
太坦神(THE TITAN)是宇宙混沌之后的第一代神。
他们有时也被称为老神(THE ELDER GODS)。
Uranus Coelus 尤瑞那斯(克洛诺斯)尤瑞那斯是天空之神,他也是第一个众神之神的统治者。
Cronus Saturn撒腾撒腾在推翻他父亲的统治后成为太坦神的领袖。
Rhea Cybele虞神虞神是撒腾的妻子。

希腊罗马诸神关系谱Chaos天王 (地母之子)Uranus == Gaea (地母)(诞下12泰坦和Cyclopes 独眼巨人和Hecatoncheires 百臂巨人)Mnemosyne Themis Cruis记忆神泰坦,与Zous九夜九Muse 律神泰坦,Fates和Horae (Seasons)之母与姐妹Eurybia结婚,育有 Astraeus, Pallas and PersesCronus== Rhea Coeus == Phoebe Ocean== Tethys Hyperion==Thea(sister) 阉其父后统领泰坦大地丰收泰坦智慧泰坦月神泰坦海洋泰坦河神泰坦太阳泰坦闪亮泰坦 Hestia Hades Poseidon Zeus=Hera Demeter= Zeus Leto=Zeus Iapetus Helius (the sun), Selene (the moon), and Eos (the dawn).灶神冥神海神主神婚姻之神农神Athena Persephone Prometheus Atlas Epimetheus智慧泰坦Mertis (Athena之母) 冥后人的保护神,预言,盗火,好东西,率领抵抗笨神,潘多拉的盒子Ares Hebe Hephaestus 被绑崖上鹰啄肝,大力神救 Zeus, 被罚顶天战神工匠神Apollo Artemis Zeus=Maia Zeus=Dione多才太阳神月亮狩猎女神Hermes Aphrodite信使爱与美神, Zeus (Jupiter) , Athena (Minerva), Poseidon (Neptune) , Apollo, Hades (Pluto) , Aphrodite (Venus), Hestia (Vesta) , Hermes (Mercury), Hera (Juno) , Artemis (Diana), Ares (Mars) , Hephaestus (Vulcan or Mulciber)Gaea (地母) == Tartarus (The darkest pit in the world at the edge of the world)五初神 Gaea (地母) == Tartarus God of darkness Erebus = = NyxGoddess of night Erosson of Chaos daughter of chaos(son) Typhon = = Echidna, Aether (god of sky), Hemera (goddess of day),Cerberus (son) Lernean Hydra (daughter) on her own, Nyx gives birthto(the three-headed of hell) (the multiheaded) Momus (blame), Moros (doom), Thanatos (death),Hypnos (sleep), Charon (the ferryman of Hades), the Oneiroi (dreams), the Hesperides, the Keres and Moirae (Fates), Nemesis (retribution), Apate (deception), Philotes (friendship), Geras (age), and Eris (strife), ...concepts occur in the Theogony of Hesiod. First there was Chaosin Hesiod’s system, then Gaea and Eros (Earth and Desire). Chaos, however, did not generate Gaea; the offspring of Chaos were Erebus (Darkness) and Nyx. Nyx begat Aether, the bright upper air, andDay. Nyx later begat the dark and dreadful aspects of the universe (e.g., Dreams, Death, War, and Famine).In Hesiod's Theogony, Nyx is born of Chaos; her offspring are many, and telling. With Erebus the deity of shadow and darkness, Nyx gives birth to Aether (atmosphere) and Hemera (day). Later,. In his description of Tartarus, Hesiod says further that Hemera (day), who is Nyx's daughter, left Tartarus just as Nyx entered it; when Hemera returned, Nyx left. This mirrors the portrayal of Ratri (night) in the Rigveda, where she works in close cooperation but also tension with her sister Ushas (dawn).Nyx by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1883)Erebus ConsortChaos Parents[1]Erebus, Gaia, Tartarus and Eros Siblingssee below ChildrenHypnosHypnos and Thánatos, Sleep and His Half-Brother Death by John William Waterhouse.God of Sleep Underworld AbodePoppy SymbolPasithea ConsortNyx ParentsThánatos, Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos SiblingsMorpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos (according to Ovid) ChildrenRoman equivalentThe Creation of the World and MankindThis story is written by both Aeschylus and Hesiod.In the beginning, there was formless confusion of Chaos brooded over the unbroken darkness. Then out of the void appeared Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells, and Night (Nyx). All else was empty, silent, endless, darkness. Then somehow Love (Eros) was born bringing a start of order. From Love came Light and Day. Once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared.Gaea alone gave birth to Uranus, the god of the heavens. Uranus became Gaea's mate. Together they produced the three Cyclopes, the three Hecatoncheires, and twelve Titans.But, Uranus was a bad father and husband. He hated the Hecatoncheires. He imprisoned them by pushing them into the hiddenplaces of the earth, Gaea's womb. This angered Gaea and she plotted against Uranus. She made a flint sickle and tried to get her children to attack Uranus. Allwere too afraid except, the youngest Titan, Cronus.Gaea and Cronus set up an ambush of Uranus as he lay with Gaea at night. Cronus grabbed his father and castrated him, with the stone sickle, throwing the severed genitals into the ocean. The fate of Uranus is not clear. He either died, withdrew from the earth, or exiled himself toItaly. As he departed, he promised that Cronus and the Titans wouldbe punished. From his spilt blood came the Giants, the Ash Tree Nymphs, and the Erinyes. From the sea foam where his genitals fell came Aphrodite.Cronus became the next ruler. He imprisoned the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires in Tartarus. He married his sister Rhea, and under his rule the Titans had many offspring. He ruled for many ages. However, Gaea and Uranus both had prophesied that he would be overthrown by a son. To avoid this Cronus swallowed each of his children as they were born. Rhea was angry at the treatment of the children and plotted againstCronus. When it came time to give birth to her sixth child, Rhea tricked Cronus. She secretly carried the child to Crete and then wrapped a stonein swaddling cloths. Cronus, thinking it was a baby, ate the stone.The child was Zeus. He grew into a handsome youth on Crete. He consulted Metis on how to defeat Cronus. She prepared a drink for Cronus which would force him to vomit up the five other children. Rhea convinced Cronus to accept his son and Zeus was allowed to return to Mount Olympus as Cronus's cupbearer. This gave Zeus the opportunity to slip Cronus the specially prepared drink. This worked as planned and the other five children were vomited up. Being gods they were unharmed. They were thankful to Zeus and made him their leader.Cronus was yet to be defeated. He and the Titans, except Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Oceanus, fought to retain their power. Atlas becametheirleader in battle and it looked for some time as though they wouldwin and put the young gods down. However, Zeus was had other plans. He went down to Tartarus and freed the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires. Prometheus joined Zeus as well. He returned to battle with his new allies. The Cyclopes provided Zeus with lighting bolts for weapons. The Hecatoncheires he set in ambush armed with boulders. When the time was right, Zeus retreated drawing the Titans into the Hecatoncheires's ambush. The Hecatoncheires rained down hundreds of boulders with such afury the Titans thought the mountains were falling on them. Theybroke and ran giving Zeus victory.Zeus exiled the Titans who had fought against him into Tartarus. All except for Atlas, who was singled out for the special punishment of holding the world on his shoulders.However, even after this victory Zeus was not safe. Gaea, angry that her children had been imprisoned, gave birth to a last offspring, Typhoeus. Typhoeus was a creature more terrible than any that had gone before. However, Zeus, having learned to control thunder and lightning stuck Typhoeus down. Typhoeus was buried under Mount Etna in Sicily.Much later a final challenge to Zeus rule was made by the Giants. They went so far as to attempt to invade Mount Olympus, piling mountain upon mountain in an effort to reach the top. But, the gods had grown strong and with the help of Hercules, the Giants were subdued or killed. Now, the world, having been cleared of all the monsters, was ready for mankind. Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tartarus because they did not fight with their fellow Titans during the war with the Olympians. They were given the task of creating man. Epimetheus was in charge of the task of giving the creatures of theearth their various qualities, such as swiftness, cunning, strength, fur, wings.Unfortunately, by the time he got to man Epimetheus had given allthe good qualities out and there were none left for man. So he turned toPrometheus for help. Prometheus took over the task of creation and sought a way to make man superior. He made man stand upright like thethegods did and gave them fire.Prometheus loved man more than the Olympians, who had banished mostof his family to Tartarus. Because of Prometheus' love of man, Zeus created women. So when Zeus decreed that man must present a portion of each animal they sacrificed to the gods, Prometheus decided to trick Zeus. He created two piles, one with the bones wrapped injuicy fat, the other with the good meat hidden in the hide. He then made Zeuspick one pile. Zeus picked the bones. Since he had given his word, Zeus had to accept that as his share for future sacrifices. In his anger over thetrick, he took fire away from man. However, Prometheus lit a torch from the sun and brought it back again to man. Zeus was enraged that man again had fire. He decided to inflict a terrible punishment on both man and Prometheus.To punish man, Zeus had Hephaestus create a mortal of stunning beauty. The gods gave the mortal many gifts of wealth. This creation was Pandora, the first woman. A final gift was a jar which Pandora was forbidden to open. When she was completed, Zeus sent her to Epimetheus.Prometheus had warned Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus but, Pandora's beauty was too great and he allowed her to stay. Eventually,Pandora's curiosity about the jar she was forbidden to open became too great. She opened the jar and out flew plagues, sorrow and mischief for mankind. However, the bottom of the jar held one good thing - Hope. It was the only good thing in the jar and remains to this day mankind's sole comfort in misfortune.However, a greater punishment lay in store for Prometheus. Zeus had his servants, Force and Violence, seize Prometheus, take him to Caucasus, and chain him to a rock with unbreakable adamanite chains. Here he was tormented day and night Zeus gave Prometheus two ways out of this torment. He could tell Zeus who the mother of the child that would dethrone him was. Or meet two conditions: First, that an immortal must volunteer to die for Prometheus. Second, that a mortal must kill the eagle and unchain him. Eventually, Chiron the Centaur agreed to die for him and Hercules killed the eagle and unbound him.Prometheus name has stood through the centuries, from Greek days to our own as the great rebel against injustice and authority of power.TitansThe Titans, also known as the elder gods, ruled the earth before the Olympians overthrew them. The ruler of the Titans was Cronus who was de-throned by his son Zeus. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and were punished by being banished to Tartarus., Gaea , Uranus, Cronus , Crius, Rhea , Phoebe, Oceanus , Thea, Tethys , Prometheus, Hyperion , Epimetheus, Mnemosyne , Atlas, Themis , Metis, Iapetus , Dione, CoeusGaeaGaea was Mother Earth. She mated with her son Uranus to produce the remaining Titans. Gaea seemed to have started as a neolithic earth-mother worshipped before the Indo-European invasion that eventually lead to the Hellenistic civilization.UranusUranus was the sky god and first ruler. He was the son of Gaea, who created him without help. He then became the husband of Gaea and together they had many offspring, including the Cyclopes, the Hecatoncheires, and twelve of the Titans.His rule ended when when Cronus, encouraged by Gaea, castrated him. He either died from the wound or withdrew from earth.CronusCronus was the ruling Titan who came to power by castrating his Father Uranus. His wife was Rhea. Their offspring were the first of the Olympians. To insure his safety, Cronus ate each of the children as theywere born. This worked until Rhea, unhappy at the loss of her children, tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, instead of Zeus. When he grew up, Zeus would revolt against Cronus and the other Titans, defeat them, and banish them to Tartarus in the underworld.Cronus managed to escape to Italy, where he ruled as Saturn. The period of his rule was said to be the golden age on earth, a time of peace and happiness that was honored by the Saturnalia feast. During the golden age, the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did right and as such, there was no need.RheaRhea was the wife of Cronus. She was the Titan of the earth and fertility. Cronus made it a practice to swallow their children. To avoid this, Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, saving her son Zeus. Rhea's symbol is the moon. She has another symbol, the swan, because it is a gentle animal. Also, her other symbol is two lions, supposedly the ones that pull her chariot.OceanusOceanus was the Latin word for the ocean, which the Greeks and Romans believed to be an enormous river encircling the world. Strictly speaking, it was the ocean-stream at the Equator in which floatedthe habitable hemisphere. This world-ocean was personified as a Titan, a sonof Uranus and Gaea. Together with his wife Tethys, they produced the rivers and six thousand offsprings called the Oceanids.TethysTethys was the wife of Oceanus. She was mother of the chief riversof the universe, such as the Nile, the Alpheus, the Maeander, and about sixthousand daughters called the Oceanids.HyperionHyperion was the Titan of light, an early sun god. He was the son of Gaea and Uranus. He married his sister Thea. Their children were Helius (the sun), Selene (the moon), and Eos (the dawn).MnemosyneMnemosyne was the Titan of memory. She slept with Zeus for ninenights and gave birth to the nine Muses.ThemisThemis was the Titan. Her name meaning "law of nature" rather than "human ordinance" was "of good counsel," was the embodiment of divine order, law and custom. She fought with Zeus against the other Titans. She was the mother of the Fates and the Horae (Seasons).IapetusIapetus was the father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius, andAtlas by Clymene.CoeusCoeus was the Titan of Intelligence. He was the father of Leto and Asteria.CruisCruis married his sister Eurybia and became the father of Astraeus, Pallas and Perses.PhoebePhoebe was Titan of the Moon. She was the mother of Leto and Asteria.TheaShe, along with her brother Hyperion, was the mother of Helios,Selene and Eos. She seems here a goddess of glittering in particular and of glory in general.PrometheusPrometheus was the wisest Titan. His name meant "forethought" and he was able to foretell the future. He was the son of Iapetus. When Zeus revolted against Cronus, Prometheus deserted the other Titans and fought on Zeus' side.By some accounts, he and his brother Epimetheus were delegated byZeus to create man. In all accounts, Prometheus was known as theprotector and benefactor of man. He gave mankind a number of gifts including fire. He also tricked Zeus into allowing man to keep the best part of the animals sacrificed to the gods and to give the gods the worst parts. For this Zeus punished Prometheus by having him chained to a rock with an eagle tearing at his liver. He was to be left there for all eternity or until he agreed to disclose to Zeus which of Zeus' children would try to replace him. He was eventually rescued by Hercules without giving in to Zeus.EpimetheusEpimetheus was a stupid Titan, whose name meant "afterthought". He was the son of Iapetus. In some accounts, he was delegated, along with his brother Prometheus by Zeus to create mankind. He also accepted the gift of Pandora from Zeus, which lead to the introduction of evil into the world.AtlasAtlas was the son of Iapetus. Unlike his brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus, Atlas fought with the other Titans supporting Cronus against Zeus. Due to Cronus's advance age, Atlas led the Titan's in battle. As a result, he was singled out by Zeus for a special punishment and was forced to hold up the world on his back.MetisMetis was the Titaness of the forth day and the planet Mercury. She presided over all wisdom and knowledge. She was seduced by Zeus and became pregnant with Athena. Zeus became concerned over prophecies that her second child would replace Zeus. To avoid this Zeus ate her. It was said that she was the source for Zeus' wisdom and that she still advises Zeus from his belly. It may seem odd for Metis to have been pregnant with Athena but, never mentioned as her mother. This was because the classic Greeks believedthat children were generated solely from the father's sperm. The women was thought to be nothing more than a vessel for the fetus to grow in.Since Metis was killed well before Athena's birth, her role doesn't count.OlympiansThe Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrowof the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way. They are named after their dwelling place, Mount Olympus. Note that the Roman names for the Olympian Gods are in brackets., Zeus (Jupiter) , Athena (Minerva), Poseidon (Neptune) , Apollo, Hades (Pluto) , Aphrodite (Venus), Hestia (Vesta) , Hermes (Mercury), Hera (Juno) , Artemis (Diana), Ares (Mars) , Hephaestus (Vulcan or Mulciber)ZeusZeus (Jupiter) overthrew his Father Cronus to become the supremeruler of the gods. He was lord of the sky, the rain god and the cloud gatherer.His weapon was a thunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him. He was married to Hera but, was famous for his many affairs. An eagle attended him as a minister of his will and for page and cup-bearer he had Ganymede, a boy so beautiful that Zeus had him stolen from Mount Ida to make him immortal in heaven. He was also known topunish those that lie or break oaths. His tree was the oak and hisoracle was at Dodona, the land of the oak trees.Read about Zeus' rise to power in the story of The Creation of the World and Mankind.PoseidonPoseidon (Neptune) was the brother of Zeus. Poseidon was a son of Cronus and Rhea. Like his brothers and sisters except for Zeus, Poseidon was swallowed by his father. Find out more about this in the TheCreation of the World and Mankind.He was the lord of the sea. He was widely worshiped by seamen. He married Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan Oceanus. His weapon was a trident, which could shake the earth, and shatter any object. He was second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. Under the ocean, he had a marvelous golden palace, its grottos adorned with corals and the sea-flowers, and lit with a phosphorescent glow. He rose forth in a chariot drawn by dolphins, sea-horses other marine creatures.HadesHades (Pluto) was the brother of Zeus. He was made lord of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He was a greedy god who was greatly concerned with increasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase the number of dead were seen favorably by him. The Erinyes were welcomed guests.He was also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth. He had a helmet that made him invisible. He rarely left the underworld. He was unpitying and terrible, but not capricious. His wife was Persephone whom Hades abducted. He was the King of the dead but, death itself is another god, Thanatos.Hades obtained his eventual consort, Persephone, through trickery, a story that connected the ancient Eleusinian Mysteries with the Olympian pantheon. Hades ruled the dead, assisted by demons over whom he had complete authority. He strictly forbade his subjects to leave his domain and would become quite enraged when anyone tried to leave, or if someone tried to steal his prey from him. Very few have gone to the underworld and returned.HestiaHestia (Vesta) was Zeus' sister. She was a virgin goddess. She was the Goddess of the Hearth, the symbol of the house around which a newborn child was carried before it was received into the family. In the Greek and Roman households, the hearth fire was not allowed to go out, unless itwas ritually extinguished and ritually renewed, accompanied by impressive rituals of completion, purification and renewal. Each city also had apublic hearth sacred to Hestia. Hestia symbolizes the alliance between the colonies and their mother-cities.HeraHera (Juno) was Zeus' wife and sister. She was raised by the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. She was the protector of marriage and takes special care of married women.Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus' infidelities. Her sacred animals were the cow and the peacock. Her favorite city was Argos.AresAres (Mars) was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was disliked by both parents. He was the god of war. He is considered murderous and bloodstained but, also a coward. When caught in an act of adultery with Aphrodite, her husband Hephaestus was able publicly ridicule him. His bird was the vulture. His animal was the dog.AthenaAthena (Minerva) was the daughter of Zeus. She sprang full grown in armor from his forehead, thus has no mother. She was fierce and brave in battle but, only fights to protect the state and home from outside enemies. She was the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture. Sheinvented the bridle, which permitted man to tame horses, the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the rake, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot.She was the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity. She was Zeus's favorite child and was allowed to use his weapons including his thunderbolt. Her favorite city was Athens. Her tree was the olive. The owl was her bird. She was a virgin goddess.ApolloApollo was the son of Zeus and Leto. His twin sister was Artemis. He was the god of music, playing a golden lyre. He was the god of the archer, far shooting with a silver bow. The god of healing who taught man medicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speak a lie. Apollowas considered to have dominion over disease, beauty, light, healing, colonists, medicine, archery, poetry, prophecy, dance, reason, intellectualism, and shamans, and was the patron defender of herds and flocks.One of Apollo's more important daily tasks was to harness hischariot with four horses an drive the Sun across the sky. He was famousfor his oracle at Delphi. People traveled to it from all over the Greek world to divine the future. His tree was the laurel. The crow was his bird. The dolphin was his animal.AphroditeAphrodite (Venus) was the goddess of love, desire and beauty. In addition to her natural gifts, she had a magical girdle that compelled anyoneshe wished to desire her. There were two accounts of her birth.One says she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione.The other went back to the time when Cronus castrated Uranus and tossed his severed genitals into the sea. Aphrodite then arose from the sea foam on a giant scallop and walked to shore in Cyprus.Aphrodite, in many of the myths involving her, is characterized as vain, ill-tempered and easily offended. She was the wife of Hephaestus. The myrtle was her tree. The dove, the swan, and the sparrow were her birds.HermesHermes (Mercury) was the son of Zeus and Maia. He was Zeus' messenger. He was the fastest of the gods. He wore winged sandals, a winged hat, and carried a magic wand. He was the god of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of orators,literature and poets, of athletics, of weights and measures and invention and commerce in general, of liars, and of the cunning of thieves. He wasthe guide for the dead to go to the underworld. He invented the lyre, the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy , weights and measures, boxing, gymnastics, and the care of olive trees.ArtemisArtemis (Diana) was the daughter of Zeus and Leto. Her twin brother was Apollo. She was the lady of the wild things. She was the huntsman of the gods. She was the protector of the young. Like Apollo, she hunted with silver arrows. She became associated with the moon. She was a virgin goddess, and the goddess of chastity. She also presided over childbirth, which may seem odd for a virgin, but goes back to causing Letono pain when she was born. The cypress was her tree. All wildanimals were scared to her, especially the deer.HephaestusHephaestus (Vulcan or Mulciber) was the son of Zeus and Hera. Sometimes, it was said that Hera alone produced him and that he had no father. He was the only god to be physically ugly. He was also lame. He was the god of fire and the forge. He was the smith and armorer of the gods.He used a volcano as his forge. He was the patron god of both smiths and weavers. He was kind and peace loving. His wife was Aphrodite.Sometimes, his wife was identified as Aglaia.。

雅努斯Janus 门神,具有前后两个面孔或四方四个面孔,象征开始。
朱庇特Juppiter 神王。
朱诺Juno 神后,相对应于希腊神话的赫拉Hera.
墨邱利Mercury 神的使者,相对应于希腊神话的赫耳墨斯Hermes.
维纳斯Venus 美神、爱神,相对应于希腊神话的阿佛洛狄德Aphrodite。
玛尔斯Mars 战神,相对应于希腊神话的阿瑞斯Ares。
萨敦Saturn 朱庇特的父亲,相对应于希腊神话的科罗努斯Kronus。
玛亚Maia 墨邱利的母亲,花神。
狄安娜Diana 月亮女神,相对应于希腊神话的阿尔忒弥斯Artemis。
阿波罗Apollo 太阳神,希腊和罗马名字相同。
米诺娃Minerva 智慧女神,相对应于希腊神话的雅典娜Athena。
赛尔斯Ceres 谷物和丰收女神,相对应于希腊神话的狄蜜特Demeter。
伏尔肯Vulcan 火神,维纳斯的丈夫,相对应于希腊神话的赫斐斯托斯Hephaestus。
尼普敦Neptune 海王神,相对应于希腊神话的波赛东Posidon,朱庇特的弟弟。
普鲁托Pluto 冥神,相对应于希腊神话的哈底斯Hades,朱庇特的弟弟。
邱比特Cupid 小爱神,维纳斯的儿子,相对应于希腊神话的爱罗斯Eros。
欧若拉 Aurora 黎明女神,相对应于希腊神话的厄俄斯Eos。

神名古希腊神名古罗马神名天神,万神之王宙斯 ( Zeus )木星 ( Jupiter )天后赫拉 ( Hera )朱诺 ( Juno )智慧与战争女神阿西娜 ( Athena )密涅瓦 ( Minerva )太阳神阿波罗 ( Apollo )阿波罗 ( Apollo )月女神,狩猎女神阿尔特弥斯 ( Artemis )黛安娜 ( Diana )战神阿瑞斯 ( Ares )火星 ( Mars )锻冶神工匠神赫淮斯托斯 ( Hephaetus )伏尔甘 ( Vulcan )爱神,美神阿芙洛迪特( Aphrodite )金星 ( Venus )信使商业之神赫尔墨斯( Hermes )水星 ( Mercury )海神波赛冬 ( Poseidon ) 海王星( Neptune )农耕女神得墨忒尔 ( Demeter )赛莱斯 ( Ceres )酒神迪俄尼索斯( Dionysus )巴卡斯 ( Bacchus )小爱神伊罗斯 ( Eros )邱比特 ( Cupid ) 别名Amor 大力神赫拉克利斯 ( Heracles )赫克利斯 ( Hercules )胜利女神尼姬 ( Nike )维多利亚 ( Victoria )黎明女神伊厄斯 ( Eos )奥罗拉 ( Aurora )花神克罗莉斯 ( Coloris )芙劳拉 ( Flora )田野女神冥后珀尔赛福涅( Persephone )普洛塞庇娜 ( Proserpina )牧羊神潘恩 ( Pan )冥王哈迪斯 ( Hades )普路托 ( Pluto )水仙之神纳尔喀索斯 ( Narcissus )彩虹女神伊莉斯 ( Iris )青春女神希琵 ( Hebe )灶神赫斯提亚 ( Hestia )维斯达 ( Vesta )医药之神乔利帕斯 ( Aesculapius )健康之神亥吉亚 ( Hygea )文艺女神缪斯 ( Muses )美惠三女神格拉斯 ( The Three Graces )山林女神宁芙 ( Nymphs )ps:美惠三女神:宙斯的三个女儿艾芙洛修妮(Euphrosyne)、阿葛莱雅(Aglaia)和泰莉亚(Thalia)。

十二主神希腊名 宙斯 Zeus [zu:s]
罗马名 朱庇特 Jupiter
头衔 主神,天空之神
天气神,原形为天,云,雨,雷 等
赫拉 Hera['hiərə] 波塞冬 Poseidon
朱诺 Juno ['dʒu:nəu] 墨 涅塔 Moneta[məu'neitə]
使者神,通信神 是风神,且司畜牧、财贸、商务、
பைடு நூலகம்
尼普顿 Neptune ['nep,tu:n, -,tju:n]
天后 海神
女权主义的代表,也是妇女和婚 姻的保护神
斯和赫拉的同胞兄弟,三分世界 时得到了海洋
哈得斯 Hades ['heidi:z]
德墨忒耳 Demeter [di'mi:tə]
普路托 Pluto ['plu:təʊ] 席瑞斯 Ceres ['siəri:z]
冥王 谷物女神
他是宙斯和波塞冬的亲兄弟,三 分世界得到冥界
阿瑞斯 Ares ['ɛəri:z] 马尔斯 Mars [mɑ:z]

2.有助于吸收希腊文明的精华 3.有助于自身文化素养的提高
盖亚 (Gaea)
盖亚(Gaea)和 乌拉诺斯(Uranus)
的大地之神,所有神灵中德高 望重的显赫之神。是希腊神话 中最早出现的神,开天辟地 时,由卡俄斯(Chaos)所生。 盖亚生了天空之神即天神乌拉 诺斯(Uranus),并与他结合生 了六男六女十二个泰坦巨神、 三个独眼巨神和三个百臂巨神。 盖亚的出现即是世界的开始, 而所有天神都是她的子孙后代。
2.古希腊存留下来的艺术作品,包括雕塑作品和希腊 古瓶上的绘画和古建筑上残留的壁画
3. 后世发掘出土的考古文物
古斯塔夫· 施瓦布(1792—
1850),是德国著名的浪漫主义 诗人。他生于符腾堡宫廷官员家 庭。1809-1814年在蒂宾根大学攻 读神学和哲学,1815年去德国北 部地区考察旅行,结识歌德和霍夫 曼等人。 他在文学上的主要贡献在于发 掘和整理古代文化遗产,曾出版 《美好的故事和传说集》、《德 国民间话本》和《希腊神话故 事》。
• 乌拉诺斯担心子女会推翻自己的统治,就设法阻 止他们出生。 • 一天晚间,盖亚准备了丰盛的晚宴,将乌拉诺斯 灌得大醉。待其睡熟后,克洛诺斯手持镰刀走来 ,一刀将他父亲的生殖器割下。这时,乌拉诺斯 睁开眼睛,并愤怒地诅咒道:“你会为你所做的 付出代价。不久,你也将象我一样被自己的儿子 推翻。” 说完,便返回天上,自此永不返回地面 (乌拉诺斯是天空之神,天空的本体,死了也就 没有以后的世界了)

希腊和罗马神话人名对照表神名古罗马神名天神,万神之王宙斯 ( Zeus ) 木星 ( Jupiter )天后赫拉 ( Hera ) 朱诺 ( Juno )智慧与战争女神阿西娜 ( Athena ) 密涅瓦 ( Minerva ) 太阳神阿波罗 ( Apollo ) 阿波罗 ( Apollo )月女神,狩猎女神阿尔特弥斯 ( Artemis )黛安娜 ( Diana )战神阿瑞斯 ( Ares ) 火星 ( Mars )锻冶神工匠神赫淮斯托斯 ( Hephaetus )伏尔甘 ( Vulcan )爱神,美神阿芙洛迪特( Aphrodite )金星 ( Venus )信使商业之神赫尔墨斯( Hermes ) 水星 ( Mercury )海神波赛冬 ( Poseidon ) 海王星( Neptune ) 农耕女神得墨忒尔 ( Demeter ) 赛莱斯 ( Ceres )酒神迪俄尼索斯( Dionysus )巴卡斯 ( Bacchus )小爱神伊罗斯 ( Eros ) 邱比特 ( Cupid ) 别名Amor大力神赫拉克利斯 ( Heracles )赫克利斯 ( Hercules )胜利女神尼姬 ( Nike ) 维多利亚 ( Victoria ) 黎明女神伊厄斯 ( Eos ) 奥罗拉 ( Aurora )花神克罗莉斯 ( Coloris ) 芙劳拉 ( Flora )田野女神冥后珀尔赛福涅( Persephone )普洛塞庇娜 ( Proserpina )牧羊神潘恩 ( Pan )冥王哈迪斯 ( Hades ) 普路托 ( Pluto )水仙之神纳尔喀索斯 ( Narcissus )彩虹女神伊莉斯 ( Iris )青春女神希琵 ( Hebe )灶神赫斯提亚 ( Hestia ) 维斯达 ( Vesta )医药之神乔利帕斯 ( Aesculapius )健康之神亥吉亚 ( Hygea ) 文艺女神缪斯 ( Muses )美惠三女神格拉斯 ( The Three Graces )山林女神宁芙 ( Nymphs )ps:美惠三女神:宙斯的三个女儿艾芙洛修妮(Euphrosyne)、阿葛莱雅(Aglaia)和泰莉亚(Thalia)。


希腊与罗马神话神名对照希腊罗马 (希腊语/拉丁语)Greek / RomanMajor Gods=======Aphrodite / VenusAres / MarsArtemis / DianaAthena / MinervaDemeter / CeresHades / PlutoHephaistos / VulcanHera / JunoHermes / MercuryHestia / VestaKronos / SaturnPersephone / ProserpinaPoseidon / NeptuneZeus / JupiterMinor Gods=======Erinyes / FuriaeEris / DiscordiaEros / CupidFates / MoraeGraces / CharitiesHelios / SolHours / HoraePan / FaunusTyche / FortunaZeus, Jupiter, Jove宙斯(Zeus)是众神之王,拉丁⽂名字是朱庇忒(Jupiter)或是朱威(Jove),词义都是“明亮的天空”。
”罗马语中“sub Jove”(在朱庇忒之下)就表⽰在光天化⽇之下。
有时⼈们会说,by Jove!意思是,天啊!相当于Oh, my god!宙斯浓眉⼤眼,虬髯,有威仪。


Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】
太坦神(THE TITAN)是宇宙混沌之后的第一代神。
他们有时也被称为老神(THE ELDER GODS)。

罗马神话与希腊神话神祗对照表(希腊)阿克琉斯Achilleus(罗马)阿克里斯Achilles特洛伊战争中最勇敢强大的英雄,杀了赫克托尔;密尔弥冬人的国王佩琉斯与海仙忒提斯之子(希腊)阿弗罗狄忒Aphrodite(罗马)维纳斯[女神]Venus金星,希腊神职司美丽与性爱,罗马神增加了园艺和丰产职责;宙斯与狄奥涅之女(希腊)阿波罗Apollon(罗马)阿波罗Apollo早期职司预言、医疗、射艺;晚期演变为太阳神;宙斯与勒托之子(希腊)阿瑞斯Ares(罗马)马尔斯Mars战神/火星, 宙斯与赫拉之子(希腊)阿尔忒弥斯Artemis(罗马)狄安娜[女神]Diana早期职司狩猎、森林,晚期变为月亮女神;宙斯与勒托之女(希腊)雅典娜Athena(罗马)米涅瓦[女神]Minerva早期职司艺术、手艺,帮助英雄;晚期变为智慧女神,女战神,雅典保护神。
宙斯与墨提斯之女(希腊)阿特拉斯Atlas(罗马)阿特拉斯Atlas大力神,因反叛宙斯被罚肩扛天球和地球,后指称地图集;一说乌拉诺斯与伊阿佩托斯之子(希腊)克罗诺斯Cronus(罗马)萨图恩Saturn第二代天父/土星,初司农业,后为黄金时代宇宙统治者;罗马神仅负责农业;乌拉诺斯与盖亚之子(希腊)德墨忒尔Demeter(罗马)切勒斯[女神]Ceres粮食女神,第三代大地母亲神;冥后佩尔塞福涅之母;克罗诺斯与瑞亚之女(希腊)狄奥尼索斯Dionysus(罗马)巴库斯Bacchus[葡萄]酒神,植物神;宙斯与塞墨勒之子;早期拉丁语叫利贝拉Libera(希腊)埃罗斯Eros(罗马)库比德/丘比特Cupid爱神,调控性欲,一说卡奥斯Chaos之子(希腊)盖亚Gaea/Gaia(罗马)特拉[女神]Terra/Tellus第一代大地母亲神/地球,卡奥斯Chaos之女(希腊)哈迪斯Hades(罗马)普路托Pluto冥府之王/冥王星,死人之主;克罗诺斯与瑞亚之子(希腊)赫菲斯托斯Hephaestus(罗马)乌尔坎Vulcan火神及工匠之神,宙斯与赫拉之子(希腊)赫拉Hera(罗马)朱诺/尤诺[女神]Juno婚姻与生育女神,已婚妇女的保护神,诸神之母后;克罗诺斯与瑞亚之女(希腊)赫拉克勒斯Herakles(罗马)海格立斯/赫尔库勒斯Hercules力大无比之神;宙斯与阿尔克墨涅之子(希腊)赫尔墨斯Hermes(罗马)墨丘利Mercury通讯神/水星,门神,保护工商、发明、旅游、盗贼;宙斯与玛亚之子(希腊)赫斯提亚Hestia(罗马)维斯塔[女神]Vesta灶神,国家和家庭保护神;克罗诺斯与瑞亚之女(希腊)许普诺斯Hypnos(罗马)索姆纳斯Somnus睡眠与梦幻之神,夜神尼克斯Nyx之子(希腊)奥德修斯Odysseus(罗马)尤利西斯Ulysses《奥德赛》主人公,足智多谋伊达卡国王,设木马计结束特洛伊战争(希腊)佩尔塞福涅Persephone(罗马)普罗塞耳皮娜Proserpina冥后,青春女神,朱庇特与切勒斯之女;早期拉丁语叫丽贝尔Liber(希腊)波塞冬Poseidon(罗马)尼普顿Neptune海神/海王星,地震之神,克罗诺斯与瑞亚之子(希腊)瑞亚Rhea(罗马)奥普斯[女神]Ops第二代大地母亲神;克罗诺斯之妻,诸女神之母;乌拉诺斯与盖亚之女(希腊)乌拉诺斯Uranus(罗马)乌拉诺斯Uranus第一代天父/天王星,12提坦之父,盖亚之子(希腊)宙斯Zeus(罗马)朱庇特/尤比特Jupiter第三代天父/木星,奥林匹斯12神祇之王,职司风雨雷电;克罗诺斯与瑞亚之子八大行星和月亮的英文与神话名称(除地球和月亮常用英语Earth, Moon以外,其余行星都用拉丁文的神话称谓)水星Mercury/Hermes,距太阳最近,质量第二小。

一、God and GoddessGaeaThe goddess of the earth who bore and married Uranus and was the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.大地女神盖亚,嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,是泰坦诸神和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲。
UranusThe eariest supreme god, a personification of the sky who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans.乌拉诺斯,最早的主神,是天的化身,大地女神的儿子和配偶,泰坦诸神和库克罗普斯的父亲。
CyclopsAny of the three one-eyed Titans who forged thunderbolts for Zeus.库克罗普斯:帮助宙斯制造雷电的三个独眼泰坦神之一。
TitanAny of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus.泰坦:巨人家庭成员,是乌拉诺斯和盖亚的子女,他们试图统治天国,但被宙斯家庭推翻并取代。
HyperionA Titan, the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios,Selene,Eos.许珀里翁:泰坦神,盖亚和乌拉诺斯之子,是太阳神赫利俄斯、月之神塞勒涅和黎明女神厄俄斯的父亲。
MetisA Titan, the mother of Athena.墨提斯:泰坦神,雅典娜的母亲。
MnemosyneA Titan, the goddess of memory, the mother of the Muses.摩涅莫绪涅:泰坦神,记忆女神,缪斯的母亲。

• I think this book is full of romance.It just like a magic. Greek and Roman mythology is the source of the western literature art . • The spread of the historic story has been reduced to a vivid imagery and idioms,blend in our cultural life.Such as the mystery of the sphinx and Pandora's box.
Love and soul爱情与灵魂
• The story is about cupid and Psyche. • Psyche was a beautiful young maiden that everybody loved. Venus was jealous because everyone thought that Psyche was prettier than she was.
• Hera:a beautiful and rich kingdom • Athene:the opportunity to be a hero • Venus:the most beautiful girl in the world ( love)
loveБайду номын сангаас
• only love that everyone can have
• In that world, there are many deified heroes and historical facts, reflecting various contradictions and fight between human beings and society and nature.

神名│ 古希腊神名│ 古罗马神名天神,万神之王│ 宙斯( Zeus ) │ 朱彼得( Jupiter )天后│ 希拉( Hera ) │ 朱诺( Juno )正义之神│ 雅典娜( Athena ) │ 弥涅耳瓦( Minerva )光明之神│ 阿波罗( Apollo ) │ 阿波罗( Apollo )狩猎女神│ 亚特米斯( Artemis ) │ 黛安娜( Diana )战神│ 亚瑞斯( Ares ) │ 马尔斯( Mars )火神│ 西法斯特斯( Hephaetus ) │ 伏尔冈( Vulcan )爱神,美神│阿芙洛迪( Aphrodite ) │ 维纳斯( V enus )信使(商业) 之神│ 赫姆斯( Hermes ) │默丘利( Mercury )海神│波西顿( Poseidon ) │尼普顿( Nepturne )农耕女神│ 迪米特( Demeter ) │茜莉斯( Ceres )酒神│ 达奥尼塞斯( Dionysus ) │ 巴卡斯( Bacchus )小爱神│ 邱比特( Cupid ) │伊罗斯( Eros )大力神│ 赫丘力斯( Heracles ) │海克力斯( Hercules )胜利女神│ 尼姬( Nike ) │ 维多利亚( Victoria )黎明女神│伊厄斯( Eos ) │ 奥萝娜( Aurora )花神│ 克罗莉斯( Coloris ) │ 芙萝拉( Flora )田野女神│ 佩儿西凤( Persephone ) │普洛塞庇娜( Proserpina ) 牧羊神│潘恩( Pan )地府之神│ 哈得斯( Hades ) │普鲁图( Pluto )水仙之神│纳西斯( Narcissus )彩虹女神│ 伊莉斯( Iris )青春女神│希? ( Hebe )灶神│ 赫斯提亚( Hestia ) │ 维斯达( V esta )医药之神│乔利帕斯( Aesculapius )健康之│神亥吉亚( Hygea )文艺女神│缪斯( Muses )三合一神│ 格拉斯( The Three Graces )山林女神│尼芙( Nymphs )。


序号 罗马神话 希腊神话
1 朱庇特
2 朱诺 3 尼普顿 4 普鲁托
赫拉 波塞冬 哈迪斯
Poseidon/Neptun e Hades/Pluto
海洋与风浪 死亡与冥界
5 福玻斯
Apollo/Phoebus 太阳与光明
6 狄安娜
阿尔忒弥斯 Artemis/Diana 狩猎与森林
7 玛尔斯
8 密涅瓦
Athena/Minerva/B ellona
9 维纳斯 10 伏尔甘 11 墨丘利 12 巴克斯 13 维斯塔
阿佛洛狄忒 赫菲斯托斯 赫尔墨斯 狄俄尼索斯 赫斯提亚
Aphrodite/Venus 爱与美
Hephaestus/Vulc an
பைடு நூலகம்
Hermes/Mercury 情报与商业技术
Dionysus/Bacchu s Hestia/Vesta
酒与迷醉、戏剧 家灶与火焰
14 克瑞斯
Demeter/Ceres 谷物与丰饶
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爱神、美神 阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite) 维纳斯(Venus)
神使 海尔梅斯(Hermes) 墨耳库里(乌斯)(Mercurius)
小爱神 厄洛斯(Eros) 阿摩耳(Amor)、丘必德(Cupid)
战神 亚力斯(Ares) 玛尔斯(Mars)
火神、匠神 赫斐斯托斯(Hephaistos) 武尔坎(努斯) (Vulcanus)
神的名称 希腊神名 罗马神名
天神、众神之父 宙斯(Zeus) 朱必特(J 阿波罗(Apollo)
月神 阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis) 狄安娜(Diana)
冥后 珀耳塞福涅(Persephone) 普洛塞耳庇挪(Proserpina)
酒神 狄俄倪索斯(Dionusos) 巴克斯(Bakkhos)
天后 赫拉(Hera) 朱诺(Juno)
智慧女神 雅典娜(Athena) 弥涅耳瓦(Minerva)
灶神 赫斯提亚(Hestia) 威斯塔(Vesta)
冥王 哈得斯(普路同) (Hades,Pluton) 普路托(Ploto)
海神 波赛东(Poseidon) 涅普顿(Neptune)
农神 得墨成耳(Demeter) 刻瑞斯(Ceres)