

研究生英语核心教材 综合教程下 课文单词整合

研究生英语核心教材  综合教程下 课文单词整合

by 笑傲人生第一单元Unabomber 源于“University and Aviation Bomber”,因其针对的主要目标为大学和航班而得名cooking tips 烹饪技巧screed n. lengthy writing 冗长的文章get (sth.or sb.) wrong misunderstand 误解gratuitous free 免费的obnoxious a. extremely unpleasant 可憎的take one摧s own life kill oneself; commit suicidewere left to wonder 一直迷惑不解most wanted terrorist 被通缉的恐怖分子mindless crusade against progress fight against 不顾一切地反对commemorate v. in memory of; in honor of; to remember; to markhave no knowledge of have no idea ofproclaim v. declare; announce 宣布scavenge v.在废弃物中寻觅a prank gone wrong hoax 恶作剧出了轨pay back 报复wild goose chase chase the wild goose futile chase 徒劳的追求,无益的举动en route to on the way torigged to function fixed, to serve as 装配ignite v. detonated; set offwith a newfound vengeance /with a vengeancewith great violence or force; to an extreme degree猛烈的;极度地meticulously adv. extremely careful and preciseall but severed nearly severed; nearly cut off6 ■研究生英语核心教材———综合教程(下)lacerate and pierce v. cut and penetratedistorted a. misshaped; deformed; disfiguredmanifesto n. declarration 宣言Attorney General (美国)司法部长FBI Chief 联邦调查局局长rambling and repetitive rant 不着边际的激昂的演说deranged a. insanereap v. obtaindevastated a. feel very shocked and upset 震惊心烦意乱(精神或感情上)most telling a.明显的imperative n. an obligation; a duty 责任;义务enlist v. to persuade sb to help youramshackle cabin shaky 摇摇欲坠的小屋plead guilty 认罪discrediting 败坏⋯⋯的名声;怀疑fade into oblivion forgotten; sink into obscurity, to pass out of sight or existence 渐为(世人)忘却fade v.逐渐淡出,逐渐消失; disappear graduallyvanish v.尤指迅速地消失;突然不见, disappear quickly第二单元miniature adj. being on a very small scale 小型的,微小的whir v.作呼呼响defy v. challenge 公然反抗,蔑视allure n. the power to entice or attract 诱惑力,魅力shatter v. to break into pieces; smash or burst 砸碎,粉碎fissure n. a long narrow opening 裂缝或裂隙solidity n.固体性surreal adj. having an oddly dreamlike quality 超现实的blur n. hazy 模糊discerning adj. keen insight 有见识的conviction n.坚定的信仰(主张),深信,坚信deconstructed adj. broken down into components; dismantled 解构的brushstroke n.一笔,一画,笔法pretend adj. informal imitation; make-believe 模仿的,仿制的mediator n. a go-between 调停者linear adj. of, relating to, or resembling a line 直线的,线性的ascent n. a movement upward 上升trajectory n.轨迹,轨道neural adj. of or relating to the nervous system 神经的palpable adj. easily perceived; obvious 明显的,明白的lepidopterist n.鳞翅类学者naivete n. innocence 天真,质朴revelation n. an enlightening or astonishing disclosure 发现,揭露exquisite adj. acutely perceptive or discriminating 敏感的,细致的36 ■研究生英语核心教材———综合教程(下)masterful adj. revealing supreme mastery or skill 大师的perpetrate v. commit 犯(罪),作(恶)stunningly adv. in a spectacular manner 惊人地,令人目瞪口呆地arcane adj. secret or mysterious 神秘的,秘密的debris n. ruins 碎片,残骸supercollider n. a high-energy particle accelerator 超级对撞机constituent n. component; element 成分,构成部分physiologist n. a biologist specializing in physiology 生理学家physiological adj.生理学的building block 基本成分grudgingly adv. in an unwilling manner 吝啬地orthogonal adj. relating to or composed of right angles 直角的,直交的inflate v. fill with gas or air 使充气(于轮胎、气球等)whirlpool n. a magnetic, impelling force into which one may be pulled 漩涡vortex n.漩涡(pl畅vortices)purgatory n. orment or suffering 炼狱quaint adj. queer; odd; eccentric 少见的,古怪的pedagogical adj. of or relating to pedagogy 教学法的pendulum n.钟摆thrust n. drive 驱动力tightrope n.钢丝retina n.视网膜stereopsis n.立体观测,立体影像cue n. evidence that helps to solve a problem; clue 线索compression n.压缩visceral adj.直觉的jar v. to shake or shiver from impact 使震动tangible adj. possible to understand or realize 明白的;有形的,可触摸的metaphysical adj. highly abstract and overly theoretical 形而上学的labyrinth n. maze 迷宫avant-garde adj. radically new or original 先锋派non-euclidean adj.非欧几里得的zeitgeist n.时代精神,时代思潮lifes n.活体模型,写真potent adj. having great influence; powerful 强有力的disorienting adj.使⋯⋯迷惑的evocation n. imaginative re-creation 再现,通过记忆和想象的力量再第三单元commemoration n. to keep in memory by ceremony 纪念、纪念会majestic adj. imposing 雄伟的、庄严的、崇高的windswept adj. exposed to high winds 当风的、被强风吹光的reclaim v. seek return of (one摧property)收复、回收、开垦liberty n. freedom from captivity 自由、自由权enslave v. make (person) a slave 奴役、使作奴隶tyranny n. government of a cruel ruler 暴政、苛政、专制undertaking n. work 事业、任务unparalleled a. having no parallel or equal 无比的、无双的、空前未有的daring a. bold; courageous 大胆的、勇敢的sheer a. steep 陡峭的、垂直的desolate a. deserted, uninhabited, barren 荒芜的、荒凉的、孤寂的mighty a. powerful, massive 强大的、强有力的、巨大的machine gun 机(关)枪grenade n. small bomb thrown by hand 手榴弹rope ladder 绳梯grab v. seize suddenly 抓取、强夺hold one摧s footing to stand firmly 站稳脚跟bear arms to carry weapons 手持武器memorial n.a.纪念物、纪念碑、纪念的dagger n. short pointed stabbing weapon 匕首、短剑pin down restrict actions of 阻止、约束、压住bagpipe n.(苏格兰人用的)风笛reinforcement n.增援、援军smack n. sharp slap or blow, sharp sound 拍击声、噼啪作响valor n. courage esp.in battle 勇猛、英勇take hold become established 站稳unsurpassed a. not exceeded by 未被超越的、卓绝的deter v. prevent (from) through fear 威慑、吓住roll call calling of a list of names 点名impel v. drive, urge, propel 激励、驱使、迫使instinct n. innate propensity 本能、直觉self-preservation 自我保护beachhead n.滩头堡、登陆场profound a. far-reaching 意义深远的、深刻的rock-hard a. as hard as rock 坚硬的Providence n. God 天公、上帝have a hand in intervene, interfere, get involved in 插手、介入unfold v. spread out, reveal 展开、打开、呈现parachute troops 伞兵部队cot n. small light bed 帆布床、吊床forsake v. give up, renounce 抛弃、遗弃daunt v. discourage, intimidate 威吓、使胆怯、使气馁summon v. call in 召集、鼓起(勇气等)reconciliation n.和解、(重新)和好alliance n. union or agreement to co-operate 联盟、同盟、联合echo v. reflection of sound-waves 回声、重复、共鸣unyielding a. firm 不屈的isolationism n.孤立主义intent n. intention, purpose 意图、目的、意义in the spirit of 本着⋯⋯的精神fitting a. proper 合适的、恰当的perish v. be destroyed, suffer death or ruin 灭亡、消灭、枯萎testify v. bear witness, give evidence 证实、作证commitment n.承担义务、许诺、约定destiny n. fate 命运make a vow to to swear 向⋯⋯发誓hearten v. cheer 振作、鼓励、激励Pointe du Hoc 奥克角海滩Star of David (犹太教)大卫王之星Poles 波兰人The Royal Winnipeg Rifles 皇家温尼伯来复枪团Poland摧s 24th Lancers 波兰的第24重装枪骑兵团The Royal Scots摧Fusiliers 皇家苏格兰燧发枪手团The Screaming Eagles 第101空击师“尖叫鹰”The Yeomen of England摧s Armored Divi sio ns 英格兰装甲师的义勇骑兵队The Forces of Free France 自由法国军队Coast Guard摧s Matchbox Fleet 海岸警卫队的“火柴盒”舰队The Liberty Bell 独立钟(1776年7月4日鸣此钟宣布美国独立)Colonel Wolverton 沃尔夫顿中校Joshua 约书亚(基督教枟圣经枠中的人物)Warsaw (波兰首都)华沙Prague (捷克首都)布拉格East Berlin 东柏林第四单元figure out come to understand sb /sth by thinking 弄明白faculty n.全体教员senior n. an older person 年长者inclination n. a liking or preference 爱好,癖好given prep. taking something into account 考虑到drawback n. disadvantage 缺点bottom line n. essential point, crucial factor 决定性因素drive n. an inner urge or desire 冲动,动力subconscious n.潜意识心理活动conscious n.意识reinforcement n. the act of strengthening 加强Unit 4 Caught Between Places ■95out of the blue unexpected 突然的,意外的nowhere n. an unknown and remote place 不知名的地方,一片荒芜的地区shearing n. removing by cutting off or clipping 剪毛,修剪,剪切stack v. to pile, arrange or place in a stack 把⋯⋯叠成堆⋯⋯pore over 专心阅读end up 最后,最终,结果grueling adj. exhausting, very tiring 累垮人的bureaucratic adj. arbitrary or routine 机械刻板的aborigine n. native 土著居民;(常做Aborigines)澳大利亚土著居民revelation n.被揭示的真相appreciate v. be fully conscious of, be aware of 领会displace v. compel a person to leave home, country etc.迫使某人离开家或者祖国displaced people n.失去家园者reconcile v. bring into agreement or harmony 调和,使一致make a difference: have an effect on sb /sth 对⋯⋯有作用,有影响idealist n.理想主义者incremental adj. increasing gradually 递增的barrage n. an overwhelming quantity or explosion 大量numb v.使麻木不仁,使失去知觉motivate v. stimulate the interest of 激起⋯⋯的兴趣heart n. core, the vital or essential part 中心,要点collateral adj. additional, accompanying 伴随的on the run fleeing from pursuit or capture 逃跑context n. the circumstances in which an event occurs 背景sensation n.知觉;轰动grapple v. work hard to overcome (a difficulty)努力解决,对付squander v. use sth wastefully 挥霍(时间、金钱等)第五单元unique adj. unparalleled 独特的,罕见的perspective n. the state of one摧s ideas 观点、看法bizarre adj. unusual 稀奇古怪,异乎寻常terrain n. a tract of land 地形、地带anthropology n.人类学ethnocentric n.种族中心主义,种族优越感staunchly adv. firmly and steadfastly 坚定地,忠诚地denote v. indicate 指示,表示,意味着recant vt. to withdraw or disavow,放弃(信仰、主张),撤回声明crusade n.讨伐,宗教战争corroborate v.证实momentum n. impetus 势头,力量languish vi. to become weaker 变得衰落,失去活力bustling adj. thriving or energetic 忙忙碌碌的,活跃的entail v.牵涉,使必要cartography n.制图学,制图法shamanism n. the animistic religion of northern Asia 萨满教exalt vt.使提升breeding n. good manners 教养filial adj.子女的,后代的piety n. dutiful respect for parents 孝顺,孝敬ordain vt. to enact by law, to order or command 制定,规定,命令gullible adj. easily deceived or cheated 易上当的,轻信的。

研究生英语综合教程(下) unit 1

研究生英语综合教程(下) unit 1

Starting out—Task 2
Here are some suggestions from experts that will enable you to retain (or take back) much of your independence and improve your quality of life. • Don‘t isolate yourself...reach out to others • Stay as physically active as you can • Manage your breathing • Stick with your treatment plan
Background Information
Watch a clip from The Pursuit of Happyness in which Christopher’s wife just left him. Discuss with your partner how people should pursue happiness.
Reading Focus
The Hidden Side of Happiness
Reading Focus
1 2
3 4 5 6 Background Information Global Understanding Detailed Information Critical Thinking Language Points Vocabulary in Action
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Read the letter from John Doe and, with your partner, discuss how you could help him.



Unit 1Task1Task21. The __tranquil(安宁的)_ atmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home.2. Technological advances might _ultimately(最终)_ lead to even more job losses.3. In the __aftermath(余波)__ of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership.4. Her kindness and generosity __cancel out(抵消)__ her occasional flashes of temper.5. He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the _ordeal(折磨)__.6. Foreign food aid has led to a __drastic(猛烈的)_ reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.7. Perhaps her most important __legacy(遗产)__ was her program of educational reform.8. There were food shortages and other __deprivations(匮乏)_ during the Civil War.9. The new economic policies could prove ___suicidal(自我毁灭)__ for the party.10. The building will be completed around six months earlier than ____anticipated(预料的)__.11. The experience was enough to keep him ____preoccupied_(心事重重)__ for some time.12. The road to happiness is paved with __adversities(逆境)__.13. She __aspires(渴望)____ to nothing no less than the chairmanship of the company.14. He might be influenced by ___nostalgia(思乡情)__ for the surroundings of his happy youth.15. In ___retrospect(回顾)_, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action.Task31. Watching your baby being born is __a mind-blowing experience___ (极其令人兴奋的经历).2. There is _built-in storage space__ (内置储藏空间) in all bedrooms.3. This handout focuses on ___self-protection measures__ (自我保护措施) under difficult climatic conditions.4. I’m sure we could offer you some ___short-term employment__ (短期的工作).5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a ___distorted and negative self-perception__ (歪曲的、否定的自我观念)?6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoing _life-changing events_ (改变了生活的事件) in Then She Found Me.7. She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honesty and the raw emotion that is portrayed in __all-encompassing details__ (无所不包的细节).8. Having a decent job contributes to ___a good self-image__ (一个好的自我形象).Unit 6Task11. Slavery was abolished(废除)in the United States in the 19th century. (Ended)2. I’ll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn(严肃的)word. (Serious)3. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? (Celebrate)4. Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth. (Search)5. Management has given a pledge(保证)that there will be no job losses this year. (Promise)6. These monuments are a vital part of the culture heritage(继承)of South America. (Inheritance)7. Signing this form commits you to buying the goods. (Obligates)(使。



研究生英语综合教程下册1-5课文及翻译Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness3 This and other promising findings about the life-changing effects of crises are the province of the new science of post-traumatic growth. This fledgling field has already proved the truth of what once passed as bromide: What doesn't kill you can actually make you stronger. Post-traumatic stress is far from the only possible outcome. In the wake of even the most terrifying experiences, only a small proportion of adults become chronically troubled. More commonly, people rebound-or even eventually thrive.诸如此类有关危机改变一生的发现有着可观的研究前景,这正是创伤后成长这一新学科的研究领域。





Unit2 Commercialization and Changes in Sportsmercialization has not had a dramatic effect on the format and goals of most sports. In spite of the influence of spectators, what has occurred historically is that sports have maintained their basic format. Innovations have been made within this framework, rather than completely dismantling the design of a game. For example, the commercialization of the Olympic Games has led to minor rule changes in certain events, but the basic structure of each Olympic sport has remained much the same as it was before the days of corporate endorsements and the sale of television rights. 商业化对于大多数体育运动的结构和目标没有太大的影响。


、5 This anodyne definition of well-being leaves out the be er half of the story, the
种丰富、完整的愉悦。那就是幸福背后隐藏的那种本质—是我们在明智的男男女 女身上所欣赏到并渴望在我们自己生活中培育的那种不可言喻的品质。事实证 明,一些遭受苦难最多的人-他们被迫全力应付他们未曾预料到的打击,并重新 思考他们生活的意义—或许对那种深刻的、给人以强烈满足感的人生经历 (哲学 家们过去称之为对“美好生活”的探寻)最有发言权。
正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中 :在最困难 的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。对那些令人极度 恐慌的经历作出 积极回应的并不仅限于最坚强或最勇敢的人。实际上,大约半
、4 Those who weather adversity well are living proof of one of the paradoxes of
happiness: We need more than pleasure to live the best possible life. Our contemporary quest for happiness has shriveled to a hunt for bliss —a life protected from bad feelings, free from pain and confusion.



Unit One ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆mustache 胡子giggle 咯咯地笑boulevard 林荫大道blurt 突然说出、脱口而出paradox悖论inarticulate 口齿不清、不善言辞kneecap膝盖骨bestow 授予blink 眨眼、闪烁furrowed 有沟痕的quip 妙语、俏皮话ethereal 轻飘的、优雅的、精美的comeback 恢复、复原sonnet 十四行诗Jim-dandy =excellent cadence 节奏、韵律、抑扬顿挫sestet 六重唱曲execrabl e 恶劣的、讨厌的petticoat 衬裙、裙子adroit 敏捷的、灵巧的、熟练的poise 自信、平衡、镇静etiquette 礼节、礼仪、规矩comport 行为、举动bestow sth. upon (on) sb. 送礼、戴高帽子carry sb. away 使某人失控stitch sth. up 缝起来(诬陷、陷害)well of 幸好(经济)get possession of 占有put one’s mind to do sth. 集中精力come up with 找到方法、答案brush sth. off 忽视、无视on the right track 正确的思考be inept at doing sth. =unskillfull doing sth. fall flat 达不到预期的效果fall apart 破裂work like a dog =work very hard the chances are (that) =it is likely that可能Unit Five ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆Scepticism 怀疑论、怀疑主义fallacy 谬论、谬误hitherto 迄今、至今totter 蹒跚、踉跄arduous 努力的、费力的、艰苦的toil 辛苦、苦工、艰难坑长的工作indubitable 不容置疑的、明确的folly 愚蠢、荒唐事exterminate 消灭、根除、屠杀sober 冷静的、清醒的fatalistically 宿命论ascertain 确定、查明、探知pestilence 瘟疫creed 信条、教义discord 不和、不调和、分歧epoch 新纪元、新时代tyranny 暴政、专横、严酷interlude 插曲、穿插potent 有效的、强有力的gospel 真理、信条wholeheartedness 全神贯注、全心全意metaphor 隐喻preclude 阻止、阻碍synthesis 综合、合成、综合体elude 逃避、躲避grimly 可怕的、冷酷的、严格的garb 服装、装束、打扮treachery 背叛、欺骗perpetual 永久的、不断的allegiance 效忠、忠诚、忠贞mundane =ordinary 世俗的、平凡的pass for 被某人接受sit down to sth. 着手做某事make calls upon sth. 对...提出要求of little account/moment 不那么重要as against 与...相比with a view to doing sth. 目的是for all =despite 尽管march 进军、行进wander 漫步、徘徊、闲荡stalk 大踏步走carefree 无忧无虑的precise=exact 精确的dissolute 放荡的、风流的highlight 强调、突出forgo =give up 放弃、停止foster 培养、养育haunt 常出没于...经常去... morbid 病态的religious 宗教的、虔诚的steep 陡峭的fond 喜欢的、温柔的greasy 油腻的、谄媚的submissive 顺从的、服从的perilous =dangerous 危险的rigid 僵硬的、僵直的futile 无用的、无效的glittering 闪闪发光的concentrated 集中的、全神贯注的frantic 狂乱的、疯狂的dogmatic 教条、武断的affectionate 深情的、充满深情的definitive 决定性的、最后的、限定的Unit Six◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆matriculation 入学考试languish 憔悴、凋零、失去活力garner 获得、储存(谷仓)tier 层、排、行、列、使层叠echelon 梯形、阶层、形成梯队rue 后悔、悲伤、芸香spawn 卵、产卵、大量生产chum 室友、密友、结为密友niche 壁龛、合适的职业credentials =certificate 证书、文凭feign 假装、装作、捏造curriculum vitae 简历gabby 饶舌的、多嘴的whereof 关于什么的、关于那事unalloyed 纯粹的、非合金的banal 陈腐的、平庸的。



adversity n逆境、不幸、厄运aftermath n后果、余波alleyway n 小巷、胡同altruism n 利他主义、无私anodyne adj 不冒犯他人的、四平八稳的aspire v 最求、渴望、有志于bliss n 极乐,无上幸福bona fide a dj 真正的、真实的bromide n 意在使人消气却没有效果的话dazed adj 茫然的、迷乱的、恍惚的encompass v覆盖、围住excruciating adj 剧烈疼痛的gratifying adj 令人高兴的、使人满足的harrowing a dj 折磨人的、可怕的、令人痛苦的ineffable a dj 难以名状的、不可言喻legacy n 遗留下来的状况mind-blowing adj 令人极度的、非常奇怪的neurological n 神经的nostalgia n对往昔事物的留恋、怀旧情绪ordeal n 可怕的经历、痛苦的折磨paramount a dj 至高无上的、最重要的province n 范围、领域、职责范围preoccupied adj 全神贯注的、入神的refrain n 一再重复的话rheumatoid arthritis n 类风湿性关节炎shrivel v 皱缩、干枯、干瘪steroid n 类固醇tranquil adj 平静的、宁静的、安谧的traumatic a dj 痛苦难忘的、造成精神创伤的tribulation n 苦难ultramarathoner n 超级马拉松vomit v 呕吐、呕出、吐出wimp n 懦弱无用的人anecdote n 趣闻、轶事auditory adj 听觉的boon n 恩物、有用之物circuitry n电路系统conduit n 渠道、通道consortium n 财团、联合企业curtail v 缩减、消减decoder n 解码器disengaged adj 自由的、未约束的duly adv 适当的、恰当的etch v 蚀刻、fidgety adj 烦躁的、坐立不安的footnote n 脚注forage v 四处搜寻godsend v 及时雨hyperlink n超文本链接ideogram n 表意文字longish adj 略长的、相当长的neural adj 神经的、神经系统的pithy adj 精辟的remap v 重新绘制staccato adj 断音的、断奏的telltale adj 暴露真相terse adj 简短的thicket n 灌木丛、小树丛voracious a dj 贪吃的wayward adj 倔强的adversary n对手almighty god n 全能的上帝anew adv 重新beachhead n滩头堡belabor v 强调embattled a dj 问题缠身engulf v 严重影响foe n 敌人forebear n 祖先、祖宗heed v 听从invective n咒骂invoke v 唤起outpace v 超过、胜过reverend adj 值得尊敬的subversion n 颠覆symbolize v象征tribulation n 苦难twilight n 曙光暮色tyranny n 暴政unleash v 释放出、发泄writ n 书面命令anemic adj 没有活力的awash adj 被水或其他液体浸过的bawl v 叫嚷、大喊bawl n 叫嚷、大喊bleach v 使变淡、变白coyote n 丛林狼decipher v 辨认、解释defiant adj 违抗的、挑衅的defoliate v使….落叶dictum n 断言、意见、宣言doe n 雌兔、雌鹿dust bowl n干旱尘暴区extirpate v消灭、根除fang n 尖牙ford v 涉水而过gleanings n费力搜索到的零星信息juniper n 刺柏、maul v 撕…的皮肉、抓裂maze n 迷宫似得的街道/小路melee n 混乱局面molder v 腐烂、腐朽rattle n 格格声requisite n必需品sage n 鼠尾草scuffle n 扭打seedling n 种苗、幼苗shears n 大剪刀spruce v 显得更加整齐干净supple adj 灵活的tingle v 感到刺痛torrent n 湍流、急流tyro n 新手、生手wag v 狗摇尾巴whinny n\v (马)撕叫willow n 柳树writhe v 剧烈地扭动身体affective a dj 感情anecdotal a dj 轶事的、趣闻的arousal n 唤起beset v 困扰、使苦恼disinterest n 缺乏兴趣fester v 恶化irritant n 烦躁的事物mentality n心态obituary n 讣告outpouring n 强烈感情的不断流露peripheral adj 次要的、非主要的populist adj 声称代表人民的、平明主义的sermon n 布道、讲道syndicate v通过报业联合会安排出售给多家报刊发表audible adj 声音听得见auspicious adj 吉利的、吉祥的bulky adj 庞大的、宽大的circumscribe v 约束、限制comport v 行动、表现comportment n 举止、行为cosmopolitan adj 见识广的、兼容并包的delineate v描绘、描写demographics n 人口统计数据detergent n洗涤剂、洗衣粉distaste n 不喜欢franchise n特许经营权garish adj 过于艳丽的generality n 普遍性、共同性ingrained a dj 根深蒂固的、难以改变的jolly adj 欢乐的、愉快的miniscule(minuscule)adj 很小nuance n 细微差别pretest n 预先测试self-effacing adj 避免引人注目的subtlety n 微妙的思想supplant v 取代、代替tadpole n 蝌蚪unpalatable adj 难吃的。

研究生英语综合教程(下)Unit 2

研究生英语综合教程(下)Unit 2

Starting out
Task 1 Take the quiz on Page 32 and learn more about sports.
Starting out—Task 1
1. In what year were women first allowed to compete in the Olympic Games? A. 1800. B. 1850. C. 1900.
Key: B
Starting out—Task 1
12. When was a safety car first used in Formula 1? A. In 1993. B. In 1985. C. In 1973.
Key: C
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
Look at these newspaper headlines. Discuss in pairs what you would expect to read in the stories that accompany them. (P33)
Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Look at the following cartoons carefully, and discuss in groups the message in each cartoon.(P33)
Starting out—Task 3
Sample: The use of sport as a setting for advertising products is common in many countries. Fees from corporate sponsors are often used to support amateur athletes, events, and the administrative structures of sports organizations.

研究生英语综合教程(下)Unit 2

研究生英语综合教程(下)Unit 2

Starting out—Task 3
Task 3
Look at the following cartoons carefully, and discuss in groups the message in each cartoon.(P33)
Starting out—Task 3
Sample: The use of sport as a setting for advertising products is common in many countries. Fees from corporate sponsors are often used to support amateur athletes, events, and the administrative structures of sports organizations.
Starting out—Task 2
1. Footballer Faces Suspension After Attack on Spectator
Eric Cantona, the Manchester United striker, will probably be suspended for the rest of the season after he attacked a spectator during the match against Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park last night. The incident happened moments after Cantona had been sent off for kicking another player, his sixth send-off in 16 months. As he walked off the field, a spectator was seen running down a gangway from some 20 rows back, apparently to shout abuse at Cantona, who suddenly turned, jumped over the wall and kicked out at the man, and then punched him.



pestilence英['pestɪl(ə)ns] 美['pɛstɪləns]
n. 瘟疫(尤指鼠疫);有害的事物 a pestilence was raging in that area Pestilence Shock瘟疫之击
adv. 内在地;固有地;天性地 The model is not inherently flawed, but it is only a part of the answer to establishing a sustainable economy One argument for open source has always been that you have inherently more security because anyone can examine the underlying program code and verify it does what it ought to be doing
Photosynthetic 英[fotosɪn'θetɪk]
adj. [生化] 光合的;光合作用的 it inhibits the transfer of photosynthetic outgrowth to maize seeds 对玉米的光合产物向玉米籽粒中运输也有一定的抑制作用 In the absence of photosynthetic reaction centers(RCs), the PBsomes are highly fluorescent 在没有与光合作用反应中心复合物结合的情况下,藻胆体自身具有很强的荧光 性。
unwarranted英[ʌn'wɒr(ə)ntɪd] 美[ʌn'wɔrəntɪd]



Unit 1 --------mirage [mi'rɑ:ʒ] n. an optical illusion caused by hot air conditions, esp. that of a sheet of water seeming to appear in the desert or on a hot road;(fig.) any illusion or hope that can not be fulfilled.illusion [i'lu:ʒən] n. an idea or belief which is not true or not what it seems to be. con[kɒn] n. (sl.) instance of cheating sb.; confidence trickinfallible [in'fæləbl] adj.绝无错误的, 绝对可靠的; never failing; always effective; incapable of making mistakes or doing wrongsquarely ['skwɛəli] adv. 成方形地, 成直角地, 直接地, 坚定地; directlyprospect ['prɔspekt] n.希望,前景,景色v.勘探,寻找a possible or likely customer or client rip [rip] vt.撕裂,扯开n.裂口,裂缝,撕裂divide or make a hole in (sth.) by pulling sharply flabby ['flæbi] adj. 软弱的, 没气力的, 不稳的feeble and weak; ineffectiveseedy ['si:di] adj. 褴褛的, 破旧的, 不体面的shabby-looking; disreputablegreasy ['gri:zi] adj.油腻的, 滑溜溜的, 油滑的producing an excessive amount of oily secretionsstreetwalker n. (also street-girl) a prostitute who waits for business in the streetcall girl n. a prostitute who makes appointments by telephoneaforementioned [ə'fɔ:'menʃənd] adj. (also aforesaid) mentioned or referred to earlierdevious ['di:viəs] adj. 迂回的, 弯曲的, 不正直的cunning; dishonesthitchhiker ['hitʃhaikə] n. 搭便车的旅行者, 短篇广告, 顺便插入的广告a person who travels by obtaining free rides in other people’s carssnap [snæp] adj.突然的, 匆忙的done suddenly without allowing time for careful thoughts or preparationerroneous [i'rəuniəs] adj. 错误的, 不正确的incorrect; mistakendevastating ['devəsteitiŋ] adj.毁灭性的, 破坏性的, 惊人的, 压倒性的, 有魅力的causing severe shock; very destructive devastate v. 破坏granted adv. 假定,假设used to admit the truth of a statement beforeintroducing a contrary argumenteloquent ['eləkwənt] adj. 雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的(of speech or writing) well expressed and effective in persuading peoplemagnetic [mæg'netik] adj.有磁性的, 有吸引力的having an unusual; powerful attraction romp [rɔmp] vi. 嬉闹玩笑, 欢快地迅速奔跑vi. 轻易地取得胜利win; succeed quickly or without apparent effort; play noisily and roughly with a lot of running and jumping unassuming ['ʌnə'sju:miŋ]adj. 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的(of a person) quiet and showing no desire for attention or admirationglib [glib] adj. 能说善道的, (说话)不假思索的, 轻易随口的speaking or spoken fluently and without hesitation, but not sincerely or trustworthilyflamboyant [flæm'bɔiənt] adj.艳丽的,炫耀的showy, very confident and extravagant turnover n. the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others unwarranted ['ʌn'wɔrəntid] adj. 无根据的, 未经授权的, 无保证的lacking a good reason; unnecessary and unjustifiedattorney n. a lawyerroot canal n. 牙根管, 牙根管填充手术sedan [si'dæn] n. (美)厢式小轿车, 单舱汽艇, 轿子window-dressing n. presentation of facts, etc. in a way that creates a good(and often false) impressionrapport [ræ'pɔ:t] n.关系, 亲善, 一致sympathetic and harmonious relationshipstem from源于, 来自于arise from; have as its origin or causetake to start to likecount on ['kauntɔn] 依靠, 指望rely on with confidenceUnit 3 ---------giddiness ['gidinis] n. 眼花, 眩晕, 轻率the state of being rarely serious or living for the pleasure of the momentlarder ['lɑ:də] n. 食品贮藏室, 伙房, 食橱perversity [pə'və:siti] n. 刚愎, 堕落, 乖僻the quality or state of being unreasonable in one’s behaviorhilarious [hi'lɛəriəs] adj.欢闹的, 愉快的joyful; extremely amusingchuck [tʃʌk] n.抛掷,卡盘v.扔, 抛掷, 撵走(infml.) dismiss; throw out expostulation [iks'pɔstju'leiʃən] n.劝告; 谏言remonstrance; earnest and kindly reasoning against something one intends to do or has doneunscrupulous [ʌn'skru:pjuləs] adj. 肆无忌惮的, 不道德的not careful in details, esp. not caring about honesty and fairness in getting somethingamendment [ə'mendmənt] n.修正,改进a change made by correction; improvement qualm [kwɔ:m] n. 疑惧, 紧张不安feeling of doubt, esp. about whether what one is doing is right; misgiving(疑虑,怀疑)discreditable [dis'kreditəbl] adj. 丢了信用的, 不名誉的, 耻辱的(of behavior)causing a loss of reputation; shamefulconvict ['kɔnvikt,kən'vikt] vt.宣判..有罪, 使..知罪find (sb.) guilty of a crime, esp. in a court of lawvindictive [vin'diktiv] adj. 有报仇心的, 怀恨的, 惩罚的too unwilling to forgive; having or showing the desire to harm someone from whom has been receivedscoundrel ['skaundrəl] n. 无赖a wicked, esp. bold and selfish man; a villain philander [fi'lændə] vi. 调戏玩弄女人(of a man) amuse oneself by making love to women, with no serious intentionsgrudge [grʌdʒ] vt.不愿, 吝惜, 嫉妒give or allow (sth.) unwillinglylevy ['levi]vt.征收, 发动(on, upon) demand and collect (a payment) by authority or force; imposescapegrace ['skeipˌgreis] n. 不可救药的恶棍, 饭桶a complete rascalgutter ['gʌtə] n.排水沟, 槽, 贫民区(fig.) poor or debased state of lifeinfamous ['infəməs] adj. 无耻的, 臭名昭著的dissolute ['disəlu:t] adj. 放荡的, 风流的, 肆意挥霍的indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; dissipatedrogue [rəug] n.流氓, 调皮鬼, 离群野兽,[农]劣种a very dishonest person, esp. a man workhouse n. 劳教所, <英>贫民院yacht [jɔt] n.游艇, 快艇sovereign ['sɔvrin] n.元首, 君主, 最高统治者,(一)金镑Unit 5 ---------mount [maunt] v.登上,爬上, 装上, 上升organize and launch(an attack, campaign, etc.) en route on or along the wayultimatum [ˌʌlti'meitəm] n. 最后通牒final statement of conditions to be accepted or rejected without discussiontardiness ['tɑ:dinis] n. 缓慢, 迟延latenessclamp [klæmp] vt.夹住, 强加, 压制grip or hold (sth.) tightlyriot ['raiət] n.暴乱, 骚乱, 喧闹wild or violent disturbance by a crowd of people squabble ['skwɔbl] n. 争论, 口角a noisy quarrel about sth. Unimportantairborne ['ɛəbɔ:n] adj.空运的, 空中传播的, 起飞后在飞行中done or being in the air intone [in'təun] v.吟咏,吟诵speak or recite in a singing voice, or say sth. in a solemn voice enlist [in'list] vt.征募, 使入伍,获得...支持obtain (help, support, etc.)charity ['tʃæriti] n.慈善, 宽厚, 慈善机关(团体), 仁慈drive n. 运动;宣传活动an organized effort or campaign to achieve sth.de rigueure adj. (Fr.) strictly required, as by etiquette, usage, or fashiondraft [dræft]n.草稿, 草图, 汇票, 征兵vt.起草, 征兵, 选秀choose (people) and send them somewhere for a special tasktightrope ['taitrəup]n. 拉紧的绳索, 极其危险的处境 a rope stretched tightly high above the ground, on which acrobats perform featsenunciate [i'nʌnsieit] v. 发音, (清楚地)表达say or pronounce words clearlyone-liner n. a brief joke or witty remarktruculent ['trʌkjulənt] adj. 野蛮的, 粗野的, 残酷的aggressively hostile; belligerent buttress ['bʌtris] n. 扶墙, 拱壁vt. 支持give encouragement or support to caricature ['kærikətʃuə] n.讽刺画, 讽刺, 歪曲, 笨拙的模仿guise [gaiz] n. 装束, 外观, 伪装, 借口assumed appearance or mere semblancegag n. a joke, esp. one introduced into a script or an actor’s partsuffice vi. Be enough or adequate, as for needs or purposesblitz [blits] n. 闪击战a sudden intensive military attack, esp. from the airbolster ['bəulstə]vt.支持, 鼓励supportfoster ['fɔstə] vt.领养, 培养, 促进, 鼓励, 抱有(希望等)promote the growth or development ofcitadel ['sitədl] n. 城堡, 要塞aloofness [ə'lu:fnis] n.冷漠;远离indifference; the state of being reserved or reticent anecdote ['ænikdəut] n.轶事, 奇闻contagion [kən'teidʒən] n. 传染病, 接触传染, 蔓延the ready transmission or spread of an idea, emotion, etc.defiant [di'faiənt]adj. 挑衅的, 目中无人openly opposing or resisting sb. or sth. implore v. 恳求,哀求ladle ['leidl] n. 杓子, 长柄杓vt. 以杓舀取Unit 8 --------populate ['pɔpjuleit] v. 构成人口, 居住于live in (an area) and form its population deceptive [di'septiv] adj.骗人的, 虚伪的,诈欺的tending or having power to deceive; misleadingmasculine ['mæskjulin] adj.男性的, 有男子气概的, 阳性的of or having the qualities suitable for a manbracket ['brækit] n.支架, 托架, 括弧a group or category within specified limits falsify ['fɔ:lsifai] vt.伪造, 歪曲alter(e.g. a document) falsely; present(sth.) falsely enslave [in'sleiv] vt. 使做奴隶, 使处于奴役的状态make a slave of (sb.)cog [kɔg] n. 齿any of the teeth round the edge of a wheel that cause it to move or be moved by another wheeloversight ['əuvəsait] n. 疏忽, 失察, 监管, 看管unintentional failure to notice sth.spur [spə:] vt.刺激, 鞭策,促进strongly encourage(sb. or sth.) to do better, achieve more, etc.; incite or stimulateflirt [flə:t] vi.调情, 玩弄, 掠过,轻率对待behave (toward sb.) in a romantic or suggestive way but without serious intentionsdemotion [di'məuʃən] n.降级,降职,降等the act of reducing sb. to a lower rank or grade banter ['bæntə]n/ v. 戏弄, 开玩笑playful, good-humoured teasingscarlet ['skɑ:lit] n/adj.猩红, 绯红色, 红衣dissect [di'sekt] v. 解剖, 切细, 仔细研究, 详细分析cut up(a dead body, a plant, etc.) in order to study its structurebluff [blʌf] v/n. 虚张声势the act of trying to deceive sb. by pretending to be stronger, braver, cleverer, etc. than one isabysmally [ə'bizməli] adv. 深不可测地, 极坏地extremely; utterlybait [beit] n.饵, 引诱vt.以饵引诱, 放饵, 逗弄attract or temptmagnate ['mægneit] n. 巨头a wealthy and powerful landowner or industrialist orchestra ['ɔ:kistrə] n.管弦乐队zenith ['zi:niθ] n. 顶点, 天顶, 全盛(flg.) highest point (of power, prosperity, etc.);peak becoming adj. 合适的, 适宜的; 有吸引力的; 好看的prima ballerina ['pri:məˌbælə'rinə] (Latin)a leading woman dancer in a ballet mastermind n.才华横溢的人; 策划者; 智囊v.指导, 策划, 主持obliterate [ə'blitəreit] v. 涂去, 擦去, 删除remove all signs of (sth.); rub or blot outat stake在危机关头come by obtainexert oneself make an effortin the nick of time only just in time; at the last momentUnit 7 --------incandescent [ˌinkæn'desnt] adj. 光亮的, 发白热光的, 白热化的characterized by growing zeal. e.g. People living below the poverty line are incandescent with rage at the news of increased unemployment.tentative ['tentətiv] adj.不确定的, 暂时的, 试验性质的, 犹豫不决的done, said, etc. to test sth.; hesitant or explorative; not definite or decisive e.g. My friend and I have made tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle and some nearby cities in July this year. trepidation ['trepi'deiʃən] n. 恐惧, 惊惶, 忧虑great fear or worry about sth. unpleasant that may happen e.g.The threat of an epidemic outbreak caused great alarm and trepidation among the people of Algeria and Egypt.potency ['pəutənsi] n.效力, 潜能, 权力power; strengthe.g. With no outstanding achievements, he owed his popular support in the election to the potency of his propaganda machine. ([ˌprɔpəˈgændə] n. 宣传)impostor [im'pɔstə] n. 冒充者,骗子a person who deceives by pretending to be sb. Else e.g. Pablo Picasso once said that people who made their business were mostly impostors, and their pictures were infected with stupidity and poverty of soul.bail out v.保释, 跳伞, 往外舀水bail(保释金)引申:to escape from difficult situation e.g. In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure.get away with not be punished for sth. e.g.“Nobody gets away with insulting like that!” Robert cursed in anger, contemplating plans of revenge.speculate on v. 思索;猜测;推测e.g. Scientists have been speculating on the origin of life for centuries, but no satisfactory answers have been offered yet.。



Unit1TRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERSDavid G. Jensen核心员工的特征大卫·G.詹森1 What exactly is a key player? A "Key Player" is a phrase that I've heard about from employers during just about every search I've conducted. I asked a client - a hiring manager involved in a recent search - to define it for me. "Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. On my team of seven process engineer and biologists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without," he said. "Key players are essential to my organization. And when we hire your company to recruit for us, we expect thatyou'll be going into other companies and finding just that: the staff that another manager will not want to see leave. We recruit only key players."1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到―核心员工‖这个名词。



第一单元1.Obesity英[əʊ'bi:sətɪ] 美[oˈbisɪti] n.肥胖症;肥胖,过胖2.circulate英[ˈsɜ:kjəleɪt] 美[ˈsɜ:rkjəleɪt]vt.& vi.(使)循环;(使)流通;(使)流传;散布vi.传送,传递,传阅3.abdominal英[æbˈdɒmɪnl] 美[æbˈdɑ:mɪnl]adj.腹部的;[鱼]有腹鳍的n.腹肌(常用作复数)4.break down英[breik daun] 美[brek daʊn]失败;划分(以便分析);损坏;衰弱下来5.Mortality英[mɔ:ˈtæləti] 美[mɔ:rˈtæləti]n.死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运6.variable英[ˈveəriəbl] 美[ˈveriəbl]adj.变化的,可变的;[数]变量的;[生]变异的n.可变因素,变量;易变的东西7.resistance英[rɪˈzɪstəns] 美[rɪˈzɪstəns]n.电阻;阻力;抵抗;抗力8.modified英['mɒdɪfaɪd] 美['mɒdəˌfaɪd]adj.改良的,改进的,修正的vt.修饰v.修饰;修改,更改( modify的过去式和过去分词);改变;缓和9.critically英['krɪtɪklɪ] 美[ˈkrɪtɪklɪ]adv.批判性地;苛求地;危急地;严重地10.inert英[ɪˈnɜ:t] 美[ɪˈnɜ:rt]adj.迟钝的;不活泼的;[化]惰性的1. internist英[ɪnˈtɜ:nɪst] 美[ɪnˈtɜ:rnɪst]n.<美>内科医师2.supplant英[səˈplɑ:nt] 美[səˈplænt]vt.代替;把…排挤掉,取代3. willowy英[ˈwɪləʊi] 美[ˈwɪloʊi]adj.袅娜;(女人)苗条的,高而纤细的(twiggy) 英['twɪgɪ] 美['twɪgɪ]adj.多细枝的,小枝繁茂的1.slow down英[sləu daun] 美[slo daʊn](使)慢下来;(使)生产缓慢,(使)变得迟钝2.set off英[set ɒf] 美[sɛt ɔf]出发;(使)开始;引起;点燃3. nonchalantly英['nɒnʃələntlɪ] 美['nɒnʃələntlɪ]adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地4.accumulate英[əˈkju:mjəleɪt] 美[əˈkjumjəˌlet]vt.& vi.堆积,积累vi.(数量)逐渐增加,(质量)渐渐提高5. unravel英[ʌnˈrævl] 美[ʌnˈrævəl]vt.解开;拆散;阐明vi.被解开;被拆散6.culprit英[ˈkʌlprɪt] 美[ˈkʌlprɪt]n.犯人,罪犯;肇事者,被告人10. affirm英[əˈfɜ:m] 美[əˈfɜ:rm]vt.& vi.断言,肯定;证实,确实;[法]不经宣誓而庄严宣布;承认第二单元1. inaugural英[ɪˈnɔ:gjərəl] 美[ɪnˈɔɡjərəl]adj.就职的,就任的;创始的,最早的n.就职演说;就职典礼2. shrewd英[ʃru:d] 美[ʃrud]adj.精明的,敏锐的;奸诈的,狡猾的;有眼光的;精于盘算的3. somber英['sɒmbə] 美[ˈsɑmbɚ]adj.忧郁的;昏暗的;(颜色等)暗淡的;严峻的4. exhortation英[ˌeɡzɔ:'teɪʃn] 美[ˌɛɡzɔrˈteʃən, ˌɛksɔr-]n.敦促;极力推荐;(正式的)演讲;(宗教仪式中的)劝诫5. plummet英[ˈplʌmɪt] 美[ˈplʌmɪt]vi.垂直落下;骤然跌落n.铅锤;坠子;重压物6. interrogation英[ɪnˌterə'ɡeɪʃn] 美[ɪnˌterə'ɡeɪʃn]n.讯问;审问;疑问句7. outlast英[ˌaʊtˈlɑ:st] 美[ˌaʊtˈlæst]vt.比…长久,比…活得长8. confluence英[ˈkɒnfluəns] 美[ˈkɑ:nfluəns]n.汇流;汇流处;<术>(河流的)汇合处;<正>(事物的)汇合9. recrimination英[rɪˌkrɪmɪˈneɪʃn] 美[rɪˌkrɪməˈneʃən]n.揭丑;反诉;相互指责,吵架10.run up英[rʌn ʌp] 美[rʌn ʌp]升起;(使)增长;迅速地登上;沿…迅速地移动1. on top of英[ɔn tɔp ɔv] 美[ɑn tɑp ʌv]在…上边; 在…上方;除…之外;接着2. undaunted英[ˌʌnˈdɔ:ntɪd] 美[ʌnˈdɔntɪd, -ˈdɑn-]adj.顽强的,不惧怕的,无畏的3. imperil英[ɪmˈperəl] 美[ɪmˈpɛrəl]vt.使陷于危险,危及4. grievance英[ˈgri:vəns] 美[ˈɡrivəns]n.委屈;不满;苦衷;牢骚5.strangle英[ˈstræŋgl] 美[ˈstræŋɡəl]vt.抑制;压制;扼死,勒死,绞死;使…窒息vi.窒息而死,被勒死6. cynic英[ˈsɪnɪk] 美[ˈsɪnɪk]n.愤世嫉俗者,讽世者;犬儒学派的人adj.愤世嫉俗的;犬儒学派的7. worn-out英['wɔ:n'aʊt] 美[ˈwɔrnˈaʊt, ˈworn-]adj.破旧;不能再用(或穿)的,磨破的,穿旧的;劳瘁8. mandate英[ˈmændeɪt] 美[ˈmænˌdet]n.授权;命令;委任;任期vt.托管;批准vi.强制执行;委托办理9. shrink from英[ʃriŋk frɔm] 美[ʃrɪŋk frʌm]因害怕而避开;憷10.tumult英[ˈtju:mʌlt] 美[ˈtu:mʌlt]n.喧哗;吵闹;激动的吵闹声;心烦意乱第三单元1. proactive英[ˌprəʊˈæktɪv] 美[ˌproʊˈæktɪv]adj.积极主动的;前摄的;主动出击的;先发制人的2. assorted英[əˈsɔ:tɪd] 美[əˈsɔ:rtəd]adj.各式各样的;五颜六色的;混杂的3. sponsor英[ˈspɒnsə(r)] 美[ˈspɑ:nsə(r)]n.发起者,主办者;担保者;倡议者,提案人;后援组织vt.赞助4. teetering濒临;摇晃地站立或移动( teeter的现在分词);<美>玩跷跷板;处在(灾难或危险的)边缘5. ipsyIPSY[计]= Interactive Planning SYstem,交互计划系统6. flirt英[flɜ:t] 美[flɜ:rt]vi.调情,打情骂俏;玩弄;轻率地对待;摆动vt.挥动;忽然弹出n.急投;摆动;调情的人,卖弄风情者;急扔7. infiltrate英[ˈɪnfɪltreɪt] 美[ɪnˈfɪlˌtret, ˈɪnfɪl-]vt.& vi.(使)渗透,(使)渗入;(使)潜入n.渗透物8. torrid英[ˈtɒrɪd] 美[ˈtɔ:rɪd]adj.炎热的;灼热的;晒热的;烘热的9. throng英[θrɒŋ] 美[θrɔ:ŋ]n.众多;人群,大群人vt.& vi.蜂拥而至;挤满;群集10.be strewn with四处散布1. get the word out英[ɡet ðəwə:d aut] 美[ɡɛt ði wɚd aʊt]帮助宣传2. exclusive英[ɪkˈsklu:sɪv] 美[ɪkˈsklusɪv]adj.专用的;高级的;排外的;单独的n.独家新闻;专有物;独家经营的产品(或项目、设计等);排外者3. be replete with充满…,塞满…4. Glamorous英[ˈglæmərəs] 美[ˈɡlæmərəs]adj.迷人的;富有魅力的;富于刺激的;独特的5. withstand英[wɪðˈstænd] 美[wɪθˈstænd, wɪð-]vt.经受,承受,禁得起;反抗vi.反抗;耐得住,禁得起6. recline英[rɪˈklaɪn] 美[rɪˈklaɪn]vi.斜倚,倚靠,躺卧;依赖vt.靠;使躺下;使斜倚;依靠,信赖7. complimentary英[ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri] 美[ˌkɑ:mplɪˈmentri]adj.赠送的;赞美的;表示敬意的;恭维的adv.崇敬地,赞美地,赞许地8. vibe英[vaɪb] 美[vaɪb]n.感应9. holding court主持庭审;开庭;10.Perch英[pɜ:tʃ] 美[pɜ:rtʃ]n.鲈鱼;高处;栖息处;栖枝vi.(鸟)飞落,暂栖,停留vt.& vi.栖息;停留;(使)坐;(使)坐在…边沿第四单元1.splutter英[ˈsplʌtə(r)] 美[ˈsplʌtɚ]vi.结结巴巴;发劈啪的声音vt.发出嘶嘶声,作噼啪声,发爆裂声;语无伦次地说n.劈啪的嘈杂声2. supersededadj.[医]被代替的,废弃的v.取代,接替( supersede的过去式和过去分词)3. transfix英[trænsˈfɪks] 美[trænsˈfɪks]vt.刺穿; 钉住;使惊恐; 使惊呆4. rejuvenate英[rɪˈdʒu:vəneɪt] 美[rɪˈdʒuvəˌnet]vt.使变得年轻,使恢复活力vi.复原,变年轻5. luscious英[ˈlʌʃəs] 美[ˈlʌʃəs]adj.美味的;满足感官的;过分甜美的,腻人的;十分性感的6. hover英[ˈhɒvə(r)] 美[ˈhʌvər]vi.盘旋;徘徊;犹豫n.盘旋;徘徊7. revolve around英[riˈvɔlv əˈraund] 美[rɪˈvɑlv əˈraʊnd]环绕;旋转,绕转8. be fired up被点燃(fired是fire的过去分词)9. glossy英[ˈglɒsi] 美[ˈglɔ:si]adj.有光泽的,光滑的;虚有其表的;似是而非的n.用亮光纸印刷的杂志;印在光纸上的相片10. revere英[rɪˈvɪə(r)] 美[rɪˈvɪr]vt.敬畏;崇敬;尊崇1. supersede英[ˌsu:pəˈsi:d] 美[ˌsu:pərˈsi:d]vt.取代,接替;更替,继任;将…免职,撤换vi.推迟行动v.废除,废弃2. luscious英[ˈlʌʃəs] 美[ˈlʌʃəs]adj.美味的;满足感官的;过分甜美的,腻人的;十分性感的3. hovered鸟( hover的过去式和过去分词);靠近(某事物);(人)徘徊;犹豫4. inadvertently英[ˌɪnədˈvɜ:təntli] 美[ˌɪnədˈvɜ:rtəntli]adv.漫不经心地,疏忽地;非故意地5. revered英[rɪ'vɪəd] 美[rɪ'vɪrd]v.崇敬,尊崇,敬畏(revere的过去式和过去分词)adj.可敬的,尊敬的6. glossy英[ˈglɒsi] 美[ˈglɔ:si]adj.有光泽的,光滑的;虚有其表的;似是而非的n.用亮光纸印刷的杂志;印在光纸上的相片7. rejuvenate英[rɪˈdʒu:vəneɪt] 美[rɪˈdʒuvəˌnet]vt.使变得年轻,使恢复活力vi.复原,变年轻8.lust英[lʌst] 美[lʌst]n.强烈的性欲;肉欲,色情;强烈的欲望;渴望,热烈追求vi.好色;渴望;贪求9. be locked in被锁在10.on the side英[ɔn ðəsaid] 美[ɑn ði saɪd]<非正>作为兼职[副业];暗地里,秘密地。



6. A young person who spends a lot of time using computers or the internet
7. a knowledgeable and experienced Internet user Knowbie
8. To move information or programs from a computer network to a small computer
Starting out
1) Tim Berners-Lee (England) → g. the World Wide Web 2) Alexander Graham Bell (US, born in Scotland) → d. telephone 3) Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright (US) → i. airplane h. electric light bulb 4) Thomas Alva Edison (US) → 5) Cai Lun (China) → c. paper 6) Alexander Fleming (England) →a. penicillin e. plastics 7) Leo Baekeland (US, born in Belgium) → j. xerography 8) Chester Floyd Carlson (US) → 9) Wilhelm Conrad von Rö ntgen (Germany) → b. X-ray 10) Willis Carrier (US) → f. air-conditioner
Unit 4
Science and Technology



【关键字】英语Unit 11、The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.2、Nancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window.3、The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life.4、We’ve never had much trouble with vandals(故意破坏公共财物者) around here.5、Unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a gray color.6、There have been demonstrations in the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.7、The term “cardboard city” was coined to describe communities of homeless people living incardboard boxes.8、The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have changed.9、The company just managed to weather the recession.10、Renaissance art is not really his province —he specializes in the modern period.11、Let’s toss a coin to see who goes first.12、The winner will receive a prize with a value of $1,000.13、A headless rider haunt the country lanes.14、The post office has promised to resume first-class mail delivery to the area on Friday.15、Thank you for going to so much trouble to find what I was looking for.16、On the other side of the coin, there’ll be tax incentives for small businesses.17、The day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of warm, sunny weather.18、The young have a completely different set of values and expectations.19、The protest began with a small group, but then others took up the refrain.20、He valued the house for me at $80,000.Unit 21、entertain(vt.娱乐、招待、怀抱、容纳vi.款待)Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer.Chidren’s TV programs nowadays are much more entertaining than they used to be.2、attach(vi. 附加;附属;伴随vt. 使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋)Regular babysitters can become deeply attached to the children they take care of.When I was doing an English course in Brighton, I formed a strong attachment to the other students in my class.3、historyThe film doesn’t try to be historically accurate, but it is based loosely on real events and people.In his book, Churchill describes that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.4、innovate(vi. 创新;改革;革新vt. 改变;创立;创始;引人)When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the 10 most innovative products of the year.Innovations in information technology have compeltely transformed the way students work. 5、flaw (n. 瑕疵,裂纹;缺点;一阵狂风vt. 使无效;使破裂,使有缺陷vi. 生裂缝,变的有缺陷)网络释义flaw:刮伤| 缺陷| 缺点Each party rejected the other’s approach, saying it was flawed.I had thought that he was a native Chinese because he spoke in flawless Chinese.6、controversy(n. 争论;论战;辩论)There has been a huge controversy over where to put the city’s new sports stadium and who should build it.He wrote a very controversial book, but I think he has regetted it since.7、r evise (vt. 修正;复习;校订vi. 修订;校订;复习功课n. 修订;校订)He gave his work to his friend to revise, because he found it hard to see his own mistakes.The book went through several revisions before the publisher was finally satisfied with it.8、c ommentate (vt. 评论;解说;注释vi. 评论时事;实况报道)The commentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.After retiring, he became a radio commentator on cricket and rugby, and also wrote about both sports for Sunday newspapers.9、r estrict (vt. 限制;约束;限定)However, the company has a highly restrictive policy which makes such development difficult.Increasingly, campaigners are demanding that countries impose restrictions on advertising aimed at children.10、heroHe was famed for heroic deeds during the war.America’s present need is not heroics but calm diplomacy.Unit 3 (BDACA BCABC)1、After the first visit, I came home laden with flats and pots and cardboard boxes.A.filledB.loadedC.chargedD.left2、The boy appeared fretful and disappointed that he couldn’t join the others on theirexcursions.A.annoyedB.restlessC.relentlessD.anxious3、The project disintegrated owing to lack of financial backing.A.broke upB.turned uped upD.torn up4、This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about thefuture of the club.A.castB.expressC.reduceD.avoid5、The tools that the ancient Egyptians used to build their temples were extremelyrudimentary.A.simpleB.imperativeC.obscureD.periodic6、In most cases, it is difficult to detect that someone is eavesdropping.A.peepingB.overhearingC.cheatingD.whispering7、Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.A.turningingC.skimmingD.seeing8、Kids these days are very materialistic. They only seem to be interested inexpensive toys and computer games.A.concerned with moneyB.interested in materialsB.enthusiastic about substance D.keen on information9、We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market.A. threw awayB.put downC.took backD.packed up10、The only sounds were the distant, melancholy cries of the sheep.A.dissatisfiedB.painfulC.unhappyD.sharpUnit 41、The children get fidgety if they have nothing to do.(不安、烦躁的)2、The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win thiscontract.(毁灭性打击)3、His pithy advice to young painters was, “Above all, keep your colors fresh.”(精炼的)4、It is important to note that foraging for information does not equate with aimless“surfing”.(搜索)5、The murder victims’families have appealed to the Supreme Court to get adefinitive answer.(最终的)6、His addiction to drugs propelled him toward a life of crime.(驱使、推动)7、On their triumphant return home, the captain, Brian Robson, was applauded forsticking to his guns. (夸奖)8、The ubiquity of advertising is not being driven by corporations searching for newways to sell products but by media searching for new ways to make money.(普遍存在的、到处存在的)9、Here are your travel documents, all dully signed.(迟钝的、沉闷的)10、By the same token, reduced military budgets would force the government tocurtail its foreign involvement. (缩减)Unit 5 (ACDBC BCDAC BDDAB)1、Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother atnight.A.hold tightly toB.wrap upC.keep to themselvesD.throw away2、The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.A.importantB.sophisticatedC.fragileD.sensitive3、Travelers came from distant lands to visit the shrine.A.foreignB.fertileC.dryD.remote4、The train departs Waterloo at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.A.reachesB.leavesC.pulls intoD.heads for5、There is often no clear distinction between an allergy(过敏) and food intolerance.A.treatmentB.connectionC.differenceD.similarity6、It’s almost inevitable that the client will form a very close bond with the therapist.A.bondageB.tieC.sense of securityD.friendship7、There are two main problems which afflict people with hearing impairments(损伤)A.conflictB.cureC.tortureD.infect8、Many persons in the vicinity were awakened by the blast, and some were thrownfrom their beds.A.nightmareB.mountainC.gatheringD.neighborhood9、The decision to leave her children now haunts her.A.troublesB.chasesC.surprisesD.awaits10、By this time the Captain had grown used to living in a blue haze.A.oceanB.fogC.mistD.void11、We looked out over a desolate landscape of bare trees and stony fields.A.ruralB.bleakC.rockyD.hilly12、History books do not tell us much about the domestic lives of our ancestors.A.humanB.intelligentC.innerD.family13、The baby monkey clasped its mother’s fur tightly.A.pamperedB.touchedC.toreD.clutched14、When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are bound to happen.A.likelyB.rareC.anxiousD.expected15、They force the reader to slow down, to dwell on what is happening.A.describeB.think aboutC.argue aboutD.decide onUnit 6 (CACAD CBDAC BA)1、Slavery was abolished in the United States in the 19th century.A.appreciatedB.replacedC.endedD.interrupted2、I’ll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn word.A.seriousB.trueC.revengefulD.responsive3、Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?A.followB.noticeC.celebratememorate4、Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.A.searchB.requestC.explorationD.protection5、Management has given a pledge that there will be no job losses this year.A.warningB.predictionC.retrospectiveD.promise6、These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America.A.traditionB.eventC.inheritanceD.motivation7、Signing this form commits you to buying the goods.A.condenseB.obligatesC.revertsD.monopolizes8、The social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens.A.arrangementB.interactionC.resignationD.union9、The hot sunny days were tempered by a light breeze.A.softenedB.irritatedC.intensifiedD.lessened10、The room was converted form a kitchen to a lavatory.A.inducedB.derivedC.changedD.submerged11、He was found guilty of subversion and imprisoned.A.treacheryB.sabotageC.schememitment12、We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.A.get rid ofB.put awayC.take overD.keep offUnit 7 (DDCBA BACCC)1、The demonstration sparked a train of events that led to Cordova’s resignation.A.setB.listC.seriesD.stock2、The farmers use an intricate system of drainage canals.A.advanvedplicatedC.sophisticatedD.perplexed3、The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tinyhistorical sample.A. ideaB.suggestionC.guessD.primise4、The central 12-foot column is surmounted by a bronze angel with outspreadwings.A.overcomeB.exceededC.upheldD.topped5、Her family in Minnesota was disgraced and they were urged to move away.A.irritatedB.humiliatedC.frustratedD.offended6、The word “sale” has been debased by shops who hold sales at all times of the year.A.degradedB.decreasedC.devaluedD.deluded7、It is lamentable that Cassidy will not get to coach his team next season.A.disgustingB.discouragingC.disappointingD.distressing8、The company had the right to terminate his employment at any time.A.endB.fulfillpleteD.finalize9、The College Cafeteria, immediately adjacent to the Student Center, is operateddaily on weekdays, offering a selection of meals.A.closeB.nextC.priorD.relative10、We always endeavor to provide our customers with the highest standards ofservice.A.tendB.striveC.resolveD.pursueUnit 8 (BDABA DDAAC)1、The howl of a coyote echoed across the valley.A.spreadB.sounded repeatedlyC.rangD.reflected2、He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.A attempt B.disobedience C.hatred D.scorn3、I’m still no closer to deciphering the code.A.decodingB.finding outC.checkingD.understanding4、My own conviction on this score dates from the day I saw a wolf die.A.persuasionB.beliefC.experienceD.opinion5、The police couldn’t control the turbulent demonstrations, so troops came to givethem a hand.A.disorderlyB.crowdedC.prevalentD.impatient6、Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates.A.stumbledB.mumbledC.rambledD.fell7、In those days we had never heard of passing up a chance to kill a wolf.A.diminishingB.exceedingC.eliminatingD.missing8、I now suspect that, just as a deer herd lives in mortal fear of its wolves, so does amountain live in mortal fear of its deer.A.deadlyB.moralC.constantD.everlasting9、Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease(冠心病).A.viewedB.believedC.spottedD.received10、An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite for the work ofthe analysts.ponentB.featureC.necessityD.benefitUnit 9 (ABDAB BCACD)1、The study underscores the importance of early diagnosis.A. emphasizesB.exploresC.depictsD.reveals2、Why do they get so upset over such a trivial matter?A.tinyB.unimportantC.boringD.ridiculous3、The talks just made propress on some peripheral issues.A.criticalB.preliminaryC.centralD.insignificant4、There was no credible evidence against him.A.reliableB.negativeC.distinctD.available5、The design of the building had inherent weaknesses.A.internalB.innateC.fatalD.invisible6、We are being told that the accident poses a great threat to the environment.A.remindsB.causesC.arousesD.suggests7、We hope to duplicate the success of last year’s campaign.A.celebrateB.reappearC.reproduceD.achieve8、The Board has refused to grant your request.A.consent toB.fundC.confirmD.consider9、The project is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.A.issuedB.grantedC.sponsoredD.initiated10.The committee conducted a survey that encompassed a large range of participants.A.recruitedB.attractedC.requiredD.involvedUnit 101、When you go to the fair, beware of the quacks (江湖医生) selling spuriousmedicinal herbs. (谨防)2、He found that the food served at the school canteen was nothing butunpalatable.(难吃的)3、Neurological models of language attempt to delineate what these steps are andhow they interrelate. (描绘、描写)4、Ingrained habits from one’s own language are difficult to overcome whenlearning a new language. (根深蒂固的)5.By advertising widely, a manufacturer can amplify the demand for a produce.(扩大)6、Some would argue that New York has supplanted Paris as the center of new culture.(代替)7、We know someone has been stealing, but it’s difficult to pin down who it is. (确定)8、I was given a discretionary fund to use for emergencies. (自由的)9、There I was, stranded in Rome with no passport and no money. (搁浅)10、The hurricanes that swept through the Gulf Coast region inflicted significant damage onthe techological and power infrastructure. (顺利通过)此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。



highwayman拦路强盗archbishop大主教chapel小教堂anguished痛苦的crucifixion被钉十字架crucify钉十字架livery制服legacy遗产conduit管道gatehouse门楼cloister修道院vicar牧师plaque斑块depict描绘bishop主教monarchy君主政体behead斩首watchman守望者shudder战栗fervent炽热的commemorate纪念tuibulent吐布伦特retreat撤退hive蜂箱on the grounds=because在理由上shake one's head in wonder惊奇地摇摇头bring home to sb.使某人感到高兴makeover改装cosmetic美容的enhancement增强vanity虚荣minimal极小值invasive侵袭性disseminate传播toxin 毒素bleparoplasty睑板成形术liposuction脂肪抽吸术rhinoplasty鼻整形术dermabrasion皮肤磨削术ablative烧蚀的legitimate合法的opt选择aesthetic审美reluctant不情愿的pragmatic实用的downplay淡化traumatic外伤性ultrasonic超声波excision切除术masculinity男子气概vibaant维巴特resonate共鸣dermatologist皮肤病专家vulnerability脆弱性med地中海stigmatize诬蔑plaster灰泥silicone有机硅hematoma血肿clot凝块follicle滤泡dymorphic形态异构的preoccupation先占fixate固定器in line with符合live up to不辜负four-letter word四字母字replica复制品embryologist胚胎学家incidence发病率hypothetical假设homosexual同性恋的intrinsic内在的herein此处tissue组织diabetes糖尿病culture文化sperm精子egg鸡蛋unscrupulous肆无忌惮champion冠军frame legislation框架立法in the event of万一发生life span寿命live up to sth.履行某事on…gounds=on the basis of在……的基础上glutinous糯米的morph变形breed繁殖dietary饮食的staple短纤维metropolis大都市hinterland腹地acute严重的respiratory呼吸系统syndrome综合征subside减弱vogue时尚trigger触发seismic地震naty纳蒂alienate离间hodge-podge大杂烩emigrate移居国外accompaniment伴奏aymbal艾姆巴尔off-and-on断断续续cutout断流器feast盛宴snap按扣presunptuous矫揉造作的go the way of走的道路track down追踪put on 穿上in vogue时髦start up启动take shape成形go by经过hoopla胡闹don大学教师unfurl展开gridlock僵局extortionate敲诈勒索contrariness逆反snowbound积雪的turn转tangle纠纷lull平静ingenuity独创性stamina耐力trouper特工recast重铸merrymaking狂欢作乐infectious感染的revelry狂欢celebrity名人heritage遗产roam 漫游bustling繁忙的conspire密谋nmania诺曼尼亚scuttle舷窗relish津津有味foray突袭souvenir纪念品invulnerability抗毁性tramp流浪汉megalithic巨石的stroll漫步stark完全的swatch样品tangible有形的steeplechase障碍赛跑refective驳回savor品味set out against 出发反对stem from源于not so much…as不如…fen off be caught in the middle of分崩离析have one's backing背靠背bubble up冒泡overflow with溢出on the rise 论崛起bend on doing sth.弯腰做某事prop up支撑an array of一个数组under-the-counter柜台下dream up做梦plunge into跳入zero in零内assortment分类slay杀戮narcissistic自恋的obsessively痴迷地hedonism享乐主义gulp吞咽shipherd牧羊人flaccidly松弛地nonjudgemental非评判性的ingrained根深蒂固的hustle匆忙inflict加害commandment戒律stampede踩踏barbarian野蛮人infidelity不忠neurotic神经质的qualm疑虑catatonic紧张症的put in a good word for sb.为某人说句好话occer to奥塞尔tune out调出arise from起因于be vulnerable to易受伤害residual 残差pact公约profane亵渎priestly祭司的jostle推挤metaphysical形而上学的divine神圣的derenity谦虚shrapnel榴霰弹ignite点燃recede后退primordial原始的concoct编造apparatus装置reverbertation混响subversive颠覆的enigmatic谜一般的agnosticism不可知论convergence汇聚condescension屈尊俯就superstition迷信phantom幻影chasm裂口operatically操作上的scale规模prodigious惊人的provisional临时的concur同意deism自然神论opacity不透明性obliterate抹去shroud裹尸布becoming相配的stay clear of保持清醒yield to屈服于ex nihilo非尼希罗pick up拿起tuinout杜因特leave over离开come around to走近make acommitment to 作出补偿at best至多clash with与…发生冲突be taken by被带走implicate牵连enumeration枚举confidentiality机密性telinquish长途电话bizarre奇怪的obscuiity朦胧性bootleg私卖hypothesize假设consortium财团trove特洛夫blithe布赖斯statutory法定的administer管理buzzword流行语diarepute二重的anarchist无政府主义者deregulation违规obsolete过时的peer-to-peer点对点in (the) pursuit of 在追求中sift through筛过fall under落下。

研究生英语综合教程(下)系列教材 1、4、8全文+全部reading more 翻译

研究生英语综合教程(下)系列教材  1、4、8全文+全部reading more 翻译

研究生英语综合教程(下)系列教材1、4、8全文+全部reading more 翻译Unit 1A愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义。















研究生英语综合教程(下)Unit 2(稻谷教资)

研究生英语综合教程(下)Unit 2(稻谷教资)

Key: C
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
Look at these newspaper headlines. Discuss in pairs what you would expect to read in the stories
that accompany thetarting out
Task 1 Take the quiz on Page 32 and learn more about sports.
Starting out—Task 1
1. In what year were women first allowed to compete in the Olympic Games? A. 1800. B. 1850. C. 1900.
Starting out—Task 2
1. Footballer Faces Suspension After Attack on Spectator
Eric Cantona, the Manchester United striker, will probably be suspended for the rest of the season after he attacked a spectator during the match against Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park last night.
Key: American Football Conference
Starting out—Task 1
5. What is the championship game of professional US football?
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adversity n 逆境、不幸、厄运aftermath n 后果、余波
alleyway n 小巷、胡同
altruism n 利他主义、无私
anodyne adj不冒犯他人的、四平八稳的aspire v最求、渴望、有志于
bliss n 极乐,无上幸福
bona fide adj真正的、真实的
bromide n 意在使人消气却没有效果的话dazed adj茫然的、迷乱的、恍惚的encompass v覆盖、围住excruciating adj剧烈疼痛的
gratifying adj令人高兴的、使人满足的harrowing adj折磨人的、可怕的、令人痛苦的ineffable adj难以名状的、不可言喻legacy n 遗留下来的状况
mind-blowing adj令人极度的、非常奇怪的neurological n 神经的
nostalgia n 对往昔事物的留恋、怀旧情绪ordeal n 可怕的经历、痛苦的折磨paramountadj至高无上的、最重要的province n 范围、领域、职责范围preoccupied adj全神贯注的、入神的refrain n 一再重复的话
rheumatoid arthritis n 类风湿性关节炎shrivel v皱缩、干枯、干瘪
steroid n 类固醇
tranquil adj平静的、宁静的、安谧的traumatic adj痛苦难忘的、造成精神创伤的tribulation n 苦难
ultramarathoner n 超级马拉松
vomit v呕吐、呕出、吐出wimp n 懦弱无用的人
anecdote n趣闻、轶事
auditory adj听觉的
boon n恩物、有用之物
circuitry n电路系统
conduit n渠道、通道consortium n财团、联合企业curtail v缩减、消减
decoder n解码器disengaged adj自由的、未约束的duly adv适当的、恰当的
etch v蚀刻、
fidgety adj烦躁的、坐立不安的footnote n脚注
forage v四处搜寻
godsend v及时雨
hyperlink n超文本链接ideogram n表意文字
longish adj略长的、相当长的neural adj神经的、神经系统的pithy adj精辟的
remap v重新绘制
staccato adj断音的、断奏的telltale adj暴露真相
terse adj简短的
thicket n灌木丛、小树丛voracious adj贪吃的
wayward adj倔强的
adversary n对手
almighty god n全能的上帝anew a dv重新
beachhead n滩头堡
belabor v强调
embattled adj问题缠身
engulf v严重影响
foe n敌人
forebear n祖先、祖宗
heed v听从
invective n咒骂
invoke v唤起
outpace v超过、胜过reverend adj值得尊敬的subversion n颠覆
symbolize v象征
tribulation n苦难
twilight n曙光暮色
tyranny n暴政
unleash v释放出、发泄
writ n书面命令
anemic adj没有活力的
awash adj被水或其他液体浸过的bawl v叫嚷、大喊
bawl n叫嚷、大喊
bleach v使变淡、变白coyote n丛林狼
decipher v辨认、解释
defiant adj违抗的、挑衅的defoliate v使….落叶dictum n断言、意见、宣言doe n雌兔、雌鹿
dust bowl n干旱尘暴区extirpate v消灭、根除
fang n尖牙
ford v涉水而过
gleanings n费力搜索到的零星信息juniper n刺柏、
maul v撕…的皮肉、抓裂
maze n迷宫似得的街道/小路melee n混乱局面
molder v腐烂、腐朽
rattle n格格声
requisite n必需品
sage n鼠尾草
scuffle n扭打
seedling n种苗、幼苗
shears n大剪刀
spruce v显得更加整齐干净supple adj灵活的
tingle v感到刺痛
torrent n湍流、急流
tyro n新手、生手
wag v狗摇尾巴
whinny n\v(马)撕叫
willow n柳树
writhe v剧烈地扭动身体
affective adj感情
anecdotal adj轶事的、趣闻的arousal n唤起
beset v困扰、使苦恼
disinterest n缺乏兴趣
fester v恶化
irritant n烦躁的事物
mentality n心态
obituary n讣告
outpouring n强烈感情的不断流露
peripheral adj次要的、非主要的
populist adj声称代表人民的、平明主义的sermon n布道、讲道
syndicate v通过报业联合会安排出售给多家报刊发表
audible adj声音听得见
auspicious adj吉利的、吉祥的
bulky adj庞大的、宽大的
circumscribe v约束、限制
comport v行动、表现
comportment n举止、行为
cosmopolitan adj见识广的、兼容并包的delineate v描绘、描写
demographics n人口统计数据
detergent n洗涤剂、洗衣粉
distaste n不喜欢
franchise n特许经营权
garish adj过于艳丽的
generality n普遍性、共同性
ingrained adj根深蒂固的、难以改变的
jolly adj欢乐的、愉快的
nuance n细微差别pretest n预先测试
self-effacing adj避免引人注目的subtlety n微妙的思想supplant v取代、代替tadpole n蝌蚪unpalatable adj难吃的。
