
.犯罪调查的第一法则就是: 你必须寻找各种可能解释事情的方法,然后想办法看看能否试图推翻它。
One should always look for a possible alternative and provide against it. It is the first rule of criminal investigation.
2.将异常的东西和神秘混淆起来是十分错误的2。It is a mistake to confound strangeness with mystery
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
4.没有什么比一个显而易见的事实更能迷惑人了. 。
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact
I never make an exception. An exception disproves the rule
6你是在看,而不是在观察。 You see, but you do not observe
Crime is common. Logic is rare. Therefore, it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell.
。Any truth is better than indefinite doubt
In solving a problem of this sort, the grant thing is to be able to reason backwards
10.越是稀奇古怪的东西,通常包含隐密的成分越少. 10。The more bizarre a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be
11。Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it
12.我从不猜测.那是破坏思维的坏习惯... 12。I never guess. It is a shocking habit
13。Depend upon it, there is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace
14。It is my business to know things. Perhaps, I have trained myself to see what others overlook.
15。You can never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant
16。Where there is no imagination, there is no horror.

I have a curious constitution. I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely.
My mind rebels at stagnation.我追求精神上的兴奋。
I crave for mental exaltation.
不用动脑筋,我就活不下去 I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for?
即使是最好的女人,也决不能完全信赖她们。 Women are never to be entirely trusted - not the best of them.
Love is an emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgment.
The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning.
Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.
How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner.
我向来不作任何例外。定律没有例外。 I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule.
Winwood Reade is good upon the subject. He remarks that, while the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician.
I never guess. It is a shocking habit -- destructive to the logical faculty
