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本文详细论述了基于WEB的订餐网站系统的开发设计过程。系统采用My Eclipse 作开发平台,Java为开发语言, SQL Server为数据库,实现了会员管理,菜品管理、订单管理、留言管理等功能。该系统符合基于WEB的订餐网站系统的要求,能够帮助切实提高工作效率。




In present society, the pace of life is becoming more and more quickly, and people's requirement of catering is also becoming higher and higher. The catering not merely needs to be delicious, nice and tasty, but also has the higher demand in time and way of ordering. As many customers are quite busy about work, they can't take the time to enjoy catering. So it is required to produce a fast way to order catering. And as the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has already being an indispensable part in people's daily life. And online order arises at this historic moment by combining catering and computer network.

My paper discusses the developing and design process in detail of the ordering website system based on WEB .The system uses My Eclipse as a development platform, Java as the development of language, the SQL server as the database, to achieve the member management, dishes management, order management and message management. The WEB-based ordering system meets the Web site system requirements and can help effectively to improve work efficiency.

The paper is organized as follows: First, the possibility to develop the system described; followed introduced the related development tools and technology infrastructure; then the system needs analysis, and proposed specific design and database model; and then shows the whole system concrete realization of the functional modules; final conclusion.

Key words: JA V A Ordering SQL server


1.绪论 (1)

1.1 课题的研究背景 (1)

1.2 课题的研究意义 (1)

1.3 本文的组织工作 (1)

2.系统开发技术分析 (3)

2.1 编程语言:JAVA (3)

2.2 服务器软件:TOMCAT (4)

2.3 系统开发工具:MyEclipse (5)

2.4 动态网页技术:JSP (5)

2.5 数据库软件:SQL Server (6)

3.系统需求分析 (8)

3.1 系统运行环境 (8)

3.1.1 最低配置 (8)

3.1.2 建议配置 (8)

3.2 可行性分析 (9)

3.2.1 经济可行性分析 (9)

3.2.2 技术能力分析 (10)

3.2.3 运行可行性分析 (10)

3.2.4 法律可行性分析 (10)

3.3 业务流程分析 (10)

3.3.1 管理员业务流程 (10)

3.3.2 会员业务流程 (11)

3.4 数据流图 (12)

4.系统概要设计 (14)

4.1 系统的功能结构 (14)

4.1.1 系统总功能结构 (14)

4.1.2 菜品管理功能结构 (15)

4.1.3 订单管理功能结构 (15)

4.1.4 公告管理功能结构 (15)

4.2 E-R图 (16)

5.详细设计 (20)

5.1 数据表 (20)

5.1.1 管理员表 (20)

5.1.2 会员表 (20)

5.1.3 菜品类别表 (21)

5.1.4 公告表 (21)

5.1.5 菜品表 (21)

5.1.6 留言表 (22)

5.1.7 订单表 (22)

5.1.8 订单管理表 (22)

5.2 系统登录模块 (22)
