
1, summary ['sʌməri] adj.简易的; 扼要的n. 概要,摘要2, enforcement [in'fɔ:smənt] n. 执行,实施;强制3, summarise ['sʌməraiz] vt. 概括;相加4, smooth [smu:ð] adj.平稳的;顺利的vt.消除;缓和5, solemn ['sɔləm] adj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的6, hall [hɔ:l] n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍7, ingress ['inɡres] n. 进入;准许进入;入口;入境8, lords n. 上议院;上院议员9, enforcer [in'fɔ:sə] n. 实施者;强制执行者10, proverb ['prɔvə:b] n. 谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事11, prohibit [prəu'hibit] vt. 阻止,禁止12, spectator [spek'teitə, 'spekt-] n. 观众;旁观者13, installation [,instə'leiʃən] n. 安装,装置;就职14, grind [ɡraind] vt.磨快; 磨碎vi.折磨; 磨碎15, grand [ɡrænd] adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元16, summarization [,sʌmərai'zeiʃən, -ri'z-] n. 摘要;概要17, comply [kəm'plai] vi. 答应;遵守;顺从,遵从18, ingredient [in'ɡri:diənt] n.原料; 要素adj. 构成组成部分的19, prohibitive [prəu'hibitiv] adj. 禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;类同禁止的;过高的20, instable [in'steibl] adj. 不稳定的;不牢固的21, install [in'stɔ:l] vt. 任命;安装;安顿22, accelerate [ək'seləreit] vt.使……增速; 使……加快vi. 加速;促进;增加23, solemnity [sə'lemnəti] n. 严肃;庄严;一本正经24, association [ə,səusi'eiʃən, ə,səuʃi'ei-] n. 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想25, logging ['lɔɡiŋ, 'lɔ:ɡ-] n. 记录;伐木工作v. 把…锯成段木;砍伐树木26, log [lɔɡ, lɔ:ɡ] vi. 伐木vt.切;航行27, upgrade ['ʌpɡreid, ʌp'ɡreid] vt. 提升;使升级n.上升;上坡28, stimulation [,stimju'leiʃən] n. 激励,鼓舞;刺激29, parliament ['pɑ:ləmənt] n. 议会,国会30, dimension [di'menʃən, dai-] n. 维;尺寸vt. 标出尺寸31, proverbial [prəu'və:bjəl] adj. 谚语的;谚语式的;众所周知的32, retrieve [ri'tri:v] vt.检索;恢复vi. 找回猎物33, smoothly ['smu:ðli] adv. 平稳地,平滑地;流畅地,流利地34, resolute ['rezəlju:t, -lət] adj. 坚决的;果断的35, assert [ə'sə:t] vt. 断言;主张;声称;维护,坚持36, summon ['sʌmən] vt. 召唤;召集;鼓起;振作37, installer n. 安装者,安装工;安装程序38, summarize ['sʌməraiz] vt.概述; 总结vi. 作总结;作概括39, enforce [in'fɔ:s] vt. 强迫,强制;实施,执行40, prohibition [,prəuhi'biʃən] n. 禁止;禁令;诉讼中止令;禁酒41, inquire [in'kwaiə] vt.查究;问明vi. 询问;查究;询价42, installment [in'stɔ:lmənt] n. 分期付款;部分;就职;安装install vt. 安装;任命;安顿43, expense [ik'spens] n. 损失,代价;消费;开支vt. 向…收取费用vi. 被花掉44, foil [fɔil] vt.衬托;贴箔于n.叶形片;衬托,烘托45, terminal ['tə:minəl] n.极限;终点adj. 末端的;终点的;晚期的46, spectate ['spekteit] vi. 出席观看47, expensive [ik'spensiv] adj. 昂贵的;花钱的李总理的记者会大白话多,但其实要用英语翻译出汉语原文的韵味来也不容易,因为李总理特别喜欢“打比方”。

-笔译常用词汇(外交)accredited journalist 特派记者 a joint communiqué联合公报all-dimensional foreign policy 全方位的外交政策 allied powers 同盟国ambassador extraordinary and pleni-potentiary 特命全权大使ambassador with special function 特任大使 a permanent ceasefire 永久停火协议armed intervention 武装干涉 arms control 军控 arms race 军备竞赛a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约 bargaining agent 谈判代表 cat’s paw 傀儡certificate of appointment 委任证书 circular note 通知照会citizen treatment 国民待遇 cold war nentality 冷战思维commercial attaché商务专员 commercial secretary 商务参赞 commit troops to 承诺派军congratulatory message 贺电,贺信 consulate-general 总领事馆cordial hospitality 盛情接待 de facto recognition 事实上承认 de jure recognition 法律承认diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋 diplomatic courier 外交信使diplomatic representative 外交代表 during one’s absence 离任期间European community 欧洲共同体(欧共体)European Parliament 欧洲议会 European Union (EU) 欧盟 exective branch 执行机构extra-affairs commissioner 外事专员 face-to-face talk 会晤fence-mending visit 修好访问 first secretary 一等秘书Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦办公室 Front row seat 首席记者G8 Summit 八国峰会His Excellency Mr. President and Madam 总统先生阁下和夫人 His (Her, Your) Excellency 阁下His (Her, Your) Majesty 陛下His (Her, Your) Royal Highness 殿下 honor guard 仪仗队 hot spot “热点”地区humanitarian aid 人道主义援助humanitarian mission 人道主义使命 human rights conventions 人权公约integration process 一体化进程international order and justice 国际秩序和正义Japan-U. S. alliance 日美同盟 letter of appointment 委任书letter of recall 召回公文 liaison office 联络处member of the delegation 代表团成员memorandum of understanding on 谅解备忘录 memorial meeting 追悼会message of condolence 唁电 military attaché武官mutually beneficial cooperation 互利共赢的合作 mutual recognition 互相承认non-proliferation treaty 防扩散条约non-traditional security issues 非传统安全问题 normalized relations 关系正常化nuclear weapons 核武器 occasional regional armed conflicts 局部武装冲突on the happy occasion of…欣逢 peace-keeping force 维和部队permanent member (of the Security Council of the United Nations) (安理会)常任理事国permanent president 常任主席 persona non grata 不受欢迎的人political capital 政治资本 press section 新闻处pro-American diplomacy 亲美外交 reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会 reciprocal visits 互访red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎 red-hot news 最新消息regional cooperation 区域合作review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队 rotating EU presidency 欧盟轮值主席国roving ambassador 巡回大使Schengen passport free zone 申根护照自由区 special envoy 特使state banquet 国宴the Bali Road Map 巴厘路线图transatlantic divergence 大西洋两岸分歧 transformational diplomacy 转型外交turbulent political scene 政局动荡 UN General Assembly 联合国大会unilateral action 单边行动UN’s peacekeeping activities 联合国维和活动 verbal note 普通照会weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器widening income gaps 贫富加剧国书 letter of credence; credentials“三通”“three direct links” of mail, trade, air and shipping services外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)中国通 old China hand; Sinologist; China expert 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy等距离外交 equidistant diplomacy 东海问题 East China Sea issue 多边机构 multilateral organs 多边机制 multilateral mechanisms 多极世界 multipolar world 巩固友谊 cement friendship国际惯例 international practice 国际聚焦 international spotlight国际商会 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 国际社会 international community国际舞台 international arena 国家主权 national sovereignty 国事访问 state visit和而不同 harmony in diversity 和谐共赢 all-win harmony 和谐世界 hanonious world互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression 环太平洋 the Pacific Rim恢复邦交 resume diplomatic relations 军事集团 military blocs两岸包机 the cross-straits charter fligh 落实共识 implement the consensus民间外交 people-to-people diplomacy 南北对话 South-North dialogue南南合作 South-South cooperation 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit强权外交 power diplomacy求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences外交庇护 diplomatic asylum外交辞令 diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance 外交惯例 diplomatic practice外交豁免 diplomatic immunities 外交人员 diplomatic personnel外交思想 thought on foreign affairs; diplomatic thinking外交谈判 diplomatic talks/negotiation 外交特权diplomatic privileges 外交途径 diplomatic channels外交斡旋 diplomatic good offices 外交准则 diplomatic norms 外交姿态 diplomatic gesture依照惯例 according to the past practice 友好访问 friendly/goodwill visit战略利益 strategic interests 正式访问 official visit政治大国 major political power 边界争议区 disputed border region非正式访问 informal visit 公平和公正 fair and equitable国际法准则 norms of international law 领土管辖权 territorial jurisdiction全方位外交 multi-faceted/multi-dimensional diplomacy与国际接轨 bring…in line with the international practice 制约和平衡 chech-and-balance保持高层接触 maintain high-level contact 促进共同繁荣 promote common prosperity 断绝外交关系 sever diplomatic relations多边外交活动 multilateral diplomatic activities国际反恐合作 international anti-terrorism cooperation国际风云变幻 international vicissitudes 国际金融危机 world financial crisis国际决策机制 international decision-making mechanism坚持互助互利 persist in mutual assistance and mutual benefit建立外交关系 establish diplomatic relations 局势趋向缓和 ease tensions历史遗留问题 problems left over by history 民族分离主义 ethnic separatism深化全面任凭 enhance cooperation at all fronts实现双赢互利 attain win-win progress and mutual benefit推动和平解决 push for a peaceful resolution 维护地区稳定 preserve regional stability维护国家主权 safeguard state sovereignty 维护世界和平 safeguard world peace稳定国际局势 stabilize the world situation 造福两国人民 for the benefit of both peoples抓住历史机遇 seize the historical opportunity中非合作论坛 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)朝鲜半岛核问题 Korean Peninsula nuclear issue国际关系的准则 norms of governing international relations国际货币基金会 International Monetary Fund (IMF)加强磋商与合作 strengthen consultations and cooperation实现半岛无核化 realize Korean Peninsula denuclearization推进贸易自由化 advance trade liberalization 致命性生化武器 lethal bio-chemical arms《中国联合公报》 Sino-US Joint Communiqué对外公布活动日程 release the itinerary建立友好城市关系 establish sister city ties with全面合作伙伴关系 comprehensive and cooperative partnership战略协作伙伴关系 strategic partnership of cooperation和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence促进国际关系民主化 promote democracy in international relations复杂多变的国际环境 complex and volatile international environment国际政治经济新秩序 new internatitonal political and economic order友好合作的伙伴关系 friendly, cooperative partnership从人民的根本利益出发 proceed from the fundamental interests of the people全方位的对外开放政策 a policy of all-dimensional opening up独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace符合两国人民的根本利益 serve the fundamental interest of both peoples实现“发展回合”的目标 attain the objective as a “round development”新的贸易壁垒和保护主义 new trade barriers and protechtionism《总理定期会晤联合公报》 Regular Prime Ministers’ Talks遵循国际惯例和市场准则 base on international norms and market rules共同维护发展中国家的权益 make joint efforts to safeguard the rights 捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严 safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity“和平统一,一国两制”的方针the principle of “peace reunification” and “one country, two systems”Wish prosperity to your country and wellbeing to your people! 祝国家繁荣,人民幸福!For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible. 要想在外交上取得成效,说话必须算数。

致力于、从事于:be committed to 、engage in、embark onWe will work to、look to、seek to、endeavor to、strive to我们要努力……We will adopt +nBear :承担,具有,结果,支撑,向左(右)转,携带Score:赢得,得分,二十,报复,了解Mark:标志,庆祝,表明,评价Boast:吹嘘,拥有Endow:赋予,资助Harness: 利用,马具发展、提高、促进、增加等意思:develop, upgrade, enrich, improve, advance, pursue, move forward, forge ahead, enhance, sharpen, widen, broaden, quicken, accelerate, speed up, step up减少裁员: slash, cut(down), shed, downsize, diminish, dwindle、eliminate超过exceed 、surpass 、top、overtake、transcend、go beyond保卫、支持: safeguard、uphold、support利用maximize、fully leverage、fully unleash、give full play to、make best use of showcaseappearemergerepresentdeliver:实现,履行,发表,represent: 代表,表现,象征,回忆on the rise、on the decrease、on the decline(在衰退中)gear to 适应,配合prevail: 战胜,盛行embrace:包含,接受,拥抱cherishseize、grasp、grapple withburden、saddle withDifference、disparity明显差异、discrepancy差异矛盾usher 引领,开辟carve out 创业,开拓,雕刻identify 发现,确认,标志,使易于辨认。

笔译常用词汇(国情<汉译英>)户口registered permanent residence民生people’s wellbeing团购group buying乡长township head城管urban management officers恶搞 video spoof房奴 mortgage slave黑车 unlicensed cab毕婚族 marry-upon-graduation安家费 settling-in allowance代排族hired queuers短租房short-term housing/accommodation二手房 pre-owned house; second-hand house封口费 hush money个体户 the self-employed公务车 state-financed vehicle公务员 civil/public servant假文凭 fake diplomas开瓶费 corkage fee两限房house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable area 廉租房low-rent housing农民工migrant worker农业税agricultural tax泡网吧hit the Internet bar双休日two-day weekend双职工working couple群租客tenant groups入住率occupancy rate潜规则casting couch闪跳族habitual job hopper筒子楼tube-shaped apartment building学区房school-nearby house暂住证temporary residence permit安居工程Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project城市补丁run-down neighborhoods低保制度subsistence security system恶性循环vicious circle法治政府law-based government(非法)传销pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing非法收入illegal earnings; illicit income福利彩票welfare lottery改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform 改革试点pilot reform program公共参与public/communal participation和谐社会harmonious society黑恶势力Mafia-like gangs基层社区grassroots community减员增效downsize the staff to improve efficiency空巢家庭empty-nest/childless family就业指导employment guidance面子工程vanity/image project民族团结ethnic unity南水北调South-to-North water diversion贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution贫困人口impoverished people权力下放shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to the lower levels 社会结构social structure市政工程municipal/public works数字鸿沟digital divide天灾人祸natural calamities and man-made misfortunes同城待遇identical treatment无偿献血unpaid blood donation五好家庭Five-Virtues Family下岗职工unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees乡镇企业township enterprises学生减负reduce students’ study load严打斗争strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes总体规划overall plan引进人才bring in needed personnel优抚安置provide special assistance to entitled groups创新型国家innovation-oriented nation低收入家庭low-income household/family服务型政府service-oriented government高层次人才high-caliber personnel高技能人才highly skilled personnel公用互联网public Internet固定电话网fixed-line telephone network简易过渡房makeshift shelter经济适用房affordable housing开放型经济an open economy科学发展观scientific outlook on development人口功能区functional population zone三八红旗手March 8 Red Flag Bearer下基层锻炼temper oneself in a grassroots unit移动通信网mobile communication network自觉排队日Queuing-up Day地方保护主义regional protectionism城市低收入者low-income city dwellers爱国统一战线patriotic united front坚持基本纲领uphold the basic program抗灾救灾工作efforts to combat disasters and provide relief平房改造工程renovation project of shanty dwellings人事制度改革reform of personnel system社会保障工作social security work社会保障体制social security system社会利益格局interest of different social groupsAll Saint’s Day万圣节American plan约能源(旅馆的)美国式收费式a soft job 轻松的工作a widow’s mite礼轻情义重beefcake 男性健美照be free to practice one’s religion宗教信仰自由“bifocal” vision“双重”视野break with old customs 抛弃传统busboy (饭店的)洗碗擦桌子的杂工Catch-22 无法摆脱的困难;难以逾越的障碍civic values 大众价值观clash with civilizations 文明的碰撞consumerist creed 消费至上主义corporate culture 企业文化country fair 乡村博览会cultural traditions 文化传统culture area 文化区culture of tolerance 宽容的文化culture-oriented travel 文化旅游culture trait 文化特质dialogue among civilizations 文明间的对话dinner etiquette 餐桌礼仪dominant culture 主导文化ethnic origin 种族起源flower children 配花嬉皮士Flower Generation 花季的一代generation X (90年代的)未知的一代gold-collars 金领阶层hard drug 硬毒品;易成瘾的烈性毒品(如海洛因、可卡因、吗啡等)heterogenous culture 异质文化high culture 优等文化;高级文化human civilization 人类文明humane historical sites 人文历史遗址hyper-individualism 超级个人主义intercultural dialogue 跨文化对话accredited journalist 特派记者a joint communiqué联合公报all-dimensional foreign policy 全方位的外交政策allied powers 同盟国ambassador extraordinary and pleni-potentiary 特命全权大使ambassador with special function 特任大使a permanent ceasefire 永久停火协议armed intervention 武装干涉arms control 军控arms race 军备竞赛a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约bargaining agent 谈判代表cat’s paw傀儡certificate of appointment 委任证书circular note 通知照会citizen treatment 国民待遇cold war nentality 冷战思维commercial attaché商务专员commercial secretary 商务参赞commit troops to 承诺派军congratulatory message 贺电,贺信consulate-general 总领事馆cordial hospitality 盛情接待de facto recognition 事实上承认de jure recognition 法律承认diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋diplomatic courier 外交信使diplomatic representative 外交代表during one’s absence离任期间European community 欧洲共同体(欧共体)European Parliament 欧洲议会European Union (EU) 欧盟exective branch 执行机构extra-affairs commissioner 外事专员face-to-face talk 会晤fence-mending visit 修好访问first secretary 一等秘书Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦办公室。

第一单元国情1.爱国统一战线patriotic united front2.安家费setting-in allowance3.安居工程Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project4.保障和改善民生ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives5.毕婚族marry-upon-graduation6.城管urban management officers7.城市补丁run-down neighborhoods8.城市低收入者low-income city dwellers9.城乡公共就业服务体系urban and rural systems for providing publicemployment services10.城乡社会救助体系urban and rural emergency aid system11.城镇职工基本养老保险制度basic old-age insurance system for urban workers12.创新型国家innovation-oriented nation13.粗放型增长方式extensive mode of growth; inefficient mode of growth14.代排族hired queuers15.低保制度subsistence security system16.低收入家庭low-income household/family17.地方保护主义regional protectionism18.短租房short-term housing/accommodation19.恶搞video spoof20.恶性循环vicious circle21.二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house22.法治政府law-based government23.房奴mortgage slave24.(非法)传销pyramid scheme; multi-level marketing25.非法收入illicit income; illegal earnings26.封口费hush money27.服务型政府service-oriented government28.福利彩票welfare lottery29.改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform30.改革试点pilot reform program31.高层次人才high-caliber personnel32.高技能人才highly skilled personnel33.个体户the self-employed34.公共参与public/communal participation35.公务车state-financed vehicle36.公务员civil/public servant37.公用互联网public Internet38.固定电话网fixed-line telephone network39.《国家发展规划纲要》Outline of the National Development Program40.和谐社会harmonious society41.黑车unlicensed cab42.黑恶势力Mafia-like gangs43.户口registered permanent residence44.基层社区grassroots community45.加强和改善宏观调控improve macro control46.假文凭fake diplomas47.坚持基本纲领uphold the basic program48.减员增效downsize the staff to improve efficiency49.简易过渡房makeshift shelter50.经济适用房affordable housing51.就业指导employment guidance52.开放型经济an open economy53.开瓶费corkage fee54.抗灾救灾工作efforts to combat disasters and provide relief55.科学发展观scientific outlook on development56.空巢家庭empty nest/childless family57.廉租房low-rent housing58.两限房house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable areas59.留守女士/留守男士grass widow/widower60.面子工程vanity/image project61.民生people’s wellbeing62.民族团结ethnic unity63.南水北调South-to-North water diversion64.农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor65.农村合作医疗制度system of rural cooperative medical care66.(农村)劳动力转移就业(rural workers) find work in nonagricultural sectors67.农民工migrant worker68.农业税agricultural tax69.泡网吧hit the Internet bar70.贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution71.贫困人口impoverished people72.平房改造工程renovation project of shanty dwellings73.潜规则casting couch74.权力下放shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to lower levels75.群租客tenant group76.人口功能区functional population zone77.人事制度改革reform of personnel system78.入住率occupancy rate79.三八红旗手March 8 Red Flag Bearer80.闪跳族habitual job hoppers81.社会保障工作social security work82.社会保障体制social security system83.社会结构social structure84.社会利益格局interests of different social groups85.社会信用体系social credit system86.社会主义核心价值体系core socialist values87.社会主义荣辱观Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace88.社会转型时期period of social transition89.社会组织形式the way society is organized90.市政工程municipal/public works91.数字鸿沟digital divide92.双休日two-day weekend93.双职工working couple94.特色优势产业industries with local advantages95.天灾人祸natural calamities and man-made misfortunes96.贴小广告的人bill stickers97.同城待遇identical treatment98.筒子楼tube-shaped apartment building99.团购group buying100.无偿献血unpaid blood donation101.五好家庭Five-Virtues Family102.西部大开发战略western development strategy103.下岗职工unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees 104.下基层锻炼temper oneself in a grassroots unit105.乡长township head106.乡镇企业township enterprises107.学区房school-nearby house108.学生减负reduce students’ study load109.严打斗争strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes 110.移动通信网mobile communication network111.引进人才bring in needed personnel112.优抚安置provide special assistance to entitled groups113.暂住证temporary residence permit114.增强道德观念enhance moral awareness115.重复建设项目overlapping/redundant project116.住房制度改革reform of housing system117.自觉排队日Queuing-up Day118.自主创新能力capacity for independent innovation119.总体规划overall plan120.最低生活保障subsistence allowance1.中国执行改革开放政策,争取在五十年内发展起来。

CATTI笔译三级常用英语词汇1.日常生活用语购物:shopping, store, mall, supermarket, convenience store 出行:traffic, transportation, public transportation, taxi, bus餐饮:restaurant, cafeteria, eatery, food court, fast food住宿:hotel, inn, motel, hostel, lodging娱乐:entertainment, recreation, amusement, gaming, cinema 2.科学技术词汇计算机:computer, PC, laptop, desktop, server网络:internet, website, webpage, network, bandwidth通信:communication, phone, mobile phone, fax, email航空:aviation, airplane, helicopter, airliner, airport3.商业和经济词汇公司:company, corporation, firm, enterprise, business企业:enterprise, firm, company, corporation, business市场:market, trade, commerce, bazaar, mart贸易:trade, commerce, business, exchange, dealt4.政治和法律词汇政府:government, administrative body, authority, regime法律:law, legal, jurisprudence, jurisprudent, legal system政策:policy, programme, strategy, plan of action, platform监管:regulation, supervision, licensing, control,监测5.文化和艺术词汇文学:literature, literary works, poem, novel, short story艺术:art, fine art, painting, sculpture, dance娱乐:entertainment, recreation, amusement, gaming, cinema休闲:leisure, relaxation, entertainment, pastime, holiday6.环境和生态词汇环境:environment, natural environment, ecological environment生态:ecology, ecosphere, ecosystem, biosphere保护:conservation, protection, safeguardment of natural resources 可持续利用:sustainable use of natural resources utilization for future generations unimpaired ecological balance diversification of production methods (S.S.Chaudhari et al. 2019) (哦哦编辑注:(该部分存在缺少空格或标点的问题,已做修正。

这些词汇在笔译考试中经常出现,掌握它们可以帮助你更好地理解和翻译英文文本:1. Accessible - 可接近的,易接近的2. Accommodate - 容纳,适应3. Acknowledge - 承认,确认4. Acquire - 获得,取得5. Adapt - 适应,改编6. Advocate - 提倡者,倡导7. Analysis - 分析8. Appropriate - 适当的,恰当的9. Assumption - 假设,假定10. Attitude - 态度,看法11. Benefit - 好处,利益12. Bias - 偏见,偏心13. Circumstance - 情况,环境14. Clarify - 阐明,澄清15. Cognizant - 知道的,认识到的16. Collaborate - 合作,协作17. Commence - 开始,着手18. Comprehend - 理解,领会19. Constitute - 构成,组成20. Convey - 传达,表达21. Correspond - 符合,相符22. Counterpart - 对应的人或物,副本23. Credible - 可信的,可靠的24. Culminate - 达到高潮,达到顶点25. Deduce - 推断,演绎26. Deficit - 赤字,不足额27. Demonstrate - 证明,展示28. Depict - 描述,描绘29. Deviate - 偏离,背离30. Disseminate - 散布,传播31. Diverse - 不同的,多种多样的32. Dominant - 占优势的,主导的33. Eminent - 杰出的,显赫的34. Enhance - 增强,提高35. Enumerate - 列举,枚举36. Eradicate - 根除,消灭37. Evaluate - 评估,评价38. Evoke - 唤起,引起39. Exemplify - 举例说明,是...的典型40. Exploit - 利用,剥削41. Fluctuate - 波动,变动42. Foster - 促进,培养43. Fundamentally - 基本上,根本上44. Generate - 产生,引起45. Highlight - 强调,突出46. Implication - 含义,暗示47. Incentive - 刺激,鼓励48. Incorporate - 包含,合并49. Indicate - 表明,指示50. Infer - 推断,推论51. Innovation - 创新52. Integrate - 整合,融入53. Interpret - 解释,翻译54. Intervene - 干涉,干预55. Justify - 证明...是正当的,为...辩解56. Magnitude - 大小,重要性57. Modify - 修改,更改58. Nevertheless - 然而,不过59. Notwithstanding - 尽管,虽然60. Objective - 客观的,目标61. Overlook - 忽视,俯瞰62. Paramount - 最重要的,至上的63. Perceive - 察觉,感知64. Persevere - 坚持不懈65. Pervasive - 普遍的,遍布的66. Plausible - 貌似真实的,似乎有理的67. Precise - 精确的,准确的68. Prevalent - 流行的,普遍的69. Prohibit - 禁止,阻止70. Prominent - 突出的,显著的71. Propagate - 传播,宣传72. Proponent - 支持者,拥护者73. Rationale - 理由,基本原则74. Rectify - 纠正,矫正75. Reinforce - 强化,加强76. Reluctant - 不情愿的,勉强的77. Resilient - 有弹性的,能复原的78. Revise - 修订,修改79. Simultaneously - 同时地80. Sustain - 维持,持续81. Tolerate - 容忍,忍受82. Undermine - 破坏,削弱83. Validate - 证实,使生效84. Verify - 验证,证实85. Vital - 至关重要的,生死攸关的86. Widespread - 广泛的,普遍的这个词汇列表应该能够帮助你在英语二级笔译考试中取得更好的成绩。

笔译常用词汇(文化<汉译英〉)除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve八卦 Eight Trigram风水 fengshui/geomancy华表 cloud pillar; ornamental column还愿 redeem a wish兼爱 discriminate love礼制 ethical codes农历 Chinese lunar calendar气节 moral integrity谥号 temple title姻缘 prefixed fate of marriage五经 Five Classics中和 harmony《国策》Discourses of the States《史记》Records of the Historian《离骚》Sorrow after Departure《左传》The Spring and Autumn Annals八股文 eight-legged; official stereotyped writing本命年one’s animal year道德观 moral outlook端午节 Dragon Boat Festival翰林院 Imperial Academy和为贵 harmony is most precious礼之本 essence of the rites年夜饭 family reunion dinner仁之本 the foundation of harmony文化界 cultural circles孝与敬 filial piety and reverence压岁钱 red envelope/money given to children as a lunar New Year gift中山装 Chinese tunic suit/Mao suit重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival《道德经》Tao Te Ching/Classic of the Way of Virtue《弟子规》Disciples Regulation《百家姓》 Pamphlet of Chinese Surnames/Book of (China’s) Family Names《战国策》Strategies of the Warring States道法自然 Tao models itself after nature博大精深 broad and profound出土文物 unearthed relics传统美德 traditional virtues传统文化 traditional culture风土人情 local conditions and customs刚柔并济 combination of softness and hardness和谐文化 harmonious culture厚德载物 great virtue promotes growth皇城根儿 the foot of the imperial city精神文明 spiritual civilization; advanced culture and ethics敬老慈幼 respect the old and love the young孔孟之道 Confucius-Mencius doctrines孔子学院 Confucius Institute礼乐文化 rites and music culture礼仪之邦 a land of ceremony and decorum礼义廉耻 Courtesy, Justice, Integrity and Sense of Shame 龙的传人 the generation of dragon民本思想 populist ideas民间文化 folk culture民俗庙会 temple fair of folk custom民族文化 national culture民族自豪 national pride墨家学派 the Mohist school内外兼修 whole care隋唐佛学 The Buddhist philosophy during Sui and Tang dynasties天干地支 Heavenly Stems and Earthy Branches天人合一 unity of man and nature天下为公 the world or country for all文化宝藏 cultural treasures文化产业 cultural industry农耕文化 farming culture善养浩气 skillful in nourishing virtual force慎言敏行 diligent in duties and careful in speech十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac思维方式 the way of thinking文化创新 cultural innovation文化视点 cultural perspective文化需求 cultural needs文化摇篮 cradle of culture文化遗迹 cultural relics文化重建 cultural reconstruction文化自觉 cultural awareness无为而治 letting nature take its own course/govern by noninterference乡土文化 native culture炎黄子孙 a Chinese descendant/the Chinese nation以德行仁 practice humanity with virtue源远流长 have a long history中国意识 Chineseness中国元素China’s elements中庸之道 doctrine of the mean二十四节气 24 solar terms民间工艺品 fold arts and crafts文化多样性 cultural diversification文化软实力 cultural soft power传统文化知识 traditional cultural know-how对外文化贸易 international cultural trade思想道德建设 raise ideological and ethical standards《四库全书》Complete Works of Chinese Classics文化产业基地 cultural industrial base文化传播渠道 channels of cultural transmission文化创意产业 cultural creative industry文化体制改革 reform of cultural administrative system;cultural restructuring骨干文化企业 leading/key cultural enterprises文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources新兴文化业态 emerging cultural formats改造落后的文化 transform the backward culture世界文化遗产地 world cultural heritage site弘扬民族优秀文化 advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation文化下乡长效机制 long—term mechanism for developing culture in rural areas重大文化产业项目 major cultural industrial projects国家一类文物保护单位 cultural relics (units) under first-grade state吸收外国文化有益成果 absorb the achievements of foreign cultures修身、齐家、治国、平天下 self—cultivation, a well-managed family, and the abilityto administer the state and to bring peace to the nation 中华民族的传统文化、博大精深,源远流长。

第二章:懦夫:yellow-belly凶悍的女人:dragon lady打草惊蛇:to beat about the bush亡羊补牢:To lock the stable door after thehorse has been stolen骨鲠在喉:To have a bone in one’s throat同舟共济:To be in the same boat怒发冲冠:To make one’s hair stand on end 翻天覆地:To move heaven and earth蜀犬吠日:To bark at the moon洗手不干:To wash one’s hands of食言:To eat one’s words拖后腿:To pull somebody’s leg缘木求鱼:To seek a hare in a hen’s nest挂羊头卖狗肉:Cry up wine and sell vinegar 一箭双雕:at a stone’s throw守口如瓶:Dumb as an oyster满腹文章:Have a mind crammed withknowledge胆小如鼠:As timid as a hare一丘之貉:Birds of a feather瓮中之鳖:Like a rat in a hole翻译工作坊:白色污染plastic pollution金融危机financial crisis打假to crack down on fake goods唐装tang suit性骚扰sexual harassment手机短信SMS message/text message换汤不换药old wine in new bottles守株待兔to wait for gains without pains 中国特色Chinese characteristics乡镇企业township/ rural enterprise 小康社会a well-off society国库券treasury bonds炒鱿鱼to lay off/fire/sack sb人才市场job market千年虫Y2K/millennium bug一国两制One country, two systems 下海to go into business第三产业the tertiary industry回扣kickbacks跳槽job-hopping小金库private coffer小资petty bourgeois高铁high speed trains盗版piracy商品房commercial housing形象工程vanity project知识经济knowledge-based economy 按揭home loan激情犯罪a crime of passion经济软着陆economic soft landing她有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。

致力于、从事于: be committed to、engage in、embark onWe will work to 、look to 、 seek to、 endeavor to、 strive to 我要努力⋯⋯ Wewill adopt +nBear : 承担,具有,果,支撑,向左(右),携Score:得,得分,二十,复,了解Mark :志,祝 ,表明,价Boast:吹嘘,有Endow :予,助Harness: 利用,具展、提高、促、增加等意思: develop, upgrade, enrich, improve, advance, pursue, move forward, forge ahead, enhance, sharpen, widen, broaden, quicken, accelerate, speed up, step up减少裁 : slash, cut(down), shed, downsize, diminish, dwindle 、 eliminate超 exceed 、surpass 、 top 、 overtake、 transcend 、 go beyond保、支持 : safeguard 、 uphold 、 support利用 maximize 、fully leverage、fully unleash 、give full play to 、make best use of showcaseappearemergerepresentdeliver :,履行,表,represent: 代表,表,象征,回on the rise、 on the decrease、on the decline( 在衰退中 )gear to 适,配合prevail:,盛行embrace:包含,接受,抱cherishseize、 grasp、grapple withburden 、 saddle withDifference 、 disparity 明差异、 discrepancy 差异矛盾 usher 引,开辟carve out ,开拓,雕刻identify,确,志,使易于辨。

笔译复习文档1.重点词汇Promotional:推销的quote:报价secure:得到Terms of sale:销售条件Terms of payment:支付条款Quotation:报价Inquiry/enquiry 询价Letter of credit:信用证Irrevocable L/C:不可撤销信用证Confirmed L/C:保兑的信用证Transferable L/C:可转让的信用证Offer:报盘Firm offer:实盘non–firm offer:虚盘counter offer:还盘FOB: 离岸价CIF : 到岸价,运费及保险在内价C&F:运费在内价CF&C:运费,佣金在内价CIF&C:保险费,运费,佣金在内价Sales confirmation:销售确认书Delivery:递送,交付货物Up to the present.:到现在为止,迄今为止Expedite : 加速, 加快execute: 执行,完成. Prescribed: 指定的,规定的See to it.: 务必, 一定. stipulation : 条款, 协定Terms of the contract: 合同条款. Cash with order: 订货付款Cash against document(CAD): 贫单付款Cash on delivery (COD): 交货付款advance payment: 预付货款. installment payment: 分期付款Bill of exchange(draft):汇票Sight draft: 即期汇票Time draft: 远期汇票Clean draft: 光票Documentary draft: 跟单汇票Document against acceptance(D/A): 承兑交单Document against payment(D/P): 货款交单Limited liability company/ Co.Ltd=Company limited : 有限责任公司public limited company/ joint stock company/ cooperation limited: 服份有限司listed company/ public company: 上市公司township enterprise: 乡镇企业agency service: 代理服务transit trade/ carrying trade: 转口贸易bonded area: 保税区sales for commission: 佣金代理incorporated company: 股份有限公司corporate citizen: 企业公民procurement cost: 采购成本procurement price: 采购价格satisfaction index: 满意度指数export volume : 出口额chain store :连锁商店retail industry: 零售业Business philosophy: 经营理念Business tenet: 经营宗旨Market- orientation: 市场化Operating mechanism: 经营机制Operating principle: 经营准则Corporate governance: 法人治理Keep/ be (at) the cutting edge: 引领潮流Joint stock company: 股份制企业Business portfolio: 业务组合Commercial invoice: 商业发票Clean ocean bill of lading: 清洁海运提单Blank endorsed: 空白背书Memo: 备忘录Certificate of quality: 质量证明Certificate of origin: 产地证明Dispatch(+to): 发送Accountee: 开证人Beneficiary: 受益人Validity of the credit: 信用证有效期Full cable of credit: 电开信用证Clean L/C: 光票信用证Brief cable of credit: 简电开信用证Confirmed L/C: 保兑的信用证To amend L/C: 修改信用证Unconfirmed L/C: 不保兑的信用证revocable L/C: 可撤销的信用证Transferable L/C: 可转让信用证Inrevocable L/C: 不可撤销的信用证untransferable L/C: 不可转让信用证Sight payment L/C: 即期付款信用证reciprocal L/C: 对开信用证Usance L/C: 远期信用证revolving L/C: 循环信用证Documentary L/C anticipatory L/C: 预支信用证Trap/ form of credit: 信用证类型/形式Date of issue: 开证日期Terms of validity: 信用证有效期L/C amount: 信用证金额expiry date: 有效期限L/C number: 信用证号码Applicant: 开证申请人Advising bank: 通知行Opener: 开证人negotiating bank: 议付行issue bank: 开证行Confirming bank: 保兑行Paying bank: 付款行reimbursing bank: 偿付行Accepting bank: 承兑行Notifying bank: 通知行Transmitting bank: 转递行Duplicate: 副本Invoice value: 发票金额All risks : 综合险War risks : 战争险with Average(W.A): 基本险irrespective of : 不考虑不顾Total Loss Only(T.L.O): 全损险CIC=China Insurance Clause : 中国保险条款Free from Particular Average(F.P.A): 平安险With Particular Average(W.P.A): 水渍险T.P.N.D(Theft,Pilferage & Non-delivery): 偷窃及提货不着险Fresh and/ or Rain Water Damage Risks: 淡水雨淋险Shortage risks : 短量险Clash & Breakage Risks: 破损及破碎险Leakage Risks : 渗漏险Sweating & Heating Risks : 受潮受热险Taint of Odor Risks: 串味险Hook Damage Risks: 钩损险Rust Risk: 锈损险Breakage or Packing Risks: 包装破裂险S.R.C.C(Strikes,Riots,Civil Commotions: 罢工暴动民变险次重点信头:Letter Head参考编号:Reference Namber信内地址:Inside Address经办人:Attention Line称呼:Salutation事由:Subject Line正文:Body of the Letter结束语:Complimentary Close签名:Signature信函处理人代号:Initials附件:Enclosure抄送:Carbon Copy Notation附言:postscriptThe commercial counselors office: 商务参赞处The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in……中国驻……大使馆avail oneself of something:充分利用某物Business line:产品的分类,种别,经营范围Upon receipt of:一收到……就out of line : 不符合make:(产品的)牌子,类型,型号the case:事实come to terms:达成协议long-standing : 长期存在的at one's earliest convenience: 尽快metric ton : 公吨comply with : 遵从,服从as follow : 如下gunny bag : 麻包in favor of : 以……为收款人stock: 现货,存货on hand:现有,在手头effect:使发生,引起,实现approval:同意,赞成Cannot but :只好,不得不Lodge a claim against sb: 向某人提出索赔recourse: 救助对象be apt to do: 易于做有做……得倾向misjudge: 对……形成错误概念unit7trust company : 信托公司investment company: 投资公司consulting company: 咨询公司parent company: 母公司transnational company/ multinational company: 跨国公司subsidiary company/ daughter company/ controlled company/ constituent company/ associated company/ underlying company: 子公司solely foreign-funded enterprise: 外方独资企业commission: 调试part and component: 零部件associate: 同事,员工in-kind support: 实物支持/赞助/帮助/物品procure: 获得采购franchise store : 特许商店franchiser/franchisor: 特许者,特许授权人FMGG=Fast Moving Consumer Goods: 快熟消费品top performer: 最佳企业/ 演员/ 运动员/ 球员MNC= multinational corporation: 跨国公司Integration/ Integrated: 一体化Listed/ Public: 上市的pursuant to/ In accordance with: 依据H share: H股股票issue/Float: 发行total capital stock: 总股本Hold: 持股Pipeline transportation: 管道运输synthetic: 合成monomer: 单体Polymer: 聚合物Intermediate: 中间产品Holding/ Controlling: 控股Equity participation: 参股Subsidiary: 子公司Branch: 分公司assets: 资产synergy/ Integration: 整合。

英语笔译常用词语一、国情汉英词语1.安家费settling-in allowance2.安居工程Comfortable /Affordable Housing Project3.保障和改善民生Ensure the wellbeing of the people andimprove their lives4.毕婚族marry-upon-graduation5.城管urban management officers6.城市低收入者low-income city dwellers7.城市公共就业服务体系urban and rural systems for providingpublic employment services8.城乡社会救助体系urban and rural emergency aid system9.城镇职工基本养老保险制度basic old-age insurance system for urbanworkers10.创新型国家innovation-oriented nation11.粗放性增长方式extensive mode of growth; inefficientmodel of growth12.代排族Hired queuers13.低保制度Subsistence security system14.低收入家庭low-income family \household15.地方保护主义regional protectionism16.恶搞video spoof17.房奴mortgage slave18.服务型政府service-oriented government19.高技能人才highly skilled personnel20.个体户The self-employed21.公务车state-financed vehicle22.和谐社会harmonious society23.户口registered permanent residence24.经济适用房affordable housing25.开放型经济an open economy26.科学发展观scientific outlook on development27.空巢家庭empty-nest \childless family28.廉租房low-rent housing29.留守女士/留守男士grass widow\widower30.面子工程vanity \image project31.民生people’s wellbeing32.民族团结ethnic unity33.农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor34.农村合作医疗制度system of rural cooperative medical care35.农民工migrant worker36.农业税agricultural tax37.贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution38.贫困人口impoverished people39.潜规则casting couch40.社会保障工作social security work41.社会保障体制social security system42.社会结构social structure43.社会利益格局interests of different social groups44.社会信用体系social credit system45.社会主义核心价值体系cores socialist values46.社会主义荣辱观Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace47.社会转型时期period of social transition48.社会组织形式the way society is organized49.市政工程municipal \public works50.团购group buying51.无偿献血unpaid blood donation52.五好家庭Five-Virtue Family53.西部大开发战略western development strategy54.乡长township head55.乡镇企业township enterprises56.学区房school-nearby house英汉词语1.ant tribe 蚁族2.baby boom 婴儿潮3.baby break 停职育婴期4.baby bust 生育低谷(期)5.car pool 拼车6.December-May marriage “老妻少夫”式婚姻7.demographic factors 人口因素8.dire poverty 赤贫9.displaced person 流离失所者10.dog packs 狗仔队11.dwelling narrowness 蜗居12.e-government;e-administration 电子政务13.empty-nest syndrome 空巢孤独综合症14.enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识15.fiscal conservatism 财政保守主义16.flash mob 快闪族17.gender equality 性别平等18.house-husband 家庭妇男19.indoors man \woman 宅男宅女20.interborough rapid transit (IRT) 城区间快速交通线21.ironclad labor protection 铁饭碗22.job commuting 通勤23.job release scheme 顶职办法w-abiding citizen 守法公民25.low-rent housing 廉租房26.luggage screening 行李检查27.merit pay 绩效工资28.minimum earner 处于最低生活保障线上的人29.minimum subsistence level 最低生活保障线30.natural monopoly 自然垄断31.occupational tacit violence 职场冷暴力32.officially bilingual 官方使用双语制33.on alternate days (实行)单双号(通行)34.patriotic sentiment 爱国情操35.poverty line 贫困线36.premarital pregnancy 未婚先孕37.premarriage cohabitation 婚前同居38.preprofessional training 职前培训39.resource-effective society 资源节约型社会40.safety-net program 安全保障计划41.sexual harassment 性骚扰42.sexual orientation 性倾向43.shotgun marriage \wedding 奉子成婚44.social acceptability 社会心理承受力45.social evolution 社会演变46.social security expenditure 社会保障支出47.social security privatization 社会保障私有化48.social weakening 社会惰性49.social worker 社会工作者50.status statistics 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料51.surplus labor 剩余劳动力52.surrogate birth 代孕53.tax evasion 偷税漏税54.tough policy 强硬政策55.trial marriage 试婚56.walking commuter 走班族。
三级笔译 大纲词汇

1. abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃;抛弃;放纵。
- 例句:They had to abandon the ship.(他们不得不弃船。
)2. ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力;才能。
- 例句:He has the ability to solve this problem.(他有解决这个问题的能力。
)3. abnormal [æbˈnɔːml] adj. 反常的;不规则的;变态的。
- 例句:This is an abnormal phenomenon.(这是一种反常现象。
1. back [bæk] n. 后面;背部;靠背; adv. 向后地;以前; vt. 支持;后退。
- 例句:He sat on the back of the chair.(他坐在椅子靠背上。
)- She looked back at him.(她回头看他。
)- We all back his plan.(我们都支持他的计划。
)2. bad [bæd] adj. 坏的;严重的;劣质的。
- 例句:The weather is really bad today.(今天天气很糟糕。
)3. balance [ˈbæləns] n. 平衡;余额; vt. 使平衡;结算;权衡。
- 例句:We should keep the balance of nature.(我们应该保持自然平衡。
)- I need to balance my budget this month.(这个月我需要平衡我的预算。
1. call [kɔːl] v. 呼叫;称呼;召集; n. 电话;呼叫;要求。
- 例句:Please call me when you arrive.(你到达的时候请给我打电话。
)- He gave a call to his mother.(他给他妈妈打了个电话。

001.素质教育:quality education002. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数educational quotient,另一种情感商数emotional quotient 003. 保险业:the insurance industry004. 保证重点支出:ensure funding for priority areas005. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears006. 不良贷款:non-performing loan007. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting008. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas009. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents010. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers011. 出口信贷:export credit012. 贷款质量:loan quality013. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 014. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks015. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project016. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction017. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels018. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions019. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes020. 跟踪审计:follow-up auditing021. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects022. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets023. 过度开垦:excess reclamation024. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects025. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy026. 基本生活费:basic allowance027. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation028. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision029. 经济安全:economic security030. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 031. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand032. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth033. 粮食仓库:grain depot034. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise035. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds036. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market037. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering038. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines039. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage040. 融资渠道:financing channels041. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit042. 社会保险机构:social security institution043. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits044. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes045. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending046. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents047. 信息化:information-based; informationization048. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive049. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises050. 下岗职工:laid-off workers051. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel052. 素质教育:education for all-round development053. 豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects054. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation055. 民族国家:nation state057. 台湾当局:taiwan authorities058. 台湾同胞:taiwan compatriots059. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:taiwan is an inalienable part of the chinese territory.060. 西部大开发:development of the west regions061. 可持续性发展:sustainable development062. 风险投资:risk investment ( venture capital )063. 通货紧缩:deflation064. 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand065. 计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )066. 网络空间:cyberspace067. 虚拟现实:virtual reality068. 网民:netizen ( net citizen )069. 电脑犯罪:computer crime070. 电子商务:the E-business071. 网上购物:shopping online072. 应试教育:exam-oriented education073. 学生减负:to reduce study load074. “厄尔尼诺”:(EL NINO)075. “拉尼娜”:(LA NINA)076. “智商”:(IQ)077. “情商”:(EQ)078. “第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises) 79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/information industry)079. “军嫂”:(military spouse)080. “峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”):summit(conference)081. “克隆”:clone082. “冰毒”:ice083. “摇头丸”:dancing outreach084. “传销”:multi level marketing085. “(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K PROBLEM(Y FOR YEAR, K FOR KILO ORTHOUSAND)086. “白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)087. “傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机)088. “白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you的读音缩略转义而来)089. “巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)090. “减员增效”:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;091. “抓大放小”:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;092. “市政府要办的N件实事”:N major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government’s working agenda;093. “两个基本点”:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by the 13th congress of the CPC,i.e. upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy。

啃完英语笔译常用词语1、ability [əˈbɪləti]n. 能力;才能•She has the ability to learn new languages quickly.2、accident [ˈæksɪdənt]n. 事故;意外•The accident happened on a rainy night.3、achieve [əˈtʃiːv]v. 实现;完成•She achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a published author.4、active [ˈæktɪv]a. 积极的;活跃的•Staying active is essential for good health.5、addition [əˈdɪʃn]n. 添加;增加•The addition of new features made the product more appealing.6、advice [ədˈvaɪs]n. 建议;意见•I sought advice from a professional before making my decision.7、affect [əˈfekt]v. 影响;感动•The news affected her deeply.8、agreement [əˈɡriːmənt]n. 协议;同意•Both parties reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.9、aim [eɪm]n. & v. 目标;旨在•Her aim is to become a successful entrepreneur.10、allow [əˈlaʊ]v. 允许;准许•The rules allow for some flexibility.11、analysis [əˈnælɪsɪs]n. 分析;解析•The report provides a detailed analysis of the data.12、appear [əˈpɪə(r)]v. 出现;显得•She appeared very happy at the party.13、application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn]n. 申请;应用•She submitted her application for the scholarship.14、area [ˈeəriə]n. 地区;领域•The park covers an area of 10 hectares.15、aspect [ˈæspekt]n. 方面;面向•One aspect of the project needs further consideration.16、attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd]n. 态度;看法•She has a positive attitude towards life.17、average [ˈævərɪdʒ]a. & n. 平均的;平均数18、•The average age of the students is19、basis [ˈbeɪsɪs]n. 基础;根据•The decision was made on the basis of the available evidence.20、behavior [bɪˈheɪvjə(r)]n. 行为;举止•Her behavior at the party was quite unusual.21、belief [bɪˈliːf]n. 信仰;信念•She holds strong beliefs about the importance of education.22、benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt]n. & v. 利益;受益•Exercise benefits both your physical and mental health.23、challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ]n. & v. 挑战;质疑•She挑战herself to learn a new language every year. 24、change [tʃeɪndʒ]n. & v. 改变;变化•The company is undergoing significant changes.25、character [ˈkærəktər]n. 性格;特点•She has a strong character and is not easily influenced.26、communication [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]n. 交流;通讯•Effective communication is essential in any relationship.27、company [ˈkʌmpəni]n. 公司;陪伴•She enjoys the company of her friends.28、conclusion [kənˈkluːʒn]n. 结论;总结•After careful consideration, we came to a conclusion. 29、condition [kənˈdɪʃn]n. 条件;状况•The contract is subject to certain conditions.30、confidence [ˈkɒnfɪdəns]n. 信心;信任•She has confidence in her ability to succeed.31、connection [kəˈnekʃn]n. 连接;关系•There seems to32、consequence [ˈkɔnsɪkwəns]n. 结果;后果•She fully understood the consequences of her actions.33、control [kənˈtrəʊl]n. & v. 控制;管理•She exercises strict control over her diet.34、conversation [kənˌvɝˈseɪʃn]n. 对话;交谈•They had an interesting conversation over dinner.35、creative [kriˈeɪtɪv]a. 创造性的;有创造力的•She is a very creative person and always has new ideas.36、criticism [ˈkrɪtɪcɪzəm]n. 批评;评论•She handled the criticism gracefully.37、culture [ˈkʌltʃər]n. 文化;文明•The country has a rich cultural heritage.38、decision [dɪˈsɪʒn]n. 决定;决策•She made a difficult decision about her future.39、demand [dɪˈmɑːnd]n. & v. 需求;要求•The market demands for innovative products are increasing.40、development [dɪˈvɛləpmənt]n. 发展;开发•The company is focusing on new product development. 41、direction [dəˈrekʃn]n. 方向;指导•She gave him clear directions to the office.42、disagree [ˌdɪsəˈɡriː]v. 不同意;不一致•I disagree with your assessment of the situation.43、discussion [dɪˈskʌʃn]n. 讨论;议论•We had a lively discussion about the topic.44、education [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn]n. 教育;培养•She values education above all else.45、effect [ɪˈfekt]n. 影响;效果•The medicine had an immediate effect on her condition.46、efficiency [ɪˈfɪʃnsi]n. 效率;效能•The new system has increased work efficiency.47、effort [ˈefət]n. 努力;尝试•She made every effort to succeed.48、emphasis [ˈemfəsɪs]n. 强调;重点•The teacher placed emphasis on grammar in the lesson.49、emotion [ɪˈməʊʃn]n. 情感;情绪•She expressed her emotions freely.50、environment [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]n. 环境;周围状况•We need to protect the environment for future generations. 51、evaluation [ɪˌvæljəˈkeɪʃn]n. 评估;评价•The project received a positive evaluation from the committee.52、evidence [ˈevɪdəns]n. 证据;证明•There is strong evidence to support the theory.53、experience [ɪkˈspɪəriəns]n. & v. 经验;经历•She has extensive experience in the field.54、expert [ˈekspɝt]n. 专家;能手•She consulted an expert for advice on the matter.55、failure [ˈfeɪljər]n. 失败;未能•The project was a failure due to lack of funding.56、fashion [ˈfæʃn]n. 时尚;流行•She follows the latest fashion trends.57、finance [ˈfaɪnəns]n. 金融;财政•The company is in good financial health.58、focus [ˈfəʊkəs]n. & v. 焦点;集中•The camera's focus was on the subject.59、future [ˈfjuːtʃər]n. 未来;前途•She has big plans for her future.60、goal [ɡəʊl]n. 目标;球门•Her goal is to become a published author.61、growth [ɡrəʊθ]n. 增长;发展•The company has experienced significant growth in recent years.。

笔译实用词汇(A)-abrasive 研磨料;研磨物abutment plate 支柱板acceleration 加速acceptance test 验收测试access 接触途径access door 检修门;通道门accessory 附件;配件accident 事故;意外accident condition 事故工况Accounting Services Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 会计组〔机电工程署〕accreditation 审定;认可Accreditation Advisory Board [formerly known as Laboratory Accreditation Board] 认可咨询委员会〔前称实验所认可委员会〕accreditation body 审定团体accreditation certificate 审定证书accumulator 蓄压器;蓄电池accumulator battery 蓄电池组acetylene gas 乙炔气acoustic screen 隔音屏activated carbon filter 活性碳过滤器active/monitor regulator 常用及后备双重调压器activity 放射性;活度actuating mechanism 促动机件actuating member 促动部分adapt 改装;改造adaptable box 适配线盒adapter 适配接头;接合器adapter base 适配接头座adapter neck 转接颈套addition 增设;加建adjust 调校adjustable regulator 可调校的调压器adjustable speed electric drive 调速电力驱动adjustable wrench 活动扳手aeration 曝气;充气aerial 天线aerial ropeway 架空缆车aerobridge 旅客登机桥aerofoil fan 轴流风扇aerosol 气溶胶;悬浮微粒aerosol can 喷雾罐aerosol container 喷雾剂容器aerosol product 喷雾剂产品aiding flux 助磁通量air blower 鼓风机air brake 空气制动器air circulation pump 循环气泵air cleaner 空气清新机air compressor 空气压缩机;风泵air damper 风挡;风闸air diffuser 空气扩散器air distributor 空气分配器air duct 通风管道;风槽air filter 空气过滤器;隔尘网;“风隔”air flow 气流air grille 通风格栅;“风嘴”air inlet 空气入口air inlet system 进气系统air ionizer 空气电离子器air particulate 空气粒子air passage 风道air pressure switch 气压掣air pressurization system 空气加压系统air quality 空气质素air receiver 空气容器;空气贮存器air restrictor 空气节流器air shuttle valve 阻气阀air side 供风端air sterilization equipment 空气消毒设备air sterilizer 空气净化器air tank 空气箱air velocity meter 风速计air vent cock 通风管旋塞air volume meter 气量计air-break circuit-breaker 空气断弧断路器Air-conditioning Inspector 空气调节督察air-conditioning installation 空气调节装置air-conditioning system 空气调节系统;空调系统air-conditioning unit 空气调节机组air-cooled air-conditioning system 气冷式空调系统air-cooled chiller 气冷式制冷机aircraft 航空器;飞机aircraft auxiliary power unit 飞机辅助电源装置aircraft recovery equipment 拖机设备airflow meter 风量计;空气流量计air-handling unit 空气处理机组Airport Sector Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 机场工程部〔机电工程署〕Airport Sector Manager [Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund] 机场工程经理〔机电工程营运基金〕alarm 警报器alarm bell 警钟alarm bell button 警钟按钮alarm buzzer 警报器alarm system 警报系统alignment 准线;直线校准all-insulated busbar 全绝缘总线allowance for diversity 容许参差额alteration 改动;改装alternating current [AC] 交流电alternating current electric drive 交流电电力驱动alternating current single phase 交流电单相供电alternating current supply 交流电源alternator 交流发电机alternator exciter 交流发电机励磁器aluminium conductor 铝导体aluminium-sheathed cable 铝套电缆ambient temperature 环境温度American Association for Laboratory Accreditation 美国实验所认可协会American National Standard [ANS] 美国国家标准American National Standards Institute [ANSI] 美国国家标准学会American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] 美国材料试验学会American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE] 美国采暖、制冷及空气调节工程师协会ammeter 安培计;电流表amperage 安培值ampere [A] 安培amplifier 放大器amusement device 娱乐装置amusement games centre 游戏机中心amusement ride 机动游戏机anaesthetic gas scavenging system 麻醉气体清除系统anchor 锚泊anchor bolt 锚栓anchorage 锚固装置;锚定装置aneroid 无液的;不用液体的angle iron bracket 角铁支架;角铁托架angle piece 角形构件annealed copper conductor 退火铜导体annunciator 信号显示器anode 阳极anti-creep 防蠕动anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆anti-oxidizing paste 抗氧化剂anti-phase 反相;逆相anti-spread device 防止散开的器件anti-static chain 抗静电链anti-static tyre 抗静电轮胎anti-tracking 抗留 漏电anti-vibration pad 防震垫Antonfield Engineering Company Limited 宏照工程有限公司aperture 孔口;孔穴apparatus 仪器;设备appeal 上诉appeal board 上诉委员会;上诉小组appeal board panel 上诉委员团;上诉委员会appliance 用具appliance coupler 器具联接器appliance inlet 电力用具的入电口Application for Copies of Certificate of Registration of Registered Electrical Contractor for Branch Offices 为电业承办商分行申领注册证明书副本Application for Recognition as Recognized Certification Body 申请获认可为认可核证团体Application for Recognition as Recognized Manufacturer 申请获认可为认可制造商appointed examiner 委任检验师approach detector 乘客接近感应器approved form 认可表格;认可的格式approved loading 允许负载量approved plan 批准图则approved works 获批准的工程apron sheet 挡板arc 电弧arc chute 消弧栅arc lamp 弧光灯arc welding equipment 电弧焊接设备arch 拱门Architects Registration Board 建筑师注册管理局architrave 框缘arcing 产生电弧arm 悬臂;臂armature 电枢armour 装甲;护甲armour bond 装甲接驳armour clamping cone 装甲线夹锥armour wire 装甲线armoured clamp 装甲线夹armoured glass 安全玻璃;嵌有钢丝的玻璃aromatic hydrocarbon 芳香族烃arrester 制动装置arrival bell 到站铃arrival gong 到站钟articulated car 挂接车厢artificial light 人工照明工具artificial neutral point 人工中性点ash pit 排渣槽;灰池aspirator 吸风管;吸气器assembly 组件;组合associated gear 相关设备Association of Local Engineers of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 机电工程署本地工程师协会Association of Short-circuit Testing Authorities [ASTA] [United Kingdom] 短路测试协会〔英国〕atmosphere 大气atmospheric distillation 常压蒸馏atmospheric pressure 大气压力;常压atmospheric temperature 大气温度;常温Atomic Energy Authority [United Kingdom] 原子能管理局〔英国〕atomization 雾化;喷雾atomization air fan 雾化空气风扇attachment 附件;附加装置attachment switch 固定掣attended venue 有员工驻守的场地;有员工驻守的地点audible emergency alarm 有声紧急警报器audible signal 声频信号audible unit 发声组合;发声单元auger boring 螺旋钻探authorized officer 特准人员;获授权人员authorized person 认可人士;获授权人autoclave 高压消毒器automatic and quick-acting means 自动及快速反应设备automatic backup system 自动后备供电系统automatic bypass 自动越层automatic circuit-breaker 自动断路器automatic closer 自动关闭器automatic control 自动控制;自动控制器automatic device 自动装置automatic fire-fighting system 自动灭火系统automatic ignition 自动点火automatic operation 自动操作automatic processing plant 自动处理机械automatic push-button control 自动按钮控制automatic release 自动脱扣automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器automatic weather station 自动气象站auto-transformer 自耦变压器autotruck 货车;卡车auxiliary attachment 附属装置auxiliary control panel 辅助控制板;辅助掣板auxiliary drive system 辅助驱动系统auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary feed-water flow 辅助给水流量auxiliary feed-water pump 辅助给水泵auxiliary feed-water tank 辅助给水箱auxiliary plant 辅助厂房auxiliary system 辅助系统available car area 机厢有效面积average car load 平均机厢负载average closing speed 平均关门速度axial fan 轴流式风扇axle 轮轴;车轴axle oil 轮轴机油笔译实用词汇(B)back flush 反向冲洗;反洗backfire 逆火background value 本底数值backplate 背板baffle plate 挡板baggage handling system 行李输送系统;行李处理系统balanced flue water heater 对衡式热水炉balancing weight 平衡锤ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头ballast 镇流器balustrade 扶栏balustrade decking 扶栏盖板band brake 带式制动器bar 巴;总线;棒bar code reader 条形码阅读器bare 明露bare conductor 无覆盖导体;裸导体barrier 障碍物;屏障base 座base frame 底座;底架base sealing 底部密封胶basic data set 基本数据集basket [drying machine] 干衣机滚筒bathroom 浴室battery 电池;蓄电池battery bank 蓄电池组battery cell voltage 蓄电池电压battery charger 电池充电器battery charging voltage 蓄电池充电电压battery connection bar 蓄电池连接铜片battery electrolyte 蓄电池电解液battery-powered 电池推动bayonet lampholder 卡口灯座beach cleaner 沙滩清洁车beacon 指示灯;灯标beam path 光束路径bearer 支座bearer wire 支承电线bearing 轴承becquerel [Bq] 贝克勒尔bed lift 病 升降机behaviour 性能Belisha beacon 斑马线指示灯;“黄波灯”bell transformer 电铃变压器belt and pulley type 传动带滑轮组belt conveyor 带式输送机belt fastener 传动带紧固件Ben Fung Machineries and Engineering Limited 品丰机电工程有限公司bend 弯位;弯管;弯槽berth 停泊;停泊处;码头bevelling 斜切biocide 杀菌剂;杀虫剂biofilm 生物膜bi-parting door 垂直中分门Black Point Power Station 龙鼓滩发电厂bleeder 分漏电阻block symbol 方块图符号blowdown 排污blow-down valve 排水阀;排污阀blower 吹风机;风机blowlamp 焊灯blow-off pipe 排污管Board of Inquiry 研讯委员会body cross member mounting bolt 车身横构架固定螺栓;“车阵”螺丝body modification 车身改装body resistance 人体电阻bogie wheel 负重轮boiling or cooking surface 烧水或煮食用的炉面boiling pan 蒸煮锅bollard 标柱;护柱bollard light 标柱灯;护柱灯;安全岛指示灯bolt 螺栓bolted connection 栓锁接头bond 粘结;接驳bonding 接驳;连接bonding conductor 接驳导体bonding terminal 接驳终端Bongear Elevator (HK) Limited 宝来德电梯(香港)有限公司boom 吊杆borated water storage tank 含硼水贮存箱boring 钻探;钻孔boring bar 镗杆boring machine 镗boron injection tank 硼注入箱boss 凸出部分bottom curb 底边bottom sprocket 底部大齿轮bottom terminal landing 最低层站box 线盒;箱box fan 盒形风扇bracket 托架;支架braid 滚带braided flexible cord 滚带软电线brake 制动器;制动装置;剎车brake actuating current 制动器开动电流brake coil 制动线圈brake drum 制动器鼓brake fluid 制动液;“迫力油”brake hold-off current 制动器持定电流brake limit switch 制动器限位掣brake lining 制动器衬片brake magnet 制动磁铁brake pedal 剎车踏板brake race 制动夹圈brake release device 制动器分离器brake rod 制动杆brake shoe 制动靴brake system 制动系统;剎车系统brake test 制动器试验brake tester 制动系统测试器brake wrench 制动器扳手braking system 制动系统branch circuit 分支电路branch pipework 分支喉管brazing 铜焊breaking capacity 断流容量breaking current 分断电流breaking load 破断载荷breather 通气孔Brightness Building Services Limited 恒晖机电工程有限公司British Approvals Service for Electric Cables [BASEC] 英国电线品质检定局British Electrotechnical Approvals Board [BEAB] 英国电工技术审定局British Electrotechnical Committee [BEC] 英国电工技术委员会British Engineering Standards Association [BESA] 英国工程标准协会British Pharmaceutical Codex 《英国药学药典》British Standard [BS] 英国标准British Standard Code of Practice 英国标准工作守则British Standard Pipe [BSP] 英国标准管British Standard Pipe thread 英国标准管螺纹;“喉牙”British Standard Specification [BSS] 英国标准规格British Standards Institution [BSI] 英国标准协会broaching machine 拉broken drive chain device 驱动链断裂安全装置broken step chain device 梯级链断裂安全装置broken wire 已折断的金属丝bucket 铲斗bucket conveyor 斗式输送机buckle clip 带扣buffer 缓冲器buffer stroke 缓冲器冲程buffer switch 缓冲器开关builder's lift 建筑工地升降机builder's lift works 建筑工地升降机工程building energy code 建筑物能源守则Building Services Engineer 屋宇装备工程师Building Services Inspector 屋宇装备督察building services installation 屋宇装备装置building works 建筑工程bulk central liquefied petroleum gas supply system 大型中央石油气供应系统bulk tank [liquefied petroleum gas] 大型石油气缸bumper 减震器bunch 捆扎bungee cord 弹性绳索burglar alarm 防盗警钟buried gas pipe 地底气体喉管burner 燃烧器;炉头burner control 燃烧器控制器件bursting 爆裂busbar 总线busbar casing 总线包壳busbar chamber 总线箱busbar joint 总线接头busbar riser 总线上升总线busbar trunking system 总线线槽系统bush 套管;衬套;管箍bushing 套管;管箍Business Development Branch [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 业务发展科〔机电工程署〕business process improvement project 业务流程改善计划business process management system 业务流程管理系统butane 丁烷butylene 丁烯by mass 以质量计bypass 旁通管;旁路笔译实用词汇(C)cab 驾驶室;机身〔升降机〕cab air filter 车厢空气过滤器;车厢“风隔”cab switch 机身掣cabinet 掣柜;外壳cable 电缆;吊缆cable access system 钢缆检修系统cable armour 电缆装甲cable channel 线沟;电缆沟cable cleat 线夹cable clip 电线夹cable connector 电缆接头cable coupler 电缆耦合器cable duct 电缆管道cable ducting 电缆管道;“线通”cable end box 电缆终端箱;电缆终端盒cable entry duct 电缆入线管cable extension reel 电线延伸卷筒cable gland 电缆索头cable joint 电缆接头cable locator 电缆探测器cable saddle 线鞍cable sealing 电缆封头cable terminal 电缆终端;电线接头cable termination 电缆终端;电线封端cable tray 线架cable trunking 线槽cable tunnel 电缆隧道cage 机厢cage floor 机厢地板cage operating panel 机厢操作掣板cage top control station 机厢顶控制掣板cage top railing 机厢顶栏杆calibration 校准call button 召唤按钮calorific value 热值calorifier 加热器Caltex Oil Hong Kong Limited 香港加德士有限公司cancellation of registration 取消注册cap 帽盖cap retaining ring 帽盖扣环capacitance meter 电容表capacitor 电容器capacitor bank 电容组合;电力电容器组car 机厢;车厢;车car apron 机厢挡板car buffer 机厢缓冲器car button 机厢按钮car canopy 机厢顶板car ceiling 机厢顶car controller 机厢控制器car dispatch 机厢调度car door 机厢门;车厢门car door hanger 机厢门吊架;机厢门悬挂装置car door lock 机厢门锁car door operator 机厢门控制器;机厢门“门机”car enclosure 机厢壁car entrance 机厢出入口car fan 机厢风扇car floor 机厢地板car frame 机厢架car levelling device 机厢调平装置car operating panel 机厢操作掣板car platform 机厢地台car position indicator 机厢位置指示器car push-button 机厢按钮car safety gear 机厢安全钳car signal light 机厢指示灯car sill 机厢地坎car sling 机厢吊架car sling attachment 机厢吊架附件car top 机厢顶car top emergency opening 机厢顶紧急门car top inspection device 机厢顶检查掣car top protection balustrade 机厢顶护栏car ventilation 机厢通风car wall 机厢壁carbon brush 碳刷carbon brush gear 碳刷装置carbon brush holder 碳刷架carbon dioxide detector 二氧化碳感应器carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器carburettor 化油器carburization 渗碳cargo compartment 载货间carriage 车厢;托架carrier 运载工具;托架carrying capacity 乘载重量carrying current 载流carrying-hauling rope 运载拖缆cartridge fuse 熔断器;熔断管cartridge fuse-link 熔断连杆管casing 套管;包壳cassette cooker 卡式石油气炉cast 铸造Castle Peak Power Company Limited [CAPCO] 青山发电有限公司Castle Peak Power Station 青山发电厂catalytic action 催化作用catalytic cracker 催化裂化器catalytic cracking 催化裂化catch 挡器;制动片category X circuit 第X类电路catenary wire 承力线cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统cavity 中空部分cavity wall 空心墙CB Bulletin 《CB期刊》CB Scheme CB体系CB Test Certificate CB测试证明书ceiling conduit outlet 天花板导管出口ceiling fan 吊扇ceiling rose 天花板灯线盒ceiling rose connector 天花板灯线盒接头ceiling suspension hook 天花吊钩cement 水泥cement bonded sand 水泥砂CENELEC Electronic Components Committee [CECC] 欧洲电工标准化委员会电子器件委员会central air-conditioning system 中央空调系统central chiller plant 中央冷冻水机组central control monitoring system 中央监控系统central transfer 中央转运centralized piped supply system for condenser cooling 集中式管道供应冷凝器冷却水系统centralized piped supply system for cooling towers 集中式管道供应冷却塔用水系统centre opening 中间开启centre-contact bayonet lampholder 中间触点卡口灯座centre-opening door 中分门centrifugal fan 离心式风扇centrifugal governor 离心式调速器certificate 证明书;证书Certificate in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学证书certificate of accreditation 审定证书certificate of registration 注册证明书Certificate of Roadworthiness 车辆宜于道路上使用证明书certificate of safety compliance 符合安全规格证明书Certificate of the Electrician or Electrical Fitter Upgrading Course 电工或电气打磨装配工进修课程证书certification authority 认证当局certification body 核证团体certification of design of installation 签发电力装置设计证书certification of work 签发工程证明书certify 发出证明书;核证;认证;验证chain 链条chain belt 链带chain block 链条滑车chain drive 链驱动chain sheave 链轮chain-driving machine 链驱动机chamfer 削角change-over device 转换器change-over selector 转换选择器change-over switch 转换掣channel 线沟;管道channel cover 沟盖;线槽护盖charged capacitor 荷电电容器charging rate 注入速率charging/make-up flow [reactor coolant system] 上充/补给水流量〔反应堆冷却剂系统〕Charpy test 摆锤式冲击测试charring 烧焦;炭化chassis 车身底盘;车盘;底盘chassis frame 底盘架构check meter 分表check valve 单向阀;止回阀Cheerwell Engineering Limited 展伟工程有限公司chemical filter 化学过滤器chemical form 化学形态chemical pump 化工用泵Chevalier (HK) Limited 其士(香港)有限公司chief operator 主操作员chilled water 冷却水chilled water pump 冷却水泵chiller 制冷机;冷冻机chimney 烟沟;烟China Commission for Conformity Certification of Electrical Equipment 中国电工产品认证委员会China Light and Power Company, Limited [presently known as CLP Power Hong Kong Limited] 中华电力有限公司China Resources Petrochems (Group) Company Limited 华润石化(集团)有限公司Chinese Manufacturers' Association Testing and Certification Laboratories 香港中华厂商联合会检定中心chlorinated water 加有氯气的水chlorinator 加氯器chlorofluorocarbon [CFC] 含氯氟烃choke 扼流圈Chun Ming Engineering Company Limited 振明工程有限公司circuit 电路circuit arrangement 电路安排circuit category 电路类别circuit diagram 电路图circuit overload protection 电路过载保护circuit protective conductor 电路保护导体circuit-breaker 断路器;断路装置circular core 圆形线芯circulating fan 循环扇circulation mode 循环模式CKP Building Service Systems Limited 稼达机电工程有限公司clamp 夹子clamping device 夹紧装置;夹紧器件clamping nut 线夹螺帽;夹紧螺帽clamping plate 夹片clamping screw 夹紧螺丝clamping unit 夹紧器claplock cable clamp 拍扣式电缆线夹class X product 第X类产品cleaning plug 清除塞clearance 间隙clearance space 间隙空间clearance through air 穿过空间的间隙cleat 线夹client manager 客户经理clip fan 夹型风扇clogging precaution 预防堵塞的措施closed position 闭合位置closed-circuit television [CCTV] 闭路电视CLP Holdings Limited 中电控股有限公司CLP Power Hong Kong Limited [CLP] [formerly known as China Light and Power Company, Limited] 中华电力有限公司〔中电〕clutch 离合器clutch drum 离合器鼓轮clutch hydraulic fluid 离合器液压油clutch system 离合器系统coating 涂层;保护层coating material 涂盖物质;涂料code of practice 实务守则;工作守则Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Air Conditioning Installations 《空调装置能源效益守则》Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Electrical Installations 《电力装置能源效益守则》Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Lift and Escalator Installations 《升降机及自动梯装置能源效益守则》Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Lighting Installations 《照明装置能源效益守则》Code of Practice for Hong Kong LPG Industry Module 1--LPG Compounds and Cylinder Stores 《香港石油气业工作守则第1单元──石油气库及石油气瓶储存间》Code of Practice for Installation of Electrically Operated Sliding Gates, Sliding Glass Doors and Rolling Shutters 《电闸、电动玻璃门及电动卷闸装置操作守则》Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations 《电力(线路)规例工作守则》Code of Practice for the Prevention of Legionnaires' Disease 《预防退伍军人病症工作守则》Code of Practice GU 05--Approval of Domestic Gas Appliances 《工作守则:气体应用指南之五──住宅式气体用具的批准》Code of Practice GU 09--Low Pressure Regulators for Supplying Gas from LPG Cylinders Having Less Than 40 Litres Water Capacity 《工作守则:气体应用指南之九──用以从容水量少于40升的石油气瓶供气的低压调压器》Code of Practice on Avoiding Danger from Gas Pipes 《避免气体喉管构成危险工作守则》Code of Practice on the Design and Construction of Builder's Lifts 《建筑工地升降机设计及建造实务守则》coefficient of heat transfer 传热系数coefficient of performance 性能系数cold leg 冷支路cold tail 不通电的引线collapsible gate 折迭门;折闸collar 垫圈collective control 集合控制collective effective dose equivalent 集体有效剂量当量collective selective control 集选控制collector plate 集尘板colour code 色标comb 梳件comb teeth 梳齿combined tank 组合箱combustible gas 可燃气体combustible goods 可燃物品combustible material 可燃材料combustion air 助燃空气commencement of operation 开始操作commercial kitchen 商用厨房commissioning 校验;试运行;完工测试;投入运作common antenna broadcast distribution system [CABD] 公共天线广播分配系统common connection 共同接头common control panel 共享掣板common lift pit 升降机共享井底坑common relay cabinet 共享继电器掣柜common trench 共享坑道common well 共享井道communal electrical installation 公用电力装置communication channel 通信途径;通信渠道communication link 通信联络渠道;通信联系装置Communication Task Force 沟通事宜专责小组communications system 通信系统commutator 换向器;整流器commutator induction motor 整流式感应电动机compact fluorescent lamp 紧凑型节能荧光灯;“悭电胆”company's installation 公司装置compartment 分隔间compensating chain 补偿链;平衡链compensating rope 补偿缆;平衡缆compensating rope chain 补偿缆链compensating rope sheave 补偿缆轮compensating sheave 补偿轮competent escalator worker 合资格的自动梯工人competent lift worker 合资格的升降机工人competent operator 合资格的操作员competent person 合资格的人;能胜任的人;胜任人士;主管人员competent worker 合资格人员complete function test 全面功能试验complete overhaul 全面大修component 组件;组件;成分component cooling water system 设备冷却水系统composite accessory 复合配件compound 化合物compound filling 化合物填料;绝缘胶compressed gas 压缩气体compressing tool 压挤工具compression clamp 压缩式线夹compression connector 压缩式连接器compression ignition engine 压燃式引擎compression joint 压缩式接头compression jointing tube 压缩式接管compression socket 压缩式插座compression termination 压缩式终接法compressor 压缩机compressor oil 压缩机油computer-controlled lift 计算机控制的升降机concealed gas pipe 隐蔽式气体喉管concealed pipe 隐蔽式喉管;暗喉concealed steel conduit 暗敷钢导管concentrator 集中器concentric main 同轴电线;同心干线Concord Oil (Hong Kong) Limited 协和石油(香港)有限公司condensate drain pan 冷凝水去水盘condensate drain pipe 冷凝水去水管condensate receiver 冷凝水收集器condensate water pan 冷凝水盘condenser 冷凝器;电容器condenser coil 冷凝盘管condensing system 冷却系统condition-based maintenance system 状态监察维修系统conditions of use 使用条件conductance 导率conductive mass 导电区conductive part 导电部分conductivity 导电性;导电程度conductor 导体conductor hole 导线孔conduit 导管conduit bend 导管弯位conduit joint 导管接头conduit system 导管系统cone 圆锥筒configuration 构形;构造conical seating 锥形支座connected with earth 与地接驳connecting device 连接器件connecting link 连接杆connecting rod 连结杆connection 接头;连接;接驳connection bar 连接铜片connection cabinet 接线掣柜connection unit 连接盒;接驳器connector 接头;连接器connector clamp 接头夹;接合夹connector unit 接合夹constant air volume 恒定风量;固定风量construction 构造;建造;结构construction approval 建造批准construction site 建筑工地construction works 建造工程Consultancy Study of Interconnection and Competition in the Electricity Supply Sector in Hong Kong 有关香港供电业的联网系统和竞争事宜顾问研究consumer 用户consumer unit 用户总掣连配电箱consumer's installation 用户装置consumer's wire 用户电线contact 触点contact angle 接触角contact pin 触脚contact travel 触点行程contact tube 导电铜管contactor 接触器contactor box 接触器箱contactor's contact 接触器触点container 贮存器;容器containment 安全壳containment airlock area 安全壳气闸区域containment building 安全壳厂房containment spray pump 安全壳喷淋泵containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统containment sump 安全壳地坑contingency plan 应急计划;应变计划continued supply 持续供应continuity 连续性continuity of electricity supply 电力的持续供应continuity test 连续性试验continuity tester 连续性试验器continuous gamma measurement result 连续伽马辐射测量结果continuous partition 连续分隔物continuous wave 连续波Contract Adviser 合约顾问Contract Adviser's Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 合约组〔机电工程署〕contract of apprenticeship 学徒训练合约contract of employment 雇用合约contractor business 工程承办商业务contractual obligation 合约订明的责任control 控制;调控〔电力〕;控制器;操纵装置control and instrumentation engineer 控制及仪器工程师control attachment 控制附件control box 控制箱control cabinet 控制掣柜control circuit device 控制电路器件control console 控制台control damper 调节风闸;调节风门control equipment 控制设备control gear 控制器control panel 控制板;控制掣板;控制掣箱control panel enclosure 控制掣箱外壳control resistor box 控制电阻箱control rod 控制杆;控制棒control rod drive mechanism 控制棒驱动装置control switch 控制电掣control system 控制系统control terminal 控制终端control valve 控制阀controller 控制器Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident 《及早通报核事故公约》conventional island 常规岛conversion of energy 能量转换;能量转化conveyance 运送;运载conveyor 输送器;输送机conveyor belt 输送带cooking range 柜炉coolant 冷却剂;冷却水cooling 冷冻;冷却cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling fan 散热风扇cooling system 散热系统;冷却系统cooling tower 冷却塔copper alloy wire 铜合金线copper conductor 铜导体copper connector clamp 铜接头夹copper lug 铜制线耳copper strip 铜带copper-clad aluminium conductor 包铜铝导体copper-sheathed cable 铜套电缆cord 软电线;绳cord anchorage 电线锚位cord electronic switch 拉线电子开关cord grip 线夹cord of flexible core 软芯线cord set 电线套件cord switch 拉线开关core 线芯core cooling 堆芯冷却core melt 堆芯熔化core temperature 堆芯温度corona discharge 电晕放电correction factor 校正因子corrective maintenance service 矫正性维修服务corrosion 侵蚀;腐蚀corrosion resistance 耐蚀性corrosion resistant material 防蚀物料corrosive atmosphere 腐蚀性大气corrosive salt 腐蚀性盐corrosive substance 腐蚀性物质corrugated polyvinyl chloride wind shutter 塑料波纹防风板Costing and Management Information System [CMIS] 成本及管理数据系统countermeasure 防护措施counterweight 对重装置;平衡锤counterweight buffer 对重缓冲器counterweight header 对重头counterweight runby 平衡锤标位counterweight screen 平衡锤护罩counterweight top clearance 对重顶间隙counterweight way 对重装置信道coupler 联接器;联接喉套;耦合器coupling 接头;联结器;联轴节;套管cover tile 盖瓦covering 罩cradle 托架craft certificate 工艺证书craft certificate in electrical engineering 电机工程工艺证书crane 起重机cranking handle 曲柄摇手crease 折缝creepage distance 沿面放电距离cremator 火化炉;焚化炉creosote 木馏油crossing pipe 横跨喉管crossing point 跨越点cross-linked polyethylene [XLPE] 交联聚乙烯cross-linked polyethylene cable 交联聚乙烯电缆;交联电缆crowbar 撬杆;“铁笔”crown sheet 顶板cryogenic gas 深度寒化气体;低温气体cubicle 开关柜cup 杯环current 电流current demand 电流需求量current distribution equipment 电流分配器具current intensity 电流强度current rating 电流额定值current regulator 电流调节器;稳流器current transformer 变流器;电流互感器current value 电流值current-carrying capacity 载流量current-carrying conductor 载流导体current-carrying contact 载流触点current-carrying pin 载流插脚current-limiting reactor 限流电抗器current-using equipment 用电器具Customer Liaison Group [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 客户联络委员会〔机电工程署〕customer satisfaction index 客户满意程度指标Customer Support Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 客户支持组〔机电工程署〕cut-off limit switch 停闸限位掣cut-off switch 断路开关cut-out 断路器cut-out control unit 断路控制组合cut-out fuse 断流熔断器cutting tool 切削工具cyclic load 周期性负荷cylinder 石油气瓶;缸;圆筒cylinder chamber 石油气瓶贮存室cylinder gland 油缸密封套cylinder ram 油缸柱塞cylinder vehicle 石油气瓶车cylinder wagon 石油气瓶车ddado 墙裙daily service fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣damage 损毁damper 挡板damper linkage 风闸联动装置damper motor 风闸马达damping mat 阻尼垫dangerous earth potential 危险性对地电势dashpot 减震器data transmission 数据传输DC/AC converter 直流电/交流电转换器dead 不带电dead weight 自重decanter 沉淀分取器declaration of conformity 符合标准声明decommissioning 解除运作;停止运作decompression chamber 减压室decorative lighting 装饰照明;灯饰deep bore well pump 深钻井泵defect liability period 故障修理责任期;保用期defectograph 钢缆探伤仪;故障检查仪defence in depth 纵深防御definite sequence 固定次序deflection 偏转;挠度deflector sheave 折向轮;导向轮defrost timer 防霜时间掣defrost unit 溶雪组合dehumidifier 抽湿机deleterious substance 有害物质delivery and return air temperature 送风及回风温度delivery connection 出油接头delivery pressure 输出压力demand side management 用电需求管理demand side management agreement 用电需求管理协议demand side management programme 用电需求管理计划dent 凹痕dental instrument 牙科仪器dental scaler 洗牙具Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 行政部〔机电工程署〕Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕deposition 沉积物depth measuring facility 深度测量装置derating factor 额定值降低因子derust 除锈descale 清除氧化皮design current 设计电流design parameter 设计参数designated employee 指定雇员detachable grip 可拆除的夹扣Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors 注册电业承办商分行详情申报deterioration 变质;变坏Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德国工业标准device 器件;装置dewatering 脱水;排水diaphragm 膜片;隔板dielectric strength test 电介质强度测试diesel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸diesel oil 柴油differential gasket 差速器衬垫differential lock 差速器锁differential oil 差速器机油diffuser 透光罩;扩散器dilute 稀释dim sum trolley 点心手推车dim transformer 光暗变压器diminution of value 减值dimmer 调光器;光暗掣;光暗器dip tube 液位探测管Diploma in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学文凭dipstick 量油尺direct current [DC] 直流电direct current control 直流控制direct current electric drive 直流电电力驱动direct current reactor 直流电抗器direct drive 直接驱动direct purging 直接驱气direct-acting lift 直接驱动升降机direct-fired vaporizer 明火直热式汽化器direction arrow 方向箭头。

All Saint’s Day 万圣节American plan约能源(旅馆的)美国式收费式a soft job 轻松的工作a widow’s mite 礼轻情义重beefcake 男性健美照be free to practice one’s religion 宗教信仰自由“bifocal” vision “双重”视野break with old customs 抛弃传统busboy (饭店的)洗碗擦桌子的杂工Catch-22 无法摆脱的困难;难以逾越的障碍civic values 大众价值观clash with civilizations 文明的碰撞consumerist creed 消费至上主义corporate culture 企业文化country fair 乡村博览会cross-cultural bridge 跨文化桥梁cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流cultural borrowing 文化借用cultural complex 文化情结cultural development 文化建设cultural devolution 文化退化cultural differences 文化差异cultural hegemony 文化霸权cultural heritage 文化遗产cultural identity 文化认同cultural impact 文化影响cultural insights 文化视角cultural lag 文化落后cultural life 文化生活cultural manifestation 文化诉求cultural misreading 文化误读cultural pluralism; multiculturalism 文化多元化cultural shock 文化冲击cultural traditions 文化传统culture area 文化区culture of tolerance 宽容的文化culture-oriented travel 文化旅游culture trait 文化特质dialogue among civilizations 文明间的对话dinner etiquette 餐桌礼仪dominant culture 主导文化ethnic origin 种族起源flower children 配花嬉皮士Flower Generation 花季的一代generation X (90年代的)未知的一代gold-collars 金领阶层hard drug 硬毒品;易成瘾的烈性毒品(如海洛因、可卡因、吗啡等)heterogenous culture 异质文化high culture 优等文化;高级文化human civilization 人类文明humane historical sites 人文历史遗址hyper-individualism 超级个人主义intercultural dialogue 跨文化对话isomorphic cultural community 同质文化群体King’s English 纯正英语language restriction 语言限制主义Lazy Susan (指一种盛食品的)自动转盘(方便顾客选用的食品)low culture 低等文化;低级文化low tea 晚餐前茶点mainstream culture 主流文化Mary Jane 大麻(烟叶)“me” generation (70年代的)“为我”的一代midriff 露脐装national identity and values 民族特性和价值观national sentiments 民族感情new-collars (指二战后的第一代婴儿潮中出生的人)Nobel laureate 诺贝尔获得者off license 售酒执照orphan book 孤本pot culture 大麻文化(指以吸用大麻为中心的生活方式)prejudice and misunderstanding 偏见和误解promote sociability 促进社会交往sample local culture 领略当地文化service station 加油站,服务站silent generation (指50年代成年的人)沉默的一代soft drug 软毒品;不宜成瘾的毒品spiritual enhancement 精神升华the beaten generation 垮掉的一代The Clash of Civilization 《文明冲突》the gilded age 镀金时代the lost generation 迷茫的一代the Millennials 千禧一代tolerance and mutual respect 互相宽容和尊重value of knowledge 知识的价值value proposition 价值主张Vietnam War generation 越战的一代(60年代成年的人)除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve 八卦Eight Trigram风水fengshui/geomancy华表cloud pillar; ornamental column还愿redeem a wish兼爱discriminate love礼制ethical codes农历Chinese lunar calendar气节moral integrity谥号temple title姻缘prefixed fate of marriage 五经Five Classics中和harmony《国策》Discourses of the States《史记》Records of the Historian《离骚》Sorrow after Departure《左传》The Spring and Autumn Annals八股文eight-legged; official stereotyped writing本命年one’s animal year道德观moral outlook端午节Dragon Boat Festival 翰林院Imperial Academy和为贵harmony is most precious礼之本essence of the rites年夜饭family reunion dinner 仁之本the foundation of harmony文化界cultural circles孝与敬filial piety and reverence压岁钱red envelope/money given to children as a lunar New Year gift中山装Chinese tunic suit/Mao suit重阳节the Double Ninth Festival《道德经》Tao TeChing/Classic of the Way of Virtue《弟子规》Disciples Regulation《百家姓》Pamphlet of Chinese Surnames/Book of (China’s) Family Names《战国策》Strategies of the Warring States 道德修养moralself-cultivation道法自然Tao models itself after nature博大精深broad and profound 出土文物unearthed relics传统美德traditional virtues传统文化traditional culture风土人情local conditions and customs刚柔并济combination of softness and hardness和谐文化harmonious culture 厚德载物great virtue promotes growth皇城根儿the foot of the imperial city精神文明spiritual civilization; advanced culture and ethics敬老慈幼respect the old and love the young孔孟之道Confucius-Mencius doctrines孔子学院Confucius Institute 礼乐文化rites and music culture礼仪之邦 a land of ceremony and decorum礼义廉耻Courtesy, Justice, Integrity and Sense of Shame龙的传人the generation of dragon民本思想populist ideas民间文化folk culture民俗庙会temple fair of folk custom民族文化national culture民族自豪national pride墨家学派the Mohist school内外兼修whole care隋唐佛学The Buddhist philosophy during Sui and Tang dynasties天干地支Heavenly Stems and Earthy Branches天人合一unity of man and nature天下为公the world or country for all文化宝藏cultural treasures文化产业cultural industry农耕文化farming culture善养浩气skillful in nourishing virtual force慎言敏行diligent in duties and careful in speech十二生肖Chinese Zodiac思维方式the way of thinking 文化创新cultural innovation 文化事业cultural undertakings 文化视点cultural perspective 文化需求cultural needs文化摇篮cradle of culture文化遗迹cultural relics文化重建cultural reconstruction文化自觉cultural awareness 无为而治letting nature take its own course/govern by noninterference乡土文化native culture 炎黄子孙 a Chinese descendant/the Chinese nation 以德行仁practice humanity with virtue源远流长have a long history 中国意识Chineseness中国元素China’s elements中庸之道doctrine of the mean 二十四节气24 solar terms民间工艺品fold arts and crafts 文化多样性cultural diversification文化软实力cultural soft power 传统文化知识traditional cultural know-how对外文化贸易international cultural trade思想道德建设raise ideological and ethical standards《四库全书》Complete Works of Chinese Classics文化产业基地cultural industrial base文化传播渠道channels of cultural transmission文化创意产业cultural creative industry文化体制改革reform of cultural administrative system; cultural restructuring骨干文化企业leading/key cultural enterprises文化资源整合integration of cultural resources新兴文化业态emerging cultural formats改造落后的文化transform the backward culture世界文化遗产地world cultural heritage site弘扬民族优秀文化advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation文化下乡长效机制long-term mechanism for developing culture in rural areas重大文化产业项目major cultural industrial projects国家一类文物保护单位cultural relics (units) underfirst-grade state protection吸收外国文化有益成果absorb the achievements of foreign cultures修身、齐家、治国、平天下self-cultivation, a well-managed family, and the ability to administer the state and to bring peace to the nation中国华文明博大精深,源远流长。
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第一单元国情1.爱国统一战线patriotic united front2.安家费setting-in allowance3.安居工程Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project4.保障和改善民生ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives5.毕婚族marry-upon-graduation6.城管urban management officers7.城市补丁run-down neighborhoods8.城市低收入者low-income city dwellers9.城乡公共就业服务体系urban and rural systems for providing publicemployment services10.城乡社会救助体系urban and rural emergency aid system11.城镇职工基本养老保险制度basic old-age insurance system for urban workers12.创新型国家innovation-oriented nation13.粗放型增长方式extensive mode of growth; inefficient mode of growth14.代排族hired queuers15.低保制度subsistence security system16.低收入家庭low-income household/family17.地方保护主义regional protectionism18.短租房short-term housing/accommodation19.恶搞video spoof20.恶性循环vicious circle21.二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house22.法治政府law-based government23.房奴mortgage slave24.(非法)传销pyramid scheme; multi-level marketing25.非法收入illicit income; illegal earnings26.封口费hush money27.服务型政府service-oriented government28.福利彩票welfare lottery29.改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform30.改革试点pilot reform program31.高层次人才high-caliber personnel32.高技能人才highly skilled personnel33.个体户the self-employed34.公共参与public/communal participation35.公务车state-financed vehicle36.公务员civil/public servant37.公用互联网public Internet38.固定电话网fixed-line telephone network39.《国家发展规划纲要》Outline of the National Development Program40.和谐社会harmonious society41.黑车unlicensed cab42.黑恶势力Mafia-like gangs43.户口registered permanent residence44.基层社区grassroots community45.加强和改善宏观调控improve macro control46.假文凭fake diplomas47.坚持基本纲领uphold the basic program48.减员增效downsize the staff to improve efficiency49.简易过渡房makeshift shelter50.经济适用房affordable housing51.就业指导employment guidance52.开放型经济an open economy53.开瓶费corkage fee54.抗灾救灾工作efforts to combat disasters and provide relief55.科学发展观scientific outlook on development56.空巢家庭empty nest/childless family57.廉租房low-rent housing58.两限房house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable areas59.留守女士/留守男士grass widow/widower60.面子工程vanity/image project61.民生people’s wellbeing62.民族团结ethnic unity63.南水北调South-to-North water diversion64.农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor65.农村合作医疗制度system of rural cooperative medical care66.(农村)劳动力转移就业(rural workers) find work in nonagricultural sectors67.农民工migrant worker68.农业税agricultural tax69.泡网吧hit the Internet bar70.贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution71.贫困人口impoverished people72.平房改造工程renovation project of shanty dwellings73.潜规则casting couch74.权力下放shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to lower levels75.群租客tenant group76.人口功能区functional population zone77.人事制度改革reform of personnel system78.入住率occupancy rate79.三八红旗手March 8 Red Flag Bearer80.闪跳族habitual job hoppers81.社会保障工作social security work82.社会保障体制social security system83.社会结构social structure84.社会利益格局interests of different social groups85.社会信用体系social credit system86.社会主义核心价值体系core socialist values87.社会主义荣辱观Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace88.社会转型时期period of social transition89.社会组织形式the way society is organized90.市政工程municipal/public works91.数字鸿沟digital divide92.双休日two-day weekend93.双职工working couple94.特色优势产业industries with local advantages95.天灾人祸natural calamities and man-made misfortunes96.贴小广告的人bill stickers97.同城待遇identical treatment98.筒子楼tube-shaped apartment building99.团购group buying100.无偿献血unpaid blood donation101.五好家庭Five-Virtues Family102.西部大开发战略western development strategy103.下岗职工unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees 104.下基层锻炼temper oneself in a grassroots unit105.乡长township head106.乡镇企业township enterprises107.学区房school-nearby house108.学生减负reduce students’ study load109.严打斗争strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes 110.移动通信网mobile communication network111.引进人才bring in needed personnel112.优抚安置provide special assistance to entitled groups113.暂住证temporary residence permit114.增强道德观念enhance moral awareness115.重复建设项目overlapping/redundant project116.住房制度改革reform of housing system117.自觉排队日Queuing-up Day118.自主创新能力capacity for independent innovation119.总体规划overall plan120.最低生活保障subsistence allowance1.中国执行改革开放政策,争取在五十年内发展起来。
China, by pursing the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world, is striving to become developed within 50 years.2.就我们中国来讲,首先要摆脱贫穷。
For China, the first thing is to shake off poverty. To do that, we have to find a way to develop rapidly.3.中国人口多、底子薄,发展很不平衡,人均国内生产总值还处于世界后列。
We have a huge population, a weak economic foundation and uneven development, our per capita GDP ranks fairly low among the countries in the world.4.中国拥有世界上最多的人口,农业人口也是世界第一。