马后炮化工论坛-Introduction to Aspen Plus-2012
马后炮化工技术论坛_基于ASPEN PLUS模拟生物质气流床气化工艺过程
![马后炮化工技术论坛_基于ASPEN PLUS模拟生物质气流床气化工艺过程](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/033392d226fff705cc170a11.png)
2.1不同气化原料的气流床气化结果分析 2.1.1气化温度随[0]/[c]的变化关系
由图2可知,无论是生物质原料直接气化还是 使用热解后的半焦气化,其气化温度都随[0]/[c] 的增加而升高。从图中可以看出:在相同的[O]/ [C]下,热解后半焦的气化温度明显高于生物质原 料的气化温度且热解终温越高,得到的半焦的气化 温度也越高。在气流床气化工艺中,气化温度能达 到1000℃以上。对于生物质原料气化,气化温度要 达到1000℃以上,[O]/[c]约为1.65。而对于几种 半焦气化,[O]/[C]在约1.0时气化温度就可达 1000℃以上,且在相同[0]/[c]下,半焦比生物质原 料更利于燃烧和气化,从而使产生的热量增加,气化 温度升高。
本文采用慢速热解方法将生物质中的氧元素脱 除以达到提高能量密度的目的,进而提高合成气的
质气流床气化炉工艺流程计算模型,考察了热解作 为生物质气化前处理工艺的可行性,进而为工艺条 件的确定提供理论基础。
1 生物质气流床气化过程描述
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t咖pe翔£ure,heat value of biosyllgas and cold g鹅emciency
太 阳能 学报
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一、蒸馏基本原理 1、蒸馏概述 2、拉乌尔定律 二、精馏 1、精馏概述 2、精馏原理 3、精馏过程 4、物料衡算 5、板式塔 1、蒸馏概述 、 (1) 蒸馏的原理 利用混合物在一定压力下各组分相对挥发度 (沸点 沸点)的不同进行分离的一种单元操作。
沸点 易挥发组分——低沸点组分 难挥发组分——高沸点组分 (2)蒸馏及精馏的分离依据 ) 液体均具有挥发成蒸汽的能力,但各种液体的挥发性各不相同。
习 惯上,将液体混合物中的易挥发组分A称为轻组分,难挥发组分B则称为 重组分。
将液体混合物加热至泡点以上沸腾使之部分汽化必有yA>xA; 反之将混合蒸汽冷却到露点以下使之部分冷凝必有xB>yB。
上述两种情 况所得到的气液组成均满足: yA xA > y B xB 部分汽化及部分冷凝均可使混合物得到一定程度的分离,它们均是 籍混合物中各组分挥发性的差异而达到分离的目的,这就是蒸馏及精馏 分离的依据。
蒸馏及精馏的分离依据 原料液 加 热 器 减 压 阀 塔顶产品 yA Q xA 闪 蒸 罐 y A > xA 或 yA xA > y B xB 塔底产品 (3)蒸馏的分类 ) 简单蒸馏 平衡蒸馏 (闪蒸) 按蒸馏方式 较易分离的物系或对 分离要求不高的物系 难分离的物系 恒沸蒸馏 特殊精馏 萃取蒸馏 水蒸汽蒸馏 很 难 分离 的 物系 或 用 普 通方 法 难以 分 离的物系 精馏 常压 按操作压强 加压 一般情况下多用常压 常压下不能分离或达不到分离要求 减压 双组分 混合物中组分 多组分 间歇 按操作方式 连续 2、两组分理想物系的汽液平衡-拉乌尔定 、两组分理想物系的汽液平衡 拉乌尔定 律 1、汽液相平衡关系式拉乌尔定律 、汽液相平衡关系式 拉乌尔定律 pA = o pAxA = 0 pAx o 0 pB = pB xB = pB (1? x) o o pA , pB 手册中查 平衡温度下纯组分的饱和蒸汽压力 X溶液中组分的摩尔分数 当溶液沸腾时,溶液上方的总压等于各组分的蒸气压之和 o P = pA + pB = po x + pB (1? x) A o P? P B Po ? Po A B ∴x = pA po ——由拉乌尔定律表示的气液平衡关系 A 由拉乌尔定律表示的气液平衡关系 y= = x P P 二、精馏 1、精馏概述 、 平衡蒸馏以及简单蒸馏只能使混合液得到部分分离。
马后炮化工技术论坛_AutoPIPE 理论基础.
![马后炮化工技术论坛_AutoPIPE 理论基础.](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3fc618ee5fbfc77da269b157.png)
AutoPIPE 理论基础一. 坐标系定义规则由于 AutoPIPE 在定义支撑间隙以及土力学参数时与管道的局部坐标有关, 在结果查看上与全局坐标有关,因此有必要介绍一下坐标定义及间隙定义规则。
1. 全局坐标系定义在定义全局坐标时, AutoPIPE 会在建模的开始提示用户输入竖向坐标轴的方向,软件默认为 Y 轴为重力方向,这样 X 与 Z 轴处于水平面内。
2. 管道段的方向在管道局部坐标的定义中, 需要首先确定出管道段的方向, 局部坐标中的 X 轴方向和管道段的方向一致。
下图中的箭头方向就是这个管道系统的段方向:3. 局部坐标定义(1 竖直方向直管的局部坐标定义管道段的方向为 local x方向,并且 local x与 Y 轴平行, x 是 Y 的前一个坐标次序, 因此 local Y应和 X 平行, local Z应和 X 平行,再有右手坐标系规则可以定出局部坐标正方向。
(2 非竖直方向直管的局部坐标定义同样管道段的方向确定 local x方向,另外 local Z始终处于水平面内, local Y的朝向是向上的,再有右手坐标系规则可以定出局部坐标正方向。
(3 弯管的局部坐标定义对于弯管,管道段的方向确定 local x方向, local y方向指向弯管的中心, local z 方向为弯管平面的法线方向,再有右手坐标系规则可以定出局部坐标正方向。
4. 间隙的定义在定义间隙时, 需要输入上下左右间隙的大小, 因此必须首先明白这些间隙方向的定义。
local y的正方向的间隙是上间隙, 负方向处的间隙是下间隙; local z的正方向的间隙是右间隙,负方向处的间隙是左间隙。
二. 土力学参数定义在土力学参数定义中, 需要定义出 Trans Horizontal, Longitudinal , Vertical Up和 Vertical Down四个方向的力-位移骨架曲线,因此用户应该首先明白这四个方向的定义。
6-1 阐述分离序列综合基本概念:简单塔、顺序表、分离子群、分离子问题等。
6-2 分离序列综合有序直观推断规则有哪些?说明其含义?规则(1)在所有其分离方法中,优先采用能量分离剂分离方法(例如精馏), 避免用质量分离剂分离方法(例如萃取)。
6-3 采用渐进调优进行分离序列综合时,调优规则与策略有哪些?其作用是什么?调优法则就是指产生与当前分离序列相容结构的变化机制① 相邻层次切分点序列位置变换可行分离序列就是历经各个切分点的某种切分顺序。
Model for Moving Bed Coal 10-2012 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Aspen Plus, the aspen leaf logo and Plantelligence and Enterprise Optimization are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Burlington, MA. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the software and the application of the results obtained. Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENTATION, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Aspen Technology, Inc. 200 Wheeler Road Burlington, MA 01803-5501 USA Phone: (1) (781) 221-6400 Toll Free: (1) (888) 996-7100 URL:
马后炮化工技术论坛_中石化技术人员aspen培训课件 PPT资料共150页
![马后炮化工技术论坛_中石化技术人员aspen培训课件 PPT资料共150页](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/12b60c49a5e9856a561260f2.png)
5. RadFrac – 严格精馏塔模型 6. 反应器模型 –各种不同的反应器模型
Introduction to Aspen Plus
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7. 物性- 热力学模型, 物性分析和报告的概述
1. 介绍 - 模拟概念 2. 用户界面 – 用户界面介绍 3. 基本输入 - 图形化的用户输入界面 4. 单元操作模型 – 常用的单元操作模块
Introduction to Aspen Plus
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向后 Units
向前 前一个表
下一个表 注释 状态
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3.3 工艺设备的选择
Ø 反应器:
1)活塞流 (管式)
2)全混釜 (搅拌釜)
不同类型的反应器在工业生产中的应用情况见 P-547。
气液相反应器及固相反应器的使用情况见 P-548。
反应系统 精馏系统 换热网络
从图中可以看出设计的核心是反应系统的设计和开发。“洋葱头”模型强调过程开发和 设计的有序和分层性质。
Ø 反应流程优化见表-7.4.2(P-544) 反应流程优化需要考虑的问题较多,问题复杂。如反应动力学、反应收率、催化
剂特性、反应历程、反应途径。 反应器的最优操作条件有如何保证反应温度、反应压力、混合要求、换热要求、
6.4 典型化工单元的控制方案 6.4.1 反应
Ø 反应控制的要求 达到规定的转化率、产品浓度。 处理量平稳。 当出现不正常工况时,能报警、联锁或自动选择性调节系统。
Ø 反应控制方案 以反应转化率为控制变量 见图 7.7.3-1(P-564)。 以反应工艺状态变量为控制对象 见图 7.7.3-2(P-565)。
GBJ16-87(2001 版)
GB50160-92(1999 版)
Ø 一定的工作经验
1.2 化工建设项目阶段
1.2.1 建设项目阶段的划分以工程公司为主体,通常分为三个阶段
Ø 项目前期
项目建议书 → 批准后即为立项
伞板式:制造简单、紧凑、易清洗,使用温度不大于 150℃,使用压力不大于 0.12MPa。
马后炮化工技术论坛_HYSYS中文入门案例-Gas Processing
![马后炮化工技术论坛_HYSYS中文入门案例-Gas Processing](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/51b2ed1c4431b90d6c85c7b3.png)
Gas Processing开始模拟1.单击File=>New Case菜单或New Case按钮,开始一个新的模拟案例。
Simulation Basis Manager如下图所示:2.在构造实例前需要设置Session Preferences。
打开Tools=>Preferences菜单,显示Session Preferences视图。
3.在Simulation标签Options页面上点击复选框使Use Modal Property Views选项失效。
步骤如下:1.点击Session Preferences视图上Variables标签,选择Units页面。
2.在Available Unit Sets中,选择Field选项。
4.在Display Units中,注意Flow的默认单位是lbmole/hr。
在Session Preferences视图的顶部有一个备选单位的下拉列表,点击下拉箭头或按下F2键及↓键。
关闭Session Preferences视图。
1.在Simulation Basis Manager视图中点击Add按钮,打开Fluid Package视图。
2.在Prop Pkg标签页上选择物性包。
按下述方法之一进行操作:·用键盘输入Peng Robinson,HYSYS将自动进行匹配。
• 选择对象/域
- 单击右按钮
• 为选择的对象/域或入口/出口弹出菜单
- 双击左按钮
• 打开数据浏览器对象的页面
参考: Aspen Plus 用户指南, 第 1章, 用户界面
Introduction to Aspen Plus
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Introduction to Aspen Plus
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8. 灵敏度分析 - 研究流程中变量之间的关系 9. 设计规定 - 满足工艺目标 10. Fortran 块
©1997 AspenTech. All rights reserved. ®
• 什么是流程模拟?
• 使用基本物性关系 - 质量和能量平衡 - Equilibrium 关系 - 速率系数
• 预测 - 物流流率, 组成和性质 - 操作条件 - 设备尺寸
用户界面 • 下拉式菜单
- 用于定义程序选项和命令 • 工具栏
- 允许直接访问一些常用功能 - 能够被移动、隐藏或展现 • 数据浏览器 - 用于操纵表页 - 能够被移动、重设大小、最大化、最小化或关闭 • 表页 - 用于输入数据和浏览模拟结果 - 可以由多个页面构成
Introduction to Aspen Plus
11) 传热面积 (Heat transfer area) 12)热负荷 (Exchanger duty) 13)几何条件 (Geometry)
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简捷计算 (1)
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HeatX ——几何结构(管程1)
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HeatX ——几何结构(管程2)
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Aspen Plus 使用方法
•Models for •Heat Transfer •热量传递模型
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传热单元归属换热器类(Heat Exchangers), 共7种模型,AspenPlus内部用的有4种:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Heater HeatX MHeatX HXFlux
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HeatX ——连接
HeatX 模型的连接图如下:
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HeatX —— 模型参数(1)
HeatX 模型有四组设定参数:
1、计算类型 Calculation type
(1) 简捷计算 Short-cut
(2) 详细计算 Detailed 热侧——管程/壳程 冷侧——管程/壳程
• 相态法 ( Phase specific values ) • 幂函数 ( Power law expression ) • 几何结构 ( Exchanger Geometry )
马后炮化工论坛-Aspen Plus 1
![马后炮化工论坛-Aspen Plus 1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f4a8d70ea6c30c2259019ec6.png)
Seoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation Process Modeling Using Aspen Plus (User Interface & Basic Inputs)TA : Ikhyun Kim Instructor : En Sup Y oon Spring Semester, 2012•What is flowsheet simulation?–Use of a computer program to quantitatively model thecharacteristic equations of a chemical process•Uses underlying physical relationships–Mass and energy balance–Equilibrium relationships–Rate correlations (reaction and mass/heat transfer)•Predicts–Stream flowrates, compositions, and properties–Operating conditionsFlowsheet SimulationSeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (3/39)•Build large flowsheets a few blocks at a time –This facilitates troubleshooting if error occur•Not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between pieces of equipment in the plant and Aspen plus blocks •Ensure flowsheet inputs are reasonable•Check that result are consistent and realistic Good Flowsheeting Practice•Rigorous electrolyte simulation•Solid handing•Petroleum handling•Data regression•Data fit•Optimization•User routinesSome Important Features of Aspen+Seoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (5/39)The User Interface (Flowsheet)Next button Detherminternet NIST/TDE Pure propertyProcessFlowDiagramSelectModeButton Model Library Tabs ModelLibraryStatusAreaThe User Interface (Data browser)DatabrowserSpecification& Resultdata menu treeSub-specificationtab StatusAreaDescriptionSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation (7/39)The User Interface (Run control panel)RunControlPanel Summaryof errorsCalculationSequenceDescription ofsequential calculationStatusAreaGraphic Flowsheet Operations -Blocks•To place a block on the flowsheet:1.Click a model category tab in the Model Library2.Select a unit operation model; click the drop-down arrow toselect an icon for the model3.Click the model and then click the flowsheet to place the block;you can also click the model icon and drag it onto the flowsheet4.Click the right mouse button to stop placing blocksSeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (9/39)Graphic Flowsheet Operations -Streams •To place a stream on the flowsheet:1.Click the STREAMS icon in the Model Library2.If you want to select a different stream type (Material, Heat or Work), click the down arrow next to the icon and choose a different type3.Click a highlighted port to make the connection4.Repeat step 3 to connect the other end of the stream5.To place one end of the stream as either a process flowsheet feed or product, click a blank part of the Process Flowsheet6.Click the right mouse button to stop creating streamsAutomatic Naming of Streams and Blocks •Stream and block names can be assignedautomatically by Aspen Plus or entered by the user when the object is created•To modify the naming options:1.Select Options from the Tools menu2.Click the Flowsheet tab3.Check or uncheck the naming options desired •Stream and block names can be displayed or hidden1.Select object, right-click, and choose Hide from the menuSeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (11/39)Modifying Blocks and Streams •To display Input and Results forms in the Data Browser:1.Double-click the object of interest, orSelect the block or stream, right-click, and select Input… from the menu•To change the appearance of a block or stream:1.Select object by clicking it with the left mouse button2.Click the right mouse button while the pointer is over the selected object icon to bring up the menu for that object3.Choose appropriate menu itemBreaking and Splicing Streams •To break a stream on the Process Flowsheet:1.Select the stream on the flowsheet and right mouse click2.Select “Break Stream” for the stream menu3.If results exist, you will be asked if you want to reconcile the stream4.Enter the name of the new product stream created•To splice two streams:1.Select the two streams to be spliced (using the Shift or Ctrl key)2.Right mouse click on one of the streams, select “Splice Streams”bined stream will have the name of the former feed streamSeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (13/39)Inserting Blocks•To insert a block on the Process Flowsheet:1.Select the stream where you want to insert the block2.Right-click and select “Insert Block”3.If results exist, you will be asked if you want to reconcile the stream4.Select the new block ID and type5.The old stream is connected to the first inlet and outlet port for the new block6.Additional streams may need to be added to complete flowsheet connectivity depending on the modelUsing the Mouse Buttons•Left-click❝Selects a block, stream, object ID, or annotation •Right-click ❝Brings up menu for the selected stream, block, or flowsheet❝Cancels placement of streams or blocks on the flowsheet•Double-left-click ❝Opens the Data Browser to the stream or block Input form, or Results form for intermediate streams❝Edits textSeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (15/39)Saving an Aspen Plus Simulation •To save a file:1.Select Save As from the File menu2.Choose a File name3.Choose an appropriate Save As TypeFile TypeExtension Format Description Document*.apw Binary File containing simulation input, results and intermediate convergence information Backup*.bkp ASCII Archive file containing simulation input and results Compound *.apwz Binary Compressed file which contains the model (theBKP or APW file) and external files referenced bythe model. You can add additional files such assupporting documentation to the APWZ file.See Maintaining Aspen Plus Simulations section for information on other file formats Functionality of Forms•When you click the left mouse button to select a field on a form, the Description area gives you information about that field. Use this content to help with data entry •Click the drop-down arrow in a field to bring up a list of possible input values for that field–Typing a letter will bring up the next selection on the list that begins with that letter•The Tab key will take you to the next field on a form •In tables, Aspen Plus always adds a single row below the last entrySeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (17/39)Help•Help Topics–Select Help Topics from the Help menu to launch online help:•Contents : Browse through the documentation, including User Guides and Reference Manuals•Index : Search for help on a specific topic using the index entries •Search : Search for a help on a topic that includes any word or words•“What’s This?” Help–Click the “What’s This?” toolbar button and then click any area to get help for that item•F1 Help–With the cursor in the desired field, press the <F1> function key to bring up help for field and/or sheet•The minimum required inputs to run a simulation are:–Setup –Components –Properties –Streams –Blocks•Enter data on the input forms in the above order by clicking the Next Button•Or, these input folders can be located quickly using the Data menu or the Data Browser toolbar buttons Basic InputSeoul National University Chemical Process Modeling & Simulation (19/39)•Colors and shapes are used to describe the current status of input and results:Status IndicatorsSymbol StatusInput for the form is incompleteInput for the form is completeNo input for the form has been entered. It is optional .Results for the form existResults for the form exist, but there were calculation errors.Results for the form exist, but there were calculation warnings .Results for the form exist, but input has changed since theresults were generated.Cumene Flowsheet DefinitionRStoicModel Heater Model REACTORFEED RECYCLEREAC-OUT COOLCOOL-OUT Flash2ModelSEP PRODUCT •Which Aspen Plus block would you use for each unit?Seoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(21/39)•Most of the commonly used Setup information is entered on the Setup Specifications Global sheet–Flowsheet title to be used on reports –Run type–Input and output units–Valid phases (i.e., vapor-liquid or vapor-liquid-liquid)–Ambient pressure•Stream report options are located on the Setup Report Options Stream sheetSetupSetup Specification FormSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(23/39)Flowsheet Standard Aspen Plus flowsheet run . Flowsheet runs can contain property estimation, assay data analysis, and/or property analysis calculationsAssay Data Analysis A standalone Assay Data Analysis and pseudocomponent generation run . Use Assay Data Analysis to analyze assay data when you do not want to perform a flowsheet simulation in the same runDataRegressionA standalone Data Regression run . Use Data Regression to fit physical propertymodel parameters required by Aspen Plus to measure pure component, VLE, LLE, and other mixture data. Data Regression can contain property estimation and property analysis calculations. Aspen Plus cannot perform data regression in a flowsheet run Properties PlusProperties Plus setup run . Use Properties Plus to prepare a property package for use with Aspen Custom Modeler or Aspen Pinch, with third-party commercial engineering programs, or with your company's in-house programs. You must be licensed to use Properties PlusProperty Analysis A standalone Property Analysis run . Use Property Analysis to generate property tables, PT-envelopes, residue curve maps, and other property reports when you do not want to perform a flowsheet simulation in the same run. Property Analysis can contain property estimation and assay data analysis calculat ionsProperty EstimationStandalone Property Constant Estimation run . Use Property Estimation to estimate property parameters when you do not want to perform a flowsheet simulation in the same runSetup Run T ype•Units in Aspen Plus can be defined at three different levels:–Global Level (“Input Data” and “Output Results” fields on the Setup Specifications Global sheet)–Object level (“Units” field in the tip of any input form of an object such as a block or stream)–Field level•Users can create their own units sets using the Setup Units-Sets Object Manager . Units can be copied from an existing set and then modified.Setup UnitsSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(25/39)•Use the Components Specifications form to specify all the components required for the simulation•If available, physical property parameters for each component are retrieved from databanks•Pure component databanks contain parameters such as molecular weight, critical properties, etc. The databank search order is specified on the Databanks sheet•The Find button can be used to search for components •The Electrolyte Wizard can be used to set up an electrolyte simulationComponentsComponentsSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(27/39)•Use the Properties Specifications form to specify the physical property methods to be used in the simulation•Property methods are a collection of models and methods used to describe pure component and mixture behavior•Choosing the correct physical properties is critical for obtaining reliable simulation results•Selecting a Process Type will narrow the number of methods availablePropertiesLiquid Mole Fraction METHANOLV a p o r M o l e F r a c t i o n M E T H A N O LLiquid Mole Fraction METHANOLV a p o r M o l e F r a c t i o n M E T H A N O LLiquid Mole Fraction METHANOLV a p o r M o l e F r a c t i o n M E T H A N O LRaoult’s LawRK-SoaveNRTLPropertiesSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(29/39)•Use Stream Input forms to specify feed stream conditions, including two of the following:–Temperature –Pressure–Vapor Fraction•Plus, for stream composition either:–Total stream flow and component fractions –Individual component flows•Specifications for streams that are not feeds to the flowsheet are used as estimatesStreamsStreams Input FormSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(31/39)•Each Block Input or Block Setup form specifies operating conditions and equipment specifications for the unit operation model •Some unit operation models require additional specification forms•All unit operation models have optional information forms (e.g., Block Options form)BlocksBlocks FormSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(33/39)•Select Control Panel from the View menu or press the Next button to be prompted–Execute the simulation when all required forms are complete. If you are unsure, use the Next button to take you to any incomplete formsStarting the Run•The Control Panel consists of a:–Message window showing the progress of the simulation by displaying the most recent messages from the calculations–Status area showing the hierarchy and order of simulation blocks and convergence loops executed–Toolbar that you can use to control the simulationControl PanelRun Start or continue calculationsStep Step through the flowsheet one block at a time Stop Pause simulation calculations Reinitialize Purge simulation results ResultsCheck simulation resultsSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(35/39)•History file or Control Panel Messages–Contains any generated errors or warnings (Select History or Control Panel on the View menu to display the History file or the Control Panel)•Stream Results–Contains stream conditions and compositions (For all streams, click Results Summary/Streams; for individual streams, click the stream name in the Streams folder, then select the Results form)•Block Results–Contains calculated block operating conditions (In the Blocks folder, click the block, then select the Result form)Reviewing ResultsCumene Production ConditionsSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(37/39)•Objective : Add the process and feed stream conditions to a flowsheetExercise) Benzene Workshop•Results–What is the heat duty of the COOLER block? ___________–What is the temperature in the FL2 block? ___________Exercise) Benzene WorkshopSeoul National UniversityChemical Process Modeling & Simulation(39/39)(Exercise) Benzene Workshop ResultsFEED COOL VAP1LIQ1VAP2LIQ2Temperature, F 100020010010099.899.8Pressure, psi 55055050050014.714.7Vapor Frac10.8691010Mole Flow, lbmol/hr 600600501.72498.276 2.76295.514Mass Flow, lb/hr 10221.9910221.992628.6687593.32471.7867521.538Volume Flow, cuft/hr 17271.526905.6336098.248143.3541123.627140.415Enthalpy, MMBtu/hr 7.3610.17-2.776 2.015-0.0232.037Mole Flow, lbmol/hr HYDROGEN 405405404.2390.7610.7540.007METHANE 959593.477 1.523 1.3980.125BENZENE 9595 3.93591.0650.690.464TOLUENE550.0734.9270.014.917COOL heat duty-7.19 MMBtu/hrFL2 outlet temperature 99.83ºF。
June2008化肥设计Chem ical Fertilizer Design 第46卷 第3期2008年6月设计技术基于A spen Pl us的粉煤气化模拟张宗飞,汤连英,吕庆元,章卫星,何正兆,毕东煌(中国五环化学工程公司,湖北武汉 430223)摘 要:以A s pen Plus为模拟工具,选择反应平衡模型,并应用Gibbs自由能最小化方法建立了Shell粉煤气化模型;通过对神华、沾化和天碱煤种的气化模拟,对建立的模型进行了检验,结果表明:用N2输送粉煤的气化过程能够很好地模拟,而用CO2输送粉煤的气化过程模拟偏差较大。
关键词:A s pen Plus软件;粉煤气化;模拟中图分类号:T Q422.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-8901(2008)03-0014-06Pulver i zed Coa l Ga si f i ca ti on S im ul a ti on Ba sed on A spen Plus SoftwareZHANG ZongΟfei,T ANG L ianΟying,LU Q ingΟyuan,Zhang W eiΟxing,HE ZhengΟzhao,B IDongΟhuang(China W uhuan Che m ical Engineering Corporation,W uhai Hubei 430223 China)Abstract:Taking the A s pen Plus s oft w are as the si m ulati on t ool,by selecting the reacti on balance model and using the m ini m izing method of the Gibbs free energy the Shell pulverized coal gasificati on model was established;thr ough the si m ulati on f or the coal kinds used in the Shen Hua Coal Gasifi2 cati on Plant,Zhangyi Chem ical Fertilizer Plant and Tianjing alkali p lants the established model has been ins pected,the result indicates that the gasifica2 ti on p r ocess for using the nitr ogen gas t o trans port the pulverized coal can be s moothly si m ulated,but for using the CO2gas t o trans port the pulverized coal the si m ulati on deviati on f or gasificati on p r ocess is relatively bigger.Taking the coal kind used in Zhangyi Che m ical Fertilizer p lant as the exa mp le,the reas onableness,taking about2%of the t otal heat value of coal as the heat dis persal l oss,was ins pected;the gasificati on p r operty under different operating conditi ons was studied,the result indicates that increasing the te mperature and the p ressure can make the gasificati on p r ocess t o be strengthened.Key words:A s pen Plus s oft w are;pulverized coal gasificati on;si m ulati on 煤气化技术是实现煤清洁利用的最有效途径,同传统的直接燃烧相比,它提高了煤的利用率,降低了污染物的排放。
马后炮化工论坛-Aspen Plus V8 能耗分析入门(中文版)
![马后炮化工论坛-Aspen Plus V8 能耗分析入门(中文版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/daa78936376baf1ffc4fad7c.png)
在能耗分析环境里用户可以: • 设定优化参数 • 分析节能潜力 • 在能耗分析面板设计方案的基础上继续改造 • 创建和修改新的设计 • 比较不同的应用场景
这张图片将使你对Aspen Plus能耗分析的用户 环境熟悉起来
能耗分析面板提供了当主功能区未激活时进 行能耗分析可选的访问方式。 在主功能区的“启动能耗分析”按钮右键单 击,然后点击“添加到快速访问工具栏”
确保所有过程流股被包含进能量分析中并连接到加 热或冷却单元并与公用工程流股相对应
1. 参照“Viewlets”来构建你的流程图并学习怎样 为换热网络中的公用工程流股建立模型。
2. 在设置页,使用复选框来选择那些流程图被包含 进能耗分析中。
• 显示当前能耗和目标能耗 • 生成可选的若干节能设计方案
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马后炮科技化工技术交流论坛ASPEN学习经验概述入门是初学aspen plus软件最重要也是最难的一关。
读过手册的人都明白,Aspen plus的手册和资料有专门多,初学者面对如此之多的资料可能不知如何开始,我认为其中比较重要而且必读的是《用户指南》(《user guide》)、《单元操作模型》(《Unit Operation Models》)、《物性方法和模型》(《Physical Property Methods and Models》)、《物性数据》等,假如有一定的英文基础,最好是读英文的,这些在关心文件中都有。
事实上一旦入了门,流程模拟软件学习起来就专门简单了,专门多功能触类旁通专门容易就明白了,比如说,假如明白了sensitivity, 那么optimizaiton、desian spec就专门容易了。
大体来说,初学aspen plus 需要把握如下三个方面:1)aspen plus能做什么?2)Aspen plus需要什么?3)aspen plus的界面及功能。
2. aspen plus的界面及功能和学习所有软件一样,第一需要了解软件的环境,也确实是界面。
我个人认为界面差不多上能够分为两种:一是流程图窗口(process flowsheet window),另外是数据扫瞄窗口(data browser window)。
实际上还应该再加一个操纵面板(control panel)窗口,那个窗口也专门重要,但那个窗口只是在流程调试使用,同时涉及的内容初级入门者也不必花太多时刻去看,先忽略。
流程图窗口专门简单,只要你在工厂干过,看过PFD流程图同时是windows 的用户,就没有什么难得地点,读一下《user guide》明白各菜单及快捷键的功能,专门快就能搞定。
数据扫瞄窗口是aspen plus最重要的部分。
这也是aspen plus区别于画图软件的地点。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• Extractive Distillation
Entrainer feed (FE) NT = 41 NFE = 7 NFF = 35 IPA-water feed (FF) P = 3 atm T = 25oC F = 100 kmol/hr X IPA =0.5 X WATER =0.5
D2 XIPA=0.999 NFE NT = 24 Extractive distillation column NF2 = 9 F2 NFF NF2
• Process simulation
– pump, compressor, valve, tank, heat exchanger, CSTR, PFR, distillation column, extraction column, absorber, filter, crystallizer…etc 5
To do this Find components in the databanks Define a custom component that is not in a databank Generate electrolyte components and reactions from components you entered Reorder the components you have specified Click this button Find User Defined Elec Wizard Reorder
Ref: /products/aspen-plus.cfm
What Aspen Plus provides
• Physical Property Models
– World’s largest database of pure component and phase equilibrium data for conventional chemicals, electrolytes, solids, and polymers – Regularly updated with data from U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Data Browser
• The Data Browser is a sheet and form viewer with a hierarchical tree view of the available simulation input, results, and objects that have been defined
Introduction to Aspen Plus – Part 1
Startup in Aspen Plus
Start with Aspen Plus
Aspen Plus User Interface
Aspen Plus Startup
Interface of Aspen Plus
Review databank data for components you have specified (Retrieved physical property parameters from databanks.)
Find Components
Click “Find”
Find Components (cont’d)
Setup – Specification
Run Type
Input mode
Components – Specification
Input components with Component name or Formula
Input components
Remark: If available, are
0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0
39 40
Duty ?
• Startup in Aspen Plus (Basic Input) (45 min) – User Interface – Basic Input: Setup, Components, Properties. • Properties Analysis (1 hour) – Pure Component – Mixtures (phase equilibrium) • Running Simulation (1 hour) – Blocks (Unit Operations) – Streams (flow streams) – Results
What course Aspen Plus can be employed for
Introduction to Aspen Plus
Short Courses on Computer Applications for ChE Students
Speaker: Yi-Chang Wu (吳義章) d98524013@.tw
PSE Laboratory Department of Chemical Engineering Nation Taiwan University
• Comprehensive Library of Unit Operation Models
– Addresses a wide range of solid, liquid, and gas processing equipment – Extends steady-state simulation to dynamic simulation for safety and controllability studies, sizing relief valves, and optimizing transition, startup, and shutdown policies – Enables you build your own libraries using Aspen Custom Modeler or programming languages (User-defined models)
Model Library (View| Model Library Model Library (View| Model Library ) )
Status message
More Information
Help for Commands for Controlling Simulations
Lesson Objectives
• Familiar with the interface of Aspen Plus • Learn how to use properties analysis • Learn how to setup a basic process simulation
Help Setup Components Properties Streams Blocks Data Browser Next
Check Result Stop Reinitialize Step Start Control Panel
Process Flowsheet Windows Process Flowsheet Windows
D2 XWater=0.999 Entrainer recovery column
B2 Entrainer recycle Entrainer makeup
What is Aspen Plus
• Aspen Plus is a market-leading process modeling tool for conceptual design, optimization, and performance monitoring for the chemical, polymer, specialty chemical, metals and minerals, and coal power industries.
1 2 Water xwater=0.99
1.0 0.8 0.6
xHAc=0.99 Acetic Acid
Water Acetic Acid Saturated Feed P=1.2atm F=100 kmol/hr zwater=0.5 zHAc=0.5
Reflux ratio ?
Problem Formulation 1: Calculation the mixing properties of two stream
1 2 Mixer
1 Mole Flow kmol/hr WATER BUOH BUAC Total Flow kmol/hr Temperature C Pressure bar Enthalpy kcal/mol Entropy cal/mol-K Density kmol/cum 10 0 0 10 50 1 ? ? ? 2 0 9 6 15 80 1 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ?
Ref: Aspen Plus® Product Brochure