高中英语选修8Unit 4 Pygmalion(导学案)

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1. A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment. (P29)

【读句子,猜词义】读句子,体会 hesitate 在各句中的含义

1) He's still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition. 他对是否去参加


2) He hesitates at nothing. 他从不优柔寡断.

3) She hesitated before replying. 她犹豫了一下才回答.

4) I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes. 我舍不得把这麽多钱花在穿衣服上.

【知识拓展】hesitation n . 踌躇,迟疑,犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地


Such is life----whether you are an antelope or a lion, you ought to dash forwards without

__hesitation __when the sun rises.


In Africa, when the antelope wakes up every morning, the first thing that comes to his

mind is “I must be able to run faster than the fastest lion, or I will be killed by a lion.”



And at just the same time, the lion wakes out of his dream, and the first thing flashing into

his mind is, “I must be able to catch up with the slowest antelope; otherwise I will starve to




So,almost at the same moment both the antelope and the lion jump to their feet, and start

running toward the rising sun.


Such is life — whether you are an antelope or a lion, you ought to dash forward without

hesitation when the sun rises.

学习目标: 朗读并识记下列课标词汇:学生能借助所给例句提供的语境,体验、理解以下核心动



课标核心动词:hesitate classify betray condemn compromise overlook fade rob

课标核心名词:remark adaptation acquaintance fortune

课标核心形容词: mistaken superior

课标核心短语: pass ….off as , in terms of , show …in , in need of , fade out

2015-2016高二 选修八能力学案 (实验班专用)

姓名__________ 班级______ 学号_______ Editor: Guo Sir Proofreader: Guo sir Unit 4 Pygmalion


2. Simply phonetics studied and classified from people’s own speech.(P29)

【读句子,猜词义】读句子,体会classify 在各句中的含义

1)The books in the library are classified by/according to subject. 图书馆的书是按照[根据]科


2)Patients are classified into three categories. 病人被归为三种类型。

3)We'd classify Drabble's novels under 'Romance'. 我们把德拉布尔的小说归在“爱情小说”


4)Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment? 你是把她的小


【知识拓展】classic adj. 典型的;经典的;极优秀的,第一流的; 古典的,传统式样的Too many job hunters make the classic misake of thinking only about what’s in it for them. 不少


The Coca-Cola bottle is one of the classic designs of the last century. 可口可乐瓶是上个世纪的经典设计之一。

He recommended me a classic book on Buddhism.他向我推荐了一本有关佛教的经典名著。Roy scored a classic goal in the 90th minute.伊在第90分钟时踢进了漂亮的一球。

She chose a classic navy suit for the ceremony. 她为这个典礼挑了一套典雅的深蓝色套装。

n 名著,杰作,经典作品;典范,经典[C];

3. But they betray themselves (暴露自己的身份)every time they open their mouths.(P29) 【读句子,猜词义】读句子,体会betray在各句中的含义及用法

1)He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself. 他伪装得很好,但一


2)He shouldn’t betray his country to the enemy. 他不该出卖国家给敌人。

3)The officer betrayed the secret to his friends. 那军官把秘密向朋友泄露了。

4)His face betrayed that he was angry. 他的脸显露出他很生气。

【归纳总结】betray vt

~ oneself show what or who one really is (原形毕露) 如___1__

~ sb/sth (to sb) hand over or show sb/sth disloyally (to an enemy)

(向敌人)出卖某人或泄漏某事如__2 3___

show (sth) unintentionally; be a sign of 显露出; 表现出如__4___


(1)Quite a lot of people will _____________(原形毕露)when tempted by money.

(2) His face _____________(显露出)he was angry.

(3) He _____________(透露了这个消息)to all his friends.
