2020年高考英语冲刺卷 全国卷(三)
![2020年高考英语冲刺卷 全国卷(三)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/402cc0ec168884868762d6ce.png)
绝密★启用前2020年高考英语冲刺卷全国卷(三)注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上1.Yourcreativityandideascanhelpotherteachers.Submityourartlessonplanoractivitytoday.Don’tforgettoincludeadditionalresourcedocumentsoraphoto.WetChalkPaintingGrades:K-4thLessonPlanObjectives:Developmentoffinemotorskills(协调性)andcreativelyexpressingthechild’sideasandthoughtsbyanewmedium.MaterialsNeeded:Coloredchalk,water,drawingpaper,sponge,andnewspapers.LessonProcedure:Dipthecoloredchalkintowateranddrawonthepaper.Anotherwayistoputthedra wingpaperonnewspapers,dampenitwithawetsponge,andthendraw.Submittedby:JackSidewalkDrawingGrades:K-5thLessonPlanObjectives:Developmentofthecreativeprocessbydoingartisticdrawingsinanewway anddevelopmentoffineandgrossmotorskills(全身协调性).MaterialsNeeded:Sidewalkoroutdoorchalkandlotsofsidewalk.LessonProcedure:Givethechildrenthechalkandletthemdrawwhatevertheychooseonthesidewal k.Youmayalsoconsiderusingthisinteachingsomeotherlessons(i.e.science).Submittedby:PeterRose一ColoredLorgnetteGrades:AnyMaterialsNeeded:Halfaneggcarton(包装盒),scissors,glue,coloredpaper,scotchtape(通明胶带),andaseveninchstick.LessonPlanObjectives:Childwillconstructanobjectthatallowsthemtoviewtheworldinavarietyof colorsandwilllearnwhycertainobjectsintheircoloredenvironmentlookthewaytheydowhencertaincolo rsaremixed.LessonPlanProcedure:Cutwindowsinthebumpsofhalfaneggcarton.Gluecirclesofcoloredcellop haneoverthewindowswithrubbercement.Tapeonastickforaholder.Submittedby:Jennifer1.WhichartlessonplanispresentedbyJennifer?A.WetChalkPainting.B.SidewalkDrawing.C.Rose-ColoredLorgnette.D.RainbowFan.2.WhatcommonmaterialdoesWetChalkPaintingandSidewalkDrawingrequire?A.Scissors.B.Chalk.C.Stick.D.Sponge.3.Rose-ColoredLorgnetteisaimedat___________.A.encouragingthechildtopaintatwillB.developingthechild’smotorskillsC.expressingthechild’sideasandthoughtsD.betteringthechild’sunderstandingofcolors2. Iheldmybreath,tryingnottosighoutloud.Myseventeen-year-oldsonArthurandIwereleavingaholid ayworkfunctionandtherewasplentyofleftoverfoodthattheorganizersweretryingtogiveaway.Immediat elyArthurhonedinonalargedishoftiramisuthatnooneelsewanted.Itwasenoughdessertforfourpeople,an dArthur’sdoctorhadwarnedusaboutwatchinghissugarintake.“Please,Gwen?Please?”Ithadbeenalongday,andeventhoughArthurtendstogetexhaustedbysocialsituationsthatarenotpartofh isregularroutine,heaccompaniedmetothedinnerandcharminglychattedwithmycolleaguesuntilitwasti metogohome.Thetiramisu,Ireasoned,washisreward.Aswelefttherestaurant,Arthurstoppednexttoourcartolookatsomething.Standingaboutfivefeetawaywasagentlemanwithhiswornjacket,stompinghisfeetandrubbinghishand stogetherinanattempttowardoffthecold.Everyfewsecondshesmiledandtriedtospeaktothepeoplewho werewalkingbywithoutpayinghimanyattention.Atthatmoment,thegentlemanspottedmysonwatching him.“Heyman,doyouhappentohaveanysparechange?”Arthurcheckedhisemptypocketsandthenlookedatmebriefly. Ishookmyhead.Arthurfrownedandthe nhesaidsomethingthattookmybreathaway."No,Idon't.Butareyouhungry?Doyouliketiramisu?Here,youcanhavemine.Ittasteslike...”I blinkedbacktearsasIwatchedtheman’ssmilebroadenevenmoreinappreciationbecauseIknewhisjoy wasn’tabouttiramisu.Mysondidn’tjustgivethefoodandwalkaway.Heengagedthemaninconversation, perhapsthefirstonethisgentlemanhadallday.Hetreatedthemanasaperson,withrespect.Thesmileonthe man'sfacetoldmethiswastherealreasonforhishappiness.Peoplewithautismdefinitelyhavefeelingsandemotions.Autisticscanandmostdefinitelyareempatheti ctoothers’feelingseveniftheydon’tknowhowtoexpressit.Beingkinddoesn’thavetobedifficultorcompl ex.1.WecaninferthatArthurbeggedhismomtoallowhim _______.A.togiveawaytheleftoverfoodB.toattendaholidayworkfunctionC.tochatwithhercolleaguesD.toeatabigtiramisu2.WhatmadeArthurfrown?A.Thewriterdidn'thaveanysparechange.B.Themanaskedhimforhistiramisu.C.Hefeltcoldwalkingpasttheparkinglot.D.Nobodypaidhimanyattention.3.Accordingtothewriter,thegentlemanwashappybecause __________.A.hegotsomethingdelicioustoeatB.hewastreatedwithrespectbyArthurC.hehadsomethingtotalkwithArthurD.hegotsomesparechangefromArthur4.WhatlessondidthewriterlearnfromArthur?A.Peoplewithautismvaluelogicoveremotion.B.Autisticpeoplefeelpainfuleasily.C.Peoplewithautismhavefeelings.D.Kindnesshastobecomplex.3.OnNovember10,nineminicheetahrobots,builtbyresearchersattheMIT,controlledbytheirhumancrea tors,showedtheirsuperiorathleticabilities.Thefour-leggedmachinesbeganwithawarm-uprunacrossthe field.Theythentookturnsplayingwithasoccerball.Asoftenhappensingames,acoupleoftheteammembe rsgotintoafightandpushedeachotheruntilbothfellontotheirbacks.Fortunately,theymadeupandendedth eirperformancewithaperfectbackflip(后滚翻),onethatwouldmakeevenaworld-classgymnastproud! Thoughtheserobotsresembletheirpredecessors,theCheetah3,theyaremuchlighter,weighingjust20pou nds.Andtheycanbendandswingtheirlegswide,givingthemtheabilitytowalkeitherright-side-uporupsid edown.Theycanalsowalkatabouttwicethespeedofanaverageperson'swalkingpace.Themachinescanal soquicklyrightthemselvesifkickedtothegroundandperform360-degreebackflipsfromastandingpositi on.UnliketheCheetah3,theminirobotsarebuiltusingcheap,easytofindparts.Thismeansthatifalegormotorb reaks,itcanbeeasilyreplacedusingoff-shelfparts."IfyouwanttochangesomethinginCheetah3,youhavet odoatonofredesign,"saysleaddeveloperBenjaminKatz.Theteam,whichhastenofthefour-leggedmachines,planstobuildadditionalunitsandlendthemtootherun iversityroboticlabs.Hebelievesthiswillenableotherengineerstoteachtherobotsdifferentskills."Eventu ally,I'mhopingwecouldhavearoboticdogracethroughanobstacle(障碍)course,whereeachteamcontrolsaminicheetahwithdifferentmethods,andwecanseewhichmethodis moreeffective,"Katzsays.TheMITteam'sreasonfordevelopingtherobotsisnotjustforentertainment.Theyhopethatsomedaypacks of"cheetahs"willassistfirstresponderswithsearchandrecoverytasksfollowingnaturaldisastersandwor kalongsidefirefighters.1.Whatismainlytalkedaboutinparagraph1?A.Afiercematchbetweenminirobots.B.Minirobots'soccerandgymnasticskills.C.Assessmentofminirobots'newfunctions.D.Similaritiesbetweenrobotsandhumanathletes.2.Whatcanminicheetahrobotsdo?A.Theycanwalkontheirheads.B.Theycancorrecttheirmistakes.C.Theycanbackflipevenwhenlying.D.Theycanplaysoccerballwithhumans.3.HowdotheminirobotsdifferfromtheCheetah3?A.Theircostislower.B.Theycanruntwicefaster.C.Theirappearanceischanged.D.They'rebetterreceivedbycustomers.4.WhydoesKatzwanttohavearoboticclograce?A.Toentertainpeople.B.Topromoteroboticresearch.C.Toteachrobotsdifferentskills.D.Toselectrobotsforrescuework.4.Arecenttroublingstudyshowedthat"fakenews"spreadsignificantlyfaster,deeperandmorebroadlytha nthetruth,withtheeffectevenmorepronouncedwhenregardingpoliticalnewsasopposedtoreportingonn aturaldisasters,financeorscience.Sohowcanweencourageindividualstoseekaccurateonlinecontent?L eadingscholarsaretryinghardtodealwiththisquestion. Processingnewinformationrequiresaconsiderablementaleffort,especiallywhenthatinformationconfli ctswithyourexistingworldview.Ittakesvulnerability(易伤性)andthewillingnesstoadmityoumaybewrong.Butwithagreatamountofconflictinginformationavaila ble,who'stosaywhat'sactuallytrueandwhat'sfalse?Ifyoucan'ttell,whynotjustmakelifeeasyandgowith whatsupportsyourcurrentbeliefs?Sowhatoptionsdowehave?Manysuggestthataddressingtheissuebyreformingadultbehaviorisaimingto ofarfromthesource.Analternativesolutionisusingearlyeducationtohelpindividualsrecognizethesepro blemsandapplycritical(批评的)thinkingtotheinformationtheyconsume.Currently,thereisapushintheUStoincludeInternetinformat ionclassesintoprimaryandsecondaryschoolcurriculums.Themovement,whichhasreceivedsomesupp ort,aimstomakefact-checkingseemlikesecondnaturetoindividualsatanearlyage.Primaryandsecondaryschoolaresupposedtobesupplyingstudentswiththeskillstheyneedtodevelopinto productive,informedmembersofoursociety.Asoursocietydevelops,thecurriculumweareteachingours tudentsneedtodevelopaswell.Weneedtogofurtherandalsoinstructouryouthononlineinformationlitera cy(识读).TheInternetisanamazingtool,buttouseitmosteffectivelywehavetoacceptitsbenefitswhilealsoundersta ndingthewaysinwhichitmakesusvulnerable.Ifstudentsarestilllearningdatedpracticessuchaswritingin school,shouldn'ttheybelearninghowtoconsumetheInternetresponsiblyaswell?1.Whatmakesitdifficulttodistinguishfakefromrealnews?A.Theconstantchangeincurrentbeliefs.B.Theinfluenceofdifferentexperts'beliefs.C.Theeasyandpeacefullifeofmodempeople.D.Thelargeamountofconflictinginformation.2.WhatdocurrentInternetinformationclassesfocuson?A.Buildingstrongbeliefsinstudents.B.Inspiringhumannatureinstudents.C.Developingstudents'criticalthinking.D.TeachingthebasicsofInternetinformation.3.Whyshouldwemakechangestostudents'curriculums?A.Toreformtraditionalwaysofeducation.B.Toseeknewapproachestoearlyeducation.C.Tomakeadjustmentsforfuturedevelopment.D.Tomakeroomforindividualizeddevelopment.4.Whichofthefollowingcanbeasuitabletitleforthetext?A.WeShouldTeachMediaLiteracyinSchoolB.SchoolEducationRequiresEvolutionC.SeekAccurateOnlineContentEarlyD.FakeNewsIsontheRise5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
江西省赣州市博雅文2024学年高考全国统考预测密卷英语试卷注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.It’s certainly hard work.But, a man who wishes to have a career has to make a great many sacrifices.A.on the contrary B.in addition C.on the other hand D.in that case2.It was ______ we were returning home ______ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble. A.when; before B.when; thatC.before; where D.how; that3.________ terrible, the medicine was thrown away by the child.A.Tasted B.TastingC.To taste D.Being tasted4.The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier _______.A.to be understood B.understood C.understanding D.to understand5.—Do you know our town at all?—Surely, this is the third time I ________ here.A.came B.come C.have come D.am coming6.The Games are known as the friendly games because of their ________ on kindness and mutual respect.A.lacks B.focusesC.challenges D.researches7.________ left the door unlocked must be held responsible for the accident.A.Whomever B.WhoeverC.Whatever D.Whenever8.—Could you tell me the____ of making such tasty cakes?— Well, I just follow the directons in the cookbook.A.feature B.plan C.cost D.trick9.I think you’ve got to the point a change is needed , otherwise you’ll fail .A.when B.which C.where D.there10.--- I’m afraid the company will not hire me.--- Come on, Bill, relax! You have a lot of experience and fine references and your college work is ideal background for them. ______________A.It'll be no sweat. B.All good things come to an end.C.Words pay no debts. D.Don't give me any jaw.11.New energy-sharing projects _____ in dozens of cities across the country to fuel China’s sharing economy in the next few years.A.are to carry out B.are being carried outC.were carried out D.will have been carried out12.Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or____________ it is convenient to you. A.wherever B.howeverC.whichever D.whenever13.-- It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.--- That’s right._____________.A.Many hands make light work B.Something is better than nothingC.The more the merrier D.The sooner begin, the sooner done14.The movie couldn’t be more boring.I wis h I ________ to it.A.had not been B.have not beenC.did not go D.have not gone15.Father made a promise______________ I did well in the entrance exam, he would take me to Hong Kong in the summer vacation.A.if that B.ifC.that if D.that16.Y ou look frozen.Sit down by the fire and I you some hot tea.A.make B.was making C.made D.will make17.__________him not to do so, he wouldn’t have made such a serious mistake.A.Did I persuade B.If I persuadeC.If I should persuade D.Had I persuaded18.Kate was very sad over loss of the photos she had shot in China, ____this was a memory she especially treasured. A.if B.whenC.as D.which19.An old lady came to the bus stop only the bus had gone.A.to run ; to find B.running;to find C.and ran ; finding D.running; finding20.The Oxford English Dictionary is necessary for learning English, so you'd better buy ___.A.this B.that C.it D.one第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
冲刺卷3-2023年高考仿真模拟 英语卷(试题版)(全国乙卷)
![冲刺卷3-2023年高考仿真模拟 英语卷(试题版)(全国乙卷)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fcda9aff64ce0508763231126edb6f1aff0071ba.png)
2023年高考英语考试冲刺卷03 (全国乙卷)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
听完每段I 对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.Which color hair does the missing girl have?A.Red.B.Black.C.Brown.2.What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Be thankful.B.Be positive.C.Be helpful.3.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a café.B.In a library.C.In a bookshop.4.What time is it now?A.8:05 p.m.B.8:00 p.m.C.7:55 p.m.5.What might bother the man?A.His dieting.B.His weight.C.His schedule.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What problem does the woman have?A.She is hungry.B.She feels tired.C.She hurt her eyes.7.What does the man offer to do?A.Fix the computer.B.Take care of the kids.C.Make a meal.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
2020年全国高考抢分仿真卷(新课标卷)英语(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
AHomestay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.What to ExpectThe host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.Accommodation ZonesHomestays are located in London mainly in Zones 2, 3 and of the transport system. Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential (居住的). Zones 3 and 4 often offer larger accommodation in a less crowded area. It is very convenient to travel in London by Underground.Meal Plans Available◆Continental Breakfast◆Breakfast and Dinner◆Breakfast, Packed Lunch and DinnerIt’s important to note that few English families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal (谷物类食品), bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinnersusually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by desert, fruit and coffee.FriendsIf you wish to invite a friend over to visit, you must first ask your host’s permission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion of their privacy.Self-Catering Accommodation in Private HomesAccommodation on a room-only basis includes shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room. This kind of accommodation offers an independent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student. However, it does not provide the same family atmosphere as an ordinary homestay and may not benefit those who need to practise English at home quite as much.1. The passage is probably written for ________.A. host willing to receive foreign studentsB. foreigners hoping to build British cultureC. travelers planning to visit families in LondonD. English learners applying to live in English homes2. Which of the following will the host provide?A. Room cleaning.B. Medical care.C. Free transport.D. Physical training.3. According to the passage, what does Continental Breakfast include?A. Dessert and coffee.B. Fruit and vegetables.C. Bread and fruit juice.D. Centre and cold meat.BI recently heard a story from Stephen Glenn about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs. He was being interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he thought he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from others?He responded that, in his opinion, it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about two years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip (紧握) on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor — a real sea of milk!When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge (海绵), a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.His mother then said, “You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two t iny hands. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!This famous scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment “doesn’t work,” we usually learn something valuable from it.4. The passage is intended to _________.A. introduce the life story of a famous scientistB. compare the different ways of family educationC. reveal the secret of the scientist’s successD. inspire the parents to improve their teaching methods5. From the passage, we can know that Robert _________.A. was very naughty when he was twoB. was so working hard as to succeedC. owes a lot to his education from his motherD. has made some great contributions to physics research6. On seeing the spoiled milk, what did the mother do firstly?A. She comforted his son.B. She cleaned the floor.C. She taught how to grasp the bottle.D. She gave the boy a lecture.7. What can we learn from the short passage?A. Children should persuade their parents to treat them well.B. We needn’t be scared of making mistakes in life.C. Good education is necessary for children.D. We should learn something from life.CThe Success PersonalityIs there a “success personality” — some winning combination of qualities that leads almost inevitably (必然地) to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula, and can anyone develop it?At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, probing (探查) the attitudes of 1500 prominent (杰出的) people selected at random from Who’s Who in America. Our research finds out a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is common sense.Common sense is the most general quality possessed by our respondents (受访者). Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that common sense was very important in contributing to their success.To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to sweep aside extra ideas and get right to the core of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way: “The key ability for success is simplifying. In conducting of meeting and dealing with industry, reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.”Is common sense a quality a person is born wi th, or can you do something to increase it? The oil man’s answer is that common sense can definitely be developed.He attributes his to learning how to debate in school. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their — and your own — mistakes.Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field, self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. But common sense stands out. If you develop these qualities, you’ll succeed. And you might even find yourself listed in Who’s Who someday.8. It can be known from the passage that W ho’s Who _________.A. is a very useful book telling us how to succeedB. is a book providing us with information about the family life of some famous peopleC. is a book providing us with names and brief biographies of the top successful peopleD. is a book from which we can find out the names of different peoples in the world9. According to the author, common sense _________.A. is something that enables one to form correct opinionsB. is a popular quality a person is born withC. is something that common people like bestD. is a quality that is possessed by common people10. It can be inferred from the passage that a successful businessman _________.A. tries to get experience through practiceB. pays attention to the essence of a problem when he tries to solve itC. keeps on learning in order to be successfulD. has strong willpower, extensive interest and intelligence11. The passage is mainly concerned with _________.A. organizational ability and good work habitsB. the way to obtain big profits and achieve fame and successC. knowledge and interest which are primary to successD. what successful people have in commonDBeauty has always been regarded as something admirable. Almost everyone thinks that attractive people are happier and healthier; they have better marriages and have more respectable jobs. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive persons. But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability.While attractiveness is a positive thing for a man’s rise, it is harmful to a woman’s. H andsome male executives were considered as having more honesty than plainer men; effort and ability were thought to be the reasons for their success. Attractive female executives were considered to have less honesty than unattractive ones; their success was attributed not to ability but to factors such as luck. All unattractive women executives were thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives.Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman is thought to be more feminine (有女人味的) and an attractive man more masculine (男子气概的) than the less attractive ones. Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally masculine position appear s to lack the “masculine” qualities required.This is true even in politics. Anne Bowman recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates. She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women, in order of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote for them.The results showed that attractive males completely defeated unattractive men, but the woman who had been ranked most attractive always received the fewest votes.12. In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness _________.A. strengthens the feminine qualities requiredB. makes women look more honest and capableC. is of great importance to womenD. often enables women to succeed quickly13. Bowman’s experiment shows that when it comes to politics, attractiveness _________.A. turns out to be an obstacle to menB. affects men and women alikeC. has as little effect on men as on womenD. is more of an obstacle than a benefit to women14. Attractiveness is a positive thing for a man’s promotion because _________.A. handsome men are born with the ability to succeedB. handsome men are thought to be more diligent, capable and honestC. handsome men’s success is as a result of good luckD. handsome men are often thought to be more positive and optimistic15. The author writes this passage to _________.A. discuss the negative aspects of being attractiveB. give advice to job-seekers who are attractiveC. demand equal rights for womenD. emphasize the importance of appearance第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年高考英语考前热身卷及答案解析04(总16页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--2020年高考英语考前热身卷(全国卷)04英语(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
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AWhile smartphones stand accused of. variety of crimes, these pocket computers can certainly be a force for good. Your phone is always with you, making it the perfect device to push you into a more beneficial way of living. Here are some of the best apps that can help.HabiticaHabitica turns the goal of forming good habits into a game, with its own characters and scoring. It's a lot of fun. and the app also lets you build habits with friends and family. In addition to regular repeating habits, you can adda more general to-do list, and the rewards you get can be customized too----- you could treat yourself to a meal out or an extra hour of games.Smoke Free1f you've got a specific habit in mind, then you'll usually find specific apps to help, like Smoke Free. If you're determined to give up smoking, then this is one of the most comprehensive apps for giving you that extra push you need to make a permanent change. The app offers a host of useful features to people wanting to go smoke free the ability to see your progress over time. charts showing how yourhealth is improving, day- by day encouragement, and some advice on techniques for giving up smoking.MyFitnessPalYou can find tons of health and fitness apps for your phone, but MyFinessPal stands out no just because it is easy to use, but because it makes practical suggestions for you. It can take in host of data, from the calories (卡路里)you're taking in to the number of swims you're doing per week, and offer reports on calorie consumption and macronutrient (大量营养素) breakdown.1. What can Habitica help you to do?A. Win a tough game.B. Start a lasting friendship.C. Find a fancy restaurant.D. Develop a pleasant habit.2. Which of the flowing can Smoke Free provide?A. The freedom to smoke.B. The ability to make progress.C. Advice on how to quit smoking.D. Charts about your excellent health.3. What can we learn about the three apps mentioned in the text?A. They’re cheap.B. They’re practical.C. They’re free.D. They’re interesting.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了三款在日常生活中很实用的手机软件。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.They overcame some difficulties and completed the work ahead of time, ________ was something we had not expected.A.that B.whichC.it D.what2.--It took me eight years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.--Well, you know what they say. .A.There is no smoke without fire B.No pains, no gainsC.All roads lead to Rome D.Practice makes perfect3.When tension ________ in a relationship between two people, a frequent way of dealing with this is to send messages through a third person.A.arouses B.arises C.rises D.raises4.—— How did you find your trip to Water Park in the summer of 2016?——I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ________ than I expected.A.even much interesting B.far more interestingC.so far interesting D.far from interesting5.________ by many potential customers, the salesman had to gather his courage and sell the product in different ways.A. Having denied B.DenyingC.Being denied D.Having been denied6.Sympathy for the rebels, the government claimed, is beginning to ______because of more and more harm they did to common people.A.fade B.decline C.fail D.collapse7.___the safety of gas, the government has checked the city’s gas supply system thoroughly.A.To ensure B.EnsuringC.Having ensured D.To have ensured8.Though a farmer, Zhu zhiwen has became a huge success as a singer, whose story is really ________ of great inspiration.A.everything B.nothing C.the one D.one9.— How can I wake up so early?—Set the alarm at 5:00 am., you will make it.A.and B.butC.or D.so10.We have brought in a good grain harvest for three years_________.A.on purpose B.on end C.on duty D.on watch11.There was also a wallet sitting inside the car with a lot of money ______.A.reaching out B.sticking out C.picking out12.I wish I ________ her the ne ws and then she wouldn’t be worried now.A.don’t tell B.didn’t tellC.haven’t told D.hadn’t told13.My friend warned me ______ going to the East Coast because it was crowded with tourists.A.by B.against C.on D.for14.Y ou didn’t let me drive. If we ________ by turns, you ________ so tired.A.drove; didn’t get B.drove; wouldn’t getC.were driving; wouldn’t get D.had driven; wouldn’t have got15.Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ____.A.who is he B.who he isC.who is it D.who it is16.Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of film _________ is bad fortheir mental development. A.as B.whatC.which D.that17.After the argument Colin ran away and______since.A.Isn’t heard of B.wasn’t heard ofC.hasn’t been heard of D.hadn’t been heard of18.She then took the little key, and opened it, trembling, but could not at first see anything ________, because the windows were shut.A.plainly B.closely C.firmly D.frequently19.David didn’t attend his daughter’s graduation ceremony, but he does wish he there.A.should be B.would beC.had been D.were20.So far, only one man has ________ a theory that seems to fit all the facts.A.come up with B.put up withC.lined up with D.caught up with第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
1. When will the military parade in Beijing start?A. In 15 minutes.B. In 20 minutes.C. In half an hour.2. What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Visit her sister.B. Go to Wang anshi Museum.C. Help with her sister’s study.3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. T he man’s Apple watch.B. The man’s brother.C. The man’s birthday.4. What was the weather like in Australia then?A. Rainy.B. Nice.C. Terrible.5. Where does the conversation take place?A. at a market.B. in a police office.C. at a bank.第二节听下面5 段对话或独白。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
(4)阅读理解-健康环保类——2023年高考英语真题模拟试题专项汇编一、【2023年新高考全国II卷】As cities balloon with growth, access to nature for people living in urban areas is becoming harder to find. If you’re lucky, there might be a pocket park near where you live, but it’s unusual to find places in a city that are relatively wild.Past research has found health and wellness benefits of nature for humans, but a new study shows that wildness in urban areas is extremely important for human well-being.The research team focused on a large urban park. They surveyed several hundred park-goers, asking them to submit a written summary online of a meaningful interaction they had with nature in the park. The researchers then examined these submissions, coding(编码) experiences into different categories. For example, one participant’s experience of "We sat and listened to the waves at the beach for a while" was assigned the categories “sitting at beach” and “listening to waves.”Across the 320 submissions, a pattern of categories the researchers call a “nature language” began to emerge. After the coding of all submissions, half a dozen categories were noted most often as important to visitors. These include encountering wildlife, walking along the edge of water, and following an established trail.Naming each nature experience creates a usable language, which helps people recognize and take part in the activities that are most satisfying and meaningful to them. For example, the experience of walking along the edge of water might be satisfying for a young professional on a weekend hike in the park. Back downtown during a workday, they can enjoy a more domestic form of this interaction by walking along a fountain on their lunch break."We’re trying to generate a language that helps bring the human-nature interactions back into our daily lives. And for that to happen, we also need to protect nature so that we can interact with it," said Peter Kahn, a senior author of the study.1.What phenomenon does the author describe at the beginning of the text?A. Pocket parks are now popular.B. Wild nature is hard to find in cities.C. Many cities are overpopulated.D. People enjoy living close to nature.2.Why did the researchers code participant submissions into categories?A. To compare different types of park-goers.B. To explain why the park attracts tourists.C. To analyze the main features of the park.D. To find patterns in the visitors’ summaries.3.What can we learn from the example given in paragraph 5?A. Walking is the best way to gain access to nature.B. Young people are too busy to interact with nature.C. The same nature experience takes different forms.D. The nature language enhances work performance.4.What should be done before we can interact with nature according to Kahn?A. Language study.B. Environmental conservation.C. Public education.D. Intercultural communication.二、【2023年全国甲卷】Grizzly bears, which may grow to about 2.5m long and weigh over 400kg, occupy a conflicted corner of the American psyche-we revere(敬畏) them even as they give us frightening dreams. Ask the tourists from around the world that flood into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see, and the iranswer is often the same: a grizzly bear."Grizzly bears are re-occupying large areas of their former range," says bear biologist Chris Servheen. As grizzly bears expand their range into places where they haven't been seen in a century or more, they're increasingly being sighted by humans.The western half of the U.S. was full of grizzlies when Europeans came, with a rough number of 50,000 or more living alongside Native Americans. By the early 1970s, after centuries of cruel and continuous hunting by settlers, 600 to 800 grizzlies remained on a mere 2 percent of their former range in the Northern Rockies. In 1975, grizzlies were listed under the Endangered Species Act.Today, there are about 2,000 or more grizzly bears in the U.S. Their recovery has been so successful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has twice attempted to de-list grizzlies, which would loosen legal protections and allow them to be hunted. Both efforts were overturned due to lawsuits from conservation groups. For now, grizzlies remain listed.Obviously, if precautions(预防) aren't taken, grizzlies can become troublesome, sometimes killing farm animals or walking through yards in search of food. If people remove food and attractants from their yards and campsites, grizzlies will typically pass by without trouble. Putting electric fencing around chicken houses and other farm animal quarters is also highly effective at getting grizzlies away. "Our hope is to have a clean, attractant-free place where bears can pass through without learning bad habits," says James Jonkel, longtime biologist who manages bears in and around Missoula.5.How do Americans look at grizzlies?A. They cause mixed feelings in people.B. They should be kept in national parks.C. They are of high scientific value.D. They are a symbol of American culture.6.What has helped the increase of the grizzly population?A. The European settlers' behavior.B. The expansion of bears' range.C. The protection by law since 1975.D. The support of Native Americans.7.What has stopped the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service from de-listing grizzlies?A. The opposition of conservation groups.B. The successful comeback of grizzlies.C. The voice of the biologists.D. The local farmers' advocates.8.What can be ierere from the last paragraph?A. Food should be provided for grizzlies.B. People can live in harmony with grizzlies.C. A special path should be built for grizzlies.D. Technology can be introduced to protect grizzlies.三、【2023年安徽临泉模拟】It was a sight you don't normally see: a jellyfish lying dead in the middle of a parking lot partly flooded in water. But this was no ordinary parking lot. This particular section downtown Annapolis, Maryland, is among a growing number of areas easily affected by frequent high-tide flooding in the seaside town.High-tide floods, also known as sunny-day floods, occur when tides reach anywhere from 1. 75 to 2 feet above the daily average high tide and start spilling onto streets. These floods are usually not related to storms. The typically occur during high tides. The gravitational pull of the Moon drives the tides. Winds can also influence how high the tides come in. Then there are the climate patterns like El Nino(厄尔尼诺现象), which lead to higher-than-normal sea levels along both the U.S. East and West coasts. And, of course, the most powerful driver is sea level rise itself. Because of rising seas driven by climate change, the frequency of this kind of flood has dramatically increased in recent years. The ocean is rising at about 3. 3 millimeters, or 0.13 inches a year, mostly due to the melting of land-based ice and the heated expansion of ocean water, according to NASA.Defenses are built in response to the high-tide floods. Half a mile up the road from Downtown Annapolis, the U.S. Naval Academy is beating back water: a seawall built alongside the river, flood walls protecting campus buildings, and classroom floors and walls made of concrete or painted cinder block—materials more resistant to flooding than carpet, wood and drywall. Still, David Kriebel, a professor of ocean engineering at the U. S. Naval Academy, said, the water is rising fast, and much of this flood protection will only last for a few decades.At that point, additional measures will have to be taken. "You can build walls, you can add inflow preventers and you can protect areas that are worth protecting, but eventually, water's going to find its way through the holes," he said. "You're not really meant to hold back the tides."9.What is the function of the first paragraph?A. To introduce the main topic.B. To share an unusual finding.C. To warn people to protect animals.D. To make a phenomenon convincing.10.Which of the following contributes most to the increase of high-tide floods?A.Winds.B. Climate change.C.Moon's gravity.D. Certain climate patterns.11.What does David Kriebel feel about the situation in a few decades?A. CuriousB.UncertainC.ConfidentD.Worried12.What's the suitable title for the text?A. The Future World: Worth the WaitB. Climate Crisis: Solutions on the WayC. Rising Waters: Beating Back the TidesD. Downtown Annapolis: Emerged under Water四、【2023年四川绵阳模拟】For some people, October is October. On October 5, Katmai National Park and Preserve in southern Alaska kicked off Fat Bear Week, when fans compare before and after photos of bears to vote for the one they think has gained the most weight before they bed down for the long freezing winter. Bear 747, also known as "Bear Force One", took the first-place spot with 68,105 votes. It weighed around 1,400 pounds.Fat Bear Week started in 2014. At first, it was just Fat Bear Tuesday. Mike Fitz, a former park keeper at Katmai, noticed that live webcams showing the bears generated a lot of online comments, so he let people vote for their favorite fat bear on the Internet. The one-day event attracted 1, 700votes. In 2015, it was extended to a week. Last year, nearly 800,000 people got involved, turning it into a global campaign.The contest serves two main purposes. First, some of America's national parks are in remote and undeveloped areas, which are difficult or costly to reach. Fat Bear Week brings Alaska's wilderness to fans' computer screens. "It's not limited to the fortunate few who can go to the river anymore." Fitz said.Second, Fat Bear Week brings attention to the bears and the ecosystems they live in. The2,200 bears of Katmai are strong for feeding on some of the healthiest salmon(三文鱼) in the world, said Sara Wolman, a former park keeper. Salmon in the Pacific Northwest are suffering from overfishing, dam construction and warming rivers due to climate change. Luckily, Brooks River, which Katmai's bears like to fish in, has been free from these threats so far.Fat Bear Week has spread like viruses. Fans and creators say it's because it shows a conservation success story. For one week, people don't have to focus on climate change or habitat loss. "Maybe things aren't super great all the time in the world," said Felicia Jimenez, who is a current Katmai keeper. "But there are some really fat bears in Alaska."13.Why was Bear 747 the winner?A. It was the heaviest.B. It was the most famous.C. It gained the most pounds.D. It presented the best photos.14.What is the purpose of paragraph 2?A. To praise Mike Fitz for his work.B.To review the history of the event.C. To show the popularity of fat bears.D. To explain the role of live webcams.15.What can we learn about Katmai's bears?A. They bring tourists to the park.B. They have a stable food source.C.They remain difficult to be seen.D. They face a population decline.16.Which can be the best title for the text?A. Fat Bear Week: Conservation Is JoyfulB. Brown Bears: Winter Survival Is CrucialC. Bear 747: A Fat Yet Healthy ChampionD. Katmai's Bears: A Special Beauty Contest五、【2023年山西三晋模拟】The Dead Sea is an amazing wonder of the world: the lowest exposed spot on Earth, where the water is so full of salt that bathers float right to the top.But today the Dead Sea is drying up, and its banks are collapsing. The water level is dropping close to 4 feet every year. The main part of the lake is now around 950 feet deep—about 15% shallower, and a third of the surface area, compared to its shape half a century ago."You've seen a living disaster in front of your eyes," says Jake Ben Zaken, an Israeli who says he operates the only passenger boats on the Dead Sea.As the lake recedes, it changes the landscape around it in both beautiful and harmful ways. Beautiful salt formations are revealed where the water dries up. But there are also terrible scenes of beaches and parking lots swallowed up by sinkholes along the shore.Solutions have been proposed to replenish(填满) the Dead Sea, but no significant action has been taken to prevent its further destruction. Climate change makes recovery of the lake seem even further out of reach.The Dead Sea is a landlocked lake that's partly in Jordan, Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank. The lake—named the Dead Sea because it contains too much salt and is not suitable for aquatic(水生的) life—has been drying up for decades."It's a human-made problem," say environmental researchers and officials. In a region where water is rare, Israel, Jordan and Syria in the last several decades have diverted(改道) the freshwater sources that feed the Dead Sea, for drinking water and irrigation. Plus, Israeli and Jordanian companies evaporate(蒸发). Dead Sea water to harvest its rich minerals for export. The part of the lake with Israeli hotels, a popular spot for tourists to float in Dead Sea water, is actually an artificial evaporation pool in the lake's southern basin.17.How deep was the main part of the Dead Sea 50 years ago probably?A.About 800 feet.B.About 1,000 feet.C.About 1,100 feet.D.About 1,300 feet.18.What does the underlined word “recedes” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Goes up.B.Gets popular.C.Flows over.D.Becomes smaller.19.What's the last paragraph mainly about?A.The solutions to the problem.B.The future of the Dead Sea.C.The reasons for the problem.D.The situation of the Dead Sea.20.Which is the most suitable title for the text?A.The Dead Sea Is DyingB.The Dead Sea Is RecoveringC.The Dead Sea—a Salty Lake with MineralsD.The Dead Sea—a Place for Tourists to Float六、【2023年江西上饶模拟】Around the world, rivers seem to be raging. While catastrophic flooding of Pakistan's rivers has left tens of millions without homes, a drought unseen for 500 years has squeezed Europe's major waterways almost dry. There is little disagreement about what's going on: climate change is causing both rainfall and droughts to intensify. The question now is how to manage those climate-changed waterways and, specifically, what role dams should play in fighting against the kinds of disasters.Advocates say water storage dams will become more essential to mitigate extreme waterflows by absorbing water during flooding and releasing it in times of drought. Dams, they say, can help combat climate change by producing renewable hydropower(水力发电) that is cleaner than fossil fuel energy.However, criticisms have long centered on the negative impact most dams have on biodiversity and river ecosystems. Not only do the vast amounts of concrete used to build large dams leave huge carbon footprints, there is also much evidence that greenhouse gas emissions from dams are often far greater than previously thought. Increasingly a scientific case is also being made that dams actually worsen both floods and droughts.Now, more dam developers are turning to "run-of-river" technology, in which the river's water flows continuously through a hydropower station without a reservoir(水库) to store it. Such projects are generally considered more environmentally friendly, but they do not allow for water to be managed according to weather conditions.Then there are those who say we should stay away from dams, and look for ways using nature-based solutions. Many ecologists say that protecting wetlands, for example, should be a priority, since those ecosystems act as natural sponges(海绵) for floodwaters within a river basin. "We have turned river basins into economic machines that only serve people and not nature, and this creates more problems, like droughts and flooding," says Herman Wanningen, the founder of the advocacy group Dam Removal Europe. "We have to learn to cooperate with nature and not against it anymore."21.What does the underlined word mitigate refer to in prara 2?A. Ease.B. Motivate.C.Block.D.Store.22.Why do critics oppose the construction of dams?A. It needs a large amount of concrete.B. It destroys local ecosystem.C. It may produce negetive effect.D. It gives off harmful gases.23.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Dams have long lost their storage function.B. The starting point of our solution should serve nature.C. Flooding and droughts can help promote economy.D. Protecting wetland is a once-and-for-all solution.24.What's the best title for the text?A. Dams' Traditional Role: Pros and Cons.B. Disaster Relief: Working with Nature.C. Building More Dams: A Way Out?D. Worsening Climate Change: Take Action!七、【2023年山西高三模拟】Conifers(针叶树)are generally better than broad-leaved trees at purifying air from pollutants. But deciduous(落叶的)trees may be better at taking in particle-bound pollution .A new study led by the University of Gorbenburg shows that the best trees for air purification depend on the type of pollutants involvedTrees and other greenery in cities provide many benefits that are important for the well- being of residents. Leaves and needles on trees filter air pollutants and reduce exposure to poisonous substances in the air. But which trees purify the air most effectively? Researchers from the University of Gothenburg have collected leaves and needles from eleven different trees growing in the same place in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden (GBG) to analyse which substances they have absorbed.“This tree collection provides a unique opportunity to test many different species of trees with similar environmental conditions and exposure to air pollutants," said Jenny Klingberg, a researcher of the GBG.A total of 32 different pollutants were analysed, some of which are bound to particles of various sizes. Others are gaseous. This project has focused on PAHs(多环芳烃).In cities. traffic is the biggest source of these pollutants, which are released due to incomplete burning in engines.“Our analyses show that different species of trees have different abilities to absorb air pollutants. Conifers generally absorb more gaseous PAHs than broad-leaved trees. Another advantage of conifers is that they also act as air purifiers in winter, when air pollution is usually at its highest," said Jenny Klingberg."This study contributes to improving our understanding of the ability of trees to clean the air and which species are best at absorbing air pollutants," said Jenny Klingberg. This knowledge is important for urban planning when designing sustainable cities. While trees and greenery can contribute to better air quality in eities at-the-and of the day, the most-important measure is to reduce emissions.25.Which is the determining factor in choosing the most suitable trees to purify air?A. Air quality.B. Geographical location.C. The height of plants.D. The kind of pollutants.26.Why did the researchers collect leaves and needles from GBG?A. To compare their shapes.B. To create a tree collection.C. To figure out what they absorb.D. To display them on exhibition.27.What may cause more PAHs to be released?A. Fuel vehicles.B. Electric engines.C. Traffic accidents.D. Complete burning.28.What is the most effective way to better air quality in cities?A. Decreasing emissions.B. Planting more conifers.C. Raising public awareness.D. Designing sustainable cities.八、【2023年海南东方模拟】Not only does the use of plastic water bottles hurt your wallet, it also increases pollution and wastes energy and water. Only 23% of all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin, meaning over $1 billion worth of plastic is treated as rubbish a year. Recently, Skipping Rocks Lab has invented a kind of water bottle called Ooho.It is a convenient, clear water bottle that can either be drunken or eaten. To drink it, you can either peel off the membrane(薄膜) or tear a hole in the membrane with your teeth to pour the water into your mouth. To eat it, you simply put the whole bottle in your mouth. One problem the scientists have run into is how to ship large amounts of Ooho bubbles(水泡) without arriving with a very wet truck. However, they have attempted to package units of individual bubbles together inside a larger and thicker membrane. It is targeting large outdoor events, such as marathons, music festivals, and sporting events, where tons of plastic bottles are used, and frequently left behind as litter. And too much plastic is sure to do harm to the environment, which could account for their purpose of such a new invention.The team has been working for the past two years to develop the technology and materials needed to produce Ooho; they have recently applied a patent for their new advancements. The price for an individual bubble or a unit of bubbles has not been set yet, but they cost about two cents to create a unit, which is cheaper than plastic bottles. It has appeared at events in London, San Francisco, Boston, at conferences, festivals, and so on.Ooho is catching many people’s attention and has raised over $1 million and gained 1,000 investors in only three days. It is mostly being sold at events at the moment to keep the consumer’s interest while the production machine is getting up and running. It is quicklymaking a rise, so keep an eye out this year for these bottles of the future.29.How is most plastic dealt with in America?A. It’s sold.B. It’s recycled.C. It’s buried.D. It’s wasted.30.Why did the team invent Ooho?A. To make a profit for a company.B. To protect the environtnent.C. To make people eat as they drink.D. To reduce the cost of plastic bottle.31.What can we infer about Ooho from the text?A. It is easy and safe to ship it in large amounts.B. It has become popular since it began to be sold.C. It might be sold at a lower price than plastic bottles.D. It cost the team a lot of money to develop the technology.32.What does the author really want to say in the last paragraph?A. Ooho is to be a success in the future.B. Ooho is being supported by smart people.C. Ooho is taking the place of plastic bottles now.D. Ooho is being produced to attract more investors.九、【2023年安徽高三模拟】The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short trip from camp. On the plain (平原), we can just see many wild animals. This is why we're here to observe Tibetan antelopes.Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang and Qinghai.Watch them move slowly across the green grass. I'm attracted by the lovely animals.I'm also reminded of the danger they are in. They are being killed for their valuable fur.My guide Zhaxi works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve. The reserve is a place for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet. To Zhaxi, protesting the wildlife is a way of life."We're not tying to save the animals.” he says,"Actually, we're trying to save ourselves."Between the 1980s and 1990s, the population of the Tibetan antelope dropped by over 50 percent. People were shooting antelopes to make profits. Their living places were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built.In order to save the animals, the Chinese government placed them under national protection. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.The measures were effective. The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015.theTibetan antelope was removed from the list of animals in danger. The government, however,does not intend to stop the protection programs, since the threats (威胁) to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.Much is being done to protect wildlife but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life. We can stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet only when we learn to exist in peace with nature.A.breathe fresh air in TibetB.enjoy the scene in TibetC.learn the history of TibetD.observe Tibetan antelopes34.Where does Zhaxi work? ( )A.In Tibet.B.In XinjiangC.In Qinghai.D.In Sichuan35.What happened to the Tibetan antelope between the 1980s and 1990s? ( )A.Tibetan antelopes were well protected.B.Tibetan antelopes population droppedC.Tibetan antelopes lived in peace with peopleD.Tibetan antelopes destroyed new roads and railways,elessB.basicC.successfulD.simple37.What's the purpose of the text? ( )A.To kill the Tibetan antelope.B.To study the Tibetan antelope.C.To watch the Tibetan antelope.D.To protect the Tibetan antelope.十、【2023年陕西咸阳模拟】Biologists are becoming more and more concerned that global climate change will probably reduce biodiversity. Some biologists estimate that 35% of animals and plants could become extinct in the wild by 2050 due to global climate change. Before the industrial revolution, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rarely climbed above 280 ppm; but during the 2014 calendar year, carbon dioxide levels ascended to 402 ppm.In the fall of 2014, the National Audubon Society released a report entitled Birds and Climate Change. It is a comprehensive, first-of-its kind study that predicts how climate change could affect the ranges of 588 North American birds. Of the 588 North American bird species, more than half are likely to be in trouble. The National Audubon Society's models indicate that 314 species will lose more than 50 percent of their current climatic range by 2080. Of the 314 species at risk from global warming, 126 of them are classified as climate endangered. Thesebirds are projected to lose more than 50 percent of their current range by 2050. The other 188 species are classified as climate threatened and expected to lose more than 50 percent of their current range by 2080 if global warming continues at its current pace.In January 2020, two widely reported studies were carried out to show the dramatic impact of climate disruption on our wildlife and fisheries along the California coast. The first study showed that from 2014 to 2016, over a million common murres from Alaska through California died as a result of a marine heat wave. The second study shows that acid rainfall caused by carbon emissions is harming shell-building animals in the ocean. The study found that larval Dungeness crabs' shells suffer damage in west coast seawater, putting at risk the most profitable fishery in California and a beloved local seafood.These newly documented impacts provide more evidence that we are running out of time to take action by drastically reducing our use of fossil fuels in order to slow the rate of climate disruption and to give birds and other animals more time to adapt.Visit our How You Can Help Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions page to learn what you can do to help protect these species at risk from climate disruption.38.What does “ascended” underlined in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Reduced.B.Rose.C. Fell.D. Appeared.39.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. The report on the human society.B.The reason of global warming.C.The disappearance of the birds.D. The influence of climate change.40.What can we learn about the two studies from Paragraph 3?A.They both had a big effect on humans.B. Many murres were killed by heat wave.C. Crabs' shells are local people's favorite.D. Acid rain caused most carbon emission.41.Where is this text probably taken from?A. A science website.B. An art magazine.C.A history book.D. A diet newspaper.。
2020年高考英语模拟预测卷(全国1卷) 含答案
![2020年高考英语模拟预测卷(全国1卷) 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8d1650c12e3f5727a5e962a8.png)
4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。
AThailand's southern beaches attract travelers with their clean water and dramatic cliffs (峭壁), but there's more to explore in this Southeast Asian country.Lopburi for history buffsBypass the tour groups at the ancient city of Ayutthaya and head two hours north of the capital, Bangkok, for a peaceful walk through Thai history. Lopburi, one of Thailand's oldest cities, boasts Khmer-era temples and the uncrowded ruins of King Narai's Palace, which was built in the 1600s. It's also known for the monkeys that gather at Phra Prang Sam Yot temple in the center of town.Ban Krut for beach bumsIn Ban Krut, travelers will find one of the cleanest and quietest stretches of white sandy beach within driving distance of Bangkok. This sleepy seaside community, known mostly by locals, is afive-hour drive or six-hour train trip down the Gulf of Thailand. Don't miss the magnificent Wat Tang Sai, a huge, fairy tale castle-like Buddhist temple.Cave for holiday hikersHiking trails, wetlands and forests make Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park a weekend adventure worthy of topping your Thailand to-do list. The park's crown jewel is the extraordinary Phraya Nakhon Cave. Come early to catch the picturesque chamber flooded with morning sunshine that spotlights the royal pavilion that sits inside.River Kwai for nature loversMost visitors come for the beaches, but the rivers and parks in Thailand's Kanchanaburi province have much to offer. Scenic trails and waterfalls abound in Sai Yok and Erawan national parks. Just two hours from Bangkok is the bridge made famous in the book Bridge over the River Kwai by French author, Pierre Boulle, and the 1957 Academy Award-winning 1957 film adaptation of the same name. Stay on the river at one of Kanchanaburi's many floating hotels, where you can travel to your front door.1.From which of the following can you learn more about Thai history?A.Ban Krut B.KanchanaburiC.Phraya Nakhon Cave D.Lopburi2.What can tourists do in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park?A.Visit temples. B.Meet lovely monkeys.C.Go hiking. D.Go to the beach.3.What can we know from the passage?A.River Kwai was made famous by a book and a filmB.Tourists can stay at the floating hotels on River Kwai.C.Most visitors visit Thailand for rivers and parksD.Travellers can find Khmer-era temples in Ban Krut.BAlaska state officials are hosting Walmart executives in the state capital this week in an effort to resolve a months-old argument over Alaskan salmon fisheries’ sustainability qualifications.The seeds of the quarrel were planted several years ago when several Alaskan fisheries decided to end their relationship with the Marine Stewardship Council—the famous global organization that states and proves the truthfulness of sustainable fishing—to seek out other means assuring customers of their sustainable practices. But last June, Walmart told Alaskan fisheries that it would not be buying salmon sourced from fisheries not certified by the Marine Stewardship Council.Now Walmart is caught between two forces–Alaska fisheries and “buy American” enthusiasts who think the company’s firs t responsibility should be to American industry, and environmentalists who think Walmart should make as strong a commitment to environmentally sustainable industry as possible.But from a broader perspective, this latest noise is an object lesson in why the concept of corporate (公司的) responsibility has shortcomings to begin with. Walmart—like most successful corporations—is pretty good at offering products their customers want at low prices. When it tries to promote broader public goods, like a clean environment, or lower unemployment for veterans, it’s nowhere near as successful. Here’s a few of Walmart’s more notable corporate-responsibility confusion:The Buy-American Debacle: Walmart’s first major corporate responsibility push was an effort in the 1980s to promote American-made products. But the campaign ran aground (搁浅) after a NBC investigation revealed that the company was actually selling products manufactured in India as “Made American.”The Going Green Campaign: Walmart launched on a sustainability campaign aimed at making the retail giants operations much more environmentally friendly. Though Walmart and the media have done much to raise visibility of these efforts, the actual results have been lacking. According to a recent report from the Institut e for Local Self Reliance (ILSR), Walmart’s sustainability campaign is much more focused on making its operations appear green to customers than stopping doing things that would actually help the environment, like reducing emissions.In reality, these exam ples simply show that one can’t realistically expect corporations to behave in a way that is opposite to making profits. But that doesn’t mean that the goal of fishing sustainability isn’t achievable. It’s just that the corporate structure isn’t our best m eans of achieving them—the government is.4.What is the function of the Marine Stewardship Council?A.To advocate sustainable fishing practices. B.To persuade supermarkets to buy its products. C.To solve disagreements between fisheries and supermarkets.D.To guarantee the safety of goods supplied by supermarkets.5.According to the author, Walmart’s corporate responsibility is ________.A.confusing B.heavyC.environmental-friendly D.unsatisfying6.From Paragraph 5, we know ________.A.Walmart’s sustainability campaign worked wellB.Walmart might have profited at the cost of the environmentC.ILSR’s report was part of Walmart’s campaign planD.Walmart had no intention to protect the environment at all7.Who should be mainly responsible for achieving the goals of fishing sustainability?A.The company structure B.WalmartC.The government D.The Marine Stewardship CouncilCA cloudless Southern California sky looms over the Pro Park Course for the Pro Skate Park Series. Here to compete are some of the top female skaters in the world. The women skaters range in age from early adolescence to early 30s, but in a sport that embraces youth, there is one who stands out. At 8 years old, Sky Brown, would be the youngest skater, male or female, ever to compete at this series.She is known to some — a minor star of the viral age. When her first video was posted to YouTube, Sky initially gained a little internet fame as a premature and level-headed 4-year-old —highly intelligent, well-spoken beyond her years, hugely talented, and yet grounded. Four years later, it was announced that she would be competing at Huntington Beach. Still, the question remains: Is she truly ready, or will this be another case where reality comes crashing down hard on all the hype?And then, it turns out to be anything but. Sky goes out and presents one surprise after another. Commentators Neal Hendrix and Chris Pastras are left in awe, “Half of the pros can't do.” The only thing that makes the prodigy look like a kid is her size. In every other regard, she holds her own with skaters 10 and 20 years her senior. Before the competition at Huntington, Sky was a curiosity. After, she is a competitor.Sky's first memory of a skateboard is seeing her father, Stuart, doing a few tricks in front of the family home. “It always looked really fun,”says Sky. “I just kept begging to try it.” Sky progressed quickly, although she never had a formal coach. Somehow she just had the knack. Every movement, every shift in weight, every push and pull of body on board, she absorbed. Then, she did it herself.“You get so close to making it,” she says of her process, “and think you're about to land it, and then it takes you 100 more times. I'm always saying to my parents, 'Just one last try.'” If anyone was pushing, striving to get better, it was Sky herself, learning new tricks the same way everyone else does — by trying, failing, falling, and getting back up again.8.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?A.To show Sky’s early experience.B.To show Sky’s talents from varied aspects.C.To show the public’s doubt about Sky’s competence.D.To show the public’s recognition of Sky’s performances.9.What do we know about Sky?A.She equals the senior skaters in the competition.B.She looks like a professional skater in terms of her figure.C.She participates in a competition inappropriate for the young.D.She has already become a household name before the competition.10.What is the main reason for Sky’s achievements?A.Her parents push her too hard.B.She practices hard and never quits.C.Her coach is very strict with her.D.Her father exerts a strong influence on her.11.What is the best title for the text?A.A Rocky Road Leads to Internet FameB.A Strong Competitor Stands out from CrowdC.An 8-year-old Skater Amazes the WorldD.A Wonder Shows at the Pro Skate Park SeriesDDon't get mad the next time you catch your teenager texting when he promised to be studying. He simply may not be able to resist. A University of lowa(UI) study found teenagers are far more sensitive than adults to the immediate effect or reward of their behaviors. The findings may help explain why the initial rush of texting may be more attractive for adolescents than the long-term pay off of studying."For the teenager, 'the rewards are attractive." says Professor Jatin Vaidya,an author of the study. "They draw adolescent. Sometimes, the rewards are a kind of motivation for them. Even when a behavior is no longer in a teenager's best interest to continue, they will, because the effect of the reward is still there and lasts much longer in adolescents than in adults ."For parents,that means limiting distraction (分心的事情)so teenagers can make better choices. Take the homework and social media dilemma: At 9 p.m., shut off everything except a computer that has no access to Facehook or Twitter, the researchers advise. "I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed access to technology," Vaidya says. But some help in netting their concentration is necessary for them so they can develop those impulse-co ntrol skills.”In their study,Vaidya and co-author Shaun Vecera note researchers generally believe teenagers are impulsive(冲动的),make bad decisions,and engage in risky behavior because the frontal lobes (额叶)of their trains are not fully developed. But the UI researchers wondered. whether something more fundamental was going on with adolescents to cause behaviors independent of higher-level reasoning."We wanted to try to understand the brain's reward system how it change from chillhood to adulthood," Says Vaidya, who adds the reward character in the human brain is easier than decision-making. “We've been trying to understand the reward process in adolescence and whether there is more to adolescence behavior than an under-developed frontal lobe,”he adds.For their study ,the researchers persuaded 40 adolescents, aged 13 and 16,and 40 adults, aged 20 and 35 to participate.In the future,researchers hope to look into the psychological and neurological(神经学上的)aspects of their results.12.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.The initial rush of texting is less attractive for adolescents than the long-term pay off of studying. B.Always, rewards are attractive to teenagers.C.Resistance can be controlled well by adolescents.D.Getting rewards is the greatest motivation for adolescents to study.13.Which statement agrees with Vaidya's idea?A.The influence of the reward is weak in adolescents.B.Parents should help children in making decisions.C.Children should have access to the Internet.D.Children need help in refocusing their attention.14.What result does teenagers' brain underdevelopment lead to?A.Doing things after some thought.B.Making good decisions.C.Joining in dangerous actions.D.Escaping risky behavior.15.How did the researchers carry out their study?A.By making a comparison of brain examinations.B.By examining adults’ brain.C.By examining teenage brain.D.By building the train’s reward system.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
2024年高考英语之精选真题+模拟重组卷(新课标卷)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AChoose Your One-Day-Tours!Tour A - Bath &Stonehenge: including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge -£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter.Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum, Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.Tour B - Oxford & Startford including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's -£32 until 12 March and £36 thereafterOxford: Includes a guided tour of England's oldest university city and colleges. Look over the "city of dreaming spires(尖顶)"from St Mary’s Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.Tour C - Windsor Castle &Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace -£34 until 11 March and £37 thereafter.Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry VILL's favorite palace. Free time to visit Windsor Castle(entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the famous maze(迷宫)where it is easy to get lost! Tour D -Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great -£33 until 18 March and £37 thereafter.Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.1. Which tour will you choose if you want to see England’s oldest university city?A.Tour AB.Tour BC.Tour CD.Tour D【答案】. B【解析】细微环节理解题。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.The classroom is big enough for 25 students for normal use you need more space for special activities. A.once B.because C.if D.unless2.Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained ____;people are still looking for other possible solutions.A.unchallenged B.relevantC.controversial D.contradictory3.One of the most important questions they had to consider was ___________ of public health.A.what B.that C.this D.which4.On the surface of the water ________, which spoiled the beautiful scenery of the park.A.some dead leaves did float B.some dead leaves floatedC.floated some dead leaves D.did some dead leaves float5.We climbed up to the top of a hill,___________ we got a good view of the whole forest park.A.which B.whereC.when D.that6.This kind of gel pen which ______ smoothly is quite popular with students.A.is written B.is writing C.wrote D.writes7.Some drunken drivers think that they may be lucky to________a fine, which may cost their own lives.A.get through B.get along withC.get down to D.get away with8.The importance ______ a national day and how it is celebrated are very different from country to country. A.connected to B.given to C.meaning to D.attached to9.Advertising often functions as an indicator for ______ society considers to be socially acceptable and desirable at the time.A.what B.whetherC.how D.which10.After I left _______ Linchuan No.2 Middle School, I began college classes in _______ September 2010.A.a; the B.不填; the C.the; the D.不填;不填11.When ca ught _____ in the exam, he begged for the teacher’s pardon and tried ______ punishment.A.cheating; escaping B.to be cheating; to escapeC.cheating; to escape D.to be cheating; escaping12.When all is said and done, there doesn’t seem to be ________ a mystery to explain.A.kind of B.close toC.far from D.much of13.At the news of the earthquake, the soldiers did what they could the victims.A.help B.to help C.to helping D.helping14.-----My room gets very cold at night.-----_________________.A.So is mine B.So mine is C.So does mine D.So mine does15.The movie couldn’t be more boring.I wish I ________ to it.A.had not been B.have not beenC.did not go D.have not gone16.The dining room is clean and tidy, with a table already ______for a big meal.A. being laid B.laying C.to lay D.laid17.Modesty is a kind of good quality, which is ______it takes to be your personal best.A.what B.where C.which D.when18.—When did you get to know your girlfriend?—It was in 2015 ________ she was working as a volunteer in Africa.A.that B.whichC.when D.then19.“It might have saved me a lot of money”, Mr. Chen sighed, “________ timely from the stock market this July”. A.did I withdraw B.should I withdrawC.have I withdrawn D.had I withdrawn20.It is said that the only survivor in the car crash was badly injured. However, somehow the doctors managed to help him ______.A.pull through B.put through C.look through D.break through第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
备战2023年高考英语模拟卷(全国通用版)011.B【原文】M: I seem to have lost my phone. What now?W: I will ring your number. Maybe someone will reply. Where did you lose it?M: No idea. There is no rush. I was thinking about changing it anyway.2.B【原文】M: Is that your horse over there, with white face?W: No. Mine is the one with two white legs. Isn’t she pretty?M: Oh, yes, standing next to the black horse.W: That’s right.3.A【原文】W: Oops. It seems we’ve run out of coffee beans. I can send out for some bubble milk tea if you like.M: It’s okay, Zoe. Water is just fine.W: All right.4.C【原文】M: How many brothers and sisters do you have?W: I have only one brother. What about you, Bruce?M: I come from a big family. I have three brothers and two sisters.5.B【原文】M: Mom, must I stay at home reviewing lessons even at weekends? I’ve studied for several days. I need to relax.W: Last time you did pass the exam unexpectedly, but don’t push your luck this time because it is much more difficult.6.B 7.C【原文】W: Hi, how may I help you?M: I’ve got half a million Japanese yen, and I need to trade it for US dollars. Is that possible at this branch?W: That would come out to around 4,500 dollars, which night be over our exchange limit. What’s your account number or social security?M: Oh, I’m not currently an account holder at Chase Bank.W: Would you like to open one, sir? It’d be necessary for carrying out this service. M: My Japanese hank doesn’t exist in New York. Sorry, I’m only here on holiday—setting up an account won’t be necessary.W: I’m sorry we couldn’t be of more help.8.C 9.A 10.B【原文】W: Hi, what can I do for you?M: Yes, I want to rent a university apartment.W: What sort of apartment are you looking for?M: Uh, an apartment with a bedroom and a small bathroom.W: Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. What sort of price were you thinking of?M: Could you give me some idea?W: Certainly. They range from $ 240 to $ 480 a month.M: Oh, I see. If I pay $ 240 a month, what kind of apartment can I have?W: You need to share with 2 other students and travel 3 miles to the university.M: Three miles on foot?W: You don’t have to. There’s a subway station just in front of the apartment.M: That sounds OK to me. I’ll take that one.11.C 12.B 13.A【原文】W: Hey, are you watching a video of the Chinese space station? Shenzhou-12, right?M: Close. Shenzhou-13.W: It’s hard to keep up with China speed! So how long are they in orbit this time?M: Six months, the longest stay of any single manned fight mission in China’s history. W: So do you watch them conduct experiments or spacewalks or what?M: Pretty much. They even give lessons in the space station!W: I wonder what the Taikonauts do to pass the time up there?M: They go for jogs, play musical instruments, and even play ping-pong.W: Zero-gravity ping-pong! I gotta try that! Who’s that lady floating by?M: That’s Wang Yaping. She’s become somewhat of a celebrity down here on earth. W: Well, women hold up half the sky, so it’s only fitting that they should work in it too.14.C 15.A 16.B 17.A【原文】M: Good evening, everybody. Today we are going to talk about saving money. Many of us have to save money, but different people save money in different ways. Now we are going to talk to Kathy to see what she does. Hi, Kathy, do you try to save money?W: Sure. I’m a housewife, so I have to save money as much as possible.M: And how do you save? Can you tell us something about it?W: Well, I try not to shop in department stores or supermarkets except when things are on sale. I never pay full price. I really like shopping in outdoor markets, and I can usually find some real bargains there.M: Great! That’s a good idea.W: And also my husband and I don’t own a car. If we need one for a weekend, we just rent one. We can’t really af ford to buy a used one.M: I see.W: And the best way to save money is not to pay people to fix things for you.M: Sorry, I can’t understand that. What do you mean, Kathy?W: Well, my husband often tries to repair things around the house. We can save a lot of money that way.M: Well, thank you very much, Kathy.18.B 19.A 20.B【原文】M: Hello, darling. I’ve just heard I have to go to Italy for a couple of days. I’m flying this evening.W: Oh, David. Do you really have to go? You know the Johnson’s are com ing around to see us tonight.M: Yes, I know. But I can’t help it. They’ll have to come some other time.W: Then we won’t be able to go to the theater tomorrow.M: No, I’m afraid we’ll have to change all our plans.W: All right, David. When exactly are you leaving, then?M: I’m taking the 7 o’clock plane to Rome.W: Are you coming home before you go to the airport?M: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m still having a talk with my boss here.W: What about your suitcase?M: I’m afraid you’ll have to pack it for me.W: And who’s fetching it for you?M: You’ll bring it, darling.W: Why me?21.A 22.D 23.C【导语】本文是应用文。
阅读理解之议论文-2020年高考英语4-5月最新全国卷模拟题汇编(2020届安徽六校教育研究会高三第二次素质测试)The famous Spanish painter Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem he has is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”This is both encouraging and discouraging. The fact that we were all born to be artists is certainly exciting, and yet the reality has proven that remaining one is a task that many of us have failed.Fortunately, some people have seen the problem and want to solve it.Western educators have suggested that we introduce the concept of “STEAM” instead of “STEM” - traditional “core majors” including science, technology, engineering, and math -since the “A”, which stands for “arts”, is just as important.And on April 11, China’s Ministry of Education issued a guid eline. Colleges and universities are required to provide more art-related courses and students need to earn a certain number of art credits in order to graduate.These efforts came after many scientific studies had found that art education helps students develop self-confidence and teamwork skills, as well as habits of mind such as problem solving and critical thinking, according to The Washington Post.It’s true that none of these skills target specific jobs. But as former US ballet dancer DamianWoetzel t old The Atlantic, the purpose of art is “to give kids the tools to become adults who are creative, adaptable, and expressive - capable of having their eyes and ears and senses alive”.And we can now see how we lost track of our born “artist self” on our way to growing up: We failed to keep our capabilities to see, hear and feel, and became blind, deaf and insensitive adults.Hopefully, art education can help turn things around.24.What is the function of the first paragraph?A.To introduce a famous artist. B.To summarize the whole passage. C.To lead in the topic. D.To encourage us to be artists. 25.Why should the concept of “STEAM” be introduced according to western educators?A.Art is as important as traditional “core majors”.B.All of us should learn art in college.C.Traditional “core majors” are out of date.D.Western education is more helpful.26.What can we predict from the guideline issued by China’s Ministry of education? A.More art-related courses will appear in all schools.B.College students will have to gain enough art credits to graduate.C.More students will major in art at colleges and universities.D.Art will become much more important than science.27.What is the best title of the passage?A.Every child is an artist B.Bringing art to lifeC.Learning from the artists D.Life is art【答案】24.C 25.A 26.B 27.B【解析】本文是议论文。
(全国甲卷) 2024届高三英语高考模拟风向卷(含解析)
![(全国甲卷) 2024届高三英语高考模拟风向卷(含解析)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/85b9cd3f03768e9951e79b89680203d8cf2f6a51.png)
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
1.What is the relationship between the speakersA.Parent and child. B.Husband and wife. C.Brother and sister. 【答案】C【原文】M: I’ve found a video of us when we were kids. It w as when we tied those balloons to Dad’s car, and he drove to work!W: I remember that! We laughed so much — even Dad saw the funny side.2.How does the man get to know the newsA.From TV. B.From the newspaper. C.From the Internet.【答案】C【原文】M: Big news! Researchers have discovered a new kind of black hole. And it was not born in an explosion.W: Really I haven’t seen anything about it in the newspaper or on TV.M: Look! It’s all over the Web.3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers A.Co-workers. B.Husband and wife. C.Driver and passenger. 【答案】A【原文】W: Did you hear that Graham was retiring He’s been here for 40 years.M: Graham has been a great manager. He’s probably looking forward to spending more time with his wife and grand kids. 4.How will the two speakers go to the beach tomorrowA.By bus. B.By car. C.On foot.【答案】B【原文】W: What shall we do tomorrow, dearM: If it doesn’t rain, we’ll drive to the beach with Philip.W: It will be fine. I just heard it on the radio.5.When does the conversation take placeA.On Monday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Friday.【答案】B【原文】W: I can’t believe I forgot his birthday. I thought it was tomorrow!M: Nope. It was two days ago,on Monday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.— Hi! John, would you like to play football with us?— Oh,I can’t. I ___ my lesson all the morning and still need half an hour.A.am reviewing B.have been reviewingC.have reviewed D.reviewed2.His dream was ________ a photo studio that could transport people back to the past.A.opening B.openedC.to open D.open3.The why he is absent today is he has got a bad headache.A.reason; that B.reason; becauseC.cause; that D.cause; because4.When in trouble,remember to stay calm,and everything will well.A.turn back B.turn up C.turn down D.turn out5.Wild animals in nature reserves need to develop their survival skills and their wild nature.A.display B.possessC.maintain D.monitor6.The 90’s people seem to have enjoyed the great benefits ________ about by the great level of cultural and economic development.A.brought B.bringingC.to be brought D.having brought7.Tianjin soccer fans wonder how long it will be ______ the popular soccer star —Sunke can appear in the fields in Tianjin as a member of Tianjin Tianhai soccer team.A.before B.sinceC.until D.where8.Since you are my daughter's classmate, we'd like to ______ you _______ tonight.A.put ; down B.put ; in C.put ; off D.put ; up9.It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I it?A.had done B.have done C.did D.am doing10.-- Can you spare me a few minutes now?-- ______, but I’ll be free this afternoon.A.I’m afraid not B.I’m not sureC.Y es, with pleasure D.No, I won’t11.____________the fierce competition in job seeking, many university graduates have no choice but to reduce their own demand for the salary.A.Faced B.FacingC.To face D.Having faced12.She ________ to someone on the phone, so I just nodded to her and went away.A.talked B.has talkedC.had talked D.was talking13.We have time and again ____our po sition on Taiwan issue! Whatever happens, we won’t change it!A.explained B.clarified C.introduced D.concluded14.It’s natural that I didn’t recognize her immediately I saw her. _______, it’s almost 5 years since we met last. A.After all B.In addition C.What’s more D.In particular15.—Mr Johnson, I have something I would like to trouble you with.—________. Just tell me what I can do.A.Y ou have my word B.Don't give me thatC.Y ou can say that again D.Don't stand on ceremony16.________ from J.K. Rowling’s book series of the same title, the “Harry Potter” movies are universally acknowledged as classics.A.Adapting B.Having adaptedC.Adapted D.To be adapted17.—I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.— ________. Don't forget you will drive.A.Anything but that B.By all meansC.Take it easy D.I won't say no to this18.—The food here is nice enough.—My friend ________me a right place.A.introduces B.introducedC.had introduced D.was introducing19.A good government is not to pick technologies, but to establish conditions ________ innovation is supported and encouraged into the marketplace.A.when B.thatC.as D.where20.We Chinese are drinking ______ milk per person today as we did in 1995.A.more than twice B.twice as muchC.twice as many as D.twice as much as第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。
School life has taught me a lot, of them I think honesty is the most important. When I was in Senior One, I caught cheating in the final exam. I feel everyone in my class looked down upon myself. I was very ashamed that I decided to run away from school. Upon know this, my teacher paid a visit to my home in person but had a long chat with me. He made me to come to know that being brave enough to recognize one’s mistakes and overcome them are a basic quality for a man. Since then, I’ve made up my mind to be honesty and work hard.2.(2024届宁夏银川一中高三三模试卷)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
(全国通用)2024年高考英语专项分类复习——语法填空(真题试卷模拟)语法填空1.(2024届Z20名校联盟高三5月三联试题)Things To Remember On Your First Solo Travel Adventure If you’ve ever thought about just taking a trip yourself instead of waiting for someone to join you, you’re not alone. 1 However, do you count yourself among the many who have tried it? If you’re planning your own solo trip, here are four important things to keep in mind.2 Since you’re traveling solo, how you choose to explore it is entirely up to you. Thi s is your chance to do whatever you want whenever you want because this time, you’re running the show.Don’t be afraid to talk to random people. Though there is someone who poses a threat, it’s important to remember that not everyone is out to get you. 3 That’s because you’re a novelty, a person from another country who is visiting theirs. Therefore, instead of putting on your headphones or instantly seeing them as weirdos, use this spontaneous chat as a chance to meet the locals or get recommendations for things to do during your trip.It’s okay to have bad days. 4 It happens and it’s completely okay to take some time to process whatever it is you’re feeling. Take yourself to a movie or spend the day dong something relaxing like writing in your journal or reading on the beach.It’s okay to start small. 5 Start by doing a staycation in another part of town, spending a few days in a new locale a bus or train ride away. Just do whatever you’re comfortable with and see how it all feels for you.A.You are the boss of your own adventure.B.You need to make an unusual travel choice.C.It’s no secret that solo travel is on the rise.D.Sometimes things can go incredibly wrong.E.People like you simply don’t know how to start.F.Most of the time people are just curious and try to be friendly.G.Remember, your first solo trip doesn’t have to be to a whole other continent.2.(2024届江苏省宿迁市高三三模试题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
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(全国卷)2020年高考英语冲刺模拟试卷4(含解析)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AMaybe you think there are many reasons why you are over weighed? Recent research compare the sedentary(久坐的) behavior to smoking, warning it could reduce years from your lifespan. Now, researchers at the University of Texas, have added their weight to the argument. They found standing for up to six hours a day, can cut fat levels by a third.Being upright, rather than slumped(消沉) at your desk, in front of the TV or on the train to work, for one quarter of the day is linked to a 32 percent decrease in the chance of becoming obese(肥胖的).They found that among men, standing a quarter of the time was linked to a 32 percent reduced likelihood of obesity (body fat percentage). Standing half the time was associated with a 59 percent reduced likelihood of obesity. But standing more than three-quarters of the time was not associated with a lower risk of obesity.In women, standing a quarter, half, and three quarters of the time was associated with 35 percent, 47 percent, and 57 percent respective reductions in the likelihood of waist size. The US scientists looked at the standing habits of more than 7,000 adults and compared their body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage and waist size.21. According to the passage, standing up six hours a day could _______.A. make you over weighed.B. even worse than smokingC. reduce years of your lifespan.D. cut your fat levels【答案】:D22. Slumping at a desk or in from of a TV is very likely to ________.A. reduce likelihood of obesity.B. reduce the body fat percentage.C. increase the chance of becoming obeseD. makes no difference to one’s weight【答案】:C23. What might be the main idea of the passage?A. Standing is a good way to lose weight.B. Women has a longer lifespan.C. Are you suffering from obesity?D. Smoking do more harm to body.【答案】:A【解析】:本文考查对文章大意的把握。
BMany people think that squeezing in breakfast before work is a feat (技艺)in itself. However, research from the World Economic Forum states that successful people make the most of their mornings. They have released a list of 14 things that successful people do in the mornings before the firstmeal of the day. It includes exercising, spending quality time with the family, networking over coffee and working on a personal-passion project.The WEF states: "Those among us who have managed to find professional success and maintain a life actively embrace this philosophy. They must set aside their first ho urs of the day to invest in their top-priority activities before other people’s priorities come rushing in.” This is backed up by science - Laura Vanderkam, a time-management expert and the autho r of “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast", cites the famous finding of Roy Baumeister, a Florida State University psychology professor, that willpower is like a muscle that becomes exhausted from overuse.Diets are easy to keep up with during the day, for example, but often fall flat in the evening when our bodies and willpower get tired. However, rest assured that you don't have to do all 14 every day before you finish your breakfast - just a selection. The WEF says: "While they might not do all of these things every morning, each has been found to be an effective way to start the day."24. According to the first paragraph, _______.A. successful people make the best of their morningsB. many people spend lots of time on breakfastC. successful people spend lots of time on breakfast. D. many people can make the best of their mornings.【答案】:A【解析】:本题为细节题。
根据原文“the World Economic Forum states that successful people make the most of their mornings.”可知,成功人士可充分利用早上的时间。
25. Which of the following is not a successful man usually do in the morning?A. spending quality time with the familyB. networking overcoffee.C. squeezing in breakfast before workD. working on a personal-passion project.【答案】:C26. The citing(引用) of the words from Roy Baumeister is in order to ________.A. back up the ideas given beforeB. show different ideas from the one given beforeC. show the former ideas are wrongD. show the reasons why Roy Baumeister doesn’t agree【答案】:A【解析】:本题为细节推理题“This is backed up by science。
27. From the last paragraph, we know that _______,A. Our bodies and willpower often get tired in the evening.B. We have to do all the 14 things everydayC. Doing all the 14 things is effective to start the day.D. Breakfast in the morning is just a selection.【答案】:A【解析】:从文章最后一段第一句“Diets are easy to keep up with during the day, for example, but often fall flat in the evening when our bodies and willpower get tired..”可知,我们的身体和意志力在晚上会开始疲惫。