




Sorry, can you say it again?Can you please repeat your question?Could you please say that again?Would you mind explaining the word you just said?I didn't hear your question clearly, the line was cutting off.Sorry,I still can't catch up with you.Would you speak more slowly?Would you explain more for me?I beg your pardon?Excuse me?Sorry,I didn’t understand.I’m not quite sure what you said.Do you mean……?我不知道怎么用英语表达。

Sorry,I know little about that.I haven’t enough information about that.I am not sure about that,but I think……三、岗位描述,你是怎么匹配这个职位的Job Responsibility:- 生产工艺优化–审核生产工艺流程、产线、工装夹具等以确保生产按计划进行;Production process optimization:Review production process,production line,fixtures,to ensure production is on schedule.- 生产质量控制-起草并通过机加工或装配测试工艺相关质量文件;Production quality control:Draft and pass quality documents related to machining or assembly test process- 生产系统的数字化变革参与生产技术及设备的工业4.0的应用及开发;Digital transformation of production system:Participate in the application and development of industry 4.0 involved in production technology and equipment.- 不断改进精益生产系统。









齿轮传动缺点:制造及安装精度高,价格昂贵,不宜用于传动距离过大的场合6、机床测振动在选用传感器的时候应该注意什么?你最在乎那个参数?(工程测试技术)1)考虑机床的振动特性(振动频率范围和估计的振幅范围)2)注意环境温度、电磁干扰3)确定测试参数(位移、速度、加速度),选传感频率、幅值7、常用的联接方式有哪些?(机械设计)螺纹连接和螺旋传动、键、销连接、铆接、焊接、胶接、过盈连接i8、CAPP/CAD/CA M的含义(机械制造自动化)CAPP计算机辅助工艺设计CAD计算机辅助设计iCAM计算机辅助制造9、常用作机械加工毛坯有哪些?铸件(分黑色金属和有色冶金)、锻件、焊接件、型材、粉末冶金10、端面跳动在机械加工中如何运用,代表的含义是什么?(互换性)端面跳动包括端面圆跳动、端面全跳动。


1,形位Hale Waihona Puke 差有那些 2,切削三要素
3,树控机床 坐标确定
8,。。。。。。。。。。 CAD基础知识(CAPP、CIMS)。
I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of micro electronics and IC design technology and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.
Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.



第1篇一、基础知识部分1. 请简述机械设备的分类及其特点。



2. 请列举机械设备的四大运动形式。


3. 什么是机械效率?如何提高机械效率?解析:机械效率是指输出功率与输入功率的比值。


4. 请简述机械设备的润滑方式。


5. 什么是机械故障诊断?常见的故障诊断方法有哪些?解析:机械故障诊断是通过对机械设备运行状态的分析,找出故障原因,并采取措施排除故障的过程。


二、机械设备维护与保养部分6. 机械设备的维护保养包括哪些内容?解析:机械设备的维护保养包括日常保养、定期保养、预防性保养和应急保养等。

7. 如何进行机械设备的日常保养?解析:日常保养主要包括检查设备各部件是否正常、清洁设备表面、检查润滑油位、检查冷却系统等。

8. 定期保养的内容有哪些?解析:定期保养主要包括更换润滑油、检查和调整传动装置、检查和更换密封件、检查电气系统等。

9. 预防性保养的目的和意义是什么?解析:预防性保养的目的是预防机械设备出现故障,延长设备使用寿命,降低维修成本。

10. 应急保养的内容有哪些?解析:应急保养主要包括处理设备故障、排除设备隐患、恢复设备正常运行等。

三、机械设备操作与使用部分11. 机械设备的操作规程有哪些?解析:机械设备的操作规程主要包括开机前检查、开机操作、设备运行中的注意事项、设备停机操作等。



第1篇一、基础知识部分1. 问题:请解释什么是机械能守恒定律,并举例说明。



2. 问题:简述齿轮传动比的计算公式。


计算公式为:传动比= 主动齿轮齿数 / 从动齿轮齿数。

3. 问题:什么是摩擦?请列举摩擦的几种类型。



4. 问题:请解释什么是牛顿第一定律。


5. 问题:请简述机械设计的基本原则。


二、机械设计部分1. 问题:请简述齿轮传动系统的设计步骤。


2. 问题:请解释什么是机械效率,并简述提高机械效率的方法。



3. 问题:请简述机械设计中常用的润滑方式。


4. 问题:请解释什么是弹簧的刚度,并简述弹簧的设计步骤。



5. 问题:请简述机械设计中常用的连接方式。


三、机械制造与维修部分1. 问题:请解释什么是机械加工误差,并简述减小加工误差的方法。





BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering?你为什么选择机械工程专业呢?2) The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines.最重要的一个因素就是我非常喜欢摆弄机械。

3) I am very interested in the field your company is in.我对贵公司所从事的这个领域非常感兴趣。

4) How do you see your career development?你如何看待你的事业发展呢?5) Why do you think you are qualified for this position?你为什么认为你适合这份工作呢?6) Can you tell me about one of your designs?你能介绍一项你的设计成果吗?CONVERSATIONS 会话(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)Dialogue 1I: Come in, please.A: Good afternoon, Mrs Smith.I: Good afternoon. Have a seat, please. You are Mr. Sun?A: Thank you. Yes, I am Sunling.I: I have read your resume. I know you have worked for 3 years. Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering?A: Many factors led me to major in mechanical engineering. The most importantfactor is I like tinkering with machines.I: What are you primarily interested in about mechanical engineering?A: I like designing products, and one of my designs received an award. Moreover, I am familiar with CAD. But I can do any mechanic well if I am employed.I: Why did you decide to apply for this position?A: Your company has a very good reputation, and I am very interested in the field your company is in.I: What do you think determines an employee抯progress in a company such as ours?A: Interpersonal and technical skills.I: We have several applicants for this position. Why do you think you are the person we should choose?A: I have the abilities, qualities and experience that you requested in your job advert, for example I have three years experience in designing products and I got leadership experience while serving the college student union as president.I: That sounds very good. How do you see your career development?A: After a few years of gaining experience in the company and furthering my professional qualifications I like to put my experience and skills to use in management.I want to become a supervisor in your R&D department.I: Have you anything to ask about the job?A: Yes. Do you offer any opportunities for further study?I: Yes. If you undertake additional courses, provided these are approved, and you complete them successfully, you can claim back part, quite a large part, 75% of the costs you incurred. Not just the fees, - traveling and other expenses too.A: That is fine.I: Anything else?A: No.I: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Sun. I抣l let you know the result of the interview as soon as possible. Goodbye.A: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. I do hope the answer will be favorable. Goodbye.I: 请进。


I: Have you anything to ask about the job?
A: Yes. Do you offer any opportunities for further study?
I: Yes. If you undertake additional courses, provided these are approved, and you complete them successfully, you can claim back part, quite a large part, 75% of the costs you incurred. Not just the fees, - traveling and other expenses too.
I: Great. Then what抯 your technical post title now?
A: I am a senior mechanical design engineer.
I: Do icate with you?
I: 你为什么认为你适合这份工作?
A: 我在机械工程系学了4年,这为我的理论水平打下了坚实的基础。而且我在CBA公司工作了4年,获得了丰富的实际经验。
I: 太好了。那你现在的技术职称是什么?
A: 我现在是高级机械设计工程师。
I: 你把证书原件带来了吗?
A: 带了,给你。
I: 你能简要介绍一项你的设计成果吗?
1) Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering?



第1篇一、基础知识1. 请简要介绍机械原理的基本内容。

2. 解释牛顿第一定律、第二定律和第三定律。

3. 简述机械运动学的基本概念和主要研究内容。

4. 举例说明运动副、机构、系统等基本概念。

5. 解释什么是运动分析、受力分析。

6. 简述机械动力学的基本内容。

7. 举例说明什么是弹性力学、塑性力学。

8. 解释什么是机械设计、机械制造。

9. 简述机械制造工艺的基本内容。

10. 举例说明什么是热处理、表面处理。

二、机械设计1. 请简要介绍机械设计的基本流程。

2. 解释什么是设计计算、结构分析。

3. 简述机械设计中的常用计算方法。

4. 举例说明机械设计中的常用材料。

5. 解释什么是强度、刚度、稳定性。

6. 简述机械设计中常见的结构设计方法。

7. 举例说明机械设计中常见的传动设计方法。

8. 解释什么是机械传动、减速器。

9. 简述机械设计中的运动设计方法。

10. 举例说明机械设计中的自动控制设计方法。

三、机械制造1. 请简要介绍机械制造的基本流程。

2. 解释什么是铸造、锻造、焊接、热处理等基本工艺。

3. 简述机械制造中的加工方法。

4. 举例说明机械制造中的数控加工、模具设计等先进技术。

5. 解释什么是机械加工精度、表面质量。

6. 简述机械制造中的质量控制方法。

7. 举例说明机械制造中的生产管理、工艺流程。

8. 解释什么是自动化、智能化制造。

9. 简述机械制造中的环保、节能措施。

10. 举例说明机械制造中的新材料、新工艺。

四、机械测试与检测1. 请简要介绍机械测试与检测的基本内容。

2. 解释什么是力学测试、电学测试、光学测试等。

3. 简述机械测试与检测的基本方法。

4. 举例说明机械测试与检测中的常用仪器、设备。

5. 解释什么是可靠性、寿命、耐久性。

6. 简述机械测试与检测中的数据处理方法。

7. 举例说明机械测试与检测在产品设计、生产中的应用。

8. 解释什么是机械故障诊断、预防性维护。

9. 简述机械测试与检测中的标准化、规范化。



第1篇一、基础知识题1. 请简述机械原理的基本概念及其在机械设计中的应用。



2. 解释公差的概念,并说明其在机械加工中的重要性。



3. 描述常见的机械传动机构及其工作原理。



4. 介绍几种常见的热处理工艺及其适用范围。



5. 解释材料力学中“应力”和“应变”的概念。



二、设计能力题1. 设计一个简易的机械装置,用于将圆形物体压制成方形。



2. 设计一个简易的自动化生产线,用于完成产品装配。



3. 设计一个用于提高生产效率的机械装置,并说明其设计原理。



4. 设计一个用于测量物体厚度的机械装置,并说明其工作原理。



5. 设计一个用于运输小件货物的简易输送带,并考虑其安全性和稳定性。



英语面试是复试中的一根钉,如何拔出这根钉是考生最关心的话题,对于考研英语面试中自我介绍也是大家最担心和关注的问题,考生不难发现网上的自我介绍铺天盖地,但是同学们不能直接copy下来背,上次我们给大家整理了自我介绍的模板,大家还需要结合自身的情况整合一下,那么我们下面给大家分享下在英语面试中的常问问题以及对策:1.Why do you choose our school?The reason why I choose our school is that it is a prosperous and comprehensive university, and meanwhile the professors are the Chinese academy of science, the founder of…Then, the atmosphere of the study does attract me a lot and I also want to improve myself by competing with the other students.2. Please introduce your hometown.I am so proud of my hometown, which is a beautiful city and provide us comfortable life. Meanwhile it is known for…I am looking forward to waiting my dear teachers to visit my hometown, which will be transformed into a beautiful memory.3. How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失败?)None of us was born "perfect". I believe I can be given a second chance to correct my mistake.4. What are your goals? (你的长期短期目标)My immediate goal is to improve my professional knowledge by study from teachers.I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.”5. Why do you choose this profession? (你为什么选择你报考的专业?)Maybe it depends on my personality, an innovative achiever. I feel that in a growth industry like… I want to take a step forwards as long as I start my plan.同时我们也给大家几句万能句,这些万能句也是考验真题作文中的万能句,大家如果之前没有背过真题作文,现在开始要准备这些句子,以备英语面试口语中用:It is important to take concrete measures to put this phenomenon on hold (push forward this phenomenon).First and foremost, relevant authority is expected to make some rules or regulations in regard to +主题, and improve people’s awareness of doing sth at the same time.For another thing, as citizens, we should step up efforts to support/fight against+ 主题词.Owing to +主题, not only can we accumulate wealth, but also establish our career, fit into society and even attain social status.由于面试的时间紧,我们的准备更要有计划,更有针对性的复习,那么这个时候大家就可以把以前复习过的东西按照复试中的要求整理,首先专业课笔试,要注意基础知识及总结性的东西,回答时加上自己的观点。





























1. 请介绍一下您的机械背景和经验。



2. 您能详细解释一下设计流程吗?这个问题要求您详细解释您在工作中如何进行机械设计。


3. 您如何确保设计的可靠性和性能?在这个问题中,您可以讨论您的设计评估和验证过程,如使用CAD软件进行仿真、原型制作和实验测试。

4. 您如何处理与其他团队成员的合作和沟通?机械工程师通常需要与其他团队成员合作,如制造工程师、电气工程师和项目经理。


5. 您在设计过程中遇到的最大挑战是什么?您是如何解决的?这个问题旨在考察您的解决问题的能力。


6. 您对新技术和创新的态度如何?机械工程师需要保持对新技术和创新的敏感和热情。


7. 您是如何管理项目进度和资源的?机械工程师通常需要在项目中管理时间和资源。


8. 您遇到过的最困难的技术问题是什么?您是如何解决的?在这个问题中,您可以描述您遇到的具体技术问题,并详细讲解您采取的解决方案。




机械考研面试英语问题机械考研面试英语问题【机械考研面试英语问题】一、考研英语复试口语常见问题总结1. Where do you e from?2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.5. Could you tell me something about your family?6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?7. Which kind of professor do you like best?9. What is your major? How do you like your major?10. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?11. What impressed you most when you were at university?12. What is the best university in your opinion?13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?14. What do you do for a living?15. What are your job prospects?16. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with it?17. What are your spare time interests?18. Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most?19. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries?21. What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies?22. Why did you choose our university?23. If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?24. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.26. How serious is unemployment among young people and what will you do if you cannot find a job after graduation?27. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?28. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years?29. How do you afford your tuition?30. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer?二、常用句式及词汇1、常用句式表达本科所学专业和方向,假如您所学专业下没有细分方向,那么只说本科所学专业就可以了:My undergraduate major is (本科所学专业名称), and I specialized in (本科所学专业方向).也可以说The subject I learnt in my university is (本科所学专业名称).假如您如今是上班族,可以用以下句式简要表述目前从事的工作:I’m now working for (目前就职公司的全名)as a/an (您目前的职位).假如您如今是在校学生,即将拿到学位,在研究生阶段继续学习本专业,可以说:I’m about to plete my undergraduate study at (你就读院校的全名) and to receive my Bachelor’s Degree in (即将获得的本科学位名称). I wish to continue my study in this area.表述籍贯:假设您的家乡是省会城市: I’m from (城市), capital city of (省份).假设您的家乡不是省会城市,是某个省的大城市: I’m from (城市), a major city in (省份).假设您的家乡是个美丽的小城镇: I’m from (城市), a beautiful city in (省份). It’s quite famous for its (您家乡的特色美景等).——假如没有很知名的特色,可以不讲。










第1篇一、基础知识与原理1. 题目:请简述机械能的守恒定律及其在机械设计中的应用。



2. 题目:什么是齿轮传动?简述齿轮传动的优点和缺点。



3. 题目:请解释什么是机械振动,并简述振动对机械系统的影响。



4. 题目:什么是摩擦?请简述摩擦的类型及其对机械系统的影响。




5. 题目:什么是机械设计的基本原则?请举例说明。



二、机械设计与应用6. 题目:请简述机械设计的步骤。


7. 题目:请解释什么是机构运动简图,并举例说明。



8. 题目:请简述机械设计中常见的机构类型及其特点。







Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.(你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking,responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和綺验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个工程都很努力、负责、勤勉。


)Q:Give me a summary of your current job de**ion. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。

)A:I have been working as a puter programmer for five years. To be specific, I do systemanalysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我干了五年的电脑程序员。


)Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?) A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果时机来临,我会抓住。

)A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity foradvancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已綺到达顶峰,即沒有升迁时机。



第1篇Introduction:The following question is designed for a master's program in Mechanical Engineering. It aims to assess the candidate's understanding of mechanical design principles, solar energy utilization, fluid dynamics, and analytical skills. The candidate is expected to demonstrate their ability to integrate various engineering concepts and apply them to a practical problem.---Question:As part of your master's project, you have been tasked with designing and analyzing a solar-powered water pump system. The system is intended to pump water from a well to a storage tank located at a higher elevation. The following specifications and constraints are provided:1. Site Conditions:- The well is located at an elevation of 50 meters.- The storage tank is located at an elevation of 100 meters above the well.- The water level in the well fluctuates between 10 meters and 20 meters below the ground surface.- The solar radiation at the site ranges from 3 to 6 kWh/m² per day, with an average of 4.5 kWh/m².2. System Requirements:- The pump should be able to lift water at a rate of 10 liters per second.- The system should be able to operate continuously for 8 hours per day, from 10 AM to 6 PM.- The storage tank should have a capacity of at least 1000 liters.- The system should be efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly.3. Design Constraints:- The maximum allowable pressure at the pump outlet should not exceed 1000 kPa.- The pump should be capable of handling a minimum flow rate of 5 liters per second and a maximum flow rate of 15 liters per second.- The solar panels should have a total area of no more than 10 m².- The system should be designed for a lifespan of at least 20 years.Task:Based on the provided specifications and constraints, design and analyze the solar-powered water pump system. Your report should include the following components:1. System Layout:- Provide a detailed layout of the system, including the location of the solar panels, pump, well, and storage tank.- Include a sketch or diagram illustrating the system components and their connections.2. Pump Selection:- Select an appropriate pump for the system based on the required flow rate and head.- Justify your choice with calculations and references to relevant pump performance data.3. Solar Panel Selection:- Determine the required solar panel area based on the system's power requirements and the average daily solar radiation.- Discuss the type of solar panels you would use and explain the rationale behind your choice.4. Control System Design:- Design a control system that ensures the pump operates efficiently within the specified operating range.- Describe the control strategy and any safety features that would be included in the system.5. Thermal Analysis:- Perform a thermal analysis of the system to ensure that it operates within the specified temperature range.- Discuss any cooling or heating measures that would be required to maintain optimal system performance.6. Fluid Dynamics Analysis:- Conduct a fluid dynamics analysis to predict the pump performance and the efficiency of the system.- Discuss any potential flow-related issues and propose solutions to mitigate them.7. Material Selection:- Select appropriate materials for the pump, solar panels, and other components based on their mechanical properties and environmental conditions.- Justify your material choices with references to relevant engineering data.8. Cost Analysis:- Provide a cost analysis of the system, including the initial investment and the expected operational costs over the 20-year lifespan.- Discuss the payback period and the economic feasibility of the system.9. Conclusion:- Summarize the key findings of your design and analysis.- Discuss the potential benefits and limitations of the proposed solar-powered water pump system.---Instructions:Your report should be well-organized, concise, and technically sound. It should include the following sections:- Abstract: A brief summary of the project objectives, methodology, and key findings.- Introduction: Background information on the project, its significance, and the objectives of the design and analysis.- Literature Review: A review of relevant literature on solar-powered water pump systems, pump selection, control systems, thermal analysis, fluid dynamics, material selection, and cost analysis.- Design and Analysis:- System Layout- Pump Selection- Solar Panel Selection- Control System Design- Thermal Analysis- Fluid Dynamics Analysis- Material Selection- Cost Analysis- Results and Discussion: Presentation of the results of the design and analysis, along with a discussion of their implications and limitations.- Conclusion: A summary of the project's findings and recommendationsfor further research or development.- References: A comprehensive list of all the sources cited in the report.Your report should be a minimum of 2500 words and include appropriate tables, figures, and equations to support your analysis. Additionally, ensure that your report adheres to the formatting guidelines provided by the university or department.---This question is designed to challenge the candidate's ability to apply theoretical knowledge to a real-world engineering problem. It requires a comprehensive understanding of mechanical engineering principles and the ability to integrate various disciplines to create an efficient andcost-effective solution.第2篇Introduction:The interview is an important part of the postgraduate entrance examination for the major of mechanical engineering. It is an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their English proficiency, knowledge, and communication skills. In this article, we will provide a detailed mechanical engineering postgraduate entrance examination English interview question, which will cover various aspects such asself-introduction, professional knowledge, and communication skills. The question is as follows:Question:1. Please give a brief self-introduction.2. What is your understanding of the mechanical engineering major?3. Please introduce your research direction in your undergraduate studies.4. What are the main achievements in your undergraduate research?5. What are your reasons for choosing to study mechanical engineering in postgraduate school?6. Please explain your research plan for the postgraduate period.7. Can you describe a challenging project you have worked on and how you overcame the difficulties?8. What are your strengths and weaknesses in mechanical engineering?9. How do you plan to develop your research skills in the postgraduate period?10. Please explain your understanding of the following mechanical engineering terms: (1) transmission system; (2) gear transmission; (3) finite element analysis; (4) robotics.11. How do you think artificial intelligence and machine learning will impact the future development of mechanical engineering?12. What are the main differences between mechanical design and mechanical manufacturing?13. Please describe a mechanical design problem you have encountered and how you solved it.14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical design in comparison to other design methods?15. How do you ensure the safety and reliability of mechanical products?16. Please explain the importance of experimental research in mechanical engineering.17. What are the main factors that affect the performance of a mechanical system?18. Can you describe a project where you used finite element analysis to solve a mechanical problem?19. What are the differences between serial and parallel kinematic mechanisms?20. Please explain the working principle of a robot arm.21. How do you think 3D printing technology will change the manufacturing industry?22. What are the main challenges in the design and manufacturing ofhigh-speed machinery?23. Please describe your understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) in mechanical engineering.24. How do you think renewable energy will be integrated into mechanical engineering?25. Please explain the concept of energy-saving and emission-reduction in mechanical engineering.26. What are the main components of a mechanical system?27. Please describe the function and working principle of a typical hydraulic system.28. How do you ensure the accuracy and precision of a mechanical product?29. What are the main factors that affect the fatigue life of a mechanical part?30. Please explain the difference between static and dynamic balance in mechanical design.31. How do you ensure the quality control of mechanical products?32. What are the main differences between mechanical design and mechanical analysis?33. Please describe the role of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in mechanical engineering.34. How do you think virtual reality (VR) will impact mechanical design and manufacturing?35. Please explain the concept of smart manufacturing in mechanical engineering.36. What are the main challenges in the design and implementation of intelligent manufacturing systems?37. Please describe the working principle of a typical servo motor.38. How do you think the Internet of Things (IoT) will change the mechanical engineering industry?39. What are the main factors that affect the efficiency of a mechanical system?40. Please explain the importance of heat transfer in mechanical engineering.41. How do you ensure the thermal stability of a mechanical product?42. Please describe the function and working principle of a typical gear reducer.43. What are the main factors that affect the transmission efficiency ofa gear transmission?44. Please explain the concept of modular design in mechanical engineering.45. How do you think the development of new materials will impact mechanical engineering?46. Please describe the working principle of a typical energy storage system.47. How do you ensure the safety and reliability of a mechanical system in high-altitude environments?48. What are the main factors that affect the performance of a mechanical system in extreme temperatures?49. Please explain the concept of condition-based maintenance in mechanical engineering.50. How do you think the development of additive manufacturing will change the mechanical engineering industry?Conclusion:This mechanical engineering postgraduate entrance examination English interview question covers a wide range of topics related to mechanical engineering. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for the field. Good luck to all the candidates in their interviews!第3篇Introduction:The following is a comprehensive Mechanical Engineering Master's Program admission interview question designed to evaluate the candidate's knowledge, skills, and readiness for advanced studies in the field. The question is structured to cover various aspects, including technical understanding, problem-solving ability, research potential, and communication skills. It is recommended that candidates spend time reflecting on their experiences and preparing their responses to demonstrate their suitability for the program.---Question:As a candidate for admission into the Mechanical Engineering Master's Program, please prepare and present a detailed response to the following scenario:Scenario:The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation dueto the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving technology. As a mechanical engineer, you are tasked with leading a project aimed at developing a new EV component that will improve the vehicle's efficiency and performance. The component in question is the electric motor, which is critical for the vehicle's propulsion system.Project Requirements:1. Objective: Design an electric motor that is more efficient and has higher performance compared to the current models available in the market.2. Constraints: The new motor must be lightweight, compact, and cost-effective. It should also be compatible with existing automotive platforms and meet all relevant safety and regulatory standards.3. Resources: Your team has access to the latest CAD software, a rangeof materials for motor construction, and funding for prototype development and testing.Your Responsibilities:1. Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existingresearch and technology in electric motor design and development.2. Design and Analysis: Utilize your knowledge of mechanical engineering principles to design a new electric motor that meets the project objectives and constraints.3. Prototype Development: Oversee the construction of a prototype motor and conduct initial testing to validate the design.4. Collaboration: Work closely with interdisciplinary teams, including electrical engineers, materials scientists, and software developers, to ensure the successful completion of the project.5. Communication: Prepare a comprehensive report detailing the project's objectives, design process, results, and conclusions. Present your findings to the project stakeholders.Your Response:I. Introduction to Electric Motors and Their Significance:Begin by discussing the fundamental principles of electric motors and their role in the automotive industry. Explain the importance of developing a more efficient and high-performance electric motor to meet the growing demand for EVs.II. Literature Review:Summarize the key findings from your literature review, highlighting the current trends in electric motor design and the challenges faced by engineers in this field. Discuss the advantages and limitations of different motor types, such as induction motors, synchronous motors, and permanent magnet motors.III. Design and Analysis:1. Motor Type Selection: Explain the rationale behind choosing aspecific motor type for your project, considering factors such as efficiency, cost, and compatibility with existing automotive platforms.2. Design Parameters: Discuss the design parameters of your electric motor, including the number of poles, winding configuration, andmaterial selection for the stator and rotor.3. Simulation and Analysis: Describe the simulation tools and techniques you plan to use for analyzing the motor's performance, such as finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).4. Material Selection: Discuss the materials you will use for constructing the motor, considering factors such as thermal conductivity, magnetic permeability, and mechanical strength.IV. Prototype Development and Testing:1. Construction Process: Outline the steps involved in constructing the prototype motor, including sourcing materials, manufacturing components, and assembling the motor.2. Testing Methodology: Explain the testing procedures you will use to evaluate the motor's performance, such as measuring efficiency, torque, and power output.3. Results Analysis: Discuss the expected outcomes of the testing and how you will analyze the results to validate the design.V. Collaboration and Communication:1. Interdisciplinary Teamwork: Describe how you plan to collaborate with members of other disciplines, such as electrical engineers and materials scientists, to ensure the successful completion of the project.2. Communication Plan: Explain how you will communicate your findings and progress to the project stakeholders, including the preparation of technical reports and presentations.VI. Conclusion:Summarize the key points of your response and reiterate your commitment to the project's success. Emphasize your ability to contribute to the development of innovative and efficient electric motors that will drive the future of the automotive industry.---This interview question is designed to assess your technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, research potential, and communication abilities. Take the time to prepare a well-structured and detailed response that demonstrates your qualifications and passion for pursuing a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Good luck!。




机械工程师面试英语自我介绍:Good morning. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of Mechanical EngineerI graduated from xx university, majored in Category:Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their AutomatioFamiliar with optimization of large mechanical system and key parts with equal-strength principlemechanical system of V60, V90 and V80,and optimization of slewing bearings, main bearingsHAZOP and technique to analyze safety issues in design and operation processSix Sigma and process to develop new project and upgrade quality to meet and exceed customer needsGood communication and cooperation, and achieve uniform actions with team without power of authority and organization level2015/12--Present,redesign and localization of yaw gear for V60.Participant, responsible for DVVP of torque limiter in yaw gear V602015/10--2015/12: quality upgrade of main bearing from supplier.responsible for analysis and calculation of the root cause and corrective actions for the improvement together with supplier2015/3--2015/4 As mechanical engineer and bearing specialist, responsible for design verification and validation of yaw system, blade bearings, main bearings and service craneNothing is invincible,I believe that I can do well anything.机械工程师面试英语问题:I: Why do you think you are qualified for this position?A: I have four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and it has given me a solid theory foundation. Moreover, I have worked at CBA Company for 4 years and got a lot of practical experience.I: Great. Then what抯your technical post title now?A: I am a senior mechanical design engineer.I: Do you take the original certificate with you?A: Yes. Here it is.I: Can you briefly tell me about one of your designs?A: Of course, I designed a more powerful gasoline engine, which greatly increased the speed of limousines.I: 你为什么认为你适合这份工作?A: 我在机械工程系学了4年,这为我的理论水平打下了坚实的基础。





BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1)Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering?你为什么选择机械工程专业呢?2) The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines.最重要的一个因素就是我非常喜欢摆弄机械。

3) I am very interested in the field your company is in.我对贵公司所从事的这个领域非常感兴趣。

4) How do you see your career development?你如何看待你的事业发展呢?5) Why do you think you are qualified for this position?你为什么认为你适合这份工作呢?6) Can you tell me about one of your designs?你能介绍一项你的设计成果吗?CONVERSATIONS 会话(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)Dialogue 1I: Come in, please.A: Good afternoon, Mrs Smith.I: Good afternoon. Have a seat, please. You are Mr. Sun?A: Thank you. Yes, I am Sunling.I: I have read your resume. I know you have worked for 3 years. Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering?A: Many factors led me to major in mechanical engineering. The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines.I: What are you primarily interested in about mechanical engineering?A: I like designing products, and one of my designs received an award.Moreover, I am familiar with CAD. But I can do any mechanic well if I am employed.I: Why did you decide to apply for this position?A: Your company has a very good reputation, and I am very interested in the field your company is in.I: What do you think determines an employee抯 progress in a company such as ours?A: Interpersonal and technical skills.I: We have several applicants for this position. Why do you think you are the person we should choose?A: I have the abilities, qualities and experience that you requested in your job advert, for example I have three years experience in designing productsand I got leadership experience while serving the college student union as president.I: That sounds very good. How do you see your career development?A: After a few years of gaining experience in the company and furthering my professional qualifications I like to put my experience and skills to use in management. I want to become a supervisor in your R&D department.I: Have you anything to ask about the job?A: Yes. Do you offer any opportunities for further study?I: Yes. If you undertake additional courses, provided these are approved, and you complete them successfully, you can claim back part, quite a large part, 75% of the costs you incurred. Not just the fees, - traveling and other expenses too.A: That is fine.I: Anything else?A: No.I: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Sun. I抣l let you know the result of the interview as soon as possible. Goodbye.A: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. I do hope the answer will be favorable. Goodbye. I: 请进。

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46.计算机怎么实现微分积分?47.折叠伞用到什么机构?48.自行车除了链传动还能用什么传动方式?49.二极管P-N 三级管有几个P-N 结极性是什么?50.伺服电机的相关问题?51.plc的相关问题52.指针C语言问题53.皮带轮传动54.CAD CAM CAE 的概念55.平面有几种加工方法?56.传感器分类灵敏度概念57.大学期间那个课程学的比较好58.切削时候怎么断屑59.粗糙度的几种表示方法,符号60.高波信号(噪声)怎么避免(电工学)61.大概讲讲面向对象编程C++范围62.加工平面的方法及精度分析63.测试技术的动态特性64.柴油机的发动原理进气,压缩,燃烧膨胀,排气冲程。


68.自锁和传感器的相关知识举例和概念69.TRIS 举例70.毕设的相关问题(开放性问题)71.分析凸轮机构的自锁72.怎么在战火钢上加工方孔73.曲柄摇杆的死点是自锁的原因不74.先进加工技术方面的举例75.一个是稳态误差举例76.一个是把旋转运动转换直线运动的机构77.微机方面的,FLASH 存储器的特点78.外罗纹的切制方法79.机床光杠和丝杠的作用两者都是把走刀箱的动力传递给溜板箱的传动部件.它们的区别就是光杠控制自动进给,而丝杠控制螺纹加工时的进给.光杠的传动原理是利用蜗轮蜗杆副.而丝杠是利用螺旋副的原理.光杠的传动比丝刚杠要复杂,而丝杠的精度要高.两者在走刀箱中使用相同的操纵机构.80.渐开线齿轮特点81.另一个是数控插补82.三极管的三个极性是什么(电工学)三个极分别叫基极、集电极和发射极,83.完全定位和不完全定位84.数控机床的滑轨为什么需要卸载,怎样卸载85.什么叫电主轴,怎样调速86.用带链减速器组成一个系统87.为什么要用拉氏变换88.刀具磨损的阶段89.装备图上都标注什么尺寸90.什么是砂轮的自锐性91.将220V 的交流电变成直流的+5V 电压,如何实现92.有链,齿轮,带传动,问从电机到工作机的传动顺序,及理由93.控制工程中为什么要引入拉普拉斯变换?你知道还有哪些变换?94.什么是高副,低副?什么是串行通信,并行通信,并举例?95.比较带传动和齿轮传动的运用场合?什么是测试系统的静态指标?96.为什么混叠、电焊与气焊的区别97.矿泉水瓶是怎样制造的,其螺纹又是怎么制造的,98.解释超静定概念,举例、99.测量温度的传感器有哪些100.切割机的使用场合i am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the capital of nine dynasties and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world.luoyang played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism.luoyang peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.i like my hometown very muchif luckily i got the chance to learn environment engineering in tongji university, i will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field. first i will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge,constucting a solid base for my future work; second i would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor ang classmate .and through this ,i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks. i believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true..Self-introduction:Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person.I am graduating from Jilin Normal University (应该是这样译) this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:First of all, I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts. What’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society. I am fascinated by the great masters’ re freshing or warm or profound styles as well. But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. I hope I could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further. This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.Next, I love the feeling in the university. It is full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. And the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching. Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem. That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.That’s m y simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.My university:I’m graduating form Jilin Normal University this June which has a history of 50 years. It shares many same characteristics with Jilin University. Both of them have a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere. Four years’ studying there made me an independent, optimistic and strict girl. I appreciate the education my university gave me.Thank you for your time!1. 什么是刀具前角,在哪个平面内测量?2. 轴承分哪几种,简单介绍一下?3. 渐开线齿廓有哪些特征?4. 齿轮变位有哪几种,介绍一下它们的特征5. 什么是六点定位原理?6. 什么是过定位、欠定位,是否都允许,为什么,各举个例子7. 火车开来和离去的声音不同,为什么?8. 行走机器人的行走方式?9. 齿轮的加工方式?1、带传动和齿轮传动的特点,及应用场合数控机床的题,还有一个同学被问到孔的加工方法,什么是传感器10. 刀具常用材料?什么是自锁。
