
中考时文阅读练习09中考时文阅读练习----保护考拉,刻不容缓!题型:阅读理解主题语境:动物语篇类型:说明文词数:260难度:★★★☆☆建议用时:7分钟The Australian Koala Foundation says Australia has lost about 30 percent of its koalas over the past three years. The non-profit(非营利) group says droughts(干旱),wildfires and development projects played a part in the drop in the koala population. They are strongly advising the government to do more to protect the animal's environment.The group guesses the koala population has dropped to less than 58,000 this year from more than80,000 in 2018. The biggest decrease is in the state of New South Wales, where the number of koalas has droppedby 41 percent. Deborah Tabart, leader of the Australian Koala Foundation, called the dropbelieved to have as few as five or ten.Tabart said the country needs a koala protection law. She added, “What we worry about is places like western New South Wales where droughts have lasted for over ten years. Now, the effect is beginning to show up—river systems completely dry and red gum trees(红桉树),which are the lifeblood of koalas,are dead.”The loss in New South Wales likely sped up after large forest areas were destroyed(毁坏) by wildfires in late 2019 and early 2020. Some of those areas already had no koalas. Land clearing by building developers and road builders has also destroyed the koala's environment.“I think everyo ne gets it, and we've got to change.But if those building-machines keep working, then I really fear for the koalas,”Tabart said.1.What did the group advise the government to do?A. Save koalas from dying out.B. Stop all development projects.C. Put out the wildfire immediately.D. Provide enough water for koalas.2.What does the underlined word“dramatic”in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Exciting.B. Surprising.C. Relaxing.D. Interesting.3.How does the writer tell us about koalas' situation in Paragraph 2?A. By listing numbers.B. By giving examples.C. By asking questions.D. By analyzing facts.4. Which of the following is TRUE according to Tabart?A. New South Wales is the only place they care about.B. The rivers and red gum trees are influenced by the koalas.C. Australia needs to make a law to protect the koalas.D. Everyone understands that building- machines should stop working.5.What's the main idea of the passage?A. Some are hunting koalas in Australia.B. Koalas in Australia are in great danger.C. Development has put koalas in danger.D. Everyone should take actions to protect Koalas.【译文】澳大利亚考拉基金会表示,在过去的三年间,澳大利亚失去了约30%的考拉。

新高考高三英语时文阅读精选(含答案解析)AClimate protection and public health have striking similarities. The benefits of both can be enjoyed by everyone, even by individuals who do not contribute to the collective efforts to address these problems. If climate change slows down, both drivers of gas-guzzlers and electric cars will benefit — although the former did not help in climate efforts. Similarly, if the spread of Coronavirus is halted, individuals who refused to wash their hands, as well as the ones who washed them assiduously, will enjoy the restored normal life.Most countries have gotten their acts together, although behind time, on Coronavirus. Citizens also seem to be following the advice of public health officials. Could then the Coronavirus policy model be applied to climate change? We urge caution because these crises are different, which means that policies that worked well for Coronavirus might not be effective for climate change.Climate change is the defining crisis of our times. Floods, hurricanes, forest fires, and extreme weather events have become more frequent and severe over the years. Although climate change generates passionate discussions in big cities and university campuses, there is inadequate public call for immediate action. Some types of decarbonization policies are certainly in place. However, carbon-intensive lifestyles continue. This policy lethargy (无精打采) and behavioral inertia (惰性) are due to many reasons, including concerted opposition by the fossil fuel industry to deep decarbonization. But there are other reasons as well. Climate change is cumulative and does not have a quick onset. Its effects are not always immediate and visible. Many individuals probably do not see a clear link between their actions and the eventual outcome. This reduces the willingness to alter lifestyles and tolerate personal sacrifices for the collective good.In contrast, Coronavirus is forcing an immediate policy response and behavioral changes. Its causality is clear and its onset quick. Lives are at stake, especially in western countries. The stock markets are tanking, and the economy is heading towards a recession. Politicians recognize that waffling can lead to massive consequences, even in the short-term. Corona-skeptic President Trump has reversed course and declared a national emergency.1. What does the writer think climate protection and public health have in common?A. They can’t be influenced by what people do.B. They only benefit those who contribute to them.C. They usually punish those who do harm to them.D. They offer benefits to everyone whatever people do.2. Which word can take the place of the underlined word “assiduously”?A. Attentively.B. Absolutely.C. Abundantly.D. Alternatively.3. Why are people unwilling to change their carbon-intensive lifestyles?A. Because they think the climate is none of their business.B. Because they think what they do has no effect on the climate.C. Because they can’t see the quick result from what they do to the climate.D. Because they don’t clearly know how their lifestyles influence the climate.4. Which of the following does the author disagree with?A. President Trump had a skeptic attitude to coronavirus at first.B. Compared with climate change, coronavirus has a quick result.C. People are willing to change their lifestyles because of coronavirus.D. Many countries have responded to coronavirus quickly and effectively.BRobots, Not Humans, Are the New Space Explorers “Since the days of Apollo, the greatest adventures in space have been these robots that have gone all over the solar system,” says Emily Lakdawalla, a self-described planetary evangelist①at the Planetary Society.By “these robots,” Lakdawalla means the various robotic probes that have flown past planets, moons and asteroids②— orbiting③some, landing on others.Millions of people around the world have watched with delight as the six-wheeled rovers④have trundled across the Martian surface, snapping pictures and taking selfies.At Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., Matthew Shindell says visitors make a point of coming to the planetary exhibit in a gallery tucked into the west end of the museum.Shindell is the museum’s planetary science curator⑤. A prominent⑥feature of the gallery is a large glass case containing versions⑦of all the rovers that NASA has sent to Mars, from the tiny Sojourner rover that landed in 1997 to the 2,000-pound Curiosity rover that arrived in 2012.“People love to come and see the rovers and really get a sense of what they look like up close and their actual scale,” Shindell says.Mars has a mystique all its own, so perhaps it’s not surprising that people find exploring the red planet enticing. But the New Horizons fly-by of Pluto, the Messengerclose encounter with Mercury, and Juno’s buzzing⑧over Jupiter's poles all have generated great public interest.Elkins-Tanton says she and her team are inviting the public to explore Psyche with them.“We’re going to be sending the images that we get out onto the Internet for everyone in the world to see within a half-hour of our receiving them,”she says. “So everyone in the world is going to see this crazy world at the same time and we can all scratch our heads together.”This idea of sharing the experience of space missions is something NASA has embraced. Lakdawalla says the public has been able to see the passion and commitment of the scientists who work on these robotic explorers.“Now you recognize that robotic exploration is human exploration,” she says. “It's just that the humans are back on Earth and the robots are going where humans can’t currently go.”CIn reaction to the coronavirus pandemic, some schools and education institutions are rushing to move their classes and programs online. It’s not going to go well. It’s already not going well. But in the end, in a year or two maybe, the online education adventure we’re watching may be worth the pain, but not in the way you may imagine.We probably should not look sideways at schools that are trying to keep their programs running by turning to online options. It can easily seem like the best of the bad options. But it started badly. As college Presidents, Boards, Superintendents and others were wrestling with these awful choices, they were flooded with solicitations from profit-seeking companies offering to move them online. It was unseemly — like the fire department calling you in the middle of a house fire to offer assistance, for a reasonable fee.That’s not to say all the companies that sell online education platforms and services are behaving that way. But we can say that many of them viewed this crisis as an outstanding business opportunity. So, just in case any education leaders didn’t know how these companies behaved, more do now. That’s good. It’s a taste that will likely linger. The other thing that’s happening is that, for the schools that are attempting to migrate online, they are learning what that means. Theirteachers and students are too.Conversations are already dripping with regret and shocked awareness of how poor the quality of online education is, how implausible it is to actually make work. On social media, teachers have been surprised by the lack of control, lack of engagement, lack of accountability in virtual classrooms. “Zoom University” has been trending on Twitter. It even has a logo, which is not a compliment.1. What is the real intention for companies to offer online service?A. To make money in the coronavirus pandemic.B. To prepare for the online learning in the future.C. To help students with study in the coronavirus pandemic.D. To help schools move class online in the coronavirus pandemic.2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “implausible”?A. Irresistible.B. Impossible.C. Irregular.D. Immoral.3. What’s the attitude of the author towards “Zoom University”?A. Optimistic.B. Critical.C. Neutral.D. Indifferent.4. The purpose of this passage is to show that_______.A. the coronavirus influences education very seriouslyB. schools have to offer online education because of the coronavirusC. online education should be cancelled because of its poor qualityD. online education is poor since companies just want to make moneyDWith Cats or Dogs Can ‘Significantly’ Reduce StressCollege is stressful. Students have classes, papers, and exams. But they also often have work, bills to pay, and so many other pressures common in modern life.Many universities have instituted “Pet Your Stress Away” programs, where students can come in and interact with cats and/or dogs to help alleviate①some of the strain.Scientists at Washington State University have recently demonstrated that, in addition to improving students’ moods, these programs can actually get “under the skin” and have stress-relieving physiological benefits.“Just 10 minutes can have a significant impact,” said Patricia Pendry, an associate professorin WSU’s Department of Human Development. “Students in our study that interacted with cats and dogs had a significant reduction in cortisol②, a major stress hormone.”Pendry published these findings with WSU graduate student Jaymie Vandagriff last month in AERA Open, an open access journal published by the American Educational Research Association.This is the first study that has demonstrated reductions in students’ cortisol levels during a real‑life intervention rather than in a laboratory setting.The study involved 249 college students randomly③divided into four groups. The first group received hands on interaction in small groups with cats and dogs for 10 minutes. They could pet, play with, and generally hang out with the animals as they wanted.To compare effects of different exposures to animals, the second group observed other people petting animals while they waited in line for their turn. The third group watched a slide-show of the same animals available during the intervention④, while the fourth group was “waitlisted”. Those students waited for their turn quietly for 10 minutes without their phones, reading materials, or other stimuli, but were told they would experience animal interaction soon.Several salivary cortisol samples were collected from each participant, starting in the morning when they woke up. Once all the data was crunched⑤from the various samples, the students who interacted directly with the pets showed significantly less cortisol in their saliva⑥after the interaction. These results were found even while considering that some students may have had very high or low levels to begin with.“We already knew that students enjoy interacting with animals, and that it helps them experience more positive emotions,” Pendry said. “What we wanted to learn was whether this exposure would help students reduce their stress in a less subjective way. And it did, which is exciting because the reduction of stress hormones may, over time, have significant benefits for physical and mental health.”Now Pendry and her team are continuing this work by examining the impact of a four-week-long animal-assisted stress prevention program. Preliminary results are very positive, with a followup study showing that the findings of the recently published work hold up. They hope to publish the final results of that work in the near future.EThese days many workers feel pushed, filed, indexed and numbered. When they apply for a job, they may be assessed by artificial intelligence, which parses resumes for key words without which an applicant’s odds of an interview lengthen. Based on works like “Evidence-Based Recruiting” by Atta Tarki, who claims that scores in general-mental-ability tests have a strong 65% correlation with job performance, firms may ask candidates to take an intelligence test.When they get a job, employees find the indexing and numbering continues. Workers at warehouses have to pick a certain number of items per hour; those at call-centers are assessed by software that monitors their hourly number of calls, and the amount of time spent on each one. Fall behind the target and you may feel unable to take a break. When their task is completed, employees are often rated again, this time by the customers.Manufacturing workers have long faced these kind of numerical targets, as well as the need to clock in and out of work. The big change is that similar metrics and rating systems are spreading to more and more parts of the economy. Academics get rated by students; nurses may be judged on a “behaviorally anchored rating scale” which assesses how much empathy they showed to patients.Ratings are at the heart of the gig economy, where workers are connected with employers and customers via the internet. Just as TripAdvisor ratings allow holidaymakers to assess hotels, Uber drivers get a score out of five.Such systems are understandable in parts of the economy where output is difficult to measure precisely. But they can be arbitrary. People might give an Uber driver a poor rating because they are in a bad mood or because they encountered unexpected traffic disruption.Gianpiero Petriglieri of the INSEAD business school says that, since firms no longer offer jobs for life, everyone is an independent worker whether they like it or not. The key passage in your CV may not be the universities you attended, but your rating in categories like teamwork, innovation and adaptability.1. Why are employees asked to have a test?A. Its result has relation with their working performance.B. Boss wants to get an understanding of their personality further.C. Its result shows if they can bear the pressure of assessment.D. It is a part of recruiting process.2. Which industry uses the numerical rating system earlier than other industries?A. Service industry.B. Education industry.C. Manufacture industry.D. Agriculture industry.3. What does Gianpiero Petriglieri mean in the last paragraph?A. Employees are interrelated since they work in the same company.B. People should focus on their education background in the resumes.C. Rating system might be misused in some occasions.D. Your performance in rating system should be highlighted.4. Where is this article mostly likely from?A. A newspaper.B. A novel.C. A science fiction.D. A research paper.A【答案】1-4 DACD【解析】本文是说明文。

1. How will the process benefit humans according to the study?A. By creating warm air for researchers on the moon.B. By providing rocks for the production of minerals.C. By testing the weight of the oxygen contained in moon dust.D. By offering oxygen for people conducting studies on the moon.2. What makes oxygen difficult to produce during the ESA’s experiment?A. Its poor quality.B. Its small quantity.C. Its form of existence.D. Its complex structure.3. Why does the author mention Beth Lomax in the third paragraph?A. To show the history of ESA’s pilot plant.B. To stress the importance of the ESA’s study.C. To explain the theory of the ESA’s research.D. To present the process of the ESA’s experiment.4. What is the “bonus” in the new process?A. Usable metals.B. Fresh oxygen.C. Rare minerals.D. Precious glass.5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. ESA has discovered new materials on the moon.B. ESA and NASA plan to land man on the moon again.C. NASA will send more astronauts to the moon in 2024.D. NASA and ESA will cooperate to do research on the moon.【参考答案】DCBAB单词学习1. planetary adj. 行星的 a planetary system 行星系2. regolith n. 月壤;表土;风化层3. sample n. 样本 a sample survey 抽样调查4. lunar settler 月球移民5. rocket fuel 火箭燃料6. metallic adj. 含金属的;金属制的metallic compounds 金属化合物长难句分析ESA officials say the latest experiments were part of expanded engineering development aimed at finding new ways for lunar materials to be used to support future human activities.【分析】主语为“ESA officials”,谓语为“say”。

时文阅读与练习捕捉那即将融化之美Not too long ago,41-year-old Garrett Fisher flew in a small airplane close to the surface of Europe's largest glacier,which is in Norway. Information from the European Environmental Agency,or EEA,says glaciers in the Alps Mountains have lost about half of their volume since 1900.The melting has gotten faster since the 1980s.The EEA said that by 2100,the size of European glaciers could decrease by between 22 percent and 84 percent.Another EEA estimate suggested that up to 89 percent could melt.The EEA also said nearly all small glaciers in Norway would likely disappear.For Fisher,this means that time is running out.The melting pushes him to try to photograph the glaciers before it is too late.In the late 1990s,a friend told Fisher that the world's glaciers were disappearing,which pushed him to combine his love of flying and photography to photograph the Earth's remaining glaciers.He believes his photographs could be of great value to future generations.So he has launched Global Glacier Initiative,a non-profit group to support and show his work.He plans to open his photos to the public for research.Fisher flies a small plane called Piper Super Cub which can carry two people.“The weather is bad,especially the extremely cold and strong winds,which makesphotography technically difficult,”Fisher said.“And to photograph glaciers,we're getting very close to all of this action.So it requires a lot of skill,time and determination.”Some people would ask,“Why did you risk flying over glaciers when sa tellites already give pictures of them ”Fisher said that satellite images don't capture the beauty of glaciers the way his photos can.His photos show the colors,shapes,and shadows as the light from the sun hits the glaciers.“Science has all of the data we need...The problem is,it's not beautiful,”he said.Reading Check1.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk aboutA.The urgency of protecting glaciers.B.The seriousness of glaciers'melting.C.The cause of the disappearance of glaciers.D.The recent research on glaciers'melting.2.What drove Fisher to take pictures of glaciersA.Words from a friend of his.B.An invitation from a photography studio.C.Photos taken by satellites.D.His enthusiasm for glaciers.3.Why is Fisher's shooting challengingA.Time is limited.B.The weather is terrible.C.He doesn't have professional equipment.D.He doesn't have complicated shooting skills.4.What can we know from Fisher's words in the last paragraphA.His pictures cost more time and are more difficult to take.B.His pictures of glaciers have more scientific research value.C.His pictures focus on presenting glaciers' beauty in various aspects.D.His pictures provide more detailed information on glaciers for the public.Language StudyⅠ.Difficult sentence in the textIn the late 1990s,a friend told Fisher that the world's glaciers were disappearing,which pushed him to combine his love of flying and photography to photograph the Earth's remaining glaciers.20 世纪90 年代末,一个朋友告诉费希尔,世界上的冰川正在消失,这促使他将自己对飞行和摄影的热爱结合起来,拍摄地球上仅存的冰川。

备战2024英语知识中考时文阅读练习机器尾巴或帮助老人保持平衡答案详解题型:阅读理解主题语境:发明与技术语篇类型:说明文词数:194难度:★★★★☆建议用时:8分钟It's known that most animals have tails. But why don't humans have them? Well, millions of years ago, humans did have tails, but we slowly lost them.However,a team has built a robotic tail for old people to help them keep their balance(平衡).The tail is one meter long. People can wear it around their waist(腰).“The tail works likebody leans(倾斜) one way, the tail moves in a different direction.The robotic tail works like a seahorse's tail.It has a set of plastic vertebrae(塑料椎骨)to make it move easily. Users can take some of its parts out to make the tail lighter.There are a growing number of old people around the world. Some of them will lose their balance and can't walk well because of their ages. This tail can help them get around more easily. The development team is also looking at other possible uses for the tail. It could help workers keep their balance while they are carrying heavy things. It could also give gamers a better experience when they play VR(虚拟现实)games.1.What can the robotic tail help old people do?A. Keep their balance.B. Carry things.C. Walk fast.D. Exercise.2.What's the meaning of the underlined word “pendulum"in Chinese?A.指针B. 表盘C.发条D. 钟摆3. According to Paragraph 2, which of the following are TRUE about the robotic tail?a. It is one meter long.b. People can make it lighter.c.It moves in the same direction as our body.d. It works like a seahorse's tail.A. abcB. abdC. acdD. bed4.Who may not use the tail?A. John, 6 months old, who cannot walk.B. Daisy, 65 years old, who cannot walk well by herself.C. Thomas, 20 years old, who likes playing VR games.D. Eden,31 years old,a worker,who often carries heavy things.5.The passage mainly talks about_____.A. animals' tailsB.the importance of keeping balanceC.the robotic tail for humansD. the importance of helping old people【译文】众所周知,大多数动物都有尾巴,但为什么人类没有呢?其实,数百万年前,人类确实有尾巴,但我们渐渐失去了它们。

英语时文阅读参考答案一、阅读理解题1. 根据文章内容,以下哪项是作者的主要观点?A. 英语学习对个人职业发展至关重要。
B. 英语是全球通用语言,应该被广泛学习。
C. 学习英语可以提高个人的跨文化交流能力。
D. 英语教育应该注重实用性和应用性。
答案:C2. 文章中提到了哪些因素可以促进英语学习?A. 个人兴趣和学习动力。
B. 良好的语言环境和实践机会。
C. 系统的教育体系和教学方法。
D. 所有上述因素。
答案:D3. 作者认为哪种学习方式对提高英语水平最有效?A. 通过阅读英文原著来学习。
B. 通过观看英语电影和电视节目来学习。
C. 通过与母语为英语的人交流来学习。
D. 通过参加英语角或语言交换活动来学习。
答案:C4. 文章中提到的“沉浸式学习法”是指什么?A. 完全用英语进行思考和交流。
B. 在英语环境中学习英语。
C. 通过学习英语文化来提高语言水平。
D. 通过背诵英语单词和短语来学习。
答案:B5. 根据文章,以下哪项不是提高英语听力的方法?A. 经常听英语广播和新闻。
B. 观看英语电影和电视节目。
C. 阅读英语书籍和报纸。
D. 参加英语听力训练课程。
答案:C二、完形填空题6. The best title for the passage could be "The Importance of _______ in Learning English."A. PracticeB. GrammarC. VocabularyD. Pronunciation答案:A7. The author suggests that _______ is the key to mastering English.A. listeningB. speakingC. writingD. reading答案:B8. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a benefit of learning English?A. Better job opportunities.B. Access to a wider range of information.C. The ability to travel without a guide.D. The ability to understand complex mathematical concepts.答案:D9. The word "immersion" in the context of the passage means_______.A. being surrounded by the English languageB. learning English in a classroom settingC. only learning English grammarD. memorizing English vocabulary lists答案:A10. The author believes that learning English can alsoimprove one's _______.A. cooking skillsB. cultural understandingC. mathematical abilitiesD. physical fitness答案:B三、词汇题11. The word "enhance" in the context of the passage isclosest in meaning to:A. increaseB. reduceC. maintainD. replace答案:A12. The term "fluency" refers to:A. the ability to speak a language easily and smoothlyB. the ability to understand complex sentencesC. the ability to write well in a languageD. the ability to read quickly答案:A13. In the passage, "comprehension" is related to:A. understandingB. speakingC. writingD. listening答案:A14. The word "articulate" is used to describe someone who can:A. speak quicklyB. speak clearly and effectivelyC. speak with a lot of gesturesD. speak with a strong accent答案:B15. The phrase "language barrier" in the passage implies:A. the difficulty of learning a new languageB. the challenge of communicating in a different languageC. the advantage of being bilingualD. the importance of learning multiple languages答案:B请注意,以上内容仅为示例,实际的英语时文阅读参考答案应根据具体文章内容和问题来制定。

A helpful otter一只乐于助人的水獭体裁记叙文难度★★词数174Mrs Zhao from Beijing goes to a zoo in Shanghai. There are all kinds of animals at the zoo. She sees a cute otter and takes out her phone to make a video of it. But her phone falls into the water.The otter's name is You Tiao. He sees the phone in the water and quickly jumps into the water. He soon finds the phone and gives it to a zookeeper. The zookeeper then gives the phone to Mrs Zhao.Mrs Zhao is very happy to get her phone back. To thank You Tiao, she gives a pennant(锦旗)to the zoo. “The otter saved my phone. Ill make a trip to see him again!” says Mrs Zhao. You Tiao is the first animal at the zoo to get a pennant, so the zoo gives him more fish for his dinner. Otters like You Tiao at the zoo learn to pick up things in the water. The zoo wants people to see the cute animals' work and stop throwing rubbish into the water. The zookeeper says You Tiao is very smart and he is good at doing this.1.You Tiao helps Mrs Zhao to________.A. make a great videoB. get out of the waterC. give the phone to a zookeeperD. take her phone out of the water2. What does Mrs Zhao give to the zoo?A.A pennant.B. A phone.C. A photo.D.A fish.3.What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to(指的是)?A. Using the phone.B. Throwing rubbish.C. Swimming in the water.D. Picking up things in the water.4.What do we know about Mrs Zhao?A. She is afraid of otters.B. She buys a new phone.C. She es from Shanghai.D. She wants to visit the zoo again.5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Mrs Zhao takes out her phone to take a photo of You Tiao's picking up rubbish in the water.B. You Tiao returns the phone to Mrs Zhao because the zookeeper asks him to do so.C. The zoo gives more fish to You Tiao because he picks up the phone in the water.D. To stop people throwing rubbish into the water, the zookeeper gives the phone to Mrs. Zhao.重点句型及难旬分析:You Tiao is the first animal at the zoo to get a pennant, so the zoo gives him more fish for his dinner.句意:“油条”是动物园里第一只得到锦旗的动物,因此动物园给了他更多的鱼作为晚餐.to get a pennant是不定式短语作后置定语,修饰the first animal; so意为“因此”.答案解析:1.D 根据第二段中的“The otter's name is You Tiao. He sees the phone in the water and quickly jumps into the water. He soon finds the phone and gives it to a zookeeper.”可知,“油条”跳进水里,把从水里捡起来,然后给了饲养员.所以“油条”帮助赵女士从水里捡起不慎掉落的.故选D.2.A 根据最后一段中的“To thank You Tiao, she gives a pennant to the zoo.”可知,赵女士给了动物园一面锦旗.故选A.3.D 根据最后一段中的“Otters like You Tiao at the zoo learn to pick up thi ngs in the water.”可知,像“油条”一样的水獭在动物园都学会了从水里捡东西.这里是说“油条”很擅长这个,因此this指的是从水里捡东西.故选D.4.D根据最后一段中的“The otter saved my phone. I'll make a trip to see him again!' says Mrs. Zhao.”可知,赵女士会再次去动物园看望“油条”.故选D.5.C 根据最后一段中的“You Tiao is the first animal at the zoo to get a pennant, so the zoo gives him more fish for his dinner.”可知,“油条”是动物园里第一只因捡起掉进水里的而得到锦旗的动物,所以动物园给了他更多的鱼作为晚餐.故选C.Birds which can fly underwater会水下飞的鸟体裁说明文难度★★★词数185Which birds can't fly? Did you just think of penguins? Indeed(的确),these cute birds can only walk and maybe run a little bit on the land. But when they're underwater, they can “fly”!Penguins have to work harder than other birds to “fly”. Most birds only use the muscles(肌肉)in their chest(胸部)to move their wings. But penguins use both the muscles in their chest and the muscles between their shoulders to “fly”. The penguin's special wings are called flippers(鳍状肢).A penguin uses the muscles between its shoulders to lift its flippers up. Then, it uses the muscles in its chest to pull the flippers down.Penguins move very fast underwater. When they want to change direction(方向),they usually use their feet and head. If a penguin wants to turn to the right, for example, it puts down its right foot and turns its head to the right. When a penguin wants to stop, its two feet e down and the bird stops flapping(拍打)its flippers. Penguins “fly”freely in the vast(广阔的)oceans!1.What can penguins do on the land according to the passage?A. Walk.B. Run fast.C. Fly.D. Climb trees.2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?A. Why penguins can “fly”.B. How penguins can “fly”.C. Where penguins can “fly”.D. When penguins can “fly”.3. What can penguins use to change direction?A. Muscles and wings.B. Muscles and shoulders.C. Feet and flippers.D. Feet and head.4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Penguins usually “fly” easily.B. Flippers help penguins “fly”.C. Penguins move fast on land.D. Penguins can fly in the sky.重点句型及难句分析:When they want to change direction, they usually use their feet and head.句意:当它们想改变方向时,它们通常用它们的脚和头.when 意为“当······时候”,引导时间状语从句; change direction 意为“改变方向”.答案解析:1.A 根据第一段中的“.these cute birds can only walk and maybe run a little bit on the land.”可知,在陆地上,企鹅只能走和慢跑.故选A.2.B 第二段阐述企鹅与其他鸟不同,为了“飞”,它既要用胸部间的肌肉也要用肩膀间的肌肉,也就是说,企鹅如何飞.故选B.3.D根据第三段中的“When they want to change direction, they usually use their feet and head.”可知,企鹅用脚和头改变方向.故选D.4.B根据第二段中的“The penguin's special wings are called flippers. A penguin uses the muscles between its shoulders to lit its flippers up...”可知,企鹅特殊的翅膀叫鳍状肢,企鹅利用肩膀的肌肉来抬起鳍状肢,并且利用胸部间的肌肉来放下鳍状肢.由此推断鳍状肢能帮助企鹅“飞”.故选B.How do dogs talk?狗是如何说话的?体裁说明文难度★★★词数236Most of the time, a dog wags its tail to show that it's friendly. The dog is saying,“I feel happy!”This dog is having fun. How can you tell? The dog's tail is in the air. Its ears are up. It seems to be smiling.This dog is scared(害怕的). How can you tell? It is hiding. It is saying,“I feel afraid.”Some dogs use other ways to show they are scared. They may drop their tails between their legs. They may make their ears flat. They may bark. These dogs are also saying,“I feel afraid.”This dog is angry. How can you tell? It is making a deep sound called a growl(咆哮). It is showing its teeth. It is saying,“________” You should never play with a dog that is angry. It might bite.Young dogs like to play together. They may growl. They may roll in the grass and bite each other. It may seem like these dogs are fighting. But don't worry. That is just the way that young dogs play. It is also a safe way to learn about fighting. Dogs need to know how to protect themselves from other animals.Now you know how to watch and listen. You can look at dogs' ears and tails. You can look at how dogs stand. You can listen to the sounds dogs make. Now you can understand how dogs talk!1. What does a dog usually do when it feels happy?A. It may wag its tail.B. It may drop its tail between their legs.C. It may make a deep sound.D. It may roll in the grass.2.According to the passage, how many ways do dogs use to show they are scared?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.3.Which of the following can we put in the blank of Paragraph 5?A. e and play with me.B. Stay away from me!C. I am hungry.D. Let's have fun!4.Why does the writer tell us never to play with an angry dog?A. Because it might make a deep sound.B. Because it might show its teeth.C. Because it might bite.D. Because it might play with you.重点句型及难句分析:That is just the way that young dogs play.句意:那只是小狗玩耍的方式.that引导定语从句,修饰the way.答案解析:1.A 根据第一段“Most of the time, a dog wags its tail to show that it's friendly. The dog is saying,' I feel happy!'”和第二段内容可知,大多数时候,当一只狗感到开心时,它会摇尾巴.故选A.2.D 根据第三段和第四段内容可知,当狗感到害怕时,它们会采取躲起来、把尾巴夹在两腿之间、耷拉着耳朵和吠叫这四种方法来表达.故选D.3.B 根据第五段内容可知,当狗生气时,它会发出咆哮声,并且露出牙齿,所以它最有可能在说“离我远点!”.故选B.4.C 根据第五段最后两句可知,我们之所以不应该和一只生气的狗玩,是因为它可能会咬人.故选C.An earthworm's home蚯蚓的家体裁说明文难度★★★词数281I'm an earthworm. I'd like to wele you to my home.I live in a wonderful place with plenty of food, fresh air, and just the right amount of moisture.I live in the soil.When some people e into my home, all they see is dirt(泥土).Soil is a lot more than dirt. Soil includes ground(磨碎的)and partly dissolved rocks(溶解的岩石)and minerals(矿物质).Soil contains water and air, too. They are good things for me. I need water to keep my skin moist. I get air from the soil. Can you believe it? I breathe through my skin!Soil also has humus(腐殖质) in it. Humus is small bits of dead plants and animals. Humus is usually brown or black, so it can change the colour of the soil. Humus is food for me. It is what I eat.My home has different layers. The top layer is full of humus, lots of roots, and plenty of air and water. The middle layer has small rocks and some humus. The bottom layer is made up of tree roots and bedrock. I mostly live in the top two layers where there is food, air, and water.I do a lot to fix up my home. When I eat humus, I grind it into even smaller bits. In this way, plants can use it as food. But I do more than that.When I crawl through the soil, I mix the layers. My tunnels help bring air, water, and food to other living things. Even the slime on my skin is good for the soil.Next time you see an earthworm like me, think about how I care for the soil, my home.1. What does an earthworm eat?A. Humus.B. Dirt.C. Rocks.D. Minerals.2. According to the passage, soil includes_________.① water and air ② large pieces of rocks and minerals③ dirt ④ small bits of dead plants and animalsA.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④3. How many layers does the earthworm's home have?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.4. What can we learn from the passage?A. Earthworms mostly live in the bottom two layers where there is food, air, and water.B. Plants can use earthworms as food when they grind themselves into small pieces.C. Earthworms are good for soil, plants and other living things.D. Ground and partly dissolved rocks and minerals in soil are not good for earthworms.重点句型及难句分析:I live in a wonderful place with plenty of food, fresh air, and just the right amount of moisture.句意:我住的地方非常棒,食物充足,空气清新,湿度适中.plenty of意为“大量的”,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词;with意为“带有,具有”,表示人或物的特征,with plenty of food, fresh air, and just the right amount of moisture 作后置定语,修饰place.答案解析:1.A 根据第六段中的“Humus is food for me. It is what I eat.”可知,蚯蚓吃的是腐殖质.故选A.2.D 根据第四段“Soil is a lot more than dirt...Soil includes ground and partly dissolved rocks and minerals.”,第五段中的“Soil contains water and air, too.”和第六段中的“Soil also has humus init.Humus is small bits of dead plants and animals.”可知,土壤中不仅仅是泥土,还包含磨碎的和溶解的岩石和矿物质、水和空气、动植物尸体,所以①③④人选,②排除.故选D.3.C 根据第七段中的“My home has different layers. The top layer... The middle layer... The bottom layer...”可知,蚯蚓的家一共有三层.故选C.4.C 根据倒数第三段中的“plants can use it as food”和倒数第二段中的“My tunnels help bring air,water, and food to other living things. Even the slime on my skin is good for the soil.”可知,蚯蚓对土壤、植物和其他生物都有好处.故选C.The UK may stop zoos keeping elephants英国或禁止动物园饲养大象体裁说明文难度★★★词数176The UK wants to make some new rules for its zoos. The rules are mainly 1 elephants. Under the new rules, zoos can't 2 elephants any more.Now, there are 51 elephants in 11 zoos across the UK. According to a 3 ,these clever animals don't live 4 in zoos.Scientists say wild(野生的)elephants like playing and 5 with their family group. They sometimes walk for up to 9 kilometres a day. In the wild, elephants can live to about 60 years old. 6 elephants can only live for about 17 years in zoos.Elephants in zoos 7 have mental(精神的)illness. It's impossible to make them happy because they don't get 8 space and exercise there. And being away from their family group and friends makes them feel bad, too.Many animal lovers like the new 9 . Mark Jones, a man from a charity organisation, said many animals shouldn't be in zoos. Elephants are one of them. In January 2020 the UK 10 to stop elephants and other wild animals performing in circuses(马戏团).Mark hopes the new rules will make elephants live happily in the wild.B. withC. aboutD. between2.A. raise B. reach C. kill D. catchB. studyC. factD. messageB. luckilyC. smoothlyD. happily5.A. spending B. chatting C. sleeping D. travellingB. WhenC. ButD. SoB. usuallyC. neverD. seldomB. goodC. importantD. cheapB. elephantsC. zoosD. rules10. A. began B. hoped C. loved D. failed重点句型及难句分析:Mark Jones, a man from a charity organisation, said many animals shouldn't be in zoos.句意:来自一家慈善组织的Mark Jones说,许多动物不应该在动物园里.a man from a charity organisation 是Mark Jones 的同位语,指同一个人;many animals shouldn't be in zoos 是said的宾语从句.答案解析:1.C 文章主要讲的是大象,所以推测这些新制定的规则是关于大象的.from意为“来自”;with意为“和;有”;about 意为“关于”;between意为“在······之间”.故选C.2.A 根据最后一段中的“..many animals shouldn't be in zoos. Elephants are one of them.”可知,这些新规则要求动物园不再饲养大象.raise意为“饲养;养育”;reach意为“到达”;kill意为“杀死”;catch意为“捉,抓”.故选A.3.B 此处是说根据一项研究.test意为“测验”;study意为“研究”;fact意为“事实”;message 意为“信息;消息”.故选B.4.D 根据第四段中的“It's impossible to make them happy...”可知,大象在动物园里生活得不开心.badly 意为“严重地”;luckily意为“幸运地”;smoothly意为“顺利地”;happily意为“开心地”.故选D.5.D 根据下文中的“They sometimes walk for up to 9kilometres a day.”可知,此处是说野生大象喜欢群居性地出行.spend意为“度过”;chat 意为“聊天”;sleep意为“睡觉”;travel意为“出行;旅行”.故选D.6.C 根据空格前的“In the wild, elephants can live to about 60 years old.”与空格后的“elephants can only live for about 17 years in zoos”可知,空格前后是转折关系.but意为“但是”,表示转折.故选C.7.B 根据下文中的“I t's impossible to make them happy...”可知,由于无法让动物园里的大象感到开心,所以动物园里的大象通常会患某种精神疾病.hardly意为“几乎不”;usually意为“通常”;never意为“从不”;seldom意为“很少”.故选B.8.A 此处是说因为它们没有足够的空间活动和锻炼.enough意为“足够的”;good意为“好的”;important意为“重要的”;cheap意为“便宜的”.故选A.9.D 根据下文中的“Mark hopes the new rules”可知,这里是说很多动物爱好者喜欢这些新规则.rule 意为“规则”.故选D.10.A 根据本段最后一句“Mark hopes the new rules will make elephants live happily in the wild.”可知,此处是说英国已开始禁止在马戏团里用大象及其他野生动物进行表演.begin 意为“开始”;hope 意为“希望”;love意为“喜爱”;fail意为“失败”.故选A.The cactus仙人掌体裁说明文难度★★★词数162When you think of the living things in the desert(沙漠),what es to your mind? You might think of the cactus at once.The cactus can survive(存活)the desert heat without water for a long time. In fact, there are over 2,000 different types of cacti in the world. Some cacti are tall and green, and have spines(刺).But others are much smaller and in many different colours and shapes. Cacti usually live in dry areas.Like all living things, cacti need water to survive. However, in the areas where they live, water is often scarce(稀缺的).To survive, cacti have developed special abilities(能力).These abilities make them able to store(存储)water.In fact, the spines of cacti are their leaves. They protect cacti from animals that eat plants. They also protect cacti from losing water. Most cacti have big roots. They can soak up any rain. And the stems(茎)of cacti make the plants able to store water for a long time.1.How many different types of cacti are there in the world?____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do cacti look like?____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where do cacti usually live?____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How can spines protect cacti?____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Which part of the cactus can store water for a long time?____________________________________________________________________________________________ 重点句型及难句分析:However, in the areas where they live, water is often scarce.句意:然而,在它们生活的地区,水往往是稀缺的.where引导定语从句,修饰areas.答案解析:1. There are over 2,000 different types of cacti in the world.2. Some cacti are tall and green, and have spines. But others are much smaller and in many different colours and shapes.3. Cacti usually live in dry areas.4. Spines protect cacti from animals that eat plants. They also protect cacti from losing water.5.Its stems.津津有味Why can ants easily “walk on walls”?为什么蚂蚁可以轻松“攀岩”?We all know that gravity pulls everything down to the earth. In the sport of rock climbing, for example, one needs to have a strong grip in order not to fall from a rock wall. But many insects, such as ants, can easily climb up walls. So, why don't they fall off?Although walls can look very smooth to us, there're actually many tiny holes and very narrow cracks in them. Ants and many other insects have hundreds of thousands of tiny hairs on their feet. These hairs can fit into the holes and cracks in the walls. The molecules in the hairs stick to the molecules on the walls. This force is stronger than the insect's own gravity, so it can stay safely on the walls.Besides, some insects can also produce some sticky chemicals from the ends of these hairs. These chemicals are like glue and help insects stick to a wall. Watch a fly walk on a surface. You may see its small “footprints” there because there is sticky “glue” on its feet.开心辞典gravity n. 重力crack n.裂缝pull v.拉,拽molecule n.分子grip n.握力stick v.黏,贴rock n.岩石force n.力,力量insect n.昆虫produce v.产生although conj.虽然,尽管sticky adj.黏性的smooth adj.光滑的chemical n.化学品,化学制品actually adv.实际上glue n.胶水tiny adj.极小的surface n. 表面hole n.洞footprint n.脚印,足迹narrow adj.狭窄的。

新高考英语时文阅读高三专版(含答案解析及全文翻译)新高考英语时文阅读高三专版(含答案解析及全文翻译)AThe life of FM-2030, a transhumanist (超人文主义者) who believed humans will be able toend natural death in the future using technology, is explored in a new documentary. The film, titled‘2030’, was released late last month and is available across multiple streaming platforms. It was made by British filmmaker Johnny Boston who interviewed a range of FM-2030’s acquaintances and scientific experts.Transhumanists believe humans can and should use emerging future technology to greatly enhance their natural abilities. These technologies could include robotics, AI, gene therapy preventing the ageing process. This could radically change what it means to be a member of our species.FM-2030 was born in Brussels in 1930 named Fereidoun M. Esfandiary. The son of an Iranian diplomat, he later changed his legal name to mark his belief that by 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever.FM-2030 wrote a number of books around life extension and transhumanist topics, and is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the modern transhumanist movement. After his death in 2000, FM-2030’s body was placed in cryonic suspension in Arizona.Mr Boston commented: “I met FM-2030 and that was his legal name when I was about 11 or 12 years old. He’d come to London with his partner at the time and they stayed with us. This was in the early 80s when he had these really off the wall ideas that we were going to live on indefinitely and that there wasgoing to be a much more progressive politics. He talked about we were going to communicate brain to brain. There was going to be a machine that you could put in various characteristics and it was going to print stuff.”Mr Boston went on to produce a number of videos outlining FM-2030’s ideas. He did a seriesof films called the future of democracy that came out of talks that FM had don e. He said,“FM really talks about what the future holds in terms of how we govern ourselves. He thinks we’ve got to useAI.”1. What will happen in the future according to transhumanists?A. Humans will die in a natural state.B. Humans’life span will remai n limited.C. Humans will not need language any longer.D. Humans’abilities will be largely improved by technologies.2. Why did Fereidoun M. Esfandiary change his name to FM-2030?A. Because his father forced him to do so.B. Because he didn’t like his fo rmer name at all.C. Because he wanted to flag his transhumanist faith.D. Because he thought human would end natural death in 2030.3. What does the underlined phrase “off the wall”in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Dull.B.Ambiguous.C. Ridiculous.D. Upset.4. Which can be the best title for the passage?A. The Uncertain Future.B. The Film Called 2030.C. The Ideas of Transhumanists.D. FM-2030—ATranshumanist【答案】1~4 DCCD【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了FM-2030 的一生以及他的超人类主义理念。

Fill in the blanks with information from the story:DRAGON Head-Raising Day is a traditional Chinese 1. It falls on the second day of the second 2 month. On this day people eat noodles, dumplings and deep fried pancakes. All the day’s foods are named after 3. In some 4 Chinese stories, dragons have power 5 the wind and rain. It was hoped that with the help of the dragon, ploughing would be 6 and the autumn bring a good 7. It is said that after that day there will be 8 rain. This is why the day is often call ed “Spring Dragon Day”.Many people get their hair 9 on that Day, because it was said that a haircut during the first lunar month brought 10 to the uncles in a family.Choose the best answer:1) DRAGON Head-Raising (龙抬头) Day is on the _______ day of the second lunar month.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth2) People laid paths of ____ into kitchens and around water vats. A. ashes B. rice C. noodles D. dumplings3) Which kind of food has the name “dragon teeth”? A. pa ncakes B. noodles C. dumplings D. sugar4) According to the story, dragons in China have power over the ______.A. vats and ashesB. wind and rainC. food and waterD. uncles in a family5) It can be inferred that _____.A. DRAGON Head-Raising Day brings many customers to the hairdresser’s.B. The delicious food people can enjoy are served only on that day.C. Laying ashes into kitchens and around water vats means driving the dragon out of the house.D. Dragons are said to bring snow to the world on the second day of the second lunar month.6) The best title for this passage is _____.A. Dragon Whisker noodlesB. Dragon TeethC. Traditional Chinese FestivalsD. Spring Dragon DayFill in the blanks with information from the story:Ashley Young is a _________ for Aston Villa. He has been in great form for his club this _________, already scoring seven goals. His manager will hope that his good form can help Aston Villa win some _________ The club has already shown a lot of _________ in him. Two years ago they paid almost 10 million _________ to sign him from Watford. He has not let his _________ down.His good form has taken him into the England _________ team. He might be a star _________ the next World Cup in South Africa.1. Choose the best answer:1) The manager of Aston Villa is _____. A. Cristiano Ronaldo B. Lionel Messi C. MartinO’Neill D. Ashley Young2) Young is a _____ for Aston Villa. A. winger B. forward C. fullback D. manager3) Young has already scored _________ goals for his club this season. A. five B.six C. seven D. eight4) The club paid almost _______ million pounds to sign Young from Watford. A. 10 B. 11 C.12 D.135) Young is known for his_________ on the football pitch. A. appearance B. speed C.skill D. ageMatch the expressions with their meanings:1. compare A. a number of people, animals, objects with each other2. praise B. a prize for winning a competition3. local C. a point4. goal D. an area of ground for sports5. trophy E. around the area where you live6. national F. show the likeness between sb/sth andsb/sth else7. pitch G. belonging to a whole nation8. together H. to express your admiration for sb or sthYou might have heard of collisions between cars, trains and ships, but satellites? It sounds like something from a movie! But sometimes life can be 1 than the movies.On February 11, a Russian military satellite, Kosmos 2251, smashed into a US communications satellite about 780km above Siberia in Russia. The 2 made more than 500 pieces of debris. The debris could be very 3 for nearby spacecraft, even a tiny piece could do great harm.The accident occurred in an orbit which many satellites and other spacecraft 4. It means that some countries may have to 5 their spacecraft into different orbits.It is the first satellite crash that has been made 6. People are worried, since they understand how 7 Earth’s orbit has become in recent years. Before the accident, there were already over 300,000 objects 8 the Earth. There are satellites (old and new), spacecraft, and 9 objects.The US and Russia have put the 10 number of objects in space. Both countries are 11 cutting space junk. They are asking for international cooperation to help solve the problem.1. A. worse B. stranger C. harder D. better2. A. accident B. satellite C. spacecraft D. area3. A. important B. interesting C. dangerous D. difficult4. A. use B. produce C. prepare D. share5. A. move B. make C. reduce D. fix6. A. famous B. public C. successful D. rapid7. A. crowded B. excited C. developed D. touched8. A. pulling B. circling C. joining D. pushing9. A. another B. others C. other D. the other10. A. largest B. small C. same D. bigger11. A. calling on B. working on C. giving up D. putting off1. What happened on February 11th?A. A Russian military satellite smashed into a US communications satelliteB. A Russian communication satellite smashed into a US military satellite.C. A. Russian car smashed into a US car.D. A Russian ship smashed into a US ship.2. What happened because of the accident?A. The Russian military satellite landed safely in Siberia.B. The debris hardly affected communication.C. Some countries may have to move their spacecraft into different orbits.D. The orbit couldn’t be used any more.3. How many pieces of debris did the accident make?A. over 500B. 300,000C. 780,000D. 22514. Which two countries have the largest number of objects in space?A. China and the USB. The US and RussiaC. China and RussiaD. Russia and England5. It can be inferred that ______.A. People are worried about such accidents.B. It’s not the first time for such accidents to happen.C. Neither of the US or Russia needs other country’s help.D. The two satellites produced a large amount of space trash after the crash.Last Wednesday, 200 million Chinese basketball fans held their breath at an NBA game in the US. It was the third game in 1 Chinese players Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming were playing each other for their own teams.Basketball is not the only form of American 2 that has become popular in China. Thirty years after the two countries established diplomatic relations (外交关系) on January 1, 1978, the US has become China’s biggest trade partner and Chinese people are now 3 American ideas and products (产品). They have Apple iPhones, love catching the latest Hollywood hits, celebrate Christmas with gift-giving and go crazy about basketball games.The NBA came to China about 20 years ago.At that time NBA boss David Stern 4 a tape (录像带) of the league’s (联赛) All Star games to China Central Television (CCTV), letting them broadcast it free. He waited for hours in the lobby (大厅), hoping to make the NBA 5 in the world’s most populous (人口稠密的) country.When NBA games first appeared 6 Chinese TVs in late 1980s, it was mind-blowing to many Chinese basketball fans. The NBA quickly became 7 in China, especially after Yao Ming joined the Rockets six years ago. Kids admire the NBA stars’ 8 and they want to play like them.China is the league’s 9 foreign market (市场) with around 300 million basketball fans. Nearly a third of the online traffic to NBA. comes from its Chinese website. The league’s products 10 at more than 50,000 shops across China, including two official NBA Stores.1. A. who B. where C. which D. that2. A. culture B. art C. entertainment D. sports3. A. ready for B. worried about C. used to D. surprised at4. A. took B. brought C. moved D. caught5. A. known B. public C. seen D. satisfied6. A. on B. in C.at D. for7. A. surprising B. popular C. welcome D. exciting8. A. clothes B. shoes C. life styles D. skills9. A. newest B. oldest C. biggest D. first10. A. pay B. buy C. cost D. sellI. Comprehension check1. The correct order of the events is ______.a. The NBA and the CBA set up a joint leagueb. Yao Ming joined the Rocketsc. NBA games first appeared on Chinese TVd. China and the US established diplomatic relationse. The NBA came to ChinaA. a c e d bB. c d a b eC. e c b a dD.d e c b a2. Many Chinese basketball fans were very excited last week because _______.A. there was an important basketball game between China and the USB. Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian had a wonderful game in ChinaC. it was the first time that Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming had played togetherD. there was an important game for Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian3. The first NBA games shown on CCTV were _________.A. not very popular with Chinese peopleB. free because the US wanted to make NBA games popular in ChinaC. brought to China by a famous Chinese basketball playerD. very expensive because they were from the US4. According to the passage, Yao Ming is very important for the NBA because _______.A. he is one of the best basketball playersB. he is the first NBA player from ChinaC. he has made the NBA more popular in ChinaD. he has the most fans in the world.5. What does the writer think about NBA games?A. They are great games.B. They are part of the culture.C. They greatly promote economic developmentD. All the above.On February 14th, a Chinese cargo ship sank after a Russian warship shot 500 rounds at it. The Chinese ship had been waiting in port after a buyer complained about the poor quality of its rice cargo. The Russian warship fired at the ship as it attempted to return to China without permission. It was forced to return to port, but sank on its way back. On lifeboat was rescued by the Russians, but the other lifeboat sank. One Indonesian and seven Chinese are still missing. Russia says the captain should take full 10 for the incident, but China is not 11 with the explanation. Read the passage to help you choose the best answers.1.Put the events of the incident in the right ordera.A warship followed the New Star and shot about 500 rounds at it.b.The New Star unloaded its cargo and remained in port.c.The New Star left port without permission.d.The New Star sank and 16 sailors are now missing.A. a-b-d-cB. b-c-a-dC. b-d-a-cD. a-d-c-b2.According to Russian media, why did the New Star remain in the port? ( )A. Because the rice it had carried was of poor quality.B. Because the crew were afraid of the Russian warship.C. Because eight of the 16 sailors went missing.D. Because the captain decided to give up the ship.3.Why did the Russian warship shoot at the New Star? ( )A.Because it wanted to kill the sailors onboardB.Because Russia wanted to start a war with China.C.Because it wanted to force the New Star to return to port.D.Because the buyer of the rice was angry.4. Which of the statements is true? ( )A. The New Star began to sink when it left port.B. Some sailors were saved by a Chinese ship.C. All the missing sailors were Chinese.D. The captain of the New Star was an Indonesian.5. What attitude does the reporter have toward the incident? A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Sad. D. Not known.Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. The New Star is an armed Chinese cargo ship.( ) 2. The New Star sank on February 14.( ) 3. There were eight sailors in each lifeboat.( ) 4. The New Star began to sink on its way back to China.( ) 5. Russia says the captain of the New Star should take full responsibility.AScience fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) and From the Earth to the Moon (1865).In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne’s writing included many predictions (预言) for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich.Jules Verne’s books have been the subjects for many movies. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first Disney movie to use real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne’s books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thing is to be always on time!( ) 1. What does the phrase “the f ather of science fict ion” mean?A. The father who has several children.B. The man who loves science and inventions.C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction.D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully.( ) 2. What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories?A. The plays he wrote for the theater.B. The encouragement from his father.C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon.D. The scientific subjects in his stories.( ) 3. Why were Jules Verne’s books v ery popular in the19th century?A. Because his books made him rich and famous.B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time.C. Because his books have been the subjects for many movies.D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions.( ) 4. Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg?A. Five Weeks in a Balloon.B. Around the World in Eighty Days.C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth.D. From the Earth to the Moon.( ) 5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Jules Verne only wrote plays in the 19th century.B. Many of the predictions in Verne’s stories came true.C. The main characters in Ver ne’s books are alwa ys on time.D. The space flight Verne described was different from others.BThe tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries. In China, on a child’s second birthda y, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession the child will choose later in life.For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony (仪式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.Eightee n is the traditional “coming of age”, the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote (选举), join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol or buy a house.In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!( ) 1. Which of the following birthday traditions can be found almost anywhere, anytime?A. Putting many things on the floor.B. Wearing a new kimono.C. Dancing a waltz.D. Sending birthday cards. ( ) 2. The ______ usually organize a party at children’s special birthday celebration in Japan. A. priests B. parents C. friends D. relatives( ) 3. Mexican girls have a special birthday celebration at the age of _____. A. five B. seven C. fifteen D. twenty-one ( ) 4. In many countries you can _____ when you reach the age of eighteen.A. join the armyB. have a keyC. have a special ceremonyD. have special sweets( ) 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A. The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.B. Some birthday traditions are only found in certain countries.C. You become the owner of your house at the age of fifteen.D. In many countries you have the right to vote at the age of eighteen.( ) 6. Which is the best title of this passage?A. Birthday Traditions around the WorldB. Chinese Birthday CelebrationsC. Japanese Special CelebrationD. The Drinking Age in Many CountriesCMost American students have said goodbye to fancy (高档的) fruits these days. In school canteens across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their place. “People are afraid to spend now,” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They don’t kno w what the future will brin g.” During the financial crisis (金融危机), several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive goods.Samira Marino, a restaurant owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals. In more than two-dozen interviews with The Associated Press across the country last month, Americans talked about their concerns, from worries about small businesses to doubts (怀疑) about simply making ends meet (维持生计).The crisis began last year. Experts think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders (国界), the whole world was in trouble.This month the US government agreedon a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. President George W. Bush has warned it will take some st week top finance officials from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.1. Why are people in the US afraid to spend?A. Becau se they think it’s unnecessary.B. Because they don’t ha ve the babit of spending money.C. Because they worry about their future.D. Becaus e they don’t have enough money.2. The underlined word “concerns” probably means _____. A. worries B. conditions C. hobbies D. experiences3. The fifth paragraph mainly _____.A. tells what it is like in a crisisB. explains why there is a crisisC. warns people of the danger of the crisisD. asks people not to borrow money from banks4. People feel _____ about the US plan to save the market. A. satisfied B. doubtful C. hopeless D. angry5. The best title for the story is _____.A. Ways to make ends meetB. The money problem facing the worldC. Healthy fancy fruitsD. The art of borrowing本篇介绍“科幻之父”及其成就。

时文阅读|初中英语完形填空和阅读理解训练(钟南山与线上教育)_中考英语时事阅读:完形填空As the saying goes, . Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong, who 1 many people's lives in 2003.In 2003, SARS 2 in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world. Patients coughed a lot and got fevers. Hundreds of 3 even died from the disease. Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So everyone was afraid of it. But Zhong was 4 enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights to find the cause 5 the disease. And with his way of treating, many patients began to get better. Zhong finally won people's trust.In early 2020, a disease called Novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) hit Wuhan. It spread 6 around tens of thousands of Chinese people were infected (感染). Zhong, 84, led 7 team to Wuhan to fight the illness. Zhong's teamtook many measures to cure the patients with Novel coronavirus pneumonia. He advised people to wear masks, 8 hands frequently(频繁地),stay at home and not to go to crowed places.Zhong likes sports very much. 9 he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and 10 young doctors. Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.1.A. helped B. saved C. liked D. influenced2.A. took out B. found outC. gave outD. broke out3.A. patients B. adults C. animals D. birds4.A. kind B. poor C. brave D. silent5.A. with B. to C. of D. in6.A. quickly B. slowly C. safely D. luckily7.A. my B. his C. her D. their8.A. weigh B. pollute C. shake D. wash9.A. When B. Although C. Unless D. Because10.A. thinks B. trusts C. teaches D. asks阅读理解On January 27, in order to win the new pneumonia Resistance War (抗击新型肺炎战),the Ministry of Education issued (教育部公布)a notice on putting off the start time of school in spring 2020. It was said that school should not start before March. The exact start time of school will depend on situations and further notices.However, many parents are very worried that putting off the start of school may affect(影响)children's studies. If they have such a long winter vacation, children will not learn any knowledge, read books or study at all. They may forget what they have learnedbefore. Staying at home for a long time will make them keep eating, sleeping and playing, which seriously affect their physical and mental health.In short, the close of school influences learning and develops bad habits, so how should we avoid these problems? Local education departments have also issued a notice, that is, to organize online teaching and create a network platform (平台), where necessary courses will be shown every day, and online teaching will be given by excellent teachers of the subject, and students can learn at home through computer or mobile network.It should be said that such a method is very good. It can not only keep students indoors and not worry about the infection (感染)of the disease, but also make them study at home, improve their learning ability, and truly achieve . Both the platform itself and the recorded lesson resources are more useful, and are welcomed by parents and teachers.Of course, except for learning at home, it is also necessary to teach children about health knowledge, especially how to keep away from touching virus and other knowledge popularization; at the same time, it is also necessary for children to do some physicalexercises or some games, which is good for physical health at home.11.Parents worried about putting off the start time of school because .A.children may be infected by virusB.they don't like the idea of online learningC.children's study may be affectedD.parents have no time to look after children12.Except for learning at home, what is also necessary according to the writer?A. To keep playing online games.B.To keep touching different people.C.To do some physical exercises outside.D.To teach children about health knowledge.13.The underlined word in Paragraph 4 probably means .A. planB. stopC. growthD. change14.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. Students would rather go to school.B. The date of going to school is decided.C. Online teaching will help students study.D. Parents believe children can teach themselves.15.What's the best title for this passage?A.A Special Way to Learn at HomeB.A New War with a New ChanceC.A Way to Keep Mentally HealthyD.A Method to Make Parents Worried本期答案:1-5 BDACC 6-10 ABDBC 11-15 CDBCA 你做对了么?助你迎接2020年中考!。

A night for family gathering家人团聚的一夜体裁记叙文难度★★词数167It is winter. The cold wind whistles(呼啸)through the branches(树枝) of the trees.Mr Brown has done his day's work, and his children, Harry and Kate, have e home from school. They learned their lessons well today, and both felt happy.Tea is over. Mrs Brown has put the little living room in order(整齐).The fire burns brightly. One lamp gives light enough for all. On the stool(凳子)is a basket of fine apples. They seem to say, “Won't you have one?”Harry and Kate read a story in a new book. The father reads his newspaper, and the mother mends Harry's stockings.By and by, they will tell one another what they have been reading about, and will have a chat over the events(大事)of the day.Harry and Kate's bedtime will e first. I think I see them kiss their dear father and mother a sweet good night.Don't you wish that every boy and girl could have a home like this?1.How many people are there in Mr Brown's family?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.2. Why did Harry and Kate feel so happy?A. They had much time for reading.B. They did well in their lessons today.C. They could chat with their father and mother.D. They had a good meal in the evening.3.What do you think of the Browns' living room?A. Tidy.B. Large.C. Modern.D. Cold.4. What do Harry and Kate do before their bedtime?①Read a story. ② Watch TV.③ Chat with their parents. ④Kiss their father and mother.A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②④5.What is the writer's wish according to the passage?A. Every child could go to bed on time.B. Every boy and girl could have a large home.C. Every student could learn their lessons well.D. Every boy and girl could have a home like Harry and Kate's.重点句型及难句分析:By and by, they will tell one another what they have been reading about, and will have a chat over the events of the day.何意:不久,他们就会告诉对方他们读到的东西,并聊聊当天发生的大事what they have: been reading about 是宾语从句,作tell的宾语;by and by意为“不久”.答案解析:1.C 根据第四段内容可知,Brown先生家一共有四个人.故选C.2.B 根据第二段中的“They lear ned their lessons well today, and both fell happy.”可知,两个小孩今天功课学得很好,所以很高兴.故选B.3.A 根据第三段中的“Mrs Brown has put the lit tle living room in order,”可知,Brown夫人把小客厅收拾整齐了.tidy意为“整洁的”.故选A.4.B 根据文章的第四、五、六段内容可知,Harry和Kate在睡觉前读了一篇故事,并且和父母聊了天,除此之外,还亲吻了他们的父母,①③④人选.全文没有提到他们看电视,所以排除②.故选B.5.D根据最后一段内容可知,作者的愿望是:希望每个男孩和女孩都能有一个像Harry 和Kate 那样的家.故选D.Chatting by the fireside at night炉边夜话体裁记叙文难度★★★词数203One winter night, Mrs Lord and her two little girls sat by a bright fire in their pleasant home. The girls were sewing(做针线活),and their mother was busy with her knitting(编织).At last, Katie finished her work. Looking up, she said,“ Mother, I think the fire is much brighter than usual. How I love to hear it crackle(发出噼啪声)!”“And I was about to say,” cried Mary,“that this is a better light than we had last night.”“My dears,” said their mother, “it must be that you feel happier than usual tonight. Perhaps that is the reason why you think the fire better, and the light brighter.”“But,Mother,”said Mary,“ I do not see why we are happier now than we were then; for last night cousin Jane was here, and we played 'Puss in the corner' and 'Blind man' until we all were tired.”“I know! I know why!” said Katie. “It is because we have all been doing something useful tonight. We feel happy because we have been busy.”“You are right, my dear,” said their mother. “I am glad you have both learned that there may be something more pleasant than play, and, at the same time, more instructive(有益的).”1.What's the relationship(关系)between Katie and Mary?A. Sisters.B. Cousins.C. Brother and sister.D. Mother and daughter.2. What did the girls do last night?① They did some sewing. ②They sat by a bright fire.③ They felt tired in the end. ④ They played with their cousin.A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②④3. From the story we know that_______.A. the fire was much brighter than usualB. they did something useful and felt happyC. they had a better light than the night beforeD. they wanted to play with their cousin again4.What does the underlined part“Blind man” refer to(指的是)in Paragraph 5?A. A camp fire.B. A kind of game.C. A man who can't see.D. The name of a book.5.Which word can describe(描述)Mrs Lord as a mother?A. Brave.B. Careful.C. Friendly.D. Clever.重点句型及难句分析:I an glad you have both learned that there may be something more pleasant than play, and, all the same time, more instructive,何意:我很高兴你们俩能悟出这个道理,有些事比玩要更令人感到愉快,同时也更受益.you have both learned that there may be something..是宾语从句,作形容词glad的宾语;that引导宾语从句,作learned的宾语.答案解析:1.A 根据第一段中的“One winter night,Mrs Lord and her two little girls sat by a bright fire in their pleasant home.”可知,一个冬夜,Lord夫人和她的两个小女儿围坐在明亮的火炉旁.故Katie 和Mary是姐妹关系.故选A.2.C 根据第一、二段内容可知,昨晚她们坐在明亮的火炉边,②入选;根据第五段内容可知,她们昨晚一直在和表姐Jane玩,没有做针线活,且玩到最后都累了,所以①排除,③④入选.故选C.3.B 根据倒数第二段内容可知,她们做了有意义的事,心情愉快.故选B.4.B 根据画线部分前的“played”和最后一段中的"there may be something more pleasant than play...”可知,画线部分Blind man是一种游戏.故选B.5.D 通读全文内容可知,Lord夫人作为妈妈,她善于引导孩子,并且适时给予孩子启发和教育,说明她很聪明.故选D.A“mother” shop“妈妈”商店体裁记叙文难度★★★词数178One day, I came across a surprising message in the newspaper: There was a “mother” shop which sold many types of mothers! This aroused(引起)my curiosity(好奇心),“Why don't I buy one?” I told my mother this idea, and unexpectedly(出乎意料地),she agreed.At first, I chose a mother who would indulge(溺爱)her children. She allowed me to watch TV and play video games all day long. But she wasn't concerned(关心)about me at all. When I was sick, she just sat in the living room and watched a film. At last, I couldn't bear it any more, so I went to the shop and changed her into an affluent(富裕的)mother.She had a lot of money and bough me a lot of snacks. But as I ate too much junk food, I became fat and unhealthy. At last, I got a serious stomach ache(胃痛). It was hurting so much that I couldn't help shouting “Ouch, ouch!” I mis sed my mum so much!Suddenly, my eyes opened. Oh, that was just a dream! What an inparable(无与伦比的) mum I have!1.Why did the writer want to buy one mother from the shop?A. Because he/she was curious.B. Because his/her own mother didn't care him/her.C. Because his/her own mother was poor.D. Because his/her own mother indulged her children.2. What did the indulged mother do when the writer was sick?A. She allowed her child to watch TV.B. She bought her child a lot of snacks.C. She watched a film in the living room.D. She looked after her child carefully.3. What happened to the writer when he/she had an affluent mother?A. He/She had a lot of money.B. He/She played video games all day long.C. He/She sold many types of “mothers".D. He/She ate much junk food and his/her stomach hurt.4.How many mothers did the writer choose from the “mother” shop?A. Only one.B. Two.C. Three.D. None.5. pared with the mothers from the shop, the writer's own mother is_______.A. affluentB. curiousC. inparableD. indulged重点句型及难句分析:Ii was hurting so much that I couldn't help shouting “Ouch, ouch!”句意;它(胃)疼得我恐不住叫“哎哟,哎哟!”so...that...在此句中意为“如此······以致······”,引导结果状语从句;can't help doing sth 意为“情不自禁地做某事”.答案解析:1.A 根据第一段中的“This aroused my c uriosity.”可知,作者是由于好奇,所以才想从商店里买个“妈妈”.故选A.2.C 根据第二段中的“When I was si ck, she just sat in the living room and watched a film.”可知,当作者生病时,溺爱小孩的妈妈只是在客厅看电影.故选C.3.D 根据倒数第二段中的“But as I ate too much junk food, I became fat and unhealthy. At last, I got a serious stomach ache.”可知,有了富裕的妈妈后,作者吃了很多垃圾食品,最后胃痛得厉害.故选D.4.B 根据全文内容可知,作者在商店里共选了两个妈妈.故选B.5.C 根据最后一段中的“What an inparable mum I have!”可知,作者认为自己的妈妈是无与伦比的.故选C.A smart decision一个明智的决定体裁记叙文难度★★★★词数236Dustin Anders from Texas, US, works as a school bus driver in his free time. Last winter, he became a hero for saving the lives of 30 children. It was all because of a smart decision he made.It was an unforgettable afternoon for Dustin and the kids. He was driving 30 students home. Suddenly, the school bus broke down. It lost power(动力)but thankfully, Dustin was able to pull it over. Seeing that the school bus was not pletely out of the road, Dustin felt a need to do more to keep the students away from danger. So he guided the students out of the bus and took them to a safe place nearby.“It is just instinct(本能)for people to go far away from the school bus and wait in the grass until help es,”Dustin explained. He then made calls and asked the parents to pick up their kids. Just about five minutes after they got off the bus, something terrible happened. A big truck passed too close and hit the bus! The accident caused serious damage(破坏)to the school bus. Thanks to Dustin's getting the kids off the school bus, none of them were injured(受伤的).Parents called Dustin a hero for his smart decision. But Dustin said it was just part of his job. “My job is to take care of these young students. I'll do whatever it takes to take care of them.”1. What does the underlined phrase “pull it over” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Stop the school bus by the side of the road.B. Move the school bus forward(向前)again.C. Make the school bus full of gas(汽油).D. Start the school bus without power.2.From his words, we can know Dustin is_______.A. modest(谦虚的)B. braveC. proud(骄傲的)D. clever3.What's the structure of this passage?A B C D4. Which of the following can best describe this event(事件)?A. Never too old to learn.B. You can't be too careful.C. No pains, no gains.D. Where there is a will, there is a way.重点句型及难句分析:Seeing that the school bus was not pletely out of the road, Dustin felt a need to do more to keep the students away from danger.句意:看到校车并未完全离开公路,Dustin 觉得有必要做更多的事情来让学生们远离危险.Seeing that the school bus was not pletely out of the road是动名词短语作伴随状语.答案解析:1.A 画线词上文提到校车失去了动力,但是同时很幸运;并且下文也提到校车并未完全离开公路,且Dustin 还指挥学生下车,说明校车在失去了动力之后一直处于静止状态,所以推测此处pull it over 意为"把车停在了路边”.故选A.2.A 根据第三段中的“'It is just instinct for people to go far away from the school bus and wait in the grass until help es,' Dustin explained.”和最后一段中的“My job is to take care of these young students. I’ll do whatever it takes to take care of them.”可知,Dustin很谦虚,他认为这是他的工作,是他应该做的.故选A.3.A 根据全文内容可知,第一段概述事件内容,第二、三、四段详细展开叙述,所以本文结构为总分结构.故选A.4.B根据全文内容可知,Dustin 因为足够小心谨慎,注意到校车并未完全离开公路,并且及时作出了一个明智的决定,拯救了30名学生.所以B选项“再怎么小心也不为过.”符合文意.A选项意为“活到老学到老.”;C选项意为“没有付出,就没有收获.”;D选项意为“有志者事竟成.”.故选B.Two friends两个朋友体裁记叙文难度★★★词数169Little Jimmy is happy because he has a good friend called Sally. She is one of his neighbours(邻居). They often talk with each other and play hideandseek.Now, the two friends are 1 games in the garden of Jimmy's home. Sally sees Mr Brown and she's going to say 2 to him, but Jimmy stops her. He says, “The man 3 smiles. Don't talk to him.”“But Jimmy, Mr Brown is a kind man. He looks sad 4 his pet dog is dead(死的).And you know what? Mr Brown is very 5 . He is an engineer. If something is broken, he's always glad to help 6 it,” says Sally.Hearing this, Jimmy thinks of an idea. “What about doing7 for Mr Brown? My aunt's pet dog has got four babies and my aunt is 8 homes for them. Do you think Mr Brown would like to keep one?”“Yeah!” says Sally. “Mr Brown must be9 if he can have a new pet dog. Let's go to tell 10 .”“Okay!” says Jimmy. He's happy to do that.B. watchingC. checkingD. matchingB. sorryC. helloD. thanksB. oftenC. usuallyD. neverB. becauseC. whenD. butB. lazyC. modernD. luckyB. orderC. changeD. celebrateB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing8.A. waiting for B. looking after C. looking for D. calling backB. coolC. angryD. sadB. youC. herD. him重点句型及难句分析:Little Jimmy is happy because he has a good friend called Sally.句意:小Jimmy很高兴,因为他有一个叫作Sally的好朋友.because引导原因状语从句;called Sally是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰a good friend.答案解析:1.A 根据第一段中的“play hideandseek”可知,这两个朋友正在玩游戏.play意为“玩”,play games意为“玩游戏”;watch意为“观看”;check意为“检查”;match意为“匹配”.故选A.2.C 此处是说Sally准备向Brown先生打招呼.say hello to sb意为“向某人打招呼”.故选C.3.D 句意:他说:“这个男人从不微笑,不要和他说话.”always意为“总是”;often 意为“经常";usually意为“通常”;never意为“从不”.故选D.4.B 空格前说他看起来很伤心;空格后说他的宠物狗去世了.所以空格后和空格前之间是因果关系.so意为“因此”;because 意为“因为”;when 意为“当······时候”;but意为“但是”.故选B.5.A 根据下文中的“If something is broken, he's always glad to help...”可知,如果东西坏了,Brown先生乐于帮助,所以看出他是一个乐于助人的人.helpful意为“乐于助人的”;lazy意为“懒惰的”;modern 意为“现代的”;lucky意为“幸运的”.故选A.6.A 根据空格前的“something is broken”可知,东西坏了需要帮忙修理.fix意为“修理”;order意为“命令”;change 意为“改变”;celebrate 意为“庆祝”.故选A.7.B 下文提到的内容都是为Brown先生做的事,因此这里问的是为Brown先生做些事怎么样?因为Jimmy希望自己的提议得到肯定回答,所以在这个疑问句中要用something,而不是anything. everything 意为“每件事”;something 意为“某事”;anything 意为“任何事”;nothing意为“没有什么”.故选B.8.C 根据空格前的“My aunt's pet dog has got four babies”可知,Jimmy阿姨家的宠物狗生了四只小狗;空格下一句也提到Jimmy问Sally Brown先生想不想养一只狗,所以推测这里是说Jimmy的阿姨正在为小狗寻找新家.wait for 意为“等待”;look after 意为“照顾”;look for 意为“寻找”;call back意为“回”.故选C.9.A 此处是说如果Brown先生有了新的宠物狗,肯定很开心.happy意为“开心的”;cool 意为“酷的”;angry意为“生气的”;sad意为“难过的”.故选A.10.D 这里是说把这件事情告诉Brown先生.所以要用代词him指代Brown 先生,即“Mr Brown”.故选D.Where's the daughter?女儿在哪里?体裁记叙文难度★★词数144It is evening but Penny is not at home,“ 1 ?” asks Penny's father.“I don't know,” says her mother. “Isn't she in her room?”“No. Is she with her friends? 2 ?” Mr Cooper asks.“I don't think she has any friends in Shanghai,” says Mrs Cooper.“Does she say things about her friends with you?”she asks Mr Cooper.“No,” says Mr Cooper. “I don't ask her about that. And I don't say anything to her these days. I e home late.3 .”Mrs Cooper says, “I e home late, too. Penny does her homework and goes to her room. We only want to work hard to make more money every day. 4 .”“We don't know about her life here,” says Mr Cooper. “Is our daughter happy?” he asks Mrs. Cooper. Mrs Cooper cries. “I don't know,” she says.“It's 8:00. 5 ? Let's go out to look for her."1.________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________答案解析:1.A 根据下文Penny的妈妈的回答“1 Isn't she in her room?”可知,空格处是间Penny在哪里.A选项内容与之相吻合.故选A.2.D 空格上文间的是“Penny和朋友在一起吗?”所以推测空格处是紧接着问Penny的朋友的号码.D选项内容与之相吻合.故选3.B 空格上文说到Cooper先生最近没有和Penny交流.B选项“晚饭后,我经常看电视”符合逻辑.故选B.4.E 上文提到Cooper夫妇每天都忙于工作赚钱;且空格下文提到Cooper夫妇对自己女儿的情况一无所知.E 选项“但我们从来没有想过我们的女儿”符合语境.故选E.5.C 根据第一段内容可知,Penny不在家;再根据空格前一句可知,晚上8点Penny还没有回家.所以推测空格处是问“为什么Penny还没有回家?”C选项内容与其一致.故选C.Our happy farm我们的开心农场体裁记叙文难度★★词数188Our school has a small farm. It's not big b 1 it looks nice. We call it“Happy Farm”. Our teacher lets u 2 grow some vegetables there. We like it very much.My classmates and I have different v 3 . Alan has tomatoes, because he likes tomatoes very much. Alice finds some p 4 .She is a potato lover. Mary buys some little eggplants. She wants to watch them g 5 up. What do I have? Guess! Some peas!We go to see o 6 vegetables every day, Sometimes we water them. Sometimes we need to give them different things to help them grow well. Sometimes we ask our teachers f 7 help. After some weeks, our vegetables are different. Alan's tomatoes are round and red. Alice's potatoes are big. Mary's eggplants turn purpleand get many students' love. My peas are green and nice.“Your vegetables look so nice. What do you learn f 8 growing vegetables?” asks our teacher.We think a lot. We l 9 many things. And it's not e 10 to plant vegetables. We will eat up the vegetables in our bowls and save food.1.________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________6.________7. ________8. ________9. ________ 10. ________答案解析:1. but3. vegetables4. Potatoes5. grow6. our7. for8. from9. learn 10.easy津津有味An old photo that came out of nowhere“从天而降”的老照片It was Saturday morning. Katie Posten wanted to buy some food at the supermarket. When she walked outside to her car, she saw something white on its windshield. When she got closer, she realised that it was a blackandwhite photo. The photo showed a woman holding a baby in her lap. A note on the back said, “Gertie Swatzell & J. D. Swatzell 1942.”Where did the photo e from? Posten asked for help on social media. Thousands of people shared the post. In a little more than two hours, a man got in touch with Posten. The man was Cole Swatzell. He was the greatgrandson of the woman in the photo. To Posten's surprise, the man's family now lives in Dawson Springs, a town more than 200 kilometres away. They had lost the photo during a recent tornado!“Social media is really powerful,” Posten said. “It has the power to achieve impossible things.”开心辞典windshield n.挡风玻璃tornado n. 龙卷风realise v.了解,意识到powerful adj.强大的,有影响力的lap n.(人坐下时的)大腿面,膝上power n.控制力,操控力;权力note n.短笺,便条social media 社会媒体surprise n.惊奇,惊讶get in touch with 与······联系。

备战2024英语知识中考时文阅读练习用船运快递的小村庄答案详解题型:阅读理解主题语境:交通运输方式语篇类型:说明文词数:227难度:★★★☆☆建议用时:7分钟Delivery workers(快递员)usually deliver things by car or motorbike. But ina village called Lehde in Spreewald, Germany, they deliver things by boat.Spreewald is an area known for its traditional irrigation system(灌溉系统).It has more than 200 small canals(水道)with a total length of 1,300kilometers.This means there are almost as many canals in the area as roads!Post-delivery by boat in Lehde has a 124-year-oldtradition and for most locals, it is a part of their everyday life. In the winter months,post in Lehde is delivered by Postbus.However,long distances need to be covered on foot.sometimes over bridges and stairs because of the special geography of the area.A few days ago, postal worker Andrea Bunar started her tenth year as a boat delivery“driver".In the mornings, the 50-year-old lady first delivers to customers inLübbenau by Postbus. Around noon she turns to her yellow boat. Every day, she rows8kilometers and delivers things to about 65 families. She delivers everything, such as letters,large parcels(包裹)and even an apple tree. Strong arms are really needed to carry out her tasks: Parcels can weigh up to 31.5 kilograms.To celebrate the lady's efforts and the 124-year-old tradition of water delivery, Deutsche Post hasissued(发行)a stamp featuring Andrea and her boat.1.In Lehde, people usually use____to deliver things.A.carB. motorbikeC. busD. boat2.What can we know about Spreewald from Paragraph 2?A. It is famous for traditional farming.B. Canals cover most parts of this area.C.It is easy to travel around here by water.D. The winter in Spreewald is long and cold.3.When did Andrea Bunar start to work as a boat delivery“driver”?A few days ago. B. Ten years ago. C. In her 40s. D. In her 50s.4.What can we know according to the passage?A. Roads are not available for people in Lehde.B. There are more than 1.300 canals in Spreewald.C. Andrea Bunar has got many prizes for her great efforts.D. Delivery workers must be strong enough to do the work.5. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To tell us a special way to deliver things.B. To show us a beautiful town in Germany.C. To describe the hard life of delivery workers.D. To introduce a delivery worker—Andrea Bunar.【译文】快递员通常开汽车或摩托车投递物品。

阅读短文并回答问题A solar tree is a structure resembling a tree that generates solar energy using photovoltaic panels(太阳能光伏板). It helps solve an urgent global challenge: Replacing greenhouse gas-emitting energy sources like oil and gas with renewable energy. But the power generation potential of solar trees is relatively limited, and their primary purpose is to raise public awareness about renewable energy by getting people to notice and interact(互动)with solar energy in new ways.Solar trees generally have a firm metal, plastic, or stone base that extends up and out into “branches” on which solar panels are mounted. Beyond this basic structure, there is great diversity in the design of solar tree units. The solar tree’s photovoltaic “leaves”absorb sunlight, converting it into electricity that is conducted down through the trunk-like central pillar of the structure to an inside battery. Many designs feature rotating(旋转的)panels that can move throughout the day in order to obtain the greatest amount of sunlight.Solar trees help power homes, businesses, and public services. They can create shade to help reduce the urban heat island effect and provide shelter in severe weather such as rainstorms and heatwaves, creating greater urban resilience in the face of climate change. They also enhance public spaces, providing charging stations, and powering streetlights.In comparison to other kinds of ground-mounted solar panel devices, solar trees don’t require much land. They make solar energy generation possible in land-scarce areasthat can’t support vast solar arrays, as well as places that lack sufficient rooftop space for panels. However, solar panels are much cheaper than solar trees at present and have far greater energy generation capacity. Therefore, present solar tree designs often serve as a supplemental source rather than as a primary energy source.At present, solar trees aren’t designed as large-scale solar projects, which limits their ability to contribute to the low-carbon energy transition. Still, their varied designs are appealing. This makes solar trees effective at displaying and thereby educating people about solar energy, and promoting a business or organization’s commitment to renewable energy.1. What is the main purpose of building solar trees?A. To beautify the urban environment.B. To draw public attention to solar energy.C. To replace non-renewable energy resources.D. To provide charging services in emergencies.2. What do we know about a solar tree?A. It stores energy in its own battery.B. It can adjust its height automatically.C. It is made of environmentally friendly materials.D. It transforms sunlight into electricity by its metal base.3. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?A. The design features of solar trees.B. The ways of saving energy in cities.C. The benefits of solar trees to humans.D. The difficulties of promoting solar trees.4. What advantage do solar trees have over other ground-mounted solar panel devices?A. They occupy much less land.B. They are cheaper to manufacture.C. They are more effective in generating energy.D. They can work in various weather conditions.答案:BACA生词1. gas-emitting adj. 排放气体的2. pillar n. 柱子,桥墩(尤指兼作装饰的)3. resilience n. 恢复力;适应力4. array n. 阵列语块1. solar energy 太阳能2. renewable energy 再生能源3. solar panels 太阳能板4. throughout the day 整天5. public services 公共服务6. urban heat island effect 城市热岛效应7. severe weather 恶劣天气8. charging stations 充电站9. in comparison to 与……相比10. contribute to 有助于;对……做贡献知识拓展urban heat island effect城市热岛效应是指城市因大量的人工发热、建筑物和道路等高蓄热体及绿地减少等因素,造成城市“高温化”,城市中的气温明显高于外围郊区的现象。

2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读文化差异01(2023·海南海口·海南中学校考模拟预测)Stirfry (小炒), Peking duck, fried rice—the tastes of Britain.“Britain?!” I hear you cry. “But British people take afternoon tea with sandwiches! Those are Chinese dishes!”According to a survey by Food Network UK, nine out of 10 British people said their favorite food was Asian. The number one international food in Britain was stirfry, according to the Daily Mail, with 55 percent saying they ate it often.Britain has a very multicultural history. Centuries of history brought dishes from across the world. Almost every town in the UK has a Chinese or Indian restaurant, and Italian, Thai and Jamaican are not unusual. Perhaps it’s no surprise that they learned to cook and eat dishes from other countries. Traditional British food doesn’t have a great reputation (名声).International food has bee British food, even when British are cooking. Another survey by the UKTV food channel in 2009 showed the most mon dish British could cook without a recipe was Italian spaghetti.However, if you’re in the UK and think a trip to a Chinese restaurant would be a great way to stay away from homesickness(乡愁), think again. Many British Chinese dishes aren’t exactly Chinese. At the end of every British Chinese meal, you get a sweet crisp known as a “traditional Chinese fortune cookie”. I have lived in Beijing for almost a year. I have yet to eat a fortune cookie that is really Chinese.A bowl of stirfry followed by a fortune cookie...now that would be a way to cure my homesickness, for the UK. 1.Which is British people’s favorite international food, according to the survey?A.Stirfry.B.Peking duck.C.Italian spaghetti.2.What’s the most important feature of modern British food?A.Unusual.B.International.C.Traditional.3.What can we learn from the sixth paragraph?A.Chinese fortune cookies are famous in Beijing.B.Chinese people in the UK won’t go to Chinese restaurants.C.British Chinese restaurants are different to Chinese restaurants in China.4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Italian food doesn’t have a great reputation.B.Traditional British food doesn’t have a great reputation.C.Modern British food doesn’t have a great reputation.5.What’s the best title for the story?A.History of British foodB.International tastes of BritainC.The reputation of British food02(2023·福建泉州·统考三模)The Netherlands is lowlying and influenced by the north sea wind, which caused floods to happen easily in the past. In order to deal with the problem, the Dutch used thousands of windmills. So the Netherlands became the famous land of windmills. With this invention, the Dutch set a special date and held some activities. It’s held on the second Saturday of May each year. Gradually, Windmill Day bees a traditional folk festival in the Netherlands.On this day, pictures shaped of windmills are everywhere. Many shops are filled with colorful windmill art pieces. Children also like to draw windmills on the doors and windows.Windmills have different purposes in different states. They bring good luck to people in most situations. When the flag is hung on the windmill, it may mean that a baby is born, or a couple are holding a wedding. When the fan of windmill is like a cross, it means that some important guests are ing and they are warmly weled. However, when the windmill is at rest and backward, it mainly tells us that something bad has happened.Nowadays, during your visit in the Netherlands, you can choose the windmill museums. Also, you can go to the local windmill villages. There are still more than 1000 windmills around the country, with many still in use. Every windmill is covered in red and green and is slowly running to greet you.6.People in Netherlands mainly use windmills to ________ .A.produce electricity B.do with floodsC.celebrate festivals D.wele visitors7.How do the Dutch celebrate Windmill Day?________①They decorate the public places with pictures shaped of windmills.②Shop owners prepare lots of colorful windmill art pieces.③They fix the fan of windmill as the shape of a cross.④Young kids draw windmills on the doors and windows.A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②④8.Which picture of windmills shows the ing of a newborn?________A.B.C.D.9.What can we know from the text?________A.Visitors can only enjoy windmills in museums.B.Windmills bring good luck to people in all situations.C.There are fewer than 1000 windmills across the country.D.A still windmill means something bad has happened.10.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?________A.Culture.B.Human.C.Language.D.Science.03(2022秋·广东河源·九年级校考期末)The New Year is a time of new beginning and good hopes for theNew Year’s Day in the same way.In Japan, people throw beans. They throw beans while 13 ,“Bad luck out, good luck in.” After throwing the beans, family members pick up and eat the same number of beans as their age. It will bring 14 and good luck for the new year.In China, people buy presents, decorations, food and new clothes a few weeks before the new year. They clean their houses to 15 bad luck. On New Year’s Eve, people usually get together for a big meal. On New Year’s Day, children will 16 hongbao from their parents. People think it will bring good luck to children. People 17 visit their relatives and friends at this time. The lion dance is a 18 activity that is held during the Chinese New Year. People believe that the 19 sound of drums can keep bad things away.In India, men and women 20 traditional dances. Family members also enjoy delicious food. They say goodbye to the old year and wele the new.11.A.celebrate B.take C.break D.promise12.A.So B.And C.Then D.However13.A.pulling B.shouting C.playing D.practicing14.A.purpose B.advice C.health D.time15.A.turn on B.sweep away C.take off D.tidy up16.A.accept B.make C.buy D.receive17.A.hardly B.never C.always D.seldom18.A.beautiful B.traditional C.modern D.boring19.A.quiet B.slow C.fast D.loud20.A.perform B.spend C.hear D.check04(2022秋·重庆江北·九年级重庆十八中校考期末)India is a country rich in tradition and culture. Can youknow the following customs.You should not hold hands 22 , kiss or hug anyone in public, even your loved ones. As a conservative05(2023·四川凉山·模拟预测)完成表格。

2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读-科普新知01(2023上·浙江·九年级期中)Whether yellow, red or white, the onion is a vegetable that you may not know well. The list of uses in cooking for it is endless. People have used onions to add flavor (味道) to their foods for thousands of years. Besides onions’ great taste, they are very good for you. They have special chemicals (化学物质) that improve your ability to fight off sickness and you have fewer chances of getting a disease.No matter how good onions are for you, it is difficult to cut an onion without your eyes filling with tears! When you cut into an onion, irritating chemicals inside the onion will get into the air. They touch your whole eves and cause pain. Your eyes make tears to wash away the chemicals and protect your eyes.Luckily, cooks and scientists have discovered some ways to keep you from crying when you cut up onions:●Cut the onion under running water. The water will wash away the chemicals before they can reach your eyes.●Use a fan to blow air over the onion as you cut it. The air will blow the chemicals away from your eyes.●Put the onion in a fridge for an hour before cutting. This helps make the chemicals in the onion move slowly, so they may not ever reach your eyes.If you try out these good ideas and still cry while cutting onions, don’t worry. Scientists think if you cut more onions, your body will become more resilient to the onion’s chemicals. So the tears will not last long. If you think about how healthy onions are, you might even call those tears “happy tears”.1.Why can onions help you fight off sickness?A.Because they have different colors.B.Because they have many uses in cooking.C.Because they have great taste.D.Because they have special chemicals.2.Why do your eyes make tears when you cut onions?A.To improve physical condition.B.To prevent common diseases.C.To wash away irritating chemicals.D.To cause terrible pain.3.What can you do to stop crying according to the text?①Cut the onion under running water.②Use a fan to blow air over the onion while cutting.③Cover the onion with a piece of cloth as you cut it.④Put the onion in a fridge for an hour before cutting.A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④4.In which section of a magazine can you probably read the text?A.Life and Health.B.Language and Culture.C.Business World.D.National News.02(2022上·四川遂宁·九年级统考期末)It’s said that China uses 45 billion pairs of chopsticks a year. Here’ssome information about chopstick’s history.Chopsticks have a long history of more than 3,000 years in China. The recorded history of chopsticks is as early as the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC). According to an article about Chinese history, the emperor of the Shang Dynasty (商朝) used chopsticks made of ivory.Legends (传说) about how chopsticks were invented▲ One is about Jiang Ziya. He was told by a bird to use bamboo sticks to pick up meat. When smoke came from bamboo sticks, he found out that his wife wanted to use poisonous (有毒的) food to kill him.▲ Another is about Da Ji. She used to please Emperor Zhou by picking up hot meat with hair sticks.▲ The third one is about Da Yu. He invented wooden chopsticks to pick up hot food to save time over the meal while preparing for flood control work (控制洪水).Materials of chopsticks●Bamboo has been the most popular material used for chopsticks because it is not expensive, easy-to-get, resistant (有抵抗力的) to heat, and has no terrible odor or taste.●Wood: Cedar, sandal wood, teak and pine have also been used.●Jade (玉、翡翠) and metal: In the past, the wealthy people had chopsticks made of jade. People also used some metals such as gold and silver to make chopsticks.● Porcelain (瓷器) and plastic: These two materials are used in modern times because of the development of technology.5.How many legends are mentioned (被提到) in the passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.6.Who wanted to kill Jiang Ziya according to the passage ?A.Da Ji.B.Da Yu.C.The emperor.D.His wife.7.What does the underlined word “odor” probably mean in Chinese ?A.硬度B.触觉C.气味D.视觉8.Which of the following is NOT the reason why bamboo is used to make chopsticks?A.Bamboo is resistant to heat.B.Bamboo grows fast everywhere.C.Bamboo is not expensive to get.D.Bamboo doesn’t taste terrible.9.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To tell us some legends of using chopsticks.B.To explain why chopsticks are popular.C.To tell us how to use chopsticks to eat meals.D.To tell us some information about chopsticks.03(2022上·安徽六安·九年级统考期末)We all know the strange feeling of watching the time change on a clock. You never see it change because the hands move so slowly. But of course, the time is changing all the time.Human faces, like clock faces, are also changing. And like clocks, the changes take place too slowly to be noticed. Over many thousands of years, though, huge changes are possible. For example, the human brain tripled (三倍) in size and began to think more. Our faces became flatter (平坦的).If our heads became larger in the past, how will things change in the future? Unlike the changes of a clock face, the changes in human faces are very difficult to predict (预测). One of the main reasons for this is the way in which we can now control parts of nature. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, all changes were natural, but now we can actively choose ways for our own evolution (进化).Just a few hundred years ago, most humans were working in the fields, whereas nowadays more and more people receive education. These are just predictions, and no one can be sure how human beings will become in the future. But with such huge changes in our environment, it seems likely that we will look very different in the future. 10.The changes of human are hardly noticed because ________.A.human faces never change B.the human brain becomes biggerC.the changes take place too slowly D.we never think about the changes11.The third paragraph tells us ________.A.human faces can’t be controlled by usB.human faces used to be changed by natureC.it is easy to predict the changes in human changesD.human can’t change the size of the brain in the future12.From the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.A.the predictions will surely be true B.people in the past liked to be educatedC.future humans must have larger heads D.humans will not look the same as today04(2022上·浙江宁波·九年级统考期末)In the story Snow White, the jealous queen decides to get rid of Snow White once and for all with an apple dipped in deadly poison (毒药). Thanks to some helpful dwarfs and a handsome prince, Snow White recovers (恢复). But the queen didn’t need to go to all that trouble. In fact, apples, along with many common fruits we eat are already poisonous! But don’t worry—it won’t harm you. It’s only the seeds you need to avoid.Apple trees belong to a plant family called Prunus (蔷薇科树). This group also includes peaches, cherries and so on. The seeds and pits (果核) of all these fruits contain a chemical called amygdalin (苦杏仁苷). Inside an animal’s stomach, amygdalin turns into a strong poison called cyanide (氰化物). And cyanide can make people and animals very sick, or even kill them.Still, don’t worry if you accidentally swallow a few apple seeds. Each seed has only a very tiny amount of poison. You’d have to eat a large bowlful of seeds to feel any effect. And you’d need to chew them well—the hard, shiny shells of apple seeds keep the poison locked inside. Unchewed seeds usually pass right through and come out whole in your poop (粪便). But cows and other animals often chew up seeds along with the fruit, so they can get sick from eating apples and plums that fall to the ground.Why would a tree make poisoned seeds? To stop animals from nibbling on them! Amygdalin tastes terrible. It’salso found in leaves and other parts of fruit trees. If a deer or cow chews on apple leaves, it gets a nasty taste and an upset stomach. Animals soon learn to leave those trees alone. Thanks, amygdalin!13.Why does the writer mention the story of Snow White in the first paragraph?A.To amuse the readers.B.To provide an example.C.To express an opinion.D.To lead in to the topic.14.According to the passage, amygdalin is contained in ______.A.A B.B C.C D.D15.What does the underlined word “nibble” mean in paragraph four?A.pollute B.touch C.break D.eat16.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?A.A tree makes poisoned seeds to protect itself.B.There’s tiny amount of poison in each apple seed.C.It’s not harmful for animals to chew up seeds with fruit.D.It’s just OK to swallow several seeds without chewing up.05(2023上·浙江温州·九年级校考竞赛)How do people think differently? This has always been unusual. To search an answer, a scientist named J. P. Guilford started a famous study of creativity in the 1970s, known as the nine-dot puzzle (九点谜题). He asked the participants (参与者) to connect all nine dots using only four straight lines, without lifting their pencils from the page.All the participants looked for solutions within the square they imagined. Only 20 percent managed to break out of the square and continue their lines in the white space around the dots, while the rest of them were blinded by the boundaries (边界) of the square.The results of Guilford’s study led him to a conclusion: creativity needs you to go outside the box. The idea was widely spread soon. Overnight, it seemed that creativity experts everywhere were teaching managers how to think outside the box. The idea was so popular that no one thought of checking the facts. No one, that is, before two different research teams— Clarke Burmham with Kenneth Davis, and Joseph Alba with Robert Weisberg—did another experiment.To make sure that Guilford’s study is correct, both teams divided participants into two groups. The first group was given the same instructions as the participants in Guilford’s experiment. The second group was told to draw the lines outside the imagined box. Guess what? Only a little more than 20 percent solved the puzzle, which is no big difference from the result of Guilford’s experiment.Let’s look a little more closely at the surprising result. Solving this problem requires people to think outside the box. However, direct and clear instructions to “think outside the box” do not help participants improve their performance. The widely spread idea that out-of-the-box thinking makes people more creative can, in some way, be dangerous. After all, with one simple but brilliant experiment, researchers had proved that the connection between thinking outside the box and creativity was a misunderstanding.17.The nine-dot puzzle study is mainly focused on ________.A.how people do things in real life B.what people see in the experimentC.how people think in different ways D.what knowledge people have learned18.Why did the two research teams do the following experiment?A.To discover the main idea of Guiford’s study.B.To show different views against Guiford’s study.C.To collect supporting details for Guiford’s study.D.To double-check the correctness of Guiford’s study. 19.From the passage, we can learn that _________.A.boundaries sometimes make people think less creativelyB.clear instructions influence how people solve problemsC.few people performed better with the clear instructionsD.the methods of nine-dot puzzle study need to be improved20.Which is the best title for the passage?A.Puzzle Solving: A Key To Creativity B.Nine-Dot Puzzle: A Magic TestC.Thinking Outside the Box: A Misleading Idea D.Creative Thinking: An Unusual Topic06(2023上·浙江温州·九年级校联考阶段练习)①Most people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can’t talk, but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive.②Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals. For example, a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young. When a predator gets close to its nest, the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends to have a broken wing. The predator follows the “hurt” adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.③Another kind of bird, the scrub jay, buries its food so it always has something to eat. Scrub jays are also thieves. They watch where others bury their food and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them. So they go back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else.④Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work. How? They don’t make nests. But they get into other birds’ nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds come out, their adoptive parents feed them.⑤Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky. After a fight, the losing chimp will give its hand to the other. When the winning chimp puts out its hand, too, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert once saw a losingchimp take the winner’s hand and start fighting again.⑥Chimps are sneaky in other ways, too. When chimps find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out. Then other chimps come running. But some clever chimps learn to cry very softly when they find food. That way, other chimps don’t hear them, and they don’t need to share their food.⑦As children, many of us learn the saying “You can’t fool Mother Nature.” But maybe you can’t trust her, either.21.A plover protects its young from a predator by ________.A.getting closer to its young B.driving away the adult predatorC.leaving its young in another nest D.pretending to have a wound22.By “Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky” (Paragraph⑤), the author means ________.A.chimps are always honest B.chimps are sometimes dishonestC.chimps are ready to fight others D.chimps can be selfish23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Cuckoos fool their adoptive parents by making no nests.B.The losing chimp won the fight by taking the winner’s hand.C.Some clever scrub jays often steal their food back.D.Some chimps lower their cry to keep food away from others.24.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.How does honesty help animals survive?B.Do animals lie?C.Does Mother Nature fool animals?D.How do animals learn to lie?07(2022上·山东烟台·九年级统考期末)These days, wearing a face mask (口罩) is a common thing to do, and it helps prevent diseases during COVID-19. However, that also means single-use face masks, gloves, and other PPE are the newest forms of rubbish on city streets, beaches, and in the ocean.This is bad for all, and there are many reasons. And one of the worst ones is that the littered face masks can seriously hurt animals. Ashley Fruno, a member of an animal rights group said, “Face masks aren’t going away soon.” So when we throw them away, they can be bad for the environment and the animals that live on the same planet as us.Monkeys have been found biting the straps (带子) of used masks in the hills outside Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur. This may make them lose their breath or even die. In Britain, a seabird’s legs have been found tangled (缠住) in the straps of a mask for up to a week. It was a painful experience for the seabird.It’s hard to believe that face masks that once saved people’s lives are now killing wild animals. A large number of face masks are moving to the living places of animals. If you wear a single-use face mask, make sure of throwing it away properly. Never litter it on the ground, or throw it away outside, as the wind could blow it away.Please don’t let the masks become a night-mare for wildlife. Thank you for doing your part to keep all animals safe!25.Which of the following belongs to the newest forms of rubbish according to the passage?①single-use face masks ②single-use gloves③single-use plastics ④single-use cupsA.①③B.①④C.②③D.①②26.What does the underlined sentence mean?A.People will stop wearing face masks in recent years.B.Face masks can be blown to a far place in a short time.C.Face masks can be made into other things soon.D.It takes a long time for face masks to disappear.27.How does the writer show the harm of littered face masks on animals?A.By giving reasons.B.By listing numbers.C.By giving examples.D.By asking questions.28.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?A.Animals like to play with masks.B.Face masks are only bad for animals.C.Face masks can be buried under the ground.D.Whether face masks are good or not depends on how people deal with them.29.Where can we most probably read this passage?A.In a storybook.B.In a travel guide.C.In a sports newspaper.D.In an environmental magazine.08(2022上·安徽六安·九年级统考期末)Can plants talk? Modem research has found something amazing: they32.A.gives up B.gives in C.gives out D.gives away33.A.bees B.rabbits C.bears D.lions34.A.heavily B.smoothly C.usually D.surprisingly35.A.animal B.plant C.wood D.flower36.A.search B.receive C.share D.collect37.A.spread B.sell C.store D.trade38.A.start B.plan C.lead D.stop39.A.voices B.words C.ways D.languages09(2022上·山东淄博·九年级统考期末)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括参考答案:1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A【导语】本文是一篇说明文。

语法填空:中国智慧:敏于事, 慎于言。
A 阅读理解Folke Borgstrom, a 18-year-old from Sweden, bought a jade (玉) necklace in Beijing. He came to China to take part in the 16th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students in Beijing and Yunnan from Oct 16 to Oct 30.Borgstrom knew about jade from a Chinese costume drama. “A main character looks so noble (高贵的) and cool with jade,” Borgstrom said. After doing some online research on jade, he found out that it’s highly valued in Chinese culture. “As a symbol of virtue, jade is believed to have the power to bring good fortune,” Borgstrom added. He became fascinated with Chinese culture through the window of Chinese costume drama.When it comes to promoting Chinese culture internationally, we often think of traditional ways, like setting up cultural exchange programs. However, Chinese pop culture, such as Chinese costume drama, has become a growing vehicle for cultural transmission.Chulkyu Lee from South Korea, 16, likes to browse TikTok for short videos featuring Chinese pop culture. Recently, he put the Chinese TikTok hit pop music track My Surname is Shi (《我姓石》) on repeat.“Through TikTok, I’ve also seen many real-life moments recorded by ordinary Chinese people, which lets me know more about the daily lives of Chinese people and the real China,” said Lee.Yang Yao, a program designer who has worked in international broadcasting for eight years with Yunnan Media Group, believes that more creative ways for spreading Chinese culture should be adopted. He takes Japan and South Korea as examples of this. “You may not know the meaning of Japanese samurai (武士), but anime (日本动漫) lets you gradually accept concepts like ninjas (忍者) in Japanese culture. You may not specialize in the history of the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392, 高丽王朝), but through South Korean dramas, you come to understand its cuisine like kimchi (韩国泡菜),” said Yang. China’s culture can go abroad in the similar way, said Yang.1. Why does the writer use Borgstrom’s story?A. To show the importance of the “Chinese Bridge” program.B. To suggest some good Chinese TV series.C. To introduce a smart way of cultural promotion.D. To talk about the cultural meaning of Chinese jade.2. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. How to learn about Chinese people’s daily lives.B. What Chulkyu Lee thinks of the real lives of Chinese people.C. The Chinese apps Chulkyu Lee often uses.D. The role of short TikTok videos in cultural exchange.3. How does watching short videos recorded by ordinary Chinese people influence Chulkyu Lee?A. It deepens his understanding of China.B. It raises his interest in learning Chinese.C. It leads him to explore Chinese music.D. It provides an escape from his boring life.4. Why does Yang Yao mention Japanese anime and South Korean dramas?A. To compare different forms of cultural media.B. To stress the importance of cultural exchange.C. To suggest creative ways to promote Chinese culture.D. To show the popularity of Japanese and South Korean culture.5. In the passage, how does the writer mainly give information?A. By using famous people’s sayings.B. By giving examples.C. By sharing their personal feelings.D. By comparing one thing with another.【答案】CDACB【解析】这篇文章的主要主题是使用中国流行文化来推广和传播中国文化。

语法填空:李白诗歌赏析-《月下独酌》A 阅读理解ChatGPT now has an upgrade (升级) with its new AI model, GPT-4o.But why “o”? It stands for “omni”, which means it can do “all things” in “all ways”. It is stronger than any of the GPT models that came before it.GPT-4o can understand orders through voice, text or images . It can also give answers in all these types of media, said its maker OpenAI. When chatting with you, it can respond as fast as a person can. “Talking to a computer has never felt really natural for me; now it does,” said OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in a blog post.The new model may become your “new best friend” as it can help you with many things. It can teach you new languages, summarize a meeting and translate things really fast. But most helpful of all, GPT-4o can be your personal teacher.In a video on the OpenAI website, GPT-4o helped a boy named Imran Khan with a math problem. Instead of giving him the answer, it asked, “Do you remember the formula (公式)?” This helped Khan think step by step. When Khan made mistakes, GPT-4o gave hints (提示) and let him try again, instead of just telling him the answer. These abilities are making lots of people think and talk about the power of GPT-4o. “Teachers give classes to many students at the same time. Now with AI, each person’s learning experience is tailored (定制) to their requirements. It fits what a student needs,” a viewer of the video wrote online. But others also worry it might take away some teachers’ jobs.Still, many people see hope. If used right, GPT-4o can give more support to people like the blind or those feeling lonely, Emma Darcy, who works at Denbigh High School in the UK, told Forbes.1. You can communicate with GPT-4o through_____.a. textb. voicec. imaginationd. imagese. videosA. abcB. abdC. bcdD. cde2. Sam Altman’s words showed that _____.A. GPT-4o is as smart as a humanB. talking to AI is still impossibleC. GPT-4o can replace mediaD. GPT-4o made big progress3. How does GPT-4o help Imran Khan with his math problem in the video?A. By giving him the answer directly.B. By guiding him step by step.C. By telling him the key formula.D. By pointing out his mistakes.4. What is people’s worry about GPT-4o according to the story?A. It may make some teachers lose their jobs.B. It may help students cheat in exams.C. It may totally change our education.D. It helps students learn independently.5. What good side does Emma Darcy see in GPT-4o?A. It can create more jobs for society.B. It can help blind or lonely people.C. It can upgrade our school education.D. It can make people work faster.【答案】BDBAB【解析】ChatGPT 推出了新的AI模型GPT-4o,它能够通过语音、文本或图像理解指令,并以同样的方式给出回答。

1. How will the process benefit humans according to the study?A. By creating warm air for researchers on the moon.B. By providing rocks for the production of minerals.C. By testing the weight of the oxygen contained in moon dust.D. By offering oxygen for people conducting studies on the moon.2. What makes oxygen difficult to produce during the ESA’s experiment?A. Its poor quality.B. Its small quantity.C. Its form of existence.D. Its complex structure.3. Why does the author mention Beth Lomax in the third paragraph?A. To show the history of ESA’s pilot plant.B. To stress the importance of the ESA’s study.C. To explain the theory of the ESA’s research.D. To present the process of the ESA’s experiment.4. What is the “bonus” in the new process?A. Usable metals.B. Fresh oxygen.C. Rare minerals.D. Precious glass.5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. ESA has discovered new materials on the moon.B. ESA and NASA plan to land man on the moon again.C. NASA will send more astronauts to the moon in 2024.D. NASA and ESA will cooperate to do research on the moon.【参考答案】DCBAB单词学习1. planetary adj. 行星的 a planetary system 行星系2. regolith n. 月壤;表土;风化层3. sample n. 样本 a sample survey 抽样调查4. lunar settler 月球移民5. rocket fuel 火箭燃料6. metallic adj. 含金属的;金属制的metallic compounds 金属化合物长难句分析ESA officials say the latest experiments were part of expanded engineering development aimed at finding new ways for lunar materials to be used to support future human activities.【分析】主语为“ESA officials”,谓语为“say”。

A“highspeed” tour around Hainan海南“高速”游体裁说明文难度★★词数218Hainan is one of the most famous places in China, where a lot of people go on holiday. But do you know it is also home to the world's first circular(环形的)highspeed railway? It takes less than five hours to finish the trip around the island. The line connects some mustsee places. We've got a list here for you.Haikou is often called the Coconut City(椰城)because of its many coconut trees. The city not only has beautiful seaside scenery(风景),but also is famous for its rich history.After a halfhour trip, the train will take you to Wenchang. Here you can enjoy the famous Hainan dish, Wenchang chicken. The chickens used in this dish feed on rice bran(米糠)and coconut.You can take a bus from this railway station to the Wanquan River(万泉河),Qionghai(琼海). It attracts people from all around the world. They fall in love with the natural scenery of its beaches, water and forests.Wele to Wanning, a place rich in natural resources. Sun and Moon Bay(日月湾)is one of the area's most popular resorts. It is also a good place to enjoy water sports.Sanya is our final stop. Many big rocks can be found on the beach there. Sitting on one of the rocks, you can see where the sea meets the sky!1.How many cities in Hainan does the passage introduce?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.2. What is Haikou famous for?A. Its rich history.B. The chicken.C. The beaches.D. Water sports.3. What can you do in Wenchang?A. Enjoy the seaside scenery.B. Have the famous dish.C .Play in the forests. D. Sit on the rocks.4.Where can we find Sun and Moon Bay?A. Wenchang.B. Qionghai.C. Wanning.D. Sanya.重点句型及难句分析:The city not only has beautiful seaside scenery, but also is famous for its rich history.句意:这个城市不仅有美丽的海景,而且也以其丰富的历史而著名。

groceries to 550 households each week.
Calichio says 125 households have _____12_____ the free program. They are now in a better place where
they can _____13_____ groceries on their own. Although this work started _____14_____ the pandemic, for
Soon, they realized the need extended beyond their community, and the program quickly grew to
_____10_____ anyone in Queens. So the non-profit The Connected Chef was born. It delivers— _____11_____
the couple ____5____ a Go Fund Me with the idea of purchasing groceries wholesale (以批发价) and ____6____
them directly to those in ____7____ in their Astoria Queens community. Within a week, they raised $ 10.000.
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Fill in the blanks with information from the story:DRAGON Head-Raising Day is a traditional Chinese 1. It falls on the second day of the second 2 month. On this day people eat noodles, dumplings and deep fried pancakes. All the day’s foods are named after 3. In some 4 Chinese stories, dragons have power 5 the wind and rain. It was hoped that with the help of the dragon, ploughing would be 6 and the autumn bring a good 7. It is said that after that day there will be 8 rain. This is why the day is often call ed “Spring Dragon Day”.Many people get their hair 9 on that Day, because it was said that a haircut during the first lunar month brought 10 to the uncles in a family. Choose the best answer:1) DRAGON Head-Raising (龙抬头) Day is on the _______ day of the second lunar month.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth2) People laid paths of ____ into kitchens and around water vats. A. ashes B. rice C. noodles D. dumplings3) Which kind of food has the name “dragon teeth”? A. pa ncakes B. noodles C. dumplings D. sugar4) According to the story, dragons in China have power over the ______.A. vats and ashesB. wind and rainC. food and waterD. uncles in a family5) It can be inferred that _____.A. DRAGON Head-Raising Day brings many customers to the hairdresser’s.B. The delicious food people can enjoy are served only on that day.C. Laying ashes into kitchens and around water vats means driving the dragon out of the house.D. Dragons are said to bring snow to the world on the second day of the second lunar month.6) The best title for this passage is _____.A. Dragon Whisker noodlesB. Dragon TeethC. Traditional Chinese FestivalsD. Spring Dragon DayFill in the blanks with information from the story:Ashley Young is a _________ for Aston Villa. He has been in great form for his club this _________, already scoring seven goals. His manager will hope that his good form can help Aston Villa win some _________ The club has already shown a lot of _________ in him. Two years ago they paid almost 10 million _________ to sign him from Watford. He has not let his _________ down.His good form has taken him into the England _________ team. He might be a star _________ the next World Cup in South Africa.1. Choose the best answer:1) The manager of Aston Villa is _____. A. Cristiano Ronaldo B. Lionel Messi C. Martin O’Neill D. Ashley Young2) Young is a _____ for Aston Villa. A. winger B. forward C. fullback D. manager3) Young has already scored _________ goals for his club this season. A. five B. six C. seven D. eight4) The club paid almost _______ million pounds to sign Young from Watford. A. 10 B. 11 C.12 D. 135) Young is known for his_________ on the football pitch. A. appearance B. speed C. skill D. ageMatch the expressions with their meanings:1. compare A. a number of people, animals, objects with each other2. praise B. a prize for winning a competition3. local C. a point4. goal D. an area of ground for sports5. trophy E. around the area where you live6. national F. show the likeness between sb/sth and sb/sth else7. pitch G. belonging to a whole nation8. together H. to express your admiration for sb or sthYou might have heard of collisions between cars, trains and ships, but satellites? It sounds like something from a movie! But sometimes life can be 1 than the movies.On February 11, a Russian military satellite, Kosmos 2251, smashed into a US communications satellite about 780km above Siberia in Russia. The 2 made more than 500 pieces of debris.The debris could be very 3 for nearby spacecraft, even a tiny piece could do great harm.The accident occurred in an orbit which many satellites and other spacecraft 4. It means that some countries may have to 5 their spacecraft into different orbits.It is the first satellite crash that has been made 6. People are worried, since they understand how 7 Earth’s orbit has become in recent years. Before the accident, there were already over 300,000 objects 8 the Earth. There are satellites (old and new), spacecraft, and 9 objects.The US and Russia have put the 10 number of objects in space. Both countries are 11 cutting space junk. They are asking for international cooperation to help solve theproblem.1. A. worse B. stranger C. harder D. better2. A. accident B. satellite C. spacecraft D. area3. A. important B. interesting C. dangerous D. difficult4. A. use B. produce C. prepare D. share5. A. move B. make C. reduce D. fix6. A. famous B. public C. successful D. rapid7. A. crowded B. excited C. developed D. touched8. A. pulling B. circling C. joining D. pushing9. A. another B. others C. other D. the other10. A. largest B. small C. same D. bigger11. A. calling on B. working on C. giving up D. putting off1. What happened on February 11th?A. A Russian military satellite smashed into a US communications satelliteB. A Russian communication satellite smashed into a US military satellite.C. A. Russian car smashed into a US car.D. A Russian ship smashed into a US ship.2. What happened because of the accident?A. The Russian military satellite landed safely in Siberia.B. The debris hardly affected communication.C. Some countries may have to move their spacecraft into different orbits.D. The orbit couldn’t be used any more.3. How many pieces of debris did the accident make?A. over 500B. 300,000C. 780,000D. 22514. Which two countries have the largest number of objects in space?A. China and the USB. The US and RussiaC. China and RussiaD. Russia and England5. It can be inferred that ______.A. People are worried about such accidents.B. It’s not the first time for such accidents to happen.C. Neither of the US or Russia needs other country’s help.D. The two satellites produced a large amount of space trash after the crash.Last Wednesday, 200 million Chinese basketball fans held their breath at an NBA game in the US. It was the third game in 1 Chinese players Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming were playing each other for their own teams.Basketball is not the only form of American 2 that has become popular in China. Thirty years after the two countries established diplomatic relations (外交关系) on January 1, 1978, the US has become China’s biggest trade partner and Chinese people are now 3 American ideas and products (产品). They have Apple iPhones, love catching the latest Hollywood hits, celebrate Christmas with gift-giving and go crazy about basketball games.The NBA came to China about 20 years ago. At that time NBA boss David Stern 4 a tape (录像带) of the league’s (联赛) All Star games to China Central Television (CCTV), letting them broadcast it free. He waited for hours in the lobby (大厅), hoping to make the NBA 5 in the world’s most populous (人口稠密的) country.When NBA games first appeared 6 Chinese TVs in late 1980s, it was mind-blowing to many Chinese basketball fans. The NBA quickly became 7 in China, especially after Yao Ming joined the Rockets six years ago. Kids admire the NBAstars’8 and they want to play like them.China is the league’s 9 foreign market (市场) with around 300 million basketball fans. Nearly a third of the online traffic to comes from its Chinese website. The league’s products 10 at more than 50,000 shops across China, including two official NBA Stores.1. A. who B. where C. which D. that2. A. culture B. art C. entertainment D. sports3. A. ready for B. worried about C. used to D. surprised at4. A. took B. brought C. moved D. caught5. A. known B. public C. seen D. satisfied6. A. on B. in C. at D. for7. A. surprising B. popular C. welcome D. exciting8. A. clothes B. shoes C. life styles D. skills9. A. newest B. oldest C. biggest D. first10. A. pay B. buy C. cost D. sellI. Comprehension check1. The correct order of the events is ______.a. The NBA and the CBA set up a joint leagueb. Yao Ming joined the Rocketsc. NBA games first appeared on Chinese TVd. China and the US established diplomatic relationse. The NBA came to ChinaA. a c e d bB. c d a b eC. e c b a dD.d e c b a2. Many Chinese basketball fans were very excited last week because _______.A. there was an important basketball game between China and the USB. Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian had a wonderful game in ChinaC. it was the first time that Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming had played togetherD. there was an important game for Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian3. The first NBA games shown on CCTV were _________.A. not very popular with Chinese peopleB. free because the US wanted to make NBA games popular in ChinaC. brought to China by a famous Chinese basketball playerD. very expensive because they were from the US4. According to the passage, Yao Ming is very important for the NBA because _______.A. he is one of the best basketball playersB. he is the first NBA player from ChinaC. he has made the NBA more popular in ChinaD. he has the most fans in the world.5. What does the writer think about NBA games?A. They are great games.B. They are part of the culture.C. They greatly promote economic developmentD. All the above.On February 14th, a Chinese cargo ship sank after a Russian warship shot 500 rounds at it. The Chinese ship had been waiting in port after a buyer complained about the poor quality of its rice cargo. The Russian warship fired at the ship as it attempted to return to China without permission. It was forced to return to port, but sank on its way back. On lifeboat was rescued by the Russians, but the other lifeboat sank. One Indonesian and seven Chinese are still missing. Russia says the captain should take full 10 for the incident, but China is not 11 with the explanation.Read the passage to help you choose the best answers.1.Put the events of the incident in the right ordera.A warship followed the New Star and shot about 500 rounds at it.b.The New Star unloaded its cargo and remained in port.c.The New Star left port without permission.d.The New Star sank and 16 sailors are now missing.A. a-b-d-cB. b-c-a-dC. b-d-a-cD. a-d-c-b2.According to Russian media, why did the New Star remain in the port? ( )A. Because the rice it had carried was of poor quality.B. Because the crew were afraid of the Russian warship.C. Because eight of the 16 sailors went missing.D. Because the captain decided to give up the ship.3.Why did the Russian warship shoot at the New Star? ( )A.Because it wanted to kill the sailors onboardB.Because Russia wanted to start a war with China.C.Because it wanted to force the New Star to return to port.D.Because the buyer of the rice was angry.4. Which of the statements is true? ( )A. The New Star began to sink when it left port.B. Some sailors were saved by a Chinese ship.C. All the missing sailors were Chinese.D. The captain of the New Star was an Indonesian.5. What attitude does the reporter have toward the incident? A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Sad. D. Not known.Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. The New Star is an armed Chinese cargo ship.( ) 2. The New Star sank on February 14.( ) 3. There were eight sailors in each lifeboat.( ) 4. The New Star began to sink on its way back to China.( ) 5. Russia says the captain of the New Star should take full responsibility.AScience fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) and From the Earth to the Moon (1865).In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne’s writing included many predictions (预言) for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich.Jules Verne’s books have been the subjects for many movies. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first Disney movie to use real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne’s books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thi ng is to be always on time!( ) 1. What does the phrase “the father of science fiction” mean?A. The father who has several children.B. The man who loves science and inventions.C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction.D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully. ( ) 2. What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories?A. The plays he wrote for the theater.B. The encouragement from his father.C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon.D. The scientific subjects in his stories.( ) 3. Why were Jules Verne’s books v ery popular in the19th century?A. Because his books made him rich and famous.B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time.C. Because his books have been the subjects for many movies.D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions. ( ) 4. Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg?A. Five Weeks in a Balloon.B. Around the World in Eighty Days.C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth.D. From the Earth to the Moon. ( ) 5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Jules Verne only wrote plays in the 19th century.B. Many of the predictions in Verne’s stories came tr ue.C. The main characters in Ve rne’s books are alwa ys on time.D. The space flight Verne described was different from others.BThe tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries. In China, on a child’s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession the child will choose later in life.For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony (仪式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.Eightee n is the traditional “coming of age”, the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote (选举), join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol or buy a house.In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!( ) 1. Which of the following birthday traditions can be found almost anywhere, anytime?A. Putting many things on the floor.B. Wearing a new kimono.C. Dancing a waltz.D. Sending birthday cards.( ) 2. The ______ usually organize a party at children’s special birthday celebration in Japan. A. priests B. parents C. friends D. relatives ( ) 3. Mexican girls have a special birthday celebration at the age of _____. A. five B. seven C. fifteen D. twenty-one( ) 4. In many countries you can _____ when you reach the age of eighteen.A. join the armyB. have a keyC. have a special ceremonyD. have special sweets( ) 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A. The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.B. Some birthday traditions are only found in certain countries.C. You become the owner of your house at the age of fifteen.D. In many countries you have the right to vote at the age of eighteen. ( ) 6. Which is the best title of this passage?A. Birthday Traditions around the WorldB. Chinese Birthday CelebrationsC. Japanese Special CelebrationD. The Drinking Age in Many CountriesCMost American students have said goodbye to fancy (高档的) fruits these days. In school canteens across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their place. “People are afraid to spend now,” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They don’t kno w what the future will brin g.” During the financial crisis (金融危机), several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive goods.Samira Marino, a restaurant owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals. In more than two-dozen interviews with The Associated Press across the country last month, Americans talked about their concerns, from worries about small businesses to doubts (怀疑) about simply making ends meet (维持生计).The crisis began last year. Experts think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders (国界), the whole world was in trouble.This month the US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. President George W. Bush has warned it will take some st week top finance officials from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.1. Why are people in the US afraid to spend?A. Becau se they think it’s unnecessary.B. Because they don’t ha ve the babit of spending money.C. Because they worry about their future.D. Becaus e they don’t have enough money.2. The underlined word “concerns” probably means _____. A. worries B. conditions C. hobbies D. experiences3. The fifth paragraph mainly _____.A. tells what it is like in a crisisB. explains why there is a crisisC. warns people of the danger of the crisisD. asks people not to borrow money from banks4. People feel _____ about the US plan to save the market. A. satisfied B. doubtful C. hopeless D. angry5. The best title for the story is _____.A. Ways to make ends meetB. The money problem facing the worldC. Healthy fancy fruitsD. The art of borrowing本篇介绍“科幻之父”及其成就。