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1. 共享单车bike- / bicycle-sharing

2. 洪荒之力prehistorical power

3. 吃瓜群众onlookers

4. 定一个小目标 set a small goal / target

5. 打call (并非打电话之意,意思是为某人加油或支持某人,源于演唱会观众为歌手挥舞荧光棒) p ut / move one’s glow stick up for sb

6. 我也是醉了。I am speechless. / Are you kidding me?

7. 你咋不上天啊。Who do you think you are?

8. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。

Beyond the pots and pans, there should be poetry and the far afield.

9. 且行且珍惜。

It is to be cherished.

10. 我读书少,你别骗我。

I don’t have much education; don’t try to fool me.


1. 一带一路倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative

2. 共建人类命运共同体 jointly build a community of common destiny for all mankind

3. 不忘初心 stick to the mission; never forget why you started

4. 中国梦 the Chinese Dream

5. 获得感增强 gain a stronger sense of benefit

6. 虐童事件 child abuse cases / claims

7. 双11促销 double 11 promotions

8. 模特在维密中国秀中摔倒Model falls / stumbles at Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show China

9. 联合军事演习 joint military exercises

10. 保持低调keep a low profile
