



经典古诗词英文翻译《登鹳雀楼》by 王之涣白日依山尽,黄河入海流。


Translation:The sun sets behind the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea.If I want to see more, I will climb to a higher floor.《春晓》by 孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。


Translation:Spring sleeps unaware of the dawn, birds sing everywhere.The sound of wind and rain came at night, how many flowers have fallen?《静夜思》by 李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。


Translation:The bright moonlight before the bed, seems to be frost on the ground.Looking up at the bright moon, lowering my head thinking of my hometown.《望庐山瀑布》by 李白日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。


Translation:The incense burner generates purple smoke in the sun, the waterfall hangs in front of the distant river. Birds flying, fragrance path walking alone.《江南逢李龟年》by 王之涣南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。


Translation:In the Southern Dynasty there are 480 temples, many towers in the misty rain.Living deep in the mountains with nobody knowing, a clear creek in front of the door half-empty.《静夜思》by 李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。









Seven-character-regular-verseLi QiA FAREWELL TO WEI WANThe travellers\' parting-song sounds in the dawn.Last night a first frost came over the river;And the crying of the wildgeese grieves my sad heartBounded by a gloom of cloudy mountains....Here in the Gate City, day will flush coldAnd washing-flails quicken by the gardens at twilight --How long shall the capital content you,Where the months and the years so vainly go by?中国古代诗歌的英文翻译篇二崔曙九日登望仙台呈刘明府汉文皇帝有高台,此日登临曙色开。


关门令尹谁能识? 河上仙翁去不回,且欲竟寻彭泽宰,陶然共醉菊花杯。

Seven-character-regular-verseCui ShuA CLIMB ON THE MOUNTAIN HOLIDAYTO THE TERRACE WHENCE ONE SEES THE MAGICIANA POEM SENT TO VICE-PREFECT LUThe Han Emperor Wen bequeathed us this terraceWhich I climb to watch the coming dawn.Cloudy peaks run northward in the three Jin districts,And rains are blowing westward through the two Ling valleys....Who knows but me about the Guard at the Gate,Or where the Magician of the River Bank is,Or how to find that magistrate, that poet,Who was as fond as I am of chrysanthemums and winecups? 中国古代诗歌的英文翻译篇三李白登金陵凤凰台凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。





经典古诗词英⽂翻译《 Verse Composed in Liangzhou》英⽂版Wang ZhihuanThe Yellow River runs to far-off clouds of white,Where a lone fort snugs in the mountains at sky height.The Qiang Flute, why do you bemoan the willow song?Spring breeze ne’er deigns to visit the Pass of Jade-Gate.【2】经典古诗词英⽂翻译《凉州词》中⽂版王翰葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。


经典古诗词英⽂翻译《 Verse Composed in Liangzhou》英⽂版Wan HanFine vintage in the goblets that glow at night,But Pipa blare urges us to ride and fight.Don’t sneer if we lie drunk on the battleground;Time rarely sees fighters come back safe and sound.【3】经典古诗词英⽂翻译《登幽州台歌》中⽂版 陈⼦昂 前不见古⼈, 后不见来者。

念天地之悠悠, 独怆然⽽涕下! 经典古诗词英⽂翻译《 Lament on Youzhou Terrace》英⽂版 Chen Zi’ang The ancient sages are long gone, The future sages yet to come. I ponder eons of heaven and earth, And can’t help shedding forlorn and sad tears.。







Five-character-ancient-verseLi BaiDRINKING ALONE WITH THE MOONFrom a pot of wine among the flowersI drank alone. There was no one with me --Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moonTo bring me my shadow and make us three.Alas, the moon was unable to drinkAnd my shadow tagged me vacantly;But still for a while I had these friendsTo cheer me through the end of spring....I sang. The moon encouraged me.I danced. My shadow tumbled after.As long as I knew, we were boon companions.And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. ...Shall goodwill ever be secure?I watch the long road of the River of Stars.唐诗三百首中英文对照——李白:春思李白春思燕草如碧丝,秦桑低绿枝;当君怀归日,是妾断肠时。

春风不相识,何事入罗帏?Five-character-ancient-verseLi BaiIN SPRINGYour grasses up north are as blue as jade,Our mulberries here curve green-threaded branches; And at last you think of returning home,Now when my heart is almost broken....O breeze of the spring, since I dare not know you,Why part the silk curtains by my bed?唐诗三百首中英文对照——杜甫:望岳杜甫望岳岱宗夫如何? 齐鲁青未了。





古诗英文翻译篇1王维九月九日忆山东兄弟Thinking Of My Brothers On Mountain-climbing Day.独在异乡为异客All alone in a foreign land,每逢佳节倍思亲I am twice as homesick on this day遥知兄弟登高处When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,遍插茱萸少一人Each of them a branch but my branch missing.李白关山月The Moon At The Fortified Pass明月出天山The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven苍茫云海间In an infinite haze of cloud and sea,长风几万里And the wind, that has come a thousand miles, 吹度玉门关Beats at the Jade Pass battlements....汉下白登道China marches its men down Baideng Road胡窥青海湾While T artar troops peer across blue waters of the bay....由来征战地And since not one battle famous in history不见有人还Sent all its fighters back again,戍客望边色The soldiers turn round, looking toward the border,思归多苦颜And think of home, with wistful eyes,高楼当此夜And of those tonight in the upper chambers叹息未应闲Who toss and sigh and cannot rest.李白子夜四时歌春歌Ballads Of Four Seasons: Spring秦地罗敷女The lovely LuoFu of the western land采桑绿水边Plucks mulberry leaves by the green waterside.素手青条上Across the green boughs stretches out her white hand;红妆白日鲜In golden sunshine her rosy robe is dyed.蚕饥妾欲去"my silkworms are hungry, I cannot stay.五马莫留连Tarry not with your five-horse cab, I pray."张继枫桥夜泊A Night-Mooring Near Maple Bridge月落乌啼霜满天Moon going down, Crow cawing, frost filling all over the sky,江枫渔火对愁眠Maple-trees near the river and torch in the fisher opposite the sleeping anxiety.姑苏城外寒山寺From the temple on Cold Mountain out of Suzhou,夜半钟声到客船The midnight ding touches my boat.王翰凉州词A Song of LiangZhou葡萄美酒夜光杯Enjoying beautiful grape wine of moonlight cups,欲饮琵琶马上催Want to drink lute but hurried on the horseback.醉卧沙场君莫笑Don't laugh when fall asleep drunk on the battlefield古来征战几人回How many soldiers ever come back home?岑参逢入京使On Meeting A Messenger to The Capital故园东望路漫漫It's a long way home, a long way east.双袖龙钟泪不干I am old and my sleeve is wet with tears.马上相逢无纸笔Meeting on horseback,no means of writing.凭君传语报平安T ell them three words: "He is safe."古诗英文翻译篇2杜牧《清明》清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。





Five-character-quatrainJin ChangzuA SPRING SIGHDrive the orioles away,All their music from the trees....When she dreamed that she went to Liaoxi CampTo join him there, they wakened her-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 252五言绝句西鄙人哥舒歌北斗七星高,哥舒夜带刀。


Five-character-quatrainXibirenGENERAL GE SHUThis constellation, with its seven high stars,Is Ge Shu lifting his sword in the night:And no more barbarians, nor their horses, nor cattle, Dare ford the river boundary.253乐府崔颢长干行二首之一君家何处住,妾住在横塘。


Folk-song-styled-verseCui HaoA SONG OF CHANGGAN I"Tell me, where do you live? --Near here, by the fishing-pool?Let's hold our boats together, let's seeIf we belong in the same town."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 254乐府崔颢长干行二首之二家临九江水,来去九江侧。

















to my daughter on her marriage into the yang family wei yingwumy heart has been heavy all day longbecause you have so far to go.the marriage of a girl, away from her parents,is the launching of a little boat on a great river. …you were very young when your mother died,which made me the more tender of you.your elder sister has looked out for you,and now you are both crying and cannot part.this makes my grief the harder to bear;yet it is right that you should go.…having had from childhood no mother to guide you, how will you honour your mother-in-law?it's an excellent family; they will be kind to you, they will forgive you your mistakes --although ours has been so pure and poorthat you can take them no great dowry.be gentle and respectful, as a woman should be, careful of word and look, observant of good example. …after this morning we separate,there's no knowing for how long….i always try to hide my feelings --they are suddenly too much for me,when i turn and see my younger daughterwith the tears running down her cheek.唐诗英文翻译诗歌2郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集韦应物兵卫森画戟,宴寝凝清香。









Five-character-quatrainWang WeiA FARM-HOUSE ON THE WEI RIVERIn the slant of the sun on the country-side,Cattle and sheep trail home along the lane;And a rugged old man in a thatch doorLeans on a staff and thinks of his son, the herdboy.There are whirring pheasants? full wheat-ears,Silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves.And the farmers, returning with hoes on their shoulders,Hail one another familiarly....No wonder I long for the simple lifeAnd am sighing the old song, Oh, to go Back Again!唐诗宋词英语翻译篇二王维西施咏艳色天下重,西施宁久微?朝为越溪女,暮作吴宫妃。

贱日岂殊众? 贵来方悟稀。



持谢邻家子,效颦安可希?Five-character-quatrainWang WeiTHE BEAUTIFUL XI SHISince beauty is honoured all over the Empire,How could Xi Shi remain humbly at home? --Washing clothes at dawn by a southern lake --And that evening a great lady in a palace of the north:Lowly one day, no different from the others,The next day exalted, everyone praising her.No more would her own hands powder her faceOr arrange on her shoulders a silken robe.And the more the King loved her, the lovelier she looked, Blinding him away from wisdom....Girls who had once washed silk beside herWere kept at a distance from her chariot.And none of the girls in her neighbours\' housesBy pursing their brows could copy her beauty.唐诗宋词英语翻译篇三孟浩然秋登兰山寄张五北山白云里,隐者自怡悦;相望始登高,心随雁飞灭。



许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译英⽂版 唐诗是中国古典诗歌的艺术⾼峰。


下⾯是店铺带来的许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译,欢迎阅读! 许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译篇⼀ 孟郊 烈⼥操 梧桐相待⽼,鸳鸯会双死; 贞妇贵殉夫,舍⽣亦如此。


Folk-song-styled-verse Meng Jiao A SONG OF A PURE-HEARTED GIRL Lakka-trees ripen two by two And mandarin-ducks die side by side. If a true-hearted girl will love only her husband, In a life as faithfully lived as theirs, What troubling wave can arrive to vex A spirit like water in a timeless well? 许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译篇⼆ 孟郊 游⼦吟 慈母⼿中线,游⼦⾝上⾐; 临⾏密密缝,意恐迟迟归。

谁⾔⼨草⼼,报得三春辉? Folk-song-styled-verse Meng Jiao A TRAVELLER\'S SONG The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy; Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends, Dreading the delays that will keep him late from home. But how much love has the inch-long grass For three spring months of the light of the sun? 许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译篇三 七⾔古诗 陈⼦昂 登幽州台歌 前不见古⼈,后不见来者; 念天地之悠悠,独怆然⽽涕下。





Before my bed a pool of light,I wonder if it's frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright,Bowing,in homesickness I'm drowned.登幽州台歌陈子昂前不见古人,后不见来者。


Where the sages of the past,And those of future years?Sky and earth forever last,Lonely,I shed sad tears.天净沙·秋思马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。


Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly evening crows;Under a small bridge near a cottage a stream flows;One ancient road in the west wind a lean horse goes. Westward declines the sun;Far,far from home is the heartbroken one.寻隐者不遇贾岛松下问童子,言师采药去。


I ask your lad neath a pine-tree,“My master’s gone for herbs,” says he.You hide amid the mountains proud,I know not where deep in the cloud.江雪柳宗元千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。



唐诗宋词英译本以下是唐诗宋词的英译本:1. 《相思》愿君多采撷,此物最相思。

Gather them till full is your hand;They would revive fond memories.2. 《游子吟》临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。

Sewn stitch by stitch before he leavesFor fear his return be delayed.3. 《春夜喜雨》随风潜入夜,润物细无声。

With wind it steals in night;Mute, it moistens each thing.4. 《声声慢》寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。

Searching here and there, feeling cold and desolate, in wretched and pitiable condition.5. 《登高》无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。

The boundless forest of falling leaves rustle down, the endless Yangtze River rolls on and on.6. 《鹊桥仙》两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!If the love between two people lasts a long time, why does it matter if they are together every day!7. 《牡丹亭》情不知所起,一往而深。

I don't know where love comes from, but it runs deep.8. 《浪淘沙令·帘外雨潺潺》流水落花春去也,天上人间。

The spring has passed with flowers and water going down the stream, from heaven to earth.9. 《江雪》千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。






a song of the southern riverli yisince i married the merchant of qutanghe has failed each day to keep his word....had i thought how regular the tide is,i might rather have chosen a river-boy.唐诗英文诗歌2塞上曲王昌龄蝉鸣空桑林,八月萧关道。




at a border-fortresswang changlingcicadas complain of thin mulberry-treesin the eighth-month chill at the frontier pass.through the gate and back again, all along the road, there is nothing anywhere but yellow reeds and grasses and the bones of soldiers from you and from bingwho have buried their lives in the dusty sand....let never a cavalier stir you to envywith boasts of his horse and his horsemanship唐诗英文诗歌3塞下曲王昌龄饮马渡秋水,水寒风似刀。







The wind howls and the sky is high, And apes mourn with a sad cry. The river's clear, the sands are white, And birds fly back into sight.Endless trees fall with rustling sound, And the great Yangtze rolls around.2.《静夜思》——李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。


Beneath my window, the moon bright, Seems like hoarfrost on the ground at night. I lift my head and watch the moon so bright; I lower it and think of home beneath its light.3.《春晓》——孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

夜来风雨声,花落知多少?Sleeping in spring, no dawn comes to wake, Everywhere I hear birds for heaven's sake. Last night the wind and rain were so strong, How many blossoms fell before their song?4.《将进酒》——李白君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。





Have you not seen the Yellow stream up high, It flows into sea, never to return by and by? Have you not seen a saddened man with gray hair, He is young in morn, but old as snow elsewhere. When you've got what you want, just enjoy it well, Don't hold an empty cup under the moon spell. Born talented, I'm sure I'll find my way, If I lose my fortune, I'll earn itback someday. Cook lamb and beef for pleasure and glee, Let's drink three hundred bowls to be happy.5.《悯农》——李绅春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。





今我游冥冥,弋者何所慕?Five-character-ancient-verseZhang JiulingTHOUGHTS IA lonely swan from the sea flies,To alight on puddles it does not deign.Nesting in the poplar of pearlsIt spies and questions green birds twain:"Don't you fear the threat of slings,Perched on top of branches so high?Nice clothes invite pointing fingers,High climbers god's good will defy.Bird-hunters will crave me in vain,For I roam the limitless sky."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------002五言古诗张九龄感遇其二兰叶春葳蕤,桂华秋皎洁;欣欣此生意,自尔为佳节。

谁知林栖者?闻风坐相悦,草木有本心,何求美人折?Five-character-ancient-verseZhang JiulingORCHID AND ORANGE ITender orchid-leaves in springAnd cinnamon- blossoms bright in autumnAre as self- contained as life is,Which conforms them to the seasons.Yet why will you think that a forest-hermit,Allured by sweet winds and contented with beauty,Would no more ask to-be transplantedTHan Would any other natural flower?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------003五言古诗张九龄感遇其三幽人归独卧,滞虑洗孤清,持此谢高鸟,因之传远情。





《Sympathy for Farmers》--Tang dynasty by Li ShengHoeing crops in the mid-day heat.Persprition immersed into earth under the plant.I wonder if you know the food on your plate.That each grain was eraned with sweat.2.《赠汪伦》--唐·李白李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。


《Presented to Wang Lun》--Tang dynasty by Li BaiOn board I was about to go.Suddenly the tramping and sing rose from the bank.Though Peach Flower Pool is a thousand miles deep.It is shallower than the depth of Wang Lun's affection to me.3.《天净沙·秋思》--元·马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。


《Tian Jing Sha·Feelings in fall》--Yuan dynasty by Ma ZhiyuanWithered cane, old trees, crows at dusk.A small bridge over the stream where nearby a couple of houses.Blowing wind from west and ancient road on which the thin horse was walking.As the sun sinking in the west.the sad people is still drifting in the world.4.《静夜思》--唐·李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。







Five-character-ancient-verseLiu Zongyuan***** *****T *****S WITH ZHAOAT HIS TEMPLE IN THE EARLY *****I clean my teeth in water drawn from a cold well;And while I brush my clothes, I purify my mind;I recite, along the path to the eastern shelter....The world has forgotten the true fountain of this teachingAnd people enslave themselves to miracles and fables.Under the given words I want the essential meaning,I look for the simplest way to sow and reap my nature.Here in the quiet of the priest\'s templecourtyard,Mosses add their climbing colour to the thick bamboo;And now comes the sun, out of mist and fog,And pines that seem to be new-bathed;And everything is gone from me, speech goes, and reading, Leaving the single unison.唐诗的英文翻译篇二柳宗元溪居久为簪组累,幸此南夷谪。





海内存知己,天涯若比邻.无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾.FAREWELL TO VICE-PREFECT DU SETTING OUT FOR HIS OFFICIAL POST IN SHU By this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts,Through a mist that makes five rivers one,We bid each other a sad farewell,We two officials going opposite ways……And yet,while China holds our friendship,And heaven remains our neighbourhood,Why should you linger at the fork of the road,Wiping your eyes like a heart—broken child?鹊桥仙纤云弄巧, 飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。

金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数.柔情似水,佳期如梦, 忍顾鹊桥归路.两情若是久长时, 又岂在朝朝暮暮!Immortal at the Magpie BridgeClouds float like works of art;Stars shoot with grief at heart.Across the Milky Way the Cowherd meets the Maid,When autumn’s Golden Wind embraces Dew of Jade,All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade.Their tender love flows like a stream;This happy date seems but a dream.Can they bear a separate homeward way?If love between both sides can last for age,Why need they stay together night and day?蝶恋花槛菊愁烟兰泣露。

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Folk-song-styled-verse Wang Zhihuan BEYOND THE BORDER Where a yellow river climbs to the white clouds, Near the one city-wall among ten-thousand-foot mountains, A Tartar under the willows is lamenting on his flute That spring never blows to him through the Jade Pass


Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF PURE HAPPINESS I Her robe is a cloud, her face a flower; Her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew, Is either the tip of earth\'s Jade Mountain Or a moon- edged roof of paradise.


Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF PURE HAPPINESS II There\'s a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom, And a mist, through the heart, from the magical Hill of Wu- - The palaces of China have never known such beauty- Not even Flying Swallow with all her glittering garments.


Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF PURE HAPPINESS III Lovely now together, his lady and his flowers Lighten for ever the Emperor\'s eye, As he listens to the sighing of the far spring wind Where she leans on a railing in the Aloe Pavilion.


Folk-song-styled-verse Du Qiuniang THE GOLD-THREADED ROBE Covet not a gold-threaded robe, Cherish only your young days! If a bud open, gather it -- Lest you but wait for an empty bough.
赠汪伦--- 李白


To Wang Lun --- Li Bai I\'m on board; We\'re about to sail, When there\'s stamping and singing on shore; Peach Blossom Pool is a thousand feet deep, Yet not so deep,Wang Lun,as your love for me.
静夜思- 李白


Thoughts in the Silent Night --- Li Bai Beside my bed a pool of light--- Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home.
鹿柴--- 王维


The Deer Enclosure --- Wang Wei Empty the hills,no man in sight, Yet voices echo here; Deep in the woods slanting sunlight, Falls on the jade-green moss.
清明--- 杜牧


In the Rainy Season of Spring --- Du Mu It drizeles endlessly during the rainy season in spring, Travellers along the road look gloomy and miserable. When I ask a shepherd boy where I
can find a tavern, He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms
鸟鸣涧--- 王维


The Gully of Twittering Birds --- Wang Wei Idly I watch the cassia petals fall; Silent the night and empty the spring hills; The rising moon startles the mountain birds; Which twitter fitfully in the spring gully.
