不透光烟度计,是用于检测压燃式(柴油)发动机排气(排烟)中可 见污染物的便携式智能化仪器。仪器采用先进的测量技术及国外先进 的测量部件,适合于环境保护部门、机动车检测站、汽车制造厂、汽 车修理厂等单位使用。
1.分体式结构,测量与控制单元分开,方便操作。 2.大屏幕液晶显示,可中英文切换菜单提示操作。具备不透光度和 光吸收系数两种读数,操作简单,直观方便。 3.具有自由加速试验和瞬态测量功能,并自动处理测试数据及显示 测量结果。 4.开机预热时间为 10 分钟,并进行自动调零。 5.测量单元采用分流式(取样式)技术,测量柴油车的排烟。采用 “空气幕”技术以保护光学系统免受污染。检测室恒温控制,可预防 冷凝,以及避免温度变化影响测量精度。 6.设有数据打印,与上位计算机等通讯功能,串行 RS-232 接口。 7.仪器性能符合 GB3847-2005 的要求。 8.数字式时间显示。 9.车牌号输入功能,可输入各省、市、自治区车排头以及车牌号, 使得用户在使用中,车辆和检测结果一一对应,更方便查询和各部门 之间的调用。 10.K 值超标报警:当测量时,K 值超过用户的设定值时,仪器自动 报警提示。 11.存储测量结果:测量完毕后,可存储结果。方便用户查询、打印。
测量a)将支架安装在测量单元上。 b)将取样探头的导管套在测量单元的排烟入口上,并且拧紧导管 卡箍上的螺钉,防止结合部漏气。 c)用测量信号电缆连接测量单元及控制单元的测量信号接口。 d)用电源电缆连接测量单元的电源输入插座。 e)将转速传感器连接到烟度计转速测量接口。 f)将油温传感器连接到烟度计油温测量接口。 g)把电源线插入控制单元的“电源插座”上。并注意检查仪器接 地是否良好,供仪器使用的电源插座应有可靠的保护地线,以保证操 作人员和仪器的安全,
FM RFM RFMS系列风幕机一、产品概述FM 系列风幕机是采用单相电容运行式电动机驱动,带动外型匀称的贯流铝合金风轮,或增强塑料风轮产生分布均匀的幕式气流,可减少或阻隔室内外空气对流。
RFM-I 系列热风幕机利用电热管通电后所产生的热源,RFM-II 系列暖风幕机热源采用第三代PTC 发热原件,电热转换率达98%以上,无明火、无氧耗、升温快、寿命长安全可靠。
RFMS 系列热风幕机是最新研制推出的节能型新品,该产品以热水为热媒,换热器采用STTL 型节能高效换热器,其传热效率高,空气阻力小,本厂产品具有体积小,重量轻,外型美观,节约能源,结构合理,安装及维修方便等特点。
二、型号规格说明FM 系列及RFM-I 、RFM-II 、RFMS 系列风幕机和热风幕机的拼音缩写125或150是表示风轮直径900或1500是表示风幕机本身的长度(单位mm )FM 系列风幕机主要技术参数RFM-I 系列热风幕机主要技术参数(电热管型)RFM-II 系列热风幕机主要技术参数(PTC 型)型号风轮直径—机长mm 电压V频率H Z功率W 风口风速M/S 风量m 3/min 噪音≤dB (A )安装高度m 重量㎏外型尺寸长×宽×高mm FM125-90022050120 6.5-7.522-2460 2.518900×200×200FM125-1200180 6.5-7.524-2860 2.5241200×200×200FM125-15002506.5-7.530-36602.5291500×200×200FM150-9001207.5-8.530-5062319900×270×270FM150-12001807.5-8.540-45623251200×270×270FM150-15002507.5-8.550-55623301500×270×270型号风轮直径—机长mm 电压V 频率H Z 功率W 风口风速M/S 风量m 3/min 噪音≤dB(A)加热器功率KW 风口温升℃配用导线mm 2外型尺寸长×宽×高mm 单机三相RFM-I 150-900220/38050120 5.52062 4.52×2.53×1900×270×270RFM-I 150-1200180 5.5286262×43×1.51200×270×270RFM-I 150-15002205.5356592×103×2.51500×270×270型号风轮直径—机长mm 电压V频率H Z功率W 风口风速M/S 风量m 3/min 噪音≤dB(A)加热器功率KW 风口温升℃配用导线mm 2外型尺寸长×宽×高mm 单机三相RFM-II 150-900220/38050120 4.51862860-802×43×2.5900×270×270RFM-II 150-1200180 4.523621260-802×103×41200×270×270RFM-II 150-15002204.528651660-802×163×61500×270×270RFMSI 系列热风幕机主要技术参数三、产品的用途及区别本产品适用于房间之间,房间与室外空气之间,可减少和阻隔室内外空气的对流,对隔冷、隔热、隔尘、隔虫、阻止有害气体的侵入都起到良好作用,应用范围广泛,如商场、宾馆、饭店、剧院、医院经常开启的大门,同时也适用于车间、库房、纺织、制药及食品加工等行业。
20世纪80年代末东北大学结合国内矿山井下的具体情况,应用“有效压力理论”研制WMI 型宽口大风量矿用空气幕,用以代替自动风门隔断运输巷道的漏风。
由于其内部阻力低,并与低压K 系列节能风机配套使用,使其功率消耗大大降低,在运输和行人频繁的井底车场、主要运输巷道和斜坡道联络道等处安设空气幕,既能够隔断巷道中的风流,又不影响车辆和人员通行,因而它在一定程度上可替代自动风门,并且其安全可靠性比自动风门要高的多,从而为解决矿山井下运输繁忙巷道的漏风问题开辟了新的途径。
EdiMAX AI-2002W 空氣盒子室內型用戶手冊说明书
AI-2002W空氣盒子室內型包裝內容AI-2002W支架 安裝指南 電源變壓器LED 指示燈號說明系統狀態 指示燈空氣品質 狀態指示燈安裝請您依照本章節的說明,使用Wi-Fi無線網路連線,安裝後啟動APP - EdiGreen Home,來設定您的空氣盒子。
EdiGreen Home1.下載“EdiGreen Home” APP您可以到APP Store 或Google Play 商店搜尋“EdiGreen Home”並下載安裝。
4. 在啟動EdiGreen Home APP 之前,請先確認您的手機或平板的 GPS “位置” 功能已開啟,確認後請前往您手機/平板的”設定”→“Wi-Fi ”的地方,將Wi-Fi 連接到您空氣盒子的Wi-Fi SSID (AirBox.Setup.**),接著請遵循步驟。
您可以在本產品本體標籤貼紙上找到獨有的MAC 地址,"Airbox.Setup.**" 的最後兩碼** 即是您的空氣盒子獨有的 MAC 地址的最後兩碼。
5. 啟動EdiGreen Home APP ,進入歡迎頁面後,請點選 ”設備設置”。
8. 請等待Wi-Fi 連接完成,此時系統狀態指示燈會呈現綠色閃爍狀態。
9. 為方便之後做連結,請為此裝備輸入設備名稱及密碼,輸入完成請選擇右下方的”是”繼續。
10. 顯示設定成功畫面,請等待APP 讀取您空氣盒子的資訊。
airtamer-a320 可穿尾式负离子空气净化器产品说明书
CCA320型号可穿戴式负离子空气净化器产品说明书第四节 关于充电:您的AirTamer爱塔梅尔负离子空气净化器包含一个可充电锂电池(3.7V,500毫安型)在正常使用时,每次充电完成后可运行150个小时以上。
在对A320型号负离子健康仪进行充电时,请注意以下几点:1. 将USB充电导线的小头插入USB插口中,将大头插入到任何USB供电端 口(如电脑,充电器即可)。
2. 当开关处于“关”的位置充电时,指示灯会显示红色,且充满电时灯会 自动熄灭。
3. 当开关处于“开”的位置充电时,指示灯红色、绿色会同时亮起,且充 满电时红色指示灯灭,只显示绿色。
4. 正常充电时间为3小时左右,在插头处于连接状态,并通过USB插口充 电过程中,您可以使空气净化器处于开机状态,可以在充电状态下净化 空气。
2. 您可以采用以下任意一种方式来体验AirTamer爱塔梅尔:A. 悬挂于脖子上,使传导索直接接触您的皮肤; B. 夹在衬衫、上衣或口袋上。
C. 就近放置在桌子、椅子或床头柜上,使毛碳纤维刷冲向您的面部。
3. 在使用结束后,请将开\关转换滑到关的位置。
第六节 关于性能1. AirTamer爱塔梅尔属于个人呼吸空间的负离子空气净化器,在距离本 机3英尺(约1米范围内)使用效果最佳。
距离面部越近,到达您面部 的负离子越多。
我们建议将机器置于您正胸部或稍高于正胸的位置 (可参考男士衬衫第二粒纽扣的位置)。
2. AirTamer ®爱塔梅尔24小时开机使用都是安全的,因此您可以不间断 使用此机。
提高性能的小技巧:1. 在使用过程中确保AirTamer爱塔梅尔在您的呼吸区域内,并使毛碳纤 维刷冲向您的面部。
2. 为获得更加的体验效果,在使用过程中确保传导索尽量贴合您的皮肤。
卡萨帝家用吸油烟机 CXW-219-C7T90BGU1说明书
触摸液晶显示屏屏幕, 开启人机互动新模式。
采用国际先进自动焊接打磨技 术,棱角分明,彰显高贵品质
斜置式双面进风风道, 有效降低噪音。
厨房洁净环保 健康烹饪菜肴
卡萨帝为了精确实现您的格调生活, 对其家族每一类产品都赋予了专属的境界理念。
本产品为您带来的是洁净厨房。 CXW-219-C7T90BGU1为家用吸油烟机。 请仔细阅读本说明书来帮助您安全、舒适地使用产品。 为了能安全地使用产品,请在使用产品之前务必仔细阅读安全注意事项等内容。
回收、以旧换新等服务; 【5】现场清理服务:服务完毕将服务现场清理干净。 体现卡萨帝 真诚、贴心的服务,卡萨帝 友情提醒您:
产品安装服务中,因用户的安装环境、个性需求不同,如需辅加材料 或有特殊服务项目支付材料费,具体付费请参照服务工程师出示的《服务 收费指导价格标准手册》,请给予监督。如服务工程师不按标准收费或服 务规范执行不到位,请拨打卡萨帝全国客服专线 40066 399 699 或登录卡 萨帝官网服务专区 评价、投诉。
5. 应照看好儿童,确保他们不玩耍本器具。 6. 器具不打算由存在肢体、感官或精神能力缺陷或缺少使用经验和知
识的人(包括儿童)使用,除非有负责他们安全的人对他们进行与 器具使用有关的监督或指导。 7. 当使用烹饪器具时,易触及部件可能会发烫。
请勿私自清洗油烟机内部,如需清洗内部,请联系海尔售后人员,由专 业人员进行清洗。
图 16
sanyo z3 中文版说明书
投影机须正确安装,不当的安装会导致灯泡寿命缩短 或引起火灾。
注意 热空气由排风孔排出,在安装或使用投影机时应注意 下列事项。 -不要将易燃物品放置在排风孔附近 -距离排风孔旁边至少要保持 50cm 的空间不摆放物
品。 -不要触碰排风孔周围的部件,尤其是螺丝和金属部
件,投影机使用过程中,这一区域会变得非常热。 -不要在机壳上放置任何物品,以免导致损坏或由发
警告指示 清洗 RGB 板 清洗空气过滤片 重置空气过滤片 清洗投影机镜头 清洗投影机外壳 重新安装灯泡 灯泡计数重置
故障一览表 指示及投影机状况 菜单结构 兼容计算机规格 外形尺寸 端口定义 选配件
l Apple、Macintosh 和 PowerBook 是 Apple Computer, Inc.的商标或注册商标 l IBM、VGA、XGA 和 PS2 是 International Business Machines, Inc.的商标或注册商标 l Windows 和 PowerPoint 是 Microsoft Corpration 的注册商标 l 本手册中任何公司名称或产品名称都是相应公司的商标或注册商标
警告 有电,危险,请勿开启 非专业人士请勿开启盖板(或背板),以 免触电。除灯泡外,请勿自行更换机内部 件。 此符号是提醒使用者“危险电压”,放置 在可能构成对人体触电危险的产品部件 上。 此符号是提醒使用者说明书内包含相关 的重要操作及维护指南
投影画面可以被截取作为投影机开机画面,也可 以在你按下遥控器的我的图片(MY-P)按钮时显 示该画面
第六章 空气幕、风口及末端控制器一、空气幕1、产品概述 空气幕通过贯流风机,把室内侧的空气吸入,以连续的高速气流吹向地面,连续的向下的气流形成 一堵从顶直到地面的无形的“墙”。
一般安装在大门或窗户的上方,在门窗敞开的时候,空气幕产生的 气流能有效隔离室内侧与室外侧的空气。
因而可以减少室内冷气的损失,并可以防止蚊虫灰尘等进入室 内。
格力空气幕采用优化设计的贯流风叶和性能优良的电机;自行开发的微电脑控制器,性能可靠,使用寿 命长,即可手控又可遥控;机壳采用优质镀锌钢板双面喷塑处理,具有超强的抗腐防锈能力;结构强度好,外 形美观,风力强劲,适合于宾馆饭店,商场超市以及办公楼宇等场合使用。
2、产品命名规则FM 1 序号 1 2 3 4 1.5 2 9 3 C 4 代号描述 机组代号 叶轮外圆直径 出口气流名义宽度 补充代号 直径=数字×100mm 宽度=数字×100mm C-垂直安装;S-热水加热;D-电加热及设计序号 可选项 FM-非加热型空气幕;RM-加热型空气幕3、产品外观图4、性能参数型号 机组长度 叶轮直径 风量 电源 功率 噪音 重量 推荐电源线 防触电等级 外形尺寸 mm mm m3/h - W dB(A) kg mm2×根 - mm FM-1.25-9 900 125 1200 130 59 16 0.5×3 I 900×215×193 FM-1.25-12 1200 125 1650 220V~ 50Hz 140 61 20 0.5×3 I 1200×215×193 FM-1.25-15 1500 125 2300 180 61 25 0.5×3 I 1500×215×1935、产品安装尺寸型号 FM-1.25-9 FM-1.25-12 FM-1.25-15A 160 160 160B 800 1100 1400C 870 1170 1470二、风 口1、产品概述 ABS 防凝露塑料风口分两类:回风口和散流器,外方内圆的散流器适用于多变化的建筑结构而设计,方 圆协调的组合,外形美观大方,具有风压强,噪音小,气流扩散均匀及扩散距离远等优点.单层百叶回风口配 备过滤网,拆卸清洗方便,安装简单.格栅形双层可调出风口可以任意调节气流扩散角度,合理组织室内气 流 2、产品命名规则FK 1 SB 2 □ 63 3 12 □ 4序号 1 2 3 4代号描述 机组代号 分类代号 外形尺寸规格 序列号 FK-风口代号可选项 DB-单层百叶;SB-双层百叶;FS-方形散流器 外形尺寸=数字×10mm, 方形风口用一位数字表示,矩形风口用两位数字表示 开发序列号或其他辅助功能3、产品外观图单层百叶回风口b.方形散流器c.双层可调格栅出风口 4、产品安装尺寸单层百叶回风口方形散流器双层可调格栅出风口1.单层百叶回风口型号 FKDB45 FKDB60 FKDB6325 FKDB10025 喉颈 B 375×375 517×517 630×253 1005×260 A 448×448 598×598 685×308 1034×290 H 60 60 28 302.方形散流器型号 FKFS45 FKFS60 喉颈 B 270×270 368×368 A 448×448 598×598 C φ365 φ485 H 25 27 H1 25 343.双层可调格栅出风口型号 FKSB6312 FKSB10012 喉颈 B 630×120 1000×120 A 690×180 1040×160 H 50 50三、末端控制器1、产品概述 格力公司具有强大的产品研发能力,拥有最先进的中央空调自控技术及产品,形成了研发、生产、 营销、售后服务的一体化体系。
超净工作台(clean bench)与生物安全柜(Biosafety Cabinet)不同。
使用说明书净化工作台型号:●SW-CJ-2D双人单面(经济型)垂直送风净化工作台执行标准: 美国联邦209E一、仪器的主要用途净化工作台是一种提供局部高洁净工作环境、通过性较强的净化设备。
转速:1 rpm 油温:1℃ 2.4 示值允许误差 不透光度:±2.0 % (绝对误差) 转速(压电式):±1.0 % (相对误差) 油温:±2℃ (绝对误差) 2.5 光通道有效长度:215mm,光通道等效长度:430mm 2.6 预热时间:15 min 2.7 取样管长度:2.5 m 2.8 消耗功率:200W 2.9 外形尺寸 测量单元:410×215×360 mm 控制单元:370×280×220 mm 2.10 重量 测量单元:6.5 kg 控制单元:5.5 kg
本使用说明书适用于产品安 本使用说明书介绍如何正确安装和使用本公司产品。 装及操作人员。
©版权归属佛山市南华仪器股份有限公司所有 版权所有,翻印必究! 第三版 2009 年
本使用说明书内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。本公司保留随时改进产品或修改 设计或变动使用说明书内容的一切权利。
2 主要规格及技术参数
2.1 工作条件 温度: 5℃ ~ 40℃ 相对湿度:5%~95 %(非冷凝) 电源:187V ~ 242V 50Hz±10% 2.2 测量范围 不透光度(N):0 ~ 99.9 % 光吸收系数(k):0 ~ 16.0 m-1 转速:300 ~ 8000 rpm 油温:0℃~ 120℃ 2.3 分辨力 不透光度:0.1 % 光吸收系数:0.01 m-1
1. 在按照产品使用说明书规定的工作条件、使用方法正常使用的前提下,由于 产品质量原因导致产品出现故障而不能正常工作,本公司负责免费维修。 2. 有下列情况之一导致产品出现故障,不属本公司免费维修责任范围:
超出使用说明书规定的工作条件进行使用; 没有按照使用说明书规定的使用方法进行操作; 来自产品外部的直接撞击所造成的损坏; 自然灾害(火灾、台风、暴雨、地震、雷击等)所造成的损坏; 产品正常使用过程中的消耗件,如过滤器件、取样管、取样探头等。
FM RFM RFMS系列风幕机一、产品概述FM 系列风幕机是采用单相电容运行式电动机驱动,带动外型匀称的贯流铝合金风轮,或增强塑料风轮产生分布均匀的幕式气流,可减少或阻隔室内外空气对流。
RFM-I 系列热风幕机利用电热管通电后所产生的热源,RFM-II 系列暖风幕机热源采用第三代PTC 发热原件,电热转换率达98%以上,无明火、无氧耗、升温快、寿命长安全可靠。
RFMS 系列热风幕机是最新研制推出的节能型新品,该产品以热水为热媒,换热器采用STTL 型节能高效换热器,其传热效率高,空气阻力小,本厂产品具有体积小,重量轻,外型美观,节约能源,结构合理,安装及维修方便等特点。
二、型号规格说明FM 系列及RFM-I 、RFM-II 、RFMS 系列风幕机和热风幕机的拼音缩写125或150是表示风轮直径900或1500是表示风幕机本身的长度(单位mm )FM 系列风幕机主要技术参数RFM-I 系列热风幕机主要技术参数(电热管型)RFM-II 系列热风幕机主要技术参数(PTC 型)型号风轮直径—机长mm 电压V频率H Z功率W 风口风速M/S 风量m 3/min 噪音≤dB (A )安装高度m 重量㎏外型尺寸长×宽×高mm FM125-90022050120 6.5-7.522-2460 2.518900×200×200FM125-1200180 6.5-7.524-2860 2.5241200×200×200FM125-15002506.5-7.530-36602.5291500×200×200FM150-9001207.5-8.530-5062319900×270×270FM150-12001807.5-8.540-45623251200×270×270FM150-15002507.5-8.550-55623301500×270×270型号风轮直径—机长mm 电压V 频率H Z 功率W 风口风速M/S 风量m 3/min 噪音≤dB(A)加热器功率KW 风口温升℃配用导线mm 2外型尺寸长×宽×高mm 单机三相RFM-I 150-900220/38050120 5.52062 4.52×2.53×1900×270×270RFM-I 150-1200180 5.5286262×43×1.51200×270×270RFM-I 150-15002205.5356592×103×2.51500×270×270型号风轮直径—机长mm 电压V频率H Z功率W 风口风速M/S 风量m 3/min 噪音≤dB(A)加热器功率KW 风口温升℃配用导线mm 2外型尺寸长×宽×高mm 单机三相RFM-II 150-900220/38050120 4.51862860-802×43×2.5900×270×270RFM-II 150-1200180 4.523621260-802×103×41200×270×270RFM-II 150-15002204.528651660-802×163×61500×270×270RFMSI 系列热风幕机主要技术参数三、产品的用途及区别本产品适用于房间之间,房间与室外空气之间,可减少和阻隔室内外空气的对流,对隔冷、隔热、隔尘、隔虫、阻止有害气体的侵入都起到良好作用,应用范围广泛,如商场、宾馆、饭店、剧院、医院经常开启的大门,同时也适用于车间、库房、纺织、制药及食品加工等行业。
Thermoscreens PHV V NT垂直型空气帘说明书
PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTALLATIONThermoscreens LtdSt. Mary’s Road NuneatonWarwickshire EnglandCV11 5AUEmail: *********************** Tel: +44 (0) 24 7638 4646Fax: +44 (0) 24 7638 8578PHV Series Vertical.Surface MountedUN-PACKING YOUR PHV V NT VERTICAL AIR-CURTAINThe following items are supplied and packaged within the boxes.PHV V NT Vertical Air CurtainMotorised Valve (LPHW units only)AccessoriesM10 stainless steel dome nuts Wall fixing kitsStacking kit (spacer plate, M8 x 25 bolts and M8 nyloc nuts) for stacked unitsIf anything is missing or damaged please contact your place of purchase immediately.For your recordsDate of Purchase…………………………….. Place of Purchase……………………………. Serial Number…………………………………For warranty purposes proof of purchase is necessary so please keep a copy of your invoice.(All documentation supplied with each unit should be stored and kept for future reference).Remote Control Switch(for Ambient units)INSTALLATION OF YOUR VERTICAL APPLICATION PHV V NT AIR CURTAIN The air curtain must be surface mounted within the building and not exposed to the external environment or moist conditions. Do not install the air curtain in a doorway situation where there is a likelihood, or there has been a history of, rainingress. The air curtain must not be built into a compartment or recessed. LocationPrior to commencing any vertical installation it is essential to ensure the correct handing has been selected, i.e. Left Hand (LH) or Right Hand (RH) - . see “Handing Guide” in Figure 1. Maximum doorway width = 2m per air curtain.The air curtain should be located close to the door opening with the air discharge grille positioned nearest to the door. For maximum effectiveness it is essential to ensure the top of the air curtain is slightly higher than the opening height of the door. Obstructions such as door opening devices, structural beams etc will reduce the efficiency of the aircurtain. Floor FixingBefore installing the air curtain obtain four suitable M10 fixing bolts, taking into account floor type and unit weight (See Table 1)*. Rawlplug ® M10 Projecting Rawlbolt ® 44356 type may be suitable. For dimensional details refer to the general assembly drawing, Figure 1.Determine and place the unit in position. A wall bracket is provided to secure the vertical air curtain to the wall and this must be used. So that the wall bracket touches the wall, ensure the back of the base plate touches against the wall, skirting board will need to be cut away if necessary.Using the base plate as a template, mark the location of the four holes, as indicated in the adjacent picture. Using a suitable masonry drill bit correctly drill the four marked out holes. Place M10 fixing bolts into each hole, ensuring all bolts are upright.Reposition the air curtain base plate over theprojecting bolts. Tighten each M10 nut as indicated in the adjacent picture. Ensure the vertical unit is secure, level and square. It may be necessary to pack under the base plate to ensure unit is vertical.Using a hacksaw carefully cut the projecting bolt flush with the nut, ensuring the base plate is notdamaged or marked in any way.Base plate to touch wall (cut away skirting board)Remove only one M10 nut and refit and resecure boltwith a stainless steel M10 dome nut supplied.Repeat for each of the other three projecting boltsone at a time.Stacking of UnitsPHV1500V and PHV2000V air curtains are delivered as single units. PHV2500V and PHV3000V air curtains are delivered as separate 1.5m + 1m air curtains for aPHV2500V unit and 2m + 1m air curtains for a PHV3000V unit. The 1m air curtain must always be mounted as the top unit using the stacking kit supplied to secure it to the bottom unit. The spacer plate, in the stacking kit must be bolted between the two units using the 4 off M8 x 25 bolts and nyloc nuts. This will allow the removal of access panels when required. All wall brackets must be used to properly secure both the bottom and top air curtains in the stack to the wall (See Figure 1).*It is the sole responsibility of the installer to ensure that all the fixing points and bolts used are suitable for the air curtain.Attention: The panels of the air curtain are coated in an easy to peel protective film. Please ensure all the protective film is removed before the air curtain is put into service.V i e 350V i e w 'B 'l B r a c k e t :-f f o r P H V 1500V H V 2000V .f f o r P H V 2500V H V 3000Vt e r n a t i v e a t e r c o n n e c t i o nS t a c k U n i te r n a t i v e t e r c o n n e c t i o nSafety and Electrical ConnectionsAll electrical wiring and connections MUST be carried out by a competent qualified electrician in accordance with the latest edition of the IEE wiring regulations and/orlocal statutory regulations.A single phase or 3 phase local isolator with a contact separation of at least 3mm in allpoles must be fitted to the supply wiring (the isolator must be fitted in an accessibleposition).The air curtain must be earthed.The appliance must be connected using cables having an appropriatetemperature rating (heat resistant). For two air curtains in a stack, electrical power mustbe connected separately to the bottom air curtain and to the top air curtain.Ensure that the supply cables, circuit breakers and other electrical installationequipment are correctly sized for the air curtain being installed; see Table 1 for PowerRatings. See also data badge inside of unit adjacent to electrical inlet.On a 3 phase electrical supply the unit requires a neutral connection (3N~).Cable glands used for the Electrical Input must be rated IP21 or higher.Table 1Air Curtain ElectricalSupply(V/ph/Hz)RatedPowerInput(kW)Currentperphase (A)HeatOutput(kW)Weight(kg)PHV1500A V 230/1/500.40 1.8 N/A 60 PHV2000A V 230/1/500.60 2.7 N/A 77 Top air curtain 230/1/500.30 1.3 N/APHV2500A V(Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 230/1/50 0.40 1.8 N/A99Top air curtain 230/1/500.30 1.3 N/APHV3000A V(Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 230/1/500.60 2.7 N/A116PHV1500W V 230/1/500.40 1.8 18.0 68 PHV2000W V 230/1/500.60 2.7 24.0 87 Top air curtain 230/1/500.30 1.3 12.0PHV2500W V(Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 230/1/500.40 1.8 18.0114 Top air curtain 230/1/500.30 1.3 12.0PHV3000W V(Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 230/1/500.60 2.7 24.0133PHV1500E V 400/3/5018.40 27.9 9.0/18.0 66 PHV2000E V 400/3/5024.60 37.5 12.0/24.0 85 Top air curtain 400/3/50 12.30 18.7 6.0/12.0PHV2500E V(Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 400/3/5018.40 27.9 9.0/18.0109 Top air curtain 400/3/50 12.30 18.7 6.0/12.0PHV3000E V(Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 400/3/5024.60 37.5 12.0/24.0128To gain access for making electrical and/or water services the air intake grilles must be removed. Remove intake grilles by unfastening two screws on each grille; M4 x 10mm Pozi screws accessed via larger hole in the side of the grille (See Insert).Access can now be gained to make the electrical connections and assist with water connections.When making electrical connections first remove the safety cover plates over the electrical supply terminals. On 2m electric air curtains the safety cover plates are located towards the centre of the air curtain (See Insert).For two air curtains in a stack electrical and water connections are made separately to the bottom air curtain and to the top air curtain(See Figure 1 View B).Fitting/Connecting the Ecopower Remote Control The remote control unit should be located in a suitable place for easy access, it can be fixed to the wall via two key-hole slots. Drill and fix the screws into the wall leaving a small gap between the head and the wall, lower the unit onto the screws, for fixingcentres see adjacent figure. Ensure suitable fixing screws are used.The remote control is supplied with cable and a pre-fitted RJ connecting plug.Ensure the remote control cable is safely secured and connected to the air curtain as indicated. It can be plugged into eithersocket.80mm3.5mm6mmSafety cover platesTwo Air Curtains in a StackWhen two air curtains are in a 2.5m or 3m stack the Ecopower control wiring needs to be wired “master/slave”, so the air curtain stack is controlled by a single Ecopower remote control.Plug the control cable from the remote control into one of the RJ sockets at the side of the top air curtain.Inside the air curtain stack connect the RJ master/slave cable that is already plugged into the top unit circuit board, into the Ecopower PCB of the bottom unit. Route the RJ master/slave cable safely via the hole in the stacking kit (Refer to Figure 2).Figure 3LPHW ModelsFor LPHW models ensure suitable water mains isolation valves are fitted in the flow and return pipework.When fitting the 3-port valve ensure that the pipe connections are fitted as detailed and are in accordance with the manufacturers leaflet supplied with the valve.For two air curtains in a stack each air curtain requires a separate and independent water flow and return connection with its separate control valve (See Figure 3). Each control valve is wired to the terminal block in each air curtain (see wiring diagram for water heated units). In order to obtain optimum heat output, all air from the system and the heating coil must be vented. Refer to insert detailing the water coil air bleed valve.Air CurtainWater Flow Rate (l/s) 82/72 °CCoil Water PressureDrop (kPa)PHV1500W V 0.43 2.60 PHV2000W V 0.57 4.72 Top air curtain 0.29 1.14 PHV2500W V (Stacked Unit) Bottom air curtain 0.43 2.60 Top air curtain 0.29 1.14 PHV3000W V (Stacked Unit)Bottom air curtain0.57 4.72Ecopower Controller Motherboard (v8)DIP switches fitted on the Ecopower board provide a selection of optional features as described above. Isolate and switch electrical power off before configuring and/or changing any DIP switch settings.•Easy plug-in arrangement for remote air sensor thermistor on a 1m lead. Plugging-in the remote air sensor to J3disables the standard air sensor thermistor already fitted on the Ecopower board. As supplied, the board will nothave the remote air sensor fitted.•An INHIBIT two screw terminal fitted on the Ecopower board for BMS remote On/Off feature.If the terminal is linked, i.e. by 2 wires to a remote volt free contact, the unit will run. If it is open circuit across the terminal the unit will switch off. This remote On/Off feature has global switching logic, i.e. if you master/slave several units together you need connect the remote contact to only one of them to turn all units on and off in the master/slave system. For global switching to work on the slave units, need to set DIP3 Option (see previous page) on the unit that the remote contact is wired to and have previously turned the unit on with the wall switch. As supplied, a wire link will be fitted to the terminal block on every unit. For summer settings place a 3.3k Ω resistance across the INHIBIT terminal, with these settings fans only will run even if controller is requesting for heat.•A HEALTHY two screw terminal is included on the board for a fault signal indication if the electric elements overheat cut-out has operated. A healthy system provides a 24V DC signal at the terminals compared to an overheat fault which provides OV DC.Ecopower Remote Control OperationPush On/Off switch to turn On, then operate as follows :-Auto Switches between manual and automatic heat regulation.The Auto on indicator LED is lit for "Auto Mode" and un-litfor"ManualMode".On/Off Turns the air curtain On or Off (when turned off the settings forheat and fan speed are retained). If the air curtain is heatingwhen it is turned off with this switch the fan will run-on for a time(approx. 2 minute) to dissipate excess heat.Selects the appropriate fan speed (Low, Medium or High) to suit theair curtain height and outside wind conditions. Fan speed can bechanged when unit is in either Auto or Manual Modes. A fan speedindicator LED shows which fan speed is selected.In "Auto Mode” the air curtain measures the incoming air temperatureand automatically selects the necessary amount of heat to keep it atthe level selected. Heating level indicator LED's go from 0% to 100%in 8 steps to show the level selected.In "Manual Mode” heat output can be selected as Zero, Half Heat or FullHeat. Heating level indicator LED's go 0%, 50% or 100% to show thelevelselected.Push On/Off switch again to turn OffNote If the mains supply is isolated or cuts-out during operation the On/Off switch will need to be pushed again to start the air curtain when the mains supply is restored. Thesafety thermal cut-out in the air curtain may operate, if this happens it will need to bereset by a competent technician.Higher HeatLower HeatLower Fan speedHigher Fan SpeedOn / OffAuto ModeAuto on Indicator Fan Speed IndicatorHeating Level IndicatorCommissioningSet the discharge grille vanes so they point straight across the doorway. Once the air curtain is functioning check that the fans operate at Low, Medium and High speeds, that there is no excessive mechanical noise coming from the fans and that all fans are working. If the unit is electric heated or water heated check that the air stream from the discharge grille warms up across the whole height of the air curtain when heating is selected. If there are two air curtains in a stack PHV2500V or PHV3000V ensure both units in the stack operate correctly as master/slave. Check that heating increases as higher heat is selected and feel to see that the warm air stream is reaching across the doorway with door open or closed. If necessary the vanes of the discharge grille can be angled either inwards or outwards if this gives better penetration/warming of any incoming draughts. For the Ecopower controller check all functions operate correctly in Manual Mode. Then select Auto Mode and increase the heating set point until the air stream warms up. Reduce the heating set point until the air stream goes cold.Once functional tests have been completed andverified all electrical safety plates and intake grillesmust be correctly refitted. The plastic cap should beclipped on the top of the air curtain (See Insert).Before leaving site it is important that the air curtaininstallation and these instructions are “Handed-Over”to the end user or his representative and theoperation of it is fully explained and that theyunderstand how it operates. Explain also the serviceintervals and that the unit must be regularly cleaned.Fault ConditionsIn the event of a fault with electrical heated air curtains the thermal cut out(s) may operate. Note: If the mains supply is isolated during operation then the thermal cutouts may operate. The thermal cut out(s) are located within the unit adjacent to the electric elements (one on the 1m & 1.5m and two on the 2m model). There are two fuses on the Ecopower circuit board which may blow in the event of a fault. The Ecopower circuit board is located towards the top of each unit.In the case of a fault condition (refer to flowchart) do not attempt to reset the thermalcut outs or replace the fuses. Arrange for a Thermoscreens appointed technician or certified electrician to attend the unit to investigate the reason why the thermal cutouts/fuse(s) have operated. Once the cause has been determined and rectified, theywill reset/replace the thermal cut out/fuse and function test the unit.PCB StatusFitted on the PCB board inside of the air curtain is an LED shown as LED1 on wiring diagrams that will indicate the Ecopower control status.1.LED flashing green – operation normal.2.LED flashing red – low supply voltage.3.LED permanently red – thermal cut outs open circuit (electrically heated modelsonly).Note to reset the thermal cut outs please refer to Fault Conditions section detailed above.User Fault Finding Flowchart (for Ecopower Control)Service & MaintenanceAlways disconnect and isolate the mains electricity supply before installing, maintaining or repairing this equipment. With 2.5m or 3m vertical air curtains there are two air curtains, one stacked on top of the other. Isolate the mains supply to both top and bottom air curtains. Note: All maintenance/repairs should only be carried out by a competent electrician or Thermoscreens appointed technician.Once the mains supply is isolated, remove the plastic cap from the top of the air curtain. Remove each air intake grille by unfastening two screws on each grille –M4 x 10mm Pozi screws accessed via the larger hole at one edge of each grille.To ensure the air curtain operates at full efficiency the inlet/outlet grilles, fan impellers, housings and motors must be kept free of dust and debris. Build up of dust on the fan impellers can cause vibration, noise and excessive wear on the motor bearings. Frequency of cleaning will depend on the environment, but we would recommend that the unit be cleaned a minimum of every 3 months (failure to adequately maintain the unit and provide a suitable cleaning schedule will result in performance degradationand reduce the life expectancy of the air-curtain).Vacuum and clean the build-up of dirt and debris within the air-curtain (please notethat the motor(s) are permanently lubricated and require no additional lubrication). Once the air curtain has been cleaned, remove appropriate electrical safety cover plates and check all electrical connections within the unit ensuring terminals are tight and that crimped connections have not become loose. Always ensure all safety cover plates are correctly refitted. Refit inlet grilles and plastic cap. Reconnect the electrical supply and fully function test the air-curtain to ensure correct operation (See Commissioning).If the outer casing requires cleaning this should be done using a warm soft cloth. Do not use solvents or abrasive materials.WarrantyIf any problems are encountered, please contact your installer/supplier. Failing this please contact the Thermoscreens warranty department. All units are covered by atwo year warranty period.Care has been taken in compiling these instructions to ensure they are correct, although Thermoscreens disclaims all liability for damage resulting from any inaccuracies and/or deficiencies in this documentation. Thermoscreens retain the right to change the specifications stated in these instructions.Thermoscreens LtdSt. Mary’s Road NuneatonWarwickshire EnglandCV11 5AUEmail: ***********************Tel: + 44 (0) 24 7638 4646Fax: + 44 (0) 24 7638 8578。
LG 墙挂式空气条件器 MFL67237201 用户手册说明书
OWNER’S MANUALAIR CONDITIONERPlease read this manual carefully before operatingyour set and retain it for future reference. TYPE : WALL MOUNTEDP/NO : MFL67237201SVENSKAENGLISHNORSKSUOMIDANSK2TIPS FOR SAVING ENERGYTIPS FOR SAVING ENERGYHere are some tips that will help you minimize the power consumption when you use the air conditioner. You can use your air conditioner more efficiently by referring to the instructions below:• Do not cool excessively indoors. This may be harmful for your health and may consume more electricity.• Block sunlight with blinds or curtains while you are operating the air conditioner.• Keep doors or windows closed tightly while you are operating the air conditioner.• Adjust the direction of the air flow vertically or horizontally to circulate indoor air.• Speed up the fan to cool or warm indoor air quickly, in a short period of time.• Open windows regularly for ventilation as the indoor air quality may deteriorate if the air con-ditioner is used for many hours.• Clean the air filter once every 2 weeks. Dust and impurities collected in the air filter may block the air flow or weaken the cooling / dehumidifying functions.For your recordsStaple your receipt to this page in case you need it to prove the date of purchase or for warranty purposes. Write the model number and the serial number here:Model number :Serial number :You can find them on a label on the side of each unit.Dealer’s name :Date of purchase :SAFETY PRECAUTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE.Always comply with the following precautions to avoid dangerous situations and ensure peak performance of your productWARNINGIt can result in serious injury or death when the directions are ignoredCAUTIONIt can result in minor injury or product damage when the directions are ignoredWARNING• Installation or repairs made by unqualified persons can result in hazards to you and others.• Installation MUST conform with local building codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the Nation Electrical Code NFPA 70/ANSI C1-1003 or current edition and Canadian Electrical Code Part1 CSA C.22.1.• The information contained in the manual is intended for use by a qualified service technician familiar with safety procedures and equipped with the proper tools and test instruments.• Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in this manual can result in equipment mal-function, property damage, personal injury and/or death.Installation• Use a standard circuit breaker and fuse conforming with the rating of the air conditioner. Fail-ure to do so may result in electric shock or product failure.• Contact an authorized service center when you install or relocate the air conditioner. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or product failure.• Always use a power plug and socket with a ground terminal.Failure to do so may result in electric shock or product failure• Install the panel and the cover of the control box safely. Failure to do so may result in explo-sion or fire.• Install a dedicated electric outlet and circuit breaker before you use the air conditioner. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or product failure.• Use a standard circuit breaker and fuse conforming with the rating of the air conditioner. Fail-ure to do so may result in electric shock or product failure.• Do not modify or extend the power cable. If the power cable or cord has scratches or skin peeled off or deteriorated then it must be replaced. It may result in fire or electric shock.• Be cautious when you unpack or install the air conditioner. Failure to do so may result in seri-ous injury or product failure.• Contact an authorized service center when you install or relocate the air conditioner. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or product failure.• Do not install the air conditioner on an unstable surface or where there may be a danger of it falling. It may result in death, serious injury, or product failure.!34SAFETY PRECAUTIONSOperation• Do not let the air conditioner run for a long time when the humidity is very high or when a door or window has been left open. Failure to do so may result in product failure.• Make sure that the power cord is not pulled or damaged while the air conditioner is operating. Fail-ure to do so may result in fire, electric shock, or product failure.• Do not place any objects on the power cord. It may result in electric shock or product failure.• Do not turn on or off the air conditioner by plugging in or unplugging the power plug. It may result in fire or electric shock.• Do not touch, operate or repair the air conditioner with wet hands. It may result in electric shock or product failure.• Do not place a heater or other heating appliances near the power cable. It may result in fire, electric shock, or product failure.• Do not allow water to run into the air conditioner. It may result in explosion or fire.• Do not leave flammable substances such as gasoline, benzene and thinner near the air conditioner.It may result in explosion or fire.• Do not use the air conditioner for an extended period of time in a small place without ventilation.Ventilate the place regularly. Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire.• When there is a gas leak, ventilate sufficiently before using the air conditioner again. Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire.• Unplug the power plug if there is a noise, smell or smoke coming from the air conditioner. Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire.• Stop operating and close the window in strom or hurricane.If possible remove the product from the window before hurricane arrives• Do not touch the electrostatic filter after opening the front grille. Failure to do so may result in elec-tric shock or product failure.• Contact an authorized service center when the air conditioner is submerged into water due to flood-ing. Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire.• Be cautious water could not enter the product• Make sure to ventilate sufficiently when this air conditioner and a heating appliance such as a heater are used simultaneously. Failure to do so may result in fire, serious injury, or product failure.• Turn the main power off and unplug the power plug when you clean or repair the air conditioner.Failure to do so may result in death, serious injury, or product failure.• Unplug the power plug when the air conditioner is not used for an extended period of time. Failure to do so may result in product failure.• Do not place any objects on the air conditioner. It may result in product failure.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSCAUTIONInstallation• Make sure to check if there is a refrigerant leak after you install or repair the air conditioner. Failure to do so may result in product failure.• Install the drain hose properly for smooth drainage of condensed water. Failure to do so may result in product failure.• Keep level even when installing the product.• Install the air conditioner where the noise from the outdoor unit or the exhaust gas will not incon-venience the neighbors. Failure to do so may result in conflict between neighbors.• When transporting the equipment, there should be at least 2 or more people, or a forklift. It may re-sult in serious injury.• Do not install the air conditioner where it will be exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly. It may re-sult in product failure.Operation• Do not expose people, animals or plants to the cold or hot wind from the air conditioner. It may re-sult in serious injury.• Do not use the product for special purposes, such as preserving foods, works of art, etc. It is a con-sumer air conditioner, not a precision refrigeration system. It may result in death, fire or electric shock.• Do not block the inlet or outlet of air flow. It may result in explosion or product failure.• Do not use strong cleaning agents or solvents when you clean the air conditioner, or spray e a smooth cloth. It may result in serious injury or product failure.• Never touch the metal parts of the air conditioner when you remove the air filter. It may result in se-rious injury or product failure.• Do not place any objects on the air conditioner. It may result in product failure.• Always insert the filter securely after cleaning. Clean the filter every two weeks or more often if necessary.• Do not insert hands or other objects through the air inlet or outlet while the air conditioner is operat-ing. It may result in electric shock.• Do not drink the water drained from the air conditioner. It may result in serious health complications.• Use a sturdy stool or ladder when you clean, maintain or repair the air conditioner at a height. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or product failure.• Do not mix the batteries for the remote control with other types of batteries or mix new batteries with used batteries. Failure to do so may result in product failure.• Do not recharge or disassemble the batteries. Failure to do so may result in explosion, fire or serious injury.• Stop using the remote control if there is a battery fluid leak. If your cloth or skin is exposed to the battery fluid from a leak, wash it off with clean water. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.• If you swallow the battery fluid from a leak, wash out the inside of your mouth thoroughly and then consult a doctor. Failure to do so may result in serious health complications.!5TABLE OF CONTENTS2TIPS FOR SAVING ENERGY 3IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS7BEFORE USE7Components8Using the remote control9- Inserting batteries9- Installing the remote control holder 10BASIC FUNCTIONS10Cooling your room10Heating your room10Removing humidity11Airing your room11Adjusting the fan speed11Adjusting the air flow direction11Setting the timer11- Setting the current time12- Turning on the air conditionerautomatically at a set time12- Turning off the air conditionerautomatically at a set time12- Canceling the timer setting12Setting sleep mode 13ADVANCED FUNCTIONS 13Changing room temperature quickly13Indoor air purification13- Auto Clean operation14Plasma Purification operation14Auto operation15Auto Changeover operation15Energy saving cooling mode15Display screen brightness16Operating the air conditioner without the remote control16Restarting the air conditionerautomatically17MAINTENANCE18Cleaning the air filter18Cleaning the anti-allergy filter and triple filter18Cleaning the plasma filter19TROUBLESHOOTING19Self-diagnosis function19Before requesting serviceTABLE OF CONTENTS 6B Coolant piping Connection wireDrain hoseBEFORE USEComponentsOutdoor unit7BEFORE USE* The feature can be changed according a type of model.Using the remote controlYou can operate the air conditioner more conveniently with the remote control. You will find the buttons for the additional functions under the cover of the remote control.Wireless remote control* Some functions may not be supported, depending on the model.BEFORE USE8Inserting batteriesInsert batteries before using the remote control. The battery type used is AAA (1.5 V).1 Remove the battery cover.2Insert the new batteries and make sure that the + and - terminals of the batteriesare installed correctly.3Reattach the battery cover.Installing the remote control holder Install the holder where there is no direct sun-light to protect the remote control.1Choose a safe and easily-accessible place.2Fix the holder by fastening the 2 screws firmly with a screwdriver.3Slide the remote control into the holder. Point the remote control towards the signal receiver at the bottom of the air conditioner tooperate it.Operating method9BEFORE USEBASIC FUNCTIONSCooling your room(Cool ing o p e ra t i o n )1 Press d to turn on the power.2 Press f repeatedly to select the coolingoperation.- A is displayed on the display screen.3Press u or v to set the desired tempera-ture.- The temperature range is 18°C - 30°C.Heating your room(Heating operation)1 Press d to turn on the power.2 Press f repeatedly to select the heatingoperation.- B is displayed on the display screen.3 Press u or v to set the desired tempera-ture.- The temperature range is 16°C - 30°CRemoving humidity(Dehumidifying operation)This mode removes excess moisture from an environment with high humidity or in the rainy season, in order to prevent mold from setting in. This mode adjusts the room temperature and the fan speed automatically to maintain the optimal level of humidity.1 Press d to turn on the power.2 Press f repeatedly to select the dehu-midifying operation.- Dis displayed on the display screen.BASIC FUNCTIONS10Airing your room(Air Circulation operation)This mode only circulates the indoor airwithout changing the room temperature. The cooling lamp lights up in air circulation mode.1 Press d to turn on the power.2 Press f repeatedly to select the air circu-lation operation.- E is displayed on the display screen.3Press g to adjust the fan speed.Adjusting the fan speed1Press g repeatedly to adjust the fanspeed.- Select 5if you want natural air. The fan speed adjusts automatically.Adjusting the air flow direc-tion1 To adjust the direction of the air flow hori-zontally, press i repeatedly and select the desired direction.- Select H to adjust the direction of the air flow automatically.2 To adjust the direction of the air flow verti-cally, press j repeatedly and select the desired direction.- Select I to adjust the direction of the air flow automatically.Setting the timerYou can use the timer function to save energy and to use the air conditioner more efficiently.Setting the current time1Pressonds.11BASIC FUNCTIONS2Press o or q to select the minutes.3Press p to finish.T urning on the air conditioner auto-12Press o or q to select the minutes.3Press p to finish.T urning off the air conditioner auto-matically at a set time 12Press o or q to select the minutes.3Press p to finish.Canceling the timer setting1Press m .2Press m or n to select the timer settingto cancel.3Press p .- To cancel all timer settings, press p .Setting sleep modeUse the sleep mode to turn off the air condi-tioner automatically when you go to sleep. 1Press d to turn on the power.2Press l3Press o or q to select the hour (up to 7 hours).4Press p to finish.- T is displayed on the display screen in sleep mode.BASIC FUNCTIONS12ADVANCED FUNCTIONSThe air conditioner offers some additional ad-vanced functions.Changing room temperature quickly(Jet Cool/Heat operation)This mode allows you to cool indoor air quickly in summer or warm it quickly in winter.1Press d to turn on the power.2Press h.- In jet cooling mode, strong air blows outat a temperature of 18°C for 30 minutes.- In jet heating mode, strong air blows outat a temperature of 30°C for 30 minutes.Indoor air purificationAuto Clean operationIn the cooling and dehumidifying operations, moisture is generated inside the indoor unit. Use the auto cleaning function to remove such moisture.1Press d to turn on the power.2Press c.- J is displayed on the display screen.- If you turn off the power, the fan oper-ates for 30 minutes and cleans the insideof the indoor unit.13ADVANCED FUNCTIONSCooling-only modelsPlasma Purification operationThe plasma filter developed by LG removes microscopic contaminants from the intake air completely to supply clean and fresh air.1Press d to turn on the power.2Press a .- F is displayed on the display screen.Auto operation(Artificial intelligence)In this mode, the fan speed and the tempera-ture adjust automatically, based on the room temperature.1Press d to turn on the power.2Press f repeatedly to select auto opera-tion.3Press o or q to select the desired oper-ation code if the temperature is higher orlower than the desired temperature.ADVANCED FUNCTIONS14Auto Changeover operation This mode changes the operation mode auto-matically to maintain the set temperatureat ±2°C.1Press d to turn on the power.2Press f repeatedly to select the auto changeover operation.- C is displayed on the display screen.3Press o or q to set the desired temper-ature.- The temperature range is 18°C - 30°C.4Press g repeatedly to select the fan speed.Energy saving cooling mode This mode minimizes power consumption dur-ing cooling and increases the set temperature to the optimal level for a more comfortable en-vironment.1Press d to turn the power on.2Press f repeatedly to select the cooling operation.3Press b.- G is displayed on the display screen.Display screen brightnessYou can adjust the brightness of the indoor unit display screen.1Press u repeatedly to set the brightness to the desired level.15ADVANCED FUNCTIONSDisabling auto restartOperating the air conditioner without the remote controlYou can use the On/Off button of the indoor unit to operate the air conditioner when the remote control is unavailable. However, the fan speed is set to high.1Open the front cover.- Lift up both sides of the cover slightly.2Press the On/Off button.- For cooling and heating models, the oper-ation mode changes, depending on the room temperature.- For cooling-only models, the temperature is set to 22°C (71.6°F).Restarting the air conditioner automaticallyWhen the air conditioner is turned on again after a power failure, this function restores the previous settings. This function is a factory de-fault setting.1Open the front cover.- Lift up both sides of the cover slightly.2Press the On/Off button and hold it for 6seconds.- The unit will beep twice and the lamp will - To re-enable the function, press the On/Off button and hold it for 6 seconds. The unit will beep twice and the blue lamp will blink 4 times.ADVANCED FUNCTIONS16* The feature can be changed according a type of model.* The feature can be changed according atype of model.* The feature can be changed according a type of model.* The feature can be changed according a type of model.MAINTENANCE17 MAINTENANCEClean the product regularly to maintain optimal performance and to prevent possible breakdown. * This may not be provided, depending on the model.Anti-allergy filter + T riple filterPlasma filterAir filter* The feature can be changed according a type of model.18MAINTENANCECleaning the air filterClean the air filter once every 2 weeks or more if necessary.1Turn off the power and unplug the power cord.2Open the front cover.- Lift up both sides of the cover slightly.* The feature can be changed according atype of model.3Hold the knob of the air filter, lift it up slightly and remove it from the unit.* The feature can be changed according atype of model.4Clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner or with warm water.- If dirt is difficult to remove, wash the filter in lukewarm water with detergent.5Dry the filter in the shade.Cleaning the anti-allergy filter and triple filter1Turn off the power and unplug the power cord.2Open the front cover and remove the air filter (see “Cleaning air filter”).3Pull out the anti-allergy filter and the triple4Dry the filter in direct sunlight for 2 hours.Cleaning the plasma filter1Turn off the power and unplug the power cord.2Open the front cover and remove the air filter (see “Cleaning air filter”).3Remove the plasma filter in 10 seconds.4Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dirt.- If dirt is difficult to remove, wash the filter with lukewarm water.5Dry the filter in the shade.* The feature can be changed according atype of model.* The feature can be changed according atype of model.TROUBLESHOOTING19 TROUBLESHOOTINGSelf-diagnosis functionThis product has a built-in self-diagnosis function. If an error occurs, the lamp of the indoor unit will blink in 2 second intervals. If this occurs, contact your local dealer or service center. Before requesting servicePlease check the following before you contact the service center. If the problem persists, contact your local service center.20TROUBLESHOOTING。
Daikin FDMF系列隐形天花板空调系列说明说明书
inspired by local needsFDMF SeriesDAIKIN. Everything you ever wanted in air conditioningDaikin operates under the belief that customers are buying quality. With this in mind, Daikin strives to stay ahead of consumer needs by providing high-quality products with superior performance, energy efficiency, and comfort and by designing stylish solutions that conform to all interior spaces and lifestyles..At the forefront of energy efficiency, Daikin has designed a new inverter concealed ceiling unit, using the low G WP* and Zero ODP** refrigerant R-32, which allows owners to reduce their energy bill all year round. This new series combines the most advanced technologies. It has been specially developed to withstand the harsh conditions of the African market, such as unstable power supply, corrosive environment and severe transportation and handling conditions.Inverter technology helps to reduce energy bill substantially, while maintaining the highest level of comfort. Start-up time is reduced and temperature is maintained stable at all times, unlike non inverter air conditioners.Using efficient systems will result in lower electricity bills, but also in lesser load to be applied on the generator as power input is being minimized.Think Smart; Think Green; Think Daikin InverterBenefits of INVERTER at a glance»Energy saving all the year round, for a lower electricity bill and lower carbon footprint»Lower starting current and less load to be applied on the generator»Powerful cooling»Quieter operation»Longer lifetime2With Non InverterWithElectricity BillAugustOctoberDecemberAugustOctoberDecemberElectricity BillTOO HOTJUST PERFECT!TOO COLDNon Inverterwith Non InverterQuick Coolingwith InverterSetTemperature* Cooling modeRoom Temperature*TimeWith Daikin Inverter, comfortable temperature,all year roundDaikin’s FDMF series, by combining the best available technologies, runs quieter, cools faster and saves more than conventional air conditioner. It is designed to deliver a comfortable living environment for longer periods of time. This new series incorporates a lot of exceptional features for an unrivaled, efficient, and reliable comfort.The excellent cooling performance is the outcome of the combination of the extremely efficient Daikin-patented inverter swing compressor with the optimal heat transfer from the heat exchanger using R-32 refrigerant.Inverter technology helps to substantially reduce energy bill, while maintaining the highest level of comfort, with a reduced start-up time, and the ability of maintaining a stable temperature at all times. It makes the comfort delivered which makes the comfort delivered by the inverter unrivaled.With Daikin inverter, you will experience a new era of smart comfort .Inverter TechnologyDaikin units are conceived to offer powerful cooling to quickly cool down the room. The system has been designed for optimum nominal efficiency, with EER reaching up to 3.15 W/W, and seasonal energy efficiency, in line with real life operating conditions in Africa. Using efficient systems will result in lower electricity bills, but also in lesser load to be applied on generator as power input is minimized.R-32 RefrigerantUnlike R-22, R-32 has no ozone depletion potential for a reduced impact on the environment. This next generation refrigerant has a heat transfer 1.5 times higher than R-410A and a GWP* 675 CO2 eq., which is about one third of R-410A. It can contribute to reduce eq. CO 2emissions up to 72% against R-410A.Powerful and Efficient CoolingMain FeaturesOn small capacity units, most manufacturers use a standard rotary compressor but Daikin improved this technology system operates. Theunique Daikin swing compressor prevents the leakage of gas refrigerant from the high pressure to the low pressure side, and effectively improves the compression efficiency. It will ensure less noise, less wear and tear, and above all, high energy efficiency.Exclusive Daikin Inverter Swing CompressorCertified PerformanceDaikin units offer excellent nominal and peak efficiency, exceeding the most stringent regulations. Itsperformances are certified for capacity and efficiency at 35/46/48 CDB!Main benefits at a glance. Less refrigerant leakage . Less noise. Less wear and tear for longer lifetime . Higher efficiency3A real economical and sustainable solutionThe inverter technology will lower the energy consumption of the air conditioner down to 50% compared with traditional systems. Usingefficient systems will result in lower consumption; therefore, lower electricity bills!Greatest flexibility for installationDaikin units are designed to offer the greatest flexibility for installation with guaranteed performances • Wide range of available static pressures, 30 to 100 Pa, in a compact design casing allows high flexibility in design, such as long ducting or multi-zone application.• Extended piping lengths allow high flexibility in design by covering long piping run applications, up to 30 meters height difference!• Bottom & rear suction allow installation both at low depth and low height ceiling voids• Compact yet powerful casing: unit height is only 300mm and can be installed in any locationPowerful and Flexible CoolingUnique auto-airflow adjustmentThis unique Daikin feature simplifies the commissioning as the fan curve will adjust automatically to suit the duct design; balancing of dampers is no longer required!* This function will compare the actual duct resistance to the calculated resistance at time of design, and check the actual airflow and then set a point close to the rated airflow(+/- 10%).4Main FeaturesGreatest flexibility for controlIndividual or centralized control is possible on the new Daikin FDMF series using the latest advanced technologies.Perfect control over your individual climate with the elegant and award-winning Madoka controller.A minimalistic touch button controller with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connectivity, Madoka features three navigational buttons and a clutter-free display. Comfort is guaranteed in the most intuitive way imaginable. Advanced functions are available through the Madoka Assistant application. The controller comes with two color options designed to match any interior design.Integration to Daikin centralized control systemsThe new inverter range can be controlled with Daikin’s centralized control system such as the i-Touch Manager, viaoption, allowing high flexibility in control.Reinforced Anti-Corrosion ProtectionAll the sensitive parts exposed to the environment are protected against corrosion:• The condenser has a hydrophilic blue fin coating.• The sensors of the electronic board (PCB) for both outdoor and indoor units have a special anti-corrosion coating.• The outdoor bottom frame and stop valve mounting plate are powder-coated.This will ensure a longer life span, even under corrosive environment, with cooling performance maintained optimal.Refrigerant-Cooled PCBRefrigerant cooled PCB guarantees reliable cooling, as it is not influenced by ambient temperature.This feature is available from 2.5TR and above.Madoka AssistantBRC1H81K(7) (Black)Easy setting of schedules Advanced user settings Installer settings FieldsettingsBRC1H81S(7) (Silver)BRC1H81W(7) (White)Reliable Cooling5Auto-RestartIn case of sudden power failure during operation, this feature ensures that air conditioners installed in the same building will resume operation automatically. The operation will be based on the previous settings.Self-Diagnosis FunctionThe machine auto-detects the errors and shows the related code on the remote controller screen. If an error occurs, you can easily self-diagnose it and report it to your Daikin authorized service provider for a quick resolution.SELFOther FeaturesDaikin FDMF series offers you a new era of smart, efficient, and reliable comfort. It incorporates a myriad of outstanding features that will enhance your end-user experience!Whisper-Quiet OperationThe Daikin indoor unit is whisper quiet. The sound level can reach a quiet level down to 26 dB(A)*.High Indoor Air QualityThe FDMF series offers as standard a high level of indoor air quality..The washable antimicrobial filter eliminates various airborne dusts, for a cleaner and purified living environment..An anti-bacterial agent box is attached to the drain pan to maintain high indoor air quality wherein silver ions are used to prevent the growth of microorganisms.Anti-Bacterial BoxSilver ions to help prevent the growth of micro-organisms that cause clogging and unpleasant smells.*For FDMF18AVMK unit only.6Temperature conditions: (1) Outdoor: 35CDB - Indoor: 27CDB/19CWB (2) Outdoor: 46CDB - Indoor: 29CDB/19CWB*GWP: Global Warming Potential **ODP: Ozone Depletion PotentialR-32Zero ODP for a reduced impact to the environment.Inverter TechnologyInverter AC continuously adjusts the compressor speed, thus power input, to constantly meet the temperature requirements. So, energy is no longer wasted and considerable amount of money can be saved.Auto-RestartIn case of sudden power failure, the unit will restart randomly with previous settings. This will help preventing power surge after blackout.Tropical CompressorThe tropical compressor is able to handle and operate fully under extreme weather conditions.Powerful CoolingRapid cooling and powerful, even if outside temperature is very highDrain Pump KitFacilitates condensation draining from the indoor unit.Reinforced Anti CorrosionAll the sensitive parts such as condenser coil, PCB sensors, outdoor bottom frame or stop valve are protected against corrosion for a longer life span, even under corrosive environment, with cooling performance maintained optimal.SilenceDaikin indoor units are whisper quiet. Outdoor units are also guaranteed not to disturb the quietness of the neighbourhood.Automatic Airflow AdjustmentThis unique Daikin function selects the most appropriate fan curve to achieve the best comfort. Compared to traditional duct, it will make the installation shorter and easier as balancing of dampers is not required.7DMEA21-170KSAThe present publication is drawn up by way of information only and does not constitute an offer binding upon Daikin MEA. Daikin MEA has compiled the content of this publication to the best of its knowledge. No express or implied warranty is given for the completeness, accuracy, reliability or fitness for particular purpose of its content and the products and services present-ed therein. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Daikin MEA explicitly rejects any liability for any direct or indirect damage, in the broadest sense, arising from or related to the use and/or interpretation of this publication. All content is copyrighted by Daikin MEA.。
REPAIR PARTS®MHRP-G2347This manual is to be used by qualified technicians only.December 2021GM9S 92% FER Up Flow Furnace© 2021 Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. ◊ 5151 San Felipe St, Suite 500 ◊ Houston, TX 77056GM9S920403ANAA GM9S920603BNAA GM9S920803BNAA GM9S920804CNAA GM9S920805CNAA GM9S921004CNAA GM9S921005CNAA GM9S921205DNAAImportant Information For assistance within the U.S.A. contact:International DivisionGoodman Company, L.P.7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040713-861-2500-Telephone 713-863-2382-FacsimileFor assistance outside the U.S.A. contact:IndexFunctional Parts List Illustration and Parts......................................................................................................................................................................................................Views shown are for parts illustrations only, not servicing procedures.AR - As Required NA - Not Available NS - Not Shown00000000 - See NoteQTY - Quantity Example (QTY 3) (If Quantity not shown, Quantity = 1)M - Model Example (M1) (If M Code not shown, then part is used on all Models)Text Codes:ExampleM1 - Model#1 M2 - Model#2 M3 - Model#3Expanded Model Nomenclature:Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. is not responsible for personal injury or property damage resulting from improper service. Review all service information before beginning repairs.Warranty service must be performed by an authorized technician, using authorized factory parts. If service is required after the warranty expires, Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. also recommends contacting an authorized technician and using authorized factory parts.Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice or without incurring obligations. 2Homeowner SupportGoodman Manufacturing Company, L.P.19001 Kermier Road Waller, Texas 77484877-254-4729-Telephone 713-863-2382-FacsimileGoodman Manufacturing Company, L.P.19001 Kermier Road Waller, Texas 4 - 113RP-G2347Functional Parts PartNo:Description:0257F00449ASSY, HEAT EXCHANGER (M1)0163F00017BECKETT BURNER (QTY 2)0271F00181BLOWER HSG ASSY (M2, M3)0271F00163BLOWER SHELL & WHEEL ASSY (M8)0271F00161BLOWER SHELL & WHEEL ASSY (M5, M7) PCBBF163CIRCUIT BOARD, FURNACE0130F00010FLAME SENSOR0151M00037GAS VALVE0257F00281HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY (M6, M7)0257F00211HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY (M3)0257F00286HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY (M8)0257F00283HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY (M2)0257F00296HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY (M4, M5)0130F00008IGNITOR-SINI 17 SEC0130M00243INTERLOCK SWITCH20162903LIMIT, PRIMARY (M1, M5, M6)20162907LIMIT, PRIMARY (M7)20162906LIMIT, PRIMARY (M3)20162904LIMIT, PRIMARY (M8)0130F00038LIMIT, PRIMARY, 120, LT BLUE (QTY 2)0130F00036LIMIT, PRIMARY, 180, PINK (M2, M4)0130F00123LIMIT, RESET MAN (M2)10123538LIMIT-MAN-TAN (M1)10123529LIMIT-RESET MAN-GREEN (M8)10123539LIMIT-RESET MAN-ORANGE (M3, M5, M6, M7) 10123534LIMIT-RESET MAN-ORANGE (M4)0171M00008MOTOR, ID BLOWER (M1)0131F00261MOTOR, PROGRAM (M1)0131F00267MOTOR, PROGRAM (M7)0131F00266MOTOR, PROGRAM (M6)0131F00265MOTOR, PROGRAM (M5)0131F00264MOTOR, PROGRAM (M4)0131F00263MOTOR, PROGRAM (M3)0131F00262MOTOR, PROGRAM (M2)0131F00268MOTOR, PROGRAM (M8)0171M00001MOTOR-ID, BLOWER (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6,M7, M8)0130F00641PRESSURE SWITCH (M1)0130F00442SWITCH, PRESSURE (M2, M4, M5, M8)0130F00441SWITCH, PRESSURE (M3, M6, M7)0130M00140TRANSFORMER 120V TO 24V, 40VA0150M00042WHEEL, BLOWER (10 X 10) (M4, M6)0150M00043WHEEL, BLOWER (10 X 8) (M2, M3)0150M00061WHEEL,BLOWER (M1)SPECIAL PARTS0161F00086NAMEPLATE, GOODMAN Expanded Model NomenclatureM1 - GM9S920403ANAAM2 - GM9S920603BNAAM3 - GM9S920803BNAAM4 - GM9S920804CNAAM5 - GM9S920805CNAAM6 - GM9S921004CNAAM7 - GM9S921005CNAAM8 - GM9S921205DNAA3 Cabinet Assembly 4RP-G2347Cabinet AssemblyRef.No:Part No:Description:Ref.No:Part No:Description:Image 1:DRAIN KIT ASSY 0270F0524811DRAIN KIT ASSY 0270F0524821GASKET (QTY 2)0154F00024111GASKET (QTY 2)0154F00025121DRAIN TRAP0161F00046141DOOR, ACCESS 17.5 PNT (M2, M3)0121F00291DG 191DOOR, ACCESS 21 PNT (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00292DG 191DOOR, ACCESS 24.5 PNT (M8)0121F00293DG 191PNT, DOOR, ACCESS 14" (M1)0121F00674DG 191DOOR, BLOWER 17.5 PNT (M2, M3)0121F00288DG 201DOOR, BLOWER 21 PNT (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00289DG 201DOOR, BLOWER 24.5 PNT (M8)0121F00290DG 201PNT, DOOR, BLOWER 14" (M1)0121F00672DG 201VIEW PORT BUSHING-BLOWER DOOR (QTY 2)B1392139281GASKET, DECK (M2, M3)0154F00020311GASKET, DECK (M4, M5, M6, M7)0154F00021311GASKET, DECK (M8)0154F00022311GASKET, DECK (M1)0154F00063311HOSE-ELBOW/TRAP 0164F00017341DRAIN HOSE (M1)0164F00020351HOSE, COVER/TRAP (M8)0164F00006351HOSE, COVER/TRAP (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7)0164F00024351PIPE GROMMET M0501301451BUTTON PLUG (QTY 3)M0570808491BUTTON PLUG M0570806501BUTTON PLUGM0570807511PLUG, HOLE (M1, M2, M3, M6, M7)0161M00027521PLASTIC PLUG, 1" (2713-BLK) (QTY 4)B1392021601UNIVERSAL BUSHING UB 875 B1392104741BUTTON PLUG (QTY 2)M0310345NS HEX NUT-INSERT (QTY 3)0163M00319NS NAMEPLATE, GOODMAN 0161F00086NS RETAINER-SCREW (QTY 3)M0273904NS SCREW-DECORATIVE (QTY 3)M0209730NSExpanded Model Nom enclature M1 - GM9S920403ANAA M2 - GM9S920603BNAA M3 - GM9S920803BNAA M4 - GM9S920804CNAA M5 - GM9S920805CNAA M6 - GM9S921004CNAA M7 - GM9S921005CNAA M8 - GM9S921205DNAA5RP-G2347w w w.goodmanmfg.co w w Blower Assembly 6RP-G2347Blower AssemblyRef. No:PartNo:Description:Ref.No:PartNo:Description:Image 1:BLOWER HSG ASSY (M2, M3)0271F0018131BLOWER HSG ASSY (M4, M6)0271F0018231BLOWER HSG ASSY (M1)0271F0032331BLOWER SHELL & WHEEL ASSY (M5, M7)0271F0016131BLOWER SHELL & WHEEL ASSY (M8)0271F0016331WHEEL, BLOWER (10 X 10) (M4, M6)0150M0004241WHEEL, BLOWER (10 X 8) (M2, M3)0150M0004341WHEEL,BLOWER (M1)0150M0006141BLWR BLK-OFF,10X10 (M4, M6)76474151BLWR BLK-OFF,10X6 (M1)76473951BLWR BLK-OFF,10X8 (M2, M3)76474051MOUNT BAND, MOTOR (HEAVY DUTY)0121M00039141MOUNT ARM, MOTOR (QTY 3)0163M00538151MOTOR, PROGRAM (M1)0131F00261181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M2)0131F00262181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M3)0131F00263181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M4)0131F00264181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M5)0131F00265181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M6)0131F00266181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M7)0131F00267181MOTOR, PROGRAM (M8)0131F00268181TC SCREW 1.25" (QTY 3)M0250565231HEX HEAD ALL THREAD TAP BOLT0163M00320251WASHER, FLAT 1/4 ID X 1 OD (QTY 3)B1392918261LOCKNUT, NYLON, INSERT 1/4, 20B1393800281TRANSFORMER 120V TO 24V, 40VA0130M00140381CIRCUIT BOARD, FURNACEPCBBF163401MOUNTING PLATE-CONTROLS0121F00464461LIMIT, PRIMARY, 120, LT BLUE (QTY 2)0130F00038521CTM, MOTOR HARNESS0159F00119NSPLASTIC PLUG, 1" (2713-BLK) (QTY 4)B1392021NSWIRE HARNESS-BLOWER0259F00024NSExpanded Model Nom enclatureM1 - GM9S920403ANAAM2 - GM9S920603BNAAM3 - GM9S920803BNAAM4 - GM9S920804CNAAM5 - GM9S920805CNAAM6 - GM9S921004CNAAM7 - GM9S921005CNAAM8 - GM9S921205DNAA7 RP-G2347w w w.goodmanmfg.co w w Chassis Assembly 8RP-G2347Chassis AssemblyRef.No:Part No:Description:Ref.No:Part No:Description:Image 1:BASEPAN, 17.5 (M2, M3)0121F00530DG 11BASEPAN, 21 PNT (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00531DG 11BASEPAN, 24.5 PNT (M8)0121F00532DG 11BASEPAN,14 PNT (M1)0121F00664DG 11DECK, BLOWER 14" (M1)0121F0066331DECK-BLOWER 17.5" (M2, M3)0121F0053331DECK-BLOWER 21" (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F0053431DECK-BLOWER 24.5" (M8)0121F0053531ANGLE, DECK (M2, M3)0121F00314101ANGLE, DECK (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00315101ANGLE, DECK (M8)0121F00316101ANGLE, DECK (M1)0121F00661101PAINTED TOP, FURNACE 17.5 (M2, M3)0121F00279DG 111PAINTED TOP, FURNACE 21 (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00280DG 111PAINTED TOP, FURNACE 24.5 (M8)0121F00281DG 111PNT, FURNACE TOP 14" (M1)0121F00662DG 111ANGLE, SIDE (QTY 2)0121F00313121HOSE- PRESSURE SW 10" (M1)0164M00118201HOSE- PRESSURE SW 8" (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8)0164M00117201HOSE- PRESSURE SW 12" 0164M00119211INTERLOCK SWITCH 0130M00243221FLUE PIPE W/BEND 0164F00002231ELBOW-FLUE,UPFLOW 0164F00025241FRESH AIR GASKET (QTY 2)0154F00041251MOTOR, ID BLOWER (M1)0171M00008271MOTOR-ID, BLOWER (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8)0171M00001271COUPLING0161F00037281PRESSURE SWITCH (M1)0130F00641291SWITCH, PRESSURE (M3, M6, M7)0130F00441291SWITCH, PRESSURE (M2, M4, M5, M8)0130F00442291JUNCTION BOX PLA 0161F00042311JUNCTION BOX LID 0161F00043331CLAMP-HOSE (QTY 2)0163M00460611GASKET (QTY 2)0154F00015791GASKET (M2, M3)0154F00014811GASKET (M4, M5, M6, M7)0154F00016811GASKET (M1)0154F00064811GASKET (M8)20194607811BRACKET, DOOR SWITCH 0121F00389991FRESH AIR GASKET (QTY 2)0154F00041NS INSULATION, HT EX CHANGER (M1)0160F00025NS INSULATION, HT EX CHANGER 17.5" (M2, M3)0160F00015NS INSULATION, HT EX CHANGER 21" (M4, M5, M6, M7)0160F00016NS INSULATION, HT EX CHANGER 24.5" (M8)0160F00017NS PLUG-TUBEM0326804NS WIRE HARNESS (M1)0159F00142NS WIRE HARNESS (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8)0159F00143NSExpanded Model Nom enclature M1 - GM9S920403ANAA M2 - GM9S920603BNAA M3 - GM9S920803BNAA M4 - GM9S920804CNAA M5 - GM9S920805CNAA M6 - GM9S921004CNAA M7 - GM9S921005CNAA M8 - GM9S921205DNAA9RP-G2347w w w.goodmanmfg.co w w Heat Exchange and Manifold Assembly 10RP-G2347Heat Exchange and Manifold AssemblyRef.No:Part No:Description:Ref.No:Part No:Description:Image 1:IGNITOR-SINI 17 SEC 0130F0000811GAS VALVE 0151M0003721ORIFICE (QTY 2)1071600531FLAME SENSOR 0130F0001041LIMIT, RESET MAN (M2)0130F0012351LIMIT-MAN-TAN (M1)1012353851LIMIT-RESET MAN-GREEN (M8)1012352951LIMIT-RESET MAN-ORANGE (M4)1012353451LIMIT-RESET MAN-ORANGE (M3, M5, M6, M7)1012353951MANIFOLD (M1)0163F0000761MANIFOLD (M2)0163F0000861MANIFOLD (M4, M5)0163F0000961MANIFOLD (M6, M7)0163F0001061MANIFOLD (M8)0163F0001161MANIFOLD (M3)0163F0001461BECKETT BURNER (QTY 2)0163F0001771BRACKET-BURNER 2 (M1)0121F0045681BRACKET-BURNER 3 (M2)0121F0045581BRACKET-BURNER 4 (M3, M4, M5)0121F0045481BRACKET-BURNER 5 (M6, M7)0121F0045381BRACKET-BURNER 6 (M8)0121F0045181ORIFICE BRACKET-BURNER 2 (M1)0121F00469111ORIFICE BRACKET-BURNER 3 (M2)0121F00468111ORIFICE BRACKET-BURNER 4 (M3, M4, M5)0121F00467111ORIFICE BRACKET-BURNER 5 (M6, M7)0121F00466111ORIFICE BRACKET-BURNER 6 (M8)0121F00465111COVER, FRONT (M3)0161F00016131COVER, FRONT (M4, M5)0161F00018131COVER, FRONT (M6, M7)0161F00027131COVER, FRONT (M8)0161F00028131COVER, FRONT (M2)0161F00031131COVER, FRONT (M1)0161F00076131GASKET FRONT COVER (M2, M3)0154F00026141GASKET FRONT COVER (M4, M5, M6, M7)0154F00030141GASKET FRONT COVER (M8)0154F00034141GASKET FRONT COVER (M1)0154F00062141ASSY, HEAT EX CHANGER (M1)0257F00449151HEAT EX CHANGER ASSY (M3)0257F00211151HEAT EX CHANGER ASSY (M6, M7)0257F00281151HEAT EX CHANGER ASSY (M2)0257F00283151HEAT EX CHANGER ASSY (M8)0257F00286151HEAT EX CHANGER ASSY (M4, M5)0257F00296151TUBE PLUGM0326804161SHEILD, BURNER (M2)0121F00540171SHEILD, BURNER (M3, M4, M5)0121F00541171SHEILD, BURNER (M6, M7)0121F00542171SHEILD, BURNER (M8)0121F00543171SHIELD, BURNER (M1)0121F00755171GASKET ID BLOWER 0154F00043181CAP-VINYL .500 A1781105231COVER, REAR (M2, M3)0121F00317261COVER, REAR (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00318261COVER, REAR (M8)0121F00319261COVER, REAR (M1)0121F00670261GASKET REAR CVR (M1)0154F00058271GASKET, REAR CVR (M2, M3)0154F00037271GASKET, REAR CVR (M4, M5, M6, M7)0154F00038271Image 1:GASKET, REAR CVR (M8)0154F00039271LIMIT, PRIMARY (M1, M5, M6)20162903371LIMIT, PRIMARY (M8)20162904371LIMIT, PRIMARY (M3)20162906371LIMIT, PRIMARY (M7)20162907371LIMIT, PRIMARY, 180, PINK (M2, M4)0130F00036371INSULATION, RETAINER (M1)0121F00582NS INSULATION, RETAINER (M2, M3)0121F00583NS INSULATION, RETAINER (M4, M5, M6, M7)0121F00584NS INSULATION, RETAINER (M8)0121F00585NS PRIMARY LIMIT-HEAT SHIELD 0121F00439NS SHIELD, COIL (QTY 2)0121F00355NSExpanded Model Nom enclature M1 - GM9S920403ANAA M2 - GM9S920603BNAA M3 - GM9S920803BNAA M4 - GM9S920804CNAA M5 - GM9S920805CNAA M6 - GM9S921004CNAA M7 - GM9S921005CNAA M8 - GM9S921205DNAA11RP-G2347w w w.goodmanmfg.co w w 。
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A A1
2 × 8/4 1400 870
2 ×
2 ×
l0/4 1 2 / 4 I 5 / 4 1 7 / 4 1600 l070 1800 1270
' 0
2100 1570
230o 1770
H, Ⅱ , H4
480 532 913 477
型 R
万口 Μ
钮 财 L w
选 型 :
喟恒 巛康
以下选此种热空气幕较为理 用户可根据 门厅 的具体情况进行选型。一 般 门的高度在 2 8 米 想 。当闸上框至天花板的高度超过 0 9 米 ,可选立式。当门上框至大花板 高度大于 0 5 米 小 时 , 于 08米 时可选卧式。其规格应按门宽度来选。 安 1 装 : 安采用型材作支撑架 ( 槽 工 字钢) , 安 装 钢或 装耍牢固。
重 雯一 α 驴
107 3
lO20 1220 1420 1720 1920
870 lO70 I270 1574 1274 1574 1774
92 6 122 2 132 166 7 169 190 9 207 2154
1 3 5
1 0 6 i ! 1 2 275 llO5 160 295
″ 咭
1720 1570 1578
离心风 机 空气加热器 下导流罩
2 上导 流 罩 4 安装 耳 板 6 出风 口
乌鲁木齐恒康暖通 空调设备有限公司
技 术 参 数:
嘤巛 灿 亘康
2× 8/2
型 ≡
途 : 务 于 和 热空气幕一样 ,适 一般商店,服 此种热空气幕是一种较小而轻便 的热风装置,它 B型 行业 、 宾馆 、餐厅 、影剧院 、医院、机关等单位 闸厅安装使用 。 主 要 特 点: 下导流罩等纽成。空气加热器采 气加热器 ,上 该型热空气幕是 由低噪肯外转 子离心风桃 ,空 用 热效率高 ,采 用传热性能 良好的无缝钢管缠绕铝翅片作为传热元件 。具有较大的散热面积 ,传 量轻等特点 . 装维护简便 ,重 电低 ,安 气射流稳定,耗 低噪音外转子离心风机,噪音低,空 结 构 形 式:
结 构 形 式:
规 格 尺 寸:
2X8/2 9020 2x8/3
a23 I028 324 a23 l028 324 32‘ 327
1220 l070 2x10/3 2x12/2
l 4一
R M L - B 热 空气 幕 型
0 富 臼
2x12/3 2x15/2 1720 2x15/3 2X8/2 878
安 装 尺 寸:
型 号 解 释: R M 一 : 品
RML-B型 热空气毒安装图
设 计进号 改序
L : 立式 W:臣 式 卜 热 空气 幕
2× 8/4 _「 .
管 数 钋
风 口长 (× iOo0mml 100mm) 风 口宽 (×
乌鲁木 齐恒康暖通空调设备有 限公司
康 躐恒
热 空 气 幕
二 、RM品 -c型 用
RMW-B RML-B 2× 15/3 RMⅣ -B
07 5980
表 :
o ]Ml,a o
2M¤ u
Ry甘 -:2× :/2
一〓 ∷~ ∷
t ,
t ,
1 妾
(kg/h) ( K w(kg/h)℃ (Kw) (℃ ) ) ( ) (kg/l∶) (Kw) k g / h ) ) (℃ ( ( ℃ (Kw) )
注 I表中符号含义 :
(1)t2表 示 出 口温 度 ;
示散热量 ; (2)Q表
示蒸汽流量 (3)G表
司恒 臼康
型 :
用户可根据门厅的具体情况进行选型。一般门的高度在 28米 以下选此种风幕较为理想。当 门上框至天花板的高度超过 11米 天花板高度低于 09米 时,可 选立式 ;当 时,应 选卧式 ,其 规 格应按门宽度来选。 安 装 : 1安 装采用型材作支撑架 (槽 工字钢),安 钢或 装要牢固。 2按 供暖管路标淮安装水管路 ,在 最低处安装放水 (汽 )阀。 使 用 维 护: 1 开 前首先检查风机转向是否正确。 机 2开 机供热时 ,要 先开启风机 ,然 后再供热。 3蒸 汽压力不得超过 06Mpa。 4在 正常工作条件下 ,风 机运行 1000小 时左右更换一次润滑脂 ,应 先将轴承丙洗净 ,然 后注人 润滑脂 ,加 油量不超过轴承室空间的 2/3。 5每 年使用前检查并紧固各部连接件。 6较 长时间停机时,应 及时排除系统内积水 ,以防冻裂翅片管。 ・
V RMˉ -B
永一 〓
3000 5400 5350 5100
4 2 63 62 59 58 59 58 56 55
22 57
2× t2/2
RML-B 2× 12/3 RMV-B
34 D4× ∶ 5200
2× 15/2
22 6300 6000
02 77
48 14
52 9! 98
〓` ' υ
79 l08
84 87
35 101
47 I12 1
33 J26
注 : 表中符 号 含义 :
(i)t2表 示 出 口温度 ; 5
( 2 ) 0 表 热量 ; 示散
示蒸 ( 3 ) G 表 汽流量
300 870 84O 590 289
I564 300 924 1124 I264 870 870 860 610 309
RML-C型 立式热 空气幕 1 离 心通风机 2上 导流罩 3 空 气加热器
R M W ~ C卧式热空气幕 型
4 安 装耳板
5 下导流罩
风 出 口
规 格 尺 寸:
蠃 萨``“ ]3
RMI-C RML~C RMT-C RML— C 2× 8/4 2× 10/4 2× 12/4 2× 15/4 2× 17/4
260() 4 5
o 4
2 2560
4 4 4 5
4 4
2× 10/2
182 3200 3050 27 380
RllW-B RMl-B
2× 10/3
∽ 〓 夕 ∽ ∽ ~ 一 ≥ 0
4 2
I40 144 173 180 200 202 192 208 225 235
31 51
53 59
3‘ 98
‘ 6
69 76 79
70 74
07 126
63 59
48 79 84 89 IO0
14 90 30 ]48 88159 53 24
3 8 3
B 2 x r2,/2
60 105 3 ll72 120 138
・ 1 3
¨ ∷
… 4 ~ 6
〓 一 四
… ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ … ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ” ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ … ¨ ¨ ・ 8 1 1
'、 七、 丿、 、 九、 十、
2 按 供暖管路标准安装水管路 , 在 最低处安装放水 ( 汽 阀。 ) 使 用 维 护: 1 开 前首先检吞风机转向是否正确。 桃 2开 机供热时 ,要 后再供热。 先开启风机 ,然 3蒸 汽 压力不得超过 06Mpa. 4在 正常工作条件下 ,风 机运行 1000小 时左右更换一次润滑脂 ,应先将轴承内洗净 ,然后注人 润滑脂 ,加油量不超过轴承室空间的 2/3。 5每 年使用前检查并紧固各部连接件。 6较 长 |l问 及时排除系统 内积水 ,以防冻裂翅片管。 停机时 ,应 安 装 尺 寸: