1. 餐具 (cutlery):包括刀、叉、勺等用具。
2. 餐盘 (plate):通常用来盛装食物的平底圆形物体。
3. 餐碗 (bowl):用来盛装汤、米饭等食物的圆形物体。
4. 筷子 (chopsticks):一种东方的餐具,用来夹食物。
5. 酒杯 (wine glass):用来盛装葡萄酒等饮料的杯子。
6. 咖啡杯 (coffee cup):用来盛装咖啡等饮料的杯子。
7. 盘子 (platter):用来盛装大块食物或多个小食物的扁平器皿。
8. 食物 (food):指用来供人食用的各种食品。
9. 饮料 (beverage):指供人饮用的各种液体,如水、果汁、咖啡、茶等。
10. 食盐 (salt):用来调味的白色晶体物质。
11. 胡椒粉 (pepper):用来调味的黑色或白色粉末状物质。
12. 餐巾 (napkin):用来擦嘴或保持桌面清洁的纸或布质物品。
- 1 -。
餐厅常用词汇(中英)〔一〕The table (桌布)1、Tablecloth 桌布(简称cloth, 比如说lay the cloth for dinner 铺桌布准备开晚餐。
所以,说lay the cloth for you ,指的是摆四份餐具。
)2、plate 盘子;碟子(plate 和dish 不同。
Plate 指的是盛菜、面条、饭等供个人食用的碟子;dish 指的是盛菜供全桌食用的碟子,也指一碟菜,一个菜色。
可以说dinner a t¥_a plate, 又因为吃西餐时,每人面前方一个plate ,所以plate也指位子。
比如说setplates for four 摆四个位子。
客人说Another plate, please ,就是指多摆一个位子。
)Napkin (餐巾) knife (刀) fork 叉(一副刀叉,叫a knife and fork ,复knives and forks).Spoon 匙tablespoon (餐匙) soup spoon (汤匙) dessert-spoon (小匙吃甜点心用) Tea- spoon 茶匙egg-spoon (蛋匙) egg-cup (蛋杯)cover (餐具个人使用)cover 是plate, napkin, knives and forks, spoons等的总称。
The table is laid with four covers或covers are laid for four .餐单摆了四个位子。
客人说another cover ,please ,是叫多摆一个位子。
)Bowl (碗) chopsticks (筷子) dish (盘子;碟子) tureen (有盖汤碗)Decanter(玻璃酒瓶)餐桌上用wineglass (酒杯) carafe(水瓶)餐桌上用Glass (玻璃杯)通称tumbler (平地大玻璃杯) tankard(有盖)有耳大杯(盛啤酒等用)cruet-stand (五味架) cruet (装调味品的瓶) castor (盖上有许多小孔的瓶)Pepper castor (胡椒瓶) salt cellar (盐盅) tea-set (茶具) teapot (茶壶) Tea-cup (茶杯)Saucer (垫碟)茶杯和垫碟,合起来叫a cup and saucer)Sugar –bowl (糖盅)Coffee pot (咖啡壶)Sugar – tongs (糖夹子)Cream pitcher (奶酪罐)toothpick (牙签))(复数叫toothpicks) Coffee set (咖啡具)toothpick (牙签))(复数叫toothpicks)(二)Cookery (烹调)Dress 将禽畜等去毛内脏弄干净,以备烹调。
小器具刀/knife/ 叉/fork/ 勺/spoon/盘子、碟子/plate/ 托盘/server/汤碗/soup bowl/ 面碗/noodle bowl/咖啡杯/coffee cup/mug/ 玻璃杯/glass/牙签/toothpick/ 餐巾纸/napkin/夹子/bill clamp/ 刷子/blush/ 瓶起子/小器具小票/receipt/ 发票/invoice/收银机/cash register/ 吸管/sucker/吧台/bar counter/ 厨房/kitchen/ 菜单/menu/收银员/casher/ 零钱/change/ 小费/tip/现金/cash/ 信用卡/credit card/插座/outlet/ 地址/address/ 桌子/desk/table/味道甜的/sweet/ 苦的/bitter/ 咸的/salty/酸的/sour/ 辣的/spicy/ 热的/hot/冷的/cold/糖/sugar/ 盐/salt/ 芝士/cheese/黑胡椒/black pepper/ 番茄酱/tomato sauce/酱油/soy sauce/ 醋/acetum/其他登机口/boarding gate/ 廊桥/lounge bridge/登机牌/boarding check/ 护照/passport/经理/manager/ 服务员/waiter/waitress/洗手间/toilet/washroom/ 吸烟室/smokingroom/介绍/recommend/ 点餐/take order/打开/关上/turn on/off/ 窗边/by the window/其他一直往前走/go straight ahead/上楼/go upstairs/ 下楼/go downstairs/电梯/elevator/ 医务室/infirmary/餐厅/restaurant/ 便利店/store/警务室/The police office/点心(甜点)甜点/dessert/ 牛角面包/croissant/冰淇淋/ice cream/ 约翰丹尼/Jon Donaire/丹麦酥/danish/ 蛋糕/cake/ 蓝莓/blueberry/抹茶/matches/ 芒果/mango/ 提拉米苏/tiramisu/ 黑色林/black forest/ 哈根达斯/Haagen-Dazs/咖啡咖啡/coffee/美式咖啡/CaféAmericano/ 拿铁/Cafélatte/卡布奇诺/Cappuccino/ 意式浓缩/Espresso/榛果/Hazelnut/ 榛果拿铁/Hazelnut Latte/摩卡/mocha/ 果香摩卡/Hazelnut Mocha/玛奇朵/Machiato/ 焦糖/caramel/果汁果汁/juice/ 冰沙/smoothie/哈密瓜/Hami melon/ 西瓜/watermelon/橙子/orage/ 猕猴桃/kiwi/ 香蕉/banana/芒果/mango/ 草莓/straberry/ 樱桃/cherry/西红柿/tomato/ 火龙果/dragonfruit/榴莲/durian/ 菠萝/pineapple/ 木瓜/papaya/主食主食/staple food/ 三文治/sandwich/面条/noodle/ 焗饭/baked rice/意大利面/spaghetti/ 披萨/pizza/面包/bread/ 蔬菜/vegetable/ 汤/soup/火腿/ham/ 培根/bacon/ 鸡肉/chicken/牛肉/beef/ 牛扒/fillet steak/带位&点餐请问您几位/How many people of you?/您这边请/This way please/坐这里可以吗/How about this table?/请在这里排队/Please line up here/请小心、地滑/Please take care,its wet/这是我们的菜单/Here is our menu/可以点餐了吗?/May I have you order?now/您只有一位吗?/Just one person?/带位&点餐来一个XXX怎样?/How about XXXX?/ /Would you like to haveXXX?/ 劳驾,打扰一下/Excues me/我们有三款三文治/We have 3 kins of sandwich/还有其他吗?/Anything else?/And then?/我可以帮您吗?/Can I help you?/我给您重复一下订单/let me repeat the order for you/请您先买单/Please pay the bill first/一共是XXX钱/The money is XXXX/您能说慢一点吗?/Can you speak more slowly?/带位&点餐这是我们的招牌菜Here is our house specialty恐怕您要等5分钟There will be a wait of 5 minutes对不起今天没有XX。
英文:Maintain a dignified manner while dining; avoid loud and disruptive behavior.中文:用餐时应注意讲卫生,勿将手肘放在桌面上。
英文:Practice good hygiene at the dining table; refrain from placing elbows on the table.中文:在吃饭时,不要挑食,应尽量将盘子吃干净。
英文:Avoid being picky when eating; try to finish all the food on your plate.中文:在用餐前后要洗净双手,保持餐具的清洁卫生。
英文:Wash your hands before and after meals, and keep the tableware clean and sanitary.中文:在餐桌上要有礼貌,尊重长辈和其他就餐者。
英文:Display manners at the dining table; show respect to elders and fellow diners.中文:不要在餐桌上过多地使用手机,以免影响用餐氛围。
英文:Avoid excessive use of mobile phones at the dining table to maintain a pleasant atmosphere.中文:吃饭时不要插话,尽量保持安静,听取他人的意见。
英文:Avoid interrupting during meals; try to stay quiet and listen to others' opinions.中文:不要在用餐时过多地讨论敏感话题,以免引起争端。
英文:Avoid discussing sensitive topics excessively during meals to prevent disputes.中文:分享食物时要文明有序,不要争抢食物。
餐厅常用词汇魔辣餐厅英文常用词汇汇总一、餐厅用具:桌子 table 椅子 chair 台布 table cloth餐巾 napkin 毛巾towel 碟子 dish筷子 chopsticks 碗 bowl 勺(匙)spoon玻璃杯 glass 茶壶 teapot (茶)杯cup牙签 toothpick 烟灰缸 ashtray 瓶子bottle 刀 knife 叉 fork 汤勺 soup ladle 盘子 plate 盐瓶saltcellar二、肉类、水产类(meat / seafood ):猪肉 pork 牛肉 beef 鸡肉 chicken 鸭 duck 羊肉 mutton 牛排 steak 排骨spareribs 香肠sausage 火腿 ham 咸肉(腌肉)bacon 里脊 fillet 猪排pork chops肉丁minced meat 肉丝shredded meat 肉末minced meat鱼 fish (河)虾shrimp 对虾prawn鲤鱼carp 蟹 crab 鳝鱼eel 鱼肚fish maw 龙虾lobster 扇贝 scallop 海参sea cucumber 鱼翅shark’s fin 鱿鱼squid 燕窝swallow’s nest三、蔬菜(vegetables) :芦笋asparagus 竹笋bamboo shoot豆腐bean curd 豆芽bean sprouts 白菜(卷心菜)cabbage 胡萝卜carrot 番茄tomato萝卜 turnip 冬瓜 white gourd 花菜cauliflower 芹菜celery 茄子eggplant 大蒜 garlic 生姜ginger 青椒green pepper 莴笋lettuce 藕lotus root 蘑菇 mushroom 洋葱 onion 豌豆 pea 土豆potato 南瓜 pumpkin 菠菜spinach 芋头 taro 豆苗pea sprouts 木耳 fungus 豆角French bean 葱 scallio四、调味品:黄油 butter 奶酪cheese 奶油cream。
那么英美人是如何表示的呢?一、用(Here's)to 表示:1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康 / 成功干杯!2.Here's to our friendship!为我们的友谊干杯!3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯!二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如:1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester!为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!2.Helen raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!”三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如:1.He raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!”2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。
四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。
例如:Oh,come, come,David.Here's how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯!五、在比较正式的场合,英美人有时也用一些外来语。
例如:Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. )六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。
一、晚餐英语词汇大全1. 餐具和器皿- Plate 盘子- Bowl 碗- Knife 刀- Fork 叉子- Spoon 勺子- Glass 杯子- Napkin 餐巾2. 饮料- Water 水- Juice 果汁- Soda 苏打水- Wine 葡萄酒- Tea 茶- Coffee 咖啡- Beer 啤酒3. 餐前小吃- Appetizer 开胃菜- Salad 沙拉- Soup 汤- Bread 面包- Cheese 奶酪- Olives 橄榄- Cold cuts 冷切肉4. 主菜- Meat 肉类- Fish 鱼类- Chicken 鸡肉- Pork 猪肉- Beef 牛肉- Lamb 羊肉- Vegetables 蔬菜5. 甜点- Cake 蛋糕- Ice cream 冰淇淋- Fruit 水果- Chocolate 巧克力- Cookie 饼干- Pudding 布丁- Pie 派二、晚餐菜肴及英文表达1. 开胃菜和沙拉- Caesar salad 凯撒沙拉- Caprese salad 意式番茄奶酪沙拉- Bruschetta 意式面包片配小菜2. 汤- Tomato soup 番茄汤- Chicken noodle soup 鸡肉面汤- Clam chowder 蛤蜊浓汤3. 主菜- Grilled steak 烤牛排- Roast chicken 烤鸡- Baked salmon 烤三文鱼- Spaghetti bolognese 意大利肉酱面- Stir-fried vegetables 炒时蔬- Braised pork 红烧肉4. 甜点- Chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕- Apple pie 苹果派- Vanilla ice cream 香草冰淇淋- Fresh fruit salad 新鲜水果沙拉三、餐桌礼仪1. 就座礼仪- 在主人指引下,待主人或客人落座后再坐。
英语常用词Concession standbottled water 瓶装水- beer 啤酒- candy 糖果- liquor 白酒- white sugar 白糖- gum 口香糖- mustard 芥末- drumstick 鸡腿- chicken nuggets 鸡块- popcorn 爆米花- hamburger 汉堡- soft drink 软饮料- ketchup 番茄酱- fries 薯条- hot dog 热狗- paper cup 纸杯Lunch box 便当- lunch box 便当盒- thermos 热水瓶- straw 吸管- fork 叉- knife 刀- spoon 勺- sugar packet 糖包- lid 盖子- salad 沙拉- yogurt 乳酪- sandwich 三明治- pepper 胡椒- napkin 餐巾- Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋- Pepper 胡椒- salt packet 盐包- mashed potatoes 土豆泥- pasta 意大利面- jell-o 果冻- knife 刀子- sausages 香肠- cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱- turkey 火鸡- apple pie 苹果派- corn bread 玉米面包- muffin 松饼- biscuits 饼干- pumpkin pie 南瓜饼- butter 黄油- sweet potatoes 红薯- soup 汤- gravy 肉汁- stuffing 填充料- pudding 布丁- corn 玉米- salad 沙拉- squash 西葫芦- yams 山药Fruit Market 水果超市- water melon 西瓜- plastic bags 塑料袋- mandarin orange 橘子- kiwi frui 奇异果- sugar cane 甘蔗- peach 桃子- grapes 葡萄- honeydew melon 甜瓜- basket 篮子- papaya 木瓜- guava 番石榴- lime 青柠- lemon 柠檬- star fruit 杨桃- seeds 种子- nectarine 油桃- scale 秤- grapefruit 葡萄柚- plum 李子- mango 芒果- pineapple 菠萝Tool box 工具箱- screws 螺丝- tape measure 卷尺- screwdriver 螺丝刀- bolts 螺栓- saw 锯子- washers 垫圈- nuts 螺母- hammer 锤子- wrench 扳手- nails 钉子- utility knife 工具刀- toolbox 工具箱- level 水平- sledgehammer 大锤- drill 钻孔机- tape 胶带。
西餐厅常用英语Western Restaurant一、词汇 Vocabulary1、零点 a la carte2、开胃小菜/头盘 appetizer3、自助餐 buffet dinner4、欧陆式/大陆的 continental5、东方的 oriental6、餐后甜点 dessert7、主菜 main course8、餐具 dinnerware/dinner set/tableware9、水果盘 fruit plate10、面包盘 side dish11、沙拉盘 salad plate12、汤碗 soup bowl13、大汤勺 table spoon14、公用勺 serving spoon15、餐刀 table knife16、糖饼夹子/蛋糕夹 cake tongs17、瓶启子/开瓶器 bottle opener18、托盘 tray19、咖啡壶 coffee pot20、牛奶壶 milk jug21、胡椒瓶 pepper shaker22、盐瓶 saltshaker23、香槟酒杯 sparkling wine glass/champagne flute24、钵酒杯 port glass25、白兰地酒杯 brandy snifter26、鸡尾酒杯 cocktail27、搀酒矮杯 tumbler28、啤酒杯 beer mug29、普通啤酒杯 beer pilsener30、牛油碟 butter dish31、水壶 water pitcher32、沙拉钵/沙拉踠 salad bowl33、餐巾 napkin34、台布 table cloth35、餐巾纸 napkin paper36、牙签 toothpick37、刀 knife38、黄油刀 butter knife39、鱼刀 fish knife40、乳酪刀 cheese knife41、餐刀 dinner knife42、牛排刀 steak knife43、筷子 chopsticks44、甜品叉 dessert fork45、沙拉叉 salad fork46、鱼叉 fish fork47、餐叉 dinner fork48、干酪叉 fondue fork49、匙spoon50、咖啡匙 coffee spoon51、茶匙 teaspoon52、汤匙 soup spoon53、甜品匙 dessert spoon54、圣代匙 sundae spoon55、冷的 cold56、香的 fragrant57、干的dried58、新鲜的 fresh59、冰的iced60、辣 hot61、甜 sweet62、苦bitter63、咸 salty64、酸 sour65、浓 thick66、淡light67、脆 crisp68、味道好的tasty/delicious69、腻 oily70、腥 fishy71、老 tough72、嫩 tender73、硬 hard74、软 soft75、烧焦的 burned76、多汁的 juicy77、熟透 welldone78、半生不熟 rare79、适中的/半熟 medium80、不熟 underdone81、烙/烘 bake82、炸 deep fry83、煎 fry84、嫩〔炒〕煎 saute85、烘烤 roast86、烩 stew87、煮 boil88、灼 boil /poach89、炙烤/扒 grill90、焖/炖 braise91、清蒸 steam92、熏 smoke93、腌 pickle94、吉列 cutlet95、丁 dice96、丝 shred97、片 slice98、卷 roll99、球/丸 ball100、碎/碎片 chip101、糖 sugar102、焦糖/饴糖 saramel103、冰糖 rock sugar104、方糖 cube sugar105、蚝油 oyster sauce106、蔬菜 vegetable107、黄瓜 cucumber108、胡萝卜 carrot109、萝卜 turnip 小萝卜 radish 萝卜茸 mashed turnip110、番茄 tomato111、洋葱 onion112、青椒/柿子椒 green pepper113、芹菜 celery114、紫白菜 red cabbage115、白菜花/花菜 cauliflower116、绿菜花/花椰菜 broccoli117、土豆/薯仔 potato118、生菜/莴苣 lettuce119、蘑菇 mushroom120、南瓜 pumpkin121、芦笋 asparagus122、芋头 taro123、茄子 eggplant124、包心菜/白菜 cabbage125、桐花菜 crown126、豌豆 pea128、苋菜 Chinese spinach129、空心菜 swamp cabbage/water spinach 130、蚕豆 string bean131、竹笋 bamboo shoot132、丝瓜 sponge gourd133、西红柿 tomato134、玉米 corn135、紫菜 laver136、调味品 relish /spicy137、芥末 mustard138、醋 vinegar139、酱油/豉油 soy sauce/ketchup140、花生油 peanut oil141、番茄酱 tomato sauce/ketchup142、干辣酱 chili pepper143、辣椒酱 chili sauce144、黑胡椒 black pepper145、咖喱粉 curry powder146、五香粉 spices147、味精 gourmet powder148、葱 chive149、蒜 garlic150、姜 ginger151、韭菜 leek152、茴香 fennel153、沙嗲 satay154、芝士粉 cheese powder155、它它汁 tartare sauce156、水果 fruit157、香蕉 banana158、梨 pear159、西瓜 watermelon160、桃 peach161、苹果 apple162、菠萝 pineapple163、荔枝 litchi/lichee164、金橘 small orange165、柠檬 lemon166、青柠 lime167、芒果 mango168、杨梅 red bayberry169、李 plum170、杏 apricot 杏仁 almond172、龙眼 longan173、橄榄 olive 橄榄油〔沙律油〕 olive oil 174、柚子 pomelo 文旦/柚子 shaddock 175、草莓 strawberry176、桔子 orange177、樱桃 cherry178、葡萄 grape179、枇杷 loquat180、西柚 grape fruit181、香草 vanilla182、薄荷mint183、龙蒿/他力根香草tarragon184、辣根horseradish185、果汁fruit juice186、热饮 hot drink187、冻饮 iced drink188、单面煎蛋 sunny-side up189、双面煎蛋overeasy190、早餐breakfast191、午餐lunch192、晚餐dinner193、小吃/开胃菜 savory194、蜗牛snail195、海鲜seafood196、金枪鱼/吞拿鱼 tuna197、多春鱼eggfish198、大马哈鱼/三文鱼 salmon199、龙利鱼〔舌鳎〕 sole200、石斑鱼 garoupa201、鱿鱼 squid202、蟹柳 crabmeat203、大虾 prawn204、火腿 ham205、烟肉 bacon206、香肠 sausage207、肾、腰子 kidney 猪腰 pig’s kidney208、鸭掌/鸭蹼 duck web209、鸡翅 chicken wings210、鸡胸肉 chicken breast211、串烧猪肉 pork skewer 沙嗲串 satay skewer 212、猪手 knuckle pork trotter213、猪心 pig’s heart214、猪肝 pig’s liver216、牛百叶 o* tripe217、牛杂 beef offal 218、牛尾汤 o*-tail219、腰部嫩肉〔牛、羊〕 tenderloin 220、薄牛扒 minute steak 221、猪扒 pork chop 222、羊扒 lamb chop 223、肉丸 meat ball 224、鱼丸 fish meat ball 225、小羊/羔羊 lamb226、腹部肉brisket227、牛腩beef brisket228、西冷牛扒/牛腰肉sirloin229、T-骨扒T-bone steak230、小牛肉veal231、肉眼 rib eye232、墨鱼 cuttlefish 233、调汁/配汁 dressing。
餐桌实用英语1、主食、小吃类部分(1)X.O.炒萝卜糕Turnip Cake with XO Sauce(2)八宝饭Eight Treasure Rice(3)白粥Plain Rice Porridge(4)XO酱海鲜蛋炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce(5)鲍鱼丝金菇焖伊面Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone(6)鲍汁海鲜烩饭Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce (7)鲍汁海鲜面Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce(8)北京炒肝Stir-fried Liver Beijing Styl(9)北京鸡汤馄饨Wonton in Chicken Soup(10)北京炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste(11)碧绿鲜虾肠粉Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables(12)冰糖银耳炖雪梨Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus(13)菜脯叉烧肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables (14)菜盒子Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable (15)菜肉大馄饨Pork and Vegetable Wonton(16)菜肉饺子Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable (17)参吧素菜卷Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits(18)草菇牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef(19)叉烧包Barbecued Pork Bun(20)叉烧焗餐包Barbecued Pork Dumpling(21)叉烧酥Cake with Barbecued Pork(22)炒河粉Sauteed Rice Noodles(23)炒面Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables(24)陈皮红豆沙Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel(25)豉油蒸肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce(26)豉汁蒸凤爪Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce (27)豉汁蒸排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce (28)春菇烧麦Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom(30)葱油拌面Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce(31)葱油饼Fried Chive Cake(32)葱油煎饼Pancake with Scallions(33)脆皮春卷Crispy Spring Roll(34)脆炸芋头糕Taro Cake with Preserved Pork(35)担担面Sichuan Flavor Noodle(36)蛋煎韭菜盒Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings (37)冬菜牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables(38)冻马蹄糕Water Chestnut Jelly Cake(39)豆浆Soybean Milk(40)豆沙包Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste (41)豆沙锅饼Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake(42)豆沙粽子Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves(43)翡翠培根炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables(44)翡翠烧麦Steamed Vegetable Dumplings(45)翡翠水饺Spinach and Meat Dumpling(46)蜂巢炸芋头Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings(47)蜂蜜龟苓糕Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey (48)凤城煎鱼脯Fried Fish and Egg(49)干炒牛河Dry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef (50)高汤鸡丝面Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup2、家禽和野味Poultry 家禽 Goose 鹅 Duck 鸭子 Turkey 火鸡 Chicken 鸡 Quail 鹌鹑 Guinea Fowl 珍珠鸡3、海鲜Fish 鱼Tuna 金枪鱼Tuna Steak, Tuna sashimiSalmon 三文鱼Salmon Steak, Salmon SashimiMandarin Fish 桂鱼Sea bass Fish 鲈鱼Grouper Fish 石斑鱼Sole Fish 左口鱼pomfret Fish 鲳鱼Abalone 鲍鱼 Prawn 虾Shrimp 虾 Scallop 扇贝Clam 蛒蜊 Mussel 蚌 Oyster 生蚝Lobster 龙虾 Crab 螃蟹Octopus 章鱼 Squid 鱿鱼Cuttlefish 乌贼鱼 Ling 鳕鱼4、Fruits 水果Apple 苹果 Pear 梨 Lime 青柠Lemon 柠檬 Mandarin 桔子Orange 橙 Cumquat 金橘Pomelo 文旦Grapefruit 柚子 Watermelon 西瓜 Rock melon 哈蜜瓜 Honeydew 甜瓜Raspberry 木莓Blueberry 蓝莓Strawberry 草莓Cranberry 红莓Durian 榴莲Lychee 荔枝Peach 桃子 Apricot 李子Cherry 樱桃 Mango 芒果Plum 梅子Loquat 枇杷Pomegranate 石榴Banana 香蕉Carambola 杨桃Kiwi Fruit 猕猴桃Pineapple 菠萝Papaya 木瓜 Grapes 葡萄Fig 无花果Persimmon 柿子 Coconut 椰子5、烹调方法braise 炖 Sauteed 中式炒 Deep Fried 油炸 pan fried 煎 Roast 烤Steam 蒸Marinate 腌制 barbecued 架烤。
国外餐桌常用语点餐时都会用上哪些表达呢?来看看吧~1 Could I have a menu, please?请给我一份菜单好吗?Customer: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please.顾客:很好,谢谢。
我能看看菜单吗?Waitperson: Certainly, here you are.服务员:当然可以,给你。
2 Would you like ...你想要……吗?Waitperson: Would you like something to drink?服务员:你想喝点什么吗?3 What would you recommend?你有没有推荐的菜?Alice: What would you recommend?爱丽丝:你这里有没有推荐菜?Waitperson: I'd recommend the lasagna. It's excellent!服务员:我推荐意大利宽面条。
太棒了!4 How is the pizza / fish / beer?比萨饼/鱼/啤酒怎么样?Peter: How is the pizza, Alice?彼得:比萨饼怎么样,爱丽丝?Alice: It's good, but I think the pasta is better.爱丽丝:很好,但我觉得意大利面更好。
5 Would you care for an appetizer / a beer / a cocktail?您要开胃菜/啤酒/鸡尾酒吗?Waitperson: Fine. Would you like an appetizer?服务员:好的。
你要开胃菜吗?Alice: No, lasagna is more than enough for me!爱丽丝:不,千层面对我来说已经足够了!6 I'd like to...我想要……(点菜时的需求)I'd like to have a beer / steak / a glass of wine.我想要啤酒/牛排/一杯葡萄酒。
I get drunk easily.我很容易喝醉。
Don’t overeat 别吃太多Cake is fattening 蛋糕使人发胖Would you like some coffee 想要喝咖啡吗?Not now ,thank you!现在不喝,谢谢!Could you hand/ pass me the salt,Pls?给我盐,谢谢Could I have the salt,pls?miso shiru味增汤how do you eat sushi?You dip it in soy sauce.蘸酱油What kind of fish is this?这是什么鱼It’s tuna金枪鱼It’s spicyIt’s hot 真辣too salty咸sweet 甜too greasy/Oily 油腻It’s crispy 酥脆It’s slimy 真黏,粘滑的The coffee is not hot enough 不够热The coffee is lukewarmThe bread is soggy 没有烤透的,潮扭扭。
These potato chips are stale /soft不新鲜的,走味的。
Coffee is bitter 苦Meat is tough肉老,tender肉嫩This has a strong/weak flavor 味道浓/淡My mouth is burning/on fire 嘴巴麻木了(吃到芥末、辣椒等)Would you like some?你也来点?Yes,please.No,I’m fine.Sorry,I dropped my fork.对不起,我叉子掉了。
Would you like another drink?再来一杯?No,I think I’ve had enough.够了。
How do you like your coffee? 其实询问是否加糖或牛奶Black will be fine.Just sugger,please.Just cream,please.Dinner is ready ,pls come to the table.Which do you prefer ,wine or bear?Wouldn’t you care for something a little stronger?不介意烈酒吧Ah,here comes the egg rolls.上春卷了。
餐桌英语口语大全点餐时:1. "May I see the menu, please?" - 请给我看看菜单。
2. "What do you recommend?" - 你有什么推荐的吗?3. "I'd like to have the... " - 我想要...4. "Could you tell me what this dish is?" - 你能告诉我这道菜是什么吗?5. "I'm allergic to nuts, could you please make sure there are no nuts in my dish?" - 我对坚果过敏,你能确保我的菜里没有坚果吗?用餐时:6. "Pass the salt, please." - 请把盐递给我。
7. "Could you bring me a fork?" - 你能给我拿一把叉子吗?8. "This tastes delicious!" - 这个味道真好!9. "How do you like your food?" - 你觉得你的食物怎么样?10. "Would you like to try some of mine?" - 你想尝尝我的吗?请求服务:11. "Excuse me, could we have the bill, please?" - 劳驾,我们可以买单吗?12. "Could I have another glass of water?" - 我可以再来一杯水吗?13. "Is it possible to have the sauce on the side?" - 可以让酱料另外放一边吗?14. "Could you take this plate away?" - 你能把这个盘子拿走吗?15. "I think there's been a mistake with my order." - 我觉得我的订单有误。
西餐餐桌实用英语词汇breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐brunch 早午餐supper 晚餐late snack 宵夜dinner 正餐常用餐具:Informal非正式:plate 盘子napkin 纸巾fork餐叉knife 餐刀soup spoon 汤匙water glass 水杯Serving order 菜单1.Starter 头盘:西餐的第一道菜是头盘,也称为开胃品;appetizer 开胃菜;开胃菜的内容一般有冷头盘或热头盘之分,常见的品种有鱼子酱、鹅肝酱、熏鲑鱼、鸡尾杯、奶油鸡酥盒、局蜗牛等;因为是要开胃,所以开胃菜一般都具有特色风味,味道以咸和酸为主,而且数量较少,质量较高;2.Soup汤:大致可分为清汤、奶油汤、蔬菜汤和冷汤等4类;corn soup 玉米浓汤、potage 法国浓汤、ox tail soup 牛尾汤3.Main Course主菜:肉、禽类菜肴是主菜;其中最有代表性的是牛肉或牛排;steak 牛排pork chop 猪扒lamb chop 羊扒well done 全熟medium well 七分熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟4.Dessert西餐的甜品:是主菜后食用的,可以算作是第四道菜;从真正意义上讲,它包括所有主菜后的食物,如布丁、冰淇淋、奶酪、水果等等; 甜食是西餐中的最后一道菜,分软点、干点和湿点三种;软点大都热吃,如煎饼Pancake、烤饼Scone、松饼Muffin等,以作早餐供应为主;干点都是冷吃,如黄油蛋糕Butter Cake,派Pie、水果馅饼Tart等,一般作为下午茶点;湿点有各种冰淇淋Ice Cream、蛋奶酥souffle、果冻Jelly、布丁Pudding等,冷热都有,常作午晚餐的点心; 另外根据客人需要,在甜点前上奶酪,甜点后上咖啡和水果;5.Drink 饮品:coffee 咖啡、white coffee 牛奶咖啡、black coffee 纯咖啡、black tea红茶;开胃酒:red wine 红葡萄酒、brandy 白兰地、whisky 威士忌、vodka 伏特加、champagne 香槟、beer 啤酒、s herry 雪利酒、vermouth 味美思酒Bottoms up干杯Cheers干杯。
英文餐桌常见用语餐具coffee pot 咖啡壶coffee cup 咖啡杯paper towel 纸巾napkin 餐巾table cloth 桌布tea -pot 茶壶tea set 茶具tea tray 茶盘caddy 茶罐dish 碟plate 盘saucer 小碟子rice bowl 饭碗chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀cup 杯子glass 玻璃杯mug 马克杯picnic lunch 便当fruit plate 水果盘toothpick 牙签西餐menu 菜单French cuisine 法国菜today's special 今日特餐chef's special 主厨特餐buffet 自助餐fast food 快餐specialty 招牌菜continental cuisine 欧式西餐aperitif 饭前酒dim sum 点心French fires 炸薯条baked potato 烘马铃薯mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷pudding 布丁pastries 甜点pickled vegetables 泡菜kimchi 韩国泡菜crab meat 蟹肉prawn 明虾conch 海螺escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉bacon 熏肉poached egg 荷包蛋sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋over 煎两面荷包蛋fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋over hard 煎全熟蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg 煮蛋stone fire pot 石头火锅sashi 日本竹筷sake 日本米酒miso shiru 味噌汤roast meat 铁板烤肉sashimi 生鱼片butter 奶油冷饮:beverages 饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶black tea 红茶jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶white goup tea 冬瓜茶honey 蜂蜜chlorella 绿藻soda water 苏打水artificial color 人工色素ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水distilled water 蒸馏水long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡black coffee 纯咖啡ovaltine 阿华田chlorella yakult 养乐多essence of chicken 鸡精ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地ice-cream 雪糕soft ice-cream 窗淇淋vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔straw 吸管中餐bear's paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp, seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干牛排与酒breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐brunch 早午餐supper 晚餐late snack 宵夜dinner 正餐ham and egg 火腿肠buttered toast 奶油土司French toast 法国土司muffin松饼cheese cake 酪饼white bread 白面包brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜green salad 蔬菜沙拉onion soup 洋葱汤potage 法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤minestrone 蔬菜面条汤ox tail soup 牛尾汤fried chicken 炸鸡roast chicken 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone steak 丁骨牛排filet steak 菲力牛排sirloin steak 沙朗牛排club steak 小牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer 罐装啤酒red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌vodka 伏特加on the rocks 酒加冰块rum 兰酒champagne 香槟熟菜与调味品string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽kale 甘蓝菜cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜broccoli 花椰菜mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜celery 芹菜tarragon 蒿菜beetroot, beet 甜菜agar-agar 紫菜lettuce 生菜spinach 菠菜leek 韭菜caraway 香菜hair-like seaweed 发菜preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜salted vegetable 雪里红lettuce 莴苣asparagus 芦荟bamboo shoot 竹笋dried bamboo shoot 笋干chives 韭黄ternip 白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜water chestnut 荸荠ficus tikaua 地瓜long crooked squash 菜瓜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜gherkin 小黄瓜yam 山芋taro 芋头beancurd sheets 百叶champignon 香菇button mushroom 草菇needle mushroom 金针菇agaricus 蘑菇dried mushroom 冬菇tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子potato, spud 马铃薯lotus root 莲藕agaric 木耳white fungus 百木耳ginger 生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头green onion 葱onion 洋葱scallion, leek 青葱wheat gluten 面筋miso 味噌seasoning 调味品caviar 鱼子酱barbeque sauce 沙茶酱tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱mustard 芥茉salt 盐sugar 糖monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精vinegar 醋sweet 甜sour 酸bitter 苦lard 猪油peanut oil 花生油soy sauce 酱油green pepper 青椒paprika 红椒star anise 八角cinnamon 肉挂curry 咖喱maltose 麦芽糖其他小吃meat 肉beef 牛肉pork 猪肉chicken 鸡肉mutton 羊肉bread 面包steamed bread 馒头rice noodles 米粉fried rice noodles 河粉steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉macaroni 通心粉bean thread 冬粉bean curd with odor 臭豆腐flour-rice noodle 面粉noodles 面条instinct noodles 速食面vegetable 蔬菜crust 面包皮sandwich 三明治toast 土司hamburger 汉堡cake 蛋糕spring roll 春卷pancake 煎饼fried dumpling 煎贴rice glue ball 元宵glue pudding 汤圆millet congee 小米粥cereal 麦片粥steamed dumpling 蒸饺ravioli 馄饨nbsp; cake 月饼green bean cake 绿豆糕popcorn 爆米花chocolate 巧克力marrons glaces 唐炒栗子。
1. 餐具 (Cutlery):指在餐桌上使用的刀、叉、匙等工具。
2. 餐巾 (Napkin):用来擦嘴或保护衣服的布巾。
3. 主菜 (Main course):一道正餐中的主要菜肴。
4. 前菜 (Appetizer):小份量的开胃菜,通常在主菜之前食用。
5. 汤 (Soup):一种液体食品,通常用碗或杯盛装。
6. 饮料 (Beverage):包括水、果汁、咖啡、茶等所有可饮用的液体。
7. 甜点 (Dessert):通常在主菜之后食用的甜食,如蛋糕、布丁、冰淇淋等。
8. 餐桌礼仪 (Table manners):在用餐时必须遵守的规矩和礼节,如不大声喧哗、不把肘子放在桌子上等。
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中国的餐桌礼仪英语1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜let the elder people and the customer eat first 2.不要用筷子敲碗don't use the chopsticks hit the bowl3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜don't reach to get the food on the opposite side 4.等大家到齐了,才开始吃don't eat until everyone is there5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯wish for the people who host the dinnerThe main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel unfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.Eating No-no'sDon't stick your chopsticks upright in the ricebowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, itlooks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone.It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the foodis ing too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook.DrinkingGan Bei! (Cheers! “Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. TheBei ___g favorite is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are Maotai and Wuliangye.模板,内容仅供参考。
烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk饭类:稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg地瓜粥Sweet potato congee面类:馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面 Eel noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle汤类:鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup甜点:爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves冰类:绵绵冰Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰Sweet potato ice紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰Eight treasures ice 豆花Tofu pudding果汁:甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶Herb juice点心:牡蛎煎Oyster omelet 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕Salty rice pudding 豆干Dried tofu筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕R ed bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings其他:当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot水果:pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 橘sugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜shaddock 文旦juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃cherry 樱桃persimmon 柿子apple 苹果mango 芒果fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角almond 杏仁plum 李子honey-dew melon 哈密瓜loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄rambutan 红毛丹durian 榴梿strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚lichee 荔枝longan 龙眼wax-apple 莲雾guava 番石榴banana 香蕉熟菜与调味品:string bean 四季豆pea豌豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout黄豆芽mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽kale 甘蓝菜cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜broccoli 花椰菜mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜celery 芹菜tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot, beet 甜菜agar-agar 紫菜lettuce 生菜spinach 菠菜leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜hair-like seaweed 发菜preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜salted vegetable 雪里红lettuce 莴苣asparagus 芦荟bamboo shoot竹笋dried bamboo shoot 笋干chives 韭黄ternip白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜water chestnut 荸荠ficus tikaua 地瓜long crooked squash 菜瓜loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜bi t ter gourd苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜gherkin 小黄瓜yam 山芋taro 芋头beancurd sheets 百叶champignon 香菇 button mushroom 草菇needle mushroom 金针菇agaricus 蘑菇dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子potato, spud 马铃薯lotus root 莲藕agaric 木耳white fungus 百木耳ginger 生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头green onion 葱onion 洋葱scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋miso 味噌seasoning 调味品caviar 鱼子酱barbeque sauce 沙茶酱 tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱mustard 芥茉salt 盐sugar 糖monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精vinegar 醋sweet 甜sour 酸bitter 苦lard 猪油peanut oil 花生油soy sauce 酱油green pepper 青椒paprika 红椒star anise 八角cinnamon 肉挂curry 咖喱maltose 麦芽糖jerky 牛肉干dried beef slices 牛肉片dried pork slices 猪肉片confection 糖果 glace fruit 蜜饯marmalade 果酱dried persimmon 柿饼candied melon 冬瓜糖red jujube 红枣 black date 黑枣 glace date 蜜枣dried longan 桂圆干raisin 葡萄干chewing gum 口香糖nougat 牛乳糖mint 薄荷糖drop 水果糖marshmallow 棉花糖caramel 牛奶糖peanut brittle 花生糖 castor sugar 细砂白糖granulated sugar 砂糖sugar candy 冰糖butter biscuit 奶酥rice cake 年糕moon cake 月饼green bean cake 绿豆糕popcorn 爆米花 chocolate 巧克力marrons glaces 糖炒栗子牛排与酒:breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐brunch 早午餐supper 晚餐late snack 宵夜dinner 正餐ham and egg 火腿肠 buttered toast 奶油土司French toast法国土司muffin 松饼cheese cake 酪饼whi t e bread 白面包 brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜green salad蔬菜沙拉onion soup 洋葱汤 potage法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤minestrone 蔬菜面条汤ox tail soup 牛尾汤fried chicken 炸鸡roast chicken 烤鸡steak 牛排 T-bone steak 丁骨牛排filet steak 菲力牛排sirloin steak 沙朗牛排club steak 小牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer罐装啤酒red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌vodka伏特加on the rocks 酒加冰块rum兰酒champagne 香槟其他小吃:meat 肉 beef 牛肉 pork 猪肉chicken 鸡肉mutton 羊肉bread 面包steamed bread 馒头rice noodles 米粉fried rice noodles 河粉steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉macaroni 通心粉bean thread 冬粉bean curd wi t h odor 臭豆腐flour-rice noodle 面粉noodles 面条instinct noodles速食面vegetable 蔬菜 crust 面包皮sandwich 三明治toast 土司hamburger 汉堡cake 蛋糕spring roll春卷pancake煎饼fried dumpling煎贴rice glue ball 元宵glue pudding 汤圆millet congee 小米粥cereal 麦片粥steamed dumpling 蒸饺滑ravioli 馄饨餐具:coffee pot 咖啡壶coffee cup咖啡杯paper towel 纸巾napkin 餐巾table cloth 桌布tea -pot 茶壶 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盘caddy 茶罐 dish 碟plate 盘saucer 小碟子rice bowl 饭碗chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀cup 杯子glass 玻璃杯mug 马克杯picnic lunch 便当frui t plate 水果盘 toothpick 牙签中餐:bear's paw 熊掌 * of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops干贝lobster龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚 boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish,fire pot火锅meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干西餐与日本料理:menu 菜单French cuisine法国菜today's special 今日特餐chef's special 主厨特餐buffet 自助餐fast food 快餐specialty 招牌菜continental cuisine 欧式西餐aperitif 饭前酒dim sum 点心French fires炸薯条baked potato烘马铃薯mashed potatoes马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷pudding 布丁pastries 甜点pickled vegetables 泡菜kimchi 韩国泡菜crab meat 蟹肉prawn 明虾conch 海螺 escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋over hard 煎全熟蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg 煮蛋stone fire pot 石头火锅sashi 日本竹筷sake 日本米酒miso shiru 味噌汤roast meat 铁板烤肉sashimi 生鱼片butter 奶油冷饮:beverages饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice番茄汁 orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐 tea leaves 茶叶black tea 红茶jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶white goup tea 冬瓜茶honey 蜂蜜chlorella 绿藻soda water 苏打水artificial color 人工色素ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水 distilled water 蒸馏水long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳;炼奶cocoa可可coffee mate奶精coffee咖啡iced coffee冰咖啡whi t e coffee牛奶咖black coffee纯咖啡ovaltine 阿华田chlorella yakult 养乐多essence of chicken 鸡精ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代;新地ice-cream 雪糕soft ice-cream 窗淇淋vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔straw 吸管。
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Here's to our friendship and to your health, Cheers!
Ah, here come the egg rolls.
It tastes best when taken piping hot.
Excuse me, could I see the menu, please?
Are you ready to order?
first course/stasters
Emma: Are you ready to order?
Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.
Emma: That's minestrone, is that all right sir?
二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如:
1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester 为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!
Hugh: Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?
Emma: Chicken.
Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please
1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康 / 成功干杯!
2.Here's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯!
3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯!
Since you don't help yourself, i'll help you with some fish balls.
This dish is delicious.
I'm glad you like it.
Mr. Taylor, which do you prefer, beer or wine?
Mr. Taylor,你要啤酒还是葡萄酒。
Wouldn't you care for something a little stronger?
2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。
四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。例如:
Oh,come, come,David.Here's how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯!
Would you like something to drink?
Would you like to see the menu?
Language Notes 三言两语
点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下-看菜单-点菜-付钱-离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照次顺序。“订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即to book a table 和make a reservation.在英国以及在其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。
Would you like to see the menu?
点菜就餐的次序:找桌子 看菜单 点菜 付钱 离开
Have you got a table for two, please?
Have you booked a table?
Have you made a reservation?
smoking or non-smoking?
2.Helen raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!”
三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如:
1.He raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!”
Could I have the bill, please?
How would you like to pay?
It's on me.(我请客。)
It's my treat.(我请客。)
Be my guest. (我请客。)
Language Notes 三言两语
在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。the first course或者starters是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其它小吃。第二道菜是主菜,fish and chips是鱼和炸土豆条,它同“roast beef and york shir pudding——牛肉布丁”、“shepherd spie——牧羊人的馅饼”一样,都是典型的英国传统菜肴。最后一道是甜食——或冷或热,但都是甜的。西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。
Have some more, please.
To the success of your Guangzhou trip!
May i help you get some pieces of sweet and sour fish?
Conversation In A Restaurant
Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant
a few moments later
Emma: one sparkling water
Hugh: Thanks very much
埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可 以吗?
休:可以。好的…… 至 于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?
1.Friends,I'll give you a toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯!
2.I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!
Try some of the cold dishes.
Another course is coming up.
Just help yourself to whatever you'd like.
No more, thank you, i'm really full.
I'm afraid i've had more than enough.
May i fill your glass again?
Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. )
六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。例如:
Emma: Boiled ponks very much.
Emma: OK.
you would no doubt be interested in Chinese cooking.
Dinner is ready. Please come to the table.