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• 1.(I was) I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess.

• 2.(my airs) My apparent confidence

• 3. (a little)Some food to appease my hunger

• 4.(running) Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success in college

• 5.(massive) Foolish and glaring mistakes

•II.Distress; clutched; pose; sneaked; preoccupation; shackles; curse;


•III.Assure; discretion; relaxation; humiliate; strategy; embarrassment;

maneuverable; maturity

•IV.Lived up to; headed for; seek out; has broken out; grope for; trying …on;

go out to; tipped off

•IV. 1. I spent the aft V.1.vague/indistinct; 2.carefully/meticulously;







Unit 2

• 1. (worked himself)died from self-motivated overwork; 2.(conceivably) most likely, the highest position in the company; 3.(of no) with no specific skills wanted by employers;4.(researching) trying to discover facts about his father; 5. (a heart –attack)a person suited by nature for heart-attack •Ⅱ.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.

•Survived; grabs; discreetly; deceased; obituary; conceivably; board;

classics; executives

•Ⅲ.windowed; nerves; precisionist; competitiveness; execution; presided;

marital; accompanied

•Ⅳ.died of; stay up; cares for; straightened out; picked out; given up;

grabbed at; considered for

Unit 3

• 1. (agreeable)pleasant/comfortable; practically2.(extravagant)very long;

(place of) physical exercises3.(had this)was made to realize this 4.(decided to)decided not to have coffee and instead to go(to the bookstore)

5.(enterained)held in mind

•II.Negotiated; debonair; dodging; notion; compact; contortion; thrive;


•III. disagreeable; eccentricity; acquainted; ridicule; triumphal;

deficiencies; woefully; contorted

•IV.Going about; going through; pops out; pace off; pulled up; dug out; stroll up to; habituated to

1.(we would turn)we should morally too strict with ourselves to enjoy life;

2. (that overshadowed)that made all other questions less significant;

3. (the

fun)counting fun as the most important quality in life; 4. (the epitome of)the best example of having fun; 5. (like a virus)like something more than simple of having fun

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.

1-4 overshadows; traipse; fetish; flunked; 5-8 swilling; flicked; epitome;


III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

Insured; underserved; generosity; benefits; regrettable; mirthful;

blasphemy; reverence

IV.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.

turn into; occurred to; end up; step up; pay …back; look forward to; look for; managed to

Unit 5

•I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.

• 1. (earth-shattering)very important/shocking/traumatic 2. (spare the other’s)avoid hurting the other's feelings/avoid doing something that would upset the other person; 3. (shapping or)modifying the truth/telling the turth with a favorable emphasis or slant; 4.(a slipperyslope) a course of action which can easily lead to something unacceptable, wrong or disastrous; 5.

(at all costs)under any circumstances/whatever might happen;

•II.supportive; perceived; prevarication; astounded; undermine; faltered;

fibs; volunteered.

•III.unethical; feigned; unsparing; cynical; confoundedly; lubricated;

entangled; willfui

•IV.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.

•Cover up; blurted out; set up; find out; wear/wore down; specializes in;

professes to; complimented...on


•I.(pounding)extremely intense; (the rule of thumb)the practical principle;

(as per)just like; following the example of ; (Chances are)probably; quite likely; (broken the ice)made a start despite the difficulty

•II.epic; squalid; veritable; pounded; aroma; evolved; lyrics; claimed

•III.imponderables; poetic/poetical; accidentally; unsought; cuddliest;
