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1 . My sister _____ the Youth League last year.

She _____ a Youth League member for about a year now.

A. joined…has become

B. joined…has been

C. has joined…has been

D. did join…had been

2. Neither of us ______ a doctor.

A. were

B. am

C. is

D. are

3. Mr Zhao doesn’t like swimming, _____?

A. didn’t he

B. did he

C. does he

D. won’t he

4. I’ll talk to him when he ______.

A. come

B. will come

C. comes

D. came

5. They _____ supper when we _____ into the room.

A. are having…went

B. were having…go

C. were having…went

D. are having…go

6. We’ll go climbing if it _____ tomorrow.

A. won’t rain

B. did rain

C. isn’t rain

D. doesn’t rain

7. I don’t know if it _____ tomorrow.

A. will rain

B. rains

C. rained

D. is rain

8. Nathan Hale ____ he ____ his life for his country.

A. said…give

B. says…will give

C. said…gives

D. said…would give

9. Most people ____ TV.

A. enjoy to watch

B. enjoy watch

C. enjoy watching

D. enjoys watching

10.Father ____ his cap and went out.

A. put on

B. puts on

C. had put

D. will put on

11.How long _____ your uncle ____ in the army ?

A. has…joined

B. has…been

C. does…join

D. had…joined

12.Peter _____ the work in a week.

A. have finished

B. finishes

C. is finishing

D. will finish

13.The students _____ the History Museum if it _____ fine tomorrow.

A. will visit….is

B. will visit…will be

C. would visit …was

D. would visit…would be

14.Joan ____ me whether I _____ the book before.

A. asked…had read

B. asked…shall read

C. as ked…would read

D. asked…has read

15.By the end of last term, we _____ Book Five.

A. have learned

B. would learn

C. had learned

D. were learning

16._____ she _____ her lessons at seven yesterday evening ?

A. Was…going over

B. Is…g o over

C. Ha s…gone over

D. Will…go over

17.He can’t go to the cinema with me because he ____ a meeting.

A. was having

B. would have

C. is having

D. had

18.Both of the two dictionaries ____ very useful.

A. are

B. is

C. was

D. am

19. He _____ to me since last month.

A. didn’t write

B. hadn’t written

C. hasn’t written

D. won’t write

20. Xu Ping ____ to Japan only once.

A. has gone

B. had gone

C. had been

D. has been

21. Nobody ____ the answer.

A. have known

B. knew

C. didn’t know

D. are knowing

22.______ you ever ____ to Nanjing ?

A. Have…gone

B. Have…been

C. Do…go

D. Will …go

23. He ____ he ____ something wrong before.

A. sa ys…was

B. say….have done

C. said…had done


said…would do

24. He ____ me he ____ an interesting book.

A. tell…would borrow

B. told …will borrow

C. tell…will borrow

D. told …had borrowed

25. Thomas Edison ____ already ____ a chemistry lab for himself by the time he ____ ten.

A. has…built…was

B. had…built…was

C. would…build…was

D. was…building…is

26. At the age of eleven, my grandfather _____ to work in a factory.

A. began

B. has begun

C. will begin

D. begins

27. One day while I ____ along the street, I ____ someone calling.

A. walked…was hearing

B. was walking…has heard
