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下面是YJBYS 小编收集整理的军事常用
军衔:military titles of the People's Liberation Army
陆军、空军(Army and Air Force):上将(General), 中将(Lieutenant General), 少将(Major General), 大校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校
(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少
尉(Second Lieutenant)
海军(Navy): 上将(Admiral), 中将(Vice-Admiral), 少将(Rear Admiral), 大校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain), 中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior
Grade), 少尉(Ensign)
xx 军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC)
xx 省军区:xx Provincial Military Command
xx 军分区:xx Military Sub-Command
第二炮兵:the Second Artillery Force
预备役部队:the PLAs reserve force
驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison
武警部队:the Armed Police Force
总参谋部:the General Staff Headquarters of the PLA
总政治部:the General Political Department of the PLA
总后勤部:the General Logistics Department of the PLA
总装备部:The General Armaments Department of the PLA