2015年11月11日 SIYB中国项目 7
办企业要重视下列四个问题,才能保证你有团结得住 的好职工。 (1)依法订立对业主与员工都有约束作用的劳动合同。 (2)注意劳动保护职业安全和职业卫生。 (3)合法合理的劳动报酬。 (4)足额交பைடு நூலகம்社会保险金。
办企业涉及诸多相关法律。遇到与法律规定 有关的事情,就去参阅有关法律文章。有 问题就向律师咨询。与新办企业直接有关 的基本法律如下:
法律名称 企业法 民法通则 合同法 相 关 内 容 公司法、个人独资企业法、合伙企业法、中外合资合 作企业法等。 个体工商户、个人合伙、企业法人、代理、财产所有 权、知识产权、民事责任等。 一般合同订立、效力、履行、变更和转让、权利义务 终止、违约责任等。具体合同如:买卖、借款、运输、 技术、委托等。 促进就业,劳动合同和集体合同,工作时间和休息时 间,工资,劳动安全和卫生,女职工和未成年工特殊 保护,社会保险和福利,劳动争议,监督检查,法律 责任等。
与企业相关的其他法律有: 会计法、税收征收管理法、产品质量法、消费者权益保护法、 反不正当竞争法、保险法、环境保护法等。
1. 依法注册
经工商行政管理部门核准登记,发 给营业执照并获得有关部门颁发的 经营许可证。
创办你的企业(大学生版)创业培训(Start your business (College Edit
![创办你的企业(大学生版)创业培训(Start your business (College Edit](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7830f1b47cd184254b3535e4.png)
创办你的企业(大学生版)创业培训(Start your business (College Edition) entrepreneurship training)Start your business (College Edition) entrepreneurship trainingThe series of entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurial ability of college students from the ten aspects of the training, the main contents include the ability to prepare the personnel for business students, so that students understand yourself for what its enterprises, and how to generate entrepreneurial ideas and other content, and then as entrepreneurs to examine, looking for a good business idea, to assess the market, the formation of entrepreneurial team, choose an enterprise legal form, legal environment and entrepreneurial responsibility, prediction of start-up capital requirement and make the profit plan, determine the survival of enterprises, founded by enterprise management etc..orderPromoting entrepreneurship and promoting employment is an important measure for the implementation of an active employment policy and an effective way to cope with the international financial crisis and stabilize the employment situation in china. It is of great practical significance and long-term strategic significance to vigorously promote entrepreneurship and promote employment. It is of great practical significance and long-term strategic significance for the implementation of the development strategy of expanding employment.The party and the state attach great importance to promoting entrepreneurship and promoting employment. The Party Congress put forward: "the implementation of the development strategy of expanding employment, promote entrepreneurship to create jobs, and support the requirements of the perfect self employment and the self occupation policy, strengthen the concept of employment education, so that more workers become entrepreneurs". "Employment Promotion Law" stipulates: "the State advocates workers to establish a correct concept of employment, improve employability and entrepreneurial ability; encourage workers to start their own businesses,self-employed."". To promote employment through entrepreneurship, to make more workers become entrepreneurs, and to make more cities and regions become entrepreneurial cities and entrepreneurial areas, has become a national employment development strategy in the new era.College graduates are the most vigorous and energetic and innovative group in the process of entrepreneurship, and they need special attention and support. In recent years, the state has formulated a series of policies and measures to promote the employment of college students. It is an important measure to promote employment through entrepreneurship. All localities and departments have also stepped up their efforts to carry out entrepreneurship training for college students. In 2010, Ministry of human resources and social security organization and implementation of the students start to lead the program which is an important part of developing entrepreneurship training, to have entrepreneurial aspirations and meet the conditions of college students can accept entrepreneurshiptraining.Department of human resources and social security since the last century at the end of 90s to carry out entrepreneurship training, carry out active exploration, accumulated useful experience, especially in cooperation with the International Labour Organization, the introduction of international advanced "SIYB (SIYB)" training technique, and its localization, the majority of entrepreneurs and welcome praise. To better implement the national policies and measures to promote the employment of college students, implement students start to lead the program, to help local departments to effectively carry out entrepreneurship training, I occupation ability construction Department of outstanding experts in entrepreneurship training, "SIYB (SIYB) based on the series of training materials, closely according to the actual situation of Chinese college students' characteristics and the entrepreneurship of college students, the preparation of this version of the college students' entrepreneurship training materials. I hope this set of teaching materials can play an effective role in helping college students to start their own business, so that more young people with good entrepreneurial dreams will succeed in their business.Vice Minister of human resources and social securityWang XiaochuTwo years, August 23rdPrefaceStarting a company of its own and achieving a career is the dream of many college students today. College students have ideals, knowledge, vitality and passion, and dare to challenge themselves, but entrepreneurship is a road full of hardships and frustrations. Entrepreneurship requires not only passion, but also rational thinking and pragmatic action. Starting your business (College Edition) training course will help you plan your entrepreneurial action and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. Through the course study, you will find out whether you are suitable for setting up an enterprise, what kind of enterprise is suitable for setting up, measuring whether your own entrepreneurial idea is feasible, and finally completing your own business plan.First, the course contentStarting your business (College Edition) training course divides entrepreneurship into ten steps, each of which must be faced and thought in the process of entrepreneurship. The ten step, interlocking, step by step into the area, lead you through every aspect of entrepreneurship. When you can train these ten steps through careful consideration and action, you also have successfully completed the study of the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship, and can complete your business plan independently.The first, second step is to tell you what an enterprise is, to assess its suitability for starting a business, and to help you find, analyze, and screen the best ideas for your business.The third step is to market your ideas for entrepreneurship,Work out a feasible marketing plan.The fourth step is to show you how to form your startup team.The fifth, sixth step is to help you select the most appropriate form of corporate law. And understand that you want to start the enterprise, should fulfill the registration according to law, pay taxes, sign labor contract and other legal responsibilities.The seventh, eighth step is to guide you to estimate how much start-up money you need to start your business and how to finance it. And by predicting your sales revenue, cost, and cost, see if you can make a profitThe ninth step is to complete your business plan, measure the feasibility of your business start-up through an entrepreneurship plan and take action to adjust your entrepreneurial thinking.The tenth step is to tell you what specific management will be done after the establishment of the enterprise.Two, the composition of teaching materialsThe book "training your business (College Edition)" consists of two books:The establishment of your business (College Edition) consistsof the main text, the case and the exercises. The content of the text step by step to tell you the basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, three college students of the case can let you experience the whole process of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial practice exercises will help you master into the classroom, improve entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial skills.The "business plan" (College Edition) for the end of the training, summary of the previous knowledge and practice done, to complete their own business plan. "On paper" to plan their own blueprint while preparing for the next step of financing.Three, key signsIn the textbook, you'll find various small icons that represent different content.This means that there are a lot of things you need to pay attention to in the process of starting a business that will help you remember the difficulties and the points in the process.This part tells the story of three college students in Zhang Hua, Wang Jian and Sun Mei who will work with you on all kinds of problems in your business. Hope that their entrepreneurial story can help you better learn and master the knowledge and skills of starting an enterprise.Various exercises in this section help you better understand your entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, deepen yourunderstanding of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, and eventually help you complete your business plan through practice.This set of textbooks by the Ministry of human resources and Social Security Department of occupation ability construction preparation, teaching materials composed of Lv Jiren SIYB trainer Ye Renping, and Central South University professor Yang Fang three experts adapted group in the development of the International Labour Organization "start your business" on the basis of the teaching materials adapted. The development process of teaching materials, have comments at the Central South University teachers and students, through the experimental training in Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Institute of Economic&Trade Technology, Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University, Chengdu agricultural science and technology Career Academy Liuzhou railway, Career Technical College and other institutions, support test institutions seat provincial and municipal human resources and social security departments and colleges, with the test, Zhang Shi Keming Zhao Wei, Mai Qiuling, Bai Lianyu, Shang Hong, Wang Jianxia, and other experts put forward a lot of valuable advice on adapting teaching materials and some SIYB work, teachers of adapting teaching materials and test training given active support thanks! What are the training courses for college students in 2010?Reward points: 0 | time: 2010-6-8 12:00 | questionger: early application of knowledge networkWhat are the training courses for college students in 2010? BestanswerAt present, there are many entrepreneurial training programs in society. For college students, after participating in entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship is divided into two forms: starting enterprises and self employment. Chinese baby education experts pointed out that the entrepreneurship training includes the following:First of all, through entrepreneurship training, we can train, improve the "entrepreneur" psychological, management, management quality, and enhance its ability to control the market.Most college students are very confident and passionate at the beginning, but when they meet setbacks, their enthusiasm falls. College student entrepreneurs is to maintain a calm state of mind, plain water, not because of short-term operating difficulties and loss of power. In fact, when the boss is very hard, especially in the early days, the boss pays much more labor than any employee. With the first pot of gold, second barrels and third barrels are much easier, not only because he has capital, but because he has found a way to make money, and he has the quality of making money.Secondly, entrepreneurial training can improve the ability of college students to manage their finances. Ability to finance can not be ignored, if the lack of self financing, will lead to excess interest burden on entrepreneurs, unable to achieve career. Therefore, we must have the "how much strength to do many things" concept, do not easily borrow debt management.Let the students know entrepreneurship training first tied up the foundation of survival, and development, do not be too ambitious, must pay attention to the operating system, step by step, gradually expand the business. Early start must be streamlined, economical, efficient and pragmatic. Do not pursue superficial glitz without investing too much in the long term.Again, entrepreneurship training for college students, entrepreneurs can better understand and master the relevant regulations of the state economy, learn professional knowledge of industry and commerce, taxation and finance, technology, management, and other aspects of labor, help them to choose the direction of management, reduce the blindness of investment, so as to improve the success rate of entrepreneurship, and promote the healthy development of the founder of the enterprise.In 2010 the Chinese baby education institutions launched the entrepreneurship training program: Female College Students' employment training programs, mainly for female students, female students, through the field operation of the study of theory and practice and other methods, to help female students to master relevant knowledge education in the short term, a competent teacher position early. These Chinese female college students' employment training program in order to "pay the place of employment posts" three model widely welcomed by female college students.。
创办你的企业(大学生版)创业培训(StartyOUrbUSineSS (COllege E(IitiOn) entrepreneurship training)Start your business (COlIege EditiOn) entrepreneurship trainingThe SerieS Of entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurialabiIity Of COlIege StUdentS from the ten aspects Of the training, the main COntentS include the abiIity to PrePare the PerSOnneI for business StUdents, SO that StUdents UnderStand yourself for What its enterprises, and how to generate entrepreneurial ideas and Other content, and then as entrepreneurs to examine, IOOking for a good business idea, to assess the market, the formation Of entrepreneurial tearn, ChOOSe an enterprise IegaI form, IegaI environment and entrepreneurial responsibility, PrediCtion OfStart-UP CaPitaI requirement and make the PrOfit plan, determine the SUrViVaI Of enterprises, founded by enterprise management etc.・OrderPrOmOting entrepreneurship and PrOmoting employment is an important measure for the impIementation Of an active employment POIiCy and an effective Way to COPe With the international financial CriSiS and StabiIiZe the employment SitUatiOn in China. It is Of great PraCtiCaI SignifiCanCe and IOng-term Strategic SignifiCanCe to VigOrOUSIy PrOmOte entrepreneurship and PrOmote employment・ It is Of great PraCtiCaI SignifiCanCe and IOng-term StrategiC SignifiCanCe for the implementation Of the development Strategy Of expanding employment・The Party and the State attach great importance to PrOnIOtingentrepreneurship and PrOnlOting empIoyment. The Party COngreSS PUt forward:〃the impIemeIltation Of the development Strategy Of expanding employment, PrOnIOte entrepreneurship to Create jobs, and SUPPOrt the requirements Of the PerfeCt SeIf employment and the Self OCCUPation policy, Strengthen the COnCePt Of employment education, SO that more WOrkerS become entrepreneurs z,・"Employment PrOmOtiOn Law,z stipulates: ZZ the State advocates WOrkerS to establish a COrreCt COnCePt Of employment, improve employability and entrepreneurial ability; encourage WOrkerS to Start their OWn businesses, Self-employed・"〃・TO PrOmote employment through entrepreneurship, to make more WOrkerS become entrepreneurs, and to make more CitieS and regions become entrepreneurial CitieS and entrepreneurial areas, has become a national employment development Strategy in the new era・COlIege graduates are the most VigOrOUS and energetic and innovative group in the PrOCeSS Of entrepreneurship, and they need SPeCiaI attention and SUPPOrt・ In recent years, the State has formulated a SerieS Of POIiCieS and measures to PrOnIOte the employment Of COlIege StUdents. It is an important measure to PrOnIOte employment through entrepreneurship. AlI IOCalitieS and departments have also StePPed UP their efforts to Carry OUt entrepreneurship training for COlIege StUdents・ In 2010, MiniStry Of human resources and SOCiaI SeCUrity OrganiZation and implementation Of the StUdents Start to Iead the PrOgranI WhiCh is an important Part Of developing entrepreneurship training, to have entrepreneurial aspirations and meet the COnditiOnS Of COlIegeStUdents Carl accept entrepreneurshiptraining.DePartment Of human resources and SOCiaI SeCUrity SinCe the IaStCentUry at the end Of 90s to Carry OUt entrepreneurship training, Carry OUt active exploration, accumulated USefUI experience, especially in COOPeration With the InternatiOnQI LabOUr OrganiZation, the introduction Of international advanced "SIYB (SlYB)ZZ training technique, and its IOCaIiZation, the majority Of entrepreneurs and WeICOme praise. TO better impIement the national POIiCieS and measures to PrOmOte the employment Of COlIege students, impIement StUdents Start to Iead the program, to help IOCaI departments to effectively Carry OUt entrepreneur ship t raining, I OCCUPatiOn ability COnStrUCtion DePartment Of OUtStanding experts in entrepreneurship training, "SIYB (SlYB) based On the SerieS Of training mat erials, CIOSeIy according to the actual SitUatiOn Of ChineSe COlIege StUdents' CharaCteriStics and the entrepreneurship Of COlIege StUdents, the PreParatiOn Of this VerSiOn Of the COlIege StUdents, entrepreneurship training materials・ I hope this Set Of teaching materials CarI PIay an effective role in helping COlIege StUdents to start their OWrI business, SO that more young PeOPIe With good entrepreneurial dreams WilI SUCCeed in their business・ViCe MiniSter Of human resources and SOCiaI SeCUrityWang XiaOChUTWO years, AUgUSt 23rdPrefaCeStarting a COmPany Of its OWn and achieving a Career is the dream Of many COlIege StUdentS today. COlIege StUdentS have ideals, knowledge, Vitality and passion, and dare to ChalIenge themselves,but entrepreneurship is a road full Of hardships and frustrations・Errtrepreneurship requires IIOt Only passion, but also rational thinking and Pragmatic action. Starting your business (COlIege EditiOn) training COUrSe WilI help you PIan your entrepreneurial action and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams・ ThrOUgh the COUrSe study, you WilI find OUt Whether you are SUitabIe for Setting UP an enterprise, What kind Of enterprise is SUitable for Setting up, measuring Whether your OWn entrepreneurial idea is feasible, and finally COmPIeting your OWn business PIan.FirSt, the COUrSe COntentStarting your business (COlIege EditiOn) training COUrSe divides entrepreneurship into ten steps, each Of WhiCh must be faced and t hought in the PrOCeSS Of entrepreneur ship ・ The ten step, interlocking, SteP by SteP IntO the area, Iead you through every aspect Of entrepreneur ship ・ WherI you Can train these ten StePS through CarefUI COnSideration and action, you also have SUCCeSSfUlIy COmPIeted the StUdy Of the knowledge and SkilIS Of entrepreneurship, and Can COmPIete your business PIan independently.The first, SeCOnd SteP is to tell you What an enterprise is, to assess its SUitabiIity for Starting a business, and to help you find, analyze, and SCreen the best ideas for your business・The third SteP is to ma:Tke t your ideas for entrepreneur ship,WOrk OUt a feasible marketing PIan.The fourth SteP is to ShOW you how to form your StartUP team.The fifth, SiXth SteP is to help you SeIeCt the most appropriate form Of COrPOrate IaW・ And UnderStand that you want to Start the enterprise, ShOUld fulfill the registration according to law, Pay taxes, Sign IabOr COntract and Other IegaI responsibiIities.The SeVenth, eighth SteP is to guide you to estimate how muchStart-UP money you need to Start your business and how to finance it・ And by PrediCtiFigyoursalesrevenue, COSt, and cost, See if you Can make a PrOfitThe ninth SteP is to COmPIete your business plan, measure the feasibility Of your business Start-up through an entrepreneurship PIan and take action to adjust your entrepreneurial thinking・The tenth SteP is to tell you What SPeCifiC management WilI be done after the establishment Of the enterprise・Two, the COmPOSition Of teaching materialsThe book "'training your business (COlIege Edition)" COnSiStS Of two books:The establishment Of your business (COlIege Edition) COnSiStS Of the main text, the CaSe and the exercises・ The COntent Of thetext SteP by SteP to tell you the basic knowledge Of entrepreneurship, three COlIege StUdentS Of the CaSe Can Iet you experience the WhOIe PrOCeSS Of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial PraCtiCe exercises WilI help you master into the classroom, improve entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial SkilIS・The '"business PIan ZZ (COlIege EditiOn) for the end Of the training, SUnImary Of the PreViOUS knowledge and PraCtiCe done, to COmPIete their OWn business PIan. 〃0n paper'' to PIan their OWnblueprint WhiIe PreParing for the next SteP Of financing・Three, key SignSIn the textbook, you, 11 find VariOUS SmalI icons that represent different COntent・ThiS means that there are a Iot Of things you need to Payattention to in the PrOCeSS Of Starting a business that WilI help you remember the difficulties and the POints in the PrOCeSS・ThiS Part tells the StOry Of three COlIege StUdentS in Zhang Hua, Wang Jian and SUrl Mei WhO WilI WOrk With you On all kinds Of PrObIemS in your business・ HOPe that their entrepreneurial StOry Can help you bet ter Iearn and master the knowledge and SkilIS Of Starting an enterprise・VariOUS exercises in this SeCtion help you better UnderStand your entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, deepen yourUnderStending Of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, and eventually help you COmPIete your business PIan through PraCtiCe・ThiS Set Of textbooks by the MiniStry Of human resources and SOCiaI SeCUrity DePartment Of OCCUPatiOn ability COnSt:TUCtion PreParation, teaching materials COmPOSed Of LV Jiren SlYB trainer Ye Renping, and CentraI SOUth UniVerSity PrOfeSSOr Yang Fang three experts adapted group in the development Of the InternatiOnaI LabOUr OrganiZatiOn ZZ Start your business'7 On the basis Of the teaching materials adapted・ The development PrOCeSS Of teaching materials, have COmmentS at the CentraI SOUth UniVerSity teachersand StUdents, through the experimental training in Nanjing NOrmaI University, JiangSU InStitUte Of ECOnOmiC&Trade Technology, JiangXi SCienCe & TeChnOIOgy NOrmaI University, ChengdU agricuItUral SCienCe and technology Career ACademy LiUZhOU railway, Career TeChniCaI COlIege and Other institutions, SUPPOrt test institutions Seat PrOVinCiaI and municipal human resources and SOCiaI SeCUrity departments and colleges, With the test, Zhang Shi Keming ZhaO Wei, Mai Qiuling, Bai Lianyu, Shang Hong, Wang JianXia, and Other experts PUt forward a IOt Of VaIUabIe advice On adapting teaching materials and SOme SlYB work, teachers Of adapting teaching materials and test training given active SUPPOrt thanks! What are the training COUrSeS for COlIege StUderItS in 2010?ReWard POints: O time: 2010-6-8 12:00 questionger: early application Of knowledge networkWhat are the training COUrSeS for COlIege StUdentS in 2010? BeSt answerAt PreSent, there are many entrepreneurial training PrOgramS in SOCiety. FOr COlIege students, after PartiCiPating in entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship is divided into two forms: Starting enterprises and Self empIoyment・ ChineSe baby education experts POinted OUt that the entrepreneurship training includes the following:FirSt Of all, through entrepreneurship training, We Can train, improve the "entrepreneur" psychological, management, management quality, and enhance its ability to COntrol the marke t.MOSt COlIege StUdentS are Very COnfident and PaSSiOnate at the beginning, but When they meet setbacks, their enthusiasm falls・COlIege StUdent entrepreneurs is to maintain a CaIin State Of mind, PIain Water, not because Of ShOrt-term OPeratingdifficuIties and IOSS Of POWer・ In fact,When the boss is Very hard, especially in the early days, the boss PayS much more IabOr than any employee・ With the first POt Of gold, SeCOnd barrels and third barrels are much easier, not OnIy because he has capital, but because he has found a Way to make money, and he has the quality Of making money・Secondly, entrepreneurial training CarI improve the abiIity Of COlIege StUdentS to manage their finances・ AbiIity to finance Can not be ignored, if the IaCk Of Self financing, WilI Iead to excess interest burden On entrepreneurs, UnabIe to achieve Career・Therefore, We must have the "how much Strength to do many things" concept, do not easily borrow debt management・Let the StUdents know entrepreneurship training first tied UP the foundation Of survival, and development, do not be too ambitious, must Pay attention to the OPerating SyStem, SteP bystep, gradually expand the business・ EarIy Start InUSt be streamlined, economical, efficient and PragmatiC・ DO not PUrSUe SUPerfiCiaI glitz WithOUt investing too much in the IOng term ・Again, entrepreneurship training for COlIege StUdents, entrepreneurs CarI better UnderStand and master the relevant regulatiOnS Of the State economy, Iearn PrOfeSSiOnaI knowledge Of industry and commerce, taxation and finance, technology, management, and Other aspects Of labor, help them to ChOOSe the direction Of management, reduce the blindness Of investment, SO asto imp:TOVe the SUCCeSS rate Of entrepreneurship, and PrOmOte the heaIthy development Of the founder Of the enterprise・In 2010 the ChineSe baby education institutions IaUnChed the entrepreneurship training program: FemaIe COlIege StUdents' employment training PrOgrams, mainly for female students, female students, through the field OPeration Of the StUdy Of theory and PraCtiCe and Other methods, to help female StUdentS to master relevant knowledge education in the ShOrt term, a COmPetent teacher POSitiOn early. TheSe ChineSe female COlIege StUdents' employment training PrOgranI in Order to "pay the PIaCe Of empIoyment posts" three model WideIy WeICOmed by female COlIege StUdentS・。
SYB创业培训课件大学生创业培训 (大学生版).doc
![SYB创业培训课件大学生创业培训 (大学生版).doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d5dab54d6137ee06eef91865.png)
二、教学目标1. 理解企业创办的基本流程,掌握各个环节的关键要点。
2. 培养学生独立编写商业计划书的能力,提高市场调研与定位的水平。
3. 增强学生的团队协作意识,提高创业团队的执行力。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、投影仪、白板、笔。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(10分钟):通过展示创业成功案例,激发学生的创业兴趣,引导学生思考创业过程中的关键问题。
2. 理论讲解(20分钟):详细讲解企业创办流程、市场调研与定位、商业计划书编写等内容。
3. 例题讲解(15分钟):针对市场调研与定位、商业计划书编写等难点,进行例题讲解。
4. 随堂练习(15分钟):组织学生进行市场调研与定位、商业计划书编写的实战演练。
5. 团队建设与讨论(20分钟):引导学生进行创业团队建设,讨论团队协作中的问题。
六、板书设计1. 企业创办流程2. 市场调研与定位3. 商业计划书编写框架4. 创业团队建设七、作业设计1. 作业题目:编写一份针对某一市场的商业计划书。
2. 作业题目:分析一个创业团队的成功因素。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:推荐学生阅读相关创业书籍,参加创业比赛,提升创业能力。
重点和难点解析1. 实践情景引入2. 例题讲解3. 随堂练习4. 团队建设与讨论5. 作业设计一、实践情景引入引入创业成功案例时,应选择具有代表性和启发性的案例,以激发学生的创业兴趣。
二、教学目标1. 让学生了解并掌握创业的基本流程,包括创业机会的识别、团队构建、计划制定、融资与风险管理等方面。
2. 培养学生的创业意识,激发他们的创业热情,提高创业能力。
3. 使学生能够运用所学知识,结合实际案例,分析并解决创业过程中遇到的问题。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体教学设备、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:教材、《创业学原理与实践》学习指导、案例资料、笔记本、文具。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过分享一个成功的创业案例,引发学生对创业的兴趣,提出本节课的主题——创办你的企业。
2. 新课内容讲解:(1)创业机会的识别与评估:介绍创业机会的概念、来源,以及如何评估创业机会的可行性。
3. 例题讲解:结合教材中的案例,分析创业过程中的关键问题,引导学生运用所学知识解决问题。
4. 随堂练习:布置与新课内容相关的练习题,让学生巩固所学知识。
六、板书设计1. 创业机会的识别与评估机会来源评估方法2. 创业团队的构建与领导团队构建原则领导技巧3. 创业计划的制定与实施计划框架实施步骤4. 创业融资与风险管理融资途径风险识别与应对七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)分析一个你感兴趣的创业机会,并对其进行评估。
制定详细的商业计 划
在获得融资后,你需要制定一个 详细的商业计划,包括市场推广 、运营计划、财务预测等内容。
融资成功后,你需要加强团队建 设,招聘更多的人才,提高公司 的整体竞争力。
加强与投资人的沟 通
在融资成功后,你需要与投资人 保持密切的联系,及时向他们更 新公司的进展情况,并听取他们 的意见和建议。
企业需要根据自身情况和行业特点选择适合自己的保险种类 ,如财产保险、责任保险、员工福利保险等。
企业需要合理规划税务,利用国家税收优惠政策,降低税负 ,提高企业的经济效益。
保持对市场变化的敏感度和适应性,及时 调整战略和业务模式
注重产品和服务质量,同时不断创新和改 进
针对投资人的关注点,突出企业产品或服务的创新性、市 场前景和竞争优势等关键信息。
使用图表、图片和示意图等直观方式呈现数据和信息,以 增强演示效果。
使用简洁明了的语言,避免使用过于专业或复杂的术语, 以保证信息传达的准确性。
提前预测投资人可能问到的问题,并准备好相应 的答案。
二、教学目标1. 让学生理解创业的基本概念,树立正确的创业观。
2. 培养学生具备识别和评估创业机会的能力。
3. 帮助学生了解创业者应具备的素质与能力,以及创业团队的重要性。
四、教具与学具准备1. PPT课件2. 实践案例材料3. 笔记本、投影仪等教学设备五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示2024年创业趋势预测报告,引发学生对创业的兴趣。
2. 理论讲解:a. 创业概念与创业精神b. 创业机会的识别与评估c. 创业者素质与能力d. 创业团队的构建与领导3. 实践情景引入:分组讨论,让学生针对一个创业项目进行机会识别与评估。
4. 例题讲解:分析一个成功创业案例,讲解其关键成功因素。
5. 随堂练习:学生针对自己的创业想法,进行机会识别与评估练习。
六、板书设计1. 创业概念、创业精神2. 创业机会识别与评估方法3. 创业者素质与能力4. 创业团队的构建与领导七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 请简述你对创业概念和创业精神的理解。
b. 分析一个你感兴趣的创业项目,进行机会识别与评估。
2. 答案:a. 创业是指个人或团队在一定的市场环境中,通过创新、创造和不断尝试,为实现价值创造和增长而进行的活动。
b. 创业精神包括创新意识、冒险精神、执行力、团队合作等。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:通过本节课的学习,学生应反思自己在创业认知和能力方面的不足,明确今后努力方向。
2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生参加创业比赛、加入创业社团,提升自身创业能力。
重点和难点解析:1. 创业机会的识别与评估2. 创业者素质与能力的培养3. 实践情景引入与随堂练习的设计详细补充和说明:一、创业机会的识别与评估1. 机会识别:引导学生关注市场趋势、用户需求、技术变革等方面,以发现潜在的创业机会。
我们镇上的企业维修电脑难, 我知道怎样修理,因此我打算开 一家电脑修理行。
练习 利用互联网,产生可能的企业想法。
三、分析并筛选出最好的企业 想法
筛选你的企业想法一览表 阅读创业故事(五) P33
分析你的企业想法 实地调研; SWOT分析; 环境影响评估。
途径之一 从生产专长出发
途径之二 从顾客需要出发
从生产专长 出发
我会做某种服装,而且我 可以买一架缝纫机,所以我要 办一家服装加工企业。
我知道怎样做蛋糕,也有烤 制设备,因此我可以考 虑开一 家面包房。
我会修理计算机,因此我 想 开一家电脑修理行。
从顾客需 要出发
人们需要某种价位和质量的服 装,我有技术也有设备,因此我 可以开个服装加工企业来满足他 们的需求。
请把书翻到第127页,做练习2“周伟的广告 设计公司”。 先阅读练习2(5分钟);小组讨论(10分钟)。 请各组派一位代表回答这个练习中的2个问题。
练习一 一、李明的企业为什么会倒闭?
许多人创办企业获得成功必然激起更多的人的 创业愿望。但是创业者们通常是依靠他的智慧、 体能、资源、技巧以及合理的战略、战术来获取 成功的。他将面临严峻的来自各方的挑战。
• 创办自己的企业有哪些好处? • 创办自己的企业有哪些不利因素? • 创办企业有没有失败的可能性?
第一步和第二步:告诉你什么是企业,评估自己是否适 合创办企业,并帮助你寻找、分析、筛选出最适合你 的企业想法。
1、缺乏目标 2、害怕失败 3、害怕拒绝 4、埋怨责怪 5、否定现实 6、半途而废 7、绝望悲观 8、好高鹜远
一、教学目的: 教学目的:
1、了解什么是企业 2、明白创办企业面临的挑战 3、将自己作为一名业主来分析 4、增强自己的创业能力 5、评价个人的财务状况
著名的管理专家威廉.拜格雷夫将优秀的创 业者管理人素质归纳为:
理想 果断 实干 决心 奉献 热爱 周详 命运 余钱 分享
请把书翻到第22~23页,做练习2、3—— 1、先阅读10分钟,再在纸上做好练习, 然后请大家发言讨论。 2、讨论之后,大家一起做一个简单的总 结,创业当业主至少要具备哪些条件。
1、人为的系统(具有特定功能的整体) 2、有一定的目标 3、必须有分工协作 4、组织结构 5、有不同的权利和职责(法律形态所决定)
企业是以市场为导向,以赢利为目的, ① 企业是以市场为导向 , 以赢利为目的 , 是从事商品生产和经营活动的经济组织。 是从事商品生产和经营活动的经济组织 。 ②企业通过交换实现商品价值 ③依法注册 自主经营、自负赢亏、自我完善、 ④自主经营、自负赢亏、自我完善、自我 发展
赠言—— 赠言
“人人都是自己命运的设计 师”
贫穷不是天生注定的, 贫穷不是天生注定的, 而是你没有改变贫穷的想法和行动。 而是你没有改变贫穷的想法和行动。 ---引子 引子
你想过当老板吗? 你想过当老板吗?
你想创业或在创业的道路上遇到 的问题及困难有哪些? 的问题及困难有哪些? SIYB项目可能会帮你忙 SIYB项目可能会帮你忙
◆有效利用土地和水源 ◆不过度使用土地水源 ◆出售新鲜产品 ◆降低种植、养殖成本 ◆恢复草场、森林植被 ◆向市场运输产品 ◆保护土地和水资源
专卖店销售 集市上销售
印染 T恤衫生产 纺织棉线 棉花种植
棉籽制作动物饲料 碎棉花填充枕头 料头制作拖把
棉花采摘 物流运输 设备保养 清洁工厂 洗衣服务
讨论:什么事商机? 1、从顾客的需求出发。 (必须有市场机会) 2、从自己的专长出发。 (自己有利用这个机会的技能和资源)
优势:你计划创业企业的积极方面。 劣势:你的企业弱点或不擅长的方面。 机会:周围对企业有利的潜在发展机会。 威胁:可能发生的对企业产生负面影响的事情。
6、同样的商品,如何在经营过程中获得更 高的利润?
培养商人的头脑——如何把商品卖到更高的价格。 a、从产品的成本入手。 b、从产品的销售时间入手。 c、从产品的销售地点入手。 d、从产品的销售对象入手。 e、从产品的本身入手。
企业都是以营利为目的的,在不违反国家相关法律、法规,不欺骗消 费者的情况下,利用销售的时间、地点、对象和产品本身等条件给商品赋 予更高的价值,是你的能力。
但是,当他注册营业执照时工作人员告诉他,“阿发馄饨” 已经在一个月前被人注册了,他必须改名,否则就是侵权, 继续经营的话对方有权向他收取“加盟费”。
1、办理开办企业所需要的有效证件,利用法律武器保护自己。 2、遵循相关法律和行业标准,合法经营,不要侵犯别人财产和合法权利。 3、企业要有长久的发展目标,要做到行业自律,做到自我监督。
大学生SYB创业培训项目简介SYB是 Start Your Business 的缩写,含义为“创办你的企业”。
二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握创业机会识别的理论基础和实用技巧。
2. 学会构建适合自己创业项目的商业模式,进行市场分析,制定营销策略。
3. 掌握团队组建的基本原则,了解资金筹备的途径,熟悉企业注册流程。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(10分钟)通过分析一个具体创业案例,引导学生思考创业机会的识别。
2. 理论知识讲解(20分钟)讲解创业机会识别的理论基础,分享实用技巧。
3. 例题讲解(15分钟)以一个具体项目为例,指导学生如何构建商业模式。
4. 随堂练习(15分钟)学生分组,针对一个创业想法,进行商业模式构建练习。
5. 市场分析、团队组建与资金筹备(25分钟)逐一讲解市场分析、团队组建与资金筹备的关键点。
6. 法律注册流程与创业风险管理(15分钟)介绍企业注册流程,分享创业风险管理的策略。
六、板书设计1. 创业机会识别理论基础:PEST分析、SWOT分析等。
2. 商业模式构建客户细分、价值主张、渠道、客户关系、收入来源、关键资源等。
3. 市场分析、团队组建、资金筹备、法律注册流程与创业风险管理七、作业设计1. 作业题目:请结合本节课所学内容,为自己或小组的创业项目编写一份《创业计划书》。
2. 答案:(具体答案根据学生实际完成情况给出)八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:对本次课程的教学效果进行自我评估,找出不足之处,为下一次教学做好准备。
创办你的企业创业计划培训册答案第一章: 创业基础理论一、什么是创业创业是一种创造性的活动,是指在市场经济条件下,通过自主创造并不断扩大生产和市场规模,经营风险和不确定性的经营活动。
二、创业者的素质和特质1. 创新能力:创业者要有勇于创新的精神,善于发现市场需求,找到切入点,寻找业界痛点,提出创新性的解决方案。
2. 沟通能力:创业者需要具备良好的沟通能力,与客户、合作伙伴、员工和投资方建立良好的沟通协调机制,做好信息的传递和分享。
3. 抗压能力:创业者要有很强的心理素质,能够面对各种压力,能够从失败中学习,不畏困难,坚持不懈。
4. 团队合作:创业者需要有良好的团队合作能力,能够组建团队,协同合作,发挥各自优势,共同推动事业发展。
5. 领导力:创业者要有很强的领导能力,能够对员工进行有效的管理和激励,带领员工朝着共同的目标努力。
四、创业的步骤和流程1. 创业前的准备工作确定创业的目标和定位是非常关键的一步,在确定了创业方向后,需要对市场进行充分的调研,了解市场需求和行业状况,认真评估自己的实力和资源,为创业做好充分的准备。
2. 创业中的关键环节找到创业的切入点,确定自身的核心竞争力和独特优势,制定可行的创业策略和方案,确保企业的可持续发展。
3. 创业后的经营管理建立健全的组织架构和管理体系,提高企业的运营效率和管理水平,促进企业的快速成长。
第二章: 商业模式创新一、商业模式的定义及重要性商业模式是企业运营的基本方式和规则,是一个企业的核心竞争力和盈利模式,商业模式创新是企业发展的引擎,可以帮助企业获取更多市场份额,提高盈利能力。
二、教学目标1. 理解创业的基本概念,认识到创业的重要性和价值。
2. 掌握创业机会的识别与评估方法,具备初步的创业策划能力。
3. 培养学生的创业精神和创新意识,激发创业热情。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体教学设备、PPT课件、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:教材、笔记本、文具。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(20分钟):通过分享2024年创业成功案例,引发学生对创业的兴趣。
2. 理论讲解(30分钟):介绍创业基本概念、创业精神、创业类型等。
3. 例题讲解(40分钟):以具体创业案例为例,讲解创业机会的识别与评估方法。
4. 随堂练习(30分钟):学生分组讨论,识别身边的创业机会,并进行初步评估。
六、板书设计1. 创业基本概念2. 创业机会的识别与评估来源方法评估标准3. 创业策划七、作业设计2. 答案:创业策划书模板(包括创业项目概述、市场分析、团队介绍、商业模式、营销策略、财务预测等)。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生参加创业比赛、实习等实践活动,提高创业能力。
重点和难点解析1. 创业机会的识别与评估3. 课后反思与拓展延伸一、创业机会的识别与评估1. 识别创业机会的来源:创业机会可以来源于市场需求、技术创新、政策导向等多个方面。
2. 评估创业机会的方法:介绍SWOT分析、PEST分析等评估工具,帮助学生从多个维度评估创业机会的可行性。
3. 评估标准:从市场前景、盈利模式、竞争态势、团队能力等方面制定评估标准,让学生了解如何筛选和把握创业机会。
创办你的企业――全课件大学生版一、教学内容二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握企业法律形式的选择及特点,能为自己的创业项目选择合适的法律形式。
3. 掌握创业团队建设的方法,提高团队协作能力。
三、教学难点与重点四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:教材、《创业计划书》模板、相关法律法规资料。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过分析现实中的创业案例,引导学生思考创业过程中的关键问题。
2. 理论讲解:(1)企业法律形式的选择:讲解各种企业法律形式的特点、优缺点,指导学生如何选择。
3. 实践操作:(2)随堂练习:针对每个环节,设计实践题目,让学生现场完成。
六、板书设计1. 企业法律形式选择:个体工商户、合伙企业、有限责任公司等。
3. 创业团队建设:团队构建原则、角色分配、激励机制等。
七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)针对自己的创业项目,选择合适的法律形式,并说明理由。
2. 答案:八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:本节课的教学效果,学生的参与度,以及教学内容是否达到预期目标。
2. 拓展延伸:推荐学生阅读相关创业书籍,参加创业比赛,了解创业政策,提高创业实践能力。
重点和难点解析1. 企业法律形式的选择3. 创业团队建设对企业法律形式的选择进行详细补充和说明:(1)个体工商户:适用于小型零售、餐饮、服务业等,手续简便,税收优惠,但承担无限连带责任。
1. 创业项目的规模和行业特点。
2. 投资者的数量和意愿。
3. 创业团队的责任承担能力。
4. 税收优惠政策。
1. 市场分析:详细阐述市场现状、竞争对手、目标客户、市场规模等,为创业项目提供市场依据。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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再次, 对大学生进行创业培训,创业者可以更好地了解、掌握国家的有关经济法规,学习工商、税务、金融、科技、管理、劳动等方面的专业知识,帮助他们选准经营方向,减少经营投资的盲目性,从而提高创业的成功率,促进自身创办企业的健康发展。
悬赏分:0 | 解决时间:2010-6-8 12:00 | 提问者:早教知识应用网 大学生2010创业培训内容是什么?最佳答案
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