android PowerManager(电源管理) wakelock(屏幕锁) .
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android PowerManager(电源管理)wakelock(屏幕锁)
protected v oid onStart() {
pm = (PowerManager) getSy stemServ ice(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
wl = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK |
PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP, "MediaCenterApplication");
wl.setRef erenceCounted(f alse);
protected v oid onStop() {
1. PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSy stemServ ice(Context.POWER_SERVICE);通
2. 然后通过PowerManager的newWakeLock
((int flags, String
tag)来生成WakeLock实例。int Flags指示要获取哪种WakeLock,不同的Lock对cpu 、屏幕、键盘灯有不同影响。
3. 获取WakeLock实例后通过acquire()获取相应的锁,然后进行其他业务逻辑的操作,最后使用release()释放(释放是必须的)。
关于int flags
各种锁的类型对CPU 、屏幕、键盘的影响:
PA RTI A L_W A KE_LOCK:保持CPU 运转,屏幕和键盘灯有可能是关闭的。
SCREEN_DIM_W A KE_LOCK:保持CPU 运转,允许保持屏幕显示但有可能是灰的,允许关闭键盘灯
SCREEN_BRIGHT_W A KE_LOCK:保持CPU 运转,允许保持屏幕高亮显示,允许关闭键盘灯
FULL_WA KE_LOCK:保持CPU 运转,保持屏幕高亮显示,键盘灯也保持亮度
A C QUIRE_C A USES_W AKEUP:Normal wake locks don't actually turn on the illumination. Instead, they cause the illumination to remain on once it turns on (e.g. f rom user activ ity). This f lag will f orce the screen and/or key board to turn on immediately, when the WakeLock is acquired. A ty pical use would be f or notifications which are important f or the user to see immediately.
ON_AFTER_RE LE ASE:f this flag i s set, the user activity timer w ill be reset w hen the WakeLock is released, causing the illumination to remain on a bit longer. This can be used to reduce flicker i f you are cycling between wake lock conditions.
要进行电源的操作需要在AndroidManif est.xml中声明该应用有设置电源管理的权限。