vb操作txt(VB operation TXT)
VB中文件操作的两种方式文本文件的操作此种方式是以行为单位进行读取的基本单位,主要应用的方法和函数有Open,Close,Line Input,FreeFile,EOF等。
Line Input:以行为单位取得文件内容,以行为单位是指从当前位置开始到下一个换行符为止的内容。
换行符是Chr(13) & Chr(10)两个字节组成,VB中已定义了常量vbCrLf,可直接使用。
要注意的是Line Input读取一行时会把行尾的换行符去掉,因此我们在读取每行内容时要记得补上换行符才能保持得到的内容与文件一致。
例如:Dim strFileName As String '文件名Dim lngHandle As Long '文件句柄Dim strAll As String '所读取的文本文件的所有内容Dim strLine As String '在循环中存放每行的内容strFileName = "c:/.txt"'获得文件的句柄lngHandle = FreeFile()'For后面的参数表示以何种方式打开文件,Input是读取,Output是覆盖写入,Append是追加写入Open strFileName For Input As lngHandle'循环直到文件尾Do While Not EOF(lngHandle)'每次读取一行存放在strLine变量中Line Input #lngHandle, strLine'每次读取都把所读到的内容连接到strAll变量,由于Line Input 去掉了换行符,所以这里补上strAll = strAll & strLine & vbCrLfLoop'显示得到的全部分内容MsgBox strAll, vbInformation对文本文件的写入相对简单些,有三个步骤:打开文件,写入文本,关闭文件。
教你如何使用VBA来处理文本文件VBA是Visual Basic for Applications的缩写,是一种用于编写宏的编程语言,广泛应用于Microsoft Office套件中的各种应用程序,如Excel、Word 等。
1. 读取文本文件要读取文本文件,首先要创建一个文件对象,然后使用VBA的File Open语句来打开该文件。
以下是一个示例代码:```vbaDim fileName As StringDim fileContent As StringfileName = "C:\example.txt"Open fileName For Input As #1fileContent = Input$(LOF(1), #1)Close #1```上述代码中,变量`fileName`存储了文本文件的路径,`fileContent`存储了读取的文件内容。
2. 写入文本文件要写入文本文件,同样需要创建一个文件对象,并使用VBA的File Open语句来打开文件。
以下是一个示例代码:```vbaDim fileName As StringDim fileContent As StringfileName = "C:\example.txt"fileContent = "This is a sample text."Open fileName For Output As #1Print #1, fileContentClose #1```上述代码中,`fileName`变量存储了要写入的文件路径,`fileContent`变量存储了要写入的文本内容。
做二次开发过程中的一些代码搜集和个人的试错及注释:Dim str_File_1 As String = puter.FileSystem.ReadAllText("E:\Visual Studio\Visual Basic\GUI\WindowsApplication2\Resources\1.tcl", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) '根据实际的编码读第一个文件Dim str_File_2 As String = puter.FileSystem.ReadAllText("E:\Visual Studio\Visual Basic\GUI\WindowsApplication2\Resources\2.tcl", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) '根据实际的编码读第二个文件FileOpen(1, "E:\Visual Studio\Visual Basic\GUI\WindowsApplication2\Resources\1.tcl", OpenMode.Input, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Shared) '以读方式打开文件FileOpen(2, "E:\Visual Studio\Visual Basic\GUI\WindowsApplication2\Resources\2.tcl", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Shared) '以写方式打开文件Print(2, str_File_1) '将1文件写入2中FileClose(1)FileClose(2)Imports System.IOPublic Class TXTClass'为了能够操作txt文本文档,需要在类的前面加入“System.IO”空间的引用;'然后定义3个变量sw(用于write操作,变量类型StreamWriter)、'sr(用于read操作,变量类型StreamReader)、'strRead()(用于保存从文本文档中读入的数据,变量类型String数组);'然后写一个空的sub New()过程(类必须有的)。
VB开发记事本的功能(文本文档 (
VB开发记事本的功能(文本文档 (.txt) )功能:VB开发记事本的功能(文本文档 (.txt) ),使其具有记事本的各块功能VB界面如下:图二1.电脑上必须要先Microsoft Visual Studio(也就是VB软件)2.用VB软件设置窗口如上(图二)3.各个Command对应的VB代码如下:' 初始化Private Sub Form_Load()' 设置当前路径ChDir App.PathChDrive App.Path' 设置文本框的位置txtEdit.Move 0, 0' 初始Filename变量FileName = "Untitled"FileType = 1' 设置窗体位置Top = Screen.Height / 2 - Height / 2 Left = Screen.Width / 2 - Width / 2 End Sub' 改变窗口大小Private Sub Form_Resize()' 窗体大小改变时,相应的改变文本框大小 txtEdit.Width = ScaleWidthtxtEdit.Height = ScaleHeightEnd Sub' “文件”菜单Private Sub mnuFileItem_Click(Index As Integer)On Error GoTo errhandler' 设置过滤器CMDialog1.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|RTF Files (*.rtf)|*.rtf"' 设置缺省过滤器CMDialog1.FilterIndex = 2Select Case Index' 根据菜单的索引选择相应的操作Case 0' 如果index = 0, 新建文本文件txtEdit.Text = "" '清空文本框内容FileName = "Untitled"frmEditor.Caption = "记事本: " & FileName '设置记事本标题为 "记事本: Untitled"Case 1' 如果index = 1, 打开文本文件' 显示"打开"对话框CMDialog1.ShowOpenFileName = CMDialog1.FileNameOpenFile (FileName)Case 2' 如果index = 2, 保存文件If FileName = "Untitled" Then'如果文件尚未命名,则显示保存对话框 CMDialog1.ShowSaveFileName = CMDialog1.FileNameWriteFile (FileName)Else'否则直接保存SaveFile (FileName)End IfCase 3' 如果index = 3,另存文件' 显示另存对话框CMDialog1.ShowSaveFileName = CMDialog1.FileNameWriteFile (FileName)Case 4' 无操作,分隔Case 5EndEnd Selecterrhandler:' 错误处理Exit SubEnd Sub' “文件”菜单中的历史文件列表菜单Private Sub mnuFileArray_Click(Index As Integer)' 打开选择的文件If Index >= 0 ThenOpenFile (mnuFileArray(Index).Caption) End IfEnd Sub' 设置“编辑”菜单中子菜单的状态Private Sub mnuEdit_Click()' 如果没有选中文本则使剪切和复制不可用mnuEditItem(0).Enabled = (txtEdit.SelLength > 0) mnuEditItem(1).Enabled = (txtEdit.SelLength > 0)End Sub' “编辑”菜单Private Sub mnuEditItem_Click(Index As Integer)Select Case IndexCase 0' 如果 Index = 0, 剪切选中文本Clipboard.ClearIf FileType = 0 Then ' 剪切选择的文本到Clipboard中.Clipboard.SetText txtEdit.SelRTFtxtEdit.SelRTF = "" ' 清除选中的文本ElseClipboard.SetText txtEdit.SelTexttxtEdit.SelText = "" ' 清除选中的文本End IfCase 1' 如果 Index = 1, 复制选中文本Clipboard.ClearIf FileType = 0 Then ' 复制选择的文本到Clipboard中Clipboard.SetText txtEdit.SelRTFElseClipboard.SetText txtEdit.SelTextEnd IfCase 2' 如果 Index = 2, 粘贴文本txtEdit.SelText = Clipboard.GetText() ' 粘贴文本Case 3' 菜单分隔符Case 4, 5' 如果 Index = 4 5, 查找替换frmFind.Show 0, frmEditorCase 6' 菜单分隔符Case 7' 如果 Index = 4, 全选txtEdit.SelStart = 0txtEdit.SelLength = Len(txtEdit.Text) End SelectEnd Sub' “设置”菜单Private Sub mnuSettingsItem_Click(Index As Integer) On Error GoTo errhandlerSelect Case IndexCase 0' 设置字体CMDialog1.Flags = cdlCFBothCMDialog1.ShowFont '显示“字体”对话框With txtEdit.SelFontName = CMDialog1.FontName.SelBold = CMDialog1.FontBold.SelItalic = CMDialog1.FontItalic.SelFontSize = CMDialog1.FontSize.SelUnderline = CMDialog1.FontUnderline.SelStrikeThru = CMDialog1.FontStrikethruEnd WithCase 1' 设置字体颜色CMDialog1.ShowColor '显示“颜色”对话框txtEdit.SelColor = CMDialog1.ColorEnd Selecterrhandler:' 错误处理Exit SubEnd Sub运行VB时,需要先打开SolidWorks一个新零件窗口,然后运行VB,点击界面按钮即可运行结果:完美实现对应功能。
VBA读取和写入文本文件的技巧VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是一种强大的编程语言,可以与Microsoft Office应用程序(如Excel、Word和Access)进行交互。
1. 打开文本文件要打开文本文件并读取其内容,可以使用VBA中的Open语句。
示例代码:```Dim MyFile As StringDim txt As StringMyFile = "C:\example.txt"Open MyFile For Input As #1txt = Input$(LOF(1), 1)Close #1```在上述代码中,MyFile是要打开的文本文件的路径和文件名。
2. 逐行读取文本文件有时候我们需要逐行读取文本文件,而不是将整个文件内容读取到一个字符串变量中。
示例代码:```Dim MyFile As StringDim TextLine As StringDim LineNumber As IntegerMyFile = "C:\example.txt"LineNumber = 1Open MyFile For Input As #1Do Until EOF(1)Line Input #1, TextLine'在这里可以对每一行的内容进行处理'例如,可以将每一行的内容输出到调试窗口Debug.Print "Line " & LineNumber & ": " & TextLineLineNumber = LineNumber + 1LoopClose #1```在上述代码中,使用Line Input语句逐行读取文本文件的内容。
VB txt 读取调用
程序截图:菜单截图如上代码如下:Private Sub head1_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As StringOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "英语" & " " & "数学" & " " & "计算机" & " " & "历史" & " " & "体育" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & c(i) & " " & d(i) & " " & e(i) & " " & f(i) & " " & g(i) & vbCrLfLoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub jsj_Click()Dim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As StringOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "计算机" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & e(i) & vbCrLf LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub ls_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As StringOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "历史" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & f(i) & vbCrLf LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub shx_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As StringOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "数学" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & d(i) & vbCrLf LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub ty_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As StringOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "体育" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & g(i) & vbCrLf LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub yy_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "英语" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & c(i) & vbCrLf LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub zch_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As IntegerDim n(30) As IntegerOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "总成绩" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)m(i) = c(i) + d(i) + e(i) + f(i) + g(i)Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & m(i) & vbCrLf LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub zhpm_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim z(30) As IntegerDim h As IntegerDim m(30) As IntegerDim k As Integerh = InputBox(" 请输入考试加分比例", "提示", "0", 5000, 5000)Open "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "综合成绩" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)m(i) = c(i) + d(i) + e(i) + f(i) + g(i)LoopFor i = 1 To 30fu(i) = InputBox(" 请输入第" & i & "名同学考试附加分", "提示", "0", 5000, 5000) z(i) = m(i) / 5 * (100 - h) / 100 + fu(i)Next iFor j = 1 To 30For i = 30 To j Step -1If z(i) > z(j) Thent = z(i): z(i) = z(j): z(j) = tt = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = tt = b(i): b(i) = b(j): b(j) = tEnd IfNext iNext jFor i = 1 To 30Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & z(i) & vbCrLf Next iClose #1End SubPrivate Sub zczcj_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim z(30) As IntegerDim fu(30) As IntegerDim h As IntegerDim m(30) As IntegerDim k As Integerh = InputBox(" 请输入考试加分比例", "提示", "0", 5000, 5000)Open "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "综合成绩" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)m(i) = c(i) + d(i) + e(i) + f(i) + g(i)LoopFor i = 1 To 30fu(i) = InputBox(" 请输入第" & i & "名同学考试附加分", "提示", "0", 5000, 5000) z(i) = m(i) / 5 * (100 - h) / 100 + fu(i)Next iFor i = 1 To 30Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & z(i) & vbCrLf Next iClose #1End SubPrivate Sub zpai_Click()Dim a(30) As IntegerDim b(30) As StringDim c(30) As IntegerDim d(30) As IntegerDim e(30) As IntegerDim f(30) As IntegerDim g(30) As IntegerDim m(30) As IntegerDim n(30) As IntegerOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\vb\xscj.txt" For Input As #1 Text1.Text = " " & "学号" & " " & "姓名" & " " & "总成绩" & vbCrLfDo While Not EOF(1)i = i + 1Input #1, a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i), e(i), f(i), g(i)m(i) = c(i) + d(i) + e(i) + f(i) + g(i)LoopFor j = 1 To 30For i = 30 To j Step -1If m(i) > m(j) Thent = m(i): m(i) = m(j): m(j) = tt = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = tt = b(i): b(i) = b(j): b(j) = tEnd IfNext iNext jFor i = 1 To 30Text1.Text = Text1 & vbCrLf & " " & a(i) & " " & b(i) & " " & m(i) & vbCrLf Next iClose #1End Sub。
VB6.0对TXT文本文件的读写删操作VB6.0对TXT文本文件的读写删操作把文本文件内容写到TextBox:Dim TempFile As LongDim LoadBytes() As ByteTempFile=FreeFileOpen 文件名 For Binary As #TempFileRedim LoadBytes(1 To Lof(TempFile)) As ByteGet #TempFile,,LoadBytesClose TempFileText1.Text=StrConv(LoadBytes,vbUniCode)把TextBox内容写入文本文件:Dim TempFile As LongDim SaveBytes() As ByteSaveBytes=StrConv(Text1.Text,vbFromUniCode)TempFile=FreeFileOpen 文件名 For Binary As #TempFilePut #TempFile,,SaveBytesClose TempFile删除TXT文件里的内容:Private Function DelLine(strFile As String, RLine As Long, newFile As String, SameLine As Boolean)Dim s As String, n As String, i As Longi = 1'//打开源文件Open strFile For Input As #1Do Until EOF(1)Line Input #1, sIf RLine = i Then '如果是指定的行数就进行下面的操作If SameLine = True Then '是否保持源文件行数不变(以空白字符替换这一行内容)的提示,True保持源文件的行数,False为直接删除这一行的内容s = ""n = n & s & vbCrLf '将空字符串赋给变量n,以保持源文件的行数' MsgBox strFile & " 文件中,第 " & RLine & " 行内容" & vbCrLf & s & vbCrLf & "已经删除", vbInformation, "消息提示"End If' s="也可以把这一行的内容改成自己需要的"Else '如果不是指定的行数,就将s的内容赋给变量n 以存储数据n = n & s & vbCrLf '将s的内容赋给n 并以一个回车符号结束....End Ifi = i + 1LoopClose #1'//写入新文件,如果和源文件同名则会覆盖源文件Open newFile For Output As #2Print #2, n '将n变量里的数据写入新文件Close #2End Function'调用方法:'比如要把c:\1.txt 删除其中的第5行内容,并保留源文件总行数(删除的这行插入一空字符串)'DelLine "C:\1.txt", 5, "C:\2.txt", True'删除C:\1.txt 删除里面的第一行,且不保留文件的总行数DelLine "C:\1.txt", 1, "C:\1.txt", False。
VBA处理文本文件的方法与示例VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是一种用于自动化任务和处理数据的编程语言。
首先,您需要使用Open语句打开文件,指定打开模式和文件路径:```Open "C:\example.txt" For Input As #1```然后,使用Input语句逐行读取文件内容并进行相应处理:```Dim line As StringDo Until EOF(1)Line Input #1, line' 进行处理操作Loop```通过使用EOF函数,我们可以判断文件是否已读取完毕。
在每次循环中,使用Line Input语句将一行内容读取到line变量中,并在需要时进行处理。
首先,您需要使用Open语句打开文件,指定打开模式和文件路径:```Open "C:\example.txt" For Output As #1```然后,使用Print语句将内容写入文件:```Print #1, "Hello, World!"```您可以使用Print语句写入任意文本内容。
最后,不要忘记使用Close语句关闭文件:```Close #1```这是一个良好的编程习惯,在操作完成后关闭文件,释放资源。
方法三:处理CSV文件CSV(Comma-Separated Values)文件由逗号分隔的文本组成,广泛应用于数据交换和存储。
vb让txt行数据变成列【原创实用版】目录1.背景介绍:VB(Visual Basic)和 TXT(文本)文件的基本概念2.问题描述:如何将 TXT 文件中的数据按列显示3.解决方案:使用 VB 编程实现数据转换4.操作步骤:编写 VB 代码,读取 TXT 文件,按列显示数据5.示例:代码实例及运行结果正文1.背景介绍VB(Visual Basic)是一种事件驱动编程语言,广泛应用于 Windows 操作系统中的应用程序开发。
2.问题描述有时,我们需要将 TXT 文件中的数据按列显示,而不是按行显示。
为了实现这一目的,我们可以使用 VB 编程语言来完成这个任务。
3.解决方案下面将介绍一种使用 VB 编程实现的解决方案,该方法可以将 TXT 文件中的数据按列显示。
4.操作步骤(1)创建一个新的 VB 项目;(2)在“工具箱”中找到“文件操作”控件并拖放到窗体上;(3)双击“文件操作”控件,在“属性”窗口中设置控件的“对象”属性为“Open”,设置“操作”属性为“Open”,并设置“路径”属性为 TXT 文件的路径;(4)在“代码”窗口中编写以下代码:```vbPrivate Sub Open1_Click()Dim fs As New FileStream("C:pathtoyourtxtfile.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)Dim reader As New StreamReader(fs)Dim lines() As String = reader.ReadAllLines()Dim columns() As StringDim i As IntegerFor i = 0 To lines.Length - 1If i Mod 2 = 0 Thencolumns = lines(i).Split(vbTab)For j As Integer = 0 To columns.Length - 1 If j Mod 2 = 0 ThenOpen1.Text = columns(j)End IfNextEnd IfNextreader.Close()fs.Close()End Sub```(5)运行程序,点击“打开”按钮,TXT 文件中的数据将按列显示在窗体上。
vbs操作txt⽂本⽂件常⽤⽅法与函数代码'creat by 席飞剑(⼩席⽼师)'操作⽂本⽂件,操作fso对象(⽂件对象操作)函数代码创建⽂件dim fso, fset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")set f = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\test.txt", true) '第⼆个参数表⽰⽬标⽂件存在时是否覆盖f.Write("写⼊内容")f.WriteLine("写⼊内容并换⾏")f.WriteBlankLines(3) '写⼊三个空⽩⾏(相当于在⽂本编辑器中按三次回车)f.Close()set f = nothingset fso = nothing打开并读⽂件dim fso, fset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\test.txt", 1, false) '第⼆个参数 1 表⽰只读打开,第三个参数表⽰⽬标⽂件不存在时是否创建f.Skip(3) '将当前位置向后移三个字符f.SkipLine() '将当前位置移动到下⼀⾏的第⼀个字符,注意:⽆参数response.Write f.Read(3) '从当前位置向后读取三个字符,并将当前位置向后移三个字符response.Write f.ReadLine() '从当前位置向后读取直到遇到换⾏符(不读取换⾏符),并将当前位置移动到下⼀⾏的第⼀个字符,注意:⽆参数response.Write f.ReadAll() '从当前位置向后读取,直到⽂件结束,并将当前位置移动到⽂件的最后if f.atEndOfLine thenresponse.Write("⼀⾏的结尾!")end ifif f.atEndOfStream thenresponse.Write("⽂件的结尾!")end iff.Close()set f = nothingset fso = nothing打开并写⽂件dim fso, fset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\test.txt", 2, false) '第⼆个参数 2 表⽰重写,如果是 8 表⽰追加f.Write("写⼊内容")f.WriteLine("写⼊内容并换⾏")f.WriteBlankLines(3) '写⼊三个空⽩⾏(相当于在⽂本编辑器中按三次回车)f.Close()set f = nothingset fso = nothing判断⽂件是否存在dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")if fso.FileExists("C:\test.txt") thenresponse.Write("⽬标⽂件存在")elseresponse.Write("⽬标⽂件不存在")end ifset fso = nothing移动⽂件dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")call fso.MoveFile("C:\test.txt", "D:\test111.txt") '两个参数的⽂件名部分可以不同set fso = nothing复制⽂件dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")call fso.CopyFile("C:\test.txt", "D:\test111.txt") '两个参数的⽂件名部分可以不同set fso = nothing删除⽂件dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")fso.DeleteFile("C:\test.txt")set fso = nothing创建⽂件夹dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")fso.CreateFolder("C:\test") '⽬标⽂件夹的⽗⽂件夹必须存在set fso = nothing判断⽂件夹是否存在dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")if fso.FolderExists("C:\Windows") thenresponse.Write("⽬标⽂件夹存在")elseresponse.Write("⽬标⽂件夹不存在")end ifset fso = nothing删除⽂件夹dim fsoset fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")fso.DeleteFolder("C:\test") '⽂件夹不必为空set fso = nothing这篇⽂章就介绍到这,更多的⼤家可以查看以前发布的关于vbs txt操作的相关⽂章。
这样的需求可以通过使用VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)编程实现。
一、概念Excel:Microsoft Excel是一款广泛使用的电子表格软件,可以用于处理和分析数据。
VBA:Visual Basic for Applications是一种由Microsoft开发的编程语言,主要用于Microsoft Office软件的自动化。
三、语法以下是将Excel数据写入txt文件的基本VBA语法:Sub WriteToTextFile()' 定义工作表、文件路径和文件名称Dim ws As WorksheetSet ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")Dim FilePath As StringFilePath = "C:\Temp\output.txt"' 打开一个新的文件流Dim FileNumber As IntegerFileNumber = FreeFile' 创建或打开文件Open FilePath For Output As #FileNumber' 遍历工作表的每一行Dim Row As RangeFor Each Row In edRange.Rows' 将每一行的内容写入到txt文件中Write #FileNumber, Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Row)), vbTab) Next Row' 关闭文件流Close #FileNumberEnd Sub四、案例假设我们有一个名为"Sheet1"的工作表,包含以下内容:我们希望将这些数据写入到一个名为"output.txt"的txt文件中,文件路径为"C:\Temp"。
vb让txt行数据变成列摘要:一、文本分析1.1 了解vb语言1.2 txt文件介绍1.3 行数据与列数据的转换二、解决方案2.1 使用vb编写代码2.2 代码实现过程2.3 结果展示三、总结3.1 转换效果3.2 对实际应用的意义正文:一、文本分析在当今社会,数据处理变得越来越重要。
1.1 了解vb语言VB(Visual Basic)是一种由微软公司开发的编程语言,它具有简单易学、功能强大的特点。
1.2 txt文件介绍txt文件是一种纯文本格式的文件,它可以存储文本数据,并且可以被多种计算机程序所识别。
1.3 行数据与列数据的转换在实际应用中,我们可能需要将txt文件中的行数据转换成列数据。
2.1 使用vb编写代码为了实现行数据到列数据的转换,我们需要编写一个VB程序。
以下是一个简单的VB程序示例,用于读取txt文件并将其转换为列数据:```vbImports SystemImports System.IOModule Module1Sub Main()Dim filePath As String = "example.txt"Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(filePath)Dim colData() As String" 将每行数据按逗号分隔,并去除两端的空格Dim lineData(lines.Length - 1) As StringFor i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1lineData(i) = lines(i).Trim().Replace(" ", "").Replace(vbLf, ",")Next" 将数据转换为列数据Dim colCount As Integer = 0For i As Integer = 0 To lineData(0).Length - 1If lineData(0)(i) <> "," ThencolCount += 1End IfNextReDim colData(colCount - 1, lines.Length - 1)For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1For j As Integer = 0 To colCount - 1colData(j, i) = lineData(i).Substring(j * 10, 10)NextNext" 输出列数据For i As Integer = 0 To colCount - 1For j As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1Console.Write(colData(i, j) & vbTab)NextConsole.WriteLine()NextEnd SubEnd Module```2.2 代码实现过程首先,我们使用File.ReadAllLines方法读取txt文件的所有行数据,并将其存储在一个字符串数组中。
VB读取文本文档 (.txt)数据进行图形二维矩阵变换功能:VVB读取文本文档 (.txt)里的数据,然后按照要求进行图形二维矩阵变换文本文档 (.txt)里的数据如下:图一VB界面如下:图二1.电脑上必须要先Microsoft Visual Studio(也就是VB软件)2.用文本文档 (.txt)里的数据(图一)2.用VB软件设置窗口如上(图二)3.各个Command对应的VB代码如下:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim t(1 To 3, 1 To 3), t0(1 To 3, 1 To 3)Dim x(50, 3), y(50, 3)Dim lk(50, 2)Dim pi As DoubleDim ch As Integerpi = 3.14159265Form1.ClsOpen Path + "ss.txt" For Input As #1 Input #1, npointFor i = 1 To npointFor j = 1 To 3Input #1, x(i, j)NextNextInput #1, nlineFor i = 1 To nlineFor j = 1 To 2Input #1, lk(i, j)NextNextInput #1, n1For i = 1 To n1'Input #1, tunit t0Input #1, n2For j = 1 To n2Input #1, KeyIf (Key = 1) ThenInput #1, cx, cybili t, cx, cyElseIf (Key = 2) ThenInput #1, alfalf = alf / 180 * pi xuanzhuan t, alfElseIf (Key = 3) ThenInput #1, t12, t21 cuoqi t, t12, t21ElseIf (Key = 4) ThenInput #1, dx, dypingyi t, dx, dyEnd Ifmat x(), t()Next' mat1 x(), t(), npointn = i - 1For j = 1 To nlinei1 = lk(j, 1)i2 = lk(j, 2)' Call aline(x(i1, 1), x(i1, 2), x(i2, 1), x(i2, 2), 3)x1 = x(i1, 1)y1 = x(i1, 2)x2 = x(i2, 1)y2 = x(i2, 2)Picture1(n).Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)NextNextClose #1Open Path + "ss1.txt" For Input As #2Input #2, npointFor i = 1 To npointFor j = 1 To 3Input #2, x(i, j)NextNextInput #2, nlineFor i = 1 To nlineFor j = 1 To 2Input #2, lk(i, j)NextNextInput #2, n1For i = 1 To n1'Input #1, tunit t0Input #2, n2For j = 1 To n2Input #2, KeyIf (Key = 1) ThenInput #2, cx, cybili t, cx, cyElseIf (Key = 2) Then Input #2, alfalf = alf / 180 * pixuanzhuan t, alfElseIf (Key = 3) ThenInput #2, t12, t21cuoqi t, t12, t21ElseIf (Key = 4) ThenInput #2, dx, dypingyi t, dx, dyEnd Ifmat x(), t()Next' mat1 x(), t(), npointm = i + 2For j = 1 To nlinei1 = lk(j, 1)i2 = lk(j, 2)' Call aline(x(i1, 1), x(i1, 2), x(i2, 1), x(i2, 2), 3)x1 = x(i1, 1)y1 = x(i1, 2)x2 = x(i2, 1)y2 = x(i2, 2)Picture1(m).Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) NextNextClose #2End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd SubPublic Sub unit(t())Dim i%, j%For i = 1 To 3For j = 1 To 3t(i, j) = 0Next jt(i, i) = 1Next iEnd SubPublic Sub bili(t(), cx, cy) unit tt(1, 1) = cxt(2, 2) = cyEnd SubPublic Sub pingyi(t(), dx, dy) unit tt(3, 1) = dxt(3, 2) = dyEnd SubPublic Sub xuanzhuan(t(), alf) unit tt(1, 1) = Cos(alf)t(2, 2) = Cos(alf)t(1, 2) = Sin(alf)t(2, 1) = -Sin(alf)End SubPublic Sub cuoqi(t(), t12, t21)unit tt(1, 2) = t12t(2, 1) = t21End SubPublic Sub mat(a(), b())Dim c(3)For i = 1 To 6For j = 1 To 3c(j) = 0For k = 1 To 3c(j) = c(j) + a(i, k) * b(k, j) Next kNext jFor j = 1 To 3a(i, j) = c(j)Print a(i, j)Next jNext iEnd SubPublic Sub mat1(a(), t(), np)Dim c(3)For i = 1 To npFor j = i To 3c(j) = 0For k = 1 To 3c(j) = c(j) + a(i, k) * t(k, j)Next ka(i, j) = c(j)Next jNext iEnd SubPublic Sub aline(x1, y1, x2, y2, n) '绘图子程序Picture1.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)End Sub运行结果:完美实现对应功能。
以下是几种常用的读取文本文件的方法:1. 使用Open语句和Input函数:Open语句用于打开文本文件,Input函数则用于读取文本文件的内容。
可以使用Do Until循环来逐行读取文本文件的内容。
2. 使用FileSystemObject对象:VBA中的FileSystemObject对象提供了一组用于文件和文件夹处理的方法。
3. 使用ADODB.Stream对象:ADODB.Stream对象是用于数据访问的COM对象,可以用于读取和写入二进制数据或文本数据。
除了上述方法,还可以使用其他第三方组件或库来读取文本文件的内容,如使用Microsoft Text Object Library或使用Chilkat等组件。
以下是几种常用的写入文本文件的方法:1. 使用Open语句和Print语句:Open语句用于打开文本文件,Print语句则用于向文本文件写入内容。
2. 使用FileSystemObject对象:可以使用FileSystemObject对象的CreateTextFile方法创建一个新的文本文件,并使用WriteLine方法将数据写入文本文件。
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", ForReading)
SkipLineInFile = f.readall
Line Input # 语句示例
本示例使用 Line Input # 语句从顺序文件中读入一行数据,并将该行数据赋予一个变量。本示例假设 TESTFILE 文件内含数行文本数据。
Dim TextLine
Open "TESTFILE" For Input As #1 \' 打开文件。
Dim ss As String, i As Byte, lens As Byte
lens = Len(s)
For i = 1 To lens
ss = ss & Chr(Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) - lens - i)
nnnn = ss
End Function
Dim SaveBytes() As Byte
Open 文件名 For Binary As #TempFile
Put #TempFile,,SaveBytes
Close TempFile
vb读取txt的方法-写入txt的方法vb读取txt的方法-写入txt的方法1.Private Sub Command1_Click()2.'写文件示例3.Dim strFileName As String '文件名4.Dim lngHandle As Long '句柄5.Dim strWrite As String '要写入的文本内容6.7.strFileName = App.Path & "/a.txt"8.''''''''App.Path & "/a.txt"相对路径9.''"c:/w.txt"绝对路径10.lngHandle = FreeFile() '取得句柄11.'准备要写入的内容12.strWrite = Text1.Text '或者strWrite = "这些文字将被写入文件。
"13.'For后面的参数表示以何种方式打开文件,Input是读取,Output是覆盖写入,Append是追加写入14.''''''append是每次在文件末尾写入,不删除其它已经存在的文件.如果换成output则删除其它文件后再写入15.''''''print#1,text1.text ''''''如果print换成write则写进txt中后自动加双引号16.17.Open strFileName For Output As lngHandle '打开文件18.Print #lngHandle, strWrite '写入文本19.Close lngHandle '关闭文件20.End Sub21.Private Sub Command2_Click()22.'读文件示例23.Dim strFileName As String '文件名24.Dim lngHandle As Long '文件句柄25.Dim strAll As String '所读取的文本文件的所有内容26.Dim strLine As String '在循环中存放每行的内容27.strFileName = App.Path & "/a.txt"28.'获得文件的句柄29.lngHandle = FreeFile()30.'For后面的参数表示以何种方式打开文件,Input是读取,Output是覆盖写入,Append是追加写入31.Open strFileName For Input As lngHandle32.'循环直到文件尾33.Do While Not EOF(lngHandle)34.'每次读取一行存放在strLine变量中35.Line Input #lngHandle, strLine36.'每次读取都把所读到的内容连接到strAll变量,由于Line Input去掉了换行符,所以这里补上37.strAllstrAll = strAll & strLine & vbCrLf38.Loop39.'显示得到的全部分内容40.MsgBox strAll41.End Sub42.43.Private Sub Command1_Click()44.Open App.Path & "/a.txt" For Output As #145.Print #1, Text1.Text '这里可以是数据本身也可以是目标控件的属性46.Close #1 '关闭打开的文件47.End Sub48.'For后面的参数表示以何种方式打开文件,Input是读取,Output是覆盖写入,Append是追加写入。
cells(1,1)代表A1 cell(2,"C")代表C2,=CO UNTIF("")+COUNT IF("")+COU NTIF("") 1.怎么通过代码创建一个文本文件,并读取,更新内容以上为随即方式打开的文本文件dimgfile num a s int egergfile num = Free FileOpen "文件路径及文件名" For Rand om As gfil enumlen=3\'以随即方式打开一文件如果文件不存在就新建用get #gfile num ,记录在文件中位置,要放取得的数据的变量\'读取操作用put #gfi lenum ,记录在文件中位置,要放着要写入数据的变量\'写操作cl ose #filen um\'关闭文件以下为顺序方式打开的文件dim gfil enumas in tegergfil enum= Fre eFileOpen "文件路径及文件名" Fo r out put A s gfi lenum \'以写入方式打开文本pr int #gfile num,要写入的文本writ e #fi lenum ber,要写入的文本dim gfil enumas in tegergfil enum= Fre eFileOpen "文件路径及文件名" Fo r inp ut As gfil enum\'以读出方式打开文本inp ut #g filen um ,用来放读取的内容的内存变量名还可用lin e inp ut#,i nput()等读取更详细的查m sdn2.VB读取文本文件时,调用T extSt ream对象中使用OpenT extFi le报错了。
vba 读取txt加减乘除运算
vba 读取txt加减乘除运算读取txt文件内容方法:•input:从文件中读取指定数量的字符。
•Input #:把数据读出放在变量里,变量用逗号分隔•Line Input #:取出完整的一行搭配使用到的两个函数:EOF(文件编号) 返回文本文件结尾。
LOF(文件编号) 判断文本文件的长度。
一、Input读取方式Input 函数只用于以 Input 或 Binary 方式打开的文件,返回它所读出的所有字符,包括逗号、回车符、空白列、换行符、引号和前导空格等。
Sub d1()On Error Resume Next '出现错误跳转到下一步Dim f, mycharf = ThisWorkbook.path & "/a.txt"Open f For Input As #1Do While Not EOF(1) '循环至文件尾,EOF文件结尾mychar = Input(3, #1) '读入一个字符Debug.Print mychar & ":" & Asc(mychar)'显示到立即窗口。
Loop '按顺序读取,到下一个字符串,直至文件都读取完毕Close #1End Sub运行结果例2:把a.txt的内容一次性读取出来。
Sub d2()Dim f, mychar, n, Lf = ThisWorkbook.path & "/a.txt"n = FreeFile '所有文本内容Open f For Input As nL = LOF(n) 'LOF判断文本文件的长度(字节)mychar = Input(L - 6, n) '要减去中文字符的个数(见下方注释)Debug.Print mychar '显示到立即窗口。
⽰例:Dim fso As ObjectSet fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")⼆、FileSystemObject主要⽅法介绍1、CreateTextFile⽅法:⽤于创建⼀个指定⽂件名,并返回⼀个可操作的TextStream对象。
语法:object.CreateTextFile(filename[,overwrite[,unicode]])⽰例1:在C:\FSOTest\中创建⼀个名为testFile的⽂本⽂件,并写⼊⼀⾏“CreateTextFile Test”:Sub CreateFile()Dim sFile As Object, FSO As ObjectSet FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set sFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\FSOTest\TestFile.txt",True)sFile.WriteLine ("CreateTextFile Test")sFile.CloseSet sFile = NothingSet FSO = NothingEnd Sub2、DeleteFile⽅法:⽤于删除⼀个指定的⽂件。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
vb操作txt(VB operation TXT)细胞(1,1)代表A1细胞(2,C)代表C2 = COUNTIF(“”)+ COUNTIF(“”)+ COUNTIF(“”)1。
怎么通过代码创建一个文本文件,并读取,更新内容以上为随即方式打开的文本文件昏暗的gfilenum为整数gfilenum = FreeFile随机gfilenum len = 3打开“文件路径及文件名”“以随即方式打开一文件如果文件不存在就新建用得到# gfilenum,记录在文件中位置,要放取得的数据的变量”读取操作用把# gfilenum,记录在文件中位置,要放着要写入数据的变量”写操作近# filenum”关闭文件以下为顺序方式打开的文件昏暗的gfilenum为整数gfilenum = FreeFile打开输出”文件路径及文件名”gfilenum”以写入方式打开文本打印# gfilenum,要写入的文本写#文件号,要写入的文本昏暗的gfilenum为整数gfilenum = FreeFile打开“文件路径及文件名“输入”以读出方式打开文本gfilenum输入# gfilenum,用来放读取的内容的内存变量名还可用线路输入#,等读取更详细的查MSDN()2。
如果是集F = fs。
txt”,读书,真的,TristateUseDefault)出现错误:运行时错误格”:无效的过程调用或参数如果是集F = fs。
蝙蝠文件,VB可否直接读取?蝙蝠也属于文本类文件可以读取不用FSO也行:把文本文件内容读取文本框:朦胧的TempFile As Long昏暗的loadbytes()字节tempfile = FreeFile二开文件名作为# tempfileRedim LoadBytes(1~LOF(TempFile))为字节得到# tempfile,,LoadBytes关闭tempfiletext1。
文本= StrConv(loadbytes,vbunicode)把TextBox内容写入文本文件:朦胧的TempFile As Long昏暗的savebytes()字节savebytes = StrConv(text1。
文本,vbfromunicode)tempfile = FreeFile二开文件名作为# tempfile把# tempfile,,SaveBytes关闭tempfile4。
打开文本文件打开app.path &”/你的文本文件名.txt”#输出为1 名称= text1.text消息。
手机= text2.text消息。
.......................邮政编码= text5.text消息。
把# 1,我的信息”(此处i = 1,如要多次写入,可用循环设置我的值)近1 #“写入的同时即已保存查询的话就取出文本里的内容,用instr()函数就可实现了5。
怎样读取一个文本文件的全部内容昏暗的lenfile为整数昏暗的filenum为整数filenum = freefile()打开“文件.dat”输入filenumlenfile = LOF(# filenum)strfile =输入(lenfile,# filenum)的将所有数据放入变量strfile中近filenum私有子form_load()Const ForReading = 1,= 2等模糊FSO昏暗的skiplineinfile作为字符串设置FSO = CreateObject(“脚本。
FileSystemObject”)集F = FSO。
中去(“C:\测试文件.txt”,写作,真的)写“你好,世界!”与vbcrlf和VB脚本很有趣!”集F = FSO。
中去(“C:\测试文件.txt”,ForReading)skiplineinfile = f.readall打印skiplineinfile调试。
端子7把文本文件内容读取文本框:朦胧的TempFile As Long昏暗的loadbytes()字节tempfile = FreeFile二开文件名作为# tempfileRedim LoadBytes(1~LOF(TempFile))为字节得到# tempfile,,LoadBytes关闭tempfiletext1。
文本= StrConv(loadbytes,vbunicode)8。
把TextBox内容写入文本文件:朦胧的TempFile As Long昏暗的savebytes()字节savebytes = StrConv(text1。
文本,vbfromunicode)tempfile = FreeFile二开文件名作为# tempfile把# tempfile,,SaveBytes关闭tempfile9。
如搜索[ magic_databases ],该怎么做?将字符串作为字符串输入# 1开commondialog1.filename输入# 1,STR在哪里作为整数=仪器(STR,“magic_databases”)10。
线路输入# 1,文本行的读入一行数据并将其赋予某变量。
对象的昏暗fs作为对象昏暗的文本行的字符串设置FS = CreateObject(“脚本。
FileSystemObject”)套= fs。
中去(APP,路径+“\\ Myfile. AAA”)/ / myfile.aaa是一个文本文件textling = of.readline14 /如果你要读取第行,可以用一个循环,跳过前面的13行,如下模糊为整数0 = 12of.skip下一个/ /然后再读取12。
代码公共职能nnnn(ByVal为字符串)作为字符串的解密下次继续出错以字符串为单位,以字节为单位,以字节为透镜镜头=镜头(S)对于i = 1到镜头SS = SS和CHR(ASC(MID(S,I,1))-镜头-我)下一个nnnn = SS端功能公共职能mmmm(ByVal为字符串)作为字符串的加密下次继续出错以字符串为单位,以字节为单位,以字节为透镜镜头=镜头(S)对于i = 1到镜头SS = SS和CHR(ASC(MID(S,I,1))+镜头+ 1)下一个嗯= SS端功能当文件中有”!~”时出错异或加密暗淡我一样长我= 1,UBound(loadbytes)LoadBytes(我)= LoadBytes(我)异或和HFF下一个我13。
Open MyFile #输出文件号”打开输出文件。
打开一个文本文件怎样最快?变长为长,TS为字符串FN = FreeFile打开“C:\测试。
txt”二进制# FNTS = StrConv(InputB(LOF(FN),# FN),vbunicode)text1 = TS近# FN变长为长,TS为字符串FN = FreeFile打开“C:\测试。
txt”二进制# FNTS =输入(LOF(FN),# FN)text1 = TS近# FN15。
怎么判断文本文件读取到了最后一行?用fsotextstream atendofstream可以判断。
如何在文本文件中插入一行字串?用打开附加的方法只能加在最后面就用两个文件合并好了壳”命令/ C复制aa.txt + bb.txt cc.txt”,vbhide但我觉的不是太好,你自己看看对你有没有帮助吧。
写# 1,“Hello World”、“写入以逗号隔开的数据。
写# 1,”写入空白行。
近1的关闭文件#请问怎样在原先个.txt增加Hello World(即不删除原先的内容)打开“测试文件.txt”#追加为1写# 1,“Hello World”,近1 #18。
昏暗的FSO作为新的定义FSO对象FileSystemObject昏暗的TS为文本的定义文本流“打开文件设置TS = FSO。
Close19. write a new line at the end of the file:Dim tFileNumber As IntegerDim tWriteStr As String string 'to write.TFileNumber=FreeFileTWriteStr= what you needOpen pFileName For Append As #tFileNumber \'Append in order to write end of file folder. Or open in Output mode, and Seek (tFileNumberm, LOF (tFileNumber)) can also define pointers to the end of the file.Print #tFileNumber, tWriteStr 'into the file.Close #tFileNumberIf there is no line wrapping on the file, it will cause the first line you write to connect to the last line of the original file. The solution is:TWriteStr=Chr (13) & Chr (10) & tWriteStrOn the first line with this one, and this will lead to a newline symbol on the line.In addition, if you have 100 lines to write, then you write the file 100 times, it is better to merge the 100 linesinto a string, written together well. Write 100 lines longer than merge 100 lines written after a time to slow.At the same time, Open Close not to repeatedly write file. Open and Close have to re allocate the buffer, causing the program to decrease the speed of. As far as possible aftera Open, and then finished in Close, which can improve the efficiency.But it needs special attention! Before Close, if for some reason the illegal program closed, you may want to lose data. Because only after Close will really save all information buffers. And there is no Close file, there may be part of the content in the memory does not save, it is very dangerous. If you make a single operation in a short period of time, then write the process before Close. If a complicated operation takes a long time, will be repeated Open Close.Access operations between Open Close will achieve the fastest efficiency, while multiple Open Close gets the best security. Here's another trick: if you want to read a file and write a file at the same time, just open it in two different ways.Open "1.txt" For Input As #1Open "1.txt" For Output As #2Print #2, "little sister" write 1.txtSeek #1,1Line Input #1, Ld 1.txt 'readingSeek #1,1 'if you remove this sentence, you look at the time and read what? (there must be a mistake.)Line Input #1, LdClose #2Close #1Typical read files:Dim tFileNumber As Integer 'file No.Dim tLoadStr As String 'file read line variablesThe function tFileNumber=FreeFile \'FreeFile is getting the current idle file number. Automatic allocation of a file number. So this program can almost be compatible in all parts of the program.Open pFileName For Input As #tFileNumber \'Input for sequential read file.Line Input #tFileNumber, tLoadStr \'Line Input statement reads the whole row, otherwise, if only Input, the comma is also calculated a paragraph. If you want to read twelfth lines, do not know the location of the line under the premise of 12, it will read 12 times.Close #tFileNumberRead the file specified for file: read the biggest problem is to determine the file end. If more than the end of thefile, an error will occur. You can use a EOF function to determine whether the file pointer "at the end of file location.Method one (traditional method):Dim tFileNumber As IntegerDim tLoadStr As StringDim tEnd As Long 'for you to read the number of rows.Dim tAdd As Long 'notationTFileNumber=FreeFileTEnd=12 'if you want to read 12 linesOpen pFileName For Input As #tFileNumberdo until eof (tfilenumber) or tadd = men \ 'eof函数是判断是否已经到了结尾或到了你想找的行.line input # tfilenumber, tloadstrtadd = tadd + 1 \ '记数累加, 读一行加一.loopclose # tfilenumber方法二 (比较实用的):tfilenumber as integer dimtloadstr as string dimdim tend as long \ '你要读的行数.dim tadd as long \ '记数tfilenumber = freefilemen = 12 '' 假设你要读12行open pfilename for input as # tfilenumberfor tadd = 1 two menline input # tfilenumber, tloadstrif eof (tfilenumber) then exit for \ '到结尾则退出循环.syncclose # tfilenumber以上都是我在编程当中总结出来的非常惨痛的教训, 希望你不要步我后尘.20.用fso来读文本文件时怎样返回该文本文件的总行数?seen openfile = openfso.opentextfile(commondialog1.filename)static i as integerin = 0do while not openfile.atendoflineopenfile.readlinei = i + 1loopmsgbox "共" & & "行", vbokonly, "hello"21.treeview 能够生成两层以上的节点吗?private sub form _ load ()dim nodx as nodeseen nodx = treeview1.nodes.add (, "r", "root")seen nodx = treeview1.nodes.add ("r", tvwchild, "key1", "child")seen nodx = treeview1.nodes.add ("key1", tvwchild, "key2", "child _ child")nodx.ensurevisiblethan sub22.怎样获得一个文件夹里的文件数, 并且分别得到里面的文件名? dim stempt as stringdim sfilename (100) as the string \ '记录文件名dim inttotal as integer \ '文件总数inttotal = 0stempt = dir $(path & "1.5 *. *")do while stempt < > ""sfilename (inttotal) = stemptinttotal = inttotal + 1stempt = dir $loop23.取文件夹的文件名列表, 并按修改时间排序?\ '添加 [工程] - - [引用] "microsoft scripting runtime" option explicitprivate type typfliedatename as stringcreateddate as dateaccesseddate as datemodifieddate as datethan typeprivate myfiles () as typfliedate \ '包含文件的数组private sub command1 _ click ()dim n as integern = getfolderfiles ("d: 1.5", 1)than subprivate function getfolderfiles (path as string, orderby as integer) as integer\ 'path 文件夹路径\ 'orderby 排序依据按创建时间 1: 2: 3: 4: 按名称按修改时间按访问时间\ '返回文件夹中文件的个数\ '如果要计算子文件夹可以通过 fldr.subfolders 访问, 方法类似dim tmpfile as typfliedatedim n as integer, in the as integer, j as integerdim fso as new filesystemobjectdim fldr as folderdim fls as filesdim fl as file\ '读去文件seen fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")seen fldr = fso.getfolder(路径)FLS =科学文件集。