
【高二】人教版高二英语必修5全册检测试题(带答案)3时训练5Unit 3 Life in the futureSection ⅡWaring Up ≈ Reading-Language PointsⅠ.品句填词1.She felt she had looked at the proble fro every ________(方面).2.We are told to ________(早先的) experience is necessary for this job.3.Take two of the ________(药片) three ties daily before eals.4.If you need help at any tie in the flight,one of the ________(乘务员) will be pleased to help you.5.We all wore ________(面罩) at the party and no one kneho we were.6.Nancy’s trip to Singapore ade a strong ________(印象)on her.Ⅱ.选词填空slide into; take up; catch sight of; lack for;be back on one’s feet;sweep up1.The teacher ________________ the lesson when Jenny stopped talking.2.Christine doesn’t ________________ friends in the new environent.3.I ________________ a hungry dog that was looking for food in the rubbish.4.Six onths later after bet operation, Sue ________________ again.5.Jan was ________________ the bits of paper and broken glass when we cae in.6.The naughty boy ________________ the driver’s seat and started the engine.Ⅲ.单项填空1.Thinking that her daughter was doing hoework, the other left the roo,________.A.quickly and gentle B.quick and gentleC.quickly and gently D.quick and gently2.(2021年濮阳高二检测)The old an drove the car at a ________speed, aking us very cofortable.A.high B.surprisingC.crazy D.constant3.(2021年杭州高二检测)Please explain how two or ore things aresiilar________different fro each other.A.to B.orC.in D.and4.I like getting up very early in suer.The orning air is so good ________.A.to be breathed B.to breatheC.breathing D.being breathed5.This agazine is very ________with young people,who like its content and style.A.failiar B.popularC.siilar D.particular6.The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a coon ________ in any parts of the city.A.look B.signC.sight D.appearance7.―________when has the country been open to international trade?―1978,I suppose.A.Since B.InC.Fro D.After8.After he retired fro office,Rogers ________painting for a while,but soon lost interest.A.took up B.saved upC.kept up D.drew up9.His head soon appeared out of the window,________he saw nothing but trees.A.where B.whichC.there D.fro where10.Aericans don’t like using r,rs or iss.As a result, if they don’tuse your faily nae,that doesn’t ean any ________.A.lacking respect B.lack respectC.lack of respect D.lacking respectingⅣ.阅读理解A group of European researchers fro Eindhoven University ofTechnology(TU/e)are working hard to connect robots with hoes.The robots will ake sure that hoes are nice places to stay and that patients do the right things.This recently started research project,which has been naed KSERA,focuses(关注)on COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病)patients.In 2030 this disease will be the third cause of death worldwide.The disease especially affects the elderly.In three years’ tie several deonstration(示范)houses should be finished,where a robot will play the central role.It follows patients through the house,learns their habits,watches the closely,gives sound advice,turns the air conditioning up or down a bit,and warns a doctor when the patient is not feeling well.Besides,the robot also provides fun in the for of the Internet and videos.“We want to shohat is possible in this area,”says project anager Dr.Lydia eesters.The TU/e researcher says that this new type of intelligent care house will not be a cold environent.It should be as hoely as possible.In an ideal(理想的)situation the only technology you see will be the robot.It will be the contact for all the systes in the hoes. Xkb 1Ethical issues(道德问题)will also be given special focus.The robot ust give good advice to patients,but it should not be a policean,eesters explains.What to do,for exaple,when a COPD patient lights a cigarette?The project will cost alost 4 illion euros,2.9 illion of which will be provided by the EU.Other parties are the Italian research center Institute Superiore ario Boella,Vienna University of Technology,Haburg University,the Italian ICT copany Consoft,the Central European Institute of Technology in Vienna and the Israeli care provider accabi Healthcare Services.1.KSERA is ainly for ________.A.the sick at hoeB.children at hoeC.the elderly in hospitalD.scientists in the lab2.Paragraph 3 ainly tells us that robots ________.A.can do any thingsB.are stronger than enC.are better than doctorsD.can ake the best hoe3.How any parties offered oney to KSERA?A.Five. B.Six.C.Seven. D.Eight.4.According to the passage,the robots will ________.A.be put into production very soonB.be popular with the COPD patientsC.ake a hoe feel coldD.act as a policeanⅤ.任务型读写To call land “arginal” it is not very good. Low quality soil is not the only reason why land could be considered arginal. The land ight be in an area where rainfall is liited. Or it ight be on a hillside that rises too sharply.Yet there are uses for arginal land. ost often it is used as grassland. Grasses provide excellent feed for grazing anials (草食动物) like cattle, sheep and goats. A farer ight use native grasses or nonnative seed. No atter what way he uses, it is iportant to establish good ground cover to avoid the loss of soil through erosion(侵蚀).But using arginal land for grazing is not as siple as it ight sound. There is a risk of overgrazing. Cattle can daage crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the anials crash the soil with their weight. That can ake the ground too hard for growing. A way to reduce the daage is to ove anials fro one field to another. This ethod is known as rotational(循环的 ) grazing. Agricultural experts say rotational grazing is extreely iportant for arginal land.Another use for arginal land is for tree crops. Studies have shown that the loblolly pine ( 火炬松) and white pine are two kinds of trees that groell on such land. They grow fast and provide good quality wood. And there are slowergrowing trees like the black walnut (胡桃) that provide wood as well as a nut crop. Trees help support the soil. They reduce the daaging effects of wind and rain. And they can provide grazing anials with shade fro the sun.arginal lands need care to protect the. Failing to take that care ight only ake a bad situation worse. But good planning can turn a arginal resource into a highly productive one.Title:Faring arginal 1.______Theeake good use of arginal land2.______ why land isconsidered arginal•Low quality soil•Liited 3.______•Located on a hillside rising sharply4.______GrasslandAdvantagesDisadvantageseasures•5.______excellent feed for grazing anials•Avoiding theloss of soilthrough erosionRisk ofovergrazingRotational 6.______Tree 7._____Planting fastgrowing treesAdvantagesPlanting slowgrowing trees•Help 8.______thesoil•Reduce the daaging effects of wind and 9.______•Provide shade foranialsConclusion10.______ planning can turn a arginal resource into a highly productive one.时训练6Section ⅢLearning about Language ≈ Using LanguageⅠ.品句填词1.The sign reads“In case of fire,break the glass and push the red________(按钮).”2.We should throw the rubbish into the ________(垃圾箱)near the roadside.3.How can we build a house without building ________()?4.She’s Italian by birth but now is an Australian ________(公民).5.They argue that the plan would daage the island’s ________(生态).6.Taking tablets is easy;just put the in your outh and ________(吞下).Ⅱ.用适当的介词填空1.“Good evening ________ all the guests fro China,”said the ho st.2.After the operation her condition was described ________ cofortable.3.Our thanks go to everybody who has worked ________this project.4.She loved her lessons, always asking questions, greedy ________ ore inforation.5.His first novel was turned ________ a ovie for television.6.Don’t stare ________ people like that;it’s rude.7.He doesn’t blae anyone ________ his father’s death.8.The waste can cause serious daage to the environent if not disposed________properly.Ⅲ.单项填空1.________soe people coe here for a short break, others have decided to stay forever.A.Because B.IfC.Once D.While2.(2021年福州高二检测)“I don’t think it is y ________ that the TV doesn’t work.I just turned it on,tha t’s all,”said the boy.A.error B.istakeC.fault D.duty3.You see the lightning ________it happens,but you hear the thunder later.A.the instant B.for an instantC.on the instant D.in an instant4.any of the party’s traditional voter s ________it at the last election.A.reserved B.desertedC.preserved D.depressed5.All the neighbors adire this faily,________the parents are treating their child like a friend.A.why B.whereC.which D.that6.________ warly for his excellent work, he was too ________to fall asleep.A.Praising;excited B.To praise;excitingC.Praised;exciting D.Praised;excited7.________around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2021 Olypic Gaes.A.Having shown B.To be shownC.Having been shown D.To show8.I thought her nice and honest ________I et her.A.first tie B.for the first tieC.the first tie D.by the first tie9.We are hoping that these easures taken by the local governent will help ________ things a bit.A.sweep up B.speed upC.ake up D.save up10.For any affected failies, cuts to school bus service will ean a big________ in their orning and afternoon schedules.A.settleent B.otivationC.auseent D.adjustentⅣ.完形填空What will an be like in the future-in 5,000 or even 50,000 years fro now on?We can only ake __1__,of course,but we can be sure that he will be__2__fro what he is today.For an is slowly changing all the tie.Let us take an obvious __3__.an,even five hundred years ago,was shorter than he is today.Now,on average,en are about three inches __4__.Five hundred years is relatively short period of tie,so we ay assue that an will __5__to grow taller.Again,in the odern world we use our brains a great deal.__6__,we still ake use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity.With tie going on,__7__,we shall have to use our brains ore and ore,and eventually we shall need__8__ones!This is likely to bring about a physical change too:the __9__,in particular the forehead,will grow larger. Xk b1Nowadays our eyes are in __10__use.In fact,we use the so uch that very often they becoe __11__and we have to wear glasses.__12__over very long period of tie it is likely that an’s eyes will grow stronger.On the other hand,we tend to ake less use of our ars and legs.These,__13__,are likely to groeaker.At the sae tie,however,our fingers will grow ore __14__because they are used a great deal in odern life.But what about hair?This will probably __15__fro the body altogether in course of tie because it doesn’t serve a useful purpose any longer.Perhaps all this gives the __16__that future an will not be a very attractive creature to look at!This ay well be __17__.All the sae,in spite of all these __18__,future an will still have a lot in coon withus.__19__will still be a huan being,with thoughts and eotions __20__to our own.1.A.pictures B.guessesC.explanations D.ideas2.A.equal B.saeC.obvious D.different3.A.exaple B.fantasyC.odel D.shape4.A.fatter B.thinnerC.taller D.shorter5.A.fail B.continueC.anage D.stop6.A.Even so B.If soC.After all D.In tie7.A.besides B.otherwiseC.therefore D.however8.rger B.sallerC.sillier D.cleverer9.A.eye B.noseC.head D.hand10.A.perfect B.constantC.noral D.unique11.A.stronger B.biggerC.saller D.weaker12.A.But B.SoC.Then D.Though13.A.in other words B.all in all C.as a result D.in addition14.A.effective B.optiisticC.painful D.sensitive15.A.disappear B.oveC.reove D.rise16.A.expression B.ipressionC.influence D.connection17.A.false B.perfectC.exact D.true18.A.changes B.otivationsC.approaches D.adjustents19.A.He B.TheyC.We D.It20.A.cautious B.roughC.previous D.siilarⅤ.阅读理解Ever dreaed of having a robot servant who would do all the boring housework around the house?Well echanized doestic staff have coe one step closer,thanks to an android(机器人)being developed in Japan.Researchers at Tokyo University’s JSK Robotics Laboratory have created a huanoid called Kojiro,who is learning how to copy hoe walk.What akes hi unique is that he has a skeletal(骨骼的)structure siilar to that of huans,which eans he oves in a ore natural fashion,and bends and twists by his artificial spine(脊柱).The tea,led by Professor Nakanishi,said this newly developed spine would allow the to anufacture lighter and ore flexible robots in the future to serve in the hoe.In one scientific paper,they wrote:“Now noral huanoid robots are not suitable for working in our daily environent.”Lack of safety andversatility(多用途)is the ain reason;their hard and heavy bodies can hurt huans or surrounding objects,and they can do liited tasks copared with what huans do in daily life.Traditional robots have libs and torsos(躯干)powered by heavy otors at the joints.However in Kojiro,the otors are lightweight and used to pull cables attached to different locations on the body.This copies how our own uscles and tendons(腱)contract and relax when we ove.The skillful syste of around 100 such tendonuscle structures work together to give Kojiro 60 degrees of freedo.The huanoid is also ade ostly fro light and flexible aterials,which would ake hi less of a danger around the hoe.The researchers found the ost difficult challenge was finding a way to ake such a skillful robot walk.“The syste h as strong nonlinearity(非连续性)and is hard to odel precisely.To control such a syste,a kind of learning ethod is needed,”the tea wrote.At present the scientists are testing Kojiro’s saller oveents using a gaes console controller.The tea plan to slightly iprove the coputeralgoriths(算法)that control the robot’s oveents as they go and hope it will one day be able to handle coplex oveents using all of its libs.Then perhaps one day,you will find Kojiro serving you breakfast in bed.1.What is the text ainly about?A.The differences between the tradition robots and the huanoid.B.Introduction to a new type of huanoid.C.How to iprove the traditional robot.D.The huanoid will be on arket soon.2.What akes the huanoid unique?A.Its long libs.B.Its strong ability of copying.C.Its aterials.D.Its skeletal structure.3.What is the biggest challenge to the huanoid at present?A.How to ake it walk.B.How to ake it speak.C.How to ake it do housework.D.How to ake it sing.4.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the huanoid can’t be suitable for working in huan’s daily environent?A.Lack of safety. B.Fewer uses.C.Its overweight. D.Daaging objects.5.What can we learn fro the text?A.Scientists in Japan have solved the huanoid’s oveent.B.The huanoid is used to take care of the old.C.The huanoid can use all of its libs to handle coplex oveents. D.It’ll be a long tie before the huanoid is on arket.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
高中英语人教版(2023) 必修第二册周测试题(含答案)

AKids’ cartoons are usually very popular among kids. Aimed at children, Kids’ cartoons are meant to be educational to some degree. The plot lines of kid’s cartoons are fairly simple and take place in everyday settings, such as schools and homes. The followings are some famous Kid’s cartoons.King of the HillKing of the Hill describes a middle-class family and their lives in a typical American town. It tells us about the Hills’ day-to-day-lives in the small Texas town of Arlen, exploring modern themes such as parent-child relationships, friendship, and justice.Once Upon a TimeOnce Upon a Time is a French educational cartoon, created by Procidis.There are seven series, each focusing on different aspects of knowledge. Once Upon a Time focuses on the past events of mankind that happened a long time ago.El Oso YoguiYogi Bear is a funny animal who has appeared in numerous comic books, television shows and films. He was created by Hanna-Barbera. The plot of most of Yogi’s cartoons centered on his behavior in the Jellystone Park. Yogi, with his good friend Boo-Boo Bear, would often try to steal picnic baskets from campers in the park, which makes Park Ranger(管理员) Smith very angry. Yogi’s girlfriend, Cindy Bear, sometimes appeared and was usually against Yogi’s action.K pt’n Blaub rBased on the comics by Walter Moers, this German cartoon series deals with the adventures of Blue Bear who prefers talking about his journeys on the Seven Seas with his grandchildren.1.Children like Kids’ cartoons mainly because .A.the stories are well organizedB.the lines are interestingC.the settings are familiar to themD.the characters are creative.2.To get more knowledge of history, a kid may turn to .A.King of the HillB.Once Upon a TimeC.El Oso YoguiD.Kapt’n Blaubar3.Who probably enjoys sailingA.Blue Bear.B.Yogi Bear.C.Boo-Boo Bear.D.Cindy Bear.BMost of the time, people wear hats to protect themselves fromharshweather conditions. Hats are also worn to show politeness and as signs of social position. But nowadays, hats, especially women’s hats, are much more than that. More exactly, hats have changed into fashion and style symbols by many movie stars. What’s more, people now consider many different features (特点)when choosing even a simple hat. Many designers point out that, when choosing the right hat, it’s important to consider the color of your skin as well as your hair, your height, and the shape of your face.First of all, the color of the hat should match the color of your skin and hair. For instance, black hats should be avoided if you are dark skinned. If a purple hat is placed on top of red hair, one will look as attractive as a summer flower. Second, the height of the hat is also an important point. Tall women should not go for hats with tall crowns, just as short women should choose hats with upturned brims to give the look of height. Third, and most importantly, the shape of the face decides the kind of hat one should pick. A small, gentle hat that fits the head looks good on a small face. However, women with big, round faces should choose a different style.As the saying goes, “Fine feathers make fine birds.” A good hat can notonly help your dress but also support your features, so why not choose the best possible one next time you want to be in public4.What does the underlined word “harsh” in Paragraph 1 probably meanA.goodB.strangeC.poorD.different5.According to the article, which of the following women would look most attractiveA.A big-faced woman who wears a small, nice hat.B.A short red-haired woman who wears a purple hat.C.A tall woman who wears a hat with a huge upturned brim.D.A small dark-skinned woman who wears a black hat with a tall crown.6.What does the last paragraph suggestA.Hats are worn on the head to keep warm.B.Hats can help you look better in public.C.Hats are not as important as character.D.Hats can make you look much taller.7.What is the best title for the articleA.How to Show Your Social PositionB.How to Improve Your FeaturesC.How to Choose a Proper HatD.How to Design a Nice HatCRaegan Byrd tries to complete her homework every night. But the high school student in Hartford, Connecticut, has to use her mobile phone to search for the necessary information because she does not have internetconnection at home.In May, the US Department of Education(DOE) published its findings that the number of homes without access(接入) to internet has been getting smaller, but 14 percent of homes in city areas and 18 percent of homes in the countryside still do not have internet connections.In some states, the problem is much more serious. For example, in the countryside of northern Mississippi, a third of the 294 homes in Maben do not have computers. And close to half have no access to internet whether they can pay for it or not.Sharon Stidham, a mother in Maben, has to take her four boys to the school library at East Webster High School. Her husband works there, so the children can use the internet for their schoolwork. A signal tower can be seen through the trees from their home, but they could not put aside any money for the internet.Research results from the National Center for Education(NCE) have shown that students with internet at home get much better scores in reading, math and science than the ones who do not.Some teachers call this problem “the homework divide”. Jessica Rosenworcel, an NCE member, said, “The so-called homework divide is the cruelest part of the digital age and it is hurting the poor students and creating a big obstacle to their dreams.”Local communities(社区) have started to help. They made lists ofrestaurants and other businesses with Wi-Fi places where children are welcome to come and do their homework. And many public libraries have also planned to provide free access to the students next year.8.What has DOE found out in its surveyA.Students with internet at home are doing better at school.B.4% more homes in the countryside don’t have internet access.C.About 33% of the students in Mississippi do not have internet at home.D.An increasing number of students do not have access to internet at home.9.Why does Sharon Stidham take her sons to the East Webster High School libraryA.Her husband is a teacher in the library.B.She does not want to pay for the internet at home.C.She wants her sons to study in a better environment.D.Her sons have to use the internet to do their schoolwork.10.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “obstacle” in paragraph 6A.Block.B.Help.C.Goal.D.Chance.11.What is the main idea of the last paragraphA.Local communities are called on to take actions.B.Libraries have opened their doors to the students.C.Restaurants have volunteered to take in the children.D.Helps are coming from the public and the local communities.DBritish parents encourage their children to play musical instruments as part of a family tradition(传统) rather than raise their children’s competitiveness as the American parents do.Dr. Aaron Reeves from Oxford University found that the UK parents did not see musical practice as character building or useful in getting university places or jobs for their children. Instead, they usually encouraged their children to follow their interests.This is different from what the other researchers had found in America. Middle-class parents in the US appear to associate(与……相联系) these cultural practices with other worldly benefits and often center these music activities around the school subjects.Researchers think that it may be due to(由于) the fact that the US parents have become increasingly worried about providing their children with skills and abilities enabling them to stand out from their competitors.However, for British parents, no such direct connection was made with future educational or job advantages. The parents interviewed here did not connect music with usefulness but rather they just paid attention to the value of music as a family tradition and, to some degree, assomething valuable in its own right.One Scottish parent said during an interview, “We’ve got two learning musical instruments. If they think it is fun, we try and encourage them, but we wouldn’t force them.” Another housewife said, “My son has just turned five and I want him to play the guitar because his uncle is good at it, but it’s up to my son.”“Lots of UK parents don’t think music practice could be very helpful for the children’s confidence or school success. They say that it takes time and some talent for the children to gain a competing advantage,” said Dr. Reeves. “I think they are right.”12.What does the underlined word “their” in paragraph 2 refer toA.The US parents’.B.The UK children’s.C.The UK parents’.D.The US children’s.13.What do British parents think Of music learningA.It is useful for their children to get better jobs.B.It can be helpful to build their children’s confidence.C.It helps their children to succeed in their schoolwork.D.It would be better to take it as a hobby for the children.14.What can be inferred from the last paragraphA.Both the US and UK parents are right.B.The other researchers’ findings are misleading.C.Dr. Reeves agrees more with the UK parents.D.Only the talented children can benefit from music learning.15.What is the text mainly aboutA.The benefits of extra music learning for children.B.The American parents’ attitude towards music learning.C.Differences in the British and American parenting styles.D.Different attitudes towards music learning in the UK and USA.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

人教版高二英语必修5全册练习题(含答案和解释)ing-of-ageceremonyintheafternoon. A.willbeattendingB.haveattendedC.attendD.attended 11.Familyviolenceagainstwomenhasn'tcausedwidespreadconcernbecaus eitisnottheChinesetraditionto________thefamilyconflictstooutsiders. A.expressB.exposeC.enquireD.distribute 12.Aftertalkingwithhisfatherforabouthalfanhour,hefeltbetterandbeganto knowhowto________thiskindofsituation. A.strengthenB.exploreC.handleD.arrange13.—What'sthecentralideaofthepassage,Bob?—Sorry,Ican'tmake________ofit.It'sbeyondmyability. A.judgementB.understandingC.ideaD.sense14.Theman,suspected________havingstolenthejewelsoftheshop,wasmissinglastnight,althoughhewaswatchedoverbythepolice. A.ofB.forC.aboutD.with15.—Honey,I'dliketogotoSouthAfricafortheWorldCupthisweekend.—________Youmusthelpmewiththedecorationofthehouse.A.Forgetit!B.That'sgreat!C.Why?D.Goahead.Ⅱ.完形填空IwantedtobejustlikethosebigkidsIsawwearingtheirmedalsandcarryingtheirri bbons(绶带).SoI__16__thecross-countryteamatmyschool. However,Iwasveryslowintheteam.Inraces,Iwouldfinishalmost__17__.I'dalwayshaveto__18__inthelongerraces.The_ _19__racesandatleast100peoplecompetinginitmademereally__20__.Eve rytimeIstopped,10peoplewould__21__me.ButIstillcouldn'tpushmyselftokeepgoing,eventhoughI__22__watchingthemgobyme.Aftereveryrace,I'dgohomeandburstintotears. Thenoneofmyfriendsjoinedthecross-countryteam,too.Shenevergottiredanddidn'tgetcramp(抽筋)inherlegs.Ijustdidn'tunderstandhowthatwas__23__!I'dbeen(后续内容,请见下页。

必修二Unit 1 单元综合检测卷(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What is the time now?A.4:40.B.5:00.C.5:20.2.How will the woman help the man?A.By writing a chemistry paper.B.By finding some information.C.By giving him a newspaper.3.What will the man do at 4:00?A.Take a test.B.Have a class.C.Visit a doctor.4.What does the man mean?A.The woman’s idea is not practical.B.The woman should start her own tour company.C.The woman should find her own apartment.5.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a hotel.B.In a hospital.C.In a restaurant.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
6.What are the speakers talking about?A.Stealing.B.Killing.C.Robbing.7.What does the guy look like?A.He wears a red jacket.B.He has long blond hair.C.He has a scar(疤) on his forehead.8.Who is the man speaker probably?A.A lawyer.B.A police officer.C.A café owner.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. Where does the man want to go?A. A bank.B. A park.C. A bus stop.2. When is Paul’s birthday party?A. July 11.B. July 12.C. July 13.3. Where is the man going to spend his Christmas?A. In his brother’s.B. In his mother’s.C. In his sister’s.4. How are the woman’s parents?A. They’re ill now.B. They’re seldom ill.C. They’re very healthy.5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. A couple.C. Colleagues.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What does David like to do when he is online?A. To communicate with his friends.B. To look for something interesting.C. To look up some useful information.7. What does the woman do?A. She is a worker.B. She is a researcher.C. She is a teacher. 听第7段材料,回答第8---10题。
人教版高二英语必修第二册 Unit 2 单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版高二英语必修第二册 Unit 2 单元测试卷(含答案)(考试时间:90分钟满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AFiordland Great Walk PackageTake a hike through some of New Zealand's most beautiful and different landscapes on the walking package. Base yourself in Fiordland for a fully guided 3-day Great Walk experience on the Milford, Routeburn and Kepler Tracks. These walks pass through unique scenery, from native forests and rivers to mountains and beautiful valleys.PriceAdult (16 + yrs) : $ 900.00Child (6 -15 yrs) : $ 850.00Infant (0-5 yrs) : $ 50.00What to BringWe advise that guests bring comfortable walking shoes, warm clothing including hats and gloves, sunscreen and sun hats, cameras, water bottles and personal medication if they are required. Walking poles are optional(可选择的). For the Milford Track day we advise you to have spare clothing and shoes in case you get wet on the walk.We ProvideRouteburn Track: A professional hiking guide, all transport from Te Anau, hot drinks and lunch.Milford Track: A professional hiking guide, water taxies from Deep Water Basin to Sandfly Point, Milford Track and return, and hot drinks. Plus 1 hour 25 minutes Milford Sound Scenic Cruise with Real Journeys and lunch.Kepler Track: A professional hiking guide, all transport from Te Anau including accommodations pick-up and drop-off, a helicopter flight to the peak of Mt Luxmore, hot drinks and lunch.More InformationAt least there are 2 people for the guided walks to go ahead. If you are a single person, please contact us for availability. Walking time each day is around 4-5 hours. Basic fitness is required. Meals (except lunch) are guests' own arrangements.1.If the Smiths and their 7 -year-old twin girls go on the trip, how much should they pay?A.$ 1,900.B.$ 2,600.C.$ 2,650.D.$ 3,500.2.What can be enjoyed only on Kepler Track?A.Native forests.B.A guided hike.C.Air travel.D.Free lunch.3.What is a must if people want to join in the walking?A.Walking shoes.B.Basic fitness.C.Hot drinks.D.Walking poles.BFor the growing number of Chinese heading west to work and study, there's plenty they find surprising. Upon arrival in the West, many Chinese find they have to firstly put on the brakes. Li Feng, raised in northern China and now based in England, agrees. "The only thing Chinese people would be shocked by in Britain is how long it takes to do things," he says. "For instance, in China if you want to open a bank account, you don't wait, you just do it at the counter." Out-of-hours and weekend work is standard in China, but in Britain, the weekend is for family and friends.Jack Chen, who left his homeland 12 years ago and is now a lawyer in Belgium says office politics are simpler in Europe, partly because the hierarchy (等级制度) is less rigid than in China, where the boss really is the boss and social class in the office is very obvious and important. As a result, staff in a Chinese company think very carefully about how to present their views and ideas. Employees in the West can share their opinions more freely. In China you should have the wisdom to say something in an appropriate way. But in Europe you can just say what you want.The newest Chinese arrivals have a very different view to previous generations, according to Sharon Jin, who moved to the US 20 years ago and is now an American citizen. "Almost 100% of the people of my generation who came to the United States want to get a green card," she says. "But today younger Chinese plan to work for 10 years here and then return to China to buy a house or look after their parents." While a record number of 523,700 students left China to study elsewhere in 2015, roughly 70%—80% of the students abroad have been returning in recent years because of the attractive job market at home, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education.1.What do many Chinese find surprising while in Britain?A.That they drive faster than the drivers in Britain.B.That they can open a bank account at any time.C.That working extra hours in Britain is very common.D.That working pace in Britain is less fast than at home.2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?A.Jack Chen has been a lawyer in Belgium for 12 years.B.Employees in the West show less respect for their boss.C.Chinese employees are cautious when presenting ideas.D.People in Europe express themselves in a modest way.3.Why do most students return to China according to the Chinese Ministry of Education?A.It's hard for them to get a green card.B.It's easy for them to buy a house at home.C.They will have to look after their parents.D.There are more job opportunities in China.4.How does the writer organize the text?A.By interviewing students abroad.B.By comparing the differences.C.By discussing some facts.D.By listing some figures.CFinding a suitable name for a baby is a big deal in China. When picking out a Chinese name, parents usually select two or three characters that have a carefully thought-out meaning, but when deciding on an English name, many of them struggle. That's where Jessup and her company, Special Name, come in. In the last few years, Jessup has helped name 677,900 Chinese babies, and earned over $400,000 in the process, more than enough to pay her college fees.Jessup came up with the idea for Special Name in 2015, after accompanying her father on a business trip to China. One of her dad's business partners, a Mrs Wang, asked her to help choose an English name for her daughter. Jessup felt honoured and quickly realised the importance of choosing a proper name in Chinese culture. The woman wanted people to be surprised by the things her daughter could achieve, so Jessup suggested the name "Eliza" after the character Eliza Doolittle from the playPygmalion. Mrs Wang seemed delighted with Jessup's choice. "If Mrs Wang needed this service, maybe other parents would as well," Jessup thought.After returning to UK, Jessup borrowed £1,500 from her parents and paid a web designer to build a website. She then spent her free time filling up a database with around 4,000 English names, associating them with five major characteristics, like honesty and optimism.In the beginning, Jessup offered the service for free to promote the website, but later, she started charging fees. The business is almost completely self-sufficient, requiring only a small team in China that manages the technical operation. She updates the database each month, allowing her to focus full-time on her studies.1.What's the purpose of Special Name?A.To help Chinese teens go abroad.B.To strengthen children's personalities.C.To pick an English name for a Chinese baby.D.To make a deal with Chinese parents.2.What inspired Jessup to set up Special Name?A.A suggestion from a business partner.B.Her interest in Chinese culture.C.A Chinese mother's request.D.A character from a play.3.What did Mrs Wang want her daughter to be in the future?A.A woman with achievements.B.A famous actress.C.A successful businesswoman.D.A western culture expert.4.What can we infer from the last paragraph about Special Name?A.It offers a free service.B.It's updated every day.C.It's operated completely by itself.D.It is easy to manage.DJennifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student to pursue her goal of earning a nursing degree. That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's degree.Mauer, of Edgar, Wisconsin, grew up on a farm in a family of 10 children. Her dad worked at a job away from the farm, and her mother ran the farm with the kids. After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition(学费), because there was no extra money set aside for a college education. After graduation, she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.Jennifer now is married and has three children of her own. She decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves: nursing. She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home. She could drive to class and be home in the evening to help with her kids. Jennifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.Through it all, she remained in good academic standing and graduated with honors. Jennifer sacrificed(牺牲) to achieve her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study. "Some nights my heart was breaking to have to pick between my kids and studying for exams or papers," she says. However her children have learned an important lesson witnessing their mother earn her degree. Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family—and that's pretty powerful.1.What did Jennifer do after high school?A.She helped her dad with his work.B.She ran the family farm on her own.C.She supported herself through college.D.She taught her sisters and brothers at home.2.Why did Jennifer choose the program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield?A.To take care of her kids easily.B.To learn from the best nurses.C.To save money for her parents.D.To find a well-paid job there.3.What did Jennifer sacrifice to achieve her goal?A.Her health.B.Her time with family.C.Her reputation.D.Her chance of promotion.4.What can we learn from Jennifer's story?A.Time is money.B.Love breaks down barriers.C.Hard work pays off.cation is the key to第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

最新译林版高中英语必修二综合测试题及答案2套模块综合测评(一)(时间:100分钟;满分:120分)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEdgewood Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten EducationOur Programs are designed to meet your children's needs the year round.We accept children between the ages of 2.5 and 6.5.You may choose to enroll(报名) your child in either the 10 month program, September through June, or the 12 month program.PRE-KINDERGARTEN 8:45 A.M.-2:15 P.M.Pre-kindergarten programs are designed to offer an all-sided early educational experience to children aged 2.5 to 4.5. It includes opportunities for growth in the following areas:language,mathematics readiness(准备),science, reading readiness, art, music, and physical education, etc.These programs provide opportunity for best social and emotional growth as well as Kindergarten readiness.A nutritious snack is served midmorning, as well as a hot lunch program available at noon.An afternoon nap time or “quiet time” (for those who have given up naps)are also included in these programs.KINDERGARTEN 8:30 A.M.-2:45 P.M.The kindergarten at Edgewood is designed to meet the needs of a student who may or may not be of kindergarten age.The student is placed according to his/her developmental needs and readiness.A student may enter this class as early as 4.5 years of age or as late as 6.5 years of age.It is our belief that no child should be pushed forward or held back simply to keep up with others.Each student is allowed to progress at her/his own pace in all areas.We provide appropriate experiences to help each child benefit from the formal instruction they will receive in each area of our curriculum (课程).Students who still need readiness skills will be provided with readiness instruction.Advanced students will be provided with challenging learning experiences and materials appropriate to their developmental need.Our kindergarten covers a traditional-kindergarten curriculum within a highly information-rich environment.A student completing this program will have the chance of moving into the first grade.However,if it is determined another year of growth would benefit the child, placement may be made into another kindergarten program,without the child feeling he/she is repeating a grade.1.Every day, children will stay in the kindergarten at Edgewood for________.A.about four hours B.over six hoursC.over 8 hours D.about ten hours2.Which of the following is TRUE of the kindergarten at Edgewood?A.The student is permitted to learn at his/her speed.B.The student is placed according to his/her age.C.All the students are learning at the same pace.D.All the students are free to choose what they learn.3.Which of the kids is suitable for the“PRE-KINDERGARTEN”enrollment?A.A girl aged 1.5 who has an elder brother at home.B.A boy aged 3.5 who has given up naps.C.A girl aged 6 who still need readiness skills.D.A boy aged 7 who is not confident of himself.BIn 2012 Valentin Gruener saved a young lion cub(幼崽) and raised it himself at a wildlife park in Botswana.It was the start of a special relationship.The lion is Sirga—a female cub Gruener saved from a fence established by a farmer. “The lions had killed the other two cubs inside the cage, and the mother left the remaining cub in the cage.She was maybe 10 days old, just like a little cat,”Gruner says.She's much bigger and stronger now, but when Gruener opens her cage she still rushes to greet him throwing her paws (爪子) around his neck.“That happens every time I open the door.It is such a passionate(热情的)thing to do for this animal to jump and give me a hug,”says Gruener.“At the moment she has no other lions with her in the cage.So I'm the only friend she's got.Lions are social cats so she's always happy to see me.”The two friends spend their time hanging out in the Botswana bush, doing the kind of things that cats enjoy,such as lying around under trees,play-fighting, and hunting.“I don't believe we have to teach the lion to hunt.The lion hunts out of instinct (本能).Any cat will catch a bird or a mouse.The lion will catch a deer when it gets big enough,”Gruener says.“I'm surely giving her that opportunity to hunt, about three times a week at the moment.”Gruener created a small park in which Sirga can walk freely, but she will not be set free to nature.Not because she could not survive, but because she has lost her fear of humans.She is likely to get too close to humans, and if there is an accident she will end up getting shot.In the park Sirga can live like a wild lion,but remain safe, he says.4.According to the second paragraph, how many lion cubs stayed inside the cage?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four. D.Five.5. When Valentin Gruener saved Sirga, she was________.A.tiny B.quietC.annoyed D.injured6.Each time they meet, the young lion jumps to Gruener to express her________.A.fear B.thanksC.doubts D.delight7.According to Gruener, the lion________.A.will feel helplessB.is born to huntC.is as lovely as a catD.can greet people warmlyCFor the past two years, villagers of a small village in Kazakhstan have beensuffering from a mysterious and quite serious disease.It's been called the sleeping sickness, which makes the patients fall into a deep sleep,sometimes lasting for days.And when they wake up, they often suffer from headaches, dizziness (眩晕)and memory loss.Health experts have carried out many tests on the local air and soil, but so far they have failed to explain the disease.The mayor of Kalachi has been encouraging people to move out of the village forever.It looks quite strange as a matter of fact because it is a very remote area (偏远地区).In this area, there is an old town.And right next to this town there is a small village,which is hit by the sleeping sickness.And in fact that's a very tidy, clean and beautiful village but that is where the patients live.Does some kind of radiation (辐射)cause the sickness?There is no clear answer.The scientists are completely baffled_by the cause of it.Scientists have found some increased levels of radiation in the area,but they do say that they aren't above safe levels.And what's been happening to people? They sleep for several days and they simply just don't wake up.They're suffering from all kinds of influe-nces such as dizziness, memory loss, and the clearest effect we can see is that people simply fall asleep suddenly.For example,one patient I spoke to was riding his motorbike and he simply fell asleep and woke up several days later in hospital with no memory of what had happened.And this has affected around 120 people in the village, some of them more than once, and that is about a quarter of the population of the village.8.About the sleeping sickness,the mayor________.A.is improving the environment thereB.is doing research about its harmsC.is asking people to leave the villageD.has sent many scientists to help the people9.The underlined word “baffled” in the third paragraph most probably means________.A.frightened B.confusedC.pleased D.shocked10.The whole population of the Kazakh village should be about________.A.120 people B.240 peopleC.360 people D.480 people11.The passage is intended to introduce________.A.Kazakhs' poor lifeB.a strange diseaseC.a Kazakh villageD.a kind-hearted mayorDListen carefully.Don't answer too quickly: At least,don't say “yes” too soon.A friend might ask, “Want to take a hike?”You should say, “Where?”If he replies,“The entire Appalachian Trail( 阿拉契亚山道),”take warning.Here's why.The trail is the longest marked footpath in the world.It starts at Springer Mountain, Georgia.It winds (蜿蜒)along the top of the mountains.It goes through 14 states.It ends at Mt.Katahdin, Maine.As the crow (乌鸦) flies,this is about 2,200 miles.But when walked,the trail is 2,600 miles.If done nonstop, it takes about sixmonths.Most hikers begin from Springer Mountain.They start around April 1.This is why.The snow has probably melted (融化) in the south.But there may still be snow in the north.By the time they reach Maine, the snow will be long gone.What's the chance of making it nonstop?Here are the data.About 1,500 attempt it each year.About 300 make it.It is a great challenge.Careful planning is necessary.There are problems to solve and the biggest one is the weights on one's back.Too many hikers start out with too much.Wise ones don't carry food and they send packages to post offices along the way.There are no campfires allowed.Some shelters are near the path.But the trail is crowded.It is hard to find space.A perfect tent is necessary.Every part of the Appalachian Trail has the potential to receive snowfall through early April.Mountains in the South,especially those above 5,000 feet, can receive snowfall sometimes deep-well into April.The highest peaks(顶峰) in Tennessee, North Carolina, and southwest Virginia,receive an average of close to 100 inches of snowfall a year.Be prepared for the conditions you may face! And it rains a lot.Great rain gear (雨具) is needed.It should be light.Benton MacKaye founded the trail.The first part was cut in 1922.It is cared for by volunteers in each state.Do you plan to go? Read lots of books by people who've done it.12.What is the text mainly about?A.The danger of extreme sports.B.Introduce the Appalachian Trail.C.Dangers of hiking in the wild.D.Great mountains in the world.13.The example of the crow in Paragraph 2 is used to________.A. show the trail's real distanceB.express the danger of hikingC.check the data of Springer Mountain's heightD.let people know the beautiful view of the Appalachian Trail14.Which of the following descriptions is TRUE about the Appalachian Trail?A. It goes through 14 mountains.B.It is 2,200 miles long and 2,600 meters high.C.It takes about six months for people to walk.D.It starts at Springer Mountain and ends at Mt.Katahdin.15.To hike the Appalachian Trail, one should________________.A.carry enough water and foodB.bring many maps and equipmentC.wear heavy and warm clothingD.send packages to post offices along the wayⅡ.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
高二英语必修第二册 Unit 5 单元测试卷-人教版(含答案)

高二英语必修第二册 Unit 5 单元测试卷-人教版(含答案)(满分:120分建议用时:120分钟)第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)A(2023·广东广州高二检测)When your pet has an emergency,first aid is not a substitute for veterinary(兽医的) treatment. However,before you are able to get your pet to a veterinarian,knowing some basic first aid can help.Bite WoundsApproach the pet carefully to avoid getting bitten. Wear a mask for the animal and then check the wound. Clean the wound with large amounts of saline solution(盐溶液). If it is not available,then regular water may be used. Wrap large open wounds to keep them clean.BleedingApply firm,direct pressure to the bleeding area until the bleeding stops. Hold the pressure for at least 10 minutes. Avoid bandages that cut off the circulation.Breathing StopsCheck to see if the animal is choking on a foreign object. If the animal is not breathing,place it on a firm surface with its left side up. Check for a heartbeat. If you hear a heartbeat but not breathing,close the animal’s mouth and breathe directly into its nose—not the mouth—until the chest expands. Repeat 12 to 15 times per minute.BurnsWash the burn immediately with large amounts of cool,running water. Apply an ice pack for 15—20 minutes. Do not place an ice pack directly on the skin. Wrap the pack in a light towel or other covers. If the animal has large quantities of dry chemicals on its skin,brush them off. Water may activate some dry chemicals.Fractures(骨折)Symptoms include pain,inability to use a limb(肢,肢体). Wear a mask for the pet and look for bleeding. If you can control the bleeding without causing more injury,then do so. Watch for signs of shock. Don’t try to set the fractures by pulling the limb. Transport the pet to a veterinarian immediately,supporting the injured part as best as you can.( )1.If your pet is burned by chemicals, you should ________.A.wash away the chemicals with saline solutionB.put an ice pack directly on the skinC.bind up the cut with a bandageD.get rid of them before washing( )2.What does the underlined word “substitute” in the first paragraph mean?A.That is necessary. B.That can replace other things.C.That is familiar to us. D.That can calm people.( )3.What’s the passage mainly about?A.Giving pets first aid. B.Treating sick pets.C.Dealing with an emergency. D.Working as a veterinarian.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。

【高二】人教版高二英语必修5全册检测试题(带答案)1优化方案•成功相伴英语必修5(配教•安徽专用)时训练1Unit 1 Great scientistsSection ⅡWaring Up ≈ Reading-Language PointsⅠ.品句填词1.The need to counicate is a key ________(特征)of huan society.2.I don’t knoho sent the gift,but I’ll ake soe ________(询问).3.You will be ________(指示)where to go as soon as the plane is ready.4.An active attitude towards life can help people deal with whatever________(挑战)they ay coe across in daily life.5.What ade you ________(怀疑)your best friend of having taken your necklace?6.She tried every eans to ________(改正) her child of the bad habit.Ⅱ.选词填空attend on;be absorbed in;expose;draw a conclusion;cure1.We’d better discuss together before ________________.2.I ________________the booust now and didn’t notice you enter the roo.3.The doctor ________________e of y illness,and I was very thankful to hi.4.Dr.artin hiself ________________the sick an last night.5.They consider it alost a crie to ________________children to violence and sex on TV.Ⅲ.单项填空1.(2021年东实验中学高二检测)No one has ________ anything better than the plan now under consideration.A.put up with B.coe upC.put forward D.coe up to2.(2021年合肥168中学高二检测)ary thought highly of the painting,but to r.Sith’s ________eye,the painting was terrible.A.eager B.extraC.exact D.expert3.(2021年白鹭洲高二检测)Her pale face suggested that she ________ badly ill and I suggested she ________to hospital without delay.A.be;should be sent B.was;be sentC.be;was sent D.was;was sent4.(2021年高考东卷)So sudden ________that the eney had no tie to escape.A.did the attack B.the attack didC.was the attack D.the attack was5.She was so________in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.A.attracted B.absorbedC.drawn D.focused6.He isn’t like his brother________in appearance________in character.A.both;and B.neither;norC.not only;but also D.either;or7.r.Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy, saying that he was not the one________.A.blaed B.blaingC.to blae D.to be blaed8.―Don’t forget to phone e when you get hoe.Just to let e know you’ve arrived safely.―I won’t forget.Goodbye then.―________.A.With pleasureB.It’s kind of youC.Don’t ention itD.Have a nice trip9.―________?―She is very lovely and has a pair of big eyes.A.What do you think of SusanB.What does Susan look likeC.How is SusanD.What is Susan10.The Food and Agriculture Organization says ore than forty billion dollars a year needs to be invested in agriculture to ________ world hunger, which is becoing ore and ore serious.A.defeat B.expandC.reject D.cureⅣ.阅读理解ichael Faraday was the son of a blacksith (铁匠).There were four children in his faily and, with his father often ill and unable to work,ichael Faraday had to earn his living fro an early age.This eant little or noschooling.However,the faily belonged to a religious group,and Faraday learnt to read and write at Sunday School.When he was only fourteen,Faraday found a job as a bookbinder (装订工).He used to read the books he was given to bind and he becae very interested in the scientific books,particularly the ones aboutelectricity.His interest soon took a practical path and he began conducting his own experients.These were very basic because Faraday had to ake all of his equipent hiself.However,he was very careful and kept a clear written record of all his findings.One day he was given an entrance ticket to the Royal Institute cheistry lecture,given by Huphry Davy.Deterined to work for this great scientist,he sent Davy a job application and included his laboratory reports on the experients he had carried out.In 1813,Davy offered Faraday a job as one of his laboratory assistants.Faraday learnt quickly and soon was recognized as a very able analytical ter he went to work at the Royal Institute.ichael Faraday was, perhaps,the greatest practical scientist of the 19th century.As a cheist,he discovered the benzene (苯),which is now the focal point of cheical study.He also proved the relationship between electricity and cheical bonding (化学键).As a physicist,he invented the dynao,which led to the later invention of the electric otor.He also discovered the effect of agnetis (磁) on light rays.1.Why did Faraday attend Sunday School?A.He had to work for a bookbinder at weekdays.B.He hoped to read any of the scientific books there.C.He would like to learn religious knowledge.D.His faily couldn’t afford his noral school education.2.When working as a bookbinder,Faraday________.A.published his great findings on electricityB.ade his own equipent for his experientsC.read any books by Huphry DavyD.gained his fae as a practical scientist3.In order to get a chance to work for Davy,Faraday ________.A.bought tickets to attend Davy’s lectureB.sent his experient reports to DavyC.went to the Royal Institute to visit DavyD.offered to do laboratory work for free4.We can learn fro the last paragraph that________.A.the electric otor was invented by FaradayB.electricity was Faraday’s bestknown findingC.Faraday’s research covered different field sD.Faraday was ore a cheist than a physicistⅤ.任务型读写Soking is one of the worst things kids can do to their bodies. Everysingle day, about 4,000 kids between the ages of 12 and 17 start soking. ost junior school students don’t soke-only about 1 in 10 does. ost senior school students don’t soke either -about 1 in 4 does.But why do those who soke ever begin? There’s ore than just one siple answer. Soe kids ay startsoking just because they’re curious. Others ay like the idea of doing soething that grownups don’t want the to do. Still others ight think soking is a way to act or soking akes the look like an adult.Luckily, fewer people are starting to soke than a few years ago. aybe that’s because ore and ore people have learned that soking can cause cancer and heart disease. Soeties kids don’t worry about what future illness they ight get.Nicotine and other poisonous cheicals in tobacco cause lots of diseases, like heart probles and soe kinds of cancer. If kids soke, it will hurt their lungs and hearts each tie they light up. It can also ake it ore difficult for blood to flow in the body, so sokers ay feel tired. The longer they soke, the worse the daage becoes.The huan body is sart, and it knows when it’s being poisoned. When kids try soking for the first tie, they often cough a lot and feel pain or burnt in their throats and lungs. This is their lungs’ way of trying to protect the. Also, any kids say that they feel sick to their stoachs or even throw up(呕吐).TitleKids and SokingTheeIt’s iportant to ake sure kids understand sok ing is bad for their1.______.2.______ that kids soke*Soe kids are just3.______about soking.*Others prefer to do things that adults4.______the to do.*Still others think soking is adult.5.______and they want to act like an adult.*Soeties kids fail to worry about the6.______they ight get in the future.7.______ to the body*Soking can 8.______in cancer and heart disease.*Those who soke ay have a 9.______of tiredness.*The first tie kids try soking,they often cough and feel pain or burnt in their throats and lungs.*Soking can ake kids feel 10.______to their stoachs.时训练2Section ⅢLearning about Language ≈ Using LanguageⅠ.品句填词1.The origins of the ________(宇宙)are still a ystery.2.The ay 4th ________(运动) of 1919 is very iportant in the history of China.3.Our teacher tells us that exercise ________(有助于)to good health.4.Several ________(热情的) young teachers have just started working at the school.5.She’s got a really ________(积极的)attitude to life.6.When her husband left hoe she felt ________(抛弃)and useless.Ⅱ.选词填空reject;be strict with;enthusiastic;ake sense of;ake sense;cautious1.I can’t ____________________this poe,but perhaps I will if I read it again.2.Although I ____________________ by the university, I didn’t lose heart.3.As she ____________ very __________________ her children, they developed a good studying habit.4.Only after finishing reading the passage can you find it____________________.5.With so any people watching hi, Ji was very ________________.6. He doesn’t sound ________________ about the place, in which his parents have ever worked.Ⅲ.单项填空1.(2021年临沂高二检测)I don’t think his reason for being late akes________.A.use B.senseC.value D.cause2.(2021年青岛高二检测)The teacher didn’t explain the proble clearly,so any students were ________.A.confusing B.ixingC.confused D.ixed3.(2021年石家庄高二检测)Fireen said the fire was under control,but they warned that the change in weather ight ________ a new fire.A.bring in B.break outC.result fro D.lead to4.(2021年湖州高二检测)The power station ________last year is a big one.A.having been built B.builtC.being built D.to be built5.(2021年河南实验中学高二检测)Only in this way ________to get there ahead of tie.A.you can hope B.you did hopeC.can you hope D.did you hope6.A sall but ________ crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.A.energetic B.enthusiasticC.enjoyable D.encouraged7.I cared for none of the presents ________the wonderful bag you boughtfor y 12th birthday.A.in addition to B.as well asC.in addition D.apart fro8.Franklin’s ability to learn fro observations andexperience________greatly to his success in public life.A.owed B.contributedC.attached D.related9.―How do you________we go to Beijing for our holidays?―I think we’d better fly there.It’s uch ore cofortable.A.insist B.wantC.suppose D.suggest10.Our students ought to ________our share to the coing college students’ sports eeting in our city.A.contribute B.constructC.instruct D.introduceⅣ.完形填空Every orning y friend would stop on the way to work to have a quick breakfast with her 8yearold son.Then she__1__hi off at school.They ate the sae thing every orning:an egg sandwich,juice,coffee for her,and ilk for hi.One day she ordered a(n)__2__breakfast.Once they finished eating and were heading out of the door,she__3__,said good orning to a hoeless an sitting outside of the__4__,and gave hi the breakfast she had ordered forhi.He__5__her,telling her it was his first eal during the lastseveral__6__.She cou ldn’t help but feel__7__and was glad she finallytook__8__.She told her son that she had seen the an every day that week there and that__9__,herself included,had offered hi__10__,support,food,ordrink.She__11__explained that hoelessness could happen to anyone and that it was iportant to__12__needy people.So her “Tradition of Kindness” __13__.Each day she and her son went onto__14__the hoeless an breakfast.The__15__was kept until they oved awayseveral years later,__16__the experience was firly pu t into her son’s ind.y friend__17__every tie she tells e that this “Tradition of Kindness” goes on with her son,who reebers this__18__tradition.Noorking in a copany,her son stops every orning at Starbucks for a coffee and offers a hoeless person a breakfast before going to the__19__.What a great tradition that he can__20__to his children as well!1.A.sent B.droppedC.called D.drove2.A.light B.expensiveC.ordinary D.extra3.A.stopped B.escapedC.backed D.hid4.A.shop B.arketC.hotel D.restaurant5.A.recognized B.refusedC.thanked D.found6.A.days B.inutesC.onths D.weeks7.A.cold B.goodC.strange D.nervous8.A.action B.tieC.care D.effect9.A.everyone B.soeoneC.no one D.anyone10.cation B.inforation C.cofort D.safety11.A.again B.furtherC.once D.first12.A.contact B.encourageC.follow D.help13.A.began B.existedC.failed D.changed14.A.win B.buyC.show D.award15.A.proise B.agreeentC.order D.practice16.A.although B.soC.but D.because17.A.cries B.jupsC.jokes D.siles18.A.school B.childhoodC.youth D.adulthood19.A.office B.cineaC.store D.library20.A.connect B.relateC.pass D.oveⅤ.阅读理解Researchers at Oregon State University(OSU)have ade iportant progress in work that should lead toward robots that can not only walk and run very well,but use little energy at the sae tie.Studies are oving closer to designing robots that could do dangerous work,create prosthetic libs(假肢)for huans that work uch better than in the past,or even help soe people who use wheelchairs to get“walking”abilities.“Researchers have been working toward robot oveent for a long tie,”said Jonathan Hurst,a professor at OSU.“What we’ve done is to study whatbehavior is really possible for a robot.”The oveent of huans and other anials is difficult to ing little energy,they can ove easily over hard areas,and enjoy balance fro uscles(肌肉).They have different ways to deal with forces,such as holding soething hard in place rigidly(牢牢地),like the act of holding a cup of coffee level during a car ride.In their recent studies,the OSU researchers proved that these two_abilities are utually exclusive(相互排斥的).Huans deal with this proble by using pairs of uscles.For a robot,the ore it’s able to do one of these tasks,the less able it is to do the other.Presently,robots that can walk and run ust be as rigid as possible while walking.But this way uses a lot of energy.The OSU researchers are working toward soething that has siilar or better perforance,but uses far less energy,and is closer to the abilities of anials.“So there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to build robots withgood oveent ability,”Hurst said.“Clearly this ight be useful in highly dangerous situations.But I could also see great iproveents possible with prosthetic libs that work uch better than present technology.”1.The robots being studied by researchers at OSU________.A.are successful nowB.use little energyC.do better than beforeD.can run faster than huans2.Which of the following have researchers been studying all the tie?A.The robots’ oveent.B.The robots’ weight.C.The robots’ sizes.D.The robots’ walking speed.3.The underlined words“two abilities”in Para.4 refer to________.A.walking and runningB.walking and holdingC.oving and using little energyD.oving and balancing4.According to Jonathan Hurst,we know that robots with good oveent ability________.A.can be used in edical scienceB.are only used in highly dangerous situationsC.will hardly be created in the futureD.will have a bad influence on an5.Which section of a newspaper is this passage probably taken fro?A.Business. B.Science.C.Environent. D.Advertiseent.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
高中英语人教版必修2(测试题)- 综合测试卷含答案

1.Why didn't the man visit the Great Wall?A.He was ill.B.He had no time.C.He didn't know the way to it.2.What do you know from the conversation?A.The man had to work over time.B.Henry failed to meet the man.C.The man had a traffic accident.3.What is the woman going to do next?A.Pick up her boyfriend somewhere.B.Go to the cinema.C.Meet her boyfriend at a park.4.What is the man doing?A.Playing in the rain.B.Watching a football match.C.Listening to the radio.5.What can't European children do on the Internet?A.Play computer games.B.Listen to music.C.Make films.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

(每题1.5分,共12分)1. The advertisement aims to attract the attention of ___________(housewife).2. A great deal of useful __________ (inform) about the organization can be acquired through the Internet.3. Not only is he ________ (gift) at science but also he shows great interest in it.4. The experience is so __________(forget) that I will treasure it for the rest of my life.5.He felt _______(guilt) about not telling the truth to the judge.6. To my surprise, at the door ________ (stand) a girl trembling in wet clothes.7. We need enough ________(prefession) engineers to undertake the job.8. _________(accuse) of cheating, the man was brought to the court.二.完成句子。
(每题3分,共15分)1. 只有那时他才意识到知识的重要性。
Only then __________ _________ __________ the importance of knowledge.2. 让我们高兴的是,他终于得到他所渴望的东西。
________ _________ ________, he eventually got what he ________ ________ ________.3. 老师要求所有学生专心做笔记。

A(2024山东淄博高二联考,易)The Barbican Art GalleryA world-class art and learning center, the Barbican pushes the boundaries of all major art forms including dance, film, music and theater.TicketsAdult:£10 online/£12 at the door13—17 years old: £6 online/£8 at the doorChildren aged 12 and under: FreeOpening TimesSat.—Wed.:9 am—6 pmThur.—Fri.:10 am—9 pmReviewsBy Steven AshmoreWhen traveling, I always look for museums and sites that have evening hours. We went to the Barbican Art Gallery on a Thursday evening and caught their recent Lee Krasner exhibition. It was fabulous. The gallery is two levels with numerous smaller spaces, making the exhibition an interesting and enjoyable experience.By Laura MillerI have just watched To Kill a Mockingbird here. The play and actors were fantastic. Nice and clean ladies' toilets with hot water. During the break, they were selling the usual ice cream and drinks. Not all staff were friendly, but most were. I would come again to watch another show or even the same one.1.How much would a couple with two kids aged 11 and 14 pay for the online tickets of the Barbican Art Gallery?A.£20.B.£26.C.£32.D.£36.2.You can visit the Barbican Art Gallery at .A.9 am on ThursdayB.8 pm on SundayC.10 am on MondayD.9 pm on Tuesday3.What did Miller like most about the Barbican Art Gallery?A.Drinks they sold.B.Its staff service.C.Its opening hours.D.The show they put on.B(中)Being blind at birth is tough in any case. But things were even harder for Srikanth Bolla who was born in a small village in India, where the common belief was that kids with disabilities were “of no use” and therefore, better off dead. Fortunately, Srikanth's parents loved their son and refused to give him up. Instead, they encouraged the blind boy to dream big and reach for the stars.Srikanth did not disappoint his parents. The now twenty-seven-year-old is the founder and CEO of Bollant Industries.Of course, getting here was not easy. Being both blind and poor meant that Srikanth had to face hard challenges. As a young boy, Srikanth attended a regular school near his home. Unfortunately, the students and teachers didn't quite like him because of his disability. As a result, the young boy was largely ignored and often spent the entire day alone.Concerned this would hold back Srikanth's development, his family decided to send him to a special school in Hyderabad. Sure enough, the young boy soon rose to the top of his class, winning awards in speech and debate competitions. But Srikanth was prevented from studying sciences when he reached 10th grade, because it was thought too “dangerous” for a blind student. Not wanting to give up, Srikanth took legal action and became the first blind student in the country allowed to study sciences.Later, after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Srikanth set up Bollant Industries in 2012. For just four years, it became a powerhouse with over 450 employees,70% of whom are physically challenged.Being disabled doesn't mean being unable. “If the world looks at me and says, ‘Srikanth, you can do nothing.’ I will look back at the world and say, ‘I can do anything.’” the young man says.4.Why was Srikanth sent to a special school?A.His parents became richer than before.B.He could be treated equally there.C.This school was free for disabled students.D.He was sent away by the regular school.5.What can we know about Srikanth from the text?A.He was born in a poor village.B.He cared about disabled people.C.His parents were strict with him in his study.D.He was loved by the villagers when he was young.6.What words can best describe Srikanth?A.Intelligent and determined.B.Active and honest.C.Patient and careful.D.Kind but stubborn.7.What can be the best title for the text?A.Chances Are EverywhereB.No Challenges, No SuccessC.A Big Dream Makes a DifferenceD.Disability Doesn't Mean Being UnableC(2024辽宁省试验中学高二月考,中)Max is a 23-year-old software developer who lives in San Francisco. He works for “one of the largest tech companies” in the area. The image of Max you have in your mind right now may be that of a Silicon Valley tech bro: A social, proud young man that shows off his salary and has preference for flashy cars. But his personal passions couldn't be further from that stereotype. Max moderates one of Reddit's biggest forums, r/furry_irl. He is what's commonly known as a “furry”.Furries are identified as animal characters with human traits (特征),and like to dress in animal suits. They go to meet-ups, comment in online groups, and attend conventions, just like any other shared-interest group. Being one or the first abnormal Internet groups to hit the mainstream, furries are often associated withnegative connections. While the mainstream media uses them as a socially awkward, unsuccessful, Internet loser, furries are having the last laugh. Because furries are, in fact, some of society's highest-earners.“Of the furries I've met, just about every single was either gainfully employed or still in school and working toward th eir future careers,” Max tells me. “I have plenty of friends who work at places like Facebook, Discord, Google.” Max isn't unusual in his mix of personal and professional interests: He tells me that most of his furry friends also worked making big money in tech. “On top of being hard workers,” he tells me, “they are just really nice people.” Max does hope that the growing knowledge of furries might help people change their opinions.8.What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?A.Max is satisfied with his work.B.Max has a passion for cars.C.Max is different from what people think of.D.The forum—r/furry_irl is the biggest forum for furries.9.What are furries according to the passage?A.People who often attend conventions.B.Animal characters with human qualities.C.Stories about humans and animals.D.Groups of people who share the same interest.10.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 suggest?A.Furries are so unsuccessful to be laughed at.B.What the mainstream media describe proves to be true.C.Furries always keep a good mood.D.Furries are often successful people with good careers.11.Which statement could be used to judge furries?A.A single flower doesn't make a spring.B.A faithful friend is hard to find.C.Don't judge a book by its cover.D.Great minds think alike.D(2024北京房山高二阶段考试,难)As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information, are people remembering less? If you know your computer will save information, why store it in your own personal memory—your brain? Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.In a recent study, Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team wanted to know whether the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment, they gave people 40 unimportant facts to type into a computer. The first group of people understood that the computer would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later, the second group remembered the information better. People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not try to remember it.In another experiment, the researchers gave people facts to remember, and told them where to find the information on the Internet. The information was in a specific computer folder (文件夹). Surprisingly, people later remembered the folder location better than the facts. When people use the Internet, they do not remember the information. Rather, they remember how to find it. This is called “tr ansactive(交互) memory”.According to Sparrow, we are not becoming people with poor memory as a result of the Internet. Instead, computer users are developing stronger transactive memory;that is, people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date. This doesn't mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.12.The passage begins with two questions to .A.introduce the main topicB.show the author's attitudeC.describe how to use the InternetD.explain how to store information13.What can we learn about the first experiment?A.Sparrow's team typed the information into a computer.B.The two groups remembered the information equally well.C.The first group did not try to remember the information.D.The second group did not understand the information.14.In transactive memory, people .A.keep the information in mindB.change the quantity of informationanize information like a computerD.remember how to find the information15.What is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrow's research?A.We are using memory differently.B.We are becoming more intelligent.C.We have poorer memory than before.D.We need a better way to access information.其次节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(每题2分)Passage 1The internet has changed the way we live and work. It has made communication faster and more convenient. People can now send emails, make video calls, and share information instantly. Online shopping and banking have also become popular due to the internet. However, the internet has also brought about some problems. Privacy issues and cybercrime have become more prevalent. Despite these challenges, the internet remains an essential part of modern life.1. What is the main advantage of the internet mentioned in the passage?A. It has made communication faster.B. It has made online shopping popular.C. It has increased privacy issues.D. It has caused cybercrime.2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the internet?A. Faster communication.B. Increased privacy issues.C. Convenient online banking.D. Instant information sharing.Passage 2Many people believe that learning a second language is beneficial. It can improve cognitive skills, enhance memory, and increase cultural understanding. Additionally, being bilingual can open up job opportunities and make traveling easier. However, learning a second language can be challenging and time-consuming. It requires dedication and practice. Despite the difficulties, the benefits of learning a second language far outweigh the challenges.3. What are some benefits of learning a second language?A. Improved cognitive skills and job opportunities.B. Enhanced memory and easier traveling.C. Increased cultural understanding and better communication.D. All of the above.4. What is a challenge in learning a second language?A. It requires dedication.B. It is time-consuming.C. Both A and B.D. None of the above.二、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选择最佳选项填空。

期末测试卷第一部分:听力(共两节,每题 1 分,满分20 分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。
第一节听下边 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最正确选项。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间往返答相关小题和阅读下一小题。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分)回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观答题卡上第一节(共 5 小题;每题 1 分,满分 5 分 )听下边 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应地点。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间往返答相关小题和阅读下一小题。
每段对话仅读一遍1. What time is it?A. 11:15.B. 11:30.C. 12:15.2.What will the woman probably do?A.Wait to see if the problem will disappear.B.Ask the man to repair her fridge.C.Call a repairman soon.3.What does the woman mean?A.She is too busy.B.She will type the work plan.C. She wants to be the man’ssecretary.4. What are the speakers probably?A. Workers.B. Students.C. Sales people.5.What do we know about the man?A.He doesn ’tsurf online very much.B.His friends have stopped phoning him.C.He spent much time on the Internet.第二节(共 15 小题;每题 1 分,满分15 分 )听下边 4 段对话或独白。
外研版高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4 单元检测题(含答案)

外研版高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4 单元检测题(含答案)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
ADiscover Nature Schools ProgramsAll programs include outdoor time, so please help children prepare with proper clothing,sunscreen and insect repellent(驱虫剂) as needed.Each program is taught for a class with a minimum of 10 students and maximum of 125 students.To schedule a program, please email deprograms@.Acorn to Oak(K-2 grade, 1.5-2 hours)From seed to shade tree, the oak(橡树) changes through the seasons and the years.Through exploration, students will understand the life cycle of a tree. On a hike, students will explore various life stages of oak tree, taking a closer look. Creation of a tree relief sculpture using recycled wood products helps students review and understand their new knowledge.Outdoor Sensations(K-2 grade, 1.5-2 hours)The natural world is filled with sights, sound and smells. Students will see live animals and learn how wild animals rely on their senses to find food and survive. Spending time outside students will participate in various handson activities,focusing on each of their senses(not taste) to better experience the natural world.Winged Wonders(3-5 grade,3-4 hours)Birds add color and sound to our world and fill an important ecological role. Students will learn the basics of bird identification, understand the role birds play in food chains and go birdwatching using field guides and telescopes. Using hammer and nails, students will build a bird feeder,allowing them to attract birds at home.Exploring Your Watershed(6-8 grade, 3-4 hours)We all live in a watershed(流域) and depend on clean water. Examine how our actions shape the waterways around us.Interact with the Brush Creek Model and go on a hike to see firsthand some of the challenging water quality issues in an urban setting. Students will assess water quality using live fish to determine the health of an ecosystem.21.According to the text,students who participate in Acorn to Oak can . A.understand various uses of an oak treeB.learn about characters of various treesC.take a closer look at various treesD.know different life stages of an oak tree22.Which of the following programs helps students experience natural world through their different senses?A.Acorn to Oak.B.Exploring Your Watershed.C.Winged Wonders.D.Outdoor Sensations.23.In the program Winged Wonders, students will .A.learn how to build bird feedersB.know how to cook birds as foodC.have teachers as their field guidesD.stay there at most two hoursBThe moment I was born, I seemed to be part of a set, as if my twin brother David and I were a package deal. We faced constant comparisons in our physical appearance. People were always comparing our personalities and academic performances as well! These constant comparisons made me decide not to go to the same university as my twin brother.That is not to say we didn’t have good academic experiences in the past or didn’t get along. In eleventh grade, we were placed in the same math experimental class. I recall arriving early to the first class and being a bit disappointed when I saw David already seated at his desk. It is hard to avoid comparisons when we were in the same class. However, we found that we actually worked well together, in our own way. We would argue about the best way to solve a problem and debate its answer. As the year went on, I noticed that our teacher kept moving us closer and closer together. Our argument was actually productive.However, we were two very different candidates. I was very involved in extracurricular(课外的) activities, while David had better test scores than I did. I’m fond of writing while David enjoys playing computer games. I am currently studying English and French at McGill University, while David is studying computer science at Union College.Besides escaping comparisons, there have been other benefits to going to different universities. The first one is that we are forced to talk to each other, as we no longer see each other every day. This is healthier for our relationship. The second, also the more important one, is that after having so many similar experiences together we can have our own experiences separate from one another.Going to a different university has benefited me thus far. It allows for more personal growth, and I’m not attached to the label of being a twin.24.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Why Do People Like to Compare Me with My Twin Brother?B.Why Am I Choosing a Different University with My Twin Brother?C.What Are Some Main Benefits of Being Twin Brothers at School?D.How Can Twin Brothers Get Along Well with Each Other at School?25.What can be inferred about the author?A.He was fed up with people’s comparisons.B.He was glad to hear people’s comparisons.C.He is more handsome than David.D.He was better at academic subjects than David.26.What does the author think of him and David studying in the same math experimental class? A.Boring. B.Harmful.C.Awful. D.Beneficial.27.The author chose to go to a different university in order to .A.avoid seeing DavidB.escape arguing with DavidC.pursue a different experienceD.strengthen bonds with DavidCFor some parents, hitting a child who misbehaves is a common punishment. In fact, they may think that a physical type of punishment is good for children and will teach them to behave in the future.However, a leading group of child health specialists suggest that the opposite is true. These experts say that hitting is not only ineffective, but may even cause longterm harm to the child. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently changed its policy on physical punishment for a child. Released in October, the academy warns that hitting a child may have longterm effects. These effects include “aggression, brain changes, substance abuse and suicidal behavior in adulthood”. The report admits that not every child who is spanked will have these problems later in life. It makes this observation: “Although many children who were spanked become happy, healthy adults, current evidence suggests that hitting is not necessary and may result in longterm harm.”In recent years, many American experts have been advising parents against the use of physical punishment. Many other countries have already banned corporeal(肉体的) punishment. Sweden was the first nation to do so in 1966. Earlier studies have shown that corporeal punishment can alsoaffect a child’s ability to think and learn. In 2012, a Canadian study found that hitting children can cause longterm developmental damage and may even lower a child’s intelligence test scores. The American Academy of Pediatrics also warns against using strong verbal abuse or shame to discipline a child. These types of punishment can also cause longterm problems for a child. Instead, they suggest other types of punishment that are appropriate for the age of the child.For younger children, punishment could be taking away a favorite toy. For older children, a parent can limit the time the child spends watching television or playing with computers or electronic games.28.What can we know according to the experts?A.Spanking a child is not effective but harmful.B.Sweden was the first country to spank a child in 1996.C.The study from Canada found that spanking children can lower children’s grades.D.Many American experts found spanking a child can cause antisocial behavior.29.Which of the following best explains “discipline” underlined in Paragraph 3? A.Protect. B.Control.C.Persuade. D.Punish.30.What does the author intend to say in the last paragraph?A.We should take away younger children’s favorite toys as punishment.B.As for older children,we need to allow them to watch TV or play games.C.Different children should be given different ways to punish.D.It may be ineffective for younger or older children to have punishment.31.What is the text mainly about?A.A physical type of punishment.B.The results of punishment.C.Different countries have different types of punishment.D.How to punish the mischievous children.答案ADCAD“Small enough to fit in your hands but too dangerous to hold” is a good description of the hedgehog.Though small,it is able to protect itself from attack or harm.Thousands of stiff,sharp spines cover the animal’s back and sides.Even though spines provide the hedgehog with effective protection,the animal’s most striking characteristic is its practice of curling up into a tight ball,with its spines sticking out in all directions.The hedgehog curls up if disturbed or frightened—only the strongest animals can open it.It also sleeps in this position,so it is rarely caught unprotected.Hedgehogs can live in a wide range of climates and lands in East Africa.They must have dry shelters on welldrained soil and a good supply of insects.Nairobi,the capital of Kenya in East Africa,meets these habitat conditions,where hedgehogs are reported to be abundant.A hedgehog uses a small home range with an approximate 120yard radius(半径范围) from its nest.The hedgehog makes loud noises if its range is invaded by another animal.The hedgehog wakes up at dusk and begins its activities alone.It uses regular pathways,walking along on its short legs searching for food.A hedgehog will eat about onethird of its body weight in one night.Its favorite foods are insects,earthworms and snails,making it a welcome guest in many gardens—it is even kept as a pet.It is also known to eat eggs,small mammals,birds,frogs,reptiles,and roots.Although not completely immune to poison,hedgehogs have enough resistance to allow them to eat poisonous snakes.32.While facing danger,the hedgehog .A.stands straight upB.makes loud noisesC.goes back to its nestD.uses its spines for protection33.The second paragraph is mainly about hedgehogs’.A.appearance B.habitatC.diet D.hunting skills34.According to Paragraph 3,the hedgehog is .A.active at nightB.afraid of snakesC.keeping away from gardensD.totally immune to poisons35.It can be inferred from the text that .A.there is a lot of rain in NairobiB.hedgehogs are cooperative animalsC.hedgehogs always stay on guard against dangerD.there is an increasing trend towards keeping pet hedgehogs答案DBAC第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

【高二】人教版高二英语必修5全册检测试题(带答案)2时训练3Unit 2 The United KingdoSection ⅡWaring Up ≈ Reading-Language PointsⅠ.品句填词1.Anyone who knows how any ________(省) there are in China,please raise your hand.2.We are not sure whether she is planning to join the ________(联盟).3.The bank close to y hoe can supply you with foreign ________(货币).4.He studied classical ________(建筑学) and design in Roe about twenty years ago.5. As a headaster,ore of his tie is taken up with ________(管理) thanwith teaching.6.Tokyo University is the ost iportant educational ________(机构)in Japan.Ⅱ.选词填空take the place of;break away fro;be linked to;clarify;divide... into...1.Although the eagazine has g reatly developed, it stillcan’t________________paper agazines.2.He deterined to ________________ his faily and has gone to live in Australia.3.Generally speaking, lung disease ________________ soking.4.After World War Two,Gerany________________two separate countries.5.The governent has ________________its position on equal pay for woen any ties.Ⅲ.单项填空1.(2021年安庆市高二检测)Internet has had a strong ________ on our lives.A.difference B.defenseC.confidence D.influence2.(2021年濮阳高二检测)―I a terribly sorry.I shouldn’t have lost y teper.―You ________at e but that’s OK.A.do shout B.have shoutedC.is shouting D.did shout3.(2021年高考安徽卷)China has got a good ________ for fighting against the flu with its careful and sooth organization.A.reputation B.influenceC.ipression D.knowledge4.(2021年高考湖南卷)―The food here is nice enough.―y friend ________e a right place.A.introduces B.introducedC.had introduced D.was introducing5.(2021年潍坊高二调研)―Will you be ________this afternoon, Sauel?―It depends. I’ afraid I’ll watch NBA.A.suitable B.convenientC.accurate D.available6.The father as well as his three children ________skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.A.is going B.goC.goes D.are going7.Teachers often use illustrations to ________language points thatare________the students.A.handle;puzzled B.express;puzzlingC.clarify;puzzling D.conclude;puzzled8.(2021年浙江宁波高二检测)When ________,the useu will be open to the public next year.A.copleted B.copletingC.to be copleted D.it copleted9.As for the accident,he only told us the ain facts,________ost of the details.A.putting out B.taking outC.bringing out D.leaving out10.We have worked together in harony for any years, and I findit________with the.A.worthy of working B.useless to workC.worthy working D.worthwhile workingⅣ.阅读理解The U.S.Postal Service delivers(递送)ail through rain and snoBut people who look forward to receiving ail on Saturdays ay soon be disappointed.In order to cut costs,Postaster General John Potter has suggested reducing ail delivery by one day per week.Fro 2021 to 2021,the aount of ail in the United States dropped by nearly 26 billion pieces.The ain reasons for the decline(下降)have nothing to do with bad weather or barking dogs.In the Internet age,any people are choosing eail over writing letters.They are paying bills online instead of ailing checks(支票).The weak econoy and serious copetition fro private carriers,such as FedEx and UPS,have also led to the decline.As a result,the Postal Service lost $3.8 billion last year.On arch 2,Potter delivered ore bad news:Without ajor changes,the Postal Service ay lose $238 billion over the next 10 years.Not everyone is for the idea.“Saturday is an iportant deliveryday,”Jason Chaffetz told The Washington Post.Instead of cutting Saturdayservice,Chaffetz suggests creating postal“holidays”on the slowest delivery days each year.He says that cutting Saturday service will delay(推迟)iportant deliveries,such as edicines.And people without coputers don’t have the choice of paying bills online.Supporters of the plan say it is a difficult but iportant step.The Postal Service projects that cutting one day of deliveries per week could save $3.5 billion per year.any Aericans are behind the new postal plan.In a 2021 Gallup Poll,66 percent of people surveyed said they were for reducing delivery frosix days to five to help the Postal Service balance its budget(开支).Soe supporters say getting used to a new delivery schedule would not be a proble for ost people.They also say that people who need Saturday delivery could use private carriers.1.The U.S.Postal Service cancels Saturday’s delivery to ________.A.reduce regular ailsB.cut down expenseC.give carriers enough tie to restD.iprove its service2.The aount of ail in the US declined fro 2021 to 2021 because of all the following EXCEPT ________.A.bad weatherB.hot copetitionC.the poor econoyD.the developent of the Internet3.According to the passage,Jason Chaffetz ________.A.has no coputers at hoeB.is coplaining about slow delivery of the Postal ServiceC.is disappointed about cutting Saturday serviceD.insists the Postal Service deliver ail every day4.We can learn fro the last paragraph that ________.A.reducing delivery fro six days to five does n’t ake uch differenceB.few Aericans are for the new postal plan of the Postal ServiceC.few people are willing to use private carriers in the USD.a lot of people are wishing the Postal Service a good futureⅤ.任务型读写Do you know anything about the Nile? It is the longest river in the world and flows about 6,677 k through Eastern Africa fro its ost reote sources in Burundi to a delta on the editerranean Sea in Northeast Egypt. The ain headstreas, the Blue Nile and the White Nile, join at Khartou in Sudan to for the Nile proper. The river has been used for irrigation in Egypt since atleast 4000 B. C., a function now regulated largely by the Aswan High Da.The source of the Nile and its life-giving flood were a ystery to the people of the world for centuries. First, Ptoley held that the source was the “ountain of the oon”, and the search for the origin of the Nile attracted uch attention of the people in the 18th and 19th centuries.Then Jaes Bruce, the Scottish explorer, went to look for the source and identified Lake Jana as the source of the Blue Nile in 1770. And later, John Spike, the British explorer, went to search for the source of another branch of the Nile. He is credited with the identification of Lake Victoria and Ripon Falls as the source of the White Nile.Now the people along the Nile love it so uch that they are trying alltheir best to protect it while they ake good use of it for agriculture irrigation, industry and their daily life.The NileStatusThe longest 1.______in the world2.______6,677 kSourceIn 3.______DestinationThe editerranean Sea4.______The Blue Nile5.______at Khartou in Sudan.The White Nile6.______ of the origin of theNileperson7.______ConclusionJaes BruceScottishIdentified Lake Jana as the source of the Blue8.______.John SpikeBriuchAnnounced Lake Victoria and Ripon Falls as the source of the 9.______Nile.Presentsituation10.______Use for agriculture iigation,industry and people’s daily life.时训练4Section ⅢLearning about Language ≈ Using LanguageⅠ.品句填词1.We were very busy so there was no tie to go ________(观光) while in Roe.2.The football tea that won the first in the World Cup was givena_r________ welcoe by the crazy fans at hoe.3.She will probably take great pride in wearing school ________(制服).4.Since you are sent to work with Jack, it will be a s________opportunity to practise your English.5.C________ is the political belief that all people are equal and that workers should control the eans of producing things.6.What you say now is not ________(一致的) with what you said last week.Ⅱ.选词填空uch to one’s delight; consist of; arrange for; in eory of; bethrilled at1.I have ________________ a car to eet the foreign guests.You needn’t go there.2.The edical tea ________________ ten doctors and fifteen nurses set off on a trip to Sichuan last night.3.We ________________the good news that our tea won the first.4.We set up a onuent ________________ the heroes.5.________________________, his son has been aditted to Beijing University.Ⅲ.单项填空1.(2021年东营高二检测)It’s nearly ten o’clock and father is ________to coe back at any oent.A.possible B.likelyC.able D.alike2.(2021年池州高二检测)________,I passed the ost difficult exa I have ever had.A.It’s y pleasureB.To y disappointentC.To y delightD.To y anger3.(2021年株洲高二检测)________,the young girl laughs in the way________her other did at that age.A.To y disappointent;thatB.To y joy;in whichC.To y surprise;/D.To y exciteent;which4.(2021年三明高二检测)It’s said that he lives in England in a________house with all odern ________.A.furnishing;convenienceB.furnishing;conveniencesC.furnished;convenienceD.furnished;conveniences5.―Why do you suggest we buy a new achine?―Becau se the old one has been daaged ________.A.beyond reach B.beyond repairC.beyond control D.beyond description6.On hearing the news that her husband was killed by Pakistani separatists, the wife________.A.broke away B.broke outC.broke down D.broke up7.―Why do you look sad?―There are so any probles ________.A.reaining to settleB.reained settlingC.reaining to be settledD.reained to be settled8.He kept his eyes ________and stayed where he was.A.shut B.to be shutC.shutting D.to shut9.It sees strange that the rich woan who owns a copany________vegetables in a arket every weekend.A.sells B.has soldC.should sell D.should have sold10.________attracts ost of the visitors to the park is that there is a special kind of water fro a spring tasting sweet.A.Which B.WhatC.That D.WhyⅣ.完形填空I did very badly at school and no one liked e.y brother thought I was__1__and when I was 14 he said,“You’re never going to be __2__but a failure.”After five years of __3__jobs,I fell in love with a very niceiddleclass girl.It was the best __4__that could have happened to e.I __5__I wanted to do soething positive with y life because I wanted to prove to__6__that what people said about e was __7__.Especially her other,who had said to e,“Let’s __8__it,you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.”So I tried hard with y __9__andwent to college.y first novel__10__while I was at college.any of y fellow students adired e very uch and y girl friend was also very proud.After college I taught during the __11__in high schools and attended evening class at London University,where I got a __12__in history.I becae a lecturer at a college and was thinking of __13__ that job to write full tie __14__I was offered a parttie job at Leeds University,I began to feel proud of yself-__15__was a working class boy who’d __16__school early,now teaching at the university.y writing career took off when I discovered y own style.Now I’ rich an d __17__,have been on TV,and et lots of fil stars.__18__what does it ean?I __19__wish all the people that have put e down had __20__:“I believe in you.You’ll succeed.”1.A.bright B.uselessC.siple D.hopeful2.A.anything B.soethingC.everything D.nothing3.A.low B.poorC.good D.useful4.A.support B.happinessC.surprise D.thing5.A.aditted B.decidedC.planned D.told6.A.e B.theC.her D.it7.A.wrong B.rightC.stupid D.faulty8.A.see B.knowC.understand D.face9.A.experient B.practiceC.writing D.coposition10.A.cae on B.cae inC.cae out D.cae back11.A.day B.nightC.onth D.year12.A.graduation B.passC.degree D.success13.A.giving in B.giving back C.giving out D.giving up14.A.while B.ifC.when D.or15.A.there B.hereC.it D.that16.A.left B.attendedC.changed D.graduated17.A.tired B.calC.nervous D.faous18.A.And B.ButC.However D.Well19.A.just B.exactlyC.so D.very20.A.praised B.saidC.answered D.advisedⅤ.阅读理解The report cae to the British on ay 21,1941.The Geran battleship Bisarck,the ost powerful warship in the world,was oving out into the AtlanticOcean.Her task:to destroy the ships carrying supplies fro the United Statesto wartorn England.The British had feared such a task.No warship they had could atch the Bisarck in speed or in firepower.The Bisarck had eight 15inch guns and 81saller guns.She could ove at 30 nautical iles(海里)an hour.She was believed to be unsinkable.However,the British had to sink her.They sent out a task force headed by their best battleship Hood to hunt down the Bisarck.On ay 24,the Hood foundthe Bisarck.It was a eeting that the Geran coander Luetjens did not want to see.His orders were to destroy the British ships that were carrying supplies,but to stay away fro a fight with British warships.The battle didn’t last long.The Bisarck’s first torpedo(鱼雷)hit the Hood,which went down taking all but three of her 1,419 en with her.But in the fight,the Bisarck was slightly daaged.Her coander decided torun for repairs to France,which had at that tie been taken by the Gerans.The British force followed her.However,because of the Bisarck’s speed and the heavy fog,they lost sight of her.For two days,every British ship in the Atlantic tried to find the Bisarck,but with no success.Finally,she was sighted by a plane fro Ireland.Trying to slow the Bisarck down so that their ships could catch up with her,the British fired at her fro the air.The Bisarck was hit.On the orning of ay 27,the last battle was fought.Four British shipsfired on the Bisarck,and she was finally sunk.1.The Bisarck sailed into the Atlantic Ocean ________.A.to sink the HoodB.to gain control of FranceC.to cut off Aerican supplies to BritainD.to stop British warships reaching Gerany2.any people believed that the Bisarck could not be defeated because she ________.A.was fast and powerfulB.had ore en on boardC.was under Luetjens coandD.had bigger guns than other ships3.We learn fro the text that on ay 24________.A.the British won the battle against the BisarckB.the Bisarck won the battle against the BritishC.the British gunfire daaged the Bisarck seriouslyD.the Bisarck succeeded in keeping away fro theBritish4.Luetjens tried to sail to France in order to ________.A.have the ship repairedB.join the other GeransC.get help fro the FrenchD.get away fro the British5.Which of the following is the iediate cause of the sinking of the Bisarck?A.The British air strikes.B.The daage done by the Hood.C.Gunfire fro the British warships.D.Luetjen’s decision to run for France.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

AJacob’s Pillow Dance FestivalWhere:Becket,MassachusettsWhen:Jun.15—Aug.24Each summer,this influential dance center presents a number of classes and performances by more than50companies from around the world.Highlights(最精彩的部分)in this season include the Dance Theater of Harlem’s production of Alvin Ailey’s The Lark Ascending,which opens the festival.Many events are free.Ticketed performances start at$22.Moab Music FestivalWhere:Moab,UtahWhen:Aug.29—Sept.9This area is better known for mountain biking than music.But since1992,it has hosted a private festival that brings classical,jazz,Latin and other types of music to the land.This year there will be16concerts,including three“Grotto Concerts”,where guests take a45-minute boat ride down the Colorado River to performances.Events start at$25.Cheyenne Frontier DaysWhere:Cheyenne,WyomingWhen:July19—28There is something for everyone at this117-year-old festival,from an“Indian village and Old West museum” to country concerts.But the competition is still the main attraction,with cowboys and cowgirls competing for major money on the world’s largest outdoor stage.Competition tickets start at$18,and concert tickets at$23.The Glimmerglass FestivalWhere:Cooperstown,New YorkWhen:July6—Aug.24Each summer,opera lovers from around the country travel to upstate New York to watch productions that include stars like Nathan Gunn and Ginger Costa-Jackson.Thisyear’s performances include Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman and Verdi’s King for a Day,in honor of the200th birthdays of both composers(作曲家).Tickets start at$26.1.If you are interested in dance performances,which date suits you best?A.June6.B.June28.C.August29.D.September9.2.Where can you watch a competition and enjoy concerts?A.Becket,Massachusetts.B.Moab,Utah.C.Cheyenne,Wyoming.D.Cooperstown,New York.3.If you are a big fan of Wagner,which one should you choose?A.Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival.B.The Glimmerglass Festival.C.Cheyenne Frontier Days.D.Moab Music Festival.BThat cold January night,I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco.There I was,walking home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater.With opening night only a week away,I was still learning my lines.I was having trouble dealing with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time.As Iwalked,I thought seriously about giving up both acting and San Francisco.City life had become too much for me.As I walked down empty streets under tall buildings,I felt very small and cold.I began running,both to keep warm and keep away from any possible robbers(抢劫犯). Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people under blankets.About a block away from my apartment,I heard a sound behind me.I turned quickly,half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun.The street was empty.All I saw was a shining streetlight.Still,the noise had made me nervous,so I started to run faster.Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been.It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.Suddenly I wasn’t cold or tired any more.I ran out of the door and backed to where I’d heard the noise.Although I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen minutes,my wallet was nowhere to be found.Just as I was about to give up the search,I heard the garbage truck(垃圾车)pull up to the sidewalk next to me.When a voice called from the inside,“Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming.How could this man know my name?The door opened,and out jumped a small red-haired man with an amused look in his eyes.“Is this what you’re looking for?” he asked,holding up a small square shape.It was nearly3a.m.by the time I got into bed.I wouldn’t get much sleep that night, but I had got my wallet back.I also had got back some enjoyment of city life.I realized that the city wouldn’t be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other.4.How did the writer feel when she was walking home after work?A.Cold and sick.B.Lucky and hopeful.C.Satisfied and cheerful.D.Disappointed and helpless.5.On her way home the writer.A.lost her wallet unknowinglyB.was stopped by a garbage truck driverC.was robbed of her wallet by a man with a knifeD.found some homeless people following her6.In the fifth paragraph,why did the writer say she was dreaming?A.Someone offered to take her back home.B.A red-haired man came to see her.C.She heard someone call her name.D.Her wallet was found in a garbage truck.7.From the text,we can infer that the writer.A.would stop working at nightB.would stay on in San FranciscoC.would make friends with cleanersD.would give up her job at the bankCChinese cuisine(烹饪)is widely known and enjoyed all around the world.Who doesn’t long for a favorite Chinese dish?But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West,and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East—the ancient custom of“tonic(滋补品) food”.Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one’s well-being or avoid sickness.For instance,it was once the custom for new mothers to eat a sesame oil(芝麻油)hot pot every day for the first month after giving birth.It was believed that this dish would benefit the muscles,reduce pain,improve circulation,stimulate sweating, and warm the body.Some foods,such as goat meat and spinach,are seen as being “hot”,while others,such as Chinese cabbage and radish,are seen as being“cold”. One should be careful not to eat too much of either“hot” or“cold” food.However, how much“hot” or“cold” food one should eat depends on the time of the year, how the food is prepared,what it is prepared with,and the individual’s health.The custom of employing tonic food for a healthier life also influences the catering industry.Chinese herbal medicines,such as wolfberry(枸杞子),can be found on many a restaurant menu,either added to fruit tea or as a beneficial addition to a dish.These herbs attract customers,such as overworked office staff,in need of a modestpick-me-up.So,whether you need to boost your strength with a large helping of chicken soup, or increase your mental powers with a serving of pig’s brain soup,you may find that this ancient Chinese custom could be just the tonic food you were looking for.8.What is the present situation of tonic food?A.It is catching less attention.B.It is enjoyed by many young people.C.It is well known worldwide.D.It is becoming increasingly popular.9.What is believed to benefit new mothers?A.Chinese cabbage.B.Fruit tea.C.Sesame oil hot pot.D.Pig’s brain soup.10.Which of the following best explains“catering” underlined in Paragraph3?A.Medicine.B.Restaurant.cation.D.Fashion.11.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.The Charm of Chinese CuisineB.The Popularity of Tonic FoodC.An Introduction to Chinese Tonic FoodD.Differences Between Hot Food and Cold FoodDStrangers Under the Same RoofDoes every dinner with your parents seem to turn into an argument?Have your once warm and open conversations become cold and guarded?Do you feel that you justcannot see eye to eye with them on anything?You are not alone.Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.Teenagers’physical changes may result in such family tensions.You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate from your friends,shooting up in height or getting left far behind.You might worry about your changing voice,weight problems or spots(粉刺).When it all gets too much,your parents are often the first targets of your anger.It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too.You enter a strange middle ground—no longer a small child but not quite an adult.You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents’love and support. You feel ready to be more responsible and make decisions on your own.Unfortunately, your parents do not always agree and that makes you feel unhappy.“Why can’t they just let me go?” you may wonder.On the other hand,when you are struggling to control your feelings,you wish they could be more caring and patient—sometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride.It can be difficult when your parents treat you like a child but expect you to act like an adult.All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship.Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family,you can take action to improve the situation.The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication.When you disagree with your parents,take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view.Perhaps they have experienced something similar and do not want you to go through the same pain.After you havethought it through,explain your actions and feelings calmly,listen carefully,and address their concerns.Through this kind of healthy discussion,you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.Just remember that it is completely a common thing to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create,and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.The good news is that this stormy period will not last. Everything will turn out all right in the end,and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will prepare you for adulthood.12.The first paragraph is mainly introducing.A.the importance of close family relationshipsB.the quarrels between teenagers and their parentsC.the wall of trust between parents and their teenagersD.the common conversations between parents and children13.What mainly causes the teenager family tensions according to the author?A.Their parents’attitude towards them.B.Parents’strict control over their teenagers.C.Parents’expectations of their children’s development.D.Teenagers’physical changes and their mental needs.14.What would the author agree according to the passage?A.Parents should let go of the control over their teenagers.B.Teenagers should always follow their parents’points of view.C.Parents and teenagers should always keep open conversations.D.Teenagers should not depend on their parents’love and support.15.The author thinks the stress that family tensions cause is.A.normalB.terribleC.avoidableD.natural第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

人教版高中英语必修2试题及答案精选一、选择题1. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. He has gone to the library.B. He has been to the library.C. He has been in the library.D. He has gone in the library.答案:A2. Which of the following is a correct way to express "He is taller than me."?A. He is taller than I.B. He is taller than I am.C. He is taller than my.D. He is taller than I'm.答案:B3. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. The book is interesting and I enjoy it.B. The book is interesting but I don't enjoy it.C. The book is interesting so I don't enjoy it.D. The book is interesting or I enjoy it.答案:A4. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. He can't ride a bike and swim.B. He can't ride a bike nor swim.C. He can't ride a bike or swim.D. He can't ride a bike and nor swim.答案:C5. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. I wish I were a bird.B. I wish I am a bird.C. I wish I was a bird.D. I wish I had been a bird.答案:A二、完形填空In the following passage, there are 10 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best fits into the passage.Last Sunday, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. It was a sunny day, so we decided togo for a walk in the nearby park. We saw many birds (1) _______ in the trees and heard the (2) _______ of the flowing river. It was so beautiful and (3) _______that I felt as if I were in a dream.(1) A. singing B. flying C. dancing D. jumping(2) A. sound B. voice C. noise D. music(3) A. peaceful B. quiet C. calm D. silent答案:(1)B (2)A (3)A三、阅读理解In the following passage, there are 5 questions or unfinished statements. Each question is followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.Passage:As we all know, exercise is important for our health. It can help us to maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve our mental health. However, many people find it difficultto fit exercise into their busy schedules. Here are some tips to help you make exercise a part of yourdaily routine.First, find an activity that you enjoy. Whetherit's running, swimming, cycling, or yoga, choosing an activity that you love will make it easier to stickwith it. Second, set realistic goals. Don't expect to exercise for an hour every day right from the start. Begin with small goals, such as a 10-minute walk each day, and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts.Third, schedule your workouts. Put them on your calendar just like any other appointment. This will help you to prioritize exercise and make it a habit. Fourth, find a workout partner. Exercising with a friend can make the experience more enjoyable and help keep you motivated.1. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The importance of exercise.B. The benefits of exercise.C. Tips for fitting exercise into your daily routine.D. The difficulties of exercise.答案:C2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of exercise?A. Maintaining a healthy weight.B. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases.C. Improving mental health.D. Improving physical appearance.答案:D3. What is the first tip mentioned in the passage?A. Find an activity that you enjoy.B. Set realistic goals.C. Schedule your workouts.D. Find a workout partner.答案:A4. According to the passage, what should you do if you want to make exercise a habit?A. Exercise for an hour every day.B. Begin with small goals and gradually increase them.C. Exercise only on weekends.D. Find a professional trainer.答案:B5. What is the purpose of finding a workout partner?A. To make the experience more enjoyable.B. To increase the intensity of the workout.C. To learn new exercises.D. To compete with each other.答案:A四、书面表达假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信询问中国的传统节日。
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高二英语必修测试题及答案集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]高二英语必修(5)测试试题注意事项:1. 本试卷由选择题和非选择题两大部分组成。
2. 1—65题涂在答题卡上。
A涂A; B涂B; C涂C; D涂D; E涂AB;F涂AC; G涂AD.第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
1. A. / B./ C./D. /A.B.C.D.2. contribute A./kntrbt/ B. /kntrbj:t/ C./kntrbt/ D./kntrbj:t/ remindA.B.C.D.A./sepB.rt/C./sprD.rt/第二节:情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一个空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
Jack: Hi, FrankFrank:Hi, JackJack:: 6___Frank:Yes, I have some books to read, but I can do it laterJack:I want you to do me a favor.Frank:go ahead 7_________Jack:Professor Smith is coming this afternoon, I am expected to meet him at the airport, but I have an important meeting to go to Frank:I can do it for you. 8Jack:He’s about your age, in his early thirties. Tall and hand someFrank:9______Jack:Oh, about three o’clock, He is taking flight number 231from Detroit. Thank youFrank:10_________A :See you this afternoonB :How can I recognize himC :What do you want me to doD :Are you free this afternoonE :When should I leave for the airportF :I am honored to meet the famous professor第三节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
11. How about going to _________ cinema That’ll not make you anypoorer if you go there just once in _________ while.A. a; aB. / ; theC. a; /D. the; a12. --- How often do you eat out--- ________ , but usually once a week.A. Have no ideaB. It dependsC. As usualD. Generally speaking13. The little boy lost interest in reading the novel at last, whichhe could hardly make any _________ of.A. meaningB. senseC. ideaD. view 14. The computer system ________ suddenly while he was searching ...................forinformation on the Internet.A. broke downB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in15. Why not try your city, Bob That’s ________ the best jobs are.A. whereB. whatC. whenD. why16. _______ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.A. So successful her business wasB. So successful was her businessC. So her business was successfulD. So was her successful business17. ______ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.A. AttractingB. AttractedC. To be attractedD. Having attracted18. –Where is my dictionary I remember I put it here yesterday.-- You _______ it in the wrong place.A. must putB. should have putC. might putD. might have put19. Little ________ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.A. he realizedB. he didn’t realizeC. didn’t he realizeD. did he realize20. “Goodbye, then, ” she said, without even _______ from her book.A. looking downB. looking upC. looking awayD. looking on21. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to_______before the party.A. get changedB. get changeC. get changingD.get to change22. He is hard-working as well as clever and there is ________ thathe will win the competition at last.A. no wonderB. no doubtC. no needD. no way23. – Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.-- Why _______ John is sitting there doing nothing.A. himB. heC. ID. me24. We strengthen our muscles by exercise; ________ we strengthen our minds by thinking.A. particularlyB. speciallyC. similarlyD.especially25. She stood there even after the train ________.A. out of her sightB. out of sightC. lost sightD.in sight第三节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题分,满分 30 分)A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work.He may have the 26 that he is not capable (有能力的) of it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand how to make the 27 of his mental faculties(官能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of 28 anything new because oftheir age.A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real29 , because he feels that it 30 be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence(信心) necessary for success, and he won’t work his hardest, even though he may 31 he is doing so. He is 32likely to fail, and the failure will 33 his belief in his incompetence().Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had 34 like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor 35 in maths. His teacher told his 36 he had no ability in maths in order that they would not 37 too much of him. In this way, they too 38 the idea. He accepted 39 mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless to 40 , and was very poor at maths, 41 as they expected.One day he worked out a problem which 42 of the other students had been able to solve.Adler succeeded in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now 43 with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at 44 . He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned early in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may 45 himself as well as others by his ability.26. A. belief B. way C. fact D. condition27. A. biggest B. most C. higher D. deepest28. A. teaching B. learning C. accepting D. using29. A. decision B. success C. effort D. trouble30. A. would B. should C. must D. could31. A. forget B. think C. guess D. understand32. A. truly B. really C. however D. therefore33. A. lead to B. strengthen C. increase D. add to34. A. an experience B. an expert C. a thought D. a story35. A. state B. mind C. start D. ending36. A. classmates B. friends C. neighbours D. parents37. A. blame B. expect C. get D. win38. A. developed B. organized C. discovered D. found39. A. a B. one C. its D. the40. A. manage B. succeed C. try D. act41. A. only B. almost C. just D. then42. A. none B. all C. many D. most43. A. lived B. worked C. played D. graduated44. A. lesson B. medicine C. subjects D. maths45. A. encourage B. love C. astonish D. disappoint第二部分:阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分30分)阅读下面四短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项.ANot many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England.He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries.When he was seventy-five, he gave 12,000 dollars to the villageschool to buy land and equipment for a children’s playground.As a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him.Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, thenewspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy-five. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and dranksome each day. “I have an injection(注射) in my neck eachevening.” He told the newspaperman, thinking of his eveningglass of whisky.The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy-five and had a daily injection in his neck. With a week Johnson receivedthousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for thesecret of his daily injection.46. Johnson became a rich man through ______ .A. doing businessB. making whiskyC. cheatingD. buying and selling land47. Many people wrote to Johnson to find out ______ .A. what kind of whisky he hadB. how to live longerC. who gave him the injectionD. how to become wealthy48. The newspaperman ______ .A. should have reported what Johnson had told himB. should have asked Johnson whether he had an injection every dayC. was eager to live a longer lifeD. should have found out what Johnson really meant49. When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening,he really meant that ______ .A. He liked to drink a glass of whisky in the eveningB. he needed an injection in the neck to keep him healthyC. a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep wellD. there was something wrong with his neckBAlbert Einstein was probably the most famous scientist of the twentieth century. He changed scientific thinking in the modern world. He is generally considered as the greatest physicist who ever lived. What’s more, he devoted a lot of his time and energy to working for human rights and progress.In 1933, while Einstein was visiting England and the United States, the Nazi government of Germany took all his things away, including his position and his citizenship. Einstein then settled down in the United States. In 1939, Einstein, who loved peace—afraid of a world in which only Hitler would had an atomic bomb(原子弹)—tried hard to persuade President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a famous letter to have the United States start uranium research. That Germany, after all, had no bomb, and that the first bomb would fall on Japan, could not have been expected. After the war, Einstein never stopped working for peace and reducing the number of soldiers in the world.Although he wasn’t connected with any accepted religion(宗教), Einstein felt that trust in a personal God was too special an idea to be suitable to the God at work in this universe, but he never believed that the universe was one of chance or disorder. The universe to him w as one of pure law and order. He once said, “God may know everything, but he is not hateful.”50. From the passage we know that .A. no scientist is as great as Albert Einstein during this centuryB. Albert Einstein was likely to be the greatest scientist of his timeC. Albert Einstein made the first atomic bomb for the United States of AmericaD. Albert Einstein gave up his German citizenship for politicalreasons51. If Einstein had known that Hitler had no atomic bomb and that the first atomic bomb would fall on Japan, he would .A. have continued his scientific researchB. have won another Nobel Prize for physicsC. not have advised starting uranium research in the U. S. A.D. not have moved to the U. S. A.52. Einstein in 1933.A. visited England and the U. S. A.B. lost everythingC. became a man without a countryD. both A and C53. Einstein believed that everything in the universe .A. was kept in order by its own lawB. had nothing to do with each otherC. happened in an irregular wayD. was made by the personal GodC“That’s funny! These fellows in the middle of the plate have died.”Dr Alexander Fleming was talking to another doctor in a laboratory in London. He had been studying some germs(细菌)that he was growing on a plate. They were very dangerous germs because they caused different kinds of illnesses that could kill people. Dr Fleming found that a mould(霉菌)had floated in through the window landing on the plate. It had killed some of the germs it had touched.“This certainly looks promising.” Fleming said. “We must grow some of this mould to see if it will kill other germs.”He name d the strange mould “penicillin”. It proved to be a killer of many germs. Fifty mice were given deadly germs and then half of them were injected(注射)with penicillin. The twenty-five untreated mice died, but twenty-four of those lived that had been treated with penicillin. Dr Fleming wrote a report about what he had found out. Hardly anybody took any notice of it.In 1938 Dr Howard Florey, an Australian working in London, read Dr Fleming’s report and was very interested. He found that penicillin was effective in treating blood poisoning in human beings.When World War II broke out, it was not possible to make enough penicillin in England. Dr Florey went to America where he helped to have enormous amounts of this wonderful drug made. It saved the lives of thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen who would have died from their wounds if the hospitals had not had penicillin.54. Dr Alexander Fleming .A. had been studying a mould which was very dangerous and could kill peopleB. had been studying some of the germs on a plate which could cure illnessesC. had been making experiments on some germs that he was growing on a plateD. had been making experiments on different germs that could help sick people to get better55. Some of the germs on the plate .A. had been killed by a mould floating in through the windowB. had been killing one another, which was a surprise to FlemingC. had been killed by a mould that had been grown by Dr Alexander FlemingD. had been killed by a mould found by another doctor56. The reason why the twenty-five mice died was that .A. they had been given deadly germs and had been injected with penicillinB. they were almost dead ahead of the experimentC. they were easy to die in the experimentD. they had been given deadly germs and had not been injected with penicillin57. In 1938, an Australian working in London named Howard Florey read Dr Fleming’s report and .A. left England for America, making the drugB. went to America to save the lives of thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmenC. found penicillin effective in treating blood poisoning in human beingsD. went to America to make this drug for miceDYou either have it , or you don’t –a sense of direction ,that is .But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map ,while others can lose themselves in the next streetScientists say we’re all born with a sense of direction, but it is not property understood howit works .One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we don’t use it. We lose it .“Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around.” says Jim Martland,research Director of the project . “However if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car ,they never develop the skills”Jim Martland also emphasizes that young people should be taught certain skills to improvetheir sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions.●If you are using a map, turn it so it relates to the way youare facing.●If you leave your bike in a strange place, put it nearsomething like a big stone or a tree.Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike .When you return, go backalong the same route.●Simplify the way of finding your direction by using lines suchas streets in a town,streams, or walls in the countryside to guide you . Count your steps so that you know howfar you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks orhills which can help tofind out where you are.Now what you need never gets lost again!58.Scientists believe that ________________. .A.some babies are born with a sense of directionB.people learn a sense of direction as they grow olderC.people never lose their sense of directionD.everybody posses a sense of direction from birth59.What is true of seven-year-old children according to the passageA.They never have a sense of direction without maps.B.They should never be allowed out alone if they lack a sense of direction.C.They have a sense of direction and can find their way around.D.They can develop a good sense of direction if they are driven around in a car.60.If you leave your bike in a strange place ,you should _______ .A.tie it to a tree so as to prevent it from being stolenB.draw a map of the route to help remember where it isC.avoid taking the same route when you come back in itD.remember something easily recognizable on the route第节信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请阅读下列相关信息,从A---F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。