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COBB-Get Fischer in the back room, now. 把费希尔带到后面房间去,快。

COBB- Get him in the back room. Move! - 把他带到后面房间去,快点!

ARTHUR- What the hell?- 怎么回事?

COBB- Has he been shot? Is he dying?- 他中弹了吗?他快死了吗?

ARTHUR- I don't know. - 我不知道。

COBB-Jesus Christ!天哪!

ARTHUR- Where were you? What happened to you?- 你刚才在那儿?你怎么回事?

COBB- We were blocked by a freight train. - 我们被一列货运列车挡住了。

ARTHUR-Why would you put a train crossing in the middle of a downtown intersection?你为什么在闹市十字路口放上一列横冲直撞的火车?

ARIADNE- I didn't. - 我没放。

ARTHUR- Where did it come from?- 那它是哪儿来的?

COBB -Lemme ask you a question!Why the hell we were ambushed, huh? 我还有问题要问你呢!为什么我们会遭到伏击,哈?

COBB-Those were not normal projections.He'd been trained, for god's sakes!那些不是他正常的投影,他绝对接受过训练!

ARTHUR- You're right.- 你说得对。

ARIADNE- How could he be trained? - 他怎么会接受过训练?

ARTHUR-Fischer's had an extractor teach his subconscious to defend itself. 费希尔让盗梦者教过他潜意识的防御.

ARTHUR-So his subconscious is militarized. This should have shown in the research. 所以…他的潜意识是军事化的。这个应该事先做好功课。

ARTHUR- I'm sorry. - 对不起。

COBB- Why the hell you didn't?- 那你他妈的怎么没调查好?

ARTHUR -Calm down. - 冷静。

COBB- Don't tell me to calm down!- 别告诉我要冷静!

COBB -This was your job, goddamnit!This was your responsibility! 这是你该做的工作,见鬼!这该是你的责任!

COBB-You were meant to check Fischer's background thoroughly! 你应该彻底检查过费希尔的背景!

COBB -We are not prepared for this type of fire! 我们可没为这样的交火做好准备!

ARTHUR-We have dealt with the subsecurity before. 我们以前也处理过潜意识防御,ARTHUR-We'll be a little more careful.We're gonna be fine. 只要我们更加小心一点,我们会没事的。

COBB -"Before" is not a part of the plan!He's dying, for god's sake! “以前”不是这个计划的一部分!他快死了,老天哪!

EAMES- Let's put him out of his misery.- 我们来帮他脱离苦海。

COBB- Don't do that! Don't do that!- 别!别那么做!

EAMES- He's in agony. I'm waking him up. - 他这样很痛苦,我想唤醒他。

COBB- No, it won't wake him up.- 不,那样唤不醒他。

EAMES- What do you mean, it won't wake him up?- 你什么意思,唤不醒他?

COBB- It won't wake him up.- 那样唤不醒他。

EAMES- When we die in a dream, we wake up. - 我们在梦中死去,我们就醒了。

YUSUF- Not from this.- 不能从这个梦里。

YUSUF-We're too heavily sedated to wake up that way. 我们的镇静剂用得太重了,那样没法醒来。

EAMES-Right. So what happens when we die? 好吧,那么我们死了会发生什么呢?

COBB- Drop into limbo.堕入迷失域。

ARTHUR- Are you serious? –- 你没开玩笑吧?

ARIADNE - Limbo?- 迷失域?

ARTHUR- Unconstructed dream space. - 未建的梦境。

ARIADNE- What the hell is down there? - 那下面究竟有什么?

ARTHUR- Just raw infinite subconscious.- 只有原始的无限的潜意识。

ARTHUR-Nothing is down there. except for whatever might have been left behind by anyone shar ing the dream who's been trapped there before


ARTHUR- which in our case is just you.- 我们里只有你去过。

ARIADNE- But how long could we be stuck there?- 我们有可能被困在那儿多久?

YUSUF-Not even think about trying to escape until the sedation eases... 想都别想逃出来,直到镇静剂的药效减弱……

EAMES- How long? - 多久?

YUSUF- Decades, it could be infinite, I don't know.- 几十年,也许无限期,我不知道。YUSUF- Ask him. He's the one who's been there.- 问他好了,只有他去过。

ARTHUR - Let's just get him upstairs.- 我们把他抬到上面去。

EAMES-Great. Thank you.太棒了,谢谢你。

EAMES -So, now we are trapped in Fischer's mind battling his own private army.


EAMES-And if we get killed, we'll be lost in limbo till our brains turn to scrambled egg. Hmm?

