G104VN01 V0 工业规格液晶屏





主要应用场景:需要更宽广视野的高端游戏玩家,需要在多台屏幕上同时显示不同程序的设计师和金融从业者,需要多通道投影融合的工程商;二、产品特点1、超高分辨率:最高支持3840x2160(2x2x1920x1080),分辨率向下兼容;2、业内首款同时支持横屏/竖屏2种模式的三屏宝,竖屏最高支持2160P30Hz转60Hz显示3、采用45nm工艺高端可编程FPGA芯片,全硬件实时处理架构,超快处理速度绝不延迟;4、工业级设计,加厚6层PCB板材,16KV超强防静电能力,超强的产品稳定性;5、支持大规模级联和并联使用,超强DVI驱动能力保障15米以外的大屏实时显示需求;非常便利;三、产品规格WDO-V104DP四、产品硬件说明1.1.1产品附件说明图1-1WDO-V104DP图1-2DP(Display Port)线缆图1-312V@2A AC-DC电源适配器1.1.2产品面板说明图1-4WDO-V104DP前面板图1-5WDO-V104DP后面板A:RS-232控制接口,用于对WDO-V104DP的控制/工厂升级使用B:Display Port输入接口,用于连接PC主机上的显卡输出或其他输出设备,输入支持最高视频像素频率为330MhzC:LED信号指示灯,用于指示电源输入和信号输入状态D:12V DC电源输入接口E,F,G:均为DVI-I输出接口,用于连接显示器,电视或监视器等显示设备,同时支持数字DVI输出和模拟VGA信号输出,每个输出接口支持最大输出视频信号像素频率达165Mhz1.1.3连接方式1.1.4产品应用*超高分辨率桌面应用*超大屏幕墙,指挥调度系统*多屏幕视频监控,工程显示应用*多通道投影,虚拟现实,环幕影院*大型广告墙,LCD/LED多屏2显卡设置2.1设置输出分辨率图2-1设置分辨率方式2.2NVIDIA系列显卡的设置图2-2启动NVIDIA控制面板图2-3设置显卡输出排列方式图2-4旋转显示器以适应不同的显示要求图2-5选择分辨率如果分辨率选框中没有写入的分辨率,点击下方的“自定义(M)”如图2-6:图2-6添加自定义分辨率注意:对于Windows7操作系统下的宽屏分辨率,虽然在添加分辨率窗口中显示我们所需的分辨率,但当我们确定添加分辨率后,在设备的自定义分辨率中并没有此分辨率,也就是出现无法添加分辨率的情况时,请按图2-7操作尝试解决。

云利科技 HMI070T8048TNN-01 串口型智能显示器规格书说明书

云利科技 HMI070T8048TNN-01 串口型智能显示器规格书说明书

YL YL--HMI070T8048TNN HMI070T8048TNN--0101规格书规格书公司公司简介简介简介深圳市云利科技有限公司(Shenzhen Yunli Tech Co,, Ltd.)成立于2006年,公司拥有一批在液晶显示技术方面有多年经验的资深工程师,能够提供基于ARM、CPLD、FPGA 以及MCU 等解决方案的模拟TFT 液晶屏和数字TFT 液晶屏的并口,串口带字库的驱动板、模组及显示器。



经营范围:1、代理销售日本NEC 全系列工控液晶屏2、代理销售群创,奇美,元太,众福,天马等中小尺寸工控液晶屏3、自主研发生产: ★单片机串口液晶屏驱动板 ★单片机串口液晶模组 ★串口显示器 ★串口液晶模块 ★串口液晶模组 ★串口液晶屏★单片机并口(总线型)模拟屏驱动板和模组 ★单片机并口(总线型)液晶屏驱动板和模组 ★群创,翰彩等中小尺寸液晶AV/VGA 驱动板 ★群创5吋-10.2吋TCON 板地址(ADD):深圳市宝安区宝民一路宝通大厦(宝安电子数码城)701室 直线(TEL):+86-0-136********,189****4880(施先生)传真(FAX):+86-755-27954072 网站(WEB):目录目录1.概 述..................................................................................................................................................4 2.基本原理............................................................................................................................................4 3.规格参数............................................................................................................................................5 4.电气特性............................................................................................................................................6 5.接口接口定义定义............................................................................................................................................6 6.显示器的坐标设置............................................................................................................................7 7.显示器的颜色代码............................................................................................................................8 8.显示器的字库....................................................................................................................................8 9.串口通讯波特率设置........................................................................................................................8 1010..指令集..............................................................................................................................................9 11.指令详解........................................................................................................................................10 11.1绘图操作.................................................................................................................................10 1.1 画点............................................................................................................................................10 1.2 画圆............................................................................................................................................10 1.3 画直线........................................................................................................................................11 1.4 画多边形....................................................................................................................................11 11.2显示操作...................................................................................................................................12 1.1 字符显示....................................................................................................................................12 1.2 清屏............................................................................................................................................12 1.3 显示图片文件............................................................................................................................12 1.4 休眠............................................................................................................................................13 1.5 唤醒............................................................................................................................................13 11.3触摸操作...................................................................................................................................13 1.1 获取触摸坐标............................................................................................................................13 1.2 触摸屏校准................................................................................................................................13 12.连接与编程说明............................................................................................................................14 12.1 显示器与客户机连接示意图..................................................................................................14 12.2 例程说明..................................................................................................................................14 13.命名规则........................................................................................................................................15 14.使用储存注意事项........................................................................................................................15 14.1 使用注意事项:........................................................................................................................15 14.2 储存注意事项:......................................................................................................................16 15.液晶屏测试标准............................................................................................................................16 15.1测试概要:. (16)1.概述串口液晶显示器作为一种新型的显示输出设备,由于采用超大规模集成电路以及纯数字方式驱动,可以完全消除传统CRT的屏幕闪烁和像素抖动,不仅具有高亮度、高对比度、高可靠性、抗干扰能力强等优点,而且体积小、功耗低、宽视野、色彩鲜明、无辐射。

G057VN01 V0

G057VN01 V0

AUO G057VN01 V0G057V N01 V0 Ver. 0.1(V ) Preliminary Specification ( ) Final SpecificationModule 5.7 Inch Color TFT-LCD Model NameG057VN01 V0CustomerDateChecked & Approved byNote: This Specification is subject to change without notice.Approved by DatePrepared byDavid Hsing 2007/11/09General Display Business Division / AU Optronics corporationContents1. Operating Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)2.2 Optical Characteristics (6)3. Functional Block Diagram (8)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (9)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT-LCD Module (9)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (9)5. Electrical Characteristics (9)5.1 TFT-LCD Driving (9)5.2 Backlight Unit Driving (11)6. Signal Characteristic (11)6.1 Pixel Format Image (11)6.2 Scanning Direction (12)6.3 The Input Data Format (12)6.4 TFT- LCD Interface Signal Description (13)6.5 TFT- LCD Interface Timing (14)6.6 LED Backlight Unit Interface (15)6.7 Power ON/OFF Sequence (15)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (16)7.1 TFT- LCD Signal (CN1): LCD Connector (16)7.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): LED Connector (16)7.3 PIN 1 definition of CN1 and CN2 (17)8. Reliability Test Criteria (17)9. Mechanical Characteristics (19)10. Label and Packaging (20)10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) (20)10.2 Carton Package (20)11 Safety (20)11.1 Sharp Edge Requirements (20)11.2 Materials (20)11.3 Capacitors (20)11.4 National Test Lab Requirement (20)Version and Date Page Old description New Description Remark 0.1 Nov. 09, 2007 All First edition preliminaryspecifications1. Operating Precautions1) Display area (Polarizer) of TFT-LCD Module is easily to be damaged, please be cautious and notto scratch it.2) Be sure to power off your machine before connecting or disconnecting your signal cable toTFT-LCD Module.3) Wipe off water drop on display area immediately. Long contact with water may causediscoloration or spots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Display area (Glass) of TFT-LCD Module may be broken or cracked if bump Module against hardobject.6) To avoid ESD (Electro Static Discharde) damage, be sure to ground yourself before handlingTFT-LCD Module.7) Do not open nor modify the TFT-LCD module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if TFT-LCD module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was takenout from the container, do not press the center of the LED Reflector edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED Reflector edge softly. Otherwise the TFT-LCD Module may be damaged. 10) When inserting or removing of your signal cable to TFT-LCD Module, be sure not to applyabnormal force (rotate, tilt…etc.) to the Connector of the TFT-LCD Module.11) TFT-LCD Module is not allowed to be twisted & bent even force is added on module in a veryshort time. Please design your display product well to avoid external force applying to module by end-user directly.12) Small amount of materials without flammability grade are used in the TFT-LCD module. TheTFT-LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance and short LED backlightopearting life time.14) Continuous operating TFT-LCD Module under high temperature environment may accelerateLED light bar exhaustion and reduce luminance dramatically.15) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when TFT-LCD module is placed in landscapeposition.16) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to use screensaver or moving content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionG057VN01 V0 is designed for industrial display applications with VGA (640 x RGB x 480) resolution and 262k colors (RGB 6-bits). It is composed of a TFT-LCD panel, driver ICs, control and power supply circuits board and backlight unit. G057VN01 V0 offers CMOS interface for display signal input. LED driving board for backlight unit is not included.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are G057QN01 V0 characteristics summary at 25 ℃ condition.Items Unit SpecificationsScreen Diagonal inch 5.7Active Area mm 115.2(H) x 86.4(V)Pixels H x V640 x 3(RGB) x 480Pixel Pitch mm 0.18 x 0.18Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical StripeDisplay Mode TN, Normally WhiteNominal Input Voltage VDD Volt 3.3 typ.Typical Power Consumption Watt 2.11W (LCD:0.69W/LED: 1.42W) All black patternWeight Grams 200g(typ.), 220g(max.)Physical Size mm 144.0(H)x 104.6(V) x 12.3(D) (typ.) Electrical Interface CMOSSurface Treatment Anti-Glare, Hardness 3HSupport Color 262K colorsThe most suitable view angle 12 o’clockTemperature RangeOperatingStorage (Non-Operating) o Co C-30 to +85-30 to +85RoHS Compliance RoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25℃ (Room Temperature):Item Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max.Remark White Luminance [cd/m2] I F = 15mA / 1 LED line(center point) 400 -Note 1 Uniformity%5 Points- 1.3 Note 1, 2, 3 Contrast Ratio600 - Note 4[msec]Rising - 20 30 [msec] Falling- 15 20 Response Time[msec] Raising + Falling - 35 50 Note 5 [degree] [degree] Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 60 60 70 70 - - Viewing Angle[degree] [degree]Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower) 50 50 60 60 - - Note 6 White x 0.263 0.313 0.363 White y 0.279 0.329 0.379 Red xTBD TBD TBD Red y TBD TBD TBD Green x TBD TBD TBD Green y TBD TBD TBD Blue x TBD TBD TBD Color / Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE 1931)Blue yTBD TBD TBD Color Gamut%-50-Note 1: Measurement methodEquipment Pattern Generator, Power Supply, Digital Voltmeter, Luminance meter (SR_3 or equivalent) Aperture1with 50cm viewing distance ∘Test Point Center Environment < 1 luxModule Driving EquipmentNote 2: Definition of 5 points position (Display active area: 115.2mm (W) x 86.4mm (H))Note 3:The luminance uniformity of 5 points is defined by dividing the minimum luminance values by the maximum test point luminanceNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio (CR):Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “White” to “Black” (falling time) and from “Black” to “White” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval is between 10% and 90% of amplitudes. Please refer to the figure as below.Maximum Brightness of five pointsδW5 = Minimum Brightness of five pointsContrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” state Brightness on the “Black” stateNote 6: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio 10, at the s≧creen center, over a 180° horizontal and 180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as below: 90° (θ) horizontal left and right, and 90° (Φ) vertical high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated to its center to develop the desired measurement viewing angle.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the G057VN01 V0 color TFT/LCD module:4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT-LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max UnitLogic/LCD Drive Voltage Vin -0.3 +3.6 VoltLED backlight forwardcurrent (per channel)I LED0 20 mA4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max UnitOperating Temperature TOP -30 +85 o COperation Humidity HOP 5 95 %RHStorage Temperature TST -30 +85 o CStorage Humidity HST 5 95 %RHNote: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39 and no condensation.℃5. Electrical Characteristics5.1 TFT-LCD Driving5.1.1 Power SpecificationSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Remark VDD Logic/LCD Drive Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 VoltIDD VDD Current - 210 - mA All Black Pattern (VDD=3.3V, at 60Hz)I rush LCD Inrush Current - - 1.5 A Note 1PDD VDD Power - 0.69 - Watt All Black Pattern (VDD=3.3V, at 60Hz)VDDrp Allowable Logic/LCD Drive RippleVoltage- - 100mVp-pAll Black Pattern(VDD=3.3V, at 60Hz)Note 1: Measurement condition:5.1.2 Signal Electrical CharacteristicsInput signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.ParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit RemarksHigh VIH 0.7VDD - VDD V Logic Input Voltage forDisplay SignalsLow VIL 0 - 0.3VDD V High VIH 0.7VDD - VDD V Input Voltage for R/L & U/D LowVIL-0.3VDDVVDD rising time 0V3.3V5.2 Backlight Unit Driving5.2.1 Parameter guideline for LEDFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using an LED driving board at 25 (Room Temperature):℃Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit RemarkI F LED forward current -- 15 -- mA Ta = 25o C-- 32.8 TBD V I F = 15mA, Ta = -30o C V F LED forward voltage-- 31.6 TBD V I F = 15mA, Ta = 25o C-- 30.4 TBD V I F = 15mA, Ta = 85o C P LED LED Power -- 1.42 -- WattOperating Life 20000 (40000) -- Hrs I F = 15mA, Ta = 25o CI F is defined for one channel LED. There are total three LED channels in back light unit.G057VN01 V0 can be operated at operating temperature range, but optical performance should be evaluated at Ta =25 o C only.When G057VN01 V0 module is operated at high ambient temperature condition (over 25 o C), LED forward current I F should be less than 15 mA to avoid over LED junction temperature spec.If LED is driven by high current, high ambient temperature & humidity condition. The life time of LED will be reduced. Operating life means brightness goes down to 50% initial brightness. Typical operating life time is estimated data. 6. Signal Characteristic6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship between input signal and LCD pixel format.6.2 Scanning DirectionThe following figures show the image seen from the front view. The arrow indicates the direction of scan.6.3 The Input Data FormatThis product displays 262,144 colors in terms of the 64 grey levels on RGB respectively. The following table demonstrates the display of input data.6.4 TFT- LCD Interface Signal DescriptionPIN No. Symbol Pin Description1 GND Ground2 CLK Dot clock3 NC No Connection4 NC No Connection5 GND Ground6 R0 Red data (LSB)7 R1 Red data8 R2 Red data9 R3 Red data10 R4 Red data11 R5 Red data (MSB)12 GND Ground13 G0 Green data (LSB)14 G1 Green data15 G2 Green data16 G3 Green data17 G4 Green data18 G5 Green data (MSB)19 GND Ground20 B0 Blue data (LSB)21 B1 Blue data22 B2 Blue data23 B3 Blue data24 B4 Blue data25 B5 Blue data (MSB)26 GND Ground27 DE Data Enable Signal28 VDD Power supply (3.3V Typ. ONLY)29 VDD Power supply (3.3V Typ. ONLY)30 R/LHorizontal reverse scan (L: Normal, H: Right & Left reversal)31 U/DVertical reverse scan (H: Normal, L: Up & Down reversal)32 NC No Connection33 GND GroundNote 1: Input signals shall be in low status when VDD is off. Note 2: NC = No Connection6.5 TFT- LCD Interface Timing6.5.1 Timing Characteristics DE mode onlySignalSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Clock frequency (DOTCLK) 1/ T CLOCK 23.9 25.2 34.2 MHzNote1Period T H 770800 1000Active T HD 640 Horizontal SectionBlankingT HB 130 160 360 T CLOCKNote1Period T V 516 525 570Active TVD 480 Vertical SectionBlankingT VB36 4590 T LINENote1Note 1: Frame rate is 60 Hz.6.5.2 Input Timing DiagramDOTCLKDEHT HBDET VDInput Timing Definition ( DE Mode)Input Data Invaild Data Invaild Data6.6 LED Backlight Unit InterfacePin # Symbol Pin Description1 AN1 Anode 12 AN2 Anode 23 AN3 Anode 34 CA1 Cathode 15 CA2 Cathode 26 CA3 Cathode 36.7 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and LED on/off sequence is as below. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power ON/OFF sequence timingValueParameterUnitsMin. Typ. Max.T10.5 - 10 msT2 0 - 50 msT3 0 - 50 msT4 0 - 10 msT5 200 - - msT6 200 - - msT7 500 - - msThe above on/off sequence should be applied to avoid abnormal function in the display. Please make sure to turn off the power when you plug the cable into the input connector or pull the cable out of the connector.7. Connector & Pin Assignment7.1 TFT- LCD Signal (CN1): LCD ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Signal ConnectorManufacturer Hirose or compatibleConnector Model Number FH12-33S-0.5SH(55) or compatiblePin#Symbol Pin#Symbol Pin#Symbol1 GND 12 GND 23 B32 CLK 13 G0 24 B43 NC 14 G1 25 B54 NC 15 G2 26 GND5 GND 16 G3 27 DE6 R0 17 G4 28 VDD7 R1 18 G5 29 VDD8 R2 19 GND 30 R/L9 R3 20 B0 31 U/D10 R4 21 B1 32 NC11 R5 22 B2 33 GND 7.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): LED ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer JST or compatibleConnector Model Number SHLP-06V-S-B or compatibleMating Model Number SM06B-SHLS-TF or compatiblePin # Symbol Cable color Pin # Symbol Cable color1 AN1 Red 4 CA1 Blue2 AN2 Red 5 CA2 White3 An3 Red 6 CA3 Black7.3 PIN 1 definition of CN1 and CN28. Reliability Test CriteriaItems Required Condition Remark Temperature Humidity Bias 40/90%,300℃ hours Note 2 High Temperature Operation 85,300℃ hours Note 2 Low Temperature Operation -30,300℃ hours Note 2 High Temperature Storage 85,300 hours℃Note 2 Low Temperature Storage -30℃,300 hours Note 2 Thermal Shock Test -20℃/30 min ,60℃/30 min ,100cycles Note 2 Hot Start Test 85℃/1 Hr (min.), power on/off per 5 minutes, repeat 5 times Note 2 Cold Start Test -30℃/1 Hr (min.), power on/off per 5 minutes, repeat 5 times Note 2 Shock Test (Non-Operating) 50G,20ms,Half-sine wave,(+-X,+-Y,+-Z) Note 2 Vibration Test(Non-Operating)1.5G, 10~200~10Hz, Sine wave, 30mins/axis, 3 direction (X, Y, Z) Note 2ESD Contact : ± 8KV/ operation, Class B; Air : ± 15KV / operation, Class B(RL=150Ω, CL=330pF)Note 1,2Attitude Test Operating: 14,000 ft, Ramp: 2000 ft/min, 8hrsNon-operating: 40,000 ft, Ramp: 2000 ft/min, 24hrsNote 2Note1: According to EN61000-4-2 ESD class B criteria, some performance degradation is allowed. No data lost, Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.Note2:Water condensation is not allowed for each test items.Each test is done by new TFT-LCD module. Please don’t use the same TFT-LCD module repeatedly for reliability test.The reliability test is performed only to examine the TFT-LCD' module.To inspect TFT-LCD module after reliability test, please store it at room temperature and room humidity for 24hour at least in advance.G057VN01 V0 9. Mechanical CharacteristicsG057V N01 V0 Ver. 0.120/20 G057VN01 V010. Label and Packaging10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display)TBD10.2 Carton PackageTBD11. Safety11.1 Sharp Edge RequirementsThere will be no sharp edges or corners on the display assembly that could cause injury.11.2 Materials11.2.1 ToxicityThere will be no carcinogenic materials used anywhere in the TFT-LCD module. If toxic materials are used, they will be reviewed and approved by the responsible AUO toxicologist.11.2.2 FlammabilityAll components including electrical components that do not meet the flammability grade UL94-V1 in the TFT-LCD module will complete the flammability rating exception approval process.The printed circuit board will be made from material rated 94-V1 or better. The actual UL flammability rating will be printed on the printed circuit board.11.3 CapacitorsIf any polarized capacitors are used in the TFT-LCD module, provisions will be made to keep them from being inserted backwards.11.4 National Test Lab RequirementThe TFT-LCD module will satisfy all requirements for compliance to UL 60950 (U.S.A. Information Technology Equipment).。



产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型V16C6448AB PVI 6.4640X480TFTV16C6448AC PVI 6.4640X480TFTV16C6448AD PVI 6.4640X480TFTV16C6448AE PVI 6.4640X480TFTV16C6448AF PVI 6.4640X480TFT产品型号品牌O16C6448AF PVI 6.4640X480TFT A121EW01 V0AUO P64CD1PVI 6.4320X234TFT A121EW02 V.0AUO P64CN1PVI 6.4320X234TFT B121EW01 V.0AUO P64CV1PVI 6.4640X480TFT B121EW01 V.1AUO P64CV2PVI 6.4640X480TFT B121EW01 V.2AUO P64AD1PVI 6.4320X234TFT B121EW02 V.0AUO P64AN2PVI 6.4320X234TFT B121EW03 V.2AUO O64CN2AP01PVI 6.4320X234TFT B121EW03 V.7AUOP64AN2AP04PVI 6.4320X234TFT B121EW05 V.0AUO P64CN1AP06PVI 6.4320X234TFT G121SN01 V.0AUOP64CV1AP03PVI 6.4320X234TFT G121SN01 V.1AUO ADT050-WY PVI5TFT G121SN01 V.3AUO P50AN3PVI5600X234TFT G121SN01 V.4AUO P50AN3AP03PVI5600X234TFT B116XW02 V.0AUO P50AN3AP13PVI5600X234TFT A104SN01 V.0AUO P50AN3AP14PVI5600X234TFT B1048N01 V.0AUO P50AN4AP03PVI5600X234TFT B104SN01 V.0AUO PA035XS1PVI 3.5480X234TFT B104SN01 V.2AUO PA035XSGN1PVI 3.5480X234TFT B104SN02 V.0AUO PA050DS2T1PVI5320X240TFT B104SN03AUO PA050DS7PVI5320X240TFT G104SN02 V.0AUO PA050DS7N1PVI5320X240TFT G104SN02 V.1AUOPD121SL1A070FW03 V3AUOA070FW03 V4AUOA070FW03 V7AUOA070FW03 V8AUOC070FW01 V0AUOC070FW01 V.1AUOC070FW03 V0AUOC070VW01 V0AUO产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型C070VW02 V0AUO NL10276AC30-01A NEC151024X768TFT C070VW02 V1AUO NL10276BC30-04D NEC151024X768TFT C070VW02 V2AUO NL10276BC30-24D NEC151024X768TFT C070VW03 V0AUO NL10276BC26-01NEC13.31024X768TFT A068EN01AUO NL10276BC26-02NEC13.31024X768TFT A065GW01 V0AUO NL10276AC24-01NEC12.11024X768TFT C065GW01 V0AUO NL10276AC24-02NEC12.11024X768TFT C065GW03 V.0AUO NL10276AC24-05NEC12.11024X768TFT A065VL01 V2AUO NL10276BC24-04NEC12.11024X768TFT C065VL01 V0AUONL10276BC24-13NEC12.11024X768TFT G065VN01 V.0AUO NL10276BC24-13C NEC12.11024X768TFT G065VN01 V.1AUO NL10276BC24-14NEC12.11024X768TFT G057VN01 V0AUO NL10276BC24-19D NEC12.11024X768TFT G057QN01AUO NL10276BC20-18NEC10.41024X768TFT A056DN01AUO NL10276AC20-01NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276AC20-02NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276AC20-03NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276BC20-01NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276BC20-04NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276BC20-04C NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276BC20-06Y NEC10.41024X768TFTNL10276BC20-07Y NEC10.41024X768TFT产品型号品牌NL10276BC20-12NEC10.41024X768TFT LP8658-B LGNL10276BC20-08NEC10.41024X768TFT LB040Q02-TD01LGNL12876BC15-01NEC8.91280X768TFT LB040Q02-TD02LGNL10276BC16-01NEC8.41024X768TFT LB040Q02-TD03LGNL10260BC19-01D NEC8.41024X600TFT LB040Q03-TD02LGNL10276BC13-01C NEC 6.51024X768TFT LB043WQ1-TD01LGNL10276BC12-01NEC 6.31024X768TFT LB064V02-A1LGNL10276BC12-02NEC 6.31024X768TFT LB064V02-B1LGNL8060AC31-12NEC12.1800X600TFT LB064V02-TD01LGNL8060AC31-12G NEC12.1800X600TFT LC064N1LGNL8060BC31-01NEC12.1800X600TFT LP064V1LGNL8060BC31-02NEC12.1800X600TFT LP064V2LGNL8060BC31-05NEC12.1800X600TFT LB065W01-B11B LG NL8060BC31-09NEC12.1800X600TFT LT065W01-B11B LG NL8060BC31-13A NEC12.1800X600TFT LB065W01-C11B LGNL8060BC31-13B NEC12.1800X600TFT LB065WQ2-B11B LGNL8060BC31-13S NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070W01-A1LGNL8060BC31-17NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070W02-TME2LG NL8060BC31-17D NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070W02-TML1LG NL8060BC31-17E NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WQ5-TD01LG NL8060BC31-20 NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WQ6-TD01LG NL8060BC31-27NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WQ7-TD02LGNL8060BC31-28D NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WV1-TD01LGNL8060BC31-28E NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WV1-TD03LGNL8060BC31-32NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WV1-TD07LGNL8060BC31-36NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WV1-TD08LG NL8060BC31-41NEC12.1800X600TFT LB070WV4-TD02LG NL8060BC31-41C NEC12.1800X600TFT LB080WV3-A1LG NL8060BC31-41D NEC12.1800X600TFT LB080WV3-B1LGNL8060BC31-42NEC12.1800X600TFT LB080WV3-B2LGNL6448AC33-18J NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121S1LGNL6448AC33-18K NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121S2LGNL6448AC33-18X NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121S3-A LGNL6448AC33-21NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121S4LGNL6448AC33-24NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121S4-B2QT LGNL6448AC33-27NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121SA-A2LGNL6448AC33-29NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121SA-A2QT LGNL6448AC33-30NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121SB LGNL6448BC33-20NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121SL LGNL6448BC33-21NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121SP LGNL6448BC33-31NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X1-A2LGNL6448BC33-31D NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X1-A2C2LGNL6448BC33-46NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X04-A2P1LGNL6448BC33-46D NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X04-B2LGNL6448BC33-49NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X04-B2P2LGNL6448BC33-50NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X04-C2LGNL6448BC33-50E NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X04-C2K2LGNL6448BC33-53NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X05-A2LGNL6448BC33-54NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121X05-B2LGNL6448BC33-59NEC10.4640X480TFT LP121XQ LGNL6448BC33-59D NEC10.4640X480TFT LC130V01-A2K1 LGNL6448BC33-63NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-63C NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-63D NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-64NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-64C NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-64D NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-74NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448BC33-74K NEC10.4640X480TFTNL6448CC33-30NEC10.4640X480TFT产品型号品牌NL6448CC33-30W NEC10.4640X480TFT LQ150X1LGN2A SHARP NL6448AC32-01NEC10.2640X480TFT LQ150X1LGN2C SHARP NL6448AC32-03NEC10.2640X480TFT LQ121K1LG11SHARPNL6448AC20-08NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LG45SHARPNL6448BC20-08NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LG51SHARP NL6448BC20-08E NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LG52SHARP NL6448BC20-08F NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LG55SHARP NL6448BC20-09Y NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LG61SHARP NL6448BC20-14NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LG64SHARP NL6448BC20-18NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LH02SHARP NL6448BC20-18D NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LH03SHARP NL6448BC20-20NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LH13SHARP NL6448BC20-21C NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LH33SHARP NL6448BC20-21D NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S1LW01SHARP NL6448CC20-04NEC 6.5640X480TFT LQ121S7LY01SHARP NL6448BC19-01NEC 6.1640X480TFT LQ11S452SHARPNL8048BC24-01NEC9800X480TFT LQ113S1LH01SHARP NL8048BC19-02NEC7800X480TFT LQ113S1LH13SHARPNL4823HC37-03NEC7480X234TFT LQ113S1LH21SHARP NL4823BC37-05NEC7480X234TFT LQ11DS01SHARP NL4827HC19-01B NEC 4.3240X420TFT LQ11DS03SHARP NL3224AC35-01NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11DW01SHARP NL3224AC35-05NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S30SHARP NL3224AC35-06NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S31SHARP NL3224AC35-09NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S31G SHARP NL3224AC35-10NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S33SHARP NL3224AC35-13NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S353SHARPNL3224BC35-20NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S353B SHARP NL3224BC35-22NEC 5.5320X240TFT LQ11S42SHARP NL3224ER24-03NEC 3.8320X240TFT LQ11S44T SHARP NL2432DR22-02B NEC 3.5240X320TFT LQ11S46SHARP NL2432DR22-11B NEC 3.5240X320TFT LQ11S613SHARP NL2432DR22-12B NEC 3.5240X320TFT LQ110Y3DG01SHARPNL2432HC22-20NEC 3.5240X320TFT LQ110Y3DG02SHARP NL2432HC22-22B NEC 3.5240X320TFT LQ106K1LA01SHARPNL2432HC22-23B NEC 3.5240X320TFT LQ106K1LA01A SHARPLQ106K1LA01B SHARPLQ106K1LA01C SHARPLQ106K1LA01D SHARPLQ106K1LA02SHARPLQ106K1LA03SHARPLQ104X2LX05A SHARPLQ104X2LX11SHARPLQ10PX01SHARP产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型LQ10PX21SHARP TM049WB-22L31SANYO 4.9400X234TFT LQ10PX22SHARP TM058WA-22L01A SANYO 5.8400X234TFT LQ104W1LH02SHARP TM058WA-22L04SANYO 5.8400X234TFT LQ104S1DG21 SHARP TM065WA-22L SANYO 6.5400X234TFT LQ104S1DG31SHARP TM065WA-67P SANYO 6.5400X240TFT LQ104S1DG61SHARP TM065WA-67P01SANYO 6.5400X240TFT LQ104S1LG21SHARP TM070WA-22L04SANYO7480X234TFT LQ104S1LG31SHARP TM070WA-22L07SANYO7480X234TFT LQ104S1LG61SHARP TM070WA-22L09SANYO7480X234TFT LQ104S1LH01SHARP TM080SV-04L01SANYO8800X600TFT LQ104S1LH11SHARP TM080SV-22L03SANYO8800X600TFT LQ104S1LH13SHARP TM100SV-A01-01SANYO10800X600TFT LQ10S21SHARP TM100SV-02L01SANYO10800X600TFT LQ10S41SHARP TM100SV-02L02SANYO10800X600TFT LQ10DS01SHARP TM102WV-A02SANYO10.2800X480TFT LQ10DS05SHARP TM113SV-02L01SANYO11.3800X600TFT LQ10P011SHARP TM121SV-02L01SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10P311SHARP TM121SV-02L01A SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10P341SHARP TM121SV-02L01D SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10DH11SHARP TM121SV-02L03SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10DH15SHARP TM121SV-02L03B SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10DS0T SHARP TM121SV-02L04SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10D03J SHARP TM121SV-02L04C SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10D41SHARP TM121SV-02L07SANYO12.1800X600TFT LQ10D42SHARPLM-JA53-22NTW SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ075V3DG01SHARPLM-JA63-22NTW SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ075V3DG02SHARPLM-JB53-22NTK SANYO11.3800X600STN LQ074V3DC01SHARP LM-JC53-22NAW SANYO STN LQ072K1LA03SHARPLM-JC53-22NTW SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ71Y03SHARPLM-JK53-22NSQ SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ070Y5DA01SHARP LM-JK53-22NTR SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ070Y5DG01SHARPLM-JK53-22NTT SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ070Y5DG02SHARP LM-JK53-22NTX SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ070Y5DG05SHARP LM-JK63-22NTR SANYO12.1800X600STN LQ070Y5DR04SHARPLM-KE55-32NFZ SANYO10.4640X480STN LQ070Y3DG01SHARP LM-KE55-32NTK SANYO10.4640X480STN LQ070T3AG02SHARP LM-GD53-22NAZ SANYO131024X768STN LQ070T3GR01SHARP LM-GD53-22NTZ SANYO131024X768STN LQ070T5BG01SHARP LM-GD63-22NAZ SANYO131024X768STN LQ070T5CRQ1SHARP LM-GK53-22NTX SANYO13.31024X768STN LQ070T5CRQ2SHARPLQ070T5DG01SHARPLQ070T5GA01SHARPLQ070T5GG01SHARPLQ070T5GG01S SHARPLQ070T5GG02SHARPLQ070T5GG06SHARPLQ065Y5DG01SHARPLQ065T5AR01SHARP 产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型LQ065T5AR03SHARP TCG057QV1AC-G00Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T5BR08SHARP TCG057QV1AC-G10Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T5CGQ3SHARP TCG057VG1AC-G00Kyocera 5.7640X480TFT LQ065T5GG02S SHARPTCG057QV1AD-G10Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T9BR51SHARP TCG057QV1AE-G10Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T9DR51SHARPTCG057QVLAC-G00Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T9DR51U SHARP TCG057QVLAD-G00Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T9DR52U SHARP TCG057QVLBA-G00Kyocera 5.7320X240TFT LQ065T9DR53U SHARPKCS6448FSTT-X1Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM12S029SHARPKCS6448FSTT-X6Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM12S02SHARP KCS6448HSTT-X12Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM80C229SHARP KCS6448HSTT-X21Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM80C31SHARP KCS6448JSTT-X3Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM80C312SHARP KCS6448JSTT-X3Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM80C36SHARPKCS6448JSTT-X6Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM80C361SHARP KCS6448KSTT-X1Kyocera8.4640X480STN LM80C362SHARP KCS6448KSTT-X4Kyocera8.4640X480STN LM80C232SHARPKCS6448MSTT-X1Kyocera7.2640X480STN LM11X30SHARP KCS6448MSTT-X7Kyocera STN LM80C24SHARP KCS8060BSTT-X6Kyocera STN LM80C27SHARP KCT121SV1AA-A00Kyocera12.1800X600STN LM80C20P SHARP KCT121SV2AA-A01Kyocera12.1800X600STN LM80C209SHARP KCT10276BSTT-X5Kyocera151024X768STN LM80C219SHARP KG057QV1CA-G00Kyocera 5.7320X240STN LM80C21A SHARP KG057QV1CA-G01Kyocera 5.7320X240STN LM10V33SHARPKG057QV1CB-G00Kyocera 5.7320X240STN LM10V331SHARP KG104VG1AA-G00Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM10V332SHARP KHB065HV1AC-G83Kyocera 6.5640X240STN LM10V335SHARP KHB084SV1AA-G20Kyocera8.4800X600STN LM10V332R SHARP KHB084SV1AC-G20Kyocera8.4800X600STN LM80C03P SHARP KHB084SV1AD-G83Kyocera8.4800X600STN LM80C031X SHARP KHB084SV1AE-G83Kyocera8.4800X600STN LM80C032SHARP KHB104VG1BB-G82Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM80C034SHARP KHB104VG1BB-G92Kyocera10.4640X480STN LM64C350SHARP KHS057QV1AJ-G81Kyocera 5.7320X240STN LM64C351SHARP KHS057QV1AJ-L89Kyocera 5.7320X240STN LM64C352SHARP KHS072VG1MB-G83Kyocera7.2640X480STN LM64C353SHARP KHS072VG1MB-L89Kyocera7.2640X480STN LM64C356SHARP KHS072VG2MA-L89Kyocera7.7640X480STN LM64C35P SHARP KL6448USTS-FW Kyocera7.2640X480STN LM64C37P SHARP KL6448WSTC-FFW Kyocera STN LM64C38P SHARP KS6448ASTT-FW Kyocera7.2640X480STN LM64C362SHARPLM64C381SHARPLM64C389SHARPLM64C411SHARPLM64C509SHARPLM64C55SHARPLM64N303SHARPLM64P60SHARPLM64P62SHARP 产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型LM64P89SHARP TX14D11VM1CBA HITACHI 5.7320X240TFT LM64P89L SHARP TX14D12VM1CAB HITACHI 5.7320X240TFT LM64P89N SHARP TX14D12VM1CBA HITACHI 5.7320X240TFT LM641359SHARP TX16D11VM2CAA HITACHI TFT LM64C12P SHARP TX16D11VM2CBA HITACHI 6.2320X240TFT LM64C15P SHARP TX18D11VM1CAA HITACHI7800X480TFT LM64P90SHARP TX18D16VM1CAA HITACHI7800X480TFT LM64P78SHARP TX18D17VM2BAA HITACHI7480X290TFT LM64P80SHARP TX18D30VM2FAA HITACHI TFT LM64P81SHARP TX18D30VM2FAB HITACHI TFT LM64P83SHARP TX20D16VM2BAA HITACHI8800X480TFT LM64P83L SHARP TX23D11VM2BAA HITACHI9800X480TFT LM64P85SHARP TX24D55VC1CAA HITACHI9.4640X480TFT LM64P51SHARP TX24D56VC1CAA HITACHI10.4640X480TFT LM64P514SHARP TX26D01VM1CAA HITACHI10.4640X480TFT LM64P865SHARP TX26D02VM1CAA HITACHI10.4640X480TFT LM64P858SHARP TX26D11VM1CAA HITACHI10.4640X480TFT LM64P844SHARPTX26D20VC1CAA HITACHI10.41024X768TFT LM64P839SHARPTX26D20VC1CAB HITACHI10.41024X768TFT LM64P832SHARPTX26D20VC1CAC HITACHI10.41024X768TFT LM64P831SHARP TX26D31VC1CAA HITACHI10.4800X600TFT LM64P829SHARP TX26D32VC1CAA HITACHI10.4TFT LM64P825SHARP TX26D52VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P824SHARP TX26D57VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P823SHARP TX26D60VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P822SHARP TX26D60VC1CAB HITACHI10.4800X600TFT LM64P821SHARP TX26D60VC1CAC HITACHI TFT LM64P815SHARP TX26D61VC1CAA HITACHI10.4800X600TFT LM64P806SHARP TX26D68VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P805SHARP TX26D68VC1CAC HITACHI TFT LM64P801SHARP TX26D77VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P791SHARP TX26D80VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P731SHARP TX26D85VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P728SHARP TX26D88VC1CAA HITACHI TFT LM64P725SHARP TX26D88VC1CAB HITACHI TFT LM64P724SHARP TX29D13VC1CAA HITACHI11.3800X600TFT LM64P723SHARPSP10Q003-T HITACHI STN LJ64ZU35SHARP SP10Q005-T HITACHI STN LJ64ZU49SHARP SP10Q006-T HITACHI 3.8240X320STN LJ64ZU50SHARP SP14N01L6ALCA HITACHI 5.1240X128STN LJ64ZU51SHARP SP14N001-Z1HITACHI 5.5240X128STN LJ64ZU52SHARP SP14N001-Z1A HITACHI 5.5240X128STN LJ64H051SHARP SP14N001-ZZA HITACHI 5.5240X128STN LJ64K051SHARP SP14Q001HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ44HM01SHARP SP14Q001-X HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ44KM01SHARP SP14Q002HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ64H052SHARP SP14Q002-A1HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ64K052SHARP SP14Q002-B1HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ512U05SHARP SP14Q002-C1HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ512U32SHARP SP14Q002-C1A HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ51AU27SHARP SP14Q002-C2A HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ024U35SHARP SP14Q002-T HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LJ280U32SHARP SP14Q003-C1HITACHI STN LM050QC1T01SHARP SP14Q003-ZZA HITACHI STN LM050QC1T03SHARP SP19V001-ZZC HITACHI7.5640X480STN LM050QC1T10SHARP SP16H001-T HITACHI 6.5640X240STN LM057QB1T073SHARP SR16H005-R HITACHI 6.5640X240STN LM057QBTT05SHARP SX14Q001-ZZA HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LM057QC1T01SHARP SX14Q002HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LM057QC1T08SHARP SX14Q003HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LM057QC1T10SHARP SX14Q004HITACHI 5.7320X240STN LM057QCTT02SHARP SX14Q004-ZZA HITACHI STN LM057QCTT03SHARP SP17Q001HITACHI STN LM060VS1T54SHARP SX17Q03LOBLZZ HITACHI STN LM072QCAT50SHARP SX19V001-Z1HITACHI7.5640X480STN LM081HB1T01SHARP SX19V001-ZZA HITACHI7.5640X480STN LM082VC1P02SHARP SX19V001-ZZB HITACHI7.5640X480STN LM082VC1T01SHARP SX19V004HITACHI STN LM085YB1T01SHARP SX19V007-Z2HITACHI7.5640X480STN LM089HB1T04SHARP SX19V007-Z2A HITACHI7.5640X480STN LM094SS1T51SHARP SX21V001HITACHI STN LM094SSTT63SHARP SX21V001-Z1HITACHI8.4640X480STN LM100SS1T52SHARP SX21V001-Z4A HITACHI8.2640X480STN LM100SS1T56SHARP SX25S003-ZZA HITACHI STN LM100SS1T522SHARP SX25S004HITACHI10.2800X600STN LM100SS1T523SHARP SX31S002HITACHI12.1800X600STN LM100SS1T561SHARP SX31S003HITACHI12.1800X600STN LM100SS1T562SHARP SX31S004HITACHI12.1800X600STN LM121VB1T01SHARP SX31S007HITACHI12.1800X600STN LM121VB1T02SHARP SX31S008HITACHI12.1800X600STN LM121SS1T529SHARP SX31S009HITACHI12.1800X600STN LM121SS1T709SHARPLM121SS1T53SHARPLM130SS1T57SHARPLM130SS1T579SHARPLM130SS1T61SHARPLM130SS1T611SHARPLM133SS1T60SHARPLM133SS1T609SHARP产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型EL320.240-FA3PLANAR 4.9320X240ELEL320.240.36PLANAR 5.7320X240ELEL320.240.36-AG PLANAR 5.7320X240ELEL320.240.36-IN PLANAR 5.7320X240ELEL320.240.36-HB PLANAR 5.7320X240ELMD320.256-70E PLANAR 6.4320X256ELEL320.256-F6PLANAR 6.4320X256ELEL512.256-H2PLANAR8.6512X256ELEL512.256-H3PLANAR8.6512X256ELEL512.256-SG1PLANAR512X256ELEL552.256-Q3PLANAR512X256ELEL640.200-SK PLANAR8.9640X200ELEL640.400-C1PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-C2PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-C3PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-CB1PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-CB2PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-CB3PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-CD3PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.400-CD4PLANAR9.1640X400ELEL640.480-AF1PLANAR 6.4640X480ELEL640.480-AG1PLANAR8.1640X480ELEL640.480-AM1PLANAR10.4640X480ELEL640.480-AM8PLANAR10.4640X480ELEL640.480-AA1PLANAR10.4640X480ELEL640.480-AAA PLANAR ELEL640.480-A4PLANAR10.4640X480ELEL640.480-AD4PLANAR10.4640X480EL产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型HV056WX1-100hyundai 5.61280X800TFT液晶屏HT07W12-141hyundai7TFT规格分辨率显示类型HV089WX1-100hyundai8.91280X768TFT12.11280X800TFT HT10X21-100hyundai10.41024X768TFT 12.11280X800TFT HT10X21-101hyundai10.41024X768TFT 12.11280X800TFT HT10X21-200hyundai10.41024X768TFT 12.11280X800TFT HT10X21-301hyundai10.41024X768TFT 12.11280X800TFT HT10X21-311hyundai10.41024X768TFT12.11280X800TFT HV104X01-100hyundai10.41024X768TFT12.11280X800TFT HV121WX4-100hyundai12.11280X800TFT12.11280X800TFT HV121WX4-110hyundai12.11280X800TFT12.11280X800TFT HV121WX5-100hyundai12.11280X800TFT12.1800X600TFT HT12S11hyundai12.1800X600TFT12.1800X600TFT HT121X01-101hyundai12.11024X768TFT12.1800X600TFT HT12X11-100hyundai12.11024X768TFT 12.1800X600TFT HT12X11-200hyundai12.11024X768TFT 11.61280X800TFT HT12X12-100hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X13-100hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X14-300hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-100hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-200hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-210hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-220hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-221hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-230hyundai12.11024X768TFT10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-240hyundai12.11024X768TFT 10.4800X600TFT HT12X21-351hyundai12.11024X768TFT10.4800X600TFT HT121WX2-103hyundai12.11280X768TFT10.4800X600TFT HV121WX4-110hyundai12.11280X768TFT10.4800X600TFT HV121WX5-100hyundai12.11280X768TFT10.4640X480TFT HV121WX5-110hyundai12.11280X768TFT10.4640X480TFT HV121X03-100hyundai12.11024X768TFT10.4800X600TFT10.2800X480TFT10.2800X480TFT10.11024X576TFT8.91024X600TFT8.91024X600TFT8.91024X600TFT8.91024X600TFT产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型8.91024X600TFT DMF682AN OPTREX 5.3256X128STN8.5480X234TFT T-55343GD035JU-LW-AEN OPTREX 3.5320X240TFT8.5480X234TFT T-55343GD035JU-LW-AND OPTREX 3.5320X240TFT8.4800X600TFT T-55382GD050JU-LW-A-ABN OPTREX5800X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-51744GL065Z-FW-AJ OPTREX 6.5640X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-51750GD065J-FW-AND OPTREX 6.5640X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-51750GD065J-FW-AFN OPTREX 6.5640X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-51750GD065J-FW-AJ OPTREX 6.5640X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-51639D084JU-FW-A-AB OPTREX8.4640X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-55151FD084J-MFW-A-AAN OPTREX8.4640X480TFT8.4800X600TFT T-55311D090J-FW-A-ABN OPTREX9800X480TFT7480X234TFTDMF-50081ZNF-FW OPTREX 4.7320X240STN7480X234TFT DMF-50174ZNB-FW OPTREX 5.7320X240STN7480X234TFT DMF-50260NF-FW-15OPTREX 9.4640X480STN7480X234TFT DMF-50260NFU-FW OPTREX 9.4640X480STN 7480X234TFTDMF-50262NF-FW OPTREX8.9640X400STN7800X480TFT DMF-50268NCU-FW-11OPTREX 5.7320X240STN 7800X480TFTDMF-50302NF-FWOPTREX11.3640X480STN7800X480TFT DMF-50316NB-FW-5OPTREX 5.2240X64STN 7800X480TFTDMF-50383NF-FWOPTREX7.4640X480STN7800X480TFTDMF-50556NF-SEW OPTREX STN7800X480TFT DMF-50715NFU-FW OPTREX STN7800X480TFT DMF-50766NC-FW-1OPTREX STN 6.8320X234TFT DMF-50840NB-FW OPTREX 5.7320X240STN 6.5400X234TFTDMF-50840NF-FW OPTREX5.7320X240STN6.5400X234TFT DMF-50840NF-SFW-4OPTREX 5.7320X240STN6.5400X234TFT DMF-50584NFU-FW OPTREX STN 6.5800X480TFT F-51430NFU-FW-AA OPTREX 9.4640X480STN 6.5800X480TFT F-51430NF-FW-AB OPTREX 9.4640X480STN 6.5640X480TFT F-51430NFU-FW-AENOPTREX9.4640X480STN6.5640X480TFT 5.7640X480TFT 5.7320X240TFT 5.6320X234TFT屏更多产品资讯欢迎来电咨询!规格分辨率显示类型3.5240X320TFT产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型4320X240TFT LTP350QV-E06SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT4320X240TFT LTV350QV-F02SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT4320X240TFT LTV350QV-F04SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT4320X240TFT LTV350QV-F05SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT4.3480X272TFT LTV350QV-F07SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT6.4640X480TFT LTV350QV-F08SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT6.4640X480TFT LTV350QV-F09SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT6.4640X480TFT LTV350QV-F0E SAMSUNG 3.5320X240TFT6.4640X480TFT LTP400WQ-F01SAMSUNG4480X272TFT6.4640X480TFT LTG430WQ-F02SAMSUNG 4.3480X240TFT6.4640X480TFT LTE430WQ-F07SAMSUNG 4.3480X240TFT6.5480X234TFT LTE430WQ-FOC SAMSUNG 4.3480X272TFT6.5480X234TFT LMS430HF02SAMSUNG 4.3480X272TFT 6.5480X234TFT LMS430HF05SAMSUNG 4.3480X272TFT6.5480X272TFT LMS430HF12-003SAMSUNG 4.3TFT7480X234TFT LTE480WV-F01SAMSUNG 4.8TFT7480X234TFT LTG500QV-F03SAMSUNG5320X240TFT7480X234TFT UG32F03SAMSUNG5320X2407480X272TFT UG32F04SAMSUNG 5.7320X240STN 7480X272TFT UG32F11SAMSUNG 5.7320X240STN 7480X272TFT UG32F25A SAMSUNG 5.7320X240STN7800X480TFT LTE700WQ-F02SAMSUNG7480X234TFT7800X480TFT LTE700WQ-F05SAMSUNG7480X234TFT7800X480TFT LTC700WV-F01SAMSUNG7800X480TFT7800X480TFT LTP700WV-F01SAMSUNG7800X480TFT7800X480TFT LMS700KF05SAMSUNG7800X480TFT 8800X480TFT LMS700KF06SAMSUNG7800X480TFT 8800X480TFT LMS700WS SAMSUNG71024X600TFT8800X480TFT LT071W1-101SAMSUNG7.1TFT12.1800X600TFT LT121S1-153SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121S1-154SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121S4-105SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121S5-105SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121SL-105SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121SS-105SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121SS-121SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121SS-122SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT 12.1800X600TFT LT121SS-123SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT12.1800X600TFT LT121SU-121SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT12.11024X768TFT LT121SU-123SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT12.11024X768TFT LT121S1-T01SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT12.11024X768TFT LT121X1-121SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT LT121X1-123SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT LTM121SH-T01SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT12.11024X768TFT LTM121SI-T01SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT12.11024X768TFT LTN121AP02SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT 12.11024X768TFT LTN121AP03SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT 12.11024X768TFT LTN121AT02SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT 12.11024X768TFT LTN121AT03SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT13640X480TFT LTN121S6-T01 SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT LTN121SU-L02SAMSUNG12.1800X600TFT LTN121W1-L01SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT LTN121W1-L02SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT LTN121W1-L03SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFTLTN121W1-S2SAMSUNG12.11280X800TFT LTN121X1-L01SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT LTN121X1-L02SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT晶屏LTN121X1-L03SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT 规格分辨率显示类型LTN121XA-L01SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT 151024X768TFTLTN121XF-L01SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT 151024X768TFTLTN121XJ-L01SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11280X800TFTLTN121XJ-L02SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT LTN121XJ-L03SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT LTN121XJ-L05SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT LTN121XJ-L07SAMSUNG12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT12.11024X768TFT产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型12.11024X768TFT LTA035A350F TOSHIBA 3.5320X240TFT 12.11024X768TFT LTA050B352A TOSHIBA5400X234TFT12.11024X768TFT LTA055B0R0A TOSHIBA 5.5480X234TFT11.81024X768TFT LTA057A340F TOSHIBA 5.7320X240TFT12.1800X600TFT LTA057A343F TOSHIBA 5.7320X240TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA057A344F TOSHIBA 5.7320X240TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA057A345F TOSHIBA 5.7320X240TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA065A040F TOSHIBA 6.5640X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA065A041F TOSHIBA 6.5640X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA065A043F TOSHIBA 6.5640X480TFT12.1800X600TFT LTA065B0D0F TOSHIBA 6.5640X480TFT12.1800X600TFT LTA065B0E0F TOSHIBA 6.5640X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070A320F TOSHIBA7800X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070A321F TOSHIBA7800X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070B052F TOSHIBA7800X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070B070F TOSHIBA7800X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070B240F TOSHIBA7800X480TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070B382A TOSHIBA7TFT 12.1800X600TFT LTA070B950F TOSHIBA7TFT12.1800X600TFT LTA070B0N0A TOSHIBA7480X234TFT12.1800X600STN C3X TOSHIBA9.5640X480STN12.1800X600STN TLX-8063S-ZZA TOSHIBA10.4640X480STN12.1800X600STN TLX-8101S-C3X TOSHIBA12.1800X600STN TLX-8102S-C3X TOSHIBA9.4640X480STN12.1800X600STN TLX-8133S-C3X TOSHIBA12.1800X600STN TLX-8134S-C3X TOSHIBA10.5640X480STN12.1800X600STN TLX-8183S-SIV2A TOSHIBA12.1800X600STN VF0051P01TOSHIBA 11.3800X600STN VFO111P02TOSHIBA11.31024X600STN NRL75-8809A-113TOSHIBA10.4640X480TFT11.3800X600STN KCB6448BSTT-X1TOSHIBA10.4640X480STN11.3800X600STN KCB6448BSTT-X11TOSHIBA10.4640X480STN11.3800X600STN VNBTLX5155S-ZZA TOSHIBA9.4640X480STN11.3800X600STN VNBTLX5159S-ZZA TOSHIBA STN11.3800X600STN VNBTLX515PS-ZZA TOSHIBA STN11.3800X600STN VNBTLX-8063S-ZZA TOSHIBA STN10.4640X480STN VNBTLX-8063S-ZZB TOSHIBA STN10.4640X480STN VNBTLX-8063X-ZZB TOSHIBA STN10.4640X480STN10.4640X480STN10.4640X480STN10.4800X600STN10.4800X600STN10.4800X600STN10.4800X600STN10.4640X480STN10.4640X480STN产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型10.4640X480STN AA050ME01Mitsubishi5800X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA065VB01Mitsubishi 6.5640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA065VB03Mitsubishi 6.5640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084VB01Mitsubishi8.4640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084VB02Mitsubishi8.4640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084VC03Mitsubishi8.4640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084VC04Mitsubishi8.4640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084VC05Mitsubishi8.4640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084VE01Mitsubishi8.4640X480TFT 10.4640X480STN AA084XA02Mitsubishi8.41024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SL07Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SL09Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SL10Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SL12Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SN01Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SN03Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SN04Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121SP01Mitsubishi12.1800X600TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XF01Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XG01Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XH01Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XH03Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XH05Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XJ01Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121XJ02Mitsubishi12.11024X768TFT9.4640X480STN AA121TA01Mitsubishi12.11280X800TFT9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN9.4640X480STN产品型号品牌规格分辨率显示类型9.4640X480STN NA19019-C001Fujitsu8.4800X600TFT9.4640X480STN CA51001-0248Fujitsu8.4800X600TFT9.4640X480STN NA19019-C002Fujitsu8.4800X600TFT8.9640X480STN NA19019-C101Fujitsu8.4800X600TFT8.6640X480STN NA19020-C821Fujitsu8.81024X600TFT8.4640X480STN NA19020-C801Fujitsu9.41024X512TFT8.4640X480STN NA19014-C402Fujitsu10.4640X480TFT8.4640X480STN NA19014-C801Fujitsu10.4800X600TFT8.4640X480STN NA19014-C802Fujitsu10.4800X600TFT8.4640X480STN NA19014-C901Fujitsu10.4800X600TFT8.4640X480STN NA19016-C201Fujitsu10.4800X600TFT8.4640X480STN NA19017-C051Fujitsu11.3800X600TFT8.1640X240STN NA19016-C301Fujitsu11.3800X600TFT。



虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|友达光电产品命名规则友达光电,简称Auo ,命名规则:B121EW01,B170PW03第一位表示用途,2-4位为尺寸,5位为分辨率,6位为宽屏/普屏(在非a-Si 技术中标注所用技术),最后两位为产品代次,注:部分产品还有空格后加注V*(如B121EW07 V0) 还没有弄明白其含义。

具体细明如下: 第一位表示用途 B ;表示笔记型电脑用 G :表示工业用 T :表示电视用 M :表示桌上电脑用 H :表示手机用 C :表示车载设备用A :表示可移动产品(数码相机,PDA 等) 第二到四位表示尺寸例如:121代表12.1’ 170代表17’ 第五位表示分辨率 I :128*128 Q :320*240 A :280*220 B :640*240C :160*234 /480*240虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|D :960*240 F :480*234 V :640*480 S :1680*1050E :1280*800 P :1440*900X :1024*768 1366*768 H :1920*1080 U :1920*1200注:因为产品太多,目前总结这些 可能有遗漏。

第六位表示普通屏幕和宽屏 N :普通型 W :宽屏型另外:在不用a-Si 屏的情况下它代表所用技术 L/T::代表低温多晶硅技术 七八位表示产品代数:例如:01表示第一代产品,03表示第三代产品部分产品加空格后还有第九、十位,这个还没有弄明白其所代表的含义。

下面是AU 部分产品名称及其对应型号用途说明。

笔记本电脑Wide Aspect Ratio ModelSizeResolution虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|B121EW01 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B121EW03 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B121EW04 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B121EW07 V0 12.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B133EW01 13.3" WXGA (1280 x 800) B141EW02 14.1" WXGA (1280 x 800) B141PW01 14.1" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B154EW02 V1 15.4" WXGA (1280 x 800) B154PW04 V0 15.4" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B170PW03 17'' WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B170PW07 17" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) B170UW02 17" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) B170UW02 V0 17"WUXGA (1920 x 1200)Standard Aspect Ratio Model Size Resolution B141XG09 V3 14.1" XGA (1024 x 768) B150XG02 V415''XGA (1024 x 768)液晶电视虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|Model Size ResolutionT370HW02 37" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T420HW01 42" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T420HW01 V3 42" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T460HW02 46" Full HD (1920 x 1080) T645HW01 65Full HD (1920 x 1080)HD Model Size Resolution T200XW02 20" WXGA (1366 x 768) T230XW01 23" WXGA (1366 x 768) T260XW02 26" WXGA (1366 x 768) T315XW01 32" WXGA (1366 x 768) T315XW02 32" WXGA (1366 x 768) T370XW01 37" WXGA (1366 x 768) T370XW02 37" WXGA (1366 x 768) T420XW0142"WXGA (1366 x 768)桌上型电脑Wide Aspect Ratio Model Size Resolution M185XW01 V0 18.5" 1366 x 768M190PW01 V0 19" WXGA+ (1440 x 900) M201EW02 V8 20.1" WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050) M215HW01 V0 21.5" 1920 x 1080M220EW01 V0 22" WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050) M240UW04 V0 24" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) M240HW01 V0 24"1920 x 1080Standard Aspect Ratio ModelSizeResolution虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|M170EG01 VD17SXGA (1280 x 1024一般工业用显示器G057QN01 5.7 QVGA (320 x 240) G057VN01 5.7 VGA (640 x 480) G065VN01 V0 6.5 VGA (640 x 480) G065VN01 V1 6.5 VGA (640 x 480) G084SN03 V1 8.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G084SN05 V7 8.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G104VN01 10.4 VGA (640 x 480) G104SN02 V1 10.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G104SN03 V1 10.4 SVGA (800 x 600) G121SN01 V1 12.1 SVGA(800x600) G121SN01 V3 12.1 SVGA (800x600) G150XG01 V1 15 XGA (1024 x 768) G150XG02 V0 15 XGA (1024 x 768) G150XG03 V2 15 XGA (1024 x 768) G420XW01 V0 42 WXGA (1366 x 768) G420XW02 V0 42 WXGA (1366 x 768) P645HW01 V0 65 FHD (1920 x 1080) P520HW01 V0 52 FHD (1920 x 1080) G220SW01 V0221680 x 1050移动电话Model Size Resolution H016IN01 1.56" 128 R.G.B. x 128 H167IN01 1.67" 128 R.G.B. x 160 H176HN01 1.76" 176 R.G.B. x 220 H177IN01 1.77" 128 R.G.B. x 160 H177IN021.77"160 R.G.B. x 128虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|H019HN01 1.88" 176 R.G.B. x 220 H200HN01 2.0" 176 R.G.B. x 220 H283QN012.83"240 R.G.B. x 320LTPS ModelSizeResolutionH180QT01 1.8" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H200QT01 2.0" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H220QT02 2.2" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H222QL01 2.22" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H241QL01 2.4" 240 R.G.B. x 320 H283VL012.83"VGA 480 R.G.B. x 640数码相机 摄象机A015AN04 1.5" 280 x 220 A017CN01 1.7" 480 x 240 A020CN01 2.0" 480 x 240 A020BL01 2.0" LTPS 640 x 240 A024CN02 2.4" 480 x 234 A025BN01 2.5" 640 x 240 A025DL02 2.5'' LTPS 960 x 240 A027CW00 2.7" 480 x 234 A027DL01 2.7" LTPS 960 x 240 A027DN01 2.7" 960 x 240 A030DL01 3.0" LTPS 960 x 240 A030DL023.0" LTPS960 x 240车载产品C036QN02 3.6" 320 R.G.B. x 240 C065GW01 6.5" 400 R.G.B. x 234 C065VL016.5"800 R.G.B. x 480虎将科技(深圳)有限公司监视器|广告机|投影机|安防设备制造商|C070FW01 7.0" 480 R.G.B. x 234 C070VW02 7.0" 800 R.G.B. x 480 C080VW028.0"800 R.G.B. x 480Portable Media Player Model Size Resolution A036QN02 3.6 320 R.G.B. x 240 A070FW03 7.0" 480 R.G.B. x 234 A070VW02 7.0" 800 R.G.B. x 480 A085FW01 8.5" 480 R.G.B. x 234 A102VW0110.2"800 R.G.B. x 480一般应用Model Size Resolution A035CN02 3.5" 160 R.G.B. x 234 A040CN01 4.0" LED 160 R.G.B. x 234 A056DN015.6"320 R.G.B. x 234奇美电子产品命名规则奇美电子,简称CMO ,命名规则分两种1,大尺寸2,中小尺寸大尺寸命名规则第一位表示用途,第二位到四位为尺寸,第五位为分辨率,最后一位为产品代次,共六位,部分产品还有空格后加七八九位。

GW01 GW01-WIFI GW01-4G HMI 安装手册说明书

GW01 GW01-WIFI GW01-4G HMI 安装手册说明书

1.1环境要求工作环境温度:GW01/GW01-WIFI/GW01-4G 的设计规范可以保证它能够在32℉~122℉(0~50℃)的大多数工业环境中稳定工作。

1.2电源要求输入电压:DC12V-DC28V;特别需要注意与变频调速器和开关电源供应器保持较远的距离,这类设备的输入和输出电缆都必须采用屏蔽电缆,并将屏蔽网接到系统的星形接地点; 直流电源必须与交流主电源正确的隔离开;不要让GW01/GW01-WIFI/GW01-4G 设备和感性负载或控制器的输入电路共用电源。


2.1尺寸图2.2安装说明GW01/GW01-WIFI/GW01-4G 的安装方式:轨道式安装和支架式安装。





3.1电源端子3.2双以太网接口10M/100M 自适应以太网RJ45端口,接入云平台进行远程监控。

连接采用五类UTP 网线与带网口的设备连接端口作用用于HMI 组态的上/下载,系统参数的设置和在线模拟;构成多HMI 联机;与PLC 等通过以太网通讯;通过以太网口与PC 机通讯3.3WiFi 功能(仅GW01-WIFI 支持)功能:通过无线WiFi 连接,进行数据传输与下载3.44G 功能(仅GW01-4G 支持)功能:通过互联网4G 连接(默认外网路由优先级为4G)然后以太网;绑定了IP 的以太网PLC 通信,按选择的网口通信,来进行数据传输与下载。

3.5USB SLA VE 接口3.6COM0/COM2COM0/COM2通讯端口是9针D 型公座。

广州致远电子 EPC-8000 DataSheet PC 104 嵌入式工控机主板 说明书

广州致远电子 EPC-8000 DataSheet PC 104 嵌入式工控机主板 说明书

EPC-8000 ——————————————概述EPC-8000是广州致远电子有限公司开发的基于PXA270处理器(XScale 架构)的PC/104工控机主板,产品架构设计符合PC/104规范V2.5。

该主板具有资源丰富、接口齐全、低功耗、可靠性高等特点,预装正版Microsoft Windows CE 5.0或Monta Vista Realtime Linux 操作系统。

EPC-8000 PC/104工控机主板可在-40℃~+85℃宽温度范围内稳定工作,满足工业级产品的各种应用需求。

——————————————产品特性 ◆ CPU 采用高性能的XScale 处理器PXA270,工作频率104MHz ~520MHz ;◆ 256MB 大容量NAND Flash 存储器; ◆ 2MB BootLoader NOR Flash ; ◆ 64MB SDRAM 存储器; ◆ 1个CF 卡接口;◆ 1路10/100M 以太网接口; ◆ AC97声卡;◆ 5个RS232串口(一个作为调试串口); ◆ 1路USB HOST 接口; ◆ 支持DSTN 和TFT 液晶屏显示,最大分辨率可达800×600; ◆ 8路缓冲数字输入和8路缓冲数字输出;◆ 外置独立看门狗定时器; ◆ 预装正版Microsoft Windows CE 5.0或MontaVista Realtime Linux 操作系统; ————————————产品应用 工业控制 现场通信 远程监控 智能仪表 ————————————————————————————————订购信息型号温度范围 操作系统 频率 典型功耗 EPC-8000I-W-40°C ~ +85°C Windows CE 416 MHz 2.5 W EPC-8000M-W -25°C ~ +85°C Windows CE520 MHz 2.8 W EPC-8000I-L -40°C ~ +85°C Linux 416 MHz 2.5 W EPC-8000M-L -25°C ~ +85°C Linux 520 MHz 2.8 W EPC-8000AI-W -40°C ~ +85°C Windows CE 416 MHz 1.5 W EPC-8000AM-W -25°C ~ +85°C Windows CE520 MHz 1.8 W EPC-8000AI-L -40°C ~ +85°C Linux 416 MHz 1.5 W EPC-8000AM-L-25°C ~ +85°CLinux520 MHz1.8 W————————————————————————————————典型应用文档名词解释 PXA270 —— 高性能、低功耗的XScale 处理器 (RISC) Boot ROM —— 用于启动系统的程序存储器,通常是NOR FlashPC/104 —— 一种嵌入式的总线规范,其总线结构的 104个信号线分布在两个总线连接器上,P1连接器上有64个信号引脚,P2连接器上有40个信号引脚 VLCD—— LCD 接口电源 (涉及控制信号电压)词语缩写本手册会把“EPC-8000 PC/104嵌入式工控机主板”缩写为“EPC-8000”或“EPC-8000工控机主板”。


(立煌科技 )
• • 液晶屏G150XTN06.1基本信息 二:友达15寸工业液晶屏G150XTN06.1结构特征 三:友达15寸工业液晶屏G150XTN06.1光学特征 四、友达15寸工业液晶屏G150XTN06.1光系统 五、友达15寸工业液晶屏G150XTN06.1信号接口 
• • • • • • 显示模式 液晶屏亮度 对比度 显示颜色 显示色域 响应时间 TN,常白显示,透射式 500cd/m2 700:1 (Typ.) (透射) 262K/16.2M (6-bit/6-bit+FRC) 60% NTSC (CIE1931) 5.7/2.3(Typ.)(Tr/Td)(ms)
液晶屏尺寸 点分辨率 15.0英寸 1024(RGB)*768(SVGA)
像素排列 宽高比 点间距 像素间距 面板重量 表面处理 显示区域 可视区域 外观尺寸 外观尺寸 触摸屏
RGB垂直条状 4:3(宽:高) 0.099*0.297mm(横*竖) 0.297*0.297mm(横*竖) TBD 雾面 304.128*228.096mm(横*竖) 310.18*234.4mm(横*竖) 326.5*253.5mm(横*竖) 6.3±0.5 mm (厚度) 无
(点阵字符屏 )

TBD (输入电流)
• 信号大类 LVDS
(点阵字符屏 )

• • • • • •
液晶屏电压 液晶屏电流 接口类型 接口脚距 接口数量 接口脚数

友达10.4寸液晶屏G104VN01 V1 规格书-杭州旭虹科技有限公司

友达10.4寸液晶屏G104VN01 V1 规格书-杭州旭虹科技有限公司

( V ) Preliminary Specifications( ) Final SpecificationsModule 10.4 Inch Color TFT-LCD Model Name G104VN01 V1Customer DateChecked &Approved byNote: This Specification is subject to changewithout notice. Approved by Date Debbie Chiu2009/02/11 Prepared byVivian Huang 2009/02/11 General Display Business Division / AU Optronics corporationContents1. Operating Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)2.2 Optical Characteristics (6)3. Functional Block Diagram (9)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (10)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module (10)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (10)5. Electrical Characteristics (11)5.1 TFT LCD Module (11)5.2 Backlight Unit (13)6. Signal Characteristics (14)6.1 Pixel Format Image (14)6.2 Scanning Direction (14)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal Description (15)6.4 The Input Data Format (16)6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing (17)6.6 Power ON/OFF Sequence (18)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (19)7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LCD Connector (19)7.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Backlight Connector (19)8. Reliability Test Criteria (20)9. Mechanical Characteristics (21)9.1 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View) (21)9.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View) (22)10. Label and Packaging (23)10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) (23)10.2 Carton Package (23)11 Safety (24)11.1 Sharp Edge Requirements (24)11.2 Materials (24)11.3 Capacitors (24)11.4 National Test Lab Requirement (24)Version and Date Page Old description New Description0.0 2009/02/03All First Edition1. Operating Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, please be cautious and not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration orspots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may be broken or cracked if dropped or bumped onhard surface.6) To avoid ESD (Electro Static Discharde) damage, be sure to ground yourself before handlingTFT-LCD Module.7) Do not open nor modify the module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if a module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was takenout from the container, do not press the center of the LED light bar edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nortilt the Interface Connector of the TFT Module.11) TFT-LCD Module is not allowed to be twisted & bent even force is added on module in avery short time. Please design your display product well to avoid external force applying to module by end-user directly.12) Small amount of materials without flammability grade are used in the TFT-LCD module. TheTFT-LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance, response time and lampignition voltage.14) Continuous operating TFT-LCD display under low temperature environment may acceleratelamp exhaustion and reduce luminance dramatically.15) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when LCD module is placed in landscapeposition.16) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to usescreen saver or shuffle content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display G104VN01 V1composed of a TFT-LCD display, a driver and power supply circuit, and a LED backlight system. The screen format is intended to support VGA (640(H) x 480(V)) screen and 16.2M (RGB 8-bits) or 262k colors (RGB 6-bits).LED driving board for backlight unit is included in G104VN01 V1 and the LED unit is replaceable.All input signals are LVDS interface and compatible with G104SN02 V1.G104VN01 V1 designed with wide viewing angle; wide temperature and long life LED backlight is well suited for industial applications. G104VN01 V1 is a RoHS product.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25 ℃ condition: ItemsUnitSpecifications Screen Diagonal [inch] 10.4Active Area [mm] 211.2 (H) x 158.4 (V) Pixels H x V 640 x 3(RGB) x 480 Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.33 x 0.33Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical Stripe Display ModeTN, Normally White Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] 3.3 (typ.) Typical Power Consumption [Watt] 5.4WAll black pattern Weight [Grams] 390 (typ.)Physical Size [mm] 243.0(H) x 176.6(V) x 8.0(D) (typ.) Electrical Interface 1 channel LVDS Surface Treatment Anti-glare, Hardness 3H Support Color16.2M / 262K colors Temperature Range OperatingStorage (Non-Operating) [o C] [o C]-30 to +85 -30 to +85 RoHS ComplianceRoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25 (Room Temperature):℃Item Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Remark White Luminance[cd/m2] I F = 80mA/1 LED Line (center point) 330 450 -Note 1 Uniformity % 5 Points 75 - -Note 2, 3 Contrast Ratio500 700 - Note 4[msec]Rising - 10 20 [msec] Falling- 20 30 Response Time[msec] Raising + Falling - 30 50 Note 5 [degree] [degree] Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 70 70 80 80 - - Viewing Angle[degree] [degree]Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower) 50 70 60 80 - - Note 6 Red x TBD TBD TBD Red y TBD TBD TBD Green xTBD TBD TBD Green y TBD TBD TBD Blue x TBD TBD TBD Blue y TBD TBD TBD White x 0.26 0.31 0.36 Color / ChromaticityCoordinates (CIE 1931)White y0.28 0.33 0.38 Color Gamut%-45-Note 1: Measurement method Equipment Pattern Generator, Power Supply, Digital Voltmeter, Luminance meter (SR_3 or equivalent) Aperture1with 50cm viewing distance ∘Test Point CenterEnvironment < 1 luxModule Driving EquipmentNote 2: Definition of 5 points position (Display active area: 211.2mm (H) x 158.4mm (V))Note 3: The luminance uniformity of 5 points is defined by dividing the minimum luminance values by the maximum test point luminanceNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio (CR):Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “White” to “Black” (falling time) and from “Black” to “White” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval isNote 6: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal an d ≧180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). Th e 180° viewing angle range is broken down as below: 90° (θ) horizontal left and right, and 90° (Φ) vertical high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated to its center to developMinimum Brightness of five pointsδW9 = Maximum Brightness of five points Contrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” stateBrightness on the “Black” statethe desired measurement viewing angle.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.4 inch color TFT/LCD module:4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max Unit Logic/LCD Drive Vin -0.3 +4.0 [Volt]4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Temperature TOP -30 +85 [o C] Operation Humidity HOP 5 95 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -30 +85 [o C] Storage Humidity HST 5 95 [%RH] Note: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39℃ and no condensation.5. Electrical Characteristics 5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power SpecificationSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units RemarkVDD Logic/LCD Input Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 [Volt]I VDD LCD Input Current - 280 - [mA]VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternP VDD LCD Power comsumption - 0.924 - [Watt] VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black Pattern I rush LCDLCD Inrush Current-- 1.5[A] Note 1; VDD=3.3VBlack Pattern, Rising time=470usVDD rpAllowable Logic/LCDDrive Ripple Voltage- -100[mV] p-pVDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternNote 1: Measurement condition:VDD rising time0V3.3V5.1.2 Signal Electrical CharacteristicsInput signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Note: LVDS Signal Waveform.Symbol ItemMin. Typ. Max. UnitRemarkVTH Differential Input High Threshold - - 100 [mV] VCM=1.2V VTL Differential Input Low Threshold 100 - - [mV] VCM=1.2V |VID | Input Differential Voltage100 400 600 [mV] VICMDifferential Input Common Mode Voltage1.1-1.45[V]VTH/VTL=+-100mV5.2 Backlight Unit5.2.1 Parameter guideline for LCDFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using a inverter at 25℃. (Room Temperature):Symbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkVCC Input Voltage 10.8 12 12.6 [Volt]I VCC Input Current - 0.37 - [A] 100% PWM DutyP LED Power Consumption - 4.44 TBD [Watt] 100% PWM DutyI rush LED Inrush Current - - TBD [A] at rising time=470usF PWM Dimming Frequency 200 - 20K [Hz]Swing Voltage 3 3.3 5.5 [Volt]Dimmung duty cycle TBD - 100 %Operation Life 50,000 - - Hrs I F=80mA, Ta= 25o CNote 1: Ta means ambient temperature of TFT-LCD module.Note 2: I F means LED unit forward current.Note 3: VCC, I VCC, I rush LED, P VCC are defined for LED backlight.(100% duty of PWM dimming)Note 4: If G104SN02 V2 module is driven by high current or at high ambient temperature & humidity condition. The operating life will be reduced.Note 5: Operating life means brightness goes down to 50% initial brightness. Minimum operating life time is estimated data.6. Signal Characteristics6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship between input signal and LCD pixel format.1st2nd639th640th1stLine480thLine6.2 Scanning DirectionThe following figures show the image seen from the front view. The arrow indicates the direction of scan.Fig. 1 Normal scan (Pin4, DPS = Low or NC) Fig. 2 Reverse scan (Pin4, DPS = High)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal DescriptionThe module using a LVDS receiver embaded in AUO’s ASIC. LVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and a high-speed data transfer device.Input Signal Interface Pin No. SymbolDescription 1 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 2 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 3 GND Ground4 DPS Reverse Scan Function [H: Enable; L/NC: Disable]5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+ LVDS receiver signal channel 0LVDS Differential Data Input (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, G0) 7 GNDGround8 RxIN1- 9 RxIN1+ LVDS receiver signal channel 1LVDS Differential Data Input (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1) 10 GND Ground11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+ LVDS receiver signal channel 2LVDS Differential Data Input (B2, B3, B4, B5, HS, VS, DE)13 GNDGround14 RxCLKIN- 15 RxCLKIN+ LVDS receiver signal clock 16 GND Ground17 RxIN3-18 RxIN3+ LVDS receiver signal channel 3, NC for 6 bit LVDS InputLVDS Differential Data Input (R6, R7, G6, G7, B6, B7, RSV)19 RSVReserved for AUO internal test. Please treat it as NC.20SEL68 6/ 8bits LVDS data input selection [H: 8bits L/NC: 6bit]Note 1: Input Signals shall be in low status when VDD is off.Note 2: High stands for “3.3V”, Low stands for “0V”, NC stands for “No Connection”. Note 3: RSV stands for “Reserved”.6.4 The Input Data Format6.4.1 SEL68SEL68 =“Low” or “NC” for 6 bits LVDS InputSEL68 = “High” for 8 bits LVDS InputNote1: Please follow PSWG.Note2:R/G/B data 7:MSB, R/G/B data 0:LSB Signal Name DescriptionRemarkR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Red Data 7Red Data 6Red Data 5Red Data 4Red Data 3Red Data 2Red Data 1Red Data 0Red-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS inputMSB: R7 ; LSB: R0For 6Bits LVDS inputMSB: R5 ; LSB: R0G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 Green Data 7Green Data 6Green Data 5Green Data 4Green Data 3Green Data 2Green Data 1Green Data 0Green-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS inputMSB: G7 ; LSB: G0For 6Bits LVDS inputMSB: G5 ; LSB: G0B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Blue Data 7Blue Data 6Blue Data 5Blue Data 4Blue Data 3Blue Data 2Blue Data 1Blue Data 0Blue-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS inputMSB: B7 ; LSB: B0For 6Bits LVDS inputMSB: B5 ; LSB: B0RxCLKIN LVDS Data ClockDE Data Enable Signal When the signal is high, the pixel datashall be valid to be displayed.Note: Output signals from any system shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.NS-like format6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing6.5.1 Timing CharacteristicsSignal Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Clock Frequency 1/ T Clock 20 25.2 28.33 MHzPeriod T V 520 525 560 Active T VD -- 480-- Vertical SectionBlankingT VB 40 45 80 T Line Period T H 770 800 900 ActiveT HD-- 640 -- Horizontal SectionBlankingT HB 130160260T ClockNote 1: Frame rate is 60 Hz. Note 2: DE mode.6.5.2 Input Timing DiagramDOTCLKDEHDET VDInput Timing Definition ( DE Mode)Input Data Invaild Data Invaild Data6.6 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence is as below. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power ON/OFF sequence timingValueParameterUnitsMin. Typ. Max.T10.5 - 10 [ms]T2 30 40 50 [ms]T3 200 - - [ms]T4 10 - - [ms]T5 10 - - [ms]T6 0 - - [ms]T7 10 - - [ms]T8 100 - - [ms]T9 0 16 50 [ms]T10 - - 10 [ms]T11 1000 - - [ms]The above on/off sequence should be applied to avoid abnormal function in the display. Please make sure to turn off the power when you plug the cable into the input connector or pull the cable out of the connector.7. Connector & Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LCD ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Signal ConnectorManufacturer STM or compatibleConnector Model Number MSB24013P20HA or compatibleAdaptable Plug P24013P20 or compatiblePin No. Symbol Pin No. Symbol1 VDD2 VDD3 GND4 DPS5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+7 GND 8 RxIN1-9 RxIN1+ 10 GND11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+13 GND 14 RxCKIN-15 RxCKIN+ 16 GND17 RxIN3- 18 RxIN3+19 RSV 20 SEL687.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Backlight ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY or compatibleConnector Model Number 3808K-F05N-02R or compatibleMating Model Number H208K–P05N-02B or compatiblePin No. symbol descriptionPin1 VCC 12V inputPin2 GND GNDPin3 On/OFF 5V-ON,0V-OFFPin4 Dimming PWMPin5 NA8. Reliability Test CriteriaItems Required Condition Note Temperature Humidity Bias 40℃, 90%RH, 300 hoursHigh Temperature Operation 85℃, 300 hoursLow Temperature Operation -30℃, 300 hoursHot Storage 85,℃ 300 hoursCold Storage -30,℃ 300 hoursThermal Shock Test -20/℃ 30 min, 60/℃ 30 min, 100cycles, 40℃ minimun ramp rateHot Start Test 85℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesCold Start Test -30℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesShock Test (Non-Operating) 50G, 20ms, Half-sine wave, ( ±X, ±Y, ±Z)Vibration Test (Non-Operating) 1.5G, (10~200Hz, Sine wave)30 mins/axis, 3 direction (X, Y, Z)On/off test On/10 sec, Off/10 sec, 30,000 cyclesESD Contact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/pointAir Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/ pointNote 1EMI 30-230 MHz, limit 40 dBu V/m, 230-1000 MHz, limit 47 dBu V/mNote1: According to EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.Note2:Water condensation is not allowed for each test items.Each test is done by new TFT-LCD module. Don’t use the same TFT-LCD module repeatedly for reliability test. The reliability test is performed only to examine the TFT-LCD module capability.To inspect TFT-LCD module after reliability test, please store it at room temperature and room humidity for 24 hours at least in advance.工业液晶屏www.hzxuhong.com工业液晶屏www.hzxuhong.com10. Label and Packaging10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display)10.2 Carton Package11 Safety11.1 Sharp Edge RequirementsThere will be no sharp edges or comers on the display assembly that could cause injury.11.2 Materials11.2.1 ToxicityThere will be no carcinogenic materials used anywhere in the display module. If toxic materials are used, they will be reviewed and approved by the responsible AUO toxicologist.11.2.2 FlammabilityAll components including electrical components that do not meet the flammability grade UL94-V1 in the module will complete the flammability rating exception approval process.The printed circuit board will be made from material rated 94-V1 or better. The actual ULflammability rating will be printed on the printed circuit board.11.3 CapacitorsIf any polarized capacitors are used in the display assembly, provisions will be made to keep them from being inserted backwards.11.4 National Test Lab RequirementThe display module will satisfy all requirements for compliance to:UL 60950 U.S.A. Information Technology Equipment。



Differential data input, CH0 (negative) Differential data input, CH0 (positive) Differential data input, CH1 (negative) Differential data input, CH1 (positive) Differential data input, CH2 (negative) Differential data input, CH2 (positive) Differential clock input (negative) Differential clock input (positive)
Do not use the device for equipment that requires an extreme level of reliability, such as aerospace applications, telecommunication equipment (trunk lines), nuclear power control equipment and medical or other equipment for life support.
3.Mechanical technical literatures
Parameter Display size Active area Pixel format Aspect ratio Pixel pitch Pixel configuration Display mode Unit outline dimensions Mass Surface treatment technical literatures 26(10.4inch)Diagonal 211.2(H)×158.4(V) 640(H)×480(V) (1pixel=R+G+B dot) 4:3 0.33(H)×0.33(V) R,G,B vertical stripe Normally white 246.5(W)×179.4(H)×12.5(D) TBD Anti-glare and hard-coating 3H mm g mm Unit cm mm pixel



高亮度、128段语音播放 宽视角、高亮度、128段语音播放
类 别
尺寸 3.5 4.3 5.0 3.5 4.3 4.3 5.0 5.0 5.6 5.7 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 9.7 10.2 10.4 12.1 12.1 15.0 比例 型 号 有效显示尺寸 分辨率 (mm) (H*V) 70.1×52.6 320*240 95.0×53.9 480*272 110.9×62.8 480*272 70.1×52.6 320*240 95.0×53.9 480*272 95.0×53.9 480*272 108.0×64.8 108.0×64.8 112.9×84.7 112.9×84.7 154.1×85.9 154.1×85.9 154.1×85.9 162.0×121.5 162.0×121.5 162.0×121.5 196.6×147.5 222.7×125.3 211.2×158.4 246.0×184.5 246.0×184.5 304.1×228.1 800*480 800*480 640*480 640*480 800*480 800*480 800*480 800*600 800*600 800*600 1024*768 1024*600 800*600 800*600 800*600 1024*768 背光 亮度(nit) LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED 250 300 300 250 300 900 工作电压 (V) 3.3-6.0 3.3-6.0 3.3-6.0 3.3-6.0 3.3-6.0 工作电流 (mA) 180mA@5V 220mA@5V 270mA@5V 300mA@5V 400mA@5V 工作温度 (℃) -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -30/+60 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+60 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+60 -20/+70 -20/+70 -20/+70 -30/+60 -30/+60 -20/+70 -20/+70 接 口 3.3V CMOS 3.3V CMOS 3.3V CMOS 3.3V CMOS/232 3.3V CMOS 3.3V CMOS/232 3.3V CMOS 485/232 3.3V CMOS/232 485/232 3.3V CMOS 3.3V CMOS/232 485/232 3.3V CMOS 3.3V CMOS/232 485/232 485/232 3.3V CMOS/232 3.3V CMOS/232 3.3V CMOS/232 485/232 485/232 报价参考 N 100 95 130 260 210 280 250 560 255 T 120 115 150 280 230 298 270 350 620 470 280 395 370 330 495 395 750 780 680 980 1180 1450 4:3 DMT32240M035_03W 16:9 DMT48270M043_02W 16:9 DMT48270M050_02W 4:3 DMT32240T035_02W 16:9 DMT48270C043_03W 16:9 DMT48270T043_03W 16:9 DMT80480C050_02W 16:9DMT80480T050_18WT 4:3 DMT64480T056_03W 4;3DMT64480T057_18WT 16:9 DMT80480C070_02W 16:9 DMT80480T070_07W 16:9DMT80480T070_18WT 4:3 DMT80600C080_02W 4:3 DMT80600T080_07W 4:3DMT80600T080_18WT 4:3DMT10768T097_18WT 16:9 DMT10600T102_02W 4:3 DMT80600T104_04W 4:3 DMT80600T121_03W 4:3DMT80600T121_18WT 4:3DMT10768T150_18WT



追踪识别等领域具有优秀的竞争优势 ,并为客户创造新的价值 .
( )工作环境 : 1 ④ 抗 干扰和防雷设计 满足工业环境要求 ; ② 使 用温度 :一 0 ~+ O ; 4% 8℃
卓岚 串口服务器广泛应用于 门禁/ 考勤 、医疗应用 、远程监控 、计算机机房管理 以及变电所管理。 特 点 : (1】支 持全 双 工 、高 速 率 数据 转 发不 掉 包 。 ( 2)支持T e v CP S e 、 r r
T in,U P CPCl t D 模式 ,与Z Vr o e L i m通信 时 自动切换 为R a C m i r C e l o Dr e模式。 ( 波 v 3) 特率 支持3 0~15 0 b s 0 1 2 0 p ,数据位支持5~ 位 ,校验位可 以为全部五种 方式 ,支持C S 8 T/
( 6)接 口类 型 :单 6 PN T 。 0 I T L
2 1. 1 电 子 制作 0 10

功能 : ( )支持V A C B /V 1 G / V SS 信号输入 ( 可选 ) ( 2)集成L D背光 ,支持倒车信 号切换 E ( 3)支持 画面翻转功能
囵 木电 出向读器块 苏 兰子 全型写模 州 推
深圳 市科亚威科技有 限公 司是一家 以液 晶显示及 相关产品的研发 、生产 、销售 、服务 为主的高新技术企业 ,现推
出A 8 S 0 0 晶模组/ 00 N 1 液 V 液晶驱动板 。
特点 :
( 显示尺 寸 :8 ; ( 分辨率 :8 0 6 0; ( 模式 :4:3; ( 输入 电压 :1 V; ( 1) ” 2) 0 0 3) 4) 2 5)功率 :3 ; W
功能 :
( 1)可将 R 一 3 S 2 2串 E设备连接至 以太网 ; ( l 2)业界首款全 双工、不间断、低 成本服务器 ; ( 3)支持T , CP] t E

AOC CU34G10X LCD液晶显示器用户手册说明书

AOC CU34G10X LCD液晶显示器用户手册说明书

液晶显示器用户说明书CU34G10X安全 (1)标志惯例 (1)电源 (2)安装 (3)清洁 (4)其它 (5)设置 (6)物品清单 (6)安装支架和底座 (7)调整视角 (8)连接显示器 (9)Adaptive-Sync功能 (10)HDR (11)调节显示器 (12)热键 (12)OSD设定 (13)Luminance(明亮度) (14)Color Setup(颜色设置) (15)Picture Boost(窗口增亮) (16)OSD Setup(OSD设置) (17)PIP Setting(PIP设置) (18)Game Setting(游戏设定) (19)Extra(其它) (20)Exit(退出) (21)LED指示灯 (22)故障排除 (23)规格 (24)主要规格 (24)预设显示模式 (25)引脚分配 (26)即插即用 (27)安全标志惯例以下小节描述此文档中使用的标志惯例。
















TM104SDH01天马10.4寸LVDS液晶屏 天马代理商-TM104SDH01

TM104SDH01天马10.4寸LVDS液晶屏 天马代理商-TM104SDH01

五、天马 10.4 寸工业液晶屏 TM104SDH01 信号接口 信号大类 信号小类 面板电压 面板电流 接口脚距 接口数量 接口脚数 LVDS LVDS (1 ch, 6-bit) 3.3V(Typ.) 380mA(Max.) 1.0mm 1pcs 20pins
● 补充说明:以上资料仅供参考,如有某项不准确,可以联系我们客服提供产品的规格资料,产品均以 pdf TM104SDH01 发光系统 灯管位置 侧入式光源
TFT 液晶屏: 光源类型 灯管数量 灯管形状 单灯电压 单灯电流 灯管总功率 接口类型 背光电路 WLED 6P6P 阵列 17.7/20.7V (Min./Max.) 120mA (Typ.) 2.30/2.48W(Typ./Max) 端子 无
二:天马 10.4 寸工业液晶屏 TM104SDH01 结构特征 液晶屏尺寸 点分辨率 像素密度 像素排列 宽高比 点间距 像素间距 面板重量 表面处理 显示区域 可视区域 外观尺寸 外观尺寸 触摸屏 10.4 英寸 800RGB)* 600(SVGA) 96PPI RGB 垂直条状 4:3(宽:高) 0.088*0.264mm(横*竖) 0.264*0.264mm(横*竖) 288g 雾面,Hard coating(3H) 211.2*158.4mm(横*竖) 215.0*162.0mm(横*竖) 236.0*176.9 mm(横*竖) 5.60± 0.30 mm (厚度) 无
TFT 液晶屏:
TM104SDH01 天马 10.4 寸 LVDS 液晶屏 天马代理商-TM104SDH01
一:天马 10.4 寸工业液晶屏 TM104SDH01 基本信息 品 牌 液晶屏型号 工作温度 存储温度 当前生产状态 TIANMA TM104SDH01 -20 ~ 70° C -30 ~ 80° C 量产中



外形尺寸 H*V*D(mm) 63.9*79.6*3.5 90.6*79.9*9.9 144.0*104.6*13.0 144.0*103.8*12.3 144.0*104.6*12.3 144.0*104.6*12.3 161.3*117*12 184*139.8*12.7 216.0*152.4*12 199.5*149.5*11.6 199.5*149.5*11.6 199.5*149.5*11.6 246.5*179.4*15.5 246.5*179.4*13.7 246.5*179.4*15.5 246.5*179.4*13.7 246.5*179.4*13.7 246.5*179.4*13.7 276.0*209.0*11.0 276.0*209.0*11.0 276.0*209.0*11.0 276.0*209.0*11.0 326.5*253.5*11.2 331.6*254.76*12.5 331.6*254.76*12.5 331.6*254.76*12.5 326.5*253.5*9.6 326*252*13.7 404.2*330*20 144.0*104.6*12.3 144.0*104.6*12.3 144.0*104.6*12.3 144.0*104.6*12.3 153*118*10.7
输入接口 TTL-6bitsRGB非标 TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB LVDS-6/8bit TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB LVDS-6bitRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB LVDS-6bitRGB TTL-6bitsRGB LVDS-6bitRGB LVDS-6/8bit LVDS-6/8bit LVDS-8bitRGB LVDS-8bitRGB LVDS-6/8bit LVDS-6/8bit 2*LVDS-8bit TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB TTL-6bitsRGB LVDS-6/8bit
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( ) Preliminary Specifications( V ) Final SpecificationsModule 10.4 Inch Color TFT-LCD Model Name G104VN01 V0Customer DateChecked &Approved byNote: This Specification is subject to change without notice. Approved by Date Debbie Chiu 2008/3/28 Prepared byKT Huang 2008/3/28 General Display Business Division / AU Optronics corporationContents1. Operating Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)2.2 Optical Characteristics (6)3. Functional Block Diagram (9)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (10)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (10)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module (10)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (10)5. Electrical Characteristics (11)5.1 TFT LCD Module (11)5.2 Backlight Unit (13)5.2 Backlight Unit (13)6. Signal Characteristic (15)6.1 Pixel Format Image (15)6.2 Scanning Direction (15)6.3 Signal Description (16)6.4 The Input Data Format (17)6.5 Interface Timing (18)6.6 Power ON/OFF Sequence (19)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (20)7.1 TFT LCD Module: Input Connector (20)7.2 Backlight Unit: Lamp Connector (20)7.3 Lamp Connector Pin Assignment (20)8. Reliability Test Criteria (21)9. Mechanical Characteristics (22)9.1 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View) (22)9.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View) (23)10. Label and Packaging (24)10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) (24)10.2 Carton Label (24)11 Safety (25)11.1 Sharp Edge Requirements (25)11.2 Materials (25)11.3 Capacitors (25)11.4 National Test Lab Requirement (25)Record of RevisionVersion and DatePageOld descriptionNew Description0.1 Apr. 09, 2007 All First draft specification-1.0 Sep. 24, 2007 5 Physical Size: 243.0(H)x 176.6(V) x11.5(D)Physical Size: 243.0(H)x 176.6(V) x 11.4(D)Operating and storage temperature range: -30 to +80 Operating and storage temperature range: -30 to +856 Contrast Ratio: Typ. 500Contrast Ratio: Typ. 700Color / Chromaticity Coordinates: TBD Add Color / Chromaticity Coordinates description10 Supply Voltage: Max. 5.5Supply Voltage: Max. 6Operating Temperature: Max. +80 Operating Temperature: Max. +85 Storage Temperature: Max. +80 Storage Temperature: Max. +8513ViCFL (25 oC): TBDAdd Typ. and Max. CCFL ignition voltageat 25 oCViCFL (0 o C): N/AAdd Typ. and Max. CCFL ignition voltageat 0 o CNote 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Modify and restructure the description of Note18 Clock Frequency: Max. 40 Clock Frequency: Max. 50Vsync Timing Vertical section Add Pulse width + back porch and Front porchHsync Timing Horizontal Section Add Pulse width + back porch and Front porchInput timing diagramModify the input timing diagram 21 High Temperature Operation: 80oC,300 hoursHigh Temperature Operation: 85oC,300 hoursHot Storage: 80 oC,300 hours Hot Storage: 85 oC,300 hours Hot Start Test: 80 o C /1 Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesHot Start Test: 85 o C /1 Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 times22 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View) Modify the front view drawing1.1 Nov. 8, 2007 23 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View) Add the Pin.1 and Pin.31 position marks24Shipping label Add China RoHS mark on shipping label 1.2 Mar. 28, 2008 11Irush, max. 0.9AIrush, max 1.2A1. Operating Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, please be cautious and not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration or spots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may be broken or cracked if dropped or bumped on hard surface.6) Since CMOS LSI is used in this module, take care of static electricity and insure human earth whenhandling.7) Do not open nor modify the module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if a module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was taken out from thecontainer, do not press the center of the CCFL Reflector edge. Instead, press at the far ends of theCCFL Reflector edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nor tilt the InterfaceConnector of the TFT Module.11) After installation of the TFT Module into an enclosure (Notebook PC Bezel, for example), do not twistnor bend the TFT Module even momentary. At designing the enclosure, it should be taken intoconsideration that no bending/twisting forces are applied to the TFT Module from outside. Otherwisethe TFT Module may be damaged.12) Cold cathode fluorescent lamp in LCD contains a small amount of mercury. Please follow local ordinances orregulations for disposal.13) Small amount of materials having no flammability grade is used in the LCD module. The LCD module should besupplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.14) The LCD module is designed so that the CCFL in it is supplied by Limited Current Circuit (IEC60950 or UL1950).Do not connect the CCFL in Hazardous Voltage Circuit.15) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance, response time and lamp ignition voltage.16) Continuous operating TFT-LCD display under low temperature environment may accelerate lamp exhaustionand reduce luminance dramatically.17) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when LCD module is placed in landscape position.18) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to use screen saver orshuffle content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionG104VN01 V0 is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display composed of a TFT-LCD display, a driver circuit, and a backlight system. The screen format is intended to support VGA (640(H) x 480(V)) screen and 262K colors (RGB6-bits). All input signals are CMOS interface. Inverter card of backlight is not included.G104VN01 V0 is designed for industrial display applications.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25 ℃ condition:Items Unit SpecificationsScreen Diagonal [inch] 10.4Active Area [mm] 211.2(H) x 158.4(V)Pixels H x V 640x3(RGB) x 480Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.33 x 0.33Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical StripeDisplay Mode TN, Normally WhiteNominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] 3.3V or 5VTypical Power Consumption [Watt] 6.7W (IRCFL=6.0mA) All black patternWeight [Grams] 490g(typ.)Physical Size [mm] 243.0(H)x 176.6(V) x 11.4(D) (Typ.) Electrical Interface 1ch CMOSSurface Treatment Anti-glare, Hardness 3HSupport Color 262K colorsTemperature RangeOperatingStorage (Non-Operating) [o C][o C]-30 to +85-30 to +85RoHS Compliance RoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25℃ (Room Temperature):Item Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max.Note White Luminance [cd/m2] IRCFL= 6mA(center point) 450 -1 Uniformity % 5 points75- 1, 2, 3 Contrast Ratio700 - 4[msec]Rising - 20 30 [msec] Falling - 10 20 Response Time[msec] Rising + Falling - 30 50 5[degree] [degree]Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left)60 60 70 70 - - Viewing Angle[degree] [degree]Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower) 45 55 55 65 - - 6Red x 0.55 0.58 0.61 Red y 0.30 0.33 0.36 Green x0.29 0.32 0.35 Green y 0.53 0.56 0.59 Blue x 0.13 0.16 0.19 Blue y 0.13 0.16 0.19 White x 0.28 0.31 0.34 Color / Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE 1931)White y0.30 0.33 0.36Color Gamut%45-Note 1: Measurement methodEquipment Pattern Generator, Power Supply, Digital Voltmeter, Luminance meter (SR_3 or equivalent)Aperture1with 50cm viewing distance ∘Test Point Center Environment < 1 luxModule DrivingNote 2: Definition of 5 points position (Display active area: 211.2mm (W) x 158.4mm (H))Note 3: The luminance uniformity of 5 points is defined by dividing the minimum luminance values by the maximum test point luminanceNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio (CR):Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “White” to “Black” (falling time) and from “Black” to “White” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval is between 10% and 90% of amplitudes. Please refer to the figure as below.Contrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” state Brightness on the “Black” stateMinimum Brightness of five pointsδW5 = Maximum Brightness of five pointsNote 6: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio 10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal and 180°≧vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as below: 90° (θ) horizontal left and right, and 90° (Φ) vertical high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated to its center to develop the desired measurement viewing angle.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.4 inch color TFT/LCD module:4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max Unit Logic Voltage Vin -0.3 VDD+0.3 [Volt] Supply Voltage VDD 0 6 [Volt]4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Temperature TOP -30 +85 [o C] Operation Humidity HOP 5 90 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -30 +85 [o C] Storage Humidity HST 5 90 [%RH] Note: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39o C and no condensation.5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power SpecificationSymbolParameter Min Typ Max Units Remark3.0 3.3 3.6 VDD Logic/LCD DriveVoltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 [Volt]- 220 300 All Black Pattern(VDD=3.3V) IDD VDD Current -145 200 [mA] All Black Pattern(VDD=5V) I rush LCD Inrush Current- - 1.2 [A]Note 1- 0.73 0.9 All Black Pattern(VDD=3.3V) PDD VDD Power 0.73 0.9 [Watt] All Black Pattern(VDD=5V) VDDrpAllowable Logic/LCD Drive Ripple Voltage--100[mV] p-p All Black Pattern (VDD=3.3V/5V)Note 1: Irush current measurement condition when LCD supplies 3.3V:VDD rising time3.3Input signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Symbol Item Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark VIH High Input Voltage 0.7VDD - VDD [Volt]VIL Low Input Voltage 0 - 0.3VDD [Volt]5.2 Backlight Unit5.2.1 Parameter guideline for CCFLFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using an inverter at 25 (Room Temperature):℃Symbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkIRCFL CCFL operation range 4.5 6.0 7.0 [mA]rms(Ta=25oC) Note 1FCFL CCFL Frequency 40 50 60 [KHz] (Ta=25oC) Note 2ViCFL(25o C)(reference)CCFL Ignition Voltage -740 890[Volt]rms(Ta=25o C)ViCFL(0o C)(reference)CCFL Ignition Voltage 930 1110[Volt]rms(Ta=0o C) VCFL CCFL Discharge Voltage 440 490 540[Volt]rms(Ta=25o C) Note 3IRCFL=6mA PCFLCCFL Power consumption(inverter excluded)- 5.88 - [Watt](Ta=25o C) Note 3IRCFL=6mALamp Life 50,000 Hrs(Ta=25o C) Note 4IRCFL= 6mANote 1: IRCFL is defined as the return current of an inverter. (In Figure. 1)(Figure. 1: Measurement of return current)A stable IRCFL is a current without flicker or biasing waveform provided by inverter that ensures thebacklight perform to its specification. The ideal sine waveform should be symmetric in positive andnegative polarities and the asymmetry rate of the inverter waveform should be below 10%.ReferenceDC Bias = (| Ip – I-p| / Irms ) x 100 % <10%Crest Factor = Ip or (I-p) / Irms should have the range within 1.414 + 10%It is recommended to use the inverter with detection circuit ( ie: balance and protection circuit) to avoidovervoltage, overcurrent, or mismatching waveform.Note 2: CCFL frequency should be carefully determined to avoid interference between inverter and TFT LCD.Higher frequency will induce higher leakage current and further impact lamp life.Note 3: Calculator value for reference (IRCFLx2 VCFL=PCFL).Note 4: The definition of lamp life means when any of following conditions happen:a) Luminance falls to 50% or less of the initial value.b) Normal lighting is no more available (flickering, pink lighting, no lighting, etc.)c) Lamp voltage or lighting start voltage exceeds the specified value.Lamp life time shortens according toa) Placing methodology: mercury is unevenly distributed in portrait mountingb) Environmental condition: low temperature reduces the presence of mercury vapor, which results inapproximately lamp life of 1,000 hoursc) CCFL surface temperature: Presence of gradient in lamp surface temperature causes uneven mercurymigrationd) Inverter design: its resonance capacitor should be fine-tuned with the impedance of CCFLe) Over driving current (> 7 mA) shortens lamp life time dramatically.Note 5: The display is with dual lamp design, and the CCFL current in above table refers to each lamp6. Signal Characteristic 6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship between input signal and LCD pixel format.1stPixel2ndPixel639thPixel640thPixel1stLine R G B R G BR G B R G B480thLineR G B R G BR G B R G B6.2 Scanning DirectionThe following figures show the image seen from the front view. The arrow indicates the direction of scan.Fig. 1 Normal scan (DPSH = High, DPSV=Low) Fig. 2 Reverse scan (DPSH = Low, DPSV=Low)Fig. 3 Reverse scan (DPSH = High, DPSV=High)Fig. 4 Reverse scan (DPSH = Low, DPSV=High)6.3 Signal DescriptionPin no Symbol Function Etc.1 GND Ground2 CK Clock signal for sampling each data signal3 Hsync Horizontal synchronous signal4 Vsync Vertical synchronous signal5 GND Ground6 R0 RED data signal (LSB)7 R1 RED data signal8 R2 RED data signal9 R3 RED data signal10 R4 RED data signal11 R5 RED data signal (MSB)12 GND Ground13 G0 GREEN data signal (LSB)14 G1 GREEN data signal15 G2 GREEN data signal16 G3 GREEN data signal17 G4 GREEN data signal18 G5 GREEN data signal (MSB)19 GND Ground20 B0 BLUE data signal (LSB)21 B1 BLUE data signal22 B2 BLUE data signal23 B3 BLUE data signal24 B4 BLUE data signal25 B5 BLUE data signal(MSB)26 GND Ground27 ENAB Signal to settle the horizontal display position28 VDD +3.3V / +5.0V power supply29 VDD +3.3V / +5.0V power supply30 DPSH Horizontal reverse scan control signal31 DPSV Vertical reverse scan control signal6.4 The Input Data FormatG104VN01 V0 rev.1.218/256.5 Interface Timing6.5.1 Timing CharacteristicsSignalParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. UnitRemark Clock TimingClock Frequency1/ T Clock20 25.2 28.33 MHzPeriodT VS 520 525560 ActiveT VSD480 480480 Pulse width + back porch T VSW +T VSB3535 35Vsync TimingVerticalSectionFront porch T VSF 510 45 T LinePeriodT HS770 800900 ActiveT HSD640 640 640 Pulse width + back porch T HSW +T HSB100 100 100 Hsync TimingHorizontal SectionFront porchT HSF3060160T Clock6.5.2 Input Timing Diagram6.6 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence is as below. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from anysystem shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power ON/OFF sequence timingValueParameterMin. Typ. Max. Units T1 0.5 - 10 ms T2 0 - 50 ms T3 180 - - ms T4 180 - - ms T5 0 - 50 ms T6 0 - 10 ms T7500--msThe above on/off sequence should be applied to avoid abnormal function in the display. Please make sure to turn off the power when you plug the cable into the input connector or pull the cable out of the connector.Power Supply VDD SignalBacklight On7. Connector & Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT LCD Module: Input ConnectorCN1 connectorConnector Name / Designation Signal ConnectorManufacturer Hirose or compatibleConnector Model Number DF9B-31P-1V or compatibleAdaptable Plug DF9B-31S-1V or compatible7.2 Backlight Unit: Lamp ConnectorCN2 connectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer JST or compatibleConnector Model Number BHR-03VS-1 or compatibleMating Model Number B-BHS-1-TB or compatible7.3 Lamp Connector Pin AssignmentCN2 connector (backlight): BHS-03VS-1Pin # Symbol Cable color Signal Name1 H Pink CCFL power supply(H.V.)2 NC No connection3 L White CCFL power supply(GND)Pin # Symbol Cable color Signal Name1 H Blue CCFL power supply(H.V.)2 NC No connection3 L Black CCFL power supply(GND)AU OPTRONICS CORPORATIONProduct Specification G104VN01 V0 8. Reliability Test CriteriaItems Required Condition NoteTemperatureHumidity Bias 40o C/90%,300HrHigh TemperatureOperation 85o C,300 hoursLow TemperatureOperation -30o C,300 hoursHot Storage 85 o C,300 hoursCold Storage -30 o C,300 hoursThermal ShockTest -20 o C /30 min , 60 o C /30 min ,100cycles, 40 o C minimun ramp rateHot Start Test 85 o C /1 Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesCold Start Test -30 o C /1 Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesShock Test(Non-Operating) 50G,20ms,Half-sine wave,(+-X,+-Y,+-Z)Vibration Test (Non-Operating) 1.5G, 10~200~10Hz, Sine wave 30mins/axis, 3 direction (X, Y, Z)On/off test On/10 sec, Off/10 sec, 30,000 cyclesESD Contact : ± 8KV/ operation, Class BAir : ± 15KV / operation, Class BNote 1 EMI 30-230 MHz, limit 40 dBu V/m, 230-1000 MHz, limit 47 dBu V/mNote1: According to EN61000-4-2 , ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost . Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.G104VN01 V0 rev.1.222/259. Mechanical Characteristics9.1 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View)G104VN01 V0 rev.1.223/259.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View)10. Label and Packaging10.1 Shipping Label(on the rear side of TFT-LCD display)10.2 Carton Label11 Safety11.1 Sharp Edge RequirementsThere will be no sharp edges or comers on the display assembly that could cause injury.11.2 MaterialsToxicityThere will be no carcinogenic materials used anywhere in the display module. If toxic materials are used, they will be reviewed and approved by the responsible AUO toxicologist.11.3 CapacitorsIf any polarized capacitors are used in the display assembly, provisions will be made to keep them from being inserted backwards.11.4 National Test Lab RequirementThe display module will satisfy all requirements for compliance to:UL 60950 U.S.A. Information Technology Equipment。
