雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a (long) car journey you went on 去过的汽车旅行.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion that you had a special cake 特殊的蛋糕.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion that you had a special cake 特殊的蛋糕思路点拨:以下思路仅供思考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历撰写答案该题目只有一个信息点special cake特殊的蛋糕。
下面是小编根据具体题目要求,给出的答案:You should say:When you had this cake? 什么时候吃的蛋糕Where you had this cake? 在哪吃的蛋糕Who were with you? 你和谁一起吃的And explain why you think it was special? 为什么你觉得它很特殊我要告诉你的经历发生在两年前。
The occasion that I had a special cake was two years ago. It was the last few months of my university. I had completed my dissertation and the job I had found did not start yet. So to kill the spare time, my best friend and I decided to have a travel to Tsingtao, a famous tourist city, with yummy seafood and mild climate.一天我们逛完海洋馆,正好到了吃晚饭的时候。
雅思口语当季话题卡:东三省自驾游之Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting.doc
有张话题卡是这样要求的:Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting。
不过即便没有,是不是可以说一说最近流行的MOBIKE膜拜单车、OFO之类的共享单车的城市之旅呢思路二:今天听一学生的故事挺生动的,在高一那会儿爸妈、叔叔和我一起开车自驾游从河南奔向了东三省,去看了有水怪之说的魅力长白山,不过有一次在东三省的高速路上汽车抛锚了(broke down)。
叔叔慢慢的降低了车速选择了一个应急通道(emergency access/channel)停了下来。
下车之后果然发现出现了问题,汽车右前轮胎爆了(flat tire or car blows up)。
还好当时并没有来个急刹车停下(slamming on the brakes),后果不堪设想。
说道汽车旅行?,已经完稿一篇详细的解析,Describe a (long) car journey you went on 去过的汽车旅行,多多思考。
This is probably one of the most unforgettable traveling experience in my life.。
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an achievement that you are proud of 引以为豪的成就.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an achievement that you are proud of 引以为豪的成就思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家能根据自己的真实经历撰写答案该题目有两个信息点:achievement和proud。
下面是小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的参考答案:You should say:What it was? 它是什么How you did it? 你怎么达成的How difficult it was? 它有多困难And explain why you are proud of it? 解释你为什么为之自豪我要告诉你的成就是我终于通过了大学的高数课程。
The achievement I am going to tell you is that I finally passed my advanced math examination. Since I was a little kid, math had been my nightmare. It was not because I was lazy. Instead I worked really hard. I took down every word the teacher said and made the best notes among my classmates. After class, I spent hours on my homework. Compared to others, I could fairly say I was diligent.但是,我好像并没有数学所需要的天赋。
2024雅思9分口语范文话题:Describe an interesting place you have visited(描述一个你去过的有趣的地方)Well, I gotta tell you about this amazing place I once visited Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.You know, as soon as I landed there, it was like stepping into a whole new world. The first thing that hit me was the hustle and bustle. There were people everywhere, but not in a bad way. It was just so full of life.The streets were filled with these super colorful markets. I mean, they had everything from the most beautiful hand made handicrafts that looked like they were straight out of a fairytale, to the yummiest street foodthat smelled so good it could make your mouth water just walking past.And the temples! Oh my god. They were just spectacular. One temple I visited, I think it was Wat Arun, had these huge, pointy spires that were all covered in these little bits of shiny glass or porcelain. When the sun hit them, it was like the whole temple was on fire. It was that dazzling.Another really cool thing was the tuk tuks. They're like these three wheeled taxis that zip around the city like crazy. Riding in one was like being on a rollercoaster. You feel the wind in your hair, and the driver is usually blasting some really loud Thai pop music. It was a wild ride every time.I also met some really friendly locals. They always had a big smile on their face, and even though my Thai was basically non existent, we could still communicate with hand gestures and a few broken English words. They made me feel really welcome in their city.All in all, Bangkok is a place that has it all amazing sights, delicious food, exciting rides, and super friendly people. It's just a place that once you visit, you'll never forget.。
雅思口语话题机经(完整版) -- 话题串讲Topic Pool——Part 2/3 (2020.09-12)People: (10)Describe a person who is full of energy/ an energetic person. Describe an old friend that you got in contact againDescribe a family (not your own) you like and happy to know. Describe a person who shows his feelings openly.Describe an intelligent person you know.Describe a person who helps others in their spare time.Describe a friend of yours who is a good leader.Describe a person you who taught you a skill when you were a child Describe a person you are happy to know.Describe an old person you know and respect.需要准备的素材有:1.一个聪明且爱帮助别人的同学适用话题:Describe an intelligent personDescribe a person who helps others in their spare time.Describe a friend of yours who is a good leader.Describe a person you are happy to know.Describe a person who is full of energy/ an energetic person. Describe an old friend that you got in contact againDescribe a person who shows his feelings openly.2.一个精力充沛的老人以及他的家庭适用话题:Describe a family (not your own) you like and happy to know. Describe an old person you know and respect.Describe a person you who taught you a skill when you were a child Describe a person who is full of energy/ an energetic person.Place: (5)Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting.Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about. Describe a place you visited that has been polluted.Describe a place where you are able to relax.Describe a city you have been to and would like to visit again.需要准备的素材有:3.一个旅游过的外国城市适用话题:Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about. Describe a place you visited that has been polluted.Describe a city you have been to and would like to visit again.4.一个图书馆/ 咖啡厅适用话题:Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting.Describe a place where you are able to relax.Event: (16)Describe an occasion when you forgot something importantDescribe an event you experienced but you didn’t like the music played there. Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you have madeDescribe a time when you first talked to others in a foreign language. Describe an experience when you changed your opinion.Describe a time when you worked in a groupDescribe a time when you enjoyed doing with a group of peopleDescribe a time when you saw children behave badly in publicDescribe an occasion when you wore your best clothes.Describe a long car journey you went on.Describe a enjoyable dinner that you had with your friends.Describe a r isk you’ve taken which had a positive result.Describe a time when a family member asked you for help.Describe an occasion when you lost your way.Describe a time when you are surprised to meet a friend.Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.需要准备的素材有:5.一个团体活动适用话题:Describe a time when you worked in a groupDescribe an occasion when you wore your best clothes.Describe a time when you enjoyed doing with a group of people6.一次旅游经历适用话题:Describe an occasion when you forgot something important(旅游忘带身份证) Describe a time when you first talked to others in a foreign language.(国外旅游)Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public(旅游看到熊孩子) Describe a long car journey you went on.Describe an occasion when you lost your way.(旅游迷路)Object: (18)Describe an ambition that you had for a long timeDescribe a tradition in your countryDescribe a photograph of you that you likeDescribe a prize that you receivedDescribe an area of science(physics, biology,etc.) that interests youDescribe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionallyDescribe a conversation topic that you were not interested inDescribe a time when you received good newsDescribe a book you read that you found usefulDescribe a short term job you want to have in a foreign countryDescribe a good decision you made recentlyDescribe a line that you remember from a poem or songDescribe an indoor game you played as a childDescribe a sport you want to try for the first timeDescribe a film that made you think a lotDescribe a film that made you laughDescribe someone or something that made a lot of noisesDescribe an application you usually use on your phone/ computerDescribe a large company that you are interested in需要准备的素材有:7.一个目标适用话题:Describe an ambition that you had for a long timeDescribe a prize that you received (到达目标赢得奖励)Describe a time when you received good news (赢得奖励是一个好消息) Describe a good decision you made recently8.一次贵贵的运动适用话题:Describe a sport you want to try for the first timeDescribe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally Describe an indoor game you played as a child9.一场搞笑的但令人深思的电影适用话题:Describe a film that made you think a lotDescribe a film that made you laugh。
雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a magazine that you like 喜欢的杂志.doc
雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a magazine that you like 喜欢的杂志思路点拨:以下原创思路谨供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案杂志类的问题曾在多年前考过,一直未重现,本季度又开始了,而且和Describe a quiet place 一起在季度中间的时候悄悄地浮出水面,小编能感受到BC的精心用意。
退一步讲,如果是在没有看过magazine,那么可以把Describe an exciting book you have read这篇当做自己的一个灵感进行微调修改。
下面是小编根据题目的具体要求,给出的原创参考答案:禁止其它机构转载抄袭雅思文章Describe a magazine that you likeYou should say:What it isWhere did you see itHow you got to know about itAnd explain why you like it一个我喜欢的杂志叫CFAN(电脑爱好者),它是一本电脑相关的杂志。
Well, a magazine that I love to read is named CFAN, which is a computer related magazine. It was firstly published in the 90s when I was quite little.天,你估计不相信那会儿我对电脑是多么的迷爱。
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion that everyone laughed全体大笑的场合.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion that everyone laughed全体大笑的场合思路点拨(汉语思路仅供参考),根据有效的思路整理和个人经历的整合,来表达P2观点。
When and where it was全体大笑的事情发生在我初中的时候,当时我正在教室里面上物理课。
Who were there物理老师正在讲台上讲解某个知识点,全班同学都在全神贯注的听讲,除了我之外。
What happened前一天晚上我玩游戏睡的比较晚,因此课上有些困。
一开始的时候我还能坚持睁着眼睛(kept my eyes open),但慢慢的我开始打起瞌睡来(nod off)。
所以我站起来,径直走向讲台,在任何人反应过来之前(before anyone could react)擦掉了半个黑板的内容。
物理老师一脸无法相信的看着我(stared at me with great disbelief)。
And explain why everyone laughed后来我才知道,当时物理老师是让我回答问题。
雅思口语题库part2话题原创范文汽车旅行今天和大家分享一下雅思口语题库part2话题原创范文汽车旅行a car journey you went on,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
Describe a car journey you went onYou should say:where you wentwhen and why you went therewhat landscapes you sawand explain why this was such an unforgettable trip1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:开车去南方海边旅行3.故事线:和从国外回来的叔叔一起开车去南方海边旅行This summer,my family took a car journey to the south of China where there was a famous resort by the sea.My uncle lives and works abroad. He rarely gets the chance to go home because his workis very demanding. Recently however he was able to take a few weeks off, so he came back.My uncle had told us about a plan he had to take a long trip through the country and all of us agreed. He said that it had always been his dream and now we are going to share in it.We all packed our bags and he rented a vehicle large enough to aommodate all of us. He volunteered to drive the first few miles but since it was a long and exhausting drive for just one man, he and my father took turns on the wheel.The resort was everything it promised to be and more. There were many activities for us to do like the usual sightseeing and picture taking. We also got the chance to try scuba diving, snorkeling and parasailing.Since it was the first time we had a trip by car, we felt so excited that we made as much noise as we could. We were all singing, ___ing jokes and sharing stories.4.高分口语语料地道用词:a famous resort 胜地demanding 高要求的on the wheel 驾驶everything it promised to be and more 名副其实scuba diving 水肺潜水snorkeling 浮浅parasailing 帆伞运动高分句型:We all packed our bags and he rented a vehicle large enough to aommodate all of us.The resort was everything it promised to be and more. There were many activities for us to do like the usual sightseeing and picture taking.Describe a car journey you went onYou should say:where you wentwhen and why you went therewhat landscapes you sawand explain why this was such an unforgettable trip1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:自驾去四川九寨沟旅行3.故事线:一家人开车出发去九寨沟,临时改变计划和结识的驴友结伴而行。
Describe a situation when you received some useful advice. You should say:What the situation was;Who gave you the advice;What the advice was;And explain how this advice was useful to you.Part31.In what situations do young people (or, children) need advice?2.Do you think advice from young people's parents is important?3.What is the value of advice from older people?4.What advice do parents usually give to their children?5.Do young people always take (or, accept) the advice of their parents?6.Which advice do you think is more important (or better), advice fromparents or advice from friends?Describe a place you went to that was full of colour.You should say:Where it was;Why you went there;What you did there;And explain why you think this place was made so colourful.Part31.What colors are the least popular in your country?2.Would these colors become popular in the future?3.What was the most popular color last year?4.How do colors affect people’s mood?5.What colors are mostly seen for buildings in China?6.What color is suitable for offices?D Describe a person you know who is good at cooking.You should say:Who this person is;What is your relationship with this person;What kinds of food he or she cooks;And explain why you think this person is so good at cooking.。
2024雅思口语范文话题一:Describe a memorable journey(描述一次难忘的旅行)Well, you know, there's this one journey that I just can't forget. It was a trip to a small island in Thailand.I got there by a super rickety old boat. The moment I stepped onto the island, it was like I entered a whole new world. The sand was so white, it was almost blinding, and the sea was this amazing shade of turquoise.I stayed in a little beach hut that was really basic but had this charm.I mean, you could hear the waves crashing right outside your door at night. It was so relaxing.During the day, I went snorkeling. Oh my god, it was like swimming inan aquarium. There were all these colorful fish and beautiful corals. Ieven saw a small shark, which was a bit scary at first but then I realizedit was just minding its own business.And the food! The local food was to die for. I had these fresh mangoes that were so sweet and some spicy seafood dishes that made my taste buds do a little happy dance.All in all, it was a journey full of surprises, beautiful scenery, and delicious food. It's one of those trips that I'll always cherish and think about when I need to escape from the daily grind.话题二:Talk about your favorite hobby(谈论您最喜欢的爱好)My favorite hobby? Well, that has to be collecting vinyl records. It might seem a bit old fashioned in this digital age, but there's something really special about it.I started this hobby a few years ago when I stumbled upon an old record store in a narrow alley. The moment I walked in, it was like stepping back in time. There were rows and rows of vinyl records, some of them looking really worn out but with so much character.I love the process of searching for new records. It's like a treasure hunt. I often go to flea markets or garage sales, hoping to find that one rare album. Once, I found a really old Beatles record in a garage sale. It was a bit scratched but still playable. I was over the moon.Playing the vinyl records is also a unique experience. There's this warm, analog sound that you don't get from digital music. And when you put the needle on the record, there's this little anticipation before the music starts. It's like a little ritual.Plus, the album covers are works of art. I have some really cool ones on my wall. It's not just about the music, but also about the whole aesthetic of the vinyl record culture. It's a hobby that has brought me a lot of joy and a connection to the music in a more tactile and nostalgic way.话题三:Describe a person who has influenced you a great deal(描述一个对你影响很大的人)That person would be my high school English teacher, Mr. Smith. He was like a wizard of words.When I first met him, I wasn't really into English. I thought it was just another boring subject. But Mr. Smith had this way of making the language come alive. He would tell us stories from classic Englishliterature as if he was there in those stories himself.He had this really thick, bushy beard that made him look like a wiseold sage. And his voice was so soothing when he read out Shakespeare's sonnets. It was like music.Mr. Smith encouraged us to read a lot. He set up a little readingcorner in our classroom and filled it with all kinds of books. He would say, "Books are like doors to different universes, and you kids need to start exploring."He also made us write our own short stories. At first, I was really hesitant, but he was always there to give feedback. He would say things like, "Your story has the potential to be a blockbuster, but let's work on this character a bit more." His positive feedback and guidance really boosted my confidence.Thanks to him, I fell in love with English. I started reading more, writing more, and now I can communicate in English pretty well. He's notjust a teacher but a true inspiration in my life.。
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion when you got up early 早起.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion when you got up early描述一次你早起的经历起得很早的经历思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案这道题在三年前考过(Describe a time you got up extremely early),如今又浮出了水面。
这样才会让考官知道你所表达的内容是at length(足够充分)并且make meaning clear(意思清楚)的。
题目Describe an occasion when you got up earlyYou should say:when you got upwhat you didwhy you got up so earlyAnd explain how you felt about it参考答案下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案:。
Well, an occasion when I got up early was for a mountain climbing on Mount. Hua, which is a five-star?natural scenic spot located in Hua Town, Shaanxi Province.一次我早起的经历是要去华山登山。
I remember it was in the first summer vacation during my college when my friends and I went to the Mount. Hua for climbing. We were living and studying in the downtown of Xi’an, and it would normally take us 2 hours to get there. I clearly remember the reason why we woke up so early, probably around 4 AM, is that we wanted to get a head up over the traffic and to be able to see the sunrise. Gosh, honestly, thisarticle is from Laokaoya website, the last time I woke that early was probably for a day of military training in our high school. It took me a while to be fully awake, and I dashed to the washroom to wash my face, and wrap up all the stuff that we needed. As we were in a rush, we finished our breakfast on our way to the Mout. Hua.我记得是在上大学的第一个暑假的时候,我和我的朋友们去了华山登山。
9月口语题目“a long car journey”: The Great Ocean Road near Melbourne, Aus tralia美哭的大洋路,你值得拥有! things you must see along the road: breathtaking view of sunrise, 12 Apostles,wonderful beach, classic s urfing spots, adventurous road, historical places“a restaurant”羊驼昨天去的一家越南餐厅Muse,他家装修法国风很重, 喜欢!如何描述这个餐厅:Vietnamese restaurant, interior design based on Frech style. yummy food: classic rice noodles, stir-fried rice with tuna ,traditional Vietnamese spring rolls.“an important conversation": breaking up with X. 分手的理由:going to study abroad, hate distance relationship (异地恋), personality clash 性格不合, laziness 懒, there is no love between us any more 没爱了, your parents hate the one you love 父母阻拦“a family member you spend most time with”和麻麻一起:cooking, house cleaning, shopping, watching TV, having a walk 和粑粑一起:d iscussing study/work, sports, travelling, video games 和爷爷奶奶一起:talking,TV, fishing, chinese opera,“a person who likes to travel by plane”, 最后一问答法this person likes air travel because1. too rich to use other cheap transportation 2. not afraid of heights 3.simply likes plane 4. trying to find true l ove on the plane 5. an impatient personWaiting for a hugA few years ago, my boyfriend went abroad. From then on, we only had a few days to see each other in person every year. Last year around Christmas, he told me he would come back for me and cele brate Christmas with me.That winter was cold and difficult for me. I didn’t do well at schoo l. My best friend stopped talking to me and I had no idea why. Eve rything was suddenly going against me. Almost every night, I drea med of meeting my boyfriend and he gave me a solid hug as the best comfort.Finally, that day came. I waited at the airport and felt dizzy. It had been a year since I saw him and I wanted his hug so bad. For two hours, I was trying to suppress my sadness while thinking about th e painful days I experienced in the past 12 months.Suddenly, someone was calling my name from behind, and when I turned around, he quickly held me against his chest and softly told me he was back and he missed me a lot. At that moment, I could n’t hear anything around me, I just cried silently. That was the mo st wanted hug I ever had in my life.“noise”: 那些防不胜防的噪音:1. 大妈跳舞2. 大爷唱戏3. 半夜楼下车子警报器啊啊啊啊在叫4. 原来是车里啪啪啪在震5. 上铺室友睡觉哼声如雷6. 下铺室友咔嚓磨牙好吓人7. 还有baby的哇哇哇8. 各种喵喵汪汪。
Describe a long car journey you went on.You should say:where you wentwhat you did at this placewho you went there withand explain why you went on that journey by car.雅思口语范文一:The long car journey I’ve ever had was in last Spring Festival when we had 14-day vacation, so my family decided to have a trip to Shanghai by car. There were three people of us, so we thought that driving was a more economical and convenient way. We left Beijing about 7 o’clock in the morning and drove southward.We didn’t constantly drive along but visited several other cities as well during our trip. For example, we stayed in the city of Xuzhou in the Jiangsu Province for two days because it was a historical city and there were many famous cultural heritage. After about four-day driving, we finally reached our destination. We visited many renowned places, like the bustling City God Temple, and peaceful Century Park, the gorgeous Yu Garden, and the breath-taking Pudong skyline, and tasted lots of indigenous food.Travelling by our own car enables us to plan our itinerary freely, so that we can go somewhere very conveniently and don’t have to waste our time in the train station and airport. Besides, we can take and buy lots of things on the way and then put them in our car, which always makes our travelling fruitful.雅思口语范文二:Actually my parents and I drive to relatives’ place every spring festival and there was once we decided to visit my uncle in Beihai, a small city famous for its spectacular water and beach scenery.We spent three days on the road and the reason why we chose traveling by car was quite simple: we had plenty of time and we really desired a soothing trip. We really enjoyed this journey because we pulled over anytime we wanted just to enjoy the beautiful view along the road or taste the delicious snacks cooked by peddlers. Also, we had opportunities to see different kinds of buildings and structures and took photos of them .There was one particular temple that I remembered. It was extremely quiet and solemn, surrounded by bamboos. By the time we arrived , we just ran into the monks ringing the bell in the sunset.Of course there were still several times when we were stuck in the traffic congestion but we were never anxious or upset, but patiently waited because everything we saw along the road was fresh and attracted us a lot.This is actually not an easy trip but it brought me a lot of happiness and new experiences.雅思口语范文三:Describe a long car journey you went on.You should say:where you wenthow long it tookwho you went there withand explain why you went on that journey by car.Robert initially decided to marry his beloved in the Bengali style and hired a venue in Kolkata. Accordingly I reached Kolkata by a flight from Greece. I had to attend the ceremony as he insisted and sent me tickets for the travel. After landing in Kolkata, it took about over 30 hours for me to reach the destination. The destination was 1462 kilometers away from Kolkata. But the journey was comfortable for me as Robert arranged a car for me that carried me to New Delhi.It took over a day and night for me to reach New Delhi. The distance is huge from Kolkata. The journey was outstanding. It was a large four-seated sedan car. The car started journey from Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata in India, the airport was known as Dum Dum Airport. The car started journey at 8 am sharp, though I touched the land at 6.30 and had spent the time outside the airport building to get familiar with the area. I have never been to West Bengal in my life. I did not have the idea about the distance and when I came to know about that, I bought few thrillers from the books stalls in the airport.I was all alone in the car except the driver. It was an exciting journey for me but in the night time I had nothing to do except watching movies on my laptop. But I met many of my friends who came to attend the marriage ceremony too. The journey from Kolkata to New Delhi will stay in my mind for longer days. Robert assigned a native driver who was familiar with the road networks of Kolkata and New Delhi. He drove the car skillfully and took me at the marriage venue about half an hour before the commencement. The driver’s company was enjoyable indeed. He did not ask many questions like the others did when I got down from the airplane. Rather he assisted me in almost every aspect and took care of me.It was inconvenient for me to travel in a foreign country and alone, Robert arranged the car with the thought of my comfort. I am obliged withhis cordiality, indeed.。
Describe a long journey you enjoyed. You should say where you went when and why you went there what landscapes you saw and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip. One journey I went on that was very long indeed was my trip around Europe last summer, travelling by train. I went for a whole month, going all around Europe from my home country of England east until I got to Eastern Europe, and then back in a loop to Italy. I went so I could see the rich history and culture of the continent, which was practically on my doorstep. I felt it was high time I embarked on a long trip to experience some more of the world and its people. Travelling by train I kept myself occupied by looking out of the window at the landscapes as they flashed by. The countryside was mostly fields, but once I got to the Alps then it became beautiful. There were towering cliffs of rocks with fast-flowing rivers cutting between valley walls. I could even see a castle on one of the hillsides. Each city I visited brought a new style of architecture and type of person on the street. I saw medieval cottages, baroque cathedrals and shabby, modern apartment blocks. The landscape varied with each country I came to. I’ll never forget this trip because it was the first time I was travelling without a home base. I went with a good friend and we spent a lot of time together. We had memorable conversations on the long train journeys about live, society, religion... all very deep stuff. I also had the chance to see some of the world’s most famous sights like the Eiffel Tower and the Dom cathedral in Cologne. It was fascinating waking up on a moving train knowing that the next stop I got off at was going to present me with a whole new country with many surprises. It was a unique experience. Lexical resource 词汇 all around: 到处 in a loop: 绕⼀圈 continent: 洲 doorstep: 门⼝ embarked: 进⾏ occupied: 被占据 flashed by: 飞过 the Alps: 阿尔卑斯⼭脉 towering cliffs: ⾼耸的悬崖 fast-flowing rivers: 急流的河 hillsides: ⼭腰 style of architecture: 建筑风格 medieval cottages: 中世纪风格的⼩屋 baroque cathedrals: 巴洛克风格的教堂 home base: 本垒⼤本营 Eiffel Tower: 柏林⼤教堂 fascinating: 迷⼈的 unique: 奇特的。
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an advertisement you remember well 记忆深刻的广告.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an advertisement you remember well 描述一则记忆犹新的广告/记忆深刻的广告/印象很深的广告思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案谈起广告,想必大家从小到大应该看得不少了。
题目Describe an advertisement you remember wellYou should say:Where you saw itWhat it was aboutWhat it was likeWhy you remember it well参考答案下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案:。
Well, an advertisement I remember well was the one selling beverages. It’s a brand called Hainan Coconut Tree Milk.一个让我记忆深刻的广告是关于卖饮料的广告。
I remember it was during the Spring Festival Gala of 2008 that I got to know this ad for the first time. You know what, the time during the Gala on TV was very precious, and usually companies from all industries wanted to bid for a chance to show their?product. I saw this coconut milk commercial right before the gala began, so you know how dear that ad fees would be.我记得是在2008年春季节年欢晚会期间我第一次看到了这则广告。
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions 积极的建议.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions 积极的建议思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家能够根据自己的实际经历撰写答案该题目有两个信息点:positive和suggestions。
下面是小编根据题目的具体要求,给出的参考答案:You should say:When you received 什么时候收到的建议Who gave you the suggestions? 谁给的建议What you did? 你做了什么And explain why the suggestions were positive / how you felt? 为什么建议是积极的/你感觉如何我要告诉你的积极的建议是如何克服拖延症。
The positive suggestion I am going to tell you is how to overcome procrastination. Procrastination seems to be very popular among the young adults, as you can see it everywhere on the internet. Individuals tend to spend their time on more pleasurable things rather than the pending tasks, and thus put off things that need to be accomplished to a later time, usually the last minute before a deadline, which often result in a poor performance.两年前,在写论文期间,我也有比较严重的拖延症。
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement 庆祝自己的成就.doc
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement 描述一个你庆祝成就的经历/庆祝自己的成就思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案这道题目很有意义,因为我们人生中总有那么一些值得庆祝的成就,这个成就不一定是一鸣惊人,一飞冲天那种。
题目Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievementYou should say:What you didWhen you celebrated itWho you celebrated it withAnd explain how you felt about it参考答案下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案:。
A situation when I celebrated my achievement was after I got my offer from my ideal university several years ago.一个庆祝成就的时刻是在几年前当我收到大学录取通知书之后。
The moment I got this thrilling offer, my parents decided to set a grand dinner to invite friends and relatives to come and celebrate. You know, they have been waiting this time for quite a long time.当我拿到这份令人激动不已的通知书的时候,我的父母就决定要摆宴席邀请亲朋好友前来庆祝。
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a recent change of you? 最近的改变.doc
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a recent change of you? 最近的改变思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历撰写答案该题目只有一个信息点:recent change最近的改变。
下面是小编根据题目的具体要求,给出的参考答案:You should say:What the change was? 改变是什么What caused the change? 什么导致了改变What do you do for the change? 你为改变做了什么How do you feel about the change? 改变之后感觉如何我要告诉你的改变是我终于克服了拖延症。
The recent change I am going to tell you is that I finally got over my procrastination, which used to be quite serious. Before, when I got something to do, I tended to spend my time on more pleasurable things rather than the pending tasks, and thus put off things that need to be accomplished to a later time, usually the last minute before the deadline. Then I stayed up for a few nights to get it done.不出意料的,这样完成的工作也就刚刚及格。
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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a (long) car journey you went on 去过的汽车旅行
该题目有两个信息点:(long) car journey和went on。
You should say:
Where you went ?你去哪
What you did at this place ?你去那干吗
Who you went there with ?你跟谁去的
And explain why you went on that journey by car ?解释你为什么乘坐的汽车
The car journey I am going to tell you happened last spring festival when I took the coach from Beijing to my hometown 800 kilometers away by myself. ?Spring festival is the most important festival in Chinese culture. No matter where you are and how old you are, as long as you are a Chinese, you choose to come back to your hometown and spend the holiday with your parents, relatives and friends.
Since people chose the same days to begin their journey, transport system?was pushed to the edge of breaking down. The price of flights soared up and was way beyond
my budget. Train tickets were released a month before the scheduled departure and when I checked the booking website, they had already run out. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. I logged on the website several times a day to see if there were any new tickets coming out, but it seemed that the goddess of fortune was not on my side. Thus I had no choice but coach, which would take 8 hours.
The journey turned out to be a disaster. First, the space in a car was far more narrow than that in a train. Standing up and walking around were out of consideration. In fact, I couldn’t feel my legs only 4 hours after the departure. Second, there was no toilet on the coach. You had to control the amount of water you drank. Last, somebody near me snored loudly, making it impossible to rest. I will never have another car journey ever!
推荐阅读:Describe a trip that you plan to go in the near future