
Name:Class:Grade:1. That’s a bike.2. My name is Lingling.3. It’s a train..4. This is a map of America.5. Jim is a teacher.6. I often read stories.7. He eats an apple.8. Twoandtwois four.9. We like singing .10. He likes playing basketball.11. Pandas love bamboo.12. It's about English food.13. He will eat an apple .14. It’ssix o’clock .15. Itis Tuesday.16. The bike is black .17. The pen is red .18. Amy is a good girl.19. Lingling likes collecting dolls.20. This is my book..21. My book is on the desk .22. This is Li Ping’s book .23. My pen is in the box .24. I live in New York.25. The book is in the bag .26. My birthday is November 11 .27. He's fine .28. I go to school by bike .29. He is twelve.30. The hamburger is four dollars .31. The kite is twenty yuan.32. Two pens are on the desk .33. There is a little water in the cup.34. It’s 2 kilometres from here to the home.35. The hill is 848 metres.36. They are from 191 countries.37. She is 1.72 metres tall .38. The box is 30 kg.39. The bridge is 5 kilometres long.40. The boy in red is my brother .41. I’m in Class 1.42. We’re in Dongguan School.43. The red bike is mine .对划线部分提问就是把句子改写成一个特殊疑问句。
小学英语语法系列 1对划线部分提问详细讲解

的! 四变:把she is 变为一般疑问句
• The eraser is in my desk. • ① The eraser is where. • ② Where the eraser is. • ③ Where is the eraser. •
• :My English teacher is Mr Li. • My English teacher is who. • Who my English teacher is. • Who is my English teacher. • Who is your English teacher? •
的! 四变:把this is 变为一般疑问句
TWhheajtacokleotristishwretehdjea. ctjakcceoktloeistr?..
一找:对颜色进行提问用what color
二代:用what color代替划线部分
(what when how where who which whose

How 意:1、怎么样? 一般针对adj / adv 提问; 2、怎么做? 一般针对 by+doing s th 做某事的方式提问;3、怎么去? 一般针对 by+交通工具/on +foot 等去某地的方式提 问 eg. 1、I am fine. (对划线部分提问) => How are you? eg.2、I learned English by listening to English tapes. => How did you learn English? eg. 3、She goes to Beijing by air. =>How does she go to Beijing? What 意:什么?-----1、针对事物名称提问 2、针对具体做什么事情提问。 eg. 4、My name is Jack. => What is your name? eg. 5、I am watching TV. => What are you doing? eg. 6、The boy is writing a letter to his teacher in the bedroom. (针对“doing sth ”提问)=> What is the boy doing to his teacher in the bedroom? 问: 上述例 5、例 6 改后的句中的“doing”从何而来? 凡是针对“doing sth”提问,都要用 “doing”放于 sb 之后。 7、He often plays soccer after school. (针对“does sth ”提问)=> What does he do after ?

如:(1).They are studying Chinese in China.→ Where are they studying Chinese?2、就“时间”提问用when。
如:(2).She came to Japan in 1990.→ When did she come to Japan?3、对“时刻、点钟”提问用what time。
如:(3).He often goes to bed at ten.→ What time does he often go to bed?4、对“谁”提问用who。
如:(4).The girl is standing at the station.→ Who is standing at the station?(5).They often go home with Tom. → Who do they often go home with?5、对“谁的”提问用whose。
如:(6).I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet?6、对“年龄”提问用how old。
如:(7).The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there?7、对“哪一个”提问用which。
如:(8).She likes the new skirt. → Which skirt does she like?8、对“颜色”提问用what colour。
如:(9).Her blouse is white. → What colour is her blouse?9、对“职业”提问用what。
如:(10).His mother is a teacher. → What is his mother?10、对“次数”提问用how many times。

例如:原句:Tom is reading a book.提问句:Who is reading a book?当划线部分为宾语时,我们可以使用疑问词"Whom/What"来提问。
例如:原句:I bought a toy.提问句:What did you buy?当划线部分为动词时,我们可以使用疑问词"What"或者"Whom"来提问。
例如:原句:They invited Sarah to the party.提问句:Whom did they invite to the party?当划线部分为地点或时间时,我们可以直接使用疑问词"Where/When"来提问。
例如:原句:They will have a picnic in the park tomorrow.提问句:Where will they have a picnic? When will they have a picnic?当划线部分为方式、原因、目的等时,我们可以使用疑问词"How/Why/What"来提问。
例如:原句:She went to school by bus.提问句:How did she go to school?2.例句解析为了更好地理解对划线提问,下面通过一些例句进行解析。
例句1:Mary is playing the piano.提问句:Who is playing the piano?例句2:They are watching a movie.提问句:What are they watching?例句3:I invited my friends to the party.提问句:Whom did you invite to the party?例句4:He repaired the car by himself.提问句:How did he repair the car?例句5:We went to the beach yesterday.提问句:Where did you go yesterday?3.练习题为了巩固对划线提问的理解,下面给出一些练习题。

Where the are where. The booksthe books? the bed. are the books? are under Where’re books are.
再 来 一 道 更 难 的!
一找:对地点进行提问用where 二代:用where代替划线部分 三移:把where放在句首 四变:把the
8、 There is one butterfly near the flowers. _____ _____ near the flowers? What is 9、 Miss Zhang and I usually go to school by bike. ______ ____ Miss Zhang and I usually go to school? How do 10、The girl has got a bad cold. ______ has got a bad cold? Who 11、The students in my school like English and Art. Which ______ students like English and art? 12、It’s Tuesday today. What day is _________ ____ it today? 13、They ususlly watch TV in the evening. _____ _____ they usually _____ in the evening? What do do 14、The T-shirt is eighty yuan. _________ _____ the T-shirt? How much is
What’s his name?

小学英语对划线部分提问详解及练习解题方法1、划线部分是“事或物”,特殊疑问词用whateg:Thisisabag.---Whatisthis?WeoftenplayfootballonSundays.---WhatdoyouoftendoonSundays?2、划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用whoeg:Sheismysister.---Whoisshe?3、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用whereeg:Theappleisonthedesk.---Whereistheapple?4、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用whattime或wheneg:It'ssixthirty.---Whattimeisit?Iusuallygetupatsixforty.---Whendoyouusuallygetup?5、划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用howoldeg:Iamtwelve.---Howoldareyou?Mymotheristhirty-two.---Howoldisyourmother?6、划线部分是“职业”,特殊疑问词用whateg:Tomisaworker.---WhatisTom?/Whatdoyoudo?7、划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用whatcoloureg:Myhatisblue.---Whatcolourisyourhat?8、划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用howmany或howmucheg:Icanseefivebirdsinthetree.---Howmanybirdscanyousee?Thereissometeainthecup.---Howmuchteaisthereinthecup?9、划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用howmucheg:Thisbookistenyuan.---Howmuchisthisbook?10、划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whoseEg:Thatismyshirt.---Whoseshirtisthat?Thepenisyours.---Whoseisthepen?简单说:形容词性物主代词如myyourher解释为“我的”“你的”“她的”和一般的形容词的形式一样都是“……的”名词性物主代词如mineyourshers”我的……”“你的……”“她的……”在“的”后面加上名词构成名词短语,不就和一般的名词形式一样了么小学英语对划线部分提问技巧总结1答题口诀一代(用疑问词代替划线部分),二移(把疑问词移至句首)三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外)四抄(照抄其它部分)2特殊疑问词选择技巧:1.问“谁”用who;2.问“谁的”,用whose;3.问“地点哪里”,用where;4.问“原因”,用why;5.问“身体状况”,用how;6.问“方式”,用how;7.问“年龄”,用howold;8.问“多少”,用howmany;9.问'价钱”用howmuch;10.问“哪一个”,用which;11.问“什么”,用what;12.问“职业”,用what;13.问“颜色”,用whatcolour;14.问“星期”,用whatday;15.问什么学科,用whatsubject;16.问“什么时候”,用when;17.问几点用What’sthetime?或Whattimeisit?专题练习1.Mymothergoestoworkbybike.___________yourmother______towork?2.ThatisamapofFrance._______mapisthat?3.Thebagofriceistenkilos._____________________thebagofrice?4.IthinkChinesefoodisverynice._______doyou___________Chinesefood?5.Thestudentsliketheirteacherverymuch.______dothestudents______theirteacher?6.Hishouseisverybig.____________hishouse_______?7.Therearesixkitesinthesky.______inthesky?8.HelivesinRoom306.__________________he______in?9.Shelooksworriedbecauseshecan'tfindherdog._____________she______worried?10.Ittakeshimhalfanhourtowritethee-mail.____________________it______himtowritethee-mail?11.Classesbeginateight.____________________classes________?12.Iwanttobuythreekilosofmeat.___________________doyouwanttobuy?13.Hisuncleisabusinessman.____________hisuncle_______?14.TheorangedressisKate's.______________isKate's?15.It'sSundaytoday.______________isittoday?16.Thecatsarerunningupthetree._______arethecats_________?17.Jim'splaneisbroken._______________________Jim'splane?18.Hewouldlikefivecakes._______________________wouldhelike?19.TheyplayfootballeveryFriday.________________theyplayfootball?20.ThemaninbrownisTom'sfather.________________isT om'sfather?参考答案1.Howdoes,go2.What3.Howheavyis4.What,thinkof5.How,like6.Whatis,like7.What's8.Whichroomdoes,live9.Whydoes,look10.H owlongdoes,take11.Whattimedo,begin12.Howmuchmeat13.Wh atdoes,do14.Whichdress15.Whatday16.Where,running17.What's wrongwith18.Howmanycakes19.Whendo20.Whichman 小学英语学习方法指导1、孩子背诵单词的能力。

例子1:Tom enjoys playing basketball with his friends.划线部分:playing basketball问题:What does Tom enjoy?例子2:Lucy is going to the park tomorrow morning.划线部分:tomorrow morning问题:When is Lucy going to the park?例子3:The big yellow cat is sleeping on the sofa.划线部分:on the sofa问题:Where is the big yellow cat sleeping?例子4:Lisa likes to eat ice cream after dinner.划线部分:to eat ice cream after dinner问题:What does Lisa like to do after dinner?通过以上例子,我们可以看出对划线提问的关键是确定需要提问的信息内容,然后构造相应的疑问句。
二、对划线提问时的注意事项1. 注意划线部分的词语类型:在进行提问时,要注意划线部分的词语类型,例如名词、动词、地点、时间等,以便正确构造且符合语法规则的疑问句。
2. 注意时态和人称的变化:根据划线部分的时态和人称,适当调整提问句的时态和人称。

第一部分:对划线部分提问1、对“地点”提问用where.如:(1).They are studying Chinese in China f Where are they studying Chinese?2、就“时间”提问用when.如:(2).She came to Japan in 1990.f When did she come to Japan?3、对“时刻、点钟”提问用what time。
如:(3).He often goes to bed at tenf What time (Oes he often go to bed4、对“谁〃提问用who。
The girl is standing at the station f Who is standing at the station?(5) . They often go home with Tom f Who do they often go home with?5、对“谁的”提问用whose。
I will meet my father。
f Whose father will you meet?6、对“年龄〃提问用how old.如:(7).The man over there is sixty. f How old is the man over there?7、对“哪一个"提问用which。
如:(8). She likes the new skirt。
f Which skirt does she like?8、对“颜色”提问用what colour。
如:(9).Her blouse is white。
f What colour is her blouse?9、对“职业”提问用what。
如:(10).His mother is a teacher。
f What is his mother?10、对“次数”提问用how many times。

e.g.:He is a doctor.What is he?(一)注意疑问词的选择疑问词有:what(什么),who(什么人、谁),whose(谁的),where(什么地方),when(什么时间),why(为什么),how(什么样,怎么), which(哪个);以及由它们扩展出来的一些疑问词组,即由两个或两个以上的单词组成疑问部分:what time时间,how old年龄,how long 多长、多久,how many多少,how much多少、价钱,这些是问时间、年龄、数量、价钱的,how soon,多久,问时间;还有what + kind of(询问种类),whose+东西,which one,which+东西,等等。
如:Li Lei is a doctor. Who is a doctor?(对主语提问用who,对宾语提问用who,whom均可)2.问“谁的”用whose。
如:This is hisbook. Whose book is this?3.问“地点”用where。
如:The ball is under the bed.Where is the ball?4.问“原因”用why。
如:He didn’t come because he was ill. Why didn’t he co me?5.问“身体状况”用how。
如:I’m fine.How are you?6.问“方式”用how。
如:He did it in that way.How did he do it?7.问“程度”用“how+被修饰语”。

(注意状语从句部分可不抄)怎么找疑问词,方法如下How 意:1、怎么样?一般针对adj / adv 提问; 2、怎么做?一般针对by+doing sth 做某事的方式提问;3、怎么去?一般针对by+交通工具/on +foot 等去某地的方式提问eg. 1、I am fine. (对划线部分提问) => How are you?eg. 2、I learned English by listening to English tapes. => How did you learn English?eg. 3、She goes to Beijing by air. =>How does she go to Beijing?What意:什么?-----1、针对事物名称提问 2、针对具体做什么事情提问。
eg. 4、My name is Jack. => What is your name?eg. 5、I am watching TV. => What are you doing?eg. 6、The boy is writing a letter to his teacher in the bedroom. (针对“doing sth ”提问)=> What is the boy doing to his teacher in the bedroom? 问:上述例5、例6改后的句中的“doing”从何而来?凡是针对“doing sth”提问,都要用“doing”放于sb 之后。

17. His favorite football player is Beckham.
18. He likes action movies, but he prefers horror movies.
15. Linda likes sports programs. (改为否定句)
16. Does your mother like action movies?
23. Is there a TV in your bedroom? (作肯定回答)
He _____ horror movies ____ action movies.
19. The walkman is Dave ’s.(对划线部分提问)
20. I have three cousins. (对划线部分提问)
13. They don ’ t like action movies. They don ’ t like
小学英语素材-对划线部分提问技巧及练习 全国通用(PDF版)

1,划线部分是表示时间:用when/what time+一般疑问句例:My sister gets up at seven in the morning.When does your sister get up?2,划线部分是表示地点:用Where+一般疑问句例:I often study at home.Where do you often study?3,划线部分是用数字来表示数量的:用how many+一般疑问句例:There are forty-five students in the class.How many students are there in the class?4,划线部分是表示颜色的:用what colour+一般疑问句例:His father’s car is red.What colour is his father’s car?5,划线部分是表示价格的:用how much+一般疑问句例:These tomatoes are five yuan a kilo.How much are these tomatoes?6,划线部分是表示方式的:用How+一般疑问句例:We sometimes go to school on foot.How do you sometimes go to school?7,划线部分为物主代词和名词所有格的:用Whose+名词+一般疑问句:例:Those pictures are ours.Whose pictures are those?例:This is Peter’s camera.Whose camera is this?8,划线部分表示动作频率的:用how often/how many times+一般疑问句:例:Tony brushes his teeth twice a day.How often does Tony bush his teeth?9,划线部分表示年龄的:用how old+一般疑问句例:Her mother is30years old.How old is her mother?10,划线部分表示是”什么”,做”什么”时:用What+一般疑问句.例:They are playing chess now.What are they doing now?11,划线部分如果表示人,就要用Who+陈述句或者Who+一般疑问句.例:Smith is good at arts and crafts.Who is good at arts and crafts?以下口诀要牢记:1.问“谁”用who;2.问“谁的”,用whose;3.问“地点哪里”,用where;4.问“原因”,用why;5.问“身体状况”,用how;6.问“方式”,用how;7.问“年龄”,用how old;8.问“多少”,用how many;9.问"价钱”用how much;10.问“哪一个”,用which;11.问“什么”,用what;12.问“职业”,用what;13.问“颜色”,用what colour;14.问“星期”,用what day;15.问什么学科,用what subject;16.问“什么时候”,用when;17.问几点用What’s the time?或What time is it?【练习】1.Her pen is in the box.__________________________2.She is very fine._________________?3.Those are my picture.__________________________4.Their names are Lily and Lucy.____________________5.Her sweater is green.____________her sweater?6.Her phone number is010-2387____________her phone number?7.That's Mr Green.__________that?8.He has hamburgers for breakfast.___________he_____for breakfast?9.These things are$50.___________________these things?10.The black shirt is80yuan._________________the black shirt?11.I am very well._____________you?12.Her mother is fine._____________her mother?13.His father watches TV every day.____________his father_______TV?14.I have three good friends._____________good friends_____you_____? 15.She needs two tomatoes.________________she________?16.He does his homework in the evening._____________he_____in the evening?17.We play soccer on Thursday afternoon._____________you_____on Thursday afternoon?18.He needs two cups of tea._____________he_____?19.There is some milk in the cup.___________________is there in the cup.20.He has four apples.。

解析:针对时 间提问时,通 常使用what time来提问, 并直接回答具
常见问题形式:Where + be动词 +主语? 示例:Where is the school? 答案:It is next to the park.
针对划线部分提问,通常使用 疑问词what
● 练习题:将下列句子中的划线部分提问 I have a cat. (划线部分为a cat) 解析:针对划线部分提问,需要将疑问词what后接have,构成疑问句。答案为What do you have? ● I have a cat. (划线部分为a cat) ● 解析:针对划线部分提问,需要将疑问词what后接have,构成疑问句。答案为What do you have?
划线部分是事物,用which提 问
划线部分是事物,用where提 问
划线部分提问 时间:what
例子:It's 8 o'clock now. What time is
回答:It's 8 o'clock now.
● 练习题:将下列句子中的划线部分提问 She is reading a book. (划线部分为reading a book) 解析:针对划线部分提问,需要将疑问词what后接现在分词, 构成疑问句。答案为What is she doing? ● She is reading a book. (划线部分为reading a book) ● 解析:针对划线部分提问,需要将疑问词what后接现在分词,构成疑问句。答案为What is she doing?

6、A: ____is the cup? B:It‟s blue. 7、A: __ is it today? B:It‟s Sunday. 8、A: _______ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October. 9、A: ______is this red one? B:It‟s beautiful. 12、A:_______ is your cousin? B: He‟s 15 years old. 13、A:_______ do you have dinner? B: At 6 o‟clock.
• 5. Ben runs fast. I run faster. (两句合并为
• 6. Are they American cars? (改为单数)
7. Don‟t go along this street. (改为肯定句) 8. Give the bag to me. (换一种说法,句 意不变) 9. I get to the supermarket by bus. (对 画线部分提问)
做 What is your telephone number? 一找:对数字进行提问用what 道 题 二代:用what代替划线部分 试 试 三移:把what放在句首 吧!
四变:把My telephone number is 变为一般疑问句
Who she is. She is my sister. is she? who.
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对划线部分提问专项练习一、疑问词:what, where, when, who, why, which, whose, how。
一般做题步骤:看清划线部分→确定疑问词并写句首→确定时态→加一般疑问句练习:1. I’m 164 cm tall._____________________________________________________2. I’m 48 kg.__________________________________________________________3. Mike is taller than John._______________________________________________4. My throat is sore.____________________________________________________5. I played football last weekend.__________________________________________6. I played football last weekend.__________________________________________7. I played football last weekend.__________________________________________8. I went to Xinjiang on my holiday._______________________________________9. I went to Xinjiang on my holiday._______________________________________10. I went to Xinjiang on the holiday.______________________________________11. I went skating in Harbin last winter._____________________________________12. I went skating in Harbin last winter.____________________________________13. I went skating in Harbin last winter.____________________________________14. I went skating in Harbin last winter.____________________________________15. I usually go to school on foot._________________________________________16. I usually go to school on foot._________________________________________17. You can go to the park by the No. 15 bus.________________________________18. You can go to the park by the No. 15 bus.________________________________19. You can go to the park by the No. 15 bus.________________________________20. The cinema is next to the hospital.______________________________________21. The cinema is next to the hospital.______________________________________22. I’m going to play football this weekend._________________________________23. I’m going to play football this weekend._________________________________24. I’m going to the bookstore this afternoon. ________________________________25. I’m going to the bookstore this afternoon.________________________________26. Mike is going to buy a magazine tomorrow.______________________________27. Mike is going to buy a magazine tomorrow.______________________________26. Mike is going to buy a magazine tomorrow.______________________________27. John likes collecting stamps.__________________________________________28. John likes collecting stamps.__________________________________________29. The rain comes from the clouds._______________________________________30. The rain comes from the clouds._______________________________________31. I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.______________________________________32. I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.______________________________________33. I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.______________________________________34. I like winter best.___________________________________________________ 35. Fall is my favourite season.___________________________________________36. Fall is my favourite season.___________________________________________37. John’s birthday is in May._____________________________________________38. John’s birthday is in May.____________________________________________39. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.___________________________________40. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.___________________________________41. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.___________________________________42. My English teacher is Mr Carter._______________________________________43. My English teacher is Mr Carter._______________________________________44. My English teacher is Mr Carter._______________________________________45. He is tall and strong._________________________________________________ 46. He is tall and strong._________________________________________________ 47. We have English on Thursdays.________________________________________48. We have English on Thursdays.________________________________________49. We have English on Thursdays.________________________________________50. I can sweep the floor.________________________________________________ 51. The closet is near the table.___________________________________________52. The closet is near the table.___________________________________________53. It’s warm today.____________________________________________________ 54. That is your T-shirt?_________________________________________________ 55. That is your T-shirt?_________________________________________________ 56. That is your T-shirt?_________________________________________________ 57. It’s two o’clock.____________________________________________________ 58. My jacket is black.__________________________________________________ 59. My shoes are 900 yuan.______________________________________________60. My shoes are 900 yuan.______________________________________________61. There are 12 horses on the farm._______________________________________62. There are 12 horses on the farm._______________________________________63. There are 12 horses on the farm._______________________________________综合性的简单练习题:1.We usually ___ (get ) up at 7:00 every morning.2.She ___ (watch) TV when she heard a loud knock at the door this timeyesterday.3.My mother ___ (come) here tomorrow.4.Look ! Some one ___ (dance) there.5.Wei Hua’s brother ___(join) the army in 1995.6.He ___ (write) a letter this afternoon.7.Rice ___ (grow) in the south of China.8.She said ___ (go) to Japan next year.9.We ___(study) 2,000 words since we came to the school.10. By the end of last term he ___ (teach) that class for 2 years.汉译英:(1)我每天早上7 点通常打篮球。