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Connecticut 康乃迪克州
< 12 years old
Not Specified July 1, 2011 (≤100ppm)
Refer to consent Judgments
Refer to consent Judgments
Refer to consent Judgments
US states Law
State Lead content Regulations (Bill) / Requirements /Scope Washington states children’s safe products act Chapter 288 – Law of 2008 : children’s Safe Product Act” (Sparkle Volume 356) Pb ≤ 90 ppm Cd: ≤ 40 ppm Public Law 102 (SB143) Any consumer product, surface coating material, food product or food packaging (600ppm as per 16CFR 1303 or state law) Age grading Accessible component only? (Y/N) Not Specified Effective/ Enactment Date
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
法规: 美国消费产品安全委员会(CPSC) 16 CFR 1303 :儿童玩具表 面油漆涂层的铅含量需小于0.06%
国家:美国; 产品:玩具 制造于:中国 数量:约967,000; 时间:2007/08/02;
危害:因为产品表面油漆含有 高浓度的铅,如儿童摄入有 毒的铅,会导致健康危害;
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
2. 儿童玩具的相关法规-美国和加拿大(化学部分)
2.2.1 总铅含量要求:符合 CPSA 16 CFR 1303 2.2.2 ASTM F 963-07毒性测试 4.3 2.2.3 加州 提案 65 (CP 65) 简介 2.2.4 珠宝首饰铅的要求和测试方法 2.2.5 美国有关邻苯二甲酸盐禁用的情况 2.2.6 加拿大有关铅和可溶性重金属的管 控
• CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Committee): 消费品安全委员会 主要职责:对消费产品使用的安全性 制定标准和法规并监督执行;
CPSA (Consumer Product Safety Act): 消费产品安全法案 FHSA (Federal Hazardous Substances Act): 联邦危险物品法案
儿童玩具和家具涂层 儿童玩具 消费品 儿童珠宝中金属部分;加州 规定的材质 塑胶玩具和儿童用品 玩具和消费品的油漆和涂层
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
US states Law
Approved Lead Restrictions in the US State Lead content Regulations (Bill) / Requirements /Scope Public Act 094 - 0879 - Lead Poisoning Prevention Act Jewelry, toys, decorative objects, accessories, furniture, clothing, candy, food , dietary supplements, edible items or intended to be chewed by children. (≤ 600ppm) Public Act No. 159 "Bill No. SB 174;” Any toy or child care articles (≤ 600ppm) Public Act No. 161 "Bill No. HB 4132” Any children’s jewelry (≤ 600ppm) Public Act No.160 ”Bill No. HB 4399 Lunch box (≤ 600ppm) Age grading Accessible component only? (Y/N) Yes Effective/Enactment Date June 20, 2006
< 12 years old
< 12 years old
Not Specified
0.06% total lead by Oct 2008 0.03% total lead by Jul 2009 0.01% total lead by Jan 2010
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
US states Law
Approved Lead Restrictions in the US State Lead content Regulations (Bill) / Requirements /Scope HB1437 Any component part of children’s product for ≤ 0.009% children’s product: a product that is marketed for use by a child or the use by a child or the use of which by a child is foreseeable, including toys, child care articles,children lunch box or children jewelry. - Paint or surface coating according to 16 CFR 1303, as amended (currently ≤ 0.06%) Public Acts No. 193 (SB152) Jewelry, toys, furniture, food, food container or packaging. Any component part or surface coating Age grading Accessible component only? (Y/N) Not Specified Does not apply to consumer electronic products in which the lead-containing components are inaccessible to children Effective/ Enactment Date July 1, 2009
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
(NEWS from CPSC,2007)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 9 31 25 10 29 21 11 52 69 57 49
• • • • • •
7 月份,31例召回,3例铅 8 月份,52例召回,9例铅 9 月份,25例召回,10例铅 10月份,69例召回,29例铅 11月份,49例召回,21例铅 12月份,57例召回,11例铅
• •
原因:生产、批发和销售含铅的玩具 涉及法规: 1) Proposition 65 (The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986) 2) The Federal Consumer Product Safety Act(15 U.S.C. §§ 2051-2084) :16 C.F.R. 1303
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
US states Law
Approved Lead Restrictions in the US State Lead content Regulations (Bill) / Requirements /Scope Senate Bill 2880 Any toy or child care articles (≤ 600ppm) Age grading Accessible component only? (Y/N) Not Specified Effective/ Enactment Date July 1, 2008
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
法规: 美国消费品安全委员会: 儿童珠宝的金属部件内的铅含量不 得超过0.06%
国家:美国; 产品:儿童珠宝 制造于:中国 数量:约19,000 时间:2007/06/19
危害:因为儿童项链 的金属 搭扣含有高浓度的铅,如儿 童摄入有毒的铅,会导致健 康危害;
Tennessee 田納西州
≤ 7 years old
Maryland 里蘭
House Bill 62 Public Health chapter 483 Lead-Containing Children’s products (1) Accessories and jewelry; (2) Clothing; (3) Decorative objects; (4) Furniture; (5) Lunch boxes and eating utensils; (6) Toys; and (7) Any other item specified by the department in regulation (≤ 600 ppm)
Massachusetts (Withdrawn)
Children jewelry a) 600 ppm total lead b) 15 ug extractable lead (Intertek Sparkle Vol. 399)
< 14 years old
Not Specified
June 13, 2008
Illinois 利諾
≤ 6 years old
≤ 7 years old
Not Specified
December 27, 2007
≤ 7 years old
Not Specified
December 13, 2007
≤ 7 years old
Biblioteka Baidu
Not Specified
December 13, 2007
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
• • • •
事件1:美国玩具反斗城召回 中国制造的乙烯基塑料围兜,因其含铅量超标。 时间:2007年08月 事件2:美国Disney公司召回了4100件儿童睡袋,根据美国消费品安全委员会
美国玩具法规要求 (化学部分) (H.R. 4040)
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
1. 化学危害引起的儿童玩具召回案例
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
< 6 years old
Not Specified
July 1, 2008
Testing everywhere for markets anywhere
US states Law
Approved Lead Restrictions in the US State Lead content Regulations (Bill) / Requirements /Scope - An Public Act No.08-106 Concerning Safe Products for Children (Jewelry, toys, decorative objects, accessories, furniture, clothing, candy, food , dietary supplments, edible items) -Paint / surface coating ≤ 90 ppm Health and Safety Code Section 25214.1-25214.2 (California Prop.65) Age grading Accessible component only? (Y/N) Not Specified Effective/ Enactment Date July 1, 2009 (≤ 300ppm)