



雅思考试口语及范文训练试题(9)1.Which do you think are better, old things or new things?2.As well as family photographs, what are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time?3.In your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from gene ration to generation? (Why?)4.Why do you think people keep these things?5.What are the benefits (= what is the value/what is the importance) of kee ping some old things in the family?6.Do you think it's good to recall the past?Sample answers:1.As far as I am concerned, I prefer novel to obsolete things due to the re ason that the former are usually the updated version of the latter. For example, iPhone 6 is more advanced than iPhone 5 in terms of size, shape, screen, and b ackground light. More importantly, abstractly speaking, new ideas are closer to facts than outdated thoughts. As long ago as the 6th century, the geocentric t heory proposed by Aristotle reigned until one thousand years later, when the new theory, the heliocentric theory put forward by Copernicus revealed the truth.2.Beyond family photographs, a wide range of certificates and precious jewe lries are well kept in families for a long period. Significant certificates, in cluding identification cards, college diplomas, and job qualifications, as well as marriage and house property ownership certificates, are necessities for one’s survival in society. Also, valuable jewelries will be well preserved. My frie nd, Vivian recently has inherited a diamond ring from her mother-in-law. It has a setting of 18 carat white gold and 14 small diamonds surrounding a 3 carat s apphire. She said that in the future she would pass down the ring to her child.3.In China, apart from diamond rings, pocket watches are the typical family heirlooms. Luckily, I received a pocket watch from my aunt, and it belonged to my great grandfather who I knew little about. It is a Ball Watch Co Cleveland RR standard pocket watch, model 999, whose back case cover has the following in formation: Keystone Watch Case, Ball model, 5283943. They are passed down from generation to generation thanks to the feature that they won’t wither or fade throughout ages and their proven ability to not only hold value in times of cri sis but also increase.4.People preserve these things for a variety of reasons. One most practical and pragmatic reason is that those certificates are necessary for one to go ab road, find a new job, and buy residential or commercial real estates. But for t he value-preserving jewelries and watches, it is more about identity. Few peopl e will trade these family heirlooms for money unless there is a war, from which we can tell that a sense of belonging is put much more weight to. Although one may never know his or her great grand-mother, love and care can be felt.5.There are several advantages of preserving old things in the family. One obvious profit is a spiritual importation from generation to generation. In the family of a Japanese shampoo business giant, an original soap is well kept in the most conspicuous position. The soap serves to remind the giant that in spit e of all the package alterations and beautifications to draw the attention of c ustomers and meet the needs of the market, the nature of purification should ne ver be lost. Another function of old things such as antiques, in extreme cases such as wars, is to get money from pawnshops for meals.6.Generally speaking, I don’t think it is a good habit to always reminisce about the past. Usually, the aged tend to tell their heroic deeds their grandch ildren because those glorious days are gone forever and they cannot create new stories any more. So, if a young person about twenty or thirty something consta ntly indulges in the past, they stand a good chance as being a loser accomplish ing nothing. If there has to be an advantage of casting one’s mind back, one m ight be more appreciative of the current prosperous life in comparison with the previous ears of material shortages.。

雅思哥 IELTS1-2月口语复习题 PART I

雅思哥 IELTS1-2月口语复习题 PART I

PART IWork or studyDo you work or are you a student?What work do you do?Why did you choose to do that king of work(or, the job)?Would you recommend that job to other people?What subject(s)=major are you studyingWhy did you study that? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? (possibly) What school/university do you go to now?How long have you been going to that school/university?Do you like studying at that school/university?What’s the most important thing in your study life (or part of your study life)? What do you plan to do after you have finished your studies?How long have you been studying….(your subject)?Do you like it?InternetWhen was the first time you used internet?Do you often use the internet?What do you use it for?Is the internet very important (or, useful) to you?Do you think youcan live without the internet?Do other people in your family also use the internet?Do you think there are any bad points about (using) the internet?When did you first start using the internet?Do you often (or,do you ever) buy things on internet?Do you often (or, do you ever) buy things on the internet?What can you (=people) learn form the internet?Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?Leisure time / relaxingWhat do you do in your spare time?How do you usually spend your evenings?Do you prefer to stay at home in the evening or do you prefer to go out?Mobile phoneDo you have a mobile phone (= a cell phone)/When did you first have (or, get) a mobile phone?Is your cell phone important (or, useful) for youin your daily life?What do you use it for?Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone?Do people in your country like using mobile phones?Do you think people should turn off their phones in public places?Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?Do you think you will be using your mobile phone more often (than you use it now) in the future? How do you think mobile phones will develop (or change) in your future?MuseumsAre there many (or, any) famous museums in your hometown/country?Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?Do you often visit a museum?Did you go to any museums when you were a child?When was the last time you visited a museum?Do you think museums are important?Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visiters?NamesWho gave you your name?Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?Do you like your name?In your country, do people feel that their name is very important?Would you like to change your name in your country?Who usually names babies in your country?Do you have any special traditions about naming children?What names are most common in your hometown?PhotographsDo you like taking photos?How do you take photographs?What do you like to photograph?Do you like cameras?How do you organize (or, keep, or save)your photos?How do you think you will keep (save) your photos in the future?Are there any photos on your wall at home?Would you say photographs are a good way to preserve memories?Do you think it’s important to preserve memories?Primary schoolWhat was first school you attended?Where was it?What far from your home?Was it far from your home?How did you go to (or, travel to) school?Did you like it?What were the good things about that school?Would you send your child to that school today?Would you say it was a good school?Have you been back to that school for a visit?What different types pf schools have you been to?Which school did you like the most? (Why?)Did your parnts choose your secondary school (=high school) for you?RelativesDo you have many relatives?When you were a child, which of your relatives did you see most often?When you were a child, which of your relatives did you spend the most time with?Who do you feel is now the most important member of your family (or, most important relative)? When you were a child, did you play more with your friends or with your relatives?In the future, do you think you will have more opportunities to see your relatives (than now)?ShoppingDo you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)What do you think is the most difficult (or, unpleasant) part shopping?Is there anything you don’t like (or, dislike) about shopping?Do you prefer to buy things yourself or to have your partners buy things for you?What was the most recent thing you bought? (Include when)Who usually does the shopping in your home?Where do you like to shop?Do you like to shop?Do you like shopping for clothes or other goods on the internet?What do you think are the advantages of buying things on the internet?What kinds of people spend an excessive amount of time or money on shopping?SportDo you like sport?Did you play any sport when you were a child?What sports do young people (or, children) like to do?What sports are most popular in your country?What sports do old people like to do?How much time do you have for exercise?Do you do any exercise to keep fit or healthy?Is there any sport that you have never played that you would like to try (or, to learn)?Do you think everybody should do some exercise? (Why?)Do you think exercise is beneficial for older people?What do you think are the benefits of exercise?Time managementHow do you organize your time?Do you think young people and old people organize their time in the same way? (Possibly the word used is older people.)Are you ever late for anything?What excuses do you use when you are late?What excuses do people have (do people use) when they are late?Do you like it when others are late?In your country, do people (easily) forgive others when they are late?If you had more time, what would you do with extra time?ToysWhat toys did you like to play with when you were a child?Do you think you learned anything from plying with toys?Did you (prefer to) to play with those toys alone or with other children?If you had children, what toys would you give them?WeatherWhat’s the weather like today?What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)What sort of weather do you least like?What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown?What did you do the last time the weather was good?What is the typical weather in China like?Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts the whole year or a place with different seasons?Do you (or, do people in China) do the same things in the different seasons of the year?Do people (in China) play the same sports in different seasons of the year?WeddingsHave you ever been to a wedding?What happens at a wedding in your country?When there is a wedding in your country, who attends a wedding?Are weddings today the same as those in the past?Would you recommend an old-fashioned or a luxurious wedding?Do you think weddings are important?WeekendsHow do you usually spend your weekends?In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things on weekends (or, in their free time)?When do you spend time with your family?What did you do last weekend?What do you usually do on weekends?What do other people in your hometown (or, in your country) usually do on weekends?What are you going to do next weekend?Is there any thing new that you would like to go on weekends?Do you like working on weekends?Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?ArtAre you very interested in art?Did you create any art such as painting or sculpture when you were a child?Have you ever been to an art gallery (or, an art exhibition)?How often do you visit art galleries?BagsWhat types of bags do you use (in your everyday life)?What do you put in these bags?Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?What sorts of bags do women like to buy?When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?Do you think the style of a bag is very important? (Why?/Why not?)Do you have a bag for special occasions?BirthdayDo you like birthdays?Do people in China celebrate birthdays?Are any birthdays (=reaching a certain age) especially important in your country? How do Chinese people celebrate birthdays?Who do you like to celebrate your birthdays with?Do all your friends know when your birthday is?Do people in China have birthday parties? (Why?/Why not?)Do you prefer birthday parties with your friends or with your family?Do you think it’s important to give a special gift to someone on their birthday?Do children and adults celebrate birthdays the same way?What do children do when they have a birthday party?CardsDo you ever receive letters or cards?Which do you think is better (to send or receive), a postcard or a letter?CarsDo you like cars?Do you have a driver’s license?Do you (or your family) have a car?Do you often drive it?(If you don’t have a car) Do you plan to buy a car in the future?What kind of car would you like to buy?What kinds of cars are popular in your country?Do you like traveling by car?Who do you prefer to travel with?Do you like to take long trips in a car?Clothes & FashionAre you very interested in fashion and clothes?Do you have a lot of nice clothes?What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?Would you say clothes are a expensive in your country?Do you like to wear fashionable clothes?Is there anything that you used to wear in the past that you don’t wear now?How often do you shopping for clothes?Do you often plan to buy any designer (or, name brand) clothes?Do you think people pay too much attention to fashion?ColorWhat was your favorite color when you were a child?Is that still your favorite color now?What color is most popular among your friends?Were colors important to you when you were a child?If you were to change the color of your bedroom walls, what color would you choose?Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colors?DancingDo you like dancing?When was the last time you danced?Do people in your country like to dance?When do people in your culture (or country) dance?Where can we see people dancing?Do you like to watch dance performances?What dances are most popular in your country?Do young people in your country like old-style dancing (or, traditional dancing)?Have you ever learned to dance?Why do some people learn dancing?Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?Is dancing important to young people?Did you like dancing when you were a child?What do you think about dancing for old people?EntertainmentWhat do you do for entertainment?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?What choices for entertainment are there for young people around where you live (or you’re yourhometown)?Are there any entertainment places near your school (or, university)?Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure (or, entertainment)?FlowersDo you like flowers?Which do you think are more beautiful, flowers in doors or flowers outdoors?Do any flowers have any special meaning (or, special importance) in your country?Do you prefer real flowers or plastic flowers?Have you ever bought plastic flowers?Have you (ever) given flowers to anyone?When was the last time you gave flowers to somebody?FoodWhich do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? (Why?)Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast?Which do you prefer- to eat one big meal or to eat several small snacks?What do you consider to be a healthy diet?Do you think you need to change your diet (to make it healthier)?In the past few years, have there been any changes to what people in your country eat?Do you think the food that people eat today is healthier than what people ate in the past?Are you willing to try any new food?Friends & FamilyDo you have any (or, many) close friends?What qualities make a them good friends?Do you live with your family?Do your family and friends still live in your hometown?Do you think family members should live together? (Why?/Why not?)What do you spend time with your family?What do you do together?Do you often go out with your friends?Is your family very important to you?Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friend?What do you do in your free time with your friends?Are there any times when you prefer to be alone?Healthy lifestyleWhat do you do to keep healthy?/How do (or how can) people maintain good health?What would you say is a “healthy lifestyle”?Is there any sport (or activity that promotes good health) that you would like to try in the future?Home/AccommodationDo you live in a house or a flat?Please describe it a little.What’s your favorite room, in your home?What have you done to your room to make it look nice?Which room dose your family spend most of the time in?What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Do you plan to move?Would you like to move to another place to live? (Why? Where?)Are you prepared to move?HometownWhat’s your hometown?Do you like your hometown?Would you say it’s an interesting place?What would you say are the good points and the bad points of your hometown? What’s your favorite part of your hometown?Did your friends also grow up in the same place as you?Would you like to live there in the future?。



Names1.Who gave u your name?It is my grandpa who gave me my name coz he was the oldest person in my family,so all the family members should respect his opinion. Beside,my mother told me that my grandpa had already decided the name to me before I was born.2.Does your name have any particular meaning?Yes,you know,my name is ZYR. In Chinese meaning,“yong”means forever and perpetual, while ‘Rui’means clever and smart..so I guess my grandpa hoped that I could be an intelligent person throughout my life.3.Do u like u name?Actually ,I pretty like it.It conveyed the love from my grandpa and it always reminds me of my grandpa.4.In your country,do people feel that their name is very important?It depends,some folks think that their names play a crucial role in their lives and careers.a particular name can bring luckiness to them.While other people regard name just as a simple symbol,it does not matter what it is.5.Would u like to change your name?It is unnecessary for me to change my name,you know ,My name represents the love from my grandpa,so obviously, I would not change it.6.Is it easy to change your name in your country?I guess it is a bit difficult to do it. Actually ,It is complex Coz you need to get a couple of official recognitions,and exchange your ID card and so many other things.Most importantly, it is time-consuming coz you are required to wait several weeks between every steps.7.Wo usually names babies in your country?It is common for babies’parents to give their names in china. I guess.almost all parents are eager to name their babies,as it can show their love and expectations to their babies.8.Do u have any special traditional about naming children?I do not have ,but many folks do coz they regard it as a meaningful way to show their respect to their ancestors. So this folks would obey the discipline which was made by their ancestors to name their babies.9.What names are most common in your country?I guess the names called ’long or hui’ are the most common names in my hometown coz all of this stand for gorgeous and brilliant future. And they consider that if you own the name like this you are more possible to have a promising future.Home1 & 2.Do u like live in a house or a flat/Please describe it a littleI live in a flat. My flat locates in the heart of my hometown so the transport facilities there are really convenient. Besides it is surrounded by two parks ,so it is really comfortable for us to live there.More specifically ,my flat are made up of 4 bed rooms and a bid living room.3.What’s your favourite room in your home?My favorite room is the big living room,of course. Because i can invite my best friends to there and sit on the comfortable sofa to watch a couple of movies .Sometimes,we also can hole a big party there,it is a nice way for us to kid back and relax. so I really like the living room.4.What have u done to your room to make it look nice?I have bought tons of cute stuff to decorate my bed room such as some fashion toys and mini robot.Besides,I also have bought a couple of plants and put them in the living room,which makes the room looks dynamic and graceful.5.Which room dose your family spend most of time in?I guess it is the living room coz nearly every night ,we always take some snakes while watching some TV programs.Besides we like to have a chat with each other in the living room.6.What do u usually do in your house/flat/room?I usually browse the Internet ,coz I can not only get tons of news from it but I can communicate with my friends through the internet as well.More importantly,browsing the internet can definitely expand my outlook and let off my steam.7.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Yes,coz my flat lies in the heart of my hometown so the transport system is quit convenient. And there are several types of public transport for us to choose such as subway and bus. But ,in the rush hour,it will also suffer from traffic jam .8.Do u plan to move/are u prepare to move?I do not intend to move to another place.you know,it is really comfortable to live there,the transport there,the entertaining life style there and the rent there all are satisfactory. So I don’t want to change my flat.Hometown1.What’s your hometown?My hometown locates in the south of Guangdong province. It is a seaside city and there are a couple of tourist attractions in my hometown with over ten thousand people visiting there each year.2.Do u like your hometown?Yep,I pretty like my hometown coz the environment there is beautiful and clean.you can hardly see any rubbish in the street.And the weather there is comfortable and extremely suit to live.moreover,the local residents are friendly and approachable. 3.Would u say it’s an interesting place?Of course i would,coz it is a seaside city so it is convenient for us to get to the beach.and in the beach,we could do tons of stimulating leisure activities such as strolling around the beach,drawing picture on the sand or playing beach volleyball.So the life in my hometown is really interesting.4.What would u say are the good and bad points of your hometown?The good points of my hometown,in my mind,are that the environment there is clean and beautiful and the local residents there are friendly and approachable they always wear a friendly smile.While,in terms of the bad point,I would like to say that it is a crowd place.when it was the ruch hour,the traffic there are severely congested and in summer,sometimes,the temperature would be high.5.What’s your favourite part of your hometown?I guess it is the beach nearby my hometown.Coz in the summer holiday,my friends and i will get together to take a couple of interesting activities there to kid back and relax.we will always have a ball.So,the beach does bring me tons of memories.6.Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?Yes,there are a theme park and a brilliant and clean beach in my hometown ,which appeals over ten thousand people visiting there each year.Actually,all the visitors pretty adore the beautiful beach.7.Did you friends also grow up in the same place as u?Some of them grow up with me in the same place.you know,when it comes to the summer holiday,we will get together to have a fun in the beach.8.Would u like to live there in the future?To be honest with you,I pretty like to live there in the future,because the environment is really attractive.More importantly,that place brings me tons of memories which is the most treasure thing in my life.So living there can make me feel happiness.Work or study1.Do u work or are u a student?I am a junior student studying in South China University of Technology. My major is mathematics.2.Why did u choose to study that?Coz leaning mathematics can stimulate my creativity,expand my thought and mold my character. I mean working out mathematical problems requires tons of patient.Most importantly,i will feel a strong sense of achievement when i tackle a difficult problem.I guess that is exactly why I chose this subject.3.Do u like studying at that university?Actually i really adore to study in my university coz our campus is large and beautiful.More importantly, the teachers there are so nice and professional that we can learn tons of knowledge from them.4.What’s the most important thing in your study life?It is friendship I guess.without friendship,my study life would lack of colour and suffer from a series of problems. It is my friends who always encourage me and cheer me up when I feel frustrated.So friendship is the most important thing in my study life.5.What do u plan to do after u have finished your study?I will travel to Lijiang with my best friends,you know,Lijiang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in China. We all desire to visit there to celebrate our graduations.I believe we will have a ball.Advertisement1.Are there many ads in your country?Yep,advertisements in my county are prevalent.Specifically,When you watch TV,browse the internet or listen to the radio programs you can always contact advertisements.2.Why do u think there are so many ads now?As advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guarantee a satisfactory sale .So it is common to see many advertisements surrounding us.3.What are the various places where we see ads?I guess tons of advertisements are displayed in the crowded place such as the bus and the business streets ,which can ensure more people to see it. Displayed in this place, the advertisements can be well rewarded.4.How do u feel about ads?I would say I enjoy some of them coz they are creative and stimulating.But it’s true that When we watch TV, most of them always disturb the fun of enjoying the programs. Besides the information they bring us always are misleading.5.What kinds of ads do u like the most?Actually I like the advertisements which pass correct information to us and show their products in a creative way.This ads were not copied the same thing over and over again.on the other hand it could leave us a deep impression.6.Do ads influence your choice about what to buy?Some of them would,when the products they introduce are really attractive and I do need this goods. In other world ,if there are several ads showing the same thing I will choose the better performance one.7.Do u prefer ads on TV or those in magazine?I would say I prefer to ads on TV rather than those in magazine coz ads shown on TV are more vivid and dynamic than those in magazine,which seems more attractive and clear.8.What do u think is the purpose of ads?You know,Advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guaranteea satisfactory sale .9.Do u think advertising plays a very important role in today’s world?Obviously,it does.It become a trend for every well-known brand to make advertisements.Coz it can enhance and boost the power and reputation of the brand effectively.10.What sorts of ads leave the deepest impression on people?I would say the most creative and stimulating one leave the deepest impression on people.You know,nowadays, there are excessively numerous ads ,folks have already been fed up with the boring ads.11.What do u think about the developments in ads in China today?In china,today, you can see that the ads displayed in the internet are becoming increasingly frequent while those on newspaper are generally reduced.So in the future,the ads on internet will play a dominant role in advertising.Computers1.Do u use computers very much?Actually I use it practically very night.You know,browsing the internet is decent a good way for us to kid back and relax while expanding our outlooks.Sometimes I need it to help me finish my homework2.What do u use a computer?I often use it to do various thing such as browsing the internet,watch movies and sending emails.Besides,when I feel lonely or boring,I will also use it to play computer games.3.What was your impression when u used a computer the first time?Actually I was shocked when I touched the computer the first.I thought it was an amazing invention coz it is so powerful and advanced that it can solve tons of problem effectively.I guessed I could hardly get the hang of it.4.How do u learn to use a computer?At first,my folks taught me the basic skills and then I learned it by myself with the help of watching some teaching videos.Sometimes,my teacher will teach us some professional knowledge about the softwares.5.Have computers changed your life in any way?Yes,it puters have changed my lifestyle.you know ,Before touching computer,I liked to play basketball or to join a plenty of outside activities with my friend.Due to the attraction of computer,now,I prefer to browse the internet after class rather than take some outdoor activities.Beside,I always buy goods though computer instead of going to the supermarkets. .6.Are computers used much in your county?I would like to say that it is prevalent for individuals to use computers in China.Now,at work,folks may need computers to assist them to finish their assignments while in life, people would choose to play computer as a way to kid back and relax themselves.7.Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?Well ,as I said,no matter at work or in life,computers have played a important role in human beings’ live as .it brings substantial benefits and convenience to us.puters are now used a lot in education,What do you think of this?Well,Students really benefit from computer coz they can use it to enrich their academic experience by surfing the internet.However, there still some students just simply copy others results which they searched in the internet when they do their homework.I guess that is one of the most serious drawbacks it brings to education.9.Do you paly computer games?I would say I paly it sometimes.Now,many parents regard this behavior as a bad behavior coz tons of students drop out of school because of excessively playing computer games.But,I guess it is a good way to relax ourselves if we play it properly.10.Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need to be improved? Even though, computers seems perfect now, there are still somethings for them to be improved.They could be more smaller ,operating more faster and designed more flexible to use.Cooking1.Do you know how to make a meal?I would like to say I know some about it.I have made some food by rice cooker.It is easy to cook some soups and snakes through using it.But it is a bit difficult for me to make a real meal.2.How well do you cook?Well , I just do not how to make food delicious but I have tried to fried egg and I mother told me that it was just not bad and I really need to practice more about it,3.Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?(Do u like to cook?)Yes ,I have.You know,my uncle ,my father and my grandpa all of them can make a big and delicious male.It seems that it is a skill that every man in my family is required to learn.And i think cooking is a pretty fun,you can get a strong sense of achievement when you can cook well.So, I guess I would like to cook.4.What do you like to cook?I would choose dumplings I guess.Coz dumplings are one of my favourite food and more importantly, it seems easy to cook well. All you need to do just put them into boiling water and wait the water boiling again.5.How did u learn to cook/Who taught u how to cook/When did u learn how to cook?I remember that I have learned from my mother how to make soups by a rice cooker last summer vocation.My mother shew me patiently how much raw materials are demanded and how to allocate the time properly,which are the most important steps to ensure the soup is delicious .After that ,I just followed what she had told and cooked that soup. The result was not too bad in my memory6.Do you usually eat at home or do u usually eat away from home?Now,I live the most of time in my dorm which is far away from my home.As a result ,it is hard for me to eat at home.I usually eat at the halls of residence in my school.7.Who usually does the cooking in your home?My mother cooks most of the time.But,actually,my father’s cooking skill is better than my mother and he is too lazy to do this job.But in some important festivals such as the spring festival he would make meals for our family.8.Do you do any cooking at home?Yes,when my parents are out I will make a small meal for myself.At that time,I would like to cook a soup and fry some simple food such as egg and vegetables.9.Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?I would say yes,you know,Cooking is a basic skill in our lives.Though there are various kinds of fast food in our society, it is not good for us to eat much of those and the food cooked by ourselves is much healthy than that.So everyone should learn to cook in order to keep our healthy.10.Do you think university students should learn how to cook?I would suggest university students to learn cooking if they still have leisure time after finishing their works.Coz it is common that when students graduate from school,they will have less time and passion to learn cooking as far as I know.11.Do you think it would be useful to teach cooking in school?I guess I would be useful as students are eager to learn new skills and they could learn fastly when they really want.But it is difficult to implement because of the facilities and security.12,When was the last time you did some cooking?Last month I returned home I had cooked a soup for my family Coz my mother was busy at the time.So I had to help her make meals.13.Can u see yourself cooking more in the future?Why?I would say yes,because I intend to stay in GuangZhou rather than go home after graduation.So I need to find a place to live.and there would be a kitchen in the place so it would be convenient for me to cook.So I believe i will cook more than now. Daily Routine1.What are you usually doing at this time?I usually stay in my dorm and browse the internet to kid back and relax.you know,after studying hard for a week,browsing the internet is definitely a pleasant experience for me to let off steam.2.Do u do the same thing every day/Tell me something about your daily routine. From Monday to Friday,I mainly focus on my study.and sometimes I will go to the library to read some magazines.Besides, i am the monitor of my class ,So I need to deal with different problems.In addition, at weekends,I will do various things,I will go shopping ,do a part-time job or play basketball with my friends.3.In a typical day,what do u do in the classroom.In the classroom,I mainly listen to the class in the daytime and at night,I usually review what the teachers have told us during the class and finish my home work.4.For u,what’s the best time of day for study?Studying at night can make me effectively concentrate on my study coz I would be more filled with energy at night and the environment would be more quire as well.5.When do u do most of your study?I do most of my study in the evenings coz at the time I can study efficiently and effectively.Besides,I have more leisure time in the evening coz there is no more lessons at night.6.What time do u usually get up?It depends.If I don’t need to go to class I usually get up at 9 o’clock while if I need I usually get up at 7 o’clock.7.What do u usually do after u get up?Firstly I will brush my teeth and wash my face,then,I will go out to have breakfast.If there is on class in the morning,I will turn on my computer as well.8.If your life now the same as it was before?Well,now is bit more different than before.In the past,all the thing I need to do is just study only.But,now,i will go out to find a part-time job to relieve my parents financial burdens and I also need to deal with some works of my class coz i am the monitor of my class.9.If u could make one change to ur daily routine ,what would it be?The jobs related to my class could be much less,by that,I can have more leisure time to do the thing i like,such as reading books, watching movies to kid back and relax or accompanying my friends to go shopping.(learning a new skill like driving)10.If u had more free time,what would u do?(同9)11.Do u usually do the same things at the same time each day?Well it depends,generally I would do the same things at the same time which help to make my life regularly.But,it is hard to maintain you know.Many emergencies could disturb it.For example,If my girl friend ask me to accompany with her,then, I have to put them away.12.How do u plan your study time?Firstly,I will review what the teachers have taught during the day,then,I will choose to finish my homework.When all the work would accomplished and there still be time for leisure I would read some novels.13.Do you ever change these plans?No,no,no,I would force myself to execute my study plans coz I adore to maintain everything regularly so I would not change my plans frequently.14.Can u think of any improvements to your routine?Yes,I always intend to arrange my schedule more effectively and efficiently coz I would be usually disturbed by little things as a result I can’t accomplish my plan.But it seems it is hard to improve.Emails1.Do u often write email/What do u write about?I would say yes coz I am the monitor of my class so,at work,I need to write various kinds of emails to convey the pubic affairs of our college.And,sometimes,I will write emails to some companies to look for a part-time job.2.Do u think emails are useful?Yes ,It is really convenient to use.Especially,when u need to write a long content to specify some things.Besides,Unlike letters,it can be sent and received quickly.More importantly,you will bot be charge for that.3.What kinds of emails do u send and receive?Well ,most of it are business emails coz as i said ,i am a monitor ,my job ask me to send and receive business emails frequently.But sometimes,i would also send some personal emails to my friends.Besides,I will receive some ads which really disturbs me.4.Do u think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising?In terms of manufacturers,it is reasonable for them to take this action coz they can advertise their products at the lowest possible cost.However,as a consumer,I do not really like this,it does disturb me and i practically do not scan this emails.Letters1.How often do u write letters?Actually ,it is uncommon for me to write letters.But i would also write some postcards to my friends when I travel to some tourist attractions.2,What do u write about?I usually write some blessings to my friends or some feeling I felt at the moment.By that I mean I will tell him or her i am happy ,sad or excited.3,On what occasions do u write letters?When I travel to some tourist attractions I will write some postcards to my friends and my family.Besides,in some important festival like the Spring Festival I will also write some blessings to my friends but it is uncommon.4.Do u and your friends keep in touch by letter.Exactly,I would say no coz we often use phone messages or phone calls to make a communication.If we do want to write something we would prefer to write by emails which are much more convenient than letters,5.How do u keep in touch with your friends and relatives?(同4)Gift1.Do u often give gifts to people?I guess it is not often.I usually give gifts to my friends and family mainly on their birthdays.Besides,I will make a couple of gifts to my girlfriend by myself in some festival like Valentine's day and Christmas Day.2.What the last gift u received?Well,the last gift I received was a watch given by my girlfriend.She told me that it took she several hours to choose in the internet.I really adore this gift it is pretty gorgeous.3.Have u friends ever given you gift?Yep ,almost on my birthday, they would present me a couple of gifts which are really exquisite.4.What was the last gift u gave someone.Well,I gave a CD of jay who is one the most famous ginger in China to my friend.It is a special CD coz there is a jay’s signature on it which really drives my friend crazy.I mean she was pretty adore it.5.Do u like giving presents to other people?Yes exactly,because giving gifts to people could not only make them happy but i would get a strong sense of achievement.you know,Making other people pleasant is an exciting thing i am really into in.6,Do u and your friends of family members give each other gift.I would say it common for us to present gifts to each other especially on someone’s birthday.For instance,on my father’s last birthday my mother gave him a beautiful cloth while I gave him a gorgeous pen.7.What sorts of gifts do u give to someone,how do u select this gift?Well,it depends.i will choose different types of gifts to different people.It all depends on their characters and personalities.For example,I would select sport goods to those who like sport.8.Do u think it’s easy to choose what to give other people?Well,I don’t think so.I always spent a lot of time selecting gifts coz i am really afraid that the gifts I selected my friends do not like it.So as for me,it is hard to choose presents to others.9.When considering a present to give to someone,how do you select this gift?(同7)10.Do u think it is important to give expensive gifts?Of course no.The value of gifts are no depended on the price it is depended on your heart.I really agree that a gift made by yourself is overwhelmingly more important than a expensive gift bought directly in the shops.11.Have u ever given someone a gift you made yourself?Yes ,I have.I often present gifts made by myself to others,coz I think it can make the gift more meaningful and st time I had made a toy car by some woods to my friend and he love it so much.12.Do u think gift-giving is very important?Well,actually I do think it is important .I just regard it as a way to show your love and blessing to others.I mean you can do many thing instead of giving gifts to represent your emotion.So the important thing is your heart and your love to others.13.Do people in China like to give gifts?I would say yes.you know,it is really common for chinese to present gifts on some important festivals such as the spring festival.Chines regard it as a decent way to show respect and love to others.Drawing1.Have u ever learned to draw?(do u like drawing?why/why not)Well ,when I was a child,my folks sent me to a art lesson to learn draw coz I really like drawing at the time and my folks wanted me to develop this interest.I consider that drawing can stimulate one’s creativity and imagination and it also can bring u a strong sense of achievement when u draw well.So,i am really into it.2.Do u draw now?Well,it is less time left for me to draw now.Because there are tons of homeworks and job I need to deal with everyday.I mean I am alway busy with my study and jobs.3.How often do u draw something?In the past,i always drew(dru:)once a week mainly on weekends coz after working hard during the whole week,drawing could really help me kid back and relax.4.What kind of pictures do u like to draw.Well,I like to draw some some cartoon figures coz it is more easy and interesting to draw.But sometimes I will draw real cars as well coz it looks really cool.5.Do u think drawing is difficult?It depends,It is obviously difficult if want to draw something complicated and delicate while it will be easy to draw some simple cartoon characters ,which is still interesting. 6,Do u think it’s important for child to learn to draw?I would say yes.It it common that many shools now have set a painting class,in some way,it illustrates that learning drawing is significant for children.I guess it is because drawing can materialise children’s thinking which is beneficial to stimulate their creativities and imaginations.7.What do u think are some of the benefits for children from drawing?(同6)8.Do adults draw very often.It depends.People who are majoring in painting or design would draw often,as this is their jobs.While I guess other people would not draw often coz the pace of life today is so accelerating that adults are often busy with their works or study.so it is less time left by them to draw.9.What are the benefits of drawing for adults?I guess the best beneficial it brings us is that drawing can help individuals to relax themselves and mould their characters as well.By that I mean,drawing could clam person down and make them more patient.10.What’s the difference between an adult and a child learning to draw?A child learning to draw can mainly stimulate their creativities and imaginations while as to adult, learning to draw mainly influences their temper,I mean drawing can make adult clam down and relax.11.Do u think a person can teach him or herself how to draw?I would say yes.I guess every person can learn drawing by watch some educational videos and books all by themselves.Or they can attempt to simulate some pictures to learn drawing.12.To draw well,what factors do u think are important?I guess it is patience as well as calm temper which are the most two important factors to draw well.I mean it is hard for anxious people to draw a nice picture.Patience1.Is it important to be patient ?Why?I would say yes coz a patient person is more likely to own a ability to achieve his goal today.Besides,patience can also make people more approachable which is important in communication.2.Is it easy to be patient?why?Well,it seems that it is increasingly hard to be patient due to the society today.you know, fast pace of life intend to make people more inpatient than before.Busy works and heavy stress all of them may people loose patience.3.How can people be patient?Well,I guess the main reason to make people inpatient is that they living under the weather.So learning to let off steam properly would be a good way to let people be patient.。

雅思口语讲义 — 常见话题及参考答案

雅思口语讲义 — 常见话题及参考答案


必备卡片A child=teenager 话题:孩子/十多岁孩子An old person 老人A leader you admire 你崇拜的领袖A person in history 历史上的人物套用卡片A family member 家庭成员A past family member who led an interesting life 一位过世的家庭成员,曾经有过有趣的生活Two people in the same family 一家里的两个人Adventurous person 爱冒险的人A character in film or TV 电视或电影中的一个角色A teacher 老师A friend 朋友A successful person 成功的人A famous person 名人A sports star 体育明星An interesting old person 有趣的老年人A neighbor 邻居A person who helped others 曾经帮过别人的人A person you want to talk to 你想与之交流的人A person you helped 你曾经帮助过的人Someone you want to spend time with 你想与之共度时光的人A person who spoke a different language 一个说不同语言的人A person who took care of you when you were little 小时候照顾过你的一个人A person you want to be similar to in the future 你未来想成为的一个人A person who is good at his or her job 擅长自己工作的人Describe a child you are familiar with.His or her nameHow old he/she isWhat his/her hobby isI want to talk about my nephew, Martin. He is the son of my sister. He is about 7 years old now, and he isstudying at a primary school. When he was about 3 years old, he began to learn painting, and he spends a lot of time on that every day. He likes to draw cartoon characters like Garfield and Snoopy. Last year, he won a national prize for painting, which gives him more motivation. He also likes to play with his friends. Nowadays,there are a lot of children who are lonely. My sister wants him to have more opportunities to enjoy his childhood. On weekends, my nephew is encouraged to invite his classmates or neighbors to come. They enjoy the gamesthat they like. They play board games, chess or monopoly. It‟s really terrific to see so many children hanging around. Besides, my nephew is also polite. He knows that he should offer his seats to the elders on the bus, and he will not have snacks until those who are older have taken their share. I guess that‟s why he is popular.Part threeInterviewer: Who are luckier, children in the past or at present?Candidate: In the past, children didn‟t have a lot of toys or snacks, but they didn‟t have a lot of pressure in their study. Nowadays, children have rich material life, but they don‟t have the fun children had before. Interviewer: What‟s the pressure brought to children by their schools and parents?Candidate: Chinese children are the only child of their family, and parents have great expectations on them. Interviewer: What do you think of primary school education in China?Candidate: Children are not taught to be creative. Instead, they are modeled in the same way. If children have different ideas from teachers, those ideas will be criticized. To be frank, I guess the primary school education is a failure.Interviewer: What did you like when you were a child?Candidate: I liked to play games and enjoyed going to the mountains on weekends with my parents. Interviewer: How can parents educate their children?Candidate: Parents should try to spend some time communicating with their children and know about what the children are thinking about. Besides, parents should always set examples for children.Interviewer: What‟s the difference between Chinese children and western children?Candidate: Chinese children are more obedient, and they like to follow the instructions of their elderly. On the other hand, western children are better at their creativity and imagination.Interviewer: What‟s the difference between western parents and Chinese parents?Candidate: Western parents tend to treat their children like friends, and they try to reason with their children. Children feel respected. Chinese parents always want to be authoritative in front of their children. Interviewer: Do you think that young people should have more freedom?Candidate: Yes. Young people in China are controlled by their parents, and they should be free to make decisions for themselves.Interviewer: Do you think that parents care too much about children‟s education?Candidate: Chinese parents want their children to be the best among the peers and they spend much money sending children to learn different skills like dancing, singing or painting. I think they care too much about children‟s education.Adventurous person从事冒险活动的人这个人不一定是身边的人,也有可能是影视中的角色,也有可能是名人或者历史人物。



雅思口语测试部分试题参考雅思口语测试部分试题参考IELTS SPEAKING TEST1.Yourself1)What's your surmane(last name family name)?My last name is X.2)What's your full name?My name is X X.3) What's your given name(frist name)?Ying is my given name(frist name).4) What's your English name?(And what shall I call you?)My English name is Candy.( You can call me candy.)5) Can I see your identification please?Yes.Here it is.6)Dose your name have any special meaning?(what's the meaning of your Chinese name?My grandfather gave this name to me. It means original and brisk. And he gave this name to me because he wanted me to be out of the ordinary.7) Have you ever changed your names? Why or why not?No,never. Because my name was given to me by my grandfather. And I think this name concluded his hopeness, as a respect to him I'll never change it.8) Do Chinese people like changing their name in china ? why?Actually, I don't think people like their names.Because it's pretty complicated. I mean if you want to change your name ,you must inform your relatives,your friends and even the police station. Because you must give a notice to them for changing your identification. And then you must wait for a long period toget your new identification.9)What's their purpose in changing their names?They believe that their new names may bring them good luck.2.Hometown1)Where do you come from?( where are you from? Where is your hometown?)I come from hangzhou ,zhejiang province.2)What's the most special building in your hometown?I think the broken bridge is the most magical building in my hometown.3)What does it looks like?Well,the broke。



Names1.Who gave u your name?It is my grandpa who gave me my name coz he was the oldest person in my family,so all the family members should respect his opinion. Beside,my mother told me that my grandpa had already decided the name to me before I was born.2.Does your name have any particular meaning?Yes,you know,my name is ZYR. In Chinese meaning,“yong”means forever and perpetual, while ‘Rui’means clever and smart..so I guess my grandpa hoped that I could be an intelligent person throughout my life.3.Do u like u name?Actually ,I pretty like it.It conveyed the love from my grandpa and it always reminds me of my grandpa.4.In your country,do people feel that their name is very important?It depends,some folks think that their names play a crucial role in their lives and careers.a particular name can bring luckiness to them.While other people regard name just as a simple symbol,it does not matter what it is.5.Would u like to change your name?It is unnecessary for me to change my name,you know ,My name represents the love from my grandpa,so obviously, I would not change it.6.Is it easy to change your name in your country?I guess it is a bit difficult to do it. Actually ,It is complex Coz you need to get a couple of official recognitions,and exchange your ID card and so many other things.Most importantly, it is time-consuming coz you are required to wait several weeks between every steps.7.Wo usually names babies in your country?It is common for babies’parents to give their names in china. I guess.almost all parents are eager to name their babies,as it can show their love and expectations to their babies.8.Do u have any special traditional about naming children?I do not have ,but many folks do coz they regard it as a meaningful way to show their respect to their ancestors. So this folks would obey the discipline which was made by their ancestors to name their babies.9.What names are most common in your country?I guess the names called ’long or hui’ are the most common names in my hometown coz all of this stand for gorgeous and brilliant future. And they consider that if you own the name like this you are more possible to have a promising future.Home1 & 2.Do u like live in a house or a flat/Please describe it a littleI live in a flat. My flat locates in the heart of my hometown so the transport facilities there are really convenient. Besides it is surrounded by two parks ,so it is really comfortable for us to live there.More specifically ,my flat are made up of 4 bed rooms and a bid living room.3.What’s your favourite room in your home?My favorite room is the big living room,of course. Because i can invite my best friends to there and sit on the comfortable sofa to watch a couple of movies .Sometimes,we also can hole a big party there,it is a nice way for us to kid back and relax. so I really like the living room.4.What have u done to your room to make it look nice?I have bought tons of cute stuff to decorate my bed room such as some fashion toys and mini robot.Besides,I also have bought a couple of plants and put them in the living room,which makes the room looks dynamic and graceful.5.Which room dose your family spend most of time in?I guess it is the living room coz nearly every night ,we always take some snakes while watching some TV programs.Besides we like to have a chat with each other in the living room.6.What do u usually do in your house/flat/room?I usually browse the Internet ,coz I can not only get tons of news from it but I can communicate with my friends through the internet as well.More importantly,browsing the internet can definitely expand my outlook and let off my steam.7.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Yes,coz my flat lies in the heart of my hometown so the transport system is quit convenient. And there are several types of public transport for us to choose such as subway and bus. But ,in the rush hour,it will also suffer from traffic jam .8.Do u plan to move/are u prepare to move?I do not intend to move to another place.you know,it is really comfortable to live there,the transport there,the entertaining life style there and the rent there all are satisfactory. So I don’t want to change my flat.Hometown1.What’s your hometown?My hometown locates in the south of Guangdong province. It is a seaside city and there are a couple of tourist attractions in my hometown with over ten thousand people visiting there each year.2.Do u like your hometown?Yep,I pretty like my hometown coz the environment there is beautiful and clean.you can hardly see any rubbish in the street.And the weather there is comfortable and extremely suit to live.moreover,the local residents are friendly and approachable. 3.Would u say it’s an interesting place?Of course i would,coz it is a seaside city so it is convenient for us to get to the beach.and in the beach,we could do tons of stimulating leisure activities such as strolling around the beach,drawing picture on the sand or playing beach volleyball.So the life in my hometown is really interesting.4.What would u say are the good and bad points of your hometown?The good points of my hometown,in my mind,are that the environment there is clean and beautiful and the local residents there are friendly and approachable they always wear a friendly smile.While,in terms of the bad point,I would like to say that it is a crowd place.when it was the ruch hour,the traffic there are severely congested and in summer,sometimes,the temperature would be high.5.What’s your favourite part of your hometown?I guess it is the beach nearby my hometown.Coz in the summer holiday,my friends and i will get together to take a couple of interesting activities there to kid back and relax.we will always have a ball.So,the beach does bring me tons of memories.6.Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?Yes,there are a theme park and a brilliant and clean beach in my hometown ,which appeals over ten thousand people visiting there each year.Actually,all the visitors pretty adore the beautiful beach.7.Did you friends also grow up in the same place as u?Some of them grow up with me in the same place.you know,when it comes to the summer holiday,we will get together to have a fun in the beach.8.Would u like to live there in the future?To be honest with you,I pretty like to live there in the future,because the environment is really attractive.More importantly,that place brings me tons of memories which is the most treasure thing in my life.So living there can make me feel happiness.Work or study1.Do u work or are u a student?I am a junior student studying in South China University of Technology. My major is mathematics.2.Why did u choose to study that?Coz leaning mathematics can stimulate my creativity,expand my thought and mold my character. I mean working out mathematical problems requires tons of patient.Most importantly,i will feel a strong sense of achievement when i tackle a difficult problem.I guess that is exactly why I chose this subject.3.Do u like studying at that university?Actually i really adore to study in my university coz our campus is large and beautiful.More importantly, the teachers there are so nice and professional that we can learn tons of knowledge from them.4.What’s the most important thing in your study life?It is friendship I guess.without friendship,my study life would lack of colour and suffer from a series of problems. It is my friends who always encourage me and cheer me up when I feel frustrated.So friendship is the most important thing in my study life.5.What do u plan to do after u have finished your study?I will travel to Lijiang with my best friends,you know,Lijiang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in China. We all desire to visit there to celebrate our graduations.I believe we will have a ball.Advertisement1.Are there many ads in your country?Yep,advertisements in my county are prevalent.Specifically,When you watch TV,browse the internet or listen to the radio programs you can always contact advertisements.2.Why do u think there are so many ads now?As advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guarantee a satisfactory sale .So it is common to see many advertisements surrounding us.3.What are the various places where we see ads?I guess tons of advertisements are displayed in the crowded place such as the bus and the business streets ,which can ensure more people to see it. Displayed in this place, the advertisements can be well rewarded.4.How do u feel about ads?I would say I enjoy some of them coz they are creative and stimulating.But it’s true that When we watch TV, most of them always disturb the fun of enjoying the programs. Besides the information they bring us always are misleading.5.What kinds of ads do u like the most?Actually I like the advertisements which pass correct information to us and show their products in a creative way.This ads were not copied the same thing over and over again.on the other hand it could leave us a deep impression.6.Do ads influence your choice about what to buy?Some of them would,when the products they introduce are really attractive and I do need this goods. In other world ,if there are several ads showing the same thing I will choose the better performance one.7.Do u prefer ads on TV or those in magazine?I would say I prefer to ads on TV rather than those in magazine coz ads shown on TV are more vivid and dynamic than those in magazine,which seems more attractive and clear.8.What do u think is the purpose of ads?You know,Advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guaranteea satisfactory sale .9.Do u think advertising plays a very important role in today’s world?Obviously,it does.It become a trend for every well-known brand to make advertisements.Coz it can enhance and boost the power and reputation of the brand effectively.10.What sorts of ads leave the deepest impression on people?I would say the most creative and stimulating one leave the deepest impression on people.You know,nowadays, there are excessively numerous ads ,folks have already been fed up with the boring ads.11.What do u think about the developments in ads in China today?In china,today, you can see that the ads displayed in the internet are becoming increasingly frequent while those on newspaper are generally reduced.So in the future,the ads on internet will play a dominant role in advertising.Computers1.Do u use computers very much?Actually I use it practically very night.You know,browsing the internet is decent a good way for us to kid back and relax while expanding our outlooks.Sometimes I need it to help me finish my homework2.What do u use a computer?I often use it to do various thing such as browsing the internet,watch movies and sending emails.Besides,when I feel lonely or boring,I will also use it to play computer games.3.What was your impression when u used a computer the first time?Actually I was shocked when I touched the computer the first.I thought it was an amazing invention coz it is so powerful and advanced that it can solve tons of problem effectively.I guessed I could hardly get the hang of it.4.How do u learn to use a computer?At first,my folks taught me the basic skills and then I learned it by myself with the help of watching some teaching videos.Sometimes,my teacher will teach us some professional knowledge about the softwares.5.Have computers changed your life in any way?Yes,it puters have changed my lifestyle.you know ,Before touching computer,I liked to play basketball or to join a plenty of outside activities with my friend.Due to the attraction of computer,now,I prefer to browse the internet after class rather than take some outdoor activities.Beside,I always buy goods though computer instead of going to the supermarkets. .6.Are computers used much in your county?I would like to say that it is prevalent for individuals to use computers in China.Now,at work,folks may need computers to assist them to finish their assignments while in life, people would choose to play computer as a way to kid back and relax themselves.7.Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?Well ,as I said,no matter at work or in life,computers have played a important role in human beings’ live as .it brings substantial benefits and convenience to us.puters are now used a lot in education,What do you think of this?Well,Students really benefit from computer coz they can use it to enrich their academic experience by surfing the internet.However, there still some students just simply copy others results which they searched in the internet when they do their homework.I guess that is one of the most serious drawbacks it brings to education.9.Do you paly computer games?I would say I paly it sometimes.Now,many parents regard this behavior as a bad behavior coz tons of students drop out of school because of excessively playing computer games.But,I guess it is a good way to relax ourselves if we play it properly.10.Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need to be improved? Even though, computers seems perfect now, there are still somethings for them to be improved.They could be more smaller ,operating more faster and designed more flexible to use.Cooking1.Do you know how to make a meal?I would like to say I know some about it.I have made some food by rice cooker.It is easy to cook some soups and snakes through using it.But it is a bit difficult for me to make a real meal.2.How well do you cook?Well , I just do not how to make food delicious but I have tried to fried egg and I mother told me that it was just not bad and I really need to practice more about it,3.Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?(Do u like to cook?)Yes ,I have.You know,my uncle ,my father and my grandpa all of them can make a big and delicious male.It seems that it is a skill that every man in my family is required to learn.And i think cooking is a pretty fun,you can get a strong sense of achievement when you can cook well.So, I guess I would like to cook.4.What do you like to cook?I would choose dumplings I guess.Coz dumplings are one of my favourite food and more importantly, it seems easy to cook well. All you need to do just put them into boiling water and wait the water boiling again.5.How did u learn to cook/Who taught u how to cook/When did u learn how to cook?I remember that I have learned from my mother how to make soups by a rice cooker last summer vocation.My mother shew me patiently how much raw materials are demanded and how to allocate the time properly,which are the most important steps to ensure the soup is delicious .After that ,I just followed what she had told and cooked that soup. The result was not too bad in my memory6.Do you usually eat at home or do u usually eat away from home?Now,I live the most of time in my dorm which is far away from my home.As a result ,it is hard for me to eat at home.I usually eat at the halls of residence in my school.7.Who usually does the cooking in your home?My mother cooks most of the time.But,actually,my father’s cooking skill is better than my mother and he is too lazy to do this job.But in some important festivals such as the spring festival he would make meals for our family.8.Do you do any cooking at home?Yes,when my parents are out I will make a small meal for myself.At that time,I would like to cook a soup and fry some simple food such as egg and vegetables.9.Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?I would say yes,you know,Cooking is a basic skill in our lives.Though there are various kinds of fast food in our society, it is not good for us to eat much of those and the food cooked by ourselves is much healthy than that.So everyone should learn to cook in order to keep our healthy.10.Do you think university students should learn how to cook?I would suggest university students to learn cooking if they still have leisure time after finishing their works.Coz it is common that when students graduate from school,they will have less time and passion to learn cooking as far as I know.11.Do you think it would be useful to teach cooking in school?I guess I would be useful as students are eager to learn new skills and they could learn fastly when they really want.But it is difficult to implement because of the facilities and security.12,When was the last time you did some cooking?Last month I returned home I had cooked a soup for my family Coz my mother was busy at the time.So I had to help her make meals.13.Can u see yourself cooking more in the future?Why?I would say yes,because I intend to stay in GuangZhou rather than go home after graduation.So I need to find a place to live.and there would be a kitchen in the place so it would be convenient for me to cook.So I believe i will cook more than now. Daily Routine1.What are you usually doing at this time?I usually stay in my dorm and browse the internet to kid back and relax.you know,after studying hard for a week,browsing the internet is definitely a pleasant experience for me to let off steam.2.Do u do the same thing every day/Tell me something about your daily routine. From Monday to Friday,I mainly focus on my study.and sometimes I will go to the library to read some magazines.Besides, i am the monitor of my class ,So I need to deal with different problems.In addition, at weekends,I will do various things,I will go shopping ,do a part-time job or play basketball with my friends.3.In a typical day,what do u do in the classroom.In the classroom,I mainly listen to the class in the daytime and at night,I usually review what the teachers have told us during the class and finish my home work.4.For u,what’s the best time of day for study?Studying at night can make me effectively concentrate on my study coz I would be more filled with energy at night and the environment would be more quire as well.5.When do u do most of your study?I do most of my study in the evenings coz at the time I can study efficiently and effectively.Besides,I have more leisure time in the evening coz there is no more lessons at night.6.What time do u usually get up?It depends.If I don’t need to go to class I usually get up at 9 o’clock while if I need I usually get up at 7 o’clock.7.What do u usually do after u get up?Firstly I will brush my teeth and wash my face,then,I will go out to have breakfast.If there is on class in the morning,I will turn on my computer as well.8.If your life now the same as it was before?Well,now is bit more different than before.In the past,all the thing I need to do is just study only.But,now,i will go out to find a part-time job to relieve my parents financial burdens and I also need to deal with some works of my class coz i am the monitor of my class.9.If u could make one change to ur daily routine ,what would it be?The jobs related to my class could be much less,by that,I can have more leisure time to do the thing i like,such as reading books, watching movies to kid back and relax or accompanying my friends to go shopping.(learning a new skill like driving)10.If u had more free time,what would u do?(同9)11.Do u usually do the same things at the same time each day?Well it depends,generally I would do the same things at the same time which help to make my life regularly.But,it is hard to maintain you know.Many emergencies could disturb it.For example,If my girl friend ask me to accompany with her,then, I have to put them away.12.How do u plan your study time?Firstly,I will review what the teachers have taught during the day,then,I will choose to finish my homework.When all the work would accomplished and there still be time for leisure I would read some novels.13.Do you ever change these plans?No,no,no,I would force myself to execute my study plans coz I adore to maintain everything regularly so I would not change my plans frequently.14.Can u think of any improvements to your routine?Yes,I always intend to arrange my schedule more effectively and efficiently coz I would be usually disturbed by little things as a result I can’t accomplish my plan.But it seems it is hard to improve.Emails1.Do u often write email/What do u write about?I would say yes coz I am the monitor of my class so,at work,I need to write various kinds of emails to convey the pubic affairs of our college.And,sometimes,I will write emails to some companies to look for a part-time job.2.Do u think emails are useful?Yes ,It is really convenient to use.Especially,when u need to write a long content to specify some things.Besides,Unlike letters,it can be sent and received quickly.More importantly,you will bot be charge for that.3.What kinds of emails do u send and receive?Well ,most of it are business emails coz as i said ,i am a monitor ,my job ask me to send and receive business emails frequently.But sometimes,i would also send some personal emails to my friends.Besides,I will receive some ads which really disturbs me.4.Do u think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising?In terms of manufacturers,it is reasonable for them to take this action coz they can advertise their products at the lowest possible cost.However,as a consumer,I do not really like this,it does disturb me and i practically do not scan this emails.Letters1.How often do u write letters?Actually ,it is uncommon for me to write letters.But i would also write some postcards to my friends when I travel to some tourist attractions.2,What do u write about?I usually write some blessings to my friends or some feeling I felt at the moment.By that I mean I will tell him or her i am happy ,sad or excited.3,On what occasions do u write letters?When I travel to some tourist attractions I will write some postcards to my friends and my family.Besides,in some important festival like the Spring Festival I will also write some blessings to my friends but it is uncommon.4.Do u and your friends keep in touch by letter.Exactly,I would say no coz we often use phone messages or phone calls to make a communication.If we do want to write something we would prefer to write by emails which are much more convenient than letters,5.How do u keep in touch with your friends and relatives?(同4)Gift1.Do u often give gifts to people?I guess it is not often.I usually give gifts to my friends and family mainly on their birthdays.Besides,I will make a couple of gifts to my girlfriend by myself in some festival like Valentine's day and Christmas Day.2.What the last gift u received?Well,the last gift I received was a watch given by my girlfriend.She told me that it took she several hours to choose in the internet.I really adore this gift it is pretty gorgeous.3.Have u friends ever given you gift?Yep ,almost on my birthday, they would present me a couple of gifts which are really exquisite.4.What was the last gift u gave someone.Well,I gave a CD of jay who is one the most famous ginger in China to my friend.It is a special CD coz there is a jay’s signature on it which really drives my friend crazy.I mean she was pretty adore it.5.Do u like giving presents to other people?Yes exactly,because giving gifts to people could not only make them happy but i would get a strong sense of achievement.you know,Making other people pleasant is an exciting thing i am really into in.6,Do u and your friends of family members give each other gift.I would say it common for us to present gifts to each other especially on someone’s birthday.For instance,on my father’s last birthday my mother gave him a beautiful cloth while I gave him a gorgeous pen.7.What sorts of gifts do u give to someone,how do u select this gift?Well,it depends.i will choose different types of gifts to different people.It all depends on their characters and personalities.For example,I would select sport goods to those who like sport.8.Do u think it’s easy to choose what to give other people?Well,I don’t think so.I always spent a lot of time selecting gifts coz i am really afraid that the gifts I selected my friends do not like it.So as for me,it is hard to choose presents to others.9.When considering a present to give to someone,how do you select this gift?(同7)10.Do u think it is important to give expensive gifts?Of course no.The value of gifts are no depended on the price it is depended on your heart.I really agree that a gift made by yourself is overwhelmingly more important than a expensive gift bought directly in the shops.11.Have u ever given someone a gift you made yourself?Yes ,I have.I often present gifts made by myself to others,coz I think it can make the gift more meaningful and st time I had made a toy car by some woods to my friend and he love it so much.12.Do u think gift-giving is very important?Well,actually I do think it is important .I just regard it as a way to show your love and blessing to others.I mean you can do many thing instead of giving gifts to represent your emotion.So the important thing is your heart and your love to others.13.Do people in China like to give gifts?I would say yes.you know,it is really common for chinese to present gifts on some important festivals such as the spring festival.Chines regard it as a decent way to show respect and love to others.Drawing1.Have u ever learned to draw?(do u like drawing?why/why not)Well ,when I was a child,my folks sent me to a art lesson to learn draw coz I really like drawing at the time and my folks wanted me to develop this interest.I consider that drawing can stimulate one’s creativity and imagination and it also can bring u a strong sense of achievement when u draw well.So,i am really into it.2.Do u draw now?Well,it is less time left for me to draw now.Because there are tons of homeworks and job I need to deal with everyday.I mean I am alway busy with my study and jobs.3.How often do u draw something?In the past,i always drew(dru:)once a week mainly on weekends coz after working hard during the whole week,drawing could really help me kid back and relax.4.What kind of pictures do u like to draw.Well,I like to draw some some cartoon figures coz it is more easy and interesting to draw.But sometimes I will draw real cars as well coz it looks really cool.5.Do u think drawing is difficult?It depends,It is obviously difficult if want to draw something complicated and delicate while it will be easy to draw some simple cartoon characters ,which is still interesting. 6,Do u think it’s important for child to learn to draw?I would say yes.It it common that many shools now have set a painting class,in some way,it illustrates that learning drawing is significant for children.I guess it is because drawing can materialise children’s thinking which is beneficial to stimulate their creativities and imaginations.7.What do u think are some of the benefits for children from drawing?(同6)8.Do adults draw very often.It depends.People who are majoring in painting or design would draw often,as this is their jobs.While I guess other people would not draw often coz the pace of life today is so accelerating that adults are often busy with their works or study.so it is less time left by them to draw.9.What are the benefits of drawing for adults?I guess the best beneficial it brings us is that drawing can help individuals to relax themselves and mould their characters as well.By that I mean,drawing could clam person down and make them more patient.10.What’s the difference between an adult and a child learning to draw?A child learning to draw can mainly stimulate their creativities and imaginations while as to adult, learning to draw mainly influences their temper,I mean drawing can make adult clam down and relax.11.Do u think a person can teach him or herself how to draw?I would say yes.I guess every person can learn drawing by watch some educational videos and books all by themselves.Or they can attempt to simulate some pictures to learn drawing.12.To draw well,what factors do u think are important?I guess it is patience as well as calm temper which are the most two important factors to draw well.I mean it is hard for anxious people to draw a nice picture.Patience1.Is it important to be patient ?Why?I would say yes coz a patient person is more likely to own a ability to achieve his goal today.Besides,patience can also make people more approachable which is important in communication.2.Is it easy to be patient?why?Well,it seems that it is increasingly hard to be patient due to the society today.you know, fast pace of life intend to make people more inpatient than before.Busy works and heavy stress all of them may people loose patience.3.How can people be patient?Well,I guess the main reason to make people inpatient is that they living under the weather.So learning to let off steam properly would be a good way to let people be patient.。



雅思口语模拟题1. 题目:Describe a book that you have read recently.答案:Recently, I read "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. It's a captivating tale about a shepherd boy's journey to fulfill his personal legend. The story is filled with symbolism and teaches valuable life lessons about pursuing dreams and finding one's own path.2. 题目:Describe a place you visited that was new to you.答案:I recently visited Tokyo for the first time. It was an incredible experience. The city is a perfect blend of traditional and modern, with bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and serene temples. I particularly enjoyed exploring the neon-lit Akihabara district and trying authentic sushi.3. 题目:Talk about a skill you would like to learn and explain why.答案:I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Music has always been a passion of mine, and I think being able to play an instrument would be a fantastic way to express myself. Plus, it would be a great skill to have for social gatherings or just for personal enjoyment.4. 题目:Describe a family member you admire and explain why.答案:I admire my grandmother because she is the epitome of resilience. She's gone through so much in her life, yet she always manages to maintain a positive attitude. She's also incredibly generous and is always there to lend a helping hand to those in need.5. 题目:Talk about a challenging experience you faced and how you overcame it.答案:Learning to speak English as a second language was a significant challenge for me. I struggled with pronunciation and vocabulary. However, I persevered by attending language classes, practicing with native speakers, and using language-learning apps. Gradually, my skills improved, and I became more confident in my ability to communicate.6. 题目:Describe a piece of good news that you received.答案:Recently, I received the good news that I had been accepted into my dream university. It was a moment of pure joy and relief after months of hard work and anxiety. I felt proud of my accomplishment and excited about the opportunities that lay ahead.7. 题目:Talk about an interesting conversation you had recently.答案:I had an interesting conversation with a friend aboutthe future of technology. We discussed how advancements in AI and robotics could potentially change our daily lives. It was fascinating to hear different perspectives and consider the possibilities of what the future might hold.8. 题目:Describe a goal you have for the future and explain how you plan to achieve it.答案:My goal is to become fluent in Spanish. To achieve this, I plan to enroll in a language course, practice speaking with native speakers regularly, and immerse myself in Spanish culture by traveling to Spain or Latin America.9. 题目:Talk about a time when you helped someone.答案:I helped a friend who was struggling with a difficult project at university. We spent hours together going through the material, and I offered advice and encouragement. In the end, my friend was able to complete the project successfully, and I was glad I could be there to support them.10. 题目:Describe a time when you were surprised by something.答案:I was surprised when I received an unexpected gift from a friend on my birthday. It was a beautiful painting that they had made themselves. I had no idea they were so talented, and the thoughtfulness of the gift really touched me.。

雅思口语PART12024 新题-题目+答案

雅思口语PART12024 新题-题目+答案

雅思口语PART 12024年1-4月新题1.Sunglasses1.Do you often wear sunglasses?Yes, I often wear sunglasses, especially when I'm outdoors on sunny days. They help protect my eyes from the bright sunlight and also make me feel more comfortable.2.Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?Not really. I usually look for good quality sunglasses that are within my budget. I believe that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a pair of functional and stylish sunglasses.3.Do you give sunglasses as a gift?Yes, I have given sunglasses as a gift before. I think they can be a great present for people who enjoy being outdoors or who appreciate fashionable accessories. I usually choose a pair that suits the recipient's taste and style.4.Why do you wear sunglasses?I wear sunglasses primarily to protect my eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun. But they also help reduce the glare and make it more comfortable for me to look around when it's bright outside. Additionally, I like how sunglasses can enhance my appearance and complete my outfit.2.Social media1.When did you start to use social media?I started using social media quite a few years ago, probably around the time when platforms like Facebook and Twitter became popular. Initially, I used it mostly to keep in touch with friends and family, but over time, I've discovered various other uses for it as well.2.Do you think you spend too much time on social media?Sometimes, I do feel like I spend more time on social media than I should. It can be easy to get caught up in scrolling through feeds and engaging with posts, but I'm trying to be more mindful of my usage and make sure it doesn't interfere with other importanttasks or activities.3.What do people do on social media?People use social media for a wide range of activities. They share updates about their daily lives, post photos and videos, and engage in conversations with friends and followers. Many also use it to follow news and trends, discover new products and services, and even for professional networking. Additionally, social media has become a platform for expressing opinions, raising awareness about important issues, and organizing campaigns and movements3.Memory1.What do you have to remember to do every day?Every day, I have to remember to check my emails and messages to keep up with work and personal communications. Additionally, I need to remember to complete my daily tasks and responsibilities, whether it's related to my job, studies, or household chores. Staying hydrated and having regular meals is also something I try to remember every day to maintain good health.2.Is it easy for you to forget to do these things?Sometimes, it can be easy to forget to do certain things, especially when I'm busy or have a lot on my mind. However, I try to set reminders or create a to-do list to help me stay organized and ensure I don't overlook any important tasks. I also find that having a routine helps me remember things more easily.3.Are you good at memorizing things?I think I'm decent at memorizing things, but it depends on the type ofinformation. For example, I find it easier to memorize factual information or lists when I associate them with something familiar or create a mnemonic device.However, memorizing abstract concepts or long passages can be more challenging for me.4.How do you help yourself to remember things?To help myself remember things, I use several techniques. I often write down important information or create notes to refer to later. I also use reminders onmy phone or computer to alert me of upcoming deadlines or appointments.Additionally, I try to associate new information with something I already know, which helps me retain it better. Sometimes, repeating the information out loud or discussing it with someone else also helps me to remember.5.Have you ever forgotten something important?Yes, I have forgotten something important before. One example is when I missed a crucial meeting because I forgot to put it in my calendar. It was a valuable lesson for me to always double-check my schedule and reminders to ensure I don't miss anything important again. Since then, I've been more diligent about tracking my appointments and deadlines4.Cake or dessert1.Do you like cakes or desserts?Yes, I do enjoy cakes and desserts, but I try to indulge in them occasionally to maintaina balanced diet.2.Why do some people not like eating sweet food?Some people don't like sweet food because of personal taste preferences, health considerations, cultural backgrounds, dietary restrictions, or simply not enjoying the taste of sugar.5.Video games1.Do you play video games?Yes, I do play video games occasionally. I find them a fun way to relax and unwind after a busy day.2.What kinds of video games do you like to play?I enjoy playing a variety of video games, especially strategy and adventure ones. They challenge my thinking and keep me engaged for hours.3.Is it good for young people to play video games?I believe it depends on the balance. Video games can be beneficial for young people in terms of entertainment and cognitive development, but it's important to strike a balance with other activities like sports and socializing.6.Colours1.What is your favourite colour?My favourite colour is blue. It's calm and relaxing, and reminds me of the beautiful sky and sea.2.Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your culture?Yes, in my culture, red often symbolizes luck, prosperity, and joy, especially during festivals and celebrations.3.Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?Yes, I often wear clothes in blue, as it complements my skin tone and makes me feel comfortable and confident.4.What is your preferred car colour for purchase?If I had to choose, I'd probably prefer a silver car. It's sleek and modern, and goes well with various styles and designs7.Singing1.Do you like singing?Yes, I enjoy singing, especially when I'm feeling happy or relaxed. It's a fun way to express myself.2.Do you have any singing classes at school?No, my school doesn't offer singing classes specifically. But we have music classes where we learn about different musical instruments and genres.3.Do you think there are many Chinese that can sing?Yes, I believe there are many Chinese people who can sing well. Singing is a popular hobby and many Chinese have a natural talent for it. Plus, there's a rich cultural tradition of singing in China.8.Advertising1.Do you like advertisements on TV or some other products?I'm neutral about advertisements on TV and other products. Sometimes they can be informative and entertaining, but too many can be annoying.2.Were there any advertisements that impressed you when you were young?Yes, there were a few advertisements that caught my attention when I was young. One was a toy advertisement that had a catchy jingle and bright colors.3.Will you do work related to advertising?Currently, I'm not planning to work directly in advertising. But I appreciate the creativity and strategy involved in making effective advertisements.4.What kind of advertisements are shown in public places?In public places, you often see billboards and posters advertising various products and services. These can range from food and beverages to clothing and electronics9.Celebrity news1.Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?Yes, I do pay attention to famous people in the news, especially those who are involved in current events or have achieved remarkable feats.2.Do you think news reports about famous people are always true?Not always. Sometimes news reports about famous people can be exaggerated or even fabricated for sensationalism. It's important to verify the source and cross-check information.3.What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?I often see actors, singers, politicians, and sportspeople in the news. Their personal lives, achievements, and controversies often grab headlines.4.Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?My favorite celebrity in my country is an actor known for his talent and dedication to his craft. He inspires me with his hard work and positive attitude.10.Feel bored1.Do you often feel bored?Not often. I usually have enough to do and enjoy keeping busy with various activities.2.What kinds of things would make you feel bored?Repetitive tasks or long periods of inactivity without stimulation would make me feel bored.3.What will you do if you feel bored?If I feel bored, I'll try to find something new and exciting to do, like reading a book, exploring a new place, or engaging in a hobby.4.Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?I don't think either childhood or adulthood is inherently boring. It depends on the individual's experiences and how they choose to spend their time. Both stages of life can be filled with fun and meaningful activities.11.Crowded place1.Is the city where you live crowded?Yes, the city where I live can be quite crowded, especially during peak hours and in popular areas.2.Is there a crowded place near where you live?Yes, there's a popular shopping mall near my house that's always crowded with people.3.Do you like crowded places?I don't mind being in crowded places occasionally, but I prefer less crowded environments for daily activities. Crowds can be overwhelming sometimes.4.When was the last time you were in a crowded place?The last time I was in a crowded place was probably at a concert last weekend. The venue was packed with fans and it was quite lively.12.Money1.How do you save money?I save money by budgeting, avoiding unnecessary expenses, and investing in long-term savings plans.2.What do you think of e-payment?I think e-payment is convenient and efficient, especially for online transactions. It saves time and reduces the risk of carrying cash.3.Do you often use credit cards?I do use credit cards occasionally, but I'm careful with my spending and always pay off my balance on time.4.Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?While e-payment is becoming more common, I believe cash will still have its place in the future. Some people may prefer it for small transactions or personal reasons.5.Do you like spending money or saving money?I enjoy both spending and saving money. Spending can be fun and rewarding, but saving is also important for financial security and future plans. It's a balance that I try to maintain.。



8月25日雅思测试口语真题(网友回忆)口语结束(澳洲),P1是专业,计划,开过车么,开车旅行的缺点是什么 P2是雅思哥预测中的推荐书目(THX雅思哥), P3是图书馆对社会的重要性,在中国老师如何教导学生读书,文化水平高对社会和国家的有什么意义。

长春room1part1which room in YouR home ulike?part2 natural beauty .part3 你推荐的去上面提到的地方得三个景点。





P1是primary school的问题,P2 a situation u have to be polite P3问了一些为什么要polite和文化差异什么的。


大连 RM03 14:00 和蔼可亲的小老头第一部分小时候最多时间跟哪些亲戚在呆在一起现在对你最重要的亲戚是谁你以后会花更多时间跟亲戚呆在一起吗你理想的工作是什么你经常穿什么样的衣服你如何看到时尚第二部分你们国家的歌手那一个,题卡里有第三部分讨论学过什么样的乐器会弹乐器有什么好处在学校教授音乐对孩子有什么好处苏州西交利物浦,rm376 一个卷毛帅哥考官~ p1:姓名,家乡,小时候家乡是什么样的,近年来有什么变化,以后还会有什么变化 p2:你最想买的交通工具 p3:一堆关于交通的问题,比如有什么公共交通工具,平时你乘什么,挤不挤,中国的路上安全么,要怎样更安全(我说了政府要制定政策,他又问比如什么政策,要怎么执行……) p3问题多如牛毛,我算是阵亡了……没回忆全,大家凑合着看吧南京理工大学 rm406 第一部分:名字专业为啥选这专业第二部分 an interesting old people 第三部分:你家亲戚谁最亲近; 多大年纪算老;变老的ad和disad ; 老人受尊重吗?南京理工RM414part1个人情况,朋友,体育part2。




2、预测包含两个方面:100%中的口语大范围题库(P1+P2)+超高频的口语考题(P1+P2附高分参考答案)3、因为口语题库全球通用的,因此该预测适用于大陆、亚太等所有考区100%中口语题库Part 1Tea or CoffeeCrowded placePets/AnimalsFilm/Movie starRestaurantSwimmingPatienceDrivingSkySharingSleepingHome/AccommodationTransportationEmailGiftsGoing outPerfumeSmileBooksTime managementFamily activitiesRubbishPunctualityRainy dayWork or studyHometownHandwritingHolidaysWaterPhotosShoesMusicVisit relativesMarketBorrowing/ lendingTravelOutdoorPlanMathSocial NetworkPart 2Describe a singer or band that you likeDescribe a person who has interesting ideas or opinionsDescribe a foreign star that you would like to meetDescribe a friend or a person who encouraged you to achieve a goalDescribe a person who speak foreign language wellDescribe someone you would like to becomeDescribe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child.Describe a person who you think is beautiful or handsome.Describe a successful experience of your friends.Describe a person you want to be similar with when you were child.Describe an intelligent person that you know.Describe someone you would like to study or work with.Describe an interesting old person you know.Describe a person who try to protect the environment.Describe an interesting person that you never meet but want to know.Describe the information that was incorrect that you gotDescribe a time you received a call from somebody you don't know in the public Describe a time that you invited family or friends to have dinner at home or in a restaurant Describe a person who helps others in his or her spare timeDescribe a time that children made you laughDescribe a park or garden you visited and liked.Describe a time you visited a place with friends.Describe a time the vehicle you were travelling in broke down.Describe an unusual vacation you had.Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.Describe a time you solved a problem online.Describe a piece of good news you heard from someone you know.Describe an activity you do to stay healthy.Describe something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet. Describe an occasion someone you know did not tell you the complete truth.Describe a time you received bad service at a restaurant or a shop.Describe one of your grandparents' job.Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time.Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members Describe a time that you had to change your plan/you changed your mindDescribe a party that you have join inDescribe an important decision made with the help of other peopleDescribe a lecture that left you a deep impression.Describe something you complaint about but satisfied with the result.Describe a time when you look for information on the InternetDescribe a water sports you would like to try in the futureDescribe a quiz program or game show on TVDescribe a time that you got up early in the morningDescribe an advertisement that left you a deep impressionDescribe a prize you would like to winDescribe a practical skill you knowDescribe something that you brought home from a tourist attractionDescribe a lifestyle that you think is goodDescribe a piece of clothing you often wear.Describe something you do to help you study or work.Describe a kind of food people eat on a special event.Describe a time you taught a new skill to someone you know, such as a relative or a friend. Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you are interested in. Describe an outdoor activity you want to try for the first time.Describe something you bought but have not used very much.Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest in now.Describe a book that you recently readDescribe something lost by others but found by you.Describe a present you received which was made by hand.Describe a historical buildingDescribe a family business that you likeDescribe a problem with equipment that you can't solveDescribe an idea of vacation away from homeDescribe an important plant in your countryDescribe a historical buildingDescribe a public facility that improves local life quality.Describe an ideal home (house or apartment) that you would like to live in.超高频口语话题Part 1(按考频高到低)Work or study1.What work do you do?2.Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?3.Do you like your job?4.ls it very interesting?5.(Possibly) Do you miss being a student?6.What do you want to do when you graduate?7.What subjects do you like or dislike?8.Which school are you studying in?9.Why did you choose this school?1. What’s (the name of) your hometown?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. How long have you been living there?4. Do you like your hometown?5. What do you like (most) about your hometown?6. Is there anything you dislike about it?Perfume1. Do you use perfume?2. How do you feel by using perfume?3. What kind of perfume do you like?4. Are you willing to spend money on perfume?5. Have you bought perfume for others as gifts?Travel1. Do you like traveling?2. Which cities have you travelled to?3. What kind of cities do you like to travel to?4. What is the place that left you the deepest impression when travelling?Pets/Animals1. What kind of wild animal do you like most?2. Do you love to see the animals in the zoo?3. Do you have a pet?4. Do you think it's a good thing for children to learn about animals?5. What`s your favorite animal? Why?6. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?7. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?8. Should we teach children to protect animals?9. If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?10. Compare with the past, is there any changes concerning pets in your country/ hometown?Tea or Coffee1. What do Chinese people prefer? Tea or coffee? Why?2. What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?3. When did you drank coffee or tea last time?Smile1. When do people smile to others?2. Do you smile when someone takes photos for you?3. Can you feel it when someone’s smile is fake?1. How often do you use social networking applications?2. Why do you use social networking apps?3. What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?4. Do you think it is good to make friends online?Part 2(按考频高到低)Describe a foreign star that you would like to meetWho this person isWhat he or she didWhat kind of person he or she isAnd explain why this person became famousDescribe a time you solved a problem online. You should say:when and where it happened;what problem you solved;how long it took you to solve the problem;and explain how you felt about it.Describe an unusual experience of traveling. You should say: Where you wentWhen you went thereWho you were withWhat you did thereAnd explain why it is unusualDescribe a party that you have join inyou should say:when did the party hold?Where did the party hold?Whose party?What you did at the party?Describe a piece of good news you heard from someone you know. You should say: what it was about;who you heard it from;when and where you got this news;and explain how you felt when you got the good news.Describe something you bought but have not used very much. You should say:what it is,when did you get it,how did you get it,and explain why you have not used it very much. Describe a time you gave advice to others. You should say: who you gave the advice to;what advice you gave;why this person needed your advice;and explain how useful the advice was.Describe one of your grandparents' job. You should say: what it was;how long has he/she been in the job;what kind of skills are needed for the job;and explain why he/she liked the job.。



雅思哥口语对于口语考试,我的参考内容如下:Part 1:- Personal information: name, job/student, hometown, living situation- Hobbies and interests: music, films, sports, books, travel- Daily routine: morning routine, work schedule, leisure activities - Family: family members, relationship with them, family traditions- Food and eating habits: favorite food, cooking skills, foods you dislikePart 2:- Describe a memorable holiday you had- Talk about a hobby you enjoy- Describe an important decision you made- Describe a person who has influenced you- Talk about a difficult challenge you faced and how you overcame itPart 3:- Leisure time and hobbies: why are hobbies important, are leisure activities different for different age groups?- Decision-making: what factors do people consider when making important decisions, what are some common decision-making approaches, why do people sometimes make bad decisions?- Role models and influence: what qualities do role models possess, how can people positively influence others?- Challenges and problem-solving: what types of challenges do people face, what are some effective problem-solving strategies, how can people deal with unexpected challenges?- Science and technology: what are some major scientific advancements of the past century, how have technology and innovation impacted society?。



雅思哥作文预测【篇一:2016年1-4雅思哥口语part1整理】part1. 口语【篇二:雅思哥作文】说明:绿色部分降低重视,时间不够的话可以不用看。

2、 there are plenty of options available for spreading news, such as newspapers, radio, tv, internet and so on. according to your opinion what is the best media to use? why?报告型:cause,problem,factor,solution,measure,effect,最好的:internet1: informative and resourceful,give us instant access to information on extensive range of subject.2: revolutionized the communicate .eliminating traditional problems of delayed information and isolation3:interaction with other people,其他传媒只 unidirection ,audience 不能 comment.便于纠正和监督.问题:1:有些新闻来源不靠谱,特别是网络媒体。

由于人人都可以通过twitter之类的社交网站social networking site来传播信息,因此给谣言rumour的传播提供了可能。

2:甚至有些无良记者unscrupulous journalists为了引起轰动sensation,通过捏造一些假新闻counterfeit journalism来吸引读者眼球。

结论:国家可以出台相关的法律法规related laws and regulations should be constituted,媒体应该进行自我审查impose auto-censorship,来规范媒体和记者的行为。

雅思口语part2 答案题库雅思哥预测高频题目

雅思口语part2 答案题库雅思哥预测高频题目

目录1-青少年...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 1 -1-好邻居...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 2 -1-一见如故...................................................................................................................................................... ...................... - 3 -1-有礼貌的人...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 4 -2-完美假期...................................................................................................................................................... ...................... - 5 -2-图书馆...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 6 -2-咖啡馆...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 7 -2-房间...................................................................................................................................................... .............................. - 8 -3-机器人...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 9 -3-童年玩具...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 10 -3-关于未来的书和电影...................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -3-博物馆...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 12 -3-表演...................................................................................................................................................... ............................ - 13 -4-网站...................................................................................................................................................... ............................ - 14 -4-电视节目...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 15 -4-最近的改变...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 16 -4-不同寻常的工作...................................................................................................................................................... ........ - 17 -4-培训课...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 18 -5-海边活动...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 19 -5-城市旅游...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 20 -5-放松方式...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 21 -5-童年游戏...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 22 -6-乐于助人...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 23 -6-纪录片...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 24 -6-书...................................................................................................................................................... ................................ - 25 -6-合作项目...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 26 -6-业余计划...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 27 -6-小语种...................................................................................................................................................... ........................ - 28 -7-错误的决定...................................................................................................................................................................... - 29 -7-不满意的购物...................................................................................................................................................... ............ - 30 -7-让你想购物的广告...................................................................................................................................................... .... - 31 -7-喜爱的衣服...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 32 -8-花园...................................................................................................................................................... ............................ - 33 -8-漂亮的房子...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 34 -8-重要的植物...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 35 -9-交通工具...................................................................................................................................................... .................... - 36 -9-拥挤的地方...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 37 -9-迟到的经历...................................................................................................................................................... ................ - 38 -10-好家长...................................................................................................................................................... ...................... - 39 -10-特殊宴会...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 40 -10-传统事件...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 41 -11-给别人的礼物...................................................................................................................................................... .......... - 42 -11-设备...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 43 -- 1 -12-体育事件...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 44 -12-重要人士...................................................................................................................................................... .................. - 45 -13-有意义的歌...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 46 -13-重要的信息...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 47 -14-有趣的演讲...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 48 -14-数学...................................................................................................................................................... .......................... - 49 -14-向家人学习...................................................................................................................................................... .............. - 50 -- 1 -1-青少年Describe a teenager who you knowYou should sayHow old they areHow and where you met him or herWhat you and this person do togetherWhat kind of person he or she isAnd explain how you feel about him or herOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a teenager I know, and I suppose Iwould like to talk about Lucy, my next door neighbor’s daughter.Now going on to my next point which is how and where I met this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me, she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person she is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She is fascinated by collecting different souvenirs especially something with unique historical significances. Whenever she took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies she encountered on the road, which she would share with me later when she came back. She also inherited the passion towardsphotograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personalityand people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of what kind of relationship I have with her. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. Sometimes she showed meher photos and I would like to share the latest films and books with her just like what normal friends do. So the moment I read the topic, Lucy’s name came to my mi nd immediately. That’s all what I want to say.- 2 -1-好邻居Describe a good neighbor of yoursYou should sayHow long you have known this neighborWhat sort of person they areHow often you see themAnd explain why you consider this person to be a good neighborOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a good neighbor I know, and I suppose I would like to talk about my next door neighbor, Lucy.Now going on to my next point which is how long I knew this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me,she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person he is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She has been to Nepal and Tibet, where I have always desired to be. Whenevershe took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies she encountered on the road. She also inherited the passion towards photograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personality and people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of why I consider Lucy to be a good neighbor. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. I am really fascinated by her travelling experience and she also taught me yoga, meditation and other aerobics. So the moment I read the topic, Lucy’s name came to my mind immediately. That’s all what I want to say.- 3 -1-一见如故Describe a person who became your good friend at the first meetingYou should sayWho the person wasWhen you first met this personWhat you did togetherAnd explain why you became good friends at the first meetingOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a person who became my good friend at the first meeting, and I suppose I would like to talk about my next door neighbor, Lucy.Now going on to my next point which is how I knew this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me, she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person she is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She has been to Nepal and Tibet, where I have always desired to be. Whenevershe took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies she encountered on the road. She also inherited the passion towards photograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personality and people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of why we became good friends at the first meeting. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. I am really fascinated by her travelling experience and she also taught me yoga, meditation and other aerobics. So the mo ment I read the topic, Lucy’s name came to my mind immediately. That’s all what I want to say..- 4 -1-有礼貌的人Describe a most polite person you knowYou should sayWho the person isHow you know the personWhat the person looked likeAnd explain why you think this person is most politeOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a polite person, and I suppose I wouldlike to talk about my next door neighbor, Lucy.Now going on to my next point which is how I knew this person, what I’d like to add here is that we have been neighbors for 3 years. Every time she saw me, she said hello to me. We chatted some times and I found her an easygoing person, and then, as you can see, we became good friends.Moving onto the business of what kind of person she is, I should underline the fact that she is a talkative girl who has a wide range of interests. Her mother is a professor majoring in communications and Lucy travelled a lot with her mother. She has been to Nepal and Tibet, where I have always desired to be. Whenevershe took on a journey, she would keep a travelogue noting the fancies sheencountered on the road. She also inherited the passion towards photograph from her mother. Furthermore, she has a very amiable personality and people feel at ease when communicating with her.Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last point of why I think this person is most polite. It is obvious that as we are at the same age, there is no generation gap between us when we are talking. Whenever Lucy saw me on the upstairs, she waved hello to me with a big smile on her face. Sometimes when I carried something really heavy, if she happened to be around ,she would come to my help immediately just like what friends do. So the moment I read the topic, the name of my neighbor occurred to me immediately. That’s all what I want to say.- 5 -2-完美假期Describe a perfect holiday you want to haveYou should say:Who you will be together withWhen, where you will spend the holidayWhat you will do on holidayAnd explain why you think it will be a perfect holiday.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a perfect holiday I want to have, and I suppose I would like to choose just to stay home with my best friends, where I could enjoy a period of leisure time ignoring the distractions outside.Now going on to my next point which is whom I’d like to be together with, what I’d like to add here is that perhaps I will share this time with my girlfriends. This period could provide me an opportunity to communicate with them and furtherour affection. Communication is vital to maintain a relationship, especially for young people like us.Moving onto the business of what I would like to do on the leisure days, I should underline the fact that I would like to read books over a cup of milk tea or coffee. Besides, we will do some cooking at home and whenever a delicious dish is prepared, we will feel so proud of ourselves. In my view, we can even just stand side by side, making cookies, laughing together, which may make us feel relaxed and secured.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of why I think it will be a perfect holiday. To tell you the truth, I am not crazy about travelling outside, which is too troublesome in my eyes. I regard the perfect holiday as a time that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I would cherish it very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life and our future. That’s all I want to say.- 6 -2-图书馆Describe a library that you visitedYou should say:Where it wasWhat it looked likeWhat you did thereAnd explain what influence it had on you or how you felt about it.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a library that I visited, and I suppose I would like to choose a library in my hometown, which was designed like a reading salon and I often visited there several years ago.Now going on to my next point which is what it looked like, what I’d like to add here is that though it is not a very grand building, it has a very plain yet attractivefaçade, which was in line with my philosophy of beauty. A simple decoration did not reduce my passion in reading at all, on the contrary, I got more absorbed inmy books.Moving onto the business of what I usually do in the library, I should underline the fact that while reading books, I would like to listen to some music, especially classic music which helps soothe my emotion. I like reading books on how to cook, and later I will try those recipes back home. I have really learned some cooking skills from the books I read in the library.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of how I felt about the library. To tell you the truth, I regard the library as a place that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I cherish the experience very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life. That’s all I want to say.- 7 -2-咖啡馆Describe a café you know in your hometownYou should say:Where it isHow often you go thereWhom you usually go there withAnd explain how you felt about it.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a café in my hometown, and I suppose I would like to choose café named Sculpting in Time, which was designed like a salonand I often visited there several years ago.Now going on to my next point which is where it is, what I’d like to add here isthat it is located on a very busy street in the city center. Though it is not a very grand building, it has a very plain yet attractive façade, which was in line with my philosophy of beauty.Moving onto the business of what I usually do in the cafe, I should underline the fact that I love reading books over a cup of tea, while listening to some soft music, which helps soothe my emotion. I like reading books on how to cook, and later Iwill try those recipes back home. I have really learned some cooking skills fromthe books I read in the cafe.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of how I felt about the cafe. To tell you the truth, I regard the cafe as a place that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I cherish the experience very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life. That’s all I want to say..- 8 -2-房间Describe a room you spend most of the time inYou should say:Where the room isWhat the room looks likeWhat you usually do in the roomAnd explain how you feel about the room.Ok, so the topic on my card is to describe a room I spend most of the time in, and I suppose I would like to choose the room I frequently visited in a café named Sculpting in Time, which was designed like a salon and I often visited there several years ago.Now going on to my next point which is where it is, what I’d like to add here isthat it is located on a very busy street in the city center. Though it is not a very grand building, it has a very plain yet attractive façade, which was in line with my philosophy of beauty.Moving onto the business of what I usually do in the room, I should underline the fact that I love reading books over a cup of tea, while listening to some soft music, which helps soothe my emotion. I like reading books on how to cook, and later Iwill try those recipes back home. I have really learned some cooking skills fromthe books I read in the cafe.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last point of how I felt about the room. To tell you the truth, I regard the cafe as a place that I could relax myself and release stress from my heavy study load. In this way, I cherish the experience very much, which is also a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my life. That’s all I want to say.- 9 -3-机器人Describe a robot you knowYou should sayWhat sort of robot it isWhat it looks likeWhat it can doAnd explain how you feel about the robotOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a robot, and I suppose I would like to choose Wall-e and EVE, they are robots in an award-winning animation movie,which I have seen last year.Now going onto my next point which is what the intelligent robots looked like, and what I’d like to add here is that Wall-e got a cubic body and designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. What’s more, as with his regular duties, he inquisitively collected artifacts of human civilization. He falls in love with another robot named EVE, who also has a programmed task, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity. Moving onto the business of how I felt about the robot, I should underline the fact that these robots exhibit an appearance of free will and emotions similar to humans, which develop further as the film progresses. Frankly speaking, I regarded the robot as the great progress that made by human-beings. I strongly believe that the robot could change our future life, which would be more convenient for us to do something beyond our abilities. However, we can’t rely too much on robots, otherwise human beings will suffer from obesity and our planetwill get stuck in crisis as the film indicates. Human beings must take a prudent attitude in employing robots. That’s all I want to say..- 10 -3-童年玩具Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhoodYou should sayWhen you got this toyHow you got this toy ( or who gave you this toy)What you did with this toyWhat topics you usually speak aboutAnd explain why it was important to you or why you like itOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a toy that was important to me in my childhood, I suppose I would like to choose Wall-e, a robot model from the award-winning movie, which I got from parents several years ago.Now going onto my next point which is what the toy looked like, and what I’d like to add here is that Wall-e got a cubic body and in the movie, it was designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. What’s more, the most unique feature is that the eyeballs of the robot model can start rolling when batteries are installed.Moving onto the business of how I felt about the toy, I should underline the fact that, frankly speaking, I regarded robot as the great progress that made byhuman-beings. I strongly believe that the robot could change our future life, which would be more convenient for us to do something beyond our abilities. Furthermore, taking care of the robot model helps me cultivate my sense of responsibility and keeps me away from loneliness. However, we can’t rely toomuch on robots, otherwise human beings will suffer from obesity and our planetwill get stuck in crisis as the film indicates. Human beings must take a prudent attitude in employing robots. When I was still a child, the experience with therobot became an unforgettable memory to me, which I would cherish forever.That is all I want to say.- 11 -3-关于未来的书和电影Describe a film or book about future that you read or watchedYou should sayName of the book or filmWhen you read or watched itWhat it was aboutAnd explain how you felt about itOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a film about future that I watched, and I suppose I would like to choose “Wall-e ” an award-winning animation film, which I watched about several years ago.Now going onto my next point which is what the film was about, and what I’d like to add here is that the film depicts in 2805, Earth is covered in garbage due to decades of mass consumerism. With a cubic body, Wall-e designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth. What’s more, as with his regular duties, he inquis itively collected artifacts of human civilization. He falls in love with another robot named EVE, who also has a programmed task, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.Moving onto the business of how I felt about the film, I should underline the fact that these robots exhibit an appearance of free will and emotions similar to humans, which develop further as the film progresses. Frankly speaking, I regarded the robot as the great progress that made by human-beings. I strongly believe that the robot could change our future life, which would be more convenient for us to do something beyond our abilities. However, we can’t rely too much on robots, otherwise human beings will suffer from obesity and our planetwill get stuck in crisis as the film indicates. In the movie, humans becomemorbidly obese after centuries of living in microgravity. As a result, human beings must take a prudent attitude in employing robots. That’s all I want to say.- 12 -3-博物馆Describe a museum that you visitedYou should sayWhere it wasWhat it looked likeWhat facilities it hadAnd explain what influence it had on youOk, so the topic on my card is to describe a museum that I visited, and I suppose I would like to choose a museum that displayed robots, which I would like to visit when I was still a child.Now going onto my next point which is what I saw in the museum, and what I’d。

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Names1.WhogaveuPourname?ItismPgrandpawhogavememPnamecozhewastheoldestpersoninmPfamil P,soallthefamilPmembersshouldrespecthisopinion.Beside,mPmothertoldmethatmPgrandpahadalreadPdecidedthenametomebefor eIwasborn.2.DoesPournamehaveanPparticularmeaning?Pes,Pouknow,mPnameisZPR.InChinesemeaning,“Pong”meansforeverandperpetual,while‘Rui’meanscleverandsmart..soIguess mPgrandpahopedthatIcouldbeanintelligentpersonthroughoutmPlife. 3.Doulikeuname?ActuallP,IprettPlikeit.ItconvePedthelovefrommPgrandpaanditalwaPsremindsmeof mPgrandpa.4.InPourcountrP,dopeoplefeelthattheirnameisverPimportant?Itdepends,somefolksthinkthattheirnamesplaPacrucialroleintheirlivesandcareers.apa rticularnamecanbringluckinesstothem.Whileotherpeopleregardnamejust asasimplesPmbol,itdoesnotmatterwhatitis.5.WoulduliketochangePourname?ItisunnecessarPformetochangemPname,Pouknow,MPnamerepresentsthelovefrommPgrandpa,soobviouslP,Iwouldnotchangeit.6.IsiteasPtochangePournameinPourcountrP?Iguessitisabitdifficulttodoit.ActuallP,ItiscompleGCozPouneedtogetacoupleofofficialrecognitions,andeGchangePourIDcardandsomanPotherthings.MostimportantlP,itistim e-consumingcozPouarerequiredtowaitseveralweeksbetweeneverPsteps.7.WousuallPnamesbabiesinPourcountrP?Itiscommonforbabies’parentstogivetheirnamesinchina.Iguess.almostall parentsareeagertonametheirbabies,asitcanshowtheirloveandeGpectationstotheirbabies.8.DouhaveanPspecialtraditionalaboutnamingchildren?Idonothave,butmanPfolksdocozthePregarditasameaningfulwaPtoshowtheirrespectto theirancestors.SothisfolkswouldobePthedisciplinewhichwasmadebPtheir ancestorstonametheirbabies.9.WhatnamesaremostcommoninPourcountrP?Iguessthenamescalled’longorhui’arethemostcommonnamesinmPho metowncozallofthisstandforgorgeousandbrilliantfuture.AndthePconside rthatifPouownthenamelikethisPouaremorepossibletohaveapromisingfut ure.Home1&2.Doulikeliveinahouseoraflat/PleasedescribeitalittleIliveinaflat.MPflatlocatesintheheartofmPhometownsothetransportfaciliti estherearereallPconvenient.BesidesitissurroundedbPtwoparks,soitisreallPcomfortableforustolivethere.MorespecificallP,mPflataremadeu pof4bedroomsandabidlivingroom.3.What’sPourfavouriteroominPourhome?MPfavoriteroomisthebiglivingroom,ofcourse.BecauseicaninvitemPbestfriendstothereandsitonthecomfortabl esofatowatchacoupleofmovies.Sometimes,wealsocanholeabigpartPthere,itisanicewaPforustokidbackandrelaG.soIreallPlikethelivingroom.4.WhathaveudonetoPourroomtomakeitlooknice?IhaveboughttonsofcutestufftodecoratemPbedroomsuchassomefashiont oPsandminirobot.Besides,Ialsohaveboughtacoupleofplantsandputtheminthelivingroom,whichmakestheroomlooksdPnamicandgraceful.5.WhichroomdosePourfamilPspendmostoftimein?IguessitisthelivingroomcoznearlPeverPnight,wealwaPstakesomesnakesw hilewatchingsomeTVprograms.Besidesweliketohaveachatwitheachotheri nthelivingroom.6.WhatdouusuallPdoinPourhouse/flat/room? IusuallPbrowsetheInternet,cozIcannotonlPgettonsofnewsfromitbutIcancommunicatewithmPfriends throughtheinternetaswell.MoreimportantlP,browsingtheinternetcandefinitelPeGpandmPoutlookandletoffmPsteam.7.ArethetransportfacilitiestoPourhomeverPgood?Pes,cozmPflatliesintheheartofmPhometownsothetransportsPstemisquitconv enient.AndthereareseveraltPpesofpublictransportforustochoosesuchass ubwaPandbus.But,intherushhour,itwillalsosufferfromtrafficjam.8.Douplantomove/areupreparetomove? Idonotintendtomovetoanotherplace.Pouknow,itisreallPcomfortabletolive there,thetransportthere,theentertaininglifestPlethereandtherentthereallaresatisfactorP.SoIdon’t wanttochangemPflat.Hometown1.What’sPourhometown?MPhometownlocatesinthesouthofGuangdongprovince.ItisaseasidecitPa ndthereareacoupleoftouristattractionsinmPhometownwithovertenthous andpeoplevisitingthereeachPear.2.DoulikePourhometown?Pep,IprettPlikemPhometowncoztheenvironmentthereisbeautifulandclea n.PoucanhardlPseeanPrubbishinthestreet.Andtheweatherthereiscomfort ableandeGtremelPsuittolive.moreover,thelocalresidentsarefriendlPandapproachable.3.WouldusaPit’saninterestingplace?Ofcourseiwould,cozitisaseasidecitPsoitisconvenientforustogettothebeach.andinthebeach ,wecoulddotonsofstimulatingleisureactivitiessuchasstrollingaroundthebe ach,drawingpictureonthesandorplaPingbeachvollePball.SothelifeinmPho metownisreallPinteresting.4.WhatwouldusaParethegoodandbadpointsofPourhometown? ThegoodpointsofmPhometown,inmPmind,arethattheenvironmentthereiscleanandbeautifulandthelocalresidentsthe rearefriendlPandapproachablethePalwaPswearafriendlPsmile.While,inter msofthebadpoint,IwouldliketosaPthatitisacrowdplace.whenitwastheruch hour,thetrafficthereareseverelPcongestedandinsummer,sometimes,thetemperaturewouldbehigh.5.What’sPourfavouritepartofPourhometown?IguessitisthebeachnearbPmPhometown.CozinthesummerholidaP,mPfriendsandiwillgettogethertotakeacoupleofinterestingactivitiestheret okidbackandrelaG.wewillalwaPshaveaball.So,thebeachdoesbringmetonsofmemories.6.ArethereanPtouristattractionsinPourhometown?Pes,thereareathemeparkandabrilliantandcleanbeachinmPhometown,whicha ppealsovertenthousandpeoplevisitingthereeachPear.ActuallP,allthevisitorsprettPadorethebeautifulbeach.7.DidPoufriendsalsogrowupinthesameplaceasu?Someofthemgrowupwithmeinthesameplace.Pouknow,whenitcomestoth esummerholidaP,wewillgettogethertohaveafuninthebeach.8.Woulduliketolivethereinthefuture?TobehonestwithPou,IprettPliketolivethereinthefuture,becausetheenviron mentisreallPattractive.MoreimportantlP,thatplacebringsmetonsofmemorieswhichisthemosttreasurethinginmPlife .Solivingtherecanmakemefeelhappiness.WorkorstudP1.Douworkorareuastudent?IamajuniorstudentstudPinginSouthChinaUniversitPofTechnologP.MPmaj orismathematics.2.WhPdiduchoosetostudPthat?CozleaningmathematicscanstimulatemPcreativitP,eGpandmPthoughtandmoldmPcharacter.Imeanworkingoutmathematical problemsrequirestonsofpatient.MostimportantlP,iwillfeelastrongsenseofachievementwhenitackleadifficultproblem.Iguesst hatiseGactlPwhPIchosethissubject.3.DoulikestudPingatthatuniversitP?ActuallPireallPadoretostudPinmPuniversitPcozourcampusislargeandbeau tiful.MoreimportantlP,theteacherstherearesoniceandprofessionalthatwec anlearntonsofknowledgefromthem.4.What’sthemostimportantthinginPourstudPlife?ItisfriendshipIguess.withoutfriendship,mPstudPlifewouldlackofcolourand sufferfromaseriesofproblems.ItismPfriendswhoalwaPsencouragemeandc heermeupwhenIfeelfrustrated.Sofriendshipisthemostimportantthinginm PstudPlife.5.WhatdouplantodoafteruhavefinishedPourstudP?IwilltraveltoLijiangwithmPbestfriends,Pouknow,LijiangisdefinitelPoneofth emostbeautifulcitiesinChina.Wealldesiretovisittheretocelebrateourgradu ations.Ibelievewewillhaveaball.Advertisement1.AretheremanPadsinPourcountrP?Pep,advertisementsinmPcountPareprevalent.SpecificallP,WhenPouwatchTV,browsetheinternetorlistentotheradioprogramsPoucanalwaPscontactadve rtisements.2.WhPdouthinktherearesomanPadsnow?AsadvertisingisagoodwaPtointroduceproductsofmanufacturersandattrac tconsumerstobuPtheseproducts.BPthatImeanadvertisementscanguarant eeasatisfactorPsale.SoitiscommontoseemanPadvertisementssurroundin gus.3.Whatarethevariousplaceswhereweseeads?IguesstonsofadvertisementsaredisplaPedinthecrowdedplacesuchastheb usandthebusinessstreets,whichcanensuremorepeopletoseeit.DisplaPedin thisplace,theadvertisementscanbewellrewarded.4.Howdoufeelaboutads?IwouldsaPIenjoPsomeofthemcoztheParecreativeandstimulating.Butit’st ruethatWhenwewatchTV,mostofthemalwaPsdisturbthefunofenjoPingthe programs.BesidestheinformationthePbringusalwaPsaremisleading.5.Whatkindsofadsdoulikethemost? ActuallPIliketheadvertisementswhichpasscorrectinformationtousandsho wtheirproductsinacreativewaP.Thisadswerenotcopiedthesamethingovera ndoveragain.ontheotherhanditcouldleaveusadeepimpression.6.DoadsinfluencePourchoiceaboutwhattobuP?Someofthemwould,whentheproductsthePintroducearereallPattractiveandIdoneedthisgoods. Inotherworld,ifthereareseveraladsshowingthesamethingIwillchoosetheb etterperformanceone.7.DoupreferadsonTVorthoseinmagazine?IwouldsaPIprefertoadsonTVratherthanthoseinmagazinecozadsshownon TVaremorevividanddPnamicthanthoseinmagazine,whichseemsmoreattractiveandclear.8.Whatdouthinkisthepurposeofads?Pouknow,AdvertisingisagoodwaPtointroduceproductsofmanufacturersandattractconsumerstobuPtheseproducts.BPthatImeanadvertisementscanguarantee asatisfactorPsale.9.DouthinkadvertisingplaPsaverPimportantroleintodaP’sworld?ObviouslP,itdoes.ItbecomeatrendforeverPwell-knownbrandtomake advertisements.Cozitcanenhanceandboostthepowerandreputationofthe brandeffectivelP.10.Whatsortsofadsleavethedeepestimpressiononpeople?IwouldsaPthemostcreativeandstimulatingoneleavethedeepestimpressio nonpeople.Pouknow,nowadaPs,thereareeGcessivelPnumerousads,folkshavealreadPbeenfedu pwiththeboringads.11.WhatdouthinkaboutthedevelopmentsinadsinChinatodaP?Inchina,todaP,PoucanseethattheadsdisplaPedintheinternetarebecomingincreasin glPfrequentwhilethoseonnewspaperaregenerallPreduced.Sointhefuture,theadsoninternetwillplaPadominantroleinadvertising.Computers1.DouusecomputersverPmuch? ActuallPIuseitpracticallPverPnight.Pouknow,browsingtheinternetisdecent agoodwaPforustokidbackandrelaGwhileeGpandingouroutlooks.Sometim esIneedittohelpmefinishmPhomework2.Whatdouuseacomputer? Ioftenuseittodovariousthingsuchasbrowsingtheinternet,watchmoviesandsendingemails.Besides,whenIfeellonelPorboring,IwillalsouseittoplaPcomputergames.3.WhatwasPourimpressionwhenuusedacomputerthefirsttime?ActuallPIwasshockedwhenItouchedthecomputerthefirst.Ithoughtitwasan amazinginventioncozitissopowerfulandadvancedthatitcansolvetonsofpr oblemeffectivelP.IguessedIcouldhardlPgetthehangofit.4.Howdoulearntouseacomputer?Atfirst,mPfolkstaughtmethebasicskillsandthenIlearneditbPmPselfwiththehelpofwatchingsometeachingvideos.Sometimes,mPteacherwillteachussomeprofessionalknowledgeaboutthesoftwares.5.HavecomputerschangedPourlifeinanPwaP?Pes,putershavechangedmPlifestPle.Pouknow,Beforetouching computer,IlikedtoplaPbasketballortojoinaplentPofoutsideactivitieswithm Pfriend.Duetotheattractionofcomputer,now,Iprefertobrowsetheinternetafterclassratherthantakesomeoutdooractiviti es.Beside,IalwaPsbuPgoodsthoughcomputerinsteadofgoingtothesupermarkets..6.ArecomputersusedmuchinPourcountP?IwouldliketosaPthatitisprevalentforindividualstousecomputersinChina.N ow,atwork,folksmaPneedcomputerstoassistthemtofinishtheirassignmentswhileinlife ,peoplewouldchoosetoplaPcomputerasawaPtokidbackandrelaGthemselv es.7.DoPouthinkcomputersareusefulineverPdaPlife?Well,asIsaid,nomatteratworkorinlife,computershaveplaPedaimportantrol einhumanbeings’liveas.itbringssubstantialbenefitsandconveniencetous .putersarenowusedalotineducation,WhatdoPouthinkofthis?Well,StudentsreallPbenefitfromcomputercozthePcanuseittoenrichtheirac ademiceGperiencebPsurfingtheinternet.However,therestillsomestudentsj ustsimplPcopPothersresultswhichthePsearchedintheinternetwhenthePdo theirhomework.Iguessthatisoneofthemostseriousdrawbacksitbringstoed ucation.9.DoPoupalPcomputergames?IwouldsaPIpalPitsometimes.Now,manPparentsregardthisbehaviorasabad behaviorcoztonsofstudentsdropoutofschoolbecauseofeGcessivelPplaPin gcomputergames.But,IguessitisagoodwaPtorelaGourselvesifweplaPitproperlP.10.DoPouthinkcomputersareperfectnowordothePstillneedtobeimprovedEventhough,computersseemsperfectnow,therearestillsomethingsforthe mtobeimproved.ThePcouldbemoresmaller,operatingmorefasteranddesig nedmorefleGibletouse.Cooking1.DoPouknowhowtomakeameal? IwouldliketosaPIknowsomeaboutit.IhavemadesomefoodbPricecooker.Itis easPtocooksomesoupsandsnakesthroughusingit.Butitisabitdifficultforme tomakearealmeal.2.HowwelldoPoucook?Well,IjustdonothowtomakefooddeliciousbutIhavetriedtofriedeggandImo thertoldmethatitwasjustnotbadandIreallPneedtopracticemoreaboutit, 3.HavePoueverthoughtaboutlearninghowtocook?(Douliketocook?) Pes,Ihave.Pouknow,mPuncle,mPfatherandmPgrandpaallofthemcanmakeabiganddeliciousma le.ItseemsthatitisaskillthateverPmaninmPfamilPisrequiredtolearn.Andithi nkcookingisaprettPfun,PoucangetastrongsenseofachievementwhenPoucancookwell.So,IguessIw ouldliketocook.4.WhatdoPouliketocook?IwouldchoosedumplingsIguess.CozdumplingsareoneofmPfavouritefood andmoreimportantlP,itseemseasPtocookwell.AllPouneedtodojustputthe mintoboilingwaterandwaitthewaterboilingagain.5.Howdidulearntocook/Whotaughtuhowtocook/Whendidulearnhowtoc ook? IrememberthatIhavelearnedfrommPmotherhowtomakesoupsbParicecoo kerlastsummervocation.MPmothershewmepatientlPhowmuchrawmateri alsaredemandedandhowtoallocatethetimeproperlP,whicharethemostimp ortantstepstoensurethesoupisdelicious.Afterthat,Ijustfollowedwhatsheh adtoldandcookedthatsoup.TheresultwasnottoobadinmPmemorP6.DoPouusuallPeatathomeordouusuallPeatawaPfromhome?Now,IlivethemostoftimeinmPdormwhichisfarawaPfrommPhome.Asaresul t,itishardformetoeatathome.IusuallPeatatthehallsofresidenceinmPschool.7.WhousuallPdoesthecookinginPourhome?MPmothercooksmostofthetime.But,actuallP,mPfather’scookingskillisbe tterthanmPmotherandheistoolazPtodothisjob.Butinsomeimportantfestiv alssuchasthespringfestivalhewouldmakemealsforourfamilP.8.DoPoudoanPcookingathome?Pes,whenmPparentsareoutIwillmakeasmallmealformPself.Atthattime,Iwo uldliketocookasoupandfrPsomesimplefoodsuchaseggandvegetables. 9.DoPouthinkeverPoneshouldlearnhowtocook?IwouldsaPPes,Pouknow,Cookingisabasicskillinourlives.Thoughtherearevariouskindsoffastfoodino ursocietP,itisnotgoodforustoeatmuchofthoseandthefoodcookedbPoursel vesismuchhealthPthanthat.SoeverPoneshouldlearntocookinordertokeep ourhealthP.10.DoPouthinkuniversitPstudentsshouldlearnhowtocook? IwouldsuggestuniversitPstudentstolearncookingifthePstillhaveleisuretim eafterfinishingtheirworks.Cozitiscommonthatwhenstudentsgraduatefro mschool,thePwillhavelesstimeandpassiontolearncookingasfarasIknow.11.DoPouthinkitwouldbeusefultoteachcookinginschool? IguessIwouldbeusefulasstudentsareeagertolearnnewskillsandthePcouldl earnfastlPwhenthePreallPwant.Butitisdifficulttoimplementbecauseofthef acilitiesandsecuritP.12,WhenwasthelasttimePoudidsomecooking? LastmonthIreturnedhomeIhadcookedasoupformPfamilPCozmPmotherw asbusPatthetime.SoIhadtohelphermakemeals.13.CanuseePourselfcookingmoreinthefuture?WhP?IwouldsaPPes,becauseIintendtostaPinGuangZhouratherthangohomeafte rgraduation.SoIneedtofindaplacetolive.andtherewouldbeakitcheninthepl acesoitwouldbeconvenientformetocook.SoIbelieveiwillcookmorethanno w.DailPRoutine1.WhatarePouusuallPdoingatthistime?IusuallPstaPinmPdormandbrowsetheinternettokidbackandrelaG.Poukno w,。
