honeywell sensors


Honeywell 压力传感器 说明书

Honeywell 压力传感器 说明书

HoneywellHoneywell/Commercial Switch-Sensor 霍尼韦尔开关与传感器1 上海:Tel************* 北京:Tel************* 深圳:Tel************* 广州: Tel:020-********e-mail:******************************:///sensing参考与应用数据 压力传感器配管与安装考虑事项-注释#9有许多型号和规格尺寸的管道可用于安装MICRO SWITCH 压力传感器将管道连接至塑料压力端口的方法有好几种MICRO SWITCH 提供下列资料作为对客户的服务然而用户是评判每一个应用场合所使用的管道与连接方法是否合适的最佳评判者软管/管道乙烯管可用在室温低压<50 psig 的应用场合乙烯成本低廉并应在使用时配上软管夹硅管非常柔软并能耐极端温度硅管应当用在低压<50 psig 应用场合中建议配上软管夹聚乙烯管非常柔软建议用于室温和压力低于50 psig 的应用场合建议配上软管夹聚氨脂管价格最高不柔软但能承受较高的温度和压力建议配上软管夹但可能不需要软管夹泰顿公司供应两类被称为管扣的软管夹建议在大多数气温不超过200℉或水温不超过180℉的应用场合使用天然乙酰型软管夹热稳定的玻璃纤维混合型软管夹适用于400℉持续使用的场合管扣在各种各样的化学品包括盐碱醇醚洗涤剂汽油润滑油和润滑脂等中也能呈稳定状态可按要求提供各种规格尺寸的软管夹从当地五金商店的管件部购得的管夹和从电气产品销售商那儿购买的电缆扣也可以用来连接管道和塑料端口Mazzer Industries 供应各种Mazzer-Loc JG 变速配件这些配件可与20PC 系列大流量传感器非常协调地工作 附件 添加端口Imperial Eastman 公司供应各种型号和规格的黄铜添加端口可用于连接铜管安装五金件ITW FasTex 供应品种繁多的安装连接器尼龙螺钉铆钉和推针这些五金件可用于固定压力传感器的安装托架添加端口软管/管道软管夹3/16"外径的管子至1/8"外螺纹管-外螺纹接头表2添加端口68-FL-03X02 69-FL-03X02 3/16"外径的管子至1/8"外螺纹管-外螺纹弯头 70-FL-03X02 3/16"外径的管子至1/8"内螺纹管-内螺纹弯头 KF03-02PS 3/16"内径的软管至1/8"外螺纹管-有倒钩的端口 KF04-02PS 1/4"内径的软管至1/8"外螺纹管-有倒钩的端口 66-FL-03X02 3/16"外径的管子至1/8"内螺纹管-内螺纹接头内螺纹接头与有倒钩的端口配套使用软管夹/附件 Hoses/TubingNorton Performance PlasticsCorporationP.O. Box 3660Akron, OH 44309-3660 USA (330) 798-9240United States Plastics Corporation 1390 Neubrecht Road Lima, Ohio 45801USA (419) 228-2242Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.7390 Colerain Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 USA (513) 521-4261Hose Clamps/Accessories Tyton Corporation 7930 North Faulkner Road P.O. Box 23055Milwaukee, WI 53223 USA (414) 355-1130Imperial Eastman Acquisition Corporation1151Bryn MawrItasca, IL 60143 USA (630) 285-6100Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.7390 Colerain RoadCincinnati, Ohio 45239 USA (513) 521-4261Mazzer Industries, Inc.125 Elmgrove Park Rochester, NY 14624(716) 247-0311ITW Fastex195 Algonquin RoadDes Plaines, IL 60016-6197 USA(847) 299-2222。

霍尼韦尔 SS340RT SS440R 系列单极数字霍尔效应传感器数据手册说明书

霍尼韦尔 SS340RT SS440R 系列单极数字霍尔效应传感器数据手册说明书

Datasheet2What makes our sensors better:• Robust IC design with ESD Class 2, reversepolarity protection and 150 °C [302 °F] capability • Package and sensitivity options to bettermatch application needs • Dependable performance – similar Honeywellsensor ICs have been tested to over 100 million operations • Honeywell legacy and expertise – 45 yearsof engineering excellence and Hall effect technology experienceUnipolar Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICsThe SS340RT/SS440R sensor ICs are small, versatile digital Hall-effect devices that are operated by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. They are designed to respond to a single pole: North (SS340RT) or South (SS440R).These unipolar Hall ICs are supplied in three different magnetic sensitivities to meet a wide range of potential applications:• SS341RT and SS441R offer the highest sensitivity, with a typical operating point of 75 G at 25 °C [77 °F]. • SS343RT and SS443R offer medium sensitivity, with a typical operating point of 135 G at 25 °C [77 °F]. • SS349RT and SS449R offer the lowest sensitivity, with a typical operating point of 305 G at 25 °C [77 °F].These sensors are available in two package styles:• The SS340RT is available in the miniature SOT-23 surface mount package. • SS440R is available in the leaded, flat TO-92-style package.The SS340RT’s small size requires less PC board space, allowing it to be used in smaller assemblies. Its 3 Vdc capability allows for use in low voltage applications, promoting energy efficiency.The SS340RT Series is available on tape and reel (3000 units per reel); the SS440R Series is available in a bulk package (1000 units per bag).SMALL • VERSATILESS340RTSS440R3 SubminiaTuRe package Size (SS340RT) Supplied on Tape and ReelAllows for a compact design with automated component placement, helping to reduce manufacturing costsSimple acTivaTion fRom a Single pole and mulTiple magneTic SenSiTiviTieS (high, medium and low)Make this product suitable in a variety of potential motion control, lid closure detection, and displacement sensing applicationslow volTage 3 v capabiliTyHelps reduce power consumptionbuilT -in ReveRSe polaRiTy pRoTecTionProtects the device from potential damage during installationTheRmally balanced inTegRaTed ciRcuiTProvides for stable operation over a wide temperature range of -40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]RohS-complianT maTeRialSMeet Directive 2002/95/ECFeatures and BenefitsHigh, medium and low magnetic sensitivities.Enhances application flexibility.4induSTRialdooR oR lid cloSuRe deTecTion in applianceS oR elecTRonically conTRolled conTaineRSMay be used recessed in the door frame with a magnet embedded in the door. The magnet activates the sensor to indicate door open or close.Simple Speed and Rpm (RevoluTionS peR minuTe) SenSing in fiTneSS and induSTRial equipmenTMay be mounted on the motor shaft of a treadmill such that the rotating magnet pole, which rotates with the motor, activates the sensor with each revolution, producing a single digital pulse for each revolution.flow RaTe SenSing in waTeR SofTeneRS, induSTRial pRoceSSeS, and applianceSMay be used used with one or more magnets mounted on a paddle to measure the flow rate.dampeR oR valve poSiTion conTRol in induSTRial, hvac and ReSidenTial oR commeRcial applicaTionSMay be used to determine if a valve or damper is fully open or fully closed.RoboTic conTRol (cylindeR poSiTion moniToRing)May be used to detect the piston’s position by detecting a magnet mounted on the piston ring located inside a non-ferromagnetic cylinder.level/TilT meaSuRemenTMay be installed in the base of a machine with a magnet mounted pendulum fashion over the sensor. A change in state of the output as the magnet swings away from the sensor indicates that the machine is not level.RemoTe conveyoR SenSingMay be mounted to the frame of the conveyor, with a magnet mounted on the tail pulley. When the magnet revolves past the sensor, it produces one output per revolution, providing an intermittent visual or audible signal at a remote location to assure stability. Any interruption of the conveyor motion will interfere with the normal signal and alert the operators.puSh buTTon conTRolS medicalpoSiTion SenSoR in hoSpiTal bedS and medical equipmenTMay be used with a magnet mounted on the activator arm to determine the home or end-of-travel position of the equipment.medicaTion bin moniToR on poRTable dRug caRTSMay be used to detect if a drug dispensing drawer is open or closed.Potential Applications5Unipolar Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICsTable 2. SS340RT/SS440R magnetic Specifications (v = 3 vdc to 24 vdc, 20 ma load, T = -40 ºc to 150 ºc [-40 ºf to 302 ºf].)Table 1. SS340RT/SS440R performance Specifications (v supply = 3 vdc to 24 vdc, 20 ma load, T a = -40 ºc to 150 ºc [-40 ºf to 302 ºf] except where otherwise specified.)Table 3. SS340RT/SS440R absolute maximum Ratings NOTICEAbsolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits that the device will withstand without damage to the device. However, the electrical and mechanical characteristics are not guaranteed as the maximum limits (above recommended operating conditions) are approached, nor will the device necessarily operate at absolute maximum ratings.NOTICEThe magnetic field strength (Gauss) required to cause the switch to change state (operate and release) will be as specified in the magnetic characteristics. To test the switch against the specified magnetic characteristics,the switch must be placed in a uniform magnetic field.SS340RT/SS440R Seriesfigure 1. Typical magnetic vs Temperature performance curves SS341RT/SS441RSS343RT/SS443R SS349RT/SS449ROperate PointVcc = 12 VRelease Point20406080100-40-20020406080100120140 MagneticSwitchPoint(Gauss)Temperature (C)Magnetic Performance vs TemperatureOperate PointVcc = 12 VRelease Point50100150200250300350-40-20020406080100120140 MagneticSwitchPoint(Gauss)Temperature (C)Magnetic Performance vs Temperature20406080100-40-20020406080100120140 MagneticSwitchPoint(Gauss)Temperature (C)120140160180Unipolar Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICsfigure 2. SS340RT Series maximum Rated Supply voltage vs Temperaturefigure 3. current Sinking output block diagramfigure 4. wiring diagrams7SS340RT/SS440R Seriesfigure 5. SS340RT mounting and Tape/Reel dimensions (for reference only. mm/[in].)MEASUREDA T HUB9Unipolar Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICsorder guide figure 6. SS440R mounting dimensions (for reference only. mm/[in].)Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************addiTional infoRmaTionThe following associated literature is available at : • Product line guide• Product range guide: Position Sensors • Product range guide: Speed Sensors• Product range guide: Sensors and Switches for Potential Medical Applications• Product installation instructionswaRRanTy/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. in no event shall honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.005909-4-EN IL50October 2014© 2014 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:H oneywell:SS441R SS449R SS443R SS343RT SS341RT SS349RT。

Honeywell 压力传感器(Jackson Union压力传感器)产品说明书

Honeywell 压力传感器(Jackson Union压力传感器)产品说明书

(casing and cementing) are vital oil and gas processes that utilize pressure sensors for measurement and monitoring functions.APPLICATIONSHoneywell Wing Union pressure sensors (also known as Hammer Union pressure sensors outside of the United States) are widely used by oil and gas companies to measure pressure level changes in media circulation systems.Oil Mud LoggingFor example, oil mud loggingapplications (see Figure 1) require a series of pressure sensors to be connected to the drilling apparatus and installed in specialized equipment to monitor or “log” the drill’s activity. Logging While Drilling (LWD) and Measurement While Drilling (MWD)pump into the well), mud pumps (for pressure monitoring of incoming and outgoing media to protect the mudpump and drill bit), and return line choke manifold (for pressure monitoring of the return line carrying the mud plus cuttings).During the mud logging process, pumps send drilling media throughout the circulation system, down to the drilling bit, and then return the bit’s cuttings to the surface for analysis and disposal. Honeywell’s wing union/hammer union pressure sensors help detect pressure level changes in the media circulation system, which can indicate changing conditions being encountered downhole by the drill bit, thus allowing the operator to quickly make adjustments to the drilling mixture pressure or drilling process as’s oil and gas industry, used for many types Models 434, 435, 437 Wing Union/ Hammer Union Pressure TransducerPRESSURE SENSORS FOROIL & GASApplication NoteFracturing, Acidizing, and Cementing Honeywell’s Wing Union/Hammer Union pressure sensors are also used during fracturing, acidizing, and cementing applications for similar pressure monitoring and control purposes.SOLUTIONSHoneywell Wing Union/Hammer Union Pressure Sensors are built ruggedand oilfield tough to stand up to the rigorous demands of oil and gas drilling applications and environments. They have the sensitivity to ensure precise, reliable measurements every time, optimize drilling operation, reduce downtime, and maximize productivity. Durable ConstructionModels 434, 435, and 437 are constructed on Honeywell’s time proven all-welded, one-piece design, with the sensor diaphragm and Weco® 1502, 2202 Wing Union compatible fitting form factor machined as one part. This one-piece design provides a hermetically sealed unit, reducing the chanceof media leakage into the sensitive electronic components, and increasing overall reliability. The isolated, pressure sensing diaphragm minimizes zero-shift during hammer up and also eliminates long term, signal drift in the field, making it easier to install and providing reliable pressure readings over time.The sensor diaphragm is machined from Inconel® 718, which provides additional durability with highly abrasive and corrosive media, and is weldedto the main stainless steel body. The stainless steel electrical connection provides enhanced secondary pressure containment, with multiple electricalconnector options from which to choose.Optional 1-Wire or 2-Wire ShuntCalibrationModels 434, 435, and 437 providean optional 1-wire or 2-wire shuntcalibration. When a customer sends asignal to the wing union/hammer unionfrom their instrumentation, anothersignal will be returned to validate thefunctionality of the unit. This providesconfidence in the pressure readingsduring normal operation.Optional Protective CageModels 434, 435, and 437 are alsoavailable with an optional protectivecage which provides extra electricalconnection protection and durability.Various Accuracy Levels• Model 434: 0.2 %FSS BFSL• Model 435: High accuracy±0.1 %FSS BFSL orstandard accuracy ±0.2 %FSS BFSL• Model 437: Standard accuracy±0.2 %FSS BFSLModel 437 feature a wider aperturedesign than the other models that isuseful for customers utilizing moreviscous media in certain applications,enabling uniform flow of differentviscous media through the criticalsensing area and helping to maintainconsistent accuracy.*Best Fit Straight LineBENEFITS• Higher ±0.1 %FSS BFSL Accuracy(Model 435): Provides additionalconfidence in the actual measuredpressure value, particularly forsmaller changes in pressure, thusallowing the operator to makequicker adjustments to drillingoperations for more precise controland increased efficiency duringextraction• Wider Aperture Design (Model 437):Wider than Models 434 and 435,helping to prevent media cloggingwhen using more viscous mediablends• Reliability/Durability: All-welded,hermetically sealed, stainless steelconstruction with Inconel® 718wetted parts isolate corrosive orabrasive drilling media from sensitiveinternal electronics; materials retainstrength in higher temperatures toprovide reliable performance underdemanding conditions; shock andvibration tested, intrinsically saferating• Easy Installation/Serviceability:Designed for quick field installation,including horizontal or verticalmounting; field-repairableconnectors; zero and spanadjustments can be accessed byremoving the electrical connector,thus preventing ingress failures anddeterring tampering; 1-wire or 2-wireshunt calibration allow the user todetermine if the wing union/hammerunion is still functional in the field,or if it has to be removed for service/calibration.2 APPLICATION NOTE | Wing Union/Hammer Union Pressure Transducers | /astAPPLICATION NOTE | Wing Union/Hammer Union Pressure Transducers | /ast 3SELECTION GUIDEHoneywell offers three models from which to choose:üüü üüü üüü* Note: See Wing Union pressure sensor datasheet for more agency approval classifications.For more information about Wing Union/Hammer Union pressure sensors, including nomenclature and dimensional drawings, see our datasheet.008875-6-EN | 6 | 10/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.HoneywellAdvanced Sensing Technologies 830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicablewarranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing.However, Honeywell assumes no responsibilityfor its use.FOR MORE INFORMATIONHoneywell Advanced Sensing Technolo-gies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit /ast or call:USA/Canada +302 327 8920Latin America +1 305 805 8188Europe +1 302 327 8920Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152Singapore +65 6355 2828Greater China+86 4006396841。

Honeywell 一线 wireless 传感器产品介绍说明书

Honeywell 一线 wireless 传感器产品介绍说明书

Remote Analytical MeasurementsHoneywell OneWireless wireless transmitters enable automated monitoring of variables in areas where traditional hard-wired transmitters are too costly, difficult or time-consuming to implement. Whether applications are remote, without access to power, difficult to reach, or in hazardous areas, Honeywell’s wireless solutions deliver needed information easily, flexibly, and affordably.Regulatory fines or citations may result from unmonitoreddischarge of storage locations such as lagoons, ponds,holding tanks, pits stream discharge or leaks aroundchemical plants or refineries. Remote analyticalmeasurements are often necessary but not implemented dueto the high cost. Wiring a transmitter to a monitoring stationcan cost $20-$80 per foot.Until now, remote measurement of pH, ORP, dissolvedoxygen and conductivity has not been available for theseapplications.Honeywell’s XYR™ 5000 wireless transmitter combined withHoneywell’s DirectLine transmitter and a commerciallyavailable solar power system are the obvious and economical solution to this problem.This self-contained and self-powered solution utilizes proven Honeywell technology and a commercially available solar power system to monitor up to two measurements remotely and economically.The Honeywell wireless transmitter is powered by long life, self contained battery and requires no licensing or special set up. The DirectLine module is powered by the solar system and has a battery back-up for extended periods of low sun or dark. The wireless transmitter and the DirectLine transmitter are simple to set-up, requiring only hours to complete an installation. Whereas a wired solution requires a significant investment in time and money to run the signal and power back to the monitoring station.The Honeywell XYR 5000/DirectLine wireless solution eliminates physical and economical barriers to remote monitoring of analytical measurements. This solution excels in limited or no power remote locations, where manual or no readings are made today, allowing plants to:•Reduce opportunity for regulatory fines•Reduce installation, maintenance and operating costs •Improve plant safety by monitoring remote sitesRemote Analytical Measurements2More InformationFor more information on Honeywell’s OneWireless solutions, visit our website /ps/wireless , or contact your Honeywell account manager.Automation & Control Solutions Process Solutions Honeywell2500 W. Union Hills Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85027Tel: +1-602-313-6665 or 877-466-3993 /psHoneywell Remote Analytical Measurements (a) Honeywell Wireless Analog Signal Transmitter (b) Honeywell Wireless Transmitter Base Radio Honeywell Smart Sensors(c) Honeywell DirectLine Modules and SensorsSO-08-03-ENG February 2008© 2008 Honeywell International Inc.Notes: 1) Solar power supply to be purchased from SEPCO (); 772.220.6615. 2)All DirectLine models can be use with these solutions.。



Vehicle BodyWork Smarter withHoneywell Sensors and SwitchesTemperature sensor(Cabin temperature sensing) – ES-110 Series, LTP Series Temperature sensor(Hydraulic oil temp sensing) – R300 Series, LTP Series Thermostat(Fire suppression sensing) – 3000 Series Position sensor(Jack position sensing) – 103SR SeriesPosition sensor(Boom angle position sensing) – SPS Series, RTY Series Speed sensor(Wheel speed and hydraulic pump sensing) – SNDH-H SeriesAngular or linear Hall-effect sensor IC (Power steering control system sensing) – APS00B Series, SS490 Series, RTY SeriesSpeed and direction sensor(Vehicle roll-back protection/emergency brake) – SNDH-T Series Smart key(Limits crane function by operator’s certification level)Infrared sensor(Hand-grip joystick control sensing) – SMD2440 Series,SME2470 SeriesHeavy-duty pressure sensor or transducer11a. (Hydraulic sensing); 11b. (Fuel tank level sensing); 11c. (Braking system sensing) – PX2 Series, PX3 Series,MLH Series, 13 mm Series, 19 mm Series, SPT Series Hour meter(Usage tracking) – LM Series Key switch (On/off switch)Pressure switch(Hydraulic system and engine oil monitoring) – HP , HE, LP , or LE Series Push-pull switch(Emergency stop) – 50070974 Series MICRO SWITCH™ toggle switch (Manual operator switch) – NT Series MICRO SWITCH™ limit switch (Machine position) – HDLS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ limit switch(Jib, wheel block and outrigger position indicator) – GLS Series Shifter(Forward-neutral-reverse) – 81248SMART position sensor(Steering angle sensing) – SPS Series1817Load cell or load pins22a. (Hook load sensing); 22b. (Outrigger load sensing –minimum of 4 outriggers, maximum of 6)Load cell23a. (Torsion or boom side load sensing);23b. (Provides counterweight information to operator)Load pin(Replaces hydraulic cylinder pins)Stainless steel media isolated pressure sensor or Test & Measurement pressure sensor(Outrigger load sensing – minimum of 4 outriggers, maximum of 6) – MLH Series Limitless™ switch26a. (Replaces wired 2-block jib switch); 26b. (Boom position sensing: full extension, full retraction);26c. (Outrigger position sensing: full extension, half extension, fully retraction); 26d. (Confirms mechanical locks are in place); 26e. (Adjustable minimum/maximum cab position sensing)22a26a25a26b23a Turn signal (multi-purpose)Temperature sensor(Ambient temperature sensing) – ES-120 Series,LTP SeriesMobile CraneSensing and Productivity Solutions Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 009586-5-EN IL50 March 2016© 2016 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Find out moreTo learn more about Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions’ products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945, visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************Higher accuracyl Angle or linear position sensing with APS00B Series,SS490 Series, and RPN Series Hall-effect sensor ICs l Engine usage tracking with LM Series LCD displayhour metersl Hydraulic, brake, and fuel-tank level sensing withPX2 Series, PX3 Series, MLH Series, 13 mm Series, 19 mm Series, and SPT Series heavy-duty pressure sensors and transducersl Hand-grip joystick control sensing with SMD2440 Series orSME2470 Series infrared sensorsl Wheel and hydraulic pump sensing with SNDH-H Seriesspeed and direction sensors Productivityl Hook load sensing with load cells or load pinsl Replace wired 2-block jib switch with Limitless™ switch l Boom position sensing (full extension, full retraction) withLimitless™ switchl Outrigger position sensing (full extension, full retraction) withLimitless™ switchSuperior reliabilityl Power steering control system sensing with APS00B Series,SS490 Series, and RPM Series Hall-effect sensor ICsl Jib extension monitoring with MICRO SWITCH™ heavy-dutylimit switchesl Throttle, brake, and clutch position sensing with rotaryposition sensorsl Hydraulic system and engine oil monitored with HP , HE, LP ,or LE Series pressure switchesl Cabin temperature sensing with ES-110 Series and LTPSeries temperature sensors Enhanced safetyl Fire suppression sensing with 3000 Series thermostats l Emergency stops using push/pull e-stop switchesl Jack position sensing with 103SR Series position sensors l Boom angle position sensing with SPS Series SMART position sensors or RPN Series position sensors l Hydraulic oil temperature sensing with R300 Series temperature sensorsl Steering angle position sensing with SPS Series SMART position sensors and LTP Series temperature sensors l Torsion or boom side load sensing with load cells l Replace hydraulic cylinder pins with load pins l Counterweight sensing with load cellsl Outrigger load sensing with load cells or load pinslOutrigger load sensing and crane level sensing withMLH Series heavy duty pressure transducers and test and measurement pressure sensorsl Limit crane operability by operator certification level with SMART keyl Confirm mechanical locks are in place with Limitless™ switchlMinimum/maximum cab position sensing with Limitless™ switchHoneywell’s high quality, rugged switches, sensors and vehicle controls have been helping power transportation applications for more than 75 years. Our extensive portfolio includes a multitude of products for engine and transmission applications such as temperature sensors, ignition switches, turn signals, and more - all designed for high accuracy, superior reliability, enhanced safety and long term performance in harsh environments.。
















Honeywell Sensing and Control 旋转位置传感器产品简介说明书

Honeywell Sensing and Control 旋转位置传感器产品简介说明书

308N2.5MEGSelect Rotary Position Sensors. Firmly positioned as the leader. The Honeywell Sensing and Control (S&C) Rotary Position Sensor lineup is comprised of encoders, potentiometers, and precision-crafted resolvers.Our Encoders are available in both mechanical and optical versions, and are best for potential applications requiring panel-mounted, manually-operated rotary sensing.Potentiometer Sensors utilize precision technology developed for potential military applications. Our proprietary conductive plastic offers extensive temperature range and infinite resolution, and is designed to provide precision position measurement. Resolvers are offered in pancake, brushless, and canned styles. Honeywell S&C is one of a handful of companies offering this highly precise sensor technology. But that’s what you’d expect from an industry leader.FEATURESENCODERS 510E Series.Features: Mechanical encoder • Employs 2-bit gray code with up to 36 positions or a 4-bit code • Cost effective • Eliminates need for A/D converters • Stability from -40 °C to 105 °C [-40 °F to 221 °F] • Positive detent feel • Continuouselectrical travel • Horizontal and vertical mountingBenefits: Operates as a cost-effective, high-resolution incremental switching device. The “L” channel leads the “R” channel by 90° electrically in the clockwise position. Often used in limited-space panel-mounted applications where the need for costly, front-panel displays can be completely eliminated. Potential applications include welding/heating equipment, sprinkler systems, manual controls, level control, cursor control, frequency control, temperature control, time control, and position sensing.Rotary Position Sensor Line Guidecontinued on page 7600 Series.Features: Optical encoder • Dualquadrature output generating 128 pulses per channel • Cost effective • Eliminates need for A/D converters • Stability from -40 °C to 65 °C [-40 °F to 149 °F] • Cable and printed circuit terminations available • Stainless steel shaft • Nickel-plated bushing • PC terminals and cable leads available • Outputs are TTL compatible Benefits: Enhanced life, no contactdevice capable of approximately 10 million revolutions. Outputs two square waves in quadrature at a rate of 128 pulses per channel per revolution as a standard with other resolutions down to 60 pulses available. Potential applications include robotics, welding/heating equipment, manual controls, motion sensing andcontrol, motor and flow control, low-to-high input for test and measurement, medical and instrumentation, and computer peripherals.CERMET AND WIREWOUND POTENTIOMETERS 309/409 Series.Features: Compact • Modular package • Cermet element • 1 W power rating • Enhanced performance • 409: sealed for board washing • PC and solder-hook terminalsBenefits: Reduced cost potentiometer that offers the temperature stability of a cermet element and a 1 watt power rating in a compact body. Stable over operating temperature. Potential applications include audio consoles, lighting controls, precision joysticks, telecom control systems, manual controls, medical equipment,telecommunications, and marine controls.389 Series.Features: Cermet element • 1 W power rating • Small size • Stackable – up to 6 modules • Rotary, push-pull, and momentary options • 1/4 in or 1/8 indiameter shafts • Single, dual-concentric,2 /sensingRotary Position Sensor Line GuideQuality. Reliability. Enhanced life. Global reach.Honeywell S&C rotary position sensors deliver the features you need and quality you demand. Even better, we offer worldwide support and manufacturing.Encoders: Our mechanical encoders have 2-bit and 4-bit graycode outputs for absolute electrical reference applications. Manually operated optical encoders output two square waves in quadrature. Variousresolutions, PC terminals, or cable leads are available. Potentiometers: The Honeywell S&C lineup is legendary in military and aerospace industries for reliability, durability, and enhanced life. Ourpotentiometer designs allow customization to your specs and cost requirementswithout sacrificing reliability and accuracy. Measuring linear, rotary position, or displacement, these units easily withstand exposure to harsh chemicals and high temperatures.Resolvers: These non-contact, enhanced precision rotary position sensors are available in standard styles and are fully customizable, offering remarkable specs for impressive performance./sensing 34 /sensingRotary Position Sensor Line Guide/sensing 5Rotary Position Sensor Line Guide6 /sensingor trimmer configurations • Wide range shafts, bushings, terminal styles, resistance values, tapers, and tolerances • Special detents availableBenefits: Basic construction suitsthe series for countless design options; over a billion configurations available. Potential applications include audio and lighting controls.43/RA20 Series.Features: Wirewound element • 2 W power rating • RA20 meets MIL-R-19 standards • Rugged metal construction • Nickel-plated brass shaft • Lock-style bushing available • Linear taper Benefits: Very stable over operating temperature. Potential applications include manual controls, welding, and heating.58/RA30 Series.Features: Wirewound element • 4 W power rating • RA30 meets MIL-R-19 standards • Rugged metal construction • Nickel-plated brass shaft • Lock-style bushing available • Linear taper Benefits: Designed to be stable over operating temperature. Potential applications include manual controls, welding, and heating.591 Series.Features: Compact size • Cermet element • 1 W power rating • Temperature stability • Linear taper • PC terminals • Brass shaft and bushing • Linear taperBenefits: Reduced cost potentiometer with the benefits of a cermet element. Designed to be stable over operating temperature. Potential applications include manual controls, welding and heating, telecommunications.73 Series.Features: Wirewound element • 2 W power rating • 10-turn construction• Nickel-plated brass shaft and bushings • Linear taperBenefits: Precision-type potentiometer made with a wirewound element. Offers 10 turns for enhanced resolution and accurate output. Potential applications include manual controls. CONDUCTIVE PLASTICPOTENTIOMETERS308/408 Series.Features: Compact • Modular package• Conductive plastic element• 0.5 W power rating • Nickel-platedbrass shaft and bushings • Enhancedperformance • 408: sealed for boardwashing • PC and solder-hook terminals• CW audio and linear tapers availableBenefits: Reduced cost potentiometer thatoffers 0.5 W power rating in a compactbody. Potential applications includemanual controls, audio and lightingconsoles, medical equipment, precisionjoysticks, and telecommunications.380/53/RV4 Series.Features: Conductive plastic elementdesigned to provide enhanced dynamicnoise and enhanced rotational life • 2 Wpower rating • RV4 meets MIL-PRF-94standards • 380/53: 2 in L shaft, round• RV4: 0.875 in L shaft, slotted • Solderlug terminals • CW audio and linear tapersavailableBenefits: Known as the “quiet ones.”Economical potentiometer with ruggedindustrial construction. Model 53 isavailable in special construction thataccepts a rotary switch. Potentialapplications include manual controls(joysticks, panel dials, throttles), electricvehicles, personal mobility, off-roadvehicles, forklifts, welding/heating, andtelecommunications.381 Series.Features: Conductive plastic element• 1 W power rating • Solder lug terminals• Metal case and nickel-plated brass shaftand bushings • Locking-style bushing,rotary switch, or dual section optionsavailable • Linear taperBenefits: Robust construction in alow-cost industrial package. Potentialapplications include manual and audiocontrols, and telecommunications.388 Series.Features: Conductive plastic element• 0.5 W power rating • Small size• Stackable – up to 6 modules • Rotary,push-pull, and momentary options • 1/4 inor 1/8 in diameter shafts • Single, dual-concentric, or trimmer configurations• Wide range shafts, bushings, terminalstyles, resistance values, tapers, andtolerances • Special detents availableBenefits: Basic construction suitsthe series for countless design options;over a billion configurations available.Potential applications include audio andlighting controls, precision joysticks, andtelecom control systems.392/RV6 Series.Features: Compact size • Conductiveplastic element • RV6: Designed to meetMIL-PRF-94 standards, solderability, andwashability test requirements • 0.5 Wpower rating • Nickel-plated shaft andbushings • PC and solder hook terminals• Linear taperBenefits: Molded housing offers aninternal shaft seal for moisture protection.Potential applications include medicalequipment, manual controls, audioequipment, and telecommunications.574 Series.Features: Conductive plastic element• 0.5 W power rating • Reduced mountingprofile • Quiet electrical output • Verticalmounting with support bracket • PCstyle mounting • Smooth feel • Robustconstruction • All plastic construction• Metric bushing • Linear taperBenefits: Reduced cost commercialpotentiometer with the benefits of aconductive plastic element. Potentialapplications include welding/heatingcontrols, joysticks, and manual controls.575 Series.Features: Conductive plastic element• 0.5 W power rating • Reduced mountingprofile • Quiet electrical output • Solderhook terminals for panel mounting• Smooth feel • Robust construction • Allplastic construction • Linear taperBenefits: Reduced cost commercialpotentiometer with the benefits of aconductive plastic element. Potentialapplications include welding/heatingcontrols, joysticks, and manual controls./sensing 7578 Series.Features: Conductive plastic element • 0.5 W power rating • Variable resistor technology • Low mounting profile• Quiet electrical output • Precision control • PC terminals • Nickel-plated shaft and bushing • Smooth feel • Robust construction • Linear taper • Central tap version availableBenefits: Precision-type potentiometer with low torque and very linear tapers delivers enhanced control. Potential applications include off-road vehicles, electric vehicles, marine controls, material handling, personal mobility, manual controls, telecommunications, and audio equipment.585 Series.Features: Compact size • Carbon element • 0.05 W power rating • Horizontal mount • PC terminals • Metal shaft and bushings • Linear taperBenefits: Designed to be used as alow-wattage component that can be panel mounted or PC mounted. Robust construction in a low-cost commercial package, using carbon composition elements. Potential applications include manual and audio controls, heating equipment, and telecommunications.590 Series.Features: Compact size • Conductive plastic element • 0.5 W power rating• Linear taper • PC terminals• Brass shaft and bushing • Linear taper Benefits: Reduced cost potentiometer with the benefits of a conductive plastic element. Potential applications include manual controls, lighting and audio consoles, precision joysticks, welding and heating, and telecommunications.MKV Series.Features: Conductive plastic element • Linearity (accuracy) 0.5 % or less• 1 W power rating • Servo and bushing mounting • Custom electrical travels Benefits: A cost-effective way of obtaining enhanced accuracy and enhanced life position feedback. Potential applications include valve position feedback, panel control, instrumentation, and missile finfeedback position.SensorCube Series.Features: Conductive plastic element• Linearity (accuracy) 2 % or less • 1 Wpower rating • Sealed construction• Custom electrical travelsBenefits: Cost-effective potentiometer withsealed construction. Enhanced accuracyand reliability. Potential applicationsinclude valve position feedback, panelcontrol, instrumentation, and off-roadequipment.TH100 Series.Features: Conductive plastic element• Fully sealed construction • Enhancedrotational torque • Variable resistortechnology • 0.5 W power rating • Specialelectrical and mechanical configurations,including dual tracks and D-shaped rotorholes available • Linear taperBenefits: Enhanced performance rotaryposition transducer that works well inpotential angle-management applicationssuch as control-lever sensing andequipment position feedback. Potentialapplications also include off-road vehicles,electric vehicles, marine controls, materialhandling, and personal mobility.NON-CONTACT, HALL-EFFECTPOSITION TRANSDUCERSHRS100 Series.Features: Solid-state, Hall-effecttechnology • 90° mechanical rotation• Maximum ESD sensitivity of ±7 kV• Slotted shaftBenefits: Use of magnetically coupledinformation in place of a mechanicalwiper assembly designed to provide anenhanced life and cost-effective solutionfor harsh environments that includetemperature, vibration, dither, moisture,and dirt. Potential applications includethrottle/speed position and control,inboard lever control, foot pedal position,steering position, suspension systemposition, seat and mirror position, tiltposition, gimbal position and control, andmanipulator arm position.RESOLVERSHoneywell Hawk™ 1-Inch Series.Features: Non-contact magnetictechnology • Fully-housed configurationwith bearing/shaft • Small outer diameterof 1 inch • Single speed operation(1 magnetic pole pair) • Excitationvoltage range of 2 V to 15 V • Excitationfrequency range of 2000 Hz to 5000 Hz• Transformation ratio of 0.45 or 1.0• Accuracy of ±7 arcmin • Operatingtemperature range of -50.8 °C to 93.3°C [-60 °F to 200 °F] • Meets multiplemilitary/aerospace specifications:DO-160D, MIL-STD-202G, MIL-STD-810G, MIL-STD-81963B, MIL-STD-461F; complies with space outgassingrequirement SP-R0022Benefits: Non-contact magnetictechnology eliminates mechanical contact,reducing wear and improving reliabilityand durability by enhancing operation inharsh environments (performance is notaffected by sand, dust or water). Smallouter diameter of 1 inch allows for use insize-restricted applications. Single speedoperation (1 magnetic pole pair) allowsfor cost-effective angle resolution over a360°+ range. Wide voltage range allowscustomers to standardize on a resolverthat meets their excitation voltage needs,simplifying sourcing and delivery, andsaving time. Frequency range providesa wide variety of choices with which topower the device. Transformation ratiosoffer customers two choices, increasingflexibility within the application. Accuracyenables precise motion control of weaponsystems and space positioning devices.Wide operating temperature rangeallows for use in harsh environmentsand meets standard military and spaceapplication requirements. Productdelivery up to 1.5 times faster than manycompetitive products. Customization dueto Honeywell’s manufacturing process.Global support due to Honeywell’sworldwide presence. Engineeringexpertise due to Honeywell’s 30+ years’experience providing accurate, reliable,and durable resolvers for the aerospaceand defense industries. Potentialapplications include providing absoluteposition feedback of the azimuth and/or elevation angular planes for military8 /sensingelectro-optical systems, fire control systems, gimbals, infrared systems, ordnance delivery and test equipment,as well as satellite, space station, space vehicle solar panel array and antennae positioning for optimum function.Cased-Brushless Dual Speed Series.Features: (1/10 in) 30 • 20 arcsec accuracy • Speed: 1&32 • Non-contact measurement for enhanced reliability• 360° sensing range • Multi-speed designs available for enhanced accuracies over reduced ranges • Variety of excitation voltages and frequency• Environmentally sealed and qualified to RTCA DO-160DBenefits: One-speed and multi-speed resolver and rotary transformer. Potential applications include ATOM – gunners site position (azimuth and elevation), forward looking radar, missile guidance, solar panel position, and antenna position. Cased-Brushless Single Speed Series.Features: (1/10 in) 17 • 1.25 arcminto 3.5 arcmin accuracy • Non-contact measurement for enhanced reliability• 360° sensing range • Multi-speed designs available for enhanced accuracies over reduced ranges • Variety of excitation voltages and frequency• Environmentally sealed and qualified to RTCA DO-160DBenefits: One speed, one pole pair resolver and rotary transformer. Potential applications include ATOM – gunners site position (azimuth and elevation), forward looking radar, missile guidance, solar panel position, and antenna position. Pancake-Brushless Multi-Speed Series.Features: Redundant winding • (1/10 in) 38 to 63 • 3 arcmin to 30 arcsec accuracy (low-distortion harmonic) • Speed: 12 • Non-contact measurement for enhanced reliability • 360° sensing range• Multi-speed designs available for enhanced accuracies over reduced ranges • Variety of excitation voltages andfrequency • Environmentally sealed andqualified to RTCA DO-160DBenefits: Multiple pole pairs resolver androtary transformer. Potential applicationsinclude ATOM – gunners site position(azimuth and elevation), forward lookingradar, missile guidance, solar panelposition, and antenna position.Pancake-Brushless Dual SpeedSeries.Features: Full redundancy (duplex)• (1/10 in) 92 • 30 arcsec accuracy(multispeed) • Speed: 1&64 • Non-contactmeasurement for enhanced reliability• 360° sensing range • Multi-speeddesigns available for enhancedaccuracies over reduced ranges • Varietyof excitation voltages and frequency• Environmentally sealed and qualified toRTCA DO-160DBenefits: One-speed and multi-speedresolver and rotary transformer. Potentialapplications include ATOM – gunners siteposition (azimuth and elevation), forwardlooking radar, missile guidance, solarpanel position, and antenna position.Pancake-Dual Speed Series.Features: Simple and duplex • (1/10in) 31 to 130 • 36 arcsec to 4 arcsecaccuracy (multi-speed) • Variety of speedsavailable: 1&8, 1&16, 1&32, 1&36, 2&36,1&64, 1&128 • Non-contact measurementfor enhanced reliability • 360° sensingrange • Multi-speed designs availablefor enhanced accuracies over reducedranges • Variety of excitation voltages andfrequency • Environmentally sealed andqualified to RTCA DO-160DBenefits: One-speed and multiplespeed. Potential applications includeATOM – gunners site position (azimuthand elevation), forward looking radar,missile guidance, solar panel position, andantenna position.Pancake-Multi Speed Series.Features: Simple and duplex • (1/10 in)16 to 67 • 1 arcmin to 5 arcsec accuracy• Variety of speeds available: 4, 8, 16,32, 64 • Non-contact measurement forenhanced reliability • 360° sensing range• Multi-speed designs available forenhanced accuracies over reducedranges • Variety of excitation voltages andfrequency • Environmentally sealed andqualified to RTCA DO-160DBenefits: Multi-pole pairs. Potentialapplications include ATOM – gunners siteposition (azimuth and elevation), forwardlooking radar, missile guidance, solarpanel position, and antenna position.Pancake-Single Speed Series.Features: Simple and duplex • (1/10 in)24 to 68 • 3 arcmin to 30 arcsec accuracy• Non-contact measurement for enhancedreliability • 360° sensing range • Multi-speed designs available for enhancedaccuracies over reduced ranges• Variety of excitation voltages andfrequency • Environmentally sealed andqualified to RTCA DO-160DBenefits: One-speed, one-pole pair.Potential applications include ATOM– gunners site position (azimuth andelevation), forward looking radar, missileguidance, solar panel position, andantenna position./sensing 9Sensing and Control Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 USA+1-815-235-6847/sensing 009577-4-EN IL50 GLOJuly 2011Copyright © 2011 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.• DO NOT USE these products asFailure to comply with these• The information presented in thisFailure to comply with theseWarranty. Honeywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYsafety or emergency stop devicesor in any other application wherefailure of the product could result inpersonal injury.instructions could result in death orserious injury.WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONcatalogue is for reference only. DONOT USE this document as productinstallation information.• Complete installation, operation andmaintenance information is providedin the instructions supplied with eachproduct.instructions could result in death orserious injury.While we provide application assistancepersonally, through our literature andthe Honeywell web site, it is up to thecustomer to determine the suitability of theproduct in the application.Specifications may change without notice.The information we supply is believed tobe accurate and reliable as of this printing.However, we assume no responsibility forits use.For more information about Sensing andControl products, visit or call +1-815-235-6847*************************************308N2.5MEG。

Honeywell Board Mount Pressure Sensor 选型指南说明书

Honeywell Board Mount Pressure Sensor 选型指南说明书

SELECTING BOARD MOUNT PRESSURE SENSORSSelection GuideThere are many considerations when Array selecting Honeywell board mount pressuresensors to determine the specific series for an application. This Selection Guide provides anoverview as to when to select TruStability™,Basic Pressure, MicroPressure, 24PC, and26PC board mount pressure sensors.Honeywell’s portfolio of board mount pressure sensors are grouped into the five majorplatforms shown below. Table 1 provides a complete portfolio cross reference forall 15 product series and Table 2 focuses on the low pressure versions. Product keyfeatures are then addressed and specific potential applications are provided in Tables3, 4 and 5.• Tru S tability™- RSC Series (High Resolution, High Accuracy, Compensated/Amplified)- HSC Series (Compensated/Amplified)- SSC Series (Compensated/Amplified)- DPR Series (Compensated/Amplified)- TSC Series (Compensated/Unamplified)- NSC Series (Uncompensated/Unamplified)• Basic Pressure- ABP2 Series (Compensated/Amplified)- ABP Series (Compensated/Amplified)- TBP Series (Compensated/Unamplified)- NBP Series (Uncompensated/Unamplified)• MicroPressure- MPR Series (Compensated/Amplified)• 24PC (Uncompensated/Unamplified)- 24PC Series- 24PC Flow-Through Series• 26PC (Compensated/Unamplified)- 26PC Series- 26PC Flow-Through Series24-bit digital SPIas low as ±0.25 %FSS, depending on pressure range, after customer auto-zero±0.1 %FSS BFSLamplified±1.6 mbar to ±25 bar |±160 kPa to ±2.5 kPa |±0.5 inH2O to ±10 inH2Odifferential, gage analog (Vdc)*1 psi to 150 psiKEY FEATURESTRUSTABILITY™RSC Series, HSC Series, SSC Series• For use when:- Accuracy and low Total Error Bandare required- Measuring gases- Ultra-low or low pressure ranges areneeded- Performance is the key driver• Amplified analog• Digital output• Ease of installation• Many housing and port stylesRSC Series, High Resolution • High 24-bit resolution; analog-to-digital converter with integrated EEPROM• Extremely tight Total Error Band, as low as ±0.25 %FSS depending on pressure range (after customer auto-zero),due to Honeywell’s patented sensedie design, in-house compensation, calibration, and mechanical package design• Extremely tight accuracy of ±0.1 %FSS BFSL• Low power consumption, less than10 mW, typ.• Virtually insensitive to mounting orientation (±0.1 %FSS or ±0.2 %FSS), depending on pressure range) due to Honeywell’s patented sense die design HSC Series (Ultra-LowPressure Ranges of±0.5 inH20 to ±30 inH20)• Extremely tight Total Error Band dueto Honeywell’s patented sense diedesign, in-house compensation andcalibration, and mechanical packagedesign:- ±3 %FSS for 2 inH2O span- ±1.5 %FSS for 3 inH2O to 5 inH2O span- ±1 %FSS above 5 inH2O span• Virtually insensitive to mountingorientation (<0.15 %FSS) and very lowvibration sensitivity due to Honeywell’spatented sense die design• High resolution (min. 0.03 %FSSanalog, 12-bits digital) due to the useof sensors specifically designed forultra-low pressures, not just amplifyinghigher range sensors• Port 1 can be exposed to non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids when theliquid media option is selected• Extremely tight accuracy: Inherently alinear sense die design/diaphragmDPR Series• Compensated and amplified, analogoutput• Robust package ideally suited forHVAC applications• Ease of installation for remote mountapplications to sheet metal• Overvoltage and reverse voltageprotectionTSC Series• Compensated and unamplifiedfor those customers who requiretemperature compensation but want todo their own amplification• Back-side sensing allows for wetcapability on one port; port 1 can beexposed to non-corrosive, non-ionicliquids• Ease of installation• Many housing and port stylesNSC Series• Uncompensated and uncalibrated forthose customers who want to do theirown compensation, calibration, andamplification• Back-side sensing allows for wetcapability on one port: port 1 can beexposed to non-corrosive, non-ionicliquids• Ease of installation• Many housing and port stylesBASIC PRESSUREABP2 Series• Compensated and amplified, analogor digital output, single or dual ports,small package• Cost: Select the ABP2 Series if costis a major concern and some sensorperformance can be de-rated. TheABP2 series has fewer porting andhousing options than the HSC Seriesand SSC Series• Ports 1 and 2 can be used with non-ionic liquids (wet/wet) when the liquidmedia option is selectedABP Series• Compensated and amplified, analogor digital output, single or dual ports,small package• Cost: Select the ABP2 Series if costis a major concern and some sensorperformance can be de-rated. TheABP2 Series has fewer porting andhousing options than the HSC Seriesand SSC Series• Ports 1 and 2 can be used with non-ionic liquids (wet/wet) when the liquidmedia option is selectedTBP Series• Compensated and unamplified, analog output• Cost: Select the TBP Series if costis a major concern and some sensor performance can be de-rated. The TBP series has fewer porting and housing options but does come in a smaller package• Port 1 can be used with non-ionic liquids when the wet option is selected NBP Series• Uncompensated and unamplified, analog output• Back-side sensing allows for wet capability on one port: Port 1 can be exposed to non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids• Cost: Select the NBP Series if, and only if, the application cannot be met with the other sensors noted above due to cost considerations; cost should be the primary consideration when selecting the NBP Series.• Port 1 can be used with non-ionic liquids when the wet option is selected MICROPRESSUREMPR Series• 5 mm x 5 mm [0.20 in x 0.20 in]package footprint• Compensated and calibrated• 60 mbar to 2.5 bar | 6 kPa to 250 kPa |1 psi to 30 psi• 24-bit digital I2C or SPI-compatibleoutput• Low power consumption (<10 mW typ.),energy efficient• Stainless steel pressure port• Compatible with a variety of liquidmedia• Absolute and gage pressure types• Total Error Band after customer auto-zero: As low as ±1.5 %FSS• Compensated temperature range: 0ºCto 50ºC [32ºF to 122ºF]• REACH and RoHS compliant• Meets IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1Moisture Sensitivity Level 1• Select sensors available on breakoutboard for easy evaluation and testing24PC, 26PC24PC Series, 26PC Series• 24PC Series: Uncompensated andunamplified• 26PC Series: Compensated andunamplified, calibrated• Full liquid wet/wet differential sensingavoids having to use a media isolatedsensor• Absolute (24PC), differential, wet-wetdifferential, gage• 0.5 psi to 250 psi (SIP, DIP); 1 psi to15 psi (SMT)• Very small SMT package option• Many port styles• Fluorosilicone, EPDM, silicon andneoprene seals (SIP, DIP)• Pick and place features (SMT)• Rugged mounting features• Proven quality and reliability• Ease of installation008249-11-EN | 11 | 10/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of itsmanufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period ofcoverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.FOR MORE INFORMATION Honeywell Advanced SensingTechnologies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit our website or call:USA/Canada +1 302 613 4491Latin America +1 305 805 8188Europe +44 1344 238258Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152Singapore +65 6355 2828Greater China +86 4006396841While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.HoneywellAdvanced Sensing Technologies 830 East Arapaho RoadRichardson, TX 75081/ast。

霍尔传感器 hall effect sensors

霍尔传感器 hall effect sensors

&KDSWHU+DOO (IIHFW 6HQVRUVIntroductionThe Hall effect was discovered by Dr. Edwin Hall in 1879 while he was a doctoral candidate at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Hall was attempting to verify the theory of electron flow proposed by Kelvin some 30 years earlier. Dr. Hall found when a magnet was placed so that its field was perpendicular to one face of a thin rectangle of gold through which current was flowing, a difference in potential appeared at the opposite edges. He found that this voltage was proportional to the current flowing through the conductor, and the flux density or magnetic induction perpendicular to the conductor. A l-though Hall’s experiments were successful and well received at the time, no applications outside of the realm of theoretical physics were found for over 70 years.With the advent of semiconducting materials in the 1950s, the Hall effect found its first applications. However, these were severely limited by cost. In 1965, Everett Vorthmann and Joe Maupin, MICRO SWITCH Sensing and Control senior d e-velopment engineers, teamed up to find a practical, low-cost solid state sensor. Many different concepts were examined, but they chose the Hall effect for one basic reason: it could be entirely integrated on a single silicon chip. This breakthrough resulted in the first low-cost, high-volume application of the Hall effect, truly solid state keyboards. MICRO SWITCH Sensing and Control has produced and delivered nearly a billion Hall effect devices in keyboards and sensor products.Theory of the Hall EffectWhen a current-carrying conductor is placed into a magnetic field, a voltage will be generated perpendicular to both the current and the field. This principle is known as the Hall effect.Figure 2-1 illustrates the basic principle of the Hall effect. It shows a thin sheet of semicon-ducting material (Hall element) through which a current is passed. The output connections are perpendicular to the direction of current. When no magnetic field is present (Figure 2-1), current distribution is uniform and no potential difference is seen across the output.When a perpendicular magnetic field is present,as shown in Figure 2-2, a Lorentz force is exerted on the current. This force disturbs the currentdistribution, resulting in a potential difference (voltage) across theoutput. This voltage is the Hall voltage (V H ). The interaction of the magnetic field and the current is shown in equation form as equ a-tion 2-1.Hall effect sensors can be applied in many types of sensing devices. If the quantity (parameter) to be sensed incorporates or can incorporate a magnetic field, a Hall sensor will perform the task.V H ∝ I × BFormula (2-1)Figure 2-4 Basic Hall effect sensorA differential amplifier with these characteristics can be readily integrated with the Hall element using standard bipolar transistor technology. Temperature compensation is also easily i n tegrated.As was shown by equation 2-1, the Hall voltage is a function of the input current. The purpose of the regulator in Figure 2-4 is to hold this current constant so that the output of the sensor only reflects the intensity of the magnetic field. As many systems have a regulated supply available, some Hall effect sensors may not include an internal regul a tor.Figure 2-12 NPN (Current sinking) . . . Digital output sensor。



98109071For innovation that’s well apart, there’s only Honeywell Sensing andTable of ContentsMagnetoresistive Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Hall-Effect Digital Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Hall-Effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Value-Added Hall-Effect Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Speed and Direction Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11 Linear Potentiometric Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13 SMART Position Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 Ultrasonic Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17Inertial Measurement Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Proximity Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-21 Encoders and Non-Contact Hall-Effect Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Cermet and Wirewound Potentiometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Conductive Plastic Potentiometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25 Resolvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-27 Honeywell S&C Core Industry Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-29 Honeywell S&C Product Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-312 3With a built-in magnetoresistive bridge integrated on silicon and encapsulated in a plastic package, magnetoresistive sensor ICs feature an integrated circuit that responds to low fields at large distances. Potential applications include laptops, material handlingequipment, and pneumatic cylinders.Constructed from a thin sheet of conductive material, Hall-effect sensor ICs have output connections perpendicular to direction of current flow. Potential applications are many, including speed and RPM sensing, brushless dc motors, and fan/motor/robotics.Featureslow supply voltagecombined with very lowaverage current reducespower consumptionhigh output current andspeed capability; reversepolarity protectionbuilt-in pull-up resistor;low voltage; enhancedsensitivitysimple activation from aSouth pole and multiplemagnetic sensitivites (high,medium, and low)4 5-40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]-40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]-40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F]-40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F]V) & SS461R: 40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]; SS361RT (3 V to 18 V): -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to -40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]-40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]simple activation from a North pole (SS345PT) or a South pole (SS445P)built-in reverse polarity protection; typical operating point of 85 G at 25 °C [77 °F]fastest response timein class; no chopperstabilizationtime in its class, nochopper stabilization,operates from only30 Gauss typical, at 25 °C [77 °F]enhanced sensitivity; built-in reverse voltage capability enhanced sensitivity; built-in reverse polarity protection; robust designmultiple operate/release points available high output current; reverse polarityprotectionConstructed from a thin sheet of conductive material, Hall-effect sensor ICs have output Array connections perpendicular to direction of current flow. Potential applications are many,including speed and RPM sensing, brushless dc motors, and fan/motor/robotics.6 7SS39ET/SS49E/SS59ET8 Consists of sensors packaged in a variety of housings. Includes vane sensors, digital position sensors, and solid-state switches. Potential applications include position and RPM sensing, cam and crankshaft speed and position, transmissions, tachometers, traction control, and sprocket speed.Featuresor sourcing output; aluminum housing; color-coded jacketed cable; adjustable mountingaluminum housing; color-coded jacketed cable;adjustable mounting9polarity and transient protection; EMIresistantsensing; environmentally sealed; three terminations and bipolar magnetics; sinking output; frequencies exceeding 100 HzNEMA 3, 3R, 3S, 4, 4X, 12 and 13; omnipolar magnetics; sinking outputProvides true zero speed capability, direction sensing, and precise switch pointmeasurement. Speed sensor diagnostics provide information on air gap and sensor failure for increased reliability and functionality. Potential applications include cam/crank shafts, transmissions, tachometers, traction control, dynamometers, process control, and factory automation.Featuresmultiple finger-wiper design; anodized extruded aluminum housing; precious metal contact; sealed constructioneter; multiple finger-wiper design; anodized extruded aluminumhousing; precious metal contact; sealed constructionvibration-dampened element; pre-cious metal wipers; stainless steelshaft; enhanced dc level output Includes potentiometer sensors for linear, rotary position, or displacement measurement with extended life PTFE bearings and precious metal multi-finger contact wipers. Potential applications include robotic control, marine steering, in-tank sensing, injection molding, and printing.precious metal wipers; 2,06 mm [0.081 in] thick housing with 6 mm [0.25 in] shaft; high level dc output; enhanced performance bearings; shaft seals design; stainless steel shaft; anodizedextruded aluminum housing; precious metalcontact; shaft seals for spray-or-hose-downenvironmentswiper design; stainless steel shaft; internalspring-loaded ball joint; anodized extrudedaluminum housing; precious metal contact;infinite resolutionvibration-dampened element; extendedside bearing; precious metal wipers; highdc level output; enhanced performance bear-ings; NEMA 4 sealingMeasurements75 mm: 145 mm L x 18,0 mm W x 28,2 mm H [5.7 in x 0.71 in x 1.1 in]225 mm: 287,3 mm L x 18,0 mm W x 28,2 mm H [11.3 in x 0.71 in x 1.1 in]Superior Measurement. Accurate. Reliable. Thinking.Honeywell’s SMART Position Sensors are some of the most durable and adaptable position devices available in the industry today. These sensors use a patentedcombination of ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) technology and an array of MR (magnetoresistive) sensors to provide absolute position sensing with enhanced speed and accuracy. Their simple, non-contact design eliminates mechanical failure mechanisms, reduces wear and tear, improves reliability and durability, enhancesoperation efficiency and safety, and minimizes downtime. Linear configuration potential applications: valve position, material handling, plastic molding, wafer handling, CNC machines, passenger bus level position, truck-mounted crane outrigger position, heavy equipment attachment identification, engine transmissions (35 mm only), marine motors, and aircraft actuators.100°: 183 mm L x 86 mm W x 31 mm H [7.20 in x 3.39 in x 1.22 in]180°: 222 mm L x 107 mm W x 31 mm H [8.74 in x 4.21 in x 1.22 in]113,5 mm x 106,5 mm x 22,0 mm [4.46 in x 4.19 in x 0.87 in]Arc Configuration potential applications: aerial work lift platform, front end loader and digger/excavator boom position, scissor lift position, refuse truck lift and automatic reach arm position, mobile crane steering, timber harvester/processor equipment cutter arm angle, on-board loader weighing system position, telescoping conveyor elevation, power generation contact angle, rail-road crossing arms position, remote weapon systems elevation, chassis suspension systems positionheight, military vehicle door position, ground-based solar panels elevation and azimuth, ground-based satellite dish elevation and azimuth, robotically-assisted surgery equipment position, patient bed elevation.Rotary Configuration potential applications: steering angle, articulation angle, boom arm detection, solar panels,wind turbines.Ultrasonic sensors measure time delay between emitted and echo pulses. Available in analog or digital versions for distance or presence/absence sensing. Programmable versions available. May be used in a variety of rugged presence and absence sensing applications.Featureshead; synchronizing/hold input; adjustment by potentiometer; micro-processor controlled; temperature compensationteach in; M12 connector, 5 pin; visual indication; four output op-tions; synchronizing/hold input; temperature compensationface); four models; stainless steel M30 heads; synchronizing/hold input; beam power adjustable by switchremote teach-in/auto-tuning; Windows andhysteresis mode; two switching outputs;temperature compensation; connector orcable versioneight models; auto-tuning by one switch;slope direction selection; NO/NC selection;two switching outputs; analog output;temperature compensationIP65; auto-tuning by four position plug;switching output models; two switchingoutputs; temperature compensationIP67; four output configurations; switchingfrequency of 150 Hz; compact sizeFeaturesflexibility, application expertise, customization, and temperature performance; easesintegration; automotive-grade qualified, long term stability, no calibration neededInertial Measurement Units (IMU) are high-end position sensors with sensitive multi-axis motion control. These sensors measure the motion of the equipment onto which they are attached and deliver the data to the equipment’s control module, allowing the operator to focus on other equipment functions, enabling more precise control than can be achieved byusing only the human eye, thus increasing safety, stability and productivity.Designed to meet demanding temperature, vibration, shock, and EMI/EMP interference specifications. Multiple potential applications are found in aerospace, ordnance, marine, and off-shore equipment.Designed to meet demanding temperature, vibration, shock, and EMI/EMP interference specifications. Multiple potential applications are found in aerospace, ordnance, marine, and off-shore equipment.Featuresdetent feel; continuous electrical travelprinted circuit terms; outputs TTL compatibleMechanical versions with 2-bit and 4-bit gray code outputs for potential use in incremental and absolute electrical reference applications. Optical versions are manually operated, rotary devices. Available with PC terminals or cable leads. Potential applications include controls foraudio and lighting, level, cursor, frequency, temperature, time, and position sensing.Compact and rugged thick film devices, these potentiometers are stable over a rangeof operating temperatures. Provides high power dissipation and improved resistance temperature coefficient. Potential applications include joysticks, lighting, audio, telecom, manual, medical, and marine equipment, welding, and heating.Compact and rugged thick-film devices are available in wide range of resistance values. These devices use precision technology developed for military applications. Potential applications include manual controls, audio and lighting consoles, joysticks, telecommunication, and medical equipment.AerospaceAerospace applications are among the most demanding for any type of product. Rigorous FAA requirements, extreme environments (temperature, shock, vibration, the need forhermetic sealing), and the ability to customize devices are just a few of the parameters often required of sensors and switches in these applications. Aerospace customers typically value speed in prototyping and development, and Honeywell’s verticallyintegrated, AS9100-approved manufacturing locations enhance our ability to produce devices in a wide variety of packages. The precision output of our products helps reduce risk and cost in key applications while also minimizing the need for unscheduled maintenance.Honeywell’s in-depth aerospace engineering experience allows us to work with customers in the design and development ofHoneywell Sensing and Control is a global leader in providing reliable, cost-effective sensing and switching solutions for our customers’ applications. We serve thousands of customers in four core industry segments: industrial, medical equipment, transportation, and aerospace/military products.products that best meet the specified requirements of theirindividual applications. Making products simple to install makes the job easier every step of the way. And, the odds are that Honeywell is already on the list of trusted suppliers for many aerospace companies, underscoring the decades of experience we bring to this field.Honeywell products for this industry (many of them PMA-certified) include force sensors, load cells, potentiometers, pilot controls, pressure sensors, pressure switches, resolvers, sensor/actuator assemblies for systems ranging from aerostructures to fuel control to flight surfaces, speed sensors, temperature probes, thermostats, torque sensors, y-guides for cargosystems, MICRO SWITCH™ sealed and high-accuracy switches, MICRO SWITCH™ pushbutton switches, and MICRO SWITCH™ rocker and toggle switches.MedicalMedical applications typically require sensors and switchesthat are highly stable and extremely reliable to enhance patient safety and comfort. Stability is often essential to minimize long term drift, reduce the need for recalibration, and improve ease of use for medical equipment operators. Reliability enhances patient safety in life-critical applications, reduces downtime, and improves test throughput in applications such as clinical diagnostics. The product needs to be easy to use and easy to design into a system, so Honeywell’s extensive customization and built-in calibration/amplification capabilities are strong benefits. Confidence in Honeywell’s product performance, reliability, and availability provide peace of mind for medical equipment manufacturers who choose Honeywell.Honeywell offerings for this industry include airflow sensors, board mount and stainless steel media isolated pressure sensors, Hall-effect magnetic position sensors, humidity sensors, flexible heaters, force sensors, thermostats, commercial solid state sensors, infrared sensors, oxygen sensors, pressureand vacuum switches, potentiometers and encoders, MICRO SWITCH™ pushbutton, rocker, and toggle switches, and hour meters.IndustrialThe industrial arena can be a rough one. From high-speed food processing to high-force stamping applications, reliable and cost-effective sensors and switches often help minimize repair costs, maximize system life, and reduce overall system expense. Durability can mean the difference between smooth-running processes and expensive downtime. Accurate, repeatable sensor or switch output can reduce the need for calibration once the device is applied. Because of the wide variety of potential applications, Honeywell’s ability to deliver a customized product that can meet virtually any size, weight, and power requirement – as well as any packaging stipulations for tough, harsh environments – often makes it easy to incorporate and use our devices. Safety is another important consideration for industrial users, and our products meet a wide variety of regulatory safety requirements.Honeywell’s industrial product line includes airflow sensors, current sensors, humidity sensors, fiber-optic and liquid-level sensors, linear position sensors, oxygen sensors, pressure sensors, potentiometers and encoders, speed sensors, temperature probes, ultrasonic sensors, wirewound resistors, thermostats, commercial solid state sensors, flex heaters, SMART position sensors, board mount and stainless steel media isolated pressure sensors, force sensors, safety light curtains, push-pull switches, and MICRO SWITCH™ basic switches, hazardous area switches, safety switches, key and rotary switches, limit switches, sealed and high-accuracy switches, pushbutton, rocker, toggle switches, and relays. TransportationGetting from Point A to Point B is often challenging for end-customers of transportation providers – Honeywell aims to make the trip easier with highly reliable, cost-effective switches and sensors. Our products are designed to support rigorous engine requirements, and their efficiency can also help optimize engine performance. Customization is often required to allow a switch or sensor to be mounted in tight or challenging environments including vibration, temperature extremes, and road contamination. The durability of Honeywell products enhances system reliability, which is also boosted by the stable, accurate output of our devices. All of these capabilities allow demanding customers to rely on Honeywell’s many years of experience in the transportation industry.Honeywell products for transportation applications includeHall-effect rotary position sensors, inertial measurement units, infrared sensors, keyless entry sensors, magnetic position sensors, pressure sensors, speed and direction sensors, ultrasonic sensors, thermostats, temperature probes, commercial solid state sensors, SMART position sensors, andMICRO SWITCH™ pushbutton, rocker, and toggle switches.SENSORSThermostats: Commercial and precisionsnap-action. Automatic or manual reset options,phenolic or ceramic housings.May be used in: Telecommunications• Battery Heater Controls • Computers• Copy Machines • Fax Machines • FoodService • Food Carts • Small and MajorAppliances • Heat and Smoke Detectors• HVAC Equipmentapplications that involve measurementof hostile media in harsh environmentscompatible with 316 stainless steel.May be used in:Control SystemsCurrent sensors:Almost no thermal drift or offset with Flexible heaters:spiral wrap, transparent, composite and high temperature configurations with single, multiple and variable watt densities. Can be bonded parts or combined.May be used in:••Digital and analog Hall-effect position ICs, magnetoresistive position ICs, Hall-effect vane,Motor/Fan Control • Magnetic EncodingMotion Control/Detection • Power/Position30 Limitless ™ switches and receivers: Combines the best of MICRO SWITCH ™ limit switches with commercial wireless technology. Beneficial for remote monitoring where wiring/maintenance is not physically possible or economically feasible. Used for position sensing and presence/absence detection.Limitless ™ Operator Interface: Adds a human interface device to the product-driven interfaces of Limitless ™ switches and receivers. Choose and install a desired operator or utilize one of Honeywell’s pushbuttons.May be used in: Valve Position • Crane Boom/Jib/Skew Position • Lifts • Material Handling • Presses • Construction/Ag Machines • Conveyors • Industrial Environments • Remote/Temporary Equipment • Grain Diverters or Flaps • Door PositionLIMITLESS ™ WIRELESS SOLUTIONSand LSX Series.May be used in:Conveyors • Off-Shore Drilling • Waste-Treatment Plants • Paint Booths Handling FacilitiesPressure and vacuum switches:setpoints from 0.5 psi to 3000 psi. Rugged31SAFETY PRODUCTSMICRO SWITCH ™ safety switches: For operator point-of-operation protection, access detection, presence sensing, gate monitoring and electrical interfacing. High-quality, dependable, cost-effective solutions.May be used in: Packaging and Semi-Conductor Equipment • Plastic-Molding Machinery • Machine Tools • Textile Machines • Lifts • Industrial Doors • Bailers • Compactors • Aircraft Bridges • Telescopic Handlers • Refuse VehiclesHoneywell Sensing and Control1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 000709-18-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA October 2013© 2013 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Find out moreTo learn more about Honeywell’s sensingand control products, call+1-815-235-6847, email inquiries to*********************, or visitWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s stan-dard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledge-ment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell dur-ing the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the cus-tomer to determine the suitability of the product in the applica-tion.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this print-ing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.9810907。



Honeywell S系列气体传感器使用指南Honeywell S系列气体传感器使用1. CLE三电极电化学传感器对于三电极电化学传感器,每一个电极都有特殊的用途:感应电极(S),用来氧化或还原气体,并产生与该气体浓度成比例的电流。







所有的三电极电化学传感器在推荐的工作气体浓度范围内输出信号与气体浓度成线性关系,可以用下面的公式来计算:输出信号(uA) = 灵敏度(uA/ppm) ×气体浓度(ppm) 对于无偏压的电化学传感器,感应电极和参考电极的电势差应该为零(<15 mV)。



一旦极化电动势达到1.05 V,对电极就不再极化。

这意味着对一个无偏压电化学传感器,其最大理论电池电压是1.05 V。


推荐的偏压设置为:ETO: +300 mV;NH3: +300 mVNO: +300 mV;HCl: +200 mV;O2: -600 mV.因此,对于有偏压的电化学传感器,其最大理论电池电压是1.35 V。

实际上,在有偏压操作的电化学传感器上,其电池电压一般小于1.2 V。

为了保证Honeywell S系列电化学传感器能正常工作,必须给传感器一个合适的电路。

不论对于无偏压还是有偏压的电化学传感器,感应电极上被氧化的气体,如CO,H2S, PH3, ETO和HCN,其输出信号值是正值,相反的,感应电极上被还原的气体,如NO2和Cl2等,其输出信号值为负值。

Honeywell HumidIcon数字湿度温度传感器操作指南说明书

Honeywell HumidIcon数字湿度温度传感器操作指南说明书

Technical NoteSPI Communication with the Honeywell HumidIcon™ Digital Humidity/Temperature SensorsSensing and Control1.0 IntroductionThe Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a simple bus system for synchronous serial communication between one Master and one or more Slaves. It operates in either full-duplex mode or half-duplex mode, allowing simultaneous communication in both directions, or in one direction only. The Master device initiates an information transfer on the bus and generates clock and control signals. Slave devices are controlled by the Master through individual Slave select lines and are active only when selected.Honeywell HumidIcon ™ digital humidity sensors with SPI output operate in half-duplex mode only, with data transfer from the Slave to the Master. Three data lines are required for data transmission:Slave Select (SS)Signal Clock (SCLK)Master-In-Slave Out (MISO)All three of these bus lines are unidirectional. SS and SCLK are controlled by the Master while MISO is controlled by the Slave (see Figure 1).2.0 Data Transfer with SPI Output Humidity SensorsHoneywell’s digital output humidity sensors are design ed to work as Slaves and will therefore only respond when the SS line is asserted. Once the SS line is asserted, the sensor will begin sending data once a clock is received. By default, Honeywell digital humidity sensors are configured to change data on the MISO line with the falling edge of SCLK. This means the Master device should sample MISO on the rising (opposite edge) of SCLK.Honeywell digital humidity sensors can handle high and low SCLK polarity without configuration change. Please contact Honeywell Customer Service with questions regarding SCLK polarity and sampling MISO.Figure 2 shows an example of a 1 byte data transfer from the Slave to the Master. In this example, the data 101 (01100101 binary, or 65 hex) would be read.Figure 2. Example of a 1 Byte SPI Data Transfer with aOnce the clocking begins, Honeywell digital humidity sensors are designed to output up to four bytes of data, depending on the sensor options and the needs of the application. In all cases, the first two data bytes are the compensated humidity output, along with sensor status bits. The third and fourth bytes are for optional compensated temperature output. 2.1 Making a Measurement RequestBy default, the digital output humidity sensor performs humidity measurement and temperature measurement conversions whenever it receives a measurement request (MR) command; otherwise, the sensor is always powered down. The results are stored after each measurement in output registers to be read using a data fetch (DF) command.Detecting whether data is ready to be fetched can be handled by testing the status bits in the fetched data. Refer to Section 2.5 for details of the status bits.SPI Communication with the Honeywell HumidIcon™ Digital Humidity/Temperature Sensors2 Honeywell Sensing and Control2.2 Humidity and Temperature Measurement Request To wake up the humidity sensor and complete a measurement cycle, an MR command is used. The complete measurement cycle performs a humidity measurement and a temperature measurement and stores the results. As shown in Figure 3, an MR command is a read of eight or more bits, ignoring the data that is returned.A DF (Data Fetch) command must be completed before sending another measurement request command to start a new measurement cycle.2.3 Humidity Data FetchTo receive a compensated humidity reading, the Master generates the necessary clock signal after activating thesensor with the Slave select line. The sensor will transmit up to four bytes of data: the first two bytes contain the compensated humidity output, and the second two bytes contain the compensated temperature output.If only the compensated humidity value is required, the Master can terminate communication by stopping the clock and deactivating the slave select line after the second byte. An example of the communication is shown in Figure 4.2.4 Humidity and Temperature Data FetchThe optional corrected temperature data is read out with 14 bitresolution. By reading out the third and fourth bytes of data from the sensor, the complete 14 bit optional compensated temperature value can be read, as shown in Figure 5.When reading the full 14 bit resolution temperature output, the two least significant bits of the fourth data byte are “Do Not Care” and should be ignored.Figure 5. SPI Humidity and Temperature Data FetchPacket = [ {S(1:0),C(13:8)}, {C(7:0)}, {T(13:6)},{T(5:0),xx} ]Where:S(1:0) = Status bits of packetC(13:8) = Upper six bits of 14-bit humidity data C(7:0) = Lower eight bits of 14-bit humidity data T(13:6) = Corrected temperature dataT(5:0),xx = Remaining bits of corrected temperature data forfull 14-bit resolutionHiZ = High impedance 2.5 Status BitsHoneywell digital output humidity sensors offer status bits to ensure robust system operation in critical applications. The sensor status is indicated by the first two most significant bits of data byte 1 (See Table 1).Note 1: Command Mode is used for programming the sensor. This mode should not be seen during normal operationWhen the status bits read “01”, “s tale” data is indicated. This means that the data in the output buffer of the sensor has already been fetched by the Master, and has not yet beenupdated with the new data from the current measurement cycle. This can happen when the Master polls the data quicker than the sensor can update the output buffer.SPI Communication with the Honeywell HumidIcon™ Digital Humidity/Temperature SensorsHoneywell Sensing and Control 33.0 Measurement CycleFigure 6 shows the measurement cycle for the humidity sensor. The measurement cycle time is typically 36.65 ms fortemperature and humidity readings. It is recommended that the user wait until the measurement cycle has completed rather than polling for data to reduce current consumption and noise.Figure 6. Measurement Cycle for Humidity and4.0 Calculation of the Humidity Value from the Digital OutputFor Honeywell humidity sensors, the output of the device is simply a 14 bit number representing between 0 %RH and 100 %RH (see Equation 1):0 %RH = 0 counts100 %RH = 214- 2 counts5.0 Calculation of Optional Temperature from the Digital OutputFor Honeywell Humidity Sensors with the optionalcompensated temperature output, the output of the device is simply a 14 bit number representing between -40 ºC and 125 ºC (see Equation 2):-40 ºC = 0 counts125 ºC = 214– 2 counts6.0 Timing and Level Parameters (See Figure7.)SPI Communication with the Honeywell HumidIcon™ Digital Humidity/Temperature SensorsSensing and ControlHoneywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 /sensing 009071-1-ENJuly 2012Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoin g is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use. SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828+65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481+44 (0) 1698 481676 FaxLatin America +1-305-805-8188+1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945+1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。

Honeywell 速度传感器产品范围指南说明书

Honeywell 速度传感器产品范围指南说明书

Speed Sensors Product Range GuideWith more than 50,000 products ranging from snap-action, limit, toggle, and pressure switches to position, speed, pressure, and airflow sensors, Honeywell has one of the broadest sensing and switching portfolios.Honeywell sensor, switch, and control components are tailored to exact specifications for stronger performance, longer productivity, and increased safety. Enhanced accuracy and durability are built into every part, improving output and endurance. For our customers, this can reduce expenditures and operational costs. Our global footprint and channels help to competitively price such components for your chosen application and provide immediate technical support.While Honeywell’s switch and sensor solutions are suitable for a wide array of basic and complex applications, our custom-engineered solutions offer enhanced precision, repeatability, and ruggedness. We offer domain knowledge and technology resources, along with a close working relationship, to develop and deliver cost-effective, individually tailored solutions. Whether clean-slate development or simple modifications to an existing design are needed, our expertly engineered solutions help to meet the most stringent requirements with world-class product designs, technology integration, and customer-specific manufacturing.Global service, sourcing, and manufacturing. Industry-leading engineers. Value-added assemblies and solutions. A one-stop, full-service, globally competitive supplier.For innovation that’s well apart, there’s only HoneywellTable of ContentsMagnetoresistive Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5Hall-effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Value Added Magnetic Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8Active Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10Passive Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113NanopowerSeriesStandardPowerSeries2SS52MSeriesVF401APS00BDescription omnipolar MRsensor IComnipolar MRsensor IComnipolar MRdigital sensor IC2-wire MRfine pitch ringmagnet sensor IChigh resolutionmagneticdisplacementMagnetic Sensors |Magnetoresistive Sensor ICs1Dimensions:• SOT-23: 2,8 mm x 2,9 mm [0.11 in x 0.11 in]• Flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• VF-401 flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,06 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]• U-Pack: 4,5 mm x 4,5 mm [0.18 in x 0.18 in] (not including leads)• SOIC-8: 4,9 mm x 6,0 mm [0.19 in x 0.24 in]SL353SS30AT,SS40A,SS50ATSS311PT,SS411PSS340RT,SS440RSeriesDescriptionmicropower omnipolarHall-effect digitalsensor IClow-cost bipolarHall-effect digitalsensor IClow-cost bipolarHall-effect digital sensorIC with built-in pull-uplow-cost unipolarHall-effect digitalsensor ICFeaturescombined with very lowaverage current reducespower consumptionspeed capability, reversepolarity protectionlow voltage, enhancedsensitivityNorth pole (SS340RT)or South pole (SS440R),multiple magneticsensitivities (high,medium, and low) Magnetic Sensors |Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs1Dimensions:• SOT-23: 2,8 mm x 2,9 mm [0.11 in x 0.11 in]• Flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]5SS345PT, SS445PSS351AT, SS451A, SS551ATSS360NT , SS360ST , SS360ST-10K, SS460S, SS460S-T2 VF360NT , VF360ST , VF460SSS360PT, SS460P, SS460P-T2unipolar Hall-effect digital sensor IC with built-in pull-up resistor low-cost omnipolarHall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity, latching Hall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity, latching Hall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity latching digital Hall-effect sensor IC with built-in pull-up resistor pole (SS345PT) or a South pole (SS445P)protection, typical operating point of 85 G at 25°C [77°F]no chopper stabilizationstandard for potential use in automotive applications, fastest response time in its class class, no chopper stabilization, operates from only 30 Gausstypical, at 25°C [77°F]Magnetic Sensors |Hall-effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICsDigitalVF526DTLinearSS490 SeriesSS39ET, SS49E, SS49E-F, SS49E-L, SS49E-T2, SS49E-T3, SS59ET1Dimensions:• 4-Pin SIP: 3,6 mm x 5,1 mm [0.14 in x 0.20 in]• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]• Flat TO-92-style:3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)7Series103SR (digital)103SR (linear)Magnetic Sensors | Value AddedSeries SR16/SR17SR3SR4Description low-cost Hall-effect vane sensor Hall-effect digital position sensor magnetoresistive digitalMagnetic Sensors |Value Added9Series SNG-Q SNDH-T SNDH-HDescription quadrature speed and direction quadrature speed and direction single Hall-effect speed sensorFeaturesplatform-based approachenables cost-competitivenessand mechanical and electricalconfigurability; designed forpotential applications whereenhanced accuracy is required todetect small target featuresoffset self calibration, short circuitand reverse voltage protection,low jitter output, near zero speedavailable, zero speed sensingversions available, range of con-nector options Speed Sensors |ActiveSpeed Sensors |ActiveSeries584XXFeaturesproduces constant amplitude output signals suitable for direct use in many digital andlogic control applications, internal digital signal conditioningSeriesLCZZH10Featuresomni-directional sensor to target, low power consumption, zero speed, digital outputomni-directional sensor to target, low powerconsumption, zero speed, digital output11SeriesVRS General PurposeVRS Hazardous LocationVRS High OutputDescription/potential applicationsused where medium to high speeds or in electrically noisy environments with relatively small air gaps existused where explosion-proof or intrinsically safe sensors are requiredused where higher output voltages are needed, perform best at low to mediumspeeds with medium to high impedance loads (sealed front-end versions for use where the sensor is exposed to fluids, lubricants or adverseSeriesVRS High ResolutionVRS High TemperatureVRS Power OutputDescription/potential applicationsused where precise timing pulse is required, and/or fine pitch gears are usedused where the sensor is exposed to temperatures up to 260ºC [450ºF] (sealed front-end versions for use where the sensor is exposed to fluids, lubricants or adverse used where driving lowresistance loads at large air gaps is required, and larger actuators are usedSpeed Sensors |PassiveWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period . Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details . If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective . The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application .Specifications may change without notice . The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing . However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use .005911-11-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA May 2017© 2017 Honeywell International Inc . All rights reserved .Find out moreTo learn more about Honeywell’s sens-ing and switching products, call +1-815-235-6847, email inquiries to *********************, or visit Honeywell Sensing and Internet of Things 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 honeywell .com。

Honeywell 精密压力传感器PPT教程说明书

Honeywell 精密压力传感器PPT教程说明书

Honeywell’s Precision Pressure Transducer (PPT) offers extraordinary value with high accuracy over a wide temperature range. The PPT combines proven silicon sensor technology with microprocessor-based signal conditioning to provide an extremely smart pressure transducer. Available in a compact, rugged design, the PPT has many software features that support a wide range of applications.FEATURES & BENEFITSHIGHLY ACCURATE• Accuracy is guaranteed over the whole operating temperature range • Simplifies System Design No additional signal compensation needed to gain the benefits of a very accurate sensor SMART, DIGITAL SENSING AND CONTROL• Efficient Data Acquisition Network up to 89 unitsVERSATILE AND CONFIGURABLE • Works with existing and new systems 0-5V analog and either RS-232 or RS-485 digital output • Optimizes OutputUser-configurable pressure units, sampling, update rate • Flags ProblemsInternal diagnostics set flags, indicates errorsUSER-SELECTABLE SOFTWARE FEATURES• Baud Rate, Parity Setting, Continuous Broadcast, ASCII or Binary Output, Sensor Temperature Output (°C or °F), Deadband, Sensitivity, Tare Value, Configurable Analog Output ISO-9001, ISO-14001PRECISION PRESSURE TRANSDUCERHighly Accurate Over a Wide Temperature Range(1)Total Error is the sum of worst case linearity, repeatability, hysteresis, thermal effects and calibration errors over the operating temperature range. Full scale for differential ranges is the sum of + and – ranges. Calibration is traceable to NIST. (2)Exposure to overpressure will not permanently affect calibration or accuracy of unit. Burst pressure is the sum of the measured pressure plus the static pressure and exceeding it may result in media escape. (3)User configurable. (4)Recommended load impedance of 100 k-ohm or greater.(1)Tighter accuracy available on some models. Consult factory.(2)Demonstration kit includes unit, power supply/data cable (120V), demonstration software, and user manual.(3)Metal Mating Connectors can be purchased from many electronics distributors, generic P/N is MS3116F10-6S for MIL-DTL-26482H compliant parts (not RoHS-compliant); RoHS-compliant versions are also available.(4)RoHS-compliant.FKWGRXFor more information/en/learn/products/sensors/precision-pressureHoneywell Aerospace1944 East Sky Harbor Circle Phoenix, AZ 85034ADS-14179N61-2080-000-000 | 02/20© 2020 Honeywell International Inc.P2P11.550(3.94)1.800(4.57)2.200(5.59)2.450(6.22)Mounting Holes: 4 Places #4-40 x ↓ .500 (1.27)0.975(2.48)543621E DC F BAStandard Plastic Metal1A RS-232(TD)/RS-485 (B)2B RS-232(RD)/RS-485 (A)3C Case Ground4D Common Ground (GD)5E DC Power In 6FAnalog OutputPPT DIMENSIONSESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive deviceDamage may occur when subjected to high energy ESD. Proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.EOS (electrical overstress) sensitive deviceDamage may occur when subjected to EOS. Do not exceed specified ratings to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Honeywell reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability, function or design. Honeywell does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit describedherein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.0.460(1.17)Dimensions:inches (cm)OPTIONSOption BOption C (1):PlasticOption C (1):Metal(1)RoHS-compliant。

Honeywell 传感器和开关应用说明书

Honeywell 传感器和开关应用说明书

Sensors and Switches for Valves and Flow Meters An Application NoteBackgroundFlow meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is determined, and mass flow. Valves control or regulate the flow of gases or fluids by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. In many applications, they are operated manually by a lever, pedal, or wheel. Valves are often used in oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.SolutionsHoneywell manufactures a wide range of sensors and switches, from simple on/off switches to electronic sensors designed to deliver system control, fluid level indication, temperature regulation, along with protection from overheating and starting/stopping the compressor. Honeywell components provide enhanced reliability, minimize down time, and improve robustness in most harsh environments.Various package options are available, including stainless steel, and those designed for hazardous and harsh-duty applications.Hazardous-location limit switches – These specialized switches perform a number of functions, including monitoring the position ofthe valve stem, actuator or wheel position, providing on-off position on manual process valves, providing real-time valve status information for improved productivity and safety. As these limit switches are enclosedin an explosion-proof housing, any flame path is extinguished inside which mitigates the risk of causing an explosion at the switch part.These switch components provide feedback for the user to take actionin order to prevent explosions in hazardous environments. Hazardous-location switches are employed in valves in outdoor, above-ground, potentially explosive environments such as oil and gas or water treatment applications.Limit Switches – Employed to monitor the position of the valve stemor actuator, limit switches are primarily used on valves in non-explosive environments such as waste water treatment plants, power generation plant or other factory applications. They also allows users to remotely monitor the valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and reduced total installed cost in hazardous locations.Figure 1. Industrial Valve ApplicationValves serve a variety of purposes in industrial applications, although their main purpose is to control media through a system.Wireless Limit Switches – Allows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an economical wireless point-to-point solution.Basic Switches –Snap-action switches monitor the position of the valve handle by indicatingif the switch is actuated. These switches are employed on valves used in both non-explosive environments such as waste water treatment plants and/or other factory applications and also explosive/hazardous applications. Invalve monitoring applications, basic switches perform position sensing on cams with no power consumption. In addition to valves, Honeywell’s V15W2 Series is suitable for use in hazardous environments such as refrigeration, HVAC,appliances, and paint booths.Hall-effect Speed Sensors and Sensor ICs – In flow meter applications Honeywell’s speed sensors measure flow by monitoring revolutions of the impeller (an inside propeller). Eachrevolution of the impeller equates to the delivery of a certain amount of fluid. For example, if the user sets a fluid level of five gallons per minute,the speed sensor counts the impeller rotation so that the correct amount of fluid is delivered. Invalve monitoring application, Hall-effect sensor ICS measure position sensing on cams.Position Sensors – In flow meter applications, Hall-effect magnetic position sensors are usedto determine valve position. In valve monitors, position sensors deliver continuous position status with enhanced reliability and accuracy.Pressure Transducers and Switches – In valve actuator applications, pressure transducers and switches measure the pressure of the diaphragm to help regulate and control the flow within the pipeline. The sensors can measure differential pressure by comparing values across the valve. They can also give an indication of valve position related to opening and closing by measuring the pressure value at that time.Snap-Action SwitchPosition SensorSMART Position SensorHall-Effect Position Sensor ICwith Actuatorsin hazardous locationsLimit SwitchLearn more aboutthe XYR6000OneWireless™ SensorClick here to view Hazardous Area Limit SwitchesRead more about MICRO SWITCH Limit Switches12Explosion-Proof Valve Position IndicatorMICRO SWITCH VPX • Valve position indicator in explosion-proof housing2334Basic SwitchMICRO SWITCH BZ, V7, V15, V15W2, and ZW Series • Large, miniature, and subminiature basic switchesHazardous Location Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH LSX, CX, and BX Series • Premium limit switches in explosion-proof housingLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH HDLS, GL, and Double Break Series • Premium heavy duty and standard global limit switches14Figure 4. Switches in Valve Actuators and PositionersClick here to view VPX Series Valve Position IndicatorsGet details on the SMART PositionSensor familyFigure 5. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valve ActuatorsHazardous Location Position Sensor XYR6000 OneWireless™ SeriesAllows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost in hazardous locations; part of a scalable ISA100 mesh networkHazardous Area Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ LSX/CX/BX/EX SeriesMonitors valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position, providing real-time position status for improved productivity and safety in hazardous locationsLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ HDLS, GLS, and Double Break SeriesMonitors valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position, providing real-time position status for improved productivity and safetyPosition SensorSMART Position Sensor, SPS Series 75 mm Linear Monitors valve stem or actuator position1234Stainless Steel Media Isolated Pressure Sensor or Pressure Switch MLH, PX2, or PX3 Series Pressure Sensor or HP, HE, ME, LP, or LE Series Pressure SwitchMeasures diaphragm pressure6Valve Actuator(Kammer valve actuator photoused with permission of Flowserve.)Wireless Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ HDLS and GLS SeriesAllows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an economical wireless point-to-point solution5Learn more about MICRO SWITCH Basic SwitchesReview Limitless™ Wireless SwitchesFind out more on Hall-effect Speed SensorsFigure 6. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valves and Flow MetersSMART Position Sensor SPS Series75mm analog and 225 mm analog and digital linear configuration Position Sensor SR SeriesDigital position sensorHall-Effect Sensor LCZ or 3000 SeriesSingle, zero speed sensor (LCZ) or high resolution VRS sensor (3000)Basic SwitchMICRO SWITCH BZ, V7, V15, V15W2, and ZW SeriesLarge, miniature, and subminiature basic switchesHazardous Location Limit Switch MICRO SWITCH VPX, CX, LSX, and BX SeriesPremium limit switches in explosion-proof housingLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH HDLS, GLS,and Double Break SeriesPremium heavy duty and standard global limit switchesFlow MeterClick here to view Pressure TransducersMore information available here on Hall-effect Sensor ICsTypes of ValvesSpecifically, there are several main types of valves: 1) Manual process valves, 2) Valve actuators/positioners, 3) Valve monitors/indicators, 4) Valves and flowmeters, and 5) Sanitary and food/beverage valves.Manual Process Valves – Manual process valves in industrial facilities control the flow of liquid, gas, slurry, or steam. Eighty percent require operators to manually open, close, or otherwise control the valve. At any given time, users may not know the actual position of the valve. Process plants, including refineries, chemical, pharmaceutical, and water treatment plants as well as power generation installations, all need a better way to verify status with or without human intervention, especially in hazardous or hard-to-reach locations. (See Figures 2 and 3)Valve Actuators/Positioners – A valve actuator is a pneumatic or electric mechanism used in process control systems to automatically open or close valves. Actuators can be used with either linear or rotary valves in industrial, medical, food/beverage, and transportation applications. In standard valves, when the valveis given a command to open to a certain point, there is no feedback to verify that it has opened to that position. Valve positioners utilize a source of power to operate and continuously adjust a valve. The power source can be a manual gearbox or an electronic device with control and measuring devices; Available with hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric operating mechanics, these are often used in pipelines, process plants and in remote areas. Postioners can be used for opening or closing a valve to control the rate of fluid flow based on a signal from a central control system. With a valve positioner, the command is given and the valve positioner reads the opening, verifies position, and readjusts (if necessary) to the exact position needed which allows for excellent precision in the valve setting. (See Figures 4 and 5)Valve Monitors/Indicators – Mechanical or electrical valve monitors and indicators are used in process control to show valve position. They provide an electrical signal, and sometimes visual feedback, to accurately monitor and verify that a valve is in the correct position. Valve monitors are mostly used in conjunction with a valve positioner/actuator to provide information from remote locations that are not easilyaccessed, or where power isn’t readily available. Potential applications include chemical, pharmaceutical, power generation and oil and gas processes. (See Figures 4 and 5)Valves and Flowmeters – Valves control or regulate the flow of gasses or fluids by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. Valves are often usedin oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. In many of these applications, the valves are operated manually by a lever, pedal or wheel. Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.Flow meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is determined, and mass flow. The turbine flow meter translates the mechanical action of the turbine rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The turbine wheel is set in the path of a fluid stream. The flowing fluid impinges on the turbine blades, imparting a force to the blade surface and setting the rotor in motion. Nearly all flow meters mustbe installed so that there is a significant runof straight pipe before and after the locationof the flow meter. This is intended to allow the straight pipe run to “smooth out” any turbulence produced by the presence of valves, chemical injectors and diffusers, and changes in pipe direction. (See Figure 5)Sanitary and Food/Beverage Valves – Sanitary and food and beverage valves are engineered for pressure control in sanitary (or “clean”) environments. They are usually manufactured with stainless steel for sanitary and high-purity applications. These valves are often constructed as a ball valve around a fullbore design that ensures the product passes through the valve with no restrictions on the flow with minimal pressure drop.Sanitary and food and beverage valves are often found in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage, cosmetics, chemical and other industries where sanitary process control is required for steam, gases, and liquids such as water-for-injection systems.000697-7-EN | 7 | 04/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Advanced Sensing Technologies830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081 /astFor more informationHoneywell Advanced Sensing Technol-ogies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit /ast or call:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481USA/Canada+1-800-537-6945Warranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment orconsult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the peri-od of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole dis-cretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole rem-edy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance per-sonally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.。

Honeywell Hu-16 湿度温度传感器说明书

Honeywell Hu-16 湿度温度传感器说明书

HX300ExternalDimensionsHu-16Humidity/Temperature TransmittersSpecifications Measurement Range (Humidity): 0 to 100% RH @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Measurement Range (Temperature):0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F)Accuracy (25°C): ±2.5% RH, ±0.3°C Long-Term Stability: Better than 1% RH per year (typical)Temperature Compensation: 0.008% RH/°C (effect @ 05 RH)Response: <15 seconds (90% @ 25°C in moving air at 0.5 m/sec)Sensors: Humidity: Thin-film capacitor Temperature: RTD PT100 Ω, IEC 751, DIN 43760Output: Current: 4 to 20 mA, 2-wire ±15%scalable zero and span adjustment Voltage: 0 to 1V Supply Voltage: 12 to 40 Vdc (24 Vdc recommended)Sensor Protection: Sintered filter Housing: ABS plastic watertight enclosure to NEMA 4 (IP65)Connections: Liquid-tight nylon, cable bushing fits 5 to 10 mm dia. (0.2 to 0.4”) cablesOperating Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Weight: Approx 150 g (5.3 oz)Ordering Examples: HX303AC, wall mount RH/temperature transmitter with current outputs.HX303AV, wall mount RH/temperature transmitter with voltage outputs and PSR-24L, power supply.The HX300A Series transmitter is designed for industrial environments requiring fast, stable, and accurate measurements. It employs a highly stable thin-film polymer capacitor to sense relative humidity, and a high-accuracy, thin-film RTD to accurately sense temperature.HX303AC shown smaller than actual size.HX300A SeriesU F ast, Stable, and AccurateU W atertight EnclosureU C ompact, Easy to UseU E xcellent Long-Term StabilityU W ide Input Voltage Range(12 to 40 Vdc)U A vailable with EitherCurrent or Voltage Output U O n-Site, 2-Point Calibration(Zero and Span)。






Honeywell传感器的能力不断提高,来自成功实现两个看似竞争的一次任务 - 生产力和经济增长。








Honeywell TD系列线性温度传感器说明书

Honeywell TD系列线性温度传感器说明书

INTRODUCTIONLinear temperature sensors have a major advantage. The output can be easily con-ditioned to achieve a desired voltage out-put span over a particular temperature range. A linear output voltage allows ease of interface to data acquisition systems and programmable controllers. B y ad-justing the circuit gain, the sensitivity of the output can be adjusted over the total range such as 10°to +40°C.INTERFACING WITH 1-5V CIRCUITIf more than 1mA of current flows through the TD, self-heating will occur. The self-heating effect is typically 0.2°C/milliwatt. The circuits in Figure 1and Figure 2pro-vide a maximum current flow of 1mA.SETTING DESIRED SPANThe circuit gain depends on the temper-ature range you want to sense. The offset adjustment is, in turn, dependent on the chosen gain. The transfer function for both circuits (Figures 1and 2) is as fol-lows:(R5/R4+1) ɀV[R TD/(R TD+R7)] -(R5/R4)(1+R3/R2)V1⍧v OOnly two elements are unknown: the off-set (v1), and the circuit gain (R5/R4+1). To set the desired span, two equations for the two unknowns must be created and solved. To simplify these calculations, the following assumption is made:R5/R4⍧R2/R3The second assumption is that no self-heating of the TD element will occur: thevalues of V and R7are constant at thevalues indicated.V[R TD/(R TD+R7)] ⍧5[R TD/(R TD+5110)]These assumptions reduce the transferfunction to:(R5/R4+1) ɀ5[R TD/(R TD+5110)] -(R5/R4+1)v1⍧v OTo create the first of the two simultaneousequations, the value of R TD for the desiredminimum temperature is taken fromTable 1. (R TD at 20°C equals 2000 Ohms,and v O⍧1V.) For the second equation,the value of R TD for the desired maximumtemperature is taken from the table, andv O⍧5 V.The two equations are then solved for thegain (R5/R4+1) and the offset (v1). Thefollowing example shows how this is ac-complished.Desired temperature range: 0°to 60°C.Voltage output over range: 1to 5 V.Equation 1: R TD at 0°C is 1854 Ohms.(R5/R4+1) ɀ5[1854/(1854 +5110)] - (R5/R4+1)v1⍧1VEquation 2: R TD at 60°C is 2314 Ohms.(R5/R4+1) ɀ5[2314/(2314 +5110)] - (R5/R4+1)v1⍧5 VStep 1: subtract equation 1from equation2.(R5/R4+1)(1.558) - (R5/R4+1)V1⍧5(R5/R4+1)(1.331) - (R5/R4+1)v1⍧1(R5/R4+1)(.227) - 0 ⍧4(R5/R4+1) ⍧4(1/.227)(R5/R4+1) ⍧17.62 ⍧GAINStep 2: substitute (R5/R4+1) ⍧17.62 intoequation 1and solve for V1.(17.62)(1.331) - (17.62)v1⍧123.454 - 17.62v1⍧122.452 ⍧17.62v11.274 ⍧v1⍧OFFSETIn order to transfer this information intothe circuit in Figure 1, choose appropriatevalues for R4and R5such that:(R5/R4+1) ⍧GAINFor this example, R4⍧1K Ohm and R5⍧16.62 K Ohm would be appropriate.Choose R2and R3based on R2/R3⍧R5/R4.For this example, choose R2⍧R5⍧16.62K Ohm, and R3⍧R4⍧1K Ohm.To set the offset v1using potentiometer R1,temporarily insert an equivalent discreteresistor in place of the TD element. Itshould be equal to the TD resistance atthe minimum desired temperature (1854Ohms from the example). Adjust R1untilthe output voltage is 1V. Replace thediscrete resistor with the TD element. Thecircuit is now set and ready to give 1V to 5V output over the chosen temperaturerange.HoneywellɀSensing and Controlɀ1-800-537-6945 USAɀ⍣1-815-235-6847 Internationalɀ1-800-737-3360 Canada133134Honeywell ɀ Sensing and Control ɀ1-800-537-6945 USA ɀ⍣1-815-235-6847 International ɀ1-800-737-3360 CanadaFigure 15.0 V Regulated Circuit1.LM358 is a general purpose oper-ational amplifier.2.2N2222 is a general purpose NPN transistor.3.Resistor accuracy should be within ±1%.4.v Ois measured with respect to ground.Figure 26.5-30 V Supply VoltageNote: Any error on the 5.0 V regulator will be seen directly on v O . This error can be reduced when setting the span by as-suming that V equals the actual output ofthe regulator.Figure 3TD Series Resistance vs TemperatureABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSOperating temperature range −40 to +150°C (−40 to +302°F)Storage temperature range −55 to +170°C (−67 to +338°F)Voltage10 VDC Continuous (24 hours)Linearity±2% (−25 to 85°C)±3% (−40 to 150°C)TD sensors can be linearized to within ±0.2%.Re pe atability ±1ȉHoneywell ɀ Sensing and Control ɀ1-800-537-6945 USA ɀ⍣1-815-235-6847 International ɀ1-800-737-3360 Canada 135ELECTRICAL INTERFACINGThe high nominal resistance, positive temperature coefficient and linear sensi-tivity characteristics of TD Series temper-ature sensors simplify designing the elec-trical interface.Figure 4 is a simple circuit that can be used to linearize the voltage output to within 0.2% or a ±0.4°C error over a range of −40°to +150°C (−40°to +302°F).Figure 5 illustrates an interface for appli-cations requiring a voltage that varies lin-early with temperature. In the example shown, the current regulator sensor re-sistance can be affected by temperature,so only the temperature sensor should be exposed to thermal changes.In some applications, it may be desirable to detect one particular temperature. Fig-ure 6 illustrates one way this can be ac-complished. In the comparator circuit shown, the potentiometer can be adjust-ed to correspond to the desired temper-ature.Figure 4Linear Output Voltage CircuitTable 1– INTERCHANGEABILITY (with 1m A maximum current)Temperature Resistance (Ohms)Temperature Resistance (Ohms)−40°C (−40°F)1584 ±12 (1.9°C)+60°C (140°F)2314 ±9 (1.1°C)−30°C (−22°F)1649 ±11 (1.7°C)+70°C (158°F)2397 ±10 (1.2°C)−20°C (−4°F)1715 ±10 (1.5°C)+80°C (176°F)2482 ±12 (1.4°C)−10°C (14°F)1784 ±9 (1.3°C)+90°C (194°F)2569 ±14 (1.6°C)0°C (32°F)1854 ±8 (1.1°C)+100°C (212°F)2658 ±16 (1.8°C)+10°C (50°F)1926 ±6 (0.8°C)+110°C (230°F)2748 ±18 (2.0°C)+20°C (68°F)2000 ±5 (0.7°C)+120°C (248°F)2840 ±19 (2.0°C)+30°C (86°F)2076 ±5 (0.7°C)+130°C (266°F)2934 ±21 (2.2°C)+40°C (104°F)2153 ±6 (0.8°C)+140°C (284°F)3030 ±23 (2.4°C)+50°C (122°F)2233 ±7 (0.9°C)+150°C (302°F)3128 ±25 (2.5°C)Equation for computing resistance:R T ⍧R O +(3.84 ×10-3×R O ×T) +(4.94 ×10-6×R O ×T 2)R T ⍧Resistance at temperature T R O ⍧Resistance at 0°C T ⍧Temperature in °CFigure 5Simple Current Regulator InterfaceFigure 6Adjustable Point (Comparator) InterfaceReference/Index。



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Zareba Sensepoint PlusThe Sensepoint Plus monitorsflammable, toxic and oxygen gas hazards in potentially explosive atmospheres and provides an industry standard 4-20mA output for connection to a wide range of control equipment. Incorporation of atransmitter at the sensor enables a single user to carry out routine maintenance of the detector and removes the need for additional personnel at the associated controller.The built-in transmitter includes a user configurable ‘inhibit switch’ that clamps the current output of the detector to a known level so that during maintenance no false alarms can be triggered at associated control equipment. As such, the Sensepoint Plus can be easily maintained even when used with ‘blind’ PLC type control systems.Sensepoint Plus is supplied with all necessary accessories for easy installation. The detector can be mounted on a wall or round support pole using the universal bracket provided. The detector is ideal for use with either conduit or armored cable and glands. A 3/4"NPT entry and M20 adaptor are supplied as standard. A weatherproof cap is also included for use in the harshest outdoor conditions.Overall, the Sensepoint Plus provides easyinstallation and simple maintenance. Using an easy to replace plug-in sensor, downtime is reduced and the on-going costs of ownership is minimized through the use of poison resistant flammable sensors and patented Surecell TM toxic sensor technology.Sensepoint Plus and the Zareba range of industrial gas detection systems can be trusted to provide a safe working environment for all.One-Stop Shop• F lammable, toxic and oxygen versions available • Suitable for indoor or outdoor use • IP65 as standardProven Sensor Technology• Surecell TM electrochemical sensors • Poison resistant catalytic bead • Fast and reliable•Typical 2 to 5 years operational lifeGlobal Certifications*• U S and Europe• UL and ATEX hazardous area approvalsConvenient to Use• Industry standard 4-20mA output • Built in ‘inhibit’ switch • User configurable setting • Ideal for PLC based systems Cost Effective• Minimal training required • One-man operation• Plug-in sensor replacement• All necessary accessories included Friendly Installation• Universal mounting bracket • Metric and NPT compatible • Suitable for conduit or armoredcable/glands installationsRange of Accessories• Calibration cup • Duct mounting kit • Collecting cone*Pending - Contact Honeywell Analyticsfor more informationSensepoint Plus is designed for use in potentiallyexplosive atmospheres. As such, installation should follow national guidelines using suitably approved armored cable and glands (M20 or 3/4"NPT) or conduit (3/4"NPT).Use screened 0.5mm 2(20AWG) to 2.5mm 2 (14AWG) cross sectional area cable, as needed to ensure minimum operating voltage at the detector, depending upon installed cable length.Various accessories are available for different applications.Electrical ConnectionsDimensionsø 20.0 - 80.0mm / 0.8 - 3.1"102.0mm / 4.0"107.0m m / 4.2"104.0m m / 4.1"126.2mm / 5.0”74.0m m / 2.9"174.8m m / 6.9"Pole Mount Duct Mount Wall MountCollecting Cone100ohm36.0mm / 1.4"General SpecificationUse 3 wire, 4-20mA, fixed point gas detector for the protection of personnel and plant from flammable, toxic and oxygen gas hazards.Incorporating transmitter with user configurable ‘inhibit’ switch to facilitate one man operationDetectable GasesGas Measuring Range Operating Temperature*Ident Name 1# 2 3 Min MaxF Flammable 0-100% LEL -20°C / -4°F 50°C / 122°FO Oxygen 0-25% VOL -15°C / 5°F 40°C / 104°FC Carbon Monoxide+0-200ppm 0-500ppm -20°C / -4°F 50°C / 122°FH Hydrogen Sulfide+0-50ppm 0-20ppm 0-100ppm -20°C / -4°F 50°C / 122°FG Hydrogen 0-1000ppm -5°C / 23°F 40°C / 104°F+ SureCell Sensing Technology Standard *Check certified temperature ConstructionElectrical 3 wire connection, 12-30Vdc, 4-20mA (source), common 0Vdc3 x screw terminals for 0.5mm2 (20AWG) to 2.5mm2 (14AWG)Maximum operating current: 200mA (flammable), 30mA (toxic and oxygen)Maximum peak in rush current: 400mASignal4-20mA Normal operation: 0-100% full scale2mA or 4mA Output inhibited (17.4mA Oxygen only)0mA Sensor fault22mA Maximum over rangeMaterial Main body: Powder coated aluminum (ADC12)Sensor: 316 stainless steelWeatherproof cap: Aluminum, 316 stainless steel meshWeight950gCertification Ex II 2 G D EEx d IIC T6 Class 1, Div 1, Groups B, C, DT amb = -20°C to +50°C / -4°F to +122°F Tamb= -20°C to +50°C / -4°F to +122°F)Applicable Standards North America: UL1203Standards Europe: CE, ATEX, EMC (EN50270)Contact Honeywell Analytics for latest approval informationEnvironmentalIP Rating IP65 as standard in accordance with EN60529:1992Operating Temperature Dependent upon gas type and certificationOperating Humidity Range Continuous: 20-90%RH (non condensing), Intermittent: 10-99%RH (non condensing) Operating Pressure90-110kPaStorage Conditions Instrument -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +122°F)* Oxygen detection products must only be used todetect oxygen depletion in air.Ordering Informatione.g. SP PL U X F 1 = SPPLUXF1Standard Supply Each detector is supplied complete with 3/4”NPT entry, 3/4”NPT to M20 adaptor, wall mounting bracket, pole mounting bracket, weatherproof cap, Allen keys (for bracket), and instruction leaflet all sealed in aplastic bag inside a shipping cartonShipping Details Shipping carton dimensions: L312mm (12.3”) x W223mm (8.8”) x D110mm (4.3”)Approximate weight: 1000g Optional Accessories SPPPCC Collecting cone SPPPCAL Flow adaptorSPPPDMDuct mounting kitCalibration EquipmentContact Honeywell Analytics RepresentativeF Flammable O OxygenC Carbon Monoxide H Hydrogen Sulfide G Hydrogen}U USA (UL)A Europe (ATEX)1 Refer to2 Detectable Gases3 Table AboveAs World leaders in gas detection solutions, Honeywell Analytics’ Zareba range of gas detection systems has been designed to provide efficient, practical and cost-effective equipment to protect people from a variety of forms of hazardous gas. The equipment is also simple to install and easy to operate and maintain.Sensepoint Sensepoint Plus Sensepoint Pro The Zareba range of fixed gas detectionTouchpoint 1Touchpoint 4Metro Metro controllerSensepoint rangeDesigned for industrial use, the Sensepoint range provides an easy way of ensuring legislative requirements are met.TouchpointDesigned for industrial use, the Touchpoint range provides an easy way of ensuring legislative requirements are met. It is particularly suited where a number of small, discrete, stand-alone systems are required.MetroFor commercial environments such as car parks, municipal buildings and retail facilities, Metro offers a fully programmable, addressable gas detection system.UnipointFind out moreCustomer business centreEurope and the rest of the world Honeywell Analytics AG Wilstrasse 11-U11CH-8610 Uster。
