微型电机减速机是一种应用广泛的减速传动设备,主要由驱动电机、减速齿轮箱组装而成,也称为微型减速电机,可才有直流电机、步进电机作为驱动源,称为微型直流减速电机、微型步进减速电机,减速齿轮箱可采用行星齿轮箱以及非标齿轮箱作为减速器;微型减速电机参数范围,输出转速范围:5-2000rpm;减速比范围:5-1500;直径规格在3.4mm-38mm之间;电压3V-24V之间,输出力矩范围:1gf.cm到50Kgf.cm的微型减速电机;微型电机减速机参数:产品名称:10MM微型减速电机产品分类:塑胶行星齿轮箱外径:10mm材质:塑料旋转方向:cw&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.3mm(烧结轴承);≤0.2mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤1N(烧结轴承);≤7N(滚动轴承)工作温度:-20 (85)产品名称:16MM微型减速电机产品分类:塑胶行星齿轮箱外径:16mm材质:塑料旋转方向:cw&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°(可定制)轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.1mm(烧结轴承);≤0.1mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤10N(烧结轴承);≤20N(滚动轴承)输入速度:≤15000rpm工作温度:-20 (85)产品名称:20MM微型减速电机产品分类:塑胶行星齿轮箱外径:20mm材质:塑料旋转方向:cw&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°(可定制)轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.1mm(烧结轴承);≤0.1mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤30N(烧结轴承);≤50N(滚动轴承)输入速度:≤15000rpm工作温度:-20 (85)定制参数、规格范围:尺寸规格系列:3.4mm、4mm、6mm、8mm、10mm、12mm、16mm、18mm、20mm、22mm、24mm、28mm、32mm、38mm;齿轮材质:塑胶行星齿轮箱、金属行星齿轮箱电压范围:3V-24V功率范围:0.1W-40W输出力矩范围:1gf.cm到50Kgf.cm减速比范围:5-1500;输出转速范围:5-2000rpm;产品特点:微型减速电机具备体积小、噪音低、精度高、减速范围广、扭矩大、寿命长、效率高、兼具功率分流、多齿啮合独用的特性。
微型有刷直流电机产品技术参数:8mm有刷减速电机产品分类:有刷减速电机产品型号:ZWMD008008产品规格:Φ8MM产品电压:4.2V空载转速:19-1228rpm(可定制)空载电流:95-100mA (可定制)负载转速:15-935rpm(可定制)负载电流:155-160mA (可定制)速比:13-809.1(可定制)齿轮箱类型:行星齿轮箱可按需定制参数!16mm有刷电机齿轮箱产品分类:有刷减速电机产品型号:ZWMD016017产品规格:Φ16MM减速齿轮箱电压:5V-24V(可定制)产品电流:80-500mA(可定制)减速比:64-216(可定制)输出转速:10-1000 r/min(可定制)齿轮箱类型:行星齿轮箱可按需定制参数!微型有刷直流电机齿轮箱定制技术参数范围:电压:3V-24V功率:0.5W-50W减速比:5-1500扭矩范围:1gf-cm到50kgf-cm;直径范围:3.4mm-38mm输出转速:5-2000rpm噪音:45DB(分贝)齿轮箱材质:塑胶、金属微型有刷直流减速电机用途:微型有刷直流减速电机广泛运用在智能家居、5G商用设备、汽车传动、电子传动、机器人传动、医疗器械设备、智能物流设备等领域。
小型直流电机规格表及基础知识13020.5251125090000.560000000000000050.618020.5321.5126646000.530.3226024.227212160960022.128030.5212295126004.5999999999999996 3.829024.244.22.11238053003.21.9527.732.52.2999999999999998 12305104005.0999999999999996 1.3627.7382.2999999999999998 125866.144.327.746.52.2999999999999998 1272093008.53.435.799999999999997 503.1749999999999998 1215001250026.615.135.799999999999997 583.1749999999999998 122230810020.217.235.799999999999997 603.174999999999999812139042008.55.842.35951248701500065.56942.36651262201300074.900000000000006 76554060360/365390/395540/545550/555560/565770/775扁形厚15.5380/385750/755无刷电机有刷电机输出扭矩大;转速高;寿命长,使用寿命在几万小时。
项目功能乙方对减速机维修过程需符合相应的国家标准及行业规范,减速机维修完毕投入系统运行后,需确保各项设备运行指标均在正常范围内,满足设备长周期稳定运行;二、技术要求相关标准规范DL/T 466 电站磨煤机及制粉系统选择导则DL/T 5154 火力发电厂制粉系统设计计算计算规定DL/T 467 电站磨煤机及制粉系统性能试验DIN 3965 T1 圆锥齿轮基本原理DIN 3965 T2 圆锥齿轮齿线偏差的公差DIN 3965 T3 圆锥齿轮滚动偏差的公差DIN 3965 T4 圆锥齿轮轴交角偏差和轴线交点偏差的公差GB 1357-2008 通用机械和重型机械用圆柱齿轮模数GB 5903-1995 工业闭式齿轮油GB 6067-1985 起重机械安全规程GB/T 10095-2008 圆柱齿轮精度制GB/T 1979-2001 结构钢低倍组织缺陷评级图GB/T 3077-1999 合金结构钢GB/T 直齿轮和斜齿轮承载能力计算材料的强度和质量GB/T 直齿轮和斜齿轮承载能力计算材料的强度和质量GB/T 699-1999 优质碳素结构钢GB/T 700-2006 碳素结构钢JB 4735-1997 钢制焊接常压容器(及标准释义)JB/T 3223-1996 焊接材料质量管理规程KN 克林贝尔格螺旋伞齿轮几何计算标准KN 克林贝尔格螺旋伞齿轮强度计算标准GB/T 17107一1997 件用结构钢牌号和力学性能GB/T4879-1999 防锈包装GB 6067-1985 起重机械安全规程JB/T -1998 铸钢件通用技术要求不仅限于以上标准,不全面的可随时增加,有新标准的按新标准执行,如有冲突按较高标准执行。
NO.項 目( Item)規 格( Specification)检验方法 (Test Method)1.1額定电压 ( Rated Voltage )DC 6.0V 电压表( Multimeter )1.2速比(Gear Ratio)1/351.3马达转向 ( Rotation )CW手感 (Handle)1.4姿 势( Motor Position )检查时水平 (All position in horizontal)手感 (Handle)1.5检测时时温度范围 Temperature 0 Degree - 30 Degree Celsius温度计( Thermometer )1.6检测时时湿度范围 Humidity30% ~ 95%湿度计 ( Hygroscope )NO.项 目( Item)规 格( Specification)检验方法 (Test Method)2.1空载转速 ( No-load Speed )10500±10%rpm 转速表 (Flash Speed Indicator)2.2空载电流 (No-load Current )150mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)2.3堵转电流 (Stall Current)5300mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)2.4堵转力矩 ( Stall Torque)200g.cm扭力计 (Torque Measure)NO.项 目( Item)规 格( Specification)检验方法 (Test Method)3.1输出转速 (Output Speed)310±10%rpm 转速表 (Flash Speed Indicator)3.2空载电流 (No-load Current)250mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)3.3堵转电流 (Stall Current)5300mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)3.4堵转力矩 (Stall Torque)7kg.cm 扭力计 (Torque Measure)3.5负载力矩 ( Rated Torque )1000g.cm 扭力计 (Torque Measure)3.6负载电流( Rated Current )950mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)3.7负载转速 ( Rated Speed )250±10%rpm转速表 (Flash Speed Indicator)3.8噪音 30CM ( Noise )56dB分贝仪( Digital Sound Levd Meter )NO.项 目( Item)规 格 ( Specification)检验方法 (Test Method)4.1轴伸尺寸 ( The Outside Shaft Length )12mm 卡尺 (Vernier Calipers)4.2轴向间隙 (Shaft End Play)0.05-0.50mm治具 (Frock)4.3螺孔 (Screw Size )M3.0治具 (Frock)4.4出轴直径 (Dia.of shaft)∮4mmD8卡尺 (Vernier Calipers)4.5外形安装尺寸 (Outline MountingDimension)Refer to the Outline Drawing2. 电机性能 (Performance Of Motors)3. 整机性能( Performance of Gear motors)4. 基本尺寸 (The Dimension )1. 标准使用条件 (Standard Operating Conditions)产品型号:GM25-370-2765-35-12D8微型直流减速电机仕样规格书7. 曲线图 (Curve drawings )5. 产品照片 (The product photos )电机端子焊 200mm引线 ,22AWG线引线剥头3~5mm,并浸锡焊接位置加热塑管6. 产品外形图 (Product drawings )。
Installation, Operation and Maintenance ManualSmall DC Motors •56 Frames2Small DC MotorsReceiving and HandlingAcceptance Unpack motor carefully and inspect for possible damage during shipment.Check packing materials and save any instruction tags or wiring diagrams found in the carton. Report any damages or shortages immediately to the local transportation agent.Installation MountingCheck nameplate data on motor before installing to assure the correct rating and that the available power supply agrees with the required motor power supply.Motor should be mounted on a firm foundation.If the foundation is not flat, use shims to prevent misalignment when tightening hold-down bolts. DC motors arc equipped with ball bearings and may be operated in any position.For any position other than base down,new drain holes should be provided so that condensation is allowed to run off. Location should be dry, clean and well ventilated for most satisfactory service. Be sure the possibility of oil seepage into the motor is prevented. Commutator end of the motor should be accessible so that brushes can be conveniently inspected.Mounting Instructions for 56C & 140TC Face Mounted MotorsBefore mounting a “C”face motor to a mating flange,be sure both surfaces and all mounting holes are smooth and free of debris.When mounting into a quill type reducer, make sure the input and output shafts are coated with an anti-seize compound suitable for the application.!ATTENTION:Only qualified electrical personnel familiar with the construction and operation of this equipment and the hazards involved should install,adjust,operate,and/or service this motor.Read and understand this manual in its entirety before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution could result in personal injury or loss of life.!ATTENTION:High voltage and rotating parts can cause serious or fatal injury. The use of electric machinery, like all other utilization of concentrated power and rotating equipment, can be hazardous. Installation, operation, and maintenance of electric machinery should be performed by qualified personnel.Familiarization with NEMA safety standards, national electrical code and sound local practices is recommended.!ATTENTION:To guard against personal injury or death causedby contact with moving parts, guards (coupling, belt, chain, etc.)must be installed. Machines accessible to the public should be further guarded by screening, guard rails, etc.Small DC Motors 3When mounting through a flexible coupling, verify that there is adequate clearance between the driven equipment shaft, the coupling interface and the motor ck of clearance may result in binding of the shafting and premature bearing failure.Always slide the motor tenon into the mating flange to its full depth before tightening the mounting bolts. Do not allow the motor to hang by the shaft extension while assembling it to the driven equipment (i.e. quill input gear case). This may bend or crease the shaft and damage any seals that are present.Only use the proper mounting bolts. These should be 3/8”-16 threads per inch and sized for length such that engagement into the motor flange does not exceed 9/16”. For example, a gear case with a 3/8” flange thickness requires a bolt that is: 3/8” + 9/16” = 15/16” = Maximum Bolt Length Since 15/16” is not a standard bolt length, a 7/8” bolt or a 1” bolt with a lockwasher can be used.AlignmentShafts should be carefully aligned before tightening any couplings. Inspect couplings and shaft for paint, dirt or burrs. If necessary, remove withsandpaper for proper fit. Pulley or coupling should be carefully fitted. Do not hammer on shaft, pulley or coupling.ApplicationPermanent Magnet “PM”motors are not always designed for across the line starting. This may cause loss of flux resulting in an increase in speed and possibly instability. Wound field motors can be started across the line with full applied voltage. However, for frequent starting or reversing, voltage should be reduced for normal brush and commutator life.Dynamic or regenerative braking methods should not be used unlessprovisions are made to limit the maximum instantaneous current to a value not greater than the maximum allowable peak amperes shown on the nameplate. This also applies to plug reversing the PM motor.ConnectionsAll motors should be installed in accordance with the National Electric Code and local requirements. Fuses, thermal cutouts and other protective devices should be the proper size and rating to safely carry the load and to interrupt the circuit on overloads.!ATTENTION:To guard against motor damage such aspremature failure and/or a loose assembly, use only mountingbolts that are the correct length.A bolt that is too long may cause damage to the motor.4Small DC MotorsConnection diagrams are shown above. Care must be taken to ensure that the dual-voltage shunt field is properly connected.Some DC motors are equipped with a thermostat inside the motor. This thermostat has a normally closed (NC) contact which opens if the motor temperature exceeds design limits due to extended overload operation.Leads from the thermostat are labeled P1& P2and should be connected in series with the drive “STOP” button (refer to the previous figure).!ATTENTION:Ground the machine properly to avoid seriousinjury to personnel. Grounding should be in accordance with theNational Electrical Code and consistent with sound local practices.+A1High Voltage Connection 1, 2Low Voltage Connection 1, 2High VoltageConnection1, 2LowVoltageConnection 1, 2Permanent Magnet Thermostat (if furnished)GroundConnection Connect in Series with Control Stop DeviceEarth Ground Series A2S1+F1F11F2A1+A2S1+F1F11F2+A1A2S1–S2+F1F11F2A1+A2S1+F1F11F2S2F22S2F22F22–S2F22+A1TypeS h u n t S t a b i l i z e d S h u n t a n d C o m p o u n d CCW Rotation Facing Commutator End CW –A2+F1F11–F2+A1A2S1S2A1+A2S1S2F22+A1–A2–A1–A1+A2+F1F11–F2F22+A1A2+F1F11F2F22–A1+A2+F1F11F2F22+A2P1P21Motors with single voltage fields do not have leads F11 & F22. Leads F11 & F22 may be marked F3 & F4, respectively. Connect on low voltage field connection.2Consult motor nameplate to determine value of low and high voltage connection.Small DC Motors5Important:When motors are provided with thermal protection (typicallythermostats), it is important to properly connect and apply thedevices. This will ensure that the motor is properly protectedfrom being operated if thermal limits are reached and/orexceeded.The control system must be configured to reduce themotor load and/or shut down the motor control system to allowthe motor to cool to a level within acceptable operating ranges.If the motor is operated with the thermal protective devicestripped (indicating an over temperature condition), the motorinsulation could be damaged and complete failure of the motorinsulation is possible. In the event of motor failure due to anover temperature condition,Rockwell Automation requires thatmotor thermal protective devices (when supplied) beadequately monitored and incorporated into the motor controlsystem to maintain warranty. Failure on the part of theindividual installing this equipment to take these steps willresult in the factory warranty being voided.OperationThese motors are inherently capable of operating over a wide range ofspeeds and loads. If the motor is not operated on the type of power supplyfor which it was designed, performance will differ from nameplate valuesand applicable standards.The motor should start quickly.If it fails to start,the load may be too great,the applied voltage too low, or the motor improperly connected and/or thecontrol misadjusted (check particularly current (torque) limit adjustment).In any case, immediately disconnect the power and investigate the cause.While operating the motor, observe the performance. Any undue noise,overheating, sparking or erratic performance should be investigated andnecessary corrective action taken to prevent serious damage.Maintenance The fundamental principle of electrical maintenance is keep the apparatusclean and dry.This requires periodic inspection of the motor,the frequencyof inspection depending upon the type of motor and the service.!ATTENTION:Internal parts of this motor may be at line voltage even when motor is not rotating. Disconnect all AC line connections before contacting any internal part.6Small DC MotorsBearingsBall bearings are deep grooved, double shielded with sufficient lubricantpacked into the bearings by the manufacturer for “life lubrication.” Theinitial lubricant is supplemented by a supply packed into larger reservoirs inthe end shield at time of assembly. No grease fittings are provided. Theinitial lubrication is adequate for up to 5 years of operation under normalconditions.Should it become necessary to replace bearings,the bearing bore and cavityshould be thoroughly cleaned and repacked with approximately 1/2teaspoonful of recommended grease.Bearings should be removed with bearing pullers using a center insert in theend of the shaft to protect the shaft center. To reinstall ball bearings, eitherin a press or on the bench, pressure should be applied to the inner race byusing a square faced sleeve or piece of pipe that will fit over the shaft, toavoid damaging the bearing. If a press is not available and a hammer isused,the blows should be transmitted against the sleeve by a block of woodor fiber.BrushesCheck brushes to make certain that they move freely in the holders andmake proper contact with the commutator. Re-place worn brushes. Givecomplete motor identification when ordering parts. New brushes should bepre-radiused to fit the commutator curvature. Blow out the carbon dust.Short brush life and poor commutation may be due to a rough commutator,a shorted armature, or poor undercutting of mica. Dirt and chemicals in theair are common causes of trouble.CommutatorThe commutator should remain a polished surface.Blackening may indicaterough or eccentric commutator. Occasional wiping (power off) with drycanvas or non-linting cloth may suffice. If rough or excessively dirty,smooth with very fine (00) sandpaper lightly with armature rotating. Neveruse emery cloth. Never allow the brushes to wear so short that springtension is lost. The resultant sparking will seriously damage thecommutator.If frequent dressing is required,the cause should be found and corrected.Avery rough commutator should be turned in a lathe, at high speed, with asharp tool.Do not remove more copper than necessary.The mica should beundercut if necessary.An authorized service shop is recommended for this work.Small DC Motors 7General The following should be checked at regular intervals:•Windings should be dry and free of dust, grease, oil, and dirt. Windings may be cleaned by suction cleaners or by wiping. Nozzles on suction type cleaners should be non-metallic.Gummy deposits of dirt and grease may be removed by using a commercially available low volatile solvent.Do not use gasoline or other inflammable solvents.•Terminal connections, assembly screws, bolts and nuts should be tight.They may loosen if motor is not securely bolted and tends to vibrate.•Insulation resistance of motors in service should be checked periodically at approximately the same temperature and humidity conditions to determine possible deterioration of the insulation. When such measurements at regular intervals indicate a wide variation, the cause should be determined. Motor should be reconditioned if the motor has been subjected to excessive moisture, or by rewinding or reinsulating if necessary. Enclosed motors require very little attention. Be sure that external air chamber of fan cooled motors does not become clogged with foreign material which will restrict passage of air.Troubleshooting If trouble develops in operation of motor, verify that:1.The bearings are in normal condition and have been properly lubricated with a high grade,ball bearing lubricant,free of dirt or grit.If dirt enters bearing, flush and relubricate.2.There is no mechanical misadjustment to prevent free rotation of moving parts of motor and drive.3.All bolts and nuts are properly tightened.4.Motor instructions have been carefully carried out.5.The rated voltage is available at the motor terminals.6.The voltage corresponds to the value stamped on the nameplate.7.All connections are properly made in all circuits between motor and control.8.The overload and low voltage devices in control equipment, fuses or other protective devices are in proper working order.9.Brushes are in good condition and are making good con-tact with the commutator.10.The commutator is clean and has smooth polished surface.11.No excessive overload exists on the pare line amperes at full load with nameplate stamping.!ATTENTION:Internal parts of this motor may be at line voltage even when motor is not rotating. Disconnect all AC line connections before contacting any internal part.Online DocumentationThe latest motor information can be obtained from the Allen-BradleyDrives & Motors home page on the World Wide Web at:Publication1325R-UM001B-EN-P Ð A ugust, 2001Supersedes 1325R-UM001A-EN-P dated May, 2001Copyright © 2001 Rockwell Automation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.。
直流无刷低速电机是一种低转速驱动电机,主要传动结构由减速齿轮箱、驱动无刷电机组装而成,这种低转速设备也称为直流无刷减速电机,减速齿轮箱是采用定制参数的非标齿轮箱作为减速器,直径规格在3.4mm-38mm之间,额定电压在3V-24V,输出力矩范围:1gf.cm到50Kgf.cm之间,减速比范围:5-1500;输出转速范围:5-2000rpm;直流无刷低速电机参数:产品名称:直流无刷减速电机(齿轮电机)产品分类:无刷减速电机产品规格:Φ20MM产品电压:12V空载电流:220 mA (可定制)负载转速:2.4-1000 rpm(可定制)减速比:5/25/125/625:1(可定制)产品名称:6V直流减速电机产品分类:直流减速电机外径:6mm材质:塑料旋转方向:cw&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.3mm(烧结轴承);≤0.2mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤0.3N(烧结轴承);≤4N(滚动轴承)产品名称:24v直流减速电机外径:22mm材质:塑料旋转方向:cw&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°(可定制)轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.1mm(烧结轴承);≤0.1mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤50N(烧结轴承);≤100N(滚动轴承)输入速度:≤15000rpm工作温度:-20 (85)定制直流无刷低速电机参数、规格范围:尺寸规格系列:3.4mm、4mm、6mm、8mm、10mm、12mm、16mm、18mm、20mm、22mm、24mm、28mm、32mm、38mm;电压范围:3V-24V功率范围:0.1W-40W输出力矩范围:1gf.cm到50Kgf.cm减速比范围:5-1500;输出转速范围:5-2000rpm;产品特点:体积小、质量轻、减速范围广、扭矩大、噪音低、精度高、应用范围广。
输出转速:3-1294 r/min(可定制)
(V) (110)
(V) 110 220 110 220 200
110SZ(ZYT)01 110SZ(ZYT)02 110SZ(ZYT)51 1500 110SZ(ZYT)52 110SZ64 110ZYT101 110ZYT102 110ZYT151 110ZYT152
110 220 110 220 24 200 1500
90SZ(ZYT)01 90SZ(ZYT)02 90SZ(ZYT)51 90SZ(ZYT)52 90SZ(ZYT)55 90SZ65 90ZYT101 90ZYT102
24 94 (41.7) 4.074 (9.167)
(220) (24) 180
1500 (1000)
0.307 (0.461)
(27) 68 (48) (110) (24)
6000 70SZ(ZYT)07 70SZ(ZYT)08 70SZ(ZYT)51 3000 70SZ(ZYT)52 70SZ(ZYT)53 70SZ(ZYT)54 70SZ(ZYT)55 70SZ(ZYT)56 6000 70SZ(ZYT)57 70SZ(ZYT)58
J"SZ(ZYThPx 系列微型直流减速电动机
J _ S Z ( Z Y T ) - P x 系列微型直流减速电动机,分别由 SZ(ZYT)系列直流电动机与PX型普通精度行星减速器构成,
且配带电源,可实现无级调速。调整范围宽、体积小、重量 轻、效率高、结构紧凑、输出转矩大,广泛使用于需要低速 高转矩、无级调速的驱动装置,电机配调速器后可实现0转 至额定转速的无级变速。
Rated 额定值Voltage 电压Speed 转速Current 电流Speed 转速Current 电流VDCrpmmA(MAX)rpmmA(MAX)gf.cmmN.mmmgf.cmgf.cmmmZWBMD032032-412.01348210121371538438650002500004ZWBMD032032-612.089921080871557656600002000006ZWBMD032032-1612.033723530371512291216500025000016ZWBMD032032-2412.022523520271518431816500025000024ZWBMD032032-3312.016323514771525342496000020000033ZWBMD032032-6712.0802707271533923336500025000067ZWBMD032032-9412.0572705271547594676500025000094ZWBMD032032-13312.04127036715673366065000250000133ZWBMD032032-18812.02927026715951893360000200000188ZWBMD032032-27212.0203001872010328101380000300000272ZWBMD032032-38312.0143001372014542142680000300000383ZWBMD032032-54012.010300972020503201180000300000540ZWBMD032032-76312.07300672028970284180000300000763ZWBMD032032-107612.053005720408544007700002500001076ZHAO WEI ENTERPRISE (H.K.) COMPANY LIMITEDSHENZHEN ZHAOWEI MACHINERY & ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.ZWBMD032032典型应用:割草机、流量泵、电动门窗、天线基站等Typical Application:The lawn mower,Flow pump,Electric windows and doors,Base station antenna and etc.Standard Plastic Geared Motor输出功率:约2.8W~10.0W Output Power: 2.8W~10.0W金属输出轴Metal output shaft型号Model典型应用参数 Typical Application ParametersMax Rated Torque of Gear Box 齿轮箱额定容许力矩Max Instant Torque of Gear Box 齿轮箱瞬间容许力矩GearRatio 减速比Gear Box Length 减速箱长L1At No Load 空载数据Torque 转矩At Rated Load 负载数据Overall Length 总长 L 71.629.181.639.191.649.1101.659.1* above specifications are subject to change without notice, just for reference and customizable according to requirements *以上规格数据仅供参考,如有修改恕不另行通知,可按需求定制。
减速电机参数小功率减速电机也称为小型减速电机、微型减速电机,例如深圳兆威机电的小型减速电机参数如下:尺寸:3mm-38mm电压:3V-24V速比:2-2000输出转速:5rpm-2000rpm输出力矩范围:1gf.cm-50kgf.cm材质:金属、塑胶材质结构减速电机型号小型减速电机型号:小型减速电机型号主要是根据尺寸、齿轮结构、材质、速比来区分的,兆威机电的小型减速电机型号主要分为四大系列:①ZWBPD系列:ZWBPD006006、ZWBPD010010、ZWBPD016016、ZWBPD020020、ZWBPD022022、ZWBPD024024、ZWBPD028028②ZWPD系列:ZWPD008008、ZWPD012012、ZWPD032032③ZWBMD系列:ZWBMD003003、ZWBMD004004、ZWBMD006006、ZWBMD010010、ZWBMD020020、ZWBMD022022、ZWBMD024024、ZWBMD028028、ZWBMD032032 ④ZWMD系列:ZWMD008008、ZWMD012012、ZWMD016016、ZWMD038038兆威机电:/兆威机电:/减速电机规格减速电机性能特点1、大多数减速电机结构紧凑,体积小,造型美观,承受过载能力强。
微型直流减速电机广泛运用在智能汽车、智能通讯、消费电子产品、智能穿戴设备、精密医疗器械设备、智能家居等领域;为了更好满足市场需求,通常是按照应用需求定制产品技术参数,例如驱动电机(马达)可采用有刷电机、无刷电机作为驱动源,减速齿轮箱可采用行星齿轮箱,圆柱齿轮箱,蜗轮蜗杆齿轮箱等作为减速器,输出功率,电压,减速比,输出扭矩,直径尺寸,传动噪音,传动精度等技术参数是定制开发而成;定制直流微型减速马达(电机)产品参数范围:直径3.4mm-38mm,电压在3V-24V,功率:0.01-40W,输出转速5-2000rpm,减速比5-1500,输出扭矩1gf.cm到50Kgf.cm;直流微型减速马达产品参数:产品名称:微型直流减速电机产品分类:直流减速电机外径:8mm材质:塑料电压:4.2V旋转方向:cc&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.3mm(烧结轴承);≤0.2mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤0.8N(烧结轴承);≤5N(滚动轴承)工作温度:-20 (85)24V直流微型减速马达(电机)产品分类:直流减速电机电压:24V外径:22mm材质:塑料旋转方向:cc&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤3°(可定制)轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.1mm(烧结轴承);≤0.1mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤50N(烧结轴承);≤100N(滚动轴承)输入速度:≤15000rpm工作温度:-20 (85)直流无刷减速电机(齿轮电机)产品分类:无刷减速电机产品规格:Φ20MM产品电压:12V空载电流:220 mA (可定制)负载转速:2.4-1000 rpm(可定制)减速比:5/25/125/625:1(可定制)直流微型减速马达具备体积小,能耗低,扭力大,性能优越,减速机效率高,振动小,噪音低,节能高,选用优质段钢材料,钢性铸铁箱体,齿轮表面经过高频热处理。
2.1 定义和用途
2.2 结构和工作原理
2.3 优点和应用领域
3.1 尺寸和外观
3.2 电压和功率要求
3.3 频率和速度范围
3.4 转矩和扭矩常数
3.5 效率和功率因数
4.1 转速稳定性
4.2 转矩波动性
4.3 噪音和振动
4.4 寿命和可靠性
第五部分:测试方法和标准5.1 测试设备和仪器
5.2 测试步骤和流程
5.3 标准和要求
第六部分:质量保证和认证6.1 质量控制措施
6.2 产品认证和合规性
第七部分:市场竞争分析7.1 竞争对手分析
7.2 价格和销售策略
7.3 市场份额和前景
8.1 供应能力和交货期限
8.2 售后服务和技术支持
9.1 总结产品规格
9.2 建议技术改进和创新
9.3 未来发展趋势和展望
PMDC SPUR GEAR MOTOR 32ZYT30-37SPG6 永磁直流齿轮减速电机 说明书
![PMDC SPUR GEAR MOTOR 32ZYT30-37SPG6 永磁直流齿轮减速电机 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32445b5dc950ad02de80d4d8d15abe23482f03ad.png)
32ZYT30-37SPG6 永磁直流齿轮减速电机PUR GEARPMDC SMOTOR○产品特点和用途 Description of the product1.直径37mm的齿轮减速器,允许负载0.6N.m2.适合于点钞机、电动阀门、自动售货机等。
○外形和安装尺寸Dimensions○电机技术参数Motor Technical Data型号Model 额定电压RatedVoltage(VDC)空载转速No-loadSpeed(r/min)空载电流No-loadCurrent(mA)额定转速RatedSpeed(r/min)额定转矩RatedTorque(mN.m)输出功率OutputPower(W)额定电流PatedCurrent(mA)堵转力矩StallTorque(mN.m)堵转电流StallCurrent(A)32ZYT30-1230 12 3000 60 2400 4 1.2 280 20 0.56 32ZYT30-1250 12 5000 80 4300 4 1.8 330 28.5 1.5 ○齿轮减速器电机主要技术参数Gear motor Technical Data配置32ZYT30-1230电机的完整型号:32ZYT30-1230-37SPG6□K6(出轴直径6mm,□内填写转速比)减速比 Reduction ratio 10 18 30 50 75 100150200250 300 400500750100015003000减速级数 Number of grea trains 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7减速器长(L) Length(L) mm 19 21.521.524 24 24 26.526.526.526.5 29 29 29 29 31.531.5空载转速 No-load speed r/min 300 167 10060 40 30 20 15 12 10 7.5 6 4 3 2 1额定转速Rated speed r/min 240 133 80 48 32 24 16 12 10 8.3 6.5 5 4.5 2.6 1.8 1额定转矩Rated torque N.m 0.03 0.05 0.090.13 0.2 0.26 0.350.470.59 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6最大瞬间允许负载N.mMax.permissible load in a short time0.3 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8转向 Direction of Rotation CCW CW CW CCW CCW CCW CW CW CW CW CCW CCW CCW CCW CW CW配置32ZYT30-1250电机的完整型号:32ZYT30-1250-37SPG6□K6(出轴直径6mm,□内填写转速比)减速比 Reduction ratio 10 18 3050 75 100150200250300 400500750100015003000减速级数 Number of grea trains 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7减速器长(L) Length(L) mm 19 21.521.524 24 24 26.526.526.526.5 29 29 29 29 31.531.5空载转速 No-load speed r/min 500 270 16010065 50 332520 16 12 10 6.6 5.0 3.3 1.6额定转速 Rated speed r/min 430 230 14086 57 43 282117 14 11.39.2 6.3 4.8 3.3 1.6额定转矩Rated torque N.m 0.04 0.05 0.260.350.590.59 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.60.6最大瞬间允许负载N.mMax.permissible load in a short time0.3 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8转向 Direction of Rotation CCW CW CW CCW CCW CCW CW CW CW CW CCW CCW CCW CCW CW CW配置32ZYT30-2450电机的完整型号:32ZYT30-2450-37SPG6□K6(出轴直径6mm,□内填写转速比)减速比 Reduction ratio 10 18 30 50 75 100150200250 300 400500750100015003000减速级数 Number of grea trains 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7减速器长(L) Length(L) mm 19 21.5 21.524 24 24 26.526.526.526.5 29 29 29 29 31.531.5空载转速 No-load speed r/min 500 270 16010065 50 33 25 20 16 12 10 6.6 5.0 3.3 1.6额定转速Rated speed r/min 410 220 13080 50 41 27 20 16 13 11 9.2 6.3 4.8 3.2 1.6额定转矩Rated torque N.m 0.04 0.05 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6最大瞬间允许负载N.mMax.permissible load in a short time0.3 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8转向 Direction of Rotation CCW CW CW CCW CCW CCW CW CW CW CW CCW CCW CCW CCW CW CWThe specifications can be designed according to the customer’s requirement !以上仅为代表性产品,派生产品可根据客户要求制作!。
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NO.項 目( Item)
規 格( Specification)
检验方法 (Test Method)1.1額定电压 ( Rated Voltage )
DC 6.0V 电压表( Multimeter )
1.2速比(Gear Ratio)1/351.3马达转向 ( Rotation )CW
手感 (Handle)1.4姿 势( Motor Position )检查时水平 (All position in horizontal)
手感 (Handle)1.5检测时时温度范围 Temperature 0 Degree - 30 Degree Celsius
温度计( Thermometer )1.6
检测时时湿度范围 Humidity
30% ~ 95%
湿度计 ( Hygroscope )NO.项 目( Item)
规 格( Specification)检验方法 (Test Method)2.1空载转速 ( No-load Speed )10500±10%rpm 转速表 (Flash Speed Indicator)2.2空载电流 (No-load Current )150mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)2.3堵转电流 (Stall Current)5300mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)2.4
堵转力矩 ( Stall Torque)
扭力计 (Torque Measure)
NO.项 目( Item)
规 格( Specification)检验方法 (Test Method)3.1输出转速 (Output Speed)310±10%rpm 转速表 (Flash Speed Indicator)3.2空载电流 (No-load Current)250mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)3.3堵转电流 (Stall Current)5300mA(Max)
电流表 (DC Power Supply)3.4堵转力矩 (Stall Torque)7kg.cm 扭力计 (Torque Measure)3.5负载力矩 ( Rated Torque )1000g.cm 扭力计 (Torque Measure)3.6负载电流( Rated Current )950mA(Max)电流表 (DC Power Supply)3.7负载转速 ( Rated Speed )250±10%rpm
转速表 (Flash Speed Indicator)3.8
噪音 30CM ( Noise )
分贝仪( Digital Sound Levd Meter )
NO.项 目( Item)
规 格 ( Specification)
检验方法 (Test Method)4.1轴伸尺寸 ( The Outside Shaft Length )
12mm 卡尺 (Vernier Calipers)
4.2轴向间隙 (Shaft End Play)
治具 (Frock)4.3螺孔 (Screw Size )M3.0治具 (Frock)4.4出轴直径 (Dia.of shaft)∮4mmD8
卡尺 (Vernier Calipers)
外形安装尺寸 (Outline Mounting
Refer to the Outline Drawing
2. 电机性能 (Performance Of Motors)
3. 整机性能( Performance of Gear motors)
4. 基本尺寸 (The Dimension )
1. 标准使用条件 (Standard Operating Conditions)
7. 曲线图 (Curve drawings )
5. 产品照片 (The product photos )
电机端子焊 200mm引线 ,22AWG线引线剥头3~5mm,并浸锡焊接位置加热塑管
6. 产品外形图 (Product drawings )。