英语常见词根(Stem) 一览

英文写法词根:Root word,Word root, etymology英语主要词根词根词根解释例词ache=ache 痛 earache 耳痛ag=do, act 做,动 agent 代理人agri, agro=agriculture 农业的 agriculture 农业,农艺ann, enn=year 年 annual 每年的,年度的astro, aster=star 星 astronomy 天文学audi, audit=hear 听 audible 听得见的bell=war 战争 rebellion 反叛,反抗bio, bi=life 生命,生物 biology 生物学brev=short 短 abbreviate 缩短,节略ced, ceed=go 行走 precedent 先行的,在前cept=take 拿,取 exception 例外,除外circ=ring 环,,圆 circle 圆,圈,环状物cid, cis=cut, kill 切,杀 suicide 自杀claim, clam=cry, shout 喊叫 exclaim 呼喊,惊叫clar=clear 清楚的,明白的 clarify 澄清;使清楚clud, clus=close, shut 关闭 exclude 排除,排斥,拒绝接纳cogn=know 知道 cognition 认知cord=heart 心 cordial 衷心的,诚心的corpor, cor=body 体 corporation 团体,社团cred=believe, trust 相信,信任 credibility 可信,可靠,cruc=cross 十字 crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨cur=care 关心,挂念,注意 security 安全cur, curs, cour, cours=run 跑 cruise巡航舰di=day 日 diary 日记dit=give 给 editdict,dic=say 言,说 dictator 独裁者,口授者duc, duct=lead 引导 conduct 引导,指导,经营ed=eat 吃 edible 可以吃的,食用的ev=age 年龄,时代 longevity 长寿,长命fact, fac=do, make 做,作 factory 工厂fer=bring, carry 带,拿 different 不同的,相异的flor, olour=flower 花 florid 如花的,华丽的flu=flow 流 fluency 流利,流畅fus=pour 灌,流,倾泻 refuse 拒绝,拒受geo=earth 地 geography 地理学gon=angle角 trigon 三角形grad=step, go, grade 步,走,级 gradual 逐步的gram=write 写 telegram 电报graph=write, writing 写,画 photograph 照相,拍照gress=go, walk 行走 progress 进步hap=chance,luck,accident 机会,偶发happen 发生,巧遇hibit=hold 拿,持 exhibit 展出,展览hospit, hosp=guest 客人 hospitable 好客的idio=particular, own, private, proper 特殊的,个人的,专有的idiom 惯用语,方言insul=island 岛 insular 岛的,偏狭的it=go 行走 exit 出口,退出ject=throw 投掷 projection 投掷,发射lect, leg, lig=choose, gather 选,收 elect 选举lev=raise 举、升 elevate 抬起,使升高liber=liberty 自由 liberation 解放lingu=language 语言 linguist 语言专家liter=letter 文字,字母 literate 识字的,有文化的loc=place 地方 local 当地的log=speak 言,说 dialogue 对话loqu=speak 言说 eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的lun=moon 月亮 lunar 月亮的,似月的manu, man=hand 手 manuscript 手稿mar=sea 海 marine 海上的,航海的medi=middle 中间 mediate 居中调解,调停memor=memory,mindful 记忆,记住的memory 记忆,记忆力milit=soldier 兵 military 军事的,军队的mini=small,less 小 minimum 最小数mir=wonder 惊奇,惊异 admire 赞赏,钦佩mort=death 死 mortal 终有一死的mot=move 移动 motion 运动,动nomin=name 名 nominal 名义上的,有名无实的nov=new 新 novel 新的,新奇的numer=number 数 numeral 数字,[语]数词oper=work 工作 operation 手术,工作,操作ori=rise 升起 orient 东方,东方的paci=peace 和平 pacify 使和平,抚慰past=feed 喂,食 pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草pel=push, drive 推,逐,驱 propel 推动pend, pens=hang 悬挂 pendent 悬空的,悬而未决的pet=seek 追求 compete 竞争,比赛(pet:走 impetus 推动,促进)phon=sound 声音 phone 电话plen=full 满,全 plenty 大量,丰富pone=put 放置 postpone 推后,推迟popul=people 人民 population 人口,全体居民port=carry 拿,带,运 import 输入,进口pos=put 放置 expose 揭露,揭发preci=price 价值 precious 宝贵的,珍贵的pur=pure 清,纯 purify 使纯净rect=right, straight 正,直 correct 改正,纠正rupt=break 破 rupture 破裂,使裂开sal=salt 盐 salary 薪水sci=know 知 science 科学sec, sequ=follow 跟随 sequence 继续,连续sect=cut 切割 section 切开,一部分sent, sens=feel 感觉 sentiment 感情,思想感情son=sound 声音 sonic 声音的,音速的spect=look 看 spectate 出席,观看spir=breathe 呼吸 inspire 鼓舞,吸入tail=cut 切,割 tailor 裁缝,成衣商tain, ten=hold 握,持,守 contain 容纳,包含,内装tect=cover 掩盖 detect 侦查,发觉tempor=time 时 temporary 暂时的,临时的tend, tens=draw 拉 tension 拉紧,引力tent, tract=draw 拉,抽,引 tractor 拖拉机urb=city 城市 suburb 郊区,近郊ut=use 用 utility 效用, 有用vac, vacu=empty 空 vacancy 空白,空虚vad, vas=walk, go 行走 invasion 入侵,侵略vari=change 变化 variable 可变的,反复的ven=come 来 convene 召集(会议),集会vert, vers=turn 转 subvert 推翻,颠覆vi, via=way 路 via 取道,经由vis, vid=see 看 visible 可见的,看得见的vit=life 生命 vital 充满活力的viv=live 活 vivid 活泼的,有生气的英语词根前缀形式开放分类:英语、语法、学习、词汇[prefix]以结合形式出现,与一词、词根或短语开头的一个音或连续几个音相接,或书写中一个字母或连续几个字母用以产生出派生词或变化形式。

中文中[prefix] 以结合形式出现,与一词、词根或短语开头的一个音或连续几个音相接,或书写中一个字母或连续几个字母用以产生出派生词或变化形式。
常见的前缀有如下几类:第一类:表示正负(或增减)的,如:un- in- im- il- ir- non- mis- mal- dis- anti- de- under- re- over-等;第二类表示尺寸的,如:semi- equi- mini- micro- macro- mega-等;第三类表示位置关系,如:inter- super- trans- ex- extra- sub- infra- peri-等;第四类表示时间和次序,如:ante- pre- prime- post- retro-等;第五类表示数字,如:semi- mono- bi- tri- quad- penta- hex- sept(em)- oct- dec- multi- 等;其它类别,如:pro- auto- co- con-等。
disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable a.不光彩的disagree(不同意)2.in-加在形容词,名词之前incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inaccurate(不准确的)3.im-加在字母m,b,p之前impossible(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的)impudence ['impjud?ns] n.厚颜无耻;傲慢4.il-加在以1开头的词前illegal(非法的),illiterate(文盲的,无文化的)illogical(不合逻辑的)5.ir-加在以r开头的词前irregular(不稳定的),irresistable(不可抵抗的),irresolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的)6.un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的)unemployment(失业)7.non-加在形容词,名词前non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的)8.mis-加在动词、名词之前misunderstand(误解),misjudge(误判),misleading(误导),misfortune(不幸)9.dis-加地动词之前disappear(消失),disconnect(失去联系)disarm vt.缴械;vi.放下武器10.de-加在名词,形容词之前demobilize [di:'m?ubilaiz] vt.遣散,使复员decolor vt.脱色, 漂白11.anti-加在名词、形容词之前anti-Japanese(抗日战争)anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的)antidote ['?ntid?ut] n.[C](+against/for/to)解毒药12.counter-加在名词、动词前counterattack n.&vt.&vi.反攻,反击counteract vt.抵抗,阻碍counterrevolution n.[C][U]反革命二.表示“前(before)”的前缀1.pre-preconception n.预料,成见pre-exsiting(先于……而存在的),pre-selection(选举前的)preface(前言)2.Ante-anteroom ['?ntirum] n.[C]前室,接待室antecessor [,?nti'ses?] n.祖先,先行者3.Fore-forehaed(前额),foresee(预见,先见),foretell(预言)foreground n.前景; vt.突出,强调foreman n.工头,领班The foreman swore at one of the workers.4.Pro-program(计划),prologue(序幕)5.Ex-ex-president(前任总统)ex-wife(前妻)三.表示“后-post”的前缀1.post-post-war(战后)postposition n.后置词postmeridian ['p?ustm?'ridi?n] n.下午四.表示“低”、“下”的前缀1.Hypo-hypocrisy [hi'p?kr?si] n.伪善,虚伪hypothesis [hai'p?θisis] n.[C]假设People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct.hypochlorite [,haip?'kl?:rait] n.次氯酸盐2.Infra-infrared ['infr?'red] n.红外线; a.红外线的infrahuman [,infr?'hju:m?n] a.似人类的,类人猿的;n.低于人类的生物infrasonic [,infr?'s?nik] a.亚声的,次声的an infrasonic wave3.Sub-Subeditor(副编辑),subway(地铁),subconscious(下意识的),submarine(潜水艇,水下的),subtropics(亚热带),subtitle(副标题,字幕)五.表示“回”、“再次”、“向后”的前缀1.Re-refuel vt.&vi.补充燃料retranslate(再译),reinforce(加强),reconstruct(重建),return(返回)2.Retro-retrograde ['retr?u,greid] a.倒退的,退化的;vi.退化;vt.使倒退;ad.向后地,倒退地retrospect n.[C][U]&vt.&vi.(+to)回想,回顾六.表示“共同”、“和”的前缀1.Co-coexist(共存),cooperate(合作)coeducation n.男女同校七.表示“相互”、“之间”的前缀1.Inter-Interchangeble(可互换的),interdipendent(互相依靠的),international(国际的),inter-national (交往)八. 表示“出”、“超出”的前缀1.Ec-Eclipse(蚀),ecstasy(狂想)2.Extra-extraordinary(非凡的)’extramural ['ekstr?'mju?r?l] a.城墙外的,校外的,大学间非正式比赛的extrasensory a.超感觉的九.表示“超过”的前缀1.hyper-, preter-, super-, sur-, ultra-hypersensitive(过敏症的),superman(超人),surgery(外科手术),ultraviolet(紫外线)preterhuman [,pri:t?'hju:m?n] a.超人的十.其它的前缀1.auto-自automatic(自动的),autobiography(自传)2.mal-坏,恶malnutrition n.营养不良maltreat vt.虐待;滥用3.Micro-Microscope(显微镜)microtome n.切片机4.Tele-远Telegram(电报),telephone(电话),telescope(望远镜)5.Demi-,semi-hemi-Semicircle(半圆)hemisphere ['hemisfi?] n.半球;范围,领域;大脑半球What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere? demilune ['demilu:n] n.半月,新月6.Uni-, mono-(单一, 单独)Monotone(单调),monologue(独白),uniform(制服)7.Bi-,di-二Biyearly(二年一次的),biweekly(二周一次的)dichloride [dai'kl?:raid] n.二氯化物8.Tri-三Triangle(三角)tripod ['traip?d] n.三角架set up a tripod9.Multi-多multicolored(颜色多样的),multinational(多国的)10.Poly –多polygon ['p?lig?n] n.多角形polyatomic a.多原子的11.Arch-首领archbishop ['ɑ:t?bi??p] n.大主教architect(建筑师)12.bene-善,好benefit(利益)benevolence [bi'nev?l?ns] n.[U]善意He did it out of pure benevolence.13.homo-同homosexual(同性恋的)homograph ['h?m?grɑ:f] n.同形异义字14.neo新neocolonialism [,ni:?uk?'l?uni?l,izm] n.新殖民主义neolithic [,ni:?'liθik] a.(N-)新石器时代的;早先的,过时的15.ortho-正确,直orthogonal [?:'θ?g?nl] a.直角的orthodox a.正统的The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and pumpkin pie.16.philo-挚爱philosopher(哲学家)17.proto-原始protohydrogen(初氢),prototype(原型),protoplasm(原生质)18.pseudo-假的, 伪的, 冒充的pseudonym ['sju:d?nim] n.匿名pseudo-communism(假共产主义)19.a-,ab-,abs-(只有在t,c之前)从,自avoid(避免),absent(缺少的),abstract(吸引)abstain [?b'stein] vi.(+from)避开;放弃The doctor asked the patient to abstain from smoking. 20.Apo-,aph-来自apology(道歉,谢罪)apostle [?'p?sl] n.倡言者,先驱;(A-)耶稣十二使徒之一21.se-分离separation(分开),secure(安全的)sedition n.[U]煽动叛乱They were charged with sedition.22.para-防parachute(降落伞),23.omni-所有的,公共的omnibus n.[C]公共汽车;选集,文集an omnibus of detective storiesomnipotence [?m'nip?t?ns] n.全能;(O-)上帝24.pan-全,泛Pan-American(全美的),panacea(万灵药),panorama(风景的全貌;万花筒)25.panto-全pantisocracy [,p?nti's?kr?si] n.乌托邦大同世界pantoscopic a.视野广大的26.dia-通过,借以diagonal [dai'?g?nl] a.对角的;斜的Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangles.diagnosis(诊断),dialogue(对话)27.Per-通过,彻底,不利perambrlate(走来走去),perfect极好的28.trans-通过,横过transcript(抄本, 副本; 记录),translation(翻译),trxnsparent(透明的),transport(运输),trans-plant(移植)29.Com-,con-,cor-,col-共同,和,完全comment(评论),compile(编辑),correlation(相互关系),collect(收集),corruption(贪污腐败),collaborate (合作,合著)30.syn-共同synonym(同义词),synchronization(同步),syntonic(谐振的),synthetic(人工的,合成的)31.meta-和,在……之后metaphor(比喻),metaphysics(形而上学)32.Cis-在这一边cisatlantic(大西洋这边的)33.pen-几乎,相近peninsular(.住在半岛上的居民,半岛(状)的, 形成半岛的)34.en-,em-往……里,使……encamp(扎营),enable(使……能),endear(使……受喜爱),embrace(拥抱,抓住(机会))35.intro内在intracardiac(心脏内部的),intramolecular(分子内部的),intracelular(细胞内部的)36.intro-到……中introduce(介绍),introspect(反省,内省)37.dys-坏dyspepsia(消化不良),dysentry(痢疾)38.Eu-优,美好eulogy(颂词),euphony(悦耳的声音)39.ambi-,amphi-两者amphibian(两栖的),ambidextrous(两只手都很灵巧的;心怀二意的;非常灵巧的)40.penta-五pentagon(五角大楼),pentagram(五角星),pentameter(五步诗句)41.sex-六sexangle(六角),sexennial(六年一度的)42.sept-七September九月(古罗马的七月),septennial(七年一度)43.hepta-七heptab(七个成套之物),heptagon(七角形)44.octa-,octo,oct八octagon(八角形),octuple(八倍)October (十月)45.nona-,ennea-九nonagon(九角形),ennead(九个一组)46.deci-,deca-十decimal(十进位的),decagramme(十克)47.centi-百centimeter(厘米),centipede(蜈蚣)48.milli-千millenias(千年的),millimeter(毫米)49.Kilo-千kilowatt(千瓦),kilometer(千米)后缀开放分类:英语、语言后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。

前缀 (prefix) 和后缀 (suffix) 是最常见的词缀。
前缀 (Prefix)前缀是加在词根前面的部分,如“un-”在“unhappy”中表示“不”。
后缀 (Suffix)后缀是加在词根后面的部分,如“-able”在“lovable”中表示“可爱的”。
其他常见的后缀包括“-ness”表示“状态”,“-i ty”表示“性质”等等。
内缀 (Infix)内缀是插入到词根中的部分,这在英语中不常见,但在其他一些语言中可以找到。
词尾 (Circumfix)词尾是同时出现在词根前后的部分,这在英语中也较少见。
3.词尾和词干词尾 (Circumfix)词尾是同时出现在词根前后的部分,这在英语中也较少见。
词干 (Stem)词干是包含词根和可能包含一个或多个词缀的连续部分。

一、词根1. Cardi-(心脏)例词:cardiology(心脏病学)、cardiologist(心脏病专家)2. Derm-(皮肤)例词:dermatology(皮肤学)、dermatologist(皮肤科医生)3. Gast-(胃)例词:gastroenterology(胃肠病学)、gastrectomy(胃切除术)4. Hem-(血)例词:hematology(血液学)、hemorrhage(出血)5. Ophthalm-(眼睛)例词:ophthalmology(眼科学)、ophthalmologist(眼科医生)二、词缀1. -ectomy(切除术)例词:appendectomy(阑尾切除术)、tonsillectomy(扁桃体切除术)2. -itis(炎症)例词:tonsillitis(扁桃体炎)、arthritis(关节炎)3. -ology(学科)例词:urology(泌尿学)、radiology(放射学)4. -pathy(疾病)例词:neuropathy(神经病)、myopathy(肌肉病)5. -scopy(检查)例词:endoscopy(内镜检查)、colonoscopy(结肠镜检查)以上仅是一小部分医学英语词根和词缀的例子,医学英语中有数以千计的词根和词缀,通过熟悉和掌握这些词根和词缀,可以更容易地理解和使用医学术语。
Stems 词根--unit 1

Claim /clam
Olympics: Beijing’s clean air claim challenged by scientists Leading scientists have challenged Beijing's claims to have defeated the city's notorious air pollution in time for the Olympics. 奥林匹克:北京声明空气改善遭到科学家挑战 针对北京声明已经成功解决其臭名昭著的空气 污染问题,权威科学家提出质疑。
Every little/ Many a little makes a mickle.
新闻中出现的notorious这个词,是臭名昭著的 意思,来自于not-/nor-,是‘认知,知道,知 识’的意思,我们常见的单词来自于这个词根 的有通知notice,知道know,认识recognize, 另外一个词根是defeat里面的feat-,就是fac-, ‘做’的意思,比如factory就是工程,defeat 就是把做好的东西破坏掉,de-有向下的意思。
Stems 词根
Unit 1
Cent / centi
Siemens will cut 16,750 jobs worldwide
Industrial conglomerate Siemens AG said Tuesday it would cut 16,750 jobs, or 4.2 percent of its global work force, to streamline operations and cut nearly $2 billion in costs.

arboriculture n种树业
arch=chief (主要的)
architect n建筑师
archipei ago n群岛
arch=bear (熊)
chtys=golden (金色)
chrysanthemum n菊花
ciner=ash (灰)
incinerate v焚烧
inerary a骨灰的
cinct=bins (捆)
succinct a简洁的
cist=box (盒子)
cistern n贮水桶
cla=break (打破)
austr=aouth (南方)
austeal a南面的
Australia n澳大利亚(在南半球)
auxili=help (帮助)
iary a辅助的
aval=kownward (向下)
botan=erb (草)
botany n植物学
bouch=mouth (嘴)
debouch v流出;走出
bov=ox (牛)
boving a牛的
brack=vomit (呕)
brackish a令人恶心的
broch=pierce (刺,缝)
brochure n手册(用线缝在一起的纸)
ap=bee (蜜蜂)
apiary n养蜂场
aper=open (开)
aperture n开口,孔
April 四月(开花季节)
apex=aummit (顶峰)
aquil=eagie (鹰)
broach n钻孔器v开瓶塞;提出问题

113.-grat- = -grac- = -gree-感谢
115. -cogn(is)- = -gno(s)-知道
117. -aud(i)-听
125. -ball(o)- = -balo- = -bol(o)(a)(e)-抛,舞,球
127.-cit- = -cite- = -citat-召唤
128.-obsolesc- = -obsolet-成长,长大
129.–cor(d)- = -card- = -cour-心(脏)
78. -ced- = -ceed- = -cess-走
79. -log(ue)- = -loqu- = -locut-言,说
80. -fend- = -fens-打击
81. -cre- = -cresc- = -cret-增长,生长,产生
83. -sign-设计
84. -doc- = -doct-教
106. -dom(o)- = -domat(o)- = -domin-屋,统治
111. -rat- = -ratio-计算,推定,理由

英语常见词根(Stem)⼀览英语常见词根(Stem) ⼀览acu == sharp acute 敏锐的;尖锐的 acumem 敏锐;聪明acupuncture 针灸alti == high altitude ⾼度altimeter ⾼度计exalt 提⾼;提升ambula == walk ambulance 救护车ambulant 流动的ambulate ⾏⾛、移动ann == year anniversary 周年纪念annual 每年的annals 编年史anthro == man anthropoid 似⼈类的;类⼈猿anthropology ⼈类学anthroposociology ⼈类社会学arch == ruler monarch君主anarchism ⽆政府主义patriarch 家长、族长aster/astr == star astrology 占星术astronomy 天⽂学asterisk 星号,星标audi == hearing audience 听众audible 听得见的audiphone 助听器auto == self automation ⾃动化autobiography ⾃传autosuggestion ⾃我暗⽰bio == life biology ⽣物学biography 传记biocide 杀⾍剂brevi == short brief 简短的brevity 简洁abbreviate 缩写capit == head capital ⾸都decapitate 斩⾸capitation ⼈头税;按⼈收费ced == go;move recede 后退;引退unprecedented 史⽆前例的precede 先⾏,居先cess == go;move access 通路process 进展chron == time chronology 年表,年代学chronic 慢性的synchronal 同步的,同时发⽣的cide == kill;cut suicide ⾃杀insecticide 杀⾍剂bactericide 杀菌剂confid == trust confidential 机密的confide 吐露(秘密)cord == heart accordance ⼀致,调和 concord 协调,同意discord 不和,不⼀致cred == trust;belief credit 信⽤;信任incredible 难以置信的credulous 轻信的cur == run;move current 潮流excurse远⾜,旅⾏incursion ⼊侵,进⼊cycl == circle;wheel bicycle ⾃⾏车tricycle 三轮车hemicycle 半圆的dic/dict == say;speak indicate 指⽰,暗⽰dictate ⼝授diction 措词domin == rule;control dominate 主宰indomitable 不屈不挠的duce/duct == lead;take introduce 介绍induce 引诱conduct 指导equ == same;equal equality 平等equivalence 对应物equator ⾚道faci == easy facile 易得到的,不花⼒⽓的facilitate 使...容易fact == make;do manufacture 制造factory ⼯⼚benefactor 恩⼈,施恩者fer == carry;bring ferry 轮渡transfer 搬运,转移interfere ⼲预fin == end;limit finalize 使...了结infinite ⽆限的define 限定,下定义flect/flex == bend reflect 反射,反映flexible 易弯曲的reflexctor 反射镜flu == flow influence 影响fluent 流利fluid 流动的;液,流体form == shape reform 改⾰conform 符合frag == break fragile 易碎的fragment 碎⽚fracture ⾻折gen == produce generate 产⽣genetics 遗传学genesis 起源,创始geo == land;earth geology 地理学geometry ⼏何学geocide 地球末⽇grad == go;step graduate 毕业gradual 逐步的degrade 退化,堕落graph/gram == write;writing telegraph 电报program 节⽬,说明书diagram 图表grate/grati == thanks grateful 衷⼼感谢的gratitude 感谢grav == heavy;serious gravity 重⼒;严重性grave 严重的gravimeter ⽐重计,测重器gress == go;walk progress 进步aggressive 侵略的congress 会议herb == grass herbal 草本植物的;草药书herby 长满草的,似草的humid == wet humidity 湿度,湿⽓humidify 使湿润hydr == water;liquid hydroelectric ⽔电的hydroplane ⽔上飞机hydrospace 海洋世界ject == throw eject 喷射;逐出inject 注射reject 拒绝juven == young juvenile 青少年rejuvenate (使)返⽼还童juvenilia 少年⽂艺读物just/jur == just justify 证明正确jurist 法学家jury 陪审团labor == work laborious 费⼒的collaborate 合作,协作later == side;party bilateral 双边的unilateral 单⽅的equilateral 等边的leg == law legislate ⽴法illegitimate ⾮法的legislature ⽴法机关literat == letter literature ⽂学illiterate ⽂盲semiliterate 半⽂盲的loc == place location 地点allocate 分配localism 地⽅主义lumi == light;bright illuminate 照明illuminance 照明度luminary 发光体,杰出⼈物magni == big;great magnificent 宏⼤的magnify 放⼤magnitude 巨⼤,⼴⼤man(u) == hand manufacture ⽣产,加⼯manage 管理manuscript ⼿稿mar == sea submarine 潜艇maritime 海事的,海运的mariner 海员meter/metri == measure thermemeter 温度计altimeter ⾼度计mit/miss == send emit 放射vomit 呕吐transmission 播送,传送mort == death mortal 致命的immortal 不朽的postmortem 死后的nomin == name nominal 名义上nominate 提名innominate ⽆名的,匿名的nounce == proclaim pronounce 发⾳denounce 公开指责ortho == straight;correct orthodox 正统的orthopaedy 矫正术pater/patr == father paternal ⽗亲般的patriarch (男性)族长patricide 弑⽗;杀⽗者pathy == feeling sympathy 同情antipathy 反感empathy 移情ped == foot pedestrain ⾏⼈expedition 远征(队) pedal ⾜的;踏板pel/pulse == push;drive expel 驱逐impulse 冲动dispel 驱散pend/pens == use up;hang expense 花费expenditure 开⽀suspend 悬浮;使悬⽽未决phon == sound headphone ⽿机symphony 交响乐microphone 麦克风plic = fold duplicate ⼆倍的,副本complication 综合症;并发症;复杂implicit 含蓄的port == carry porter 脚夫export 出⼝passport 护照pose == put;place propose 建议dispose 处理expose 使暴露,揭发prim == initial;first primary 初级的primitive 原始的prime ⾸要的,最初的psych == mind psychology ⼼理学psychoanalysis ⼼理分析punct == point punctuate 加标点acupuncture 针灸punctual 准时的,精确的rupt == break corruption 腐败interrupt 打断bankrupt 破产scop == see;look at microscopic 微观的macroscopic 宏观的scope == instrument forobservingmicroscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜scribe/script ==write;writing;look atdescribe 描述prescription 处⽅sequ == follow consequence 后果sequence 次序sequel 结局,续集sens/sent == sense;feeling sentimental 多愁善感的sensitivity 灵敏度consent 赞同simil == like similarity 共性simile 明喻similar 类似的sol == alone sole 唯⼀的solitary 单独的soliloquy 独⽩soph == wise philosopher 哲学家sophisticated ⽼练的,尖端的pansophic ⽆所不知的spec(t) == see;look at inspect 视察expect 盼望retrospect 回顾suspect 怀疑prospect 展望respect 尊敬spir == breathe respiration 呼吸perspire 出汗expire 死亡断⽓struct == build constructive 富有建设性的superstructure 上层建筑destruction 毁灭stup == be motionless stupid 愚蠢stupefy 使⿇⽊;使呆若⽊鸡 stupor 昏迷,⿇⽊sum == use up;take consumption 消费assume ⾃以为resume 继续进⾏tain == hold maintain 维持attain 获得abstain 放弃,戒,禁the(o) == god theology 神学theist 有神论者atheism ⽆神论thermo == heat thermometer 温度计thermonuclear 热核的thermos 热⽔瓶tract == draw tractor 拽引机,拖拉机 attract 吸引distract 分散vent == come advent 来到,出现convention 会议contravention 违反,抵触verb == word verbal 词语的,动词的 hyperverbal 说话太多的vert/vers == turn convert 转移version 译本subvert 推翻,颠覆vid/vis == see vision 视⼒,视觉invisible 看不见的visibility 能见度viv == life vivid ⽣动的revive 复活survive 幸存,逃⽣voc/vok == call;voice evoke 唤起,召唤advocate 倡议,倡导vocalist 歌唱家,声乐家volv == roll revolver 左轮⼿枪;revolution ⾰命evolve 进化,演化。

The Secret to learning Medical English VocabularyBasic Patterns of Word Formation学习医学英语构词法是扩大医学英语词汇量最有效的方法之一。
大部分医学词汇都是词根(root/stem/base)、前缀(prefix)、后缀(suffix)和结合元音(combining vowels)的各种不同组合。
它们与后面括号里不同的后缀(-itis炎症,-oma瘤,-oid类似的,-pathy病,-algia疼痛,-tomy切开术,-ectomy切除术)结合在一起,就会衍生出下面一系列不同的派生词:nephritis肾炎,nephroma肾瘤,nephroid类似肾脏的,nephropathy肾脏病,nephralgia 肾痛,nephrotomy肾切开术,nephrectomy肾切除术,hepatosis肝病,hepatoma肝瘤,hepatoid类肝的,hepatopathy肝病,hepatalgia肝痛,hepatomy肝切开术,hepatectomy肝切除术。

1. (a)esthet : feeling2. abl, abili : able3. abol : do away with4. accoutr : dress5. acid, acri, acrid, acu : sour, sharp6. acm : top7. acro : top8. act : to do, to drive9. adip : fat10. adjut : assist11. advant : ahead12. aer, aero, aeri : air13. ag : do, act14. agger : heap15. agog : lead16. agon : struggle17. agri, agro, agr : field, land18. alacr : swift19. alb : white20. ald : old21. alesc : grow22. alg : pain23. alt : high24. alter, altern, ali : other, to change25. am, amor, amat : love26. ambul : walk27. amen : pleasant28. amic : friend29. ampl : large30. anci, antiq : old31. andro : male, man32. angu : distress33. anim : life, spirit34. ann, enn : year35. anth : flower36. anthrop : man, human37. anx : distress38. ap : bee39. aper : open40. apex : summit41. apt, ept : fit, ability42. aqu : water43. aquil : eagle44. ar : dry 45. ar : plow46. arbit(r) : judge47. arbor : tree48. arc(h) : bow49. arch, archy : ruler, rule, chief50. archi : chief51. arct : bear52. ard : burn53. ardu : difficult54. aren : sand55. arm : weapon56. arom : spice57. art : skill, joint, trick58. arter : pipe59. articul : joint60. asin : ass61. asper : rough62. asthm : panting63. astro, aster : star64. athl : contest65. atmo : vapor66. atroc : cruel67. audi, audit : hear68. aug : increase69. aur : ear70. aur : gold71. auster : severe72. austr : south73. auxili : help74. av, avar, avi : desire, bird75. aval : downward76. avar : greedy77. axi : worthy78. ball, bol : throw, dance, ball79. balm : balsam80. ban : prohibit81. bank : bench82. bar : weight83. barb : beard84. barbar : stammer85. barr : bar86. barr : stick87. bas, base : low, foundation88. bat : beat89. beat : blessed90. bell : fine91. bell, bel : war, fight92. bever : drink93. bey : expect94. bias : slant95. bib : drink96. biblio : book97. bio, bi : life98. blanc : white99. blas : damage100. blem : stain101. bombast : cotton102. bon : good103. bor : dweller104. bord : side105. bosc : feed106. botan : herb107. bouch : mouth108. bov : ox109. brace : two arms110. brack : vomit111. braid : twist112. brev, bridg : short113. broch : pierce114. bry : sprout115. bu : ox116. burl : mockery117. byss : bottom118. cad, cas, cid : fall119. cadaver : corpse120. cal : beartiful121. calam : misfortune122. calc : stone123. calend : first day124. call : hard skin125. calori : heat126. camp : field127. can : dog128. cand : white, glow129. cant, cent : sing, song130. cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, cup : take, hold, seize131. cap, cipit : head 132. capr : goat133. caps : box134. car : dear135. car, char : dear136. carcer : prison137. card, chart : paper138. card, cord : heart139. caric : load140. carn : flesh141. cast : pure142. caten : chain143. cathar : pure144. cathol : general145. caul : stem146. caust : burn147. cav : hole148. caval : horse149. ceal : hide150. ced, ceed, cess : go151. cel : heaven152. celeber : honor153. celer : quick, speed154. celib : single155. cem : sleep156. cens : judge157. cent : hundred158. centr : center159. cephal : head160. ceram : earth161. cerebr : brain162. cern, cert, cret : sure, separate 163. cess : stop164. chame : ground165. cher :dear166. chondr : cartilage167. chor : dance, sing168. chrom : color169. chron : time170. chrys : golden171. cid, cis : cut, kill172. cil(i) : call173. cinct : bind174. ciner : ash175. circ, cycl : ring, circle176. cist : box177. cit : quote, call178. civ : citizen179. cla : break180. claim, clam, : cry out, shout 181. clandestin : secret182. clear, clar, clair : clear, bright 183. clin, cliv : lean, slope 184. clos, clud, clus : close 185. clys : dash186. coct : cook187. cogit : think188. cogn : know189. col : strain190. coll : neck191. com : banquet192. com : sleep193. commod : convenient 194. cond : hide195. contamin : pollute196. cop : abundance197. cori : skin198. corn : horn199. corp, corpor : body200. corrig : correct201. corusc : glitter202. cosm(o) : world203. cost : side204. cracy : rule205. cras : mixing206. crastin : tomorrow207. cre, creas : grow, make 208. creas : flesh209. creed, cred : believe, trust 210. crepit : burst211. crimin : crime212. crit, cris : judge, discern 213. cruc, crus, curx : cross 214. crud : raw215. crust : shell216. cryo : cold217. crypt : secret, hidden218. cub, cumb : lie down219. culin : kitchen 220. culmin : top221. culp : fault222. cult : till223. cumul : heap224. cup : desire225. cur : care226. cur(r), curs, cour, cours: run 227. curt : short228. cuss : shake229. custod : guard230. custom : habit231. cylind : roll232. cyn : dog233. dadin : jest234. dama : conquer235. de : god236. deb : owe237. debil : weak238. delect : delight239. delir : mad240. dem(o) : people241. demn : harm242. dens : make thick243. dent : tooth244. derm, dermat : skin245. deterior : worse246. dexter : right247. di : day248. dict, dic : say, assert 249. didact : teach250. digit : finger251. dign : worthy, noble 252. doc, doct : to teach253. dogm : opinion254. dole : grieve255. dom : house256. domin : lord257. domit : tame258. don, dit : give259. dorm : sleep260. dors : back261. dot : give262. dox : opinion263. dra : perform264. draw : pull265. drom : run266. du, dub, doub : two267. dubi : doubtful268. duc, duct : lead, bring269. dur : last, hard270. dyn, dynam : power271. ebri : drunken272. ed : eat273. ego : I274. eleg : lament275. empter, imper : command 276. emul : equal277. en, empt, ampl : take, procure 278. ent : being279. entom : insect280. equ : horse281. equ, equi : equal, even282. erg, ert : energy, work283. ero : love284. err : wander, mistake285. ert : erect286. escal : ladder287. esoter : inner288. estim : value289. ethn : nation290. etymo : true291. ev : age292. extr(e), exter : out293. fabl, fabul : speak294. fabric : make295. fac, fact, fect, fic, fig : make, do 296. fac, fic : face297. fall, fail, fault : err, deceive 298. fam : hunger299. fan : temple300. fascin : enchant301. fatig : weary302. fatu : silly303. febr : fever304. fecund : fruit305. feder : league306. felic : happy307. femin : woman 308. fend, fens : strike 309. fer : bring, carry 310. fer : wild311. ferr : iron312. ferv : boil313. fess : speak 314. fest : feast315. fest : hostile 316. fiagell : whip 317. fid : trust, faith 318. fil, fili : thread 319. fin : end, boundary 320. firm : firm321. fisc : purse322. fiss : split323. fix : fix324. flam, flagr : blaze 325. flat : blow326. flect, flex : bend 327. flict : strike 328. flor, flour : flower 329. flu : flow330. fluctu : wave 331. foli : leaf332. for : bore333. forc, fort : strong 334. form : shape 335. fortu : luck 336. found, fund : base 337. fract, frag : break 338. fratem : brother 339. fresc : fresh 340. frig, friger : cold 341. front : forehead 342. fruct : fruit343. fug : flee344. fulg : shine 345. fulmin : thunder 346. fum : smoke 347. funct : perform 348. furc : fork349. furt : steal350. fus : pour351. fusc : dark352. gain : against353. galax : milk354. gam, gamy : marriage355. gamb : leg356. gar, garn : furnish357. garr : chatter358. gastr : stomach359. gen, gener, genit : birth, produce 360. genu : knee361. geo : earth362. ger : bear363. germ : seed364. gest, gister : carry, bring365. glaci : ice366. glomer : ball367. gloss, glot : tongue368. glut : devour369. gnomin : name370. gnos(t), gnor : know371. gon : angle372. gorg : throat373. grad : step, grade374. gran : grain375. graph, gram : write376. grat, gree : pleasing377. grav, griev : heavy378. greg : group379. gress : go, walk380. gross : great381. gymn : naked382. gyn, gynec : woman383. habit : dwell384. hal : breathe385. hap : chance386. harm : fitting387. haught : high388. haust : draw water389. hav : possess390. head : head391. hein : odious392. heli(o) : sun393. helic : spiral394. hemer :day395. hemo : blood 396. her, hes : stick397. hibit : hold398. hilar : glad399. hom : man400. hor(r) : shudder, dread 401. hort : encourage402. hospit, host : guest403. host : enemy404. hum : earth405. hum : moist406. hydr, hydro : water407. hypn(o) : sleep408. icon : image409. idea, ideo : idea410. ident : same411. idio : peculiar, private 412. idol : image413. ign : fire414. imag, imit : imagine, likeness 415. incip : begin416. initi : beginning417. insul : island418. integr : whole419. intim : inmost420. isol : island421. isthm : narrow pass422. it : go423. jac : lie424. jacul : javelin425. ject : throw, cast426. joc : joke427. journ : day428. jubil : shout of joy429. judg, judic : judge430. jug : yoke431. junct, join : join432. jur, juris : swear, law433. juven : young434. labor : labor435. lacer : torn436. lact : milk437. langu : faint438. lapid : stone439. laps : slip440. lass : weary441. lat : bring out442. lat : wide443. later : side444. laud : praise445. lav, luv, lut : wash 446. lax : loose447. lect, leg : speak, read 448. lect, lig : choose, gather 449. leg, legis : law450. lemma : argument 451. lent : loose452. leth : oblivion453. lev, live : raise, lighten 454. lex, lexic : word, speech 455. liber : free456. libr : book457. lic : allure458. licen : allow459. lig : bind460. lign : wood461. limin, lim : threshold 462. line : line463. lingu : language464. linqu : leave465. lips : leave466. liqu : wet467. liter : letter468. lith : stone469. loc : place470. loft : sky471. log, logu : speak 472. logy, ology : science 473. long : leng474. lop : run475. loqu, locu : speak 476. lubric : slip477. luc : light478. luc, lust : light, shine 479. lud, lus : play480. lug : mourn481. lumin : light482. lun : moon483. lup : wolf 484. lustr : light485. lyr : lute486. lys, lysis : break down487. mach, mech : machine488. maci : lean489. macul : spot490. magn : big491. maj : great492. mall : hammer493. mamm : breast494. man, main : stay495. man, manu : hand496. mand : order497. mari : sea498. mark : sign499. mart : death500. mascul : male501. mastic : chew502. matern, matr : mother503. matin : morning504. me : go505. med, medi : middle506. medit : ponder507. medl : mix508. melan : black509. melior : better510. mell : honey511. memor : memory512. mend : free from fault513. mendic : beg514. ment : mind515. mer : lake516. merc, merch : trade517. merg, mers : sink518. meter, metr, meas, mens : measure 519. migr : remove520. milit : soldier521. min : project522. mini, min : small523. mir : wonder, look524. mis(o) : hate525. misc : mix526. miser : wretched527. miss, mit : send, cast528. mnes, mnem : remember 529. mob : move530. mod : mode, manner 531. mol : heap532. mol : meal533. moll : soft534. mon, monit : warn 535. monstr : show536. mor : moral537. morb : disease538. mord, mors : bite 539. morph : form, sharp 540. mot : move541. mounce, nunci : speak 542. mount : ascend543. muni, mun : public 544. mur : wall545. mus : muse546. mut : change547. myth : fable548. narc : numb549. nat : born550. nav, naus, naut : ship 551. nebul : cloud552. nec : kill553. nect, nex : bind554. neg : deny555. negat : deny556. negr, nigr : black 557. neur : nerve558. nihil : nothing559. noc, nox : hurt, poison 560. noct : night526. miser : wretched527. miss, mit : send, cast 528. mnes, mnem : remember 529. mob : move530. mod : mode, manner 531. mol : heap532. mol : meal533. moll : soft534. mon, monit : warn 535. monstr : show536. mor : moral 537. morb : disease538. mord, mors : bite 539. morph : form, sharp 540. mot : move541. mounce, nunci : speak 542. mount : ascend 543. muni, mun : public 544. mur : wall545. mus : muse546. mut : change547. myth : fable548. narc : numb549. nat : born550. nav, naus, naut : ship 551. nebul : cloud552. nec : kill553. nect, nex : bind 554. neg : deny555. negat : deny556. negr, nigr : black 557. neur : nerve558. nihil : nothing559. noc, nox : hurt, poison 560. noct : night596. orbit : circle597. ordin : order598. ori, orig : rise, begin 599. orn : embellish 600. ornith : bird601. oscul : kiss602. oss : bone603. ostens : appear 604. ostrac : tile605. ot(o) : ear606. ov : shout。
词根 例词

词根例词ag=do, act 做,动agent 代理人agri, agro=agriculture 田地,农田agriculture 农业,农艺ann, enn=year 年annual 每年的,年度的astro, aster=star 星astronomy 天文学audi, audit=hear 听audible 听得见的bell=war 战争rebellion 反叛,反抗bio, bi=life 生命,生物biology 生物学brev=short 短abbreviate 缩短,节略ced, ceed=go 行走precedent 先行的,在前cept=take 拿,取exception 例外,除外circ=ring 环,,圆circle 圆,圈,环状物cid, cis=cut, kill 切,杀suicide 自杀claim, clam=cry, shout 喊叫exclaim 呼喊,惊叫clar=clear 清楚的,明白的clarify 澄清;使清楚clud, clus=close, shut 关闭exclude 排斥,拒绝,接纳cogn=know 知道cognition 认知cord=heart 心cordial 衷心的,诚心的corpor, cor=body 体corporation 团体,社团cred=believe, trust 相信,信任credibility 可信,可靠,cruc=cross 十字crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨cur=care 关心,挂念,注意security 安全cru, curs, cour, cours=run 跑cruise巡航舰di=day 日diary 日记dit=give 给edit 编辑dict,dic=say 言,说dictator 独裁者,口授者duc, duct=lead 引导conduct 引导,指导,经营ed=eat 吃edible 可以吃的,食用的ev=age 年龄,时代longevity 长寿,长命fact, fac=do, make 做,作factory 工厂fer=bring, carry 带,拿different 不同的,相异的flor, olour=flower 花florid 如花的,华丽的flu=flow 流fluency 流利,流畅fus=pour 灌,流,倾泻refuse 拒绝,拒受geo=earth 地geography 地理学gon=angle角trigon 三角形grad=step, go, grade 步,走,级gradual 逐步的gram=write 写telegram 电报graph=write, writing 写,画photograph 照相,拍照gress=go, walk 行走progress 进步hap=chance,luck,accident 机会,偶发happen 发生,巧遇hibit=hold 拿,持exhibit 展出,展览hospit, hosp=guest 客人hospitable 好客的idio=particular, own, private, proper 特殊的,个人的,专有的idiom 惯用语,方言insul=island 岛insular 岛的,偏狭的it=go 行走exit 出口,退出ject=throw 投掷projection 投掷,发射lect, leg, lig=choose, gather 选,收elect 选举lev=raise 举、升elevate 抬起,使升高liber=liberty 自由liberation 解放lingu=language 语言linguist 语言专家liter=letter 文字,字母literate 识字的,有文化的loc=place 地方local 当地的log=speak 言,说dialogue 对话loqu=speak 言说eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的lun=moon 月亮lunar 月亮的,似月的nanu, man=hand 手manuscript 手稿mar=sea 海marine 海上的,航海的medi=middle 中间mediate 居中调解,调停memor=memory,mindful 记忆,记住的memory 记忆,记忆力milit=soldier 兵military 军事的,军队的mini=small,less 小minimum 最小数mir=wonder 惊奇,惊异admire 赞赏,钦佩mort=death 死mortal 终有一死的mot=move 移动motion 运动,动nomin=name 名nominal 名义上的,有名无实nov=new 新novel 新的,新奇的numer=number 数numeral 数字,[语]数词oper=work 工作operation 手术,工作,操作ori=rise 升起orient 东方,东方的paci=peace 和平pacify 使和平,抚慰past=feed 喂,食pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草pel=push, drive 推,逐,驱propel 推动pend, pens=hang 悬挂pendent 悬空的,悬而未决的pet=seek 追求compete 竞争,比赛phon=sound 声音phone 电话plen=full 满,全plenty 大量,丰富pone=put 放置postpone 推后,推迟popul=people 人民population 人口,全体居民port=carry 拿,带,运import 输入,进口pos=put 放置expose 揭露,揭发preci=price 价值precious 宝贵的,珍贵的pur=pure 清,纯purify 使纯净rect=right, straight 正,直correct 改正,纠正rupt=break 破rupture 破裂,使裂开sal=salt 盐salary 薪水sci=know 知science 科学sec, sequ=follow 跟随sequence 继续,连续sect=cut 切割section 切开,一部分sent, sens=feel 感觉sentiment 感情,思想感情son=sound 声音sonic 声音的,音速的spect=look 看spectate 出席,观看spir=breathe 呼吸inspire 鼓舞,吸入tail=cut 切,割tailor 裁缝,成衣商tain, ten=hold 握,持,守contain 容纳,包含,内装tect=cover 掩盖detect 侦查,发觉tempor=time 时temporary 暂时的,临时的tend, tens=draw 拉tension 拉紧,引力tent, tract=draw 拉,抽,引tractor 拖拉机urb=city 城市suburb 郊区,近郊ut=use 用utility 效用, 有用vac, vacu=empty 空vacancy 空白,空虚vad, vas=walk, go 行走invasion 入侵,侵略vari=change 变化variable 可变的,反复的ven=come 来convene 召集(会议),集会vert, vers=turn 转subvert 推翻,颠覆vi, via=way 路via 取道,经由vis, vid=see 看visible 可见的,看得见的vit=life 生命vital 充满活力的viv=live 活vivid 活泼的,有生气前缀开放分类:英语、语法、学习、词汇中文中:[prefix] 以结合形式出现,与一词、词根或短语开头的一个音或连续几个音相接,或书写中一个字母或连续几个字母用以产生出派生词或变化形式。

英语词根、词缀表(1)词根 Stems1 ag, act to do, to drive 做,驱动agent代理人, active活动的2 agr field农田agriculture农业, agrarian田地的3 alter,al other另,其它alien外国的,异乡的, alternate交替的4 am to love爱,亲爱amicable友善的, amiable和蔼可亲的5 anim spirit, mind, life 心灵,精神,生命animal动物, animate有生命的6 ann, enn year年annual一年的, centennial一百年的7 apt to adjust, to fit调整,适应adapt使适应, aptitude倾向,才能8 aqua water水aquarium水族馆, subaquatic水下的9 arch first, to rule首要的,统治monarchy君主制, arch-criminal罪魁祸首,首要的,总的10 aster, astro star星astronomy天文学, asterisk星号11 audi to hear听audience听众, audible听得见的12 bio life生命,生物biology生物学, bionics仿生学13 cap, cip, cept, ceive to take, to hold拿,取capture捕获, recipient接受者, concept 概念, deceive欺骗14 card heart心cardiac心脏的, cardiogram心电图15 cede, ceed, cess to go, to yield行,走,让与precedent先例, exceed超过, secession退出16 cent hundred百centigrade百分度的, centimeter厘米17 center, center center中心concentrate集中, centrifugal离心力的18 cert to perceive, to make certain确信,确定certainty必然的事, certificate证书19 chrom color颜色chromatic色的, chromosome染色体20 chron time时间chronicle编年史, synchronism同时性21 cide, cis to kill, to cut杀,切suicide自杀, bactericide杀菌剂22 claim, clam to shout叫喊exclaim惊叫, proclamation宣言23 clos, clud to shut闭合claus, clus close关闭, include包括clause从句, conclusion结论24 cogn to know 知晓recognize 承认, cognition认识25 cor, cord heart 心core核心, cordial衷心的26 corp body 体,躯干corporation公司,corporal身体的27 cosm universe, world宇宙,世界cosmic宇宙的, cosmos宇宙28 cred to believe相信credible可信的,credit信任29 cur, course to run跑current流通的,concourse汇合30 cycl circle 圆,环bicycle自行车,cyclone旋风31 demo people人民demography 人口学,democracy民主32 derm skin皮肤dermatitis 皮肤炎,hypodermic皮下注射的,皮下注射器33 dict, dic to speak 说predict 预言,indicate表示34 doc, doct to teach 教doctor 博士,document文件35 duc, duct to lead 引导conduct 指导,induce 引诱36 equ equal 平等equality 平等,equation 方程式37 fac, fic, fect, fact to do, to make 做,制 factory工厂,beneficial有利的38 fer to carry, to bring 运送,带transfer转移,ferry渡船39 fin end, limit 终,极,界限final 最后的,finish完成40 flect, flex to blend 弯,曲flexible 易弯的,deflection倾斜41 flict to strike 打击conflict 冲突, afflict折磨42 flu to flow 流fluent 流利的,fluid 流体43 form form, shape 形式,外形transform 改变,formula公式44 forc, fort strong 强的force力, effort 努力45 fract, frag to break 破,折fraction 碎片,fragile 易碎的46 fug to flee 逃,避,离refugee 难民, centrifugal 离心的47 fus to pour, to melt 倾,注,熔化fusion溶解, effuse 泻出48 gen cause, kind, race起源,类属,人种generate 使产生, genetic遗传的49 geo earth 地球,土地geography 地理, geology地质学50 grad, gress to step 跨步,走grade等级, progress进步51 gram to write 写,记录telegram 电报, grammar语法52 graph to write 写,记录photograph 照相,graphics 制图学53 grav to weigh, heavy 称重,重的gravity 重力,gravimeter 比重计54 greg flock 群gregarious成群的,aggregate 集合55 hydra water水hydraulic 水利的, hydrant 消防栓56 ject to throw 投,掷,抛eject射出, project投射57 jud judge 法官,裁判judicial 法庭的,judicious 有判断力的58 junct to join 连接,结合conjunction 连接词, adjunct 附属物59 lect, leg, lig to choose, to gather, to read挑选,采集,读select 选择,illegible难读的,eligible合格的,合适的60 leg law 法律legal 合法的, legislate 立法61 lif, liv to live 生活,生存life 生活,生命, alive 活着的62 liqu fluid 流动的liquid 液体, liquor 酒精类饮料63 loc place 地点,地方local 地方的, locate位于64 log word, discourse词,语言,讲演dialogue 对话, logic 逻辑65 loqu, locu to speak 说话eloquent 雄辩, elocution 雄辩术66 magn great 大的magnify 放大, magnificent 伟大的,壮观的67 manu hand 手manuscript 手稿, manual手的68 med to heal 医治remedy 治疗, medicine 医学69 med middle 中间medium 媒介质,medial 中间的70 meter, metr measure 测量kilometer 公里,metric 公制的71 min less, little 少,小minority 少数,diminish减少,缩小72 misc, mix to mix 混合miscellaneous 混杂的,mixture混合物73 miss, mit to send, to let go 送,派,放开mission 使命, admit 承认74 mob, mot, mov to move 移动mobile 活动的, motion 运动, immovable不可移动的75 morph form形式morphology形态学,metamorphosis变形76 mort death死亡mortal终有一死的,mortality死亡率77 nat to be born 出生natal 诞生的,native 出生地的78 neur nerve神经neurotic 神经的,神经病的;neurosurgery神经外科学79 note mark记号,注意note 注解,denote 表示80 onom, onym name 名onomastic名字的,亲自签名的, anonymous匿名的81 oper work 操作operate, co-operate合作82 opt sight, light视线,光线optic 视力的,optics光学83 opt to choose 选择option选择,optional 可任意选择的84 path feeling, suffering, disease 感情,苦楚,疾病 sympathy同情,pathetic 可怜的85 ped foot 足,脚expedition 远征, pedal 足的86 pel, puls to drive, to push 逐,推expel驱逐,compulsion强迫87 pend, pens to hang, to weigh, to pay 悬挂,称量,偿付 dependence 依靠,expense 支出88 phon sound 声音phonetics 语音学, telephone 电话89 phot, phos light 光photology 光学, photogenic 发光的90 pon, pos to place, to put 位置postpone 推迟, position 位置91 port to carry 搬运,带portable 可携带的, porter 搬运工人92 prim first第一,首要primary 最初的,primitive原始的93 psych mind 精神psyche 心智,psychic 精神的94 quer, quest, to ask, to seek 问,求quir, quis query问,质问,request 要求,inquire询问,inquisitive 好询问的95 quiet, quies to rest 休息quiet 安静,quiescent 静止的96 rect straight, right 直的,正的erect直立的, correct改正97 rid, ris to laugh 笑ridicule嘲笑,derision笑柄,嘲笑98 rupt to break 破坏,毁坏bankrupt 破产,rupture破裂99 sanguin blood 血sanguinary 血淋淋的, sanguine 血红的100 sat, satis enough 足够的dissatisfy 使不满意,satiety 饱满101 scend, scens, scent to climb 爬ascend 上,升, condescension 屈尊,descent下降102 sci to know 知道science 科学,conscious有知觉的103 scrib, script to write 写describe 描述,script 手迹104 sec, sect, seg to cut切割transect横切, segment切片, secant切的105 sens, sent to feel感觉sensation感觉, sentiment感情106 sequ, sec to follow 跟随sequence序列,sequel续集,persecute 迫害107 sed, sid to sit, to settle 坐,安顿sediment沉淀物,resident 居民108 sol sun太阳solar太阳的, parasol阳伞109 soph wise 明智sophisticated通世故的,sophist 诡辩者110 sorb, sorpt to suck in 吸收absorbent 吸收剂, absorption 吸收111 spec, spect, spic to look 看spectator 旁观者,perspicuous 意思明白的,specious外表美观的112 spir breath, life 呼吸,生命inspire 吸气,鼓舞, conspiracy 共谋113 stell star星stellar 星体的,stelliform星形的, 放射线状的114 strain, strict, string to tighten 拉紧strained 紧张的, constrict压缩,stringent严格的,严厉的115 tact, tang, tag to touch 接触intact 未触动的,tangible可触觉的, contagion 传染116 tain, ten, tin to hold 保持,握,容纳contain 容纳,tenable 站得住脚,abstinence 节制,禁欲117 tend, tens, tent to stretch 伸张,倾向tendency倾向,intension 强度,紧张, attention注意118 terr earth 地球,土地terra 土地,地球, subterranean 地下的119 terr to frighten 恐吓terror恐怖, terrify 使恐怖120 therm heat 热thermal 热的, thermometer 温度计121 tor, tort to twist 扭转,扭torsion 扭转,distortion 歪曲122 tract to drag, to draw 拖,拉,吸引attract 吸引,traction拖曳123 trib to give 给予contribute 贡献, distribute分配124 turb to disorder 搅乱disturb 打扰,turbid 混乱的125 ut, us to use 用abuse 滥用, utility有用,有益126 vac, van empty 空,空虚vacation 假期,vanity 空虚,虚荣127 ven to come 来,来临intervene 干预,介入,prevent预防128 vers, vert to turn 转,翻转reverse 倒转,convert 转换129 via, vi way, road 路deviate 偏离, trivial 琐细的, viameter路程计130 vid, vis to see 看见evident 明显的,visible 可见的131 vit, viv to live 生活,生存vital 生命的,survival 幸存132 voc, vok voice, to call声音,呼唤vocal 口头的, convoke 召集133 volv to roll, to turn 转,滚动revolve 旋转,involve 卷入134 wis, wit to know 知道wisdom 智慧,witty 机警的,诙谐的(2)前缀 Prefixes1 a-, an- not, without 否定astable 不稳定的,anarchy 无政府状态,混乱2 ab- away, from 脱离abnormal 非常的, abaxial 离开轴心的3 ambi-, amphi- both, around 两,周围ambiguous 有两个意义的,暧昧的,amphitheater 圆形剧场4 anti- against, opposite 反抗anti-clockwise 逆时针,anti-friction减摩5 auto- self自动autoignite 自然,autostable 自动稳定6 be- intensive, to make 使…….加强belittle 使缩小,贬低,befriend 友好相待,帮助7 bi- two 二,双bimetallic 双金属的,bimotor 双发动机8 co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- with 共同cooperation 协作,collaborate 协作, commemorate 纪念 conference 会议,correlate 相关9 counter-,contra- against, opposite 反,对应counteraction 反作用, contrast 对比,对照10 de- away, down ,negative 离开,分,否定decompose 分解,decompression 减压11 di-, dif- ,dis- away, negative 否定,相反disassemble 拆开,divest 脱衣,剥夺,differentiate 区分12 di- two 二,双diode 二极管, dioole偶极13 en-,em- in, into ,to make 使…,使入enlarge 扩大,enable 使…..能embed 埋置,嵌进,empower 使…能14 eu- good ,well 优生学,eulogize 赞美15 e-,ex- external 外部的,emit 放射16 extra outside, outward, 在…外,向外extranuclear 核外的,extrasolar 太阳系外的17 fore- before 前,预先foremost 最前的,forecast 预测18 *hetero- other 异heteropolar 异极的, heteroatom 异质原子19 homo- same同等homogeneous 均匀的,homopolar 同极的20 hydr- water 水hydrogen 氢,hydroelectric 水电的21 hyper- over, above 在上,超hyperfrequency 超高频,hypersonic 超声的22 hypo-, hyp under 下,低,次,少hypotension 低血压,hyposensitize 减弱…的敏感度23 il-, im-in-,ir- not ,in into 否定,加强或引申意义illogical 不合逻辑的,illustrate 说明import 入口,impossible 不可能的,invisible I 不可见的,intake 纳入irrational 不合理的,irruption 突然冲入24 inter- between-相互,在内interchange交换,interlock 连锁25 intra-,intro- inside 在内,内部intrapersonal 个人内心的introspect 内省,反省26 micro- small 微micrometer 毫米,microwave 微波27 mal- bad, badly 恶,不良maltreat 虐待,malfunction 机能失常28 mid- middle 中,中间mid-air 半空中,midstream 中流29 mini- small, little 小mini-skirt 超短裙,minibus 小公共汽车30 mis- bad , badly 错,坏mistake 错误, misapply 误用31 mono- one 单,一monomotor 单一发动,monowheel 单轮32 multi- many 多multipole 多极,multi-cylinder 多缸33 neo- new 新neocolonialism 新殖民主义,neorealism 新实现主义34 non- not 否定non-metal 非金属,non-ferrous 非铁的35 out - out 超过,过度,外,出,outlive 比…长寿,outdo 胜过outsize 过大的,outwear 穿坏36 over- above, too much 上,过度overwork 工作过度,oversleep 睡过overbridge 天桥,oversea 海外的37 poly- many 多polygon 多边形, polyplane 多翼飞机38 post- after 后postwar 战后,post-acceleration 后加速39 pre- before 前,领先preheat 预热,pre-amplifier 预置放大器40 pseudo- false 假pseudoscience 伪科学,pseudomorph 假象41 re- back ,again 回,再reheat 再加热,regrind 重磨42 semi- half 半semiautomatic 半自动的,semimechanized 半机械化的43 sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur- under 次,亚,在下,低于substandard 低于标准规格的,succeed继承, suffix 后缀,suggest 提供考虑,supplement 增补,surreptitious 伪造的44 super-, supra-, sur- over, above 超,在上superheat 过热,surface 表面,surpass 超越,supramolecular 超分子的45 sym-, syn-, syl-, sys- with, together共同symmetric 对称的,synchronous 同步的,syllable 音节,system系统46 thermo- heat 热thermometer 温度计,thermodynamics 热力学47 trans-, tra- across 转换,变换,横过,越过transmit 传送 trajectory 弹道transoceanic 横渡大西洋的,transnormal 超常规的48 tri- three 三triode 三极管,tricar 三轮车49 ultra beyond 超过ultra-short 极短的,ultrasonic 超声波的50 un- not 否定unstable 不稳定的,unknown 未知的51 under- beneath 低于,次于,下,内(指衣服)underdone 半生不熟的,underpay 付款不足undersea 在海岸,underline 在。

1. 名词后缀1)-or/er/ess/crat/cis,做某件事情或职业的人或物:worker, debtor2)-acy, 表示/性质,状态,境遇/ democracy, accuracy, diplomacy3)-ance, -ence表示/性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度/ importance, diligence, difference, obedience4)-ancy, -ency, 表示/性质,状态,行为,过程/ frequency, urgency, efficiency5)-bility, 表示/动作,性质,状态/ possibility, flexibility, feasibility6)-dom, 表示/等级,领域,状态/ freedom, kingdom, wisdom7)-hood, 表示/资格,身份,年纪,状态/ childhood, manhood, falsehood8)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition, 表示/行为的过程,结果,状况/ action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction9)-ism, 表示/制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为/ socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism10)-ity, 表示/性质,状态,程度/ purity, reality, ability, calamity11)-ment, 表示/行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment,movement, judgment, punishment, argument12)-ness, 表示/性质,状态,程度/ goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness13)-ship, 表示/情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业/ hardship, membership, friendship14)-th, 表示/动作,性质,过程,状态/ depth, wealth, truth, length, growth15)-tude, 表示/性质,状态,程度/ latitude, altitude(海拔)16)-ure, 表示/行为,结果/ exposure, pressure, failure, procedure(手续)17)-grapy, 表示/……学,写法/ biography, calligraphy, geography18)-ic, ics, 表示/……学……法/ logic, mechanics, electronics, linguistics19)-ology, 表示/……学……论/biology, zoology, technology(工艺学)20)-nomy, 表示/……学……术/ astronomy, economy, bionomy(生态学)21)-ee,表示"动作承受者" employee,examinee22)-eer,表示"从事于……人" engineer,volunteer23)-er,表示"从事某种职业的人,某地区,地方的人" banker,observer,Londoner,villager24)-ese,表示" ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese,Cantonese25)-ess,表示"阴性人称名词,actress,hostess,manageress 26)-eur,表示"……家”amateur,littérateur后缀-ee后缀-ee可以加在动词后面构成名词,也可以加在某些形容词或名词后面构成名词。

常见的前缀有如下几类:第一类:表示正负(或增减)的,如:un- in- im- il- ir- non- mis- mal- dis- anti- de- under- re- over-等;第二类表示尺寸的,如:semi- equi- mini- micro- macro- mega-等;第三类表示位置关系,如:inter- super- trans- ex- extra- sub- infra-peri-等;第四类表示时间和次序,如:ante- pre- prime- post- retro-等;第五类表示数字,如:semi- mono- bi- tri- quad- penta-hex- sept(em)- oct- dec- multi- 等;其它类别,如:pro- auto- co- con-等。
常见的前缀有如下几类:第一类:表示正负(或增减)的,如:un- in- im- il- ir- non- mis- mal- dis- anti- de- under- re- over-等;第二类表示尺寸的,如:semi- equi- mini- micro- macro- mega-等;第三类表示位置关系,如:inter- super- trans- ex- extra- sub- infra- peri-等;第四类表示时间和次序,如:ante- pre- prime- post- retro-等;第五类表示数字,如:semi- mono- bi- tri- quad- penta- hex- sept(em)- oct- dec- multi- 等;其它类别,如:pro- auto- co- con-等。

一、常用词根1. Verbum (词根: word) –表示“词语”或“言语”- Vocabulary (n.) –词汇- Verb (n.) –动词- Proverb (n.) –谚语2. Porta (词根: carry) –表示“携带”或“运输”- Portable (adj.) –便携的- Transport (v.) –运输- Export (v.) –出口3. Structura (词根: build) –表示“构建”或“建立”- Structure (n.) –结构- Construct (v.) –建造- Destructive (adj.) –破坏性的4. Audi (词根: hear) –表示“听”- Auditory (adj.) –听觉的- Audience (n.) –观众- Audible (adj.) –可听见的5. Photos (词根: light) –表示“光”- Photograph (n.) –照片- Photon (n.) –光子- Photosynthesis (n.) –光合作用6. Tele (词根: far) –表示“远”- Telephone (n.) –电话- Television (n.) –电视- Telecommunication (n.) –电信7. Chronos (词根: time) –表示“时间” - Chronological (adj.) –按时间顺序的 - Synchronize (v.) –同步- Chronic (adj.) –慢性的8. Bio (词根: life) –表示“生命”- Biology (n.) –生物学- Biography (n.) –传记- Biodiversity (n.) –生物多样性二、常用词缀1. -able/-ible –表示“可…”或“能…”- Comfortable (adj.) –舒适的- Convertible (adj.) –可转换的- Incredible (adj.) –难以置信的2. -er/-or –表示“做…”或“与…有关” - Teacher (n.) –教师- Actor (n.) –演员- Calculator (n.) –计算器3. -ful –表示“充满…”或“有…”的特点 - Beautiful (adj.) –美丽的- Careful (adj.) –仔细的- Helpful (adj.) –有帮助的4. -less –表示“没有…”或“缺乏…”- Sleepless (adj.) –不眠的- Fearless (adj.) –无畏的- Endless (adj.) –无尽的5. -ment –表示“行为”或“状态”- Treatment (n.) –治疗- Development (n.) –发展- Agreement (n.) –协议6. -ism –表示“信仰”或“思想体系”- Capitalism (n.) –资本主义- Socialism (n.) –社会主义- Feminism (n.) –女权主义7. -able/-ible –表示“被…”或“可以…”- Enjoyable (adj.) –令人愉快的- Understandable (adj.) –可理解的- Accessible (adj.) –可访问的三、总结通过掌握常用词根和词缀,我们可以更好地推测和理解单词的词义,拓展我们的词汇量。

refuel vt.&vi.补充燃料
retrograde ['retr?u,greid] a.倒退的,退化的;vi.退化;vt.使倒退;ad.向后地,倒退地
八. 表示“出”、“超出”的前缀
extramural ['ekstr?'mju?r?l] a.城墙外的,校外的,大学间非正式比赛的
extrasensory a.超感觉的
malnutrition n.营养不良
maltreat vt.虐待;滥用
microtome n.切片机
disarm vt.缴械;vi.放下武器
demobilize [di:'m?ubilaiz] vt.遣散,使复员
decolor vt.脱色, 漂白

1. -er /ə(r)/ (n.)- 例如:teacher ['tiːtʃə(r)](教师),worker ['wɜːkə(r)](工人)。
2. -or /ɔː(r)/ (n.)- 像actor ['æktə(r)](演员),inventor [ɪn'ventə(r)](发明家)。
一般加在以 -ct、-t等结尾的动词后表示人。
3. -ist /ɪst/ (n.)- 例如:artist ['ɑːtɪst](艺术家),scientist ['saɪəntɪst](科学家)。
1. -vis- /vɪz/ (v.)- 如visible ['vɪzəbl](看得见的,adj.),visibility [ˌvɪzə'bɪləti](能见度,n.)。
2. -spect- /spekt/ (v.)- 例如:inspect [ɪn'spekt](检查,v.),spectator [spek'teɪtə(r)](观众,n.)。
1. -dict- /dɪkt/ (v.)- 像dictate [dɪk'teɪt](口述,v.),dictionary ['dɪkʃəneri](字典,n.)。
2. -log- /lɒg/ (v. / n.)- 例如:dialogue ['daɪəlɒg](对话,n.),apologize [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz](道歉,v.)。
1. -ced- /sed/ /si:d/ (v.)- 如precede [prɪ'siːd](在…之前,v.),exceed [ɪk'siːd](超过,v.)。

Why do some stems change?
• Example: EXTRA in EXTREME • Spelling rules cause this to happen • We spell words differently than they did in ancient times • Try to still recognize the stems (use the definition of the word to determine if they have the same meaning)
Come up with synonyms for the word dog.
• • • • • • Puppy Mutt Flea-bag Hound Pooch Doggie
Which words have positive connotations?
• Puppy, Pooch, Doggie
• •
• •
Brainwash Persuade
Tardy Delayed
Next, get the dictionary from under your desk. Look up the word COCKROACH
cock roach (kok' roch'), n. any of an order of nocturnal insects, usually brown with flattened oval bodies, some species of which are household pests inhabiting kitchens, areas around water pipes, etc. [Spanish cucaracha]
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英语常见词根(Stem) 一览acu == sharp acute 敏锐的;尖锐的 acumem 敏锐;聪明acupuncture 针灸alti == high altitude 高度altimeter 高度计exalt 提高;提升ambula == walk ambulance 救护车ambulant 流动的ambulate 行走、移动ann == year anniversary 周年纪念annual 每年的annals 编年史anthro == man anthropoid 似人类的;类人猿anthropology 人类学anthroposociology 人类社会学arch == ruler monarch君主anarchism 无政府主义patriarch 家长、族长aster/astr == star astrology 占星术astronomy 天文学asterisk 星号,星标audi == hearing audience 听众audible 听得见的audiphone 助听器auto == self automation 自动化autobiography 自传autosuggestion 自我暗示bio == life biology 生物学biography 传记biocide 杀虫剂brevi == short brief 简短的brevity 简洁abbreviate 缩写capit == head capital 首都decapitate 斩首capitation 人头税;按人收费ced == go;move recede 后退;引退unprecedented 史无前例的precede 先行,居先cess == go;move access 通路process 进展chron == time chronology 年表,年代学chronic 慢性的synchronal 同步的,同时发生的cide == kill;cut suicide 自杀insecticide 杀虫剂bactericide 杀菌剂confid == trust confidential 机密的confide 吐露(秘密)cord == heart accordance 一致,调和 concord 协调,同意discord 不和,不一致cred == trust;belief credit 信用;信任incredible 难以置信的credulous 轻信的cur == run;move current 潮流excurse远足,旅行incursion 入侵,进入cycl == circle;wheel bicycle 自行车tricycle 三轮车hemicycle 半圆的dic/dict == say;speak indicate 指示,暗示dictate 口授diction 措词domin == rule;control dominate 主宰indomitable 不屈不挠的duce/duct == lead;take introduce 介绍induce 引诱conduct 指导equ == same;equal equality 平等equivalence 对应物equator 赤道faci == easy facile 易得到的,不花力气的facilitate 使...容易fact == make;do manufacture 制造factory 工厂benefactor 恩人,施恩者fer == carry;bring ferry 轮渡transfer 搬运,转移interfere 干预fin == end;limit finalize 使...了结infinite 无限的define 限定,下定义flect/flex == bend reflect 反射,反映flexible 易弯曲的reflexctor 反射镜flu == flow influence 影响fluent 流利fluid 流动的;液,流体form == shape reform 改革conform 符合frag == break fragile 易碎的fragment 碎片fracture 骨折gen == produce generate 产生genetics 遗传学genesis 起源,创始geo == land;earth geology 地理学geometry 几何学geocide 地球末日grad == go;step graduate 毕业gradual 逐步的degrade 退化,堕落graph/gram == write;writing telegraph 电报program 节目,说明书diagram 图表grate/grati == thanks grateful 衷心感谢的gratitude 感谢grav == heavy;serious gravity 重力;严重性grave 严重的gravimeter 比重计,测重器gress == go;walk progress 进步aggressive 侵略的congress 会议herb == grass herbal 草本植物的;草药书herby 长满草的,似草的humid == wet humidity 湿度,湿气humidify 使湿润hydr == water;liquid hydroelectric 水电的hydroplane 水上飞机hydrospace 海洋世界ject == throw eject 喷射;逐出inject 注射reject 拒绝juven == young juvenile 青少年rejuvenate (使)返老还童juvenilia 少年文艺读物just/jur == just justify 证明正确jurist 法学家jury 陪审团labor == work laborious 费力的collaborate 合作,协作later == side;party bilateral 双边的unilateral 单方的equilateral 等边的leg == law legislate 立法illegitimate 非法的legislature 立法机关literat == letter literature 文学illiterate 文盲semiliterate 半文盲的loc == place location 地点allocate 分配localism 地方主义lumi == light;bright illuminate 照明illuminance 照明度luminary 发光体,杰出人物magni == big;great magnificent 宏大的magnify 放大magnitude 巨大,广大man(u) == hand manufacture 生产,加工manage 管理manuscript 手稿mar == sea submarine 潜艇maritime 海事的,海运的mariner 海员meter/metri == measure thermemeter 温度计altimeter 高度计mit/miss == send emit 放射vomit 呕吐transmission 播送,传送mort == death mortal 致命的immortal 不朽的postmortem 死后的nomin == name nominal 名义上nominate 提名innominate 无名的,匿名的nounce == proclaim pronounce 发音denounce 公开指责ortho == straight;correct orthodox 正统的orthopaedy 矫正术pater/patr == father paternal 父亲般的patriarch (男性)族长patricide 弑父;杀父者pathy == feeling sympathy 同情antipathy 反感empathy 移情ped == foot pedestrain 行人expedition 远征(队) pedal 足的;踏板pel/pulse == push;drive expel 驱逐impulse 冲动dispel 驱散pend/pens == use up;hang expense 花费expenditure 开支suspend 悬浮;使悬而未决phon == sound headphone 耳机symphony 交响乐microphone 麦克风plic = fold duplicate 二倍的,副本complication 综合症;并发症;复杂implicit 含蓄的port == carry porter 脚夫export 出口passport 护照pose == put;place propose 建议dispose 处理expose 使暴露,揭发prim == initial;first primary 初级的primitive 原始的prime 首要的,最初的psych == mind psychology 心理学psychoanalysis 心理分析punct == point punctuate 加标点acupuncture 针灸punctual 准时的,精确的rupt == break corruption 腐败interrupt 打断bankrupt 破产scop == see;look at microscopic 微观的macroscopic 宏观的scope == instrument forobservingmicroscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜scribe/script ==write;writing;look atdescribe 描述prescription 处方sequ == follow consequence 后果sequence 次序sequel 结局,续集sens/sent == sense;feeling sentimental 多愁善感的sensitivity 灵敏度consent 赞同simil == like similarity 共性simile 明喻similar 类似的sol == alone sole 唯一的solitary 单独的soliloquy 独白soph == wise philosopher 哲学家sophisticated 老练的,尖端的pansophic 无所不知的spec(t) == see;look at inspect 视察expect 盼望retrospect 回顾suspect 怀疑prospect 展望respect 尊敬spir == breathe respiration 呼吸perspire 出汗expire 死亡断气struct == build constructive 富有建设性的superstructure 上层建筑destruction 毁灭stup == be motionless stupid 愚蠢stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡 stupor 昏迷,麻木sum == use up;take consumption 消费assume 自以为resume 继续进行tain == hold maintain 维持attain 获得abstain 放弃,戒,禁the(o) == god theology 神学theist 有神论者atheism 无神论thermo == heat thermometer 温度计thermonuclear 热核的thermos 热水瓶tract == draw tractor 拽引机,拖拉机 attract 吸引distract 分散vent == come advent 来到,出现convention 会议contravention 违反,抵触verb == word verbal 词语的,动词的 hyperverbal 说话太多的vert/vers == turn convert 转移version 译本subvert 推翻,颠覆vid/vis == see vision 视力,视觉invisible 看不见的visibility 能见度viv == life vivid 生动的revive 复活survive 幸存,逃生voc/vok == call;voice evoke 唤起,召唤advocate 倡议,倡导vocalist 歌唱家,声乐家volv == roll revolver 左轮手枪;revolution 革命evolve 进化,演化。