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Houdini ——10

Welcome to houdini (欢迎进入houdini)

Use Edit > Open help browser at startup to control whether this page appears when Houdini starts up.

编辑菜单> Open help browser at startup (启动帮助浏览器)是否被勾选决定了帮助浏览器是否会随houdini 的启动而运行

User interface intro(用户界面介绍)

A quick introduction to Houdini and its user interface.

快速介绍houdini 软件及其用户界面 Holding down Space

activates the View tool.按住空格键激活相机工具

While you hold down the space bar, the mouse buttons control the view, and hotkeys change to view-specific functions. 当你按住空格键的同时,鼠标按键就可以对视图进行操作,快捷键变成了具体的视图操作功能

You can select the View tool in the toolbox (to the left of the 3D view) for continuous viewing without having to hold down Space 你也可以在3D 视图的左侧工具盒中选择相机工具去继续视图操作。如果是在工具栏中选择了相机工具那么在操作视图时是不需要再按住空格键了


Viewing the scene 观察视图

Space is the “view key” in Houdini. 在houdini 当中空格键相当于查看键

Move the mouse over the 3D view. 在3D 视图中移动鼠标

空格键+鼠标中键 平移视图

空格键+鼠标左键 旋转视图

空格键+鼠标右键 /滚轮 缩放视图按住空格键同时点鼠标。。

Use the viewport menus to set options related to the 3D view. Move the mouse over a viewport and press Space+B to switch between single and multi-viewport layouts.

通过设置选项将视图菜单与3D 视图联系起来。将鼠标移动到视图窗口上然后按 空格键+b 键 可进行单视图与多视图的切换

Press D in the viewer to bring up a window of display options.

在当前视图中按d 键会弹出-显示选项的窗口(再次按d 键关闭显示选项窗口)

The display toolbar down the right side of the 3D view has controls for showing and hiding various components and features in the view.


The floating menus in each viewport control viewing source, direction, and options for each viewport. 在每个窗口中都为当前窗口设置了浮动菜单以控制当前窗口的观察方向,显示类型及其它选型








Use the viewport layout menu in the viewer toolbar to choose the layout. The icon changes to show the selected layout. 在视图窗口中使用视口布局菜单选择窗口布局。不同的图标显示了出当前要选择的窗口布局

Shading modes(阴影显示方式)

The shading mode controls how Houdini draws objects and geometry in the viewer.


You can also set different display profiles for selected, unselected, and other types of geometry. 你同样可以为已选物体、未选物体和其它类型的几何体设置不同的显示方式

Move the mouse over the view and press D to open the display options window, then use the options on the Guides and Markers tab. 把鼠标移动到视图窗口并按d键开启显示选项窗口,然后就可以使用面板中的选项进行操作

Press W to quickly switch between wireframe and shaded mode.


Click the shading menu on the toolbar across the top of the viewer to choose a shading mode.


Using the shelf(工具架的使用)

The shelf across the top of the main window contains commonly used tools and commands.


Click the Box icon on the shelf, then move the cursor over the 3D view.


Click to place the box in the scene, or press Enter to place it at the origin.


Object nodes and surface nodes(物体节点和曲面节点)

Geometry objects consist of a Geometry container object, and surface nodes inside.


If you double-click the box object in the network editor, you will go inside the Geometry container t o the “Geometry” level 在网络编辑窗口中如果你在立方体图标上双击鼠标,你将进入到几何体外壳中的“几何体”层级

where surface nodes define the shape of the object by creating and manipulating curves and surfaces.
