英语交际口语15 The Internet and Me

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Unit 15
The Internet and Me
Part 1: Warm-up Think of as many words as you can that are related to the Internet.
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•Internet is a vital scientific development in the late twentieth century and everyone worship it. •Internet is an integral part of society now. •It is fun! You can enjoy learning because life online is attractive. •Surfing the net from home, you can travel around the world. •You can do e-shopping, e-cash and send e-mail to your friends. •It’s the most convenient media, and we can’t live a life without Internet.
Part 1: Warm-up
Group Discussion
Has the Internet become a part of your life? Can you imagine the life without the use of Internet?
Part 2:Making requests You can ask people to do things for you by saying: Can you…please? Could you…please? Would you mind…(-ing)? Do you think you could…? Do you think you could possibly do that for me? I wonder/ was wondering if you could possibly…
Wang: Thanks anyway.
Part 4: Fluency activities
Brainstorming What are the benefits and problems about the Internet? What do you think should be done to solve these problems?
Part 3: Learn to talk Chen:I’m going downtown. Do you mind posting this letter for me at the post office. 你介 Wang: 4)_____________________________________( 意到邮局替我交一封信吗)? Chen: Sure. By the way, can you lend me your bicycle for Wang: Thanks. 5)________________________________ _________________________( this afternoon. 顺便问一句,今天下午你能把 自行车借给我用一下吗)? Chen:I’ m afraid I can’t. I need it myself.
Problems: •Web surfers become more and more isolated, and they spend less time with their families, creating a tense family relationship. •Sleep and work can be interrupted if one overspends time online. •Students’ grades suffer and some drop out from school.
Part 3: Learn to talk Please complete the dialogue by translating the sentences in the parentheses. Can I ask you a favor? Wang: Oh, Xiaoyong. 1)________________( 我能请你帮我一
个忙吗)? Chen: Yes, of course. What is it, Yanping? Could you return this book to the library for me, please? 你 Wang: 2)_____________________________________( 能替我把这本书还给图书馆吗)? It is overdue. Chen: Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m not going that way this afternoon. May I ask you where you are heading to this afternoon? 我 Wang: 3)_____________________________________( 可以问一下你今天下午准备去哪吗)?
Would you be so kind to do…?
Part 2:Making requests You can accept a request by saying: Yes, certainly. I’m glad to. Yes, of course. No, not at all.
Part 2:Making requests You can refuse a request by saying: I’m sorry but I can’t. I’m afraid I can’t. I am very busy at the moment. I’m terribly sorry but…