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lucky number: 4
lucky stone:black jade 黑玉
处女座 Modest, careful, love clean, mysophobia 洁癖 like and dislike clearly good at math requirements are too high, old-fashioned, hard to please.
energetic 白羊座 outgoing courageous (勇敢的) willing to take risk. optimistic impulsive (冲动的) enthusiastic hasty stimulating (激励) impatient aggressive
March 21st~~April 20th
lucky flower:hyacinth风信子
lucky stone : purple crystal紫水晶 lucky number: 13 22 3
lucky color: white
lucky day :Tuesday
December22nd ~~January9th
good listener strong willpower careful, overcome difficulties, stick to the principle, a unique sense of humor, ambitious 摩羯座
February19th~~ March 20th
pisces Smart, intelligent. 双鱼座 concerned Sometimes, irresolute hesitant. romantic artist temperament considerate, thoughtful, happy to talk about the spiritual life. likes and dislikes clearly.
lucky flower:mint薄荷 lucky stone: pearl 珍珠
lucky number 2 6
lucky day :Wednesday lucky color :light green
January20th ~~ February 19th
aquarius 水瓶座 Advocating freedom, broad interests, creative, explore the truth, intelligent independent, strong curiosity, reliable, creative, wisdom, , good at observation,. lack of enthusiasm , no persistence, inflexible, too idealistic, stubborn, not gregarious
better to use language to express their inner thoughts
April 21st~~May 20th
lucky flower: tulip郁金香 lucky stone: pink crystal粉水晶 lucky number :6 15 22 33 lucky color :blue lucky day: Friday
lucky number: 1 10 19 28 lucky flower: sunflower向日葵 lucky stone :diamond lucky day :Sunday
lucky color : light yellow
easy-going personality, honest reliable, confident the efficiency of the slightly slow unrealistic fantasy
• • • • • • • • Aries' : I am! Taurus : I have. Gemini: I think! Cancer: I feel. Leo: I will. Virgo: I analyze. Libra: I balance. Scorpio:I desire. • • • • Sagittarius :I see. Capricorn :I use. Aquarius : I know. Pisces :I believe .
not optimistic, lack of romantic interest, too focused on personal goals not good at communication, not easy to get close
lucky flower:lily
lucky color :brown lucky day :Monday
• In 1922,Herry Norris Russell aided the IAU in dividing the
celestial sphere into 88 official constellations. Where
possible, these modern constellations usually share the names of their Graeco-Roman predecessors,such as orion,Leo and Scorpius.While such celestial formations were originally linked to a mythical event, creature or person, the categorization of the night sky into recognizable patterns was important in early land and naval navigation
Lucky number:9 18 27 3 lucky flower:babysbreath满天星
lucky day :Friday lucky color :red lucky stone :ruby 红宝石
July23rd~~ August 22nd
quite independent generous, optimistic, stubborn creative talent luxury. Sometimes very romantic, love beautiful things love to show off, love life, good fun, brave friendly, considerate, outgoing, easy to make friends 狮子座
prior to the invention of the compass during the Age of
Discovery .
• With the technical advancement of astronomy , it became
important to move from a pattern-based system of constellations to one based in area-mapping, which led to several historic formations becoming obsolete.Out of the modern constellations, 37 lie predominatly in the northern sky, and the other 51 predominantly in the southern. Since much of southern sky was not visible to classical astronomers
based around the Mediterranean Sea, many of the
constellation of the far south were named only in the last 300 years, and have no ancient counterparts.
lucky flower:violet紫罗兰
lucky stone green jade翡翠 lucky number:5 7 14 23 32 lucky color :light blue
asterism known as the Big Dipper, a term unused by the
International Astronomical Union(IAU) as the stars are considered part of the larger constellation of ursa major .
星 座
------by Justin
The definition of constellation.
• In colloquial usage, a constellation is a group of celestial bodies, usually stars,which appear to form a pattern or picture
lucky flower:rockfoil虎耳草
lucky stone:calaite 绿松石 lucky number :4 lucky color :dark blue lucky day :Saturday
May 21st ~~ June 21st
Adaptable, smart, like busy life and changes, active, lively talkative,intelligent good writing and language genius keep young and fashionable appearance , lack of patience, restless bad-tempered 双子座 chatter without stop
in the sky. Astronomers today still utilize the term ,though the
current system focus primarily on constellations as grid-like segments of the celestial sphere rather than as patterns.A star-pattern that is not officially classed as a constellation is referred to as an asterism. One famous example is the
lucky stone :sapphire蓝宝石 lucky flower: rose
lucky day :Friday lucky color : gray 灰色
lucky number :4 6 8 9
November 22nd ~~December 21st
optimistic rich sense of humor, love of peace, strong action, optimistic, lively, frank, adaptable high intelligence, open-minded has the power to inspire others, , have good judgment, love freedom, straightforward , easy to offend people, 射手座 lack of patience, do not listen to advice careless