



2015年03月全国计算机等级考试三级《网络技术》真题二(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)一、单选题1. 下列关于RPR技术的描述中,错误的是______。

A RPR与FDDI一样使用双环结构B 在RPR环中,源节点向目的节点成功发出的数据帧要由源节点从环中收回C RPR环中每一个节点都执行SRP公平算法D RPR能够在50ms内隔离出现故障的节点和光纤段该问题分值: 1答案:B[解析] RPR数据帧要由目的节点从环中收回,并非源节点,从而不再占用下游段的环带宽,提高了环带宽的利用率,因此B选项错误。

2. 下列不属于无线接入技术的是______。

A APONB Ad hocC WiMAXD WiFi该问题分值: 1答案:A[解析] APON是ATM和PON相结合的产物。



无线接入技术主要有WLAN、WiMAX、Wi-Fi、WMAN和Ad hoc等。


3. 按照ITU标准,传输速率为622.080Mbit/s的标准是______。

A OC-3B OC-12C OC-56D OC-128该问题分值: 1答案:B[解析] 无源光纤网(PON)是ITU(国际电信联盟)的SG15研究组在G.983建议“基于无源光纤网的高速光纤接入系统”进行标准化的。



4. 下列关于光纤同轴电缆混合网HFC的描述中,错误的是______。

A HFC是一个双向传输系统B Cable Modem利用频分多路复用方法将信道分为上行信道与下行信道C Cable Modem传输方式分为对称式和非对称式两类D HFC通过Cable Modem将光缆与同轴电缆连接起来该问题分值: 1答案:D[解析] Cable Modem是专门为利用有线电视网进行数据传输而设计的。


A.In a library.
B.In a hospital.
C.At a bank.
D.In a store.
(11~13/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.
Where is the Bank of English created?
A.At the University of Buckingham.
B.At the Oxford University.
C.At the Cambridge University.
D.At the University of Birmingham.
C.The professor had chosen a mystery book for him instead.
D.The homework assignment isn´t clear.
What does the man mean?



2015年3月全国电脑等级考试三级网络技术笔试试卷及答案〔考试时间120分钟,总分值100分〕一、选择题〔每题1分,共60分〕〔1〕我国研制成功第一台通用电子管103电脑是在A) 1957年B) 1958年C) 1959年D) 1960年〔2〕关于电脑应用的描述中,正确的选项是A) 事务处理的数据量小、实时性不强B) 智能机器人不能从事繁重的体力劳动C) 电脑可以模拟经济运行模式D) 嵌入式装置不能用户过程控制〔3〕关于客户端电脑的描述中,错误的选项是A) 包括台式机、笔记本及工作站等B) 大多数工作站属于图形工作站C) 可分为RISC工作站和PC工作站D) 笔记本类手持设备越来越收到欢送〔4〕关于处理芯片的描述中,正确的选项是A) 奔腾芯片是32位的B) 双核奔腾芯片是64位的C) 超流水线技术内置多条流水线D) 超标量技术可细化流水〔5〕关于软件的描述中,错误的选项是A) 可分为系统软件和应用软件B) 系统软件的核心是操作系统C) 共享软件的坐着不保留版权D) 自由软件可自由复制和修改〔6〕关于流每题的描述中,正确的选项是A) 流媒体播放都没有启动延时B) 流媒体内容都是线性组织的C) 流媒体服务都采用客户/服务器模式D) 流媒体数据流需要保持严格的时序关系〔7〕对电脑网络发展具有重要影响的广域网是A) ARPANET B) Ethernet C) Token Ring D) ALOHA〔8〕关于网络协议的描述中,错误的选项是A) 为网络数据交换制定的规制与标准B) 由语法、语义与时序三个要素组成C) 采用层次结构模型D) 语法是对事件实现顺序的详细说明〔9〕如果网络系统发送1bit数据所用时间为10-7s,那么它的数据传输速率为A) 10Mbps B) 100Mbps C) 1Gbps D) 10Gbps〔10〕在OSI参考模型中,负责实现路由选择功能的是A) 物理层B) 网络层C) 会话层D) 表示层〔11〕关于万兆以太网的描述中,正确的选项是A) 应考虑介质访问控制问题B) 可以使用屏蔽双绞线C) 只定义了局域网物理层标准D) 没有改变以太网的帧格式〔12〕在Internet中实现文件传输服务的协议是A) FTP B) ICMP C) CMIP D) POP〔13〕具有括扑中心的网络结构是A) 网状拓扑B) 树状拓扑C) 环型拓扑D) 星型拓扑〔14〕IEEE针对无线局域网制定的协议标准是〔15〕1000BASE-LX标准支持的传输介质是A) 单模光纤B) 多模光纤C) 屏蔽双绞线D) 非屏蔽双绞线〔16〕关于共享介质局域网的描述中,错误的选项是A) 采用广播方式发送数据B) 所有网络结点使用同一信道C) 不需要介质访问控制方法D) 数据在传输过程中可能冲突〔17〕如果千兆以太网交换机的总带宽为24Gbps,其全双工千兆端口数量最多为A) 12个B) 24个C) 36个D) 48个〔18〕在TCP/IP参考模型中,提供无连接服务的传输层协议是A) UDP B) TCP C) ARP D) OSPF〔19〕关于网桥的描述中,正确的选项是A) 网桥无法实现地址过来与帧转发能够B) 网桥互联的网络在网络层都采用不同协议C) 网桥是在数据链路层实现网络互联的设备D) 透明网桥由源结点实现帧的路由选择功能〔20〕以下不属于即时通信的是A) DNS B) MSN C) ICQ D) QQ〔21〕OSI参考模型的网络层对于TCP/IP参考模型的A) 主机-网络层B) 互联网C) 传输层D) 应用层〔22〕关于博客的描述中,错误的选项是A) 以文章的形式实现信息发布B) 在技术上属于网络共享空间C) 在形式上属于网络个人出版D) 内容只能包含文字与图片〔23〕以太网帧的地址字段中保存的是A) 主机名B) 端口号C) MAC地址D) IP地址〔24〕关于操作系统的描述中,正确的选项是A) 只管理硬件资源。



10.下列定义语句不正确的是( C )
A.double x[5]={2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0}; B.char c1[]={‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,’4’, ‘5’,‘1’}; C. int yf[5]=(0,1,3,5,7,9); D.char c2[]={‘\10’,’\xa’,’\x8’};
线性表是具有相同特性的数据元素的一个有限序列。(3分) 栈是限定仅在表尾进行插入或删除操作的线性表。(3分)
(1)若n(待排序的记录数目)较小,可采用直接插入排序或直接选择排序;(3分) (2)若记录的初始状态已经按关键字基本有序,则选用直接插入持序或冒泡排序 法为宜;(3分) (3)若n较大,则应采用时间复杂度为0(nlog2n)的排序方法:快速排序、堆排序或归并 排序。但快速排序、堆排序都是不稳定排序,若要求稳定排序,则可选用归并排序。(3 分) (4)基数排序可在0(dxn)时间内完成对n个记录的排序,d是指单逻辑关键字的个数,一 般远小于n(3分) (5)当记录本身的信息量很大时,为避免大量时间用在移动数据上,可以用链表 作为存储结构,插入排序和归并排序都易在链表上实现,但有的排序方法, 如快速排序和堆持序在链表上却很难实现。(2分)
环体语句执行了 0 次。
5. 若有语句 int a[10J={1,2,3,4,5};则该数组最后一个
9 ,初始化后数组元素 a[5]的题(本大题共3小题,每空4分,共计28分)
1.程序的功能是“求1~100间所有偶数的和”,请阅读程序,补 充横线上的语句。
























复习题之三一、填空题1.下列过程,填上大于,小于还是等于或无法判断:(环境工程)(1) 非理想气体卡诺循环: W+Q____0,W ____0,∆S ____0(2) 在一个绝热恒容的系统中发生了爆反应,使系统的温度和压力皆显著升高,则反应前后ΔH__________0;ΔS_______0;ΔA__________02. 指出下列公式的适用范围:(1) pdVTdS dU -=_________________________________________________________(2)___________________________________________________3. G 判据:ΔG ≤0的适用条件_________________________________________4. 某反应半衰期与起始浓度无关,该反应为 级反应5. 对电池反应Zn(s)+2Cl -(α1)→ Zn 2+(α2)+ Cl 2 (100kpa),所设计的原电池用符号表示为 ________________________________________________________________________6. 在温度为T 时反应C(s)+O 2 (g) = CO 2(g)、C(s)+(1/2)O 2 (g) = CO(g)的平衡常数分别为K θ1、K θ2,则反应CO(g)+(1/2)O 2 (g) = CO 2(g)的平衡常数为_____________________。

7. 糖可以顺利溶解在水中,说明固体糖的化学势较糖水中的糖的化学势__________。

8. 在讨论固体对气体等温吸附的兰格谬尔理论中,最重要的基本假设为:吸附是 __层的。

9. 阿伦尼乌斯方程为______________。




2015年3月英语高级口译第一阶段笔试真题及答案解析2015年3月英语高级口译第一阶段笔试真题及答案解析(1~20/共20题)Part A Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Play00:0003:01VolumeGlobal warming? You may accept or reject those who say it is a dangerous phenomenon. But if the planet is warming, and humanity is contributing to it, shouldn′t someone be__1__? If the Earth is, in fact, engaged in a long-term warming cycle? And if humanity is partly responsible —__2__?Possible solutions to global warming range from the simple to the complex, from changing__3__to engineering giant reflectors in space. The most talked about solutions involve expanded use of__4__, and less reliance on fossil fuels.Volcanoes, forest fires, ocean and atmospheric variability are __5__that change climate conditions. Might nature correct the warming trend itself? Climate scientists say that it seems very unlikely. __6__. Science gives us likelihood. We think that it′s likely that__7__of th e last few decades isn′t due to the usual causes such as changes__8__, changes in the sun, volcanoes, but it′s due primarily to humans__9__.John Topping of the nonprofit Climate Institute says it will be __10__, not governments, coming up with solutions. He argues that we need to__11__in the direction of emerging clean energytechnologies and part of that′s going to happen because we, as consumers, step forward and we are conscious__12__to get more energy-efficient products. Higher gas prices are making __13__more attractive to consumers. Building and home constructions are becoming more energy efficient. Climate change is__14__. But climate change also provides an opportunity for countries__15__, and the only way to advance much globally, is to look at approaches that protect the environment at the same time that they__16__.Wider application of renewable energy resources could reduce greenhouse gases and__17__. Some scientists are suggesting grander solutions, involving__18__: building huge sunshades in space, for example, tinkering with clouds to make them __19__, perhaps tricking oceans into soaking up __20__.第1题第2题第3题第4题第5题第6题第7题第8题第9题第10题第11题第12题第13题第14题第15题第16题第18题第19题第20题下一题(21~25/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0003:44Volume第21题A.Quitting drinking.B.Treating drug addiction.C.Getting rid of smoking.D.Hypnotizing for medical purposes.第22题A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.D.Unknown.第23题A.Acupuncture.B.Hypnotization.C.Psychotherapy.D.Physiotherapy.A.She lives with her husband and two daughters.B.She has been married for just a couple of years.C.She′s a full-time housewife with no kids.D.She′s a single mother with a 12-year-old son.第25题A.Three.B.Two.C.One.D.Half a year.上一题下一题(26~30/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0006:08Volume第26题A.0.4%.B.0.7%.C.1.1%.D.1.7%.第27题A.$8 billion.B.$18 billion.C.Over 90%.D.Three-quarters.第28题A.Start afresh an era for a vibrant auto production base in Australia.B.Reduce the costs to make Australia an attractive auto-making base.C.Cut 2500 jobs in its Australian plants before the end of this year.D.Stop making cars and engines in Australia by the end of 2017.第29题A.Its jobless rate is 12 % at present.B.1. 38 million people are officially jobless.C.The number of people out of work is 1. 9 million.D.Its unemployment rate is expected to drop further.第30题A.She drove the wrong way on freeways and caused an accident.B.She ran down six people in drunk driving on a "girls′ night out".C.She did killing under the influence of alcohol and drugs.D.She got involved in a horrific drug crime in Los Angeles.上一题下一题(31~35/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWERBOOKLET.Play00:0005:14Volume第31题A.In his early childhood.B.In late 1965.C.In the early ′90s.D.In the 21st century.第32题A.The boy had sold one of his paintings.B.The boy had found a special training method.C.The boy could give his father an art lesson.D.The boy could draw better than his father.第33题A.He learnt a variety of artistic styles and created one of his own.B.He copied paintings of different artistic styles by way of tracing.C.He taught himself painting using methods that are different from others′.D.He had been tutored by an artist when he was only four years old.第34题A.She was a commercial artist all her life.B.She was constantly creating something.C.She was not as encouraging as her husband.D.She outlived her husband for five years.第35题A.Working with a grocery store.B.Cooking pizza.C.Acting in a drama.D.Editing a newspaper.上一题下一题(36~40/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0004:36Volume第36题A.Globalization and exporting activities.B.Different types of overseas markets.C.Different relationships between export and import.D.The transition from export marketing to global marketing.第37题A.The overall investment costs are low.B.It is common to use agents, but not distributers.C.All sales centers are in home markets.D.Management is centered on the overseas base.第38题A.The investment is not so high as export marketing.B.There is much more employment of home management.C.Production has expanded to overseas markets.D.Local management is not responsible for making a profit.第39题A.The business is established in all major world markets.B.The brand name or names are international.C.The business has a global identity.D.The business has cost centers all over the world.第40题A.Export marketing.B.International marketing.C.Global marketing.D.It′s not mentioned in the talk.上一题下一题(41~45/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Since a gigantic Sainsbury is my local corner shop, I have a purseful of those coupons: "Here′s £l. 45 off your next visit", etc. But lately I′ve felt 1 deserve another voucher: "Here′s a tax rebate on the cash you pay our low-paid workers so they can subsist. " The chances are they couldn′t get by without you. A survey of Sainsbury employees by Unite last year found that 60% relied upon government working tax credits to top up their salaries. Even so, in the previous six months, a third had resorted to borrowing money to settle their bills. Low pay is always seen as a leftie, bleeding-heart issue. Poor oppressed workers. Aux barricades! Rather it should raise the blood pressure of every taxpayer.The constant conniptions of supermarkets competing formarket share, discounting their rivals, fighting off the German upstarts Aldi and Lidl, distract from the fact that they are vastly wealthy. Sainsbury′s underlying profits for 2012-13 were £758 million: these have trebled in a decade. Who could begrudge Sainsbury′s new CEO Mike Coupe his £900,000 basic salary, if only he paid all his 157,000 retail staff enough to live on without you and me chipping in? But he doesn′t and, bizarrely, no one is inclined to make him.Voters abhor a high welfare bill or the notion that benefits arc rising faster than wages. But if the chancellor wanted to take £300 a year from every low-paid household, £490 from families with children, could he not at least have added: "I call upon our friends in business to make up the difference: to help cut the welfare bill, by paying all their employees a living wage. " Because the problem is not just soaring welfare but stagnating wages. For the first time in British history, the majority of those classified in poverty already have jobs. In the last decade, food bills have increased by 44% , energy costs more than doubled, but even now that the economy has rallied, wages have barely picked up. Now 5. 2 million of the workforce are paid below a rate at which decent life is sustainable. And since, without government support, families on minimum wage would barely be able to feed their children, in-work benefits cost taxpayers £28 billion a year. During the Tory and Labour conferences, much was said about "political disconnect" —theangry distrust voters feel towards the major Westminster parties. It was ascribed to ideological differences on Europe. But deep down, it′s about money, stupid. Life is a trudge and people see no one capable of lightening their step. The idea that prosperity should be shared, increased productivity linked towages, fell apart in the 1980s. As Warren Buffett said recently, the class war was won "by my class, the rich class". Employees know that even low-paid jobs are precious, that if they contemplate something as audaciously retro as striking, a pool of labour could rush to take their place.Companies relish their upper hand, play the austerity card during pay rounds even now times are better. When the retailer Next was asked why, despite record profits, its wages were still below the living wage, it replied that since 30 people applied for every job advertised, how could it be paying too little? While the executive googles ski-breaks in Verbier, the cleaner emptying his bin walks to work to save on bus fares. The low-paid don′t merely have less stuff: they have less stable relationships and weaker health. Are their struggles invisible to those who pay their terrible salaries, or do they not care?I was encouraged to read in the report by the Living Wage Commission that not all lack heart. Sir John Bond, then chairman of HSBC, was moved by a speech from a Canary Wharf cleaner. Both then introduced the living wage. Indeed Guy Stallard of KPMG, whose company has paid it since 2006, says staff turnover is lower and morale up. Give people the means to be fully human and they will be loyal. Now eight companies on the FTSE 100 index pay the living wage. But in retail, which has the biggest proportion of low-paid workers, not a single high street name has signed up. These days our only political muscle is as consumers, choosing Fairtrade, making ethical investments. And there would be great kudos for the first of the big four supermarkets who stopped sitting on its mega-profits while adding staff wage bills to the welfare tab.第41题Why does the author say that low pay of supermarket workers "should raise the blood pressure of every taxpayer"(para.1)?A.Because the low-paid workers would pay less income tax.B.Because the tax office would give them more tax credits.C.Because the supermarket employees could only get by with customers.D.Because taxpayers would have to pay more for their in-work benefits.第42题What does the author imply when she says that "the majority of those classified in poverty already have jobs" for the first time in British history(para. 3)?A.Unemployment remains a major issue in the U. K.B.Employment is the key to eradicate poverty.C.Instead of unemployment, low wages become the major issue.D.Social welfare is always connected to employees′ income.第43题The author introduced Warren Buffet in paragraph 4 to illustrate that______.A.a company′s success is mainly attributable to its top executivesB.workers′ wages are no longer closely related to increased productivityC.in the Western world today the rich people win the war against the poorD.people with low pay should not resort to striking第44题What is the argument of the retailer Next?A.As too many people applied for every job advertised, the pay could not be low.B.Record profits have already shown that workers got their living wage.C.If fewer people apply for jobs advertised, then they will consider raising salaries.D.The retailer has to play the austerity card even in better time.第45题Which of the following best shows the author′s attitude towards the issue of supermarkets employees′ low wages?A.Indifferent, neutral, and matter-of-fact.B.Sympathetic, argumentative, and suggestive.C.Vehement, antagonistic, and opposing.D.Political, negotiating, and diplomatic.上一题下一题(46~50/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.When young college graduates decide where to move, they are not just looking at the usual suspects, like New York, Washington and San Francisco. Other cities are increasing their share of these valuable residents at an even higher rate and have reached a high overall percentage, led by Denver, San Diego, Nashville, Salt Lake City and Portland, Ore. , according to a reportpublished Monday by City Observatory, a new think tank. And as young people continue to spurn the suburbs for urban living, more of them are moving to the very heart of cities. The number of college-educated people age 25 to 34 living within three miles of city centers has surged, up 37 % since 2000.Some cities are attracting young talent while their overall population falls, like Pittsburgh and New Orleans. And in a reversal, others that used to be magnets, like Atlanta and Charlotte, are struggling to attract them at the same rate. Even as Americans over all have become less likely to move, young, college educated people continue to move at a high clip—about a million cross state lines each year. Where they end up provides a map of the cities that have a chance to be the economic powerhouses of the future. "There is a very strong track record of places that attract talent becoming places of long-term success," said economist Edward Glaeser, "The most successful economic development policy is to attract and retain smart people and then get out of their way. "The economic effects reach beyond the work the young people do, according to economist Enrico Moretti, For every college graduate who takes a job in an innovation industry, he found, five additional jobs are eventually created in that city. "It′s a type of growth that feeds on itself—the more young workers you have, the more companies are interested in locating their operations in that area and the more young people are going to move there," he said. About 25% more young college graduates live in major metropolitan areas today than in 2000, which is double the percenta ge increase in cities′total population. All the 51 biggest metros except Detroit have gained young talent, either from net migration to the cities or from residentsgraduating from college. It is based on data from the American Community Survey and written by Joe Cortright, an economisl who runs City Observatory and Impresa, a consulting firm on regional economies.Denver has become one of the most powerful magnets. Its population of the young and educated is up 47% since 2000, nearly double the percentage increase in the New York metro area. And 7. 5% of Denver′s population is in this group, more than the national average of 5. 2%. Denver has many of the tangible things young people want, economists say, including mountains, sunshine and jobs in booming industries like tech. Perhaps more important, it also has the ones that give cities the perception of cultural cool. "With lots of cultural things to do and getting away to the mountains, you can have the work-play balance more than any place I′ve ever lived," said Colleen Douglass, 27, a video producer at a start-up Craftsy. "There′s this really thriving start-up scene here, and the sense we can be in a place we love and work at a cool new company. "Other cities that have had significant increases in a young and educated population and that now have more than their share include San Diego, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Nashville, Salt Lake City and Portland, Ore. At the other end of the spectrum are the cities where less than 4% of the population are young college graduates. Among those, Detroit lost about 10% of this group, while Providence gained just 6% and Memphis 10%. Atlanta, one of the biggest net gainers of young graduates in the 1990s, has taken a sharp turn. Its young, educated population has increased just 2. 8% since 2000, significantly less than its overall population. It is suffering the consequences of overenthusiasm for new houses and new jobs before the crash, economists say.The effects of the migration of the young are most vividly seen in urban cores. In 1980, young adults were 10% more likely than other people to live in these areas, according to the report from City Observatory, which is sponsored by the Knight Foundation. In 2010, they were 51% more likely, and those with college degrees were 126% more likely. The trend extends to all the largest metropolitan areas except Detroit and Birmingham. Of the most populous metropolitan areas, Washington and Philadelphia showed the largest increases of young adults living there, at 75 and 78%. Washington also had the largest share of young college graduates over all, at 8. 1%. "They want somelhing exciting, culturally fun, involving a lot of diversity—and their fathers′suburban lifestyle doesn′t seem to be all that thrilling," Mr. Glaeser said. How many eventually desert the city centers as they age remains to be seen, but demographers predict that many will stay. They say that could bolster city economies, lead to decreases in crime and improvements in public schools. If the trends continue, places like Pittsburgh and Buffalo could develop a new reputation— as role models for resurgence.第46题Which of the following can best serve as the title for the passage?A.More Young People arc Spurning the Suburbs for Urban LivingB.Urban Migration of College Graduates is ExpandingC.Innovation Industry Offers College Graduates More Urban PostsD.An Increasing Number of Young Adults Live in Washington and Philadelphia第47题The expression "(to)get out of their way"(para. 2)can best be paraphrased as______.A.to offer college graduates jobs in innovation industryB.to give full play to their initiativesC.to help them find additional jobs in city areasD.to study the migration trends of college-educated people第48题All of the following are true about City Observatory EXCEPT that______.A.it is a think tank newly establishedB.it is not a consulting firm on urban migrationC.it is sponsored by the Knight FoundationD.it is a consulting firm on urban migration第49题Denver has become one of the most powerful magnets. Which of the following does not contribute to this?A.Denver has the most colleges and universities in the region.B.Denver offers jobs in booming industries such as high tech.C.Denver owns a free and diversified cultural environment.D.Denver has many attractions, including mountains and sunshine.第50题What is the purpose of tracking the migration of young college graduates in America?A.To establish the successful economic development policy.B.To compare the migration of young people and that of Americans over all.C.To find out the relationship between young migration and long-term urban success.D.To set up role models for resurgence of major metropolitancities.上一题下一题(51~55/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People moved quickly in April to cancel plans to bestow a lifetime achievement award on Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers and a longtime NAACP contributor, who was caught on tape scolding a female friend for posting online photos with black friends. Many people were surprised to learn the civil rights organization ever meant to praise a man with a history of discriminating against blacks. They shouldn′t have been. In 2009 the NAACP′s Los Angeles chapter honored Sterling with its President′s Award, as he agreed to pay $ 2. 8 million to settle federal civil charges that he unfairly treated blacks at L. A. apartment buildings he owns. Sterling is one of several individuals and institutions with reputations in need of repair who′ve received accolades or favorable treatment from the NAACP, at times before or after large donations. At the May 15 gala where Sterling was supposed to pick up his prize, the group′s L. A. chapter will honor executives from Wal-Mart Stores and FedEx, both major contributors embroiled in long-running controversies involving allegations of employment discrimination. The companies deny the allegations.The group′s financial disclosures show each company gave the NAACP $ 200,000- $ 999,999 in 2011. That year the U. S. Supreme Court backed Walmart in a major employment discrimination lawsuit brought against the company by women employees. The ruling made it harder to mount class actions alleging discrimination by employers. FedEx has settled many race discriminationclaims, including a $ 53 million payout to truck drivers in 2007. The NAACP also accepted more than $ 1 million from Bank of America in 2011, the same year the bank agreed to pay a record $ 335 million in a federal lawsuit alleging predatory lending to minorities. Spokesmen for Walmart and FedEx said their companies have long supported the NAACP solely because of i ts good work. Bank of America didn′t respond to requests for comment. Peter Dreier, director of the urban and environmental policy department at Occidental College in Los Angeles, says donating to the NAACP has become a painless way for corporations accused of racism to ensure a measure of sympathy, or at least silence, from the civil rights group, whose leaders rarely criticize the misbehavior of those who give it money. "The NAACP, with its glittering history of incredible activism, has become an empty shell," he says.The NAACP isn′t the only organization to spruce up big companies′ reputations. "It′s part of every communication specialist′s playbook to align clients who have particular issues with nonprofits that are strong in those issues," says crisis communications strategist Sam Singer. At times it can backfire when the relationship between sinner and redeemer seems a little too convenient—or has the whiff of quid pro quo. Environmentalists have taken the World Wildlife Fund to task foraccepting money from companies that use a lot of water and other natural resources, including Coca-Cola, then lending its respected panda logo to their corporate sustainability campaigns.The NAACP hasn′t been loo picky about where its donations come from. The late Benjamin Hooks once joked that the only thing "tainted" about tobacco industry money was "there ain′t enough of it," according to tobacco industry documents from lawsuits against cigarette makers. A 2009 resolution condemning the industry for targeting blacks—who suffer an inordinate health toll from smoking died without a floor vote at the NAACP′s centennial convention, says Carol McGruder, co chair of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council. "When you let unethical corporations associate themselves with our organizations, it makes them look like they′re doing something for our community, and they′re not," McGruder says. "The harm they do to our people is not offset by their corporate giving. " The NAACP′s interim president and CEO, Lorraine Mil ler, wrote in an e-mail that money "docs not buy corporations a free pass if their actions run afoul of our mission. We do not hesitate to stand up to, speak out against or even sue our corporate contributors when we differ on an issue of civil rights. "In 2009 the NAACP did sue a contributor. Wells Fargo, over alleged predatory lending practices targeting blacks, allegations Wells Fargo denied. But the group dropped the case in 2010, saying it would instead "work constructively" with the bank. Wells Fargo announced it would donate $ 2. 5 million a year for five years to fund an NAACP financial literacy campaign. "The more we learned about each other, the more we decided to collaborate," says Wells Fargo Senior Vice President Gigi Dixon. The federal governm ent didn′t let the bank off so easily. In 2012,Wells Fargo agreed to pay $ 184 million to settle allegations that it steered black borrowers into subprime loans.第51题Which of the following can best serve as the title for the passage?A.Donald Sterling, A Longtime Contributors Rejected by NAACPB.For Donors, the NAACP Forgives and ForgetsC.The NAACP Fights Employment Discrimination LawsuitD.Reputations of NAACP′s Donors are in Need of Repair第52题。



第一部分语言表达能力测试( 50 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 100 分)一、选择题1.中共十八大首次提出“海洋强国”战略。
















省2015年普通高校招生(春季)考试数学试题注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.满分120分,考试时间120分钟.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.本次考试允许使用函数型计算器,凡使用计算器的题目,最后结果精确到0.01.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(本大题20个小题,每小题3分,共60分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母选出,填涂在答题卡上)1.若集合A={1,2,3},B={1,3},则A∩B等于()(A){1,2,3} (B){1,3} (C){1,2} (D){2}2.|x-1|<5的解集是()(A)(-6,4) (B)(-4,6)(C) (-∞, -6)∪(4, +∞) (D)(-∞, -4 )∪(6,+∞)3.函数y=x+1 +1x的定义域为()(A){x| x≥-1且x≠0} (B){x|x≥-1}(C){x x>-1且x≠0} (D){x|x>-1}4.“圆心到直线的距离等于圆的半径”是“直线与圆相切”的(A)充分不必要条件(B)必要不充分条件(C)充要条件(D)既不充分也不必要条件5.在等比数列{a n}中,a2=1,a4=3,则a6等于()(A)-5 (B)5 (C)-9 (D)96.如图所示,M 是线段OB 的中点,设向量→OA =→a ,→OB =→b ,则→AM 可以表示为( ) (A )→a + 12→b(B ) -→a + 12→b(C )→a - 12→b (D )-→a - 12→b7.终边在y 轴的正半轴上的角的集合是( ) (A ){x |x =π2+2k π,k ∈Z }(B ){x |x =π2+k π}(C ){x |x =-π2+2k π,k ∈Z }(D ){x |x =-π2+k π,k ∈Z }8.关于函数y =-x 2+2x ,下列叙述错误的是( ) (A )函数的最大值是1(B )函数图象的对称轴是直线x =1(C )函数的单调递减区间是[-1,+∞)(D )函数图象过点(2,0)9.某值日小组共有5名同学,若任意安排3名同学负责教室的地面卫生,其余2名同学负责教室外的走廊卫生,则不同的安排方法种数是( ) (A )10(B )20(C )60(D )10010.如图所示,直线l 的方程是( ) (A )3x -y -3=0 (B )3x -2y -3=0(C )3x -3y -1=0(D )x -3y -1=011.对于命题p ,q ,若p ∧q 为假命题”,且p ∨q 为真命题,则( ) (A )p ,q 都是真命题(B )p ,q 都是假命题 (C )p ,q 一个是真命题一个是假命题 (D )无法判断12.已知函数f (x )是奇函数,当x >0时,f (x )=x 2+2,则f (-1)的值是( ) (A )-3 (B )-1 (C )1 (D )313.已知点P (m ,-2)在函数y =log 13x 的图象上,点A 的坐标是(4,3),则︱→AP ︱的值是( ) (A )10(B )210(C )6 2(D )5 2BOMA14.关于x ,y 的方程x 2+m y 2=1,给出下列命题:①当m <0时,方程表示双曲线;②当m =0时,方程表示抛物线;③当0<m <1时,方程表示椭圆;④当m =1时,方程表示等轴双曲线;⑤当m >1时,方程表示椭圆。








1.已知程序如下:int s(int n){ return (n<=0) ? 0 : s(n-1) +n; }void main(){ cout<< s(1); }程序运行时使用栈来保存调用过程的信息,自栈底到栈顶保存的信息一次对应的是A.main()->S(1)->S(0) B.S(0)->S(1)->main()C.main()->S(0)->S(1) D.S(1)->S(0)->main()【参考答案】D【考查知识点】栈的基本概念和函数调用的原理。

2.先序序列为a,b,c,d的不同二叉树的个数是A.13 B.14 C.15 D.16【参考答案】C【考查知识点】二叉树的基本概念。

3.下列选项给出的是从根分别到达两个叶节点路径上的权值序列,能属于同一棵哈夫曼树的是A.24,10,5和 24,10,7 B.24,10,5和24,12,7C.24,10,10和 24,14,11 D.24,10,5和 24,14,6【参考答案】C【考查知识点】哈夫曼树的原理。


下列关于该平衡二叉树的叙述中,正确的是A.根节点的度一定为2 B.树中最小元素一定是叶节点C.最后插入的元素一定是叶节点 D.树中最大元素一定是无左子树【参考答案】B【考查知识点】树的中序遍历和AVL树的基本概念。

5.设有向图G=(V,E),顶点集V={V0,V1,V2,V3},边集E={<v0,v1>,<v0,v2>,<v0,v3>,<v1,v3>},若从顶点V0 开始对图进行深度优先遍历,则可能得到的不同遍历序列个数是A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5【参考答案】D【考查知识点】图的深度优先遍历。






















省2015年普通高校招生(春季)考试数学试题注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.满分120分,考试时间120分钟.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.本次考试允许使用函数型计算器,凡使用计算器的题目,最后结果精确到0.01.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(本大题20个小题,每小题3分,共60分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母选出,填涂在答题卡上)1.若集合A={1,2,3},B={1,3},则A∩B等于()(A){1,2,3} (B){1,3} (C){1,2} (D){2}2.|x-1|<5的解集是()(A)(-6,4) (B)(-4,6)(C) (-∞, -6)∪(4, +∞) (D)(-∞, -4 )∪(6,+∞)3.函数y=x+1 +1x的定义域为()(A){x| x≥-1且x≠0} (B){x|x≥-1}(C){x x>-1且x≠0} (D){x|x>-1}4.“圆心到直线的距离等于圆的半径”是“直线与圆相切”的(A)充分不必要条件(B)必要不充分条件(C)充要条件(D)既不充分也不必要条件5.在等比数列{a n}中,a2=1,a4=3,则a6等于()(A)-5 (B)5 (C)-9 (D)96.如图所示,M 是线段OB 的中点,设向量→OA =→a ,→OB =→b ,则→AM 可以表示为( ) (A )→a + 12→b(B ) -→a + 12→b(C )→a - 12→b (D )-→a - 12→b7.终边在y 轴的正半轴上的角的集合是( ) (A ){x |x =π2+2k π,k ∈Z }(B ){x |x =π2+k π}(C ){x |x =-π2+2k π,k ∈Z }(D ){x |x =-π2+k π,k ∈Z }8.关于函数y =-x 2+2x ,下列叙述错误的是( ) (A )函数的最大值是1(B )函数图象的对称轴是直线x =1(C )函数的单调递减区间是[-1,+∞)(D )函数图象过点(2,0)9.某值日小组共有5名同学,若任意安排3名同学负责教室的地面卫生,其余2名同学负责教室外的走廊卫生,则不同的安排方法种数是( ) (A )10(B )20(C )60(D )10010.如图所示,直线l 的方程是( ) (A )3x -y -3=0 (B )3x -2y -3=0(C )3x -3y -1=0(D )x -3y -1=011.对于命题p ,q ,若p ∧q 为假命题”,且p ∨q 为真命题,则( ) (A )p ,q 都是真命题(B )p ,q 都是假命题 (C )p ,q 一个是真命题一个是假命题 (D )无法判断12.已知函数f (x )是奇函数,当x >0时,f (x )=x 2+2,则f (-1)的值是( ) (A )-3 (B )-1 (C )1 (D )313.已知点P (m ,-2)在函数y =log 13x 的图象上,点A 的坐标是(4,3),则︱→AP ︱的值是( ) (A )10(B )210(C )6 2(D )5 2BOMA14.关于x ,y 的方程x 2+m y 2=1,给出下列命题:①当m <0时,方程表示双曲线;②当m =0时,方程表示抛物线;③当0<m <1时,方程表示椭圆;④当m =1时,方程表示等轴双曲线;⑤当m >1时,方程表示椭圆。



2015年3月国家教师资格统一考试《教育知识与能力》(中学)真题及答案一、单项选择题(本大题共21小题,每小题2分,共42分)1、国外最早的教育学著作是A.《理想国》B.《政治学原理》C.《论雄辩家》D.《论演说家的教育》2、在近代教育史上,仅反对思辨,主张用实证方法研究知识价值,提供教育的任务是教导人们为完美生活做准备的教育家是A夸美纽斯 B赫尔巴特 C斯宾塞 D卢梭3、教育活动与其他社会活动最根本的区别在于A是都是目的的培养人 B是否促进人的发展C是否促进社会发展 D是否具有组织性和系统性4、古希腊斯巴达教育目的是培养A演说家 B智者 C军人和武士 D全面和谐发展的人5、“唯上智者与下愚不移”,“生而知之”等反映了影响人的发展因素的哪一理论?A环境决定论 B遗传决定论 C教育万能论 D儿童学理论6、在当代教育被人们视为一种投资,一种人力资本,这是因为教育具有A政治功能 B经济功能 C文化功能 D人口功能7、我国新一轮基础教育课程改革中,课程评价功能更加强调的是A甄别与鉴定 B选拨与淘汰 C促进学生分流 D促进学生发展与改进教育实践8、教学过程中学生掌握知识的中心环节是A感知教材 B理解教材 C巩固知识 D运用知识9、教师不能满足与“授人以鱼”更多的要做到“授人以渔”,这里强调教学应该重视A传授知识 B发展能力 C培养个性 D形成品德10、王军写了保证书,决定遵守《中学生守则?,上课不再迟到。

可是冬天一冷,王军迟迟不肯钻出被窝,以至于再次迟到,对王军进行思想品德教育的重点在于提高其A道德认识水平 B情感认识水平 C意志认识水平 D行为认识水平11、班主任赵老师经常运用表扬、奖励、批评和处分等方式引导和促进学生品德积极发展,这种方法属于A说服教育法 B榜样示范法 C情感陶冶法 D品德评价法12、在张老师组织的百人大合唱中,如果增加一至两个人,小红感觉不到音量的变化,如果增加到十人左右时,小红就能明显地感觉到音量的变化。



2015-2016学年度第一学期11月考九年级语文参考答案一、(12分,每小题3分)1.B2. C3. B4. C二、(9分,每小题3分)5.C6.B7.D三、(9分,每小题3分)8.B 9.D 10.A四、(14分)11.只是把救济贫寒、养活亲族的道义,留传给子女罢了12.(1)会挽雕弓如满月(2)赢得生前身后名(3)不以物喜豁达(4)不求闻达于诸侯五、(18分)13、亲自示范练习跌倒熟练掌握14、“演练跌倒”在学溜直排轮时指演示练习跌倒不让受伤的技巧。





















2015年3月中学教师资格证考试《综合素质》真题及参考答案(统考)一、单项选择题(共 29 题,每题 2 分,共 58 分)1、班主任马老师常对学生说:“先学做人,后学做事,社会需要的是身体健康、和谐发展的建设者和接班人,而不是只会死读书的呆子。

”这表明马老师具有( )。

A.开拓创新的理念B.素质教育的理念C.自主发展的意识D.因材施教的意识2、以下是钟老师班主任日志的一段话,这表明钟老师( )。




年级前 60 名学生是红色衣服,其他学生穿蓝色校服,这种做法( )。

A.正确,便于分清教学B.正确,利于激励学生C.不正确,不能促进学生个性发展D.不正确,不能平等对待所有学生4、物理教师李强结合课程教学内容,查阅资料,利用现有资源自制实验器材,开设了不少探究性物理实验,这表明李老师具有( )。

A.全面发展理念B.和谐发展理念C.长善救失意识D.课程开发意识5、教师王某认为自己是师范毕业生,而且获得了教师资格证书,就能终身从教了,王某的想法( )。

A.不符合统一城乡教师编制的准备要求B.不符合教师资格证定期登记制度的规定C.不符合统一中小学教师职称条例的规定D.不符合严格实施教师准入制度的要求6、被学校行政处分后,张老师认为学校对自己很不公平,依据《中华人民共和国教师法》张老师可以( )。

A.向当地党委提出申诉B.向当地纪检部门提出申诉C.向当地法院提出诉讼D.向当地教育部门提出申诉7、为了添置教育教学设备,某初级中学通过向学生推销学习和生活用品获取经费,学习这种做法( )。

A.能促进自身发展,合情合理B.能解决自己困难,情有可原C.违反法律法规,应当追究责任D.违反法律规定,但可免予处理8、某县教育局根据中考成绩,将全县初级中学分为普通初中和实验初中,并对后者从师资、经费等发面予以倾斜,该县义务教育没有做到( )。

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A. putchar(a, b); B. printf("%s, %s", a[], b[]); C. puts(a, b); D. puts(a); puts(b);
11、错误的转义字符是: C A) ’\\’ B) ’\’’ C) ’\81’ D) ’\0’
12、已知:int x,y,z,w;则为使以下语句的输出为:1234+123+12+1,正确的输入形式
} else if (m==n){ printf("%c\n",a[m-1]); } else if (len > n && n > m){ for (i = m - 1; i < n; i++) { printf("%c",a[i]); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
1、 求字符串字串 求一个字符串的字串,输入 m,n,求一个字符数组 m 和 n 之间的部分; (考虑 m 和 n 的几种特殊情况:若 m,n 均大于或等于字符串长度,则输出 NULL;若 m< 字符串长度,n>=字符串长度,输出的是 m 之后的字符串;若 m 与 n 相等,则输出第 m 个 字符;若字符串长度>n>m,则输出 m 和 n 之间的字符串) 输入: 字符串 m(整数) n(整数) 输出 字符串 测试用例 1 输入 abcdef[回车] 2[回车] 3[回车] 输出 bc[回车] #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char a[1000]; int m,n,len,i; scanf("%s",a); getchar(); scanf("%d",&m); scanf("%d",&n); len = strlen(a); if (m >= len && n >= len) { printf("NULL\n"); } else if (m==0 || n==0){ printf("NULL\n"); } else if (m < len && n>=len){ for (i = m - 1; i < len; i++) { printf("%c",a[i]); } printf("\n");
printf("*"); } else if ( i == (n-1)/2 printf("*"); } else{ printf(" "); } } printf("\n"); } return 0; } && j-i <= n-1 && j > (n-1)/2) {
C 语言程序设计(上)期末复习题
1、下列常数中不能作为 C 的常量的是 选择一项: A. 2.5e-2 B. 0xA5 C. 3e2 D. 0582 D
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
2、若定义了 int x; 则将 x 强制转化成双精度类型应该写成 选择一项: A. x (double) B. (x) double C. (double) x D. double(x)
C. 输出 ## D. 有语法错
8、下里说法中正确的是_____。 选择一项: C A. break 用在循环语句中,而 continue 用在 switch 语句中。 B. continue 能结束循环,而 break 只能结束本次循环。 C. break 能结束循环,而 continue 只能结束本次循环。 D. break 用在 switch 语句中,而 continue 用在循环语句中。 9、以下 while 循环执行的次数是_____。 k = 0; while (k = 10) k = k + 1; 选择一项: D A. 10 B. 11 C. 9 D. 无数次 10、若有 char a[80], b[80]; 则正确的是_____。 选择一项: D
2、 求素数 素数是指一个只能被 1 和它本身整除的数,在数论中占有重要的研究地位。输入 m 和 n (m<=n) ,请给出 m 和 n 之间所有的素数(从小到大排列) #include <stdio.h> int is_prime(int n){ // 0 不是素数 1 是素数 int k; if (n < 2) { return 0; } for (k = 2; k * k <= n; k++) { if (n % k==0) { return 0; } } return 1; } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int m,n,i,flag; scanf("%d",&m); scanf("%d",&n); flag = 0; for (i = m; i <= n; i++) { if(is_prime(i)==1){ if (flag ==0) { printf("%d",i);
20、能正确表示:x 的值在-10 到-1 之间,或在 10 到 1 范围内时,值为“真”的表达式是:C A. ( x < -10 ) || ( x < 1 && x > -1 ) || ( x > 10 ) B. ! ( x >= -10 && x <= -1 || x <= 10 && x >= 1 ) C. ( x >= -10 ) && ( x <= -1 ) || ( x <= 10 ) && ( x >= 1 ) D. x <- 10 || x < 1 && x > -1 || x > 10
5、若 int a, b, c; 则为它们输入数据的正确输入语句是 选择一项: A A. scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c); B. read(a, b, c); C. scanf("%d%d%d", a, b, c); D. scanf("%D%D%D", &a, &b, &c); 6、if (!k) a = 3; 语句中的 !k 可以改写为______,使其功能不变。 选择一项: D A. !k == 0 B. k != !0 C. k != 0 D. !k != 0 7、下列程序段______。 x = 3; do { y = x--; if (!y) {printf("x"); continue;} printf("#"); } while (1 <= x <= 2); 选择一项: B A. 输出##x B. 是死循环
3ae ,则不正确的 C 语言表达式是: C bc
B.3*a*e/b/c C.3*a*e/b*c D.a*e/c/b*3
18、对字符数组 s 赋值,不合法的一个是:C A) char s[]=”Beijing”; B) char s[20]={”Beijing”}; C) char s[20];s=”Beijing”; D) char s[20]={’B’,’e’,’i’,’j’,’i’,’n’,’g’}; 19、已知 int a=4 ,b=5,c; 则执行表达式“c=(a>b? a-b: b-a);” 后,c 的值是 A A.1 B.0 C.5 D.4
flag++; } else{ printf(" %d",i); } } } printf("\n"); return 0; }
3、 打印图形, 输入 n,输出 A 字形,A 字的横线在中央 输入 3(中央在 2) * *** * * 输入 4(中央在 2) * *** * * * * #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int n,i,j; int m; scanf("%d",&n); if (n < 3) { printf("error\n"); return 0; } m = 2 * n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < i + n;j++) { if (i+j == n-1) { printf("*"); } else if (j-i == n-1) {
应当为:C scanf ("%4d-%3d-%2d-%1d", &x, &y, &z, &w); printf("%4d+%3d+%2d+%1d\n", x, y, z, w); A) 1234123121 C) 1234-123-12-1 B) 1234 123 12 1 D) 1234+123+12+1
13、若要求在 if 后一对圆括号中表示 a 不等于 0 的关系,则能正确表示这一关系的表达式 为:D A) a<>0 B) !a C) a=0 D) a
14、运算符有优先级,在 C 语言中关于运算符优先级的叙述中正确的是:B A) 逻辑运算符高于算术运算符,算术运算符高于关系运算符 B) 算术运算符高于关系运算符,关系运算符高于逻辑运算符 C) 算术运算符高于逻辑运算符,逻辑运算符高于关系运算符 D) 关系运算符高于逻辑运算符,逻辑运算符高于算术运算符 15、若有以下语句,则正确的描述是:B static char x[ ]="12345"; static char y[ ] ={ ’1’, ’2’, ’3’, ’4’, ’5’}; A) x 数组和 y 数组的长度相同 C) x 数组长度小于 y 数组长度 16、表达式 18/4*sqrt(4)/8 值的数据类型为:C A.int 17、若有代数式 A.a/b/c*e*3 B.float C.double D.不确定 B) x 数组长度大于 y 数组长度 D) x 数组等价于 y 数组