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M9 Unit 1单词拼写

1.The _________________(有历史意义的) meeting between the leaders from these two

countries will surely open up a new relationship between the two nations.

2.The movie theater was _____________ (冰冷) with few audiences.

3.Although only a handful of people were successful, many stayed and established

______________(定居点) in the area.

4.We should never c______________ ourselves with book knowledge.

5.Gardening is one of her ___________________.(消遣方式)

6.He r___________ among the best students in our grade.

7.There are few o_____________ when I could stay with my families.

8.E_____________ with modern facilities, the factory now produces three times as many cars.

9.C_______________ he has only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.

10.The good news _______________ (使非常激动)my family.

11.Canadians, especially wildlife _________________(摄影师) and hunters, are quite fond of

the wilderness.

12.It is easier to think in ______________(具体的) terms rather than in the abstract.

13.As a modern, _______________(有活力的) city, Montreal has a lively night scene.

14.In 1896, gold was discovered in the Klondike ___________ (边境) area in the north-west of


15.It was once the main center for ________________(移居) to the USA.

16.His words are a_____________, so we don’t exactly know what he means.

17.“You are wrong,” s he said with ____________ (绝对的)certainty.

18.English is c_____________ for all students, but art and music are optional.

19.The school was o______________ very small, but now it is five times what it was.

20.The country still ____________(欠) billions of dollars to foreign creditors(债权人).

M9 Unit 2

1. The policeman has just been ___________(委派)to look into the case.

2.We put some _______________(装饰品) up in the classroom at Christmas.

3.Everyone on the road must obey traffic _________________.(规则)

4.Our teacher often ___________(强调) the importance of a good education.

5.Despite his cries, no one came to his a _______________.

6.Red is often a____________ with danger.

7.Both poets drew their ________________(灵感)from the countryside.

8.He was c____________ with being irresponsible.

9.He got ______________(离婚) from his wife last month.

10.He was s______________ to death because of bribery(受贿).

11.The last major damage of this kind occurred with the t________ of many of the best


12.Objective ____________(评价) of the severity of the problem was difficult.
