



超文本传输协议版本 2IETF HTTP2草案(draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-13)摘要本规范描述了一种优化的超文本传输协议(HTTP)。




1 介绍The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a wildly successful protocol. However, the HTTP/1.1 message format ([RFC7230], Section 3) was designed to be implemented with the tools at hand in the 1990s, not modern Web application performance. As such it has several characteristics that have a negative overall effect on application performance today.超文本传输协议(HTTP)是一个非常成功的协议。

但是HTTP/1.1 是针对90年代的情况而不是现代web应用的性能而设计的,导致它的一些特点已经对现代应用程序的性能产生负面影响。

In particular, HTTP/1.0 only allows one request to be outstanding at a time on a given connection. HTTP/1.1 pipelining only partially addressed request concurrency and suffers from head-of-line blocking. Therefore, clients that need to make many requests typically use multiple connections to a server in order to reduce latency.特别是,HTTP/1.0只允许在一个连接上建立一个当前未完成的请求。



HTTP/1.1协议规范(中文归纳版)一、介绍(introduction)1. 目的——HTTP/0.9-〉HTTP/1.0-〉HTTP/1.12. 要求——MUST、REQUIRED、SHOULD3. 术语——连接(Connection)、消息(Message)、请求(Request)、应答(Response)、资源(Resource)、实体(Entity)、表示方法(Representation)、内容协商(Content Negotiation)、变量(Variant)、客户机(Client)、用户代理(User agent)、服务器(Server)、原服务器(Origin server)、代理服务器(Proxy)、网关(gateway)、高速缓存(Cache)、可缓存(Cacheable)、直接(first-hand)、明确终止时间(explicit expiration time)、探索终止时间(heuristic expiration time)、年龄(Age)、保鲜寿命(Freshness lifetime)、保鲜(Fresh)、陈旧(Stale)、语义透明(semantically transparent)、有效性判别器(Validator)、实体标记(entity tag)或最终更改时间(Last-Modified time))、上游/下游(upstream/downstream)、向内/向外(inbound/outbound)4. 总体操作——请求/应答、中介二、符号惯例与一般语法(notational conversions and generic grammar)1. 扩充BNF——name = definition,"literal",rule1 | rule2,(rule1rule2),*rule,[rule],N rule, #rule,; comment, implied *LWS2. 基本规则——OCTET,CHAR,UPALPHA,LOALPHA,ALPHA,DIGIT,CTL,CR,LF,SP,HT,<">三、协议参数(protocol parameters)1. HTTP版本——HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT2. 统一资源标示符(URI)——统一资源定位器(URL)和统一资源名称(URN)的结合,http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]3. 日期/时间格式——Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123,Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036,Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format4. 字符集——本文档中的术语"字符集"指一种用一个或更多表格将一个八字节序列转换成一个字符序列的方法,charset=token失踪字符集5. 内容编码——内容编码主要用来允许文档压缩(信源编码)content-coding= token注册表包含下列标记:gzip,compress,deflate,identity6. 传输编码——目的是能够确保通过网络安全传输(信道编码)transfer-coding = "chunked" | transfer-extensiontransfer-extension = token *( ";" parameter ),成块传输代码7. 媒体类型——media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter )type = tokensubtype = token规范化和原文缺省多部分类型8. 产品标记——product = token ["/" product-version]product-version = token9. 质量值——qvalue = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] )| ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )10. 语言标记——language-tag = primary-tag *( "-" subtag )primary-tag = 1*8ALPHAsubtag = 1*8ALPHA11. 实体标记——entity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tagweak = "W/"opaque-tag = quoted-string12. 范围单位——range-unit = bytes-unit | other-range-unitbytes-unit = "bytes"other-range-unit = token四、HTTP消息(HTTP message)1. 消息类型——HTTP-message = Request | Response ; HTTP/1.1 messages generic-message = start-line *(message-header CRLF) CRLF[ message-body ]start-line = Request-Line | Status-Line2. 消息头——HTTP头域包括常规头,请求头,应答头和实体头域message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]field-name = tokenfield-value = *( field-content | LWS )field-content = <the OCTETs making up the field-value and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations of token, separators, and quoted-string> 3. 消息体——message-body = entity-body| <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>4. 消息的长度——决定因素5. 常规头域——general-header = Cache-Control| Connection| Date| Pragma| Transfer-Encoding五、请求(request)首行包括利用资源的方式,区分资源的标识,以及协议的版本号Request = Request-Line * (( general-header| request-header|entity-header ) CRLF) CRLF [ message-body ]1. 请求行——Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF 方法——方法标记指的是在请求URI所指定的资源上所实现的方式Method = "OPTIONS"| "GET"| "POST"| "PUT"| "DELETE"| "TRACE"| "CONNECT"| extension-methodextension-method = token请求URL——请求URL是一种全球统一的应用于资源请求的资源标识符Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority请求行举例:GET /pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1 GET /pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1Host: 2. 请求定义的资源——一个INTERNET请求所定义的精确资源由请求URL和主机报头域所决定3. 请求报头域——request-header = Accept| Accept-Charset|Accept-Encoding| Accept-Language| Authorization| Expect| From| Host|If-Match| If-Modified-Since| If-None-Match| If-Range|If-Unmodified-Since| Max-Forwards| Proxy-Authorization| Range| Referer| TE| User-Agent六、应答(response)接收和翻译一个请求信息后,服务器发出一个HTTP应答信息Response = Status-Line*(( general-header| response-header|entity-header ) CRLF) CRLF [ message-body ]1. 状态行——Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF状态码——状态码是试图理解和满足请求的三位数字的整数码,1xx,2xx,3xx,4xx,5xx,100-〉505-〉扩展码2. 应答报头域——response-header = Accept-Ranges| Age| Location|Proxy-Authenticate| Retry-After| Server| Vary| WWW-Authenticate七、实体(entity)在未经特别规定的情况下,请求与应答的消息也可以传送实体。








采取“一问一答”的形式HTTP 请求和响应分别定义了个格式。


HTTP请求格式:一个HTTP请求分为三部分组成:请求行,消息头,消息正文1:<请求行>请求行分为三部分:请求方法资源路径协议(CRLF)method(请求方法)url(资源路径) protocol(CRLF)例如:GET /index.html HTTP/1.1(CRLF)请求行以CRLF结束(回车加换行)CR:回车符,asc编码中对应数字13LF:换行符,asc编码中对应数字102.<消息头>消息头由若干行表示,每行表示一个具体的头信息,每个头信息式分为两部分:消息头名字:消息头的值(CRLF)name: value(CRLF)每个消息头都以CRLF结尾。


例如:Host: www.localhost:8080(CRLF)Connection: keep-alive(CRLF)Cache-Control: max-age=0(CRLF)Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1(CRLF)User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36(CRLF)Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,im age/webp,*/*;q=0.8(CRLF)Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br(CRLF)Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8(CRLF)(CRLF)3.<消息正文>正文部分不是必须部分,消息正文是2进制数据。



Http协议规范协议名称:HTTP协议规范背景介绍:HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是一种用于传输超文本的应用层协议。





二、请求格式1. 请求行:请求行由请求方法、请求URI和协议版本组成,格式如下:```请求方法请求URI 协议版本```示例:GET /index.html HTTP/1.12. 请求头部:请求头部包含了请求的附加信息,格式为键值对,每个键值对占一行,以冒号分隔,示例如下:```键: 值```常见的请求头部字段有:- Host:指定请求的主机名和端口号- User-Agent:发送请求的用户代理信息- Accept:指定客户端可接受的MIME类型- Content-Type:指定请求体的MIME类型- Cookie:包含了客户端的Cookie信息3. 请求体:请求体是可选的,用于传输请求的数据,例如表单数据或上传的文件等。

三、响应格式1. 状态行:状态行由协议版本、状态码和状态描述组成,格式如下:```协议版本状态码状态描述```示例:HTTP/1.1 200 OK2. 响应头部:响应头部包含了响应的附加信息,格式同请求头部。

3. 响应体:响应体是服务器返回的实际内容,可以是HTML、JSON、图片等。








HTTP协议详解(⽂档)⽬录引⾔ (3)⼀、HTTP 协议详解之URL 篇 (3)⼆、HTTP 协议详解之请求篇 (3)三、HTTP 协议详解之响应篇 (4)四、HTTP 协议详解之消息报头篇 (5)1、普通报头 (5)2、请求报头 (6)3、响应报头 (7)4、实体报头 (7)五、利⽤telnet 观察http 协议的通讯过程 (8)1、打开telnet (8)2、连接服务器并发送请求 (9)3、实验结果: (9)4、注意事项 (10)六、HTTP 协议相关技术补充 (10)1、基础 (10)2、协议分析的优势—HTTP 分析器检测⽹络攻击 (11)3、HTTP 协议Content Lenth 限制漏洞导致拒绝服务攻击 (11)4、利⽤HTTP 协议的特性进⾏拒绝服务攻击的⼀些构思 (11)5、Http 指纹识别技术 (11)6、其他 (12)HTTP协议详解引⾔HTTP 是⼀个属于应⽤层的⾯向对象的协议,由于其简捷、快速的⽅式,适⽤于分布式超媒体信息系统。

它于1990 年提出,经过⼏年的使⽤与发展,得到不断地完善和扩展。

⽬前在WWW 中使⽤的是HTTP/1.0的第六版,HTTP/1.1 的规范化⼯作正在进⾏之中,⽽且HTTP-NG(Next Generation of HTTP)的建议已经提出。

HTTP 协议的主要特点可概括如下:1.⽀持客户/服务器模式。




由于HTTP 协议简单,使得HTTP 服务器的程序规模⼩,因⽽通信速度很快。

3.灵活:HTTP 允许传输任意类型的数据对象。

正在传输的类型由Content-Type 加以标记。






HTTP协议报文格式HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是一种用于传输超文本的协议,它定义了客户端和服务器之间进行通信的规则。






示例:```GET /index.html HTTP/1.1Accept: text/html```2.响应报文格式:-起始行:包含HTTP版本、状态码和状态消息。




示例:```HTTP/1.1200OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 1234<html><body>...</body></html>```3.请求方法:-GET:获取资源。






4.状态码:- 1xx:信息性状态码,表示请求已被接受并且服务器正在处理。

- 2xx:成功状态码,表示请求已成功处理。

- 3xx:重定向状态码,表示需要进一步操作才能完成请求。

- 4xx:客户端错误状态码,表示请求包含语法错误或无法完成请求。

- 5xx:服务器错误状态码,表示服务器在处理请求时发生内部错误。




http协议格式HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是构建互联网应用的基础协议之一,它定义了客户端和服务器之间进行通信的格式和规则。






1. 请求行:请求行的格式为:METHOD URL HTTP/版本号其中,METHOD表示请求方法,包括常见的GET、POST、PUT、DELETE等;URL代表请求的资源的路径;HTTP/版本号指定了使用的HTTP协议的版本。

2. 请求头部:请求头部包括多行,每行由键值对组成。

常见的头部有:- Host:指定请求的服务器主机名和端口号。

- User-Agent:客户端的浏览器信息。

- Accept:客户端可以接受的数据类型。

- Content-Type:请求主体的数据类型。

3. 请求主体:请求主体是可选的,用于在POST请求中向服务器传送数据。



1. 状态行:状态行的格式为:HTTP/版本号状态码状态描述其中,状态码表示服务器处理请求的结果,常见的状态码有200(成功)、404(资源未找到)、500(服务器内部错误)等。

2. 响应头部:响应头部和请求头部的格式类似,由多行键值对组成。

常见的头部有:- Content-Type:响应主体的数据类型。

- Content-Length:响应主体的长度。

- Set-Cookie:设置响应的Cookie。

3. 响应主体:响应主体是服务器返回给客户端的数据。

三、HTTP协议的特点1. 简单灵活:HTTP协议采用简单的文本格式,易于理解和编写。














其中“GET /index.html HTTP/1.1”具体含义如下: 请求(GET)index.html⽂件,希望以1.1版本的HTTP协议进⾏通信。







表⽰客户端请求的执⾏结果的数字称为状态码,典型的有: 200 OK:成功处理了请求 404 Not Found:请求的⽂件不存在 400 Bad Request:请求⽅式错误,请检查消息头中含有传输的数据类型和长度等信息。






1. 什么是HTTP代理协议HTTP代理协议是一种应用层协议,它允许客户端通过代理服务器与目标服务器进行通信。



2. HTTP代理协议的工作原理HTTP代理协议的工作原理可以简单地分为以下几个步骤:1.客户端发起请求:客户端向代理服务器发送HTTP请求,包括请求方法(GET、POST等)、请求头和请求体。







3. HTTP代理协议的应用场景HTTP代理协议在实际应用中具有广泛的应用场景,以下是一些常见的应用场景:3.1 访问控制通过配置代理服务器,可以实现对特定网站或特定内容的访问控制。


3.2 负载均衡代理服务器可以作为负载均衡器,将客户端请求分发到多个目标服务器上,从而实现负载均衡。




内容协商(content negotiation) 任 当服务一个请求时选择资源的一种适当的表示形式的机制(mechanism),如第 12 节所述。 何响应里实体的表现形式都是可协商的(包括错误响应)。 变量(variant) 在 某 个时 刻 ,一个资源对应的表现形式( representation )可以有一个或多个(译注:一个 URI 请求一个资源,但返回的是此资源对应的表现形式,这根据内容协商决定)。每个表现形 式 ( representation ) 被 称 作 一 个 变 量 。 ‘ 变 量 ’ 这 个 术 语 的 使 用 并 不 意 味 着 资 源 (resource)是由内容协商决定的.。 客户端(client) 为发送请求建立连接的程序.。 用户代理(user agent) 初始化请求的客户端程序。常见的如浏览器,编辑器,蜘蛛(可网络穿越的机器人),或其他 的终端用户工具. 服务器(Server) 服务器是这样一个应用程序,它同意请求端的连接,并发送响应( response)。任何给定的程 序都有可能既做客户端又做服务器;我们使用这些术语是为了说明特定连接中应用程序所担当 的角色,而不是指通常意义上应用程序的能力。同样,任何服务器都可以基于每个请求的性质 扮演源服务器,代理,网关,或者隧道等角色之一。 源服务器(Origin server) 存在资源或者资源在其上被创建的服务器(server)被成为源服务器(origin server)。 代理( Proxy) 代理是一个中间程序,它既可以担当客户端的角色也可以担当服务器的角色。代理代表客户端 向服务器发送请求。客户端的请求经过代理,会在代理内部得到服务或者经过一定的转换转至 其 他 服务器。一个代理必 须 能同时实现本规范 中 对 客 户端和服务器 所 作的要求。 透 明代理 ( transparent proxy )需要代理 认证 和代理识 别 , 而 不修 改 请求或响应。 非透 明代理( nontransparent proxy)需修改请求或响应,以便为用户代理( user agent)提供附加服务,附加 服务包括组注释服务,媒体类型转换,协议简化,或者匿名过滤等。除非透明行为或非透明行 为经被显式地声明,否则,HTTP 代理既是透明代理也是非透明代理。 网关(gateway) 网关其实是一个服务器,扮演着代表其它服务器为客户端提供服务的中间者。 与代理(proxy) 不同,网关接收请求,仿佛它就是请求资源的源服务器。请求的客户端可能觉察不到它正在同 网关通信。 隧道(tunnel) 隧道也是一个中间程序,它一个在两个连接之间充当盲目中继(blind relay)的中间程序。 一旦 隧道处于活动状态,它不能被认为是这次 HTTP 通信的参与者,虽然 HTTP 请求可能已经把它 初始化了。当两端的中继连接都关闭的时候,隧道不再存在。 缓存(cache) 缓存是程序响应消息的本地存储。 缓存是一个子系统,控制消息的存储、 获取和删除。 缓存里存 放可缓存的响应( cacheable response)为的是减少对将来同样请求的响应时间和网络带宽消 耗。 任一客户端或服务器都可能含有缓存,但缓存不能存在于一个充当隧道(tunnel)的服务器 里。



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除http接口文档模板篇一:新http接口说明文档http接口文档接口域名:/api/一、密码验证方式................................................. . (1)二、字符编码................................................. .. (1)三、响应格式................................................. .. (2)四、短信发送(单条,多条发送)............................................... . (2)五、接收状态报告................................................. . (3)5.1主动获取状态................................................. ................................................... (3)六、接收上行短信(回复)............................................... (4)6.1主动接收上行短信(回复)............................................... . (4)七、取剩余短信条数................................................. (5)八、取已发送总条数................................................. (5)九、接口安全(绑定ip)............................................... (6)十、取发送记录................................................. . (6)一、密码验证方式接口密码使用“登录密码”与“用户名”拼接字符串后能过md5加密进行验证如登录密码是:123123如用户名是:test接口密码(pwd)=md5(登录密码+用户名)pwd=md5(123123test)pwd=b9887c5ebb23ebb294acab183ecf0769二、字符编码服务器接收数据可以是gbk或utF-8编码字符,默认接收数据是gbk编码,如提交的是utF-8编码字符,需要添加参数encode=utf8。



http通信协议1. 简介HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是一种用于传输超文本的应用层协议。




2. HTTP请求HTTP请求由客户端发送给服务器,包含以下几个部分:请求行请求行包含请求方法、URL和协议版本,格式如下:请求方法 URL 协议版本常见的请求方法有GET、POST、PUT、DELETE等。




3. HTTP响应HTTP响应由服务器发送给客户端,包含以下几个部分:状态行状态行包含协议版本、状态码和状态消息,格式如下:协议版本状态码状态消息常见的状态码有200(成功)、404(未找到)、500(服务器内部错误)等。



4. HTTP状态管理由于HTTP协议是无状态的,为了在多个请求之间保持状态,服务器通过Cookie和Session来实现状态管理。




HTTP+RFC文档中文版HTTP协议(RFC中文版)1. 介绍(Introduction)1.1 目的(Purpose)HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是应用级协议,它适应了分布式超媒体协作系统对灵活性及速度的要求。

它是一个一般的、无状态的、基于对象的协议,通过对其请求方法(request methods)进行扩展,可以被用于多种用途,比如命名服务器(name server)及分布式对象管理系统。







HTTP允许使用开放的命令集来表示请求的目的,它使用基于URI[2](Uniform Resource Identifier),即统一资源标识的规则来定位(URL[4])或命名(URN[16])方法所用到的资源。

HTTP使用与邮件(Internet Mail [7])和MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions [5])相似的格式来传递消息。

HTTP也作为用户代理、代理服务器/网关与其它Internet协议进行通讯的一般协议,这些协议是,SMTP [12], NNTP [11], FTP [14], Gopher [1], and WAIS [8]等。


1.2 术语(Terminology)本规范用了许多与参与方、对象及HTTP通讯相关的术语,如下:连接(connection)两个应用程序以通讯为目的在传输层建立虚拟电路。



HTTP协议HTTP协议原理⽤户访问⽹站的基本流程:1,登录浏览器输⼊⽹址2,⽹址通过DNS解析出具体IP地址3,TCP三次握⼿4,浏览器向服务商的Web服务器发起⼀个请求(遵循http协议)5,Web服务器响应⽤户请求,处理请求,返回响应包6,浏览器通过http协议接收到响应包7,浏览器处理响应包显⽰在浏览器上8,TCP四次挥⼿DNS的域名解析流程:1,先找本地PC的本地缓存2,本地hosts映射⽂件⾥⾯是否做了DNS的映射3,查找本机的DNS,叫LDNS4,DNS接收以后,找⾃⼰的缓存5,LDNS的hosts有没有6,LDNS找本地记录本如果前六步能查到IP地址,叫做DNS的递归查询7,还没有找到就发起求助,叫做迭代查询DNS的迭代查询流程世界上有13台⼤型的域名解析服务器,叫做点服务器,只要含有点就跟它有关系DNS向离它最近的⼀台点服务器求助点服务器就把.com的地址发送了LDNSLDNS求组.com.com只给了LDNS 的位置LDNS向求组知道就给ldns 然后LDNS把具体的地址存到⾃⼰的缓存⾥,然后发给PCPC在把这个存到⾃⼰的缓存⾥HTTP协议简介HTTP⼜叫超⽂本传输协议HTTP是加密的协议HTTP默认监听端⼝80HTTPS默认端⼝443HTTP请求⽅法GET 读客户端请求指定资源信息,服务器返回指定资源,读的速度快明⽂的不加密POST 写将客户端的数据提交到服务器,加密⽅式注册,⽤于注册信息HTTP状态码⽣产场景常见的状态吗及其对应的作⽤HTTP协议通信原理过程,整个通信原理的重要知识点有:1. ⽤户访问⽹站的流程2. DNS解析流程细节3. 建⽴TCP连接过程(TCP/IP三次握⼿原理知识)(11种状态)4. 发送HTTP报⽂及HTTP请求报⽂内容细节。

5. Web服务器响应客户端请求处理细节(⽹站集群架构细节)6. 响应HTTP报⽂及HTTP响应报⽂的细节7. 关闭TCP连接,涉及TCP/IP协议四次挥⼿原理8. 事实上,DNS解析原理,http协议原理,tcp/ip协议原理都是⾼薪⾯试的重点,是⾼级运维必备知识,这⾥对其中的重要知识点进⾏汇总,如下:9.10. http协议位于OSI模型中第7层应⽤层11. http协议的重要应⽤是www服务。



HTTP协议HTTP协议简介HTTP协议请求RequestHTTP协议响应ResponseHTTP协议完整⼯作流程HTTP协议总结HTTP协议简介 学习前端开发之前先了解⼀下⼏件事 1.什么是互联⽹ 互联⽹就是物理连接介质+互联⽹协议 2.建⽴互联⽹的⽬的 使数据传输打破地域限制 3.什么是上⽹ 上⽹就是过程就是浏览器像服务端发送请求,然后将服务端⽂件下载到本地显⽰,⽽浏览器与服务端就是遵循的HTTP协议。

1、HTTP协议:全称Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(超⽂本传输协议) HTTP协议是⽤于从(www.word wide web,简称万维⽹)服务器传输超⽂本到本地浏览器的传送协议2、HTTP协议⼯作于B/S架构 浏览器作为HTTP客户端通过URL向HTTP服务端即WEB服务器发送请求Request。


3、HTTP协议是基于TCP/IP通信协议来传递数据的(HTML ⽂件, 图⽚⽂件等),如下图第⼀个HTTP协议诞⽣于1989年3⽉,已过时。


#3、由于没有请求头,造成了HTTP 0.9协议只⽀持⼀种内容,即纯⽂本。


#⼆:⽆状态性#1、HTTP 0.9具有典型的⽆状态性,每个事务独⽴进⾏处理,事务结束时就释放这个连接。

详细解释如下:⼀次HTTP 0.9的传输⾸先要建⽴⼀个由客户端到Web服务器的TCP连接,由客户端发起⼀个请求,然后由Web服务器返回页⾯内容,然后连接会关闭。



#三:HTTP 0.9协议⽂档:/Protocols/HTTP/AsImplemented.htmlHTTP/0.9HTTP/0.9HTTP/1.0是HTTP协议的第⼆个版本,⾄今仍被⼴泛采⽤。



















实战准备工作:在监视网络方面,windows平台上有一款叫做sniffer 的优秀软件,这也是很多“黑客”经常使用的嗅探工具。




COMMITTEE DRAFT for VOTE (CDV) Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol(Ntrip)VERSION 1.0DEVELOPED BYRTCM SPECIAL COMMITTEE NO. 104JANUARY 30, 2004COPYRIGHT 2004 RTCMRadio Technical Commission For Maritime Services1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2840 U.S.A.E-Mail:*************Web Site: This page intentionally left blank.GENERAL NOTENetworked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (Ntrip) stands for an application-level protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data over the Internet. Ntrip is a generic, stateless protocol based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. The HTTP objects are enhanced to GNSS data streams.Ntrip is designed for disseminating differential correction data or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to stationary or mobile users over the Internet, allowing simultaneous PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host. Ntrip supports wireless Internet access through Mobile IP Networks like GSM, GPRS, EDGE, or UMTS.Ntrip consists of three system software components: NtripClients, NtripServers and NtripCasters. The NtripCaster is the actual HTTP server program whereas NtripClient and NtripServer are acting as HTTP clients.Ntrip is meant to be an open none-proprietary protocol. Major characteristics of Ntrip’s dissemination technique are:•Based on the popular HTTP streaming standard; comparatively easy to implement when having limited client and server platform resources available.•Application not limited to one particular plain or coded stream content; ability to distribute any kind of GNSS data.•Potential to support mass usage; disseminating hundreds of streams simultaneously for up toa thousand users is possible when applying modified Internet Radio broadcasting software. •Regarding security needs; stream providers and users are not necessarily in direct contact, and streams are usually not blocked by firewalls or proxy servers protecting Local AreaNetworks.•Enables streaming over any mobile IP network because it uses TCP/IP.This documentation describes Ntrip Version 1.0. Further Ntrip versions may be issued when necessary.This page intentionally left blank.Ntrip, Version 1.01INTRODUCTIONDifferential GPS (DGPS), or actually any Differential Global Navigation Satellite System (DGNSS) in general, improves the achievable positioning accuracy by correcting the pseudo-distances between receiver and satellites or the receiver position. Serious problems in GNSS positioning are caused by ephemeric, tropospheric, ionospheric, and clock errors. DGNSS is based on the comparison of parameters calculated from observations at a reference station and their well-known correct values. The differences can be used to calculate correction data as defined by the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM). These RTCM data can be sent to a mobile GNSS rover.Since the ending of the degradation of GPS signals (Selective Availability, SA) on May 1 2000, a stationary GPS receiver without a differential correction signal will show a 10-15m average radial “random walk” pattern. The positioning error of the same receive r can be reduced to approximately ±1.0 m by receiving about 50 Byte/s of DGPS correction data in RTCM format. The validity of corrections depends on the distance between receiver and rover (±0.5 m accuracy at a distance of 50 km). For providing a service covering a large area, a reference station network has to be introduced, which is able to generate a specific real-time correction for any region. The specific corrections can be transmitted over various communication channels, e.g. via radio transmission (LF, MF, HF, UHF), or a mobile communication network using different communication protocols.This documentation describes an HTTP-based protocol for disseminating RTCM correction data or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to stationary or mobile receivers over the Internet, allowing simultaneous PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host via IP Networks including GSM, GPRS, EDGE, or UMTS. The protocol development follows a feasibility study on real-time streaming of differential GPS corrections as described in [1]). The system as a whole represents a format that is referred to as the Ntrip-Format (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol).As far as DGNSS and Real Time Kinematic GNSS (RTK-GNSS) is concerned, the use of the popular RTCM-104 standard as the streaming data format is recommended, whereby sufficient precision is obtained if given correction data are not older than a few seconds. The RTCM-104 standard is used worldwide. Most (if not all) popular GNSS receivers accept RTCM-104 differential correction messages.The basic data streaming is accomplished by TCP/IP protocol stack. Several attempts based on a plain Serial-to-TCP conversion of streaming data on the reference-side (server) and TCP-to-Serial re-conversion on the rover-side (client) have shown the suitability of the TCP/IP protocol for streaming data to mobile IP clients [2].2SYSTEM CONCEPTThe Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is designed as an application-level protocol for distributed collaborative hypermedia information systems, but it can also be used for linear streaming media. The basic unit of HTTP communication, consisting of a structured sequence of octets matching the syntax, is defined in the protocol and transmitted via a TCP/IP connection. Client and server must understand HTTP request messages and answer with adequate HTTP respond messages.Ntrip uses HTTP. It is implemented in three programs called NtripClient, NtripServer and NtripCaster, whereby the NtripCaster is the real HTTP (splitter-) server. NtripClient and NtripServer are acting as HTTP client programs.Concerning message format and status code, the NtripClient-NtripCaster communication is a fully compatible HTTP 1.1 communication [3] whereby Ntrip uses only non-persistent connections. The NtripServer-NtripCaster communication extends HTTP by a new message format, which is “SOURCE”, and a new status-code, which is “ERROR - Bad Password”. Loosing the TCP connection between communicating system-components (NtripClient-NtripCaster, NtripServer-NtripCaster) will be automatically recognized by the involved TCP-sockets. This effect can be used to trigger software events like an automated reconnection.This Ntrip system (see Figure 1) consists of•NtripSources which generate data streams at a specific location and•NtripServers which transfer the data streams from a source to an•NtripCaster, the major system component.•NtripClients finally access data streams of desired NtripSources on the NtripCaster.Fig. 1. Ntrip streaming systemNtripServers define a source ID called "mountpoint" for every streamed NtripSource. Several NtripClients can access data of desired NtripSources at the same time by requesting a source by its mountpoint on the NtripCaster. If implemented in the NtripCaster program, authorized personell may remotely control the NtripCaster via a password-protected Telnet session, or receive status information via a password-protected HTTP session using an Internet Browser.An administrator running an NtripCaster is responsible for allowing new NtripServers to connect with new NtripSources. The administrator organizes all available NtripSources and defines all source IDs (mountpoints).NtripClients need the possibility to choose an NtripSource by its mountpoint on the NtripCaster. Therefore a source-table is introduced into and maintained on the NtripCaster. Each record of this source-table contains parameters describing attributes of a data stream, a network of data streams, or an NtripCaster. Stream attributes (identifier, coordinates, format, nav-system, mountpoint, etc.) are defined at the NtripServer side for each NtripSource.If an NtripClient sends an invalid or no mountpoint (no or not up-to-date source-table available for the client), the NtripCaster will upload an up-to-date source-table as an HTTP object instead of a GNSS data stream. Afterwards the NtripClient has the up-to-date source-table available and can connect to a GNSS data stream on the NtripCaster.The Ntrip system depends on direct communication between the responsible administrators of NtripCasters and NtripServers (e.g. via email). They have to specify the parameters characterizing an NtripSource/mountpoint in the source-table.3SYSTEM ELEMENTSA DGNSS reference station in its simplest configuration consists of a GNSS receiver, located at a well-surveyed position. As this stationary-operated GNSS receiver knows where the satellites are located in space at any point in time, as well as its own exact position, the receiver can compute theoretical distance and signal travel times between itself and each satellite. When these theoretical values are compared to real observations, differences represent errors in the received signals. RTCM corrections are derived from these differences. Making these corrections available in real-time for mobile users is the major purpose of the Ntrip system elements, although Ntrip may be used as well for transporting other types of GNSS streaming data over its system elements NtripServer, NtripCaster, and NtripClient.NtripSourceThe NtripSources provide continuous GNSS date (e.g. RTCM-104 corrections) as streaming data.A single source represents GNSS data referring to a specific location. Source description parameters as compiled in the source-table specify the format in use (e.g. RTCM 2.0, RTCM 2.1, Raw), the recognized navigation system (GPS/ GPS+GLONASS), location coordinates and other information.Every single NtripSource needs a unique mountpoint on an NtripCaster.NtripServerThe NtripServer is used to transfer GNSS data of an NtripSource to the NtripCaster. Before transmitting GNSS data to the NtripCaster using the TCP/IP connection, the NtripServer sends an assignment of the mountpoint.Server passwords and mountpoints have to be defined by the administrator of the NtripCaster and handed over to the administrators of the involved NtripServers. An NtripServer in its simplest set-up is a computer program, running on a PC, which sends correction data of an NtripSource (e.g. as received via the serial communication port from a GNSS receiver) to the NtripCaster.The Ntrip protocol may be used for the transportation of RTCM data of a virtual reference station following the so-called VRS concept. Based on data from a number of reference stations, RTCM corrections are derived for a virtual point at the users approximate position. Data for this virtual reference station represent a single NtripSource which can be transmitted by an NtripServer.NtripCasterThe NtripCaster is basically an HTTP server supporting a subset of HTTP request/response messages and adjusted to low-bandwidth streaming data (from 50 up to 500 Bytes/sec per stream). The NtripCaster accepts request-messages on a single port from either the NtripServer or the NtripClient. Depending on these messages, the NtripCaster decides whether there is streaming data to receive or to send.An NtripServer might be a part of the NtripCaster program. In this case only the capability of receiving NtripClient messages has to be implemented into the combined NtripCaster/NtripServer. Built-in HTTP-based remote administration capability is an optional function.NtripClientAn NtripClient will be accepted and receive data from an NtripCaster, if the NtripClient sends the right request message (TCP connection to the specified NtripCaster IP and listening Port). Concerning message format and status code, the NtripClient-NtripCaster communication is fully compatible to HTTP 1.1, but Ntrip uses only non-persistent connections.4SERVER MESSAGESThe NtripServer-NtripCaster communication extends HTTP by the additional message format “SOURCE” and the additional status-code “ERROR - Bad Password”. The password is not protected and therefore based, as in the HTTP Basic Access Authentications scheme, on the assumption that the connection between the client and the server can be regarded as a trusted carrier.The NtripServer has to connect to the NtripCaster using the IP and specified listening Port of the NtripCaster. This means, that the NtripCaster has to be “up and running” bef ore any source can connect. Before transmitting GNSS data to the NtripCaster using the TCP/IP connection, the NtripServer has to send an Ntrip server message in order to get access and to specify a mountpoint. The Ntrip server message is shown in Figure 2.SOURCE <password> <mountpoint> <CR><LF>Source-Agent: NTRIP<product|comment><CR><LF><CR><LF><data>Fig. 2. Server message structure<password> = Encoder password of the Caster<mountpoint> = Caster mountpoint for the Source<product|comment> = Information about the source agentExample: An NtripServer sends the Ntrip server message:⇒ SOURCE letmein /MountpointSource-Agent: NTRIP NtripServerCMD/1.0If the password is correct, the NtripCaster will answer:⇐ ICY 200 OKThe caster accepts data after sending the message “ICY 200 OK”. The NtripCaster will only accept data from sources with the valid encoder password. An administrator has to pre-define this password on the caster. The password is coded as a plain ASCII string.Sending a false password leads to the caster response message:⇐ ERROR - Bad PasswordThe caster then automatically quits the TCP connection.5CLIENT MESSAGESA client’s request is designed as an HTTP me ssage similar to the server message shown in Figure 2. Each client only needs to know the mountpoint of the desired data stream. The message for requesting a data stream is defined in Figure 3. The User-Agent request-header field has to begin with the string NTRIP.GET <mountpoint> HTTP/1.0 <CR><LF>User-Agent: NTRIP<product|comment><CR><LF>Accept: */* <CR><LF>Connection: close <CR><LF>Fig. 3. Client message structure<mountpoint> = Caster mountpoint of requested source<product|comment> = Information about the user agent originating the request Example: A client sends (in the non protected case) the request message:⇒ GET /BUCU0 HTTP/1.0User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0For a valid request (desired NtripSource/mountpoint exists), the NtripCaster will answer:⇐ICY 200 OKfollowed by the GNSS data⇐ <GNSS data>For an invalid request (desired NtripSource/mountpoint does not exist), the NtripCaster will answer:⇐ SOURCETABLE 200 OKFollowed by the source-table object⇐ <Source-Table>Via the information from the source-table, as maintained by the NtripCaster, NtripClients areenabled to choose the desired NtripSource/mountpoint from all available NtripSources/mountpoints. An NtripClient can either store a source-table in memory (e.g. hard disc), or request a new source-table before requesting each new NtripSource. The desired NtripSource can be chosen manually (e.g. based on identifier, nav-system, and format information) or by software (e.g. based on position, format, and nav-system information). Requesting unavailable mountpoints (out-of-date source-table) will automatically result in the caster replying with an up-to-date source-table. Therefore, mountpoints, as a synonym for a specific NtripSource, have to be unique on an NtripCaster. Using a Four-character-ID followed by an integer value (e.g. BUCU0 for Bukarest) as mountpoint parameter is recommended.An example for handling client messages in C programming language is given in Appendix C. This simple Linux/UNIX NtripClient program reads data from an NtripCaster and writes on standard output for further redirection of data to a file or COM-port.5.1Basic Authentication SchemeFor billing purposes, the NtripSources/mountpoints can be password-protected on an NtripCaster. In this protected case the HTTP communication differs from the non-protected case. Example:The client will send (like in the non-protected case) the request message:⇒ GET /BUCU1 HTTP/1.0User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0The HTTP-server will answer a client request according to the HTTP Protocol [4] with⇐ HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorizedfor invalid passwords and send a second message to the client:⇐ Server: NtripCaster/1.0WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="/BUCU1"Content-Type: text/htmlConnection: close<html><head><title>401 Unauthorized</title></head><body bgcolor=black text=whitelink=blue alink=red><h1><center>The server does not recognize your privileges to the requested entityy/stream</center></h1></body></html>The client sends a second request message for the same mountpoint including the base64-coded user:password string to the caster:⇒ GET /BUCU1 HTTP/1.0User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0Authorization: Basic aHVnb2JlbjpodWdvYmVuMTIzThe NtripCaster will answer⇐ ICY 200 OKfollowed by the GNSS data:⇐ <GNSS data>If the client already knows beforehand that a mountpoint is password protected, it can send the password with the first request message.Example:⇒ GET /BUCU1 HTTP/1.0User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0Authorization: Basic aHVnb2JlbjpodWdvYmVuMTIzThe NtripCaster will again answer⇐ ICY 200 OKfollowed by the GNSS data:⇐ <GNSS data>Different from the server password, the client password is coded like the HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme [4] and allows the client access to protected content. The "basic" authentication scheme is based on the model that the user agent must authenticate with a user-ID and a password for each realm (here mountpoint). The realm value should be considered as an opaque string that can only be compared for equality with other realms on that server. The server will authorize the request only if it can validate the user-ID and password for the protected space of the requested mountpoint. There are no optional authentication parameters. To receive authorization, the client sends the user-ID and password, separated by a single colon (":")character and within a “base64” [5] encoded string in the credentials. If the user agent wishes to send the user-ID "Aladdin" and password "open sesame", it would use the following header field: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==The basic authentication scheme is a non-secure method of filtering unauthorized access to resources on an HTTP server. It is based on the assumption that the connection between the client and the server can be regarded as a trusted carrier. As this is not generally true on an open network, the basic authentication scheme should be used accordingly. In spite of this, clients should implement the scheme in order to communicate with servers that use it [4].5.2Digest Authentication SchemeFor applications in need for more security regarding user authentication, the Digest Access Authentication for HTTP specified in RFC 2069 [6] can be used as an alternative.Like Basic, Digest access authentication verifies that both communicating parties know a shared secret (a password). Unlike Basic, this verification can be done without sending the password in the clear, which is Basic's biggest weakness.Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A valid response contains a checksum (for Ntrip the MD5 [7] checksum is compulsory) of the username, the password, the given nonce value, the HTTP method, and the requested URI. Thus, the password is never sent in the clear.The Digest Access Authentication scheme is conceptually similar to the Basic scheme. The format of the modified WWW-Authenticate header line and the Authorization header line are specified in RFC 2069. [6]5.3NMEA Request MessagesFor some network-dependent applications it is necessary to send the position of the NtripClient to the NtripCaster. That position could be used by the NtripCaster to provide a data stream for a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) or to determine the best data stream to broadcast. Ntrip allows clients to send NMEA GGA strings after the HTTP request for a data stream.If the <nmea> parameter is set to “1” (see Source-table section), the NtripCaster waits for a NMEA GGA string to prepare the data and start sending. The NMEA message needs to be received once to start the data streaming.Following is an example for a request of a source-table named “vrs_bayern” to get a data stream generated for a virtual reference station with the coordinates of the NMEA string:GET /vrs_bayern HTTP/1.1<CR><LF>Accept: rtk/rtcm, dgps/rtcm<CR><LF>User-Agent: NTRIP Survey-Controller-15.0<CR><LF><CR><LF>$GPGGA,165631.00,4810.8483085,N,01139.900759,E,1,05,01.9,+00400,M,,M,,*??<CR><LF>6SOURCE-TABLEThe NtripCaster maintains a source-table containing information on available NtripSources, networks of NtripSources, and NtripCasters to be send to an NtripClient on request. Source-table records are dedicated to one of the following:a)Data STReams (record type STR),b)CASters (record type CAS), orc)NETworks of data streams (record type NET).This structure is expandable by introducing new record types when necessary. Older NtripClient versions might ignore newly introduced record types. All NtripClients must be able to decode record type STR. Decoding types CAS and NET is an optional feature.The source-table is initiated by the HTTP/1.1 header fieldsServer: <NtripCasterIdentifier>/<NtripVersion><CR><LF>Content-Type: text/plain<CR><LF>Content-Length: <Content-Length><CR><LF><CR><LF>followed by the actual source-table records. The server record contains•Before the slash: an NtripCaster identifier to be defined by the NtripCaster operator (see parameter #4 in Table 2)•After the slash: an Ntrip version number (e.g. NtripV1.0) in order allow an NtripClient to understand which version of Ntrip is supported by a particular NtripCaster.The content-length indicates the size of the source-table records (decimal number of octets, e.g. “Content-Length: 243”).The end of the source-table is notified by the string: ENDSOURCETABLETable 1: Format and contents of source-table records describing a data stream# RecordParameterMeaning Format Examples1 <type> = STR The following parameters of thisrecord describe a data stream3 Characters STR2 <mountpoint> Caster mountpoint Characters, 100 max. LEIJ0LEIJ1WTZJ03 <identifier> Source identifier, e.g. name of citynext to source location Characters, undefinedlengthFrankfurt4 <format> Data formatRTCM, RAW, etc. Characters, undefinedlengthRTCM 2.0RTCM 2.1RTCM 2.3CMRCMR+RTCM ADVRTCM SAPOS RAW RTCA5 <format-details> E.g. RTCM message types orRAW data format etc., update ratesin parenthesis in seconds Characters, undefinedlength1(1),2(1),3(30)MBEN(1)6 <carrier> Data stream contains carrier phaseinformation0 = No (e.g. for DGPS)1 = Yes, L1 (e.g. for RTK)2 = Yes, L1&L2 (e.g. for RTK) Integer 0127 <nav-system> Navigation system(s) Characters, undefinedlength GPS GPS+GLO EGNOS8 <network> Network Characters, undefinedlength EUREF IGS IGLOS SAPOS GREF Misc9 <country> Three character country code inISO 3166 3 Characters GERITAESP10 <latitude> Position, latitude, north(approximate position in case ofnmea = 1) Floating point number,two digits after decimalpoint40.12-12.1411 <longitude> Position, longitude, east(approximate position in case ofnmea = 1) Floating point number,two digits after decimalpoint10.12357.8512 <nmea> Necessity for Client to sendNMEA message with approximateposition to Caster0 = Client must not send NMEAmessage with approximateposition to Caster1 = Client must send NMEAGGA message withapproximate position toCaster Integer 0113 <solution> Stream generated from singlereference station or fromnetworked reference stations0 = Single base1 = Network Integer 0114 <generator> Hard- or software generating datastream Characters, undefinedlengthJPS Legacy EGPSNet15 <compression> Compression algorithm Characters, undefinedlengthnone16 <authentication> Access protection for thisparticular data streamN = NoneB = BasicD = Digest 1 Character NBD17 <fee> User fee for receiving thisparticular data streamN = No user feeY = Usage is charged 1 Character NY18 <bitrate> Bit rate of data stream, bits persecond Integer 500500019 <misc> Miscellaneous information Characters, undefinedlength none DemoTable 2: Format and contents of source-table records describing a Caster# Source-tableElementMeaning Format Examples1 <type> = CAS The following parameters of thisrecord describe a Caster3 Characters CAS2 <host> Caster Internet host domain name orIP address Characters, 128 max. <port> Port number Integer 8021014 <identifier> Caster identifier, e.g. name ofprovider Characters, undefinedlengthNTRIP Caster/0.5.3Trimble-iGate5 <operator> Name of institution / agency /company operating the Caster Characters, undefinedlengthBKGGeo++6 <nmea> Capability of Caster to receiveNMEA message with approximateposition from Client0 = Caster is not able to handleincoming NMEA messagewith approximate positionfrom Client1 = Caster is able to handleincoming NMEA GGAmessage with approximateposition from Client Integer 017 <country> Three character country code in ISO3166 3 Characters GERITAESP8 <latitude> Position, latitude, north Floating pointnumber, two digitsafter decimal point 40.12 -12.149 <longitude> Position, longitude, east Floating pointnumber, two digitsafter decimal point 10.12 357.8510 <misc> Miscellaneous information Characters, undefinedlengthnoneTable 3: Format and contents of source-table records describing a network of data streams# Source-tableElementMeaning Format Examples1 <type> = NET The following parameters of thisrecord describe a network of datastreams3 Characters NET2 <identifier> Network identifier, e.g. name of anetwork of GNSS permanent Characters, undefinedlenghtEPNIGLOSreference stations GREFSAPOS-THR3 <operator> Name of institution / agency /company operating the network Characters, undefinedlengthEUREFIGSTRIMBLEASCOSGEO++SAPOS-THR4 <authentication> Access protection for data streamsof the networkN = NoneB = BasicD = Digest 1 Character NBDN,B5 <fee> User fee for receiving datastreams from this networkN = No user feeY = Usage is charged 1 Character NYN,Y6 <web-net> Web-address for networkinformation Characters, undefinedlengthhttp://igs.ifag.de7 <web-str> Web-address for streaminformation Characters, undefinedlengthhttp://www.epncb.oma.benone8- <web-reg> Web address or mail address forregistration Characters, undefinedlength****************http://igs.ifag.de9 <misc> Miscellaneous information Characters, undefinedlengthnone。



【HTTP协议】---HTTP协议详解HTTP协议详解⼀.HTTP简介1.HTTP协议,即超⽂本传输协议(Hypertext transfer protocol)。

是⼀种详细规定了浏览器和万维⽹(WWW = World Wide Web)服务器之间互相通信的规则,通过因特⽹传送万维⽹⽂档的数据传送协议。













3、HTTP 0.9和1.0使⽤⾮持续连接:限制每次连接只处理⼀个请求,服务器处理完客户的请求,并收到客户的应答后,即断开连接。

HTTP 1.1使⽤持续连接:不必为每个web对象创建⼀个新的连接,⼀个连接可以传送多个对象,采⽤这种⽅式可以节省传输时间。








HTTP协议(⼀看就会)⼀、什么是HTTP?答:HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)(超⽂本传输协议)⼆、什么是超⽂本?答:就是超越了普通⽂本的⽂本,它是⽂字、图⽚、视频等的混合体。






五、什么是统⼀资源定位符(URL)?六、HTTP 消息结构1、请求报⽂结构(1)、语法请求⽅法|空格|URL|空格|协议版本|回车符|换⾏符头部字段名|:|值|回车符|换⾏符...回车符|换⾏符请求数据(2)、例⼦:发送post请求到index.phpname=”zisay”&qq=”15593838”2、响应报⽂结构(1)、语法协议版本|空格|状态码|空格|原因短语|回车符|换⾏符头部字段名|:|值|回车符|换⾏符...回车符|换⾏符响应正⽂(2)、例⼦:响应index.phpHTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 03:27:46 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.39 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1b mod_fcgid/2.3.9a mod_log_rotate/1.02 X-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.3Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99Connection: Keep-AliveTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8七、HTTP 请求⽅法说明1、HTTP/1.0序号⽅法说明1GET请求指定的页⾯信息,并返回实体主体。



HTTP协议协议名称:HTTP协议一、引言HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是一种应用层协议,用于在客户端和服务器之间传输超文本数据。

它是互联网上最常用的协议之一,被广泛应用于万维网(World Wide Web)中。




四、术语定义1. 客户端:发起HTTP请求的设备或者应用程序。

2. 服务器:接收并处理HTTP请求的设备或者应用程序。

3. 请求:客户端向服务器发起的数据传输请求。

4. 响应:服务器对客户端请求的回应数据。

五、协议规范1. 请求格式客户端向服务器发送请求时,应按照以下格式构造HTTP请求:```<方法> <URL> <协议版本><请求头部字段1>: <值1><请求头部字段2>: <值2>...<请求头部字段N>: <值N><请求正文>```- 方法:指定请求的类型,常见的方法有GET、POST、PUT、DELETE等。

- URL:请求的目标资源的地址。

- 协议版本:HTTP协议的版本号,如HTTP/1.1。

- 请求头部字段:附加的请求信息,如User-Agent、Content-Type等。

- 请求正文:可选,包含请求的数据。

2. 响应格式服务器对客户端请求的回应应按照以下格式构造HTTP响应:```<协议版本> <状态码> <状态码描述><响应头部字段1>: <值1><响应头部字段2>: <值2>...<响应头部字段N>: <值N><响应正文>```- 协议版本:HTTP协议的版本号,如HTTP/1.1。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Ht t p 协议

使用tel net程序连上web服务器,并使用HTTP协议获取某个页面,以快速了解HTTP协议的作用。


HTTP是hypertext transfer protocol (超文本传输协议)的简写,它是TCP/IP协议的一个应用层协议,用于定义WEB浏览器与WEB服务器之间交换数据的过程。


HTTP 协议的版本:HTTP/1.0、HTTP/1.1
HTTP1.0 和HTTP1.1 的区别


使用tel net举例说明。

一个web页面中,使用img标签引用了三幅图片,当客户端访问服务器中的这个web页面时,客户端总共会访问几次服务器,即向服务器发送了几次HTTP 请求。



GET /Iwoks/java, htral HTTP/L 1
Accept : en us;
Oinriecl jon: Keep Alive
Hos t.: Incnlhnst
Pc lor or: http://localhost/links. asp
User-Agent: Mozi I la 1, 0
Accept-Encoding: gzip t deflate
GET /mail/1.html? name=abc &password=xyz HTTP/1.1

POST /servlet/ParamsServlet HTTP/1.1
Conten t-Type: applicatio n/x-www-form-urle ncoded
Conten t-Le ngth: 28
n ame=abc &password=xyz

Accept: text/html,image/*
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1
Accept-E ncod ing: gzip,compress
Accept-La nguage: en-us,zh-c n
Host: :80
If-Modified-Si nee: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:23:51 GMT
Referer: /i ndex.jsp
User-Age nt: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Win dows NT 5.0)
Connection: close/Keep-Alive
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:23:51 GMT

HTTP/L 1 200 0K €状态行
Server* UicrusciL I 11S/5. 0
、 Date : Thu. 13 Jul 2000 05:46:53 GMT
Content Length: 225)1
Coiitenl-Iypc: text/html
Cache control : private <\m\> HTTP 响应的细节一一状态行 状态行
格式:HTTP 版本号 状态码 原因叙述<CRLF>
举例:HTTP/1.1 200 OK

响应状 态码分为5类,如下所示:
含义 100〜199
个处理过程 200〜299 表示成功接收请求并已完成整个处理过程,常用 200
300〜399 为完成请求,客户需进一步细化请求。

例如,请求的资源已经移 动一个新地址,常用302、307和304
400〜499 客户端的请求有错误,常用404
500〜599 服务器端出现错误,常用500
HTTP 响应细节一一常用响应头
HTTP 请求中的常用响应头
Location: /ndex.jsp
Server:apache tomcat
Conten t-E ncod ing: gzip
Content-Length: 80
Conten t-La nguage: zh-c n
Conten t-Type: text/html; charset=GB2312
的基屛恺息.规肚救据 的播崖*叫务挥嵋过运 以划如客户規如何赴理 9 •会儿它同迟的竝密. :•《多个消息—
乞实体内容—— 代讒瞼务器向富门瑞
Last-Modified: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:23:51 GMT
Refresh: 1;url=
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Tran sfer-E ncodi ng: chu nked
Set-Cookie:SS=Q0=5Lb_ nQ; path=/search
Expires: -1
Cache-C on trol: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close/Keep-Alive
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:23:51 GMT

Cache-Co ntrol: no-cache /控空制缓存:没有缓存Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close/Keep-Alive 〃连接状态:关闭或保持连接Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:23:51 GMT。
