新现代物流专业英语 易牧农 电子教案 chapter 4



(vendor-managed inventory)
inbound logistics 内向物流 intra-org logistics 企业物
outbound logistics 外向物 流
第二部分 Section 2
本单元核心概念 Core concepts
What is SCM?
SCM分为三个主要的流: 产品流或材料流包括包括商品从供应商向客户的移动,也
包括处理客户的服务需求。 信息流包括订单信息及交付状况。 金流包括付款时间安排表,赊账条款以及追加安排
The Bullwhip Effect “牛鞭效应”
The bullwhip effect (or whiplash effect) is an observed phenomenon in forecast-driven distribution channels. It refers to a trend of larger and larger swings in inventory in response to changes in demand. The concept first appeared in Jay Forrester's Industrial Dynamics (1961) and thus it is also known as the Forrester effect. Since the oscillating demand upstream a supply chain is reminiscent of a cracking whip, it became known as the bullwhip effect.
牛鞭效应通常是由于供应链内管理不当的实体误读或者误算了 实际所需求的产品量所致,随着牛鞭效应的发生,就会出 现成本增加以及客户不满意的情况。效率低下的沟通、订 单计量以及经济不景气也常常会导致牛鞭效应。

实用英语电子教案2(第四版)Unit 4 PE2_U04_Text B

实用英语电子教案2(第四版)Unit 4 PE2_U04_Text B

Text-Related Information
A method of decorating the skin by inserting
colored substances under
the surface.
Text-Related Information
Text-Related Information
a total area of 18,274 square kilometers
(7,056 square miles ). The capital and
largest city of Fiji is Suva.
While-Reading Task
♣ Text B
♣ Detailed Study of the Text
Unit 4: Text B
Pre-Reading Task While-Reading Task After-Reading Task
Pre-Reading Task
♣ Text-Related Information
Text-Related Information
Muhammad Ali The Parses Tattooing Fiji
While-Reading Task
4 But dislike is not the only reason why some cultures will not eat a certain food. In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Taboo is a word from the language of the Fiji Islands that is used to describe something that is forbidden. Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food taboos that are not connected to a religion. We do not usually think about why certain things are taboo in our culture. We may not even know why they are taboo. Anthropologists try to discover the hidden reasons for taboos. For example, the sacred cows of India are well known. Cows can go wherever they want to in the streets of India, and they can eat anything they want from the supplies of the food sellers on the street.

lecture 4 Inf

lecture 4 Inf
Logistics Information Management
• 物流信息是指与物流活动(前面所讲到的商品 包装、商品运输、商品储存、商品装卸等)有 关的一切信息。由于物流信息贯穿于物流活动 的整个过程中。并通过其自身对整体物流活动 进行有效地控制,因此,我们称物流信息为物 流的中枢神经。
• 应用于商场管理中心
• 对商场的进、销、存、调进行、POS系统的结构
(一)硬件结构 • 收款机(POS机) • 扫描器 • 显示器 (1)操作员显示器 (2)顾客显示器 • 打印机 • 网络服务器 • 其他相关网络设备
• 前台POS销售系统
• • • • • • • 物流管理软件功能单一 物流管理软件良莠不齐 软件开发商重开发轻应用 物流管理的信息孤岛 恶性竞争导致物流软件产品低劣化 对信息系统的建设缺乏总体规划 缺乏物流信息化复合型人才
第二节 物流信息系统
一、物流信息系统 二、物流信息系统中的信息技术 三、物流信息系统的构成 四、物流信息系统的基本功能 五、物流管理信息系统的建立
1.按照码制分 常用的条形码有: (1)UPC码
(4) Code 128码
• Code 128 码可表示 从 ASCII 0 到 ASCII 127 共128个 字符,故称128码, 广泛运用在企业内部 管理、生产流程、物 流控制系统方面。
2.信号整形系统:信号放大、滤波、整形,把模拟信号转 换为规则的脉冲信号 3.译码系统:将脉冲信号(矩形波信号)转换成计算机可 直接采集的数字信号 4.计算机系统:对条码对应的信息进行相应处理和分析

物流管理英语Chapter 4教案

物流管理英语Chapter 4教案

Chapter 4 Warehousing and Distribution Management教学目的和要求:1、Learn the key functions of warehousing operation2、Learn the definition of warehousing operation and facilities3、Gain an understanding of the objectives of warehousing operation4、Understand the objective of warehousing facility layout5、Get an overview of issues and trends that are shaping present andfuture warehousing operations and facilities6、Get and overview of various facility shapes教学重点:1、The key functions of warehousing operation2、Definition of warehousing operation and facilities3、The objectives of warehousing operation4、The objective of warehousing facility layout5、Issues and trends that are shaping present and future warehousingoperations and facilities6、Various facility shapes教学过程:1. New Words and Expressions2. Introduction to Warehousing and Distribution Operation1) Definition of Some Terms in Warehousing and Distribution Operationa) WarehousingWarehousing is defined as the function of storing a variety ofproduct types SKUs that have a small or large quantity of storageunits between the time that the product is manufactured by yourfacility and the time that product is required by your customer orworkstation within your manufacturing facility.b) DistributionDistribution is defined as the function of moving various productsfrom your vendor’s facility or your manufacturing workstation toyour company’s facility for storing the product, picking the productto your customer order requirements, and delivering the product toyour customer’s facility or workstation in your manufacturingfacility.c) StorageStorage is the activity of placing or depositing a good in a store orwarehousing for safekeeping until the good is required at anotherlocation or workstation or by your customer.d) Material HandlingMaterial handling is defined as “the basic operation that involvesthe movement of bulk, packaged and individual goods in asemi-solid or solid state by means of a human or machine andwithin the limits of the facility”.e) Distribution CenterDC is defined as the warehousing facility which holds inventoryfrom manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores.f) Warehousing Management SystemWMS is the systems used in effectively managing warehousingbusiness processes and direct warehousing activities, includingreceiving, put-away, picking, shipping, and inventory cycle counts.Also includes support of radio-frequency communications, allowingreal-time data transfer between the system and warehousingpersonnel. They also maximize space and minimize materialhandling by automating put-away processes.2) Functions of Warehousing and Distribution Operationa) Unloading, receiving, checking, and marking inbound merchandiseb) Internal horizon or vertical product movement (transportation) tothe storage-pick area, workstation, or outbound staging areac) Storage (deposit, withdrawal, and replenishment)d) Order-pick (distribution) sortation and checkinge) Packing, sealing, weighing and manifesting, and shippingpreparationf) Loading and shippingg) Handling returns, out-of-season product, and store transfersh) Maintenance, sanitation, and loss preventioni) Inbound and outbound truck-yard control3) Value of Warehousing and Distribution OperationYour warehousing and distribution product movement-storage-pick operation assures your company that the right good is in the right condition, at the right place (workstation or customer location), at the right time, in the right quantity, and at the right cost.Warehousing and distribution operations perform the following services for your company:The first service is to geographically consolidate your customer’s demand for goods or to achieve economies of scale. With today’s communication systems, this service allows your warehousing, distribution, and transportation departments to handle a greater number of customers and to reduce order-pick, handling, and transportation costs.The second service is to provide geographic distribution of the goods to your customers. The service assures your company that your customer is receiving the best transportation cost for the goods.The third service is to provide the means for your company to warehousing (store) goods that are produced throughout the year to accommodate your customer’s seasonal demand for the goods. This service allows your company to reduce costs by purchasing large quantities of goods. This provides your customer with the lowest cost for the goods.The fourth service is to provide the means for your company to warehousing goods which are produced from seasonal (short-time-period) production such as foods. This service allows your customer’s year-round demand for the goods satisfied by your warehousing and distribution operations.4) Objective of Warehousing and Distribution OperationThe two major objectives of a warehousing and distribution facility:•improve profits•improve customer serviceTo achieve these objectives, your warehousing and distribution operations perform activities to:a) maximize your storage (space or cube) utilizationb) maximize your warehousing equipment utilizationc) maximize your labor (employee) utilizationd) reduce your SKU handlings, maintain required SKU accessibility,and assure the designed SKU rotation or turnse) minimize your company’s operating expensesf) assure the protection of your company’s assets5) Trends and Issues of Warehousing and Distribution Operationa) Increased activity in training and motivating your managers andemployees from various groups resulting from the implementationof a new warehousing or distribution facility or from new materialhandling equipment or concepts in an existing facilityb) Reshaping warehousing and distribution operations is theintroduction of new computer hardware and software in almostevery activity and function within the warehousing and distributionfacilityc) The warehousing and distribution industry is the automaticidentification of goods, product storage-pick positions, and assetsd) The introduction of JIT replenishment and across-the-dockoperations in a company’s channel of distributione) Material requirements planning (MRP) and distributionrequirements planning (DRP) philosophiesf) Many companies are returning to a distribution network that hasfewer distribution facilities that serve specific regionsg) The introduction of new single-item, carton, and pallet loadhandling technology and equipmenth) The remodel (redesign or retrofit) of an old existing distributionfacilityi) An increase in the number of companies that leasing equipmentand buildingsj) Toward the global or multinational company that is involved in the multi-location manufacturing and to some degree the distribution ofgoods3. Warehousing and Distribution Operation Facility ActivitiesWarehousing and Distribution facility activities should be organized as a flow or pipelining, including 3 basic processes of pre-order-pick activities, order-pick activities, and post-order-pick activities, to satisfy the customer’s order at the lowest possible operating cost.1) Objectives of Warehousing and Distribution Operation FacilityActivitiesAccording to transportation packaging types of goods or cargos, warehousing and distribution operation basically includes small-item distribution operation, carton (case) distribution operation, or pallet load warehousing operation.The objective is to ensure that the right SKU is in inventory, is available at the appropriate time, and in correct condition, is withdrawn in the right quantity and on schedule, is in a protective package, is properly manifested, and is delivered to the required location that satisfies your customer’s order at the lowest possible operating cost.Activities to achieve these objectives:•pre-order-pick activities•order-pick activities•post-order-pick activitiesThe remaining key warehousing functions:•maintenance•sanitation•security functionsThese functions satisfy two objectives:•to provide protection of your company’s assets•to ensure that your inventory, building, and material handling equipment are available to satisfy your customer’s orders andoperate at the lowest possible operating cost2) Pre-Order-Pick Activities•Yard control•Unloading•Verifying product•Receiving product•Identifying product•Packaging product•Internal transportation•Depositing product3) Pick (Order-Pick) ActivityThe SKU order-pick activity requires an employee to remove, per acustomer order, the correct SKU in the correct quantity, in the correctcondition, and at the correct time from the inventory onto a pickingtransport device to satisfy the customer’s order.•Listing the SKUs that are ordered by the customers•Travelling and/or removing the SKUs from the picking position•Verifying the SKU order-pick•Transporting the SKU to the picking or shipping area4) Post-Order-Pick Activity•SKU sortation•SKU replenishment•Outbound SKU packaging activity•Customer’s package scaling method•Package weighing and manifesting activities•Package loading and shipping operation function•Customer return activity4. Warehousing and Distribution Facility LayoutEach warehouse philosophy proposes a warehouse facility layout that includes a material handling concept and equipment and locations for the storage-pick position areas.1) Purpose of Warehouse Facility LayoutThe main purpose of your warehouse or distribution facility is toprovide the housing for your company’s design-year requirements.These requirements include your material handling system, SKU pickand reserve positions to accommodate the projected inventory, andassociated warehouse functions such as support and administrativeactivities. Some purpose of the facility layout are to assure properaccess to the SKUs, provide proper product flow and inventory rotation, assure the lowest possible operating cost, and assure accurate and onschedule customer service.2) Objective of Warehouse Facility Layouta) Maximize the space utilization or provide the maximize storageand pick positions within the building structureb) Allow an efficient product flow from the receiving area to thestorage-pick areas and from the storage-pick areas to theassembly, packing, and shipping areasc) Provide the maximum number of, and facilitate access to, SKUpick positions and proper inventory rotationd) Reduce annual operating costse) Improve the key warehouse function employee productivityf) Maintain the corporate philosophy and directiong) Protect the inventory and material handling system from damage,pilferage, and infestationh) Provide for expansioni) Provide the employees with a safe work environmentj) Ensure that your operation satisfies your customers3) Facility Layout FundamentalsThe first step of a facility layout consists of the data collection process, data analysis, establishment of design-year parameters, and consideration of alternative material handling equipment and concepts.•Identifying and listing existing material handling equipment•Measuring and cataloging all SKUs as conveyable or non-conveyable or by classification such as packaging, toxic, oredible•Classifying at each warehousing function, the SKU handling characteristics as single items, carton, or pallet load •Projecting SKU inventory levels and at each warehouse function, the SKU volume levels•Receiving alternative material handling concepts for each warehouse functionThe second step is to develop alternative distribution facility layouts.•Yard control, truck and automobile parking, and rail spurh•Receiving and staging•Open, sort, count, ticket, and packing activities•Returns, store transfers, and out-of-season product return to vendor•Internal transportation•Order pick and distribution•Sortation•Packing•Weighing and manifesting•Staging and shippingWarehouse and distribution design and presentation methods:•Block layout method•Standard templates and layout board method•Drawing method•Model method4) Facility Layout Principlesa) Provide adequate aisles and aisle width in the key warehousefunction areasb) Consider the product flow and volume through the reserve area,pick area, and other functional areasc) Provide adequate SKU accumulation prior to each workstationd) Provide adequate ceiling height for warehouse equipmente) Provide required space for fire protection and security equipmentf) Locate all support or administrative activitiesg) Locate the building facilities on the site for excellent presentutilization and future expansionh) Locate the key warehouse functions for future expansioni) Design space building columns and bay size to facilitate spaceutilization, product flow, and employee productivityj) Use gravity-propelled transportation in combination with mechanized or automated equipment5) Facility Layout Philosophiesa) Type of SKU handled “philosophy”b) SKU popular philosophy or Pareto’s Lawc) Mobile warehouse equipment travel distance philosophyd) Family group philosophye) Building height philosophyf) Order-Pick philosophyg) Internal transportation philosophyh) Building construction philosophyi) Facility shape philosophyj) Product flow pattern philosophy•One-Way (Straight) Flow Pattern•Two-Way Flow Pattern6) How to Increase Storage Spacea) Use the airspaceb) Use narrow-aisle or very-narrow-aisle vehiclesc) Use dense storage conceptsd) Expansion。

实用英语电子教案1(第四版)Unit 4 PE1_U04_Skills

实用英语电子教案1(第四版)Unit 4 PE1_U04_Skills

Reading Skills
Practice 2 Use contextual clues to guess the meaning of the italicized word in each of the sentences.
5. The social sciences have always been my forte but foreign languages remain my weakness. 特长,专长
QUESTIONS: 1. Are the italicized words above new to you? _________________________________________________
2. Read each sentence above again and pay more attention to the
context. Write down the possible meaning of each word in the
space given below. 1) dustman: __垃__圾__工____ 2) resolute:__坚__定__的____
3) unanimous:全__体__一__致__的__ 4) periodicals:__期__刊______
1. We decide to persevere rather than give up. 坚持 2. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the
theatre. 门厅 3. What he said was just flattery, for he praised me so much

16级物流英语教案(2017-2018 第一学期)

16级物流英语教案(2017-2018 第一学期)

JX-03教师授课教案(首页)科目物流英语Unit 1:Introduction to Logistic(1)(Chapter 1:What is Logistics?)授课日期2017.9.4 课时 2班级16级现代物流J1班授课方式1.讲授法2.讨论法3.小组合作学习作业题数2拟用时间1 hour教学目标Knowledge goals :1.To grasp the general knowledge oflogistics.2.To learn the activities of logistics.Skill goals:1.To be able to describe what logistics is.2.To master some key words of logistics.Emotional goals:1.To generate passion for Logistics English.2.To stimulate the interest of learningLogistics English.实训设备及材料多媒体黑板图像重点The key point of this class is to grasp aconcise English expression of what logisticsis, especially the “six rights”.难点The difficulty of this classis how to briefly and clearlydescribe the whole functionsof logistics in English.教学主要内容ing “six right” to describe the six crucial points of logistics.2.Vocabulary in introduction to logistics.eful expressions and grammar in the dialogue about activities of logistics..4.Exercises for consolidating knowledge about what logistics is.教学反思备注:审阅签名:JX-03教学过程第 2 页一.导入新课(一)复习旧知识Questions: What is the definition of logistics?What is the functions of logistics?1. 教学方法Ask and answer.2. 教学步骤The teacher shows out the two questions through PPT.The teacher calls four students(two boys and two girls) to answer the above two questions, as they have learned about them in their other subjects in previous semesters. The students are allowed to answer in Chinese. Scores are given and marked.And then, the teacher writes out the key points of their answers on the blackboard, and points out the right points and wrong points of the answers.Next, the teacher concludes and gives right answers to the above two questions.Finally, the teacher leads the students to fill in the blank below.Logistics is described as the art of achieving the “six rights”:they are the right things; in the right _________; to the right_______; at the right _______; in the right ________;and at the right __________.3. 所需时间About 10 minutes.(二)导入新知识Questions: Can you express the knowledge of logistics in English?Do you want to work in international logistics companies?Can you translate the title of this unit and lessons?1. 教学方法Free discussion and introduction.2. 教学步骤The teachers asks the whole class these two questions and then allow free talk.Then, the teacher requires the class to put up their hands if their answer is “Yes”.Next, the teacher says that if their answers are “Yes”, they need to start with learning Logistics English.Finally, the teacher simply introduces the title of this unit and the two lessons which will be learned in the following two weeks, namely Lesson 1 and Lesson 4.3.所需时间About 3 minutes二.讲授新课 (Lesson 1)(一)New words and phrases1.教学内容Look at Page 5 of the book for detail.2. 教学方法Teach and read after.3. 教学步骤The teacher shows the English of all the new words and phrases one by one through PPT, to let the students speak out their corresponding Chinese one by one.Then, the teacher clearly reads out each new words and phrases twice for the students to read after.Next, the teacher requires the students to pay attention to the property of each word , as well as the pronunciation.Finally, the class read out all the new words and phrases without the teacher’s leading. Twice in both English and Chinese.The teacher points out mispronunciations if there are any, the students should follow right pronunciations twice.4.所需时间About 12 minutes.(二)Dialogue1.教学内容(on Page 2 of the book)Dialogue: A student is asking a professor some questions about logistics.S: Student P: ProfessorS: What is modern logistics like?P: Could you think of a company that sells any product?S: Let me see. Ah, yes, I have one here. It is the KFC chain shop we went to last Sunday.P: It could be a good example.S: The chicken must be bought from some chicken farms regularly and other materials used in the chain shops, such as paper napkins and drinks, should be bought from different suppliers and be shipped to the named places.P: You are perfectly right. But what you said is only part of the supply chain. If a company takes up the job of supplying KFC with all the things needed in the operation of the chain shops, that is logistics.S: Thanks. Now I have a clearer picture of what logistics is.P: You are welcome.Questions for the dialogue:1. Professor answered the student's question by using the example of _______________.2. Different___________supply the KFC chain shops with the material they need.3. A_________ company will take up the job of supplying KFC with all the things needed in the operation.2. 教学方法Listen, teach, read aloud and answer.3.教学步骤The teacher broadcasts the audio of the dialogue once for the students to get a general idea.Then the teacher broadcasts it again for them to read each sentence at the same time with the speakers.After the broadcast, the teacher leads the class to understand each sentence, and explains useful expressions and grammar.In this process, the students are asked to take some notes or make some marks in their books.When the leaning of the whole dialogue is finished, the teacher will ask some questions about the significant knowledge showed in this dialogue, such as the useful expressions or grammar, in order to help the class review what they have learned just now. The class answer together.Next, the class read out the dialogue aloud for one time.Finally, it is time for students to volunteer to answer the three questions for the dialogue. The teacher click right answers on PPT. Scores are given and marked.4.所需时间About 40 minutes.三.巩固练习1.教学内容Look at Page 2 to 4 of the book for detail.2.教学方法Doing exercises and check answers.Group ../../Administrator/AppData/Local/youdao/DictBeta/Application/ rative ../../Administrator/AppData/Local/youdao/DictBeta/Application/ ning.3.教学步骤In this part, the exercises are in the book, and are also showed on the PPT.First, the teacher lead the class to find out key words of the exercises, so that the students can understand what the exercises ask them to do.Then, the students do these exercises in the book for 10 minutes.In this part, they can cooperate with their desk-mates to figure out the answers,but they need to discuss,no copy.Next, the students raise their hands to answer the questions one by one, and the teacher clicks out the right answers. Scores are given and marked.Finally, the teacher allow 2 minutes for the students to write down the right answers. 4.所需时间About 20 minutes.四.归纳小结1.教学内容Review crucial vocabulary,grammar and key points of exercises.2.教学方法Ask and answer.3.教学步骤The teachers shows the PPT where the above knowledge is in, and asks questions quickly.The class answer together. The teachers emphasizes some points.4.所需时间About 5 minutes.五.作业安排1. Copy the new words and phrases learned today. Look at Page 5 for detail.To pay attention: The homework should be finished in Exercise Book (I).2. Read the passage of Lesson1 ../../Administrator/AppData/Local/youdao/DictBeta/Application/ ../../Administrator/AppData/Local/youdao/DictBeta/Application/ ../../Adminis trator/AppData/Local/youdao/DictBeta/Application/ ../../Administrator/ AppData/Local/youdao/DictBeta/Application/ remember: The teacher will call some students to read aloud this passage next class, and scores will be given.JX-03教师授课教案(首页)科目物流英语Unit 1:Introduction to Logistic(2)(Chapter 2:Logistics and thecompany’s relationship)授课日期2017.9.11 课时 2班级16级现代物流J1班授课方式讲授法讨论法小组合作学习作业题数2拟用时间1.5hours教学目标Knowledge goals :3.To learn different jobs in logistics.4.To know the business of the logisticcompanies.Skill goals:3.To be able to identify job positions inlogistics.4.To master the name of job positions inlogistics.Emotional goals:To think about career planning of oneself.实训设备及材料多媒体黑板图像重点The key point of this class is to comparedifferent job positions and know whichpositions suit you.难点The difficulty of this classis how to make a proper careerplanning in logistics.教学主要内容1.Vocabulary of job positions in logistics.2.To identify the responsibility for each job position in logistics.3.Exercises for consolidating the relative knowledge of this lesson.教学反思备注:审阅签名:JX-03教学过程第 2 页一、导入新课1. 教学内容Part I: Translate the Chinese into English.物流 logistics供应链supply chain供应商supplier库存 stock生产n. production操作运营n. operationPart II: Translate the English into Chinese.仓库主管 warehouse supervisor运输专员shipping clerk采购专员purchasing clerk客户服务经理 customer service manager2. 教学方法Ask and answer.3. 教学步骤Part I is to review old knowledge. The teacher shows them on PPT, and let the students to translate them into English.The students answer together.Part II is to lead in new knowledge.The students are asked to translate them into Chinese by answering together.The teacher click out right answers.Finally, the teacher explain the title of this lesson.4. 所需时间About 10 minutes.二、讲授新课 (Lesson 4)(二)New words and phrases2.教学内容Look at Page 18 of the book for detail.2. 教学方法Teach and read after.4. 教学步骤The teacher shows the English of all the new words and phrases one by one through PPT, to let the students speak out their corresponding Chinese one by one.Then, the teacher clearly reads out each new words and phrases twice for the students to read after.Next, the teacher requires the students to pay attention to the property of each word , as well as the pronunciation.Finally, the class read out all the new words and phrases without the teacher’s leading. Twice in both English and Chinese.The teacher points out mispronunciations if there are any, the students should follow rightpronunciations twice.5.所需时间About 15 minutes.(三)Dialogue2.教学内容(The listening items are in Page 14 of the book, and the listening material is in Page 135. ) Generally my job is to know where every piece of stocks is at any given moment. When new goods arrive, I check where to put them in the warehouse. For all this, I use modern computer systems and sophisticated hardware and software. Our warehouse management system helps us store and retrieve the goods quickly.Another part of my job is to keep in touch with departments such as transport and production.Apart from that, I ensure that vehicles, machines, and any other kind of equipment are maintained to a high level.Exercise: Translate these English into Chinese.1.What is the man's job? ______________2.When new goods arrive, the man check whereto put them in the _____________.3. Why can the man store and retrieve the goods quickly?________________________________4. Another part of the man's job is to keep ______________ departments such as transport and production.5. The man ensures that all pieces of the equipment in the warehouse are _____________ to a high level.2. 教学方法Listen, teach, read aloud and translate.5.教学步骤The teacher broadcasts the audio of the dialogue once for the students to get a general idea.Then the teacher broadcasts it again for them to read each sentence at the same time with the speakers.After the broadcast, the teacher leads the class to understand each sentence, and explains useful expressions and grammar.In this process, the students are asked to take some notes or make some marks in their books.When the leaning of the whole dialogue is finished, the teacher will ask some questions about the significant knowledge showed in this dialogue, such as the useful expressions or grammar, in order to help the class review what they have learned just now. The class answer together.Next, the class read out the dialogue aloud for one time.Finally, it is time for students to volunteer to translate those phrases or sentences. The teacher click right answers on PPT. Scores are given and marked.6.所需时间About 40 minutes.三.巩固练习2.教学内容(Look at Page 15 to 16 of the book for more details.)1). stock n. 存货;库存量eg. safety stock______________2). sophisticated adj. 复杂的;精密的eg. The human body is a sophisticated machine.__________________________3). retrieve vt. 重新得到eg. He retrieved the important letter from the waste paper basket. ———————————————4). keep in touch with... 与...保持联系eg. We'll keep in touch with you.________________________5). department n. 部门eg. How do you train the staff of your department. ________________________6). maintain vt. 维持;继续;维修eg. The trucks have to be constantly maintained. ________________________2.教学方法Doing exercises and check answers. Group cooperative learning.3.教学步骤In this part, the exercises are in the book, and are also showed on the PPT.First, the teacher lead the class to find out key words of the exercises, so that the students can understand what the exercises ask them to do.Then, the students do these exercises in the book for 10 minutes.In this part, they can cooperate with their desk-mates to figure out the answers,but they need to discuss,no copy.Next, the students raise their hands to answer the questions one by one, and the teacher clicks out the right answers. Scores are given and marked.Finally, the teacher allow 2 minutes for the students to write down the right answers. 5.所需时间About 20 minutes.四归纳小结3.教学内容Review crucial vocabulary,grammar and key points of exercises.4.教学方法Ask and answer.3.教学步骤The teachers shows the PPT where the above knowledge is in, and asks questions quickly.The class answer together. The teachers emphasizes some points.5.所需时间About 5 minutes.五.作业安排1. Copy the new words and phrases learned today. Look at Page 18 for detail.To pay attention: The homework should be finished in Exercise Book (I).2. Recite the listening material of this lesson.To remember: The teacher will call some students to do this reciting next class, and scores will be given.JX-03教师授课教案(首页)科目物流英语Unit 2:Transportation(1)(Chapter 11:Transportation)授课日期2017.9.18 课时 2班级16级现代物流J1班授课方式讲授法讨论法小组合作学习作业题数2拟用时间1.2hours教学目标Knowledge goals :5.To learn different modes of transport.6.To know multi-modal transport process.Skill goals:4.To compare transport modes.7.To describe multi-modal transportation.Emotional goals:1. To form an international vision oftransportation.5.To cultivate cooperative spirit.实训设备及材料多媒体黑板图像重点The key point of this class is to comparedifferent modes of transport in many ways,such as price,time,flexibility andsuitability.难点The difficulty of this classis how to describe multi-modaltransport precisely andentirely .教学主要内容ing proper adjectives to describe different transport modes.2.Vocabulary in modes of transport.eful expressions and grammar in the dialogue about transport modes.4.Exercises for consolidating knowledge about modes of transport.教学反思备注:审阅签名:JX-03教学过程第 2 页一导入新课Questions: How many kinds of transport modes can you say out?Is water transport the most cheapest than any other mode?1. 教学方法Free discussion,ask and answer.2. 教学步骤First, the teacher shows out the two questions through PPT. The class are allowed to discuss freely for 2 minutes.Then, the teacher calls four students(two boys and two girls) to answer the above two questions, as they have learned about them in their other subjects in previous semesters.The students are encouraged to answer in English. The teacher writes out their answers on the blackboard.Scores are given and marked.Next, the teacher concludes and gives right answers to the above two questions.Finally, the teacher simply introduces the title of this unit and the two lessons which will be learned in the following two weeks, namely Lesson 1 and Lesson 4.4. 所需时间About 5 minutes.二讲授新课 (Lesson 1)(三)New words and phrases3.教学内容Look at Page 28 of the book for detail.2. 教学方法Teach and read after.5. 教学步骤The teacher shows the English of all the new words and phrases one by one through PPT, to let the students speak out their corresponding Chinese one by one.Then, the teacher clearly reads out each new words and phrases twice for the students to read after.Next, the teacher requires the students to pay attention to the property of each word , as well as the pronunciation.Finally, the class read out all the new words and phrases without the teacher’s leading. Twice in both English and Chinese.The teacher points out mispronunciations if there are any, the students should follow right pronunciations twice.6.所需时间About 10 minutes.(二)Identify transport machines1. 教学内容Look at Page 24 of the book for detail.2. 教学方法Show and ask.3.教学步骤The teacher shows some pictures of vehicles through computer, and provides the English of these vehicle.The students volunteer to answer the Chinese of these vehicles.Score are given and marked.And then, the teacher clicks out the right answers, and lead the whole class to read these words.Finally, the teacher explains the difference functions of these vehicles.7.所需时间About 10 minutes.(三)Dialogue3.教学内容(on Page 25 of the book)Dialogue: Sara and Martin are clerks from a logistics company. Right now they are discussing the transport modes from Dalian to Guangzhou.S: Sara P: MartinS: Well, we have three shipping options. They are waterways, roads and air.S:哦,我们有三个航运选择。

高一英语 Unit19《Modern agriculture第四课时》精品教案 旧人教版第一册

高一英语 Unit19《Modern agriculture第四课时》精品教案 旧人教版第一册

〖The Fourth Period The use ofit〗之小船创作Teaching Aims:1.Review the different usages of “it”.2.Get the students to remember some useful sentence patterns.3.Get the students to do more exercises so that they can master the grammar item.Teaching Important Points:Master the different uses of “it”,esp,the emphatic use and the use as a preparatory subject or a preparatory object.Teaching Difficult Point:How to master and use “it ” correctly.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to revise the common use of “it”.2.Inductive method to go through some sentence patterns with “it”.3.Practice to consolidate the use of “it”.Teaching Aids:1.a projector and some slides2.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision(Teacher greets the whole class as usual and shows the screen.)T:So far we've learned several uses of “it”.Now please look at the screen.Discuss the sentences with your partner and tell what the word “it”in each sentence refers to and its function.Write your answers on a piece of paper and later I'll ask some students to say the answers.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Who will give us the answers?One student,one sentence.Volunteers?S A:“It” is used as a formal subject in the first sentence.Its real subject is the infinitive“to remember all their names.”S B:2.“It”refers to present situation.S C:3.“It”refers to “weather”.S D:4.“It”is used as a formal object.S E:5.“It” is used as a formal subject.S F:6.This sentence is an emphatic structure,emphasizing the adverbial of time.S G:7.“It”is used here as an impersonal pronoun,referring to distance.S H:8.“It”here is used to point out definitely a person.S I:9.“It”here is applied to a new bike.S J:10.“It”refers to time.S K:11.“It”is used as the subject,expressing state of things in general.S L:12.This sentence is also an emphatic construction,emphasizing adverbial of place “on this coast”.S M:13.The word “it”here is used as a formal subject.T:Quite right.As we all know,the word “it”can be used as a personal pronoun.In this case,“it”is not generally applied to a person,but to a thing or an animal just mentioned,such as“Sentence 9”.Secondly,“it”is used as a subject in expressions of time,weather,distance,etc,such as,in Sentence 2,3,7,10,11.Thirdly,“it”can be used as a formalsubject or object.(The real subject is an infinitive or gerundial phrase or a clause.)Such as,in sentences 1,4,5,13.Fourthly,in Sentence 8,“it”points to a person and is called the Demonstrative it.It can also be used in the emphatic structure,such as in sentence 6,12.Step Ⅱ.PracticeT:From the exercise we've done just now,we can see that you are all familiar with the common use of “it”.Next,let's see some important sentence patterns.Now,I'll give you an exercise on the screen.(Show the screen.)Pair work or group work.Some of the patterns are perhaps not familiar to you.If so,look at the answers some minutes later and remember them.(Some minutes later,teacher shows the answers on the screen to let the students check.)3.It is likely…It be+ adj.(wonderful,ture,important,surprising,clear,…)+ that clause4.It seemsIt seem/appear/happen+that clause.5.It is still a question…It be + n.+whether/when/where clause6.It is uncertain…It be + adj.(not decided,uncertain)+whether/when/how clause7.It doesn't matter…It doesn't matter(It's no wonder.It doesn't make too much difference…)+wh-/how clasue8.to decide whether to take the job or notIt's up to sb.to do sth.9.for us to learn EnglishIt be+ adj.(difficult,easy,hard,important)for sb.to do sth.10.of you to help meIt be+ adj.(kind,nice,brave,clever,stupid…)+of sb.to do sth.Step Ⅲ.PracticeT:(Teacher shows the screen.)There are some other useful sentence patterns for you.Please do the exercise on the screen.Have a discussion with your classmates.T:(Some minutes later.)Have you fi-nished it?Now look at the screen.(Teacher shows the screen.)Please remember these sentence patterns.Step Ⅳ.TestT:Now let's have a quiz.Please look at the screen and do the exercise on it.glasses__________I realized she was a famous film star.A.when;thatB.until;thatC.until;whenD.when;then3.Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but__________didn't help.A.heB.whichC.sheD.it4.__________is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A.ThereB.ThisC.ThatD.It5.It was about 600 years ago__________the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A.thatB.untilC.beforeD.when6.Was__________that I saw last night at the concert?A.it youB.not youC.yourD.that yourself7.__________was in 1979__________I graduated from the university.A.that;thatB.It;thatSuggested answers:1.D2.B3.D4.D5.A6.A7.BStep Ⅴ.Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we've gone over the use of “it”.Can you remember it?Let's recall it together.“It” can be used as a personal pronoun…(The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)There are some useful sentence patterns.They are….After class,make sentences with them.Next class,I'll call some students to say their sentences to us.That's all for today.Class is over.Step Ⅵ.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardStep Ⅶ.Record after Teaching_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________。

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