人教课标版 初中英语 八年级上册Unit1一般过去时(共32张PPT)

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o在n下一a s午个un晴ny朗af的ternoon .
Carol ttooookk some photos yesterday. ____________
否定句: did not Carol toakoek saonmy e photos yesterday.
Did Carol toakoek saonmye photos yesterday ?
吃e美at d味el的ici水ou果s fruit
享en受joy阳th光e sunshine
h帮el父p p母ar做en家ts 务do some housework
do h做om作e业work
Dear Jim, My school trip ___ (is) great! We ___ (have) so much fun! We ____ (go) to Green Park. We _______ (climb) the mountains there and ____ (see) a lot of flowers. We ___ (eat) our lunch under some trees and ______ (play) some games after that. But at about two o’clock, it ____ (get) very cloudy and we _______ (worry) it would rain. Luckily, it didn’t, and the sun _____ (come) out again! Bill
eat Beijing duck
buy some gifts
swim in the sea climb the mountain
My Vacation
I took a trip to Yunnan with my friends in 2008.
The train ride took us about 25 hours, but we talked and laughed along the way.
When we got there, we ate big bowls of Yunnan rice noodles.
read read cut cut cost cost put put
think thought buy bought bring brought fight fought build built spend spent send sent lend lent
draw drew know knew grow grew throw threw
The food in Yunnan was very delicious and unforgettable.
What a wonderful vacation! I am looking forward to going to Yunnan again!
写一篇短文,请以“My Vacation”为题,描 述一次你的假期。主要包括什么时间,去了哪里, 做了什么,看到什么,吃了什么,以及你的感受。
Bill swept the floor in March.(就画线部分提问)
Tony picked some strawberries on Sunday morning. (改
Helen read a book yesterday evening. (改成一般疑问句,
worry worried study studied try tried 以末尾为一个辅音字母的重读闭音节结尾的动词(辅
元辅),_双__写___ 词末辅音字母,再加_e_d___
stop stopped plan planned shop shopped
Irregular verbs(不规则变化)
In the morning
eat a hamburger and an egg for breakfast go to the countryside pick some strawberries
climb a mountain In the afternoon
Review some words & phrases
Carol totaokke some photos y昨es天terday.
Peter climclibmedb the mountain l去ast年year.
Eric feedd the giraffe
s六ix个m月on前ths ago.
take lots of photos
In the evening
help mom and dad do some housework
watch TV with grandparents
go to the Great Wall visit the Palace Museum go to Tian’anmen Square take a walk in Beijing Hutong
The next day, we went to Dali Ancient Town.
We climbed Cangshan and saw a huge chessboard.
The last day, we went to the flower market and bought plenty of beautiful flowers in Kunming.
play played visit visited climb climbed
dance danced live lived use used
以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改__y__ 为_i____,再加__e_d___
But I was very happy!
In the afternoon, we went to Lijiang Ancient Town.
I saw a lot of ancient but beautiful things there. And I bought many of them for my family and friends.
A salary.
A. bought
B. buy
Biblioteka Baidu
C. will buy
D. would buy
一般过去时 Simple Past
• 定义:表示___过__去___某个时间发生的动作和 存在的状态。in the past
• 时间状语:常与表示__过__去____的时间状语连 用。
昨天_y_e__st_e_r_d_a_y__ 前天__t_h_e__d_a_y__b_e_f_o_r_e_y_e_s_t_e_r_d_a_y___ 两天前 two days _a_g__o__ 三个月前 three months _a_g_o___ 上个月 ___l_a_st_ month 去年 ___l_a_s_t_ year 在十一月 _in_ November 在星期五 _o_n_ Friday 在2月3日下午 _o_n__the afternoon of February third 在一个寒冷的夜晚 __o_n___ a cold evening
They tasted great!
We went to Yulong Snow Mountain the second day.
It was difficult for me to get to the top of the mountain, because I took in air so hard.
Bill sswweepetp the floor
i在n M三a月rch份.
Tony picpkiecdk some strawberrieso在n 星Su期nd天ay上m午orning.
Helen rereaadd a book
y昨es天ter晚da上y evening .
Jerry wawlkaeldk on the beach
Chinese history. What about you? B: I went to the park and had a picnic there. A: 4._H_o_w__lo_n_g__d_id__y_o_u_s_t_a_y_t_h_e_re___? B: We stayed there _f_o_r__a_b_o__u_t__tw__o__h__o_u__r_s_. A: 5._W__il_l_y_o_u_g_o__th_e_r_e_a_g_a_i_n__? B: Yes,_w__e__w__i_l_l_g__o__th__e_r_e__a_g__a_i_n__n_e_x__t_w__e__e_k_._You can go with us. A: OK.
Jerry walked on the beach on a sunny afternoon. (就画线
Complete the conversation. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. 1._W__h_a_t_d_i_d_y_o_u__d_o_l_as_t_w__e_e_k_en_d__? A: I _w__e_n_t__t_o__th__e__P_a__la__c_e__M__u__s_e_u_m__ last weekend. B: _D__i_d__y_o__u__h_a__v_e__a__g_o__o_d__t_i_m__e_?_ A: 2._Y_e_s_,_I_d_i_d_. It was interesting. B: 3._D_i_d_y_o_u__s_e_e_a_n_y_o_l_d_t_h_in_g_s__th_e_r_e__? A: Yes, I__s_a_w___m__a_n__y__o_l_d__t_h_i_n_g__s__th__e_r_e_. I learned a lot about the
注意:词数不少于80 。
dra画w 画some pictures
go s购ho物pping
sw在im海i里n t游he泳sea 在w沙alb滩keao上cnh散the步
cli爬mb山the mountain sta待y 在at 家home
rea看d b书ooks
tak照e p相hotos
Simple Past
• (2014安徽合肥庐江期末) It was rainy yesterday. He _______ his homework at home.
B A. does B. did C. doing D. do
• (2016上海中考) Last week Vivian ______ a dress for her mother with her first-month
feel felt keep kept sleep slept sweep swept
run ran drink drank swim swam sit sat
drove ride rode write wrote win
Memorize the verbs!
Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
When did Carol toakoek saonmye photos y?esterday.
Peter climbed the mountain last year.(改成否定句)
Eric fed the giraffe six months ago.(改成一般疑问句,并