钢材标准-SAE AMS 5662M-2004镍基高温合金[1]._pdf
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb (Nb) - 0.90Ti - 0.50AI - 18FeConsumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation-Hardenable(Composition similar to UNS N07718)1.SCOPE:1.1Form:This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of bars, forgings, flash welded rings, and stock for forging, flash welded rings, or heading.1.2Application:These products have been used typically for parts requiring high resistance to creep and stress-rupture up to 1300 °F (704 °C) and oxidation resistance up to 1800 °F (982 °C), particularly those parts which are formed or welded and then precipitation heat treated to develop required properties, but usage is not limited to such applications.2.APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS:The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent supplied herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.AEROSPACE MATERIALSPECIFICATIONAMS 5662MIssued 1965-09Revised 2004-07Superseding AMS 5662LReaffirmed 2009-06SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2009 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part o f this publicatio n may be repro duced, sto red in a retrieval system o r transmitted, in any fo rm o r by any means, electro nic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)SAE values your input. To provide feedback--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\2.1SAE Publications:Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 or .AMS 2261Tolerances, Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire AMS 2269Chemical Check Analysis Limits, Nickel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt AlloysAMS 2371Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Wrought Products and Forging StockAMS 2374Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel and Alloy Forgings AMS 2750PyrometryAMS 2806Identification, Bars, Wire, Mechanical Tubing, and Extrusions, Carbon and Alloy Steels and Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys AMS 2808Identification, ForgingsAMS 7490Rings, Flash Welded, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Austenitic Steels, Austenitic-Type Iron, Nickel, or Cobalt Alloys, or Precipitation-Hardenable Alloys ARP1313Determination of Trace Elements in High-Temperature Alloys2.2ASTM Publications:Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P .O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 or .ASTM E 8Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 8M Tension Testing of Metallic Materials (Metric)ASTM E 10Brinell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 21Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials ASTM E 103Rapid Indentation Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 112Determining Average Grain SizeASTM E 139Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials ASTM E 292Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of MaterialsASTM E 354Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys3.TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 3.1Composition:Shall conform to the percentages by weight shown in Table 1, determined by wet chemical methods in accordance with ASTM E 354, by spectrochemical methods, by the methods of ARP1313 for lead, bismuth, and selenium, or by other analytical methods acceptable to purchaser.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\3.1.1Determination not required for routine acceptance.3.1.2Check Analysis: Composition variations shall meet the applicable requirements of AMS 2269.3.2Melting Practice:Alloy shall be multiple melted using consumable electrode practice in the remelt cycle or shall be induction melted under vacuum. If consumable electrode remelting is not performed in vacuum, electrodes which have been produced by vacuum induction melting shall be used for remelting.3.3Condition:The product shall be supplied in the following condition:3.3.1Bars: Hot or cold finished, solution heat treated, and descaled except as specified in and finished round bars shall be ground or turned; all other hot finished bars shall be as hot finished.TABLE 1 - CompositionElementmin maxCarbon -- 0.08Manganese -- 0.35Silicon-- 0.35Phosphorus -- 0.015Sulfur-- 0.015Chromium 17.0021.00Nickel50.0055.00Molybdenum2.803.30Columbium (Niobium)4.755.50Titanium 0.65 1.15Aluminum 0.20 0.80Cobalt-- 1.00Tantalum (3.1.1)-- 0.05Boron -- 0.006Copper -- 0.30Lead -- 0.0005 (5 ppm)Bismuth -- 0.00003 (0.3 ppm)Selenium -- 0.0003 (3 ppm)Ironremainder//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\ finished round bars shall be ground or as cold finished; all other cold finished bars shall beas cold finished.3.3.2Forgings and Flash Welded Rings: Solution heat treated and descaled. welded rings shall not be supplied unless specified or permitted on purchaser’s partdrawing. When supplied, rings shall be manufactured in accordance with AMS 7490.3.3.3Stock for Forging, Flash Welded Rings, or Heading: As ordered by the forging, flash welded ring,or heading manufacturer.3.4Heat Treatment:Bars, forgings, and flash welded rings shall be solution heat treated by heating to a temperature within the range 1725 to 1850 °F (941 to 1010 °C), holding at the selected temperature within ±25 °F (±14 °C) for a time commensurate with cross-sectional thickness, and cooling at a rate equivalent to an air cool or faster. Pyrometry shall be in accordance with AMS 2750.3.4.1If forgings are not to be machined all over, heat treatment shall be performed in a suitableprotective atmosphere or, when permitted by purchaser, a suitable protective coating may beapplied to the forgings in lieu of using a protective atmosphere.3.5Properties:The product shall conform to the following requirements:3.5.1Bars, Forgings, and Flash Welded Rings: Solution Heat Treated: Shall be not higher than 277 HB, or equivalent (See 8.2), determined in accordancewith ASTM E 10 or ASTM E Grain Size: Shall be as follows, determined by the comparative method ofASTM E 112. In case of disagreement, the intercept (Heyn) procedure shall be used. and flash welded rings under 9 square inches (58 cm2) in cross-sectional area shallexhibit an average grain size of ASTM No. 5 or finer. Up to 20% of the cross section of theproduct may have an average grain size of ASTM No. 3 to 5, determined by the interceptmethod of ASTM E 112, due to the presence of nonrecrystallized grains. and flash welded rings 9 to 50 square inches (58 to 323 cm2), inclusive, in cross-sectional area and all forgings shall exhibit an average grain size of ASTM No. 4 or finer. Upto 20% of the product cross section may have an average grain size of ASTM No. 2 to 4,determined by the intercept method of ASTM E 112, due to the presence of nonrecrystallized grains.--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\ Product shall be free of Laves phase. Banding of acicular phase and amount ofacicular phase shall conform to standards acceptable to purchaser. to Heat Treatment: Product, 5 inches (127 mm) and under in nominal diameter orleast distance between parallel sides, shall meet the requirements of,, and3. after being precipitation heat treated by heating to 1325 °F ± 15 (718 °C ± 8), holding atheat for not less than eight hours, cooling at a rate of 100 °F ± 15 (56 °C ± 8) degrees per hour to 1150 °F ± 15 (621 °C ± 8), holding at 1150 °F ± 15 (621 °C ± 8) for not less than eight hours, and cooling in air. Instead of the 100 °F (56 °C) degrees per hour cooling rate to 1150 °F ± 15(621 °C ± 8), product may be furnace cooled at any rate provided the time at 1150 °F ± 15(621 °C ± 8) is adjusted to give a total precipitation heat treatment time of not less than 18 hours. Properties: Room Temperature: Shall be as shown in Table 2, determined in accordance withASTM E 8 or ASTM E 8M.TABLE 2A - Minimum Room Temperature Tensile Properties, Inch/Pound UnitsSpecimen OrientationTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongationin 4D%Reduction ofArea%Longitudinal1851501215 Long-Transverse(Forgings)1801501012Transverse(Bars)180150 68 TABLE 2B - Minimum Room Temperature Tensile Properties, SI UnitsSpecimen OrientationTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongationin 4D%Reduction ofArea%Longitudinal127610341215 Long-Transverse(Forgings)124110341012Transverse (Bars)12411034 6 8--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1200 °F (649 °C): Shall be as specified in Table 3, determined in accordance withASTM E 21 on specimens heated to 1200 °F ± 5 (649 °C ± 3), held at heat for not less than 20 minutes before testing, and tested at 1200 °F ± 5 (649 °C ± 3). requirements of and apply to specimens taken with the axis approximately parallel to the grain flow, to specimens taken in the radial direction and in the tangential direction at the rim of disc forgings, and to specimens taken in thecircumferential direction from flash welded rings. All other specimens shall be considered to be in the transverse direction. tensile properties apply only to product from which a tensile specimen not less than 2.50 inches (63.5 mm) long can be obtained. locations of specimens from forgings and flash welded rings shall be as agreed upon by purchaser and vendor.TABLE 3A - Minimum Tensile Properties at 1200 °F, Inch/Pound Units Specimen Orientation Tensile Strength ksi Yield Strength at 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in 4D %Reduction ofArea %Longitudinal 1451251215Long-Transverse (Forgings)1401251012Transverse (Bars)140125 6 8TABLE 3B - Minimum Tensile Properties at 649 °C, SI Units Specimen Orientation Tensile Strength MPa Yield Strength at 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in 4D %Reduction ofArea %Longitudinal 10008621215Long-Transverse (Forgings) 9658621012Transverse (Bars)965862 6 8--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\ Shall be not lower than 331 HB, or equivalent (See 8.2), determined in accordancewith ASTM E 10 or ASTM E 103. Product shall not be rejected on the basis of hardness if thetensile property requirements of, determined on specimens taken from the samesample as that with nonconforming hardness or from another sample with similarnonconforming hardness, are acceptable. Properties at 1200 °F (649 °C): Shall be as follows; testing of notchedspecimens and of combination smooth-and-notched specimens shall be performed inaccordance with ASTM E 292 and testing of smooth specimens shall be performed inaccordance with ASTM E 139: A standard cylindrical combination smooth-and-notched specimen conforming toASTM E 292, maintained at 1200 °F ± 3 (649 °C ± 2) while a load sufficient to produce aninitial axial stress of 100 ksi (689 MPa) or higher is applied continuously, shall not rupture inless than 23 hours. The test shall be continued to rupture without change of load. Ruptureshall occur in the smooth section and elongation of this section after rupture, measured atroom temperature, shall be not less than 4% in 4D for product 5.0 inches (127 mm) andunder in nominal diameter or distance between parallel sides. an alternate procedure, separate smooth and notched specimens, machined fromadjacent sections of the same piece, with gage sections conforming to the respectivedimensions shown in ASTM E 292 may be tested individually under the conditions of3. The smooth specimen shall not rupture in less than 23 hours and elongationafter rupture, measured at room temperature, shall be as specified in Thenotched specimen shall not rupture in less time than the companion smooth specimen butneed not be tested to rupture. tests of and may be conducted using incremental loading. In suchcase, the load required to produce an initial axial stress of 100 ksi (689 MPa) or higher shallbe used to rupture or for 23 hours, whichever occurs first. After the 23 hours and at intervalsof 8 hours minimum, thereafter, the stress shall be increased in increments of 5.0 ksi (34.5MPa). Time to rupture, rupture location, and elongation requirements shall be as specified in3. Re-solution and Precipitation Heat Treatment: The product shall meet the requirements of3.,, and after being re-solution heat treated by heating to --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---1750 °F ± 25 (954 °C ± 14), holding at heat for not less than 60 minutes, and cooling at a rateequivalent to an air cool or faster and precipitation heat treated as in Stock: When a sample of stock is forged to a test coupon, heat treated as in 3.4 and3.5.1.2, specimens taken from the heat treated coupon shall conform to the requirements of3.,, and If specimens taken from the stock after heat treatment as in 3.4and conform to the requirements of,, and, the tests shall be accepted as equivalent to tests of a forged coupon. Stock shall also meet these requirements after solution heat treatment and re-solution and precipitation heat treatment as in for Flash Welded Rings or Heading: Specimens taken from the stock after heat treatment asin 3.4 and shall conform to the requirements of,, and product, as received by purchaser, shall be uniform in quality and condition, sound, and free from foreign materials and from imperfections detrimental to usage of the product.3.6.1Grain flow of die forgings, except in areas which contain flash-line end grain, shall follow thegeneral contour of the forgings showing no evidence of reentrant grain flow.3.7Tolerances:Bars shall conform to all applicable requirements of AMS 2261.4.QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS:4.1Responsibility for Inspection:The vendor of the product shall supply all samples for vendor’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform anyconfirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the product conforms to specifiedrequirements.4.2Classification of Tests:4.2.1Acceptance Tests: The following requirements are acceptance tests and shall be performed oneach heat or lot as applicable. (3.1) of each heat. ( and average grain size ( of each lot of bars, forgings, and flashwelded rings as solution heat treated. tensile properties (, hardness (, and stress-ruptureproperties ( of each lot of bars, forgings, and flash welded rings after precipitation heattreatment. ( of each lot. Tolerances (3.7) of bars.4.2.2Periodic Tests: The following requirements are periodic tests and shall be performed at afrequency selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser: properties at 1200 °F (649 °C) ( of bars, forgings, and flash welded rings afterprecipitation heat treatment.--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---AMS 5662M SAE AMS 5662M4.2.2.2Tensile Properties (, hardness (, and stress-rupture properties ( of bars, forgings, and flash welded rings after resolution and precipitation heat treatment ( of forging stock (3.5.2) and of stock for flash welded rings or heading (3.5.3) to develop required properties. flow (3.6.1) of die forgings.4.3Sampling and Testing: Shall be as follows:4.3.1Bars, Flash Welded Rings, and Stock for Forging, Flash Welded Rings, or Heading: In accordance with AMS 2371.4.3.2Forgings: In accordance with AMS 2374.4.4Reports:4.4.1The vendor of bars, forgings, and flash welded rings shall furnish with each shipment a report showing the results of tests for chemical composition of each heat and the results of tests on each lot to determine conformance to the other acceptance test requirements. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat and lot numbers, AMS 5662M, solution heat treatmenttemperature used, size, and quantity. If forgings are supplied, the part number and the size and melt source of stock used to make the forgings shall also be included.4.4.2The vendor of stock for forging, flash welded rings, or heading shall furnish with each shipment a report showing the results of tests for chemical composition of each heat. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat number, AMS 5662M, size, and quantity.4.5Resampling and Retesting: Shall be as follows:4.5.1Bars, Flash Welded Rings, and Stock for Forgings, Flash Welded Rings, or Heading: In accordance with AMS 2371.4.5.2Forgings: In accordance with AMS 2374.5.PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY: 5.1Sizes:Except when exact lengths or multiples of exact lengths are ordered, straight bars will be acceptable in mill lengths of 6 to 24 feet (1.8 to 7.3 m) but not more than 25% of any shipment shall be supplied in lengths of 6 to 9 feet (1.8 to 2.7 m) except that for bars weighing over 25 pounds per foot (37 kg/m), short lengths down to 2 feet (610 mm) may be supplied.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\AMS 5662M SAE AMS 5662M5.2Identification:Shall be as follows:5.2.1Bars: In accordance with AMS 2806.5.2.2Forgings: In accordance with AMS 2808.5.2.3Flash Welded Rings and Stock for Forging, Flash Welded Rings, or Heading: As agreed upon bypurchaser and vendor.5.3Packaging:The product shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and incompliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, andtransportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery.6.ACKNOWLEDGMENT:A vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and whenacknowledging purchase orders.7.REJECTIONS:Product not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection.8.NOTES:8.1 A change bar ( l ) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas wheretechnical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this specification.An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the specification, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor inspecifications that contain editorial changes only.8.2Hardness conversion tables for metals are presented in ASTM E 140.8.3Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917.8.4Dimensions and properties in inch/pound units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are primary;dimensions and properties in SI units and the Celsius temperatures are shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---AMS 5662M SAE AMS 5662M - 11 -8.5Purchase documents should specify not less than the following:AMS 5662M Form and size or part number of product desiredQuantity of product desiredSpecific location of tensile specimens from forgings and flash welded rings (See Words:Solution heat treated, precipitation-hardenable, bars, forgings, rings, stress-rupture, grain size, microstructure, UNS N07718PREPARED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF AMS COMMITTEE “F”Copyright SAE InternationalProvided by IHS under license with SAENot for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"~~::"^#$~@@""#:$@:@"^$*~*"~~#^^$^@^~"#~~:\\。
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)T el: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb (Nb) - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al - 18FeConsumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1775 °F (968 °C) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated(Composition similar to UNS N07718)1.SCOPE:1.1Form:This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of bars, forgings, flash welded rings, and stock for forging or flash welded rings.1.2Application:These products have been used typically for parts requiring high resistance to creep andstress-rupture up to 1300 °F (704 °C) and oxidation resistance up to 1800 °F (982 °C), but usage is not limited to such applications.2.APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS:The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.2.1 SAE Publications:Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 or .AMS 2261Tolerances, Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire AMS 2269Chemical Check Analysis Limits, Nickel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt AlloysAEROSPACE MATERIALSPECIFICATIONAMS 5663MIssued SEP 1965RevisedJUL 2004Superseding AMS 5663L2.1 (Continued):AMS 2371 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Wrought Products and Forging StockAMS 2374 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel and Alloy ForgingsAMS 2750 PyrometryAMS 2806Identification, Bars, Wire, Mechanical Tubing, and Extrusions, Carbon and Alloy Steels and Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and AlloysAMS 2808Identification, ForgingsAMS 7490Rings, Flash Welded, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Austenitic Steels,Austenitic-Type Iron, Nickel, or Cobalt Alloys or Precipitation-Hardenable Alloys ARP1313 Determination of Trace Elements in High-Temperature Alloys2.2 ASTM Publications:Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 or .ASTM E 8 Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 8M Tension Testing of Metallic Materials (Metric)ASTM E 10 Brinell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 21 Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 103Rapid Indentation Hardness Testing of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 112Determining Average Grain SizeASTM E 139Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials ASTM E 292Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of MaterialsASTM E 354Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys3.TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS:3.1Composition:Shall conform to the percentages by weight shown in Table 1, determined by wet chemical methods in accordance with ASTM E 354, by spectrochemical methods, by the methods of ARP1313 for lead, bismuth, and selenium, or by other analytical methods acceptable to purchaser.3.1.1Determination not required for routine analysis.3.1.2Check Analysis: Composition variations shall meet the applicable requirements of AMS 2269.3.2Melting Practice:Alloy shall be multiple melted using consumable electrode practice in the remelt cycle or shall be induction melted under vacuum. If consumable electrode remelting is not performed in vacuum, electrodes which have been produced by vacuum induction melting shall be used for remelting.3.3Condition:The product shall be supplied in the following condition.3.3.1Bars: Hot or cold finished, solution and precipitation heat treated, and descaled except as specified in and 1 - CompositionElementmin maxCarbon -- 0.08Manganese -- 0.35Silicon-- 0.35Phosphorus -- 0.015Sulfur-- 0.015Chromium 17.0021.00Nickel50.0055.00Molybdenum2.803.30Columbium (Niobium)4.755.50Titanium 0.65 1.15Aluminum 0.200.80Cobalt-- 1.00Tantalum (3.1.1)-- 0.05Boron -- 0.006Copper -- 0.30Lead -- 0.0005 (5 ppm)Bismuth -- 0.00003 (0.3 ppm)Selenium -- 0.0003 (3 ppm)Ironremainder--`,,,```,,,,,`,,`,`,,`,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- finished round bars shall be ground or turned; all other hot finished bars shall be as hotfinished. finished round bars shall be ground or as cold finished; all other cold finished bars shall beas cold finished.3.3.2Forgings and Flash Welded Rings: Solution and precipitation heat treated and descaled. welded rings shall not be supplied unless specified or permitted on purchaser's partdrawing. When supplied, rings shall be manufactured in accordance with AMS 7490.3.3.3Stock for Forging or Flash Welded Rings: As ordered by the forging or flash welded ringmanufacturer.3.4Heat Treatment:Bars, forgings, and flash welded rings shall be solution and precipitation heat treated in accordance with 3.4.1 and 3.4.2; pyrometry shall be in accordance with AMS 2750.3.4.1Solution Heat Treatment: Heat to a temperature within the range 1725 to 1850 °F (941 to 1010 °C),hold at the selected temperature within ±25 °F (±14 °C) for a time commensurate withcross-sectional thickness, and cool at a rate equivalent to an air cool or faster. forgings are not to be machined all over, heat treatment shall be performed in a suitableprotective atmosphere or, when permitted by purchaser, a suitable protective coating may beapplied to the forgings in lieu of using a protective atmosphere.3.4.2Precipitation Heat Treatment: Heat to a temperature within the range 1325 to 1400 °F(718 to 760 °C), hold at the selected temperature within ±15 °F (±8 °C) for approximately 8 hours, cool at 100 °F ± 15 (56 °C ± 8) degrees per hour to a temperature within the range 1150 to 1200 °F (621 to 649 °C), hold at the selected temperature within ±15 °F (±8 °C) for approximately 8 hours, and air cool. Instead of the 100 °F (56 °C) degrees per hour cooling rate to 1150 to 1200 °F(621 to 649 °C), the product may be furnace cooled at any rate provided the time at1150 to 1200 °F (621 to 649 °C) is adjusted to give a total precipitation heat treatment time ofapproximately 18 hours.3.5Properties:The product shall conform to the following requirements:3.5.1Bars, Forgings, and Flash Welded Rings: Grain Size: Shall be as follows, determined in accordance with ASTM E 112. In case ofdisagreement, the intercept (Heyn) procedure shall be used.--` , , , ` ` ` , , , , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` --- and flash welded rings under 9 square inches (58 cm2) in cross-sectional area shallexhibit an average grain size of ASTM No. 5 or finer. Due to the presence of nonrecrystallizedgrains, up to 20% of the cross section of the product may have an average grain size of ASTMNo. 3 to 5, determined by the intercept method of ASTM E and flash welded rings 9 to 50 square inches (58 to 323 cm2), inclusive, in cross-sectionalarea and all forgings shall exhibit an average grain size of ASTM No. 4 or finer. Due to thepresence of nonrecrystallized grains, up to 20% of the cross section of the product may havean average grain size of ASTM No. 2 to 4, determined by the intercept method of ASTM E Product shall be free of Laves phase. Banding of acicular phase and amount ofacicular phase shall conform to standards acceptable to purchaser. Properties: Product, 5.0 inches (127 mm) and under in least nominal cross-sectionaldimension, shall have the following properties: Room Temperature: Shall be as shown in Table 2, determined in accordance withASTM E 8 or ASTM E 8M.TABLE 2A - Minimum Room Temperature Tensile Properties, Inch/Pound UnitsSpecimen OrientationTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongationin 4D%Reduction ofArea%Longitudinal1851501215 Long-Transverse(Forgings)1801501012Transverse(Bars)180150 6 8 TABLE 2B - Minimum Room Temperature Tensile Properties, SI UnitsSpecimen OrientationTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongationin 4D%Reduction ofArea%Longitudinal127610341215 Long-Transverse(Forgings)124110341012Transverse(Bars)12411034 6 1200 °F (649 °C): Shall be as shown in Table 3, determined in accordance withASTM E 21 on specimens heated to 1200 °F ± 5 (649 °C ± 3), held at heat for not less than 20 minutes before testing, and tested at 1200 °F ± 5 (649 °C ± 3). requirements of and apply to specimens taken with the axis approximately parallel to the grain flow, to specimens taken in the radial direction and in the tangential direction at the rim of disc forgings, and to specimens taken in the circumferential direction from flash welded rings. All other specimens shall be considered to be in the transverse direction. tensile properties apply only to product from which a test specimen not less than 2.50 inches (63.5 mm) long can be taken. locations of specimens from forgings and flash welded rings shall be as agreed upon by purchaser and vendor.TABLE 3A - Minimum Tensile Properties at 1200 °F, Inch/Pound Units Specimen Orientation Tensile Strength ksi Yield Strength at 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in 4D %Reduction ofArea %Longitudinal 1451251215Long-Transverse (Forgings)1401251012Transverse (Bars)140125 6 8TABLE 3B - Minimum Tensile Properties at 649 °C, SI UnitsSpecimen Orientation Tensile Strength MPa Yield Strength at 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in 4D %Reduction ofArea %Longitudinal 10008621215Long-Transverse (Forgings)9658621012Transverse (Bars)965862 6 8--`,,,```,,,,,`,,`,`,,`,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Shall be not lower than 331 HB, or equivalent (See 8.2), determined in accordancewith ASTM E 10 or ASTM E 103. Product shall not be rejected on the basis of hardness if thetensile property requirements of are acceptable, determined on specimens taken from the same sample as that with nonconforming hardness or from another sample with similarnonconforming hardness. Properties at 1200 °F (649 °C): Shall be as follows; testing of notched specimensand of combination smooth-and-notched specimens shall be performed in accordance withASTM E 292 and of smooth specimens in accordance with ASTM E 139: A standard cylindrical combination smooth-and-notched specimen conforming to ASTM E 292,maintained at 1200 °F ± 3 (649 °C ± 2) while a load sufficient to produce an initial axial stress of100 ksi (689 MPa) or higher is applied continuously, shall not rupture in less than 23 hours. Thetest shall be continued to rupture without change of load. Rupture shall occur in the smoothsection and elongation of this section after rupture, measured at room temperature, shall be notless than 4% in 4D for product 5.0 inches (127 mm) and under in nominal diameter or leastdistance between parallel sides. an alternate procedure, separate smooth and notched specimens, machined from adjacentsections of the same piece, with gage sections conforming to the respective dimensions shownin ASTM E 292 may be tested individually under the conditions of The smoothspecimen shall not rupture in less than 23 hours and elongation after rupture, measured atroom temperature, shall be as specified in The notched specimen shall not rupture inless time than the companion smooth specimen but need not be tested to rupture. tests of and may be conducted using incremental loading. In such case,the load required to produce an initial axial stress of 100 ksi (689 MPa) or higher shall be usedto rupture or for 23 hours, whichever occurs first. After the 23 hours and at intervals of8 hours minimum, thereafter, the stress shall be increased in increments of 5.0 ksi (34.5 MPa).Time to rupture, rupture location, and elongation requirements shall be as specified in3. Stock: When a sample of stock is forged to a test coupon and solution and precipitationheat treated as in 3.4, specimens taken from the heat treated coupon shall conform to therequirements of,,,, and If specimens taken from the stock after solution and precipitation heat treatment as in 3.4 conform to the requirements of,,,, and, the tests shall be accepted as equivalent to tests of a forgedcoupon.3.5.3Stock for Flash Welded Rings: Specimens taken from the stock after heat treatment as in 3.4 shallconform to the requirements of,,,, and product, as received by purchaser, shall be uniform in quality and condition, sound, and free from foreign materials and from imperfections detrimental to usage of the product.--` , , , ` ` ` , , , , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---3.6.1Grain flow of die forgings, except in areas which contain flash-line end grain, shall follow thegeneral contour of the forging showing no evidence of reentrant grain flow.3.7Tolerances:Bars shall conform to all applicable requirements of AMS 2261.4.QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS:4.1Responsibility for Inspection:The vendor of the product shall supply all samples for vendor's tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform anyconfirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the product conforms to specifiedrequirements.4.2Classification of Tests:4.2.1Acceptance Tests: The following requirements are acceptance tests and shall be performed oneach heat or lot as applicable: (3.1) of each heat. grain size (, tensile properties (, hardness (, and stress-ruptureproperties ( of each lot of bars, forgings, and flash welded rings. ( of each lot. (3.7) of bars.4.2.2Periodic Tests: Tests of forging stock (3.5.2) and of stock for flash welded rings (3.5.3) to --`,,,```,,,,,`,,`,`,,`,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---demonstrate ability to develop required properties and of grain flow of die forgings (3.6.1) areperiodic tests and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser.4.3Sampling and Testing:Shall be as follows:4.3.1Bars, Flash Welded Rings, and Stock for Forging or Flash Welded Rings: In accordance withAMS 2371.4.3.2Forgings: In accordance with AMS 2374.4.4Reports:4.4.1The vendor of bars, forgings, and flash welded rings shall furnish with each shipment a reportshowing the results of tests and relevant information: each heat:Composition4.4.1.2For each lot:Average grain sizeMicrostructure resultsRoom temperature tensile properties1200 °F (649 °C) tensile propertiesHardnessStress-rupture properties. A statement that the product conforms to the other technical requirements. order numberHeat and lot numbersAMS 5663MSizeQuantity. forgings are supplied, the size and melt source of stock used to make the forgings.4.4.2The vendor of stock for forging or flash welded rings shall furnish with each shipment a reportshowing the results of tests for the composition of each heat. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat and lot number, AMS 5663M, size, and quantity.4.5Resampling and Retesting:Shall be as follows:4.5.1Bars, Flash Welded Rings, and Stock for Forging or Flash Welded Rings: In accordance withAMS 2371.4.5.2Forgings: In accordance with AMS 2374.5.PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY:5.1Sizes:Except when exact lengths or multiples of exact lengths are ordered, straight bars will be acceptable in mill lengths of 6 to 24 feet (1.8 to 7.3 m) but not more than 25% of any shipment shall be supplied in lengths of 6 to 9 feet (1.8 to 2.7 m) except that for bars weighing over 25 pounds per foot(37 kg/m), short lengths down to 2 feet (610 mm) may be supplied.5.2Identification:Shall be as follows:5.2.1Bars: In accordance with AMS 2806.5.2.2Forgings: In accordance with AMS 2808.5.2.3Flash Welded Rings and Stock for Forging or Flash Welded Rings: As agreed upon by purchaserand vendor.5.3Packaging:The product shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and incompliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, andtransportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery.6.ACKNOWLEDGMENT:A vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and whenacknowledging purchase orders.7.REJECTIONS:Product not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection.8.NOTES:8.1 A change bar (|) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas wheretechnical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of a specification.An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the specification, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor inspecifications that contain editorial changes only.8.2Hardness conversion tables for metals are presented in ASTM E 140.8.3Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917.--` , , , ` ` ` , , , , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---AMS 5663M SAE AMS 5663M- 11 -8.4Dimensions and properties in inch/pound units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are primary;dimensions and properties in SI units and the Celsius temperatures are shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information.8.5Purchase documents should specify not less than the following:AMS 5663MForm and size or part number of product desiredQuantity of product desiredIf applicable, specific location of tensile specimens from forgings and flash welded rings (See Words:UNS N07718, solution heat treated, precipitation heat treated, bars, forgings, rings, stress-rupture, grain size, microstructure, 1200 °F tensilePREPARED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF AMS COMMITTEE “F”Copyright SAE InternationalProvided by IHS under license with SAELicensee=Parker Hannifin - Categories/5936628103 Not for Resale, 08/31/2006 16:59:08 MDT No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`,,,```,,,,,`,,`,`,,`,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
ASTM B163 –无缝镍和镍合金冷凝器和热交换器管的标准规范
ASTM B166 –镍铬铁合金标准规范(UNS N06600,N06601,N06603,N06690,N06693,N06025,N06045和N06696)*和镍铬钴钴钼合金(UNS N06617)棒,棒和棒线
ASTM B167 –镍铬铁合金(UNS N06600,N06601,N06603,N06690,N06693,N06025,N06045和N06696)的标准规范*和镍铬钴钴钼合金(UNS N06617)无缝管
ASTM B168 –镍铬铁合金(UNS N06600,N06601,N06603,N06690,N06693,N06025,N06045和N06696)和镍铬钴钴钼合金(UNS N06617)板,片和带的标准规范
ASTM B366 –工厂制造的锻造镍和镍合金配件的标准规范
ASTM B516 –镍铬铁合金焊接标准规范(UNS N06600,UNS N06603,UNS N06025和UNS N06045管
ASTM B517 –镍铬铁合金焊接标准规格(UNS N06600,UNS N06603,UNS N06025和UNS N06045)
ASTM B564 –镍合金锻件的标准规范
ASTM B751 –镍和镍合金焊接管通用要求的标准规范
MIL-R-5031 –棒和钢丝,焊接,耐腐蚀和耐热合金
MIL-T-23227 –管和管,镍铬铁合金(UNS N06600)
MIL-N-23228 –镍铬铁合金板,片和带
MIL-N-23229 –镍铬铁合金棒料和锻件
ASME SB-163,SB-166 – SB-168,SB-564
1. 美国标准在美国,镍基合金材料通常按照ASTM标准进行分类。
ASTM标准共包括了近百种针对不同合金成分和性能特点的镍基合金材料标准,例如ASTM B166/B166M-09 标准规定了无缝镍及镍合金管,ASTM B574-10a 标准规定了镍铬钼钨合金棒料等。
2. 欧洲标准在欧洲地区,镍基合金材料的标准主要由ISO负责制定。
二、镍基合金材料的生产和检测标准1. 生产标准除了对镍基合金材料的化学成分和性能进行规范外,生产标准也是镍基合金行业中非常重要的一部分。
2. 检测标准镍基合金材料的质量检测是确保产品质量和安全的重要环节。
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Tolerances Corrosion&Heat-Resistant Steel Tubing.pdfSAE-AMS2244C-2003 Tolerances (R) Titanium&Titanium Alloy Tubing.pdfSAE-AMS2249F-2005 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium&Titanium Alloys.pdfSAE-AMS2249F-2005 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium&Titanium Alloys[1].pdfSAE-AMS2251G-1998 Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Bars.pdfSAE-AMS2251H-2006 Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Bars.pdfSAE-AMS2252D-2006 Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Sheet,Strip,&Plate.pdfSAE-AMS2269F-2006 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Nickel,Nickel Alloys,and Cobalt Alloys.pdf SAE-AMS2372D 碳钢和低合金钢取样规范[中文版].pdfSAE-AMS2372D-JAN2002 Quality Assurance Sampling&Testing Carbon&Low-Alloy Steel Forgings[P6].pdfSAE-AMS2375D-2007 Control of Forgings Requiring First Article Approval [P6].pdfSAE-AMS2406L-2007 Plating,Chromium Hard Deposit [p7].pdfSAE-AMS2411F-2007 Plating,Silver for High Temperature Applications [P8].pdfSAE-AMS2412H-2007 Plating,Silver Copper Strike,Low Bake[P7].pdfSAE-AMS2417G-2004 Plating,Zinc-Nickel 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Titanium Alloys Chemical Etch Inspection Procedure [P5].pdfSAE-AMS2647C-2009 Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Aircraft&Engine Component Maintenance.pdfSAE-AMS2649C-2008 Etch Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2753B-1991 Liquid Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Non-Cyanide Bath[P8].pdfSAE-AMS2757-B-2004 气体氮碳共渗.pdfSAE-AMS2759_11-2005 Stress Relief of Steel Parts[P5].pdfSAE-AMS2759_2C-2000 低合金钢零件的热处理最小拉伸强度大于等于220KSI[中文版][P13].pdfSAE-AMS2759_3C-2000 沉淀硬化不锈钢和马氏体时效钢的热处理[中文版][P16].pdfSAE-AMS2759_3D-2005 Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant&Maraging Steel Parts[P16].pdfSAE-AMS2759_3D-2005 Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant&Maraging Steel Parts[P16][1].pdfSAE-AMS2759-11-1992 Ion Nitriding.pdfSAE-AMS2759-11-2005 Stress Relief of Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS27591-12A-2007 Gaseous Nitrocarburizing,Automatically Controlled by Potentials.pdf SAE-AMS2759-12A 2007 Gaseous Nitrocarburizing,Automatically Controlled by Potentials.pdfSAE-AMS2759-1C-2000 最低抗拉强度低于220 ksi (1517 MPa)低合金碳钢零件的热处理.pdf SAE-AMS2759-2C-2000 Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum Tensile Strength 220 ksi (1 51 7 MPa)&Higher.pdfSAE-AMS2759-2C-2000 中文版低合金钢零件的热处理最小拉伸强度大于等于220KSI(1517MPa).pdfSAE-AMS2759-3C-2000 中文版沉淀硬化不锈钢和马氏体时效钢的热处理.pdfSAE-AMS2759-3D-2005 Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant&Maraging Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-4B-2001 Heat Treatment Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-5D-2004 Heat Treatment Martensitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-6A-2002 Gas Nitriding&Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-7A-2006 Carburizing&Heat Treatment of Carburizing Grade Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-9_8-1992 Ion Nitriding [P12].pdfSAE-AMS2759C-2000 Heat Treatment of Steel Parts General Requirements[P15].pdfSAE-AMS2770H-2006 Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2771C-2004 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings.pdfSAE-AMS2772C-2002 Heat 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Stress-Relieved,and Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4111D-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings 7.7Zn-2.5Mg-1.5Cu-0.16Cr (7049-T73)[P8].pdf SAE-AMS4143D-2001 Aluminum Alloy Forgings&Rolled or Forged Rings 6.3Cu-0.30Mn-0.18Zr-0.10V-0.06Ti (2219-T6) Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4147D-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr(7075-T7352) Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved by Compression,&Overaged[P7].pdfSAE-AMS4150L-2003(R2008) Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions&Rings 1.0Mg-0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr-(6061-T6) Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4152M-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 4.4Cu 1.5Mg 0.60Mn Solution Heat Treated[P5].pdfSAE-AMS4157D-2007 Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 7.7Zn-2.4Mg-1.6Cu-0.16Cr (7049-T73511)[P5].pdfSAE-AMS4162D-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T8511) Solution Treated,Stress Relief Stretched,Straightened,&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdf SAE-AMS4169K-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T6511)&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4173E-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6511) Solution Heat Treated Stress.pdfSAE-AMS4206A-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Plate (7055-T7751) 8.0Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.0Mg - 0.16Zr Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved,&Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4218H-2001 Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si 0.35Mg (A356.0-T6P) (Formerly T61P Temper) Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4270B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Alclad Flat Sheet 4.1Cu-1.4Mg-0.45Mn (Alclad 2424-T3) [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4279B-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Alclad Sheet 4.4Cu 1.5Mg 0.60Mn (2024-T4 Flat Sheet) Solution Heat Treated,High Formability.pdfSAE-AMS4324-2002(R2007) 固溶热处理的、消除应力的和过老化的(7055-T74511)含8.0Zn-2.3Cu-2.0Mg-0.16Zr挤压的铝合金杆材、棒材和型材.pdfSAE-AMS4329A-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Plate (7085-T7651) 7.5Zn - 1.6Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.12Zr Solution Heat Treated,Stress-Relieved,&Ove[P6].pdfSAE-AMS4337A-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Extruded Profiles (7055-T77511) 8.0Zn 2.3Cu 2.0Mg 0.16Zr Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved,&Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4342E-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 6.2Zn 2.3Cu 2.2Mg 0.12Zr (7050-T74511) Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved,Straightened,&Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4484K-2007 Magnesium Alloy Castings,Permanent Mold 9.0Al-2.0Zn (AZ92A-T6) [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4500J-2007 Copper,Sheet,Strip,and Plate Soft Annealed [P4].pdfSAE-AMS4640-2005 ALUMINUM BRONZE BARS. RODS. SHAPES. TUBES.&FORGINGS 81.5 CU- 10.A1 - 4.8NI - 3.0FE DRAWN&STRESS RELIEVED (HR50) OR TEMPER ANNEALED (TQ50[P8 OCR].pdfSAE-AMS4775H-2005 Nickel Alloy,Brazing Filler Metal 73Ni - 0.75C - 4.5Si - 14Cr - 3.1B - 4.5Fe 1790 to 1970 °F (977 to 1077 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range.pdfSAE-AMS4805E-2007 Bearings,Sintered Metal Powder 89Cu-10Sn Oil Impregnated [P6].pdfSAE-AMS4900M-2006 AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICA TION Titanium Sheet,Strip,&Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,55 ksi (379 MPa) [P6].pdfSAE-AMS4911K-2007 Titanium Alloy,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 6AI-4V Annealed [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4911L-2007 Titanium Alloy,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 6AI-4V Annealed [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4918L-2006 Titanium Alloy,Sheet,Strip,&Plate6AI - 6V - 2Sn Annealed[P7].pdfSAE-AMS4921K-2006 [P8].pdfSAE-AMS4921L-2007 Titanium Bars,Wire,Forgings,and Rings Commercially Pure 70 ksi (483 MPa) Yield Strength [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4928Q-2001 Titanium Alloy Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Drawn Shapes.pdfSAE-AMS4928R-2007 Titanium Alloy Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Drawn Shapes 6Al - 4V Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS4931B-2002 含6Al-4V超低填隙的、二次退火的、断裂韧度的钛合金棒材、锻件和环件.pdfSAE-AMS4931C-2007 Titanium Alloy bars,Forgings&Rings 6Al-4V Extra low interstitial(ELI) Duplex.pdfSAE-AMS4933D-2008 Titanium Alloy Extrusions and Flash Welded Rings 8Al-1Mo-1V Solution Heat Treated and Stabilized[P8].pdfSAE-AMS4942E-2006 Titanium Tubing,Seamless Annealed,40.0 ksi (275 MPa) Yield Strength.pdf SAE-AMS4943H-2008 Titanium Alloy.Hydraulic. Seamless Tubing 3.0Al-2.5V Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS4944G-2006 Titanium Alloy Tubing,Seamless,Hydraulic 3.0Al - 2.5V Cold Worked,Stress Relieved.pdfSAE-AMS4958C-2008 Titanium Alloy Bars and Rods 3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated and Centerless Ground[P6].pdfSAE-AMS4965J-2007 Titanium Alloy,Bars,Wire,Forgings,and Rings 6.0AI-4.0V Solution Heat Treated&Aged [P8].pdfSAE-AMS4971G-2007 Titanium Alloy,Bars,Wire,Forgings,and Rings 6Al-6V-2Sn Annealed,Heat Treatable[P8].pdfSAE-AMS4975J-2007 Titanium Alloy,Bars,Wire,andRings6.0Al-2.0Sn-4.0Zr-2.0Mo-0.08SiSolution&Precipitation Heat Treated[P7].pdfSAE-AMS4982D-2007 Titanium Alloy Wire 44.5 Cb [P6].pdfSAE-AMS5010K-2006 Steel Bars Free Machining Cold Drawn (SAE-1212 or SAE-1215) UNS G12120[P4].pdfSAE-AMS5046C-2007 Carbon Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate (SAE-1020&1025) Annealed[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5047F-2007 Steel,Sheet&Strip 0.08-0.13C,Aluminum Killed (SAE-1010) Deep Forming Grade [P4].pdfSAE-AMS5085G-2008 Steel Sheet. Strip.&Plate 0.47-0.55C (SAE-1050) Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS5349D-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Investment Castings 13Cr Free Machining; Hardened&Tempered[P11].pdfSAE-AMS5352E-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Investment Castings 17Cr-0.55Mo (0.95-1.20C) Annealed[P9].pdfSAE-AMS5353D-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Investment Castings 16Cr-1.8Ni-0.08N ASCast [P10].pdfSAE-AMS5355H-2001 steel,corrosion resistant,investment casting[P14 OCR].pdfSAE-AMS5383E-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Investment Castings 52.5Ni-19Cr-3.0Mo-5.1Cb(Nb)-0.90Ti-0.60Al-18Fe[P11].pdfSAE-AMS5385G-1999 铸造状态的含62Co-27Cr-2.8Ni-5.5Mo耐腐蚀和耐热的钴合金熔模铸件.pdfSAE-AMS5398F-2006 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Sand&Centrifugal Castings 16Cr 4.1Ni 0.22(Cb + Ta) 2.8Cu Solution Heat Treated[P9].pdfSAE-AMS5512L-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 18Cr-10.5Ni-0.80Cb (SAE-30347)Solution Heat Treated[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5516P-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 18Cr-9.0Ni (SAE-30302)Solution Heat Treated[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5542N-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate72Ni-15.5Cr-0.95Cb(Nb)-2.5Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe[p6].pdfSAE-AMS5548P-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet&Strip 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N 1850 to 1975 °F (1010 to 1079 °C) Annealed[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5561G-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welded&Drawn or Seamless&Drawn Tubing 9.0Mn-20Cr-6.5Ni-0.28N High-Pressure Hydraulic[P8].pdfSAE-AMS5569A-2001 Steel,Corrosion&Heat Resistant,Seamless&Welded Hydraulic Tubing 19Cr-9.5Ni-0.03C max Cold Drawn,1∕8 Hard Temper.pdfSAE-AMS5575N-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welded Tubing 18Cr-10.5Ni-0.70Cb(Nb) (SAE-30347)Solution Heat Treated[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5581D-2001 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat Resistant,Seamless or Welded Tubing 62Ni-21.5Cr-9.0Mo-3.7Cb Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS5589E-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Seamless Tubing 52.5Ni-19Cr-3.0Mo-5.1Cb (Nb)-0.90Ti-0.50Al-18Fe[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5596K-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,Foil&Plate 52.5Ni-19Cr-3.0Mo-5.1Cb (Nb)-0.90Ti-0.50Al-18Fe[P8].pdfSAE-AMS5599G-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 62Ni-21.5Cr-9.0Mo-3.7 Cb (Nb)[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5612J-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Tubing,and Rings 12CrFerrite Controlled,Annealed[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5629E-2002 真空感应加真空自耗预热处理沉淀硬化型耐蚀13Cr-8.0Ni-2.2Mo-1.1Al钢棒、丝、锻件、环和模锻件.pdfSAE-AMS5630G-2000 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Bars,Wire,and Forgings 17Cr-0.52Mo (0.95-1.20C) (SAE-51440C).pdfSAE-AMS5639H-2002(R2007) 管口连接用备份密封圈的六角螺母[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5643Q-2003 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Tubing,and Rings 16Cr-4.0Ni-0.30Cb-4.0Cu Solution Heat Treated,Precipitation Hardenable.pdfSAE-AMS5659K-1998 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Extrusions 15Cr - 4.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 3.5Cu Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated,Precipitation Hardenable.pdf SAE-AMS5659L-2004 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Extrusions[P10].pdf SAE-AMS5662M-2004 镍基高温合金[P17].pdfSAE-AMS5668J-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,and Rings 72Ni-15.5Cr-7.0Fe-2.5Ti-1.0Cb (Nb)-0.70Al[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5678F-2002(R2007) Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Wire 17Cr-7.1Ni-1.1Al Cold Drawn,Precipitation-Hardenable-UNS S17700.pdfSAE-AMS5688L-2007 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Wire 18Cr 9.0Ni (SAE-30302) Spring Temper.pdf SAE-AMS5698G-2003(R2007) Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Wire 72Ni-15.5Cr-0.95Cb-2.5Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe No.1 Temper,Precipitation Hardenable-UNS N07750.pdf SAE-AMS5699G-2003(R2007) Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Wire 72Ni 15.5Cr 0.95Cb 2.5Ti 0.70Al 7.0Fe Spring Temper,Precipitation Hardenable.pdfSAE-AMS5713J-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,&Rings 53Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 9.8Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.6Al - 0.006B Vacuum Melted,Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS5713J-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,and Rings 53Ni-19Cr-11Co-9.8Mo-3.2Ti-1.6Al-0.006B[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5732J-2006 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Tubing,and Rings 15Cr-25.5Ni-1.2Mo-2.1Ti-0.006B-0.30V Consumable Electrode Melted 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution&P.pdfSAE-AMS5759-2004 Cobalt Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,&Rings 52Co- 20Cr- 10Ni- 15W Solution Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS5772D-2004(R2009) Cobalt Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings&Rings 40Co 22Cr 22Ni 14.5W 0.07La,Solution Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS5786E-2002 Nickel Alloy,corrosion&heat-resistant,welding wire 62.5Ni-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe.pdfSAE-AMS5796D-2000 Cobalt Alloy,Corrosion&Heat Resistant,Welding Wire 52Co-20Cr-10Ni-15W.pdfSAE-AMS5830C-2007 Nickel-Iron Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welding Wire 12.5Cr-42.5Ni-6.0Mo-2.7Ti-0.015B-35Fe.pdfSAE-AMS5830C-2007 Nickel-Iron Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welding Wire 12.5Cr-42.5Ni-6.0Mo-2.7Ti-0.015B-35Fe[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5857B-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Bars&Wire 19Cr-10Ni (SAE-30304)High Yield Strength Solution Heat Treated&Cold Worked[P4].pdfSAE-AMS5869C-2008 Nickel Alloy.Corrosion&Heat-Resistant.Sheet.Strip.and Plate 62Ni-21.5Cr-9.0Mo-3.7Cb Solution Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS6257D-2007 Steel Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.6Si-0.82Cr-1.8Ni-0.40Mo-0.08V (0.40-0.44C)[P9].pdfSAE-AMS6260P-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.2Cr-3.2Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C) (SAE-9310)[P6].pdfSAE-AMS6267G-2007 Steel Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C) (SAE-9310)[p6].pdfSAE-AMS6345B-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 0.95Cr-0.20Mo (0.28-0.33C) (SAE-4130)[p7].pdf SAE-AMS6354F-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 0.75Si-0.62Cr-0.20Mo-0.10Zr (0.10-0.17C)[P5].pdf SAE-AMS6359H-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[p6].pdfSAE-AMS6409C-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[p8].pdfSAE-AMS6414K-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[p9].pdfSAE-AMS6415S-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[P8].pdfSAE-AMS6417F-2006 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.6Si-0.82Cr-1.8Ni-0.40Mo-0.08V (0.38-0.43C)Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted.pdfSAE-AMS6440P-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.45Cr (0.93-1.05C) (SAE-52100) For Bearing Applications[p7].pdfSAE-AMS6454D-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 1.8Ni-0.80Cr-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted[p7].pdfSAE-AMS6501D-2007 Steel,Maraging,Welding Wire 18Ni-8.0Co-4.9Mo-0.40Ti-0.10Al Vacuum Induction Melted,Environment Controlled Packaging[p6].pdfSAE-AMS753-1998 Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts Sampling,Inspection&Testing for Surface Passivation[P11].pdfSAE-AMS7721C-2007 Lead Alloy Sheet&Extrusions 93Pb-6.5Sb-0.50Sn ASFabricated[p5].pdfSAE-AMS7731C-2007 Gold Wire&Ribbon 99.97Au Annealed[p6].pdfSAE-AMS7881-2007 Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[p5].pdfSAE-AMS7881-2007 Tungsten Carbide--Cobalt Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[P5].pdfSAE-AMS7882A-2007 Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Chrome Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[p5].pdf SAE-AMS7882A-2007 Tungsten Carbide--Cobalt Chrome Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[P5].pdf SAE-AMS-A-22771A-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings,Heat Treated[p25].pdfSAE-AMS-C-5541A-2003 Chemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum&Aluminum Alloys.pdfSAE-AMS-F-7190A-2007 Forging,Steel,For Aircraft_Aerospace Equipment&Special Ordnance Applications[p11].pdfSAE-AMS-H-6875-1998(R2006) Heat Treatment of Steel Raw Materials [P29].pdfSAE-AMS-I-23011A-2007 Iron-Nickel Alloys for Sealing to Glasses&Ceramic[P22].pdfSAE-AMS-M-7866A-2007 Molybdenum Disulfide,Technical,Lubrication Grade[p11].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-13B-2007 Aluminum Alloy 7178,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,and Wire,Extruded[p8].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-14A-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Bar,Rod,Shapes,and Wire,Extruded,7178-T76 Improved Exfoliation Resistance[p8].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-5A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 5086,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,andWire,Extruded[p7].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-7B-2007 Aluminum Alloy 5456,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,and Wire,Extruded[p6].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-9-1997 Aluminum Alloy 6063,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,&Wire,Extruded.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-10A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 5454,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-11A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 6061,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-12-2007 Aluminum Alloy 7075,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-13-2007 Aluminum Alloy Alclad 7075,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-14A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 7178,Plate&Sheet [p7].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-15B-2007 Aluminum Alloy Alclad 7178,Plate&Sheet[p8].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-21B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,7178-T76,Plate&Sheet Improved Exfoliation Resistant[p7].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-22B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,7178-T76,Alclad Plate&Sheet,Improved Exfoliation Resistant[p10].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-28B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,7011 Alclad 7178 Plate&Sheet[p14].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-4A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 2024,Plate&Sheet..pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-5A-2007 Aluminum Alloy Alclad 2024,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-8A-1998 Aluminum Alloy 5052,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-9A-2006 Aluminum Alloy 5456,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250A-2004 Aluminum&Aluminum Alloy,Plate&Sheet General Specification for.pdf SAE-AMS-QQ-A-367A-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings[p29].pdfSAE-AMS-S-13165 Issued NOV1997 Shot Peening of Metal Parts[P27].pdfSAE-AMS-W-6858A-2000 Welding,Resistance Spot&Seam[P46].pdfSAE-ARP1232B-2001 Gland Design,Elastomeric O-Ring Seals,Static Radial..pdfSAE-ARP1420B-2002 Gas Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines.pdfSAE-ARP1420B-2002 Gas Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines[P24].pdfSAE-ARP1755B-2000 Effect of Cleaning Agents on Aircraft Engine Materials Stock Loss Test Method.PDFSAE-ARP1962A-1995 TRAINING&APPROVAL OF HEAT-TREA TING PERSONNEL.PDFSAE-ARP4191-2003 C Gas Turbine Engine Performance Presentation[P9].pdfSAE-ARP4191C-2003 Gas Turbine Engine Performance PresentationDigital Computer Programs Using FORTRAN 77.pdfSAE-ARP4191C-2003Gas Turbine Engine Performance Presentation [P9].pdfSAE-ARP4754-1996 ConsiderationsHighly-Integrated or Complex Aircraft Systems[P101].pdfSAE-ARP5316B-2002 Storage of Elastomer Seals&Seal Assemblies Which Include an Elastomer Element Prior to Hardware Assembly.pdfSAE-ARP5580-2001 非机动车用的故障模式和效果分析的推荐实施规范.pdfSAE-ARP598C-2003 Aerospace Microscopic Sizing&Counting of Particulate Contamination for Fluid Power Systems[P16].pdfSAE-AS122026A THRU AS122075A-2007 WASHER-LOCK,SPRING,CADMI[p3].pdfSAE-AS123601 THRU AS123750B-2007 RIVET,SOLID,100 FLUSH HEA[p3].pdfSAE-AS1241-1997 Fire Resistant Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid for Aircraft.pdfSAE-AS14101-1998 低速自调心自润滑关节轴承.pdfSAE-AS14153B-2007 CIRCUIT BREAKER-AIRCRAFT,TRIP-FREE,[P3].pdfSAE-AS14154B-2007 Circuit Breaker-Aircraft,Trip-Free,Push-P[P3].pdfSAE-AS15001B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,SURFACE CHEC[P3].pdfSAE-AS15002B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,SURFACE CHEC[P3].pdfSAE-AS15003B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,SURFACE CHEC[P3].pdfSAE-AS15005B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,THROA T OR SU[P3].pdfSAE-AS15006B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,LEAKPROOF,1_8 PIPE THREADS[P3].pdfSAE-AS155001 THRU AS155300A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,2 DIA ENGAGEME[p3].pdfSAE-AS155301 THRU AS155600A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,2 DIA ENGAGEME[p3].pdfSAE-AS155901 THRU AS156200A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,2 DIA ENGAGEMENT,CADMIUM PLATED,STEEL UNS G87400,[p2].pdfSAE-AS158901 THRU AS159200A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,NECKED,1.5 DIA ENGAGEMENT,CADMIUM PLATED,STEEL[P3].pdfSAE-AS162501 THRU AS162800A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,DRILLED,NECKED,2 DIA ENGAGEMENT,CADMIUM PLATED,STEEL[p3].pdfSAE-AS17108A-2008 (R) bearing,ball,annular,primarily for aircraft generators&motor-generators,wide cartridge,type ii.pdfSAE-AS22759-10-2000 wire,electrical,fluoropolymer-insulated,extruded tfe,nickel-coated copper conductor,1000 volt.pdfSAE-AS22759-86B-2007 wire,electrical,polytetrafluoroethylene polyimide insulated,normal weight,silver coated,copper conductor,200 °c,600 volts.pdfSAE-AS22759-87B-2007 wire,electrical,polytetrafluoroethylene-polyimide insulated,normal weight,nickel coated,copper conductor,260 °c,600 volts.pdfSAE-AS22759-89B-2007 Wire,Electrical,Polytetrafluoroethylene-Polyimide Insulated,Normal Weight,Silver Coated,High Strength or Ultra High Strength Copper Alloy,200-mDC,600 V olts.pdf SAE-AS23190-1-1999(R2006) Straps,Clamps,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic for Cable Harness Tying&Support Clamp,Loop,Nylon,Adjustable,Wire Support[P5].pdfSAE-AS23190-1998 Straps,Clamps,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic&Metal for Cable Harness Tying&Support-FSC 5975[P42].pdfSAE-AS23190-2-1998(R2003) Straps,Clamps,Plastic&Metal,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic for Cable Harness Tying&Support Clamp,Loop,Metal[P9].pdfSAE-AS23190-3-2008 Straps,Clamps,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic&Metal for Cable Harness Tying&Support Strap,Tie down[P3].pdfSAE-AS25244-2007 CIRCUIT BREAKER,TRIP-FREE,PUSH-PULL,5 THRU [P6].pdfSAE-AS25361A-2007 CIRCUIT BREAKER -AIRCRAFT,TRIP-FREE,PUSH-PULL,50 THRU 100 AMP,TYPE I,[P3].pdfSAE-AS3086A-2007 STUD-STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,S[p2].pdfSAE-AS3087A-2007 STUD-STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,S[P3].pdfSAE-AS3088A-2007 STUD,STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,ST[P3].pdfSAE-AS3089A-2007 STUD,STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,ST[P3].pdfSAE-AS33514A-2007 Fitting End,Standard Dimensions for Flareles[P3].pdfSAE-AS33515A-2007 FITTING END,STANDARD DIMENSIONS FOR BULKHEAD[P3].pdfSAE-AS39029-19A-2007 CONTACTS,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR,PIN,CRIMP[P5].pdfSAE-AS39029-21A-2007 CONTACTS,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR,SOCKET,CR[P5].pdf。
经过查阅,AMS5662M是一种关于高温合金钛合金Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo(UNS 号R56620)的标准。
它是由Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 和全球航空材料供应商协会 (Global Aerospace Materials Suppliers, GAMPS) 共同制定的标准。
高温合金牌号 国标
![高温合金牌号 国标](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d06a968492fb4daa58da0116c175f0e7cd119f6.png)
在我国,高温合金牌号按照GB/T 1500-2009《高温合金和耐热钢》进行分类。
• 应用 镍基铸造高温合金用于飞机、船舶、工业和车
• 冶炼方面:为了获得更纯净化的钢水,减 低气体含量与有害元素含量;同时由于部分合 金中有易氧化元素如Al,Ti等存在,非真空方 式冶炼难以控制;更是为了获得更好的热塑性, 镍基耐热合金,通常采用真空感应炉熔炼,甚 至用真空感应冶炼加真空自耗炉或电渣炉重熔 方式进行生产。
为了满足舰船和工业燃气轮机的需要,60年 代以来还发展出一批抗热腐蚀性能较好、组织 稳定的高铬镍基合金。
在从40年代初到70年代末大约40年的时间内, 镍基合金的工作温度从 700℃提高到1100℃, 平均每年提高10℃左右。
• 高温合金材料按制造工艺,可分为变形高温合金、铸
• 以镍为主要基体成分的变形高温合金。镍基变形高温 合金以汉语拼音字母“GH” 加序号表示,如GH36、
冷、热变形手段加工成材。 • 按强化方式可分为固溶强化镍基变形高温合金,弱时
• 用途:镍基变形高温合金广泛地用来制造航空喷气发
新工艺。也采用加镁微合金化和弯曲晶界热处理工艺来提 高塑性。
镍基铸造高温合金 (cast nickel - base superalloy )
• 以镍为主要成分的铸造高温合金,以“K”加序号表示,
如K1、K2等。 • 随着使用温度和强度的提高,高温合金的合金化程度 越来越高,热加工成形越来越困难,必须采用铸造工 艺进行生产。另外,采用冷却技术的空心叶片的内部 复杂型腔,只能采用精密铸造工艺才能生产。这样, 镍基变形高温合金就转化为镍基铸造高温合金。
ASTM美国材料标准中文版ASTM A488/A488-2007 钢铸件焊接工艺和人员资格评定的标准实施规程( Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel )ASTMA802/A 802M-1995(R2006重新审批)视觉检测铸钢表面验收标准规程 (STANDARERACTICEFOR STEEL CASTINGS, SURFACE ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS, VISUAL EXAM)INATIONASTM B108-2006 铝合金永久型铸件标准规范( STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINUM-ALLOY PERMANENT MOLD CAST)INGSASTM B179-2006 铸造用铝合金原锭及熔融锭在各铸造过程的标准技术规范( STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINUM ALLOYS IN INGOT AND MOLTEN FORMS FOR CASTINGS FROM ALL CASTING PROCESS)ESASTM B26/B26M-2005铝合金砂铸件标准规范(STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINUM-ALLOY SAND CASTING)SASTM D256-2006测定塑料抗悬臂梁摆锤冲击性的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE IZOD PENDULUM IMPACT RESISTANCE OF PL)ASTICSASTM D2794-1993(R2004) 有机涂层抗快速形变(冲击)作用的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHOFDORRESISTANCOEFORGANI C OATINGTSOTHEEFFECTSOFRAPIDDEFORMATIO(INMPACT) )ASTM D3359-2008胶带试验用测定粘合性的标准试验方法(STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR MEASURING ADHESION BY TAPE T)ESTASTM D3363-2005铅笔试验法测定涂膜硬度的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR FILM HARDNESS BY PENCIL TE)STASTMD4060-2007 用泰伯尔磨蚀机测定有机涂层耐磨性的标准试验方法 ( STANDARTDESTMETHODFOR ABRASION RESISTANCE OF ORGANIC COATINGS BY THE TABER A)BRASERASTM D4674-2002A暴露在室内办公室环境下的塑料颜色稳定性加速试验的标准实施规范( STANDARTDESTMETHOFDORACCELERATETDESTINGFORCOLORSTABILITY OFPLASTICSEXPOSEDTO INDOOR OFFICE ENVIRONME)NTSASTM D4752-2003用溶剂擦试法测定硅酸乙酯(无机)富锌底漆耐甲乙酮的标准试验方法(STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR MEASURING MEK RESISTANCE OF ETHYL SILICATE (INORGANIC) ZINC-RICH PRIMERS BY SOLVENT R)UBASTMD4828-1994E1(R2003) 有机覆层实际可洗性的标准试验方法( STANDARTDESTMETHODFSOR PRACTICAL WASHABILITY OF ORGANIC COAT)INGSASTMD638-2003 塑料拉伸性能标准测试方法 ( STANDARTDESTMETHOFDORTENSILEPROPERTIESOF PLASTICS)ASTM E1316-2007 无损检测标准术语( STANDARD TERMINOLOGY FOR NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION)S ASTM E1444-2005 磁粉检测标准规程( STANDARD PRACTICE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE TE)STINGASTM E155-2005铝、镁铸件检验用标准参考射线底片(STANDARD REFERENCE RADIOGRAPHS FOR INSPECTIONOF ALUMINUM AND MAGNESIUM CAS)TINGSASTME165-2002 液体渗透剂检查标准测试方法( STANDARTDESTMETHOFDORLIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATIO)NASTM E165-2002液体渗透检查的标准试验方法王倩译(STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINAT)IONASTME192-2004 航天设备蜡模钢铸件的参考放射线照相( STANDARRDEFERENCREADIOGRAPHOSF INVESTMENT STEEL CASTINGS FOR AEROSPACE APPLIC)ATIONSASTM E242-2001(2005年重新批准)在某些参数变化时射线图像外观用标准参考射线底片(STANDARD REFERENCE RADIOGRAPHS FOR APPEARANCES OF RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGES AS CER PARAMETERS ARE CHAN)GEDASTM E385-2007 使用14兆电子伏特的中子活化和直接计数技术测定含氧量的试验方法(STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR OXYGEN CONTENT USING A 14-MEV NEUTRON ACTIVATION AND DIRECT-COUNTING TECHNIQ)UEASTM E426-1998(2007重新审批)无缝及焊接管产品、沃斯田不锈钢及类似合金的电磁(涡电流)检测操作规程( Standard Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys )ASTM E446-98 (2004年重新批准) 用于厚度在2in(51mm)以下钢铸件的标准参考射线底片(STANDARD REFERENCE RADIOGRAPHS FOR STEEL CASTINGS UP TO 2 IN. (51 MM) IN THICKNESS (ALSO SEE ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT SET, ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT V1, ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT V2. AND ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT V3)) ASTME466-2007 金属材料上进行的恒定振幅轴向疲劳试验 (STANDARPDRACTICEFORCONDUCTING FORCE CONTROLLED CONSTANT AMPLITUDE AXIAL FATIGUE TESTS OF METALLIC MA)TERIALSASTM F2357-2004使用NORMA工具"RCA'磨擦器测定薄膜开关上墨水和涂层抗磨性的标准试验方法( STANDARTDESTMETHOFDORDETERMININTGHEABRASIONRESISTANCOEFINKS ANDCOATINGSON MEMBRANE SWITCHES USING THE NORMAN TOOL "RCA" A)BRADERASTM G154-2006非金属材料暴露用荧光灯紫外暴露装置的操作规范标准( STANDARD PRACTICEFOR OPERATING FLUORESCENT LIGHT APPARATUS FOR UVEXPOSURE OF NONMETALLI)CMATERIAISO,ASME,ASTM,DIN, JIS 国外管道法兰用密封垫片标准汇编ASTM F36-1995? 测定垫片材料压缩率及回弹率的标准试验方法ASTM F37-1995? 垫片材料密封性的标准试验方法ASTM F38-1995? 垫片材料的蠕变松弛的标准试验方法ASTM F112-1995? 包覆垫片密封性能的标准试验方法ASTM F146-1995A ?垫片材料耐液体标准试验方法ASTM F363-1989(1994年重新确认)垫片腐蚀试验的标准方法ASTM F336-1992?用于腐蚀工况的非金属包覆垫片的设计与结构用标准方法ASTM F586-1979(1989年重新确认)测定垫片汇漏(泄漏率与应力y和系数m的关系)的标准试验方法ASTM A6/A6M-2004 a版结构用轧制钢板、型钢、板桩和棒钢通用要求ASTM A27/A27M-2005版一般用途碳钢铸件标准技术条件ASTM A29/A29M-2005版热锻碳素钢和合金钢棒材一般要求标准规范ASTM A36/A36M-2005版碳结构钢标准规范ASTM A36/A36M-2004碳结构钢标准规范ASTM A48/A48M-2003版灰铸铁铸件标准技术条件ASTM A53/A53M-2005版无镀层及热浸镀锌焊接与无缝公称钢管标准技术条件ASTM A105/A105M-2005版管道部件用碳钢锻件ASTM A106-2006版高温用无缝碳钢公称管规范ASTM A108-2003版冷精整的碳钢和合金钢棒材标准技术条件ASTM A123/A123M-2002版钢铁产品镀锌品层(热浸镀)标准规范ASTM A126-2004版阀门、法兰和管道附件用灰铁铸件ASTM A143-2003版热浸镀锌结构钢制品防脆化的标准实施规程和催化探测方法ASTM A153/A153M-2005版钢铁构件镀锌层(热浸镀)标准规范ASTM A179/A179M-1990a(R2001)版热交换器和冷凝器用无缝冷拉低碳钢管标准规范ASTM A192-2002版高压设备用无缝碳钢锅炉管标准规范ASTM A193/A193M-2006版高温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料ASTM A194/A194M-2006版高温或高压或高温高压螺栓用碳钢及合金钢螺母标准规范ASTM A209/A209M-2003版锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管标准规范ASTM A210/A210M-2002版无缝中碳钢锅炉管和过热器管标准规范ASTMA213/A213Mb-2004版无缝铁素体和奥氏体合金钢锅炉管、过热器管和换热器管标准规范ASTM A216/A216M-2004版高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范ASTM A234/A234M-2004版中、高温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管道配件ASTM A240/A240M-2005版压力容器用耐热铬及铬—镍不锈钢钢板、薄板和钢带标准技术条件ASTM A250/A250M-2004版锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体碳合金钢管子标准技术条件ASTM A252-98( R2002)版焊接钢和无缝钢管桩的标准规范ASTM A262-2002a版探测奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感度的标准实施规范ASTM A269/A269-2004版通用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管标准规范ASTM A276-2006版不锈钢棒材和型材标准规范ASTM A283/A283M-2003版中、低抗拉强度碳素钢板标准技术条件ASTM A285/A285M-2003版压力容器用中、低抗拉强度碳素钢标准技术条件ASTM A307/A307M-2004版抗拉强度6000PSI碳钢螺栓和螺柱标准技术条件ASTM A312/A312M-2005版无缝和焊接的以及重度冷加工奥氏体不锈钢公称管标准技术条件ASTM A320/A320M-2005版低温用合金钢栓接材料标准规范ASTM A333/A333M-2004版低温设备用无缝和焊接钢管的规范标准ASTM A334/A334M-2004版低温设备用无缝和焊接碳素和合金钢管的标准规范ASTM A335-2003版高温设备用无缝铁素体合金钢管标准规范ASTM A336/A336M-2005版高温承压件合金钢锻件标准技术条件ASTM A350/A350M-2004版需切口韧性试验的管道部件用碳钢和低合金钢锻件标准规范ASTM A351/A351M-2006版承压件用奥氏体铸钢件标准规范ASTM A352/A352M-2006版低温承压用铁素体和马氏体铸钢件标准规范ASTM A356/A356M-2005版汽轮机用厚壁碳钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件标准技术条件ASTM A370-2005版钢制品力学性能试验方法和定义标准ASTM A387/A387M-2003版压力容器用铬钼合金钢板的标准规范ASTM A403/A403M-2004版锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件的标准规范ASTM A450/A450M-2004版碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管一般要求的标准规范ASTM A479/A479M-2005版锅炉和其他压力容器用不锈钢棒材和型材标准技术条件ASTM A484/A484M-2005版不锈钢棒材、钢坯及锻件通用要求标准技术条件ASTM A500-2003a®圆形与异型冷成型焊接与无缝碳素钢结构管标准规范ASTM A515-2003版中温及高温压力容器用碳素钢板的标准规范ASTM A516-2004a®中温及低温压力容器用碳素钢板的标准规范ASTM A519-2003版机械工程用碳素钢和铝合金钢无缝钢管ASTM A530-2003版特种碳素钢和合金钢管一般要求的标准规范ASTM A577/A577M-90(R200)版钢板超声斜射波检验ASTM A589/A589M-2006版打水井用碳素钢无缝钢管和焊接钢管ASTM A609/A609M-199( 82002)版碳钢、低合金钢和马氏体不锈钢铸件超声波检验ASTM A615/A615M-2004版混凝土配筋用异形钢筋和无节钢胚棒标准规范ASTM A703/A703M-2004版标准技术条件一承压件钢铸件通用要求ASTM A751-2001版钢制品化学分析方法,实验操作和术语ASTM A781/A781M-2004版铸件、钢和合金的标准规范及通用工业的一般性要求ASTM A788/A788M-2004版标准技术条件一钢锻件通用要求ASTM A965/A965M-2002版高温承压件用奥氏体钢锻件标准规范ASTM B16/B16M-2005版螺纹切削机用易车削黄铜棒、条和型材标准规范ASTM B62/B62M-2002版青铜或高铜黄铜铸件标准规范ASTM B209-2004版铝和铝合金薄板和中厚板标准规范ASTM B462-2004版高温耐腐蚀用锻制或轧制的UNS N06030 UNS NO602、UNS NO620C UNS N08020 UNS NO8024 UNS NO8026 UNS NO8367 UNS NO10276 UNS N10665 UNS N10675和UNS R20033合金管法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件标准规范ASTM B564-2004版镍合金锻件标准规范ASTM E6-2003版关于力学性能试验方法的标准术语ASTM E10-2001版金属材料布氏硬度的标准试验方法ASTM E18-2003版金属材料洛氏硬度和洛氏表面硬度的标准测试方法ASTM E29-2002版使用有效数字确定试验数据与规范符合性作法ASTM E8M-200版金属材料拉伸试验的标准测试方法ASTM E94-2004版放射性检查的标准指南ASTM E125-1963( R2003版铁铸件的磁粉检验用标准参考照片ASTM E164-2003版焊件的超声接触检验的标准操作规程ASTM E208-1995a(R2000版用导向落锤试验测定铁素体钢无塑性转变温度的标准试验方法ASTM E213-2004版金属管超声检验方法ASTM E273-2001版焊接公称管和管子制品超声波检验用标准实用规程ASTM E709-2001版磁粉试验的推荐试验方法ASTM F36-1999(R2003版测定垫片材料压缩率及回弹率的标准试验方法ASTM F37-2000版垫片材料密封性的标准试验方法ASTM F38-2000版垫片材料的蠕变松弛的标准试验方法ASTM F112-2000版包复垫片密封性能的标准试验方法ASTM F146-2004版垫片材料耐液体标准试验方法ASTM F1311-1990(R2001版大口径组装式碳钢法兰标准规范ASTM G1-2003版腐蚀试样的制备、清洁处理和评定用标准实施规范ASTM G36-73(R1981) 参考资料标准实用规程:在沸的氯化镁溶液中进行的应力腐蚀裂纹试验ASTM G46-1976(R1986) 参考资料标准实用规程:麻点腐蚀的检验和评定ASTMG48-2003版使用三氯化铁溶液做不锈钢及其合金的耐麻点腐蚀和抗裂口腐蚀性试验的标准方法ASTM标准中译本丛书(一) 碳钢、铸铁、不锈钢及合金钢材料标准规范(含18个标准)1.ASTM A105/A105M-2002版管道部件用碳钢锻件2.ASTM A126-1995(R2001)版阀门、法兰和管道附件用灰铁铸件3.ASTM A181/A181M-2001 版通用管路用碳钢锻件标准规范4.ASTM A193/A193M-2001 版? 高温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料5.ASTM A194/A194M-2001a版高温、高压或高温高压螺栓用碳钢及合金钢螺母标准规范6.ASTM A216/A216M-2001a版高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范7.ASTM A217/A217M-2002版高温承压件用马氏体不锈钢和合金钢铸件标准规范8.ASTM A276-2002a版不锈钢棒材和型材9.ASTM A278/A278M-2001版高温不超过650° F (350C )的承压部件用灰铸铁件10.ASTM A320/A320M-2002版低温用合金钢栓接材料11.ASTM A350/A350M-2002版要求冲击韧性试验的管件用碳钢及低合金钢锻件标准规范12.ASTM A351/A351M-2000版承压件用奥氏体、奥氏体-铁素体(双相)钢铸件规范13.ASTM A352/A352M-1993(R1998)版低温承压件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件标准规范14.ASTM A395/A395M-1999版高温用铁素体球墨铸铁承压铸件15.ASTM A439-1983(R1999)版奥氏体球墨铸铁件16.ASTM A536-1984(R1999)版球墨铸铁件17.ASTMA694/A694M-2000?版高温输送用管法兰、管件、阀门及零件用碳钢和合金钢锻件标准规范18.ASTM A965/A965M-2002版高温高压部件用奥氏体钢锻件ASTM标准中译本丛书(二) 法兰、管件、阀门及部件(含9个标准)1.ASTM A182/A182M-2002版高温用锻制或轧制合金钢法兰、锻制管件、阀门和部件2.ASTM A961-2002版管道用钢制法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件的通用要求标准规范3.ASTMB462-2002版高温耐腐蚀用锻制或轧制的UNSNO6030 UNSNO6022 UNSNO6200 UNS NO8020 UNS NO8024 UNS NO8026 UNS NO8367 UNS NO10276 UNS N10665 UNS N10675和UNS R20033合金管法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件标准规范4.ASTM F885-1984 ( R2002版公称管径为NPS 1/4〜2的青铜截止阀外形尺寸标准规范5.ASTM F992-1986(R2001)版阀门铭牌标准规范6.ASTM F993-1986(R2001)版阀门锁紧装置标准规范7.ASTM F1030-1986(R1998)版阀门操作装置的选择准则8.ASTM F1098-1987(R1998)版公称管径有NPS〜24的蝶阀外形尺寸标准规范9.ASTM F1565-2000版蒸汽用减压阀规范。
ASTM A216-04高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范(中文)
![ASTM A216-04高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范(中文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/79782431b90d6c85ec3ac66f.png)
ASTM A 216/A 216M—04高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范1. 范围1.1 本标准适用于高温并能与其他铸钢件或锻钢件熔焊组成的阀门、法兰、管件或其它承压部件碳钢铸件。
1.2 本标准包括三种牌号钢材: WCA、WCB和WCC。
1.3 本标准中分别采用英寸—磅制单位和SI国际单位制单位,国际单位制数值用括号表示。
2 引用标准2.1 ASTM标准:A 488/A 488M 钢铸件焊接工艺规程和焊接人员资格评定标准A 703/A 703M 承压部件钢铸件通用要求A 985/A 985M 承压件用熔模钢铸件通用技术要求E 165 液体渗漏探伤方法E 709 磁粉探伤检测2.2 阀门及配件工业制造商标准化协会标准:SP 55 阀门、法兰、管件及其他配件用钢铸件(目测)3 一般交货条件3.1 除了熔模钢铸件,按本标准提供的的材料应符合A 703/A 703M标准的相应要求,包括符合购买方在订单中规定的补充要求。
不遵照标准 A 703/A 703M 规定可能会造成与本标准的不一致性。
万一本标准与标准A 703/A 703M发生冲突,应以本标准为依据。
3.2 按本标准提供的熔模钢铸件应符合标准A 985/A 985M的要求,包括购买方订单中的补充要求。
不遵照标准A 985/A 985M的规定将造成与本标准不相符。
如果本标准与标准A 985/A 985M发生冲突,应以标准A 985/A 985M为依据。
4. 定单内容4.1 询价和定单应包括或规定以下内容:4.1.1 用型模号码或图纸描述铸件(铸件图纸应注明尺寸公差);4.1.2 钢牌号;4.1.3 选择的标准规范;4.1.4 铸件是否可使用熔模铸件方法等;4.1.5 包括验收标准在内的补充要求。
5. 热处理5.1 所有的钢铸件都应进行适合其设计和化学成分的热处理。
NiAl 5
Alloy 42/25
Alloy 30
高温合金材料按制造工艺,可分为变形高温合金、铸造 高温合金、粉末冶金高温合金和发散冷却高温合金。
(200)L (a)
(100)D (b)
r = ½ [100] (c) ]
(00 2)L
(00 2)D
r = ½ [001] ]
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50
金属间化合物的脆性:是影响其应用的最大问题。脆性与 有序化排列及复杂的晶体结构有关。某些材料单晶塑性好,
(1)加入置换元素,改变原子间键合状态和电荷分布。 (2)通过合金化改变有序结构的类型。 (3)微合金强化晶界。如,添加B消除晶界脆性。 (4)材料的纯化。使用高纯原材料。 (5)细化晶粒。细化第二相组织及加入弥散第二相质点。
按强化方式,可分为固溶强化高温合金、时效强化高温 合金和氧化物弥散强化高温合金。
美国 SAE(碳素钢)标准号及标准名称SAEJ403SAE碳素钢的化学SAE/化学成分(溶炼分析)%SAE/化学成分(溶炼分析)%UNS UNSAISI AISI号C Mn号C Mn 号号G100601006≤0.08≤0.45G1043010430.39 ~0.470.7 ~1.00 G100801008≤0.10≤0.50G1045010450.42 ~0.500.60 ~0.90 G100901009≤0.15≤0.60G1046010460.42 ~0.500.70 ~1.00 G1010010100.08 ~ 0.130.30 ~ 0.60G1049010490.45 ~0.530.60 ~0.90 G1012010120.10 ~ 0.150.30 ~ 0.60G1050010500.47 ~0.550.60 ~0.90 G1015010150.12 ~ 0.180.30 ~ 0.60G1055010550.52 ~0.600.60 ~0.90 G1016010160.12 ~ 0.180.60 ~ 0.90G1060010600.55 ~0.660.60 ~0.90 G1017010170.14 ~ 0.200.30 ~ 0.60G1065010650.59 ~0.700.60 ~0.90 G1018010180.14 ~ 0.200.60 ~ 0.90G1070010700.65 ~0.760.60 ~0.90 G1019010190.14 ~ 0.200.70 ~ 1.00G1074010740.69 ~0.800.50 ~0.80 G1020010200.17 ~ 0.230.30 ~ 0.60G1075010750.69 ~0.800.40 ~0.70 G1021010210.17 ~ 0.230.60 ~ 0.90G1078010780.72 ~0.860.30 ~0.60 G1022010220.17 ~ 0.230.70 ~ 1.00G1080010800.74 ~0.880.60 ~0.900.190.300.800.60G102301023G108401084~0.25~0.60~ 0.94~ 0.900.220.300.800.70G102501025G108501085~0.28~0.60~ 0.94~ 1.00G1026010260.220.60G1086010860.800.30成~0.28~0.90~ 0.94~ 0.500.270.600.840.60G103001030G109001090分~0.34~0.90~ 0.98~ 0.900.290.700.900.30G103301033G109501095(~0.36~1.00~ 1.04~ 0.50 1995)0.310.600.18 1.30 G103501035G152401524~0.38~0.90~ 0.25~ 1.650.310.700.22 1.20G103701037G152701527~0.38~1.00~ 0.29~ 1.550.340.600.30 1.20G103801038G153601536~0.42~0.90~ 0.38~ 1.550.360.700.36 1.30G103901039G154101541~0.44~1.00~ 0.45~ 1.650.360.600.43 1.05G104001040G154801548~0.44~0.90~ 0.52~ 1.400.390.600.46 1.20G104201042G155201552~0.47~0.90~ 0.55~ 1.55注:1.本表是2.所有钢号的3.当要求 SAEJ403 中适用于结构用型钢、钢板、钢带、薄钢板及焊接管的成分(同号不同产品成分有差异)。
以下是该合金的详细信息:1. 化学成分:- 镍(Ni):约为55-60%- 铬(Cr):约为20-24%- 钼(Mo):约为8-10%- 铁(Fe):约为2-3%- 钛(Ti):约为1-2%- 铝(Al):约为0.5-1.5%- 锰(Mn):约为0.5-1.5%- 碳(C):约为0.05-0.15%- 硅(Si):约为0.5-1.0%- 磷(P):约为0.02%以下- 硫(S):约为0.015%以下2. 物理性能:- 密度:约为8.2 g/cm³- 熔点:约为1350-1390°C- 热导率:约为10.5-11.5 W/m·K- 热膨胀系数:约为12-14 × 10^-6/°C(20-1000°C)3. 机械性能:- 屈服强度(室温):约为550-650 MPa- 抗拉强度(室温):约为900-1000 MPa- 伸长率(室温):约为15-25%- 硬度(室温):约为HB 240-3004. 热处理:- 固溶处理(Solution Annealing):在约1100-1150°C 的温度下进行1-2小时的加热,然后迅速冷却(通常是水淬或空气冷却)。
- 冷加工硬化(Cold Work Hardening):通过冷加工(如冷轧、冷拔等)可以进一步提高合金的强度和硬度。
5. 应用领域:- 高温合金AMS-5667M常用于航空航天、石油化工、发电和其他高温、高压环境下的零件制造,如涡轮叶片、燃烧室组件、燃气涡轮发动机的燃烧室和喷嘴等。
国内外高温合金牌号对照技术目录沉淀硬化型不锈钢PH冠赫-不锈钢带技术参数冠赫金属-化学成份资料冠赫金属-机械性能资料特种不锈钢-详细参数镍基合金(INCONEL,MONEL)1J软磁合金2J永磁合金3J弹性合金4J膨胀合金(INVAR,KOVAR)5J双金属合金研究报告不锈钢带市场资讯常用物理领域单位换算联系电话:************传真号码:021-********移动电话:136617041351312245**********************冠赫美国德国①No.日本JISW-Nr.法国NF俄罗TOGB/T旧牌号商业牌号AMS/SAEDIN(L-Nr.)1GH1015GH15------ЭП2GH1035GH35------ЭП4GH1040GH40------ЭП5GH1131GH131------ЭП6GH1140GH140------ЭП7GH2018GH18-------8GH2036GH36------ЭП9GH2038GH38A------ЭП中国与国外高温合金牌号近似对照中国与国外高温合金牌号近似对照10GH2130GH130---AMSS525,---ЭП11GH2132-GH132A2865731;X5NiCrTi26-151.4980Z6NCT25ЭПSAEHEV7( 1.4944)ATVSMo12GH2135GH135------ЭП13GH2136GH136-V57-X5NirTi26-151.4980Z3NCT25;-ATVS214GH2302GH302----ЭП15GH3030GH30-----ATGR;ЭПNC20T16GH3039GH39------ЭП17GH3044GH44------ЭП18GH3128GH128-------19GH4033GH33------ЭП4QQ:MSN:精密合金钢高性能不锈钢镍基合金钢高温合金钢不锈钢钢带冠赫合金应用领域压力开关膜片温控器行业sus631弹簧不锈钢丝kovar/4J29/可伐合金行业20GH4037GH37--AMS5829;SAEHEV6;ATGS4;--ЭПNC20KTA2122GH4043GH4049GH43GH49---------( 2.4636)-ЭП598NCK15-ЭПATD23GH4133GH33A------ЭП424GH4169GH169-Inconel718AMS5596,5662NiCr19NbMo2.4668ATGC1;-SAEXEV- 1NC19FeNbAMS5531,X12CrCoNi21-1.4971ATGX25-GH19SUH661N1555585;SAEHEV120( 1.4974)Z12CNKDW20-26-GH20NCF800B;Incoloy800AMS5766,X10NiCrAlTi321.487625NC35-20;-NCF2B5871;-20NicralC27-GH32-HestelloyXAMS5536SG-2.4613ATGE-5754;NiCr21Fe18Mo28-GH25-L605AMS5537,CoCr20W15Ni2.4964ATGH;-5759;KC20WN29-GH80A--NiMonic80ANiCr20TiAl2.4952(2.4631)ATGS3-NC20TA30-GH141-Rene41AMS5545;5712NiCr19CoMo2.4973ATGW2-NC 20KDTA31-GH143----2.4634NCKD20ATr-32-GH145NCF750BInconelX-AMS5542,NiCr15Fe2.4669ATGF;ЭП75055677TiALNC15FeTNbA33-GH146-Udimet500AMS5751NICr18Co2.4983ATGW2;-5753NC20KDTA34-GH163---NiCo20Cr2.4650ATGWO;-20MoTiNCK20D35-GH167-HastelloyRAMS5872A-----13536-GH182Hatell---NiMo16Cr16Ti2.4610--oyC437-GH333-RA333AMS5716;--ATG33;-5717Z6NCKDW4538-GH600Imonel600AMS5665NiCr15Fe2.4816NC15Fe;-(NiCr15Fe8)NiCralZ39-GH710---ATGW4;Z6NCK-Udi18TDA7140-GH738-WaspaloyAMS5704;NiCr1gCo2.4654ATGW1;-554414Mo4TiNC20K1441-GH901-Udimet901AMS5660;NiFeCr12Mo2.4975Z8NCDЭП5561(2.4662)42-GH984-Inconel625AMS5666;NiCr22Mo9Nb2.4856ATGE2-5599NC22FeDNb43---Disca10y-X4NICrTi25-151.4943ATVS2-44---Incoloy825-NiCr21Mo2.4858NC21FeDU-45---Incoloy700---ATGS8;-NK27CADT①W-Wr.是德国DIN17007系统的数字材料号(Wdrkstoff-Nummer);L-Nr.是德国航空标准数字牌号(Luftfahrtstoff-Nr)的缩写,在表中加括号,以示区别。
镍基合金 高温合金 哈氏合金-国内外牌号对照
![镍基合金 高温合金 哈氏合金-国内外牌号对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/db29de9a3186bceb18e8bb3c.png)
Incoloy 800
Incoloy 800H
Incoloy 800HT
Incoloy 825
Inconel 600
Inconel 601
Inconel 625
Inconel 718
Incoloy 926
Inconel X-750
Monel 400 Hastelloy B Hastelloy B-2 Hastelloy C Hastelloy C-22 Hastelloy C276
xL 0.7≤T≤25,W≤1200,L≤
产品:哈氏合金、高温合金、铜镍合金、英科耐尔、蒙乃尔、钛合金、沉淀硬化钢等各 种中高端不锈钢,镍基合金等。 高温合金:
GH3030、GH4169、GH3128、GH145、GH3039、GH3044、GH4099、GH605、GH5188 等
W.Nr.1.4876 N08800
X10NiCrAlTi3220 W.Nr.1.4958 NO8810 X5 NiCrAlTi 31-20 W.Nr.1.4959* N08811 X 8 NiCrAlTi 32-21 W.Nr.2.4858 N08825 NiCr21Mo W.Nr.2.4816 N06600 NiCrl 5Fe W.Nr.2.4851 N06601 NiCr23Fe W.Nr.2.4856 N06625 NiCr22Mo9Nb W.Nr.2.4668 N07718 NiCr19Fe19Nb5Mo3 W.Nr.1.4529 N08926 X1NiCrMoCu W.Nr.2.4669 N07750 NiCr15Fe7TiAl W.Nr.2.4360 N04400 NiCu30Fe N10001 W.Nr.2.4617 N10665 NiMo28
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fx or .
z ASTM E 21
ASTM E 103 ASTM E 112
.b ASTM E 139
ASTM E 292 ASTM E 354
Tension Testing of Metallic Materials Tension Testing of Metallic Materials (Metric) Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials Rapid Indentation Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials Determining Average Grain Size Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of Materials Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys
AMS 2261 AMS 2269 AMS 2371
m AMS 2374
AMS 2750
o AMS 2806 .c AMS 2808
AMS 7490
Tolerances, Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire Chemical Check Analysis Limits, Nickel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt Alloys Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Wrought Products and Forging Stock Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel and Alloy Forgings Pyrometry Identification, Bars, Wire, Mechanical Tubing, and Extrusions, Carbon and Alloy Steels and Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys Identification, Forgings Rings, Flash Welded, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Austenitic Steels, AusteniticType Iron, Nickel, or Cobalt Alloys, or Precipitation-Hardenable Alloys
ww SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely w voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”
w 3.1 Composition:
Shall conform to the percentages by weight shown in Table 1, determined by wet chemical methods
w in accordance with ASTM E 354, by spectrochemical methods, by the methods of ARP1313 for lead, wbismuth, and selenium, or by other analytical methods acceptable to purchaser.
Email: custsvc@
Copyright SSAAE EInteWrnEatiBonaAl DDRESS:
Provided by IHS under license with SAE
Licensee=Messier Dowty/5905381001
AMS 5662M
SEP 1965
Superseding AMS 5662L
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb (Nb) - 0.90Ti - 0.50AI - 18Fe
m Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation-Hardenable
(Composition similar to UNS N07718)
o 1. SCOPE: .c 1.1 Form:
Carbon Manganese
m Silicon
Phosphorus Sulfur
o Chromium
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale, 11/27/2006 20:5
AMS 5662M
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 or .
Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAE No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
w 1.2 Application: These products have been used typically for parts requiring high resistance to creep and stressfx rupture up to 1300 °F (704 °C) and oxidation resistance up to 1800 °F (982 °C), particularly those parts which are formed or welded and then precipitation heat treated to develop required properties, but usage is not limited to such applications.
877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)
724-776-4970 (outside USA)
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of bars, forgings, flash welded rings, and stock for forging, flash welded rings, or heading.