
飞机上发现一名精神异常的乘客(violent passenger),这名旅客喝醉了(drunk),大声说话(speak loudly)并离开座位(leave seat),影响了其他乘客(botherother passengers),这名醉酒乘客原来坐在靠近应急出口的座位(emergency exit),客舱服务员报告机长后,机长要求安全员(sky marshaller)对其实施监控,并联系管制要求优先着陆,管制员引导飞机飞往另一个机场,因为该飞机比较重,需要放油。在即将着陆时,塔台询问机长是否需要宣布紧急状态,而此时因为该乘客情绪已比较平静,故机长说不用宣布紧急状态。飞机落地后,地面直接引导飞机到机坪下客(direct taxi route to apron for disembarking)。
De-icing, fuel dumping, cancel SID, instructions for downwind/base, go around, bomb, obstacles, turbulence, severe, descend, speed-brake, structure, damage, priority etc.

以下是一些可能在面试中出现的题目示例:# 航空基础知识1. 请简述航空器的五大基本飞行原理。
2. 描述飞机起飞和降落的基本过程。
3. 什么是飞机的失速现象,飞行员如何避免?# 航空器结构与系统4. 请解释飞机的机翼是如何产生升力的。
5. 飞机的液压系统有哪些主要功能?6. 描述飞机的发动机类型及其工作原理。
# 航空法规7. 请列举国际民用航空组织(ICAO)的主要功能。
8. 什么是航空安全法规,它对航空业有何重要性?9. 描述航空公司如何遵守航空法规以确保飞行安全。
# 航空气象学10. 请解释什么是风切变,它对飞行安全有何影响?11. 飞行员如何利用气象信息来规划飞行路线?12. 描述不同类型的云层及其对飞行的影响。
# 航空通信13. 飞行员与空中交通管制(ATC)的通信流程是怎样的?14. 请解释甚高频(VHF)通信的原理和应用。
15. 描述飞行员如何使用无线电导航设备进行导航。
# 航空安全管理16. 什么是风险管理在航空安全中的作用?17. 描述航空公司如何进行飞行安全审计。
18. 请解释什么是飞行安全文化,它对航空业有何影响?# 案例分析19. 请分析一起航空事故的原因,并讨论如何预防类似事件的发生。
20. 描述一次成功的紧急情况处理案例,并讨论其中的关键因素。
# 个人素质与职业发展21. 作为一名航空专业的学生,你如何准备自己进入这个行业?22. 请谈谈你对航空业未来发展趋势的看法。
23. 描述你如何处理工作中的压力和挑战。
# 结尾这些题目只是航空专业考试面试试题题库的一部分,实际的面试题目可能会更加具体和深入。

▪ Control, ACA ×× intercept emergency call from LDH ××. He has a fuel emergency, and the position of LDH ××.
▪ Who declares a fuel emergency?
▪ Control : there has traffic in your 11 clock ,from left to right.
▪ Pilots: due to anti-ice inoperative, request descend .
▪ ATC: Flight level××-×× has moderate turbulence ,caution please.
▪ Why did the crew request descend. ▪ Due to moderate turbulence ▪ Due to anti-ice malfunction
▪ 这部分有画外音,而且有时需要复诵的内容 很短,需要仔细听。
▪ 第四部分OPI
▪ 开始是一些简单问题,如谈谈你的家庭,以及你的工作,你 服务机型等等
▪ 图片是关于尾流(wake turbulence )图中有两部分上面一 部分是一架飞机飞行示意图标有高度距离和rotation point,下 面是截取的一架飞机翼尖漩涡(vortex)。
▪ 第一部分听力选择题

1.Tell me something about yourself.My name isXXXXX. I come from Beijing .2.Tell me something about your hometown.My hometown is Beijing . It’s a modern and big city. Have you been there?Welcome to Beijing! You can go to the Great wall, Summer palace, Tian an men square(this is biggest square of world) and Forbidden City. You can go shopping in WangFuJing Street and Qian men Road. Also there are a lot of famous universities, such as Peking university, Qing hua university and Beijing Foreign Language university and so on. There is only one international airport in BeiJing, Capital Airport . There are 3 runways in the Airport now. and there will be five runways in the future. There are some large terminal buildings. BeiJing will become the aviation center in the world.It is a big event in china.Olympic Games will be held in August this year. Chinese are very happy then I should work very hard.many people want to go to china to see the Olympic games ,they should come here by air ,so it is a big chance for the china civil aviation.3.What’s the weather like there?No, I don’t like it.in spring there are sandstorms, in winter it is too cold and strong wind ,in summer it is very hot ,autumn is just ok .4.Which company do you work for?Air China.5.How long have you been working there?I have been working there for 20 years.6.How many hours have you flown?I have flown about 17,000 hours.7.What are advantages of being a pilot?I think the job is well-paid. It is very challenging. I can visit many places. So I enjoy my job very much.8.If you didn’t become a pilot, what job would you be doing now?Why?I want to be a doctor,because my mother is a doctor ,she wants me to be a doctor. we can service the patients and save the sick9.What kind of aircraft do you fly?I fly B747-400。

图片描述A time bomb made of dynamitesticksOne object looks like a timebomb composed of a bundle ofdynamite sticks and a timerconnected by electric wiresIt looks like a road barrierwhich is made of a metalrack. The horizontal bar ofthe rack is painted withorange and white diagonalstripes. On top of the rack,there is a yellow flash light tothe right.Section 2 中的特殊情况1. 滑行道上有碎片或残片,例如debris[debri:],飞行员需要与ATC联系清除滑行道上的残片。
滑跑过程中,出现滑油压力低(oil pressure low),需要中断起飞。
During taxing, I found some debris on the surface of the taxiway. It looked like pieces of a tire and some wreckage of aircraft or vehicle. We reported the event to ATC. We continued taxi to the runway after the taxiway was cleared. We were cleared for take-off, suddenly a caution message “R ENG OIL PRESS”popped out during takeoff roll, we rejected the take-off immediately. We stopped on the runway, and shut down the engine afterwards. We contacted ATC for taxiing back to the ramp and got the aircraft checked by the maintenance. That is all I can remember.2. 飞机客舱门(cabin door seal problem)失密,有噪声(whistling noise)、我们联系了公司运控(operations).接着左前客舱门会飞掉 be blown out, cabin door debris was sucked into one engine and caused the engine damage,机长关停了受损发动机.然后会出现紧急失压(cabin rapid depressurization ),飞行员联系CENTER申请紧急下降(request emergency descent and landing),require emergency service on arrival. Ambulance and fire truck。

ICAO英语四级面试内容ORAL PROFICIENCY INTERVIEW (OPI)Directions: In this part, two testers will accompany you through the whole process of the interview. One of them will act as the interlocutor and the other will be the assessor. Only the interlocutor will talk with you in the interview with possible elicitation. The assessor will not join the conversation and only evaluate your performance according to the ICAO rating scale. Remember that the total interview time will be from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 20 minutes.Original question list:1.How did you become a pilot?When I was a student in my high school about 30 years ago, the navy selected pilots from students of high school, I took part in the check-up, and fortunately I became a navy pilot.2.Please describe a success in your life?The true success in my life includes tow things. First, I chose the job of pilot, that’s to say I realize my dream . Second, I have a good family, my wife is very virtuous and my son is very handsome.3, please tell of a great achievement you have made in your career?If there was achievement in my pilot career, I became a commercial airplane captain.4, please tell something about a great change in your pilot career?A biggest change was that I transferred from navy to the commercial airline.5, do you have any future plan? What is it?I wish each of my flights is on time and safe.6,Describe your typical working day?Every working day I have to get up early, and then I go to my base by car. When I arrive at my base, I need to prepare the flight plan with my crew members. We usually get in the aircraft one hour before taking-off and begin pre-fly check .During the flight; we work carefully and finish my flight safely then do debriefing7. What do you find most challenging about your job/I think the most challenging thing is I have to control the aircraft and make the taking-off and landing safe under different weather conditions.8. What would be your ideal job?I think nothing is better than my present job that’s to say my ideal job is to be a pilot.9. Is your job promising or not?Of course it is, with the development of civil aviation, pilots play an important role in it and it can bring a lot of positive effects to the country. So it is surely promising.10. Have you received any training related English?Yes, I have received the training of radio-telephony communication and this ICAO level-4.11. Please tell something about a short course you have taken or would like to take?This ICAO course I am taking teach me a lot of things and help me to pass the level-4 test .Moreover this course gives me a chance to improve my English and receive the face-to –face English training which has some foreign teachers12. What do you think about the importance in learning English?In my opinion, the importance is good listening and fluent speaking. If you don’t understand the message, so you can’t have a good comprehension and can’t speak intention correctly.13. Do you think ICAO English proficiency test is necessary?Yes, sure. I suppose on one hand, it make our English more standard; on the other hand, it let civil aviation of China keep pace of ICAO.14. What are the important factors that determine a good radio-telephony communication?The important factors are standard words and clear expressions and brief intentions and instructions.15. Do you think our ICAO English test is difficult? Which part is most difficult?I think it is really difficult for me, especially listening and describe, because it needs large vocabulary and listening ability.16. What do you plan to do to improve your English in the near future?I decide to keep learning English all the time and catch every minute to improve my English. Listen more, speak more and practice more.17. What are the most difficult things in learning English according to your own experience?For me, I think the most difficult thing is listening .As every time I listen to the radio English program ,but I can get nothing and have difficulties in understanding it.18. How to do get along with your family.We know each other, we have fun and play together, and we share our joy and sorrow together, and we love each other.19. What are the fondest memories of your family?The fondest memory of my family is the time that my son came to the world. The first eyesight I caught of him, I felt extremely proud of him, because I became a real father.20. What do you and family like to do together?My family like to chat together to know better about each other and share joy and happiness.21. Are you pressured by your family? How?No, I am not. Because my family is always behind me, no matter what happen, they all support me and relieve my pressure.22. Does your family support your job? How?My wife never wants me to involve into the housework, she always give me enough time to relax, and my son never wants me to worry about his study, he can take care of himself.23. How do you get along with your colleagues?I think we should get along with my colleagues frankly and friendlily, and try my best to avoid unhappy things happening and show my love to everyone.24. Are you good at communicating with others?Sure, because I am so outgoing and optimistic, then I like to communicate with others because I can learn something from them.25. If there is a disagreement in the cockpit, how do you deal with it?First, the discussion is encouraged in the cockpit, if there are different opinions, they should follow the right way to solve the problem or obey the captain’s instructions.26. Describe a teacher who has taught you?He is a tall man who has brown hair; he is so outgoing and humorous who has a Chinese girl friend? Can you guess who he is? Yes it’s Michael.27. What factors will affect flight safety?I think weather conditions; human errors and mechanic problems will affect flight safety.28. Tell me something about yourself?My name is Mao Liyang, I was born in 1961. I am a captain and work fore Deer Jet that is a business airline and belongs to Hai Nan group. I fly Hawker800xp and B737. My hometown is Haerbin….29. Would you prefer to work in your hometown or the base you are at now?I prefer to work in my base in Bei Jing. Because my family is located in there. So I can work intently and can get with my family more time. Other ways, Bei Jing is a capital of China, and a center of politics, economy and culture. There is a lot of30. Do you think RVSM why/why not?RVSM is the short of reduce vertical separationI supers, RVSM is very necessary in China. Because the aviation industry in China is developed very fast, many routes are congested. RVSM is able to increase the capacity of the routes, and insure the flight on time.31. Do you think RVSM is a permanent solution?No, I don’t think so. Follow the aviation industry develop, there is new problem maybe come forth.32. Do you fly busy routes like Shanghai to Beijing?Yes, I did.33. Do you find these routes too congested?Yes, I did. Those routes are congested too much.34. How do you think ATC can make it easier for you on these routes?I think, this problem is very difficult to solve. Videlicet: Easier said than done.35. If you faced an emergency situation during flight, how would you explain it to the passengers (e.g. engine failure and returning to departure airport)?I think, we should follow our company procedures to explain it to the passengers. And according to the situation, we’ll notify the passengers to do something and not to do something.36. How important is the Captain/ First Officer to you during an emergency? What are your tasks? How dependent are you to each other?I think at that time the most important thing is to keep calm.The captain should control the aircraft and keep attitude, altitude and speed. Then must make a right judgment and use proper procedure and checklist to ensure the safety of aircraft.The First Officer should follow the instructions to do, and report to ATC and request ATC instructions and ground helps.37.。

1.Which airline are you from? 你来自于哪家航空公司?I am from CHINA SOUTHEN AIRLINS.2.Are you a captain or a first officer? 你是一名机长还是副驾驶?I am a captain of A300.3.When did you become a captain?你什麽时候成为机长的?I became the captain of A300 in last year.4.Can you tell me where you live?你能告诉我你住哪吗?I live in Shanghai,it's a beautiful city.我住在上海,她是一座美丽的城市。
5.Can you tell me about your hometown?你能讲讲你的家乡吗?My hometown is Shanghai, it's beautiful. About 20 millionpeople call it their home. It's famouse as Oriental pearlall over the world. There are many tall buildings.Comercial districts such as Nanjing Road ,Huaihai Road andSichuan Road are always bustling. Waitan is a name that isfamiliar for foreigners. It’s the commerce, economy ,finance and culture centre of china. 我的家乡是上海,她很漂亮。

民航英语面试问题民航英语面试问题怎样进行国际航空英语面试?1. 什么是icao根据国际民航组织机构(icao)关于飞行人员英能力的要求,考试成绩飞标司组织开发了民航飞行人员英语等级考试系统,并组织民航英语方面的专家,对考试系统题库进行了专业审定。
2. icao考试内容如图所示分为四个板块:第一部分:听力理解你会听到若干组长达10秒或20秒的对话或陈述,在每组对话或陈述后,会相应地提出一个风险问题。
建议大学在准备第一部分其余部分时,多多阅读《民航英语阅读教程》,熟悉一些key words,for example,depressurization(释压) fire engine(救火车), emergency assistance(紧急救援)。

Personal backgroundWho influences you most in choosing the job? 谁对你选择这项职业影响最大?What are the good qualities of a good (qualified) captain? 什么是一个优秀机长应该具备的良好素质?Please describe a success(成功)in your life.Please tell a great achievement you have made in your pilot career.请说出你在飞行职业中取得的巨大的成就Please tell something about a great change in your pilot career.Do you have any future plan(未来计划)? What is it(是什么)? Working backgroundWhat position(职位)do you work (controller, captain, senior captain)?Describe your typical working day.1描述你的一个典型工作日How long have you been worked in this position?What do you find most challenging about your job?Do you like your job (or company)? What’s good about it? What should be your ideal(理想的)job?I s your job promising(有前途的)or not?What challenge will pilots meet in the next ten years? 在未来10年飞行员将会面临什么挑战?Please tell something about a short course(短期课程)you have taken(已经参加)or would like to take(想要参加). What do you think the importance(重要) in learning English?Do you think ICAO English proficiency test is necessary? What are the important factors(因素)that determining(决2定)a good, radio-telephony communication?(陆空通话)Do you think our training course(培训课程)help you in improving(提高)English? In what way? (在哪几方面呢?)Do you think our ICAO English test is difficult? Which part is the most difficult one?What do you plan to do to improve your English in the near future?What are the most important things in learning English according to(根据)your own experience(自己的经历)? Family backgroundTell something about your child.(wife).How do you get along with your family?你与家人相处的如何?What are the fondest(最愉快的)memories of your family?3What do you and your family like to do together?你和家人在一起喜欢干什么?Are you pressured by your family? How?你的家庭会给你压力吗?怎么样的?Dose your family support(支持)your job? How?Flight crew cooperationHow do you get along with your colleagues? 你与你的同事相处的如何?Suppose(假设)you are a first officer, what should you do to get along with the captain?What do you think of team work(团队合作)in the flight? Do you think CRM is important?If there is a disagreement in the cockpit, how do you deal with? 如果在驾驶舱内发生了分歧,你怎样处理?4Could you please describe your favorite flight instructors? 请你描述你最喜欢的一个飞行教员Can you describe personality and its advantages to your job? 描述你的对飞行有益的性格Who has impressed(影响)you most? Or why do you remember(记住)him?Level checkWhat did the pilots do when they found the problem? What factors will affect flight safety? Can you list some from your flight experience?什么是影响飞行的因素?你能从你的飞行经验中列举出一些吗?Where did you have simulator training?What should you do when you meet with thunderstorm(雷暴)?What should you do when you have to abort(终止)the5takeoff?What should you do when you have ice on the wing?6。

1.could you tell me something about ATIS(Automatic terminal information service)1).ATIS(Automatic terminal information service)2). function :common and popular in international airports to reduce the working load of ATC controller, to enhance control frequency utility3). the information included in ATIS are: meteorological information(SURFACE wind, temperature, dew point, RVR,visibility,ONH, ), active RWY,4). 12865 DEPARTURE 1276 arrival, for Beijing international airport5). the code of ATIS shall be updated alphabetically every one hour, the departure and arrival codes should not be using the same letter.2.in case of communication failure, what should you do1)the controller should make sure whether the transmitter or the receiver is troubled.2)Blind transmitting 盲发, in case of the unknown situation.3)Try to send a message to the troubled aircraft via other pilots.4)Clear the present level the aircraft is using, and arrange an emergency avoidance紧急避让5)Set the squawk A76006)When the situation happens on the ground, ask a tow car to tug the aircraft to the safe place3.could you tell me about the holding pattern1)Holding pattern is a pre-published aircraft mavenour used for rush-hour, delays, runway incursion or separation on route, to let the aircraft waiting in the air for further instructions.]2)Parallel entrance/ off-set entrance/direct(straight-in ) entrance3)Hold at VYK at 5100meters,(hold on to 210 radial ofCH VOR between 25MILES and 30 miles east of xxx at 5000FT,Inbound track 360 degrees, Left-hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute4.in case of air-crash, what should you do1)The controller should remain calm and report the accident to the supervisor.2)Provide emergency services including first aid, fire services, ambulances, and so on3)Contact pertinent department, arrange emergency avoidance for other aircrafts.4)To cooperate with the accident research team5.what the air-traffic controller do in the low-visibility condition1) .the reason of the low-visibility is heavy fog2) Mostly happen in the northern part of china, in winter3) As the controller, firstly ask for the pilot’s intention; secondly, ask the pilot to report the position; thirdly notify the pertinent unit sectors. 4〕ask the metrological department to send weather updates to keep informed of the weather condition 5) Arrange the follow-me car service for low-visibility operations6.could you tell us something about the difference between the instrument approach and visual approach1) instrument App is more precise and accurate than visual app, and can provide smaller separation for aircrafts, thus increase the safety and efficiency for operation2) pilot’s responsibility for safety---visaul, controller’s responsibility for safety—instrument3) visual app has a higher standard for weather condition than instrument app4〕目视进近间隔可以小于仪表进近间隔,但是必须要大于尾流间隔,目视进近对机长的要求更高。

Introduction to Aviation English Testing: Overview of Oral Proficiency Interview You main goal is a holistic evaluation of the controller.Use early easy questions to help the controller relax.Your aim is a face-to-face, normal-speed conversation. Don’t worry too much about topics wandering off course.During the first half of the interview, give the controller ample opportunity to demonstrate his/her level 3 skills. At the half way point, start giving the controller a chance to show level 4 skills (for weak controller, drop down to level 2 skills).If the candidate does not understand a question, it is okay to rephrase it and paraphrase. Easy Questions (Warm up Questions)1. Where do you work?2. How long have you worked there?3. Do you like your job? What’s good about it?4. What’s the best thing abo ut your job……..Mid-Level Questions1. Describe the types of air traffic and volume of traffic at your airport/facility.2. If you take off from your airport and fly straight East, tell me some things you will pass over.3. Tell me some places you go past on your way to work everyday.4. Describe what you do during a typical workday.5. Tell me everything you can about your aerodrome/facility.6. Give me a general (or detailed) description of the weather at your aerodrome/facility.7. Which do you like more, working as a tower controller or working as a radar controller? Why?……15. Describe some phenomena that could reduce visibility.16. Why is icing hazardous to flying? Name some types of icing.17. Does your airport get a lot of flights from other countries? From where? Vocabulary-Based Questions1. Look around a typical apron and name all the vehicles you can see.2. Select an aircraft and tell me about it.3. Select a vehicle and tell me some things the operator does in a typical day.4. Stand at a busy intersection and tell me everything you see.5. Look around the tower and tell me what you see.6. Look around your kitchen and tell me what you see.7. Give me a list of some hazardous materials.Open-Ended Questions1. Describe an emergency or potential emergency situation that occurred at your airport.2. Tell about some of the common problems that occur on your job.3.Describe the airspace in your country.Complex Suppositional Situations1. You are the tower controller. There is one runway, 27. A Citation reports a four mile final. Another Citation reports a 3-mile right base. Do you anticipate a possible traffic conflict? If so, describe all the different ways you might solve the problem.2. A 737 report 20 miles south at 10 thousand feet. Right engine failure. Describe your actions and communications as the tower controller.Use of drawings to Relate Incidents(See Attached Drawings for relating an incident at the aerodrome.)Use of Airport DiagramsIf the rater will carry a few Jepessen Airport Layout Diagrams with him (also SID’s and STAR’s) they make good materials for rapid-fire Q & A, which will often give you a good basic idea of a controller’s ability to function quickly in English. Potential questions:1. What’s the name of this airport?2. Is the diagram valid?3. How many runways are there?4. What’s the longest runway? The shortest? The。

飞行员ICAO考试简介与应试技巧1. 什么是ICAO根据国际民航组织(ICAO)关于飞行人员英语语言能力的要求,飞标司组织开发了民航飞行人员英语等级考试系统,并组织民航英语方面的专家,对考试系统题库进行了专业审定。
2. ICAO考试内容如图所示分为四个板块:第一部分:听力理解你会听到若干组长达10秒或20秒的对话或陈述,在每组对话或陈述后,会相应地提出一个问题。
建议大学在预备第一部分时,多多阅读《民航英语阅读教程》,认识一些key words,for example depressurization(释压) fire engine(救火车) emergency assistance(紧急救援)。

机场建设企业面试题及答案一、选择题1. 机场建设中,以下哪项不是必须考虑的因素?A. 地理位置B. 环境影响C. 资金预算D. 政治因素答案:D2. 根据国际民航组织(ICAO)的规定,机场飞行区指标中不包括以下哪一项?A. 跑道长度B. 跑道宽度C. 飞机翼展D. 飞机轮距答案:D3. 在机场建设中,以下哪项不是机场跑道的设计要求?A. 平整度B. 抗滑性C. 承载力D. 透明度答案:D二、填空题4. 机场建设企业在进行环境影响评估时,需要考虑的一个重要因素是_________,以确保机场运营不会对周边生态环境造成不可逆转的损害。
答案:噪音污染5. 机场建设中,航站楼的设计应考虑的因素包括旅客流量、安全性、_________等。
答案:功能性和便捷性6. 机场跑道的建设材料通常包括混凝土和_________。
答案:沥青三、简答题7. 简述机场建设中航站楼设计的重要性。
8. 描述机场建设中飞行区的规划要点。
四、论述题9. 论述机场建设企业在项目实施过程中如何确保工程质量和安全。

面试题第一部分:(1-2分钟)Could you please give me a brief introduction of yourself?Please say a few words of yourself.Hometown + hobby1.where do you come from? 你是哪里人?Where is your hometown?I come from Beijing, I work for China Southern Airlines Beijing Branch. 我来自北京。
中国南方航空公司北京分公司Where are you from ? Where do you live now?2.can you tell me something about your hometown?1My hometown is in Beijing, it is a beautiful city. Beijing is the capital city of China, it is famous for The Forbidden City and The Great wall. There are many food from different places all over China, most of them are very delicious. It has Houhai, where you can have some drinks in the evening with family or friends, also you can visit many theaters, enjoy plays, dramas, and you can visit many resorts, such as Summer Palace, Great Wall and The Nestle (The National Stadium)…你能讲讲你的家乡吗?我的家乡是北京,她很漂亮。

针对这些原因,可以采取以下预防措施:1) 加强飞机的定期维护和检查,确保所有设备处于良好状态;2) 对飞行员和机组人员进行严格的培训,提高他们对紧急情况的应对能力;3) 完善天气预报系统,确保飞行员在飞行前能够获得准确的天气信息;4) 加强空中交通管理,优化飞行路径规划,减少因交通拥堵造成的事故风险。
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面试题常问问题一、问题的构成:1.日常英语(1-2分钟)2.一般航空英语(5-6分钟)3.专业英语(含图片)(5-6分钟)4.日常英语二、具体问题Introduce yourself/tell me something about yourself.Tell me something about your family.How are you doing today?What is the weather like today?How did you get here?Where do you live?Have you taken any English test before?Do you have confidence to pass the test?Which kind of aircraft is your favorite aircraft?What is the difference between your favorite aircraft and the aircraft you are flying now?Which kind of aircraft are you flying now?Do you like your job?What is your hobby?Why do you choose to be a pilot?What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pilot? What qualities are needed to be a pilot?What are the main duties of a pilot/captain on a passenger aircraft?Describe any emergency or potential emergency occurred to you or your colleagues.Decribe the picture/tell me what does the picture show/what do you notice in the picture.If you are the captain on this aircraft, how would you do?If emergency evacuation is needed, how would you execute it? How would you help flight attendant to execute the emergency evacuation smoothly?What lessons can be learn from this accident?Have you met any problem of hydraulic system during flight? Have you ever flown into CB? Why it is dangerous?When you approach this kind of weather during the cruise, how would you do?Does your company have any special operation procedure or requirement for the airports where the windshear is common? What are the functions of flaps?If the landing can not be down and locked, how would youmanage this kind of situation?If the flaps can not be extended, what would you do?If the speed brakes are not usable, what would you do?If the reverser thrust is not working, what would you do? Which countries have you been to?How have you learnt English?Do you live far from airport?How do you get from your home to airport?How long does it take you from home to airport?What do you think of the test today? Which part do you think is the most difficult?What will you do for the rest of the day after the test?Are you going to continue to learn English if you passed the ICAO 4?Describe one of your working day?IF you have different opinion with your colle阿gue,what should you do /how do you think of the teamwork?What’s your favorite TV program/music?Which website do you like the most ?Why do you think the job of a pilot is promising?What is the challenge of the job of a pilot?How many slides are there on your aircraft? Where are theylocated?What are they used for?Have you ever met any incident that the slide was mistakedly deployed? How to make emergency evacuation? What is the difference between between forced landing and ditching?What should cabin crew do ?What are the stages of thunderstorm?Do you have any training in simulator for flight in cold weather? What are the factors that may result in diversion to other airport?(passenger related,aircraft related,weather related)Tell me something about RVSM?Your aircraft B737 is on final ,is about to land,a B747 is taking off using the same active runway,it is four miles away,the wind is on the left side ,6knots,what would you do ?You re at minimum approach speed,what would you do ?B757 and B747 two “heavy”,what precaution should you take? What are the special trainings for flight in Arctic/North pole regions?Do you have simulator training for flight in cold weather?Describe the radar system on your aircraft?Describe the hydraulic system on your aircraft?How do you use radar to detect weather ahead?If your radardetects bad weather 10miles out ,what would you do ?How long will it last?It’s a twin engine aircraft,one engine fails after the aircraft is airborne,what should you do ?Procedure in simulator?If there is smoke in cockpit ,how to handle it (communication ,procedure)Do you think the ground check foe engine is very important?What kind of help can you get from the maintenance engineer?How is windshear formed?Describe the procedure in low visibility?Procedure of VOR….Approach?What’s the difference between commercial aircraft and military aircraft?What are the important factors in handling a good landing? What ‘s the maximum takeoff weight and landing weight of your aircraft?What’s the headwind,tailwind and crosswind limit of your aircraft?What’s the difference between Airbus and Boeing ?What ‘s the difference between apartment and common house? If you have different opinion with your colledge,what would you do ?三、相关图片1.一架失事的飞机(wreck),(wreckage of an aircracraft; crashed )飞机机身已经断裂,起落架已经折断,飞机旁边有建筑物,还有几个人,问题是有关应急撤离,如何应急撤离,如何协助乘务员顺利撤离旅客,需要哪些应急援助,联系ATC会得到哪些帮助。