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4. What did the tester think of the man’ s answer to the question?
5. Why was the man so surprised when he saw “PASSED”on the paper?
The most important day in my life was the 9th of April, 1996. That was the day I passed my driving test.
B. She ’ s a maths teacher.
C. She ’ s a P. E. teacher.
) 5. Which of Tom ’ s hand was dirtier?
A. His right hand. 录音原文及答案:
B. His left hand.
C. His both hands.
I was very worried and drove very badly on the way to the test center. My driving teacher
said, “If you drive like this during the test, you will fail. Don
asf 听力文件无病毒,请放心打开
听力理解 考点讲解
短文理解题一般有根据短文内容选择填空、回答问题、在空白处填词、 误等类型。此题要求考生听两遍。下面介绍几种常见的短文理解题型。
Ⅰ. 听短文。从下列 A 、 B、 C 中选出一个与你听到的短文内容相符的选项。 试题:
in front of the blackboard and started to write. Miss King saw his right hand was dirty. “Oh, dear!”said the teacher.“ Your right hand is dirty. I sure it ’msditrhtiest in our class. ” “You are wrong, Miss King, ”said Tom. Then he showed his left hand to her and she found it
) 1. How old is Tom?
A. Eight.
B. Six.
C. Nine.
) 2. What does Tom always do on Sundays?
A. He always plays basketball.
B. He always studies at home.
C. He always cleans his room.
Ⅱ. 听短文,回答问题。 试题:
1. What day was the most important day to the man?
2. What do you think of the driving teacher
’ s words?
3. What was the tester
’ s first question?
was dirtier. 该短文中出现了两个人物,即
Tom 和 Miss King 。短文中第一句话 My little son Tom is
eight years old. 明确了第 1 题的答案为 A。第一段最后一句话 He always plays basketball with
his friends there. 说明第 2 题的答案为 A 。由录音材料中的句子 After some time his ball was dirty and his hands were dirty ,too. 可知第 3 题的答案为 C。由 Miss King ,his English teacher 可知第 4 题的答案为 A 。由短文中最后一句话可知第 5 题的答案为 B。
) 3. Did Tom make his hands dirty last Monday?
A. No, he didn ’ t. B. Maybe he did.
C. Yes, he did.
) 4. What does Miss King do?
A. She ’ s an English teacher.
too. It was a quarter to four and the last class began. Tom had no time to wash his hands and ran
into his classroom. Miss King, his English teacher told Tom to write some new words. Tom stood
’ t be afBrauidt .that jus”t made me
more afraid!
The tester was very serious. He did smile once, as we got into the car I drove quite well
with his friends there.
Last Monday, Tom finished his homework after the first class in the afternoon. He played the
ball again. The playground was wet. After some time his ball was dirty and his hands were dirty,
My little son Tom is eight years old. He likes playing basketball and some other games. On Sundays I can ’ t see him at home but easily find him in the open air. He always plays basketball