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Unit 1

I.Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or


1. The isla nd of Great Brita in is geographically divided into three parts: En gla nd, Scotla nd and Wales. (T)英伦三岛包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

2. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country.

(F) British

3. Today more tha n half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh Ian guage. (F)

4. In terms of population and area , Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the Uni ted Kin gdom. (F)英格兰是面积最大,人口最多的

5. The Ion gest river of Britai n orig in ates in Wales. (T) The River Severn: 赛文河

6. Because of political troubles ,Norther n Irela nd has bee n quite sig ni fica nt

among the four con stitue nt parts of the Un ited Kin gdom. (T)

n . Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.

1. The two main isla nds of the British Isles are ___________ .


A.Great Brita in and Irela nd

B.Great Britai n and Scotla nd

C.Great Britai n and Wales

D.Great Brita in and En gla nd

2. __________ is the capital city of Scotland.

A. Belfast

B. Edi nburgh

C. Aberdee n

D. Cardiff

3. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom , _________ is the smallest.

A.E ngla nd

B. Scotla nd


D. Northern Irela nd

4. The in troduct ion of Christia nity to Britai n added the first eleme nt of _______ words to En glish.

A. Danish and Finnish

B. Dutch and Germa n

C. French and Italia n

D. Lat in and Greek

5. The evoluti on of Middle En glish was rein forced by the _________ in flue nee.

A. Norman

B. Dutch

C. Germa n

D. Da nish

6. Samuel Joh nson ' s dict ionary was in flue ntial in establish ing a sta ndard form of _______ .

A. grammar

B. han dwriti ng

C. spelli ng

D. pronun ciati on

7. At prese nt, n early ______ of the world ' s populati on com muni cate in En glish .

A. half

B. a quarter

C. One third

D. one fifth

III. Give brief an swers to the follow ing questio ns

1. What is the full name of the U.K.?

The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotla nd?

They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsman wearing

kilts and playing bagpipes.

3. How many periods can the developme nt of the En glish Ian guage be divided into and what are they?

The developme nt of the En glish Ian guage can be divided into three periods: Old En glish, Middle En glish and Modern En glish.

4. Why did English become more important after the Black Death( 黑死病)?

The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importanee after the Black Death, so En glish also grew in importa nee compared to Fren ch.

IV . State your understanding of the following questions in about 100 words.

1. who are British people?

The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them English Ianguage. Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lots of immigra nts from many former Com mon wealth( 共和国)coun tries from every part of the world, and the British people are also composed of people from differe nt eth nic and cultural backgro un ds.

2. What is Standard English?

Stan dard En glish is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeaster n En gla nd;

it is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. Is has developed and has bee n promoted as a model for the correct

British English. It is also the norm(标准)carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the exte nt that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where En glish is taught and used.

Unit 2

I. Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or


1. The British history before 55 BC is basically un docume nted. (T)

2. The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.


3. The n ame of Britai n came from a Celtic tribe —the Brit ons. (T)

4. The Anglo —Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. (T) (不考)

5. The chief or king of the An glo-Sax on tribes exercised power at their own will. (F)

6. The Vikings bega n to attack the En glish coast i n the 8th cen tury. (T)

7. Henry II built up a large empire which in cluded En gla nd and most of France (T)

8. The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the

town speople. (F)

9. The Hun dred Years 'War was a series of wars fought betwee n En gla nd and Norma ns

for trade and territory. (F)

10. in an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions , Queen

Elizabeth I actually defe nded the fruit of the Religious Reformati on. (T)
