实用大学英语综合教程1Unit 5 love_OK

• according to根据,按照;据…所说; • e.g.1)He and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years. • 当地风传,他和父亲已多年未联系了。 • 2)According to the assessor's statement, the fire damage was not severe. • 根据估价员的估计,火灾损失并不严重。
• weakness n a flaw or weak point.弱点,缺点 • e.g. 1)The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
心有余而力不足。 • 2) Smoking is my only weakness.
• I've had the pleasure of witnessing the truth of this stat ement for over 40 years.
witness v. see sth. ; be a witness to 亲眼看见;目击
e.g. 1) I witnessed the accident. 我亲眼目睹了这场事故。
• work through完成; 解决 e.g. 1) I'm still working through this pile of papers.

以下是第二版第1册部分课后练习题及其答案:Unit 11.Multiple Choice1.A2.D3.C4.B5.A2.Short Answer Questions1.No2.Yes3.It is a family-run business.4.The author’s grandfather.5.The author.3.Reading Comprehension1.D2.B3.C4.A5.DUnit 21.Multiple Choice1.D2.C3.B4.A5.A2.Short Answer Questions1.The speaker’s mother.2.He ate lunch.3.The speaker and his/her friend went shopping.4.Yes, they were comfortable.5.Because the speaker’s feet hurt.3.Reading Comprehension1.B2.D3.A4.C5.DUnit 31.Multiple Choice1.C2.D3.B4.A5.D2.Short Answer Questions1.The speaker’s daughter.2.She didn’t go hiking.3.Because the weather was not good.4.The speaker’s husband.5.Yes, they had a good time.3.Reading Comprehension1.D2.B3.A4.C5.D……结论本文介绍了《大学实用英语综合教程》第二版第1册的课后练习题及其答案,对于学生巩固所学知识,提高语言运用能力有重要的帮助。

课程名称: 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程1授课班级:13级非英语专业专科班课程类型: 理论课□实践课总学时:64学分:4使用教材:(主编、书名、出版社、出版时间)翟象俊主编《21世纪大学实用英语综合教程》(1) 复旦大学出版社全新版教学方法、手段:讲授、讨论、练习考核方式:考试Date: Sep. 25, 2013Period: 2Content:Unit 1 listening and speakingTeaching aims:After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to1.Grasp the basic skills necessary to understand and talk to other people when meeting them for the first time;2.Understand the main ideas of Text A, B and C, and Master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the first two texts;3.Know clearly how to use the present simple and past simple tenses of English;4.Fill in a form with their personal information;5.Understand the main idea of an English paragraph and identify the topic sentence. Teaching focus: 1. To learn how to start a conversation with other people2. How to talk about yourself.3. Explain some language points to Ss.4. Explain some grammar points to Ss.Teaching difficulties: 1. How to improve Ss‘ speaking ability.2. How to improve Ss‘ listening ability.Teaching procedures:First PeriodStep 1 Preview (5 minutes)The teacher explains the Preview so that the students will have some idea of what this unit is about.This is the first unit of Book One. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to start a conversation with other people and how to talk about yourself. Then, the teacher will give the students a chance to introduce you.Step 2 listening and speaking (40 minutes)1) Introducing Yourself (20 minutes)A. listen to the first half of the short talk in Exercise 1 twice and fill in the missing words;B. listen to the second half of the short talk in Exercise 1 twice and fill in the missing words;C. listen to the whole short talk and do Exercise 2.2) Getting to Know People (20 minutes)A.go through the new words in the 1st conversation in Exercise 3 and listen to the conversation twice while filling in the missing words;B.answer the questions about the conversation by way of group discussion or the traditional teacher- student interaction;C.go through the second conversation with the same steps;D.do Exercise 4 in pairs or groups.Second Period3) Listening PracticeA.Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about.Each one will be given twice. (5 minutes)B Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers.Each one will be given twice. (5 minutes)C.Listen to the following short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.Each one will be given twice.(10 minutes)D.Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words.The talk is given twice. (15 minutes)E Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. (5 minutes)Answers to the listening practice5. C B A B D6. D A B C D7. B C D B A8. find out dreams experiences take care of library different becoming make a livingStep 3 summary (5 minutes)1.How to start a conversation and how to talk about yourself:A. Hello! My name is….B. Hi! I am…2. Some useful expressions:A. by the wayB. come onC. Which department are you in?D. What is your major?E. Where do you come from?F. My major is….G. I am glad to meet you.H. It is a pleasure to meet you.I. How do you do?Step 4 Homework assignment1.Form a dialogue with your classmates.2.preview the new lesson.课后教学效果自评:Date: Sep. 27, 2013Period: 2Content:Unit 1 Text A and text-related exercisesTeaching aims: 1.Understand the main ideas of Texts A,2. Master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions Teaching focus: 1. Explain some language points to the Ss.2. Explain some grammar points to the Ss.Teaching difficulties: 1. How to enlarge Ss‘ vocabulary.2. How to improve Ss‘ reading ability.Teaching procedures:First PeriodStep1. Starter (5 minutes)For many people, college life is a new experience. They feel excited and at the same time a bit worried. How did you feel when you first got to college? Name three things that you felt excited about and three things you felt a bit worried about.Things I felt excited about when I first got to college:1.The first time to go to college.2.meet a lot of people I don't know.3.have new classmates and friends.Things I felt a bit worried about when I first got to college:1.I was afraid of that I was not able to do well in my studies.2.The first time to leave the home.3.I don't know if I can keep up with my classmates?Step 2 Text A College—A transition point in my life (5 minutes)1.Background informationUniversities and colleges are schools that continue a person's education beyond high school. A university or college education helps men and women enjoy richer, more meaningful lives. It prepares many people for professional careers as doctors, engineers, lawyers, or teachers. It also gives a person a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, human relations, and science. In doing so, a university or college education enables individuals to participate with greater understanding in community affairs.Universities differ from colleges in that they are larger, have wider curricula, are involved in research activities, and grant graduate and professional as well as undergraduate degrees.2. Supplementary names of colleges and departmentsBeijing Union University 北京联合大学Shanghai College of Electricity and Machinery Technology 上海电机技术高等专科学校Tianjin V ocational College 天津职业大学Shanxi Finance & Taxation College 山西财政税务专科学校Liaoning Radio & TV University 辽宁广播电视大学Nanchang Water Resources College 南昌水利水电高等专科学校Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry 西北农林科技大学Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts 成都美术学院3.Listen to the whole text and answer some questions about the text. (15 minutes)4.deal with some languages points (30 minutes)1) enter: vt.go or come into (a place) 进入e.g. enter a room/ a houseAs soon as he entered the room, he saw his father and mother.The train has entered the railway station.2)do well: be successful, especially in work or business 干得好e.g. Jack is doing very well at work.Tom did well at school when he was young.3) being off: 离开As this expression is used after the preposition "of", the verb "be" takes the -ing form. The expression "be off " means "leave or be away".e.g. I must be off now (=I must leave).Her son was off on a business trip somewhere (=Her son was away on a business trip somewhere).4.)by oneself: alone 单独,独自e.g. Come in; we're all by ourselves.You can't go home by yourself in the dark.5.)keep up with: move or progress at the same rate as 跟上e.g. had to walk fast to keep up with him.Jack's having trouble keeping up with the other students in his class.6)be up to: be left to (sb.) to decide取决于(某人)的,须由(某人)决定的e.g. You may do your homework today or tomorrow — it's up to you.It's up to our group leader to make the final decision.7.)I had to decide when to go to bed, when… :本课文使用了较多起连接作用的副词和代词。

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。
Practice 51. smart2. succeed3. shortly4. managed5. share6. fear7. responsible8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortablePractice 61. is up to2. keep up with3. under control4. at first5. grew up6. make friends with7. turned out8. as a result9. set up 10. in additionPractice 71. how to play the game2. where I wanted to go3. whether they would accept him or not4. what to do and how to do it5. whom to love and whom not to6. when he made that decisionPractice 8I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests.They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.We think of this place as our home.They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.Practice 91. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too.3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father ’s illness under control.4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs.6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么亚历克西斯.沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。
实用大学英语综合教程1 答案

Unit 1 College Life听力原文及答案:1. Hello, may I speak to Professor Chen? B2. How long may I keep the book? A3. How did you get on in your exam? B4. What did you think of the lecture? D5. May I use your dictionary for a moment? CText A练习答案:I. 1. productive 2. outcome 3. goals 4. presented 5. memoryII.1. A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. B. 5. D.6. C7. C.8. A.9. A 10. CIII.1. academic 2. ideal 3. challenge 4. recommendation5. previously6. inherit7. beneficial8. turn out9. resume 10. properlyIV.1. 尽可能地描述详细。
2. 尽管你尽力了,但你有可能仍然失败。
3. 想象的关键在于可以帮助你现在更好地做决定。
4. 我不推荐死记硬背,因为实在太慢了。
V. 1. make up for.2. other than him.3. advanced technical skills4. previous night.5. first challenge is the economy.TextBI. 1. College freshmen may make new friends through attending the events,joining clubs and being active on social networks.2. They should be polite and firm when they confronting their roommates andset expectations and clear boundaries from the beginning.3. Because they may lose out on meeting other people and potential friends.II. 1. confront 2. firmly 3. potential 4. offending 5. overcome6. acquaintance7. graduation8. gesture9. gossip 10. inevitablyIII. 1. 参加你感兴趣的社团。

practice51.isupto2.keepupwith3.undercontrol4.atfirst5.grewup6.makefriendswith7.turnedout8.asaresult9.setup10.inadditionpractice71.howtoplaythegame2.whereiwantedtogo3.whethertheywouldaccepthimornot4.whattodo andhowtodoit5.whomtoloveandwhomnotto6.whenhemadethatdecisionpractice81.iseelimingasmybestfriend.wesharethesamehobbiesandinterests.2.theylookedupontheirmathteacherastheirbestteacher.3.wethinkofthisplaceasourho me.4.theylookedontheircollegelifeastheirhappiestyearsintheirlife.practice91.johnisbothsmartandresponsible.helikestomakefriendswithotherpeople.3.shortlyafterthedoctorcame,hemanagedtohavemyfather’sillnessundercontrol.4.asfreshmen,mostofusdonotknowwhatcollegelifehasinstoreforus,butweallknowthatw emustdowellinourstudies.5.tosucceedincollege,wemustkeepupwiththeotherstudentsandsetuparoutinethatmeets outneeds.6.thoughtheassignmentslastweekturnedouttobemoredifficultthanithought,ihandedth eminontime.textb我期望从大学教育中获得什么亚历几滴魉?沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件~。

Unit 1Listening & SpeakingIntroducing Yourself1. Directions: You’re going to meet two new college students. Listen to them talkabout themselves and fill in the blanks with the missinginformation.Hello! My name is Zhang Hong and I’m eighteen years old. I come from a small town in Hebei. It’s a nice place with a big lake and many small hills. Both my parents are doctors. I’m the only child in the family.I’m very happy to study with you here at this college. I hope we’ll be good friendsHi! I’m Li Qiang and I’m nineteen. I come from Tianjin. I like music and dancing very much. I listen to music every day and often go to a dancing party on weekends. I enjoy studying English very much. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to study English with you. I’m sure we’ll get along and become good friends.2. Directions: Now introduce yourself to your class telling them your name, yourage, where you come from, when you began to learn English andwhat you like to do on weekends.Getting to Know People1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following wordsand expressions which may be new to you.by the way 顺便问一下,顺便谈一下department 系major 主修科目,专业management 管理terrific 极好的,了不起的come on 快;走吧Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing Words.Li Ming:We’re having great weather, aren’t we?Wang Ying: We sure are. By the way, I’m Wang Ying.Li Ming:Hello. My name is Li Ming.Wang Ying: Which department are you in, Li Ming?Li Ming: I’m in the Department of Computer Science. I’m from Beijing.Wang Ying: Really? I am glad to meet you! I’m also from Beijing. My major is Hotel Management.Li Ming: That’s terrific. My classmate Jun Jun is over there. She’s fromShanghai. Come on, I’d like you to meet her.Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions1. Which department is Li Ming in?He is in the Department of Computer Science.2. Where is Li Ming from?He is from Beijing.3. Which department is Wang Ying in?She is in the Department of Hotel Management.4. Where is Wang Ying from?She is also from Beijing.5. What does Li Ming want Wang Ying to do?He wants her to meet his classmate Jun Jun.2). Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read the followingwords which may be new to you.apartment 房间baggage 行李upstairs 往楼上Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Li Ming:Jun Jun, I’d like you to meet my new friend Wang Ying.Jun Jun:It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wang Ying. My name is Zhang Xiaojun, but everybody calls me Jun Jun.Wang Ying: How do you do, Jun Jun?Jun Jun:How do you do?Li Ming:Wang Ying is in the Department of Hotel Management. She is from Beijing and has just arrived.Jun Jun: So you two come from the same city, don’t you?Li Ming & Wang Ying: Yes.Jun Jun:Have you found your apartment, Wang Ying?Wang Ying: Yes, I’ve been told it’s on the 3rd floor of this building.Jun Jun:That’s good. Let me help you carry the baggage upstairs.Wang Ying:Oh, no, thank you. I can do it myself.Jun Jun:If there’s anything we can do for you, we’ll be happy to help.Wang Ying: Thank you very much. I’ll ask for help when I need it.Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.1. What is Jun Jun’s real name?Her real name is Zhang Xiaojun.2. Of the three people talking to each other, which two come from the same city?Wang Ying and Li Ming come from the same city.3. Where is Wang Ying’s apartment?Her apartment is on the 3rd floor of that building.4. What does Jun Jun want to help Wang Ying do?She wants to help Wang Ying carry her baggage upstairs.5. What will Wang Ying do if she is in need of help?If she is in need of help, she will ask Jun Jun for it.4. Directions: Form a dialogue with one of your classmates, telling each other yournames, where you come from, your majors and your departments.You can use the sentences given below.Which department are you in?What’s your major?Where do you come from?My major is …I’m glad to meet you!It’s a pleasure to meet you.How do you do?Listening Practice5. Directions: Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about.1. W: By the way, what’s the weather like in your hometown?M: It’s not as hot as here and it often rains.A) Study. B) College.C) Weather.D) Hometown.2. M: You mean, you are afraid of mathematics?W: A little bit. It’s too difficult for me and sometimes I think I should give it up.A) Weather.B) Study.C) Hobby (业余爱好) . D) Exercise.3. W: What do you like to do for exercise?M: Swimming. How about you?A) Exercise.B) Weather.C) Study. D) Courses.4. M: How long have you known Jun Jun?W: I’ve known her for more than three years. We are from the same high school and we are now in the same department.A) School. B) Classmate.C) Department. D) Study.5. W: What did you think of the final exam?M: I’d thought it would be easy, but at the end of the first hour, I was still on the first page.A) Hobby. B) Courses.C) College. D) Exam.6. Directions: Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers.1. Hi, Bill, what do you think of the math lesson?A) Sorry, I don’t know. B) It starts at eight.C) Yes, I like it. D) It’s very interesting.2. Excuse me. Where’s the Chinese Department?A) It’s over there.B) Yes, thank you.C) It’s very nice. D) No, sorry.3. I’m a student in the Computer Department. I major in Computer Science. Areyou a freshman, too?A) I’m in the Physics Department.B) Yes, I am.C) No. I’m not majoring in Computer Science.D) Yes. We’re in the same department.4. Excuse me. Where could I find any English dictionaries?A) In the park. B) In my pocket.C) On the third floor of the shop.D) It’s 9:30.5. How did you get on in your exam?A) Yes, I did. B) Yes, of course.C) No, I didn’t. D) Oh, I failed.7. Directions: Listen to the following short dialogues and choose the appropriateanswers.1. W: How much are the tickets?M: They are $13 each and $25 for two.Q: How much will the woman pay for one ticket?A) $25. B) $13.C) $30. D) $26.2. W: May I have my bill, please?M: Yes, here you are. $17.4.Q: How much does the woman have to pay?A) $70.4. B) $14.7.C) $17.4. D) $14.3. W: I thought that these flowers cost 4 dollars.M: They used to, but the price’s gone up 50 cents.Q: How much do these flowers cost now?4. M: You speak English very well. How long have you been learning thelanguage?W: I’ve been learning English for about six and a half years.Q: How long has the woman been learning English?A) Five years. B) Six and a half years.C) Six years. D) Half a year.5. M: The book costs $14, but I only have $10. Could you lend me some money?W: It’s my pleasure.Q: How much money does the man need to borrow from the woman?A) $4. B) $10.C) $40. D) $30.8. Directions: Listen to the following short talk and fill in the blanks with themissing words. The talk is spoken twice.People go to college for many reasons. Some go to college to find out who they are and what they want to become. Others go to college to follow their dreams.For me, going to college gives me the opportunity to have new experiences. At college I have to organize my time and the way I spend my time. I also have to take care of myself. What I like best here is that I can make full use of the library, which has so many books, newspapers and magazines.Becoming a college student has also given me the opportunity to meet many friends. Here I have new classmates from different places. I have not only made friends with them, but have also learnt a lot from them.The most important reason for me to be a college student is to follow my dream. All my life I have dreamed of becoming a good teacher. I like children and I want to make a living by teaching.9. Directions: Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questionsorally.1. Why do people go to college?Some go to college to find out who they are and what they want to become.Others go to college to follow their dreams.2. Why does the speaker go to college?He goes to college to have new experiences.3. What does the speaker like best about college?He can make full use of the library that has so many books, newspapers and magazines.4. What is the speaker’s most important reason for going to college?The most important reason is to follow his dream.5. What is the speaker’s dream?His dream is to become a good teacher.Unit TwoListening & Speaking1. Directions: A librarian is going to provide you with some information about theuse of the library. Listen to the short talk carefully and fill in theblanks with the missing words.This is our library. It’s well stocked (藏书). It’s open seven days a week. You can borrow all the books in the library except the rarest(珍奇的) ones, or those must be read only here. You can borrow them for several days to several months, but must return them by their due dates, or you’ll be charged(罚款) for overdue(过期的) books. It’s bad from(行为) to write in public books or mistreat (破坏) them in any way. To use the library, you will have to show your student ID(学生证). By the way, you can go online(上网) here in the library or read your textbooks in the reading-room in the evening. Enjoy your reading.2. Directions: Now help one of your classmates to use the library for the first time.Try to use the language you have just learned in Exercise 1.3. Expressing Willingness to Help1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the followingwords and expressions which may be new to you.Straightforward 简单的enter 输入terminal (电脑)终端author 作者periodical 杂志title 书名accounting 会计wow (表示惊奇、钦佩,欢乐)哇click on 点击database 数据库I got it. 明白了。
实用大学英语综合教程1Unit 1 College Life

► vt.& vi.继承 ► vt.经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等),继任 ► If he dies without making a will, his closest
relative will inherit. 如果他没有立下遗嘱就去世了,他的至亲将成为 其继承人。 ► Our legal system inherited laws from the English system. ► 我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。
► way ► adv.远远地,大大地 ► It's
way past your bedtime.
► Para
9 ► Challenge yourself academically ► It means “ to study hard” ► challenge: 挑战 ► academically: 在学业上
It turned out that I knew the person who got shot.
► visualize ► vt.形成思维图像; ► vi.形成思维图像
设想; 使可见
remember meeting him but I just can't visualize him.
Part 2 Reading A
Lead In
► 1.
What’s your purpose of going to college? ► 2. What would you like to do at college? ► 3. Have you set your goals in college? If yes, what are they?

Unit One To Five Sentences TranslationUnit one ㈠1、I explained the problem to him, but he did not believe what I said.(我说的话〕2、You look tired.What you need is a whole week’s holiday.(你所需要的〕3、George always does his best, and that’s what I like about him.(我喜欢他的地方〕4、I don’t know what’s wrong with John, but I do hope that he can come to our party this evening.(约翰怎么了〕5、In my view, what has happened is not important, but what we should do next is.〔已经发生的事〕6、I heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the classroom.(发生了什么)Unit one ㈡词意选择1、你知道约翰这次失败的原因吗?他在中学里几乎全优。
〔lead to, failure, excel in) Do you know what has lead to John’s failure this time? He excel in almost everything in high school.2、不要把今天应该做的事情推迟到明天。
〔put off, what, fall behind, catch up) Don’t put off till tomorrow what you should do today, if you fall behind, it will be difficult for you to catch up.3、他总是用新方法来解决问题,所以他在工作中取得了很大的成功。

实用大学英语综合教程1答案实用大学英语综合教程1答案【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程1(第二版)答案_】lass=txt>unit 1 growing uppart ii language focusvocabularyⅠ.11. respectable2. agony3. put…down4. sequence5. hold back6. distribute7. off and on8. vivid9. associate 10. finally 11. turn in12. tackle2.1. has been assigned to the newspaper’s paris office.2. was so extraordinary that i didn’t know wheth er to believe him or not.3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time.4. gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5. buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3.1. reputation, rigid, to inspire2. and tedious, what’s more, out of date ideas3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold backⅡ.1. composed2. severe3. agony4. extraordinary5. recall6. command7. was violating 8. anticipateⅢ.1. at2. for3. of4. with5. as6. about7. to8. in, in9. from 10. on/uponcomprehensive exercisesⅠ. cloze1.1. hold back2. tedious3. scanned4. recall5. vivid6. off and on7. turn out/in8. career2. 1. last 2. surprise3. pulled4. blowing5. dressed6. scene7. extraordinary8. image.9. turn 10. excitementⅡ. translation1.1. as it was a formal dinner party, i wore formal dress, as mother told me to.2. his girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3. anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4. it is said that bill has been fired for continually violating thecompany’s safety rules. /bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5. it is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /the local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. for a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.one day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. it gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. greatly inspired, susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.unit 2 friendshipi. vocabulary1. fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.1) absolutely 2) available 3) every now and then 4) are urging/ urged5) destination 6) mostly 7) hangs out 8) right away 9) reunion10) or something 11) estimate 12) going ahead2. rewriting1) it seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2) he was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3) she was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4) something has come u p and i am afraid i won’t be able to accomplish the project on time.5) the cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3. complete the sentences.1) were postponed the awful is estimated2) reference not available an kind of3) not much of a teacher skips go aheadii. collocation【篇二:实用大学英语综合教程1 答案】ass=txt>听力原文及答案:1. hello, may i speak to professor chen? b2. how long may i keep the book?a3. how did you get on in your exam? b4. what did you think of the lecture? d5. may i use your dictionary for a moment? ctext a练习答案:i. 1. productive 2. outcome 3. goals 4. presented 5. memory ii.1. a. 2. b.3. c. 4. b.5. d.6. c7. c.8. a.9. a10. ciii.1. academic 2. ideal 3. challenge 4. recommendation5. previously6. inherit7. beneficial8. turn out9. resume10. properlyiv.1. 尽可能地描述详细。
实用大学英语综合教程1Unit 10 Famous Speeches

III. Text Learning
Language points for teacher’s reference 1.I’ve always been an optimist. optimist n. 乐观主义者;乐天派
e.g. He has the upbeat manner of an eternal optimist. 他永远都持乐观主义者的那种快乐态度。
e.g. What is the working style of creative people? 有创造力的人的工作风格是什么?
You participate in the creative process. 你参与了这个创造的过程。 Creator n. 上帝;造物主 intelligence n. 智力;智慧;才智;聪明;悟性 e.g. She's a woman of exceptional intelligence.她是个格外聪明的女人。
Unit 10 Famous Speeches
II. Lead In ost people’s least favorite thing. The reason is that we’re all
afraid of making fools of ourselves. The more important the speech is, the more frightened we become. But stop biting you finger-nails. Public speaking is very easy. It’s just plain talking, and you talk all the time. Anybody who can talk can speak in public. In this unit, we are going to learn some famous speeches. We are supposed to discuss the following questions in groups first before we go deep into the text. 1.Why do people want to make public speeches? Making public speeches is an effective way to make people know one’s ideas, opinions and purposes. The speakers want to persuade others to agree their opinions, support them or learn something from their speeches. 2.What preparations do we need to make before giving a speech? Give a topic, find more material about the topic, and choose the useful material, reorganize the material, be familiar with your material. 3.Is there any speaking skill? You should speak clearly, confidently, passionately, loudly. 4.What matters do we need to pay attention to when giving a speech? You should pay attention to your body language, your tone, your appearance, gesture, speed and volume.

欢迎阅读!大学实用英语综合教程1课文翻译Unit 11、误会他头发蓬乱,衣着肮脏,口袋里只有35美分。
“这架飞机是去奥克兰吗? ”他问航班服务员。
每天讲英语的人会相互问这样的问题:“你是说七十还是十七? ”“你是说你能来还是不能来? ”发音相似的单词对把英语作为第二语言的人来说,特别容易让人混淆。

2. They have to cope with anxiety, stress, loneliness, and homesickness.
4. What are the suggestions given by the author to solve these problems? In order to adapt themselves to college life, students must participate in orientation activities to get themselves acquainted with the rules, requirements, students’ right and responsibilities and so on.
Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and currently comprises ten separate academic units. It was also the first corporation chartered in the United States.
Punctuation and pun
Woman without her man is nothing.
Woman, without her man, is nothing. 没有男人的女人一无是处。 Woman! Without her, man is nothing. 女人! 没有她,男人就一无是处。

新风尚 大学实用英语 综合教程1 unit1-1 ppt

Check Yourself
III. Vocabulary and Structure
1. Please select one word for each blank from what are given.
Orientation can be exciting, yet long. But new students should (8) attend because it gives a general overview of the college. Students learn more about the college and departments, offices of all kinds, services, and clubs and organizations. (9) additionally , student leaders may give campus tours which can help students become more (10) familiar with the new college environment.
3) A major issue students face is to how to choose their major.
Solution: The key to choosing a major is to see how relevant it is to the workplace. You will be working in a job related to the major for the rest of your life. So ____y_o_u_’_d_b_e_t_te_r_l_ikoerityou will regret your decision later.
21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第一册听力问题详解及原文1 4单元

实用文档Unit 1Listening & SpeakingIntroducing Yourself1. Directions: You're going to meet two new college students. Listento them talk about themselves and fill in the blanks withthe missing information.My namecome from years old. I Hong and I' Hello! m eighteen is Zhanga small town in Hebei. It's a nice place with a big lake and many smallBoth my parentsonly child in the family. m the are doctors. I'hills.study with you here at this college. I hope we''m very happy to I ll be good friendsI'm music like I from Tianjin. m nineteen. Hi! I come Li Qiang and I'and dancing a dancing to go every day and often very much. I listen to musicparty studying English very much. I'm very happy on weekends. I enjoystudy English with you. I'm sure weto have the opportunity to 'll getalong and become good friends.2. Directions: Now introduce yourself to your class telling them yourname, your age, where you come from, when you began to learnEnglish and what you like to do on weekends.Getting to Know People1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read thefollowing words and expressions which may be new to you.by the way 顺便问一下,顺便谈一下department 系major 主修科目,专业management 管理terrific 极好的,了不起的come on 快;走吧Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blankswith the missing Words.aren't we? 're having great weather, Li Ming: We Wang Ying: We sure are. By the way, I'm Wang Ying.My name is Li Ming.Li Ming: Hello.Wang Ying: Which department are you in, Li Ming?Li Ming: I'm in the Department of Computer Science. I'm from Beijing.I am glad to meet you! I'm also from Beijing. MyReally? Wang Ying:major is Hotel Management.实用文档Li Ming: That's terrific. My classmate Jun Jun is over there. She's fromI'd like you to meet her. Shanghai. Come on,Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer thefollowing questions1. Which department is Li Ming in?He is in the Department of Computer Science.2. Where is Li Ming from?He is from Beijing.3. Which department is Wang Ying in?She is in the Department of Hotel Management.4. Where is Wang Ying from?She is also from Beijing.5. What does Li Ming want Wang Ying to do?He wants her to meet his classmate Jun Jun.2). Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read thefollowing words which may be new to you.apartment 房间baggage 行李upstairs 往楼上Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blankswith the missing words.Li Ming: Jun Jun, I'd like you to meet my new friend Wang Ying.It's a pleasure to meet you, Wang Ying. My name is ZhangJun Jun:Xiaojun, but everybody calls me Jun Jun.Wang Ying: How do you do, Jun Jun?Jun Jun: How do you do?Li Ming: Wang Ying is in the Department of Hotel Management. She isfrom Beijing and has just arrived.Jun Jun: So you two come from the same city, don't you?Li Ming & Wang Ying: Yes.Jun Jun: Have you found your apartment, Wang Ying?Wang Ying: Yes, I've been told it's on the 3rd floor of this building.Let me help you carry the baggage upstairs.s good. Jun Jun: That'Oh, no, thank you. I can do it myself.Wang Ying:Jun Jun: If there's anything we can do for you, we'll be happy tohelp.Thank you very much. I'll ask for help when I need it. Wang Ying:Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer thefollowing questions.实用文档1. What is Jun Jun's real name?Her real name is Zhang Xiaojun.2. Of the three people talking to each other, which two come from thesame city?Wang Ying and Li Ming come from the same city.3. Where is Wang Ying's apartment?Her apartment is on the 3rd floor of that building.4. What does Jun Jun want to help Wang Ying do?She wants to help Wang Ying carry her baggage upstairs.5. What will Wang Ying do if she is in need of help?If she is in need of help, she will ask Jun Jun for it.4. Directions: Form a dialogue with one of your classmates, telling eachother your names, where you come from, your majors and your departments. You can use the sentences given below.Which department are you in?What's your major?Where do you come from?My major is …I'm glad to meet you!It's a pleasure to meet you.How do you do?Listening Practice5. Directions: Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about.1. W: By the way, what's the weather like in your hometown?M: It's not as hot as here and it often rains.A) Study. B) College.C) Weather.D) Hometown.2. M: You mean, you are afraid of mathematics?W: A little bit. It's too difficult for me and sometimes I think Ishould give it up.B) Study.A) Weather.C) Hobby (业余爱好) . D) Exercise.3. W: What do you like to do for exercise?M: Swimming. How about you?B) Weather.A) Exercise.C) Study.D) Courses.4. M: How long have you known Jun Jun?W: I've known her for more than three years. We are from the same实用文档high school and we are now in the same department.B) Classmate.A) School.C) Department. D) Study.5. W: What did you think of the final exam?M: I'd thought it would be easy, but at the end of the first hour,I was still on the first page.A) Hobby. B) Courses.D) Exam.C) College.6. Directions: Listen to the following questions and choose theappropriate answers.1. Hi, Bill, what do you think of the math lesson?A) Sorry, I don't know. B) It starts at eight.D) It's very interesting.C) Yes, I like it.2. Excuse me. Where's the Chinese Department?A) It's over there.B) Yes, thank you.C) It's very nice. D) No, sorry.3. I'm a student in the Computer Department. I major in Computer Science. Are you a freshman, too?A) I'm in the Physics Department.B) Yes, I am.C) No. I'm not majoring in Computer Science.D) Yes. We're in the same department.4. Excuse me. Where could I find any English dictionaries?A) In the park. B) In my pocket.C) On the third floor of the shop.D) It's 9:30.5. How did you get on in your exam?A) Yes, I did. B) Yes, of course.D) Oh, I failed.t. C) No, I didn'7. Directions: Listen to the following short dialogues and choose theappropriate answers.1. W: How much are the tickets?M: They are $13 each and $25 for two.Q: How much will the woman pay for one ticket?B) $13.A) $25.C) $30. D) $26.2. W: May I have my bill, please?实用文档M: Yes, here you are. $17.4.Q: How much does the woman have to pay?A) $70.4. B) $14.7.C) $17.4. D) $14.3. W: I thought that these flowers cost 4 dollars.M: They used to, but the price's gone up 50 cents.Q: How much do these flowers cost now?4. M: You speak English very well. How long have you been learning the language?W: I've been learning English for about six and a half years.Q: How long has the woman been learning English?B) Six and a half years.A) Five years.C) Six years. D) Half a year.5. M: The book costs $14, but I only have $10. Could you lend me some money?W: It's my pleasure.Q: How much money does the man need to borrow from the woman?A) $4. B) $10.C) $40. D) $30.8. Directions: Listen to the following short talk and fill in the blankswith the missing words. The talk is spoken twice.find People go to college for many reasons. Some go to college to out who they are and what they want to become. Others go to college to dreams.follow theirFor me, going to college gives me the opportunity to have new experiences. At college I have to organize my time and the way I spend take care of myself. What I like best here is my time. I also have to library, which has so many books, that I can make full use of the newspapers and magazines.Becoming a college student has also given me the opportunity to meet places. I have classmates from different Here many friends. I have newnot only made friends with them, but have also learnt a lot from them.The most important reason for me to be a college student is to follow becoming a good teacher. I I All my life have dreamed of like dream. my make a living by teaching. children and I want to9. Directions: Listen to the talk again and then answer the followingquestions orally.1. Why do people go to college?Some go to college to find out who they are and what they want to实用文档become. Others go to college to follow their dreams.2. Why does the speaker go to college?He goes to college to have new experiences.3. What does the speaker like best about college?He can make full use of the library that has so many books, newspapersand magazines.4. What is the speaker's most important reason for going to college?The most important reason is to follow his dream.5. What is the speaker's dream?His dream is to become a good teacher.Unit TwoListening & Speaking1. Directions: A librarian is going to provide you with some informationabout the use of the library. Listen to the short talkcarefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.seven days s open 's well stocked (藏书). It This is our library. It' a week. You can borrow all the books in the library except the rarest(珍must be read only here. You can borrow them for ) ones, or those 奇的by their due dates, months, but must return them several days to severalor you'll be charged(罚款) for overdue(过期的) books. It's bad from(行in any way. them To use (in public books or mistreat 破坏) ) 为to writethe library, you will have to show your student ID(学生证). By the way,in the libraryin or read your textbooks you can go online(上网) herethe reading-room in the evening. Enjoy your reading.2. Directions: Now help one of your classmates to use the library forthe first time. Try to use the language you have just learnedin Exercise 1.3. Expressing Willingness to Help1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read thefollowing words and expressions which may be new to you.Straightforward 简单的enter 输入terminal (电脑)终端author 作者periodical 杂志title 书名accounting 会计wow (表示惊奇、钦佩,欢乐)哇click on 点击database 数据库I got it. 明白了。

Unit 7IV. Class PresentationListening & SpeakingAbout Compliments1. Directions: You are going to listen to an instructor talking about compliments.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Instructor: Usually, your compliment someone if you notice something new about the person’s appearance: new eyeglasses, a new haircut or an article ofclothing. Y ou may also compliment a person on his or her generalappearance: “Gee, you really look good today” or You’re looking terrifictheses days.”It’s common to compliment a person on a recently boughtthing: “Hey, I really like your new bicycle” or “That new gadget (小玩艺)is lovely.” When you visit someone’s apartment for the first time, you maygive a general compliment like this: “What a beautiful apartment youhave!”when a host prepares a meal for you, you usually offer a generalcompliment, such as “The meat was delicious, especially the chickensoup.” When you compliment a baby, you can say “What a cute baby!”2. Now you can walk around the classroom, giving compliments to your classmateson their general appearance using the language you have just learned.Giving Compliments and Replying to Compliments3.1) Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following wordsand expressions which may be new to you.CD player = disc man CD (激光)机Not too much 还可以Lucky you! 你真幸运!Admire 羡慕Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Wang Ying: Hi, Li Ming, how are you?Li Ming: Not to bad. How about you?Wang Ying: Not to bad either. What’s the gadget you’re playing?Li Ming: Oh, it’s a CD player. It’s a birthday gift from my uncle.Wang Ying: Lucky you! I was just admiring it. It looks beautiful.Li Ming: What don’t you have a try?Wang Ying: Thanks. Wow, it’s great. Much better than my Walkman.Li Ming: Glad you like it. I can lend it to you if you like.Wang Ying: Oh, thank you so much. Well, I have to run. See you around.Li Ming: So long.Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions:1. What the gadget Li Ming is playing?It’s a CD player.2. What is the gadget Wang Ying has?It’s a walkman.3. What’s Wang Ying’s compliment?She said, “I was just admiring it. It looks beautiful…Wow, it’s great. Much better than my walkman.4. What’s Li Ming’s reply to the compliment?He said, “Glad you like it.”5. Do you think Li Ming is a nice young man? And why?I think so, because he’s so kind to Wang Ying.2) Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read the followingwords and expressions which may be new to you.Guys 朋友们Mom [口]妈妈Dad [口]爸爸Care for 想要Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words.(The doorbell rings.)Wang Ying: Hi! Come on in.Li Ming, Michael Lu & Paul Li: Wang Ying. Happy birthday to you. This is our gift for you. Hope you’ll like it.Wang Ying: Wow, it’s a CD player! What a lovely present it is! Thank you so much. Li Ming: It’s nothing.Wang Ying: Oh, you guys, this is my mom and my dad.Mr. & Mrs. Wang: Welcome. I’ve heard a lot of you. And you must be Li Ming, right?Li Ming: Y eah. Nice to meet you. What a lovely home you have!Wang Ying: Thanks. I’m so glad you could come. Let’s sit by the window.Michael Liu. Good idea. We can admire the view from here.Paul Li: Wang Ying, you’ve got a beautiful view. We can see much of the city. Wang Ying: Hey guys, would you care for a drink? Dinner will be ready in about an hour.Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.1. Whose birthday party was it?It was Wang Ying’s birthday party.2. What did the boys bring to Wang Ying?They brought a CD player to here.3. What did Wang Ying do about the gift?She made a compliment and thanked the boys.4. What was Li Ming’s compliment?He said, “What a lovely home you have!”5. What was Paul Li’s compliment?He said, “Wang Ying, you’ve got a beautiful view.”4. Make a list of five situations in which you might compliment someone. After that practice the dialogue in class, giving compliment and replying to them, using the structure given below.Listen Practice5. Directions: Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about.1. W: Y our garden is beautiful. What are those flowers?M: I don’t know. My father knows very flowers here.a. A plant.b. A garden.c. A rose.d. A room.2. M: I just love your hair that way! Did you do it yourself?W: Oh, thanks. Y es, I did.a. A hair style.b. A nice place.c. A cooking style.d. A new dress.3. M: That was a great dinner. Y ou must have spent all day cooking.W: Thanks. But it really only took an hour.a. A dayb. A cook.c. A dish.d. A dinner.4. W: Wow, this is really a nice place!M: Ah, thanks, but it’s really nothing great.a. A race.b. A path.c. A place.d. A performance.5. M: That’s a beautiful dress you have on!W: Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday.a. A present.b. A dress.c. A shop.d. A movie.6. Directions: Listen to five questions and choose the appropriate answers.1. Do you know the city well?a. Yes, I’ve lived here for years.b. Y es, I’m fine, thanks.b. Y es. It’s really nice. d. Y es, it is. Thanks.2. How was your trip?a. We had a wonderful time.b. I don’t think so.c. I’ll do that.d. It’s mine.3. Can I give you a hand with your baggage?a. Yes, I will.b. No, go ahead.c. Yes, let me do it.d. No thanks. I can manage it.4. Wow, this is really a nice a bike.a. Better than yours.b. It’s pretty good.c. I’d like to compliment you on it.d. Thanks, but it’s really nothing great.5. Hey, you’ve got a nice T-shirt.a. No, it isn’t.b. That’s right.3c. Y ou’re so kind. d. Thank you. Yours is even nicer.7. Directions: Listen to five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.1. M: The meal was delicious, especially the fish.W: Thank you.Q: Where did this dialogue most probably take place?a. In the street.b. In the office.c. At the dinner party.d. In the supermarket.2. W: I think your car is very nice.M: Thanks, but it really isn’t anything special.Q: What does the man mean?a. The car is not his.b. The car runs well.c. The car is nothing special.d. The car is nicer than the woman’s.3. W: Where do you live, Jack?M: I live in the center of the city. I can’t stand the traffic and noise.Q: What can we learn from the dialogue?a. The man enjoys living in the city.b. The woman wants to move to the city.c. The man hates living in the center of the city.d. The woman lives near the shopping center.4. M: Richard, you look tired!W: I know. I didn’t get much sleep last night.Q: Why does the man look tired?a. He worried about something last night.b. He didn’t get enough sleep last night.c. He had a bad dream last night.d. He had a sleepless night.6. M: It was great seeing you again. Maybe we could get together sometime.W: Sounds great. I’ll give you a call.Q: What are they going to do?a. They’re going to get married.b. They are going to meet again.c. They’re going to work together.d. They’re going to call on someone.8. Directions: Listen to the following short talk and fill in the blanks with themissing words. The talk is give twice.Throughout human history, the smile has carried great significance(意义). And today, a healthy, attractive smile continues to be an import part of life. Y ou meet people with a smile. Y ou wear a smile while giving and responding to compliments. Sometimes, you just smile without a word. A smile is worth(值) a thousand words.Luckily, smiling is a universal(世界的) language. Wherever you go in the world, you can carry a smile with you. People can understand you behind a smile. Even when everything else in life is amiss(出错), a smile is the one thing we do have control over.And, best of all, smiling is contagious(感染的). You catch it like the flu(流感). If you smile at someone, he or she is very likely to smile back at you. Smiling is free and has no negative side effects(副作用). A day without laughter is a day wasted. For success wear a smile!9. Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally.1) How long is the history of a smile?Throughout the human history.2) Why do we smile without a word sometimes?Because a smile is worth a thousand words.3) Why is smiling a universal language?People can understand you behind a smile wherever you to in the world.4) Why is smiling contagious?Because if you smile at someone, he or her is very likely to smile back at you.5) How important is smiling in our life?A day without laughter is a day wasted.。
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Harvard university
It was named after John Harvard, a young clergyman from Southwark, Surrey, an alumnus of the University of Cambridge, who bequeathed the College his library of four hundred books and £779 (which was half of his estate), assuring its continued operation.
About skimming and scanning in CET-4
这种题型考察的是在有限时间内(15分钟)找到指定信 息(10道题目)的能力。10道题目分成两种形式:17题是目前考的形式四选一,2006年12月至2007年 12月的考试曾经考过正误判断,即给出一句话,根据 原文判断其正误,如果正确就是y(yes)、错误n( no)、没有给出ng(not given);8-10题考根据 原文内容进行填空。不管考什么题型,出题者都会根 据文章中的一句或者是几句话来出后面的一道题目, 这时文章中有很多信息是无用的。所以我们做题的核 心思路就是根据题目去找其对应原文的信息,再把该 题目和原文信息相比就可以得出答案。
fulfill your expectations?
Punctuation and pun
Woman without her man is nothing.
Woman, without her man, is nothing. 没有男人的女人一无是处。
Woman! Without her, man is nothing. 女人! 没有她,男人就一无是处。
Harvard University is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the Greater Boston area and a member of the Ivy League.
Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and currently comprises ten separate academic units. It was also the first corporation chartered in the United States.
1.1 Topic-related discussion
1.2 Topic-related Listening
1.3 Background information
I Pre-reading Activities
Topic-related Discussion
Warming-up questions
第二步:读题目 在这一步中,有两个核心概念:分组题目及用关键信息定位。 一、分组题目 建议1-3题为第一组,4-7题为第二组,8-10题为第三组,看完 一个小组,以小组为单位,去找它们对应的位置,这样的好处 就是可以快速定位几道题目,其他题目的位置就相对容易。
下雨天留客,天留人不留。 下雨天,留客天,留人不?留。
Relief . V. what trees do in spring
Selfish. Adj. what the owner of a seafood store does
Heroes. N. What a guy in a boat does
• Yesterday is history. • Tomorrow is a mystery. • Today is a gift. • Hopt
Unit 1
1.3 Background Information
Harvard University
During his 40-year tenure as Harvard president (1869–1909), Charles William Eliot radically transformed Harvard into the pattern of the modern research university. Eliot’s reforms included elective courses, small classes, and entrance examinations. The Harvard model influenced American education nationally, at both college and secondary levels.
1. What challenges or problems have you met as a freshman? What did you do to solve your problems?
2. You may have a lot of expectations
for your college life. What will you do to
做题步骤 第一步:看标题、第二步:读题目、第三步:选答 案。
第一步:看标题 文章的标题有两种:大标题和小标题。大标题
的作用在于告诉你这篇文章所讲述的核心内容是什 么,优先注意其中的名词,因为主题一般是名词; 小标题的作用在于帮助定位题目。大标题是一定有 的,小标题是偶尔出现一次。
New Vogue Practical English I
Unit 1
Campus Life
Unit 1
New Vogue Practical English I
Section A
The First Days in College
Section A
P A re-reading ctivities