
课文翻译Unit 1TextA young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he must appear in court for trial……一个青年发现,在大街上毫无明显目的地游逛会招致警方的责罚。
误会一个接一个发生,最终他只得出庭受审……A Brush with the Law与警察的一场小冲突I have only once been in trouble with the law. 我平生只有一次跟警方发生纠葛。
The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. 被捕和出庭的整个过程在当时是一件非常不愉快的事,但现在倒成了一篇很好的故事。
What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court. 这次经历令人可恼之处在于围绕着我的被捕以及随后庭上审讯而出现的种种武断专横的情况。
It happened in February about twelve years ago. 事情发生在大约12年前,其时正是2月。
I had left school a couple of months before that and was not due to go touniversity until the following October. 几个月前我中学毕业了,但上大学要等到10月。

大学英语(第三版)精读课文背诵部分1 And so I do not have a criminal record. But what was most shocking at the time was the things my release from the charge so clearly depended on. I had the 'right' accent, respectable middle-class parents in court, reliable witnesses, and I could obviously afford a very good solicitor. Given the obscure nature of the charge, I feel sure that if I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty. While asking for costs to be awarded, my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a 'brilliant academic record'. 2 Something was definitely happening here. It was messier than a food fight and much more important than whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable. My kids were doing what Copernicus did when he placed the sun at the center of the universe, readjusting the centuries-old paradigm of an Earth-centered system. They were doing what Reuben Mattus did when he renamed his Bronx ice cream Haagen-Dazs and raised the price without changing the product. They were doing what Edward Jenner did when he discovered a vaccination for smallpox by abandoning his quest for a cure. Instead of studying people who were sick with smallpox, he began to study people who were exposed to it but never got sick. He found that they`d all contracted a similar but milder disease, cow pox, which vaccinated them against the deadly smallpcx. 3 These are the real reasons I teach, these people who grow and change in front of me. Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe. A "promotion" out of teaching would give me money and power. But I have money. I get paid to do what I enjoy: reading, talking with people, and asking question like, "What is the point of being rich?" And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters? But teaching offers something besides money and power: it offers love. Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teacher's life and begins to breathe. Perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better. I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them. 4 I walked out of the sunlight, opened a torn screen door and moved into the shadows, where an 87-pound figure was curled up in a wheelchair. Her limbs twisted. Her head rolled. We could not hug. We could not even shake hands. She could only stare at me and smile. But that smile! It cut through the gloom of the battered wooden floor, the torn couch and the cobwebbed windows. I could bear to look at nothing else, so I stared at that smile, and it was so clear, so certain, it even cut through most of my doubts. But still, I wondered. This is Sarah Morris? 5 My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears on Wednesday was a perfect index of how little I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the couch, I began very slowly to understand. "I guess we al have to fail sometime," Mother said quietly. I could sense her pain and the tension of holding back the strong emotions that were interrupted by my arrival. Suddenly, something inside me turned. I reached out and put my arms around her. She broke then. She put her face against my shoulder and sobbed. I help her close and didn't try to talk. I knew I was doing what I should, what I could, and that it was enough. In that moment, feeling Mother's back racked with emotion, I understood for the first time her vulnerability. She was still my mother, but she was something more: a person like me, capable of fear and hurt and failure. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I had sought comfort in her arms. 6 "Why don't you try to sleep? I'll make you up for the medicine." "I'd rather stay awake." After a while he said to me, "You don't have to stay in here with me, Papa, if it bothers you." "It doesn't bother me." "No, I mean you don't have to stay if it's going to bother you." Your temperature is all right," I said. "It's nothing to worry about." "I don't worry," he said, "but I can't keep from thinking." "Don't think," I said. "Just take it easy." "I'm taking it easy," he said and looked straight ahead, He was evidently holding tight onto himself about something. "T ake this with water." "Do you think it will do any good?" "Of course it will." 7 HARLOWE: (with phony laughter desperately trying to relieve situation) Block party's not a bad idea. (looking around at the others) Anything to get back to normal. STOCKTON: (looks from face to face and slowly shakes his head) Normal? (a pause) I don't know. I don't know what "normal" is. I thought I did, but I don't any more. ——ARLOWE: I told you we'd pay for the damagesSTOCKTON: (stares at him) The damages? (he nods) I wonder if we realize just what those damages are? (he looks from face to face again) Maybe the worst of them was finding out just what we're like when we're normal. The kind of people we are. Just underneath the surface. I mean all of us. A lot of naked animals who attach such great importance to staying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege. (he leans against the stairway wall, suddenly desperately tired, very softly as he turns away ……but I wonder if we weren't destroyed even from them) We were spared a bomb tonightwithout it. 8 Now picture yourself -- as vividly as possible --the way you want to be. Remember to picture your desired goals as if you had already attained them. Go over all the details of this picture. See them clearly and sharply. Impress them strongly on your memory. The resulting memory traces will supposedly start affecting your everyday life. They will help lead you to the attainment to your goals. Of course daydreaming is no substitute for hard work. If it's athletic achievement you want, you also have to get lots of practice in your sport. You have to work hard to develop skills. If it's school success you're after, you can't neglect studying Daydreaming alone can't turn you into your heart's desire. But in combination with the more usual methods of self-development, it might make a critical difference. It could be the difference between becoming merely good at something and becoming a champion. 9 Despite his best efforts, Schaechter could muster only 60 singers for the chorus. Emaciated, they gathered on the small stage. Eichmann sat in the front row, dressed in full Nazi regalia. The Jews looked the Nazi in their eyes, and their voices swelled as they sang: The day of wrath, that day shall dissolve the world in ash……What trembling there shall be when the judge shall come……nothing shall remain unavenged. When the performance ended, there was no applause. The Nazis rose in silence. As he left, Eichmann was heard to say, with a smirk,” So they`re singing their own requiem.” He never realized the Jews were singing his. 10 It took only fifty-eight years, however, to go four times that fast, so that by 1938 men in airplanes were traveling at better than 400 mph. It took a mere twenty-year flick of time to double the limit again. And by the 1960's rocket plants approached speeds of 4,00 mph. and men in space capsules were circling the earth at 18,000 mph. Whether we examine distances traveled, altitudes reached, or minerals mined, the same accelerative trend is obvious. The pattern, here and in a thousand other statistical series, is absolutely clear and unmistakable. Thousands of years go by, and then, in our won times, a sudden bursting of the limits, a fantastic spurt forward. 。

大学英语精读第三版第一册Book3Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案Unit1 翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。
Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2) 我坚信,阅读简写的 (simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。
I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染 (pollution) 方面还做得不够。
I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。
In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。
We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term/semester.6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。

UNIT 1课文翻译一位青年男子发现,漫无目的的逛街也会惹官司。

完整word版现代大学英语精读3第四课Unit Four Diogenes and Alexander1.GlossaryWord list:1. bearded2.block3.elegant4.guffaw5.paradox10.nudge 9.titter 8.stroll 6. privacy 7.scant2.Key words: account possess form roll3.Phrases, idioms and expressionsa large corps of grow tired ofa quantity of imprint sth withan expedition against in particularbark at in such ways as tobring sb's power to ruin in the daytimecall upon keep sb from rain and windcare nothing for live without conventionsdo sth by choice look sb overdo sth by design open one's eyes with the sun at dawndo sth out of principle rise in respectdrink out of one's hands scoop water from the springfrom all over(a place) the man of the hourgreet sb with a bow wash sth down with a few handfuls of water 4.Collocationsclean one's weapons possess sbdiscard the jar procure goodsdo one's business rebuild the neglected fortificationsemulate sb scratch one's backerase the old markings seek employmentescape complexities and extravagances stir sbexpound one's doctrine take commands nose'wipe on inhabit such a thing/placemock and satirize sb5.Word formation: -ware(earthware) auto/ n.+adj.6.Grammar1) using present participle as adverbial modifiers2) the first to/the first who…7.Back ground information1) Author2) Diogenes and Alexander3) Cynicism4) Other famous scholar at that age: Aristotle Plato Socrates8 Text structure and the main idea of this passage9.Preview questions about the text.1)What do you know about the historical background of the people discussed in the essay?What would be the corresponding period in our own history?2) What does the essay tell us about Diogenes and Alexander?3) What is a possible reason for an author to take the time to write an essay like this describingpeople who are long dead and gone?4) How is the essay structured?5) Try to find more information about these two historical figures to share with your classmate.10.Writing DevicesDiction 1)Contrast 2)Analogy3)Transferred epithet 4)Sentence Paraphrase 11.with the sun at dawn, scratched, done his business like a dog at the 1) He had opened his eyes (para1)…roadsideand complexities escape are without conventions, which artificial and false; Live 2)(para4)…extravagances3) They possess him. He is their slave. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his won independence.(para4)(para5)”…to restamp the currency“s aim was clear to him: it was '4) His life5) He was the man of the hour, of the century…(para13)Quiz1)1.His doctor prescribed some foods that can _____ needed protein and vitamins to the diet.a. facilitateb. furnishc. supplyd. equip2. The troops _____ the area before the civilians were allowed to return.a. securedb. ensuredc. storedd. provided3. She ____ her family by working in a hospital.a. provides againstb. provides forc. provides withd. provides to4. You may keep the book a further week ____ no one else requires it.d. even ifc. in case b. if onlya. provided that5. He has ____ his small company into a corporate giant.b. altered a. variedd. transformedc. converted6. I want to ____ some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars.d. transformc. convert a. modifyb. turn7. The river ____ through beautiful country.d. patrolsc. sauntersa. strollsb. wanders8. At night these busy streets during the day become ____ of traffic.d. blankc. hollow a. vacant b. empty9. Theirs is at best a ____ form of flattery.d. sunkena. vacantb. voidc. hollow10. Don't walk on that broken glass with ____feet.d. nudeb. barrenc. sterile a. barefeed the animals. 11. On no account ____a. are the visitors allowed tob. the visitors are allowed toc. are allowed the visitors tod. the visitors are to allowed12. Scarcely ____ lost his temper.a. never he hasb. never has hec. ever has hed. he has ever13. Not until yesterday ____ his mind.a. he changedb. he didn't changec. he did changed. did he change14. No sooner ____ he was asked to leave again.a. he had arrived thanb. he arrived whenc. had he arrived thand. whenhearrived15. Jack is ____ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.d. no moreb. no lessc. not morea. not less16. His humor was ____ make everyone in the room burst out laughing.a. so as tob. such as toc. so thatd. such that17. A pen is to a writer, ____ a gun is to a fighter.a. asb.likec. thatd. what18. He is a good man and is known ____ to everyone.a. such asb. as thatc. as suchd. so that19. ____ the spirit is exhausted by overwork, ____ it is destroyed by idleness.a. So…thatb. Such…thatc. Such…asd. As…so20. That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness ___ by his lack of talent.a. thanb. ratherc. asd. so much as2) Match the items in the two columnsAll that glitters is not gold. No cross, no crown. Forgive and forget.Money makes a mare go.All are not thieves thatA golden key opens every door.dogs bark at.One misfortune rides on We have only a shortlife to live.nother's back.aEvery bird likes its own nest. Let bygones be bygones. Life is but a span. Hardship never comes alone.East or west home is best.No pains, no gains.。

大学英语精读(第三版)Unit-1-5讲稿College EnglishIntensive ReadingBook OneUnit OneT eaching PlanI.Objectives and Requirements:1、Reading and Writing Course教学目标:1.T o understand the true meaning of“language learning strategy”and talk about it;2.T o read the text and try to evaluate andpractice the strategies introduced in the text;3.T o write a paragraph stating how you planto develop your listening comprehesion and pay attention to the use of connectives;4.T o learn some reading techniques and skills:how to read a text and predict the writer’s ideas.;5.T o master the key phrases and some sentencepatterns.教学要求:1.要求学生掌握本单元的中心思想和文章结构,学会在写作中恰当使用关联词。
2、Listening and Speaking CourseUnit1:learn to listen for Names,introduceyourself or others in a conversation,understand and talk about college life.3、C omprehensive Exercises BookUnit1:The students finish the exercises in their spare time.II.T eaching arrangement&Time Allotment1)Reading and Writing Course6periods2)Listening and Speaking Course2periods(every two weeks)III.T eaching MethodsCommunicative ApproachLearner-centered T eachingT ask-based LearningT ranslation MethodMultimedia ApproachIV.Presentation ProceduresLecture notesText:Some Strategies for Learning EnglishPart I.Background Information:1.T oday’s English:Worldwide over1.4billion people live in countries where English has offical status.One out of five of the world’s population speaks some English.And at present one in five is learning English.With economic globalization and China’s opening up to the world,it has become increasingly important for the younger generation to master English.In a sense,English is not teachable,but learnable.nguage learning strategies:They are used by learners to complete speaking, reading,vocabulary,listening or writing activities presented in language lessons. Recognizing that there is a task to complete or a problem to solve,language learners will use whatever strategies they possess to attend to the language-learning activity.Possible language learning strategies include:using practice opportunities,self-evaluation,selective attention,time management, reviewing notes taken in class and checking one’s understanding,constantly seeking answers to questions instead of passively receiving information,ect.3.Input-output balance theory in language learning:Input in language learning refers to information read,seen or heard by the learner,while output refers to what the learner produces in writing or speaking.The input-output balance theory in language learning believes that one can learn a language well through maintaining a balance between input and output.Part II.Warm-up Activities:Step1.Ss Introduce themselves and talk about new college life.Step2.T opic-centered Discussion(Group work)1.Do you enjoy learning English?Why or why not?2.What do you think is the most effective way of learning English?3.What is the greatest difficulty you have in your learning of English? Step3.T makes a brief introduction to English learning and learning strategies.Part III.T ext Analysis:Main Ideas:(Summary Writing)English as an international language is of vital importance for everybody to learn.Learning English is(绝非易事)by no means easy.Besides(持续的刻苦努力) sustained hard work,we need employ some learning strategies to(促进我们的学习) facilitate our learning.(我们应当以不同的方式对待生词)we should deal with new words in different ways.Active words demand constant practice while passive words only need to be recognized.As we try to understand the meaning of a word,we are also reminded of(它们的习惯用法)their idiomatic usage.Listening,speaking,reading and writing are the four basic skills that(我们不断努力试图获得的)we are constantly trying to acquire.In order to improve the four skills,we are suggested to listen to English every day,(抓住一切机会说英语)seize every opportunity to speak,read widely(难度适中的材料)materials at a proper level of difficulty and write regularly.Listening and reading(为我们提供语言输入) provide us with language input and we are expected to(实际运用我们所学的东西)put what we have learned into practice through speaking and writing. Structure:A strategy refers to a set of carefully planned methods for achieving something that is difficult and may take a long time.In introducing some strategies,the author adopts the structure of Problem—Strategy within a paragraph to show us the problems in English learning and then proposes strategies to solve the problems.Please scan the text for some examples of the Problem—Strategy structure.Problems Strategies1.It is impossible to memorize 1.Deal with ative vocabulary and passiveall the new words you are learning.vocabulary differently.2.You don’t know the idiomatic 2.Watch out for not only the meaning of ausage of some words.word but also the way it is used indailylife.3.You may not be able to catch a 3.Listen to it over and over again.lot after listening to a passagefor the first time.4.There are few situations for you 4.Seize every opportunity to speak Englishto practice speaking English at school.with or without a partner.Part IV.Learning points:1).Find out the active expressions:1.by no means not at all2.at fault responsible for something bad that has happened3.watch out for look out for;be on(one's)against4.seek out look for;try to find someone or something,especiallywhen this is difficult5.put…into practice carry out or performT ranslate the following into English:1.我对目前的表现一点也不满意。

大学英语精读第三册UNIT11)From her accent I guess she's from the Northeast.从她的口音我猜她是从东北来的。
2)It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.她把他的论点与自己的论点相违背是非常聪明的。
3)I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don't make a pair.我在床底下发现了几双鞋子,但它们并没有做成一双。
4)Dr.Bright always take his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. 布莱特医生总是在他检查病人的时候花他的时间,并对他们进行极端的治疗。
5)British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.英国公司正试图避免重蹈美国同行的覆辙。
6)Wilfred's remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was honorable young man.Wilfred的讲话证实了我的观点,他是一个值得尊敬的年轻人。
7)The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats.7)在她收到死亡威胁后,他的主要证人被给予了警方保护。
8)I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.8)我以为那是事情的结局,但后来发生的事情证明我错了。

Eg: I have internalized the cultural values of the Italians after three years of living in Rome.
化了意大利人的文化价值观 并融为自我意识的一部分
Photo: a hug between Totti and his teammate,
adult (grown-up,infml) / youth / prime盛年
old-aged / elderly / senile
senior citizen / the state of infirmity
Go through(P2): experience, undergo, suffer
Middle school (Am. age 6 to 11)
High school (Br. 11 to 18; Am. Age 14 to 18)
Undergraduate: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, the bachelor’s degree in science or art, essay / thesis; thesis defense
After _____ with her daughter and manager she decided to take over the factory. consulting)
He is acting on the basis of a ______. (consultancy)
He will need medical help and ___ to overcome the tragedy. (counseling)

Unit 1与法律的一次小冲突一个年轻人发现,在街上漫无目的的闲逛也会带来涉及法律上的麻烦。

The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2.杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。
Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3.少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。
A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.4.我已经把我的简历(résumé)寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。
I have sent off my résumé to several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply.5.她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。
Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs.6.我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。
We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed.7.暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。
At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.8.认为约翰会因为他的失礼(being impolite)而向他们正式道歉,那就错了。

外教社大学英语精读第三册unit3原文+翻译+课后翻译第一篇:外教社大学英语精读第三册unit3原文+翻译+课后翻译Unit3一、课文Every teacher probably asks himself time and again: Why am I a teacher? Do the rewards of teaching outweigh the trying moments? Answering these questions is not a simple task.Let's see what the author says.也许每位教师都一再问过自己:为什么选择教书作为自己的职业?教书得到的回报是否使老师的烦恼显得不值得多谈?回答这些问题并非易事。
Why I TeachPeter G.BeidlerWhy do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn't want to be considered for anposition.He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “" toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.我为什么当教师彼得·G·贝德勒你为什么要教书呢? 当我告诉一位朋友我不想谋求行政职务时,他便向我提出这一问题。
.Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: , carpenter, writer.For me, teaching is a red-eye,-, sinking-stomach.Red-eye, because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late Ipreparing.Sweaty-palm, because I'm always nervous before I enter the classroom,.Sinking-stomach, because.当然,我之所以教书不是因为我觉得教书轻松。

Lesson Four :Wisdom of Bear WoodMichael Welzenbach1. When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourthmajor move in my short life。
My father's government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends。
2. We rented an 18th—century farmhouse in Berkshire. Nearby wereancient castles and churches。
Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house。
In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked。
3. I spent most of my time roaming the woods and fields alone,playing Robin Hood, daydreaming, collecting bugs andbird—watching。
It was heaven for a boy —but a lonely heaven。

大学英语精读第三版第三册课后习题答案Unit11) accent2) turn against3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) confirmed7) witness8) subsequent9) stands a chance10) trial 1) belief2) brilliant3) employment4) has saved up5) stood a chance6) were awarded7) Presumably8) conducted9) casual10) around (which student life) revolves1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness.2) Despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening.3) Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.4) Called (up) on to speak at the meeting, I couldn't very well refuse.5) Mrs. Stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left.6) It was the rumor that turned Joe against his twin brother.7) We wondered how Sara was getting on in her new job.8) Although Anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in.9) Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.10) Whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrow's weather.1) uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal;2) unanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected;3) unhappily,unskillfully,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably;4) unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unload。

Diogenes and AlexanderLying on the bare earth, shoeless, bearded, half-naked, he looked like a beggar or a lunatic(神经病,疯子). He was one, but not the other. He had opened his eyes with the sun at dawn (拂晓), scratched, done his business like a dog at the roadside, washed at the public fountain, begged a piece of breakfast bread and a few olives, eaten them squatting on the ground, and washed them down with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring. (Long ago he had owned a rough wooden cup, but he threw it away when he saw a boy drinking out of his hollowed hands.) Having no work to go to and no family to provide for, he was free. As the market place filled up with shoppers and merchants and slaves and foreigners, he had strolled through it for an hour or two. Everybody knew him, or knew of him. They would throw sharp questions at him and get sharper answers. Sometimes they threw bits of food, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and got a shower of stones and abuse(漫骂). They were not quite sure whether he was mad or not. He knew they were mad, each in a different way; they amused him. Now he was back at his home.It was not a house, not even a squatter's hut. He thought everybody lived far too elaborately, expensively, anxiously. What good is a house? No one needs privacy: natural acts are not shameful; we all do the same thing, and need not hide them. No one needs beds and chairs and such furniture: the animals live healthy lives and sleep on the ground. All we require, since nature did not dress us properly, is one garment to keep us warm, and some shelter from rain and wind. So he had one blanket—to dress him in the daytime and cover him at night—and he slept in a cask. His name was Diogenes. He was the founder of the creed called Cynicism ; he spent much of his life in the rich, lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth, mocking and satirizing its people, and occasionally converting one of them.His home was not a barrel made of wood: too expensive. It was a storage jar made of earthenware, no doubt discarded because a break had made it useless. He was not the first to inhabit such a thing,But he was the first who ever did so by choice, out of principle.Diogenes was not a maniac(疯子). He was a philosopher who wrote plays and poems and essays expounding(解释) his doctrine; he talked to those who cared to listen; he had pupils who admired him. But he taught chiefly by example. All should live naturally, he said, for what is natural is normal and cannot possibly be evil or shameful. Live without conventions, which are artificial and false; escape complexities and extravagances: only so can you live a free life. The rich man believes he possesses his big house with its many rooms and its elaborate furniture, his expensive clothes, his horses and his servants and his bank accounts. He does not. He depends on them,he worried about them,he spends most of his energy looking after them;the thought of losing them makes him sick with anxiety.They process them,He is their slave. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence.There have been many men who grew tired of human society with its complications, and went away to live simply—on a small farm, in a quiet village, in a hermit's cave. Not so Diogenes. He was a missionary. His life's aim was clear to him: it was "to restamp the currency “ :to take the clean metal of human life, to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values.The other great philosophers of the fourth century BC,such as Plato and Aristotle, taught mainly their own private pupils.But for Diogenes, laboratory and specimens and lecture halls and pupils were all to be found in a crowd of ordinary people. Therefore, he chose to live in Athens or Corinth, where travelers from all over the Mediterranean world constantly came and went. And, by design, he publicly behaved in such ways as to show people what real life was.He thought most people were only half-alive, most men only half-men. At bright noonday he walked through the market place carrying a lighted lamp and inspecting the face of everyone he met. They asked him why. Diogenes answered, "I am trying to find a man."To a gentleman whose servant was putting on his shoes for him, Diogenes said, "You won't be really happy until he wipes your nose for you: that will come after you lose the use of your hands."Once there was a war scare so serious that it stirred even the lazy, profit-happy Corinthians. They began to drill, clean their weapons, and rebuild their neglected fortifications. Diogenes took his old cask and began to roll it up and down, back and forward. "When you are all so busy," he said, "I felt I ought to do something!"And so he lived—like a dog, some said, because he cared nothing for conventions of society, and because he showed his teeth and barked at those he disliked. Now he was lying in the sunlight, contented and happy, happier than the Shah of Persia. Although he knew he was going to have an important visitor, he would not move.The little square began to fill with people. Page boys , soldiers,secretaries, officers, diplomats, they all gradually formed a circle centered around Diogenes. He looked them over as a sober man looks at a crowd of tottering drunks, and shook his head. He knew who they were. They were the servants of Alexander, the conqueror of Greece, the Macedonian king, who was visiting his new realm.Only twenty, Alexander was far older and wiser than his years. Like all Macedonians he loved drinking, but he could usually handle it; and toward women he was nobly restrained and chivalrous. Like all Macedonians he loved fighting; he was a magnificent commander, but he was not merely a military automaton. He could think. At thirteen he had become a pupil of the greatest mind in Greece, Aristotle. who gave him the best of Greek culture. He taught Alexander poetry; the young prince slept with the Iliad under his pillow and longed to emulate Achilles, who brought the mighty power of Asia to ruin. He taught him philosophy, in particular the shapes and uses of political power and he taught him the principles of scientific research, and shipped hundreds of zoological specimens back to Greece for study. Indeed, it was from Aristotle that Alexander learned to seek out everything strange which might be instructive.Now, Alexander was in Corinth to take command of the League of Greek States which his father Philip created. He was welcomed and honored and flattered. He was the man of thehour, of the century; he was unanimously appointed commander-in-chief of a new expedition against old, rich, corrupt Asia. Nearly everyone crowded to Corinth in order to congratulate him, to seek employment with him.Only Diogenes, although he lived in Corinth, did not visit the new monarch. With that generosity which Aristotle had taught him, Alexander determined to call upon Diogenes.With his handsome face, his fiery glance, his strong supple body, his purple and gold cloak, and his air of destiny, he moved through the parting crowd, toward the Dog's kennel. When a king approaches, all rise in respect. Diogenes merely sat up on one elbow. When a monarch enters a place, all greet him with a bow or an acclamation. Diogenes said nothing.There was a silence. Alexander spoke first, with a kindly greeting. Looking at the poor broken cask, the single ragged garment, and the rough figure lying on the ground, he said, "Is there anything I can do for you, Diogenes?""Yes," said the Dog. "Stand to one side. You're blocking the sunlight."There was an amazed silence. Slowly, Alexander turned away. A titter broke out from the elegant Greeks. The Macedonian officers, after deciding that Diogenes was not worth the trouble of kicking, were starting to guffaw and nudge one another. Alexander was still silent. To those nearest him he said quietly, "If I were not Alexander, I should be Diogenes." They took it as a paradox.But Alexander meant it. He understood Cynicism as the others could not.He was what Diogenes called himself, a "citizen of the world." Like Diogenes, he admired the heroic figure of Hercules, who labored to help mankind while all others toiled and sweated only for themselves. He knew that of all men then alive in the world only Alexander the conqueror and Diogenes the beggar were free.。
现代大学英语精读(3) Unit 13

Russell Baker▪Born in Virginia in 1925▪In charge of "The Observer" column for the New York Times from 1962 to 1998.▪Won his first Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for distinguished commentary as a columnist▪Received his second Pulitzer Prize in 1983 for his autobiography Growing up▪Regarded as one of America's leading wordsmiths and humorists Beackground:The Great DepressionOne of the most critical economic periods in the United States history was the Great Depression. A majority of the U.S. citizens did not know much about the Depression. The only information that they knew was what they read from textbooks. Many citizens never really had to face the hardship like others were forced to face. Growing Up by Russell Baker isan autobiography on the problems he and his family endured during this era.Causes of the Great Depression:▪Speculation(投机) in the 1920s caused many people to buy stocks with loaned money. The stock market boom was very unsteady, because it was based on borrowed money and false optimism.▪Politicians believed that business was the key business of America.Thus, the government took no action against unwise investing.▪Stock Market crash on October 24, 1929 (black Thursday)Misery and personal sufferings were widespread.▪Living conditions changed when multiple families crowded into small houses or apartments.▪Unemployment rate was very high.▪Thousands went hungry.▪Children suffered long term effects from a poor diet and inadequate medical care.▪Women continued to doing women’s work such as nursing, and even if they were able to get an industry job which seldom hired women, they usually were paid less than men.Language Study:preside [pri'zaid]v.act as presidentpreside over companies and corporationsvi.主持,担任会议主席to chair, run the showvt.管理manage, conduct, run, direct, controlovergrown [,əuvə'ɡrəun]adj.1. covered with growing plants2. abounding in usually unwanted vegetationadj.蔓生的;生长过快的conceive [kən'si:v]v.1. have the idea forHe conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients This library was well conceived2. judge or regard; look upon; judgeThe racist conceives such people to be inferior3. become pregnant; undergo conceptionShe cannot conceive My daughter was conceived in Christmas Day vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有design, holdvi.怀孕;设想;考虑allow, think of, think aboutinconceivable [,inkən'si:vəbl]adj.totally unlikelyadj.不可思议的;难以置信的;不能想象的incrediblepromptly [prɔmptli]adv.1. with little or no delaythe rescue squad arrived promptlyadv. 迅速地;立即地;敏捷地quickly, rapidlydismiss [dis'mis]v.1. bar from attention or considerationShe dismissed his advances2. cease to consider; put out of judicial considerationThis case is dismissed!3. stop associating with4. terminate the employment ofvt.解散;解雇;开除;让...离开remove, fire outvi.解散disband, break upadv.迅速地;立即地;敏捷地quickly, rapidly, fast, readyhazy ['heizi]adj.1. filled or abounding with fog or mist2. indistinct or hazy in outlineadj.朦胧的;模糊的;有薄雾的fuzzy, dark, vaguehazy blue 朦胧的蓝色briskly ['briskli]adv.in a brisk mannershe walked briskly in the cold air `after lunch,' she said briskly adv.迅速地;活泼地;尖刻地quickly, rapidly, fast, promptly, readyfierce [fiəs]adj.1. marked by extreme and violent energyfierce fighting2. marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervidfierce loyalty3. ruthless in competition4. violently agitated and turbulentthe fierce thunders roar me their musicadj.凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的fell, violent, hardthrust [θrʌst]n.. the force used in pushingv.push forcefullyHe thrust his chin forwardn.[力]推力;刺pushing forcecustomary ['kʌstə,məri]adj.1. in accordance with convention or customsealed the deal with the customary handshake2. commonly used or practiced; usualtook his customary morning walkadj.习惯的;通常的usual, used, common, accustomedformidable ['fɔ:midəbl]adj.1. extremely impressive in strength or excellencea formidable opponent the challenge was formidable had a formidable array of compositions to his credit the formidable army of brains at the Prime Minister's disposal2. inspiring fearthe formidable prospect of major surgeryadj.强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的powerful, terrible, august, horribletrip [trip]vi.绊倒;远足;犯错误;轻快地走excurse, make a mistaken.旅行;绊倒;差错journey, tour, travelsyn: stumbledebris ['deibri:]n.the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up n.碎片,残骸remain, chipgravy ['ɡreivi]n.1. basically the juices that drip from cooking meatsn.肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱bovril, gippobattered ['bætəd]adj.1. damaged by blows or hard usagea battered old car2. damaged especially by hard usagehis battered old hatadj.破旧的;磨损的;弄垮的;受到虐待的wearing, shotv.连续猛击;磨损(batter的过去分词)wornferocityn.凶猛;凶恶,残忍;暴行变形:crueltysenility [si'niləti; se-]n.1. 老年;年老,年岁大2. 老态龙钟;老朽,年老昏聩silver lining1. 云朵的银色边缘2. 一线希望(或慰藉)banal [bə'nɑ:l, 'beinəl]adj.repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse adj.陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的silver lining n.a consoling aspect of a difficult situation senility [si'niləti, se-]n.1. mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations2. the state of being senile。

Text Book 3Unit 1TextA young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he must appear in court for trial……一个青年发现,在大街上毫无明显目的地游逛会招致警方的责罚。
误会一个接一个发生,最终他只得出庭受审……A Brush with the Law与警察的一场小冲突I have only once been in trouble with the law. 我平生只有一次跟警方发生纠葛。
The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. 被捕和出庭的整个过程在当时是一件非常不愉快的事,但现在倒成了一篇很好的故事。
What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court. 这次经历令人可恼之处在于围绕着我的被捕以及随后庭上审讯而出现的种种武断专横的情况。
It happened in February about twelve years ago. 事情发生在大约12年前,其时正是2月。
I had left school a couple of months before that and was not due to go to university untilthe following October. 几个月前我中学毕业了,但上大学要等到10月。
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大学英语精读(3)精华版一、单选题1.A friend of mine, after 10 years of studying ballet, succeeded ________ becominga dancer. 答案: A.in2.A selfish person doesn’t ________ other people’s problem.答案: D.care about3.As we were leaving, we saw the ________ man and his friends entering.答案: C.red-haired4.Any mistake, even ________ one, would cause a great loss.答案: A.the smallest5.At no time during his speech ________ that he would make another film soon.答案:C.did he mention6.According to some scientists, there are twelve huge plates that ________ the outer surface of the earth. 答案: A.make out7.According to ________ they have told me, they should return within about oneweek. 答案: C.what8.All you have to do is to let us ________ as soon as possible in writing.答案: D.know9.All things ________ the trip will have to be called off. 答案: A.considered 10.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of ___ cities in the world.答案:A.the biggest11.By the end of May 2000, she ________ in China for five years.答案: A.will have stayed12. Could I leave a message?— ________ . 答案: C.Sure. Go ahead, please13. Could I speak to Jane please?— ________ .答案: A. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number14.Could you recommend a secretary for me? — ________ .答案: C.I think Susan is a suitable person 15.Come on. Let’s try the Chinese fo od. — ________ .答案: C.Mm… it’s so delicious16.Do you mind if I smoke here?— _________ . 答案: B.No, certainly not17.Do you like collecting stamps? — ________ . 答案: C.No, not really18.Do you know what day is today? — ________ . 答案:A.Today is Wednesday19.Don’t you think that’s expensive?— ________ .答案: A.Not at all. That’s the best price in town 20.Doctor, what’s the matter with me?.— _______ .答案: D.Nothing serious. You look fine21.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the library?— ________ .答案: A.Sorry, I’m a stranger here, you see22.Every man in the country has the right to live where he wants to, ______the color of his skin. 答案: D.regardless of23.Gina was born 1999. She is old enough to go to school. 答案:D.in24.Good evening, madam. Would you like to sit here? — ________ .答案: D.I’d like to. Have a menu, please?25.Good afternoon. I’m going to invite some friends to dinner. Please reserve a table forsix at about eight this evening.— ________ .答案:D.I see, I’ll make the reservation at once 26.Guangzhou is the most beautiful place ________ I have ever visited.答案: B.that27.He ___ two thousand trees since 1985. 答案: D.has planted28. He gave ________ answer as I did. 答案:D.the same29.He was __ sad at the bad news that he could hardly say a word.答案: B.so30.He will agree to do what you require ______ him. 答案: A.of31.He walked into the office and shook hands with a smiling man ________ Mr. Black.答案:d32. He was willing to do all ________ he could to help his friends. 答案:B.that 33.He was so tired that he fell asleep __ he went to bed.答案: D.as soon as34.He was sure to be successful, for he had always succeeded ________ whatever he tried. 答案: C.in35.He did not speak ________ he thought it over. 答案: D.until36.He raised his arm to ________ his face from the blow. 答案: B.protect 37.Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ______. 答案: A.capacity38.How long will it take to arrive in Australia? —— ________ . 答案: C.Two hours 39.How much is your new bike?— ________ . 答案: A.It costs me $ 20040.Health depends ________ good food, fresh air and enough sleep. 答案: D.on41.I ________ for two hours but nobody has arrived yet. 答案: D.have been waiting 42.I wonder if I could take a few days off work.— ________ .答案:C.Why, what’s the matter with you 43.I wonder if it is possible for us to arrange a meeting this week?— _______ .答案: A.I’m afraid I can’t make it this week44.I would rather you ________ tomorrow than today. 答案: C.came45.I’m very interested ________ plants, animals and geography. 答案:D.in46.I’m busy now, so I do not have ________ time as before to spend on my stamps.答案: C.as much47.I’m different from my twin sister. I love dancing, ___ she is interested in reading. 答案: C.but48.I will tell them the news as soon as they ___ back. 答案:e49.I’ve got a raise for my salary.— _______ ! 答案: A.Congratulations50.I’d like to cash this check, please. — ________ ?答案: A.What kind of notes do you want51.I have no idea ________ he has said about the matter. 答案: C.what52.I have never been to a Chinese village, have you?— ________ .答案:B.No, I haven’t either 53.I haven’t seen her she left Guangzhou. 答案: C.since54.I left my umbrella in my room. Wait while I go back to get it.— ________ .答案:C.Don’t bother, it will clear up by noon55.I lost my money.— _________ . 答案:D.Oh, you should have been more careful 56. I had a lot of trouble ________ the car ________ this morning.答案: C.getting... started57.I think you should learn a second language.— _______ .答案: D.Yes, so do I58.I feel nervous about the exams.— _______ . 答案: B.Take it easy59.I like collecting stamps, what about you? — _______ . 答案: A.So do I60.I am ________ Florida on business. 答案: B.on my way to 61.I hate people who _____ the end of a film that you have not seen before.答案: A.reveal62. Is he very strict with you?— ________ . 答案: A.Yeah. He seldom smiles63.It is necessary that everything ________ ready by 6: 00 p.m. 答案: A.be64.It is vital that enough money ______ to fund the project. 答案: A.be collected 65.It isn’t watch. I left mine at home. 答案: A.my66.If I ________ you, I ________ that job. 答案:B.were, would take67.If it rains on Sunday, the party will be cancelled.— _________ !答案: B.What bad news it is68.If you want to keep healthy, you’d better ________ smoking.答案: A.stop69.In terms of the rank of position, an associate professor is ________ to aprofessor.答案: C.inferior70.In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held toone-fifth of the total ______ for living expenses. 答案: B.available71.In the past few years the school ________ much money on its labs.答案: C.has spent72.John had six eggs. Mary added three, so now they all _____ to nine.答案:C.added up73.Just for today, I’m not going to insist that everything I do ________ perfect.答案: C.be74.L et’s have a party in our department.— _________ . 答案:B.Good idea75.Last year the temperature ________ by 10 percent. 答案: D.rose76.May I ask you a question?— _______ . 答案: B.Yes, please77.My mother is ill. Could I leave tomorrow?— ________ .答案:C.No problem. Please do78.Many stores are full ________ customers at weekends.. 答案: A.of79.Only last week I called at ________ . 答案: B.my aunt’s80.OK. Does next Tuesday suit you? .— _______ . 答案: D.Yes, it’s fine with me81. Please show me your library card. — ________ . 答案: D.Here you are82.Rosa likes music ___ is quiet and gentle. 答案: B.that83.She was terribly hungry. She had eaten ________ the whole day. 答案: D.little84.She has ________ all her debts. 答案:C.paid off85.She glanced shyly ________ him and then lowered her eyes. 答案:A.at86.She intended to make teaching her ________ . 答案: A.profession87.She didn’t like to ________ the hotel bedroom with a stranger.答案: A.share88.Sam enjoys ____ stamps, and now he has 226 of them. 答案: D.collecting89.Shall we go to the swimming pool?— ________ .答案:A.But I’d rather stay at home90.Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause you.— _______ . 答案: B.Never mind91.The teacher had no idea ________ these two students argued about. 答案:B.what92.The teacher found that there were ________ students already there.答案: D.a great many93.The students will take winter vacation ________ in February. 答案: C.some time94.The new employee finished the report and ________ . 答案:A.turned it in95.The difference was ________ cross the river. 答案: B.how to96.The lake shone ________ glass in the moonlight and she _______ it very much.答案: C.like, liked97.The Smiths decided to _____ a boy and a girl though they already had three children.答案: D.adopt98.The hostess ________ until the guests were seated. 答案:D.didn’t sit down99.The old man lives __, but she never feels ___.答案: B.alone ... lonely100.The shop offers products that range ________ inexpensive to very expensive.答案: B.from101.The child ________ cold if he had put on more clothes.答案: C.wouldn’t have caught102.The girl was heard ___ the piano in the next door. 答案:B.to play 103.The pollution is becoming more and more serious. I’m really worried about it.— _______ . 答案: C.I feel at a loss what to do 104.These are the pictures we took during this trip.— _________ !答案:A.Oh, what beautiful pictures they are 105.There are scientific ways ________ which man solves problems. 答案:A. in 106.They said they were g oing to invite us on their daughter’s birthday.— ________ . 答案: C.That’s great. I’ll look forward to it 107.That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much. — ________ .答案: D.My pleasure108.That story you have just told ________ me of the experience I once had.答案: B.reminds109.Tom as well as two of his classmates ________ invited to the party.答案:A.was 110.Take a seat here, Mr. Brown. Let’s try the food. — ________ .答案: B.Thank you. Oh, the dishes look so nice 111.Thank you for __ my grandpa when I was away. 答案: A.looking after 112.Thank you for a wonderful meal.— ________ . 答案: D.I’m glad you enjoyed it 113.Today, the forests have almost gone, people must ___ down too many trees.答案: D.be stopped from cutting114.We are looking forward to ________ the Great Wall again. 答案:B.visiting 115.We were ________ to leave before the train started. 答案: D.anxious 116.We decided to see the film ________ Friday night. So I rang to book the tickets.答案: B.on117.We ________ advertisements everywhere that they become largely invisible.答案: D.get used to seeing118.We are happy with your new job as the manager.— ________ .答案:C.On the contrary, I’m worried. I have more responsibilities 119。