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1) Ace: the best, top
If I ace this test, I will be first in the class for the year.
2) Smashed: drunk
If you get smashed, you should not drive your car. Catch a cab instead.
3) Dirty rat: slang for a bad person
Some film stars are real dirty rats off-screen - they drink and smoke too much.
4) Animal: a person who acts like a beast
My brother is a real animal because he leaves his dirty clothes lying on the bedroom floor.

In English, as in other languages, one of the best ways to insult someone is to describe them as common animals. Following are some common ones, but be careful how and when you use them!
Chicken: a person who lacks courage
Cold fish: a dull and uninteresting person. Also used to describe a weak handshake
Coyote: an ugly person
Dog: a worthless person or an ugly woman
Egg-head: a smart, but dull, person
Fox: an attractive woman
Go Ape: to get very excited about something
Goose: an idiot or stupid person


1) Innovative(创新的): creative with new fresh ideas
That is a very innovative training course.
2) Objectives(目标): goals, plans for the future
My objective is to find a job where the office manager isn't such a jerk.
3) Predominatly(重要的,主要的): mostly, usually
The class is predominatly made up of girls.
4) Seminar(研讨会): short training course
Toady's seminar deals with learning about customer relations.
5) Workshop(学习小组): a hands-on group learning session
We had a writing workshop at the educational seminar.


1) Basics(基础、底子): important simple ideas, a start, a foundation
I have the basics down.
2) Customary(惯例): following the traditions of business and culture
It is customary to say your name as you shake someone's hand for the first time.
3) Chicken(胆小鬼、懦夫): afraid, a coward
He was a chicken, so he ran away from the beautiful girl.
4) Eye contact(目光交流): looking into each other's eyes
While you talk with the interviewer, always face him or her and keep eye contact at all times.
5) Handle it(处理,解决): deal with it, control it
Can you handle driving a car for seven hours straight?

1) Never say "ok". It is rude and it is a weak way to say "yes". Saying only "Ok" shows that you are not interested or that you don't really understand.

2) It is customary to never say "yes" when you mean no. If someone asks you if you understand (and you don't understand), don't say, "Yes, yes, yes." It is better to say, "sorry, I don't understand."
如果你要表达否定的意思,习惯的做法就是永远也不要说“yes”。如果有人问你是不是真明白了,(而你又不明白),不要说“Yes, yes, yes”(是,是,是),还不如说“对不起,我不明白”。

3) Never say "no" when you mean yes. If your boss asks if you think you are a good worker, say "yes". If your friend offers you some water, and you are thirsty, say "yes". Unlike in China, Westerners will only ask once.

4) When you talk with someone, never look away from their face. Try looking into their eyes, that is customary and polite. Keep eye contact at all times. Smiling a little always helps.

1) Convenient (方便、便捷): easy, quick
Have a store that is open 24 hours a day is very convenient.
2) I swear (我发誓

,我保证): I promise
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
3) Luggage (行李、提包、提箱): baggage, bags, suitcase
The airline lost my luggage again.
4) Packing (打包): filling your bags
Finish packing your suitcase so we can get going.
5) Procrastinate (耽搁、推迟): delay, wait until later
You should never procrastinate when it comes top studying for a test.
6) Yeah right (没有、不可能): no, now way.
Bill is a good boy. Yeah right!

1) Culture shock (文化冲击,为文化的差异而感到震惊): being amazed at the diverences in culture
I got culture shock when I visited a small village in Africa.
2) Deal with it (解决,处理): work it out, fix it, handle it
Can you help me deal with getting a visa?
Deal with it yourself.
3) Diverse (多样的): many different ways, colorful
Because of its positive immigration policies, Canada has a diverse set of minorities.
4) Regular basis (经常): often
I brush my teeth on a regular basis.
5) Running around like a chicken with its head cut off (像只没头苍蝇似的,形容紧张,举动失常): being nervous, acting crazy
When I lost my money, I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Lesson: 课文
Things you should never do while hosting a foreign guest or visiting manager.
1) Never offer them cigarettes. That is what rude dudes do!
2) Do not make them eat strange food just to see if they can deal with it.
3) Never run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
4) Never make fun of someone if they have culture shock.

1) cousin
I have two male, and three female cousins.
2) Nephew (侄子、外甥,你的兄弟姐妹的儿子): the son of your sibling
My nephew is only five years old, but

he speaks three languages.
3) Niece (侄女、外甥女,你的兄弟姐妹的女儿): your sibling's daughter
4) Maternal (母亲那面的、母方的):On my mother's side
My Maternal grandmother is 80 years old this week.我的外婆这星期80高寿了。
5) Aunt/Uncle (姑妈、姨妈/叔叔、舅舅,你父母的兄弟姐妹): sibling of your parent
6) Great Aunt, great uncle (你父母的姑妈、姨妈,叔叔、舅舅): the aunt of your parent
My great Uncle is a banker in Florida.我的叔爷是佛罗里达的银行家。
7) Sibling (兄弟姐妹): one's brother or sister
I have 5 siblings, three bothers and two sisters.我兄妹五个,三个哥哥,两个妹妹。

1) Beverage(饮料): drinks, soft drinks, soda
I need a beverage to wash down this delicious hamburger.
2) Convenient(方便的): easy, good anytime
It is convenient to live near a store that is open all night.
3) French-fries(法式炸薯条): Fried pieces of potatoes.
Everybody loves French fries, but not everybody loves France.
4) Burger(汉堡包): A piece of beef between bread.
Please give me 3 burgers and a Pepsi.
5) Out of order(坏了): broken, not working
The ice cream machine is out of order.冰淇淋机坏了。

1) Joint (餐厅:地点,餐馆): place, restaurant
Let's go to the burger joint on the corner.让我们到街角那家汉堡包店去。
2) Super size (特大号:非常非常的大): very, very large
Please super-size my meal, I am ver hungry.给我来一份特大号的快餐,我很饿。
3) Take away (带走:带回家吃): carry out, eat at home
You don't pay tax on take away, but you do pay tax on food you eat in the restaurant.
4) Value Meal (经济套餐:一些比较便宜的食物): a cheaper group of food, set meal
The value meal includes a burger, some French fries and the beverage of your choice.
5) Upgrade (提高:改善): to make better
I would like to upgrade my airplane seat to first class.

1) Hello, may I take your order? What do you want to eat?
2) Do you want to upgrade that to a super value meal? Do you want to pay more money for a bigger drink and French-fries?
3) Happy Meal: A s

et meal for little kids that includes a toy.
4) Can I get you anything else? Do you still want anything?
5) Is that for here or to go? Do you want to eat in the restaurant or take it to eat some place else? (Take away)
6) The machine is out of order. The machine is broken.
7) What kind of beverage would you like with that? What do you want to drink?
8) Your total is.... You have to pay....this much money.
1) 您好,您现在点餐吗?您想吃点什么?
2) 您想不想来一份超值经济套餐?您想不想加点钱来一个大号的饮料和法式炸薯条?
3) 快乐套餐:为儿童准备的有玩具的套餐。
4) 您还要点其它的东西吗?您还要其它的东西吗?
5) 是在这儿吃还是带走?您是想在餐厅用餐,还是想在其它地方用餐?
6) 这个机器坏了,这个机器不能正常工作了。
7) 您想点什么样的饮料?您想喝点什么?
8) 一共是……您应该付……

1) Except (除了): all but this one
All of the students did well except Tom.除了汤姆,所有的学生都做得很好。
2) Look on the bright side (看事情积极的一面,乐观一点儿): see the good points, be positive
Look on the bright side, you may have no job, but now you have free time to play video games all day.
3) On track (在轨道上,进行顺利): doing well, keeping to the schedule
My education is right on track - next year I will graduate.
4) The pits (不好的,很差): bad, the worst
Having to clean my room is the pits.迫于无奈打扫房间,真是烦透了。
5) Taking stock (评估,打分): evaluating, scoring
I was taking stock of my career and I realized I still have a long way to go.

1) Compete (竞争): to have a contest, a challenge
Our soccer team will compete for first place.我们的足球队将角逐冠军。
2) Compare (比较): rate with another
Let's compare feet size - mine are much bigger!
我们来比以下谁的脚大 - 我的比你的大多了。
3) Humble (谦逊的,不自大的): modest, not pompous
Even though Jacky is a great fighter he is humble about it.
4) Pompous (自大的,认为自己别人都强): to think you are better than everyone else
My pompous British teacher says all Americans are stupid.
5) Serious (认真的,重要的): important, set on so

John is serious about studying German.约翰对学习德语很认真。

1) When we play sports we almost always keep score, this is not pompous. This is friendly competition and it is healthy.
2) We never compete when it comes to money. It is rude to talk about salary in the West. Never say you make more than your friend.
3) Being a little humble is important to show you are not pompous. Don't boast about how you are the best.
4) Don't be too humble. Be proud about your skills and job and experience, but show off in a polite way. If someone asks if you are good at something, you can tell them the truth.

1) Get worked up (心烦、生气): let something bother you, be upset
Don't get worked up over your boss being mean to you.不要因为你老板对你不好心烦
2) Look down (开起来伤心,沮丧): to seem sad, look depressed
Mr. Ed looked really down after his girlfriend left him.
3) No big deal (简单,不难): easy, not difficult
Taking that test was no big deal.那个考试很简单。
4) Take my mind off of (使不再思考或担忧某事): think about something else
Playing chess helps me to take my mind of money problems.
5) Tons (很多): a lot, many
That rich man has tons of money.这个富翁有大把大把的钱。

1) Awesome (了不起的): great, wonderful
Harvard University has an awesome Law School.哈佛大学的法律学院很了不起。
2) Bunch (很多): a lot, many
The USA has a bunch of excellent universities to choose from.
3) Novice (新手、初学者): beginner, new to something
Cherry is a novice driver, so she drives very slow.
4) Specifically (特定地): specially for, distinct
This software is specifically made for IBM computers only.
5) Undergraduate (在校本科生): a four-year degree (Bachelors Degree)
My smart sister is an undergraduate student at Yale.

1) Application Form: You

must fill out one for every college that you want to apply to. Every college has its own application form. They are usually very similar. Usually the better the college, the more questions they ask.
申请表:你必须给每一所要申请的大学填写一张申请表。每个大学都有自己 的申请表,通常很相似。越好的学校提的问题越多。
2) Transcript: A record of your high school classes and grades. You must ask your high school to send one to every school that you apply to.
成绩单:一份中学课程和成绩的记录。你必须要求你所在的中学给每一所你 要申请的大学发一份成绩单。
3) Recommendation Letters: A letter written by your teacher that describes what you are like. The teacher writes it and then gives it to the student in a sealed envelope or mails it to the college directly. The student is not allowed to see the letter.
4) Essays: Better colleges make you write one or more essays on the topics that they give you. These essays are short; only one to two pages long.
论文:较好的大学会让你根据指定的题目写一篇或几篇论文。这些论文通常很短,只有一到 两页。
5) Application Fee 申请费
Every college charges you a fee for applying to their college: 10 to 50 dollars.
6) Entrance Exam: There are 2 different exams for Undergraduate college. You must take one of them.

1) Always say more than yes or no. Answer in complete sentences.
If you just say YES while answering a question, you end a conversation. Do not travel down a DEAD END STREET. Say more than yes or no. When studying English, if you are asked a question, it will help you to incorporate the entire question into the answer.
Can you operate a PC?
Yes, I can operate a PC. Now you are open to say more about your computer skills.
Can you operate this computer system?
Yes, I can operate many computer systems, such as Power Point, CAD, Word Perfect and various Internet programs.
2) Feel free to ask polite questions. If you don't understand what someone said, or what they want, use the following questions:

I don't understand, please repeat.
Say again? What? Pardon? Say what? Huh? What's that? Come again?
Sorry? I didn't hear you, sorry?
3) Compliment your friends and co-workers.
Good job, well done. You wrote a great report.
Thanks a bunch for your compliment.
My pleasure. Other compliments:
Super duper, keep it up, A#1, Right On, two thumbs up, well done.
4) Bring a notebook to work or to class or on walks. Try to write down the English names of the places you go and the things you see. Put tags on desks, lamps, refrigerators etc...
5) Try teaching Chinese friend some English. If you are a student, it is ok to forget the lesson, but the Teacher who presents the lesson will never forget. So turn the learners into teachers. Try this a few times a week, or better yet, 20 minutes a everyday. You can teach each other. (This is everyday English after all)
6) Smile. Learning English is fun, so have a good time. English now, but fun all the time.

Don't be a Rude Dude! (an impolite person)
Safety first. Better safe than sorry. Always be safe.
1) Always wear your safety seat belt when you are in a car. Always! No exceptions! Even if you are in the back seat, it is polite to wear a seat belt. It may seem like a hassle, but it is safe and it is the law. If you are the driver, you should ask your passengers to "please put on your seat belts."
2) Don't make fun of someone because they put on a seat belt.
3) Never smoke inside a car. Smoking can cause fires. Smoking is dangerous. Of course, never drink and drive. You shouldn't even drink one beer, if your are planning on driving.

4) Don't be afraid to ask if something is safe. Safety first, then fun. Example: That bus looks dangerous, can we just walk instead? Or: I don't think we should climb this tree, it looks dangerous.
5) Always wear safety clothing when building things or working with tools. Remember, Safety first. It is better to be safe, than sorry.
1) I don't agree:
I don't agree that English is the most important language.
2) I see your point, but you are incorrect.我理解你的意思,可是我不同意你的观点。
3) I see you point that English is important, but Chinese is more important.
4) You're not seeing the whole picture.你没有看到全局,你说的只对了一半
You came late to class, so you're not seeing the whole picture.
5) No way (没门, 不可能)
No way, you are wrong about the price of rice in China."
6) In your dreams (做梦吧,你)
In your dreams, there is no way Bill Clinton will be president again.
7) Are you blind? (你是在睁着眼睛说瞎话吗?)
Are you blind, my girlfriend is prettier than yours!
8) Get out of town (没门)
Get out of town, my handsome boyfriend is much stronger than yours.

1) Criticize(v) (批评): point out the bad facts, look down on
The teacher criticized me for doing poorly on the final exam.
2) Go Dutch (v)(平分帐单): share the bill, every one pays for themselves at dinner
My buddies and me always go Dutch when we eat at restaurants.
3) Improper(adj.) (不合适的,不恰当的): wrong, bad, out of place
It is improper to wear shorts to a job interview.在面试的时候不应该穿短裤。
4) Pick(v) (用手指挖鼻子耳朵等): rub, clean with your finger
The boy sat in the corner picking his ear.坐在角落里的那个男孩正在挖耳朵。
5) Treat(v)(请客) to invite, to pay for

another person
It would be my pleasure to treat a girl as beautiful as you to an expensive dinner.
