
大学英语听力2标准答案Lesson 1PART AI. a b a a b b a b a b II. c b c b c a b b c aDialogue 11 c b d a c 2. south of the capital city \one dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a garden \a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and an electric stove. \150,000 dollars Dialogue21.a a b a c2. opposite a park \has a lovely view \it hasa balcony \the lowest rent of the similar kind of flat inthat district.Lesson 2Part AI. Stop \ about \ help \ Black,speak \ make,mistakes \ isn’t,first \understand \ good \ got,about \don’t,think,husband,would,letII. sixteen\ Most \ looks \ like \ but perhaps \ light \ However \ everything else Dialogue 11.b d b a b2. tall and handsome \ big blueeyes,beautiful long blond hair \ two big rings \ creative \ free English lessons,patientPassage1. c c a c c2. Do you have a family? \ Does he smoke? \ Does your son drink wine? \ Does he ever come home late at night? \ How old is he?2006-12-6 17:42:52 superfishLesson 3PART AI 398-4071 \ 278-9536 \ 271-8265 \ 718-4291 \ 310-449-6213II I’m calling from \ Can I speak to Am I speaking to \ You’ve go t the wrong number Dialogue 11 d a d c a2 F F T T FDialogue 21. c b b c c 2.1) Number, please? 2) Where to?3) What number?4) Who are you calling? 5) What’s your name, sir? 6) Can you spell it out? 7) Where are you calling from?Lesson 4Part AI.1. speaking. 2. Sorry. She’s out. Would you like to leave a message? 3. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.4. All right. I’ll call back later.5. Hold the line, please. I’ll get a piece of paper.II. could I speak to/ Just a minute/she’s no t here/ give Bob a call/83602505 Dialogue 11. c c b d d2. 1) her husband’s shirts/her blouses 2) the laundry that morning 3) early the next morning 4) topdrawer on the left 5) have troubled the housekeeper/looked in the wardrobePassage 11. c c b c b2. T F F T TLESSON 5PART AI. 1. (7:15) 2. (8:35) 3. (6:30) 4. (10:10) 5. (2:45a.m.) 6. (7:52 p.m.) 7. (10:40) 8. (3:55) 9. (14:00) 10.(10.45) 11. (22:00) 12. (00:20)II.1) between 7 a. m. and 9 a.m. 2) between 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. 3) from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p. m. 4) between 7p.m. and 8 p.m.Dialogue 11. c b b d d2.1) 12 noon 2) 5:30 p.m. 3)577 4)2:00 p.m.5) 90 minutes Dialogue 21.1)13:05 2)5:45 3)14:15 4)10:45 5)15:00 6)8:00 7)16:30 8)14:40 9)15:00 10)0:102. T T F F T)Lesson 6Part AI. d a a b c b d b d d第2/5页II. Sept.9, 1953/Nov.12, 1951/May 21, 1973/June 4,1974/Feb.23, 1980Part B1. 1) 8:15 2) 12:00 and 1:00 3) 6:30 4) 5:35 5) 5:402. a d a c c Passage11.b c a d b2. 1) sell their new products 2) her bathroom faucet. 3) three days later 4) to the wrong place/MrsSmith’s houseQUIZE 1rdPart A I. 1. 389-1074 2. 28th 3. 1:15 4. 239 5. 3 6. 20th 7. 8:40 8.nd19:10 9. 22 10. 516-421-9035 II. a c d b cPart B I. Hurry up What time is it now 7:15 the play 8:00 II. T F T F TLESSON 7PART A1.1.at2.and3.the4.some5.a of6.from7.but8.of9.as 10.for II.1.Of 2.are from 3.to 4.can for 5.to the atDialogue 11. 1)She can’t decide whether to g o to university or geta job. 2)To study economics at a university. 3)Because he thinks Jane is good atcalculating. 4)Because she thinks she will have no time for fun with too much study. 5)She might go to university.1.1) he would go on studying 2) he would major in economics 3) what’s best for her 4)have time for fun 5)a part-time jobDialogue 21. b a b c b 2 1) I’d go on to take a new course. 2) must think of the future. 3) Why don’t you just write 4) should think very seriously 5) ought to get more informationLesson 8Part AI. 1. 7,068 2. 5,231 3. 1,005 4. 4,716 5. 2,500 6. 4,9087. 13,034 8. 90,284 9. 47,359 10. 56,708 II. 1) 12,925 2) 11,730 3) 12,598 4) 3,407 5) 8,448 6) 5,468 7) 4,926 8) 4,802 9) 3,906 10) 1,764Dialogue 1第3/5页1. b a c a d2. 1) go out more 2) go to the pubs 3) joina club 4) speak to people first 5) start his conversation with the weatherPassage1. 1) 100 kilos. 2) a small book 3) listed on page 11 of the small book 4) two weeks 5) having her dinner 3. 1) She was very fat and was getting heavier every month. 2) She should get on a diet. 3) Because she wasn’t any thinner. Instead, she was even fatter. 4) She was eating potatoes and bread. 5) Because she ate her diet only at lunch time.LESSON 9PART AI. a d b d a c b d II 1. The Smiths usually spend their weekends in the country. 2. They rarely go dancing. 3. John never goes to pubs 4. Mary answered the questions correctly 5. Robert did the exercise very well 6. Mother told me not to speak quicklyDialogue 11. d d a c d2.1) type 2)operate office computer 3) modern office equipment 4) shorthand 5) German, French and Chinese.Dialogue 21. 1) Boss and secretary 2) To tell him that Mr Hudson wanted to speak to him on the phone3) To photocopy the director’s report for afternoon use4) Not to call her boyfriend from the office 5) To bring hima cup of coffee 2. db d d bLesson TenPart A I.1. D A D B D C C B II. 1. Does this bus stop at the hospital?2. Have you got time to finish making that dress today?3. Bob goes home from school at noon.4. The girlstook their dog with them.. 5. You may get off at the next stop. 6. Please turn that music off at once.Part B1. B A C B A2. finance section report for work former typist too early replace transfer general manager’sdifficult take it easy a couple of weeksPassage第4/5页1. T F F T T2. 1) large book of speeches 2) before he left for his plane 3) 60 minutes 4) two copies of the speech 5) the man’s。

大学英语听力教程答案【篇一:听力教程第二册听力原文及答案(施心远)】tion onetactics for listeningpart 1 phonetics-stress, intonation and accent1. we haven’t got any in dark blue.2. we can’t make it at nine tomorrow.3. my telephone number is not 65031609.4. i don’t like the black jumper.5. he won’t come by the 7:30 train.(the word or digit in bold has the most stress)exercise:1. a2. b3. a4. b5. bpart2 listening and note-talkingdriving carefullydrive carefully and slowly when pedestrians are about, particularly in crowdedshopping streets, when you see a bus stopped, or near a parked mobile shop. watchout for pedestrians coming from behind parked or stopped vehicles, or from otherplaces where you might not be able to see them.three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either under fifteen orover sixty. the young and elderly may not judge speeds very well, and may step intothe road when you do not expect them. give them, and the infirm, or blind, ordisabled people, plenty of time to cross the road.drive slowly near schools, and look out for children getting on or off school buses.stop when signalled to do so by a school crossing patrol showing a stop-childrensign. be careful near a parked ice-cream van—children are more interested inice-cream then in traffic.when coming to a zebra crossing. be ready to slow down or stop to let peoplecross. you must give way once they have stepped onto a crossing. signal to otherdrivers that you mean to slow down or stop. give yourself more time to slow down orstop on wet or icy roads. never overtake just before a zebra crossing.exercise a:1. 2. 3. —4. when coming to a be ready to or stop to let people 5.exercise b:driving carefullyi. look out for pedestriansa. b. c. ii. look out for the young, the old and the disableda. pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either underb.c. give them, and the infirm, or or people, plenty of to iii. look out for childrena. b. iv. coming to a zebra crossinga. b. c.section twolistening comprehensionpart 1 dialogues mum: hello.tessa: hi, mum. it’s me. how are you?mum: oh, i’m fine, tessa. i except you’re phoning to find out how the arrangementsfor your party are going?tessa: yes. that’s right. you know, it’s really good of you and dad to make all thearrangements while i’m away. i really don’t know what i’d do without you!mum: oh, there is not that much to do really. in fact, your father and i are quiteenjoying ittessa: good. so how are thing going?mum: well, let’s see. i’ve already hired the hall, so that’s ok. tessa: have you found anyone to do the disco yet?mum: no, not yet, dear.tessa: well, do you think you could do that soon, mum? it might not be easy. whatabout the equipment?mum: well, we’re having the sound system and records delivered by a localcompany next week.tessa: good. that should be all right. what about the bar? mum: that’s all under control. we’re having the drinks delivered next week.tessa: great! have you organised the food? are you cooking it? mum: what, for 70 people? you must be joking! no, i think i’ll have it done by thecaterers* in the village.t essa: you’ll do that soon, won’t you? they’ll need a bit of notice.mum: mmm. of course. now, i had the invitations printed last week. thestationer’s did them, but i haven’t had time to send them yet…tessa: oh, mum, but the party’s in ten days! sen d them soon, will you, or we’llhave no guests!mum: yes, i’m sorry, dear. look, i’ll phone everyone too. i’ve been so busy with allthe arrangements…a: excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?b: no.a: um firstly, do you ever eat fast food.b: yes, yes, i do.a: what kind of fast food do you normally eat?b: oh, er you know, burgers, sandwiches, well sometimes like a pizza or, you know,kebabs*.a: oh, right. and how often do you eat fast food? every day, more than once aweek or less than once a week?b: er, well monday to friday when i’m working er, yeah every day, um butnot…not usually at the weekends.a: and what time of day do you eat fast food?b: well, at work as i said, you know at lunchtime, um you know, i sort of go outand get a burger or sandwich. sometimes, you know, if, if i’m going out and i’veno time to cook in the evenings then i’ll, i’ll send out for a pizza.a: oh, right. do you only eat it as a main meal or do you snack between meals?b: no, only as a main meal, you know lunch or, or in the evening.a: and what do you think of fast food? which statements do you think are true?um, either“it’s convenient”b: oh, definitely. i mean, that’s sort of the main reason that i eat it.a: right. how about “it tastes good”?b: yeah. um, i mean, not as good as food like in a, in a good restaurant, but it’s notbad.a: “it’s good for you”?b: no. sort of eating quickly and standing up. it’s sort of bad for you. the fooditself isn’t very good for you, you know there’s not enough greens, um you know, vegetables or salad.a: mm. how about “it’s an expensive way of eating”? what do you think of that? b: oh, yes it is, er but you’re paying for the convenience, you know the speed of it.er, well, i certainly think that it’s cheaper than you know cooking your own food.a: er, and what about lastly “it creates litter.” do you think that’s true?b: yes, yes, it does. only i, i always put mine in a you know in a litter bin, but erunfortunately a lot of people don’t, um but in the packaging there is a lot of paper involved and plastic and sometimes polystyrene*.exercise b:it is convenient and fast, thought it doesn’t taste as good as food in good a restaurant. however it is bad to one’s health because there are not enough vegetables. it is also quite an expensive way of eating, but you’re paying for the convenience. and it creates litter because in the packaging there is a lot of paper, plastic and sometimes polystyrene involved.part 2 passagesit’s 3:15 in the afternoon and half the office just stepped out* for a coffee break. your eyelids are starting to close and 7-11 isjust around the corner. a soda or a bag of chips would be just the thing to perk you up*. so you, too, go out for an afternoon snack.sometimes we eat simply because everyone else is doing it. other times we eatwhen we feel tired, bored or depressed. snacking for the wrong reasons can lead to overeating and unhealthy diet.of course, there are times when our bodies really need extra energy. here are four tips to keep your snacking on the right track.le, but it’s only a temporary cure. once the fries are gone, the problem is still there. if you’re feeling lonely, don’t reach into the refrigerator. call a friend. if you’re feeling stressed, take a 10-minute walk.2. find a healthy pick-me-up*. if you’re truly hungry, a healthy snack can give you the boost of energy you need. if you like fresh foods, bring a small bag of tomatoes or apples slices to work whit you. to tame your sweet tooth, try a handful of dried fruit. a serving of nuts can be a perfect pick-me-up. they have the right combination of nutrients to give you the energy you need. but wait until you’re hungry to find something to eat. plan ahead and bring something healthy whit you.3. eat just one serving. don’t open up a whole box of cr ackers and start munching away. instead, pull out just one serving and put away the box.4. think of snacks as mini-meals. eating small, healthy snack can keep you from stuffing yourself at the next meal. instead of eating three big meals each day, split them into four or five mini-meals. you may actually eat less food overall.use these tips to help you plan snacks ahead of time. the next time you have a snack attack, tame your hunger the healthy way.exercise a:a soda or a bag of chips; a piece of cake; a sandwich; a small bag of tomatoes; a small bag of apple slices; a serving of nuts;a glass of low-fat-milk; a serving of crackers, etc.exercise b:1. a2. d3. b4. c5. d6. b7. c8. aexercise c:1. a soda or a bag of chips would be just the thing to perk you up.2. using food to change your feeling can be a dangerous habit.3. if you’re feeling lonely, don’t reach into the refrigerator. calla friend.4. a serving of nuts can be a perfect pick- me-up.5. eating small, healthy snacks can keep you from stuffing yourself at the next meal. breakfast fills your “empty tank”to get you going after a long night without food. and it can help you do better in school. easy-to-prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt *with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night’s pizza!it’s easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. walk, bike or jog to see【篇二:全新版大学英语听说教程3答案】txt>全新版大学英语听说教程2009-03-07 20:19阅读527评论0字号:大中小全新版大学英语听说教程答案第三册part btext 1exercise 1: 1. c 2. a3.bexercise 2:1.she suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. she said to her husband, life is too short, but you need to spend time with the people you love. you probably wont believe me, but i know you love her and i think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer.2.1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled.2) she had told her lady friends about this.text 2exercise 1: 1. c 2. d 3. dexercise 2: 1. f2. t3. f4. t5. fpart c1. b2. c3. b4. d5. dpart dmy first jobmy parents ran a small restaurant. it was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. my first job was shining shoes for customers when i was six years old. my duties increased as i grew older. by age ten i was clearing tables and washing plates. my father made it clear that i had to meet certain standards. i had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. i was never paid for any work i did. one day i made the mistake of telling dad i thought he should give me ten pounds a week. he said, ok, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring your friends here for free drinks? he figured i owed him about 40 pounds a week. this taughtme quite a lot.unit 2part btext 1exercise 1: 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. cexercise 2:1984 / son / medical school / tuition / afford it / realize / newspaper ads / extra business / advertisement / succeeded / agent / changed / phone call / put aside / doing / immediately / familiar / father-in-laws / visited / his father-in-law alive / coincidence.text 2exercise 1: 1. t 2. f 3. f 4. f5. fexercise 2:1.he was intrigued.2.a bank statement.3.his father-in-law had put an amount of money in the bank fo r his grandchildrens education.4.a little over $15,000.5.he could use the money to cover the tuition of his first year at a medical college.6.he is a doctor in illinois.part c1. f2. t3. f4. f5. t6. t7. f8. tpart dunexplained parallelsone of the best-known collections of parallels is between the careers of abraham lincoln and john f. kennedy. both were shot on a friday, in the presence of their wives; both were succeeded by a southerner named johnson; both their killers were themselves killed before they could be brought to justice. lincoln had a secretary called kennedy; kennedy a secretary called lincoln. lincoln was killed in the ford theater; kennedy met his death while riding in a lincoln convertible made by the ford motor company -- and soon.similar coincidences often occur between twins. a news story from finland reported of two 70-year-old twin brothers dying two hours apart in separate accidents, with both being hit by trucks while crossing the same road on bicycles. according to the police, the second victim could not have known about his brothers death, as officers had only managed to identify the first victim minutes beforethe second accident.connections are also found between identical twins who have been separated at birth. dorothy lowe and bridget harrison were separated in 1945, and did not meet until 1979, when they were flown over from britain for an investigation by a psychologist at the university of minnesota. (8处答案为met,34)they found that when they met they were both wearing seven rings on their hands, two bracelets on one wrist, a watch and a bracelet on the other. they married on the same day, had worn identical wedding dresses and carried the same flowers. dorothy had named her son richard andrew and her daughter catherine louise; bridget had named her son andrew richard and her daughter karen louise.(10处答案similar自己看下这个不一定, children) in fact, she had wanted to call her catherine. both had a cat called tiger. they also had a string of similarmannerisms when they were nervous.how can we explain the above similarities?unit 3part btext 1exercise 1: 1. b 2. c3.aexercise 2:1.because she wanted to understand each others expectations so that potential problems could be avoided and they could live happily together.2.cleaning up. everything must be cleaned up and put away be fore going to bed.3.sleeping. time for bed: 11pm; time to get up: 6:30am except on weekends.【篇三:全新版大学英语听说教程2答案】art a1. 172. 19633. 1.984. 2165. 19846. 19867. 30418. third9. 198710. 1988 11. four 12. ten 13. 1998 14. six 15. 1990s 16. 45 17. sixth18. 1998 19. 1999 20. five 21. 1999 22. 2001part bexercise 11. d2. bexercise 21. because she wants to enjoy good health. she also wants to stay in shape and look good2. both peter and laura like cycling and swimming. laura also plays tennis regularlypart c.1. d2. c3. d4. c5. bunit twopart a.1. yes2. no3. yes4. no5. yes6. no7. no8. nopart bexercise 1.1. for a while2. plans, this saturday3. have dinner, weekend4. italian, too much food5. chinese, japaneseexercise 21. it uses natural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces1. they will have dinner on saturday at either a chinese or a japaneserestaurantpart c1. b2. c3. dunit threepart a1. a. fine and pleasant b. 18℃(64℉) c. cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west2. a. it started around 8 p.m and lasted for about three hoursb. it caused foru deaths and serious damage including a widespread power failurepart bexercise 11. b2. a3. dexercise 21. they went to the department picnic but their fun was spoiled by the hot weather1. because he thinks itll only be a short shower that cools things off a little part c1. a2.b3. c4. d5. bunit fourpart a.1. however; a2. because; d3. firtly; then, finally; c4. in short; bpart b.exercise 12 4 5 10 12 13 16 17exercise 21. b2. d3. c4. apart c1. eouraged2. talent3. composed4. conquest5. steady6. enthusiastic7. investing8. her real breakthrough in america came when she was selected by disney to sing the theme song of beauty and the beast9. in 1996 she performed at the opening ceremony of the 1996 atlanta olymic games10. she sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as “love can move mountains”, “because you loved me”, “the power of love”unit 5part a1. c2. dexercise 11. d2. d3. c4. dexercise 21. she has suffered from insomnia for several months and lately has had alot of indigestion1. he gave the patient some medicine for insomnia and indigestion. he alsoadvised the patient to have a proper diet and begin a regular exercise programpart c1. d2. b3. b4. a5. dunit 6part a1. they are probably business partners1. one is showing the other the buidling where her company has offices1. 2nd 8th 9th 1stintroduction history business marketspart bexercise 11. they are discussing which candidate is more suitable for a vacant positionin the company1. leader of a group1. being dynamic1. because he has no experience in leadership1. because he has always been a follower, not a leaderexercise 2loyal, twenty no experience peterpersonnel management experience joan peter and cliveexperienced, solid reliable caustious, dynamic peter and clive part c1. c2. c3. a4. d5. cunit 7part aa medium-sized white t-shirt, a slogan on the front, a shop assistant in gettingwhat he wantsexercise 11. b2. c3. dexercise 21. interesting, handsome, successful, sporty, fashionable, fun 1. great, terrible1. the high status group, taste and style, image1. brightens, good, face another day, energy1. high fashion, practical, the image, the realitypart c1. significant 2 relatively 3. concentrate 4. iberal 5. editor 6. ready-to-wear 7. expand8. vera wang herself is a very good skater and she had olympic dreams too9. however, her love for the sport never ceased10. i dont know if designing costumes for nancy has been good in terms of actual sales, but it has been tremendous for name recognitionunit 8part a1. learn to like yourself1. self-esteem grows out of achieving realistic goals1. take occasional days of rest1. exercise1. get enoug sleep to feel rested1. build close relationshipspart bexercise 11. b2. d3. d4. b5. c6.dexercise 2millions, dream of swimming, one million, receive, $25000 to $40000, twenty, taxes, differentpursue their own interests, home, travel, their childrens college education mosta small number stay on their jobs security opportunities happiness part c1. c2. b3. d4. dunit 9part a1. b2. c3. dexercise 11. c2. b3. aexercise 21. his belief that one day he would become a movie star1. parking cars for one of hollywoods big restaurant1. no, his pay was only basic. but he got generous tips from guests drivinginto the restaurant1. larry parked the car of a famous film director and was able to introducehimself to the man1. a. many big film companies are interested in meb. many big companies are pressing me to pay their billspart c1. b2. d3. b4.aunit 10part a1. 1. earthquake2. three days ago3. turkey4. 100005. 340002. 1. explosion 2. early this morning3. 1084. 385. 11part bexercise 11. three months ago2. in the middle of a jungle3. a terrible storm4. all on board the plane except the narrator5. one (the narrator) exercise 21. it rolled and shook in the wind1. no. it arrived nine days later because it was raining heavily and the。

大学英语听说3听力原文和答案Unit 1 ReservationsPart AExercise 11. M: I’d like to book a double room with bath for four nights.W: Sorry, sir. We’re full up(全满). Can I recommend the Park Hotel to you? It is quite near here.Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do?2. M: I’d like to see Mr. Jones this afternoon, please.W: I’m sorry but Mr. Jones will be busy the whole afternoon. Can you manage at 10:30 tomorrow morning?Q: What does the woman say to the man?3. W: Can I book two tickets for the show ―42nd Street‖ on Sunday night, Oct. 31st?M: Sorry, madam. All the tickets on that night are sold out. But tickets are available for Nov.3rd(十一月三号).Q: When can the woman see the show?4. M: I’d like to reserve(预订)two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh, for October 20th.W: Sorry, Sir. We’re booked up(预订一空的) on the 20th .But westill have a few seats available on the 21st.Q: When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh?5. W: Garden Restaurant. May I help you?M: Can you make arrangements for a table for six at eight this evening? In a quiet corner, please.Q: What does the man want to do?Keys:1. What does the woman suggest that man do? [a. reserve the room in another hotel]2. What does the woman say to the man? [c. Mr. Jones can see the man sometime the next morning.]rd3. When can the woman see the show? [d. Nov.3]th4. When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh? [a. on the 20 of October.]5. What does the man want to do? [d. Book a table for six people at 8:00] Exercise 2W: Hello. Dazhong Taxi Company.M: Hello. Can I book a taxi to the West Lake Hotel, Hangzhou? W: Sure. What time?M: 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.W: Your address, please?M: Room 1008, Peace Hotel.W: And your name?M: Jack Smith.W: OK, Mr Smith.M: Thank you.W: Not at all.Keys: Jack Smith Rm 1008.Peach Hotel 9 tomorrow morning West Lake Hotel, HangzhouPart BConversation 1I’d like to make a reservationOperator: Glory Inn, Atlanta.Paul: Hi, this is Paul Lambert. I’m the manager of the band Country Boys. You know, the rock band fromChicago. I want …Operator: Please hold, Mr. Lambert. I’m putting your through to the reservation manager. Paul: But …Manager: Mr. Lambert? This is Laurie Perry, the hotel manager.Paul: Oh, yeah? Well, I need five r ooms for Friday night. That’sthe 15th. I want the best room in the hotel. Manager: Sorry, I’m afraidI cannot accept your reservation.Paul: Now look, we always stay at the Glory Inn…Manager: I know that, Last time you were here, we had a number ofcom plaints from other guests. Paul: You mean they don’t like long-haired rock musiciansManager: That’s not the problem, sir. The band used bad language in the coffee shop, and threw two TV sets into thepool(把两个电视机扔到池中).Paul: Yeah, yeah. Well, I’11 tell them to be more careful this time.Manager: I’m afraid that’s not all, sir. You haven’t paid the account for the last time yet。

Unit 1Part 1Section A1.humans are wise enough to make sure that doesn’t happen.2.200 years ago people said the same thing about the Industrial Revolution.3.cars will even be able to find their own parking spaces.4.connect the human mind to a computer chip5.I don’t to expect paper books to go out of style anytime soon.Section B 1-8 C B A A C D C BPart 2Conversation 1Section A C D BSection B T F TConversation 2Section A B C C BSection B 1. From a magazine2. when the baby is inside its mother./Early in its development.3. husband and wife4. it’s unnatural and wrong.5. two, a boy and a girl.Part 4Section A C D D B D B B C C ASection B F F TSection C 1. At the point of preventing him from having diseases caused by genetic problems.2. at the point of determining what kind of baby you want.3. because parents have a stronger desire not to hurt their children.Section D 1. even hospital monitoring equipment2. is trying to make clothes3. perform many tasks4. keeping a check on the health5. closest to your body6. can measure what is happening7. when it’s dark8. that is in your clothing9. in a very loud environment10. if you’re in a meeting.Unit 2Part 1Section A1.what humans have achieved and what they are capable of2.Yes, it’s far, but with our technology.3.that something would go wrong and I’d die up in space4.that people will soon be living on the moon.5.Besides, people will live on the moon someday.Section B 1-8 B B C C C B D BPart 2Conversation 1Section A B C CSection B1. because there seems to be less chance of nuclear war these days.2. It won’t happen so soon.3. More money from the government./ Government’s financial support. Conversation 2Section A A D C DSection B T F FPart 4Section A D C C C B A C B C ASection B F F TSection C 1. discovery 2. They had to eat out of a tube.3. for another 6 months.Section D1.pilot of the moon landernded and explored the surface3.more than 3 hours4.get into space suits5.put his foot on the moon6.to be left behind7.rock and soil to take back to Earth8.an American flag9. a sign with these words10.We came in peace for all mankind.Unit 3Part 1Section A1.It means Double Income No kids.2.you have plenty of time to be with each other3.we both need to work and save more money first.4.Besides, we can still have kids later if we want5.sometimes then my husband has already gone to bed.Section B 1-8 C C B D B D A CPart 2Conversation 1Section A B D CSection B F F TConversation 2Section A D B C CSection B 1. Purpose of working and enjoyment of life2. Because there are no children in the house.3. To start a family will make him happier.4. To enjoy themselves, and to live a comfortable and enjoyable life.5. On whether they should have children.Part 4Section A A C B A D B B C D ASection B F T FSection C 1. If they come as planned and they are wanted.2. From birth to the age of 18 or beyond.3. Because they have more time to devote to each otherSection D1.11 types of families2. have the desire3. come mainly from two groups4. those with low incomes5. the size dropped to 3.1 in 19906. not to have any children7. rising costs to bring up children8. who received better education9. by the birth of the babies10.cause problems in the futureUnit 4Part 1Section A1.sometimes life is hard, but let’s remember the important things.2.while he was behind bars as a political prisoner.3.behind every great man there is a great woman.4.you must struggle together and have true faith in your husband or wife.5.Can’t you make up your mind?Section B 1-8 C C D B B A B DPart 2Conversation 1Section A B D CSection B 1. It’s Ok if they both love each other.2. the former, marriage between a young woman and an older man.3. true love is very important in marriage.Conversation 2Section A C B A DSection B F T TPart 4Section A B A D C B D C D B ASection B T T FSection C 1. A safe harbor where the other person wants to be.2. How important religion is in your lives and in your children’s lives.3. Make time for each other. Have a regular date night without kids. Section D1. having a full-time job2. once their children start school3. brings no increase4. as many hours as men5. spent on paid work6. the quality of part-time jobs7. lowering the cost of child care8. the same point of view9. prefer to stay at home10. from working longer hoursUnit 5Part OneSection A1.It’s cheaper than using the telephoneputer pioneers thought no one would ever buy a home computer3.I thought we were chatting here, in person4.We don’t have to get a new computer every two years5.Why is modern life so dominated by technology?Section B1-5 BACDC 6-8 DBCPart TwoConversation 1 1-3 DCAConversation 2 1-4 BDACPart FourSection APassage 1 1-3 DCBPassage 2 4-6 DBCPassage 3 7-10 DBBASection D1. a short way of2.add information to their blogs every day3.their lives, ideas and opinions4.creating and reading blogs5.more than sixty million6. a way to show their writings7.who have the same interests8.concerns about their work9.teenagers and young adults10.with an increasing number of friendsUnit 6Part 1Section A1.He’s the boss, he makes the rules.2.even your identity itself.3.I think the world we live in is interesting and exciting already.4.can obtain people’s personal information.5.so you get mail only from addresses you know.Section B 1-8 C B A C D B C APart 2Conversation 1Section A C D DSection B 1. some books 2. to market stuff to you 3. because he thinks that invade people’s privacy.Conversation 2Section A C C D ASection B F T TPart 4Section A B A C B C D B A C CSection B F T TSection C 1. Children of 13 to 16 years of age.2. someone of similar age to the group chatting online.3. to build trust.Section D1.receive cards around Christmas.2.match the moment.3.all from strangers.4.promised to load the card.5.I got the second one.6.sent by bad people7.to tell the good e-cards from the bad8.Don’t open anything9.the e-mail address of the sender10.call your friend.。

大学英语听说教程2答案Unit 1: Greeting and Introducing YourselfSection A1.A: Good morning! How are you? B: Good morning! I’m fine, thank you. And you?2.A: What’s your name? B: My name is David. What about you?3.A: Where are you from? B: I’m from China. How about you?4.A: What’s your major? B: I’m majoring in English. What’s your major?5.A: How old are you? B: I’m 20 years old. And you?Section B1.A: Good afternoon! Is this seat taken? B: No, it’s not. Please have a seat.2.A: Excuse me, are you Sarah? B: No, I’m not Sarah.I’m Emily.3.A: Nice to meet you. My name is John. B: Nice to meet you too, John. I’m Lily.4.A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment near the university.5.A: What do you do in your free time? B: I usually read books or watch movies.Unit 2: Daily RoutinesSection A1.A: What time do you usually get up? B: I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.2.A: What time do you have breakfast? B: I have breakfast at around 8 o’clock.3.A: What time do you go to school? B: I go to school at 9 o’clock.4.A: What time do you have lunch? B: I have lunch at 12 o’clock noon.5.A: What time do you go to bed? B: I usually go to bed at around 11 o’clock at night.Section B1.A: What do you do in the morning? B: In the morning, I usually take ashower and have breakfast.2.A: What do you do in the afternoon? B: In the afternoon, I attendclasses and do homework.3.A: What do you do in the evening? B: In the evening, I usually havedinner and relax.4.A: What do you do on weekends? B: On weekends, I often hang outwith friends or go shopping.5.A: What do you do before going to bed? B: Before going to bed, Iusually brush my teeth and read a book.Unit 3: Hobbies and InterestsSection A1.A: What are your hobbies? B: My hobbies include playing the pianoand cycling.2.A: Do you like spo rts? B: Yes, I’m a big fan of basketball.3.A: Have you ever traveled abroad? B: Yes, I have been to severalEuropean countries.4.A: What kind of music do you like? B: I like various genres of music,such as pop and rock.5.A: Do you enjoy cooking? B: Yes, I find cooking to be a relaxing andcreative activity.Section B1.A: How often do you play the piano? B: I try to practice the pianoevery day for at least an hour.2.A: Are you part of any sports club? B: Yes, I am a member of theuniversity basketball team.3.A: Where was your last trip? B: My last trip was to France last summer.4.A: Who is your favorite singer? B: My favorite singer is Taylor Swift.5.A: What’s your signature dish? B: I make a mean spaghetti bolognese.Remember, these answers are just examples and may vary depending on personal preferences and experiences.。

新标准大学英语听说教程1答案Unit 1。
Part I。
1. b2. a3. c4. b5. a6. b7. c8. a9. b 10. c。
Part II。
1. What’s your name?2. Where are you from?3. What’s your major?4. What do you like to do in your spare time?5. How do you like your new school?Part III。
1. b2. c3. a4. b5. a。
Unit 2。
Part I。
1. c2. b3. a4. c5. a6. b7. c8. a9. b 10. c。
Part II。
1. What’s your favorite season?2. What’s the weather like in your hometown?3. What do you usually do on weekends?4. Do you like sports?5. Have you ever traveled to another country?Part III。
1. a2. c3. b4. a5. c。
Unit 3。
Part I。
1. a2. c3. b4. a5. c6. b7. a8. c9. b 10. a。
Part II。
1. What’s your favorite food?2. Do you like cooking?3. What’s your favorite Chinese dish?4. Have you ever tried any exotic food?5. Do you have any dietary restrictions?Part III。
1. c2. b3. a4. c5. a。
Unit 4。
Part I。
1. b2. c3. a4. b5. c6. a7. b8. c9. a 10. b。

大学英语教材unit1听力答案Unit1 听力答案
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. A
23. B
24. C
25. A
以上是大学英语教材Unit 1听力部分的答案。
总结以上提到的答案,希望可以帮助您更好地理解和掌握大学英语教材Unit 1听力部分的内容。

A bottle of wine or a small box of chocolates
his American friends What should say to them
Why don’t you get them to talk about themselves
listening to CDs I can’t stand crowds of pushing people
I know what you mean
1. c d
2. 1) Private 2) Halls of Residence 3) Self-catering
4) 37.86 pounds 5) 52.78 pounds
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1
My American friend weekend That’s great
never been to a party given by a foreigner I won’t know how to act
But it’s easier said than done
2. Like what Yeah Hmm, let me think Well Come to think of it
Listening Strategy
92381 2608 1540 75 156 900 84,200 1,735 9:40 5:45
2. Yang Chemistry
Likes Listening to English programs on radio& TV;
大学英语听力第一册Unit 4答案

Mr. Phillips: Was the traffic bad? We were in traffic jams for three hours. I left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route. For the first time, I used the M4. Never again. That was because of the storms last night. Then the traffic lights were out of order. After that there was a breakdown and.., finally, I ran out of petrol.
Mr. Phillips: The traffic is still terrible. I’ve been in a traffic jam for more than an hour. Look after the office until I get there. It may take a long time.
But what is the LRT? It is a 12.5-kilometre route, above and below ground. The light train cars are made in Germany and Canada. In Germany they are made by Siemens in Dusseldorf, and then taken to Canada where final assembly is done in Calgary. Each car is just over 24 metres long, and each train is operated by only one man — the driver. The driver is in a separate cabin, and he can’t talk to passengers.

大学英语听力第三册答案大学英语听力第三册答案及原文Lesson 1Part A1.b2.b3.a 4 a 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.b11.a 12.b 13.a 14.a 15.b 16.a 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.aPart B1 1).b 2).b 3)c 4)a 5) d2.1) strong 2) handsome 3) Spanish 4) Italian 5) Arabic6)swimming 7) football 8)cooking 9)sewing 10)ironingPassage1.2) (√ ) 3) (√) 6 (√) 8(√) 10(√)2.1) dinner things some sewing2) tired immediately after dinner3) piece of paper the small table4) 8 a.m. another piece of paper the small table near his bed.5) Father-----Wake up. It’s 7 a. m.---Mother.Lesson 2Part AI. 1. brought\present 2. prefer\black 3. brown\blue 4. Probably\Please 5. traffic\dreadful6. drive\laundry7. pleased\plan8. practice\pronunciation9. Bring\ice cream 10.drink\plentyII. Great\France\abroad\stay\spend\traveling\speakFrench\French\improvedPart BDialogue1. 1) a 2) b 3) d 4) b 5) c2. 1) new shopping center shopping.2) Tom had been given a raise by Mr. Davis.3) had got a bad cold.4) dancing lessons.5) part-time job at the garage.Passage1. 1) b 2) d 3) c 4) d 5) c2. 1) a. many b. Parents\children\grandparents c. Uncles\aunts2) a. childless\only a woman and a man b. move from job to job c. even smallerLesson 3Part A1.c2.b3.d 4c 5dII B: just fineB: OK pretty bad worriedA: childrenB: fine working with his hands does wellA: dancingB: enjoysPart B1. 1) d 2)a 3)d 4)b 5)c2.1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)TPassage1.1.)a 2)c 3)b 4)c 5)d2. Advantages 1)less money 2)half an hour 3)about traffic jams 4)the cold railway platforms for crowded trainsDisadvantages 1)waterproof 2)cold, in winter 3)not really cheaperLesson 4Part AI.1. Twice a week.2. Radios and TV sets.3. Sometimes by bus; sometimes by taxi.4. Last weekend.5. Linda.6. 31,579.7. 7 feet long.8. 4,500 years old.9. 5 degrees below zero.10. A 15 minutes’ walk.II.1. My watch is about 10 minutes slow.2. John and Mike are of the same height. They are exactly 6 feet tall.3. The French dictionary is 1,290 pages thick.4. Peter’s car is as expensive as Mary’s. It cost $2,150.5. This table is only 3 feet wide. It is not wide enough for me.Part BPassage 11. 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) a 5) d2. 2) 4) 6) 8) 9)Passage 21. 1) c 2) b 3) d 4) d 5) a2. 1) 3) 4) 5) 7)Lesson 5Part AI. 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.c 10.aII. 1.Would you mind passing me the salt?Here you are.2.Do you think you could show me the way to the library?Yes, of course.3.I’d like you to do me a small fa vor.With pleasure.4.Post this letter for me, will you?Certainly.5.Could I see Dr Brown, please?I’m sorry, but he is in conference now.Part B1.1)c 2)d 3)c 4)d 5)b2.1)football 2)the oldest sport 3)walked, swimming, table tennis4)tennis shoes, running shoes, football boots 5)carpet slippers, comfortablePassage1. 1)c 2)a 3)d 4)d 5)c2. 1)More than 23,0002)14 kilometers3)An eighty-one-year-old man.4)40 minutes and two and a half hours respectively5)Both the first man and the first woman received a trophy and a free trip to San Francisco, U.S.A.Lesson 6Part AI. 26th\19th,1996\13,000\197\9\first\15,000\5,500\3rdII.Name of the Item Nationality of the Recorder-holder Record Women’s 100-Meter Free-style 1) Chinese 2) 54.50”Men’s 100 Meters 3) American 4) 9.84”Men’s Javelin 5) Finlander 6) 67.94mW omen’s 5,000 Meters 7) Chinese 8) 14’59.88”Men’s Broad Jump 9) American 10) 8.5mPart BPassage 11. 1) c 2) d 3) b 4) c 5) b2. 1) American football, in fall; basketball, in winter; baseball, in summer.2) Golf, tennis, riding, sailing, surfing, parachuting.3) Lakes, mountains and vast seacoasts.Passage 21. 1) a 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) a2. 1) every four 2) 2,700 years 3) outdoor stadium 4) 1896\Greece 5) 1,200\Roman EmperorQuiz 1Part AI. 1. About 8 hours. 2. From 12 noon to 2 p.m. and from 7 to 10:30 p.m.II. at a very large farm\it would be good for me\ It taught me a great deal\were practically self-sufficient\The place was so isolated\She had never been away from homePart BI. 1-5 FTFTTII. 1) c 2) d 3) c 4) a 5) dLesson 7Part AI. 1.1/3 2.1/4 3.2/3 4.3/4 5.5/6 6.7/8 7.9/17 8.7/20 9.8/2510.7/100II.North America Latin America Asia Europe Oceania1/16 1/12 9/16 1/8 1/200Part B1. 1)d 2)b 3)c 4)b 5)d2. 1)F 2)F 3)T 4)T 5)FPassage1. 1)d 2)d 3)a 4)c 5)d2. 1)paint their faces, put on funny noses, put on a sad face,a happy face, wear funny clothes2)jump, roll over, ride donkeys backwards, push each other shout and singLesson 8Part A1-5 a a b a a 6-10 b a a a b 11-15 a a a b b 16-20 a b a a a Part B1. 1) a 2) d 3) c 4) c 5) a2. 1) informal 2) picnic 3) brings something 4) on the table 5) whatever they like6) warm\outdoor 7) indoors 8) party\the whole neighborhoodPassage1. 1) d 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) c2. 1) serve themselves\ the living room\ their plates or trays on their knees2) hot dogs, sandwiches, potato chips, pickles,watermelons\play baseball or have a napLesson 9Part A1.a2.c3.b4.d5.a6.b7.c8.d9.b 10.dPart BI. 1.1)b 2)b 3)a 4)d 5)c2.1)They are friendly 2)David can’t take it for a walk 3)They are not intere sting 4)They are easy to look after 5)They are clean 6)They are unusual 7)They are pretty 8)Parrots can talk 9)Birds fly everywhere 10)Birds make a lot of noise and a lot of mess Passage1. 1)a 2)b 3)c 4)d 5)a2. 1)To amuse his friends with some tricks 2)He thought it was silly to send a dog for medicine 3)More than half an hour 4)less than five dollars 5)Blackie had spent it on the bone.Lesson 10Part ALogical: 1. 5. 6. 9. 10 Illogical: 2. 3. 4. 7.8Part BPassage 11. 1) a 2) c 3) d 4) c 5) a2. 1) intelligence, physical fitness and sense of responsibility2) traffic\streets safely\forward\left\right\sit\lead its owner into danger Passage 21. 1) d 2) d 3) a 4) c 5) c2. tick: cat\parrot\snake\dog\tortoise\lion\monkey\cross: elephant\bull\panda\rabbit\duck\pheasant\cock\fox Lesson 11Part AI.1.O 2.R 3.O 4.R 5.R 6.R 7.O 8.O 9.R 10.OII.1.Shall I take it downstairs for you?2.Do you want me to have it copied?3.I hope you won’t make any noise.4.Would you are for a walk with me in the park?5.Remember to mail the parcel, will you?Part BI. 1.1)d 2)c 3)c 4)a 5)b2.1)morning 2)walk through Hyde Park 3)the British Museum 4)theater 5)take a bus from the British MuseumPassage1. 1)c 2)d 3)c 4)d 5)b2. 1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)TLesson 12Part APassage1-5 a d c a b 6-10 c d d b dPart B1. 1) c 2) a 3) b 4) d 5) a2. 1) a c e g h 2) c f g h iDialogue1. 1) c 2) d 3) d 4) a 5) d2. 1) at a restaurant on the top platform2) the night scene of the city3) the world-famous paintings4) along the river banks5) a lot of picturesLesson 13Part A1.T2.F3.F4.T5.T6.F7.T8.F9.T 10.T 11.F 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.F 16.F 17.F 18.T 19.T 20.F Part B1. 1)c 2)b 3)d 4)b 5)c2. 1)beautiful 2)Queen Cleopatra 3)a two minutes’ walk 4)about 137 meters 5)230 meters 6)nearly 4500 7)about 60 meters 8)162 meters 9)15 meters 10) some hundred thousand laborersPassage1.1)London, Athens, British Airways 2)raining, fine and warm 3)beautiful island, Olympic 4)Athens Airways the end of our trip 5)132.1)Parthenon 2)the National Museum 3)went to a concert 4)the beautiful view of the sea and island 5)typical Greek food 6) walking down the beaches 7)a small fishing village 8)a tavern 9)met and talked 10)a nice eveningLesson 14Part A1-5: a b b b a 6-10: b b a a a 11-15: a a a b b 16-20: a b b b bPart BDialogue1. 1) c 2) b 3) b 4) c 5) a2. 1) the Castle2) a narrow street of medieval houses3) Holyrood Palace4) the Queen at present5) the shopping centerPassage1. 1) c 2) d 3) b 4) b 5) d2. 1) a lot of wine2) Spanish food3) many interesting places4) coffee in Venice5) a lot of photographs6) Taj Mahal7) on an elephant8) hitch-hiked around the country9) Coca-Cola10) bought many American pop recordsLesson 15Part AI.1)August 12,1985 2)June 23,1985 3)329 4)in Chicago 5)May 25,1979 6)2737)Oct.31,1996 8)95 9)Nov.1,1996 10)141II. Nov.13,1996, about 350 people, on the north Indian Plain, 80, There were no survivors,312, that had just taken off, 37 people,that was prepared to land.Part BPassage 11. 1)c 2)d 3)b 4)b 5)c2. 1)in a skyscraper in Chicago 2)the roof and getting onto the helicopter 3)collapsed 4)six 5)small island 6)the harbor and getting on a ship 7)hit the town 8)farm 9)his house 10)crashed into the trees and exploded.Passage 21.1)c 2)d 3)b 4)b 5)a2.1)No 2)No 3)Yes 4)No 5)YesLesson 16Part A1-5: b b c c d 6-10: b d a d cPart BDialogue1. 1) b 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) d2. checking some work\slipped and fell\lying in a hospital\broken his leg\still hurt\more careful\go back to work too soon\be on crutches\wear a cast\the accidentPassage1. 1) b 2) a 3) d 4) d 5) b2. in front of\reverse his car\drove straight in\laughed\be young to dothat\nothing\crashed into\much of the Mini\the young driver\said with a smileLesson 17Part AI.1.Yes 2.No 3.Yes 4.No 5.NoII.1.b 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.cPart BDialogue 1III.1. 1)b 2)d 3)c 4)d 5)b2.school director, worked late, 9:15, walked to his car, hit on the head, wearing a stocking,dropped, his leg was broken, interview, attackDialogue 21. 1)b 2)d 3)c 4)c 5)a2. the careers advisory officer, advice, a few questions, qualifications from school, ballet, playing the piano, teacher of music, talking, the other room, own ideasLesson 18Part AI. 1-5: a d b c b 6-10: d b c a dII. 18\is leaving school\for advice\a good pay\think much of the job\supermarket\It seems to Cathy\are not well-paid\boring\up to now she hasn’t found any jobPart BDialogue 11. 1) b 2) a 3) c 4) d 5) a2. a few months ago\ a man and a woman\witness-box\answering the lawy er’s questions\go into and come out of\a woman\a hat\a bag\a blonde wig and black platform shoes\on a tableDialogue 21. 1) A nice meal2) ambition3) To go to Indonesia4) greatest achievement5) Getting to Oxford University6) admire most7) get on with best of all8) My wife9) happened to you yesterday10) You’re the most wonderful person in the world.2. 1-5: F T T F TLesson 19Part A1.d2.a3.b4.b5.c6.b7.a8.d9.b 10.dPart BPassage 11 1)b 2)c 3)d 4)b 5)d2.1)five times stronger than the original voice 2)Colorado3)in the morning, in the afternoon 4) A small church 5)’Good morning! How are you?’, ‘Very well, thank you. And how are you?’Passage 21.1)d 2)c 3)b 4)a 5)c2.1)About a three-hour train ride away 2)Because he wanted to make the trip more interesting for them 3)She wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper, gave it to him and sent him off again. 4)Ten minutes later. 5) He forgot where he had pput thepiece of paper. / He forgot what he was going to do, etc.Lesson 20Part A1-5: d b d b c 6-10: b a c b dPart BPassage 11. 1) c 2) d 3) c 4) d 5) a2. 1) thickest in years\pea soup\terrible\to see anything2) crept along\were on\blew furiously\came to a standstill\could be found3) a graveyardPassage 21. 1) a 2) c 3) d 4) c 5) d2. 1) a. A fighter b. crashed onto the ground c. lost consciousnessd. was saved by a group of nuns2) a. talk with the nuns and the nurses. b. stay in his small room as much as possible3) a. very quiet and shy b. turned away\glanced her wayTestPart AI. 1-5: a d c a c 6-10: a a d c bII. 1) can easily learn quite long poems by heart.2) which have been repeated to them many times.3) English writer4) tell you the name of every shop5) a great help in learning a language6) remembering7) in childhood days8) seem to learn two languages easily at the same time9) the pupils have little chance to hear and speak the language out of class10) busy with other subjects.Part B1-5: c d a b a 6-10: d c d c dPart C Passage 11. c2. c Passage 23. d4. c5. d6. c Passage 37. b8. a9. a10. d。

V ocabularyUnit 1accustomed precaution campaign artistic infiniteplunge disastrous overcome revive retreatdistract mission1.I’ve always envied painters and poets — I have no _____ abilities at all. Artistic2.He’s struggling to _____ his fear of flying, but he still panics sometimes when hehas to board a plane. overcome3.She held her newborn baby with _____ tenderness. infinite4.The whole nation was _____ into profound grief when Princess Diana died in anaccident.plunged5.The volunteers’ _____ is to work with the police to reduce crime on the streets of NewYork.mission6.The city is planning a public _____ to awaken people to the problem of noisepollution.campaign7.He was knocked unconscious by a stone, and after I _____ him, he didn’t recogni ze me.revived8.Once their books are open, A students don’t let anything _____ them from theirstudies. distract9.Amanda wasn’t feeling well that day but she performed in the play with her _____ ease.accustomed10.When you feel overwhelmed by the complications of life in the big city, it’s good to_____ to the countryside for a few days.retreat11.In times of war, people usually buy and store more f ood as a _____ against shortage.precaution12.The closing of the cigarette factory had _____ effects on the town’s economy.disastrous1.Please _____ all the boxes clearly so that we’ll know which ones are ours and whichbelong to you. Label2.It’s not a simple question. Many different factors have _____ to create the currentcrisis. converged3.I can never repay my parents for the many _____ they made for me. sacrifices4.Research shows that humor and fear are two excellent ways to _____ students.motivate5.At first tea was produced only in China; it was later _____ to India and Japan.transplanted6.The sight of the animals’ sufferings so _____ him that he vowed never to visit the zooagain. horrified7. A mother’s _____ with her newborn baby is an infinitely de ep one that nothing canreplace. bond8.In Australia, women _____ 51% of the population, but occupy only 19% of themanagerial positions. constitute9.Thousands of striking workers _____ into the city square, demanding higher wages andbetter working conditions. surged10.There was a deep-rooted racial _____ long before the two countries became rivalsand went to war. prejudice11.Mary _____ having to go to work while her husband sits about the house all day. resents12.Not all of the author’s _____ for improving students’ performance at school arelogical. recommendationsUnit 3Thrive ensure surpass conflict justifyEscalate represent qualified apparent approve1.We expected Ellen to do well, but when she got straight A’s she _____ all ourexpectations. Surpassed2.You made a good decision, and I thoroughly _____ of it. approved3.They arrived at the stadium three hours early to _____ that they’d get good seats. ensure4.The company is now _____ thanks to the skillful management and outstandingtechnology. Thriving5.The directors’ disagreement rapidly _____ into a fight, so the meeting became moreexciting than anyone had expected. escalated6.As a junior member of the school’s teaching staff, Janet didn’t feel _____ to discuss theissue with the principal. qualified7.The 20-year-old tennis player’s dream is to _____ China at the next Olympics. represent8.It was becoming _____ that the elderly chemist’s skills were no longer needed. apparent9.I don’t understand how you can _____ spending money on space explor ation when thereare hungry children in the world. justify10.Many of the _____ that spring from cultural differences can be avoided if you keep anopen mind. conflicts1.After Henry lost his job, he couldn’t even _____ the necessities of life. afford2.Our current economic circumstances _____ any nonessential purchases. preclude3.The article puts a lot of _____ on the value of failure as a learning experience. emphasis4.Success that comes too easily makes people more _____ to failure when real challengesarise. prone5.Scientific discoveries would make greater contributions to society if all of them areproperly _____ to industrial production. applied6.Nancy _____ herself as an ice-skater at a very early age, winning three nationalcompetitions before she was fifteen. distinguished7.She was so _____ with ice-skating that she never had time for normal childhoodactivities and experiences. obsessed8.Failure is painful for adults and children _____, but it can also be a good teacher. alike9.Sam called the interviewer to _____ about why his application had been turned down.enquire10.My first _____ was to tell him he was a fool, but I controlled myself. Impulse11.Years of living overseas had made her _____ a foreigner in her own country. practically12.The lecturer’s remarks _____ a storm of excited questions from the audience. promptedUnit 5Prospective ultimately employment minimumExhibit setting determination eligibleLoan priority claim sponsor1.There are plenty of companies that are eager to _____ young athletes if they showenough promise. sponsor2.To succeed in life it is not sufficient only to have talent, capacity and training, one mustalso have _____ or a strong will. determination3.I don’t _____ to be an expert on modern art, but I do know this painting is ugly! claim4.When his _____ employers learned that he had had a drinking problem, they decidedagainst hiring him. prospective5.The position requires a mast er’s degree and a _____ of two years’ work experience.minimum6.David struggled for years to make it as an actor, but _____ gave up an went back to hismusical career. ultimately7.Overseas students are _____ to enroll in all the regular courses, provided they have thenecessary qualifications. eligible8. A Korean company is planning to open a factory here, which will provide _____ forabout 2,000 people. employment9.I’d always worked in an academic _____, so my new position as an office manager wasa big change for me. setting10.It’s much easier for big businesses to get bank _____ than it is for small companies. loans11.There’s a new _____ of classical artwork at the museum — do you want to go? exhibit12.The city government’s first _____ is to build a new airport thi s year. PriorityUnit 61.Stephen Hawking soon proved himself to be a scientist of great _____ and creativity.Insight2.Fear of making mistakes is one of the main _____ to mastering spoken English. obstacles3.The disease affected his muscles and nervous system and gradually _____ him. paralysed4.Cloning, a technological breakthrough, _____ some serious ethical (伦理的) problems.poses5.This book has been _____ a modern masterpiece. proclaimed6.The storms are _____ to reach the North of the country tomorrow morning. predicted7._____, his theories created a lot of controversy in scientific circles, but now they’rewidely accepted. Initially8.The old man lives alone and is rarely visited by his neighbors, who consider him _____.eccentric9.The government must take some measures to narrow the _____ between the rich and thepoor. gap10.Although he knew he would _____ a great fortune from his father, Richard wasdetermined to earn his own living. InheritTranslationUnit11. 老伴60多岁中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。
大学英语自主学习听力答案及原文 (1)

Model Test 8Section Al. W: Hello, this is Mary Conners. May I speak to my husband please?M: He has just gone out with a customer to show him a new car. Shall I have him call back?Q: What type of work does Mr. Conners do?(C) He has just gone out with a customer to show him a new car.意思是Mr. Conners 去给顾客看新车,由此可见他应该是个汽车销售员。
2. M: How did you like the movie last night?W: Well, considering the reviews it had received, we were expecting a much better oneQ: How did the woman feel about the movie?(A) 从女士的回答中可以推断出她对电影的态度。
We were expecting a much better one说明她们期待的电影要好得多,即实际的没有想像的好,因此她的态度应为失望。
3. W: Richard has offered to help in the project, why do you still keep it a secret?M: We suspect he has something up his sleeves.Q: What does the man think about Richard?(D) 本题的关键是要理解短语have something up one's sleeves,意思是暗中已有打算,也就是说我们怀疑Richard主动帮助我们的原因,故选D。

大学英语四级听力练习及参考答案听力真题:17.A. The plane is full.B. The plane is late.C. The plane has broken down.D. The flight is canceled.18.A. All rooms are taken.B. Many spare rooms are available.C. There are only double rooms.D. There is just a single room.答案解析:17.W: Sorry, sir. The flight is somewhat behind schedule.M: Thank you. You will tell us as soon as you know somethingdefinite,won't you?Q: What can we learn from the conversation?正确答案:B解析:女士说飞机晚点了,故B正确。
late即behind schedule的同义表达。
18.M: I sent a letter to make a reservation for a single room a few days ago.W: I'm sorry, but your request arrived too late. There are some conferences in town this week and we're full up.Q: Why couldn't the man book a room as he wished?正确答案:A解析:女士回答说,因为这个星期城里有些会议,所以房间都订满了。
据full up是订房场景的常用关键词可作答。
听力真题:13.A. Intensive Reading.B. Extensive Reading.C. Literature.D. Listening.14.A. The woman goes to a full-time school.B. The woman has to work to support herself.C. The woman's classes are not difficult.D. The woman takes evening courses.答案解析:13.W: Have you bought all the books you need thissemester yet?M: I've bought a book for listening practice, but thetextbooks for intensive reading and literature weresold out.Q: Which course has the man got a book for?正确答案:D解析:男士说他“买了一本听力书”,可知选项D听力正确。

大学英语听力第一册答案(不含听力原文)Focus Listening Book 1Lesson 1Part AⅠ 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 d 9 d 10 cⅡ 1 Please read the text after me2 Did Bill send his sister a TV set3 Will you give me that map4 spent ten days at that factory5 Will you sit next to BillPart BDialogue 11 Paris French2 know your name3 Sure4 to meet you2 1 b 2 d3 a4 a5 cDialogue 21 1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T2 1) She is studying Chinese history.2) She lives on the campus in the school’s International Students’ Dormitory.3) She thinks they are very interesting.4) She is a British student studying Chinese history in Mr Li’s class.5) It’s so beautiful, just like a park.Lesson 2Part AI. 1.a 2.b. 3.d. 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.c 9.d 10.aII. How do you do? Tom What about you? How do you do? To meet youPart B1.c2.a3.b4.c5.d2.1)Good.Let’s go. 2)No.I’m in Mr Brown’s class. 3) I like watching soccer games. 4)Yes,I will.Thank you.Passage1.1)electronic engineer 2)professor of American history 3)medical doctor 4)clerk in the Department of Education 5)artist2.1)T 2)T 3)F 4)T 5)TLesson 3Part AⅠ 1 c 2 b 3 d 4 c 5d 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 cⅡ 1 Thank you for the fish you bought me.2 I don’t think the ship will sink.2 Will you show me the skirt on the third shelf?3 Mr. Smith has got three new shirts.4 What she said made me think a lot.Part BDialogue 11 1) c 2) a 3) c 4) d 5) b2 1) 4 th tall2) 6 th the same3) moved in two weeks4) do some shopping weekend5) the airport meet his friends from BeijingDialogue 21 1) b 2) c 3) a 4) d 5) c2 1) Yes, it is.2) Yes, I am.3) Medicine.4) No. I’m going to take some photographs.5) Yes. I’d love one.Lesson 4Part AI.1.red 2.fine 3.rain 4.wrong 5.three 6.cloud 7.save 8.pair 9.cook 10.eyesII.1.buy 2.John 3.Look 4.ship 5.work 6.Mrs 7.stay 8.bought 9.crowds 10.collectPart B1.1)b 2)d 3)c 4)d 5)d2. 1)Come in 2)look very well 3)both so tall 4)grown up 5)Please call me JanePassage1.10c 2)a 3)c 4)d 5)b2. Ten high school three years the same university the street have lunch nearest restaurant by the window keep in touch pleasant timeLesson 5Part AⅠ 1 D 2 D 3 S 4 S 5 D 6 D 7 S 8 D 9 D 10 DⅡ1 fill 2 fell 3 meal 4 taste 5 soap 6 washing 7 bus 8 shirt 9 cold 10 sailPart BDislogue11 1) b 2) c 3) a 4) d 5)c2 1) in the cold wind2) at this time of the day.3) from the other side of the street4) home for a walk in the park5) before supper6) by bus7) on foot8) interesting9) take a No.3 busDialogue 21 1) reading a magazine2) watching a cowboy film on TV3) calling her boyfriend4) doing his homework/practicing his English2 1) b 2) d 3) c 4) c 5) bLesson 6Part AI.1.seat 2.light 3.quite 4.mess 5.fear 6.bag 7.sleep 8.pain 9.hair 10.liveII.1.parcel 2.She’s 3.thick 4.pain 5.paper 6.box 7.bold te 10.billPart BPassage1.1)d 2)b 3)d 4)c 5)b2.1)all over the room on the table under the table 2)on the bookshelf 3)Four on the bed 4)Two on the floor 5)up and down 6)under the bedDialogue1.1)b 2)c 3)c 4)b 5)c2.1)writing a term paper 2)building a rocket 3)washing her hair 4)studying 5)watching a baseball gameQuiz 1Part AI.1.clock 2.Dry 3.girl 4.walk 5.started 6.leave 7.these 8.house 9.toy 10.treeII1.Are you from England? 2.I’m trying to get there earlier. 3.I would like to meet today 4.is playing in his room now 5.It’s very boring to walk through the street.Part BI. How are you? Fine And you? Just fine. Germany really? On holiday How nice ByeII.1.c 2.a 3.dLesson 7Part AThe Alphabet1) Alaska 2) AK 3) California 4) CA 5) Colorado 6) CO7) Florida 8) FL 9) Hawaii 10) HI 11) Illinois 12) IL 13) Nebraska 14) NE 15) Iowa 16) IA 17) Indiana 18) IN 19) Wisconsin 20) WIPart BDialogue 11 1)T 2) T 3) F 4)F 5)F2 1) you can help me2) let me do that3) swim lie in the sun play beach volleyball4) Sounds nice5) talk to my husband firstDialogue 21 1) F 2)F 3) T 4)F 5) T2 1) What’s that?2) Yes, of course.3) No, of course not.4) I have a sitting room upstairs.5) SureLesson 8Part AI.1)2 2)40 3)15 4)38 5)50 6)89 7)75 8)33 9)88 10)4II1)753-1929 2)664-1392 3)406-3239 4)558-8966 5)167-6752Part B1.1)d 2)b 3)c 4)c 5)b2.1)F 2)t 3)t 4)f 5)passage1.1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)F2.1.By car 2)At 11 o’clock 3)Mrs Jones 4)T the cinema 5)Becausew neither of them wanted to wash the dishes at home.Lesson 9Part AⅠ1 10th 2 3rd 3 11th 4 1st 5 2nd 6 4th 7 26th 8 12th 9 15th 10 5thⅡ 1 The game will be on the 27th of April.2 Did he say 2nd or 22nd?2 came in 3re in the game.3 The first National Games were held in Beijing.4 Mother’s Day in the United States is on the 2nd Sunday in May.Part BDialogue 11 1) a 2) b 3) c 4)d 5) aDialogue 21 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) FLesson 10Part AI.1.d 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.d 9.a 10.dII.--- -No.3 -----the corner turn left the zoo straight ahead the school the market turn left storePart BDialogue1.1)heard from you for long 2)Why not? 3)How can I get there? 4)for your invitation It’s my pleasure.Passage1.1)b 2)a 3)b 4)c 5)b2.1)driving small hotel 2)turn around drive back 3)21Lesson 11Part AⅠ 1 F 2 R 3 R 4 F 5 F 6 R 7 R 8 F 9 R 10 RⅡ 1. 2.P 3.P 4.P 5.Part BDialogue 11 1) a 2) c 3) b 4) c 5) a2 1) I’m majoring in Japanese.2) Yes, the language is hard to learn, but it’s interesting.3) different from ours.4) learn the culture of a nation5) Good luck, then.Dialogue 21 1) She speaks four languages.2) He speaks French, Greek, Arabic and English.3) Yes, a little.4) She has a lot of trouble with spelling.5) No, they are not.2 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) TLesson 12Part AI.1.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.c 10.dII.1.What’s the main idea of the story?2.Who seems to be doing the housework in the family?3.How can I get to the Italian restaurant?4.What are you majoring in?5.Why doesn’t Mary like walking through the street?Part BDialogue1.1)F 2)T 3)T 4)T 5)F2.1)can’t catch a word 2)every word key words 3)the key words 4)main idea are repeated 5)New English 900 put on your headphones and keep your books closedPassage1.1)c 2)d 3)a 4)d 5)b2.1)stayed behind and waited 2)had some work to do 3)What did I do in school today? 4)Why did you ask me that?5)my mother ‘s going to ask me.Quiz 2Part AI.1)65 2)15th 3)36 4)406-3239 5)21st 6)3rd 7)88th 8)42nd 9)10021 10)308II.1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.cPart BI. Do you mind speaking EnglishOf course meeting some American friendsI see busy How about tomorrow morning?That’ll be fine a pleasure ByeII.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.FLesson 13Part AⅠ 1. 13 2. 19 3. 40 4. 15 5. 80 6. 16 7. 30 8. 1960 9. 1070 10. 1418 Ⅱ1 He bought 19 new pencils.2 It took them 50 hours to complete the task.3 He finished the test in 70 minutes.4 The man was 16 minutes late for the play.2 I live at 1490, 4th Street.Part BDialogue11 1) d 2) a 3) a 4) b 5) d2 1) I’m awfully sorry2) in the rain3) it was full4) by taxi5) waited for my turn for about two hours.1 1) c 2) c 3) d 4) a 5) d2 1) I have a complaint to make.2) take a seat.3) what’s more4) five or six times in the past three months5) It’s the new computerLesson 14Part AI. 1)102 2)356 3)570 4)607 5)875 6)990 7)1,068 8)3,024 9)8,631 10)7,243 II.1)580 2)6,380 3)8,848 4)900 5)338Part BDialogue1. 1)c 2)d 3)d 4)a 5)a2. 1)She lives in the apartment on the third floor.2)She lives in the apartment on the second floor.3)She is from California.4)No,he doesn’t.5)Because she didn’t put her name on it.Passage1.1)T 2)F 3)T 4)F 5)F2.1)B 2)a 3)c 4)d 5)bLesson 15Part AⅠ 1.12 2. 38 3 $89.50 4. 69.95 5. 18 6.859.99 7. 400 8. 17.99Ⅱ not too short not too long not too expensive under fifty dollars 49.99 89.99Part BDialogue 11 1)b 2) a 3) b 4) c 5) d2 1) blue 2) green 3) £30 4) £15.50 5) XL 6) S 7) expensive 8) not too expensive 9) too big 10) too smallDialogue 21 1)d 2) c 3) c 4) d 5) b2 1) a necklace a ring a watch2) was passed down her grandmother3) real diamonds4) credit card check5) 10 % off driver’s licenseLesson 16Part AII. Can I help you ? a pair of shoes Are they comfortable? She’ll like them size 7 What do you think of this pair? $35.50 I’ll take them.Part BDialogue1.1)T 2)F 3)T 4)T 5)F2.1)a sofa 2)a chair 3)$489.99 4)$199.99 5)$69.50 6)No. 7)No. 8)too expensive 9)soft and comfortable 10)10% offPassage1.1)b 2)c 3)a 4)b 5)c2.1)had been looking for 2)reasonable 3)fine white lace 4)trying to obtain stocking like these 5)the very latest fashionLesson 17Part AⅠ 1) 1882 2) 1847 3) 1955 4) 1727 5) 1867Ⅱ1. 1901 2. 1896 3 . 1800 4. 1679 5. 1874Part BDialogue 11 1) Doctor and patient2) Tired and weak3) Some pills4) To have an injection5) She should rest that day.2 1) a sore throat a headache2) whole body terrible3) Open your mouth wide4) very red sore5) An injection pills1) hate injectionsDialogue 21 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) c 5) a2 1) a. Feel well b. ached c. felt weak d. sore throate. temperature2) a. an injection first b. some medicine every four hoursin bed and rest d. plenty of water e take it easyLesson 18Part APart BDialogue1.1)d 2)b 3)d 4)b 5)a2.1)speaking, please 2)Please help me 3)red spots all over his body 4)from scratching the spots 5)I won’t let him do that.Passage1.1)d 2)d 3)b 4)a 5)b2.1)$500 2)$25 3)He pretended that it was his second visit and paid twenty-five dollars.4)He looked at the businessman carefully, smiled and put the money into the drawer of his desk. 5)NoQuiz 3Part AI. 1)$13.95 2)1809 1865 3)42 4)13th 5)431-8321 6)917 7)2903 8)69thII.1.I don’t think it’s big enough for me. 2.We have many for you to choose from.3.This watch is passed down from my grandmother.4.Why do you stay at home all day long?5.There’s no need for me to examine you again.Part BI. What's wrong with you? look well the flu That’s too bad see a doctor thenGoing to the hospital stay in bed drink plenty of waterII.1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.FLesson 19Part AⅠ1 c 2d 3 b 4 a 5 b 6c 7 d 8 a 9 c 10 bⅡ 1 May I come in? ---Of course.2 Do you mind turning down the music a bit? ---Sure not.3 What seems to be the trouble? --- I feel very tired.4 How do you like this chair? ---It’s comfortable5 May I ask you a question? ---Go ahead.Part BDialogue 11 1) d 2) c 3) d 4) a 5) c2 1) a baseball and a bat 2) a CD Player 3) a skateboard4) a mitt and a birthday cardDialogue 21 ten niece birthday her friends singing ‘Happy Birthday’2 1) d 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) dLesson 20Part AI.1)c 2)d 3)a 4)b 5)d 6)b 7)c 8)b 9)d 10)aII. boots cars chocolate money lots snow ice health happiness lovePart BPassage1. Christmas big party Many guests small man to meet to the bar drink happily an hour drank2.1)c 2)d 3)d 4)a 5)aDialogue1.1)b 2)b 3)c 4)a 5)a2.1) I expect 2)I’m not disturbing you 3)Good idea 4)think about the mess 5)clean up afterwardsTESTPartI.1)1968 2)113 3)275-1088 4)30th 5)14th 6)22nd 7)4th 8)154 9)$210 10)$59.95II.1.c 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.dPart BI. Sunday in the evening left East Road along some time 23rd first turning right on the cornerII.1.d 2.b 3.d 4.b 5.c。

大学英语听力试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)1. 听下面对话,选择正确答案。
A. 他们正在讨论一部电影。
B. 他们正在讨论一本书。
C. 他们正在讨论一个电视节目。
答案:A2. 根据对话,下列哪项是正确的?A. 男人建议去图书馆。
B. 女人建议去电影院。
C. 男人建议去公园。
答案:B3. 听短文,回答以下问题:A. 短文中提到的活动是什么?B. 这个活动通常在什么时候举行?C. 参加这个活动需要什么条件?答案:A. 短文中提到的活动是马拉松比赛。
B. 这个活动通常在每年的春季举行。
C. 参加这个活动需要提前注册并提交健康证明。
4. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
A. 短文中提到的城市是伦敦。
B. 短文中提到的城市是纽约。
C. 短文中提到的城市是巴黎。
答案:C5. 听对话,回答以下问题:A. 男人为什么迟到了?B. 女人建议男人做什么?C. 他们计划去哪里吃饭?答案:A. 男人迟到了因为他错过了公交车。
B. 女人建议男人下次早点出门。
C. 他们计划去市中心的一家意大利餐厅吃饭。
二、听力填空(共20分)6. 听短文,填写以下信息(每空1分,共10分): - 短文中提到的科学家的名字是______。
- 他的主要贡献是在______领域。
- 他的研究帮助了______的发展。
答案:- 短文中提到的科学家的名字是爱因斯坦。
- 他的主要贡献是在物理学领域。
- 他的研究帮助了现代科技的发展。
7. 根据对话,填写以下信息(每空1分,共10分): - 男人计划去______度假。
- 女人建议他去______。
- 他们讨论的目的地位于______。
答案:- 男人计划去夏威夷度假。
- 女人建议他去泰国。
- 他们讨论的目的地位于亚洲。
三、听力判断(共20分)8. 听短文,判断以下陈述是否正确。
- 短文中提到的新技术可以减少能源消耗。
()- 短文中提到的新技术需要大量的资金投入。
()- 短文中提到的新技术目前还未广泛应用。

Book-I(《大学英语》全新版)Unit 1Part ACommunicative Function1. How are you?/ I'd like you to meet my classmate.2. I'm.../ May I introduce...to you?/ Pleased to meet you.3. Come and meet my family./ ...this is Tom./ It's good to know you./ ...this is my sister.Part B Exercise 1: 1. B 2. DExercise 2:1. Yang Weiping:China/ Started learning English Favorite activity: Difficulty:2. Virginia:Singapore/ one has be to fluent in English./ Started learning Favorite activity: Difficulty:Part CExercise:How to Improve Listening ComprehensionAmong the four of listening , speaking, reading and writing, I find listening most difficult, because I about the words I don't know. Now I am trying to on the general idea, not worrying abouthe new words. This makes me good, because I know I have something. Then, I listen again and if I have any I play the difficult part again. In this way I come to better both the idea and the of the listening text.Part D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 2Part ACommunicative Function1. closing2. opening3. closing4. opening5. opening6. openingListening Strategy1. a2. b3. b4. a5. b6. a7. b8. a9. b 10. b Part B Exercise 1:1. 1) b 2) c 3) a2. dExercise 2:1. a. age b. money c. people's appearance2. a. ...say that again? I did not catch it./ b. ...speak more slowly, please?3. a....I really need to be going./ ...nice talking to you.Part CI hear this idea: 1/2 I don't hear this idea but I can infer it: 4/5/6 I don't hear this idea and I can't infer it: 3 Part D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 3Part ACommunicative FunctionMaggie swimming but she skiing. She flying on planes and traveling by train but she getting on buses because they are too crowded and dirty. she playing the piano and she reading to playing computer games. She going to Chinese restaurants and her food is spicy Sichuan bean curd. After work she is listening to music. She light music to rock, because light music makes feel relaxed. She watching TV in the evening. She news programs but sitcoms are the thing for her to watch.Listening Strategy1. /br/2. /pr/3. /kl/4. /tr/5. /sp/6. /pr/7. /pl/8. /str/9. /gr/ 10. /gl/Part B Exercise 1: 1.c 2.dExercise 2:1. Private2. Halls of Residence3. Self-catering (rent per week)4. 37.86 (single)5. 52.78 (double)Part CExercise:1. A busy life2. Between 6 and 15 hours3. They must remain current in their fields.4. They will revise and update them.Part D (Refer to Text Book )Unit 4Part ACommunicative Function1. Yeah/ By the way/ Who?/ Don't you think so?/ Yes./ Quite well.2. Like what?/ Yeah/ Hmmm, let me think./ Well./ Come to think of it.Listening Strategy1. 923812. 26083. 15404. 755. 1566. 9007. 842008. 17359. 9:4010. 5:45Part BExercise 1: 1. c 2.a 3. dExercise 2:1. At Carol's house on Saturday2. He's uncertain whether he can have a good time at the party or not.3. He is not good at small talk.4. one should talk about something other people are interested in.5. by getting them to talk about themselves.Part CExercise: 1. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.FPart D (Refer to Text Book )Unit 5Part ACommunicative Function1. Call Back David Johnson this afternoon2. Call Bill Green at 415-289-1074 this evening. It's important.3. Meet Judy outside the Art Museum at ten tomorrow morning.4. Don't forget to go to Tom's party this evening.Listening Strategy1. 6247-22552. 5404-99823. 612-930-9608Part BExercise 1: 1. b 2. aExercise 2:Telephone Message:For: Mr. Johnson of ABC ImportsCaller: Richard Alexander from Star ElectronicsMobile Phone Number: 909-555-2308Office number: 714-555-2000Message: Call Richard Alexander at office number before 6pm.Exercise:1. Brian Tong2. Good luck Company3. Computer sales representative4. a degree in Computer science5. a computer programmer in a trading company for theeyears.6. 38839673Part D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 6Part ACommunicative Function1. He wants to know where he can buy a painting2. He found out how much the dress cost as well as where hi could buy it.3. She suggests that them man buy a tie for his cousin.Listening Strategy1. 20.502. 50.953. 175.404. 50.80Part B Exercise 1:1. In a department store2. there are four people speaking in the conversation. they are the receptionist, the salesperson, Ann and Mark3. to buy a dress for AnnExercise 2: 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. cPart CExercise:1. ...some defective goods2. ...was absent/...had mistaken his shop for a second had goods store./ ...was careless3. ...the mistake/...exchange the ladies' purchases/...half the price. Part D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 7Part ACommunicative Function1.O,2.O3.F4.F5.O6.F7.O8.O9.F 10.O 11.O 12.FListening Strategy (omitted)Part B Exercise 1: 1.a 2.dExercise 2:Steve Wellsa university juniorB averagea lifeguard for two summersin an apartmenthard working and reliableseldom absent from work and always on time pay the rent of the apartmenta clerk in the mailroom2 to 6 am Monday through FridayminimumPart CExercise:mentioned: 1,3not mentioned but can be inferred: 2,5 not mentioned and can't be inferred: 4,6 Part D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 8Part ACommunicative Function1. because he dialed the wrong number2. because she was late for work. she overslept.3. because he did not notify her earlier about quitting.4. because he could not hire the woman.Listening Strategy (omitted)Part B Exercise 1: 1.c 2.b 3.cExercise 2:1. he was clumsy and spoiled everything he did.2. in a warehouse.3. he unpacked the goods newly arrived from the factory and put them in assigned places.4. Fred broke a large base.5. $3506. to deduct part of Fred's weekly wages until the base was paid for.7. as it would take a long time to deduct $350 from his wages, he could keep the job while he was paying for the vase.Part CExercise: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.bPart D (Refer to Text Book )Unit 9Part ACommunicative Function1.Mrs. FaberOct. 20thThree nightsone double room130 dollars including breakfast2.Mr. Green8:00 tomorrow morningPurdon AirportRoom 804, Park HotelListening Strategy1. March 122. May 23. 25 days4. June 9Part B Exercise 1: 1.d 2.b,d,e,f,gExercise 2: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.bPart CExercise:1. they will have two leisurely weks on the beach2. expensive/ a train or a bus3. share the expenses/ cost too much4. have enough time/ the new semester5. good food/ casual clothes/ their homePart D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 10Part ACommunicative Function1.big/exciting/crowdedexpensivelovely/historic2.1) very pretty2) lovely views3) /4) fascinating5) large shopping malls6) stores not too expensiveListening Strategy (ommitted)Part B Exercise 1: 1.a,f 2.d,gExercise 2:Located in: Catcotin in because it is cool and 11Composed of: an for and for as well as a pool and areas to and other sports.Set up by President Roosevelt in Present name given by: President Eisenhower for in Used as : presidential holiday since Used by: several for important during and in 1978, and in 2000.Part CExercise: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.FPart D (Refer to Text Book )Unit 11Part ACommunicative FunctionB: Dogs are so friendly.B: B: B: Then tropical They are pretty.B: The market. Listening Strategy1. once a week2. twice a week3. once a month4. every other day5. four nights a week6. neverPart B Exercise 1: 1.b 2.cExercise 2: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TPart CExercise: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.dPart D (Refer to Text Book )Unit 12Part ACommunicative Function: 1.c 2.dListening Strategy1. ...there are more and more ways...2. ...interested in...3. An average day...costs a dog owner...4. ...but only for a few weeks at a time5. Small talk is easy, isn't it?6. ...fill in a form...7. When I put my card in, the machine ate it.Part B Exercise 1: 1.b 2.c 3.dExercise 2:1. A customer's credit card got stuck in a ATM machine.2. ...a wrong code numger three times3. go to the counter/ fill in a form with his account number and the date/ Purpose: to get the customer a new card4. in about a weekPart CExercise: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FPart D (Refer to Text Book)Part ACommunicative Function1. he went for a visit to his hometown2. he went for an autumn walk in the hills3. he went on a river trip4. she did nothing but lie in bed5. she came down with the fluListening Strategy (committed)Part B Exercise 1: 1.c 2.dExercise 2:1. Hid belief that one day he would become a movie star2. parking cars for one of Hollywood's big restaurants3. No, his pay was only basic. but he got generous tips form guests driving into the restaurant.4. Larry parked the car of a famous film director and was able to introduce himself to the man.5. He was amused by Larry's usual way of recommending himself. Part CExercise: 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.bPart D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 14Communicative Functioncolor: orangecomposition: woolusage: to keep warmthe present: a woolen scarfListening Strategy (committed)Part B Exercise 1: 1.a 2.dExercise 2:1. ...form pictures in your own mind2. ...stay in the room where the radio set is3. ...do something else, like driving in the car, jogging, or even just walking around.4. ...half an hour or hourly intervals. ...variety of topics.5. ...the radio station they are listening to...opinions.Part CExercise: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TPart D (Refer to Text Book )Unit 15Part ACommunicative FunctionAGREE: 1,2,5,8DISAGREE: 3,4,6,7Listening Strategy : 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.b Part B Exercise 1: 1.b 2.d 3.dExercise 2:1. Roommate2. female roommate3. fifth avenue4. three blocks5. rent6. September 17. 555067928. 59. 9 p.m.10. for sale11. sofa12. easy chair13. excellent condition14. $35015. offer16. 555-679217. 518. 9 p.m.Part C Exercise: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F Part D (Refer to Text Book)Unit 16Part ACommunicative Functionsimilarities: ...family reuniondifferences:...New Year's Eve's dinnerTV 's Spring Festival Special ...firecrackers...Christmas trees...presents under the treeListening Strategy :Yes: 2, 3, 5, 7No: 1, 4, 6, 8Part B Exercise 1: 1.c,g 2.aExercise 2: 1.d 2.a 3.bPart CExercise:mentioned: 5not mentioned but can be inferred: 2not mentioned and can't be inferred: D (Refer to Text Book)test1part A : accbdbb;Part B: addbc;Part C : Languages; acquire; success; throughout; radio;concerts; successLanguages basically the understanding of the words and the relationship between sentence; this is impossible even we listen in our own languages;he can find out his strengths and weaknesses;part D: cdccdbdcdctest2:part A: c b c d c d c a ;pare B: a b d b d b d :part C: value; fashionable; delicious; possessing; source;means; Profiting the expensive of theirvictims; But in my opinion the truly happy are those who make money through their work and live within their income; In itself has little value if it does not give people read happiness;part D : ccccbcdbdc-----精心整理,希望对您有所帮助!。

大学听力英语教材答案Unit 1: Listening ComprehensionSection A1. C2. B3. A4. C5. ASection B6. C7. B8. A9. C10. BSection C11. B12. A13. C14. B15. AUnit 2: Listening SkillsSection A: Note-takingExercise 11. Main ideas: Benefits of studying abroad2. Supporting details: Improved language skills, cultural exposure, expanded network3. Examples: Improved fluency, understanding different customs, making friends from around the world4. Counterargument: Difficulties in adjusting to a new environment5. Conclusion: Overall, studying abroad offers numerous advantagesExercise 21. Main ideas: Steps to prepare for a job interview2. Supporting details: Research the company, dress professionally, practice common interview questions3. Examples: Study the company website, choose appropriate attire, rehearse answers to potential questions4. Counterargument: Overpreparation leading to sounding rehearsed5. Conclusion: Proper preparation boosts confidence and chances of successSection B: Listening for Main IdeasExercise 11. Main idea: The importance of regular exercise2. Supporting details: Physical and mental benefits, weight management, disease prevention3. Examples: Improved cardiovascular health, stress reduction, reduced risk of diabetes4. Counterargument: Lack of time and motivation5. Conclusion: Regular exercise should be prioritized for overall well-beingExercise 21. Main idea: The impact of social media on relationships2. Supporting details: Increased connectivity, digital communication challenges, privacy concerns3. Examples: Connecting with distant friends, misinterpretation of messages, leaked personal information4. Counterargument: Enhanced social connections through digital platforms5. Conclusion: Social media has both positive and negative effects on relationshipsUnit 3: Listening in Academic ContextsSection A: Academic LecturesLecture 1: Evolutionary BiologySummary: The lecture discusses the theory of evolution and its scientific basis. It covers topics such as natural selection, genetic variations, and evidence supporting the theory. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding evolution in modern scientific research.Lecture 2: Environmental ScienceSummary: The lecture focuses on the impact of human activities on the environment. It explores topics like climate change, deforestation, and pollution. The speaker highlights the need for sustainable practices to mitigate environmental problems globally.Section B: Academic DiscussionsDiscussion 1: The Role of Technology in EducationSummary: The discussion examines the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technology in the classroom. Participants discuss how technology facilitates access to information, enhances engagement, but also raises concerns about privacy and distractions.Discussion 2: Gender Equality in the WorkplaceSummary: The discussion revolves around gender-based discrimination in professional settings. Participants highlight the importance of equal opportunities, fair pay, and combating stereotypes. The emphasis is on creating inclusive work environments.Unit 4: Listening for Critical ThinkingSection A: Analyzing ArgumentsExercise 11. Claim: Animal testing is necessary for medical research.2. Evidence: Citing the development of life-saving drugs and treatments.3. Counterargument: Addressing ethical concerns and alternative research methods.4. Evaluation: Assessing the ethical and scientific aspects of animal testing.5. Conclusion: Balancing scientific progress and animal welfare remainsa complex issue.Exercise 21. Claim: Social media promotes societal isolation.2. Evidence: Referring to studies on decreased face-to-face interactions and online addiction.3. Counterargument: Highlighting opportunities for virtual connections and support systems.4. Evaluation: Assessing the impact of social media on personal relationships and mental health.5. Conclusion: Social media's effect on social connectedness is multifaceted and requires further study.Section B: Identifying FallaciesExercise 11. Fallacy: False Cause2. Explanation: Asserting a causal relationship between unrelated events.3. Example: "Wearing a lucky charm resulted in winning the lottery."4. Rebuttal: Clarifying that chance, not the charm, led to the outcome.Exercise 21. Fallacy: Ad Hominem2. Explanation: Attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself.3. Example: "You shouldn't listen to Professor Johnson's research because he wears outdated clothes."4. Rebuttal: Focusing on the validity of Professor Johnson's research rather than personal appearance.Overall, this answer key provides the necessary answers and summaries for selected exercises and listening materials commonly found in university-level English listening textbooks. It follows the format of categorizing and grouping relevant information while maintaining readability and coherence in the content.。
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Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.1. ice-skating2. chemistry3. outgoing, bright, funny4. moody, self-centered5. wavy blond6. runner-upEx.2.1. T2. F3. T4. F5. F6. TPractice TwoEx.1.1. Four2. Colleagues3. Teacher4. Susan5. BarbaraEx.2.1) Paul D E J 2) Susan B F 3) Maria C H 4) Peter A G IPractice ThreeEx.11. energetic2. patient3. honest4. stubborn5. creativeEx.21. favorite way to relax2. how to divide3. bad unripe4. stiff sore5. fastening a basketball hoopPractice FourEx.11. F2. T3. F4. F5. T1. It was easy to tell the English from the British.2. Speaking the same language helped one Australian visitor a lot.3. By “much nicer”, one of the visitors meant th at the British people were more friendly than people of other countries.4. The majority of continentals thought hightly of English manners.5. To the young student from South Africa, Britain seemed to have a lot of foreign visitors. Ex.2.1) flattering 2) critical 3) popular 4) reserved 5) EnglishEx.3.1) understand the Scots’ English2) the friendliest people3) most hospitable4) much nicer than5) English courtesy6) no views on the matter/no comments.Unit 3Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.1. natural riches2. desert3. extinction4. species5. oxyen6. economic development7. conservation8. valuable income9. awareness 10. slow down1. T2. F3. F.4. TPractice TwoEx. 11. F2. F3. T4. TEx. 21. South America; pet food; enough protein; develop2. much more; Asia; Africa3. position; natural resources; gone down; steady4. continued to rise5. getting richer and richerPractice ThreeEx.1.1. the first few seconds2. so thin3. beings from another planet4. focused on5. looked directly at6. All round7. until now8. despair, grief, and disgust 9. started crying 10. who was sleeping peacefullyEx.2. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 √Practice FourEx.1.1. B2. C3. A4. CEx.2.1) love 2) together 3) mother 4) house 5) school6) friends 7)father 8) month 9) beach 10)callUnit 4Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.1. D2. D3. A4. BEx. 2.1) sales manager 2) salary 3) sales commission 4) a car 5) travel round in 6) experience 7) university 8) on a teamPractice TwoEx. 11. B2. B3. A4. C5. CQuestions:1. Who is Janet?2. When will Janet be qualified for a more interesting secretarial job?3. What subjects has Janet taken?4. What is Janet’s decision finally?5. What can you infer from the dialog?Ex. 21. 65 words2. 90 to 100 words3. with languages; translate letters; answer the phone; foreign visitors; second foreign languagePractice ThreeEx.1.1. C2. A3. B4. D5. BEx.2.Column A1) The cook A D F2) The gardener B F3) The word processor operator A C EPractice FourEx.1.1. sensitive; extroverted2. kids3. doing a good job4. tolerance level5. patientEx.2.1. T2. F3. T4. F5. TUnit 6Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.1, 4, 5, 6, 7 √Ex. 2.1. A2. B3. C4. A5. DPractice TwoEx. 11, 3√Ex. 2.1) for free 2) small donation 3) $ 20 4) hundreds 5) eat little 6) $ 50 7) annual shots 8) numerous shots 9) diseasesPractice ThreeEx.1.1. C2. B3. D4. C5. AEx.2.2, 5, 6, 7 √Practice FourEx.1.1. C2. C3. A4. B5. DQuestions:1. What have been killed in Nevada recently?2. How were they killed?3. What is the number of the animals killed?4. How long has the killing lasted?5. Who did the killing?Ex.2.1.crowding ; water and grass2. what is happening; low3.target practice; over the area4. gotten rid ofUnit 7Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.Advantages: A D HDisadvantages: EEx. 2.1. C2. D3. B4. CPractice TwoEx. 1.1) seedy 2) company 3) shared 4) noisy 5) early6) private 7) booking 8) convenient 9) restaurant 10) bathroomsEx. 2.1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F6. TPractice ThreeEx.1.1. Fuel2. Water3. Vehicles4. clothesEx.2.1) passing lorries 2) enough water 3) drinking 4) vehicle 5) emergency 6) self-sufficient 7) car repairs 8) cost much / be costly 9) sweaters 10) European winterPractice FourEx.1.B actress A actress and authorA: 1) 4) 6) 7) B: 2) 3) 5) 8)Ex.2.1. T2. F3. F4. F5. F6. T7. F8. TUnit 8Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.3, 6, 9 √Ex. 2.1) six 2) four 3) 195 4) broad 5) slim 6) extended 7) short 8) elbows 9) knees 10) size 11) lungs 12) heartPractice TwoEx. 1.1. 19212. fit the child3. ordinary school4. adult conception1) good being 2) wise 3) realistic 4) psychology 5) freedom to be themselves 6) discipline 7) suggestion 8) religious instruction 9) scholars 10) scholars 11) street cleaners Practice ThreeEx.1.1. C2. B3. C4. BEx.2.1) F 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) FStatements:1. Chang and Eng were very tall and intelligent.2. Because they were Siamese twins, they led a poor life.3. They married sisters and had a lot of children.4. Their children lived in the twins’ original house all their lives.5. Eng died of bronchitis due to too much drink.Practice FourEx.1.1. A2. C3. D4. AQuestions:1. What is the purpose of the research done at the University of Chicago?2. What does the research done at the University of Chicago suggest?3. Why does the research done at the University of Chicago have important implications for people?4. How did the researchers try to find out the origins of certain behavior?Ex.2.1. F2. T3. T4. T5. T6. TUnit 9Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.B 1960; D 1963; A 1964;C 1970Ex. 2.1. their own style2. the nature3. sounds; experimented4. songs; records5. films; awardsPractice TwoEx. 11. 1 2 32. 2 1Ex. 2.Left hand:2) as hard as 4) on the stringRight hand:1) pick the strings 3) make the notes 5) manage the bowEx. 3.1) learn 2) carry 3) popular 4) satisfying 5) progress 6) easiest 7) less satisfying 8) mostPractice ThreeEx.1.1. T2. T3. T4. F5. F6. F7. F8. TEx.2.Bruce Spingsteen: communicative; direct; exciting; simplerSting: naturalPeter Gabriel: musicalBranford Marsalis: brilliant; humorousYoussou N’Dour: not so heavy; rhythmic; sophisticated; unusualPractice FourEx.1.1. A2. B3. A4. C5. AEx.2.1) T 2) N 3) T 4) F 5) TStatements:1. Yo-Yo Ma’s musical talent has long been known.2. Yo-Yo Ma did very well as a student at Harvard.3. Yo-Yo Ma has given concerts in many countries.4. Yo-Yo Ma’s experience in Namibia was a result of the fact that people there did not appreciate Beethoven.5. Yo-Yo Ma learned from his experience in Namibia that one should not be too proud.Unit 10Part IIIPractice OneEx.1.1. name the ship2. number of people / passengers3. names of the people / passengersEx. 2.1) N 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) TStatements:1. The teacher died before the thief and the lawyer.2. St. Peter asked each of the three a question to uate their honesty.3. Both the teacher and the thief got the answers right.4. The teacher was allowed in, but the thief was not.5. The story suggests that the lawyer is not a welcome figure in heaven.Practice TwoEx. 11) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) TStatements:1. David and John are both football players.2. John thinks that David is joking when David says he is going to die.3. John doesn’t believe what David has told him until he goes to the doctor and sees themedical certificate.4. David promises to send good news to John from Heaven to relieve his sorrow.5. It is not until two months after David dies that John gets a call from David.6. David tells John that life in Heaven is pleasant and people there are friendly.7. David tells John that Angels and God all like to play football.8. We can infer from the drama that John will die soon.Ex. 2.1) marvelous 2) shines 3) lovely 4) little team 5) the best players 6) football stadium 7) public 8) name 9) notice board 10) in two weeksPractice ThreeEx.11) beginners’2) copy down3) days of the week4) an eighth/8th day5) sure enough6) convince7) Australia8) that oneEx.21) F The story happened in a psychology class.2) T The teacher tried to carry out an experiment on speech and silence in his class.3) F It was a long time before students started to talk.4) F The students were reluctant to get involved in a general discussion.5) T The teacher himself finally fell asleep in his class.Practice FourEx.11. work, family, health, friends, spirit.2. work, bounce back. marked, damagedEx.21) undermine your worth 2) special3) set your goals4) take for granted 5) meaningless6) slip through your fingers 7) all the days8) give up 9) stop trying10) encounter risks 11) to be brave12) shut 13) give 14) hold 15) wings16) learn 17) treasure18) retrieved19) race 20) journey。