Chatterlay’s LoverB 69. William Faulkner is the author of ______.A. Far From the Madding CrowdB. Sound and FuryC. For Whom the Bell TollsD. Scarlet LetterC 70. Robert Frost is a famous_______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. literary criticD 71. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________.A. Jack LondonB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ColeridgeD. Earnest HemingwayC 73. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.A. AllegoryB. ConflictC. IronyD. FlashbackB 74. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______.A. NatureB. WaldenC. ExperienceD. EssaysA 75. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature.A. American folk humorB. funny jokesC. English folkloreD. American valuesD 76. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War?A. Fennimore CooperB. Nathaniel HawthornC. Walt WhitmanD. Washington IrvingC 77. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. John F. KennedyC. Martin Luther KingD. Ralph Waldo EmersonC 78. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?A. This is my letter to the worldB. I heard a Fly buzz—when I diedC. This is just to sayD. Because I could not stop for deathB 79. Eugene O’Neil is an American ______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. essayistA 80. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States.A. Age of RealismB. Age of ClassicalismC. Age of RomanticismD. Age of RenaissanceC 81. With “Collected Poems”, ______won the second Pulitzer Prize.A. Ezra PondB. e. e. cummingsC. Robert FrostD. William Cullen BryantB 82. Grass is a poem written by _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Carl SandburgC. Langston HughesD. Allen GinsbergB 83. Moby Dick is the most important work by ______.A. Jack LondonB. Herman MelvilleC. Sinclair LewisD. Ralph EllisonC 84. O. Henry earned his fame mainly for his ______.A. novelsB. poemsC. short storiesD. dramasB 85. ______ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.A. Tender Is the NightB. Anna ChristieC. The Beautiful and DammedD. The Great GatsbyB 86. The American literature in modern period is divided into two parts by the event of ______.A. the expatriate movementB. the Great DepressionC. the First World WarD. the Second World WarC 87. Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire?A. The TitanB. The FinancierC. The “Genius”D. The StoicD 88. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to ______for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”.A. William FaulknerB. John SteinbeckC. Saul BellowD. Earnest HemingwayD 89. Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of _______work.A. romanticB. classicC. neo-classicD. naturalisticA 90. The Octopus is written by ________.A. Frank NorrisB. Sherwood AndersonC. Willa CatherD. Stephen CraneC 91. James Baldwin’s most famous short story is _______.A. A Rose for EmilyB. The Story of an HourC. Sonn y’s BluesD. A Clean, Well-lighted PlaceC 92. ________wrote several novels with the name of “Rabbit”.A. Arthur MillerB. Thomas PynchonC. John UpdikeD. Wallace StevensA 93. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by ______.A. Robert FrostB. LongfellowC. Ezra PondD. Carl SandburgA 94. “God help them that help themselves” is found in ______’s work.A. FranklinB. FreneauC. JeffersonD. PaineC 95. T. S. Eliot’s most famous long poem is ______.A. The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockB. A Boy’s WillC. The Waste LandD. The Golden BoughA 96. Daisy Miller is a great work by _____.A. Henry JamesB. Mark TwainC. DreiserD. StoweD 97. Hester is a character in ______.A. Gone with the WindB. The Fall of the House of UsherC. BabbittD. Scarlet LetterC 98. Jack London’s ______is his patently autobiographical novel.A. The Call of the Wild b. The Sea WolfC. Martin Eden d. The Iron HeelB 99. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain’s _______.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Life on the MississippiD. The Prince and the PauperC 100. O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Benjamin FranklinC. Abraham LincolnD. Martin Luther King。

A1r X t M R^o m^1.During the British Civil War, the support era or the king were tailedA. Cavaliers.B. merchants.C. Roundheads.D. Scots.2.In the lute 17lh century, he most famous writers wereA. John Bunyan and Julio Milton.B. Julio Runyan and John Donne,C. John Donne and John Milton,D. John Donne and Francis Baton.3.The Renaissance began in in l!ie early 14th century,A. BritainB. Italy C, France [). Greece4.British English is spoken inA. Great Britain. It. Australia.C. New Zealand,D. A, B, and C.5.Raising one's open hand with palm down lo one's throat means " _________________________ " in F.np-lish culture,A. Shame on you.B. Fjn full,C, Kill yourself. D. You're shurter than 1, t>. __ River (lows through New Ynrk Stale and into New York Cily.A. The Mississippi B, The Rio Grand C. TJn- OhioI). The Hudson7.Which group or words belongs to the close class?A. Adjectives.B. Adverbs.C. Prepositions.D. Nouns,8.Speech act theory is an important theory in the study of language.A. semanticB. pragmaticC. phoneticD. morphological9.John Firth, Malinotvski and Halliday are the representatives of ____________________ School,known us Functional Linguistics.A. Prague SchoolB. Copenhagen SchoolC. London School I). Behaviorism School10.The novel Pride and Prejudice was written by the famous woman writer A. Charlotte Bronte. B. Emily Bronte.C. Jane Austen. D, Jane Eyre.11.The Wars of Roses was ended by who destroyed the forces of the two sidesof the wan;, and the feudal basis of society was completely broken,A. Henry BB. Henry VIIC. Henry V10 1). Henry' IV12.A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is calledA. hamburger.B. sandwich.C. salad.I). pudding.14!3. The first known settlers of Britain wereA. the Jutes. B, ihe Celts.C. the Saxons.D. the Iherians.14.Ireland is called the Emerald Isle for its rich green countryside, hut politically it is divided into two parts;A.Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland.B.Southern Ireland ami the Republic of Ireland.C.the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.D.Northern Ireland and Britain.15.Hawthorne generally concerned himself with such issues as __________________________ in his fictions.A. the evil in man's heartB. the material pursuitC. the racial conflictD. the social inequality16.All his novels reveal that, as time went on, Mark Twain became increasingly A. prolific. B. urtistie.C. optimistic,D. pessimistic.17.The English Renaissance period was an age ofA. poetry and drama. R. drama and novel. C. novel and poetry. D. romance and poetry.18.Most embedded clauses require an introductory word called a suborclinator, such as "that, until,l>efore. and so nn.A. soB. ifC. forD. but19.The most obvious ami rapid change in the development of a language takes place in the area ofA. pronunciation, R. vocabulary. C. grammar. 0. speech. 20."Lead( inetal) " and "lead( dog's head)" art; spelt in the same way, bill pronounced differently. This kind of sense relation is calledA. polysemy.B. antonymy.C. homonymy.D. hyponymy.21.The Grand Canyon, carved by the Colorado River, in northwestern i is one of nature's most impressive sights.A. UtahB. ArizonaC. Nevada 0, Oregon22.Of all the symbols. which are considered to represent fertility and new life, are those most frequently associated with Easier,A. the pumpkin and the turkey R. the lamb and the beefC. the spring peas and the potatoes D, the egg and ihe rabbi I23.The Tories arc the forerunners of , which still bears the nickname today.A. the Labour PartyB. the Liberal PartyC. liie Social Democratic PartyD. the Conservative Party24.The heir to the English throne is named the , which was initiated byEdward I in 1301.A. Prince of ScotlandB. Prince of EnglandC. Prince of WalesD. Prince of Northern Ireland25.Whitman's poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPTA.the strict poetic form.B.the free and natural rhythm.C.the easy flow of feelings.D.the simple and conversational language.26.T he 18th century witnessed a new literaryform—the ()modern English novel, which is contrary to the medieval romance, gives a presentation of life of the common people.A. romanticB. realisticC. propheticD. idealistic。

英美文学考试试题一、选择题1、以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的悲剧代表作?()A 《仲夏夜之梦》B 《威尼斯商人》C 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》D 《第十二夜》2、简·奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,女主人公伊丽莎白最终与谁结为夫妻?()A 达西先生B 威克姆先生C 宾利先生D 柯林斯先生3、以下哪位诗人是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物?()A 华兹华斯B 雪莱C 拜伦D 以上都是4、美国作家海明威的小说《老人与海》中,老渔夫最终捕到的鱼是什么?()A 金枪鱼B 马林鱼C 鳕鱼D 鲸鱼5、英国作家狄更斯的小说《双城记》,其“双城”指的是哪两座城市?()A 伦敦和巴黎B 纽约和波士顿C 柏林和慕尼黑D 莫斯科和圣彼得堡二、填空题1、《哈姆雷特》中的经典台词“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”反映了主人公_____的内心挣扎。
“垮掉的一代”是 20 世纪 50 年代在美国出现的一个文学流派。

英美文学试题及答案### 英美文学试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的代表作?A. 《悲惨世界》B. 《哈姆雷特》C. 《安娜·卡列尼娜》D. 《了不起的盖茨比》答案:B2. 爱伦·坡的哪部短篇小说被誉为哥特式恐怖小说的经典之作?A. 《黑猫》B. 《红死病的假面舞会》C. 《乌鸦》D. 《告密的心》答案:B3. 以下哪位作家是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 乔治·奥威尔C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 马克·吐温答案:C#### 二、填空题4. 英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·华兹华斯在其作品《_______》中表达了对自然的热爱和对简单生活的向往。
答案:《抒情歌谣集》5. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的悲剧性结局反映了20世纪20年代美国社会的一种_______。
答案:幻灭#### 三、简答题6. 简述《简·爱》中简·爱的独立精神。
7. 描述《老人与海》中老渔夫桑地亚哥的形象。

1. The river Thames is in _c____.A WalesB ScotlandC EnglandD Northern Ireland2. The Industrial Revolution started in __a___.A the Great BritainB the United StatesC CanadaD Australia3. Big Ben was named after _b____.A Christopher WrenB Benjamin HallC Ben JohnD G. Stephenson4. The most popular sport in America is __a___.A. baseballB. basketballC. football5. There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and __c___.A the Liberal PartyB the Democratic PartyC the Labour PartyD the Republican Party6. Most British couples go to ___a__ to have their wedding ceremony.A. churchB. concertC. registry office7. British food is __c___.A. unlimitedB. abundantC. limitedD. changeable8. The British people usually have a small quantity of ___a__ as a first course.A. soupB. sweetC. vegetable9. What the Englishmen usually talk about in their daily life is __c___.A. priceB. taxC. weatherD. sports10. The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on__a___.A. horse racingB. BingoC. football poolsD. dog racing11. ___a__ is basically a home and family festival.A. ChristmasB. Boxing DayC. Easter Monday12. Wages mean a payment usually of money for labour or services according to contractand on the following basis except __c___.A. hourlyB. dailyC. monthlyD. piecework13. The British people traditionally like to live in ____b_.A. high buildingsB. small housesC. big houses14. England occupies the ___c__ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C.southern15. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is __b___.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland16. Britain is basically an importer of __d___.A. foodB. raw materialsC. manufacturesD. both A and B17. The second largest port in Britain is __c___. A. London B. Belfast C. Liverpool18.The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _d____.A. limitation of immigrationB. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rateD. unemployment19. Ernest Hemingway is __b___.A EnglishmanB AmericanC DutchD Denmark20. In which day is Halloween celebrated?bA 5 NovemberB 31 OctoberC 17 MarchD 25 December21. The U.S. is cal led a “melting pot” because __d___.A its steel industry is highly developedB it has great influence on the worldC it is an important economic center of the worldD people from different races live there together22. American Independence Day fall on __a___.A. the 4th of JulyB. October 31stC. March 20th23. The general election in America is held every __b___ years.A. 5B. 4C. 6D. 324. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is __a___.A. donkeyB. elephantC. eagle25. The symbol of the US Republic Party is __b___.A. tigerB. elephantC. donkey26. Thanksgiving Day is originated in __b___.A. EnglandB. AmericaC. ScotlandD. Canada27. Marriage in America is considered __d___.A. more important to the parentsB. a pure religious affairC. rather burdensomeD. a pure individual matter28. __b___ American young people live independently after marriage.A. HalfB. MostC. Some29. The rate of divorce in America ranks __c___ in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. firstD. fourth30. The popular foods in America include the following except __d___.A. hamburgersB. hot dogsC. breadD. rice。

试题范围一.填空题1. The river Thames is in __C___.A WalesB ScotlandC EnglandD Northern Ireland2. The Industrial Revolution started in ___A__.A the Great BritainB the United StatesC CanadaD Australia3. Big Ben was named after __B___.A Christopher WrenB Benjamin HallC Ben JohnD G. Stephenson4. The most popular sport in America is __A___.A. baseballB. basketballC. football5. Most British couples go to __A__ to have their wedding ceremony.A. churchB. concertC. registry office6. The British people usually have a small quantity of __A___ as a first course.A. soupB. sweetC. vegetable7. What the Englishmen usually talk about in their daily life is _D__.A. priceB. taxC. weatherD. Sports8. The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on __A__.A. horse racingB. BingoC. football poolsD. dog racing9. ___A__ is basically a home and family festival.A. ChristmasB. Boxing DayC. Easter Monday10. The British people traditionally like to live in __B___.A. high buildingsB. small housesC. big houses11.England occupies the __C___ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern12. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is __B___.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland13.The second largest port in Britain is __C__.A. LondonB. BelfastC. Liverpool14.The decrease of British population is caused by the following except __D___.A. limitation of immigrationB. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rateD. unemployment15. Ernest Hemingway is __B___.A EnglishmanB AmericanC DutchD Denmark16. In which day is Halloween celebrated?BA 5 NovemberB 31 OctoberC 17 MarchD 25 December17. American Independence Day fall on __A___.A. the 4th of JulyB. October 31stC. March 20th18. The general election in America is held every __B___ years.A. 5B. 4C. 6D. 319. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is __A___.A. donkeyB. elephantC. eagle20. The symbol of the US Republic Party is __B___.A. tigerB. elephantC. Donkey21. Thanksgiving Day is originated in __B___.A. EnglandB. AmericaC. ScotlandD. Canada22. Marriage in America is considered ___D__.A. more important to the parentsB. a pure religious affairC. rather burdensomeD. a pure individual matter23. __B___ American young people live independently after marriage.A. HalfB. MostC. Some24. The rate of divorce in America ranks __C___ in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. firstD. fourth25. The popular foods in America include the following except __D___.A. hamburgersB. hot dogsC. breadD. rice二、问答题1.What are the two major parties in Britan?They are the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.2.What is the official full name of Britain?It is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.3.Who is the head of government in Ireland?It is the Prime Minister.4.Who is James Joyce?He is the most well-know Irish writer of the modern period.5.Who were the first Americans?They were the Indians.6.What kind of economic system does the United States have?It has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector.7.What is bilingualism?The phenomenon that English and French are the two official languages in Canada is called bilingualism8.What is the Canada Council?It is the Canadian Government’s funding agency.11.美国最重要的节日是什么;万圣节为几月几日?美国最重要的节日是圣诞节,万圣节每年的11月01日。

英美文学理论试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪位作家被认为是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 查尔斯·狄更斯B. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫C. 简·奥斯汀D. 威廉·莎士比亚答案:B2. 《了不起的盖茨比》的作者是谁?A. 欧内斯特·海明威B. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德C. 约翰·斯坦贝克D. 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔答案:B3. 在《简·爱》中,简·爱最终与谁结婚?A. 爱德华·罗切斯特B. 圣约翰·里弗斯C. 乔治·林恩D. 威廉·桑菲尔德答案:A4. 以下哪部作品不是亨利·詹姆斯的作品?A. 《贵妇人的画像》B. 《好兵之帅》C. 《白鲸》D. 《鸽翼》答案:C5. 以下哪位诗人不是浪漫主义诗人?A. 威廉·华兹华斯B. 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治C. 珀西·比希·雪莱D. 托马斯·哈代答案:D6. 《荒原》是哪位诗人的作品?A. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特B. 埃兹拉·庞德C. T.S.艾略特D. 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝答案:C7. 《呼啸山庄》的作者是谁?A. 艾米莉·勃朗特B. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特C. 安妮·勃朗特D. 乔治·艾略特答案:A8. 在《老人与海》中,老渔夫圣地亚哥最终捕获了什么?A. 一条大马林鱼B. 一条鲨鱼C. 一条金枪鱼D. 一条鲸鱼答案:A9. 《傲慢与偏见》的作者是谁?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 乔治·艾略特C. 勃朗特三姐妹D. 玛丽·雪莱答案:A10. 《尤利西斯》的作者是谁?A. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯B. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德C. 欧内斯特·海明威D. 威廉·福克纳答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些作品属于现代主义文学?A. 《好兵之帅》B. 《荒原》C. 《了不起的盖茨比》D. 《简·爱》答案:B, C2. 以下哪些作家属于维多利亚时代?A. 查尔斯·狄更斯B. 乔治·艾略特C. 托马斯·哈代D. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫答案:A, B, C3. 以下哪些作品是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的?A. 《达洛维夫人》B. 《到灯塔去》C. 《好兵之帅》D. 《贵妇人的画像》答案:A, B4. 以下哪些作品是亨利·詹姆斯的?A. 《好兵之帅》B. 《鸽翼》C. 《白鲸》D. 《贵妇人的画像》答案:A, B, D5. 以下哪些作家是19世纪的?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 威廉·华兹华斯C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 托马斯·哈代答案:A, B, D三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述现代主义文学的特点。
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B 1. The Canterbury Tales was written in ________.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Current Modern EnglishB 2. Pilgrims travel to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury in ________.A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. JuneC 3. ________ pilgrims plus Chaucer are assembled at the Tabard Inn in the southern part of London.A. 25B. 27C. 29D. 31C 4. Chaucer was a master of the heroic couplet which consists of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter means____________.A. the line has 6 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.B. the line has 6 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.C. the line has 5 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.D. the line has 5 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.B 5.The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely___. A. William Langland’s Piers the Plowman B. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury TalesC. John Gower’s Confessio AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD 6.Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are _________A. Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Lear, Timon of AthensB. Twelfth Night, Cynbeline, The Winter’s Tale, and The TempestC. Hamlet, Othello, King John, and MacbethD. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and MacbethC 7. Romeo and Juliet belongs to Shakespeare’s ________.A. romantic comedyB. comedyC. tragedyD. historical playsC 8. A sonnet is a poem of ________ lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to a certain definite patterns.A. 8B. 6C. 14D. 24A 9. Which of the following plays does NOT belong to Shakespeare’s great comedies?A. Henry VB. The Merchant of VeniceC. A Midsummer Night’s DreamD. The Winter’s TaleC 10. Which of the following poetic forms is the principle form of Shakespeare’s drama?A. lyricB. sonnetC. blank verseD. quatrainC 11. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ___. A. comedies B. tragediesC. sonnetsD. historiesB 12. In “ Sonnet 18 ” ,Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _____ and the eternal__________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves .A. death/ lifeB. time / beautyC. death/ loveD. hate / loveC13. Which of the following statements best illustrate the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?A. The speaker eulogizes the power of nature.B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D. The speaker meditates on man’s salvationC 14. _____is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s art.A. Romeo and JulietB. The Comedy of ErrorsC. HamletD. The TempestB 15. The story of Hamlet takes place in ________.A. EnglandB. DenmarkC. ItalyD. GermanyC 16.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A.Joseph AddisonB. Richard SteeleC.William BlakeD.Alexander popeA 17. Joseph Addison,Richard Steele and Alexander pope belonged to the school of _____.A .classicism B. romanticismC .realism D. modernismB 18. The ___ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century .A. RenaissanceB. EnlightenmentC. Religious ReformationD. Chartist MovementD 19. In addition to The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Defoe also wrote ______.A. Tom JonesB. PamelaC. The Adventures of Roderick RandomD. Moll FlandersC 20. Which of the following is not taken into consideration when Robinson Crusoe looks for a place to set up his tent: ______.A. health and fresh waterB. shelter from the heat of the sunC. a lot of treesD. a view to the seaC 21. Robinson Crusoe set foot upon the island in ______ of 1659.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterB 22. Which of the following is NOT true about Robinson Crusoe?A. It is written in the autobiographical form.B. It is a record of Defoe’s own experiences.C. Robinson spends 28 years of isolated life on the island.D. It is set in the middle of the 17th centuryC 23.The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____.A .Joseph AddisonB .Richard SteeleC .William BlakeD .Alexander popeB 24. “The Lamb” is included in William Blake’s ________.A. Poetical SketcheB. The Songs of InnocenceC. The Songs of ExperienceD. The Marriage of Heaven and HellC 25.Robert Burns came from ________.A. EnglandB. WalesC. ScotlandD. IrelandB 26. Authors and poems are correctly paired in all of the following except ________.A. William Wordsworth—“The Solitary Reaper”B. William Blake—“A Red, Red Rose”C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge—“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”D. Robert Burns—“The Tree of Liberty”D 27. “Auld Lang Syne” means ________.A. old sonB. old acquaintanceC. long friendshipD. long agoD 28. The Lake Poets include the following except ________.A. Robert SoutheyB. William WordsworthC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. William BlakeB 29. William Wordswoth is frequently referred to as ________.A. a religious poetB. a worshipper of natureC. a modern poetD. a worshipper of beautyD 30. Lyrical Ballads (1798. was a collection of poems by ________.A. James Thomson and William CollinsB. Thomas Gray and Robert BurnsC. Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon ByronD. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD 31. Byron wrote the following except ________.A. Childe Harold’s PilgrimageB. ManfredC. Don JuanD. The Revolt of IslamC32. The description of “a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection” may be applied to ________.A. an epic heroB. an antiheroC. a Byronic heroD. a modern heroC 33. In “Ode to the West Wind”, the wild west wind is referred to as the wind of ________.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winterD 34. John Keats wrote the following except ______.A. EndymionB. The Eve of Saint AgnessC. "Ode to a Nightingale"D. "Ode to Duty"B 35. Jane Austen’s first novel was ________.A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Sense and SensibilityC. EmmaD. Mansfield ParkD 36. The following characters are correctly paired according to the works in which they appear except ________.A. Elizabeth—Pride and PrejudiceB. Mr. Knightley—EmmaC. Catherine—Northanger AbbeyD. Elinor—Mansfield ParkD 37. One of the important themes of Jane Austen’s novels is ________.A. warB. urban lifeC. educationD. marriageC 38. The phrase “a single man in possession of a good fortune” is applied to a single man with ________.A. luckB. statusC. wealthD. healthD 39. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend ____ appeared. And it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realismA 40. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of ____ .A. novelB. dramaC. poetryD. sonnetB 41. The following are frequently referred to as the Victorian realist novelists except ______.A. Charles DickenB. Jane AustenC. George EliotD. Anthony TrollopeC 42. ____ is the greatest representative of English critical realism.A. Jane AustenB. ThackerayC. DickensD. CharlotteD 43 .Charles Dickens was impressive for his _____.A. wide spread of critical realismB. his spirit of democracy and humanismC. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear languageD. including A, B and CD 44. Which of the following is Thackeray’s masterpiece?A. The VirginiansB. The Books of SnobsC. The NewcomesD. Vanity FairC45. The story of ______ deals with the adventures of a retired old merchant.A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick PapersD. Oliver TwistA46. ______ made Dickens famous overnight.A. Sketches by Boz B .The Pickwick PapersC. Oliver TwistD. The Old Curiosity ShopB 47. Which novel makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education?A. Oliver TwistB. Hard TimesC. Great ExpectationsD. A Tale of Two CitiesC 48. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher society regardless of the social reality?A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationD. Dombey and SonB49._____ is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dickens in which the early life of the hero is largely based on the author’s early life.A. The Curiosity ShopB. David CopperfieldC. Oliver TwistD. Great ExpectationsC 50. In 1864, Dickens published his last complete novel _______.A. The Old Curiosity ShopB. The Pickwick PaperC. Our Mutual FriendD. Little DorritD 51. Dickens’ third literary period shows intensifying ______.A. optimismB. excitementC. irritationD. pessimismC 52. The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities refer to ______.A. London and BerlinB. London and New YorkC. London and ParisD. London and TokyoC 53. Dickens’ writing is an encyclopedic knowledge of _____.A. ParisB. New YorkC. LondonD. PortsmothA 54. Magwitch works hard in ______ to make Pip a gentleman.A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. BritainD. The United StatesB 55. “Art for art’s sake” expresses the prevailing literary philosophy of ________.A. Alfred Lord TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Oscar WildeD. George Bernard ShawD 56. Oscar Wilde was the author of the following works except ________.A. The Picture of Dorian GrayB. SaloméC. Lady Windermere’s FanD. My Fair LadyD 57. In The Importance of Being Earnest, ________.A. Algernon is Cecily’s guardianB. Jack is Gwendolen’s cousinC. Algernon invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Jack invents a patient called BunburyD. Jack invents a younger brother called Ernest, and Algernon invents a patient called BunburyC 58. Both Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw came from ________.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. WalesC 59. ____is Oscar Wilde’s only novel.A. Lady Windermere’s FanB. A Woman of No ImportanceC. The Picture of Dorian GrayD. The Importance of Being EarnestC 60. James Joyce was born in ________.A. EdinburghB. LondonC. DublinD. ParisD 61. Joyce’s short story “Araby” is characterized by the following except ________.A. realistic descriptionB. symbolic detailsC. epiphanyD. excitement of the plotC 62. Both Virginia Woolf and Jame Joyce died in _________.A. 1939B. 1940C. 1941D. 1942B 63. ____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to complete.A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 64. ____ is a collection of short stories which reflect three aspects of life in politics, culture and religion.A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. DublinersD 65. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the _______.A. external worldB. public life of an individualC. social activities of human beingsD. inner life of an individualA 66.Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence?A. The Waste LandB. The RainbowC. Lady Chatterley’s LoverD. Women in LoveD 67. According to D. H. Lawrence, the ____is the most responsible for the alienation of the human relationships and the perversion of human personality.A. pride of the aristocratic classB. vanity of the middle classC. man’s desire for power and moneyD. capitalist mechanical civilizationA 68. ____ is D. H. Lawrence’s semi-autographical novel.A. Sons and LoversB. Women in LoveC. RainbowD. Lady Chatterlay’s LoverB 69. William Faulkner is the author of ______.A. Far From the Madding CrowdB. Sound and FuryC. For Whom the Bell TollsD. Scarlet LetterC 70. Robert Frost is a famous_______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. literary criticD 71. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________.A. Jack LondonB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ColeridgeD. Earnest HemingwayC 73. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.A. AllegoryB. ConflictC. IronyD. FlashbackB 74. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______.A. NatureB. WaldenC. ExperienceD. EssaysA 75. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature.A. American folk humorB. funny jokesC. English folkloreD. American valuesD 76. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War?A. Fennimore CooperB. Nathaniel HawthornC. Walt WhitmanD. Washington IrvingC 77. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. John F. KennedyC. Martin Luther KingD. Ralph Waldo EmersonC 78. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?A. This is my letter to the worldB. I heard a Fly buzz—when I diedC. This is just to sayD. Because I could not stop for deathB 79. Eugene O’Neil is an American ______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. essayistA 80. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States.A. Age of RealismB. Age of ClassicalismC. Age of RomanticismD. Age of RenaissanceC 81. With “Collected Poems”, ______won the second Pulitzer Prize.A. Ezra PondB. e. e. cummingsC. Robert FrostD. William Cullen BryantB 82. Grass is a poem written by _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Carl SandburgC. Langston HughesD. Allen GinsbergB 83. Moby Dick is the most important work by ______.A. Jack LondonB. Herman MelvilleC. Sinclair LewisD. Ralph EllisonC 84. O. Henry earned his fame mainly for his ______.A. novelsB. poemsC. short storiesD. dramasB 85. ______ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.A. Tender Is the NightB. Anna ChristieC. The Beautiful and DammedD. The Great GatsbyB 86. The American literature in modern period is divided into two parts by the event of ______.A. the expatriate movementB. the Great DepressionC. the First World WarD. the Second World WarC 87. Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire?A. The TitanB. The FinancierC. The “Genius”D. The StoicD 88. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to ______for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”.A. William FaulknerB. John SteinbeckC. Saul BellowD. Earnest HemingwayD 89. Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of _______work.A. romanticB. classicC. neo-classicD. naturalisticA 90. The Octopus is written by ________.A. Frank NorrisB. Sherwood AndersonC. Willa CatherD. Stephen CraneC 91. James Baldwin’s most famous short story is _______.A. A Rose for EmilyB. The Story of an HourC. Sonny’s BluesD. A Clean, Well-lighted PlaceC 92. ________wrote several novels with the name of “Rabbit”.A. Arthur MillerB. Thomas PynchonC. John UpdikeD. Wallace StevensA 93. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by ______.A. Robert FrostB. LongfellowC. Ezra PondD. Carl SandburgA 94. “God help them that help themselves” is found in ______’s work.A. FranklinB. FreneauC. JeffersonD. PaineC 95. T. S. Eliot’s most famous long poem is ______.A. The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockB. A Boy’s WillC. The Waste LandD. The Golden BoughA 96. Daisy Miller is a great work by _____.A. Henry JamesB. Mark TwainC. DreiserD. StoweD 97. Hester is a character in ______.A. Gone with the WindB. The Fall of the House of UsherC. BabbittD. Scarlet LetterC 98. Jack London’s ______is his patently autobiographical novel.A. The Call of the Wild b. The Sea WolfC. Martin Eden d. The Iron HeelB 99. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain’s _______.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Life on the MississippiD. The Prince and the PauperC 100. O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _______.A. Walt WhitmanB. Benjamin FranklinC. Abraham LincolnD. Martin Luther King。