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Pair …with…使(人或物)成对或成双 Enter into sth 达成协议、合同 Renege on sth 协约;背信 Abide by sth 遵守/忠于某事物 Be subject to sth 取决于……;视……而定 Intend to do sth 打算/想要做某事 Beside the point 离题;不相干
• Have nothing to lose (即使不成功也)不会 损失什么 • Go to war with sb 与某人开战 • Carry out 执行,实施,落实 • Correspond to 相当于……;符合…… • Shut (sth) down (使工厂等)停工,歇业, 关闭 • Owe (sth) to sb /sth 将……功归于…… • Keep an eye on 留意;密切注视
• Be the talk of sth 成为大家的谈资,为人 们所津津乐 • For the most part 通常,多半 • To say the least 至少可以说,最起码 • With no air of sth 没有……的神态 • To be sure 确实,当然 • Boot up 启动(电脑) • Substitute for sb /sth ……的替代者/代替物 • Bring about 引起,导致
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Work Leabharlann Baiduractice 工作制度 Pay deal 工资协议 Charter school 特许学校 Merit pay 绩效工资 Clamp down 压制,强制 Civil service 行政机构;文职部门 Stay put (人、物)留在原地不动
• Have a reaction / response to sth 对…… 做出反应 • Be odsessed with sth 被……困扰 • More often than not 往往 • Be overwhelmed by 被……击败 • Date back (to sth ) 追溯到…… • Up to sth 到达(某程度、数量) • Die down 减弱,平息
• Be accountable to sb/sth对……负责 • Make oneself agreeable to sb 热情招待, 使自己招人喜欢 • At the very least 至少,不管怎样,无论如 何 • Set out to do sth 试图做某事 • Nothing more than 仅仅,只不过 • Take a page from 学习,借鉴 • A body of 大量、大批(知识,信息)