初三英语上Module 4 随堂练习1英汉短语互译:对于…很重要和…来我也是特别当心照看我自己对于…很轻易保证很多新鲜水果别担心叫醒我建议某人做某事即将离开Send me a text message have a good tripa couple of weeks完成句子1.很抱歉你不能和我们和一起来。
___________ you can’t _____________________________.2. 我不能两周不上学。
I can’t _________________________________.3. 早上没人叫你起床。
There ___________ anyone __________________ in the morning.4. 我的闹钟很想,它会把我叫醒。
My clock _______________________it will certainly ______________.5. 我能照顾好我自己,虽然这对我来说不简单。
I can __________________, _________it won’t ________________ me..选词填空;especially; alone; advised; forgot; leaving; left; lonely; although1. The doctor __________ the man to give up smoking.2. When you are in a strange place, you should be _____________ careful with your things.3. Quickly, the train is ________________.4. The old man lives ___________ but he never feels __________.5. __________ he’s only seven years old, he knows a lot.6. I __________ to do my maths homework and _________ my Chinese book at home.初三英语上Module 4 随堂练习2英汉短语互译:为某人包办一切对某人有点不高兴把电视关掉我的愿望实现了对…很担心go away on business for a few days轻松一下放学到家玩电脑游戏醒得晚With an empty stomachache be unable to do sth.一整天试着做饭觉得孤独保证help me with any difficult questions完成句子1. 我对他们的指令厌烦之至,我多希望他们能让我独自生活。
(3分)篇目事件揭示主旨A 报馆案风波表现了对旧民主主义革命的失望以及对这位爱国者的同情和悼念。
《郭巨埋儿 B二十四孝图》《五猖会》 C 批判了封建教育对儿童天性的压制与摧残。
随堂练习(一)一、名词解释1.GDP与GNP2.潜在产出3.GDP平减指数4.个人可支配收入5.国内生产净值6.储蓄——投资恒等式7.转移支付8. 均衡产出9. 边际消费倾向10. 棘轮效应11. 平衡预算乘数12. 持久收入假说二、选择题1.通常用来计算实际国内生产总值的价格指数为()A.消费者价格指数B.生产者价格指数C.原材料价格指数D.GDP平减指数2.假定某国1990年和1995年的名义GNP分别为1200亿元和2000亿元,GNP的折算指数分别为1.0和1.5.我们可推论1990年和1995年之间的:()A.名义GNP上升33%B.实际GNP不变C.实际GNP上升11%左右D.实际GNP 下降3.国内生产总值表示一定时期内某一国家或地区经济中()的市场价值A.所有经济交易B.所以市场交换的最终产品和服务C.所有产品和服务D.所生产的的最终产品和服务4.根据国民收入核算恒等式,如果政府预算为赤字,国际贸易为盈余,则()A.国内私人投资大于私人储蓄B.国内私人投资小于私人储蓄C.两者相等D.无法判断两者大小5.乘数效应是指()A.国内生产总值的变动引起总支出中任何项目的倍数变化B. 国内生产总值的变动引起投资的倍数变化C. 总支出中任何项目的变动引起国内生产总值的倍数变化D. 国内生产总值的变动引起消费的倍数变化6.如果边际消费倾向是0.8,政府支出公共支出1000亿元,考虑到货币市场的话,均衡产出的增加最多是()亿元。
A.1800B.21250C.4000D.50007.在简单凯恩斯乘数中,乘数的重要性依赖于()A.投资函数的利率B.消费函数的利率C.实际货币供应量D.实际利率8.下述四种情况中,投资乘数最大的是()A.边际消费倾向为0.6B.边际储蓄倾向为0.1C.边际消费倾向为0.4D.边际储蓄倾向为0.39.政府购买乘数k g、政府转移支付乘数k tr与税收乘数k t之间存在()A.k g>k t>k trB. k t>k tr>k gC. k tr>k g>k tD. k g>k t>k tr10.若三部门经济的消费函数为c=150+0.9(y-ta),且政府税收ta与自发性投资支出i同时增加50亿元,则均衡收入水平将()A.增加100亿元B.减少50亿元C.增加50亿元D.保持不变三、计算题1.已知消费函数c=20+0.75(y-t),税收t=0.2y,投资i=380,政府支出g=400。
随堂练习 一第一章 函数与极限一、填空题1、432lim23=-+-→x kx x x ,则k= 。
2、函数xxy sin =有间断点 ,其中 为其可去间断点。
3、若当0≠x 时 ,xxx f 2sin )(= ,且0)(=x x f 在处连续 ,则=)0(f 。
4、=++++∞→352352)23)(1(limx x x x x x 。
5、3)21(lim -∞→=+e nknn ,则k= 。
6、函数23122+--=x x x y 的间断点是 。
7、当+∞→x 时,x1是比3-+x 8、当0→x 时,无穷小x --11与x 相比较是 无穷小。
9、函数xe y 1=在x=0处是第 类间断点。
10、设113--=x x y ,则x=1为y 的 间断点。
11、已知33=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛πf ,则当a 为 时,函数x x a x f 3sin 31sin )(+=在3π=x 处连续。
12、设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>+<=0)1(02sin )(1x ax x xxx f x 若)(lim 0x f x →存在 ,则a= 。
13、设⎩⎨⎧>≤+=0,cos 0,)(x x x a x x f 在0=x 连续 ,则常数a= 。
二、计算题1、计算下列极限 (1))2141211(lim n n ++++∞→ ; (2)2)1(321lim nn n -++++∞→ ;(3)35lim 22-+→x x x ; (4)112lim 221-+-→x x x x(5))12)(11(lim 2xx x -+∞→ ; (6)x x x 1sin lim 20→ ;(7)xx x x +---→131lim21; (8))1(lim 2x x x x -++∞→ ;2、计算下列极限 (1)x wx x sin lim0→ ; (2)xxx 5sin 2sin lim 0→ ; (3)x x x cot lim 0→ ;(4)x x x x )1(lim +∞→ ; (5)1)11(lim -∞→-+x x x x ; (6)x x x 1)1(lim -→ ; 3、比较无穷小的阶(1)32220x x x x x --→与,时 ; (2))1(21112x x x --→与,时 ; (3)当0→x 时 , 232-+xx与x 。
一年级数学随堂练习题可打印随堂练习题1:加法与减法练习1. 请计算下列算式的结果:a) 6 + 3 =b) 8 - 2 =c) 10 + 5 =d) 12 - 4 =2. 在下面的方框中填入适当的数字,使等式成立:a) + 5 = 8b) + 3 = 10c) 7 + = 14d) 9 - = 53. 将下列数字排列成递增顺序:3, 8, 1, 5, 74. 请按照顺序填入适当的运算符(+ 或 -),使等式成立:a) 4 2 6 = 8b) 9 5 2 = 6c) 7 3 2 = 5d) 8 6 7 = 15随堂练习题2:数量与图形练习1. 将下列物品分类为“圆形”或“长方形”:铅笔盒、苹果、饼干、鲜奶、盖碗2. 请将下列物品的数量与相应的数字连线:a) 三张椅子b) 五本书c) 四个苹果d) 两个篮球3. 请在下列图形中圈出“正方形”:[插入图形]4. 在下面的图表中,请将物品的数量补充完整: [插入表格]随堂练习题3:时钟与计时练习1. 现在是上午8点,如果再过1小时,会是几点?2. 请根据指针的位置,写出下面表格中的时间: [插入表格]3. 利用下面的时间表,回答问题:a) 早上7点到上午7点,经过了多久?b) 下午2点到傍晚6点,经过了多久?4. 请写出下列时间的英文表达:a) 9点半b) 下午4点c) 凌晨2点随堂练习题4:货币与找零练习1. 请计算下列货币的总金额:a) 5角 + 1角 + 2角 + 1元 =b) 1元 + 1元 + 50分 + 50分 =2. 请计算找零:a) 支付1元,购买价格80分,找零多少?b) 支付2元,购买价格1元20分,找零多少?3. 请完成下列表格,计算出各组货币的总金额:[插入表格]4. 小明有4元,他买了一个苹果1元,一个橙子1元50分,还剩下多少钱?随堂练习题5:数量关系练习1. 请找出下列数字间的关系规律,并继续填写下一行的数字: 2, 4, 6, 8, __, __, __2. 计算下列算式的结果,并填入方框中:a) 9 + 3 - 2 =b) (5 + 2) × 3 =c) 8 ÷ 2 + 1 =d) 4 × 3 ÷ (2 + 1) =3. 根据图形的数量关系,填入适当的数字:[插入图形]4. 请根据下面的数字序列,写出缺少的数字:3, 6, 9, __, __, 18随堂练习题6:量与重量练习1. 根据描述,请写出适当的单位:a) 一条草的长度:____________b) 水壶的容量:____________c) 水果的重量:____________d) 课程的时长:____________2. 将下列物品按照重量从小到大排列:苹果、铅笔、西瓜、纸张、砖块3. 请填入适当的单位来补充下列句子:a) 我喝了一水。
!4.“尾”总共有多少画()A.5B.6C.75.“乌龟”中“龟”的另一个读音是()A.jūn B.guìC.jùn6.“蹲”除去偏旁还有几画()A.12B.11C.107.“鲫鱼”的拼音是()A.jì yúB.jǐ yúC.jī yú8.“蝌”总共有多少画()A.13B.14C.159.下列字形全部正确的是()A.嘴巴青蛙B.脑代乌龟C.肚皮璧绿10.下列句子中,用“贵”字组成的词语,不正确的一项是()A.桑娜有着热心助人的高贵品质。
yǐ jīng dù píshén me yǎn jing( ) ( ) ( ) ( )13.小蝌蚪是按怎样的顺序长成青蛙的?请给每幅图下面的括号里标上序号,并完成填空。
( )( )( )( )( )小蝌蚪先长出两条( );过了几天,长出两条( );再过几天,( )变短了;渐渐地,( )不见了;小蝌蚪长成了( )。
——( )——( )——( )——( )三、语言表达15.造句。
第1课从“开皇之治”到“贞观之治”知识要点1. 581年,杨坚(隋文帝)夺取北周政权,建立隋朝,定都长安,年号“开皇”。
2. 隋朝官员李渊和儿子李世民在晋阳(今太原)起兵反隋,率部众攻入长安,618年建立唐朝。
3. 唐太宗遵从“兼听则明,偏信则暗”的古训,基本上做到了广开言路。
4. 唐太宗推行开明务实的政策,在他统治时期,出现了经济发展、政治清明、社会安定、国力强盛的局面,历史上称为“贞观之治”。
5. 唐朝时发明的重要农业工具是筒车和曲辕犁。
6.1. 唐太宗是我国古代杰出的帝王,“贞观之治”至今还为人们津津乐道。
(1)你认为评价封建盛世的“指标”应该包含哪些要素?(2)唐太宗特别善于用人,他在位时期出现了哪些名臣(列举两位即可)?唐太宗2. “唐太宗引用古人的话告诫太子说:‘舟所以比人君,水所以比黎庶,水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
5. 阅读:隋朝与秦朝的相似之处有哪些?(1)建立背景:都是结束了长期分裂局面,实现了国家的统一;(2)政权特点:都采取新的措施来加强专制主义的中央集权;(3)存在时间:都很短暂,二世而亡;(4)灭亡原因:都因为统治者的暴政,被农民起义推翻;(5)大型工程:都修筑了大型工程,秦长城和隋大运河;(6)历史地位:都起到了承上启下的作用,灭亡教训为后来的统治者借鉴,出现封建社会的盛世。
3.单位:摩尔,符号mol. 4.与阿伏加德常数(NA )、微粒的粒子数(N)之间关系:n=N/NA二、摩尔1.概念:某物质的质量与该物质的物质的量之比 2.符号:M 3.单位:g.mol-1.4.与物质的质量(m)、物质的量(n)之间关系M=m/n第二节气体摩尔体积一、气体摩尔体积1.概念:单位物质的量所占的体积叫气体摩尔体积 2.符号:Vm3.单位:L.mol-1.(在标准状况下,气体摩尔体积为22.4L.mol-1.4.用气体摩尔体积可计算: 气体n(mol)=标准状况下气体V(L)/气体Vm(22.4L.mol-1)标准状况下气体的ρ(g/L)=气体M(g.mol-1)/气体Vm(22.4L.mol-1)第三节物质的量浓度一、物质的量浓度1.概念:以单位体积溶液里所含溶质B的物质的量来表示溶液组成的物理量2.表达式:CB =nB/v 3.有关计算:①.关于浓度概念的计算②.与溶解度的换算③.与溶液质量分数的换算 4.溶液的配制—配制实验重点与难点问题第一节物质的量1.物质的量与微粒的粒子数之间有什么关系?2.物质的量与物质质量之间有什么关系?第二节气体摩尔体积1.物质的体积的大小决定于什么?2.关于气体摩尔体积的计算应该掌握的知识有哪些?3.计算气体摩尔体积时应注意的关键是什么?第三节物质的量浓度1.对物质的量浓度的定义怎样记会更容易些?2.运用物质的量浓度概念时有什么需要特别注意的地方吗?3.物质的量浓度和溶液中溶质的质量分数的区别和联系是什么?4.配制物质的量的浓度溶液时应该注意什么问题?(步骤、仪器)5.在配制物质的量的浓度溶液时,若在定容时仰视或俯视会有什么结果?巩固训练:第一节物质的量1.49g的H2SO4,含H2SO4的分子数为_____个,其中H+离子数为_______个, SO42-离子数为_________个。
小学一年级上册数学随堂练习题随堂练习题1:1. 填写空白处,使等式成立:____ + 2 = 7解:答案是 5,因为 5 + 2 = 72. 用正确的运算符号(+、-、×、÷)填空:2___3 = 5解:答案是 +,因为 2 + 3 = 53. 下列数字中,哪一个是比 7 大的数?A. 6B. 5C. 8解:答案是 C. 84. 用阿拉伯数字填写空白处:六 + 六 = ___解:答案是 12,因为六和六相加等于 12随堂练习题2:1. 在 7 和 10 之间插入一个数字,使得它们的和是 15。
解:答案是 8,因为 7 + 8 = 152. 用正确的运算符号(+、-、×、÷)填空:4 ___ 3 = 1解:答案是 -,因为 4 - 3 = 13. 下列数字中,哪一个是比 4 小的数?A. 3B. 5C. 6解:答案是 A. 34. 计算:10 ÷ 2 = ___解:答案是 5,因为 10 除以 2 等于 5随堂练习题3:1. 在 9 和 12 之间插入一个数字,使得它们的差是 3。
解:答案是 6,因为 9 - 6 = 32. 用正确的运算符号(+、-、×、÷)填空:2 ___ 2 = 4解:答案是 +,因为 2 + 2 = 43. 下列数字中,哪一个是比 9 大的数?A. 8B. 7C. 10解:答案是 C. 104. 计算:8 + 2 = ___解:答案是 10,因为 8 加上 2 等于 10随堂练习题4:1. 计算:4 × 3 = ___解:答案是 12,因为 4 乘以 3 等于 122. 用正确的运算符号(+、-、×、÷)填空:6 ___ 3 = 2解:答案是 ÷,因为 6 ÷ 3 = 23. 下列数字中,哪一个是比 2 小的数?A. 3B. 1C. 4解:答案是 B. 14. 用汉字写出数字 7。
第一卷(选择题共55分)I. Choose the best answer from the four choices (选出最佳答案) 1%×25 = 25%1. --- Nick, I lost my pen and I can’t find ____________ anywhere.--- I have many pens in that box. Just take ____________.A. it; itB. it; oneC. one; itD. one; one2. By 2023, the 5G network is expected to be used ____________ more than 40 percent of personal mobile phone users.A. withB. forC. byD. in3. We Chinese people are so proud of ____________ when seeing our athletes win gold metals.A. usB. ourselvesC. oursD. our4. --- Have you heard that China’s explorer has landed on Mars?--- Really? ____________ exciting news!A. WhatB. HowC. What anD. How an5. No one knows ____________ 14 Asian elephants left a protected nature area in China and stared walking north about one year ago.A. whatB. whereC. whenD. why6. There ____________ tomatoes in the fridge, but there ____________ eggs.A. is an; are someB. are some; aren’t anyC. aren’t some; are someD. isn’t any; is an7. If you want to lose weight, don’t eat ____________ food at night. You need ____________ different kinds of vegetables.A. many; manyB. much; muchC. many; muchD. much; many8. --- Hi, John, you do tai chi very well. What is your ____________?--- Practice makes perfect!A. resultB. purposeC. secretD. choice9. --- Don’t be rude. you should ____________ like a gentleman.--- Sorry. I will be more polite.A. performB. behaveC. provideD. consider10. I think math is less ____________ than English. My English exam scores are always poor, but I am goodat math.A. interestingB. differentC. difficultD. important11. No wonder Kobe Bryant was one of the best players. He practiced ____________ than his teammates.A. more hardlyB. much harderC. very hardD. much hardly12. --- Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday? --- Sorry, I was so busy that I ____________ forget it.A. suddenlyB. completelyC. recentlyD. quietly13. People everywhere have told stories to amuse, to teach, to remember and ____________ to pass the time.A. everB. justC. alreadyD. really14. He said he would come, he didn’t, ____________.A. tooB. butC. howeverD. though15. --- Is that Li Ming over there?--- It ____________ be him. He is traveling in Henan.A. can’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. may not16. Whenever the exam season comes, stress ____________ come with it.A. needB. mayC. have toD. should17. The policeman told the children ____________ in the river.A. swimB. don’t swimC. not swimmingD. not to swim18. ____________ trying and encouraging yourself if you want to succeed at something.A. To keepB. KeepingC. KeepD. Kept19. ____________ people travel around the city easily, several new subway lines will be built in Changchun.A. HelpB. To helpC. HelpingD. Helped20. Yesterday we had a picnic and ____________ a tent by the lake.A. put offB. put outC. put upD. put on21. --- I read a report that warned global warming will get worse in the coming years.--- The report ____________ a notice for government and lawmakers around the world to act.A. served asB. happened toC. handed outD. made up22. There are a lot of ways to protect the environment. ____________, people can change what they eat ortravel without getting on an airplane.A. In generalB. For exampleC. First of allD. To our surprise23. --- ____________ will the COVID-19 be controlled in the world?--- Who knows?A. How soonB. How longC. How oftenD. How far24. --- Sandy, do you still remember ____________ the Palace Museum?--- Yes. About five years ago.A. when we did visitB. when we wentC. when we visitedD. when did we go25. A good detective has a nose for solving crimes. Here “have a nose” means you have a special____________ for something.A. abilityB. smellC. chanceD. experienceII. Cloze test (完型填空) 1%×10 = 10%My husband is more like a kid at heart than I am, so he said we had to find gifts for our grandkids while on a trip. I can be a 26 too, but I also know that gifts can become expensive when you have eleven grandkids.27 , we know kids love gifts. We tried to find things that they would like, but most of the gifts we looked at were cheap and boring. We got two hats for the boys,but couldn't find28 for the nine girls. Then I saw some brightly-colored bracelets (手镯). The bracelets were made of small beads (珠子) shaped like starfish and turtles. We thought the girls would like them.29 the clerk (职员) rang up the bracelets, I remembered a gift I got when I was a girl. We had gone to the East Coast and were allowed to 30 one gift. My sister and I each chose one. I picked a blue plastic 31 .The lid (盖子) was covered in silver glitter (小闪光物) and topped with a pink bird.I believed it was the loveliest thing a girl could own. It was too 32 to put soap inside, so it sat in a dresser drawer year after year. But it is 33 a reminder of a family trip long ago.The girls we bought gifts for are married now. They 34 our gifts in dresser drawers in their old bedrooms. I do believe that even cheap gifts have35 . They can remind loved ones that you're thinking of them.26. A. grandkid B. kid C. grandma D. mother27. A. As a result B. In the end C. Of course D. In fact28. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing29. A. Although B. Because C. Until D. As30. A. take out B. pick out C. work out D. find out31. A. soapbox B. pencil box C. milk box D. mailbox32. A. big B. hard C. beautiful D. heavy33. A. just B. only C. still D. ever34. A. fit B. carry C. reuse D. keep35. A. names B. prices C. value D. spiritIII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) 1%×20 = 20%AHere are three students’ stories about studying in another country.Mariko Okada – TokyoMy year in the USA was full of fun. I like speaking to others, so I got lots of speaking practice. I also learned lots of interesting things about America. When I got home, my friends said I was better! I hope to go back to America again in the future.Carla Fonseca – Rio de JaneiroI spent last year studying English in London. There were so many people to talk to there, but I always felt bad about my English. I missed my family very much. I think it was great to study in London, but I’m glad to be at home!Alvin Chen – Hong KongStudying in New Zealand was lots of hard work! I had English classes six hours a day, five days a week.I also kept a diary. I like writing, and I wrote about many things in my diary every day. On Saturdays, my homestay (寄宿) family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many wonderful things. I was really glad to stay there for a year!36. They went to another country to ___________.A. study EnglishB. visit friendsC. have funD. find a job37. Who dislikes the stay in another country?A. Mariko.B. Carla.C. Alvin.D. All of them.38. Mariko Okada stayed in ___________ for a year.A. TokyoB. LondonC. New ZealandD. the USA39. Alvin Chen had English lessons ___________ a week.A. six hoursB. six daysC. thirteen hoursD. thirty hours40. Which of the following is NOT true?A. All of the three students spent one year in another country.B. Carla Fonseca didn’t feel good about her English.C. Alvin Chen wrote a lot in his diary.D. Alvin Chen stayed in a hotel when he was in New Zealand.BYou speak, write a letter, and make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate (交流) with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class,the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you aresaying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with each other. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.41. Can we communicate with each other without words?A. Yes, sometimes we can.B. No, we can’t.C. No, it’s impossible.D. Yes, we always do so.42. When we see somebody smile, then, he must be feeling ___________.A. angryB. joyfulC. surprisedD. sad43. We can learn news from___________.A. newspapersB. radiosC. TVsD. A, B and C44. A sign at the bus stop tells you___________.A. how many buses there areB. what kind of bus it isC. where the bus comes and goesD. how much money you’ll pay for the ticket45. What do you think is the quickest way to communicate with your friend in another city?A. Writing a letter.B. Making a telephone.C. Drawing a picture.D. Asking someone else to take a message.CPerhaps every town in the USA has a post office. Some are very small, and you may find them in the corner of a shop. Others are large buildings. They are open five days a week and on Saturday mornings. From Monday to Friday, they are usually open from 8:30 to 4:30.If you know how much the postage (邮资) is for your letter, you can buy stamps at any window. In some post offices you can buy stamps from machines. Every post office sells stamps at many different prices, from one cent to many dollars. If you are not sure how much the postage for your letter is, you can ask the clerk (职员).If you are sending your letter far away, write on the envelope that you want it to go by air or use an airmail envelope. Remember that postage will be more expensive for an overseas (海外的) letter.At a post office you can also buy postcards. A postcard is cheaper than a letter. Usually the postage fora postcard is about half that of a letter, but you can’t send a postcard outside the country.46. In the USA, post offices are open ___________.A. every dayB. five days a weekC. five and a half days a weekD. on Saturday and Sunday47. Which of the following doesn’t the first paragraph tell us?A. American post offices may be big or small.B. You may find a post office in nearly every American town.C. American post offices are not open on Sundays.D. Big American post offices stay open for 12 hours a day.48. What should you do if you are not sure about the postage for your letter?A. Ask the clerk.B. Buy different stamps.C. Go to a stamp machine.D. Write some words on the envelope.49. You have to pay more if you send ___________.A. a business letterB. a postcardC. an overseas letterD. a letter on Sunday50. This passage mainly talks about ___________.A. letters and postcardsB. stamps and postageC. big and small post officesD. home and overseas lettersDHow old is “old”? The answer has changed over the years. Two thousand years ago, you were old at 35. At the beginning of the 20th century, the average life span (平均寿命) was 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds werereally old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.So, how old is “old”? The answer is one you’ve heard many times, from all kinds of people. “You are as old as (or young) as you feel.” Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well you have lived.“Nobody grows old by living a number of years,” said a writer. “people grow old when they don’t have their ideals.” People shouldn’t have the wrong ideas about aging. Sometimes, older minds (头脑) can be bright as young minds, Alice Brophy once said, “It makes me unhappy when people say, “You look young for your age.” What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80.51. About 100 years ago, the average life span was ___________A. 35B. 45C. 70D. 8052. The meaning of the word “aging” is ___________.A. growing oldB. staying youngC. keeping healthyD. feeling unhappy53. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Old people are not as bright as young people.B. All older people are healthy and strong.C. Aging doesn’t mean you become unhealthy.D. Most older people are unhealthy and poor.54. Which question is NOT answered in the passage?A. What is the average life span today?B. What tells you how well you’ve lived?C. How old is “old”?D. Can older people be as bright as young people?55. The passage is mainly about___________.A. agingB. the average life spanC. older people and young peopleD. old people第二卷(非选择题共45 分)IV. Vocabulary and Sentences (词汇与句型) 1%×15= 15%A) Complete the sentences with proper words according to the clues given(根据中文或音标写出单词,每空一词) 1%×5 = 5%56. In the bike sharing circle, many ______________ / ˌvɒlənˈtɪəz/ work together in their freetime to lookfor broken bikes.57. ______________, /ˈnɔːməli/ July is Nanjing’s hottest month and the temperature once reached 40℃inits recorded history.58. Being smart and hard-working, the waiter soon became the ______________ (经理) of the restaurant.59. As a courier, my job is to ______________ (递送) every item to its buyer as quickly as possible.60. Wu Minxia is an eight-time world ______________ (冠军) and she took part in four Olympics Games,winning five gold medals.B) Complete the sentences with proper forms of the given words(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1%×5 = 5%61. In 1972, US President Richard Nixon went to China on a ______________ (history) visit.62. Kitty is my best friend. I will treasure our ______________ (friend) forever.63. I think he is ______________ (honest) because he is always telling lies.64. Hurry up! The train ______________ (leave).65. One of the top 5 ______________ (wealthy) persons in the world is Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Company.C) Translation (翻译) 1%×5=5%66. 吃完晚饭,爸爸在工作,妈妈在洗碗,Lily在写作业。
1.4.2 有理数的除法一、选择题(共10小题;共50分)1. 如果 a , b 为有理数,且 ba =0,那么一定有 ( )A. a =0B. b =0 且 a ≠0C. a =b =0D. a =0 且 b =02. 计算 8−6÷(−12) 的结果是 ( )A. −4B. 5C. 13D. 203. 如图,数轴上 a ,b 两数的商为 ( )A. 1B. −1C. 0D. 24. 下列运算:① (−18)÷(−9)=2;② (−7289)÷8=−(72+89)×18=−919; ③ 0.75÷(−558)=−34×845=−215; ④ ∣−9∣÷∣−111∣=9×11=99.其中运算正确的有 ( )A. 1 个B. 2 个C. 3 个D. 4 个5. 计算 6÷(−3) 的结果是 ( )A. −12B. −2C. −3D. −186. 计算 1÷(−345) 时,除法变为乘法正确的是 ( )A. 1×(−345)B. 1×(+195)C. 1×(+519)D. 1×(−519)7. 若 a 为有理数,且 ∣a∣a =−1,则 a 为 ( )A. 正数B. 负数C. 非正数D. 非负数8. 两个有理数的商为负数,则 ( )A. 它们的和为正数B. 它们的和为负数C. 它们的积为正数D. 它们的积为负数9. 计算 (−47)÷(−314)÷(−23) 的结果是 ( )A. −169B. −4C. 4D. −44910. 一个数与 −4 的乘积等于 135,这个数是 ( )A. 25B. −25C. 52D. −52二、填空题(共8小题;共40分) 11. 计算:(−811)÷4= .12. 计算:(−4)÷(−85)=.13. 一个数的58是40,这个数是,这个数的12是.14. 已知一个数与3的积为−92,则这个数是.15. 在−2,−3,4,5中选取2个数相除,则商的最小值是.16. 如果有理数a,b,c满足结论:ab >0,bc<0,那么有ac0.(填“>”“<”或“=”)17. 计算(−6)÷(−13)的结果是.18. 计算:(−8)÷(−4)+6=,(−8)÷[(−4)+6]=.三、解答题(共5小题;共60分)19. 计算:(1)(+48)÷(+6);(2)(−323)÷(512);(3)4÷(−2);(4)0÷(−1000).20. 列式计算:已知a=12,b=−7,c=−144,求b÷(−c)×a的值.21. 小丽有5张写着不同数字的卡片(如图),请你按要求抽出卡片,完成下列各问题:(1)从中取出3张卡片,如何抽取才能使这3张卡片上的数字先相乘再相除的结果最大?最大值是多少?22. 列式计算:(1)一个因数是−8,积是24,求另一个因数;(2)一个数的7倍是−35,求这个数.23. 六一儿童节期间,佳明眼镜店开展优惠学生配镜的活动,某款式眼镜的广告如图,请你为广告牌补上原价.答案1. B2. D3. B4. D5. B6. D7. B8. D9. B10. B11. −21112. 5213. 64,3214. −32【解析】根据题意这个数为:−92÷3=−32.故答案为:−32.15. −52【解析】∵在−2,−3,4,5中选取2个数相除,则商的最小值是−52;故答案为:−52.16. <17. 1818. 8,−419. (1)原式=8.(2)原式=−113×211=−23.(3)原式=−2.(4)原式=0.20. 因为a=12,b=−7,c=−144,b÷(−c)×a=(−7)÷144×12=−712.21. (1)抽取数字为−3,−5,+14的3张卡片,最大值为(−3)×(−5)÷14=60.22. (1)24÷(−8)=−3(2)−35÷7=−523. 160÷0.8=200(元)答:原价是200元.。
小学生随堂练习 (1)
![小学生随堂练习 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c6adc042c850ad02de804110.png)
照样子写词语例:果实累累________ ________ _________ ________
照样子写词语例:浅绿色________ _________ _________ ________
jiào juédān dāng声母是zh韵母是ang 觉.得睡觉.当.然孤单.走招真常晚方2.找一找,连一连。
A D G N T Qg t a d q n3.连一连。
mā ma ɡěi wǒ zuò fàn。
wǒ xǐ huān dú shū。
wǒ yǒu yí ɡè piào liànɡ de shū bāo。
nào zhōnɡ jiào wǒ qǐ chuánɡ。
lún chuán húdiéshān yánɡbái yún二、填空题5.照样子,写出下面字的声母和音序。
例:古(g )(G )人( )( )阳( )( )叫( )( )很( )( )分( )( ) 6.根据给出的示例,填写声母、韵母或音节。
例:l——ü——(lü)j——üe——( )q——( )——qùj——( )——jūnzh——uì——( )z( )( )——zuòq——( )——qù7.填空。
x——( )→xuěl——( )→lǚ( )——( )→bèn j——( )→jùjun←( )——( )n——( )——( )→niǎn8.写出对应的大小写字母。
R——( )f——( )B——( )L——( )a——( )q——( )H——( )t——( )9.写出下列字母相对应的小写字母,并按顺序排排队。
ch ou g en a j w ui k ing tüe 声母韵母11.认一认,分一分。
教育英语II(2)课程随堂练习(1)第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1 – 5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
1. — Could I talk to Prof. Lee? — _________________.A. Yes, speakingB. Oh, it’s youC. I’m waiting for youD. I am the operator here2. — Are you on holiday here? — _________________.A. We are on holiday here, tooB. We live here, tooC. No, we aren’t. We live hereD. Yes, we live here3. — Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? — _________________.A. Good news for youB. Go ahead, pleaseC. Yes, sureD. No, I can’t4. — What does your English teacher look like? — _________________.A. She likes singingB. She looks sadC. She likes to stay with usD. She looks much like her mother5. — What time does the train leave? — _________________.A. On TuesdayB. In the morningC. At half past fiveD. At night第二部分词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)6 – 15小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
统计学原理 第六章 随堂练习题 (1)
![统计学原理 第六章 随堂练习题 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a832b79a45177232f60a2bd.png)
16.(2) 17.(1)
18.若总体服从正态分布,且总体方差已知,则通常选用统 计量( )对总体平均数进行检验。
Z x X0 S n
x X0
x X0 x X0 t t (3) (4) S n n 19.矿砂的5个样品中,测得其含铜量均值为
( )
答案: 6. × 7. √ 8. × 9. √ 10. ×
7.纯随机抽样(重复)的平均误差取决于( )。 (1)样本单位数 (2)总体方差 (3)样本单位数和样本单位数占总体的比重 (4)样本单位数和总体方差
N n 8.抽样平均误差公式中, N 1 这个因子总是( (1)大于1 (2)小于1 (3)等于1 (4)唯一确定值
变异程度的大小和抽样误差无关。 ( ) 7.正态分布总体有两个参数,一个是均值(期望值) X,一个 是方差 2 ,这两个参数确定以后正态分布也就确定了。 ( ) 8.原假设的接受与否,与选择的检验统计量有关,与 (显著
( )
( x x)
,这是( )。
5.抽样极限误差是指抽样指标和总体指标之间( (1)抽样误差的平均数 (2)抽样误差的标准差 (3)抽样误差的可靠程度 (4)抽样误差的最大可能范围
6.抽样误差的定义是( )。 (1)抽样指标和总体指标之间抽样误差的可能范围 (2)抽样指标和总体指标之间抽样误差的可能程度 (3)样本指标与所要估计的总体指标之间数量上的差别 (4)抽样平均数的标准差
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1)移动电子商务在人类历史上第一次使_ 和_ 走出实验室,为大众所用。
B. 移动阅读
D. 移动接收
5)移动商务在发展中和电子商务发展中的一个重要不同点是什么?( )