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HUMA099E April 4, 2005

Part Seven Semantographs 表意字

1. Abstract graphs 抽象字 P.110-111.

2. Pictorial graphs 象物字 pp.111-120

3. Deictic graph (diectograph) 指示字

4. Quasi-pictorial graphs 象物字式的象事字

5. Syssemantographs 會意字

5.1. Pictorial Syssemantographs 圖形式會意字

鬥two people are fighting

孚Why did a hand grasp a child? POW


Egyptian 埃及 writing.

5.2 Syssemantographs that employ the positional relationship of graphic components 利用偏旁間位置關係的會意字

正, protoform of 征,‘to travel afar’.

韋 (protoform of 違'avoid, go away from' (事與願違、違心話、違背)).

出'go out'. Ancient people lived in pits. 穴居. depicts a pit.

各, protoform of A foot moves toward a pit dwelling.

莫‘evening’ (written as 暮 later)

逐 ‘pursue’

祭‘offer a sacrifice’ --肉--又(手) 示 ‘spirit tablet’ 神主

竄'flee'. 'to hide'. The graph is comprised of a rat and a hole (穴)

嬲 niăo ‘to tease’. a girl between two boys. 戲弄,糾纏。粵語讀 naɐu55,生氣。

尖 pointed, sharp, 上面小下面大。

氹 / 凼 Cantonese [tɐm35] dang4 'pond' 小水坑、水潭. 乙'low-lying land' (窪地;凹陷的地方).

5.3 Syssemantographs Comprised of a Principal Part Plus a Body Part主體和器官的會意字

見‘see’; a man with his eye open.

欠 ‘yawn’ 打呵欠.

(望) ‘gaze into distance’。亡,phonetic

飲‘drink’ lowering his head in order to drink wine from a wine container.

臭xiù(嗅) ‘smell’ 易經:同心之言,其臭如蘭。It smells like orchid.

鳴to crow. a mouth and a rooster.

Question: How to distinguish this from the graphs belonging to pictorial graph 象物字?

a. 身 ‘belly’ 肚子If it means 'fat',

b. 元 ‘head’ 頭.《左傳》: “狄人歸其元,面如生。”

c. 葉 ‘leaf’ 樹葉

For the 會意,the part symbolizes some action or states. For 象形, the name of concrete thing.


見‘see’; a man with his eye open.

If this graph (見) represents the word meaning 'eye', then, it belongs to pictorial graphs 象物字

5.4 Syssemantographs created by repeating a Component 重復同一偏旁而成的會意字

林木: ‘tree’ 林: ‘forest’

毳 ‘fine hair’ 細毛

淼‘great quantities of water’ 浩淼

犇(奔) ‘startled (of cows)’ 牛驚了狂奔 gallop

粵語孖ma55 'twin'

艸屮(草) ‘grass’ should not be put in this subcategory since and are the same in meaning.

从'to follow', different from林

5.5 Syssemantographs whose components form a meaningful phrase when read together 偏旁連讀成語的會意字

劣 liè ‘weak, inferior’ 少+力=劣.

凭píng (later written as 凴) ‘lean on’ 任: lean; 几: table. 任+几=凭

楞léng ‘edge’ 四four 方square 木wood. 四+方+木=楞



Å粵語mε55‘to carry on back’


暴(曝pù) ‘to dry’

(日rì) ‘sun’

(出chū) ‘come out’

(gŏng) ‘take in the hands’

(米mĭ) ‘rice’

‘When the sun comes out, to offer up rice to dry it –combining four graphs to form the meaning’


